HomeMy WebLinkAbout022414 ws agn & minCITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 2014 WORK SESSION CITY OF SANFORD CITY COMMISSION WORK SESSION Railroad Depot Room 2nd Floor Sanford City Hall MONDAY, February 24, 2014 300 North Park Avenue 4:00 PM Sanford, Florida In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Advice to the public: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) IV IVIV IV IYIV IV IV lLIV rvlV AIIVlVI..V IV I.IVlVIV IV lV IV IV rY/V IV IV IVIVlL.V IvMIV- -- ------ -14.- /414- -/.MrV V /V /V MhiM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AGENDA Discussion re: Strategic Plan Mission Statement Update re: Wellness Center [Commission Memo 14 -057] Presentation: Mayfair Golf Course First Quarter Report [Commission Memo 14 -0581 Briefing re: Central Florida Wafer Initiative [Commission Memo 14 -056] Regular Meeting Agenda Items — additional information A. Resolution No. 2458 Opposing Senate Bill 612 [Commission Memo 140481 (RM -8.C) 4:00 — 4:30 PM 4:30 — 4:45 PM 4 :45 — 5:00 PM 5:00 — 5:15 PM E.i 1114MM i IPIULT11 B. Development of a Strategic Economic Development Plan Pkl3x, CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 2014 WORK SESSION [Commission Memo 14 -060] (RM -8.L) C. Riverfront Development Planning & Design [Commission Memo 14-061] (RM -8.M) 6. Briefing items. 5:45 — 5:55 PM Fishing ban on Marina day boat slips 6. City Manager Comments 5:55 — 6:00 PM CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FLTi�I7 Fr,,BRUARY 24, 2014 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, net in Work Session on Monday, February 24, 2014, at 4:00 PM, in the Railroad Depot Room, 2" d Floor, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Jeff Triplett Commissioner Mark M °Carty Commissioner Velma Williams Commissioner Patty Mahany City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Cynthia Porter Deputy City Clerk Traci Houchin Absent: Vice Mayor Randy Jones Mayor Triplett called the meeting to order at 4:12 PM. 1. Strategic Plan Mission Statement — Whit Blanton, Renaissance Planning Group Mr. Blanton distributed a handout regarding the vision mission and value statements. He said that the focus on the statements should be what the City intends to use in their budgeting activities, management objectives and when referring to the various departments. City Manager Bonaparte said that the word "mission" should refer to "Mission of the City Government ". After several suggestions, the Commission agreed that Mr. Blanton should finalize both the mission and vision statements for review at the March 10`x' Work Session followed by action at the Regular Meeting. 2. Update re: Wellness Center — Mackie Branham, Crown Consulting Group CITY COMMISSION MINUTES 2014 -071 FEBRUARY 24, 2014 WORK SESSION Mr. Branham presented a PowerPoint presentation on the total cost of the Group Health Plan and Wellness Center Utilization fiom January 2012 through December 2013. The presentation included a savings /costs summary, medical and pharmacy claims paid, controlling trend increases, plan year comparisons, fixed costs & claims, ongoing challenges, subscriber claims, employee health centers monthly utilization summary, lab value highlights, health conditions- potential savings, and employee out of pocket savings. 3. Mayfair Golf Course, First Quarter Report — Deputy City Manager Torn George Mr. George distributed and reviewed a handout regarding Mayfair Country Club improvements and explained that the revenues have increased as have the expenditures. The expenditures were anticipated due to the condition of the course at the time the City took over. Many of these expenses were a one -time expense to get the course in order and he expects the expenditures to level out over the next few months. 4. Briefing re: Central Florida Water Initiative — Public Utilities Director Paul Moore Mr. Moore gave a brief update on the Central Florida Water Initiative. He explained that this is an effort to review everyone's consumptive use permits to determine how much water is being used and how much water will be available in the future. Sanford currently has a limit of 9.5 million gallons of water per day and if that rate continues the City will be in good shape until 2030. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FXdzl FEBRUARY 24, 201.4 WORK SESSION City Manager Bonaparte asked Mr. Moore to explain the Sanford Reclaimed Water Interconnection with Volusia County. Mr. Moore said there is an agreement that will allow the City to run a reclaimed water line across the river to Volusia County that will allow use of reclaimed water for their projects. This allows the City to earn a few dollars while helping the environment. 5. Regular Meeting Agenda Items — additional information and /or questions. A. Item 9 -C, Resolution No. 2458, opposing Senate Bill 612. [Commission Memo -14 -048] (RM 8.C) Finance Director Cynthia Lindsay asked the Commission to consider approving Resolution No. 2458 which opposes Senate Bill 612. B. Development of a Strategic Economic Development Plan. [Commission Memo 14 -060] ( RM 8.L) Economic Development Director Bob Turk and Deputy City Manager Tom George lead the discussion on the Economic Development Plans. Mr. George explained that this particular plan has been discussed in the past three years but has been on hold until the overall City -wide Strategic Plan was in place. He said that plan is now in place and it is time to implement an economic plan. Mr. Turk introduced John Jones of Littlejohn Engineering Associates. As the City's consultant, Mr. Jones reviewed the process that will serve as the City's guide in setting up these plans. He also distributed two handouts regarding Littlejohn Engineering Associates. r l i! l , _. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 2014 WORK SESSION C. Riverfront Development Planning & Design Mayor Triplett said that he would like to have more discussion on the development and design of these plans. [Commission Memo 14 -061 ] (RM 8.m) 6. Briefing Items - Fishing Ban on Marina Isle day slips. Mr. George said that the City has been contacted by several boaters who have asked if the City can prohibit fishing fi-om these particular slips. Mayor Triplett said that he has been contacted in regards to this as well. The consensus among the Commission was to ban all fishing f7•om the slips. 7. City Manager Comments. City Manager Bonaparte handed out a list of proposed projects for 3 "" generation sales tax funds which the City submitted to the County. He informed the Commission that Congressman Mica held a meeting this morning with the Sanford Housing Authority. He also said that Mr. Turk had an interview with Channel 2 regarding the closing of Sanford Avenue, Mr. Bonaparte also advised the Commission that the stop sign near Ft. Mellon Park has been installed as directed at the last Work Session. Commissioner Williams said that a few residents informed her of a meeting that will be held tomorrow evening at Crooms Academy at which the Lynx Bus CITY COMMISSION MINUTES F114 FEBRUARY 24, 2014 WORK SESSION Company will discuss their new schedule that will tie in with SunRail causing some bus stops to be eliminated in the City. Commissioner Mahany suggested medical marijuana shops as a topic for a future Work Session. She said that they should consider looking into the zoning for these types of shops as this item will be on the November ballot and the City should be prepared for this. Mayor Triplett said that an item recently came to his attention regarding a non-budgeted use of funds. Due to the Sunshine Law he was not able to discuss this matter with Commissioner McCarty until this evening. He explained that Commissioner McCarty recently sent out postcards to voters in District I using postage from the City Manager's budget. This should have come before the Commission for discussion. He asked if a policy is needed to designate discretionary funds for use by Commissioners. He asked Commissioner McCarty to reimburse the funds. Mayor Triplett requested that the City Manager meet with the City Attorney and Commissioner McCarty regarding this. Mayor Triplett handed out his list of 2014 Board Appointments and stated that they will go into effect tonight. There being no further business, the meeting wa a4journed at 6:44 PM. Mayor J Attest: City Cl k. IN