HomeMy WebLinkAbout4313 Silvestri RezoneOrdinance No. 2014 -4313 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida relating to the Silvestri Estates Planned Development ( "PD "); providing for the rezoning of real property totaling approximately 214.54 acres in size consisting of generally and addressed at 2401 East Lake Mary Boulevard (Property Appraiser Tax Parcel Identification Numbers: 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0010, 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0020, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0030, 07-20- 31-51-11-0000-0040, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0050, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0060, 07- 20-31- 5LR - 0000 -0070, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -00803 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0090, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0150, 07-20-31 -5LR- 0000 - 0160,07 -20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0170, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0180, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0190, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0100, 07-20-31-5 LR-0000-01 10, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000- 0120, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0130, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0140, 07 -20- 31- 5LR - 0000-0200, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0210, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0220, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0230, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0240, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0250, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0260, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0270, 7-20 - 31- 5LR - 0000 -0280, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0290, 7 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0300, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 - 031 0, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0320, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0330, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0340, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0350, 07 -20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0360, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0370, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0380, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0390, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0400, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0410, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0420, 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0430, 07 -20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0440, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0450, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0460, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OA00 -0000, 07- 20- 31- 51_11-01300 -0000, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0000, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OD00 -0000, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OEOO -0000, 07 -20- 31- 51-R -OF00 -0000, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OG00 -0000, 07-20-31-51-R-01-100- 0000, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OJOO -0000 and 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OSOO -0000) all located within the City Limits (map of the property attached) from PD as approved in Ordinance Number 4129, enacted on August 25, 2008; providing for the taking of implementing administrative actions; providing for the adoption of a map and PD master plan by reference; repealing all conflicting ordinances; providing for severability; providing for non- codification and providing for an effective date. Whereas, Safari Investments, LLC (whose managers are Sadique M. Jaffer and Mohamedtaki Jaffer), is the owner of certain real property, totaling approximately 214.54 acres) in size (consisting of numerous tax parcels of real property) and located at parcels addressed at 2401 East Lake Mary Boulevard and has applied to the City of Sanford, pursuant to the controlling provisions of State law and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, to have the property rezoned to the Planned Development ( "PD ") IIPil, U zoning classification from the existing zoning classifications and with the project being named the Silvestri Estates PD; and Whereas, the property owner has submitted a request to amend the future land use map designation from I- Industrial to GC, General Commercial, (21.52 acres), and to LDR -SF, Low Density Residential, (193.02 acres), for the purpose of developing the commercial and residential project called Silvestri Estates PD; and Whereas, the property owner has also applied to rezone the property to PD, Planned Development, in order to establish specific development and design standards for their project. The planned development proposes commercial uses fronting along East Lake Mary Boulevard and 377 single family lots south of the commercial tracts extending west to Mellonville Avenue and south to Pine Way; and Whereas, excluding the proposed commercial and wetland/buffer areas, the net density for the residential development is 2.9 units per acre; and Whereas, the Citizen's Awareness Participation Plan (CAPP) requirements of the City relative to the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan have been met by the applicant to the satisfaction of the City and the CAPP procedures of the City have been adhered to and honored with the applicant and owners being willing to meet with any concern citizen or stakeholder should they have any questions or concerns regarding the application and proposed use of the subject property said CAPP meeting occurring on August 27, 2013; and Whereas, the City's Planning and Development Services Department has conducted a thorough review and analysis of the demands upon public facilities and general planning and land development issues should the subject application be approved and has otherwise reviewed and evaluated the application to determine 2j11ago. whether is comports with sound and generally accepted land use planning practices and principles as well as whether the application is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan and determined that the proposed the amendment of the City's Comprehensive Plan relative to the subject property as set forth in this Ordinance is internally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford and the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the City's Planning and Development Services Department has determined that, to some extent, the actions taken herein are curative in that the provisions of this Ordinance eliminate a conflicting land use that is proximate to wetlands; and Whereas, and, indeed, the City's Planning and Development Services Department thoroughly reviewed numerous reports and studies submitted to the City by the applicant in support of the subject application; and Whereas, on December 5, 2013 the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanford recommended that the City Commission approve the subject rezoning as set forth in this Ordinance and, together with the recommendations of the City staff, recommended normative development conditions as well as the conditions set forth herein; and Whereas, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission have determined that the proposed the rezoning of the subject property as set forth in this Ordinance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, the Land Development Regulations of the City of Sanford, and the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida has taken all 3111 ����i�. actions relating to the rezoning action set forth herein in accordance with the requirements and procedures mandated by State law. Now, therefore, be it enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to the application relating to the proposed rezoning of the subject property as well as the recitals (whereas clauses) to this Ordinance said recitals being fully adopted and incorporated as an integral part of this Resolution. (b). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. (c). This Ordinance is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford. Section 2. Rezoning of real property /implementing actions. (a). Upon enactment of this Ordinance the following property, as depicted in the map attached to this Ordinance, totaling 214.54 acres in size, shall be rezoned from the MI -2, Medium Industrial, zoning classification to the PD, Planned Development, zoning classification for the Silvestri Estates PD (parcels addressed at 2401 East Lake Mary Boulevard or Property Appraiser Tax Parcel Identification Numbers: 07- 20 -31- 51-R -0000 -0010, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0020, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0030, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0040, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0050, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0060, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000- 0070, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0080, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0090, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0150, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000- 0160,07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0170, 07-20-31-51-R-0000-0180, 07 -20- 31 -51-R- 0000 -0190, 07 -20 -31 -51-R- 0000 -0100, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0110, 07- 20 -31- 51-R -0000 -0120, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0130, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0140, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 4111 z���c 0000 -0200, 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0210, 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0220, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000- 0230, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0240, 07- 20 -31- 51-R - 0000 -0250, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0260, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0270, 7 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0280, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0290, 7 -20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0300, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0310, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0320, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0330, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0340, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0350, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0360, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0370, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0380, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000- 0390, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0400, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0410, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0420, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0430, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0440, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0450, 07 -20- 31- 51-R - 0000 -0460, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OA00 -0000, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OB00 -0000, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OCOO -0000, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OD00 -0000, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OEOO -0000, 07 -20 -31 -5LR - OF00 -0000, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OGOO -0000, 07- 20 -31- 51-R -01-100 -0000, 07- 20- 31- 51-R -0J00- 0000, and 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OSOO -0000) with the development conditions as set forth herein. (b). The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized to execute any documents necessary to formalize approval of the rezoning action taken herein and to revise and amend the Official Zoning Map or Maps of the City of Sanford as may be appropriate to accomplish the action taken in this Ordinance. (c). The conditions to be incorporated into the pertinent development order (which must be signed and executed within 90 days of the enactment of this Ordinance by the City Commission or the rezone reverts back to the previous MI -2, Medium Industrial, zoning classification) relating to the action taken in this Ordinance include the following and the subject real property shall be subject to a development order which incorporates and contains the following conditions: 1. Pursuant to Section 4.3.G of the Land Development Code of the City of Sanford, this rezoning shall expire 5 years from the effective date 5 11', i c of the approval if improvements have not been completed or an extension granted. 2. The minimum building setbacks and design standards for the single - family lots are as follows: Type of Lot No. of Lots Front Side Rear Street Side Max Height 50' 75' 203 25' 5' 15' 10' 174 25' 7.5' 15' 10' 3- stories 3- stories 3. The property shall be developed generally in accordance with the land uses and development standards identified on the Silvestri Estates PD Master Plan revision date of November 25, 2013 contingent upon the southern uplands portion of the conservation easement on Tract C, Silver Lakes Industrial Park, being vacated by the St. John River Water Management District, unless otherwise specifically set forth in this Ordinance or any associated Development Order. With regard to the area of Tract C encumbered by the conservation easement on Tract C, the northern portion shall remain encumbered by the conservation easement or otherwise in conservation status as approved by the City and with a form being approved by the City Attorney. If the conservation easement is not vacated, as set forth herein, such that the PD Master Plan may be implemented, the property owner shall submit a revised PD Master Plan to the City within 90 days of final action relating thereto and said PD Master Plan shall be subject to such approvals as the City may deem appropriate under the processes and procedures set forth in the City's Land Development Regulations, 4. All air conditioning units shall be placed in the rear of the lots that are 50' in width. 5. Unless specifically requested and approved on the PD Master Plan, any required elements missing from or not shown on the PD Master Plan shall otherwise comply with the City's Land Development Regulations. 6. Street lights shall comply with the City's Land Development Regulations (Schedule N). However, additional requirements for the street lights may be considered during engineering plan review based on the type of light fixture and mounting height being designed. i. Landscaping for the single family lots shall be designed in a manner and of a quality equal to or exceed the specifications provided to the Kay's banding subdivision. S. During preliminary subdivision plan review; stem wall construction may be required for houses built on the 50' wide single- family lots. 9. The applicant /developer shall coordinate with the owners of Lots 1- 14 of the adjacent Magnolia Park subdivision and construct a wall and/or landscape buffer along the current conservation area /easement (Tract C, Silver Lake Industrial Park) with the type of construction being the City's determination. 10. A mandatory homeowners association which is perpetual in nature shall be created with powers acceptable to the City and in a form approved by the City Attorney which homeowners association shall be managed by a professionally licensed property management company. 11. All homes shall have articulated front elevations accented with at least one decorative accessory such as raised stucco banding; foam bands, shutters and decorative accents; stone; brick; or siding. Metal 71P <���� siding and scored banding shall not be used on a home. 12. All Lots shall be irrigated and separately metered as approved by the City. The irrigation control box shall be mounted such that the homeowners association will have ready access to the sprinkler controls. 13. The homes within the developed community shall have varied architectural features and homes with the same front fapade shall not be repeated in close proximity to each other. In order to achieve this goal, no two homes will be constructed with the same front facade when such home are located directly beside each other. No home with the same front facade either will be constructed directly across the street from a home with the same front facade or to either side of the home directly across the street. The City shall not issue any building permit without the applicant affirmatively demonstrating that this condition has been and is being adhered to. 14. All homes shall be painted and maintained in earth tone colors. Loud, blue, black, red and purple colors are prohibited as determined by the City. 15. Landscaping shall be equal to or greater than the specifications established for Kays Landings as determined by the City. 16. The declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions (DCCRs), as approved by the City, shall require each home owner to maintain their property by properly irrigating its yard and landscaping; keeping their yards mowed and the painting thereon maintained as required by the homeowners association and the City. Should any homeowner fail to comply with the requirements of this condition, after being duly notified of the violation in accordance with the DCCRs, the homeowners association shall have the power and the duty to bring the lot into compliance and place a lien against the lot for all cost incurred in remedying the violation and the City shall have the power, but not the duty, to do likewise. 17. Wood or chain link fencing are prohibited. 18. All garages shall be maintained such that the number of vehicles designed to fit within the garage may do so. 19. No home owner shall regularly park in the street. 20. Parking on yard areas is prohibited. 21. No inoperable vehicles, boats, or recreational vehicles shall be permitted to remain on any lot unless it is concealed within a garage and unable to be viewed from any abutting property or a street. 22. Two canopy trees in the rear yards of the 50' lots (Lots 21 through 58) that abut the commercial property shall be planted prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 23. The foregoing restrictions shall not be amended or removed from the DCCRs without the written approval of the City in a recordable form approved by the City Attorney. Section 3. Incorporation of documents. The documents attached to this Ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed and incorporated into this Ordinance as a substantive part of this Ordinance. Section 4. Conflicts. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said 911'a'=e 1111111 piIIIIII "1, 111, other section, sentence, phrase, word, • portion of this Ordinance not oltherwisi-r- City Code of the City of Sanford or the Land Development Code of the City of Sanford; provided, however, that the actions taken herein shall be depicted • the zoning maps of the City of Sanford by the City Manager, or designee. 1� T-M -mum, the execution and recording of the Development Order referenced in this Ordinance; provided, however, that said Development Order must be fully executed and delivered to the City Clerk for recording within 90 days of the date of enacted of this Ordinance. Otherwise, this Ordinance shall be null and void and of no force and effect. Passed and adopted this 1 oth day of March, 2014. Attest. City Commission, of t e City of Sanford, Florida 7 Cynthia Porter, City Clerk Jeff Triplett, Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. "William L. Colbert�, City Attorney DOCUMENTS ATTACHED HERE 11IPI c ��WS RM X 871% Item No. ' CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 1 4.071 MARCH 10, 2014 AGENDA TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Comm. . n PREPARED BY: Russ Gibson, Planning and Development Se ' s Dir or SUBMITTED BY: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., City Manager SUBJECT: Rezone 214.54 acres at 2401 E. Lake Mary Boulevard from MI -2, Medium Industrial to PD, Planned Development (Silvestri Estates) THIS IS A QUASI-JUDICIAL. MATTER AND, AS SUCH, REQUIRES DISCLOSURE OF ALL EX-PARTE COMMUNICATIONS, INVESTIGATIONS, SITE VISITS AND EXPERT OPINIONS REGARDING THIS MATTER. SYNOPSIS: The property owner is requesting to rezone 214.54 acres located at 2401 E. Lake Mary Boulevard from MI -2, Medium Industrial, to PD, Planned Development (Silvestri Estates). FISCAL /STAFFING STATEMENT: Based on the 2013 property tax roll of Seminole County, the subject property is assessed as grazing land with a total value of $80,673. 'fhe total tax bill in 2013 for the 214.54 acre site was $1,643. No additional staffing or City resources are required if the subject property's future land use designation is amended. BACKGROUND: The 214.54 acre site is located on the south side of E. Lake Mary Boulevard between two residential planned developments - Magnolia Park PD to the west and the Brisson West PD to the east. All of the subject property is in the Silver Lakes Industrial Park Replat (58 parcels) approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Commission in January 1993. Since then the property has remained undeveloped. The current property owners have submitted a request to amend the future land use map designation from I- Industrial to GC- General Commercial (21.52 acres) and LDR -SF, Low Density Residential (193.02 acres) for the purpose of developing a commercial and residential project called Silvestri Estates. "Me owners have also applied to rezone the property to PD, Planned Development in order to establish specific development and design standards for their project. The planned development proposes commercial uses fronting along East Lake Mary Boulevard and 377 single family lots south of the commercial tracts extending west to Mellonville Avenue and south to Pine Way. Excluding the proposed commercial and wetland/buffer areas, the net density for the residential development is 2.9 units per acre. The minimum building setbacks and design standards for the single family lots are as follows: No. of Lots Front Side Rear Street Side Max Height 50' lots 203 25' 5' 15' 10' 3- stories 75' lots 174 25' 7.5' 15' 10' 3- stories Unless otherwise specified on the PD Master Plan, the commercial and residential development will comply with the standard zoning requirements in the City's Land Development Regulations. n..._.. 1 .r 4 The applicant held a Citizens Awareness Participation Plan meeting on August 27, 2013, and has provided a meeting summary. CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW: The City Attorney has prepared the ordinance making the technical edits and adding the conditions approved by the City Commission at its meeting of February 10, 2014. The recommendation of City staff is to approve the ordinance that contains the conditions adopted by the City Commission. The condition of approval includes the property owner entering an implementing development order with the City and should the development order not be entered the existing zoning would remain in effect. The Comprehensive flan amendment would continue to be processed. As noted in the City Commission's previous meeting, that amendment has been determined to be curative in view of policies within the Comprehensive Plan relating to wetlands protection. RECOMMENDATION: On December 5, 2013, the City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval to rezone 214.54 acres located at 2401 E. Lake Mary Boulevard from Ml -2, Medium Industrial to PD, Planned Development for Silvestri Estates subject to approving the comprehensive plan amendment and a Development Order that includes the following conditions. 1. The subject property shall be developed in accordance with the PD Master Plan for Silvestri Estates with revision date of November 25, 2013 contingent upon the existing conservation easement on Tract C, Silver Lakes Industrial Park being vacated by the St. John River Water Management District. 2, The PD rezoning shall expire five (5) years from the effective date of the rezoning ordinance if all improvements have not been completed or an extension granted. 3. All A/C units shall be placed in the rear of the homes on the 50 -foot wide lots. 4. Unless specifically noted and approved on the Planned Development Master Plan for Silvestri Estates, any required elements missing from or not shown on the PD Master Plan shall otherwise comply with the City's Land Development Regulations. 5. Street lights shall comply with the City's Land Development Regulations (Schedule N). however, additional requirements for the lights may be considered during engineering plan review based on the type of light fixture and mounting height being designed. 6. Landscaping for the single family lots shall be designed equal to or exceed the specifications provided to the Kay's Landing subdivision. 7. During Preliminary Subdivision Plan review, stem wall construction may be required for houses built on the 50' wide single family lots. S. The applicant /developer will coordinate with the owners of Lots 1 -14 of the adjacent Magnolia Park subdivision and construct a wall and /or landscape buffer along the current conservation area /casement (Tract C, Silver Lake Industrial Park). On January 13, 2014, by a vote of 4 to I (Commissioner Jones dissenting), the City Commission approved first reading of Ordinance No. 4313 to rezone 2401 E. Lake Mary Boulevard to PD, Planned Development as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission subject to the following conditions. a. The proposed 50' lots shall be changed to a minimum 55' wide b. The proposed 5' side yard setbacks shall be changed to a minimum 7.5' C. The existing 30' tract adjacent to Magnolia Park shall remain as a buffer d. The applicant to work with staff regarding Home Owner- Association documents to restrict repetitive home design (building elevation) of adjacent houses or with houses across the street. The proposed language for the Development Order for Silvestri Estates: Owner shall, at or prior to the time of platting, record a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions that shall contain the following Architectural Limitation: "It is the intent of the Developer that the community has varied architectural features and that homes with the same front fad ade are not repeated in close proximity to each other. In order to achieve this goal, Builders shall not build two single - family horns with the same front facade directly beside each other. In addition, Builders shall not build a single family home with the same front fa4ade either n--- directly across the street from one with the same front facade or to either side of the home directly across the street." On February 10, 2014, by a vote of 3 to 2 (Commissioners .Tones and McCarty dissenting), the City Commission approved first reading of Ordinance No. 4313 to rezone 2401 E. Lake Mary Boulevard to PD, Planned Development as recommended by the Planning and zoning Commission subject to the following additional 13 conditions that are also included in the ordinance: I. A mandatory homeowners association which is perpetual in nature shall be created with powers acceptable to the City and in a form approved by the City Attorney which homeowners associations shall be managed by a professionally licensed property management company. 2. All homes shall have articulated front elevations accented with at least one decorative accessory such as raised stucco banding; foam bands, shutters and decorative accents; stone; brick; or siding. Metal siding and scored banding shall not be used on a horne. 3. All lots shall be irrigated and separately metered as approved by the City. The irrigation control box shall be mounted such that the homeowners association will have ready access to the sprinkler controls. 4. The homes within the developed community shall have varied architectural features and homes with the same front facade shall not be repeated in close proximity to each other. In order to achieve this goal, no two homes will be constructed with the same front facade when such home are located directly beside each other. No horne with the same front facade either will be constructed directly across the street from a home with the same front facade or to either side of the home directly across the street. The City shall not issue any building permit without the applicant affirmatively demonstrating that this condition has been and is being adhered to. 5. All homes shall be painted and maintained in earth tone colors. Loud, blue, black, red and purple colors are prohibited as determined by the City. 6. Landscaping shall be equal to or greater than the specifications established for the Kay's Landing subdivision as determined by the City. 7. The declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions (DCCRs), as approved by the City, shall require each home owner to maintain their property by properly irrigating its yard and landscaping; keeping their yards mowed and the painting thereon maintained as required by the homeowners association and the City. Should any homeowner fail to comply with the requirements of this condition, alter- being duly notified of the violation in accordance with the DCCRs, the homeowners association shall have the power and the duty to bring the lot into compliance and place a lien against the lot for all cost incurred in remedying the violation and the City shall have the power, but not the duty, to do likewise. 8. Wood or chain link fencing are prohibited. 9. All garages shall be maintained such that the number of vehicles designed to fit within the garage may do so. No home owner shall regularly park in the street. 10. Parking on yard areas is prohibited. 11. No inoperable vehicles, boats, or recreational vehicles shall be permitted to remain on any lot unless it is concealed within a garage and unable to be viewed from any abutting property or a street. 12. 'Two canopy trees in the rear yards of the 50' lots (Lots 21 through 58) that abut the commercial property shall be planted prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 13. The foregoing restrictions shall not be amended or removed from the DCCRs. without the written approval of the City in a recordable form approved by the City Attorney. It is staff s recommendation that the City Commission adopt Ordinance No. 4313, as amended in accordance with the actions taken by the City Commission at its meeting of February 10, 2014, to rezone 214.54 acres located at 2401 E. Lake Mary Boulevard from MI -2, Medium Industrial to PD, Planned Development for Silvestri Estates subject to approving the comprehensive plan amendment and a Development Order that includes all recommended conditions." The City Clerk published notice of this public hearing in the Sanford Herald on February 26, 2014. SUGGESTED MOTION: -.. 1 -P n "I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4313 to rezone 214.54 acres located at 2401 L. Fake Mary Boulevard from MI -2, Medium Industrial to PD, Planned Development for Silvestri Estates subject to approving the comprehensive plan amendment and a Development Order that includes all recommended conditions." Attachments: Site Vicinity Map /Aerial Map Ordinance No. 4313 PD Master Plan for Silvestri Estates revised November 25, 2013 (3 pages) Project Information Sheet (2 pages) Citizens Awareness Participation Plan (CAPP) report (16 pages) 'Trip Generation report by GMB Engineers (2 pages) Seminole County Public Schools Impact Analysis (3 pages) Imagine Sanford brochure (2 pages) Affidavit of Ownership and Designation of Agent (2 pages) Information presented at the December 5, 2013 P &Z Commission meeting Copy of PowerPoint presentation given by Mr. Coover and Mr. Evans (20 pages) Public Comment form submitted by Melonic Beadling Public Comment forin submitted by Tracy Sanford Email received from Silas and Linda Barker TADevelolnnenl Revic -03 -Land Dcvclopmcn02013%Sslvcr lake (Saf i i )nv I.LCJ-Ika silver Lakes 111(h.8i. sl ParklRe,onoU: Memo 1- 27- 2014TC. Memo -Remne 2461 I lake Mary Ii]vd,doc n. -.__ n . -r n Ordinance No. 2014 -4313 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida relating to the Silvestri Estates Planned Development ( "PD "); providing for the rezoning of real property totaling approximately 214.54 acres in size consisting of generally and addressed at 2401 East Lake Mary Boulevard (Property Appraiser Tax Parcel Identification Numbers: 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0010, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0020, 07 -20 -31 -SLR -0000 -0030, 07 -20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0040, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0050, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0060, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0070, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0080, 07- 20- 31 -SLR- 0000 -0090, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0150, 07-20-31- 5LR -0000- 0160,07 -20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0170, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0180, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0190, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 - 0100, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0110, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0120, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0130, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0140, 07 -20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0200, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0210, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0220, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0230, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0240, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0250, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0260, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -02701 7 -20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0280, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0290, 7 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0300, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0310, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0320, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0330, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0340, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0350, 07 -20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0360, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0370, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0380, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0390, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -04001 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0410, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0420, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0430, 07 -20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0440, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0450, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0460, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OA00 -0000, 07- 20- 31- 51LR -01300 -0000, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0000, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OD00 -0000, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OEOO -0000, 07 -20- 31- 5LR -OFOO -0000, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OGOO -0000, 07-20-31.51-R-01-100- 0000, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OJ00 -0000 and 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OSOO -0000) all located within the City Limits (map of the property attached) from PD as approved in Ordinance Number 4129, enacted on August 25, 2008; providing for the taking of implementing administrative actions; providing for the adoption of a map and PD master plan by reference; repealing all conflicting ordinances; providing for severability; providing for non - codification and providing for an effective date. Whereas, Safari Investments, LLC (whose managers are Sadique M. Jaffer and Mohamedtaki Jaffer), is the owner of certain real property, totaling approximately 214.54 acres) in size (consisting of numerous tax parcels of real property) and located at parcels addressed at 2401 East Lake Mary Boulevard and has applied to the City of Sanford, pursuant to the controlling provisions of State law and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, to have the property rezoned to the Planned Development ( "PD ") zoning classification from the existing zoning classifications and with the project being named the Silvestri Estates PD; and Whereas, the property owner has submitted a request to amend the future land use map designation from I- Industrial to GC, General Commercial, (21.52 acres), and to LDR -SF, Low Density Residential, (193.02 acres), for the purpose of developing the commercial and residential project called Silvestri Estates PD; and Whereas, the property owner has also applied to rezone the property to PD, Planned Development, in order to establish specific development and design standards for their project. The planned development proposes commercial uses fronting along East Lake Mary Boulevard and 377 single family lots south of the commercial tracts extending west to Mellonville Avenue and south to Pine Way; and Whereas, excluding the proposed commercial and wetland /buffer areas, the net density for the residential development is 2.9 units per acre; and Whereas, the Citizen's Awareness Participation Plan (CAPP) requirements of the City relative to the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan have been met by the applicant to the satisfaction of the City and the CAPP procedures of the City have been adhered to and honored with the applicant and owners being willing to meet with any concern citizen or stakeholder should they have any questions or concerns regarding the application and proposed use of the subject property said CAPP meeting occurring on August 27, 2013; and Whereas, the City's Planning and Development Services Department has conducted a thorough review and analysis of the demands upon public facilities and general planning and land development issues should the subject application be approved and has otherwise reviewed and evaluated the application to determine 2 1Page whether is comports with sound and generally accepted land use planning practices and principles as well as whether the application is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan and determined that the proposed the amendment of the City's Comprehensive Plan relative to the subject property as set forth in this Ordinance is internally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford and the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the City's Planning and Development Services Department has determined that, to some extent, the actions taken herein are curative in that the provisions of this Ordinance eliminate a conflicting land use that is proximate to wetlands; and Whereas, and, indeed, the City's Planning and Development Services Department thoroughly reviewed numerous reports and studies submitted to the City by the applicant in support of the subject application; and Whereas, on December 5, 2013 the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanford recommended that the City Commission approve the subject rezoning as set forth in this Ordinance and, together with the recommendations of the City staff, recommended normative development conditions as well as the conditions set forth herein; and Whereas, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission have determined that the proposed the rezoning of the subject property as set forth in this Ordinance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, the Land Development Regulations of the City of Sanford, and the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida has taken all 3 � P a c actions relating to the rezoning action set forth herein in accordance with the requirements and procedures mandated by State law. Now, therefore, be it enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to the application relating to the proposed rezoning of the subject property as well as the recitals (whereas clauses) to this Ordinance said recitals being fully adopted and incorporated as an integral part of this Resolution. (b). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. (c). This Ordinance is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford. Section 2. Rezoning of real property /implementing actions. (a). Upon enactment of this Ordinance the following property, as depicted in the map attached to this Ordinance, totaling 214.54 acres in size, shall be rezoned from the MI -2, Medium Industrial, zoning classification to the PD, Planned Development, zoning classification for the Silvestri Estates PD (parcels addressed at 2401 East Lake Mary Boulevard or Property Appraiser Tax Parcel Identification Numbers: 07- 20 -31- 51-R- 0000 -0010, 07 -20 -31 -51-R -0000 -0020, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0030, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0040, 07 -20 -31 -SLR -0000 -0050, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0060, 07 -20 -31 - 5LR -0000- 0070, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0080, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0090, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0150, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 - 0160,07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0170, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0180, 07 -20- 31 -51-R- 0000 -0190, 07 -20 -31 -51-R- 0000 -0100, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0110, 07- 20 -31- 51-R- 0000 -0120, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0130, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0140, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 4�11agc 0000 -0200, 07 -20 -31 -51-R- 0000 -0210, 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0220, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000- 0230, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0240, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000.0250, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0260, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0270, 7 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0280, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0290, 7 -20- 31- 51-R - 00000300, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0310, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0320, 07- 20 -31- 51-R - 0000 -0330, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0340, 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0350, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- 0000 -0360, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0370, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0380, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000- 0390, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0400, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 00000410, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0420, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0430, 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0440, 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0450, 07 -20- 31 -51-R- 0000 -0460, 07- 20 -31- 51-R -OA00 -0000, 07- 20 -31- 51-R -01300 -0000, 07- 20 -31- 51-R -0000 -0000, 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OD00 -0000, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OE00 -0000, 07- 20- 31 -5LR- OF00 -0000, 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OGOO -0000, 07- 20 -31- 51-R -01-100 -0000, 07- 20 -31- 51-R -0J00- 0000, and 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OS00 -0000) with the development conditions as set forth herein. (b). The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized to execute any documents necessary to formalize approval of the rezoning action taken herein and to revise and amend the Official Zoning Map or Maps of the City of Sanford as may be appropriate to accomplish the action taken in this Ordinance. (c). The conditions to be incorporated into the pertinent development order (which must be signed and executed within 90 days of the enactment of this Ordinance by the City Commission or the rezone reverts back to the previous MI -2, Medium Industrial, zoning classification) relating to the action taken in this Ordinance include the following and the subject real property shall be subject to a development order which incorporates and contains the following conditions: 1. Pursuant to Section 4.3.G of the Land Development Code of the City of Sanford, this rezoning shall expire 5 years from the effective date of the approval if improvements have not been completed or an extension granted. 2. The minimum building setbacks and design standards for the single- family lots are as follows: Type of Lot No. of Lots Front Side Rear Street Side Max-Height 50' 203 25' 5' 15' 10' 3- stories 75' 174 25' 7.5' 15' 10' 3- stories 3. The property shall be developed generally in accordance with the land uses and development standards identified on the Silvestri Estates PD Master Plan revision date of November 25, 2013 contingent upon the southern uplands portion of the conservation easement on Tract C, Silver Lakes Industrial Park, being vacated by the St. John River Water Management District, unless otherwise specifically set forth in this Ordinance or any associated Development Order. With regard to the area of Tract C encumbered by the conservation easement on Tract C, the northern portion shall remain encumbered by the conservation easement or otherwise in conservation status as approved by the City and with a form being approved by the City Attorney. If the conservation easement is not vacated, as set forth herein, such that the PD Master Plan may be implemented, the property owner shall submit a revised PD Master Plan to the City within 90 days of final action relating thereto and said PD Master Plan shall be subject to such approvals as the City may deem appropriate under the processes and procedures set forth in the City's Land Development Regulations, 4. All air conditioning units shall be placed in the rear of the lots that 6 1Pagc are 50' in width. 5. Unless specifically requested and approved on the PD Master Plan, any required elements missing from or not shown on the PD Master Plan shall otherwise comply with the City's Land Development Regulations. 6. Street lights shall comply with the City's Land Development Regulations (Schedule N). However, additional requirements for the street lights may be considered during engineering plan review based on the type of light fixture and mounting height being designed. 7. Landscaping for the single family lots shall be designed in a manner and of a quality equal to or exceed the specifications provided to the Kay's Landing subdivision. 8. During preliminary subdivision plan review; stem wall construction may be required for houses built on the 50' wide single- family lots. 9. The applicant/developer shall coordinate with the owners of Lots 1- 14 of the adjacent Magnolia Park subdivision and construct a wall and/or landscape buffer along the current conservation area /easement (Tract C, Silver Lake Industrial Park) with the type of construction being the City's determination. 10. A mandatory homeowners association which is perpetual in nature shall be created with powers acceptable to the City and in a form approved by the City Attorney which homeowners association shall be managed by a professionally licensed property management company. 11. All homes shall have articulated front elevations accented with at least one decorative accessory such as raised stucco banding; foam bands, shutters and decorative accents; stone; brick; or siding. Metal 71}'atrc siding and scored banding shall not be used on a home. 12. All Lots shall be irrigated and separately metered as approved by the City. The irrigation control box shall be mounted such that the homeowners association will have ready access to the sprinkler controls. 13. The homes within the developed community shall have varied architectural features and homes with the same front facade shall not be repeated in close proximity to each other. In order to achieve this goal, no two homes will be constructed with the same front facade when such home are located directly beside each other. No home with the same front facade either will be constructed directly across the street from a home with the same front facade or to either side of the home directly across the street. The City shall not issue any building permit without the applicant affirmatively demonstrating that this condition has been and is being adhered to. 14. All homes shall be painted and maintained in earth tone colors. Loud, blue, black, red and purple colors are prohibited as determined by the City. 15. Landscaping shall be equal to or greater than the specifications established for Kays Landings as determined by the City. 16. The declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions (DCCRs), as approved by the City, shall require each home owner to maintain their property by properly irrigating its yard and landscaping; keeping their yards mowed and the painting thereon maintained as required by the homeowners association and the City. Should any homeowner fail to comply with the requirements of this condition, after being duly notified of 8IPagc; the violation in accordance with the DCCRs, the homeowners association shall have the power and the duty to bring the lot into compliance and place a lien against the lot for all cost incurred in remedying the violation and the City shall have the power, but not the duty, to do likewise. 17. Wood or chain link fencing are prohibited. 18. All garages shall be maintained such that the number of vehicles designed to fit within the garage may do so. 19. No home owner shall regularly park in the street. 20. Parking on yard areas is prohibited. 21. No inoperable vehicles, boats, or recreational vehicles shall be permitted to remain on any lot unless it is concealed within a garage and unable to be viewed from any abutting property or a street. 22. Two canopy trees in the rear yards of the 50' lots (Lots 21 through 58) that abut the commercial property shall be planted prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 23. The foregoing restrictions shall not be amended or removed from the DCCRs without the written approval of the City in a recordable form approved by the City Attorney. Section 3. Incorporation of documents. The documents attached to this Ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed and incorporated into this Ordinance as a substantive part of this Ordinance. Section 4. Conflicts. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said 9111ag determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 6. Non - codification. This Ordinance shall be not be codified in the City Code of the City of Sanford or the Land Development Code of the City of Sanford; provided, however, that the actions taken herein shall be depicted on the zoning maps of the City of Sanford by the City Manager, or designee. Section 7. Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon the execution and recording of the Development Order referenced in this Ordinance; provided, however, that said Development Order must be fully executed and delivered to the City Clerk for recording within 90 days of the date of enacted of this Ordinance. Otherwise, this Ordinance shall be null and void and of no force and effect. Passed and adopted this _day of March, 2014. Attest: City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida Cynthia Porter, City Clerk Jeff Triplett, Mayor Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. William L. Colbert, City Attorney 10111 a " C DOCUMENTS ATTACHED HERE Silver Lake Park SR= Invacare Father's Table I -2 Magnolia 170 Lots N Site 2401 East Lake Mary Boulevard - Silvestri Estates Parcel Numbers: 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0010 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0150 07 -20 -31 -51-R- 0000 -0020 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0160 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0030 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0170 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000.0040 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0180 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0050 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0190 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0060 07- 20 -31- 51-R - 0000 -0200 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0070 07- 20 -31- 51-R - 0000 -0210 07 -20 -31 -51-R- 0000 -0080 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0220 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0090 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0230 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0100 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0240 07-20-31-51-R-0000-0 110 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0250 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0 120 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0260 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0130 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0270 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0 140 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0280 AG 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0290 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0300 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0310 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0320 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0330 07- 20 -31 -5L R- 0000 -0340 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0350 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0360 07- 20 -31 -5 L R- 0000 -0370 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0380 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0390 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0400 07- 20 -31 -5 LR- 0000 -0410 07- 20 -31 -5L R- 0000 -0420 . EI z° a ........... SITE Brisson West 375 Lots 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0430 07- 20-31- 5LR -0000 -0440 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0450 07- 20 -31 -5 L R- 0000 -0460 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OA00 -0000 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OB00 -0000 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OCOO -0000 07- 20 -31- 5LR -ODOO -0000 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OEOO -0000 07- 20 -31- 5LR -Ol✓ 00 -0000 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0000 07 -2 0- 31- 5LR -0 H 00 -0 0 00 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OJOO -0000 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OSOO -0000 E ,,.,.r +. �....� �n,.+ s:rwwv a. Mn.ts.•er. n +.••,:.n ruwv vro�n� n l ., ..� C I l9 ,,'o �n '81lf3i1.t83Ala 1tlY1Y8 H 3 Y - S09LC vain YOItlOId 00NY1lSO ., 311N3AY YWtlI Oli ypl �yl�w.� sF cvciu avw cw:•.,00,:a e:a ax..,a niw, �, >.e:•: ..w o-..eu•, NVId N316YME Od - ----------- - - - - -- - 'ONI bNl!l3�NiF�N� u +�.& s,... , +,.,, .!, < >.:r W ..,<!9 a,.. 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HAKE MARY BOULEVARD fc a 9 REZONE FROM MI-2 TO PD, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT Requested Action: To rezone property from MI -2, Medium Industrial to PD, Planned Development Proposed Uses: Project Address: Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: Current Land Use: Tax Parcel Numbers: Commercial and Single Family Residential 2401 E. Lake Mary Boulevard MI -2, Medium Industrial PD, Planned Development (Silvestri Estates) Vacant 07- 20 -31- 300 -5LR -0010 and 07- 20 -31- 300 -5LR -0460 Legal Description: THAT PORTION OF SILVER LAKES INDUSTRIAL PARK REPLAT, AS RECORDED IN PB 46, PGS 54 -62, INCLUSIVE, OF 'THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE E 114 COR OF SEC 18, TWP 20S, RGE 31 E, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RUN THENCE N. 00'03'34" W., A DISTANCE OF 40 FT ALONG THE E BOUNDARY OF THE NE 1/4 OF SAID SEC: 18, TWP 20S, RGE 31 E, TO A POINT ON 'rHE N R -O -W LINE OF PINT: WAY AND THE POB; THENCE 5.89 °56'27" W., A DISTANCE OF 1,763.18 FT ALONG, SAID N R -O -W LINE OF PINE WAY BEING 40 FT N OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE S BOUNDARY OF THE NE 1/4 OF SAID SEC 18, TWP 20S, RGE 31E; THENCE LEAVING SAID N R -O -W, N, 00 °08'07" W., A DISTANCE OF 1,284.67 FTTO A POINT ON TIME SLY LINE OF MAGNOLIA PARK, AS RECORDED IN PB 63, PGS 54 -59, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE ALONG THE SLY, ELY AND NLY BOUNDARY OF SAID MAGNOLIA PARK, THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSES: 1) N. 89°57'14" E., A DISTAANCI; OF 441,22 FT ALONG 'rHE N BOUNDARY OF TLIE E 1/3 OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC 18, TWP 20S, RGE 31 E; 2) N. 00'06'59" W., A DISTANCE OF 1,324,56 FT ALONG THE W BOUNDARY OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SAID SEC. 18, TWP 20S, RGE 31 E; 3) S. 89 °58'02" W., A DISTANCE OF 1,324.97 FT ALONG THE S BOUNDARY OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC 7, TWP 20S, RGl 31E, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE N. 00 °14'44" W., A DISTANCE OF 698.28 FT; THENCE N. 89 °57'51" E., A DISTANCE OF 871.21 FT ALONG THE S BOUNDARY OF THE W 871.2 FT OF THE N 625 FT OF THE SE 1/4 01= SAID SEC 7, TWP 20S, RGE 31E; THENCE S. 00 °14743" E., A DISTANCE OF 60 FT; THENCE N. 89'57'51" T., A DISTANCE OF 705 FT ALONG THE S BOUNDARY OF THE E 800 FT OF THE W 1,671.2 Fr OF THE N 685 FT OF THE S 1/2 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SAID SEC 7, TWP 20S, RGE 31E; THENCE S. 00'02'10" F,., A DISTANCE OF 100 FT; THENCE N. 89 °57'51" E., A DISTANCE OF 100 FT- THENCE N. 14 "00'09" 1,"., A DISTANCE OF 103.06 FT; 'THENCE S. 89 °57'51" W., A DISTANCE OF 30 FT; THENCE N. 00 °14'43'' W., A DISTANCE OF 560 FT; THENCE N. 89'57'51" E., A DISTANCE OF 100 FT; THENCE N. 00 °14'43" W., A DISTANCE OF 54.67 FT TO A POINT ON THE SLY R -O -W LINE OF E LAKE MARY BLVD; THENCE ALONG SAID SLY R -O -W LINE THE FOLLOWING (7) COURSES: 1) N. 89 °57'5" E., A DISTANCE OF 1,672.72 FT' ALONG A LINE BEING 70 FT S OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE N BOUNDARY OF THE S 1/2 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC 8, TWP 20S, RGE 3 1 E TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; 2) SELY, 768.64 FT ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE 'r0 THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 918.95 FT AND A CENTRAL ANGLE 01`47'5Y26" (CHORD BEARING S.66 °02'28" E., 746.43 F'T') TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; 3) S. 42'04'44" E. A DISTANCE OF 343.41 FT, 4) 5.47-55116" W., A DISTANCE: OF 15 FT; 5) S. 42'04'44" I: >„ A DISTANCE OF 200 FT; 6) N. 47'55'16" E., A DISTANCE OF 15 FT; 7) S. 42 °04'44" E., A DISTANCE OF 244.48 FT; THENCE LEAVING SAID SLY R -O-W LINE OF E LAKE MARY BLVD, S. 00`00'3I" E., A DISTANCE OF 364.88 FT TO A POINT ON THE S BOUNDARY OF SEC 8, TWP 20S, RGE 31 E; THENCE 5.89 °59'29" W., A DISTANCE OF 686.29 FT; THENCE S. 00'05'10" E., A DISTANCE OF 662.43 FT ALONG TIME E BOUNDARY OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SEC 17, TWP 20S, RGE 31E; 'THENCE N. 89`59"44" W., A DISTANCE OF 1,312.75 FT ALONG THE S BOUNDARY OF THE N 112 OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SAID SEC 17; THENCE S. 00'OY34" W., A DISTANCE OF 1,946,39 FT ALONG THE E BOUNDARY OF THE NE 1/4 OF SAID SEC 17, TWP 20S, RGE 31 E TO A POINT ON THE N R -O -W LINE OF PINE WAY'TO THE POB. CONTAINING 214,544 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Site Area: 214.54 acres Property Owner: Safari Investment, LLC Sadique laffer, Manager 27 N Summerlin Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Phone: 407.649.9888 Email: sicl�jtifi'erral�oo.coan Applicant: William E. Barfield, Esq. 225 South Westmonte Drive, Suite 3000 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 Phone: 407.478.1866 Fax: 866.473.0427 Email: wbarlield.(i lwbarieldlaw.con, Pagc 1 of 2 Engineer of Record: David Evans, RE Evans Engineering, Inc. 719 Irma Avenue Orlando, FL, 32801 P hone: 407.872.1515 Fax: 407.246.0963 Email: dcvans cr)cvanse(Zg)) nc.com CAPP: The applicant held a Citizens Awareness Participation Plan meeting on August 27, 2013, The CAPP meeting summary is attached. Commission District: District I - Commissioner Mark M`Carty COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPIAANCE REVIEW Existing Future Land Use: 1, Industrial Proposed Future Land Use; GC, General Commercial and LDR -SF, Low Density Residential CONCURRENCY Concurrency is a finding that public facilities and services necessary to support a proposed development are available, or will be made available, concurrent with the impacts of the development. The concurrency facilities evaluated by the City of Sanford include the following: Dr°ainabe: The project shall comply to and be engineered to the adopted 25 Year, 24 Hour LOS /Storm Event. Note, the Land Development Regulations allows the Administrative Official to increase the design frequency standard if deemed necessary. Roadways. The project will require a traffic study at time of development. however, GMB Engineers and Planters, Inc. conducted a trip generation comparison between the existing land use for industrial and the proposed development plan and concluded there would be a reduction of 1,633 daily trips, 1,237 AM peak hour trips and 819 PM peals hour trips for the proposed development plan condition. A copy of the GMB trip generation assessment is attached. Water.- Water services will be provided by the City of Sanford. Setiver . Sewer services will be provided by the City of Sanford. LOS Standard Project Demand facility Capacity Potable Water: 144 gal/capita/day 131,600 gals /day 10.51 MGD Sanitary Sewer: 132 gal/capita/day 112,800 gals /day 7.3 MGD Solid Waste: 2.46 lbs /capitalday 2,312 lbs /day 21.5 million tons School., A School Impact Analysis (SIA) letter was issued on .Tune 4, 2013 by Seminole County Public Schools. A copy of the findings by SCPS is attached to this report which has the potential school enrollment impacts surnmarized as follows: Type Concurrency Service Area Enrollment Capacity Students Generated by Project Programmed 3 Year Additions Reserved Capacity Remaining Capacity Elementary E -10 2135 2629 84 0 201 209 Middle M -1 5179 6047 44 0 249 575 High H -1 6527 7445 55 0 293 570 TA)evclop Ile III RerieSV`,0 }.l.nnd DovelopmenfQ013'SiIver Lake Park PD (Abdu Ili imein Family I.P) -Ika Silrer I..Acs Biisigcss Park`Rezouc'•Pe ojCCl Info Slice I , Rezone -2100 F lake Miry III rd.doc Page 2 of 2 City of Sanford Citizens Awareness and Participation Plan Silvestri Estates A Citizens Awareness Meeting was held for the proposed Silvestri Estates project on East Lake Mary Blvd. This meeting was held to inform the public of the process and proposed development in the property formerly called the Silver Lake Industrial Park. Residents within 500' of the property were noticed and a list and notice form is enclosed in this report. The meeting was held at the City of Sanford Chamber of Commerce at 400 E. Vt St. at 5:00 on August 27, 2013. Approximately 25 residents attended the meeting at the Chamber. Concerns, issues and discussions during the meeting. A detailed description of the project was proposed at the beginning of the meeting, This description included the process of converting the industrial property to residential and commercial. This description included the process at the City of Sanford and the meetings that would be required that the public could attend. This summary included the comprehensive plan change, planned development and preliminary subdivision plan public hearing. This process description included methods for the residents to research the information presented on the city's website and the way each resident would be notified of the public meetings. The discussion included the proposed development and how the effect of the proposed residential development would reduce the impact of traffic, noise and the effect of reduced property values of the surrounding single family residents from the existing industrial zoning. A detailed description of the project layout including the large amenity area and access from the multiple lot sizes was discussed. Access points for the development were also addressed including Mellonville and East Lake Mary Blvd. A question and answer period followed the project presentation. Concerns and questions of the meeting attendees. 1. What was the minimum square footage of the proposed lots in the development? a. The minimum square footage is 1500 sf. 2. What is the minimum price for the houses in the development? a, The minimum price will fluctuate based on market demand once the project is developed but the assumption based on projections is $175,000. 3. Mellonville Road is congested in the morning hours and during school pick up and drop off in the afternoons. Residents stack on Mellonville to pick up kids from drop of at East Lake Mary Blvd. a. This project has limited the number of cars on Mellonville to the 75' lots on the west side of the development. As an alternative and during peak hours the residents in the west 75' lots can also exit onto East Lake Mary Blvd. A traffic study will be conducted to City of Sanford Citizens Awareness and Participation Plan September 11, 2013 determine the effect of the limited traffic from this development onto Mellonville Road as required by the city during the approval process. 4. What is the timing of this development? a. Getting through the multiple processes will take approximately one year. Construction and acceptance of the infrastructure will take approximately six months. So houses would be available in two years. Estimated build out would be in five years. 5. A request was made to develop this project like Baker's Crossing. a. Developer agreed to review Baker's Crossing. Developer is aware of the issues related to Baker's Crossing. Silvestri Estates will be designed and developed to avoid these issues. 6. Existing industrial property owner on the southwest corner of the property asked about future impact of his development when change to residential on this property was made. a. Explained that his property would always remain industrial and he would be able to develop as industrial consistent with the city's zoning ordinance. Discussed screening from adjacent residential development would be determined at time of permitting. 7. One resident asked about the effect of the rental rates of properties in this development. a. Developer explained that these properties would be sold on a fee simple basis and that rental development was not anticipated. 8. Residents asked that a list of uses permitted on the commercial lots be added to the plans. a. A list of permitted uses on the commercial lots would be added to the proposed plans, 9. One resident asked that the entranceway for the residential development be nicely designed a. The developer stated that the entrance will be appealing to the residents and surrounding communities. 10. A resident asked if the roads would be private or public. a. The developer stated that the non -gated portions of the roadways would be public and the gated roads would be private. 11. One resident asked if an aerial plan including the proposed development adjacent to Magnolia. a. An aerial plan including the surrounding residential and commercial development was emails to this resident. 12. Two residents along Magnolia Park Trail mentioned that they were not allowed to pull a pool permit. They asked if this development would impact their ability to pull permits in the future. a. The developer did not have details at the meeting but followed up with the city following. It was understood that city code prohibits more than 50% impervious area on each lot and that the storm water system in Magnolia Park was not designed to retain more than 50% impervious on each lot. The large houses on the smaller lots and a pool exceeded the 50% impervious threshold on these lots. In general most of the attendees were in favor of the change from Industrial to Residential and that the proposed use was appropriate for this area. The meeting concluded at approximately 7:00 2 HUTC]HISON, MAMELE & CO,OVER, R.A. AY Ty. �,w,G F ✓s /&,JD CLIJNISC,Y J,"PS 4o I �Nq UAIIA C� HUTD-flSU4 JR FICJ-14,PU)L N/14,%4FLE C,-CC)YEI:R ECA7-10 CER ryljn,�I TAL & FA�,ALY L 41' E� i;-IFTNIE COUF, r CFI T I:F q u ALIgLISt 13. 2013 Cr �I I -'�BCIRAPVE R L-: Silvestri F"States CAPP ]'sleeting g Dear resident: PS i 0(4 ULTCq',J BR IID44f,3, 230 NC�R T H PAFP�,,, POST CFr IC' Ft4 - x r o49 SP,NFOPED FL LDRD,4x :_�R T - 49 PAX �4M� 330 f� MY Office represents the owner Ofa proposed Mixed uric project known as Silvestri ,states. The property lies between F. Lake Mary Blvd. a11(1 pineway Ave. between Mellonville Ave. and frisson A\Ic. "]'his project was approved and platted in the 1990's to allow indLIStrial uses only. The ownQr is now seeking to amend the existing land use and zoning approvals to convert the use ti -om industrial to low density residential, with a general commercial use 11loNved on the lots fronting E. Lake Mary Blvd, The City of Sanford staffhas requested that we hold a CAPP meeting with any it neiL) Oibors, Which is \VhyyOLI are receiving this letter. The CAPP Ineeting is being field at the San florcl (Iianiber of Commerce, 400 E. I" St- Sant'ord, Florida, which is at the intersection of" Sanford Ave. and is' S,. in downtown, at 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. on August 2�7. 2013, '['he purpose ofthe CAIII) meeting is to SlIOW YOU what is being proposed and to discuss any concerns you may, have. We will have a set of plans to show y "OLI and \IOLJ Nvill be able to ask qt,wsti011s ofull.),self, the owner's representative, and our engineer. Should You have air)/ questions., please call me or my assistant. Mindy, Very trUly yOUI-S, Stephen 1-1. Coover �a C -A I'll _.irI1^I: I IN(i - A> 6I ",S] 7.:_(}13 01AN1I M)1:)FZES5 Y I'll ON NJjNOIIIA AT UaAwnlf F( • � i 1 1 V� Ile 2la-) 7- 6 �4� 9 .._ I C`�U� VA 0 Eo M; no I � � �'� i ..�� ��._ �� s � �� -ivy" ._ -r�'��• � "` "� � � v LL { 1 1 i E� ('G✓�7 t" i� 5c. 3 ISLAM.«......... i � r r. ��. k Z3 ' xA ' � 5mv? vs fiats u_6,}r.:)t I/0 C, A/ul,� �CC0 y _Am ::So 6 �,-?YLLE 1.-(C, ry �ar�'�! PC-to Benjamin O. Benham, Trustee 2003 Via Tuscany Winter Park, FL 32789 Seminole County BCC 1101 E. I" Street Sanford, FL 32771 -1468 Carolyn J. Hughey, Trustee P.O. Box 790 Osteen, FL 32764 -0700 Brisson Investments, LLC 27 N. Sunimerlin avenue Orlando, FL 32801 -2929 Serengeti Properties, LLC 27 N. Suns erlin avenue Orlando, FL 32801 Mary O. Smith 1700 Pineway Sanford, FL 32773 -7233 Richard E. Johnson, Jr. Vivian J. Hechinger 206 Clear Lake; Circle Sanford, FL 32773 Marylin R. Wittmer 1805 Pineway Sanford, FL 32773 -7235 S.R. & Joyce C. McClures 1565 Pineway Sanford, FL 32773 -7270 David E. Dieska 121 Citrus Tree Lane Longwood, FL 32750 Marilyn B. Thompson, Trustee 1505 Pineway Sanford, FL 32773 -7270 Ahmad Nasajpour Shahla- Foroughi 3502 Palrnino Road Melbourne, FL 32934 -8128 Lana T. Mahoney 809 McCrainie Road Lakeland, FL 33809 Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Sullivan, III 280 Lakeshore Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Burke 4250 Bloom Lane Sanford, FL 32773 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Thomas 1335 Pineway Sanford, FL 32773 -7234 Ernest G. Fasciana 1315 Pineway Sanford, FL 32773 -7234 Tomkat Enterprises, LLC P.O. Box 952946 Lake Mary, FL 32795 Dhiram Holdings, LLC 2942 Finch Ave. E Scarborough Ontario Canada MIW2T0 Munsifali Rashid Shabanali Salha 290 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Maria M. Ciriaco 286 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Swapnareddy & Reddys Sama 280 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Laszlo Barna Zsuzsanna Barna 1009 Tudhope Court Sanford, FL 32773 Donovan & Stacey Virgo P.O. Box 953212 Lake Mary, FL 32795 -3212 Susan G. & Jason Jackson 1005 Tudhope Court Sanford, FL 32773 Scott T. Nguyen 1003 Tudhope Court Sanford, FL 32773 Thomas E. & Lillian Hamilton 1009 Berry Court Sanford, FL 32773 Rizwan & Masuma Dhiram 1007 Berry Court Sanford, FL 32773 Purush Utarn D. Punit 1005 Berry Court Sanford, FL 32773 Colfin AI -FL4, LLC 5575 Rosebriar Ave. Orlando, FL 32822 Peter & Veronica Cusick 260 Magnolia Trail Park Sanford, FL 32773 Ahmedali H. & Sherbanu F'azal 285 Magnolia Park Trail Sanford, FL 32773 Brittany F. Hughes Jared W. Crowley 256 Magnolia Park TrI Sanford, FL 32773 Adnan Haque Ali Farazana 254 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Judy Ueltschy Henry J. Cardoza 250 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Mohammed T. Hossain 248 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 -7240 Luthfa Ahmed 244 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 RSO, LLC 1370 Pineway Sanford, FL 32773 -7224 Tofazzal Hossain Chand Sultana 240 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Thomas E. & Gulin Cosgrove 238 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Carlos A. Stennett 232 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Magnolia PD Prop Assn, Inc. 2180 W. S.R. 434, Suite 5000 Longwood, FL 32779 Kostadia & Xenofon Karoutsos 224 Magnolia Park TO Sanford, FL 32773 Mai Vuhoan Chadi Badi 222 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 DaudaIysameer H Zahra S, Ali 220 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Nelson & Ruth A. Medina 218 Magnolia Park TrI Sanford, FL 32773 John T. & Amy Dovidaitis 216 magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FI., 32773 Ruben D. Yanira Feliz 212 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Ed Georgynah Sarwat Fam 214 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Norma L. Ball Jola A. Cope 210 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Ainsley G. & Ivorine D. Lennon 239 N. 6 "' Street Prospect Park, NJ 07508 -2026 Prudencio L. & Margarita S. Torres 206 Magnolia Park TrI 429 Sanford, FL 32773 -7212 Dawn R. Cruise 204 Magnolia Park TO Sanford, FL 32773 Miloje & Violeta Kopanja 202 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, Fl, 32773 Cheryl D. Lee 200 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Zulfikar A. Jaffer 113 Beligian Way Sanford, FL 32773 Beverly L. Staley 196 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 John T. & Robbin A. Meyers 121 Ancona Avenue DeBary, FL 32713 Ying C. & Chiul Lee 1106 Cypress Loft PL Lake Mary, FL 32746 Suzanne B. Staccone James Jew, Jr. P.O. Box 22544 Oakland, CA 94609 Carl M. & Lisa A. Stokes 188 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Raymond & Marie J. Racine 186 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 -7212 Sylvester G. Syberina F. Wynn 184 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Sajida S. & Mumtaz Ahmad 182 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Linda J. Simpson 180 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Juan A. & Teresita D. Rivera 178 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Mardhia Jafier 173 Magnolia Park TrI Sanford, FL 32773 Jan A. Grover 9 Aztec St. San Francisco, CA 94110 Gerald D. Fritz, Trustee 719 Fox Valley Dr. Longwood, FL 32779 Roshanali Jessa 193 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Esan Duncan 187 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Musadig & Zinat Bhalloo 8 Oak Lane Green Brook, NJ 08812 Florida Prop 3, LLC 1201 Hays St. Tallahassee, FL 32301 Shahids Khoja SaIima F. Virani 195 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Suzanne E. Kleiman, Trustee 446 Mills Dr. Benecia, CA 94510 Bradford Taylor Catherine Doyle 1617 Plymouth Ave. San Francisco, CA 94127 Matthew M. & Jennifer L. Hahn 201 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Mark A. & Deborah E. Lehner P.O. Box 624 Tribune, KS 67879 -0624 Christopher & Nicole Woodcock 205 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Craig L. & Nora F. Carson 209 Magnolia Park TrI Sanford, FL 32773 Loomis J. & Deborah A. D'Amico 215 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 -7215 Nicholas L. & Felicia Y. Fisher 217 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Joseph & Muriel Umrah 219 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Ronnie & Michele Rogers 648 Caledonia Place Sanford, FL. 32771 -6403 Willie J. & Rhonda T. Fisher 172 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Jeffrey S. & Lisa C. Reuscher 170 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Linda Crytzer 574 Lehigh Dr. Deltona, FL 32738 -8621 Kevin & Angelo S. Zakrzewski 2849 Egrets Landing Dr. Lake Mary, FL 32746 -7416 John M. & Alicia J. Welch 164 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 W. Nathan & Carolyn Wilson, Trustees 15050 Lynn Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95032 Larry E. & P. Jill Goring I60 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Eliseo & Wanda Y. Badillo 158 Magnolia Park TrI Sanford, FL 32773 Nezarnudin Bedar 156 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Shabbir & Sabira Mohamed ISO Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Troy H. Walirich 148 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Gwendolyn Taliver, Trustee 146 Magnolia Park TrI Sanford, FL 32773 Maura Brown 151 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Murtaza A. & Zainab J. Rahim 145 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Zahra Alloo 143 Magnolia Park TrI Sanford, FL 32773 Zulfiikar & Fizza Mohamed 141 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Coke E. Bean 139 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Helen M. Maeinnis Cynthia Adcock 137 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 William R. Kennedy 104 Willow Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 -3688 George & Deborah Paulik 132 Magnolia Park Tr•1 Sanford, FL 32773 Alfred & Victoria Mathis 134 Magnolia Parl< Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Alysa Lenahan Gloria Lenahan 136 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Fred S. & Diana Dworkin 138 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Ahmed Khaki 142 Magnolia Park 'Frl Sanford, FL 32773 Eduardo M. & Mercedes Lopategui 1107 Pine Oak Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Adrienne R. Shearer 8010 Jones Rd. Jessup, MD 20794 Anwarali M. & Bashir M. Rashid 299 Terracina Drive Sanford, FL 32771 Brenley C. & Editha Y. Porral 100 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Jose B. Rajendran Mary J. Jaynes 102 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Sidrat Ahmed Ebrahim Ahmed 104 Magnolia Park Trl Sanford, FL 32773 M.arya Joe Saleh 695 Mainderley Run Lake Mary, FL 32746 -2617 Sayed T. Haider Baqri Zehra 1110 Pine Oak Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Marlene E. Ford 1112 Pine Oak Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Qambar R. & Lvovskava Yulia Baqri 1114 Pine Oak Trl Sanford, FL 32773 Aqua Trust, Inc. 7025 CR 46A 91071 -160 Lake Mary, FL 32746 Ali Baqri Sumbul Fatma 1109 Pine Oak Trl Sanford, FL 32773 -7200 Juan A. & Carmen Y. Flores 1200 Pine Oak Trl Sanford, FL 32773 ELM Ventures, LLC 975 Bennett Dr. Longwood., FL 32750 Invacare Corp. 1 Invacare Way Elyria, OH 44035 MG Real Est, LLC c/o Accounting Mgr. P.O. Box 1509 Sanford, FL 32772 City of Sanford 2399 W. Lake Mary Blvd. Lake Mary, FL 32746 -3657 Abdulhussein Family LP 1265 Upsala Rd., Suite 1157 Sanford, FL 32771.5700 Kraig A. Hudson 3585 Ohio Ave. Sanford, FL 32773 -6641 Pablo Fonseca, Jr. Elba H. Fonseca 3565 Ohio Ave. Sanford, FL 32773 4 il_oimoimoom GIVIG ENGINEERS & PLANNERS, INC September 10, 2013 William E. Barfield, Esq. William E. Barfield, P.A. 225 S. Westmont Ave. Suite 3000 Altamonte Springs,, I'L 3,2714 Re: Sylvestry Estates Trip Generation Comparison GMB Project No, 13-080M Dear Mr, Barfield: Pursuant to discussions with David Evans of Evans Engineering, Incorporated, GMB Engineers & Planners has COndUcted a trip generation comparison regarding the existing land use as it relates to the proposed development plan. The 214,54 acre project site is currently zoned as Industrial. The trip generation, as denoted in the laStilLite of Transportation Eijgjtj� r 11E) Trip Generation Manual. 9" Edition for ITE code 130 (Industrial Park), Nvill produce 13,124 daily trips, 1,700 AM peak hour Trips, and 1,830 PM peak hour trips. The proposed land use is commercial/single family residential (ITE codes 820 and 210 respectively). The proposed trip generation produces 11,491 daily trips, 523, AM peak hour trips, and 1,011 PM peak 11OLIr trips. Table I (attached) provides a detailed analysis of the trip generation comparison. In comparison of 1he two trip generators, there is a I'edLICtiO11 Of 1,633 daily trips, 1,237 AM peak hour trips, and 819 PM peak hour trips for (lie proposed development plan Condition. Respectftilly, Earl Krichbaurn Project Manager GMB Engineers & planners, lne, GMB Orlando 2602 E. Livingston St, Orlando, FL 32803 Office: 407.898.5424 Fax! 407.89&5425 a a5 WWW.6mB'rC All gn Wgo'. i. JE, N. j Is 1; j JE, -E To: William E. Barfield/Safari Investments, LLC Sanford City Council' From: Michael Rigby, AICP,, Facilities Planner, Seminole County Public Schools Date: June 4, 2013 RE: Silver Lakes Future Land Use Amendment /Rezone Project No: 13-1136 Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS), in reviewing the above request, has determined that if approved, the new FULM designation and/or zoning will have the effect of increasing residential density, and as a result generate additional school age children. Description-, +/- 214,5 acres located near East Lake Mary Blvd. & Silver Vista Blvd. within the City limits of Sanford. The applicant is requesting a change to residential' zoning that would allow a maximum of 377 single family detached dwelling to be developed within the requested zoning and future land use designation. Parcel ID(s), See attached list Based on information received from Planning and from the application for the request, SOPS staff has summarized the potential school enrollment impacts in the following table: Comments: The students generated at the three CSA levels would at this point be able to be accommodated without exceeding the adopted levels of service (LOS) for each CSA by school type, or there is adjacent capacity to meet LOS as allowed by interlocal agreement. Any planned expansions/additions in the current five-year capital plan would provide additional student capacity to relieve the affected schools. Review and evaluations performed on proposed future land use changes and rezones, unplatted parcels, or projects that have not revived final approval do not guarantee that the developments subject to this declaration are exempt from, or determined to meet the school concurrency requirement, which is effective as of January 1, 2008. Changes in enrollment, any newly platted developments, and any subsequent final development approvals may affect the provision of concurrent school facilities at the point of final subdivision approval, including the potential of not meeting statutory concurrency requirements based on future conditions. SCIIIiII01C COLHAY Public Schools, Facilities Planning Dept. Printod 6/4/2013 Students concurrency Generated Programmed 3 Reserved Remaining Type Service Area Enrollment Capacity by Project Year Additions Capacity ca aclt Elementary . ...... E-10 2135 2629 84 0 201 209 Middle M-1 5179 6047 44 0 249 575 High H-1 6527 7445 5,5 0 293 570 Comments: The students generated at the three CSA levels would at this point be able to be accommodated without exceeding the adopted levels of service (LOS) for each CSA by school type, or there is adjacent capacity to meet LOS as allowed by interlocal agreement. Any planned expansions/additions in the current five-year capital plan would provide additional student capacity to relieve the affected schools. Review and evaluations performed on proposed future land use changes and rezones, unplatted parcels, or projects that have not revived final approval do not guarantee that the developments subject to this declaration are exempt from, or determined to meet the school concurrency requirement, which is effective as of January 1, 2008. Changes in enrollment, any newly platted developments, and any subsequent final development approvals may affect the provision of concurrent school facilities at the point of final subdivision approval, including the potential of not meeting statutory concurrency requirements based on future conditions. SCIIIiII01C COLHAY Public Schools, Facilities Planning Dept. Printod 6/4/2013 Terms and Definitions: Capacity: The amount of satisfactory permanent student stations as calculated on the date of the second DOE count in October of the current school year. The number of students that can be satisfactorily accommodated in a room at any given time and which, is typically a lesser percentage of the total number of student stations. NOTE: Capacity is ONLY a measure of space, not of enrollment. Concurrency Service Area (CSA): A geographic unit promulgated by the School Board and adopted by local governments within which the level of service is measured when an application for residential development is reviewed for school concurrency purposes. Enrollment: For the purposes of concurrency review, the enrollment level is established each year as per Public School Interlocal Agreement Section 12.4 A, which sets the level on the date of the second FTE survey for DOE, generally taken the in mid - October. Programmed 3 Year Additions: New permanent school capacity within the CSA, which will be in place or under actual construction within the first three years of the current SCPS Capital Improvement Plan. Remaining Capacity: The capacity available for future development after the addition of any programmed capacity and less the reserved capacity. Reserved Capacity: The total number of student stations reserved in the respective CSA's that are assigned to projects via a SCALD certificate. School Size: For planning purposes, each public school district must determine the maximum size of future elementary, middle and high schools. Existing school size is determined solely through FISH data. Seminole County Public Schools has established the sizes of future schools (with the exception of special centers and magnet schools) as follows: i) Elementary: 780 student stations ii) Middle: 1500 student stations iii) High: 2,800 student stations Students Generated by Project: is determined by applying the current SCPS student generation rate (calculated by using US Census data analysis) to the number and type of units proposed. The number of units is determined using information provided by the County and/or from the applicant's request. If no actual unit count is provided the unit count is then estimated based on the maximum allowable density under the existing /proposed future land use designation. Utilization: A State Board Rule prescribed percentage of student stations that a room (and proportionately, a school and school district) can satisfactorily accommodate at any given time. From a school /campus analysis perspective, "utilization" is determined as the percentage of school enrollment to capacity, Current DOE established K -12 utilization factors are as follows: Elementary 100 %, Middle 90 %, High 95% Seminole County Public Schools, Facilities Planning Dept. Prinfed 6!4'2013 Silver Lakes Parcel ID List Property Owner: Safari Inv LLC Sanford, FL 32773 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0080 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0410 07-20-31 -51-R-0000-0340 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0090 07- 20 -31 -5L R- 0000 -0400 07- 20- 31- 5LR -OF00 -0000 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0390 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0380 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0420 07- 20 -31- 300 -023C -0000 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0050 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0280 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0020 07- 20 -31- 51-R -01300 -0000 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0 C00 -0000 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0 D 00 -0000 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0 E 00 -0000 07- 20 -31 -5L R- 0000 -0190 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0200 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0060 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0450 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0370 07-20-31-51-R-0000-0 110 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0030 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0270 07-20-31-51-R-0000-01 30 07-20-31-51-R-01-100-0000 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0160 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0180 07 -20 -31 -51-R -0000 -0220 07- 20 -31- 5LR -OG00 -0000 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0240 07- 20 -31 -5L R- 0000 -0310 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0140 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0360 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0070 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0040 07- 20- 31- 51-R - 0000 -0010 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0250 07- 20 -31- 51-R -OA00 -0000 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0120 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0440 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0230 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0460 07- 20- 31- 5LR -0000 -0430 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0290 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0210 07- 20- 31- 5LR - 0000 -0330 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0150 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0170 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0100 07- 20 -31- 5LR - 0000 -0350 07 -20 -31 -5LR -0000 -0260 07- 20 -31- 5LR -0000 -0300 07 -20 -31 -5LR- 0000 -0320 E �B 6 I 01 71 7E5 7�7 4Z IV 9 In' Designation of Agent I, Ownership 1, ✓&L , hereby attest to ownership of the property described below; Tax Parcel No(s): See attached legal description Address of property: jkZ Z2�Ld for which this Development Plan application Is submitted to the City of Sanford. The ownership, as shown on the deed of regord, Is In the name of. El Individual Please complete the appropriate section below (type or print legibly) 2--corporation Provide Names of Officers Dept. of State Corporate Registration Number: Name/Address of Registered Agent: III. Designation of Applicant's Agent (Leave blank If not applicable): 1:1 Partnership Name: Provide Names of General Partners As the ownertappllcant of the above designated property for which this affidavit Is submitted, I designate the below named Individual as my agent In all matters pMainlng to the application process. In authorizing the agent named below to represent me, or my company,. I attest that the application Is made In good faith and that all Information contained In the application Is accurate and complete to the best of my personal knovirledge. Applicants Agent: Print Name Applicants Address: Contact Person: Phone: Email: Fax: WOW 2009 AM&A of 0,,vMtstJp,pdf • a 6x1... A. All changes In Ownership and/or Aplicant's Agent prior to final action of the City shaft require a new affidavit. If ownership changes, the new owner assumes all obligations related to the flung application process. B, If the Owner Intends for the authority of the Applicant's Agent to be limited In any manner, please indicate the lirriltatlon(s) below, (i,e., Limited to obtaining a certificate of concurrenoy; limited to obtaining a land use compliance certificate; etc.) IV. Acknowledgement 0 Individual s1WMturq Print Name: Address:. Phone', Please use apprrrpriato notary block STATE OF COUNTY OF n Individual Before me this — day of 20. , personally appeared who executed the foregoing Instru- ment, and acknowrfedged before me that same was executed for the purposes therein expressed, (Le,:corporatlon, company,' etc.) and acknowledged before me that some was executed for the purposes therein expressed, LAYLA 1SEiVE.LIS yr���,7iY Rl�r �,• Notary Public • Slate of Florida • �' « My Comm txpuus l,uy 14, 2015 ; Commission M EL 117551 °'� lSuAed through fialaonai Nolary Assn By: Partnership 11 Print+, Marne: Addre s:� Phone: to Corporation Before MIS 01 S1— day of 1 2i 20J�3pefso 11 appeared a Personally known � or Produced identification 1:1 Type of identification produced': October 2009 (NOTARY STAMP) My commission expires: Wru Partnersrrp MNarne atpnature rant ame: Address: Phone: El Partnership Before me this —day of 20,..„., personally appeared partnerlagent on behalf of a partnership, who executed the foregoing Instrument and acknowf- edged before me that same was executed for the purposes therein expressed. A IFS N'attery PuWlc M D.u—H r ra a e V) W E 0 u Z,Ei 8 g, CL 94 PCX I AN All 30� IL I gA ra. ci� 0, F7 E;S ti. . ....... I ..... . N EV At w CL m IN V lip der ad. -6 R lilts u 16 3" Fj 4M r". !r-j ccn red Er 10 '? ! 01, to mill call Ism 0 as �3U AP I 11 F �1 � IRA ca ke lei g lip vi A P-g ro CA 4., cia -91 b, Ni (,a all 1 El 11 Wei Meow; CE cx p vu; LD sty) 0 0 r, tv v raw a 23 VJ IM M 5 ON 16 'Ji CA pr Me v Nil RES El E EEO 860 Fm NOEL W8 Its P 5, OEV a- 14 Ell Egg 8 (30 1 111; 0 41 mh MWA 10 V p . up I'I'T IN X, vi At '(5, C! B 06 p 8 NIP Zi VMS X-3 A Abu v erg", is T9 S rd; to 10 4A, oil- 1 Otis tj 115 o , 3 R g Am ail , CEO CL ra Cr N rYx JOB = = I oii "Ill 01 SVC) Ap- px;p f al ell YRPi IN 04, VAN 6 Z S NO jam N SI 4 1 g, 11 In, x '9' '1,, 111 a L11 Sw &6 KI P 1 -1 K, N4 c oil S F z PIS V) n wry t 5 E , pp wN. u @ E�eENU W f T" Sad" 4j rL Ej I is rN In CA M E 90 j " i ou Yws NO PV "A H A� R R N . 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Speaker ReqLWSt (I %vish to speak regarding Uils item.) ----------- . . ....... Public Meeting Date: .-JL4 T I , n 1: A. M P.M. ----- - -- - ----- PLEASE PRINT CLZARLY RsVUisl Name: d ., ,I ) Lit 1) (/A-16'N A, AddreM City:: . ....... . Phonw I L% Comment regarding Item J I support the action on this Item 1 L'— (ONE ITEM PERFORM PLEASE 1 oppose the action on this Itern COMMENT AREA lc, YW .... .... . . 46— 41'1=7—t —, "S ... . .. . . ..... 1-14 ....... . .. ....... . ........ ..... . ... ......... . . ........... i wilt speak for myself I wil:l ropt I And will q)eal( for ascilt Speaker Request (I wish to speak regarding this Horn) Public Meoting Date: 20 Thne: . . . . ........ .. ... . ..... . PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY 1 "0 Aftem uY.: �, -) — � zip: Ir, 19100: IP —T, phGEul: Comment regarding item I SUPPOrt 010 aCti0t) Oil this ifell) FM -, N� I (ONE ITEM PER roRm PLEASE) l oppose the, action on this Item COMMENTAREA I will speak for myself I will represent And will speak for FlinsOn, Eileen From: Silas & Linda Barker <silaslinda @hotmail.com> Sent: 1'hursday, December 05, 201.3 11 :03 AM To: Hinson, Eileen Subject: FW: Russ I have not done a final review on this ernail..thought there Was a 111eeting to n i g ht..00 ps... LInd a Frorn: silaslinda@hott- nall.com To: russell.gibson @sanfordfl,gov Subject. Russ I have not done a final review on this ernail.Ahought there was a meeting tonight..00ps...Llnda Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2013 :10:57:07 -0500 Question. 1. Why is the P & Z considering a PUD with 5 to 7,5' setbacks, which clearly shouts out affordable "starter honles ", when currently there are: 17 foreclosures, in the nearby, recently btilit "Magnolia Park" subdivision and 13 forecloses in nearby "affordable "Sonora ". We do NOT need anymore "affordable stater homes ", that bring in low taxes, increase a population in an area with limited entry level employment. It is paramount that as citizens of 32773 , we highlight the conflict that the newly proposed P & Z PD Master Plan for "Silvestri Estates" will have on our zip code and loss of potential tax revenue for Sanford. We all agree, do we not, that we need to increase our Tax Revenue? As stated in public record on the Sept 0 Budget meeting the average horne in Sanford is $120,000. Sanford has the highest lVliliage (20.3894) of any (AV in the central Florida area. BUY we have the lowest tax revenue.... 1. '['his disparity is clue to the fact that our AVERAGE home value is $12OK. Average—so when you take out the few homes that are are $350K +...the home values are really much lower. 2. In fact according to the "Orlando Regional Realtor Association" statistics attached which de111onstrate general Sales 101' the first 3 (t11a1101's : Saiifovd /l,alw Forrest 32171 average llolne sales of $186,713 'West Of 1-4 c0l"' lor. Saiifbi -d 32773 aVel'age 110111e Sales Of $104, 536 ......I'lle cliffe;x'elice •• $82,1,7,7 ...xvay below tlie.. $12to,000 avei,age. Question. We often ask what does Lake Mary / Heathrow have that Sanford does not? �:' N ti 1�is. n 5 iN,hi , nine's 2000 study "that dad ared it the best place to live: in the sou €kern United states! [11 lire national raukinP cc,nducted l.al;e 1\11MA' nlacle it to raautlber '101 ntost desirable place to live. /answer. Upscale PUD! 2, Fralna .roaaau<1ry 2009 to .rune. 2009, there �rere. 33 single flantity luanles sold in 1110 1 leathro 1:1- real estate nlarke(. The hi«hest priced home Sold firc S 1,460,000 and (lie lowesl priced home far 523.5,000. What did L.ake Mary/Fleathrow have when it was developed in 1985? Vacant land and vision. Out- concerns are that there is a morturnental disparity between the quality of development tinder review by P & Z and the vision of the "Comprehensive plan." The emphasis in the past is to or give tax incentives to corporations to move to Sanford. But what good does it do when those who are employed move to lake Mary and I-leathrow as there is no suitable new I-lorne Consti-tiction here in zip 32773? Qur_DgVly app in ed Police Chief Cecil Sin th,..chose riot to live in the city limits of Sanford, Sadly he 92t #fae h—lessin fry.._ om the city of Sanford to live outside the city linlits in tile atedconinittnity of LLkerorrest itace nQ suitable IN, lionies nicetin theirlifestyleivereavaijA4 11 "ile fami 9 jqj­ _201 Question, What are the incentives to live in Sanford? We desperately need to change Sanford's intake. If Lake Mary can transform itself, we have the Opportunity to create our own airport community of "Lake Nona'" or Heathrow, We have the raw land to Use as the city directs. Here is what needs to be addressed that more "affordable starter holiles" will not rectify. Our neighbor has vacated his home and moved to Heathrow, His horne is listed for sale and currently is a rental. The owner's complaint is that although there has been interest r in the property, the bityers lose interest when they discover the Sanford crime statistics. Furthermore the prospective buyers tire not impressed Nvith the overall industrialization of the area. Holvevei, there have been Wfiat are the factons negatively inipacting Sanford 32773? In addition to all t1hesewoes Sanfbi-d's veptitation foi-,geetion 8 liousing, tvansient lionieless I)ersons, and crinie sea] the deal. • cAine • FBI crime statistics show that Sanford has a violent crime rate of 6.65 incidents pet, 1,000 residents higher than Florida's crime rate of 5,42, The city's burglary crime rate, 16,26 per 1,000 residents, is more than double the national average of TO. * Sa`l1fol-(1 IS 1111 ell 0 tl9A'P1!!trelt3L QLlOte from the City Of Sanford's Nvebsite; * "City of Sanford's CDBG Five-Year Consolidated Plan Not completed the City's requirement for Enfillernent Community Status for the Department of Housing and Urban Development" The quotes below are from the article "nom u•'f t oN % (m Ah ho, a , h sm c Id jwn v N 40,cd k'wskmr in !'m0m it , h r Joy­ "Sanford is considered the ghetto of Seminole County," because of them, one black resident said — because they were so close to private hornes in the small city, where everything seems to be ten inint1teS away from everything else. Even the nicer parts of town, where older, target- homes sit on manicured lawns; or the newer town homes and single family house developments surrounded by high walled gates, are no more than a ten minute drive, from the acres of boarded up public housing. "Solna n10 is one of f'lofida's most affluent countios, belt of its eleven " }lockets of poverty," nine are ocated ire Sanford, accor'dinrg to the (,Gr1t1 nI I-_loli(i 3 DI cir,tr, (;..c ntu,.. And Goldsl)oro and Geor -getowtrr lfalrre to less than 10 pet rent of the city's 53,500 "An unwelcome exodus" I "he six vacant housing projects are slated to be torn down, and the area redeveloped, ]here are plans for mixed income, single family homes. Many of the families who left the projects sifted out into greater Sanford, often receiving a less than warm welcome from the residents of the gated communities and other residential pockets in the city, like the Retreat at Twin Lakes, where Trayvon Martin was killed. After the recession devastated horne prices across Florida, some horeowners began renting out their, places, and HUD pays nearly all of the rent, making Section 8 an attractive offer for sorne desperate homeowners. • Social and facial Unrest • "Oliver said some homeowners associations actively fought the new residents, who received rent assistance from HUD, in some cases prompting the local chapter of the NAACP to get involved." • We who have invested in Sanford, who live in Sanford, work in Sanford, and love Sanford need to get aggressive in what we bring our community tip to match the natural resources that should be the envy of every other city in Central Florida. • Let us not squander our land, and future with lack of vision, Sincerely, I -Anda Harker 3405 S Mellwiville Ave Sanford F1 32773 407 302 8z }69 From: Silas & Linda Barker [ z��ailtt�: si]��sli:�da�ra?l�otn�ail..cnm� ;Y\;k Sent: Sun 12/29/2013 11:33 PM - -r Subject: Concerns here in the Silver Lake District 32773 As Seminole County, City Of Sanford, and City of Lake Mary are cominitted to working together to ' provide the best and highest duality of life for it's citizens, this letter is going out to all who are in a position to act accordingly. We who have invested in Sanford, who live in Sanford, work in Sanford, and love Sanford need to get. aggressive in what we bring to a con-nnunity. It is any sincere desire that a dialogue can evolve that will provide significant solutions to a proposed PUD adjacent to the "Silver Lake District" that will cause more harm than good. It is paramount that as residents of zip code 32773, we highlight the trouble and conflicting issues that will descend upon City and County citizens as a result of the newly- proposed P & Z PUD Master Plan for "Silvestri Estates," The P & Z considering an approval of this PUD with 5 to 7.5 ` setbacks - -- which clearly shouts out affordable "starter homes " - -- when currently there are sewaiteen foreclosures in the nearby recently- - built "Magnolia Parr" tract home subdivision and thirteen forecloses in nearby "affordable "Sonora "? We do NOT need anymore "affordable starter homes" that bring in low taxes, increase a population in an area with limited entry -level employmcin. It should be apparent, that the potential for high end development, either residential or commercial to be replaced by this uninspiring tract housing is a huge financial loss in terms of a future tax base to us residents, and to the city of Sanford. We all agree, do we not, that we need to increase our Tax Revenue? In spite of the low price of houses, Sanford has the highest !Tillage (20.3894) of any city in the central Florida area. Such information highlights the lowest tax revenue in spite of high tax rates. 1. We heard at the September 9th 2013 Budget ineeting the statistics for the AVERAGE hone price in Sanford is $120,000. Since a limited few homes are valued at $350,000 or more the evidence below demonstrates a valuation lower than $120,000, 2. Signi #icam to the community is the statistic attached to the general sales of homes in the first three quarters of the year based Capon area. The "Orlando Regional Realtor Association" reveals prices based upon zip codes. The following reveals a divergence in prices: Zip code 32771, a Sanford /Lake Forrest region, average home sales of $186,713 West of 1 -4 corridor. Zip code 32773, a different Sanford neighborhood, average home sales of $104, 536 The difference of $82,177 is a pointed decline and a figure way below the $120,000 average. Question. We often ask what does Lake Mazy/ Heathrow have that Sanford does not? CNN s Mo:�t;y_1yl_��azinc's 2009 study declared Lake Mary to be the best place to live in the Southern United States. In fhe national ranking conducted, Lake Mary placed fourth in favorite places to live. Answer. The answer is simple: an upscale Planned Urban Development is needed here in Sanford as well! 2. Frow ,laimayy 2009 to June 2009, there were 33 single family homes sold in the Ileatllrow l'1_ real estate market. The highest pried(] home sold for 51,460,000, and the iowest -- priced home sold for $1235,000. What did Lake Mary /Heathrow have when it was developed in 1985? That answer is simple too. They had vacant land and civic leaders with a vision. Our concerns center from a monumental disparity between the quality of' development under review by P & Z and the vision of the "Comprehensive plan." The emphasis in the past was to give tax incentives to corporations to move to Sanford. As solid as that goal sounds, irony surfaces. What good does it do when those Corporate executives move to Lake Mary and Heathrow as there is no suitable, high end, new home construction in zip 32773? Point in case: Our newly appointed Police Chief Cecil Smith chose not to live in the city limits of Sanford. Sad] he rot the blessing from the city of Sanford to live outside the city limits in the gated community of Lake Forrest. Apparentl no suitable, u scale, sin�lc- family homes existed in 2013 to match the Chief's desired lifestyle. Question: What are the incentives to live in Sanford? We desperately need to change Sanford's image. If Lake Mary can transform itself, so can we. We have the opportunity to create our own airport community of "Lake Nona" or Heathrow, We have the raw land to use as the City and County directs. Sanford's image reeds revival. Seven hundred "affordable starter homes" will not rectify nor even move us slightly towards a transformation. It will be just more of the same. What are the factors negatively impacting Sanford 32773? Specifically, Our neighbor has vacated his home and moved to Heathrow. His home is listed for sale and currently is a rental. The owner's complaint is that although there has been interest in the property, the buyers lose interest when they discover the Sanford crime statistics. f=urthermore the prospective buyers are not impressed with the overall industrialization of the area. In addition to all these woes centering around Sanford's reputation for Section 8 Dowsing, transient homeless persons and crime are salient variables. These two factors "seal the deal." o Crime ® 1<BI crime statistics show that Sanford has a violent crime rate of 6.65 incidents per 1,000 residents — higher than Florida's crime rate of 5.42. The city's burglary crime rate, 16.26 per 1,000 residents, is more than double the national average of 7.0. ® Sanford is an entitlement city. Quote from the City of Sanford's website; "City of Sanford's CDBG hive -Year Consolidated Plan that completed the City's requirement for Entitlement Community Status for the Department of Housing and Urban Development" The quotes below are from the article "Before. `l,rayvotr Martin, closure of housing projects stored tensions in Sanford" 1),� ,Ioy -Arrn Reid I A.yr-il 4, 2012 "Sanford is considered the ghetto of Seminole County," because of then, one black resident said - -- because they were so close to private homes in the small city, where everything seems to be ten minutes away from everything else. Even the nicer parts of town, where older, larger homes sit on manicured lawns; or the newer town homes and single family house developments surrounded by high walled gates, are no more than a ten minute drive from the acres of boarded up public housing." ® "Serrainole is one gfTdoridcr's razost affluent counties, but of its eleven "pockets of poverty," nine are located in Sanford, according to the Central Florida Dream Cew.cr. and Goldsboro and Georgetown, home to Less than 10her°cent of the city's 53,500 "An unwelcome exodus" The six vacant housing projects are slated to be torn down, and the area redeveloped. There are plans for mixed income, single family homes. Many of the families who left the projects sifted out into greater Sanford, often receiving a less than warm welcome from the residents of the gated communities and other residential pockets in the city, like the Retreat at Twin Lakes, where Trayvon Martin was killed. After the recession devastated home prices across Florida, some homeowners began renting out their places, and IIUD pays nearly all of the rent, making Section 8 an attractive offer for some desperate homeowners. In conclusion, We who have invested in Sanford, who live in Sanford, work in Sanford, and love Sanford need to get aggressive in what we bring to a community. The natural resources should be the envy of every other city in Central Florida. The pristine lake is umnatched. The majestic trees are signs of beauty unique to few locations. Void of asphalt jungles, tacky zero- property lines, and cookie - cutter homes, we are proud of our distinct region. All of these assets are here in the Lake District. The citizens know of their secret "jewel." Silver Lake should be embraced, promoted, and rejuvenated at each opportunity possible by people in government, This includes Plarnzing and Zoning employees who should be promoting and underscoring the existence of a natural setting found uniquely in the Lake District (Silver Lake). If you do not endorse us, who will do this job? Apparently, this promotion and support should be an inherent and understood role for city employees. Failure to speak up for us is failing everyone us who live in this city. Let us not squander our land, and future because someone is afraid to speak as our advocate, or even worse, Iacks a vision for the right kind of development. I Dope to hear a response from all concerned. Thank You, Sincerely, Linda Kellam Barker 3405 S Mellonville Ave Sanford Fl 32773 407 302 8469