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... 4PDRESS : `""`t owNER 7600 »` y77 _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION '{ �, `° �- r U ,X3 m LINCOLN COITzT 33' OF LOT 28 & S 18 v 01 0 E' 33' OCCUPANCY lk 2? BUILDING RECORD 6 7 'lNUA RY 59 — APP. . PTO a 5692 — PER-. NO. 1688 (SELF) =E a?ORCIT Q; r "INGI .AZT. C1 'ID TG 4 -12 -79 Permit #13820 Owner -Gen.. repairs to S/F res. ($1700.) 5 -4 -90 Permit # 24928 Diversified Restorations Inc General Repairs to existing Comm Bldg ($951) C f M�0 2 _p M/02 - ���111,(1� , 2GGs� rviI7'1S7-ell- 5P-( (OVER) PLIJME31NG ELECTRICAL OTHERS 1-31-73 - PERMIT 3578 Randall Electric 1 service 100 amps 1 ext rq meter 1-3 /- (XeK I - ?I Aq, w al No.w.