HomeMy WebLinkAbout4312 Comp Plan AmdmtOrdinance No. 4312 An Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida amending the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan, as previously amended; providing for amendment of the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Element of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan relative to certain real property, approximately 214.54 acres in size, and located 2401 East Lake Mary Boulevard within the City Limits (maps relating to the property are attached) (Tax Parcel Identification Numbers 07 -20 -31 -51-R- 0000 -0010, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0020, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0030, 07-20- 31-51-R-0000-0040, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0050, 07-20-31- 51-R-0000-0060, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0070, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000- 0080,07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0090, 07-20-31- 5LR -0000- 0150, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 - 0160,07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0170, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 - 0180,07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0190, 07-20- 31-51-R-0000-0100, 07- 20- 31- 51-R - 0000 -0110, 07-20-31- 51-R-0000-0120, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0130, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0140, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0200, 07-20-31- 5LR -0000- 0210, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0220, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0230, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0240, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0250, 07-20- 31-51-R-0000-0260, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0270, 7-20-31-51-R- 0000-0280, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0290, 7-20-31-51-R-0000- 0300, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0310, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000.0320, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0330, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0340, 07-20. 31-51-R-0000-0350, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0360, 07-20-31- 51-R-0000-0370, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0380, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0390, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0400, 07-20-31-51-R-0000. 0410, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0420, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0430, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0440, 07 -20.31 -5LR- 0000 -0450, 07-20- 31-51-R-0000-0460, 07- 20 -31- 51-R -OA00 -0000, 07-20-31- 51-R-01300-0000, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0000, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 01300 -0000, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OEOO -0000, 07-20-31- 51-R -OF00- 0000, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OGOO -0000, 07- 20- 31- 51-R -01-100 -0000, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OJ00 -0000, and 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OS00 -0000) said property being more specifically described in this Ordinance; providing for legislative findings and intent; providing for assignment of the land use designation for the property; providing for the adoption of maps by reference; providing for severability; providing for ratification of prior acts of the City; providing for conflicts; providing for codification and directions to the Code codifier and providing for the implementation of the statutory expedited State review process and an effective date. 1 Whereas, Safari Investments, LLC (whose managers are Sadique M. Jaffer and Mohamedtaki Jaffer), is the owner of certain real property which land totals approximately 214.54 acres in size, is located at 2401 East Lake Mary Boulevard and is assigned Tax Parcel Identification Numbers 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0010, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0020, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0030, 07 -20 -31 -51-R- 0000 -0040, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000- 0050, 07 -20 -31 -51-R- 0000 -0060, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0070, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0080, 0720 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0090, 07 -20 -31 -51-R- 0000 -0150, 07-20-31 -5LR- 0000 - 0160,07 -20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0170, 07 -20 -31 -51-R- 0000 - 0180,07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0190, 07-20-31- 51-R-0000-0100, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0110, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000- 0120, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0130, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0140, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0200, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 0210, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0220, 07- 2031 -5LR- 0000 -0230, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0240, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0250, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0260, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0270, 7 -20- 31 -51-R- 0000 -0280, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0290, 7- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0300, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0310, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0320, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0330, 0720-31- 5LR -0000- 0340, 07- 20 -31- 51-R -0000 -0350, 07 -2031 -5LR- 0000 -0360, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 00000370, 07- 20- 31- 51-R -0000 -0380, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0390, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0400, 07-20- 31-51-R-0000-0410, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0420, 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0430, 07-20-31- 51-R-0000-0440, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0450, 07 -20 -31 - 5LR - 0000 -0460, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- OA00 -0000, 07- 20 -31- 51-R -01300 -0000, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0000, 07-20-31- 5LR -OD00- 0000, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OEOO -0000, 07- 20-31- 5LR -OFOO -0000, 07- 20 -31- 5LR- OG000000, 07- 20 -31- 51-R -01-1100 -0000, 07 -2031 - 5LR -OJOO -0000, and 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OSOO -0000 by the Property Appraiser of Seminole County; and Whereas, William E. Barfield, Esquire, applied, on behalf of the owner, to the 2 City of Sanford, pursuant to the controlling provisions of State law and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, to have the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Element of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan, as previously amended, relative to subject property be changed from the assignment of the I, Industrial land use designation to the GC, General Commercial land use designation (21.52 acres) and the LDR -SF, Low Density Residential land use designation (193.02 acres); and Whereas, the City of Sanford's Planning and Zoning Commission (P &ZC), as the City's local planning agency, held a public hearing on December 5, 2013 to consider amending the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Element of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval of the proposed Future Land Use Map amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the subject property as requested by the property owner; and Whereas, Section 163.3184(3), Florida Statutes, relates to the amendment of adopted local government comprehensive plans and sets forth certain requirements relating to an expedited process of State review of proposed amendments to local government comprehensive plans and relates to processes and actions relating thereto; and Whereas, the Citizen's Awareness Participation Plan (CAPP) requirements of the City relative to the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan have been met by the applicant to the satisfaction of the City and the CAPP procedures of the City have been adhered to and honored with the applicant and owners being willing to meet with any concern citizen or stakeholder should they have any questions or concerns regarding the application and proposed use of the subject property said CAPP meeting 3 occurring on August 27, 2013; and Whereas, the City's Planning and Development Services Department has conducted a thorough review and analysis of the demands upon public facilities and general planning and land development issues should the subject application be approved and has otherwise reviewed and evaluated the application to determine whether is comports with sound and generally accepted land use planning practices and principles as well as whether the application is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan and determined that the proposed the amendment of the City's Comprehensive Plan relative to the subject property as set forth in this Ordinance is internally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford and the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the City's Planning and Development Services Department has determined that, to some extent, the actions taken herein are curative in that the provisions of this Ordinance eliminate a conflicting land use that is proximate to wetlands; and Whereas, and, indeed, the City's Planning and Development Services Department thoroughly reviewed numerous reports and studies submitted to the City by the applicant in support of the subject application; and Whereas, the City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing this amendment to the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan including, but not limited to, Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, as well as other controlling law. Now, therefore, be in enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. 4 (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to the application relating to the proposed amendment to the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan pertaining to the subject property. (b). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. (c). This Ordinance is internally consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford. (d). The exhibits to this Ordinance are incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein verbatim. (e). City staff has concluded that the reports and studies submitted by the applicant to the City are well founded and consistent with sound and generally accepted practices and principles pertaining to matters and issues which have been evaluated in the context of the subject application. Section 2. Amendment to Future Land Use Map. (a). The Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford and the City's Future Land Use Map are hereby amended by assigning the GC, General Commercial land use designation to the real property (21.52 acres) which is the subject of this Ordinance as set forth herein, and the LDR -SF, Low Density Residential land use designation to the real property (193.02 acres) which is the subject of this Ordinance as set forth herein. (b). The properties which are the subject of this Comprehensive Plan amendment are more specifically defined, described and depicted in the exhibits to this 5 Ordinance. Section 3. Implementing Administrative Actions. The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized to implement the provisions of this Ordinance as deemed appropriate and warranted. Section 4. Incorporation Of Maps. The maps attached to this Ordinance are hereby ratified and affirmed and incorporated into this Ordinance as a substantive part of this Ordinance. Section 5. Ratification Of Prior Actions. The prior actions of the City Commission and its agencies in enacting and causing amendments to the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, as well as the implementation thereof, are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validitrdinorce or effect of any other action or part of this Ordinance. Section 7. Conflicts. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 8. Cod ificationllnstructions to Code Codifier. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the codified version of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan and/or the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, Florida in terms of amending the Future Land Use Map of the City. The Comprehensive Plan amendment set forth herein shall not becorre effective, in accordance with Section 163.3184(3), Florida Statutes, until 31 days after Administration Commission enters a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance. M M- Cynthia Porter, City Clerk City Commission of he City of Sanford, Florida i Jeff Triplett, P A Roil -- - WS TZM X 87 Item No. CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 14+070 MARCIA 10, 2014 AGENDA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Con 's ion PREPARED BY: Russ Gibson, Planning and Development Se ces _rector SUBMITTED BY: Not-ton N. Bonaparte, Jr., City Manager SUBJECT: Comprehensive flan Amendment for 2 01 E ake Mary Boulevard SYNOPSIS: The property owners of approximately 214.54 acres at 2401 . Lake Mary Boulevard are requesting to change the future land use map of the Sanford Comprehensive Plan for 21.52 acres from I — Industrial to GC- General Commercial and 193.02 acres from I- Industrial to LDR-SF — Low Density Residential, FISCAL/STAFFING STATEMENT: Based on the 2013 property tax roll of Seminole County, the subject property is assessed as grazing land with a total value of $80,673. The total tax bill in 2013 for the 214.54 acre site was $1,643. No additional staffing or City resources are required if the subject property's future land use designation is amended. BACKGROUND: The 214.54 acre site is located on the south side of E. Lake Mary Boulevard between two residential planned developments - Magnolia Park PD to the west and the Brisson West PD to the east. All of the subject property is in the Silver Lakes Industrial Park Replat (58 parcels) approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Commission in January 1993. Since then the property has remained undeveloped. The current property owners have submitted a request to amend the future land use designation from I- Industrial to GC- General Commercial (21.52 acres) and LDR -SF, Low Density Residential (193.02 acres) for the purpose of developing a commercial and residential project called Silvestri Estates. The owners have also applied to rezone the property to PD, Planned Development in order to establish specific development and design standards for their project. Pursuant to the State of Florida's Growth Policy Act (Chapter 163 F.S.), any plan amendment shall discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl. In order to determine that a plan amendment does not constitute urban sprawl, the amendment must be analyzed as to whether it incorporates a development pattern or urban form that achieves four or more of the following eight criteria: 1. Directs growth and development to areas of the community in a manner that does not adversely impact natural resources; 2. Promotes the efficient and cost effective provision or extension of public infrastructure and services; 3. Promotes walkable and connected communities and provides for compact development and a mix of uses at densities and intensities that support a range of housing choices and a multimodal transportation system; 4. Promotes conservation of water and energy; 5. Preserves agricultural areas and activities; 6. Preserves open space and natural lands and provides for public open space and recreation needs; Wage l of 4 7. Creates a balance of land uses based on demands of residential population for the nonresidential needs of an area; and, 8. Provides uses, densities and intensities of use and urban forte that would remediate an existing or planned sprawl development pattern or provides for an innovative development pattern such as transit oriented development or new towns. Per the requirements for Comprehensive Plan Amendments, the applicant has provided written justification to address the criteria in Policy 1 -1.1.1 of the Comprehensive Plan. In considering if the proposed land use amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the l'ollowing land use objectives and policies should be considered: • Policy 1- 1.2.2: Designate Low Density Residential — Single Family (LDR -SF) Districts. The areas delineated for LDR -SF development shall include existing stable single family areas as well as those areas . for ftiture low density residential .single family development in order to provide si f teient land arect to meet projected single family housing needs. Areas delineated as LDR -SF shall allow residential development with a maximum density of up to six dwelling units per acre comprised of single family detached horses on individual lots. Specific densities will be determined by such factors as natural features of the land, density and /or intensity of developed and /or undeveloped land surrounding development-, level of accessibility, housing supply and demand, and adequacy cif public facilities, consumer preference and other,factors which may be identified in the land development regulations. Supportive community facilities and accessory land uses may be located within areas designated LDR -SF Development within the LDR -SF designation shall be required to meet the following general criteria together with performance criteria in this Element-.- • Compatible with the quality and character of existing low density single, family neighborhoods; • Preserve open space; • Compatible with existing and anticipated future developments; • Compatible with natural_features of the land and comply with performance criteria cis well as other policies within the Comprehensive Plan impacting natural resources; and - Comply with concurrency management regulations. • Objective 1 -1.3: Allocate Commercial Land Uses. The Future Land Use Map .shall identify commercial land for: 1) residential /office /and institutional mixed asses; 2) neighborhood commercial development; 3) general commercial development,- and 4) central business district development and redevelopment. The allocation of land for commercial development shall be compatible with goals and objectives identified in the Comprehensive Plan and consistent with supportive research and analysis, • Policy 1- 1.3.2: Concentrate Pattern of Commercial Land Use. In order to promote efficient flow of traffic along major thoroughfares cited in the Transportation Element, achieve orderly development, and minimize adverse impact on residential quality, commercial development shall be concentrated in strategically located areas having location characteristics which best accommodate specific land site, public ,facilities and market location requirements of' the respective commercial uses • Policy 1-2.2.1: Limit Community Retail Commercial Development to General Commercial Areas. Community - oriented retail commercial goods and services shall be encouraged to locate within existing development corridors that are already committed to such uses and are specs ftcally designated as General Commercial on the Future Land Use Map. Conversely, general retail commercial developments shall be discouraged in other areas of the City. • Policy 1- 2.4.9: Support Seminole Way Vision. Ilse purpose of the Seminole Way economic development vision is to provide economic stability and growth for the next 20 years through the attraction of high value investments and high wage jobs in the following target industry sectors: • Financial and information services. Page 2 of 4 o Digital mediet including modeling and simulation, film and broadcasting, thenied entertainment and animation /game development. Life sciences including biotech and medical instrumentation. • Technical and research services including civil and environmental engineering and so- called green " architectural and engineering services. The City will continue to support and participate it? the Seminole Way vision for lands designated for commercial, inix.ed -use and industrial uses. Policy 1-2.3.2: Maintain General Pattern of Industrial Land Use. Within the City the evolving centers of major industrial activity are the 1) airport and airport environs; 2) the Silver Lake Drive industrial area; 3) the warehousing and industrial trades along Airport Boulevard generally west of the Amtrak/CSX Terminal; and 4) the Westside industrial area along the SR 46 corridor west to Upsala Road. A high priority shall be directed toward full utilization and development of lands designed for industrial development within the airport property and in the Silver Lake Drive area. The existing and proposed.future transportation facilities including SR 417 and improvements to Airport Boulevard shall enhance the accessibility of the industrial centers to regional markets, Furthermore, the airport industrial complex provides a spacious area for industrial activities which contribute to a drverstfled economic base within the City and the region. In 2013, the City completed fi naginne Sanford, a community -based vision supported by a strategic plan that will shape Sanford's future. Attached to this report is a brochure that includes the Imagine Sanford vision statement and key action items. The vision emerged through engagement with Sanford, government officials, community -based organizations and from institutions such as the Sanford 'Loo, Orlando- Sanford International Airport and Seminole State College. The following is stated under the Economic Foundation and Opportunities section of the Imagine Sanford brochure: Sanford is well positioned with twin strengths in transportation accessibility and its unique status as a destination for the performing and cultural arts. The City has a diverse economic base with particular strengths in sectors that value transportation accessibility and the availability of industrially zoned land. With access and visibility to 1 -4 and SR 417, the advent of SunRaiI, the convenience of the Orlando- Sanford International Airport, and a substantial supply of developable land for business and industrial parks, Sanford can reinforce its economic competitiveness through business recruitment, encouraging industrial and high -tech real estate development, and strategic infrastructure investment. On January 13, 2014, the City Commission approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 4312. Pursuant 163.3184(3)(b)l, Florida Statutes, the City transmitted copies of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment, including Ordinance No. 4312, to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, St, Johns River Water Management District, Florida Department of Transportation, Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Department of State, Seminole County, City of Lake Mary and Seminole County Public Schools for an expedited review to determine whether the proposal, if adopted, would have any potential adverse effects. The state agencies have responded in writing that the proposed amendment does not appear to have any adverse impacts on public facilities or resources. The City Clerk published notice of this public hearing in the Sanford Herald on March 2, 2014. RECOMMENDATION: On December- 5, 2013, the City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission serving as the City's Local PIanning Agency recommended approval to change the future land use map of the Sanford Comprehensive Plan for approximately 214.54 acres at 2401 E. Lake Mary Boulevard from I — Industrial to GC- General Commercial and LDR -SF — Low Density Residential. Page 3 of 4 It is staff's recommendation that the City Commission approve the proposed land use change based on consistency with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the State's Growth Policy Act. Additional comments or recommendations may be presented by staff at the meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4312 to change the future land use map of the Sanford Comprehensive Plan for approximately 214.54 acres at 2401 E. Lake Mary Boulevard from I — Industrial to GC- General Commercial and LDR -SF — Low Density Residential." Attachments: Site Vicinity Maps Future Land Use Map Amendment Ordinance No. 4312 Land Use Plan for Safari Investments dated June 20, 2013 PD Master Plan for Silvestri Estates revised November 25, 2013 Project Information Sheet (2 pages) Citizens Awareness Participation Plan (CAPP) report (16 pages) Trip Generation report by GMB Engineers (2 pages) Seminole County Public Schools Impact Analysis (3 pages) Imagine Sanford brochure (2 pages) Affidavit of Ownership and Designation of Agent (2 pages) Applicant's Justification Statement dated August 21, 2013 (S pages) Letter from Steve Coover dated October 16, 2013 (2 pages) Charles Wayne Report (36 pages) Bio -Tech Consulting Letter (3 pages) Information presented at the December 5, 2013 P &Z Commission meeting Copy of PowerPoint presentation given by Mr. Coover and Mr. Evans (20 pages) Public Comment form submitted by Melonie Beadling Public Comment form submitted by Tracy Sanford Email received from Silas and Linda Barker T:%1)cve10pmn1 Lake (Safari Inv LLQ -fka Silver Lakcs Industrial Park %CPA\CC Menw 1- 10 -20MCC Mcmo -CPA 2401 13 Lake Mary Blvd.tloe Page 4 of 4 City ot Saniford Comprehensive Plan Amendment Site: 2401 East Lake Mary Boulevard 214.54 Acres IN *j -"#.*jjj2.M M Parcel, No's: 07-20'31 -5LR-0000-ODI 0 07' -20 -31 -SLR- 0000 -0020 07-20-31 -51-R-0000-0030 07- 20 -31- SLR -0000 -0040 07.20 -31 -SLR -0000 -0050 07-20-31 -51-R-0000-0060 07-20-31 -SLR-0000-0070 07-20-31 -5LR-0000-0080 07-20-31 -6LR-0000-0090 07.20.31- SLR - 0000.0150 07-20-3 1 -SLR-0000-0160 07-20-31-51LIR-000-01 70 07-20-31 -SLR-0000-0180 07.20 -31- SLR -0000 -01'80 07- 20 -31- SLR -0000 -0100 07-20-31-51-R-0000-01 10 07-20-31 -51-R-0000-011 20 07-20-31-51-R-0000-0 130 07.20.31- SLR -0000.0140 Legend Existing Land: Use Mobile Home conservation Public Facility Industrial 07-20-31 -51-R-00010-0200, 07-20-31.51-R•0000-021 0 07' -20 -31 -SLR -0000 -0220 07 -20 -31 -SLR -0000 -0230 07- 20- 31- SLR -0000.0240 07- 20 -31- SLR - 0000 -0250 07.20.31- SLR - 0000 -0260 07.20-31-5LR-0000-0270 07-20-31-51-R-0000-0280 07-20-31 -51-R-0000-0290 07'-20-31 -SLR-00010-0300 07-20-31 -51-R-0 000-0310 07-20-31 -SLR-0000-0320 07-20-31-5LR.0000-0330 07-20-311-51LIR-0000-0340 07-20.31-5LR-0000-0360 07-20-31-5LR-0000-0360 07-20-31-SLR-0000-0370 07-20-31 -SLR-0000-0380 Agriculture Single Family Residential Vacant 07-20-31 -51LIR-0000-0390 07.20-31-5LR-0000-0400 07-20-31 -SLR-0000-041 0 07.20 -31 -SLR- 0000.0420 07.20 -31- SLR - 0000.0430 07- 20 -31- SLR - 0000 -0440 07-20-31 -51LIR-0000-0450 017-201-31-61LIR-0000-0460 07-20-31-61LIR-OA00-0000 07-20-31-51.R-O BOO-0000 07.20-31-5LR-OCOO-00010 07-20-31 -51-R-0000-0000 07-20-31-5LR-0 EOO-0000 07-20-31 -SLR-OFOO-0000 07-20-31-51-R-OGOO-0000 07-20-31 -SLR-OHOO-0000 07-20.31-5LR-OJOO-0000 017-201-31-5LR-OSOO-0000 Future Land' Use NJ Airport Industry & Commerce General Commercial Industrial Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential Resource Protection Suburban Estates City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, November 20113 . \ / \ \ /�� \ \� ` ®\ % \/ .. \\ m _, kJ j an _m I " � L71 }\��..�\ � . � �� � IN4 .i/ : tv n. 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Lake Mary Boulevard MI-2, Medium Industrial Vacant 07-20-31-5LR-0000-00 10 through 07-20-31-51,R-0000-0460 and Tracts A thru K 214.54 acres Safari Investments, LIX Sadique Jaffer, Manager 27 N. Summerlin Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Phone: 407.649.9888 Email: sidjilffiLt(ee y_q Liqo....coiu. Applicant/Agent: William E. Barfield, Esq. 225 South Westmonte Drive, Suite 3000 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 Phone: 407.478,1866 Fax: 866.473.0427 Email: barftc d 1) E7 tr fieldlawcom Engineer of Record: David Evans, PE Evans Engineering, Inc. 719 Irma Avenue Orlando, Florida 32.803 Phone: 407,872.1515 Fax: 407.246.0963 Email: d wG ris evans e CAPP: The applicant held a Citizen's Awareness Participation Plan meeting on August 27, 2013, The CAPP meeting report is attached, Corm-nissionDistrict: District I - Commissioner Mark M'Caily COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE REVIEW Existing Future Land Use: 1, Industrial Proposed Future Land Use: GC, General Commercial and LDR-SF, Low Density Residential CONCUItRENCY Concurrency is a finding that public facilities and services necessary to support a proposed development are available, or will be made available, concurrent with the impacts of the development, The concurrency facilities evaluated by the City of Sanford include the following: Drainage: The project shall comply to and be engineered to the adopted 25 Year, 24 [lour LOS/Storm Event. Note, the Land Development Regulations allows the Administrative Official to increase the design frequency standard if deemed necessary. Pagel of2 Roadways: The project will require a traffic study at time of development, However, GMB Engineers and Planners, Inc. conducted a trip generation comparison between the existing land use for industrial and the proposed development plan and concluded there would be a reduction of 1,633 daily trips, 1,237 AM peak hour trips and 819 PM peak hour trips for the proposed development flan condition. A copy of the GMB trip generation assessment is attached. Water,- Water services will be provided by the City of Sanford. Sewer:• Sewer services will be provided by the City of Sanford. LOS Standard Project Demand Facility Capacity Potable Water: 144 gal /capita /day 131.600 gals /day 10.51 MGD Sanitary Sewer: 132 gal /capita /day 112,800 gals /day 7.3 MGD Solid Waste: 2.46 Ibs /capita /day 2,312 Ibs /day 21.5 million tons School: A School Impact Analysis (SIA) letter was issued on June 4, 2013 by Seminole County Public Schools. A copy of the findings by SOPS is attached to this report which has the potential school enrollment impacts summarized as follows: Type Concurrency Service Area Enrollment Capacity Students Generated by Project Programmed 3 Year Additions Reserved Capacity Remaining Capacity Elementar E -10 2135 2629 84 0 201 209 Middle M -1 5179 6047 44 0 249 575 High H -1 6527 7445 550 293 570 T:�Development Re%icur•.U' -Lend Dmlopmo'102013`Silver Like (Safari Inv L[.C) -Ika Silver Lakes Indusn iil P, rk10E'A' I' &'7. Aiemo 12- 5- 2O13.Project Info Sheel - CPA ?401 E Lake Nt y I31cd.doc fla. -e 2 or 2 City of Sanford Citizens Awareness and Participation Plan Silvestri Estates A Citizens Awareness Meeting was held for the proposed Silvestri Estates project on East Lake Mary Blvd. This meeting was held to inform the public of the process and proposed development in the property formerly called the Silver Lake Industrial Park. Residents within 500' of the property were noticed and a list and notice form is enclosed in this report. The meeting was held at the City of Sanford Chamber of Commerce at 400 E. 1't St. at 5:00 on August 27, 2013, Approximately 25 residents attended the meeting at the Chamber. Concerns, issues and discussions during the meeting. A detailed description of the project was proposed at the beginning of the meeting. This description included the process of converting the industrial property to residential and commercial. This description included the process at the City of Sanford and the meetings that would be required that the public could attend. This summary included the comprehensive plan change, planned development and preliminary subdivision plan public hearing. This process description included methods for the residents to research the information presented on the city's website and the way each resident would be notified of the public meetings. The discussion included the proposed development and how the effect of the proposed residential development would reduce the impact of traffic, noise and the effect of reduced property values of the surrounding single family residents from the existing industrial zoning. A detailed description of the project layout including the large amenity area and access from the multiple lot sizes was discussed. Access points for the development were also addressed including Mellonville and East Lake Mary Blvd. A question and answer period followed the project presentation. Concerns and questions of the meeting attendees. 1. What was the minimum square footage of the proposed lots in the development? a. The minimum square footage is 1500 sf. 2. What is the minimum price for the houses in the development? a. The minimum price will fluctuate based on market demand once the project is developed but the assumption based on projections is $175,000. 3. Mellonville Road is congested in the morning hours and during school pick up and drop off in the afternoons. Residents stack on Mellonville to pick up kids from drop of at East Lake Mary Blvd. a. This project has limited the number of cars on Mellonville to the 75' lots on the west side of the development. As an alternative and during peak hours the residents in the west 75' lots can also exit onto East Lake Mary Blvd. A traffic study will be conducted to City of Sanford Citizens Awareness and Participation Plan September 11, 2013 determine the effect of the limited traffic from this development onto Mellonville Road as required by the city during the approval process. 4. What is the timing of this development? a. Getting through the multiple processes will take approximately one year. Construction and acceptance of the infrastructure will take approximately six months. So houses would be available in two years. Estimated build out would be in five years. 5. A request was made to develop this project like Baker's Crossing. a. Developer agreed to review Baker's Crossing. Developer is aware of the issues reiated to Baker's Crossing. Silvestri Estates will be designed and developed to avoid these issues. 6. Existing industrial property owner on the southwest corner of the property asked about future impact of his development when change to residential on this property was made. a. Explained that his property would always remain industrial and he would be able to develop as industrial consistent with the city's zoning ordinance. Discussed screening from adjacent residential development would be determined at time of permitting. 7. One resident asked about the effect of the rental rates of properties in this development. a, Developer explained that these properties would be sold on a fee simple basis and that rental development was not anticipated. 8. Residents asked that a list of uses permitted on the commercial lots be added to the plans. a. A list of permitted uses on the commercial lots would be added to the proposed plans. 9. One resident asked that the entranceway for the residential development be nicely designed a. The developer stated that the entrance will be appealing to the residents and surrounding communities. 10. A resident asked if the roads would be private or public. a. The developer stated that the non -gated portions of the roadways would be public and the gated roads would be private. 11. One resident asked if an aerial plan including the proposed development adjacent to Magnolia. a. An aerial plan including the surrounding residential and commercial development was emails to this resident. 12. Two residents along Magnolia Park Trail mentioned that they were not allowed to pull a pool permit. They asked if this development would impact their ability to pull permits in the future. a, The developer did not have details at the meeting but followed up with the city following. It was understood that city code prohibits more than 50% impervious area on each lot and that the storm water system in Magnolia Park was not designed to retain more than 50% impervious on each lot. The large houses on the smaller lots and a pool exceeded the 50% impervious threshold on these lots. In general most of the attendees were in favor of the change from Industrial to Residential and that the proposed use was appropriate for this area. The meeting concluded at approximately 7:00 2 Humf-11SON, MAMELE & CDOVER, R, A, A TORNEYS ANC) Cq-�s 4f" t_✓'�,A� vl,f(A "NA l „„ ( i a--C) 'R4-',�-44-RIUL 51 E 9'1(�FN i � CCO /EIR E t,,,E C C1 -P r ALIgLiSt 13. 20 13 'COIJ- 4BORAT VE P,.,RP, 17, T(C'E Silvestri 1:-'states CAPP Mecting, Dear Resioient: ELj,j_F,)1NG, 23(.7 NOP4 = H P4,PK, AVE[,f JE CIPPICE 3c"X � FAX 14n 7I 330 Mv, office represents the oNviter ol'a proposed mixed use project known as Silvestri Estates, '"I'lle property lies between F', Lake Mary Blvd, and Pineway Ave. between Mellonville Ave. Marc] Brisson Ave. This project was approved and platted in the 1990's to allow industrial LISeS OnlV. J'fie owner is no\\, seeking to amend the existing land use and Zoning approvals to convert the use from industrial to lo\v density residential, with a general commercial use allowed oil the lots fronting F. Lake Mary Blvd, The City of San ford staffhas requested that we hold a C` PP ine e-ting with any interested neighbors, which is why you are receiving this letter, 'File CAPP meeting is being liQ]d at the Scirif6rd Chamber ol, Commerce. 4001 -t. I” St., Sanford, Florida, which is at the intersection ol'Santord Ave. and Is' St. in downtown, at 5:00 - 6:30 Imn. can ALIgUst 27. 2013, ]'he 1)Urp0se ofthe CAPP meeting is to slje,Nw/ yok, what is being proposed and tea discuss any concerns you IM-ly lacave, We Nvill have a set of plans to slioNv you and you will be able to ask questions of niyself- the owners representative, and 01,117 engineer. ShOtild VOU have any (ILICStiollS. please call nie oj° rily assistant, Mindy. SFIC/1-111jr Very truly V01,11•S, Stephen 1-1. Coover ?G im CA I P M I N G - A tJ (i UST 2 7. 0 1 . ........ ..... N NJ 1: A 1) 1 1 1 S S ITIONT' Ni.. 1i13ER ALaaAT Vd/? _Jz Wo� I h, el- 1 f3 -q Sct K- i- FP 2 Uzi � 1G`, G /0,047m) LIOIL F-lk va'-f- --S�2 -eu. 3 2- "),f u 6,1-, 1/0 c,3 -1 e N)Ar V d'7 --�O -t, ?G im Benjamin O. Benham, Trustee 2003 Via Tuscany Winter Park, FL 32789 Seminole County BCC 1101 E. I" Street Sanford, FL 32771 -1468 Carolyn J. Hughey, Trustee P.O. Box 790 Osteen, FL 32764 -0700 Brisson Investments, LLC 27 N. Surnmerlin Avenue Orlando, FL. 32801 -2929 Serengeti Properties, LLC 27 N. Summerlin Avenue Orlando, FL 32801 Mary O. Smith 1700 Pineway Sanford, FL 32773 -7233 Richard E. Johnson, Jr. Vivian J. Hechinger 206 Clear Lake Circle Sanford, FL 32773 Marylin R. Wittmer 1805 Pineway Sanford, FL 32773 -7235 S.R. & Joyce C. McClures 1565 Pineway Sanford, FL 32773 -7270 David E. Dieska 121 Citrus Tree Lane Longwood, FL 32750 Marilyn B. Thompson, Trustee 1505 Pineway Sanford, FL 32773 -7270 Ahmad Nasajpour Shahla- Foroughi 3502 Palmino Road Melbourne, FL 32934 -8128 Lana T. Mahoney 809 MCCrainie Road Lakeland, FL 33809 Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Sullivan, III 280 Lakeshore Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Burke 4250 Bloom Lane Sanford, FL 32773 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Thomas 1335 Pineway Sanford, FL 32773 -7234 Ernest G. Fasciana 1315 .Pineway Sanford, FL 32773 -7234 Tornkat Enterprises, LLC P.O. Box. 952946 Lake Mary, FL 32795 Dhirani Holdings, LLC 2942 Finch Ave. E Scarborough Ontario Canada M I W2T0 Munsifali Rashid Shabanali Salha 290 Magnolia Park TrI Sanford, FL 32773 Maria M. Ciriaco 286 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Swapnareddy & Reddys Sama 280 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Laszlo Barna Zsuzsanna Barna 1009 Tudhope Court Sanford, FL 32773 Donovan & Stacey Virgo P.O. Box 953212 Lake Mazy, FL 32795 -3212 Susan G. & Jason Jackson 1005 Tudhope Court Sanford, FL 32773 Scott T. Nguyen 1003 Tudhope Court Sanford, FL 32773 Thomas F. & Lillian Hamilton 1009 Berry Court Sanford, FL 32773 Rizwan & Masuma Dhirani 1007 Berry Court Sanford, FL 32773 Purush Utanl D. Punit 1005 Berry Court Sanford, FL 32773 Colfin A 1 -FL4, LLC 5575 Rosebriar Ave. Orlando, FL 32822 Peter & Veronica Cusick 260 Magnolia Trail Park Sanford, FL 32773 Ahmedali H. & Slrerbanu Fazal 285 Magnolia Park Trail Sanford, FL 32773 Brittany F. Hughes Jared W. Crowley 256 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Adnan Haque Ali Farazana 254 Magnolia Park TrI Sanford, FL 32773 Judy Ueltschy Henry J. Cardoza 250 Magnolia Park '1'r1 Sanford, FL 32773 Mohammed T. Hossain 248 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 -7240 Luthfa Ahmed 244 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 RSO, LLC 1370 Pineway Sanford, FL 32773 -7224 Tofazzal Hossain Chand Sultana 240 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Thomas E. & Gulin Cosgrove 238 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Carlos A. Stennett 232 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Magnolia PD Prop Assn, Inc. 2180 W. S.R. 434, Suite 5000 Longwood, FL 32779 Kostadia & Xenofon Karoutsos 224 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Mai Vuhoan Chadi Badi 222 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Daudalysameer H Zahra S. All 220 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Nelson & Ruth A. Medina 218 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 John T. & Amy Dovidaitis 216 magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Ruben D. Yanira Feliz 212 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Ed Georgynah Sarwat Faze 214 Magnolia Park TO Sanford, FL 32773 Norma L. Ball Jola A. Cope 210 Magnolia Park TO Sanford, FL 32773 Ainsley G. & Tvorine D. Lennon 239 N. 6 "' Street Prospect Park, NJ 07508 -2026 Prudencio L. & Margarita S. Torres 206 Magnolia Park Trl #29 Sanford, FL 32773 -7212 Dawn R. Cruise 204 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Miloje & Violeta Kopanja 202 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Cheryl D. Lee 200 Magnolia Park TO Sanford, FL 32773 Zulfikar A. Jaffer 113 Beligian Way Sanford, FL 32773 Beverly L. Staley 196 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 John T. & Robbin A. Meyers 121 Ancona Avenue DeBary, LL 32713 Ying C. & Chiul Lee 1106 Cypress Loft PL Lake Mary, FL 32746 Suzanne B. Staccone James Jew, Jr. P.O. Box 22544 Oakland, CA 94609 Carl M. & Lisa A. Stokes 188 Magnolia Park TrI Sanford, FL 32773 Raymond & Marie J. Racine 186 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 -7212 Sylvester G. Syberina F. Wynn 184 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Sajida S. & Mumtaz Ahmad 182 Magnolia Park TrI Sanford, FL 32773 Linda J. Simpson 180 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Juan A. & Teresita D. Rivera 178 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Mardhia Jaffer 173 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Jan A. Grover 9 Aztec St. San Francisco, CA 94110 Gerald D. Fritz, Trustee 719 Fox Valley Dr, Longwood, FL 32779 Roshanali Jessa 193 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Esan Duncan 187 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Musadig & Zinat Bhalloo 8 Oak Lane Green Brook, NJ 08812 Florida Prop 3, LLC 1201 Hays St, Tallahassee, FL 32301 Shahids Khoja Salima F. Virani 195 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Suzanne E. Kleiman, Trustee 446 Mills Dr. Benecia, CA 94510 Bradford Taylor Catherine Doyle 1617 Plymouth Ave. San Francisco, CA 94127 Matthew M. & Jennifer L. Hahn 201 Magnolia Paris Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Marls A. & Deborah E. Lehner P.O. Box 624 Tribune, KS 67879 -0624 Christopher & Nicole Woodcock 205 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL, 32773 Craig L. & Nora F. Carson 209 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Loomis J. & Deborah A. D'Amico 215 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 -7215 Nicholas L. & Felicia Y. Fisher 217 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL, 32773 Joseph & Muriel Unirali 219 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Ronnie & Michele Rogers 648 Caledonia Place Sanford, FL 32771 -6403 Willie J. & Rhonda T. Fisher 172 Magnolia Parlc Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Jeffrey S. & Lisa C. Reuscher 170 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Linda Czytzer 574 Lehigh Dr. Deltona, FL 32738 -8621 Kevin & Angela S. Zakrzewski 2849 Egrets Landing Dr. Lake Mazy, FL 32746 -7416 John M. & Alicia J. Welch 164 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 W. Nathan & Carolyn Wilson, Trustees 15050 Lynn Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95032 Larry E. & P. Jill Goring 160 Magnolia Park TO Sanford, FL 32773 Eliseo c& Wanda Y. Badillo 158 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Nezamudin Bedar 156 Magnolia. Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Shabbir & Sabira Mohamed 150 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Troy H. Wallrich 148 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Gwendolyn Taliver, Trustee 146 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Maura Brown 151 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Murtaza A. & Zainab J. Rahim 145 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Zahra Alloo 143 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Zulfikar & Fizza Mohamed 141 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Coke E. Bean 139 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Helen M. Macinnis Cynthia Adcock 137 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, .FL 32773 William. R. Kennedy 104 Willow Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 -3688 George & Deborah Paulik 132 Magnolia Park TrI Sanford, FL 32773 Alfred & Victoria Mathis 134 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Alysa Lenahan Gloria Lenahan 136 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Fred S. & Diana Dworkin 138 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Ahmed Khaki 142 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Eduardo M. & Mercedes Lopategui 1107 Pine Oak Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Adrienne R. Shearer 8010 Jones Rd. Jessup, MD 20794 Anwarali M. & Bashir M. Rashid 299 Terracina Drive Sanford, FL 32771 Brenley C. & Editha Y. Porral 100 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Jose B. Rajendran Mary J. James 102 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Sidrat Ahmed Ebrahina Ahmed 104 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Marya Jee Saleh 695 Mainderley Run Lake Mary, FL 32746 -2617 Sayed T. Haider Baqri Zehra 1110 Pine Oak Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Marlene E. Ford 1112 Pine Oak Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Qanibar R. & Lvovskava Yulia Baqri 1114 Pine Oak Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Aqua Trust, lne. 7025 CR 46A 41071 -160 Lake Mary, FL 32746 All Baqri Surnbul Fatma 1109 Pine Oak Trl Sanford, FL 32773 -7200 Juan A. & Carmen Y. Flores 1200 Pine Oak Trl Sanford, FL 32773 ELM Ventures, LLC 975 Bennett Dr. Longwood, FL 32750 Invacare Corp. 1. lnvacarc Way Elyria, OH 44035 MG Real Est, LLC c/o Accounting Mgr. P.O. Box 1509 Sanford, FL 32772 City of Sanford 2399 W. Lake Mary Blvd. Lake Mary, FL 32746 -3657 Abdulhussein Family LP 1265 Upsala Rd., Suite 1157 Sanford, FL 32771 -5700 Kraig A. Hudson 3585 Ohio Ave. Sanford, FL 32773 -6641 Pablo Fonseca, Jr. Elba H. Fonseca 3565 Ohio Ave. Sanford, FL 32773 GMG ENGINEERS F. PLANNERS, ire G September l 0, 2013 William E. Barfield, Esq�, William E. Barfield, P.A. 225 S. Westmont Ave. Strite 3000 Altamonte Springs, FL 3271 i1 Re: Sylvestry Estates Trip Generation Comparison GM13 Project No. 13- 080.01 Dear Mr. Barfield, Pursuant to discussions with David Evans of Evans Engineering, Incorporated, GMB Engineers & Planners has conducted a trip generation comparison regarding the existing land use as it relates to the proposed development plan. The 214.54 acre project site is currently zoned as Industrial. 'File trip generation, as denoted in the Institute of Transportation Engineers OTE Trip Generation Manual. 911 Edition tbr ITE code 130 (Industrial Park), will produce 13,124 daily trips, 1,760 AM peak hour Trips, and 1,830 PM peak hour trills. 'ne proposed land use is commercial/single family residential (IT E codes 820 and 210 respectively). Tile propose(] trip generation produces 11,491 daily trips, 523 AM peak 11OUr trips,, alld 1,011 PM peak 110LIr trips. Table I (attached) provides a detailed analysis of time trip generation comparison. In comparison of time two (['it) generators, there is a reduction of 1,633 daily trips, 1,237 AM peak hour trips, and 819 PM peak 11OUr trips for the proposed development plan Condition. Respectfully, Karl KrichbEIL1111 Project Manager GM13 Engineers & Planners, tile. GMB Orlando 2602 E. Livingston St. Orlando, Ft. 32803 Office: 407.89a5424 Fax: 407 898.5425 Zmmm,=TJIJ3m a. lit N, lit o lit mm To: William E. Barfield/Safari Investments, LLC Sanford City Council From: Michael Rigby, AlCP, Facilities Planner, Seminole County Public Schools Date: June 4, 2013 RE: Silver Lakes, Future Land Use Amendment/Rezone Project No: 13-1136 Seminole County Public Schools (SOPS), in reviewing the above request, has determined that if approved, the new FULM designation and/or zoning will have the effect of increasing residential density, and as a result generate additional school age children. Description: +/- 214.5 acres located near East Lake Mary Blvd, & Silver Vista Blvd. within the City limits of Sanford. The applicant is requesting a change to residential zoning that would allow a maximum of 377 single family detached dwelling to be developed within the requested zoning and future land use designation. Parcel 0(s). See attached list Based on information received from Planning and from the application for the request, SCPS staff has summarized the potential school enrollment impacts in the following table: Comments: The students generated at the three CSA levels would at this point be able to be accommodated without exceeding the adopted levels of service (LOS) for each CSA by school type, or there is adjacent capacity to meet LOS as allowed by interlocal agreement. Any planned expansions/additions in the current five-year capital plan would provide additional student capacity to rellieve the affected schools. Review and evaluations performed on proposed future land use changes and rezones, unplatted parcels, or projects that have not recived final approval do not guarantee that the developments subject to this declaration, are exempt from, or determined to meet the school con:currency requirement, which is effective as of January 1, 2008. Changes in enrollment, any newly platted developments, and any subsequent final development approvals may affect the provision of concurrent school facilities at the point of final subdivision approval, including the potential of not meeting statutory concurrency requirements based on future conditions. Seminole County Public Schools, Facilities Plannitig Dept. Primcd 614/20 11 Students Concurrency Generated Programmed 3 Reserved Remaining Type Service Area Enrollment Capacity _by Pro' ect Year Additions Capacity PAPa6tY__ E-10 2135 2629 84 0 201 209 Middle M-1 5179 6047 44 0 249 575 High 7[7777Il-1 1 6527 7445 5-5 0 293 570 Comments: The students generated at the three CSA levels would at this point be able to be accommodated without exceeding the adopted levels of service (LOS) for each CSA by school type, or there is adjacent capacity to meet LOS as allowed by interlocal agreement. Any planned expansions/additions in the current five-year capital plan would provide additional student capacity to rellieve the affected schools. Review and evaluations performed on proposed future land use changes and rezones, unplatted parcels, or projects that have not recived final approval do not guarantee that the developments subject to this declaration, are exempt from, or determined to meet the school con:currency requirement, which is effective as of January 1, 2008. Changes in enrollment, any newly platted developments, and any subsequent final development approvals may affect the provision of concurrent school facilities at the point of final subdivision approval, including the potential of not meeting statutory concurrency requirements based on future conditions. Seminole County Public Schools, Facilities Plannitig Dept. Primcd 614/20 11 Terms and Definitions: Capacity: The amount of satisfactory permanent student stations as calculated on the date of the second DOE count in October of the current school year. The number of students that can be satisfactorily accommodated in a room at any given time and which, is typically a lesser percentage of the total number of student stations. NOTE: Capacity is ONLY a measure of space, not of enrollment. Concurrency Service Area (CSA): A geographic unit promulgated by the School Board and adopted by local governments within which the level of service is measured when an application for residential development is reviewed for school concurrency purposes. Enrollment: For the purposes of concurrency review, the enrollment level is established each year as per Public School Interlocal Agreement Section 12.4 A, which sets the level on the date of the second FTE survey for DOE, generally taken the in mid - October. Programmed S Year Additions: New permanent school capacity within the CSA, which will be in place or under actual construction within the first three years of the current SCPS Capital Improvement Plan. Remaining Capacity: The capacity available for future development after the addition of any programmed capacity and less the reserved capacity. Reserved Capacity: The total number of student stations reserved in the respective CSA's that are assigned to projects via a SCALD certificate. School Size: For planning purposes, each public school district must determine the maximum size of future elementary, middle and high schools. Existing school size is determined solely through FISH data. Seminole County Public Schools has established the sizes of future schools (with the exception of special centers and magnet schools) as follows: i) Elementary: 780 student stations ii) Middle: 1500 student stations iii) High: 2,800 student stations Students Generated by Project: is determined by applying the current SCPS student generation rate (calculated by using US Census data analysis) to the number and type of units proposed. The number of units is determined using information provided by the County and/or from the applicant's request. If no actual unit count is provided the unit count is then estimated based on the maximum allowable density under the existing /proposed future land use designation. Utilization: A State Board Rule prescribed percentage of student stations that a room (and proportionately, a school and school district) can satisfactorily accommodate at any given time. From a school /campus analysis perspective, "utilization" is determined as the percentage of school enrollment to capacity. Current DOE established K -12 utilization factors are as follows: Elementary 100 %, Middle 90 %, High 95% Seminole County Public Schools, Facilities Planning Debt. Printed 6,14.-2013 Silver Lakes Parcel ID List Property Owner: Safari Inv LLC Sanford, FL 32773 07- 20- 31- 5LR- 0000 -0080 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0340 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0400 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0390 07- 20 -31 -5L R- 0000 -0380 07-20-31-.51-R-0000-0420 07- 20 -31- 300 -023C -0000 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0050 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0280 07- 20 -31 -5 LR- 0000 -0020 07-20-31-51-R-01300-0000 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OCOO -0000 07 -20 -31 ••5LR -ODOO -0000 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OEOO -0000 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0190 07- 20- 31- 51-R -0000 -0200 07- 20 -31 -5 LR- 0000 -0060 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0450 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0370 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0110 07- 20 -31- 51-R - 0000 -0030 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0270 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0130 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0H00 -0000 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0160 07-20-31-51-R-0000-01 80 07- 20 -31 -5 L R- 0000 -0220 07- 20 -31- 51-R -OG00 -0000 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0410 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0090 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0FOO -0000 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0240 07- 20 -31 -5L R- 0000 -0310 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0140 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0360 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0070 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0040 07- 20 -31 -SLR-0000-001 0 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0250 07- 20 -31- 51-R -OA00 -0000 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0120 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0440 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0230 07- -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0460 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0430 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0290 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0210 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0330 07- 20 -31 -5 L R- 0000 -0150 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0170 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0100 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0350 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0260 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0300 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0320 c -8 R S ta v 7EA Z5 j2 75 7 34 2 j A F- ,1 6 A f C 10 1-2 Applicant's Affidavit of Owne rship and Des,ignation of Agent -1877-4 VA'AY.9,11190MILgOV -- - ----------- ------ 1. Ownership hereby attest to ownership of the property described below: Tax Parcel No(s): See attached legal description Address of property: for which this Comprehensive Plat) Aniendinent application is submitted to the City of Sanford. The ownership, as shown on the deed of record, is in the name of. [] Individual Please cornploto the appropriate section bolow (type or print legibly) Name: JIOIWY".:2F�hlrl�Arlf I Provide Names of Officers Dept, of State Corporate Registration Number: Lellc'O�V,,�23 6(1ed Name /Address of Registered Aqent° It. Designation of Applicant's Agent (Leave blank If not applicable): 0 Partnership Name: Provide Names of Generat Partners As the owner/applicant of the above designated property for vAilch this affidavit Is submitted, I designate [Ito below named individual as my agent in WI mailers pertaining to the appUcation process. In authorizing the agent named below to represent me, or my company, I attest that the application is made in good falfli and that alt information contained in the application Is accurate and complete to the best of my personal knowledge. Applicant's Agent: Applicant's Address: ,:d1_2_..Y_Ej 1 2 Contact Person: .54,1,r" _('� ev- Email,- Phone: Fax: I LA11MUT /Mi Affidavit of OwnorWp pdf 111, Notice, to Owner A. Ali changes in Ownership and/or Aplicant's Agent prior to final action of tile City shalf require a new affidavit. If ownership changes, the new owner assumes all obligations related to the Wing application process. B. If the Owner intends for the authority of the Applicant's Agent to be limited in arty manner, fAease indicate the limitation(s) below. (i.e., Limited to obtaining a certificate of concturrency; limited to obtaining a land rise compliance certificate; etc.) IV. Acknowledgenriont El Individual Corporation D Partnersmp Pl0aS9 Use appropriate notary block STATE OF COUNTY OF Individual M"'Corporation EJ Partnership Before me this day of Before e lls- day of Before me ti lis day of 20 201,13 persol 11 personally 1)ersonally appeared _ _.� ... �__ appeared appeared who executed the foregoing instru- as p, __I, Illiner/agent on behalf of ment, and acknowledged before me file[ settle was executed for the AW9 a partnersio, who executed the purposes therein expressed. (Le.:corporrdion, sorrrpah etc.) foregoing instrument and acknowl- and acknowledged before me that edged before me that same was same was executed for the purposes executed for the purposes therein therein expressed. expressed. d4hdAll LAYLA TSUSfjFl.IS 4'e'. tiolaly Public - stIte Of I'lorlda MY G011101. Expires Aug 14, 2015 Personally known or CO"1110stn011 # F1 117581 80nfled R"ougil fI,11101111 Wrify Asso Produce(] iderifification . FW , ­ , 11 r -11 � - - -, 1 11 0 Type of identification produced: (NOTARY STAMP) Nellie: My commission expires: Norary ublic P. r P&I Cofparpll6n Nanpe, Print ParinersNp Name $lgnature By 5' arum G By: Signature Print Pri Print Name: Name: -5-6Y4,' ta Name: Address: Address: Address: Phono., Phone: Phone: Pl0aS9 Use appropriate notary block STATE OF COUNTY OF Individual M"'Corporation EJ Partnership Before me this day of Before e lls- day of Before me ti lis day of 20 201,13 persol 11 personally 1)ersonally appeared _ _.� ... �__ appeared appeared who executed the foregoing instru- as p, __I, Illiner/agent on behalf of ment, and acknowledged before me file[ settle was executed for the AW9 a partnersio, who executed the purposes therein expressed. (Le.:corporrdion, sorrrpah etc.) foregoing instrument and acknowl- and acknowledged before me that edged before me that same was same was executed for the purposes executed for the purposes therein therein expressed. expressed. d4hdAll LAYLA TSUSfjFl.IS 4'e'. tiolaly Public - stIte Of I'lorlda MY G011101. Expires Aug 14, 2015 Personally known or CO"1110stn011 # F1 117581 80nfled R"ougil fI,11101111 Wrify Asso Produce(] iderifification . FW , ­ , 11 r -11 � - - -, 1 11 0 Type of identification produced: (NOTARY STAMP) Nellie: My commission expires: Norary ublic P. r Comprehensive Policy Plan Amendment Justification Statement S lvestri Estates August 21, 2013 The property owner, Safari Investments, LLC, has applied for approval of the Sylvestri Estates Planned Development (PD) in the City of Sanford, Florida. The application for the PD includes a request for a comprehensive plan amendment based on the existing comprehensive plan designation of the property as Industrial. The proposed mixed use zoning of the property is low density residential (LDRSF) and general commercial (GC), therefore, a residential and commercial land use designation will be required. Policy 1 -1.1.1 of the Comprehensive Lane Use Element states the following numerical criteria for any land use amendment: 1. The amendment shall be consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 187 F.S.) and Growth Policy Act (Chapter 163 F.S.). Applicant notes that the only part of the Growth Policy Act remaining relates to "urban infill and redevelopment areas ", which are not applicable here (see Sections 163.2511- .2520, F.&). Therefore, the following comments relate only to the state Com prehensive Plan: a. As a low density residential community with multiple housing product options, the needs of "middle income" families are met with this proposed development (see Section 187.201 (4) (a), F.S.). Multiple lot sizes and housing product will be offered within this residential community. The smaller lot sizes will promote an availability of lower cost housing while maintaining a consistency with the surrounding lots. The larger homes will afford a larger family lifestyle. This community is partially surrounded by "wetlands and environmentally sensitive lands which are being protected" and not developed as shown in the PD (see Sections 187.201 (9) (a), and (24) (a), F.S.). b. The lands fronting Lake Mary Blvd. shall provide for general commercial uses which will serve this and other residential communities of Sanford and Seminole County, travelers along Lake Mary Blvd., and the Orlando Sanford International Airport and its' passengers, in addition to "providing jobs" to support these new businesses. (see Section 187.201 (15) (b) 3; Sections 187.201 (21) (a) and (b) 9; and Section 187.201 (24) (a), F.S.) c. Being centrally located in the community allows this project to be served by "existing local transportation facilities" including the Orlando Sanford International Airport, SR 417, and 1 -4 (see Section 187.201 (15) (b) 1; and Section 187.201 (19) (b) 9, F.S.). It is also noted that the Sanford Airport Authority has requested that Sun Rail connect to the Orlando Sanford International Airport in the future. d. The project will be served by locally available utility services and other "existing public infrastructure ", which will not require on -site potable wells or septic tanks or "the expenditure of public monies ". The only utility not located at the site is gray water, which the applicant will bring to the site. Sylvestri Estates August 21, 2013 (see Sections 187.201 (15) (a) and (b) 1; and Section 187.201 (17) (a) and (b) 1 and (b) 10, F.S.). e. With the surrounding environmental land this project promotes functional uses of the natural systems including walkways and amenity areas and "its' design protects surrounding wetlands ". The proposed use of residential offers much more in the way of protection to the environmentally sensitive areas than any Industrial type use. (see Sections 187.201 (9) (a) and (b) 1, F.S.). 2. The amendment shall be consistent with the all elements of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan. a. The existing land use is Industrial with an Industrial zoning classification. The proposed use is residential with a commercial element along E. Lake Mary Blvd. East and west of this property is Low Density Residential land use designations. Lot sizes and setbacks are consistent with the surrounding area, The commercial frontage along E. Lake Mary Blvd also provides a transition to the public road while maintaining a second use within this proposed PD. This approach is similar to the land use plan used on Lake Mary Blvd. between Country Club Rd, and Rinehart Rd. in the City of Lake Mary, with commercial uses to the north, then low density residential, then suburban estates to the south bordering Soldier's Creek. b. The surrounding environmentally sensitive land creates a natural buffer within the project as well as a separation to the adjacent properties. This community will propose a park like use of the existing environmental areas along with open space and walking paths. The environmentally sensitive areas will also be protected by natural and artificial buffers. c. The urban design element of the project includes a mix of lot sizes which allow the residents to choose from multiple product types. Walking trails and open space complement the uses of the property and access to commercial areas on E. Lake Mary Blvd. In addition, a shared amenity area allows the residents to enjoy time using the covered pavilions or a community pool. d. The proposed project meets requirements for Policy 1 -1.2.2 for a Low Density Residential district. This density is compatible with the adjacent residential districts and allows the community to use the same public facilities. The applicant will provide documentation required by the planning director supporting the need for additional residential lots in the City of Sanford. The project also meets Objective 1 -1.3 which relates to the allocation of commercial land uses as set forth below. e. To show consistency with Objective 1 -1.3, the proposed project applicant will address the following Comp Plan Policy considerations: 1. Trip generation characteristics, impact on existing and planned transportation facilities and ability to achieve a functional internal circulation and off - street parking system, with landscaping amenities; The 2 Sylvestri Estates August 21, 2013 applicant will demonstrate internal circulation on the PD Master Plan, later to be supported by a traffic study. Schedule Q, Section 2.0, Part A requires a traffic analysis to show existing circumstances and the impacts of the project on the system. At this point concerning traffic impacts, the applicant would state that the residential element normally will produce less trips than the existing Industrial land use and that E. Lake Mary Blvd. is performing at an exceptional level of service. Therefore, the request is that the applicant would provide a traffic study which will provide the actual traffic numbers prior to permitting. Landscaping amenities are shown on the PD Master Plan. 2. Location and site requirements based on specific needs of respective commercial activities, their market area, and anticipated employment generation and floor area requirements; At this point there are no actual users for the proposed commercial property, so any information provided would be highly speculative. The commercial lots are large and deep, providing for large building sites capable of accommodating most general commercial uses, while providing sufficient separation from the adjoining residential community to the south. 3. Compatibility with and impact on other surrounding commercial activities; The proposed general commercial uses will be compatible with and have nominal impact on surrounding commercial activities based upon the intensity and type of existing uses. 4. Relationship to surrounding land uses and natural systems; As previously stated, the commercial property is surrounded by low density residential to the south and east, and the residential portion of the project is buffered by natural wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas from adjoining properties. The commercial property adjoins a restaurant supplier industrial type use on the west. 5. Impact on existing and planned community services and utilities, This project meets Policy 1- 1.1.10 and Policy 1- 1.1.11 because the City has existing facilities and capacities in place sufficient for both land use elements of this project, and the applicant will agree to provide gray water to the site, The reclaim main is of sufficient size for the project. The following information is provided for purposes of Schedule Q, Section 2.0, Part B: LOS standard Project Demand Facility Capacity Potable Water: 144 gal/capita/day 131.600 gals/day 10.51 MGD Sanitary Sewer: 132 gal/capita/day 112,800 gals/day 7.3 MGD Solid Waste: 2.46 Ibslcapitalday 2,312 Ibslday 21.5 million tons Policy 1 -1.3.2 requires that commercial development shall be "concentrated in strategically located areas having location characteristics which best accommodate specific land, site, public facilities and market location requirements of the respective commercial uses," As stated above, the property as proposed is laid out similarly to the area south of Lake Mary Blvd. in the City of Lake Mary, which is recognized for good planning practices. All public facilities are available and with capacity (with the exception of gray water). If approved, the commercial development would serve this project, Brisson East and Brisson West, Sylvestri Estates August 21, 2013 residential land uses previously approved by Seminole County, and existing residential in the area. The Seminole Way study calls for residential up to 50 DU in the vicinity of the Orlando Sanford International Airport to provide employee housing, therefore, at such time as that need arises and other land is entitled, this project would provide services to those residents also. 3. Public facilities and services shall be available concurrent with development of the site. a, This project will utilize many public services, all of which are available at the site except gray water. The reclaim main is sufficient to serve this project. Potable water and sanitary sewer will be provided by the City of Sanford. (see prior Comp Plan Policy references) b. Police, fire and emergency services will be serviced by the local providers and will have adequate access to the property including multiple points of entry, both gated and ungated access, and compliant roadway widths. c. Schools are also provided for and a concurrency application has been filed and a SCALD letter has been issued to the applicant. Schools for this development will include Pine Crest Elementary, Sanford Middle and Seminole High School. 4. There have been sufficient changes in the character of the area or adjacent lands to warrant a different land use designation. a. The area lying south of the Orlando Sanford International Airport between Sanford Ave. and Cameron Ave. has been a largely rural area with industrial land use existing in the former Silver Lake area for over 20 years. Tourism in Central Florida created SR 417, which connected Sanford with the tourist attractions and Disney. When the airport expanded into a commercial service airport in 1996 due to proximity to SR 417, the area began a major transformation with local transportation and utility improvements, noise related and future development acquisitions by the airport, and over 2,000 acres placed into a new AIC land use which allows high density residential, commercial and industrial uses. Even with this new infrastructure, the industrial land use in the Silver Lake area has not taken hold. A recent economic analysis by Seminole County filed with the 3430 Cameron application for a new county park suggested the county could not determine when the existing A1C land use would develop around the airport. Industrial development in the Silver Lake area has not materialized and is in competition with the AIC land use. b. Policy 1- 2.11.1 creates a continuing obligation to analyze changes in population and land use as indicators of the need for land use changes. With Florida nearing the end of the recession, new residents are once again moving into Florida (1% population increase in 2012 per the University of Florida). The applicant will provide evidence of the need for residential lots for builders in the City of Sanford. c. Except at the northwest frontage along E. Lake Mary Blvd., the adjacent properties to the east and west are designated as Low Density 4 Sylvestri Estates August 21, 2013 Residential. The property to the south lying in Seminole County is suburban estates (1 DU). The subject property is adjacent and upland to wetlands, and also proximate to environmentally sensitive areas throughout the area north of Lake Jesup. The City and Seminole County have entered into an interlocal agreement which, among other things, seeks to protect the wetlands and environmentally sensitive areas south of Pine Way Ave. by limiting intensity to 1 DU, which is the southern boundary of this property. Policy 1- 1.1.14 states the `open space" minimum requirements as 20% for industrial and 50% for residential. The residential land use would provide more open space and reduce the chances of ecological damage to the wetlands and environmentally sensitive areas adjacent to and south of the site. It is common knowledge that the properties north of Lake Jesup all drain generally to the south to the lake. e. Policy 5 -1.4.1 seeks to protect "wetland transition areas ". The applicant is analyzing the wetlands adjacent to the site to determine if all or any part of the project would or should be considered "wetland transitional areas" under this Comp Plan Policy. If so, Policy 5 -1.4.1 would prohibit such areas from being used for industrial purposes. f. Access to the property through E. Lake Mary Blvd has been improved for public use. Sidewalks and connecting roads have been provided for use by the communities that border E. Lake Mary Blvd. Policy 1 -2.3.2 creates a priority for utilizing and developing several industrial areas of the City, and specifically relevant to this request, the Silver Lake and Orlando Sanford International Airport areas. These areas are adjacent to each other and generally form a large area to the east, south and southwest of the airport. The City currently has over 2,000 acres of undeveloped AIC property around the airport representing over 20% of the City. The City also has over 3,000 acres of AIC and Industrial property which represents almost 25% of the undeveloped property in the City. h. The applicant would argue that: 1) there is no current demand and Industrial vacancy rates are high, and there has not been a demand for Industrial land in the Silver Lake area for almost 20 years, 2) the areas between Sanford Ave. and Cameron Ave. south of the airport are rural in nature and environmentally sensitive, and a Low Density Residential use would have much less impacts than an Industrial use, especially on this site, 3) the City already has a substantial amount of land area set aside for the AIC land use (which allows industrial uses) north of Lake Mary Blvd. and east of the airport, and 4) the AIC areas provide more appropriate areas for industrial type uses because the Low Density Residential land use south of the airport is a buffer to the environmentally sensitive areas north of Lake Jesup.. The future land uses for the properties to the south, east and west of the site have not changed since this policy was adopted. Sylvestri Estates August 21, 2013 The proposed future land use designation and its allowable uses are compatible with surrounding land use designations and with the preferred growth and development pattern of the City as evidenced by land use policies in the Camp Plan. This amendment will not significantly alter acceptable existing land use patterns or adversely affect the livability of the area or the health and safety of the residents. a. This application proposes single family homes and commercial uses. The commercial uses front E. Lake Mary Blvd. This frontage will promote commercial applications that will serve the local communities and airport property. Behind the commercial uses will be the narrower of the two single family lot types. South and east of the narrower lots will the larger lots. The residential lot types and commercial uses are consistent with the properties east, south and west of the proposed development. c. With regard to transitional land use versus buffering, both of which are allowed under Policy 1- 1.1.4, the applicant would suggest that it is not feasible to place an ROI land use to buffer between the commercial and residential areas. This land use would allow between 0 -40% of the site to be in high density residential (20 DU) and between 60 -100% in commercial /office. There is no market demand for either at this time, which makes it economically not feasible to apply Policy 1 -1.3.3 to this project to create more ROL Adequate provision for the ROI land use was required to be included in the Camp Plan initially. The applicant is unaware of any need for additional ROI land use in the City at this time. The commercial tracts proposed are large and deep (375 feet) and will have adequate room to buffer the residential in the ways allowed under the Camp Plan. d. Even though E. Lake Mary Blvd. is a major thoroughfare, applying Policy 1 -2.1.1 in a rural area to require high density residential to be located at this site would be incompatible with adjacent low density residential to the east and west, and even more so as to the suburban estates (1 DU) on the south property line, even though there would be separation. e. E. Lake Mary Blvd. is not listed as one of the three roads upon which new retail commercial development is discouraged by Policy 1- 2.2.2. With the widening of SR 415 to four lanes to accommodate commuters, beach traffic and tourists, the need for commercial services along E. Lake Mary Blvd. seems to be warranted, as more and more travelers take advantage of this road system. Seminole County is adding a county park less than 2 miles from the project, which again will provide demand for commercial services. f. The applicant supports the Seminole Way vision for the commercial portion of the development. g. This project meets the requirements of Policy 1 -2,6.4 by providing internal connectivity and access to an existing bike and sidewalk system on E. 9 Sylvestri Estates August 21, 2013 Lake Mary Blvd., which will connect to a proposed new county park less than 2 miles away. 6. The capability of the land to support development allowed under the proposed future land use designation as evidenced by the presence or absence on the site of soil types suitable for development, vegetative habitats, wetlands, wetland protection zones or flood -prone areas, well field protection zones, wildlife habitats, archeological, historical or cultural resources. a. The existing land use classification is Industrial. Industrial land use supports a number of uses including commercial, light manufacturing, heavy manufacturing and storage. These uses tend to be more adverse to the environment than the proposed use. b. The site is surrounded by wetlands and conservation areas. These areas will be protected by setback distances and natural buffers. These wetlands will also be used by the residents of the community as amenities. c. Flood zones are also relative to this development. Adequate protection from flooding will be provided as required by the local jurisdictions. d. A Threatened and Endangered Species report, archeological and historical survey will be considered during construction plan review and permitting with the local and state agencies. 7. The proposed amendment will create a demonstrated benefit to the City and enhance the character of the community. a. The proposed development includes a mix of residential and commercial uses. The residential uses will also provide a mix of housing types. With the mix of uses and housing types a diverse community will be developed and will utilize multiple city services within the area. The easy access to SR 417 will provide housing opportunities for those hoping to avoid 1 -4 to commute. Since the surrounding areas are either developed as residential or permitted for construction this community will add another compatible residential element. c. Leaving the property as Industrial would put residential immediately adjacent to Industrial development in violation of the Comp Plan (see Policy 1- 1.4.1). d. The proposed use offers more open space, is less intense than Industrial, will result in less traffic and less impacts to the environment. e. The services and infrastructure are in place to support this land use (see Policy 1- 1.1.10 and 1- 1.1.11). f. Keeping the existing land use as Industrial could violate the Policy 5 -1.4.1 by allowing industrial in a "wetland transition area ". 7 Sylvestri Estates August 21, 2013 8. If the amendment increases the density or intensity of use, the applicant shall demonstrate that there is a need for the increase in the near planning future (10 years). a. This project proposes an increase in the number of residential units and a decrease in industrial development and in impacts on transportation, water, sanitary sewer and irrigation in the City. With the changes to the surrounding area including an expanded airport, improved road network and demand for residential housing this project offers a mixed product type that will attract buyers. The last 6 years has been a downturn which afforded many homeowners to either sell or vacate their existing homes. Most of these foreclosed homes have been repurchased from the banks through sales and auctions. Per the City of Sanford Housing Element 12,103 new housing units would be required prior to 2025. Low density potential units show a need in this type of housing which this project can provide. Adding approximately 377 units to the housing element will meet the city's need for additional housing demands. N HUTCH SON, MAMELE & COOVER, P.A. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW WILLIAM C. HUTCHISON. JR. (1928.1991) RICHARD L. MAMELE STEPHEN H, COOVER *E30AROCEA-nF03 MARITAL & FAMILY LAW * SUPREME COURT CERTIFIED MEDIATOR * COLLABORATIVE PRACTICE Russell L, Gibson, AICP Director of Planning City of Sanford 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL, 32771 Dear Russ: BARK-FULTON EIU1LOING, 230 NORTH PARK AVENUE POST OFFICE E30X 1149 SANFORD. FLORIDA 32772 -1 149 (407) 322-4051 October 16, 2013 FAX (407) 330-0088 RE: Silvestri Estates VIA M ND DELIVERY At this time I am hand delivering some additional documentation to support our request in the above matter. After you review these items, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. We are very anxious to get the process underway, so please let me know when we will be going before the City Planning & Zoning Commission. The items we had prepared for your review and consideration are as follows: 1) Memorandum Report on Single Family Demand/Supply Trends by Charles Wayne Consulting, Inc. (the "Report"); and 2) Letter Concerning Application of Comp Plan Policy 5 -1.4.1 (Protect Wetland Transition Areas) to Silvestri by Bio-Tech Consulting Inc. (the "Letter"). The Report was prepared at your request to address the most current state of the single family housing market in our area. We feet that the Report clearly sets forth that there is no inventory of middle income housing in the Sanford submarket at this time. This finding in the Report supports our contention in our Justification Statement that this project meets a state law mandate for the City to provide middle income housing. The Letter was prepared to address an issue which we raised in our Justification Statement concerning Policy 5-1.4.1 of the Comp Plan when applied to this site. The Letter raises significant issues about the propriety of the City allowing industrial development in wetland transition areas on this site. We believe that the Report and the Letter provide strong evidence for the City staff to support a land use change on this site, Thatik yarn for your time and consideration of our request. Very truly Yours, - St lien H. Coover SlIC/111ji. Enclosures Page 7 of 2 MEMORANDUM REPORT. EXAMINATION OF SINGLE-FAMILY DEMAND/SUPPLYTRENDS FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF SILVESTRI ESTATES LOCATION: SANFORD, FLORIDA PREPARED FOR: SAFARI INVESTMENTS LLC DATE: OCTOBER 14,2013 2300 MAITLAND CROIR PARKWAY SUP E 212 MAITLAND, FL 32751 OFFICE 407-660 0186 MX 40/ 660 �053 TO: MR. WILLIAM BARFIELD SAFARI INVESTMENTS, LLC FROM: JAMES LEWIS SUBJECT: EXAMINATION OF SINGLE- FAMILY DEMAND /SUPPLY TRENDS FOR PROPOSED SILVESTRI ESTATES, SAN.FORD, FLORIDA INTRODUCTION Charles Wayne Consulting, Inc. (CWC) is submitting this memorandum report summarizing findings and conclusions relative to examination of single - family demand and supply trends relative to proposed development of Silvestri Estates, located in Sanford, Florida. This effort has been initiated in order to determine the need for additional single- family product within the Sanford /Lake Mary submarket. This effort and memorandum report does not constitute a fiill market analysis, product and pricing recommendations, nor projected sales pace of units on -site, but rather has been designed to evaluate the adequacy of existing and planned single - fancily inventory within the Sanford/Lake Mary submarket over the next 3 -5 year period. In order to accomplish this objective, CWC has undertaken the following research tasks: ® Examination of the subject site and proposed site playa relative to locational features and surrounding environment. Examination of projected population and household growth as a backgrorurd for near - term housing demand within Seminole County. Examination of historical single - family demand patterns specifically within the Sanford/Lake Mary submarket as revealed by new home closings activity, ® Examination of historical trends in developed lot inventory within the Sanford/Lake Mary submarket and characteristics of that inventory, ® Examination of the current competitive envirorunent, e Identification of proposed development within the submarket. This examination utilizes third -party data for population/household projections, but relies extensively on housing research provided by RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORTS for Orlando (RMR). This research has been updated and compiled quarterly by CWC since 1982, and currently encompasses monitoring of over 600 production single- family projects located within the Greater Orlando market area .(CWC also tracks 170 multi- fannily for -sale comnnunities and 660 rental apartment communities). This research provides detailed product and performance characteristics of each new home project focusing on product, pricing, construction starts, development status, lot inventory and closings (see Exhibit 15 for project profiles). In addition, RMR summarizes project data into regional and submarket trends for each of the 19 submarkets within Greater Orlando. One of these subrnarkets is comprised of the Sanford/LaIce Mary area as depicted in Exhibit 1 (Submarket A). POPULATION AND HOUSEHOLD TRENDS The market potential for any residential development is largely determined by the overall economic environment of the region and subregional areas in combination with attributes of the specific location. Key among these regional trends is the change in population and household formation and its composition; new households equate to demand for new housing. In addition, the normal aging and movement of the existing population base through normal life cycles create changes in housing needs overtime and therefore demand for new and different housing options as well. Exhibits 2 through 7 sun- imarize population and household trends for Seminole County. These figures are compiled hom data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau and the University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research. As shown, Seminole County's population stood at a total of 428,100 as of rnnid 2012, having flattened out during the recession years between 2007 and 2011. Between 2011 and 2012, the County resumed its growth path, adding 3,500 new residents during the year. In the years leading up to the start of tine recession, 2000 to 2007, the County experienced average annual population growth of 7,700 persons. Population projections for Seminole County over the next five years are provided in Exhibits 4 & 5. Resumption of growth trends within the region and within the County is projected, with annual population growth estimated at 5,100 persons by the year 2017. Population growth translates into household growth, which is the entity that drives housing demand. As shown in Exhibits 6 & 7, the total number of households living within Seminole County is projected to reach just under 175,000 by 2017, an increase of 8,600 new households over the next five years. These households will find their way into a variety of housing types. Based on historical patterns, that new housing demand is projected to consist of the following: Single - Family Housing 47% 4,050 Multi - Family For -Sale Housing 22% 1,850 Multi - Fancily Rental Apartments 31% 2.700 Total 100% 8,600 When adjusted for normal vacancy patterns (5 %), second home occupancy (4 %) and replacement of existing dilapidated housing (2% of housing stock), total new housing demand over the next five years is projected at a total of 12,900 units, with an estimated 6,100 of those being single - family product. SUBMAR)iCET SINGLE-FAMILY TRENDS Single- family demand patterns within the Sanford /Lake Mary submarket are best measured by actual closings activity within active new home communities over tinge. Exhibit 8 srirrrmarizes historical closings activity for Metro Orlando, Seminole County and the Sanford /Lake Mary submarkets; Exhibit 9 graphically displays that trend specifically for the Sanford/Lake Mary submarket. These data encompass only those recorded closings for new production single - family homes Iocated within communities monitored by RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORTS for Orlando. As a result, these data do not include closings for custom single - fancily homes, multi- family fox -sale product (townhomes) nor closings within communities of 14 or fewer lots. Key findings and conclusions from these historical data include; ® Production single - fancily activity for Metro Orlando peaked in 2005, with just under 20,000 new homes closed during the year. ® Seminole County historically has captured 9% - 14% of the total production single - family market. Recent years have seen market shave for Seminole County decline to a level of 2.9% in 2013. The Sanford /Lake Mary submarket has historically captured 5% - 7% of the total Metro Orlando market, and 50% to 60% of the Seminole County market. Recent years have seen market share for the Sanford/Lake Mary submarket also phinumet, falling to 0.6% of the Metro Orlando total and to 20% of the Seminole County market. The decline in market capture by both Seminole County as a whole and specifically the Sanford/Lake Mary submarket does not reflect diminished demand for new housing within these areas, but rather the lack of availability of new mousing there. This is clearly revealed in Exhibit 10, which identifies the number of new production single - family home communities in which new homes are available for purchase. Historically, new home consumers have had an abundant selection of new home choices. That is still the case within Metro Orlando overall, with 405 choices at mid -year 2013; however, choice and availability of new home options have been greatly diminished within both Seminole County as a whole and within the Sanford /Lake Mary submarket. Whereas in past years homebuyers grave been offered 20+ new single- family alternatives in a variety of locations and price - ranges within the submarket, that choice today has been greatly diminished. As shown in Exhibit 11, all active and recently closed production single- family communities within the Sanford/Lake Mary submarket are identified. Of the 9 communities identified as still active (have new hornes for sale), all but two are priced at $400,000 or above, with some homes reaching in excess of $1 million. This reveals the near absence of any moderately- priced single- family options available within the Sanford /Lake Mary submarket today. SINGLE - FAMILY LOT INVENTORY The availability today of vacant developed lots (VDL) within Seminole County and the Saaford/Lake Mary submarket generally tracks patterns seen previously relative to closings and new home community options. As shown in Exhibits 12 & 13, the number of finished single - family lots available to the area's production home builders has declined markedly over the last several years, falling from a consistent inventory of 1,000 -1,100 developed lots to a low of 83 at the end of 2012. Recent new development of four communities have increased that inventory to near 300; however, as noted previously, that inventory is available primarily in communities offering up -scale pricing, and in most cases that inventory is located west of Interstate 4 (see Exhibit 15 project profiles). An inventory of developed lots suitable for moderately priced single - family homes is currently non- existent within the Sanford /Lake Mary submarket. COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT As noted previously and revealed in Exhibits 11 & 14, there is currently an extremely limited number of new single-family home communities actively marketing within the Sanford /Lake Mary submarket. As of mid 2013, only 9 single - family new home communities offered homes for -sale. These include: As shown, most of these communities are priced starting; at $400,000, increasing to $800,000-x-. All but one of these communities are located west of Interstate 4. There is currently virtually no available single - family choices east of Interstate 4 with a moderate price range of $200,000 - $325,000. New home buyers seeking moderately priced homes within the Sanford /Lake Mary subanarket rniust look elsewhere. Currently the nearest that those options can be found is in Southwest Volusia County, Northeast Orange County (Apopka area) and Southeast Seminole County (where availability is also quite limited), 4 Lot Vacant Home Community.. Builder Width Lots Price Coventry at Heathrow Taylor Morrison 60 75 $400,000+ Reserves at Alaqua Standard Pacific 50 44 $500,000+ Southwoods Taylor Morrison 90 0 $450,000+ Wekiva Park M11 Homes 110 0 $446,000+ -Bella Foresta Taylor Morrison 140 8 $600,000+ Enclave at Tuscany City Homes 70 10 $320,000+ Acuera Surrey Homes 120 30 $585,000+ Estates at Pearl Lake Taylor Morrison 75 76 $410,000+ Versailles M/I Homes 70 48 $344,000+ As shown, most of these communities are priced starting; at $400,000, increasing to $800,000-x-. All but one of these communities are located west of Interstate 4. There is currently virtually no available single - family choices east of Interstate 4 with a moderate price range of $200,000 - $325,000. New home buyers seeking moderately priced homes within the Sanford /Lake Mary subanarket rniust look elsewhere. Currently the nearest that those options can be found is in Southwest Volusia County, Northeast Orange County (Apopka area) and Southeast Seminole County (where availability is also quite limited), 4 The absence of new moderately priced single- family homes within the SanfordlLalce Mazy submarket is a recent phenomenon, occurring only recently. historically, this submarket has been characterized by numerous new home choices, multiple builders 'and various locations. Within the past three years, this has included: CoMM ruts Name Builder Total Lots Hidden Creek Reserve D.R. Horton 23 Lake Jessup Woods Meritage 116 Sterling Meadows Centex 209 Celery Estates Lennar 127 Banyan Pointe Ashton Woods 33 Tusca Place Horton/Mercedes 98 Total Brisson West 606 All of the above coninrunities have since sold -out and built -out, No replacement communities or lot inventory have come on- line'to replace those that have built -out. 214.5 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT The Sanford/Lake Mary submarket has had a limited dumber of single- family developments proposed, with most of them having been in planning for 5 — 7 years. These include the following: In total, these 6 communities will encompass a total of 1,361 single- family lots at build -out. Of these, only Silverleaf Park is currently under development, with sales and home construction scheduled for Q4 -2013. The remaining five corrununities are in various stages of planning and permitting. Key observations relative to these five communities include the following: Brisson East, Brisson West and Silvestri Estates share proximate locations with similar positive features relative to access, visibility and proximity to area employment centers and resident services. 5 Number of Single-Family Develo -nment Name Acreage Lots Silverleaf Park 28.3 114 Cameron Heights Phase 1 73.9 228 Lake Jessup Estates 36.6 24 Brisson East 60.4 243 Brisson West 128.6 375 Silvestri Estates 214.5 377 Total 1,361 In total, these 6 communities will encompass a total of 1,361 single- family lots at build -out. Of these, only Silverleaf Park is currently under development, with sales and home construction scheduled for Q4 -2013. The remaining five corrununities are in various stages of planning and permitting. Key observations relative to these five communities include the following: Brisson East, Brisson West and Silvestri Estates share proximate locations with similar positive features relative to access, visibility and proximity to area employment centers and resident services. 5 ® Brisson East and Brisson West, with a combined 618 lots, encompass 210 40' wide single - family lots, 390 60' lots and only a handful of the larger 75' wide lots. + Silvestri Estates is planned to encompass a mix of larger Iots, including 174 75' wide lots together with 203 50' wide lots. Cameron Heights phase I is proposed for 228 lots. Its location north of SR 46 is judged inferior relative to locational attributes, including being less accessible to employment centers of Lake Mary, Altamonte Springs and Maitland. ® Development of these five conrnnunities together with their mix of lot sizes, product offering, pricing, and multiple builders, will help to reintroduce new housing choices that are now absent from this Sarrford/Lake Mary submarket. CONCLUSIONS The Sanford /Lake Mary submarket has demonstrated historically its ability to capture a 5% - 7% share of single- family housing demand within Metro Orlando, and 50% - 60% of the overall Seminole County market. That capture rate has declined substantially over the last few years, not due to diminished desirability to be there, but due instead to the diminished and now non. - existent availability of new single - family home options within the area, particularly in the more moderate price- ranges. The current absence of new home conununities within this submarket compels homebuyers to look elsewhere and in locations that offer less convenience and proximity to employment destinations and services. The diminished availability of new housing options is characteristic of most areas of Seminole County and its municipalities. This is due primarily to the historical success in new home development which has left few remaining areas for new home construction. As a result, new home construction has shifted into Osceola County, southeast and southwest Orange County and into southeast Lake County. Those housing choices are not responsive to housing demand projected to occur within Seminole County nor the Sanford/Lake Mary submarket. Seminole County is projected to witness demand for an additional 6,100 new single - family housing units over the next five years. The Sanford/Lake Mary submarket is positioned to continue to capture 50% - 60% of that demand, assuming adequate new housing inventory and choice is made available. The East Lake Mary Boulevard corridor, being one of the last remaining areas suitable for residential community development within the County, is poised to respond to that demand, particularly the large moderately priced segment of that market. The three planned developments along the East Lake Mary Boulevard corridor (Brisson East, Brisson West and Silvestri Estates) together with Cameron. Heights contain a combined 1,223 lots. While this appears to be a substantial number, it represents an inventory that will be responsive only to short -term demand and will prove to be inadequate in the mid and long - term. The East Lake Mary corridor has the potential to replicate community development patterns seen along such corridors as South AIafaya Trail, Avalon Park Blvd, Red Bug Lake Rd, or Lockwood 6 Blvd. and therefore the potential to capture 2,000 -- 2,500 single - family households over the next five years. The four planned communities identified above contain a mix of lot sizes, will offer a selection of builders and variety of product and pricing which will be capable of responding to the diversity of housing demand that may be expected. Brisson East and Brisson West are planned to encompass just over 600 single - family lots; these are heavily oriented toward small 40' wide lots (34 %) and 60' wide lots (63 %) with only a limited number of the larger 75' wide lots (3 %). In contrast, Silvestri Estates is planned for, a mix of 174 75'wide lots and 203 50' wide lots. The 50' wide lot is the most common lot size within the Metro Orlando market, constituting 45% of all new production single- family homes sold; the second most common lots size is 70' wide. As a result, Silvestri Estates will bring to this submarket a mix of the most popular lot sizes, and a mix that will not be available within any of the other area planned communities. Taken together, these communities will be complimentary, providing new home consumers with a variety of choices currently unavailable. Importantly, the three East Lake Mary Boulevard communities will redefine the area, establish an image and create a destination that currently does not exist. These communities will create a gateway to the area, likely spawning additional new communities within this corridor in the future. Yi 4mn SOURCE: ChofI05 Wayne CongAGre, 41C, Yi 450.00 425,00 400.00 375.00 350.00 325M 300.00 275.0:0 250.00 B{' .' N CD 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 rH 1H r-q CCU 0 C CD C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD C) N CN M Annual Population SOURCE: V.S, cmvs eweju: UF, 8veau 01 Ecowonic & 6u nose R - warch„ Chjde Wayne ConsultinE, inc mom ormloro- 0 0 c-1 ci 20-zooz zo-ll'ooz 450,000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2.017 SOURCL U,S, Census Bureau; UF, Bureau Of ECOnDMIC & Business Research; r1orida Office of Economic & Demoaraphic Research om am mm mm om om 2010-11 201142 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau; UK, Bureau of EaanOnliC & Dusinm Research; Charles Wayne Constjlfrne, Irc, 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 20'15 2016 2017 $OURCC; Q.S. UnSUS Pweml; FlorWa OffiCe of Economic & Demographic Research; Charles Wayne ConsultniF, Inc. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 CIA cq IN, cc -1 0 (NJ w Lea i I 0 04 I 0 1/ Encompasses Seminole, Orange, Osceola, Lake, NE Polk and SW V0lUSla COU11008, 21 Annual `l (1hrough June 30 for 2013) S0UfGe: ChadGIS WayfiO C011SUlling, MG.; RESIDENTIAL MARKEI REPORI-S of 00ando. ORLANDOi SEMINOLE COUNTY SANFORD I LAKE MARY YEAR2 METRO TOTAL TOTAL % CAPTURE, TOTAL % CAPTURE 2001 11,228 1,557 119% 805 7.2% 2002 12,987 1,211 9.3 % 600 4,6% 2003 14,673 1,572 10.7% 739 5.0% 2004 17,197 1,847 10,7% 1,034 6.0% 2005 19,958 1,764 8,8% 1,037 5.2% 2006 16,632 987 .5.9% 686 3.5% 2007 10,096 645 6.4 %® 317 3.1% 2008 4,888 333 6.8% 130 23% 2009 3,250 167 5.1% 78 2.4% 2010 3,152 23,4 7.4% 62 2.0% 2011 3,140 262 5.3% 112 3.6'% 2012 4,458 289, 6.5% 99 2.2% 20132 6,530 160 2.9% 31 0.6% 1/ Encompasses Seminole, Orange, Osceola, Lake, NE Polk and SW V0lUSla COU11008, 21 Annual `l (1hrough June 30 for 2013) S0UfGe: ChadGIS WayfiO C011SUlling, MG.; RESIDENTIAL MARKEI REPORI-S of 00ando. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C"D C%j r-i 0 C. 00 11" w 1.0 qzi- (Y) CIN] V-1 (Y) V-4 C) 0 N V-1 r-I 0 rq 0 r-i 0 0 0 rq 00 0 0 QD IF 0 41 r 0 0 0 z 0 0 N (Y) 0 l/ Encompasses Seminole, Orange, Osceola, Lake, NE Polk and SW VOIUSfa Counties, 2/ AMILWITOW1 (through June 30 for 2013) 31 As of end of year (Q2 for 2013) Source: U)Mas Wayne Consuffing, Inc.' „' RUSIOLNTIAL MARKE"T REPORTS of Orlando. ORLANDOi SEMINOLE COUNTY SANFORD LAKE MARY YEAR3 mr=TRO TOTAL 0 T -AL % METRO ToTAL % METRO 2001 463 45 9.7% 23 6.0% 2002 456 50 ito% 26 6J% 2.003 368 38 10-31% 22 6.0% 2.004 219 22 10.1% 14 6.4% 2005 287 18 6'.3% 13 4.5% 2006 391 22 5.6% 10 2,6% 2007 402 27 6.7% 11 2.7% 2008 339 19 5.6% 6 2009 280 16 5.7% 5 1.8% 2010 314 19 6.1' % 7 22% 2011 324 25 7J% 11 3,4% 2012 368 20 5k% 7 2.0% 20132 405 21 5.2% 9 2.2% l/ Encompasses Seminole, Orange, Osceola, Lake, NE Polk and SW VOIUSfa Counties, 2/ AMILWITOW1 (through June 30 for 2013) 31 As of end of year (Q2 for 2013) Source: U)Mas Wayne Consuffing, Inc.' „' RUSIOLNTIAL MARKE"T REPORTS of Orlando. SLENTOff Of FlrojecPle6wrinance map Stalus,, ProjectName Builder Key ,6,011 X A(,',-f Covam'Lry rc Hcalhrolv 7bylor 04orrison A-02573 ACT rlemve atAlaqua st.nndardl Padfic P,-03✓ G ACT Soutnv,,00ds 'Paylor iviorrison /�,105C ACT Wal(va Parldi'vill lvfl Honl �s A-1 G LS r-Ndclen Creek Reserve D R XoAon A 1433 CLS Tuscai P�aca/Horton D R Horion A -151 CLS Islard Club 1bylor MiorrVsor) A -153 AM Bella. t-oreVarr,,,)aIor Taylor lvionison A-.1 55 ACT E incigive a L -Cusceav Uty Homes A -155 ACT Acuara Surrey Homes are -15 "7 CLS Be112 TUSCally -CaylorMordswi A-1 6 1, ACT Estates as Pearl Lake TbybrMorrison ,11,162 ACT Versailles IQ Homas Lot Lot Starts Starts Closings ClosIngs Price (000) Price (000) Width' Depth 2ndf,'. 2012- 2nd 2013 2nd t 2013 QTR YTD QTKI YT D QTR Y 60 120 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 55 125 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 90 100 0 1 0 1 C.0 565.0 220 2 6 3 524.6 � 6,2 100 150 0 0 1 285.0 285.0 60 1110 0 0 0 2 0.0 171.1 60 110 0 0 0 0 0.6 0.01 140 310 7 '14 el 10 792.5 762,3 70 120 5 111 4 7 3511.5 34, 7.8 120 200 3 3 1 3 80 130 0 0 2 3 4,28.00 4,21.9 75 130, 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 70 120 '12 1 b 0 fj U 0.0 I/ Encompasses Seminole, Orange, Osceola, Lake, NE Palk Ind SW VOILIsia Counties. 21 AnnUal total (through June 30 for 20,13) 3/ As of end of year (Q2 for 2013) Source: Chafles Wayne Consulting, Inc.; RESIDENTIAL MARK ET R E-PORTS of Oflando. ORLAND01 SEMINOLE COUNTY SANFORD LAKE MARY YEAR3 ME-YRO TOTAL f+ L m -r-. T R o TOTAL % METRO 2.001 19,338 1,,975 10.2% 1,049 6.4% 2002 19,495 1,821 93% 1,106 63% 2003 201,283 1,699 8,4% 1,119 5,6% 2004 18,507 1,671 9,0% 1,020 5.5% 2005 20,068 817 4,1% 694 3.5,% 2006 26,411 1,146 4.3% 424 1.6 %a 2007 28,619 1,006 3.5% 313 1.1% 2008 27,094 706 2..6% 217 0,8% 2009 27,134 555 2,1% 159 0.6% 2010 29,593 439 1.5% 166 0.6% 2011 28,565 531 1.9 % 165 0,6% 2012 27,500 411 1.5% 83 0.3% 20132 26,989 571 2A% 291 1A% I/ Encompasses Seminole, Orange, Osceola, Lake, NE Palk Ind SW VOILIsia Counties. 21 AnnUal total (through June 30 for 20,13) 3/ As of end of year (Q2 for 2013) Source: Chafles Wayne Consulting, Inc.; RESIDENTIAL MARK ET R E-PORTS of Oflando. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oo Gws .0 C) C) C) C") C) C) cp C.; ) -ONI > c C) C) C) co CD CD (0 Cf.) o o c) o to o (D 0 (Y) C) C) D 'D CD, c) D m — 0 B, > LO 04 C") W CO CO 10 (0 CC) fj) 0 (0 c"I co 11) 2 (0 0 raj co c C N C r - 0 0 U) 2 n ro C) c1r) Qj a tO S) 0 0 Cl) 123 a (N (14 CC,, CCR) Coo C%l 0 C14 ce) (14 LO (D G7 0 C) (D CD C-) 0 co I CD CJ 0 0 a S C) 0 0 Q) W V) ul 0 0 0 Q J cr CK 0) "ll., Q1 W kv -Z) MI 12 jj� 5, (D (1) (1) f!) Chi CIll 10 Luc! J_ tO co V) of (9 cy, rl IT "IT 1; 1", Ic ol: < COMPETITIVE PROJECT PROFILES RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORTS SFP PROFILE PROJECT NAME: Coventry at Heathrow MXD NAME: Heathrow 14AP KEY: A --011H OWNER: Taylor Morrison of Florida, Inc. BUILDER= Taylor Morrison Homes STATUS: AC4'ive CITY: None COUNTY: Seminole S -T -R: 01 -20 -29 DIRECTIONS: I -4 North to SR 46A, West 0.5 miles to Heathrow entrance. LASEFRONT: Yes TENNIS: Yea* PXCNIC /BBQ: 1+10 CLUBHOUSE: Yes* GOLF COURSE: Yes* SWUOUNG POOL: Yes* PLAY FIELD: No TRAIL: N10 CONSERVATION: Yes PLAYGP= /TOT:- NO BASKETBALL; No SECURITY: SG /GHM COY.MENTS: *Heathrow Country Club FLOOR PLANS OFFERED FLOOR PLAN: BEDROOMS; DEN /OTHER: BATHS: AC SQ FT: FLOORS: GARAGE: BASE PRICE: JUL 1, 2012 OCT 1, 2012 JAN 1, 2013 APR 1, 2013 JUL 1, 2013 PRICE /SQ FT: SHRT -TERM RENTAL: POOL INCLUDEDt FURN PKG I14CLD: - _ LONST /STRUCTURE; CB,FR ELEVATION: S ROOF: T CO1*1ENTS: Floor plans and pricing not yet established (7/5/13). }DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY ' TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION STATUS: 045/30/13 GROSS DENSITY LOT SIZE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL UNITS UNITS VACANT _. _, PHASE _ ACRES DU ACRE W X D 6Q FT START DATE LOTS BUIL'C' U.C. LOTS 1. All 32.4 2.3 SO 120 7200 NS 75 0 0 75 _ FUTURE (UNDEVELOPED) 0.0 010 0 '0 0 0 PROJECT T(]TAI. - 32.4 2.3 75 0 0 7,$ COI v4ENTS QUARTERLY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY DATE; 03/31/12 06/30/12 09/30/12 12131/12 03/31/13 06/30/13 09/30/13 ", 12/31/13 UNITS BUILT: 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNITS U.C.: 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOT UNITS BLT OR U,C.: 0 0 0 0 0 0 QUARTERLY S'T'ARTS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR -TO -DATE; 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMMENTS= MONTHLY CLOSINGS N,ONTH: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUt, AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2012 MONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR- TO-DATE: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2013 14ONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR -TA -DATE: 0 0 0 0 0 0 AVE PRICE ($OVO): 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 VOLUME ($000) - 010 0.0 010 0.0 010 0.0 CORMrN`I'S ^ -- -�_� SALES MANAGEMENT COMMENTS SALES BY: Taylor Morrison Homes SALES LOCATION; Off -Site TELEPHONE,, (577) 249 -5168 TIEBSITE- MV.tayloamorrison.com Charles Wayne Consulting, Inc., 2013, All Rights Reserved RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORTS SFP PROFILE .PROJECT NAME; Resexve at Alaqua 14XID NAME: Alaqua MAP KEY: - A -025B OSti''NER: Standard Pacific of Florida BUILDER: Standard Paclfic Homes STATUS: Active CITY: None COULJTY: Seminole S -T -R; 15 -20 ^29 DIRECTIONS: I -4 North to Lake Mary Blvd, W 1,2 miles to Markham hoods Rd, S 0.7 mile to Alagua entrance. LAKEFRONT: No TLNNIS: No PICNIC /BBQ: No CLUBHOUSE: No GOLF COURSE: NO SNIMING FOOL: No PLAY FIELD; No TRAIL: NO CONSERVATION: Yea PLAYGRND /TOT: NO BASKETBALL; No SECURITY: SG,GHM CO%249NTS FLOOR PLANS OFFEREl? FLOOR PLAN: UDROOMS : DEN /OTHER: BATHS: AC SQ FT: FLOORS: GARAGE.`: BASE PRICE: 01UL 1, 2012 OCT 1, 2012 JAN 1, 2013 APR 1, 2013 JUL 1, 2013 PRICE /SQ FT: ' SHRT -TER14 RENTAL: POOL INCLUDED; CURN PHG INCLD: CONST /STRUCTURE: CB,FR ELEVATION: S ROOF: SH COMMRNTS: Floor plans and pricing not yet established (7/10/13), DEVELOPMENT SLMMA.RY . TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION STATUS: 06/30/13 GROSS DENSITY mt SIZE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL UNITS UNITS VACANT -. PHASE ACRES DU ACRE T4 X D .SR VT START DATE _LOTS BUILT U.C. LOTS 1. All 50.1 019 55 125 6875 NS 44 0 0 44 FUTURE (UNDEVELOPED) _ 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0• PROJECT TOTAL $0.1 0.9 44 9 0 99 CO *4CNTS: Acreage includes extensive - conservation area. QUARTERLY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY DATE: 03/31/12 06/30/12 09/30112 12/31/12 03/31113 06/30/13 D9/30/13 12/31113 UNITS BUILT: 0 0 0 0 0 0 U41TS U. C. 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOT UNITS SLT OR U.C.:- 0 0 0 0 0 0 QUARTERLY STARTS: 0 0 0 0 D 0 YEAR -TO -DATE: 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMIENTS; -� �___. ------- - - - - -- ---_ MONTHLY CLOSINGS VONTH: CAN FM 14AR APR MAY JUN "I, AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2012 MONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR -TO -DATE; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2013 MONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAH -TO -DATE: 0 0 0 0 0 0 AVE PRICE ($000): 0.0 0.0 010 0.0 0.0 0.0 VOLUME ($000)1 0.0 010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CONSENTS: =- =_ ---= SALES MANAGEMENT COMMENTS SALES BY; Standard Pacific Homes SALES LOCATION: Off -Site TELEPHONE: (888) 406 -5232 WEBSITE: vrvra. stand ardpacifichomes.com Charles Wayne Consulting, inc., 2013, All Rights Reserved RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORTS SFP PROFILE PROJECT NIOIE: Southwoods MXD NAMRS bake Forest MAP KEY: A -038G MIXER: Taylor Morrison, Inc. BUILDER: Taylor Morrison STATUS: Active CITY: None COUNTY: Seminole S -T -R: 19 -19 -30 DIRECTIONS: X -4 to SR 46, 41 .75 mile to Lake Forest entrance, LAXEFRONT: No TENNXS: Yes' PICNIC /BBQ: Yes* CLUBHOUSES Yes* GOLF COURSE; 1110 SWIt+;h4ING POOLS Yes* PLAY FIELD: Yee* TRAIL: Yes* CONSERVATION: Yes* PLAYGRND /TOT: No BASKETBALL: Yes* SECURITY: SG /GHFS* CO14MENTS: *Lake Forest. FLOOR PLANS OFFERED Courtland FLOOR PLAN; Crestwood II 14onaco Charleston Savannah BEDROOMS 4 4 4 4 S DEN /OTHERr Den /Loft Den /Loft Game BATHS: 4 3 3.5 3.5 3.5 AC 80 FT: 3347 3350 3588 4419 3945 FLOORS: 2 1 2 2 2 GARAGE: 3GA MA DGA 3 G DGA 13ASE PRICE: JM 1, 2012 446995 451995 461995 525995 491995 OCT 1, 2012 N/0 N/0 418995 546995 508995 ' JAN 1, 2013 N/0 N/O 483995 551995 513995 APR 1, 2013 N/O N/0 506495 574495 526495 JUL 1, 2013 N/O N/0 506495 574495 N10 PRICE /SQ FT: 11/0 N/0 141.16 330.01 N/p 617RT -TERM RENTAL: POOL INCLUDED: FURN PKG INCLD: CONST /STRUCTURE: CB, FR ELEVA`FION; S ROOFS T CONSENTS: Only inventory homes available (7/13). DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY -_-- TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION STATUS; 06130/13 GROSS brNsITY —10T SIZE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL UNITS UNITS -VACANT PHASE ACRES DU ACRE T1 X 1] sQ n START DATE LOTS BUILT U.C. TATS 1. Section 9A (Part) * * 90 140 12600 6/10 12 12 0 0 2. Section 9B (Pazt) * * 90 150 13500 5/10 6 6 _ 0 0 3. Section 5A (Part) UK UK 90 150 13500 3112 1 1 0 0 4. Section 13 (Part) UK UK 90 150' 1300 5/12 1 1 0 0 5, Section I$ (Part) UK UK 90 150 13500 7/12 4 4 0 0 FUTURE (UNDEVELOPED) 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 PROJECT TOTAL * * • 24 24 0 0 COM-IENTSr *Section 9A contains 23 lots on 13.2 a0ree (1.7 du /ac). Section 9B Contains 20 lots on 10.3 acres (1.9 du /ac). QUARTERLY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY DATE: 03/31/12 06/30/12 09/30/12 12/31/12 03/31113 06/30/13 09130/13 32/31/13 UNITS BUMS 1B 1B 19 22 23 24 UNITS U.C.: 1 2 3 1 1 0 TOT UNITS 13LT OR U, C, s 19 20 22 23 24 24 OUARTSRLY STARTS: 2 1 2 1 1 0 YEAR -TO -DATE; 2 3 5 6 1 1 COMENTS r MONTHLY CLOSINGS MONTH: JAN FES MAR APR 14AY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2012 XONTHLY CLOSINGS. 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 YEAR -TO -DOT£: 1 1 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 2013 EONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 1 0 0 0 YEAR -TO -DATE: 0 0 1 1 1 1 AVE PRICE ($000): 0,0 0.0 56510 0.0 010 0.0 VOLUME ($000): 0.0 0.0 $65.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 COS w4ENTS : -- -== SALES MANAGEMENT SALES BY: Taylor Morrison SALES LOCATION: Terracina Sales Office TELEPHONES (407) 330 -2267 i4EBSITE: ;r^1. taylormorsisoa.c0:n Charles Wayne Consulting, Inc., 2013, All Rights Reserved COMMENTS ,RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORT'S SFP PROFILE PROJECT NAt46: Wekiva Park /NI 14XD NAMES Wekiva Park MAP KEY: A -105C OWNRR: 14 /I Homes of Orlando, LLC BUILDER: N/1 Homes of Orlando, LLC STATUS: Active CITY: None COUNTYs Seminole S -T -R: 27 -19 -29 DIRECTIONS: I -4 NF. to SR 46, 1•1 4.5 miles to Wekiva Park entrance. LAKEFRONT: No TENNISt Yes PICNIC /BBQ: No CLUBHOUSE: No GOLF COUR92 No SWIPNING POOL; No PLAY FIELns No TRAIL: Yes CONSERVATION: 1110 PLAYGRND /TOT: Yeti BASICETBALLs NO SECURITYt SA /GHU COt4I.1£NTS: FLOOR PLANS OFFERED Gran Vista FLOOR PLAN: Calabria Salerno San Reno Grandview Calabria Brookshire II BEDROOMS: .4 4 4 4 5 5 5 DEN /OTHER: Den Den Den Bonus /Den X]en HATHS: 3 3.5 3 3.5 4 4 4.5 AC SQ FTi 3005 4026 4269 4770 3799 3895 5213 FLOORS: 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 GARAGE: 3GA 40A 3GA 3GA 3GA 3GA 30A BASE PRICES JUL 1, 2012 423990 512990 536990 N/0 476990 478990 N/0 OCT 1, 2012 429990 515990 538990 NIO 480990 483990 NIO JAN 1, 2013 434990 520990 542990 542990 485990 N/O 561990 APR 1, 2013 439990 525990 546990 546990 490990 493990 565990 JUL 1, 2013 445990 531990 552990 S53990 496990 499990 572990 PRICE /SQ FT: 148.42 132.14 129.54 116.14 130.82 128.37 109.92 SHRT -TERM RENTAL; POOL INCLUDED: FM PKG INCLDt CONST /STRUCTURE: CB,FR ELEVATION: S ROOF1 T C07414ENTS : DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION STATUS: 06/30/13 GROSS DENSITY LOT SIZE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL UNITS UNITS VACANT PHASE ACRES AU [ACRE W X D $AFT START DATE TATS BUILT U.C. LOTS 1. Wekiva Park (Part) '' + 110 220 24200 8/06 29 21 8 0 FUTURE (UNDEVELQPED) 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 PROJECT TOTAL - + '" 29 21 8 0 CO101ENTS: *I4ekiva Park contains a total of 107 lots on 104.7 aQ (1.0 du /ac). 78 Tats previously built by U.S. Homes, Waterford Homes, Arlington Homes and custom builders. QUARTERLY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY DATE: 03/31/12 06130/12 09/30/12 12/31/12 03/31/13 06/30/13 09/30/13 12/31/13 UNITS BUILT: 12 13 13 14 1S 21 UNITS U.C.: 1 2 3 9 12 8 TOT UNITS BUT OR U,C.s 13 15 16 23 27 29 QUARTERLY STARTS: 1 2 1 7 4 2 YEAR -TO -DATE: 1 3 4 11 4 6 COZVENTS 1 MONTHLY CLOSINGS MOUTH: .TAN FES 14AR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2012 MONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR-TO -DATE: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2011 MONTHLY CLOSINGS: 1 0 0 0 0 3 YEAR -TO -DATE: 1 .1 1 1 1 4 AVE PRICE ($000) 1 611.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 52415 VOLU14E ($000): 611.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1573.6 ' CO .'•183,1'1.3: _____ =: SALES MANAGEMENT SALES BY: M/I Homes SALES LOCATION: Model On -Site TELEPHONE: (407) 531 -5100 WESSITE: w w.mihomes.com Charles Wayne Consulting, Inc., 2013, All Rights Reserved COMMENTS Sales and construction suspended in 2008; reactivated 10/2011 wit): acquistion of additional lots. __.......,.....__...._... .,......�_.•.. 1111.. �.... ,-« - ��__...^�:a��... RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORTS SVP PROFILE PROJECT NA14E: Hidden Creek Reserve MXD NAME: None MAP KEY: A -131 OWNER: D.R. Horton, Inc. BUILDER: D.R. Horton, Inc. STATUS: Closed CITY: Ilona COUNTY: Seminole S -T -R: 23 -20 -30 DIRECTIONS: I -4 NE to SR 434, E 2.7 miles to CR 427, HE 5.1 miles to Hester Rd, S .3 mile to entrance. LAKEFRONT: No Trt,101St No PICNIC /BHQ: No CLUBHOUSE: NO GOLF COURSE: No SWA MG POOL,: No PLAY FIELD: NO TRAIL: NO CONSERVATION: Yes PLAYGRND /TOT: 1110 BASKETBALL: No SECURITY- No 001,24EUTS: FLOOR PLANS OF'F'ERED FLOOR PLAN: Bristol Manchester Oxford Shearwater Surrey Warwick Winchester BEDROOMS, 4 4 4 5 5 5 - 5 DEN /OTHER: ' BATHS^: 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 AC SQ FT: 2192 2485 3058 2794 3854 3909 4327 FLOORS: 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 GARAGE: DGA 30A 3GA DGA 3GA 30A 3GA BASE PRICE: JUL 1, 2012 231990 24199D 271990 259990 291990 298990 303990 OCT 1, 2012 231990 241990 271990 262990 291990 296990 303990 JAN 1, 2013 N/O 11/0 N/O N/D N/O N/O 31/0 APR 1, 2013 N/0 N/0 N/0 N/0 N10 11/0 N10 JUL 1. 2013 N/0 N/O N/0 N/O N10 11/0 N10 PRICE /SQ FT: N/0 N/0 N10 N/O N/O N/0 N10 SHRT -TERM RENTALS POOL INCLUDED: FURN PKG INCLD: CONST /STRUCI'URF, CB, FR ELEVATION: S ROOF: SH COMMENTS: DE'V'ELOPMENT SUMMARY TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION STATUS: D6 30 13 - GROSS DENSITY LOT SIZE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL UNITS UNITS VACANT PHASE _ ACRES DU ACAS W x D _B2 FT S'lA DATE LOTS BUILT U -C, LOTS 1. All 10.5 1.2 100 150 15000 9/10 23 23 D 0 FUTURE (UNDEVELOPED) 0.0 - 0.0 0 0 PRO.IECT TOTAL 18.5 1.2 23 0 0 23 0 0 COMMENTS: QUARTERLY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY DATE: 03/31/12 06/30/12 09/30/12 12/31/12 03131/13 06/30113 09/30/13 12/31/13 UNITS BUILT: 13 18 21 23 23 23 UNITS U.0 - : 7 3 1 0 0 0 TOT UNITS BLT OR U.C.: 20 21 22 23 23 23 QUARTERLY STARTS; 7 1 1 1 0 0 YEAR -TO -DATES 7 S 9 10 D D COMASENTS: Project is built -out. MONTHLY CLOSINGS MONTH.- JAN FEB LIAR APR MAY JUN allL AUG SLsP OCT NOV DEC 2012 IIONTHLY CLOSINGS: 1 0 0 0 2 3 1 5 0 0 1 YEAR -TO -DATE: 1 1 1 1 3 6 7 12 12 1 12 13 14 2013 MONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 0 0 1 0 YEAR -TO -DATE: 0 0 0 0 1 1 AVE PRICE ($00D): 0.0 010 0.0 0.0 26510 0.0 VOLUME {$000): 0.0 D.0 0.0 0.0 265.0 0.0 CO',la- NTS: SALES MANAGEMENT SALES BY: D.R. Horton, Inc. SALES LOCATION: Rodel On -Site TELEPHONE: (407) 257 -1601 WEBSITE: s-&w.drhorton. com Charley Oayne Consulting, Inc., 2013, All Rights Reserved COMMENTS RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORTS 5FP PROFILE PROJECT NAME Tusca Place /D,R, Norton MX0 NA14i: Tusca Place ASAP KEY; A -1466 OWNER: A.R. Horton, Inc. BUILDER: D.R. Woxton, Inc. STATUS: Closed CITY: None COUNTY: Seminole S -T -R: 32 -19 -31 DIRECTIONS: I -4 N2 to SR 46, E 4.0 miles to US 17 -92, S 1.0 mile to 13th St, 1: .5 mile to Sanford Ave, N 150 ft to Celery Ave, E 1.0 mile to entrance. LAKlFRONT: No TENNIS: No PICNIC /SBQ: No CLUBHOUSE: No GOLF COURSE: No Sill?.Z11N0 POOL: . No PLAY FIELD: NO TRAIL: No CONSERVATION: No PLAYGRND /TOT: Yea BASKETBALL: No SECURITY: PW COM14ENTS : FLOOR PLANS OFFERED FLOOR PLAN: Laredo Las Colinas Odessa Santa Rasa Sonora Hudson Summit BEDROOMS: 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 nw /OTHER: Loft Media BATHS: 2 2 2 2 2 2.5 2,5 AC SO FT: 1661 1753 1890 1970 2199 2498 2720 FLOORS: 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 GARAGE: DOA DGA DGA DGA DGA 1DOA DGA BASE PRICE: JUL 1, 2012 143990 147990 152990 157990 151990 170990 185990 OCT 1, 2012 145990 149990 1$4990 159990 163990 172990 197990 JAN 1, 2013 148990 152990 157990 162990 166990 175990 190990 APR 1, 2013 N/0 1410 N/0 N/0 N/O 9/0 N/0 JUL 1, 2013 N/O N/O N/O N/O N/0 N10 N/O PRICE /SQ FT: W/o N10 N/O N/O N/0 N/O N/0 'SHRT- TF.RD1 RENTAL: POOL INCLUDED: FURN PKG INCLD: CONST /STRUCTURE: CB,FR ELFVATTON: 8 ROOF: - SH CObf! -0ENTS r DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY TYPICAL • CONSTRUCTION STATUS: OG 30 13 CROSS DENSITY LOT SIZE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL UNITS UNITS VACANT PHASF. ACRES DU ACRE W X D N. START DATE LOTS BUILT U.C. LOTS_ 1, North (Part) UK UK 60 110 45600 11109 25 25 0 0 2. South (Part) * • 60 120 7200 8109 41 41 0 0 FUTURE (UNDEVELOPED) 0.0 010 0 0 0 0 PROJECT TOTAL * * 66 66 0 0 COtNENTSr *North contains 45 lots on 14,3 acres (3.1 du /acre). South contains 53 lots on 14.1 acres (3.8 du /acre) . 32 lots built by Mercedes Homes. QUARTERLY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY DATE: 03/31/12 06/30112 09/30/12 12/31/12 03131/13 06/30/13 09/30/13 12/31/13 UNITS BUILT: 48 52 64 65 66 66 UNITS U.C.= 5 12 1 1 0 0 TOT UNITS 13LT OR U.C.: 53 64 65 66 66 456 QUATZTrRLY STARTS: 5 11 1 1 0 0 YEAR -TO -DATE: 5 16 17 18 0 0 .COM24ENTS1 Project is built -out. MONTHLY CLOSINGS MONTH: JAN PER MAR APR ASAY am 1UL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2012 MONTHLY CLOSINGS: 2 3 5 3 2 1 0 3 3 3 3 2 YEAR- TO- •DATP: 2 5 10 13 15 16 1G 19 22 25 28 30 2013 MONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 1 1 0 0 0 YEAR- TO -DATEr 0 1 2 2 2 2 AVE PRICE ($000): 0.0 158,1 184.0 010 0.0 0.0 VOLUME ($000)1 0.0 158.1 184,0 040 010 0.0 C0101ENTS : SALES MANAGEMENT SALES BY: D.R. Norton, 1no. SALES LOCATTON: Model On -Site TELEPHONE- (321) 393 -4980 WEBSITE: t•A-iw. drhorton. corn Charles Wayne Consulting, Inc., 2D13, All Rights Reserved COMMENTS Project reported to be sold -out RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORTS SFP PROFILE PROJECT NAME: Island Club i.4CD NAME; None MAP KEY: A -151 011NER: Taylor Morrison, Inc. BUILDER: Taylor N.orrison STATUS: Closed CITY: None COUNTY: Seminole S -T -R: 01 -20 -29 DIRECTIONS: I -4 NH to SR 46A, W .5 mile to International Pkwy, S 1.1 mile to AAA Drive, M1 .25 mile to entrance. LAKEVRONT; Yes* TENNIS: 140 PICNIC /BBQ: No CLUBHOUSE: No GOLF COURSE; No SWI3,34ING POOL: Na PLAY FIELD: No TRAIL, NO CONSERVATION: Yea PLAYGRND /TOT: No BASKETBALL: 110 SECURITY: SG C01.94ENTS: *Island Lake and Banana Lake. FLOOR PLANS OFFERED FLOOR PLAN: Lafayette Rockford Cumberland Waverly Fremont AEDR00.'4S: 4 4 4 5 5 DEN /OTHER: Den Game Game Game Den /Game PATRS; 3 2.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 AC 80 FT: 2463 2499 2823 2871 3284 FLOORS: 1 2 2 2 2 GARAGE: 30A VGA DGA DGA DOA BASE PRICE: JUL 1, 2012 398900 334995 431995 369995 391995 OCT 1, 2012 N/0 N/O N10 010 N/O JAN 1, 2013 N/0 1410 13/0 N10 N/0 APR 1, 2013 N10 N/0 N10 N10 N/0 JUL 1, 2013 N10 N/0 N10 N/0 N10 PRICK /SQ FT 1410 11/0 N/0 N/0 N10 ST1RT -TER14 RENTAL: POOL INCLUDED: FURN PKG INCLM CONST /STRUCTURE: C6, FR ELEVATION: S ROOF: T COY24EN-TS : DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION STATUS; 06/30/13 GROSS DENSITY LOT SIZE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL UNITS UNITS VACANT PHASE ACRES DU ACRE w K D SQ FT START DATE_ LOTS BUILT U.C. LOTS 1. Island Club (Part) * * 60 110 6600 6110 21 21 0 0 FUTURE (UNWBVRLOPM) 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 PROJECT TOTAL * * 21 21 0 0 COM- 1214TS: *Island Club contains a total of 37 lots on 26.6 acres (1,4 du /ac).- QUARTERLY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY DATE; 03/31/12 uNrTS BUILT: 17 UNITS U.C.: 2 TOT UNITS BLT OR U. C. 19 QUARTERLY STARTS: 2 YEAR -TO -DATE: 2 CO'—.2 Project is built -out. MONTHS JAN FEB 2012 11.ONTF3LY CLOSINGS: 2 0 YEAR -TO -DATE: 2 2 2413 MMTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 YEAR -TO -BATE: 0 0 AVE PRICE ($000); 0.0 010 VOLUME ($000): 010 010 COSA4BNTS: 96/30/12 09/30/12 12/31/12 03/31/13 06/30/13 09/30/13 12/31/13 18 19 21 21 21 3 2 0 0 0 21 21 21 21 21 2 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 MONTHLY CLOSINGS 14AR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1 0 0 3 1 1 0 1 1 0 3 3 3 6 7 8 II 9 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SALES MANAGEMENT SALES BY: Taylor Vo rison SALES LOCATION: Cell /Terracing Kodel Center TELEPHON4-: (407) 312- 41021' SIEBSIT2: ulgw, taylormorrison. corn Charles Wayne Consulting, Inc., 2013, All RightS Reserved _,,..•_..,._r...- ...... COMMENTS -�.- *(4071 242 -7200 Project reported to be sold -out (10/12). RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORT'S TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION STATUS; 06 30 13 SFP PROFILE DENSITY TAT SIZE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL UNITS UNITS VACANT PHASE _ _ ACRES DO ACRE N X A S4 FT START DATE LOTS BUILT U.C. PROJECT NAMP.: Bella Foresta /Taylor Morrison IdXD NA1,10: None FUTURE (UNDEV8LOPED) 0.0 1•1AP KEY: A -153 OW14ER; Taylor: Morrison of Florida, Inc. BUILDER: Taylor Morrison. !Tomes STATUS: Active CITY: None COM214TS; *Bella 1Oresta contains COUNTY; Seminole (1.6 du /acre) S -T -R: 27 -19 -29 DIRECTION'S: 1-4 N11 to SR 46, 11 3.0 miles LO entrance. QUARTERLY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY LAKEFRONT: No TENNIS: No UNITS BUILT: 1 PICNIC /BEQ. No CLUBHOUSE: No GOLF COURSE: No SWIN141110 FOOL; NO 14 PLAY FIELD: No TRATL; No CONSERVATION: 170 PLAYGRND /TOT: No 7 BASKETBALL: NO SECURITY: SG COMMENTS: 14 CO; 24 R1 T8: MONTHLY CLOSINGS MONTH- JAN PER 14AR APR KAY JUN FLOOR, PLANS OFFERED 2012 MONTHLY CLOSINGSt 0 0 0 0 0 0 FLOOR PLAN; Camilla Palermo Milan Pasero Charleston Verona 2013 14ONTHLY CLOSINGS: 2 2 BEDROOMS: 4 ' 4 4 4 4 5 - MN /OTHER: 671.4 734.0 0.0 967.9 VOLUME ($000): 1568.4 1541.6 1342.7 2202.0 0.0 967.9 BATHS; 3.5 3.5 4 4 3.5 5.5 AC SO FT: 3516 3107 3765 4339 7419 4953 FLOORS: 1 2 2 1 2 2 GARAGEI 3GA 3GA 3GA 3GA 3GA UK BASE PRICE= LM 1, 2012 N/O 531995 536995 582995 586995 681995 OCT 1, 2012 N10 544995 549995 595995 599995 694995 JAN 1, 2013 534995 548995 553995 609995 663995 698995 APR 1, 2013 589495 603495 608495 672495 SS0495 753495 JUL 1, 2013 599495 613445 618495 682495 668495 763495 PRICE /SQ FTt 170.41 165.50 164.27 157.29 151.28 154.15 SERT -TERM RENTAL: POOL INCLUMI)t FURN PKG INCLO: CONST /STRUCTURE: CB,FR ELEVATION: S ROOF: SH COM4ENTS; DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY -=- - - -- SALES MANAGEMENT SALES BY: Taylor Rorrison SALES LOCATION: Model On -Site TELEPHONE: (407) 330 -2269+ WEBSITE: crla.taylormorrison.com Charles Wayne Consulting,r Inc., 2013, All Rights Reserved *(407) 429.6168 COMMENTS TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION STATUS; 06 30 13 GROSS DENSITY TAT SIZE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL UNITS UNITS VACANT PHASE _ _ ACRES DO ACRE N X A S4 FT START DATE LOTS BUILT U.C. 1. Bella Foresta (Part) * +" 140 310 93400 11 /11 _LOTS 36 14 14 8 FUTURE (UNDEV8LOPED) 0.0 0.0 0 0 PROJECT TOTAL * * 0 0 36 14 34 a COM214TS; *Bella 1Oresta contains a total of 54 lots on 86.0 acres (1.6 du /acre) . 18 lots built or to be built by custom builders. QUARTERLY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY DATE- 03/31112 06/30/12 09/30/12 12/31/12 03/31/I3 06/30/13 09/30/13 12131/13 UNITS BUILT: 1 2 2 5 11 14 UNITS U.C.: 1 1 7 9 10 14 TOT UNITS ALT OR U.C. - 2 3 9 14 21 28 QUARTERLY STARTS: 1 1 6 5 7 7 YEAR -TO- DA'Z`E t 1 2 8 13 7 14 CO; 24 R1 T8: MONTHLY CLOSINGS MONTH- JAN PER 14AR APR KAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2012 MONTHLY CLOSINGSt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 YEAR -TO -DATE; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 2013 14ONTHLY CLOSINGS: 2 2 2 3 0 1 2 YEAR -TO -BATS: 2 4 6 9 9 10 AVE PRICE ($000)1 784.2 770,8 671.4 734.0 0.0 967.9 VOLUME ($000): 1568.4 1541.6 1342.7 2202.0 0.0 967.9 COMMEITTS . -=- - - -- SALES MANAGEMENT SALES BY: Taylor Rorrison SALES LOCATION: Model On -Site TELEPHONE: (407) 330 -2269+ WEBSITE: crla.taylormorrison.com Charles Wayne Consulting,r Inc., 2013, All Rights Reserved *(407) 429.6168 COMMENTS RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORTS SFP PROFILE PROJECT NAME: Enclave at Tuscany 06/30112 14XD NAME: None 06/30/13 14A €t KEY, A -155 OWNER: Encore Enclave Investment, LLC BUILDER: City Hones 1 STATUS: Active CITY: Lake Mary COUNTYt Seminole S -T °R: 04- 20 -30' DIRECTIONS: 1 -4 NE to SR 46A, E 2.1 miles to site entrance. TOT UNITS BLT OR U.C.: 2 LAKEFRONT: No TENNISt No PICNIC /BBQ; No CLUBHOUP9; No GOLF' COURSE; No SWIMMING POOL: NO PLAY FIELD; No TRAIL: No Ylr'AR- -TO- -DATE r CONSERVATION; No PLAYGRND /TOT: No BASKETBALL: NO SECURITY: P¢1 COW iNENTS : COh1A9ENTS : FLOOR PANS OFFERER MONTHLY CLOSINGS FLOOR PLAN: Huntington Livingston Rialto Monterey Concordo JAN FEB MAR BEDROOMS: 4 4 4 5 6 2012 MONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 DEN /OTHER: 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 YEAR-TO-DATE: 0 BATHS: 3 3 4 3.5 3.5 2 3 5 2013 MONTHLY CLOSINGS; AC SQ FTi: 2755 2796 3181 3406 4166 FLOORS: 1 2 2 2 2 GARAGE; 3GA 30A 30A 30A 3GA 350.0 34:9.9 356,0 13ASE PRICE: VOLUME ($000]: 0.0 1028,9 0.0 35010 699.9 35610 JUT, 1, 2012 299900 N10 14/0 349900 399900 OCT 1, 2012 299900 N/O N10 349900 399900 JAN 1, 2013 N/O 309900 N10 349900 399900 APR 1, 2013 N10 314990 349900 349900 399900 JUL 1, 2013 N/0 319900 354900 354900 404900 PRTCR /SQ M N/0 114.41 111.57 104.20 97.19 SHRT-T£RM RENTAL: POOL INCLUDED: FURN PKG INCLD: CONST /STRUCTURE; CB,FR ELEVATIONt S ROOF: SI{ COMENTS DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION STATUS: 06130113 GROSS DENSITY LOT SIZE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL UNITS UNITS VACANT PHASE ACRES DU /AC" W X €7 SQ FT START DATE LOTS BUMT U,C, LOTS 1. All 1010 3.3 70 120 8400 11/11 33 I8 5 10 FUTURE (UNDEVELOPED) 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 PROJECT TOTAL 10.0 313 33 18 5 10 COMENTS: QUARTERLY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY DATE: 03131/12 06/30112 09130/12 12/31/12 03/31/13 06/30/13 09/30/13 12/31/13 UNITS BUILT: 1 2 3 6 11 16 UNITS U.C.: 1 2 6 6 7 5 TOT UNITS BLT OR U.C.: 2 4 9 12 18 23 QUARTERLY STARTS: 1 2 5 3 6 5 Ylr'AR- -TO- -DATE r 1 3 8 11 6 11 COh1A9ENTS : MONTHLY CLOSINGS MONTH: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DEC 2012 MONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 YEAR-TO-DATE: 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 V. 2 2 3 5 2013 MONTHLY CLOSINGS; 0 3 0 1 2 1 YEAR -TO -DATE: 0 3 3 4 6 7 AVB PRICE ($000): 0.0 343.0 0.0 350.0 34:9.9 356,0 VOLUME ($000]: 0.0 1028,9 0.0 35010 699.9 35610 COMMENTS SALES MANAGEMENT SALES BYt City Homes SALES LOCATION: Vadel On -Site TELEPHONE: (407) 758 -1020* NEBSITE: Charles Wayne Consulting, Inc., 2013, All Rights Reserved COMMENTS *(407) 566 -7170 RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORTS 03/31/12 06130112 SFP PROFILE 12/31/12 03/31/13 PROJECT NAME -. Acuera 12/31/13 hSXD NAI•FB: None 14AP KEY: A -156 OWNER: Surrey Homes LLC BUILDER: Surrey Homes LLC STATUS: Active CITY: Nona UNITS U.C.: COUNTY: Seminole S -T -R: 33 -19 -29 DIRECTIONS: 1 -4 NE to 5R 46, W 7 miles to Longwood Markham Rd, S 1.3 miles t0 entrance, 3 LAKEFRONT: No TENNIS: No PICNIC /nBQe No CLU6HOUSE: No GOLF COURSE: NTO SWIPNING POOL: No PLAY FIELD:' No TRAIL; No CONSERVATION: Yes PLAYGRND /TOT: No BASKETBALL: No SECURITY: PW /SG /0HM COMMENT8; YEAR -TO -DATE: 1 1 5 5 FLOOR PLANS 'OFFERED 3 COhinF£N'iS st. FLOOR PLAN: Bradenton Captiva Miramar Augustine Monticello BEDROOMS; 3 4 4 4 5 MONTH: DEN /OTHER: APR MAY JUN JUL , BATHS: 3.5 315 3.5 3.5 9.5 0 AC SQ FT 3121 3574 4125 4961 4398 0 0 FLOORS: 1 1 1 2 2 3 GARAGJ1S 3GA 3GA 30A 3GA 30A 0 0 2 BASE PRICE: 0 0 JUL 1, 2012 559990 589990 645990 729990 661990 3 3 OCT 1, 2012 559990 589990 645,990 729990 661990 AV13 PRICE {$000): JAN 1, 2013 559990 589990 645990 729990 661990 APR 1, 2013 559990 589990 645990 729990 661990 JUL 1, 2013 585000 615000 670000 755000 687000 PRICH /SQ FT: 187.44 172,08 162.42 152.19 156.21 SHRT -TERM RE14TAL: POOL INCLUDED: FORN 71KO INCLD. CONST /STRUCTURE: CB,FR ELEVATION: 8 ROOF: T COMMENTS: DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION STATUS: 06/30/13 ' GROSS DENSITY LOT SIZE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL UNITS UNITS VACANT " PHASE ACRES DU ACRE W K D_ SQ FT START DATE TATS BUILT U. C. .1. All UK UK 120 200 24000 2/12 38 _LOTS 5 3 30 FUTURE (UNDEVELOPED) 4.0 0.0 0 0 0 0' PROXIICT TOTAL UK UK 38 5 3 30 COWdENTS: QUARTERLY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY DATE: 03/31/12 06130112 09/30/12 12/31/12 03/31/13 06/30/13 09/30/13 12/31/13 KNITS BUILT: 0 0 1 5 5 5 UNITS U.C.: 1 1 4 0 0 3 TOT UNITS DLT OR U.C,: 1 1 5 5 5 8 QUARTERLY STARTS: 1 0 4 0 0 3 YEAR -TO -DATE: 1 1 5 5 0 3 COhinF£N'iS MONTHLY CLOSINGS MONTH: JAN FEB RAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUO SEP OCT NOV DEC 2012 NOUTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 YEAR -TO -DATE: 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 2013 HONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 2 1 0 0 YEAH -TO -DATE: 0 0 2 3 3 3 AV13 PRICE {$000): 010 010 k A 010 0.0 VOLYA-W ($000): 0.0 0.0 010 010 COMMENTS: -0oo Stamps recorded for lot sales only. ======= SALES MANAGEMENT' SALES BY, Surrey Home$ LLC SALES LOCATION: On -Site TELEPHONE: (407) 878 -7707 WEBS1TE: vrww.surseyhomee.com Charles Wayne Consulting, InC., 2013, All Rights Reserved COMMENTS _== W=- .— ,........,.... -.- ...mss== .- .__....,..�._ --= == ate....._ RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORTS SFP PROFILE CONSTRUCTION STATUS: 06130113 - PROJECT NAME: Bella Tuscany 14XD NAME: 'None MAP REY; A -157 04)N'aRa Taylor Morrison ot- Florida, Inc. BUILDER: - Taylor I-forrison -. STATUS: Closed CITY; None COUNTY: Seminole S -T -R: 25 -20 -29 DIRECTIONS: I -4 NE to SR 434, 4J .25 mile to Markham Woode Rd, N 2 miles to R.E. Oi.11iamson Rd, E 1.0 Inile to �RoJECT TOTAL entrance, 7 7 0 0 LAKEFRONT: No TENNIS: 110 PICNIC /BBQ: No CLUBHOUSE: No GOLP COURSE: No SPJII4MING POOL: No PLAY FIELD: NO TRAIL: No CONSERVATION: 110 PLAYGRt7A/TOT; 1110 BASKETBALL: No SECURITY; SG COMMENTS: 7 UNITS U.C.: FLOOR PLANS OFFERED FLOOR PLAN: Travis Fremont Beaumont Brantley Chandler BEDROOMS; 4 5 6 6 7 DEN /OTHER: 1 2 4 7 0 0 BATHS: 3.5 3.5 3.5 S 4 AC SO FT: 3221 3284 4180 5073 4852 FLOORS: 1 2 2 2 2 GARAGE: 3GA PGA 3GA 3GA 3GA BASE PRICE: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 4 JUL 1, 2012 353995 354995 376995 413995 403995 OCT 1, 2012 N/O 362995 386995 N10 N/O JAN 1, 2013 N/0 362995 366995 N/0 N/O APR 1, 2013 ON N10 306995 N/O N/0 JUL 1, 2013 N/O N/0 N10 N/0 N/O - PRICE/SO FT: N/O N/0 N10 N/O N/O SHRT - 'PERM RENTAL; POOL INCLUDED: FURN PKG INCLD: - CONST /STRUCTURE: CB,FR ELEVATION= S ROOF: SH COMMENTS: (877) 249 -6160 TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION STATUS: 06130113 - GROSS DENSITY LOT SIZE CONSTRUCI`10N TOTAL UNITS UNITS VACANT PRASE ACRES UU ACRE W X D S FT START DATE TATS BUILT U.C. LOTS 1. All 4.8 1.5 80 130 10400 2/12 - 7- 7 0 0 FUTURE (UNDEVELOPED) 0.,0 . ;'.0,.0 0 0 0 0 �RoJECT TOTAL ? 4.8 .1.5_ 7 7 0 0 CoivicNTS: QUARTERLY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY DATE: 03/31/12 06/30/12 09/30/12 12/31/12 03/31/13 06/30/13 09/30/13 12/31/13 UNITS BUILT: 0 1 1 4 7 7 UNITS U.C.: 1 1 3 3 0 0 TOT UNITS BLT OR U.C.: 1 2 4 7 7 7 QUARTERLY STARTS: 1 1 2 3 0 0 YEAR -TO -DATE: 1 2 4 7 0 0 COMMENTS: Project is built -out. MONTHLY CLOSINGS- - - - - -� MONTH: JAN FE8 R R APR 1w JUN DUI, AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2012 114NTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 YEAR -TO -DATE: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 4 2013 MONT141,Y CWSINGS: 0 0 1 0 2 0 YEAR -TO -DATE: 0 0 1 1 3 3 AVE PRICE ($000)s 0.0 0.0 407.9 010 428.9 0.0 VOLUME ($000); 0.0 0.0 407.9 0.0 857.9 0.0 CO; -I ,CNTS: _ =__ =__ SALES MMAGEMENT COMMENTS -ww SALES BY: BY: Taylor Morrison Project reported to be Sold -out (7/13). SALES LOCATION: Main Office TELEPHONE; (877) 249 -6160 WEBSITE: Charles Wayne Consulting, Inc., 2013, All Rights Res6rved RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORTS SFP PROFILE PROJECT VANE: Estates at Pearl LaXe I•SXD NAME: None 11AP HEY: A -150 MINER: Taylor Morrison of Florida, Inc. BUILDER: Taylor morrison Homes STATUS: Active CITY: None COUNTY: Seminole S -T -R: 35 -19 -29 DXRBCI'30NS: I -4 N to SR 46A, 11 0.7 mile to Orange Blvd, 11 O.S mile to entrance. COf mws : LAKEFRONT: No TENNIS: No PICNIC /BBQ: No CLUBHOUSE: No GOLF COURSE: No S11114MING POOL: No PLAY FIELD: No TRAIL: No CONSERVATION: 110 PLAYGRND /TOT: No BASHET8W b; NO SECURITY: PSV /SG COMMENTS: DATE: FLOOR PLANS OFFERED FLOOR PLAN: 03/31/13 06/30/13 09/30/13 BEDROOMS: UNITS BUILT: DEN /OTHER: 0 BATHS; AC SQ FT: 0 0 0 FLOORS: 0 0 GARA{3G: TOT UNITS BLT OR U.C,: BASE PRICE; 0 JUL 1, 2012 OCT 1, 2012 0 0 0 JAN 1, 2013 0 0 APR 1, 2013 YEAR -TO -DATE: JUL 1, 2013 0 PRICE /SQ FT: SHRT -TERM RENTAL: POOL INCLUDED: FURN PXG INCLO: CONST /STRUCTURE: CB,FR ELEVATION: 8 ROOF: SH COMMENTS; Floor plans and pricing not yet established (7/5/13). MONTHLY CLOSINGS DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY TYPICAL CONSTRUC'T'ION STATUS-..._.06Z30/l3 GROSS DENSITY LOT SIZE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL UNITS UNITS VACANT _. PHASE ACRES XlU ACRE N X A �jS FT START DATE LOTS BUILT U.C. LOTS 'I, All FUTURE (UNDEVELOPED) 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 PROJECT TOTAL 33.4 213 76 0 0 76 COf mws : QUARTERLY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY DATE: 03/31/12 06/30/12 09130/12 12/31/12 03/31/13 06/30/13 09/30/13 12/31/13 UNITS BUILT: 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNITS U.C.: 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOT UNITS BLT OR U.C,: 0 0 0 0 0 0 QUARTERLY STARTS; 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR -TO -DATE: 0 0 0 0 0 0 COI•it -0ENTS MONTHLY CLOSINGS MONTH: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SBP OCT NOV DEC 2012 MONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR -TO -DATE: 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2013 MONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 D 0 0 0 YEAR -TO -DATE: 0 0 0 0 0 0 AVE PRICE ($000): 0.0 0.0 0.0 010 0.0 010 VOLUME ($006)1 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.D D.0 010 001.14ENTS : _=____= SALES MANAGEMENT' COMMENTS SALES BY; Taylor Morrison !Tomes SALES LOCATION: Off -Site TELEPHONE: (877) 249 -6168 WEBSITE. .W,,d.taylormorrison.corn Charles Mayne Consulting, Inc., 2013, All Rights ReseYved RESIDENTIAL MARKET REPORTS SFP PROFILE PROJECT NA1,124 Versailles 14XD NAME: None MAP KEY; A -162 OWNER. MI Homes of Orlando LLC BUILDER: 13I Homes of STATUS: Active .Orlando CITY: Sanford COUNTY: Seminole S -T -R: 19 -19 -30 DIRECTIONS; I -4 NOrth to SR 46, W 1.6 miles t0 Orange Blvd, N 0.3 mile to entrance. LAKEFRONT: No TENNIS: No PICNIC /BBQ: No CLUBHOUSE; NO GOLF COURSE: NO SWIMMING POOL: No PLAY FIELD: No TRAIL: Yes CONSERVATION: No PLAYGRND /TOT; No SASK£TBALL: No SECURITY: PN /SG COIRNPHTS FLOOR PLANS OFFERED Brookshire Gran Vista FLOOR PLAN: II Corina Savannah Corine Grandview Sonome Sierra II BEDROOMS: 3 4 4 4 q g S DEN /OTHER: Bonus BATHS: 3 2 3 2.5 3.5 3 3.5 4.5 AC SQ FT: 2819 2311 2719 2971 4699 3642 4043 5213 FLOORS; 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 GARAGE; 3GA 30A DGA 30A 40A 313A DGA 30A BASE PRICE: OM 1, 2012 w/o N/O N/0 N10 N/0 N/O N/0 N/O OCT 1, 2012 N/0 N/O N/O N/0 N/0 N10 N/O N/0 JAN 1, 2013 N/0 N/O N/0 N/O N/O N/O N/O N/O APR 1, 2013 361990 304990 337990 331990 410990 363990 382990 435990 JUL 1, 2013 366990 309990 343930 336990 415990 368990 387990 440990 PRICE /SQ FT: 130.18 134.14 226.51 113.43 88.53 101.32 95.97 84.59 SHRT -TER14 RENTAL: POOL INCLUDED. RUM PKG INCLD: - CONST /STRUCTURE: CB,FR ELEVATION: S ROOF: SH COMENTS, One additional floor plan availabla witin size and price range shown. DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY' TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION STATUS2..06 30 13 GROSS DENSITY _ LOT SIZE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL UNITS UNITS VACANT PHASE ACR28 DU ACRE W X D ._,SQ_FT START DATE LOTS BUILT U.C. LOTS 1. All 26.1 2.4 70 120 8400 3/13 63 0 15 48 FUTURE (UNDEVELOPED) 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 . PROJECT TOTAL 26.1 2.4 63 0 15 48 C0101ENT$; QUARTERLY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY DATE: 03131/12 06/30/12 09/30/12 12/31/12 03/31/13 06/30/13 09/30/13, 12/31/13 UNITS BUILT: 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNITS U.C. : 0 0 0 0 3 15 TOT UNITS BLT OR U.C.: 0 0 0 0 3 15 QUARTERLY STARTS. 0 0 0 0 3 12 - YEAR- TO -DATM 0 0 0 0 3 15 COMMENTS: MON'T'HLY CLOSINGS MONTH: JAN FEB 14AR APR 14AY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2012 MONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR -TO -DATE: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2013 MONTHLY CLOSINGS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR -TO -DATE; 0 0 0 0 0 0 AVE PRICE {$000): 010 0.0 019 0.0 010 010 VOLUME ($000): 0.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 C0: ,21ENPS : __ - =- =_ SALES MANAGEMENT COMMENTS SALES BY: 1.51 Homes of Orlando LLC SALES LOCATION: Wekiva Park TELEPHONE: (407) 688-1090 WESSITE: Charles Wayne Consulting, Inc., 2013, All Rights Reserved 11,00 Moe" IM"a-1,11I)o # "figh conslift i n I foO I) i:o- Led I cm Is OU I gxom 1.1,11 Vironmental and Perinitting Services mv kv, b io -wc tl I co 11stj I H I �gxoln August 22, 2013 City of Sanford 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Fl, 32771 Pi-oj.: Silver Lake Residential Site — Seminole County, Florida (13TC File #372-20.03) Re: Conip Plan Policy 5-1.4.1 Review To Whom It May Concern: Bio-Tech Consulting, Inc. (BTC) has been retained as the environmental consultant for the Silver Lakes Residential site. The Silver Lakes, .Residential Site is approximately :E214.11 acres. The su jlect site is located directly south of the intersection of Ohio Avenue and the new extension of East Lake Mary Boulevard within Sections 7, 8, 17 and 18; Township 20 South; and Range 31 East; Seminole County, Florida (Figure 1). BBC conducted a review of the Silver Lakes, Industrial Site to determine compliance with the City of Sanford's Comp Plan Policy 5- 1.4.1: Protect Wetland Transition Areas. The wetlands and transitional areas within (lie Silver Lake Industrial Site were surveyed' to determine the extent of continuing function that provides a buffer to the wetland areas. Tile existing transitional areas that provide 'direct groundwater or surface water influence' were limited to the immediate adjacent upland areas. These areas will be within the State's E�nvironmental Resource Permit (ERP) rules that govern secondary wetiand impact protection. The typical upland buffer averages 25 feet and is accepted by the State regulatory agencies as protection of wetlands, frorn developillent, if the upland buffer is protected in perpetuity. The secondary impact protections permitted by the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) for the silver Lakes Residential Site should be sufficient to protect the transitional areas and comply with the City's Comp Plan Policy. Orlando Vero 130 ach Leesburg jac)(SOJIVIlle Tampa Hey West Should you have any questions or comments regarding the Silver Lake Residential Site, please contact our office at (407) 894-5969. Thank you. Sincerely, John Miklos President Cl 9 'U 00 o 4-4 uj va z 0 P� o U rn c:> cfi 4 ou C'j CII r4 N N 0 �o c 4-J ro '-, V) W W 4-J V) W o V) CL E 0 u i a� E Q May; v wl W, Lu CL8 RUN a ­40 fro wr All X lig IN 18 I ci IN v P� V p Ell 410 IV- �l V, 27 A19 a 10) 04 tin 01 *6 rwr 4� g 49 11 PE A 1 E pt 5 rdl SO I; 1 go e so" I. CL 13 -, "6PA c a z, , ' Q! un 75 tj in w0% Mal MIN wo Iwo is Of Re RiA Ana EL Mal u 'A CO. IRS firm to 13 Nil 6, i 'n 1 tt 17 6 9 < YIN, in a in c 'uau Vii" IMP a— pier v � 19 SIR 5 2 IM 1(0 r Eg 51% Elm Iris IN " cn in aim g I, ell E Ali I a, N 11 d, 41 E a its log I IS day CL 31 E I p 11 F At 2 oil tg M'E IN I i v W tw) to 0- Tj In, 41 Moil H IV to 19 cm � I. CL to AT Fj 0 w" 1-4 Al " All 1P in ON M C4 IV t a w rM q SAVVEHIMPM b mot g t !'� g- 1f,10NE NO INCA w2laman" m 0 k-AT NOW 3 BPI IN zo 'In M4�c E IS 30, Pi It s ism BPI R Eli 024 va FBI Ilk 11, Ism RE Ir mo BPI (0 16 ms MI 111's 0 pal DA all N S pilot" S 44 : "CL 3 U io'?� Now cis EP, P- v 7, P_ g 4). v P RON .1 vi 9 35 Gtr w Imp, 0 0 Eel 74 M we Ila oil "IN, 1 I I w % SIM 212 '112, a 91 fm, IV 4A r ZI E UWE' v L" v �Q FRI 4 Q Vol* FA 15 2Y R p r ` Y 6 v 21, zl� a FE, F Pi do 014 IV to E 9 �2 fa, 15 t E �7� (m, JAj 6 RE 2 El NO di ri N 00 lb ; m a 4; 55 WIN, as a Z`5 a�sa In 0; na ct iL Ty ej tz I, a P SIL A; 13 0, LZ a ot re; aw�N J� C 10 tj rn' f IAN ILL C., 101" r E AN IS v W, OL raw T� wrf C, ri IS E IV S)j POP way FOS tc I" tz , Do wins tit t 1AW: S-3 9.1 EF Is Bpi, pp wow 42 Jim rM No ICU IRS Ism— 9p w "1 14 12 Vag Eq"j rl OL t 64 al *A it n 'Ell Allp'; w wi E > co w lu E r 0 40, 0 a 2 m 0 v > E 0 80 ol > cl 0 0 0 CC, E 10 =11 0 E (71 E tt) > 01) r C E -0,3 0 _4 a Ma "'Oz CL cl. e CS 101) 'a p > cl, 0 ;> yG a r4 E > E 0 4) (A 2 0 '5 0 C. ru ' 04 r= 0 u > 45 'A o — E 6 > > Eq " 0 .9 0 = .2 W> 6 — *� - �o -0 , g M 'u.2 m 0 .E� a pCp o -a L". - U r 0 8, 0 p1 bS 0 > 'o E2 E 0 tb Ul- 0" 2 u an t > CL °cs 2 g 4 E "Ou r > 1> 0 "tom El Nt u w cc z 0 'o g 0 0 42 0 > c8 N 9, p Cs C5 tz s� IZ ti tm C3 Z t: z v 0. cs ti Sz w 'u as a zi -mz Q Do !Z rz z-. tN ?.I ou .';2 I'j .2z 4Z rz� Iz a a rz. 21, tu t:1 w ta tz az iz to , 4� to ZZ, -tz sz tj t3 t4D 'ZI IZ '" r .- q) Q w 4, s Q 44 st: "Q 14" cl co 14 —Z C�tz . ti tl 'ZI Z. Z6 Zj L' 1 ca U Zl p C40 %Avon VNI 1% HUMAN41 as - I M u -4 V SW lit] 10 a a Q A x lot ra a Uribut", 4 0 10 1 —.1. 1 Alwashlb t 6 I a Ila ACHMA01 a . WnV w R 4 A :14 01 N,a 4h SAM. I W., .4 All pup tv VIV 'Was SO 521 1 .1 p 1, a WO A 1 H All A u I won 0 10 1 Av" I all A A 011 R MA J;g 1011 @A 11 11 V MA- eVA I '.0 0 it Ulm 0 a t ITS all 4 11 Ell A A -A, 9 11 1 PQ V al OW u a slap Fes' � d �P* tmm wd rw tL tmm wd rw 0 4- 0 0 as as 44 4. t)f) bp 0 Z Cd 0 td 0 03 ,z5 _0 0 rL "V cn CIS cn w iz 00 v LA 0 0 .�o if lt� 0 , riz — . Cj t. HE > z 0 > 0 — o a CL u CC 0 m 0 cr. rL CA 0 Q u > cn -14 r. tn o co cli > o CA co CL m .- �E >� 0 to j>4� cd tn ca o v r-L 0 2 'm cn z v trz Cd - Cc CIS 0 7; 20pa$o cd o o u 0 tn cn 0 b o Ku- E > -E 0 Z 00 0 A = %= U zi L) 0 > 03 0 X E tn co -Tz >1 00 :z tr. cz -8 a 01) cd U -R� Cd 4-) c�3 r. E E ..0 V , P_ i = 0 (L) 0 bl) in, u 0 0 0 > 0 SS E C9 'd W > 0 2 ✓ 0 =$ 0 bO W r. 0 0 •= <n .0 1� .0 z 0 0, cd w c) � — 0 -6 m — CL,,- u 'A 213 Q 2 Co r, -6 .7, E E E Z CI. 0 2 > U E ar 0 Chi 0 0 0 0 0 > 0 lu xi 0 > 01) ca cn 16 in, 0 zi S 0 C,Z4 lu 0 bl) U > ol > Q) 0 0 cl, CIS r� 0 to Cd CIJ 0 rr 47, C4. cli w w o cli Lp, 0 Lei C�l Er 0) -0 —Cj cn (n 0 vs —CJ co (U Ln En 4 u > CA td CA U5 cn P4 0 3 .wMy VUAMMaliWAK Lq Gry f 4S 47 13 A tlr III 1 1 , 1% A Air fj f t lif t'li il if I I V 14 11 011 fj I M I' 1 21 p all 11 Iff .11 .1:1 .11 N 91 11 11 v a I I M�� Ax A I * 41m," t twc U-1 -11 "", at, , 41 tit., RI It m '1 41 o'o %A. (4 q e, Zara It j Y7d) i I I sh II H J; Ili ICI t �j Iowa am Ll sh II H J; Ili ICI t �j Iowa am 0i 1 PS 1r wn m 1vVA# i C*4 Aa nuraw. "LOK110 oil ON 14214 i l oi L oil SAM 1 046 F oil 01 aq SW 1 1 H 1— --ml, 2 111 r r 41.111 cf, 15 W1157.7 11 11K7 y B *12211 1 a? !NMI 0i 1 PS 1r wn m 1vVA# i C*4 Aa nuraw. "LOK110 oil ON 14214 i l oi L oil SAM 1 046 F oil 01 aq SW 1 1 H 1— --ml, 2 111 r r 41.111 cf, 15 W1157.7 11 11K7 y B *12211 1 a? II� �! w a P"blic Meeting Thne: / A.'M M. Date: YS 2!0 p PLEASE PRINTILEARLY Fksftask Name; City:: Addmgs; State: 'P� phom Comment regarding ftern 1 support the action on thi's (tern I oppose the action on this item (ONE ITEM P&R FORM P�E�AS . . . . .......... . ...... ... 10Mld 11 I I VY f J A Al ..... . ... ... J/ L . . ...... ..... ..... . .. . ... . ....... --- ---- ---- ... .......... . . ...... I will speak for myself I will represent And will speak for qe -a- ........... City of Sanford Please check ONE Written Coninient (Please read my comments into the Hearing Record.) rr Speaker Request (I wish to speak regarding this item.) P'ublic Meeting Date: ?o Time: J—d' M. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Address: $%to: Comment regardhig Item T PU- (ONE ITEM PER FORM PLEASE) COMMENT AREA EJI support the action on this Item I Oppose the action On this stern Ll� 9 I will speak for niyself I will ropresent A Air() will speak for Hinson, Eileen Rom: Silas & Linda Barker <silaslinda @houmil.con)> Split: Thursday, December 05, 2013 7.7.;03 AM To: Hinson, Eileen subject: FW: Russ I have not done a final review on this email- thOLIght there was a meeting ton ight..00ps... Linda From: silaslinda @hotmail.com To: russell.gibson@sanfordfl,gov Subject: Russ I have not done a final review an this email-thought there was a meeting tonight..00ps...Llnda (date: Thu, 5 Dec 2013 10:57:07 -0500 Question. 1. Why is the P & Z considering a PUD with 5 to 7.5 ' setbacks, which clearly shouts out affordable "starter homes ", when currently there are: 17 foreclosures, In the nearby, recently bullt "Magnolia Barre" subdivision and 13 forecloses in nearby "affordable "Sonora ". We do NOT need anymore "affordable stater hornes ", that bring in low taxes, increase a population in an area with limited entry level employment, It is paramount that as citizens of 32773 , we highlight the conflict that the newly proposed P & Z PD Master Plan for "Silvestri Estates" will have on our zip code and loss of potential tax revenue for Sanford. We all agree, do we not, that we need to increase our Tax Revenue? As stated in public record on the Sept 9 Budget meeting the average dome in Sanford is $120,000. anford has the highest Millage (20.3894) of any city in the central Florida area. BUT we Have the lowest tax revenue 1.. This disparity is due to the fact that our AVERAGE home value is $120K. Average ... so whorl you take out the few homes that are are $350K -+-.,.the home Values are really much lower. 2. In fact according to the "Orlando Regional Realtor Association" statistics attaclied which demonstrate general sales for tllc first ,3 (JUarters : Sanforc1 /1,alce Forrest 32771 average Home sales of $ Yf3G,7jL3 West of 1 -4 Corridor. S-111for(I 32773 average Home sales of $104, 536 .....The difference - $82277 ...way l)elow the $t2o,000 average. Question. We often ask what does Lake Mary/ Heathrow have that Sanford does not? ( NIN s Nlonov 2000 study "that declared it the hest plwo to live in the Southern United Statosl In the national ranking conducted Lake Mary made it to number 4th Illost desirable place to live. " Answer. Upscale PUDI 7. t''1'olll .1:111tull'y 2000 fo June 2009, there were 33 siagle? Illnlily holnes sold 111 1140 Ileallirow h1. reni Ctitate 111orkel. Tho hi ;hest priced holn�r sold 1�1r .ti 1,460,000 and the lmvest priced home lisr 5235,000. What did Lake Mary/Heathrow have when it was developed in 1985? Vacant land and vision. Our concerns are that there is a monumental disparity between the quality of development under review by P & Z and the vision of the "Comprehensive plan." The emphasis in the past is to or give tax incentives to corporations to move to Sanford. 13ut what good does it do when those who are employed move to Lake Mary and I leathrow as there is no suitable new Florlle Construction here in zip 32773? Our newly appointed Police Chief, Cecil Smith chose not to live in the city limits of Saliford. Sadly, he clot the blessing from om the city of Sanford to live outside the city limits. ill the gated community of Lake Forrest, since no suitable upscale single family 1lolnes meeting their lifestNrle Nvere,i\,ailable ile 22oi _ QLleStlon. What are the incentives to live in Sanford? We desperately need to change Sanford's image. if Lake Mary call transform itself, we have the opportunity to Cl'eatC OUr OW11 airpO1't' CO111111LInity of "Lake Nona" of Heathrow. We have the raw land to use as the cit3, directs, Here is what !needs to be addressed that more "affordable starter homes" will not rectify. Our ,neighbor 11,18 vacated his honie and moved to Heathrow. His house is listed for sale and currently is a rental. The owner's complaint is that although there has been interest in the property, the buyers lose interest when they discover the Sanford crime statistics. 1'Lil'tlleriiiol'e the p1'osllective llti3,e,i's ai'e not impressed Ivitll the overi3ll iildtlstr'ializ,ltioll of the area, However there have been Wliat are the factors negatively inipactiiig Sanford 3P-773? Tu addition to all these Nvoes Sanford's reputation for ,Section 8 liousiiig, transient lioiueless persons, and crime seal the deal. Crime a FBI crime statistics show that Sanford has a violent crime rate of 6.65 incidents per 1,000 residents higher than Florida's crime rate of 5.42. The city's burglary crime rate, 16,26 per 1,000 residents, is more than double the national average of 7.0. o gailford is ills entidepiC it city} Quote from the City of Sanford's website; o "City of Sanford's CDBG five -Year Consolidated flan that completed the City's requiremeni for Entitlement Community Status for the Department of Housing and Urban Development" The C1LlotCS )('. Cl1V are tTplil tile article f;rrn: s l inN �:;:n ;}i:u ln.[i3 c nS hrl35iE;" i,i:,jrr #, ,:'ul_cri E,.fr•.av:r:, irr .`;;tut; >1 d" € -, Jta1::: ;1n,ls „[fetes i lairii „t._ZE1,1� ^ "Sanford is considered the ghetto of Seminole County,” because of them, one black resident said because they were so close to private homes in the small city, where everything seerns to be ten minutes away from everything else. Even the nicer parts of town, where older, larger homes sit on manicured lawns; or the newer, town homes and single family house developments surrounded by high walled gates, are no more than a ten minute drive froin the acres of boarded up public housing. "Seminole is one of Florida's most affluent counties, but of its eleven "pockets of poverty," nine are located in Sanford, accordinrd to tho (,( "!oI,,i" l I_i�,,n(,Ju Digit r1m C�'..eii.(ei, And Goldsboro and Georgelown, home to less thatt 10 percent of the city's 53,500 D "An unwelcome exodus" 6 The six vacant housing projects are slated to be torn down, and the area redeveloped, ']'here are plans for mixed income, single family homes, Many of the families who left the projects sifted out into greater Sanford, often receiving a less than warm welcome from the residents of the gated communities and other residential pockets in the city, like the Retreat at Twin Lakes, where Trayvon Martin was killed. After the recession devastated home prices across Florida, some homeowners began renting out their places, and HUD pays nearly all of the rent, making Section 8 an attractive offer for some desperate homeowners. k o Social and Racial Unrest G "Oliver said some homeowners associations actively fought the new residents, who received rent assistance from HUD, in some cases prompting the local chapter of the NAACP to get involved." 6 We who have invested in Sanford, who live in Sanford, work in Sanford, and love Sanford need to get aggressive in what we bring our community up to match the natural resources that should be the envy of every other city in Central Florida. Let irs not squander our land, and future with lack of vision, Sincerely, l_,h1da barter 3405 S Mellonvi Ile Ave Sanford Fl 3 2773 4073028469 I?rom: Silas & Linda Barker [m.�ruIio silk s[,i»c €a {cr1l�c�tmail_.conl] Sent: Sun 12/29/2013 11:33 PM Subject: Concerns here in the Silver Lake District 32773 As Seminole County, City Of Sanford, and City of Lake Mary are committed to working together to ' provide the best and highest quality of life for it's citizens, this letter is going out to all who are in a position to act accordingly. We who have invested in Sanford, who live in Sanford, work in Sanford, and love Sanford need to get aggressive in what we bring to a community. It is my sincere desire that a dialogue can evolve that will provide significant solutions to a proposed PUD adjacent to the "Silver Lake District" that will cause more harm than good. It is paramount that as residents of zip code 32773, we highlight the trouble and conflicting issues that will descend upon City and County citizens as a result of the newly - proposed P & L P1_)D Master Plan for "Silvestri Estates." The P & ! considering an approval of this PUD with 5 to 7.5 ` setbacks - -- which clearly shouts out affordable "starter homes " - -- when currently there are sevcnfeerr foreclosures in the nearby recently - built "Magnolia Park" tract home subdivision and tlrh een forecloses in nearby "affordable "Sonora "? We do NOT need anymore "affordable starter homes" that bring in low taxes, increase a population in an area with limited entry -level employment. It should be apparent, that the potential for high end development, either residential or commercial to be replaced by this uninspiring tract housing is a huge financial loss in terms of a future tax base to us residents, and to the city of Sanford. We all agree, do we not, that we need to increase our Tax Revenue? In spite of the low price of houses, Sanford has the highest Millage (20.3894) of any city in the central Florida area. Such information highlights the lowest tax revenue in spite of high tax rates. 1. We heard at the September- 9th 2013 Budget meeting the statistics for the AVERAGE hone price in Sanford is $120,000. Since a limited few honks are valued at $350,000 or more the evidence below demonstrates a valuation lower than $120,000. 2. SigniCcant to the community is the statistic attached to the general sales of homes in the first three quarters of the year based upon area. The "Orlando JZegional Realtor Association" reveals prices based upon zip codes. The following reveals a divergence in prices: Zip code 32771, a Sanford /Lake Forrest region, average home sales of $186,713 West of I -4 corridor. Zip code 32773, a different Sanford neighborhood, average home sales of $104, 536 The difference of $82,177 is a pointed decline and a figure way below the $120,000 average. Question. We often ask what does Lake Mary/ Heathrow have that Sanford does not? C °NN's_Moicy._1��,ag)a, i»e'_s 2009 study declared Lake Mary to be the best place to live in the Southern United States. In the national ranking conducted, Lake Mary placed fourth in favorite places to live. Answer. The answer is simple: an upscale Planned Urban Development is needed here in Sanford as well! 2. From January 2009 to June 2009, there were 33 single family homes sold in the Heathrow Ff., real estate market. The highest priced ],ionic sold for $1,460,000, and the lowest-priced home sold for $235,000. What did Lake Mary/Heathrow have when it was developed in 1985? That answer is simple too, They had vacant land and civic leaders with a vision. Our concerns center from a monumental disparity between the quality of development under review by P & Z and the vision of the "Comprehensive plan," The emphasis in the past was to give tax incentives to corporations to move to Sanford. As solid as that goal Sounds, irony surfaces. What good does it do when those Corporate executives move to Lake Mary and fle, tl� athrow as there is no suitable, high end, new home construction in zip 32773? Point in case: Our newlv anoointed Police Chief, Cecil Smith, chose not to live in the city limits of Sanford. Sadly he got the blessingv om the city of Sanford to live outside the city limits in the 2ated community of Lake Forrest. ATmarently, no _suitable, upscale, single-family homes existed in 2013 to match the Chiefs desired lifestyle. Question: What are the incentives to live in Sanford? We desperately need to change Sanford's image. If Lake Mary can transform itself, so can we. We have the opportunity to create our own airport community of "Lake Nona" or Heathrow. We have the raw land to use as the City and County directs. Sanford's image: needs revival. Seven hundred "affordable starter homes" will not rectify nor even move us slightly towards a transformation. It will be just more of the sarne. What are the factors negatively impacting Sanford 32773? Specifically, Our neighbor has vacated his home and moved to Heathrow. His home is listed for sale and currently is a rental. The owner's complaint is that although there has been interest in the property, the buyers lose interest when they discover the Sanford crime statistics, Furthermore the prospective buyers are not impressed with the overall industrialization of the area. In addition to all these woes centering around Sanford's reputation for Section 8 housing, transient homeless persons and crime are salient variables. These two factors "seal the deal." • Crime • TB—I crime statistics show that Sanford has a violent crime rate of 6.65 incidents per 1,000 residents — higher than Florida's crime rate of 5.42. The city's burglary crime rate, 16,,26 per 1,000 residents, is more than double the national average of 7.0. • Sanford is an entitlement city. Quote from the City of Sanford's website; • "City of Sanford's CDBG Five-Year Consolidated Plan that completed the City's requirement for Entitlement Community Status for the Department of Housing and Urban Development" The quotes below are from the article "Before Trayvon ]Vlartin, Closure of housing . projects stoked tensions in Sanford" ),,N Flo nix Reid a April AL2M • "Sanford is considered the ghetto of Seminole County," because of them, one black resident said -- because they were so close to private homes in the small city, where everything seems to be ten minutes away from everything else. Even the nicer parts of town, where older, larger homes sit on manicured lawns; or the newer town homes and single family house developments surrounded by High walled gates, are no more than a ten minute drive from the acres of boarded up public housing," • "Seminole is one of Florida's inost affluent counties, but of its eleven "pockets of poverty," nine are located in Sanford, according to the Cen(ral_Florida Dream. Center. and Goldsboro and Georgetown, horse to less than 10 percent of the city's 53,500 • "An unwelcome exodus" • The six vacant housing projects are slated to be torn down, and the area redeveloped. There are plans for mixed income, single family homes. Many of the families who left the projects sifted out into greater Sanford, often receiving a less than warm welcome from the residents of the gated communities and other residential pockets in the city, like the Retreat at Twin Lakes, where Trayvon Martin was killed. After the recession devastated home prices across Florida, some homeowners began renting out their places, and HUD pays nearly all of the rent, making Section 8 an attractive offer for some desperate homeowners. In conclusion, We who have invested in Sanford, who live in Sanford, work in Sanford, and love Sanford need to get aggressive in what we bring to a community. The natural resources should be the envy of every other city in Central Florida. The pristine lake is unmatched. The majestic trees are signs of beauty unique to few locations. Void of asphalt jungles, tacky zero- property lines, and cookie - cutter homes, we are proud of our distinct region. All of these assets are here in the Lake District. The citizens know of their secret "jewel." Silver- Lake should be embraced, promoted, and rejuvenated at each opportunity possible by people in government. This includes Planning and Zoning employees who should be promoting and underscoring the existence of a natural setting found uniquely in the Lake District (Silver Lake), if you do not endorse us, who will do this job? Apparently, this promotion and support should be an inherent and understood role for city employees. Failure to speak up for us is failing everyone us who live in this city. Let us not squander our laird, and future because someone is afraid to speak as our advocate, or even worse, lacks a vision for the right kind of development. 1 hope to hear a response from all concerned. Thank You, Sincerely, Linda Kellam Barker 3405 S Mellonville Ave Sanford Fl 32773 407 302 8469