HomeMy WebLinkAbout529 (2) ,:','<" :,., "',' & ~, ~ .~ '~".' ''', ".-'<- ....,;...".. ~,f.~Y'" :}~~_."..... . ," ...~.... ....:." , I.II.I.I.II~~.....I.....I" , JIlARVANNE ~f CLt:HK IF CJHWJT COURT SEMJNlLE CllJffi' 8K 07272 Pgs 0134 :. '135, (2pgl' CLERK'S # 2009117032 RECOHDEO 10/1ti/2009 02122114 PM RECORJ)J~ fi:ES 18. tiO REClJJWI:D BY J Eck.nroth ORDmANCE NO. 529 AN ORDINAl'lCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLOR- IDA, VACATIKG AND ABANDONING A CERTAIN RE- SERVATION FOR UTILITIES ACROSS LOTS 14, 29 AND 30. OF BLOCK 3, D~VOLD, SECOND SEC- TION, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOO'iC 4, PAGE 30, SEMITOLE COUNTY RECORDS. ~mEREAS, there presently exists an easement for utilities aoross Lots 14, 29 and 30, of Blook 3. DreaIDWold, Seoond Seotion, aocording to plat thereof reoorded in Plat Pook 4. page 30, Seminole County, Florida. and whereas the owner of said 3 Lots has requested that the City vacate and abandon such reservation as platted, and said owner has offered in exchange therefor to convey to the City for \19 \ public alley purposes a 14 foot strip of land across the Northeasterly end of the above described property, and it appears that such exchange will be of mutual advantage to the City and to said owner; BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, F1.0RIDA: Section 1. That that oertain reservation for utilities shown by plat reoorded in Plat Book 4. page 30. of the public records of Seminole County, Florida as existing between Lots 14, 29 and 30, of Block 3, of Dreamwold, Second Section, be, and the same is hereby va- cated and abandoned. Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed. Section j. This ordinance shall become effdctive immediate- , ^' · ,~ .to ly upon its~ae~~e.~~~~option. P~~tD/J.fH",i.DO~D this 9th day of ,1953. ""' I.- ~/;' ~"~ ,(,) CERnFIED COPY '."f .;' ;:J': ) Janet R. Dougherty~ { .. \," ~', ..?\. ,'_ .... Clvof=~ \ I 'Vi}:!;;.. , "'..... ,,' J;: i\iayor By: ~~~. .-~p./~~- /// uty City Clerk .~, , .:.:~. ,....:, . Date: I () - l ~ ......0 9 ,. 4"<< ,,' .,. .,' 4'!"...io .. .., . -- o E R T I F lOA T E I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of Sa.nford, Flo1'1da, hereby cert! fy tha t a true and correot oopy of the foregojng Ord!nance No. 5~, passed and adopted on the 9th day of Novembe~, 1953, was POSTED at the front door of the 01 ty Hall ! n the 01 ty of Sanford, Flor! da, th! B the lOth day 0 f November, 1953. As' th, C2~~