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ADDRESS - _.. QCCLIPANCY 1318 1Mellonville Ave. J. Kunz Certificate of Occupancy: __ LEGAL DESCRIPTION sub, of eClc1._H sections -31 TP 19 SR 31E —S of Lot AQatleApprb portion GT cz S vlz SIJILDING CONTRACTOR Sub. R eg's, Apply: Yes No BUILDING: BUILDING RECORD Final Inspection 10 -11 -78 Permit #13442 (Owner) FEES Addition to SIF residence ©(A-),tI /t- vsIvc,Cf ; CVai Development Fees ($7,000. Streets Paved Unpaved 3/4/82 Permit #16562 �. street Paving gee Add 26'x34' Garage to 1 0 5 A.. ` /z3 /� ,� �G� - v/� - �� UTILITIES: Existing S/F Dwelling , W /�`rS�.� — ,ir�`Cr - k ° - ` ° p Water Lines Owner ($ 16,800 .) ��0' 411" ra -- L *LLdE /a Meter Set Sewer Lines Sewer Tap Storm Sewer ENGINEERING / PUB. WORKS: Drainage Street Paving Street Name Signs Street Lights [OVER] Maintenance Bond ADDRESS.' ...�`'k . 3 WN ER� d �e•S'�,«;.,. L-sl �lz',,..,>: .. PGCLfPAFJ GY...... 2.318 MELLONVIL AVE. e a . =�E SINGLE-FAMIL DWELL LEGAL �0rSCRIPT[OiH -.. SUB XX XBNXXDZ that porti W of ' Ovied.a. Branch of ACL, etce BUILDING RECORD. 11/30/59 - PERMIT NO. 278 (SHOEMAKER CONST CO) ENCLOSE EXISTING PORCH INTO KITCHEN WITH MINOR.ALT. 12/26/61 - PERMIT NO 1620 (SELF) .ADD REAR PORCH TO DWELLING :300 3/19/64 - PERMIT NO 2824 ( SELF) 5/� �� REMODEL EXISTING PORCH. AND ADD CARPORT `$1,305 10/17/66 - Permit 4124 ( Rteinmeyer) Partial reroof of R.F. Dwelling 0250) 1 -2776 Permit #11719 Owner � Reroof & remodel interior of S/F res. ($19250.) -.. 3 -17 -78 Permit #13075 Owner Erect 8X16 Utility Bldg. (600.00) I/1/ tov ERS PLUMBING J14/62 Permit CONTRACTOR 1,zI X1 VL Owner FIXTURES Addition yizlf�je � - t9k INSPECTIONS ROUGH IN l/- ,-0'78 SL -off-i' W, FINAL INSPECTIONS ROUGH IN FINAL. MECHANICAL 6 -20 -84 Permit #3449 CONTRACTOR Rod D. Rosser. FIXTURES Install AC INSPECTIONS ROUGH IN FINAL i PLUMBING ELECTRICAL. OTHERS 3 -17 -76 Permit #IO248' Alteration & addition 1 -26 -76 Pemd_t #5099 Sanford Electric I 1 2/04/76 Permit #601 Air Flow - Omer ,��... h�,v 200 amp service 0 -a) s; . ___-------- -__� -- Electric Heating System (2 03/22/79 Permit #6461 (Owner) 1 addition — 10 -11 -78 Kermit #10724 Alterations (Owner) ELECTRICAL 14/82 Permit #8363 ONTRACTOR Owner FIXTURES Addition 6 -21 -84 Permit #9998 Owner Wire for AC