HomeMy WebLinkAbout032414 rm agn & minCITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 24, 2014 REGULAR MEETING City Commission Chambers 1St Floor Sanford City Hall MONDAY, March 24, 2014 300 North Park Avenue 7 PM Sanford, Florida M--------w— w---------- --- --- ------ -- -- - -- ----------M-------- In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Advice to the public: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) Speaking Before the City Commission. There is a three (3) minutes time limit for each speaker on each item, except a person representing an organization and presenting its views during a quasi - judicial hearing will be allowed five (5) minutes, and a person speaking under Citizen Participation will also be allowed five (5) minutes. Your cooperation is appreciated in observing the time limit policy. Each person desiring to address the City Commission on an agenda item pending before the City Commission must, before addressing the City Commission, legibly complete a citizen's input form and submit the form to the City Clerk or designee. Pledge of Civility. A resolution was adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford recognizing the importance of civility, decency, decorum and respectful behavior in promoting citizen participation in a democratic government. The City of Sanford calls upon the elected officials, employees, and the public to exercise civility toward each other. (Resolution No. 2226, 04111111) ----- ------- -- ----- ~- - - ---- ----- -- ---- ������w���--- --- -����� AGENDA 1) Meeting call to order by Mayor Triplett. 2) Invocation by Elder Gradey Roberson, Divine Temple of God. 3) Pledge of Allegiance. CITY COMMISSION .MINUTES 4) Presentations: MARCH[ 24, 2014 REGULAR MEETING • Proclamation declaring April as "Water Conservation Month" 5) Minutes: March 10, 2014 Work Session and Regular Meeting. 6) CONSENT AGENDA. The action proposed to be taken is stated for each item on the Consent Agenda. Unless the item is removed from the Consent Agenda by a City Commission member, no discussion on individual items will occur and a single motion will approve all items. [Commission Memo 14 -077] A. Approve the request for City sewer service for property located at 102 Lake Minnie Drive with the owners responsible for paying all appropriate fees and charges including impact fees and meter set charges; the Annexation Petition will be recorded in the public records; and annexation of the property considered when it becomes annexable. B. Approve budget transfer for various State Revolving Fund projects. C. Approve the work order to Reiss Engineering in the amount of $77,950 for technical services for the hydraulic modeling and pipe bursting project. D. Approve purchase order to American Infrastructure Technologies Corp. for sewer rehabilitation in the amount of $58,068. E. Authorize expenditure of $519,235 of FY 2014 budget Capital funding for the purchase of 18 police vehicles using State and /or Florida Sheriff's Office contract pricing. F. Approve the award of RFP 13/14 -06 to Business Technology Partners for procurement of copy machines. G. Approve the Special Event permit, noise permit, alcohol permit and street closures for the "Sanford Sofa's and Suds" event. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 24, 2014 REGULAR MEETING H. Approve the Special Event permit, noise permit, and alcohol permit for the ,101" Annual Taste of Sanford" event. Approve the Special Event permit, noise permit, alcohol permit and street closures for the "8th Annual Hurricane Party" event. J. Approve the Special Event permit, noise permit, and street closures for "Project Graduation ". K. Approve the Special Event permit, noise permit, and street closures for the "3rd Annual Seminole County Riverwalk 5K" event. L. Approve the Sanford Airport Authority's CAFR for fiscal year ended September 30, 2013 and 2012. (WS -1) M. Approve the City of Sanford's CAFR for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2013. (WS -2) 7) PUBLIC HEARINGS: The purpose of a Public Hearing is to receive input regarding the item being considered. Public Hearings are not intended to be a time for the public to obtain information about the subject matter of the hearing. (Hearing Sequence: 1St - staff; 2"6 - applicant/requesting party; 3`d - public; final - City Commission motion, discussion and action.) A. Second reading of Ordinance No. 4316 amending City Code re: Solid Waste Franchise. Ad published March 9, 2014. [Commission Memo 14 -078] B. First reading of Ordinance No. 4317 to annex 0.54acre bearing the address 1019 W. 25Th Street; Operation Finally Home, owner; Ad published March 23, 2014. [Commission Memo 14 -0791 C. First reading of Ordinance No. 4318 creating a new section of the City Code relating to policies, procedures and charges for public records. Ad published March 23, 2014. [Commission Memo 14 -080] 8) OTHER ITEMS. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 24, 2014 REGULAR MEETING A. Demolition of two (2) structures located at 1601 W. 10t" Street; owner: Minnie L. Thomas; Notice of public hearing sent to owner on January 21, 2014; Property posted on January 14, 2014; Notice of public hearing ad published in the Sanford Herald on January 26 and February 2, 2014; Property posted with Order of Condemnation and Notice of Demolition Hearing on February 27, 2014; Order of Condemnation sent certified mail to owner March 6, 2014. [Commission Memo 14-081] B. Demolition of a structure located at 1515 W. 11th Street; owner: Larry Dilligard; Notice of public hearing sent to owner on January 21, 2014; Property posted on January 14, 2014; Notice of public hearing ad published in the Sanford Herald on January 26 and February 2, 2014; Property posted with Order of Condemnation and Notice of Demolition Hearing on February 27, 2014; Order of Condemnation sent certified mail to owner March 6, 2014. [Commission Memo 14 -082] C. Demolition of a structure located at 1010 Jessamine Ave.; owners: Ernest Allen Jr. and Allen Allen Allen Enterprise, LLC; Notice of public hearing sent to owner on January 21, 2014; Property posted on January 14, 2014; Notice of public hearing ad published in the Sanford Herald on January 26 and February 2, 2014. Property posted with Order of Condemnation and Notice of Demolition Hearing on February 27, 2014; Order of Condemnation sent certified mail to owner March 6, 2014. [Commission Memo 14- 083] D. Demolition of a structure located at 1018 Jessamine Ave.; owners: Ernest Allen Jr. and Allen Allen Allen Enterprise, LLC; Notice of public hearing sent to owner on January 21, 2014; Property posted on January 14, 2014; Notice of public hearing ad published in the Sanford Herald on January 26 and February 2, 2014; Property posted with Order of Condemnation and Notice of Demolition Hearing on February 27, 2014; Order of Condemnation sent certified mail to owner March 6, 2014. [Commission Memo 14- 084] E. Approve Brisson East Subdivision Preliminary Subdivision Plan CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 24, 2014 REGULAR MEETING amendment as approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission. [Commission Memo 14 -085] E. Approve Scope of Services to Littlejohn Engineering Associates, Inc. (LEA) to provide economic development planning services in the amount of $65,909. [Commission Memo 14 -086] F. Approve Scope of Services to Littlejohn Engineering Associates, Inc. (LEA) to provide economic development planning services in the amount of $65,909. [Commission Memo 14 -086] G. Approve Scope of Services to Littlejohn Engineering Associates, Inc. (LEA) for Riverfront Development Design and Planning activities in the amount of $26,875. [Commission Memo 14 -087] (WS 7.A) H. Approve Wayfinding: Banner Signs on 1St Street: Allow past City sponsored special events to be eligible for banner signs on 16t Street light poles subject to legal approvals and risk management assessments. [Commission Memo 14 -0921 (WS 7.8) 1. Approve a four year renewal with Waste Pro Inc, as provided for in the current Solid Waste Franchise Agreement under the terms detailed in the agenda memo and the First Amendment and Extension Agreement. [Commission Memo 14 -094] (WS 7.C) 9) CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT. 10) CITY CLERK'S REPORT. 11) CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. 12) CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Each speaker is allotted five minutes to speak and may present additional written material. If you have a matter you would like to discuss which requires more than five (5) minutes, please feel free to arrange a meeting with the appropriate administrative or elected official. This Citizen Participation is for the City Commission to receive citizen input and comments pertaining to matters over which the City Commission has jurisdiction or control. Questions directed to the City CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 24, 2014 RLGULAR MELTING Commission may be referred to City staff to be answered within a reasonable period of time following the meeting. 13) CITY COMMISSIONER'S REPORTS. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 24, 2014 REGULAR MEETING The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, feet in Regular Meeting on Monday, March 24, 2014, at 7 PM, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 300 North Parr Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Jeff Triplett Vice Mayor Velma Williams Commissioner Mark M °Carty Commissioner Patty Mahany City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert City CIerk Cynthia Porter Absent: Commissioner Randy Jones 1 } Meeting was called to order by Mayor Triplett at 7:07 PM, 2} Invocation by EIder Gradey Roberson, Divine Temple of God. 3) Pledge of Allegiance. 4) Presentation: • Proclamation declaring April as "Water Conservation Month" 5) Minutes: March 10, 2014 Work Session and Regular Meeting. Commissioner Mahany moved to approve the Minutes. Seconded by Commissioner M °Carty and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner M °Carty Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 24, 2014 REGULAR MEETING 6) CONSENT AGENDA: [Commission Memo 14 -077] A. Approve the request for City sewer service for property located at 102 Lake Minnie Drive with the owners responsible for paying all appropriate fees and charges including impact fees and meter set charges; the Annexation Petition will be recorded in the public records; and annexation of the property considered when it becomes annexable. B. Approve budget transfer for various State Revolving Fund projects. C. Approve the work order to Reiss Engineering in the amount of $77,950 for technical services for the hydraulic modeling and pipe bursting project. D. Approve purchase order to American Infrastructure Technologies Corp. for sewer rehabilitation in the amount of $58,068. E. Authorize expenditure of $519,235 of FY 2014 budget Capital funding for the purchase of 18 police vehicles using State and /or Florida Sheriff's Office contract pricing. F. Approve the award of RFP 13/14 -06 to Business Technology Partners for procurement of copy machines. G. Approve the Special Event permit, noise permit, alcohol permit and street closures for the "Sanford Sofa's and Suds" event. H. Approve the Special Event permit, noise permit, and alcohol permit for the "loth Annual Taste of Sanford" event. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 24, 2014 REGULAR MEETING 1. Approve the Special Event permit, noise permit, alcohol permit and street closures for the "8`" Annual Hurricane Party" event. J. Approve the Special Event permit, noise permit, and street closures for "Project Graduation ". K. Approve the Special Event permit, noise permit, and street closures for the "3rd Annual Seminole County Riverwalk 5K" event. L. Approve the Sanford Airport Authority's CAFR for fiscal year ended September 30, 2013 and 2012. {WS -1} M. Approve the City of Sanford's CAFR for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2013. {WS -2} Vice Mayor Williams moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Mahany and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner M'Carty Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye 7) PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Second reading of Ordinance No. 4316 amending City Code re: Solid Waste Franchise. Ad published March 9, 2014. [Commission Memo 14 -0781 Commissioner M'Carty moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4316. Seconded by Vice Mayor Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 24, 2014 REGULAR MELTING Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner M'Carty Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye B. First reading of Ordinance No. 4317 to annex 0.54acre bearing the address 1019 W. 25`x' Street; Operation Finally Home, owner; Ad published March 23, 2014. [Commission Memo 14 -079] Vice Mayor Williams moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 4317. Seconded by Commissioner Mahany and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner M'Carty Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye C. First reading of Ordinance No. 4318 creating a new section of the City Code relating to policies, procedures and charges for public records. Ad published March 23, 2014. [Commission Memo 14 -0801 Commissioner Maliany moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 4318. Seconded by Commissioner M'Carty and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner M'Carty Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye 8) OTHER ITEMS. A. Demolition of two (2) structures located at 1601 W. 10t" Street; owner: Minnie CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 24, 2014 REGULAR MELTING L. Thomas; Notice of public hearing sent to owner on January 21, 2014; Property posted on January 14, 2014; Notice of public hearing ad published in the Sanford Herald on January 26 and February 2, 2014; Property posted with Order of Condemnation and Notice of Demolition hearing on February 27, 2014; Order of Condemnation sent certified mail to owner March 6, 2014. [Commission Memo 14 -081] Vice Mayor Williams moved to approve this item with the understanding that Staff will work with the family within the next thirty (30) days. Seconded by Commissioner Mahany and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor 'Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner M °Carty Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye B. Demolition of a structure located at 1515 W. 11 "' Street; owner: Larry Dilligard; Notice of public hearing sent to owner on January 21, 2014; Property posted on January 14, 2014; Notice of public hearing ad published in the Sanford Herald on January 26 and February 2, 2014; Property posted with Order of Condemnation and Notice of Demolition hearing on February 27, 2014; Order of Condemnation sent certified mail to owner March 6, 2014. [Commission Memo 14 -082] Vice Mayor Williams moved to approve this item and allow the owner ninety (90) CITY COMMISSION MINUTE,S MARCH 24, 2014 REGULAR MELTING days to make substantial progress toward the rehabilitation of the property. Seconded by Commissioner Mahany and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner M'Carty Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye C. Demolition of a structure located at 1010 Jessamine Ave.; owners: Ernest Allen Jr. and Allen Allen Allen Enterprise, LLC; Notice of public hearing sent to owner on January 21, 2014; Properly posted on January 14, 2014; Notice of public hearing ad published in the Sanford Herald on January 26 and February 2, 2014. Property posted with Order of Condemnation and Notice of Demolition Hearing on February 27, 2014; Order of Condemnation sent certified mail to owner March 6, 2014. [Commission Memo 14 -083] Commissioner M °Carty moved to approve this item. Seconded by Commissioner Mahany and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner M °Carty Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye D. Demolition of a structure located at 1018 Jessamine Ave.; owners: Ernest Allen Jr. and Allen Allen Allen Enterprise, LLC; Notice of public hearing sent to owner on January 21, 2014; Property posted on January 14, 2014; Notice of public hearing ad published in the Sanford Herald on CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 24, 2014 REGULAR MEETING January 26 and February 2, 2014; Property posted with Order of Condemnation and Notice of Demolition Hearing on February 27, 2014; Order of Condemnation sent certified mail to owner March 6, 2014. [Commission Memo 14 -084] Commissioner Mahany moved to approve this item. Seconded by Commissioner M °Carty and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner M °Carty Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye E. Approve Brisson East Subdivision Preliminary Subdivision Plan amendment as approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission. [Commission Memo 14 -085] Commissioner Mahany moved to approve this item. Seconded by Vice Mayor Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner M °Carty Nay Commissioner Mahany Aye F. Approve Scope of Services to Littlejohn Engineering Associates, Inc. (LEA) to provide economic development planning services in the amount of $65,909. [Commission Memo 14 -0861 Commissioner Mahany moved to approve this item. Seconded by Vice Mayor Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 24, 2014 REGULAR MEETING Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner McCarty Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye G. Approve Scope of Services to Littlejohn Engineering Associates, Inc. (LEA) for Riverfront Development Design and Planning activities in the amount of $26,875. [Commission Memo 14 -087] (WS 7.A) Vice Mayor Williams moved to approve this item. Seconded by Commissioner McCarty and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner McCarty Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye H. Approve Wayfinding: Banner Signs on V Street: Allow past City sponsored special events to be eligible for banner signs on I" Street light poles subject to legal approvals and risk management assessments. [Comlxlission Memo 14 -092] (WS 7.13) Commissioner Mahany moved to approve City sponsored special events to be eligible for banner signs on Hirst Street light poles, subject to legal approvals and risk management assessments. Seconded by Commissioner M'Carty and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner M`Carty Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 249 2014 REGULAR MUTING I. Approve a four year renewal with Waste Pro Inc. as provided for in the current Solid Waste Franchise Agreement under the terms detailed in the agenda memo and the First Amendment and Extension Agreement. [Commission Memo 14 -094] (WS 7.C) Commissioner M °Carty moved to approve this item. Seconded by Vice Mayor Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner M °Carty Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye 9) CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT. 10) CITY CLERK'S REPORT. 11) CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. 12) CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. 13) CITY COMMISSIONER'S REPORTS. Mayor Triplett thanked Staff and Mr. Blanton for work on the Strategic Plan. He wants the Commission to understand what the auditor said in today's Work Session about the City's financial position. We are just starting to come out of a bad economy. He thanked Staff and the Commission for holding the line; to have the auditors say what they did is something special. Attest: 0 City C rk cp MARCH 249 2014 REGULAR MEETING There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:04 M