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ADDRESS OWNER OCCUPANCY 1912 S. Summerlin Avenue Jerry Hoffman Certificate of Occupancy: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Date Approved: Lot 24, Blk 5, Bel Air 6UILDING CONTRACTOR Sub, Reg's. Apply: Yes o BUILDING: 11/1/84 Permit #20599 RI_TILJDING RECORD Arvin L. Mihm d _l. t.tj Final Inspection Enclose & repair existing carport (6) FEES (1,000-00) Development Fees Streets Paved Unpaved Street Paving Fee UTILITIES: Water Lines Meter Set Sewer Lines Sewer Tap Storm Sewer ENGIINEERING / PUB. WORKS: Drainage Street Paving Street Name Signs Street Lights [OVER] Maintenance Bond A4PRE 59 OWNER - OCCUPANCY 1912 Summerlixa Ave Jer Hoff Single' Family Dwelling - LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 24, Blk 5, Bel Ai. I31JILDINC RECORD y , 11/1/60 — Permit No 861 (Self( % -'4 1 ✓ ,. ,_. Erect eigLe—family dwelling' 3/5/70 Permit;6082 Woner Enclose existing carprot to sin gle family dwelling. (150.00) 1/26/71 permit #6638 (Owner) addition of Bathroom to S/F Dwelling $750.00 1/9/73 ® permit #9459 (Owner) erect utility building SIP dwelling $150.60 6/8/73 Permit #9881 enclose (screen)existing patio (OWNER) , ($650.) 5 -19 ®77 Permit #12570 Owner- reroof S/F dwel.li.ng($300.) 4 -8--80 Permit #14678 � ; � r : � -� � c,r�tC:`c:. �-{ Owner Erect stockade fence ($550.) 6/16/.82 Permit #17460 Reroof S/F Res ® Owner ($606.) (ovER) PLUMBING ELECTRICAL. OTHERS 11/4/60 Harvey,.' � 11/22j50 EAL�E 1 sewer con® PERMIT 110 6381 1 water close t r ,'4.' ! a _:... 57 OUTLETS 1 lavatory 1 SERVICE 1 sink 1 FAN 1 bath tab --- w- -------------------- - - - - -- 1 water heater 12 -21 -84 Permit ##10292 1 laundry outlet � Harvey Electric Addition 2/5/71 - Permit #8525 Owner 1 Water Closet 1 Lavatort 1 Shower -S - 1 t � �6� �`