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ADDRESS .; J .. -. _.. OWNER N v ry q gqp B pqN LEGAL DESCRIPTION _ S. O —2® BUILDING RECORD 28 uAR. 1957 ® PER® NO. 609 APP. N0. 4581 (HARPER NEON 00 ®) ERECT NEON SIGN 12/2/60 a PERMIT NO 930 (T- iARPER) REPAINT & REHANG SIGN 2 -13 -80 Permit #14533 Shoemaker Constr. - Renovation of windows & stucco front of comm. bldg. ($2,000.) 1 --4 -83 Permit #18229 Reroof Comm, Bldg A & B Roofing (900.) OCCUPANCY BUSIN 200 -3.5] (OVER) PLUMBING ELECTRICAL 10/13/66 San Plec. 1 service 100 amps 1057 1 motor 3 OTHERS w