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............................. . ................ . OCCUPANCY AOOAESS OWNFR 1713 Pe Avenue Alberta Brooks Certificate of Occupancy: LEGAL, OESCRIPTION Lots 7 & 8, B1k 19, Pine Level, PB 6, PG 37 SUILOING CONTRACTOR Yes o EWILDING RECORD BUILDING: Final Inspection 8 -7 -85 Permit #20222 Owner FEES: Reroof Porch Development Fees ( 450.00) Streets Paved Unpaved 9 -11 -89 Permit # 24268 Street Paving Fee Ernie Baumeister UTILITIES: Demolish S/F Res Water Lines Meter Set Sewer Lines Sewer Tap Storm Sewer ENGINEERING /PUB. WORKS: Drainage Street Paving Street Dame Signs Street Lights Maintenance Bond - ... .............. Date Approved: Su b, ReWs. Apr