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OCCUPANCY g �y AODRE59 OWNER ., 1' TY te �'J �T ago .. 2108 & 2 110 Park. Ave LEGAL DESCRIPTION P BUILDING RECORD 1/18/67 - Permit 4242 (games Lee) f , . Erect Duplex Apartment ($19,000) 8/15/67 - Permit 4618 (Tropicana Pools) HK Screen in patio area over pool, ($350) 6/2/82 Permit #17348 Reroof Duplex. - Owner ($2,925j�a ( OVER) { PLUMBING li ELECTRICAL 11 OTHERS 1/31/67 - Permit 8146 2 closets Hinson 2 lavatories 2 sinks 2 bath tubs 2 showers 2 heaters 2 outlets 2/27/67 Hopkins Elec. 1108 85 outlets 2 ® 100 amps ser. 2 air condt. 2 heater 2I ranges ---------------------