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ADDRESS OVMER 418 SANFORD AVENITE STORE BUILDING LEGAL ā¯‘EscRIPTION c BUILDING RECORD 11 MAY 59 ® SEE 412 SkNFORD AVE. CARD. olt-ah9 - tv 7/27/67 - Free permit Demolish condemned marquees ((0) 9- 6- 78-Permit #13380 Owner-Repairs to window & door frames 05/17/79 Permit #13892 (Morris & Spiegle) reroof commercial bldg. ($7900) (OVER) PLUME3ING 9-20-78 Permit # 10715 Al Porz g Plumbing Plumbing repairs ELECTRICAL 11 -1 -78 Permit #6282 Bowlin Electric 100 amp. service - beauty shop - Alteration & rep, (Steen Cleaners) 10 -30 -84 Permit 410212 Sanford Electric 125 A1qP Service 3 -10 -89 PErmit # 12788 'ree Electric repair 4` z OTHERS