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City of Sanford
Thursday - June 21, 2007
City Commission Chambers, 1st Floor, Sanford City Hall
300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Approval of Minutes
· May 17, 2007 Regular Meeting Minutes
Acceptance of Proof of Publication
Consent Agenda
C-l Approve the Final Plat for Riverview Townhomes at 2701 Narcissus Avenue.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 22-19-30-5AD-0000-023010470 and 26-19-30-300-008A/0090-0000
Property Owner: Mil Homes of Orlando LLC
Representative: Trooper Lee - CPH Engineers
Public Hearings
PH-l Remove from Table and hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for Vehicular Repair at
2921 Orlando Drive, Suite 104.
Tax Parcel Number: 01-20-30-509-0000-1000
Property Owner: PAW Holdings, LLC
Representative: Vincent Wolle, PAW Holdings, LLC
PH-2 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for Conditional Use for Urban Infill Redevelopment for
Ridgewood Townhomes, a 70 unit townhome complex located at 2520 Ridgewood Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 02-20-30-508-00000-0210
Property Owners: Steven & Ellen Bolcar
Representative: Hugh Harling, Ir., P.E. - Harling Locklin & Associates, Inc.
PH-3 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for Conditional Use for Urban Infill Redevelopment to
establish a commercial office building on a non-conforming residential lot at 615 W. 25th Street.
Tax Parcel Number: 01-20-30-504-0900-0300
Property Owner: That Old House LLC
Representative: Brian Nash, That Old House LLC
PH-4 Hold a Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to Sanford's Comprehensive Plan including
the Future Land Use Element and the Future Land Use Plan Map.
Representative: Antonia Gerli, AICP, Principal Planner - City of Sanford
Staff Reports
Citizen Participation
Commissioners Reports
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered
at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and
evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the ADA
Coordinator at 407.330.5626, 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Page 1 of 1
Ross Robert, Chainnan
Andy Kutz, Vice Chairman
Brian V olk
Eddie Green
Richard Huber
Rami Y osefian
Bobby V onHerbulis
Carol Dennison
Otto Garrett
Antonia Gerli, Principal Planner
Larry Robertson, Development Services Manager
Mary Moskowitz, Planner
Mary Muse, Administrative Coordinator
Briana Conlan, Planning Intern
Mr. Robert called the meeting to order at lOAM.
Ms. Dennison moved to approve the Minutes of the May 17,2007 Regular Meeting. Mr. Kutz seconded. All in
favor. Motion carried 9-0.
Mr. Kutz moved to accept the proof of publication for the Public Hearings being considered. Mr. Huber seconded.
All in favor. Motion carried 9-0.
Approve the Final Plat for Riverview Townhomes, a 192 unit townhouse development, located at 2701 Narcissus
Avenue. MIl Homes of Orlando LLC, property owner; Ralph Nieto-CPH Engineers, representative.
Mr. VonHerbulis moved to table the Final Plat to allow the applicant and staff time to resolve some outstanding
issues in regards to sewer stub-outs and buffers that have been removed during site construction. Mr. Yosefian
seconded. Al I in favor. Mati on carri ed 9..0.
Mr. Robertson informed Mr. Nieto the Final Plat is in compliance, but there are conditions in the Development
Order that have not been resolved.
Remove from Table and hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for a Vehicular Repair business at
2921 Orlando Drive, Suite 104. PAW Holdings, LLC, property owner. The applicant, Vincent Wolle, requested
the board to table the request to allow him additional time to address some of the Association's concerns.
MINUTES - JUNE 21, 2007
Mr. Robert moved to table the Conditional Use indefinitely. Mr. Kutz seconded. All in favor. Motion carried 9-0.
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for Urban Infill Redevelopment for Ridgewood Townhomes,
a 70 unit townhome complex located at 2520 Ridgewood Avenue. Steven and Ellen Bolear, property owners;
Hugh Harling, Jr., P.E. and J C Brathwait - Harling Locklin & Associates, Inc., representatives. Russ Macpherson
and Marilyn Haynes were present to speak.
Mr. Robertson added an additional stipulation requiring a fountain feature in the retention pond.
Mr. Macpherson informed the board The Terrace will have adequate parking once they remove the parking spaces
as indicated~ The Terrace Homeowners Association has an agreement with Nova Homes that there will be a
stucco wall separating the two properties and separate Homeowner Associations. In regards to the wall, it is to be
constructed prior to site construction to prevent the construction traffic through their property.
Ms. Haynes stated she was not in opposition of the proposed development.
Mr. Robert moved to approve the Conditional Use per staffs recommendation with the following variances:
(1) minimum width of unit reduced from 18 feet to 16 feet; (2) garage requirement waived; (3) the density will be
worked out with staff; (4) the open space will be worked out with staff; (5) gate requirement waived, (6) a
minimum living area of 1,255 square feet is permitted; (7) staggering of units permitted to be 4 feet every 3 units;
and (8) dumpsters are required. Mr. VonHerbulis seconded for discussion.
Mr. VonHerbulis requested the motion include: (1) a fountain feature is required in the retention pond; (2) in lieu
ofa garage, a minimum 100 sq. ft storage foom with an exterior door is required; and (3) the minimum living
area shall be no less than 1,300 square feet.
Mr. Robert amended his motion to include the items Mr. VonHerbulis stated. Mr. VonHerbulis seconded
amended motion. Mr. Yosefian against, all others in favor. Motion carried 8 to 1.
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for Urban Infill Redevelopment to establish a commercial
office build ing on a non -conform ing resi dential ] ot at 615 W. 25th Street. That 0 I d Hou se LLC, property owner;
Brian Nash-That Old House LLC, representative.
MrA Yosefian moved to approve the Conditional Use per staffs recommendation. Mr. Green seconded. All in
favor. Motion carried 9-0.
Hold a Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to Sanford's Comprehensive Plan including the Future
Land Use Element and the Future Land Use Plan Map. Antonia Gerli, AICP, Principal Planner-City of Sanford.
Present to speak were Sid Vihlen, Jr. and occupants of 2950 and 2972 Beardall Avenue (did not state names for
the record). The Beardall Avenue occupants were present to verify if their properties were included in the request.
Ms. Gerfi confirmed their properties were not included in the request. Mr. Vihlen was present to speak on site #1
( 1011 Monroe Road).
After review and some minor changes made, Mr. Kutz moved to approve the proposed amendments to the
Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Y osefian seconded. All in favor. Motion carried 9-0
A staff report was distributed for the board's review. Mr. Robertson introduced Briana Conlan, Planning Intern, to
the board.
MINUTES - JUNE 21, 2007
Virgil Hurley was present to discuss the Riverview Townhome project. He wanted to make sure everyone was
aware of the stub-out stipulation that was required in the Development Order. Mr. Robertson stated staff met with
Mil Homes and discussed the requirements/stipulations listed in the Development Order. Mil Homes was
informed if there are plans to change any of the requirements/stipulations, they would have to present the changes
to Planning and Zoning Commission for approval.
Mr. Robert reported the City Clerk's office is working on the term expirations for board members. Once a
determination has been made regarding this board, he would like to resign his position as Chairman to give others
the opportunity to serve.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11 :50 AM.
Q~ ka-Brf!--