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10/24/68 - Permit 5345 (Wallace Sign) Erect wall sign ($200) permit 6211 Owner Interior remodling of commerical building. 2/9/71 -m Permit #66 (Owner) erect ground sign $200.00 7/30/73 Permit #9980 rebuild canopy on front of Comm. bldg. (WYCHE) ($1,500.) 10 -14 -80 Permit #15264 - owner Rero6f Comm. Bldg.($1,400.') 3 -9--87 Permit # 21547 Owner- Erect Sightproof Fence ($1000) 9-19 -88 Permit # 23093 Owner Rero Comm Bldg ($5130) (OVER) tu- OCCUPANCY 1303 Sa nford Avenue B &W Market _ Certificate of I. EGAI. DESCRIPTION 31- 1 - 31- 506 -OA00- 0050 -0 -7- c Date Approved: BUILDING CONTRACTOR Sub, Reg's, Apply: Yes No BUILDING RECORD BUILDING: 6/9/89 Permit #23976 ° v W l Final Inspection Sunny Signs ' �.�� p FEES: Erect 48 sq. grd. sign Development Fees (3400) Streets Paved Unpaved 4- 11 Permit # 24844 C G- Street Paving Fee Owner rcicn -Q t I°- c UTILITIES: Interior & Exterior remodeling —, Water Lines & Erect Bathroom wall �S3 "-{ �( (� � (,2500) Meter Set Sewer Lines 5 - 21 - 90 Permit #24983 .�� _c: rt6 1- _ p k Sewer Tap Sundance Awnings Erect Awning & Sign Storm Sewer (For B& W Market) ENGINEERING/PUB. WORKS: (3,000) Drainage Street Paving Street Name Signs Street Lights Maintenance Bond OVER ) - ADORES!. : OWN -R._. / OCCUPANCY / " - 1303 .�. -T�1. , 0 D f�V ON � J IMP LEGAL DESCRIPTION BUILDING RECORD _c� '::1.P® 5 �- A . S � ®_`7v>> (!.f G R� °.c Tai) (� TO -I.O �RR IR001 /1 iTO. h C, p [ V1JA - =J rL .fiL.J 1.3 _L.A f.I�.1 -,1,` 10/24/68 - Permit 5345 (Wallace Sign) Erect wall sign ($200) permit 6211 Owner Interior remodling of commerical building. 2/9/71 -m Permit #66 (Owner) erect ground sign $200.00 7/30/73 Permit #9980 rebuild canopy on front of Comm. bldg. (WYCHE) ($1,500.) 10 -14 -80 Permit #15264 - owner Rero6f Comm. Bldg.($1,400.') 3 -9--87 Permit # 21547 Owner- Erect Sightproof Fence ($1000) 9-19 -88 Permit # 23093 Owner Rero Comm Bldg ($5130) (OVER) A DDR ESS r)WNFR OCCUPANCY 3 J ohn�y C-arltoa —A S anford —Ave LEGAL DESCRIPTION . Lots 5 & 7 Blk A, Celery Ave. Add® BUILDING RECORD 11/9/64 Permit // 3181 Self) Addition to existing commercial Ave. $1750) 10/5/66 - Permit 4111 ( Owner) Replace entrance doors ( $250) 1/17/67 - Permit 4237 ( Owner) Install Beauty equipmen and partitions- paneling ($200) 'OVER) ADDRESS OWNrR OCCUPANCY 1303B Sanford Ave, —Jolter kv Carlton LEGAL DESCRIPTION Acldn® BUILDING RECORD -Y, Y 11/16/64 Permit # 31 Self) Addition to existing store 01750) 10/15/81 Permit #16270 Erect 2'x12' Wall Sign Boone Sign ($200 (OVER) PLUMBING I ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 4 -16 -90 Permit # 3095 CONTRACTOR Harriett Plumbing rI`tTURES Addition 4 - lq -Qo - P-- '�- - p - - ^T-- - - - - -- 4/30/90 Permit #3110 Fla. Public Utilities Gas Piping - -CIS} A ��d A -c a 5 -a -C IO INSPECTIONS F70UGH IN FINAL. -11 -89 Peythft # 12766 � CONTRACTOR ree Electric FIXTURES ign --------------------- A ------ 4 -11 -90 Permit # 13137 Clarence Beatty Alteration & Addition _ j _q0 - -3: - 0 /�C--- 6- 6/1/90 Permit #13223 Clarence Beatty Wirin for awnin -W INSPECTIONS ROUGH IN WOE" 4- 11--90 Permit # 5219 CONTRACTOR Steve Richards FI XTURF S Install Hood & A/C Unit Lt,; w q6 - T - 01� � - q 0 INSPECTIONS ROUGH IN FINAL. PLUMBING ELECTRICAL OTHERS 6 -2 -77 Permit #,563 3 -10 -88 Permit #4565 BoWl].n Electric Owen Sheet Metal Install Hood & Exhaust System C.O.S -400 amp s .. "�....� C°. a L � �` • ` - . La -.�;_, �"� . � � 9 -13 -88 Permit # 12298 Jack's Electric Repair I PLUMBING 1 ./27/64 Harvey 79 44 3 closets o- 6 labatorles l sink 1 heater ELECTRICAL 12/30/64 Batten 732 2? outlets 4 fixtures,, 2 air cond' - I� ; ` 1 service 100 amp 2 elec. heater .3 OTHERS