HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances 1201 to 1400 ORDINANCE NO. 1201 12/17/73 PILE rezoning Auto Train property to MI-2. (btw SCL RR main line r/w & Persimmon Ave & btw 3rd St & the 1-4.9 extension of 8th St) way ORDINANCE NO. 1202 1/14/74: PH consider annex held; petitioner req table second reading for annexation Lot 80 M M Smith' s Sub. Condev Corp prpty ORDINANCE NO. 1203 1/14/74 FILE rezoning property located at SW cor int 25th St & Sanford Ave to GC-2 (Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 5 & 6, Frank L Woodruff' s Sub, less Wly 100 ft of Lots 1, 3 and 5, & less St Rds) ORDINANCE NO. 1204 1/14/74 FILE rezoning prpty located at NE cor int Locust Ave & 7th St to RC-1 (Lot 10, Block 8, Tier E, E R Trafford's1 ORDINANCE NO. 1205 2/11/74 FILE rezoning prpty SE cor int 25th St & Sanford Ave to GC-2 Dist ORDINANCE NO. 1206 2/11/74 FIT,1 rezoning prpty S of Airport Boulevard & E of 17-92 to GC-2 Dist. (Old Farmers Auction Market) ORDINANCE NO. 1207 2/11/74 FIDg rezoning prpty S of Airport Boulevard & E of 17-92 to GC-2 Dist . (Wly 7 acres ± of Williams Tract) ORDINANCE NO. 1208 3/18/74 FILE amending Zoning Ordinance Art V, Use Provisions ; Section 9. , GC-2, General Commercial Dist; Sub- section B. , Conditional Uses Permitted; paragraph (8) adding "and after approval by the Sanford City Commis- sion" re: sale of alcoholic beverages ORDINANCE NO. 1209 3/18/74 FILE closing alley btw Lots 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 & 16, & lying 15 feet S of the N lines of Lots 7, 13, Cates ' Addition ORDINANCE NO. 1210 3/18/74 FILE amending SIGN ORD (#1165) to exempt POINT OF PURCHASE REAL ESTATE SIGNS LESS THAN 6 SQUARE FEET IN AREA from fees and permits required under Art VII of Ord #1165 ORDINANCE NO. 1215 4/22/74 FILE annexing prpty Lots 4, 5, 6 & 7, Blk 1, Flora Heights . Huffman prpty #74-3 ORDINANCE NO. 1216 4/22/74 FILE annexing vacated r/w S of Cemetery for proposed street r/w to Christian School #74-4 ORDINANCE NO. 1217 4/22/74 FILE vacating & closing (a) pt Myrtle Ave btw S line 14th St & SCL RR r/w in Blk 16, E R Trafford's and (b) pt 14th St btw W line Myrtle Ave & SCL RR r/w in Tr 6, E R Trafford's ORDINANCE NO. 1218 4/22/74 FILE Position Classification Plan adding Salary schedule IV & V ORDINANCE NO. 1219 5/13/74 PILE /CITY CODE amending Section 8-5, Article I, Chapter 8 and deleting Article II, Chapter 8 from Sanford City Code 8-5 : Qualification of Electricians .-0 ( 8-46: Master Electrician---Bond Required - - '- 8-17: Approved Materials , Devices and Appliances-r(-6 ORDINANCE NO. 1220 5/13/74 FILE vacating the dedication of a park & reaffirming the dedication of streets in a small park; both parks in Replat of Sanora Units 1 & 2 'ORDINANCE NO. 1221 5/13/74 FILE amending SANFORD CITY CODE re: taxi-cab rates establishing schedule of fares for metered taxicabs : a. 60t first 1/6 mile of fraction thereof, or first one minute waiting time b. 10 fix each additional 1/6 milt' or one minute waiting time. c . $1.00 for each parcel delivered within the City ORDINANCE NO. 1222 5/13/74 PILE annexing "Ranch House" property #74-7 ORDINANCE NO. 1223 5/13/74 FILE amending SANFORD CITY CODE re: no of plumbers , electricians & contractors on the contractors examining board & amending term of service Chap 6, Art III, Sec 6-32 ✓ORDINANCE NO. 1224 5/13/74 FILE amending SANFORD CITY CODE re: electrical code by adoption of Central Florida Advisory Code Committee Notice D Chap 8, Art I, Sec 8-3 ORDINANCE NO. 1225 5/13/74 FILE amending ZONING ORDINANCE re: minimum required living area for multiple-family residential districts Art V, Sections 5, 6, 7 and14 ✓ORDINANCE NO. 1226 5/13/74 FILE amending Ord No. 1165, deleting Sect 2 of Art IX, providing penalties which are in c&nflict with penalties set forth in Sect 7 of Art VI ORDINANCE NO . 1227 5/13/74 PILE rezoning (Betty Watson) prpty btw 27th St & DeSota Dr to RC-1 Lots 7 & 8, Blk 22, DW 4th Sec !ORDINANCE NO. 1228 6/10/74 FILE amending Ord No 1097 (Zoning Ord) re: restricting parking of certain vehicles in residential areas ORDINANCE NO. 1229 6/10/74 FILE annexing Lots 4, 5, & 8, Blk 11, A. B. Russell's Add to Ft Reed. ,ORDINANCE NO. 1230 6/ 0/74 FILE amending Ord No. 1097 (Zoning Ord) to allow elementary, middle & high schools itj SR-1 & SR-1AA Dist ORDINANCE NO. 1231 6/10/74 Fitt akoptzag amending Sec 6-1 of Sanford City Code to adopt Southern Standard Building Code, 1974 Revision to the 1973 Edition & schedule of fees ORDINANCE NO. 1232 6/10/74 FILE amending Sec 19-1 of theSanford City Code to adopt Southern Standard Plumbing Code, 1974 Revision to the 1971 Edition & £ schedule of fees 9RDINANCE NO. 1233 6/10/74 FIL amending Sec 2-2 of Sanford City Code to require the City Commission to meet in regular sessions at least twice a month ORDINANCE NO. 1234 7/8/74 FILE rezoning Ranch House property to GC-2 ORDINANCE NO . 1235 7/22/74 FILE rezoning Lots 37, 38, & 39, 2nd Add to Park View to GC-2 . Martin Brewster ORDINANCE NO. 1236 7/22/74 FILE rezoning property btw Orlando Dr (17-92) & Hiawatha Ave t9 GC-2 ORDINANCE NO. 1237 7/22/74 FILE closing Ely 20 ft Glenway Dr btw Clinton St & Grove Manor Dr (Lincoln St) & reserving same for utility purposes ORDINANCE NO. 1238 7/22/74 FILE closing portion of E-W alley btw Cooke Ave & Glenway Dr & Clinton St & Grove Manor Dr (Lincoln St) JORDINANCE NO. 1239 7/22/74 FILE amending Sanford City Code, Appendix B, Subdivision Regulations , Section III, Subdivision Design Standards , Section 310, Subsection 8, Electric Supply System ORDINANCE NO. 1240 tabled rezoning property at NE cor int Lake Mary Blvd & Art Lane tc SR-1 W L Morgan 1st reading: 7/8/74 . tabled to 8/12/74 8/12/74 : referred to P & Z ORDINANCE NO. 1241 7/22/74 FILE rezoning property S of 25th St & btw Lake Mary B Rd & Ridgewood Ave to MR-_1. ORDINANCE NO. 1242 7/22/74 FILE rezoning property W of GrenadaAve & btw Sarita St & Briarcliffe St to SR-1 O] TNANOr NO . 1243 $/26/74 VTL2 vacating street r/w to MOD property j OAbINANCE NO. 1244 $/26/74 VT1,2 amending Sanford City Cdde re: refuse rates ORS NANCr NO. 1245 9%074 � L amending Ord 621 re: Position Classification Plan ORDNANCE NO. 1246 9/9/74 FZ"L rezoning prpty btw French Ave & Laurel Ave & btw 15th St & 18th St . Lots 5/10, Orange Heights Amended Plat to GC-2 ORDINANCE NO. 1247 9/9/74 Frt rezoning prpty btw Mattie St & 26th Place (Wylly Ave) & abutting Depot Ave to MI-2 . Lots 4, 5, & 8, Blk 11, A B Russell's Addn to FtReed O1W NANCE NO. 1248 9/9/74 Fft2 appropriations for FY 74-75 ORMNANCt NO. 1249 9/9/,4TL� fixing rate of taxation & making annual tax levy for FY 74-75 jO1bINANCE NO . 1250 9/23/74 PILE providing for city regustration certificate for out of town businesses , etc ORDINANCE NO. 1251 9/23/74 FILE rezoning prpty btw Elm Ave & Myrtle Ave & btw 26th St & 27th St to RC-1 4DRDINANCE NO. 1252 9/23/74 FILF amending ZO re: off st parking required for drug stores & super markets ARDINANCE NO. 1253 9/23/74 Fitt providing density controls for townhouses & cluster homes Art V, Use Prov, Sec 5, MR-1, Para D 1 ORDINANCE NO. 1254 9/23/74 FILE amending ZO re: Art VIII, Supp Reg, Sec 1, PUD, para A, to allow commercial or retail uses & criteria for such uses ORDINANCE NO. 1255 10/14/74 FILE closing, vacating & abandoning alley btw 15th St & 18th St & btw Laurel Ave & French Ave & reserving same for utility purposes /ORDINANCE NO . 1256 10/14/74 FILE amending SANFORD CITY CODE Chap 3 re: prohibiting consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places , etc 4 J ORDINANCE NO. 1257 11/25/74 FILE adopting 1975 national electric code with amendments JORDINANCE NO . 1258 11/25/74 FILE amending ZONING ORDINANCE re: buffer areas & fences & w walls used as a conditional use ORDINANCE NO. 1259 10/28/74 VILE rezone prpty at SE cor int Airport Blvd & McCracken Rd to GC-2 ORDINANCE NO. 1260 11/12/74 VILE Airport Zoning Rules & Regulations ORDINANCE NO . 1261 10/28/74 PILE EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Amending Sec 7-7 of Sanford City Code re: changing places of General & Special Elections to allow elections to be held at polling places designated by the City Comm JORb1NANEE NO . 1262 11/25/74 Fitt Amending Zoning Ord re: PUD, Requirements and Standards for Approval, (single ownership or control) ORDINANCE NO. 1263 11/25/74 FILE annex Odham & Hunt Oil Co properties on S Sanford Ave. PH 10/28/74 #74-10 ORDINANCE NO. 1264 11/25/74 FILE annex Atlantic Land & Imp Co & SCL RR Co property btw 20th St & Country Club Rd & btw SCL vacated r/w & Southwest Rd. PH 10/28/74 #74-11 ORMNANCV NO . 1265 12/1/74 VILt Lots 4/7 Blk 1, Flora Heights rezone to SR-1 )(5AMMAMM Mo. 1266 12/9%74 111,2 amending ZO re: RC-l; allowing Self Service Gas pumps ORDINANCE NO. 1267 12/9/74 Fitt Amending ZO re: RMOI ; to allow private clubs to serve alc bey ORDINANCE NO. 1268 12/9/74 rezoning SE cor Locust Ave & Celery Ave (Alexander) to RC-1 ORDTNANCE NO. 1269 12/23/74 Hunt Oil Co prpty ; 5 parcels ORDINANCE NO. 1270 12/23/74 PILE annex W Garnett White prpty S of Ely ext of Pine Oak Dr & E of RiiEE of the Sly Ext of Ohio Ave ORDINANCE NO. 1271 12/23/74 FILE close utility easement at NE cor 25th St & Holly Ave ORDINANCE NO . 1272 12/23/74 FILE rezoning Brailey Odham prpty E of Sanford Ave & btw Airport Blvd & Cornwall Rd to PUD ORDINANCE NO. 1273 12/23/74 FILE rezoning Brailey Odham prpty W of Sanford Ave & btw Rose Dr & Fern Dr to MR-2 ORDNANCE NO. 1274 1/27/75 EftE Rezoning prpty N of Country Club Rd, E of SW Rd, S of 20th St, & W of SCL vacated r/w to MI-2 . Atlantic Land & Imp Co prpty $ M ANCr NO . 1275 1/13/75 amending Ord No 1250 (Registration Ord) re: amount of bond required ORD!NANCF NO. 1276 FAILED TO PASS 1/27/75 FIt establishing fee schedule for applications for rezoning, variances , review & revision of site plans , approval of plats & Planned Unit Dev & applications for annexa- tion ORDTNANCt NO . 1277 2/10/75 VT12 declaring the intent of the City of Sanford to annex Gordon prpty located btw Pear & Peach Aves & btw 18th & 19th Sts . Lots 3 & 4, Blk 9, Pine Level Sub, PB 6, Pg 37 ORDINANCE NO. 1278 FAILED TO BE.ADOPTED 2/10/75 FILD rezoning prpty btw 24th St & 24th P1 & btw Maple Ave & French Ave to GC-2 ORDINANCE 1279 2/10/75 FILE rezoning Paulucci prpty at SW cor int Paola Rd & Rantoul Lane to MR-1L ORDINANCE NO. 1280 2/10/75 FILE rezoning prpty (Paulucci) at SW cor int Paola Rd & Rantoul Lane to RC-1 OM- MMANCE NO . 12$1 2/10/75 FILE rezoning Hunt prpty S of Cornwall Rd, E of Sanford Ave & Ncf Pine Oak Dr to MI-2 ORDINANCE NO . 1282 2/10/75 FILE rezoning Hunt Oil Co prpty S of Cornwall Rd, E of Sanford Ave, & N of Pine Oak Dr to AD DIst ✓ORDINANCE NO . 1283 3/10/75 VILE Airport Zoning Ordinance ORDTNANct W. 1284 2/24/75 x t. rezoning Garnett White prpty E of Ohio Ave & S of Pine Oak Dr toAD Dist ORDINANCE NO. 1285 3/24/75 FILE annexing Lots 3 & 4, Blk 9, Pine Level los btw Pear Ave & Peach Ave & btw 18th St & 19th St . Gordon prpty JOTAN NO . 1286 3/24/75 FT IA amending Sign Ord re: approval of plans & site location by CM, CM to act as Bd of Adjustment; CM to administer & enforce sign ord I ORDINANCE NO. 1287 4/14/75 FILE ALLEY setting aside reservation for use by City of Sanford an alley btw 15th St & 18th St & btw Laurel Ave & French Ave for utility purposes ORDINANCE NO. 1288 4/14/75 FILE CODE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE amending City Code, Chap 3 (Alc Bev Chap) to extend hours & days of sale of alc bey fm 12: 00 Midnight to 2 : 00 A.M. ORDINANCE NO. 1289 4/14/75 FILE ZONING rezoning prpty btw 13th P1 and 14th St & E of SW Rd to SR-1. Levi Coleman ORDINANCE NO. 1290 4/14/75 FILE ALLEY closing, vacating & abandoning N-S alley btw Park Dr & 27th St & btw French Ave & Laurel Ave, reserving use for utility purposes ORDINANCE NO. 1291 4/14/75 FILE FLOOD INSURANCE adopting certain land use regulations , etc ORDINANCE NO. 1292 4/28/75 FILE Southern Bell Telephone Franchise ORfINANCE NO. 1293 5/15/75 VIL rezoning prpty on E side of S Sanford Ave, btw Airport Blvd & Sanora Blvd to PUD Multi-Family Residential Dist. B Odham ORDINANCE NO. 1294 5/27/75 Pitt rezone prpty btw Pear Ave & Peach Ave & btw 18th St 1 & 19th St to SR-1. Gordon prpty ORDINANCE NO. 1295 5/27/75 FILE rezoning prpty at SW cor int Locust Ave & E Celery Ave to RC-1 ORDINANCE NO. 1296 5/27/75 FILE rezoning prpty at NE cor int 24th St & French Ave to GC-2 ORDINANCE NO. 1297 6/9/75 FILE rezoning property at the SW corner of the intersection of 24th St & French Ave to GC-2 ORDINANCE NO. 1298 6/9/75 FILE amending the Zoning Ordinance, Art VIII, Supplementary Regulations , Section 6, Site Development Plan, Para 2 , re: Water Recharge Area ORDINANCE NO. 1299 6/9/75 �TL Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Article V, Conditional Use Provisions , re: RC-1 & GC-2 Districts . ORDINANCE NO. 1300 6/23/75 Fitt rezoning property 150 ft E of SE cor int Celery Ave & Locust Ave to RC-1 ORDINANCE NO. 1301 7/29/75 FILE amending bldg code of City of Sanford by adopting 1975 Revision to 1973 Edition, including Appendix D, as prepared by Southern Bldg Code Congress ; & amending fee schedule provided for in bldg code of City of Sanford ORDINANCE NO. 1302 FAILED 5 TO PASS ON SECOND READING amending Mechanical Code of City of Sanford by adopting 1975 Revision of 1973 Edition of Standard Mechanical Code as prepared by Southern Bldg Code Congress , & amending fee schedule provided for in mechanical code of City of Sanford r ORDINANCE NO. 1303 8/11/75 FILE stating intent to annex pppty on Sanford Ave & btw Sanford Ave & Palmway & btw Poinsettia Dr & Rose Dr. Lon C Simerly ORDINANCE NO. 1304 8/11/75 Vitt stating intent to annex prpty abutting 17-92 & btw Airport Blvd & Ely extension of Lake Mary Blvd. Covenant Presbyterian Church ORDINANCE NO. 1305 8/25/75 PILE rezoning prpty btw Maple Ave & Avocado Ave & btw N 9th St & 2nd St to RI-1 ORDINANCE NO. 1306 8/25/75 FILE rezoning prpty btw Cedar Ave & Holly Ave & btw 5th St & 6th St to GC-2 ORDINANCE NO. 1307 9/8/75 FILE rezoning prpty btw French Ave & Maple Ave & btw 18th St & 20th St to GC-2 ORDINANCE NO, 1308 9/8/75 FILE appropriations for FY Oct 1, 1975 to Sept 30, 1976 ORDINANCE NO. 1309 9/8/75 FILE determining amount & fixing rate of taxation & making annual tax levy for 75-76 ORDINANCE NO. 1310 9/22/75 FILV amending Ord 621, adopting position classification plan to provide for an increase in wages for FY 75-76 ORDINANCE NO. 1311 9/22/75 FILE rezoning prpty btw Santa Barbara Dr & DeSota Dr &-btw Iroquois Ave & Mohawk Ave to GC-2 . Lot 7, Blk 21, Dream- wold ORDINANCE NO. 1312 9/22/75 PILE annexing Covenant Presbyterian Church property on 17-92, btw Airport Blvd & the Ely extension of Lake Mary Blvd ORDINANCE NO. 1313 9/22/75 FILE annexing Simerly prpty on S Sanford Ave, btw Sanford Ave & Palmway & btw Poinsettia Dr & Rose Dr T- ORDINANCE NO. 1314 9/22/75 FILE rezoning prpty N of 25th St & btw Yale Ave & Seaboard Coast Line RR r/w to SR-l. Lots 44 & 45, Phillips Terrace ORDINANCE NO. 1315 10/27/75 FILE amending Section 4-11 of City Code, to change the dis- tance for the keeping or maintaining within the City, live fowl of any kind from with 50 ft of any dwelling house, apartment or garage apartment occupied by human beings for residential purposed to 150 ft . ORDINANCE NO. 1316 11/10/75 Vitt closing, vacating & abandoning alleys in Blk 2, Tier 11, E R Traffords Map. Between Holly Ave & Cedar Ave & btw W First St & Commercial St . a. E-W alley & retain as utility easement b. N-S al&ey Mr & Mrs Louis I Dritz ORDINANCE NO. 1317 11/10/75 VILE closing, vacating & abandoning jportions of 14th St a. btw the W r/w line of Lake Ave & the E r/w line of Roundtree St b. btw the Sly ext of the W r/w line of Williams St & the Nly ext of the E line of Lot 65 , Blk K, A D Chappell's Subdivision (Edna Long) ORDINANCE NO. 1318 11/24/75 FILE rezoning pt of prpty btw Iroquois Ave & Mohawk Ave & btw Santa Barbara Dr & DeSota Dr to SR-1 r ORDINANCE NO. 1319 11/24/75 FILE amending Chapter 162 of CITY CODE, (Mechanical Code) providing a fee scheule set by City Comm ORDINANCE No. 1320 11/24/75 FILE amending Chapter 19 (Plumbing Code) of CITY CODE provising fee schedule set by Cti y Comm ORDINANCE NO. 1321 11/24/75 PILE providing schedule of travel expense reimbursements for city officials & city employees per diem: $35 per day, mileage: $ . 14 per mile, breakfast: $2 .45, Lunch: $3 .50, dinner:$7. 00 ORDINANCE NO. 1322 12/8/75 FILE Code Fire Prevention & Protection Code adopting National Fire Codes , 1976 Edition 91(&24r&t ce. N.2 p) t G ,tent, 6 t ' ORDINANCE NO. 1323 12/8/75 FILE Zoning Ordinance amending ZO, Art V, Use Prov, Sec 3, SR-1, Sub-Sec B, Cond Uses Permitted by addition of Para (4) to provide for reduced sq footage requirements for efficiency, 1 2, 3 or more bedroom homes or apartments, notification of prpty owners w/in 300 ft, fee set by City Comm OMANANCV NO. 1372 1/10/77 PILE Easement vacating & abandoning portion of utility easement lying between Hiawatha Ave & Iroquois Ave & btw Orlando Drive & Santa Barbara Dr. 14 ft public utility easement lying on Lots 13, 13-A, 14, 15 , 16 & 16-A, Blk 18, 4TH SECTION, DREAMWOLD ORDINANCE NO. 1373 1/24/77 � L Zoning rezoning portion of prpty abutting S Sanford Ave & lying btw 26th St & Lemon St to GC-2 . Lots 1/5 & 8, 9 & 12, Blk 5 , A B Russell's Add to Ft Reed. ORDINANCE NO. 1374 1/24/77 DIY' FLOOD INSURANCE , CITY CODE amending Article V of Chapter 6 of CITY CODE, by adding requirements for mobile homes in flood prone areas ; requiring base flood elevation information for all subidivsion proposals & other proposed developments which are greater than 50 lots or 5 acres , whichever is lesser, etc. O1DMNANCE NO. 1375 3/14/77 VILE CODE amending Sec 18-20 of City Code, re: Parking or storing recreational vehicles on streets & private residential prpty, to auth temporary occupancy not to exceed 3 weeks upon special permission issued by CM O MNANCE NO. 1376 tabled 3/28/77 ANNEX Portion of that certain prpty lying W of US Hwy 17-92, & N of Lake Mary Blvd. W 100' of Lot 22 of Lake Minnie Estates . Smith / r 1st reading: 1 1/28/77 ORDINANCE NO. 1324 1/12/76 EILE Alley closing, vacating & abandoning & retain for ut easement: E-W alley btw Chapman Ave & Locust Ave & btw 2nd St & 3rd St ext E. (Sanford Housing Auth) ORDINANCE NO. 1325 1/12/76 PIL,R Zoning rezoning portion of prpty btw 3rd St & 4th St & btw Cypress Ave & Pine Ave to GC-2 ORDINANCE NO. 1326 1/12/76 PZL Code amending Sec 19-1 of Code, adopting Standard Plumbing Code, 1975 Edition ORDINANCE NO. 1327 1/12/76 PILE adopting Comprehensive Deveopment Paln ORDINANCE NO. 1328 3/8/76 PILE amending CATV rate schedule (Ord No 998 - CATV franchise ord) ORDYNANCE NO. 1329 3/8/76 FILL stating intention to annex Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Blk 6, Rosalind Hts . 2900 Magnolia Ave. Mr & Mrs Wm W Smith. ORDINANCE NO. 1330 3/8/76 FILE stating intention to annex Jinkins Cr Park. City of Sanford ORDINANCE NO. 1331 4/12/76 amending Sec 8-25 of CODE of City of Sanford (Underground wiring & st lighting in subdv portion of electrical code) to require developers to dedicate all st lights installations in subdivisions to the City of Sanford ORDINANC1 NO. 1332 4/12/76 zoning rezoning portion of prpty on W side of Upsala Rd, opposite Larkwood Dr, & N of Tee N' Green Estates to SR-l. Part Uppland Park. Shoemaker ORDINANCE NO. 1333 4/12/76 alley closing, vacating & abandoning & retain as utility easements : N-S & E-W alleys btw 18th St & 20th St & btw Chase Ave & Lake Avenue. O 11.NANOt NO. 1334 5/10/76 P1 U annexing 52 Lot 51, New Upsala Subdv Uppland Park. Shoemaker property. W of New Upsala Rd & approx 1320 ft N of SR 46A ORDINANCE NO. 1335 5/10/76 PTLV annexing Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, B1k 6 , Rosalind Hts Mr & Mrs William W Smith. 2900 Magnolia Ave prpty btw E 29th St & 30th St, ext E , & btw Magnolia Ave & Park Ave ORDTNANCt NO. 1336 5/10/76 VILE annexing Jinkins Circle Park. City of Sanford. a2prox 2:4885 acres lying W of & abutting W Jinkins Cr , P necrest ORMZNANCF NO. 1337 5/10/76 Fitt closing, vacating & abandoning portion of Maple Ave btw 22nd St & 24th St ORDINANCE NO. 133$ 4/26/76 EYLE EMERGENCY ORDINANCE to get local option under collective bargaining ORDINANCE NO. 1339 5/24/76 PILE amending CITY CODE, Section 6-16, to change mailing of notices of condemnation from Registrerd Mail to Certified Mail L bnMNANCE NO. 1340 6/14/76 FTi•F annexing portion of prpty btw Park Ave & Magnolia Ave & btw E 28th St & E 29th St . E2 Lots 8 & 9, Evans Subdv ORDYNANCt NO. 1341 6/14/76 FT11 rezoning portion of Uppland Park. prpty W of Upsala Rd, opposite Larkwood Dr & N of Tee N' Green Estates to SR-1. Shoemaker prpty ORDINANCE NO. 1342 6/14/76 FILE rezoning portion of Uppland park. prpty W of Upsala Rd, opposite Larkwood Dr & N of Tee N' Green Estates to Ri RC-1. Shoemaker prpty ORDINANCE NO. 1343 6/28/76 FILE labor relations PERC (see Emergency Ord #1338) ORDINANCE NO. 1344 6/2$/76 Vitt CODE amending Chapter 6-1 of Code, same being Building Code, to adopt 1976 Edition of Standard Building Code with Appendix "D" ORDINANCE NO. 1345 6/28/76 FIIg CODE amending Chapter 12-1 of Code, same being Gas Code, to adopt 1976 Edition of Southern Standard Gas Code ORDINANCE NO. 1346 7/12/76 VILE CODE Amending Section 28-43 (b) of Art III of Chap 28 of City Code - Water, Sewers and Sewage Disposal - providing change in Water & Sewer Fee in projects under a single ownership with multiple structures or buildings ORDINANCE NO. 1347 7/26/76 FILE rezoning amending zoning ord to rezone prpty at the NE cor int of Lake Mary Blvd & Art Lane to GC-2 . Johnny Walker ORDINANCE NO. 134$ 7/26/76 VILE Zoning amending Zoning Ord to rezone prpty btw Laurel Ave & Elm Ave & btw 7th St & 8th St to RC-1. Lots 4 & 5 , Blk 9, Tr 7, Town of Sanford. McLain ORDINANCP NO. 1349 8/9/76 FILE providing for issuance of 1976 Refunding Bonds for new City Hall & Public Works Complex. not exceeding $2,100,000 Public Improvement Revenue Bonds ORDINANCE NO. 1350 8/9/76 FILE CODE amending Chapter 28, section 28-25, Water, Sewers & Sewage Disposal to increase SEWER RATES ORDINANCE NO. 1351 8/9/76 FILE CODE amending Chapter 28, Section 28-24, Water, Sewers and Sewage Disposal to increase WATER CONSUMPTION RATES ORDINANCR NO. 1352 9/13/76 ILA amending Ord 139, providing for issuance of up to $2 ,100,000 Public Improvement Revenue Bonds , Series 1976 ORDINANCE NO. 1353 9/27/76 Florida Municipal Firemen's Pension Trust Fund adopting same, effective Oct 1, 1976 ORDNANCE NO. 1354 10/11/76 annexation annexing property located E of Airport Blvd & N of Jewett Lane. Blk 80, M M Smith's . Sanford-Seminole Dev Co ORDINANCE NO. 1355 9/27/76 rezoning portion of property btw Hiawatha Ave & Orlando Dr & btw Santa Barbara Dr & French Ave to GC-2 . Lot 9, Blk 15, Dreamwold ORDINANCE NO. 1356 9/27/76 rezoning portion of property between 28th St & 29th St & btw Magnolia Ave & Palmetto Ave to SR-1. Lots 1/14 & 19/21, Park View 2nd Add ON5MNANC1 NO. 1357 9/27/76 making appropriations for FY 76-77 ORDINANCE NO. 1358 9/27/76 BUDGET Determining amount & fixing rate of taxation & making annual tax levy for FY 76-77 ORDINANCE NO. 1359 9/27/76 POSITION CLASSIFICATION PLAN amending Ord No 621, adopting position classification plan for employees , & adopting salary classification plan for FY 76-77 ORDINANCE NO. 1360 10/11/76 Zoning rezoning portion of prpty btw 7th St & 9th St & btw Holly Ave & Maple Ave to GC-2 ORDINANCE NO. 1361 10/11/76 amending CITY CODE Chap 162 - 1 (Mechanical Code) to adopt 1976 Edition of Standard Mechanical Code, as amended, with amendments ORDINANCE NO. 1362 10/11/76 amending chap 19-1 & chap 19-3 of CITY CODE (Plumbing Code) to adopt 1976 Revision to the 1975 Edition of the Standard Plumbing Code, with amendments ORDINANCE NO. 1363 10/25/76 VILE C ODE amending Sec 12 of Art VII of Sanford City Code to permit Outside Display of Merchandise & Products in Commercial & Industrial Districts , etc . ORMINANCV NO. 1364 11/$/76 rezone rezone prpty lying on E side Sanford Ave & btw 25th St & 25th P1 to GC-2 . Lots 6/11, Blk 1, Palm Terrace. Mr & Mrs Wm Hart & Mr & Mrs Clarence Powell ORDINANCE NO. 1365 12/11/76 FIT.1 annex annexing a portion of property between Park Avenue & Magnolia Avenue & between 28th St and 29th St. S 60.36 ft of W 140 ft of Lot 11 & W 140 ft of Lot 12 , Evans Subdivision. 2821 S Park Ave. Mr & Mrs Eduardo Urgelles ORDINANCE NO. 1366 12/13/76 Rezoning portion of prpty btw 24th St & 24th P1 & btw French Ave & Maple Ave to GC-2 . N 33 .8 ' Lots 3 & 18, & all Lots 4, 5 , 6, 15, 16 & 17, Blk 15 , 3rd Section Dreamwold (less Ely 8' ) ORDINANCE NO. 1367 12/13/76 viLr ZONING Rezoning portion of prpty btw Mangoustine Ave & Oleander Ave & btw First St & Fulton St to GC-2 . Blk 2 , Tier 17, St . Gertrude's Addition to Town of Sanford ORDINANCE NO. 1368 12/13/76 Fit. CODE Amending Sections 11-25 through 11-29 of Article II of City Code, making it unlawful for owners of prpty to permit 01 cause conditions re: debris , rubbish, trash, undergrowth & weeds to exist on the prpty. LOT CLEANING ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 1369 12/31/76 VITR CODE amending Chapter 14-1 of City Code to adopt 1976 Edition of the Standard Housing Code ORDINANCE NO. 1370 12/13/76 FILE CODE amending Sec 6-32 of Art III of Chapter 6 of City Code to change membership of Central Contractors Examining Board mum ORTINANCV NO. 1371 12/27/76 FILE Annex portion of prpty btw Sarita St & Briarcliffe St & btw Marshall Ave & Grenada Ave. EZ Lot 19, Lot 20 & Lot 21, Blk 11, Dreamwold. P Zeuli ORDINANCE NO. 1377 4/11/77 FIT, Budget (Revenue Sharing Trust Fund) making appropriations for City, from anticipated revenues to be received from Revenue Sharing Trust Fund of USA, dur FY 76-77 BRDTNANCR NO. 1378 4/11/77 PILE Budget (Anti-Recession) appropriations from revenue to be received from Anti-Recession Fiscal Aid Program of USA, during FY 76-77 ORDINANCE NO. 1379 4/11/77 VTI Zoning amending Zoning Ord, Sec 13, AD (Agricultrual) Dist) , Art V, to provide for sanitary landfill operations as permitted use after minimum 2 public hearings by City Comm, & requiring approval of site development plan prior to use of any prpty in AD agricultural) Dist OROMNANCE NO. 1380 4/11/77 VTLE closing, vacating & abandoning part of E-W alley lying btw FirstSt & Seminole Blvd & btw Mellonville Ave & vacated San Carlos Ave, reserving same as utility easement . btw Lots 1 & 5 , Blk 1, San Carlos Subdv. Edgemon ORDINANCE NO. 1381 4/25/77 PILE amending terms of membership of P & Z Comm members ORDINANCE NO. 1382 5/23/77 PILE rezoning portion of prpty abutting 6th St on the S & lying btw Pecan Ave & Poplar Ave to MR-2 . Harper ORDINANCE NO. 1383 6/13/77 PILE (tabled 5/23/77) , rezoning portion prpty abutting Persimmon Ave on the W &lying btw 2nd St ext to the W & the N line of the SCL rr r/w to MI-2 . Sunstand ORDINANCE NO. 1384 7/11/77 PILE ANNEX Lots 13, 14, 15 & 16, Blk 13, Dreamwold. Furley. Hirtzel portion prpty lying btw Briarcliffe St & Osceola Dr & btw Marshall Ave & Osceola Dr ORDINANCE NO. 1385 7/2 /77 Y ANNEX Lot 46 & N 1/6 Lot 48, New Upsala. Shoemaker portion prpty abutting Upsala Rd & lying approx 1,460 ft N of Paola Rd Description amended to: E 250' of N 1/6 of Lot 48, New Upsala & Beg at SE cor Lot 46 , run N 0°11'46" W along E line Lot 46 a distance of 20' , thence run N 89°55 '38"E, 128. 7 ' to the E line of Lot 48 ext N, thence run S 0°1l'T'46"E, 19.82 ' to the NE cor Lot 48, thence run $ -89°69'58" E, 138. 70' to ?OB O12MNANCB NO. 13$6 NOT ADOPTVD street closing re: Bay Avenue & 24th St ORDINANCE NO. 1387 81$/77 CODE Amending Section 27-17 (h) - Sign Ordinance re: mobile trailer signs ORDINANCE NO. 1388 8/22/77 r nr, ZONING ORDINANCE Amend Zoning Ordinance, Use Provisions to permit sani- tary landfills in AD Districts , after 2 public hear- ings before the City Commission. See Ord No 1379 ORDINANCE NO. 1389 8/22/77 VTLE rezoning rezoning all that certain property lying btw First Street & Second Street & between Pomegranite Ave & vacated Tamarind Ave to GC-2 . Blk 3, Tier 21 & abutting East 41 ft of vacated Tamarind Ave. Kazaros . ORDINANCE NO. 1390 9/12/77 F '' annexation annexing portion of property lying approx 168 ft East of Upsala Rd & Approx 1460 ft N of Paola Rd. Shoemaker , parcel #2 . ORDINANCE NO. 1391 8/22/77 Vit'V REFUSE Amending refuse rates Amending Sec 11-12 City Code ORDINANCE NO. 1392 9/26/77 FILE Revenue Sharing Trust Fund 76-77 amended budget ORDINANCE NO. 1393 9/26/77 ILA Budget appropriations for 77-78 ORDINANCE NO. 1394 9/26/77 FILE setting millage rate & making tax levy for 77-78 ORDINANCE NO. 1395 9/26/77 FILE Position Classification Plan adopting Salary Classification Plan for 77-78 ORDINANCE NO. 1396 9/26/77 FILE Anti-Recession Fiscal Aid Program 77-78 budget ORTANANCF NO. 1397 9/26/77 FIll Revenue Sharing Trust Fund 77-78 budget ORMNANCt NO. 139$ 10/10/77 VYL2 City Code amend City Code, Chapter 3, Section 3-4 "Alcoholic Beverages" providing for 500 foot requirement to be waived at discretion of City Commission CRrYNANCR NO. 1399 1/9/78 FILE Annex annex portion of property abutting Upsala Rd & lying approximately 1460 ft north of Paola Rd. part of Lot 46 , New Upsala. Shoemaker #3 first reading:, 9/26/77 PH, 2nd reading & adoption: 10/24/77 tabled adopted 1/9/78 ORDINANCE NO. 1400 10/10/77 FILE STREET CLOSING Closing, vacating & abandoning that portion of 24th St lying btw the E r/w line of Willow Ave ext Nly & the W r/w line of Bay Ave ext Nly. M LaZenby