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City of Sanford
Thursday - January 18, 2007
City Commission Chambers, 1st Floor, Sanford City Hall
300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Approval of Minutes
· January 4,2007 Regular Meeting Minutes
Acceptance of Proof of Publication
Public Hearings
PH-l Conditional Use for an Urban Infill Redevelopment of an existing non-conforming property for an
office use at 645 W. 25th Street.
Tax Parcel Number: 01-20-30-504-0900-0230
Property Owners: Richard M. & Rebecca Dunn TRS and Richard L. Mamele
Representative: Richard Mamele
PH-2 Rezone 25.98 acres at 3855 Church Street from AG, Agricultural to PD, Planned Development for a
proposed warehouse/office development.
Tax Parcel Numbers: l6-l9-30-5AC-0000-0570, l6-l9-30-5AC-0000-0560, l6-l9-30-5AC-0000-640,
and l6-l9-30-5AC-0000-064A
Property Owners: Ray Castro, David 1. Lepach and First Pentecostal Church of Sanford, Inc.
Representative: Jay Jackson, P.E. - Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc.
PH-3 Consider proposed amendments to the City of Sanford Land Development Regulations, Schedule U,
Overlay Districts.
Representative: Antonia Gerli, Principal Planner - City of Sanford
Development Plans
DP-lA Revised Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Gateway at Riverwalk at 225 W. Seminole Boulevard.
Staff report will be provided at the meeting.
Representative: Robert L. Horian - Suncor Properties, Inc
DP-lB Final Plat for Gateway at Riverwalk at 225 W. Seminole Boulevard.
Staff report will be provided at the meeting.
Representative: Robert L. Horian - Suncor Properties, Inc
Staff Reports
Citizen Participation
Commissioners Reports
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at
the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and
evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the ADA
Coordinator at 407.330.5626, 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Page 1 of 1
10 AM
Ross Robert, Chairman
Andy Kutz, Vice Chainnan
Brian V olk
Richard Huber
Rami Y osefian
Bobby V onHerbulis - excused
Carol pennison - excused
Otto Garrett - excused
Eddie Green
Russ Gibson, Director of Planning and Development Services
Antonia Gerli, Principal Planner
Larry Robertson, Development Services Manager
David Richards, Planning Engineer
Eileen Hinson, Senior Planner
Mary Muse, Executive Secretary
Mr~ Robert called the meeting to order at 10 AM~
Mr. V olk moved to approve the Minutes of the January 4, 2007 Regular Meeting. Mr. Huber seconded~ All in
favor~ Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Yosefian moved to accept the proof of publication for the Public Hearings being considered. Mr. Yolk
seconded~ Motion carried 5-0.
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for an Urban Infill Redevelopment of an existing
non-conforming property for an office use at 645 W. 25th Street; Richard M. & Rebecca Dunn TRS and Richard
L~ Mamele, property owners; Barbara Mamele, representative.
Mr. Gibson added an additional recommendation that the vehicular access is restricted to Grenada Avenue only
and the 25th Street access is to be closed and landscape restored.
Mr~ Kutz moved to approve the Conditional Use per staffs recommendation. Mr. Volk seconded~ All in favor~
Motion carried 5-0~
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone 25.98 acres at 3855 Church Street from AG, Agricultural
to PD, Planned Development for a proposed warehouse/office development; Ray Castro, David J. Lepach and
First Pentecostal Church of Sanford, Inc., property owners; Jay Jackson, P.E~ - Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc~,
re pre sentati ve ~
Mr~ Sid Vihlen, Jr~ gave a brief overview of the road improvements for Church Street and N~ White Cedar Road.
Mr~ Yosefian moved to approve the Rezone per staffs recommendation. Mr~ Kutz seconded~
After discussion, Mr. Y osefian amended his motion to change Item 5 of the staff recommendations to state the
improvements are to be installed by the owner or another entity and construction permits may be issued once
there is a commitment on the improvements. Mr~ Kutz seconded~ All in favor. Amended motion carried 5-0.
Hold a Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to the City of Sanford Land Development Regulations,
Schedule U, Overlay Districts; Antonia Gerli, Principal Planner - City of Sanford and Tara Salmieri ... Glatting
Jackson, representatives.
Present to speak were Doreen Freeman, Sid Vihlen, Jr., Jerry Mills, Millard Hunt, Frank Cerasoli, George Fuller,
and David Gierarch.
Mr~ Kutz moved to table until the February 1, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to allow staff time
to address the comments/issues that were presented and discussed~ Mr~ Yolk seconded~ All in favor~ Motion
carried s-o~
At 12:48 PM Mr~ Robert called for a short break~
At 1 :02 PM Mr~ Robert called the meeting back to order~
Approve the Revised Preliminary Subdivision Plan and the Final Plat for Gateway at Riverwalk at 225 w~
Seminole Boulevard; Ron Semans - Suncor Properties, Inc., David Gierarch and Gerald Cox - CPH Engineers,
representatives ~
Mr. Gibson stated the PSP and the Final Plat were presented to staff last week and they are working diligently to
review them~ The PSP and Final Plat need approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City
Commission. Per the executed Development Order, a Final Plat is required to be approved and recorded prior to
the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy ~ The PSP that is being presented today is inconsistent with the project
that has been approved to date, as well as the construction plans that have been approved~ Due to the PSP not
being consistent, the Planning and Zoning Commission can either table until the correct PSP is presented or
alternatively consideration can be given to allow the approved final engineering construction plan to serve as the
PSP, which is recommended by staff~ The approved Final Engineering Plan can be forwarded to the City
Commission for their review and approval as the PSP which will allow the Final Plat to be considered for
approval with conditions~ It was noted that having a correct PSP on file would prevent problems during future
phases of development. Prior to any certificate of occupancy being issued, all building and fire code requirements
will have to be met
Mr. Kutz moved to accept the Final Engineering Plan as the Revised Preliminary Subdivision Plan and move
fonvard with the Final Plat Mr~ Yolk seconded. Mr. Yosefian abstained, all others in favor~ Motion carried 4-0.
A staff report was d i stri buted for the board's rev iew .
Mr~ Kutz suggested adding "de minimus" variance provisions for the downtown design guidelines.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:05 PM. ~ R~.Y--
Ross Robert, Chainnan