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ADDRESS 1601 W. 10th Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER Minnie L. Thomas OCCUPANCY Certificate of Occu Date Approved: Lot 8, Blk 1, Meis Subd. BUILDING CONTRACTOR Sub. Reg Apply: Yes No BUILDING: BUILDfNG RECORD -- f=inal Inspection 2 -26 -86 Permit #20661 FEES' Owner Development Fees Erect 14' x 19' Utility Bldg Streets Paved Unpaved (600) Street Paving Fee UTILITIES. Water Lines Meter Set Sewer Lines Sewer Tap Storm Sewer FOV ER] ENGINEERING /PUB. VVOR KS. Drainage Street Paving Street Name Signs Street Lights Maintenance Bond Cif_ d7, �___... -� AOf7-R 10t ... I� � r - A - Ml '7 - O '7'' `(" (� 1.601 4`! a y n l 1 1 .f? t.11 � 1 J l �Y �T LEGAL DESCRIP710N BUILDING RECORD 6 JU1,Y 59 - PER. NO � 16 (SELF) GEN:VL -,Alj R MIFAI S TO SMALL 3 -ROOK DWELLING & CLOG IN R E?1E =. r0HC11 8/18/66 -- Permit No® 4039 (owner ®1`I'Irs. Charlie May Gaines) Remodeling ($1,000 ®00) 2/21/67 - Permit4307 ( Owner) General repairs and enclose portion of existing rear porch of S. F. Dwelling ($125) 4/27/67 m Permit 4434 (Owner) Erect utility shed in rear yard. ($100 ) � 5 -22 -80 Permit #14,812 4 " `'�V ������ fw &ll, - n jC5 Charmatt, Inc. - Aluminum siding & repair ($3,000.) 6/11/32 Permit #17431 Erect 7 ° x22 ° Utility ' Room Owner . ($ 500.) 4C _ ]] C [OVER) PLUMBING i ELECTRICAL OTHERS 9/22/66 Owne #8125 8/3/60 RAND.ALL ELEC ..., , " 1 closet PERMIT NO. 8321 1 lavatory 10 OUTLETS 1 sink 1 SERVICE 1 tub ______ ___ ___________ __ _ 1 -heater �` J << 6_3 ®80 Permit #7226. Sanford Electri�� 6ir_c C.O.S.