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ADDRESS T. 6 W. 25th 5 - LEGAL DESCRIP71ON LOT 35 BLK. 9 DREA16WOLD .. .. ..... . - OWNER -)rui CLAY WILLIAk, BUILDING RECORD ig i4Via. 195Y PER. NO. 5 — APP. NO. 11-552 (GREGORY LLIRBEER CO.) REROOF DWELLING 26 June 57 - Per. No* 794 - Appe No* 4771 (Sel"Lo To make minor repairs on dwelling 8/3/65 Permit 3548 ($3 Erect garage, and- reroof sand :�epajr windd"s and door Of S.B. Dwelling ($3800) All-Cra°t I 9/21/66 ® Permit 4092 ( Owner) Enclose existing front porch of S.F. Dwelling ($250)R 7-10-64 Permit 420366 Glover & Montgomery Reroof S/F Res (1,950) - 7 1 4 9 7 e-"t (OVER occUPANC Y LING a OTHERS