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OCCUPANCY . 433 S AVENUE DRS. 'WILKINS LEGAL DE5CRIFTION V t W Mell on-W Add. Lots 38 & 39 BUILDING RECORD 11/18/65 - Permit 3688 (Shoemaker) Add$n to S.F. Dwelling ($3,000) 6/15/72 - PERMIT 8614 (Chesterfield Alum. Corp.) Cover part of home with aluminum siding --owes & gables. 4 -01 -74 Permit # 10432 Lonnie Thompson Re -Roof (1100.00) 3 --9 -78 Permit # 13054 _ d/L c` Leroy Robb Constr. Addition to S/F Res. I k , 7 5 xt- 04, (5000.00) ($1,300):: 7 -28 -78 Permit 413316 V AV �&� � . p�.c•_ .�I, . Owner -Erect block utility bldg. y ($1,150.) e =21 `7 0K.�U ,V1 (OVER) PLUMBING ELECTRICAL�- OTHERS 5 -1 -78 Permit # 10 623 5 /20 /64 RAMA ECO 7 -10 -78 Permit #1025 Hawkins Bros. PMKIT NO 581 Sanford Heating & A/C 1 Sink 1 (].00 P }EVICE heating & A/ - all elect `' t --� 1•'. $/9 Hopkins �'�leC service 100 amps 10 -31 -77 Permit #5806 I Sa_n_._f'_a._r_d 'E1e e...e , o ,13 5-- 30 -78 Permit # 6084 Stafford E16ce Addition i 9 PP i #H. r, 91 ti