HomeMy WebLinkAbout4195 business tax ORDINANCE 2009-4195 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida, amending various provisions of the City Code of the City of Sanford relating to the local business tax (former occupational license tax) by implementing the Florida Local Business Tax Act by substantially amending Chapter 98, Article IV, City Code of the City of Sanford; repealing sections 106-32 and Section 106-33 of the City Code; providing for definitions pertaining to the local business tax; providing for editorial matters relative to affected code provisions; amending Sections 10-36,22-93, 22-126, 30-72, 86-398, and 94-80 of the City Code; amending Part III, Schedule E, Section 7.0 and; Part III, Schedule L, Section 1.2 (City Code/Land Development Regulations); providing for implementing administrative actions; providing for a savings provision; providing for codification; providing for conflicting ordinances; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Whereas, Article VIII, Section 2, Constitution of the State of Florida, authorizes the City of Sanford to exercise any power for municipal purposes except as otherwise provided by law; and Whereas, the provIsions of Chapter 205, Florida Statutes, relate to local business taxes and Section 205.013, Florida Statutes, states that "[t]his chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Local Business Tax Act"; and Whereas, the City of Sanford has implemented the provIsion provIsions of Chapter 205, Florida Statutes, which formerly related to "occupational license taxes" (although actual occupational licensure did not occur) and desires to implement the provisions of the Local Business Tax Act as it has been codified at this time; and Whereas, the City Commission of City of Sanford finds that this Ordinance is in the best interest of its citizens, the appropriate regulation of businesses within the City and the future growth and development of the City; and Whereas, the City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance; and Whereas, this Ordinance, although neither creating or amending land development regulations, is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan of the City Sanford. Now, therefore, be it enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Revisions to Chapter 98, Article IV, of the City Code. Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril(etl:lrSl:l8R text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. The provisions of Chapter 98, Article IV, City Code of the City of Sanford, are substantially revised and amended to read as follows: Sec. 98-88. Short title: levv of local business tax: intent: construction. (a). This Ordinance shall be known. and may be cited as. as the "City of Sanford Local Business Tax Ordinance." (b). Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 205. Florida Statutes. a local business tax is hereby imposed and levied upon and shall be collected from every person exercisina the privileae of carrvina on or enaaaina in any business. profession or occupation and who maintains a permanent business location or branch office within the city and any person who transacts any business or enaaaes in any occupation or profession in interstate commerce where such a local business tax is not prohibited by Section 8. Article 1. of the United States Constitution. (c). The local business tax shall not be levied on the activities of a business or occupation that is owned and operated by anyone enrolled and actively attendina a hiah school and is enaaaina in the business or occupation as a part of the reauirements of a recoanized educational proaram directed toward teachina fundamental skills related to the establishment and operation of a business. (d). It is the intent of this Ordinance to implement the provisions of Chapter 205. Florida Statutes. (e). In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Ordinance and the preemptive provisions of Chapter 205. Florida Statutes. the provisions of Chapter 205. Florida Statutes. shall prevail. Sec. 98-89. Definitions. (a). When used in this Ordinance. the followina terms and phrases shall have the meaninas ascribed to them in this section. exceot when the context c1earlv indicates a different meanina: (1). Business. profession. and occupation do not include the customary reliaious. charitable. or educational activities of nonprofit reliaious. nonprofit charitable. and nonprofit educational institutions in the State of Florida. which institutions are more particularly defined and limited as follows: (A). Reliaious institutions means churches and ecclesiastical or denominational oraanizations or established physical places for worship in the State of Florida at which nonprofit reliaious services and activities are reaularly conducted and carried on. and also means church cemeteries. Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril(etl:lr9ygl:l text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. (B)' Educational institutions means State tax-suooorted or parochial. church and nonorofit private schools. colleaes. or universities conductina reaular classes and courses of studv reauired for accreditation bv or membershio in the Southern Association of Colleaes and Schools. the Deoartment of Education. or the Florida Council of Indeoendent Schools. Nonorofit libraries. art aalleries. and museums ooen to the oublic are defined as educational institutions and eliaible for exemotion. (C). Charitable institutions means only nonorofit corporations ooeratina ohysical facilities in the State of Florida at which are orovided charitable services. a reasonable oercentaae of which are without cost to those unable to oay. (2). Receiot means the document that is issued by the City which bears the words "Local Business Tax Receiot" and evidences that the oerson in whose name the document is issued has comolied with the orovisions of this Ordinance relatina to the business tax. (3). Classification means the method by which a business or arouo of businesses is identified by size or tyoe. or both. (4) Local business tax means the tax charaed. under the provisions of Chaoter 205. Florida Statutes. and the method by which the City arants the orivileae of enaaaina in or manaaina any business. orofession. or occuoation within its iurisdiction. It does not mean any fees or licenses paid to the City for any other oermit(s). reaistration. examination. or insoection which other fees are deemed to be reaulatory and in addition to. but not in lieu of. any local business tax imoosed under the orovisions of Chaoter 205. Florida Statutes. or this Ordinance. (5). Person means any individual. firm. oartnershio. ioint adventure. syndicate. or other arouo or combination actina as a unit. association. corporation. estate. trust. business trust. trustee. executor. administrator. receiver. or other fiduciary. and includes the olural as well as the sinaular. (6). Taxoaver means anv person liable for taxes imposed under the provisions of this Ordinance: any aaent reauired to file and oay any taxes imoosed hereunder: and the heirs. successors. assianees. and transferees of any such oerson or aaent. (b). All other definitions set forth in the City Code and the Florida Statutes may be aoolied to assist in the interpretation and imolementation of this Ordinance. Sec. 98-90. Taxoavers subiect to laws and ordinances. (a). Uoon the oayment of the local business tax and issuance of a local business tax receiot. the oerson to whom the local business tax receiot was issued shall be or continue to be subiect to all laws. codes. ordinances. rules and reaulations and the oayment of the local business tax shall not be construed to waive the conditions or Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril(etl=trsl::Igl=t text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. reauirements of any valid law. code. ordinance. rule or reaulation aovernina the riaht to conduct any business. profession or occupation nor the use of property: and the conduct of each business. profession or occupation shall be aoverned bv anv and all valid laws. codes. ordinances. rules and reaulations. includina. but not limited to. all zonina laws heretofore or hereafter promulaated by the City or any other valid or authorized aovernina body or bodies. (b). Any person seekina to pav the local business tax. for the first time. for a local business tax receipt who is beainnina the practice of anv profession reaulated by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Reaulation. or any board or commission thereof. must exhibit an active State certificate. reaistration. or license. or proof of COpy of the same. before such local receipt may be issued. (c). The City shall not issue a local business tax receipt: (1). To operate a pharmacv unless the taxpayer produces a current permit issued by the Board of Pharmacy: however. no such receipt is reauired to practice the profession of pharmacy. (2). For the operation of an assisted livina facilitv pursuant to Chapter 429. Florida Statutes. without first ascertainina that the taxpayer has been licensed by the Florida Aaency for Health Care Administration to operate such facility at the specified location or locations. (3). To any pest control business reaulated under Chapter 482. Florida Statutes. unless a current license has been procured from the Florida Department of Aariculture and Consumer Services for each of its business locations in the City. (4). For the operation of a health studio pursuant to Sections 501.012 throuah 501.019. Florida Statutes. or ballroom dance studio pursuant to Section 501.143. Florida Statutes. unless such business exhibits a current license. reaistration. or letter of exemption from the Florida Department of Aariculture and Consumer Services. (5). To enaaae in business as a seller of travel pursuant to Part XI of Chapter 559 Florida Statutes. unless such business exhibits a current reaistration or letter of exemption from the Florida Department of Aariculture and Consumer Services. (6). For the operation of a telemarketina business under Sections 501.604 throuah 501.608. Florida Statutes unless such business exhibits a current license or reaistration from the Florida Department of Aariculture and Consumer Services or a current affidavit of exemption. (7). For the operation of a mover or movina broker under Chapter 507. Florida Statutes. unless the mover or broker exhibits a current reaistration from the Florida Department of Aariculture and Consumer Services. Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril(etl:1rel:lgl:1 text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. (d)" No local business tax receiot issued under the orovisions of this Ordinance. and no oavment of anv local business tax reauired. imoosed or levied under this Ordinance. shall be construed as authorizina the conduct or continuance of any iIIeaal business. occuoation or orofession. or of any business. occuoation or orofession as may now or hereafter be prohibited by law. code. ordinance. rule or reaulation or of any leaal and lawful business. occuoation or orofession conducted in an iIleaal manner. Sec. 98-91. License required; procedure for issuance. (a). Any oerson who enaaaes in or manaaes any business. occuoation or orofession for which the local business tax is imoosed and reauired by this Ordinance or any other ordinance of the City. must have and obtain a valid local business tax receiot from the City. Any sian. advertisement. buildina occuoancy. directory Iistina or activity indicatina that a business. callina. orofession or occuoation is beina conducted at a location within the City shall be prima facie evidence that a oerson is liable for oayment of the local business tax. (b). A seoarate local business tax receiot shall be obtained for each location includina. but not limited to. branches of the business located within the City as if the branch or location were a seoarate business. unless orohibited by Chaoter 205. Florida Statutes. A local business tax receiot shall also be obtained for each uniaue and different tyoe of business activity. Whenever any business. occuoation or orofession shall fall into more than one of the classifications contained in the schedule of tax rates set forth in this Ordinance. such occuoation. business. or orofession shall be reauired to oay the local business tax imoosed under or oertainina to each classification or orivileae. The City Manaaer. or desianee. is vested with the authority to determine the aoorooriate classification for each business activity. All business activities shall be assianed to at least one of the aooroved classifications. Many of the classifications are aeneral in nature. and a more comolete list of the businesses contained in each classification may be maintained by the City Manaaer. or desianee. for use and reference with reaard to future decisions relatina to businesses of a like nature. (c). A local business tax receiot will not be issued to any oerson. business. orofession or occuoation in the City until an aoolication form has been filed with the City containina such information as determined by the City Manaaer which form shall. at a minimum. include the followina information: (1). Name. tyoe of business. address. ohone number. (2). Owner's name. address. ohone number. (3). Persons to be contacted in case of emeraency. Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril€etl:1rol:lgl:1 text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. (4). COpy of certificate. reaistration or license issued by the Florida Department of Professional Reaulation if applicable. (5). Other certifications or documents reauired by State law. if applicable. (d). As a prereauisite to receivina a local business tax receipt under this Ordinance or transferrina a local business tax receipt. the applicant or new business owner must present to the City either: (1). A COpy of the applicant's or new owner's current fictitious name reaistration. issued by the Division of Corporations of the Department of State: or (2). A written statement. sianed by the applicant or new business owner. which sets forth the reason that the applicant or new owner need not comply with the Fictitious Name Act. No person sholl engage in any of the occupations, businesses or profossions set out in section 98 99 in the city unless and until the liconso tax prescribed therefor shall havo boon paid and a liconso thorefor shall hove been procured from tho city tax collector, ':Jhich liconse shall be issuod by the city tax collector upon the payment of tho amount of the license tax required the r{)fo r, 'A'ithout any additional charge or fee whatovor, except as pro':ided in this artiole. Sec. 98-92. Persons and oraanizations exempt from payment of local business tax. (a). All disabled persons physically incapable of manual labor. widows with minor dependents. and persons 65 years of aae or older. with not more than one employee or helper. and who use their own capital only. not in excess of $1.000.00. may enaaae in any business or occupation in the City if Iivina within Seminole County without beina reauired to pay the local business tax. This exemption shall be allowed only upon the certificate of the County Physician. or other reputable physician. that the taxpayer c1aimina the exemption is disabled. the nature and extent of the disabilitv beina specified therein. and in case the exemption is claimed by a widow with minor dependents. or a person over 65 years of aae. proof of the riaht to the exemption shall be made. Any person entitled to the exemption provided by this Section shall. upon application and furnishina of the necessary proof as aforesaid. be issued a local business tax receipt which shall have plainly stamped or written across the face thereof the fact that it is issued under this Section. and the reason for the exemption shall be written thereon. This exemption shall not apply to the issuance of a local business tax receipt relatina to the sale of intoxicatina liauors or malt and vinous beveraaes. (b). The followina shall also be exempt from payment of occupational license tax: Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril(et~r8l:1g~ text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. (1). Churches. ecclesiastical or denominational oraanizations or established phvsical places for worship. at which nonprofit reliaious services and activities are conducted and carried on. and this shall also mean church cemeteries. (2). State tax-supported or parochial. church and nonprofit private schools. colleaes or universities conductina reaular classes and courses of study reauired for accreditation bv a membership in the Southern Association of Colleaes and Secondary Schools. department of education or the Florida Council of Independent Schools. Nonprofit libraries. art aalleries and museums open to the public are defined as education institutions and eliaible for exemption. (3). Charitable nonprofit corporations at which there are provided charitable services. a reasonable percentaae of which shall be without cost to those unable to pay. (4). Non-profit condominium associations oraanized and operatina pursuant to Chapter 718. Florida Statutes. (5). Anv bona fide. permanent resident elector of the State of Florida who served as an officer or enlisted person durina any of the periods specified in 1.0H 14). Florida Statutes. in the Armed Forces of the United States. National Guard. or United States Coast Guard or Coast Guard Reserve. or any temporary member thereof. who has actuallv been. or may hereafter be. reassianed bv the air force. army. navy. coast auard. or marines to active duty durina any war. declared or undeclared. armed conflicts. crises. etc.. who was honorablv discharaed from the service of the United States. and who at the time of his or her application for a business tax receipt is disabled from performina manual labor shall. upon sufficient identification. proof of beina a permanent resident elector in the state. and production of an honorable discharae from the service of the United States to the extent set forth in Chapter 205. Florida Statutes. This exemption does not applv to activities involvina the sale of intoxicatina liauors or malt and vinous beveraaes. The unremarried spouse of a deceased disabled veteran of any war in which the United States Armed Forces participated is entitled to the same exemptions as the disabled veteran. Payment af outstanding Gity accounts prerequisite to issuanGe of license. No oity oooup3tional lioonso 3nd registmtion shall bo issuod or renowod until or unloss all outstanding 3coounts to tho city by tho 3pplioant for suoh lioonso 3re p3id in full. Sec. 98-93.Term of license; delinquency. (a). The City hereby implements the provisions of Section 205.053. Florida Statutes. (b). The local business tax shall be collected and business tax receipts issued bv the City effective Julv 1 of each year. are due and pavable on or before September 30 of each year. and expire on September 30 of the succeedina year. If September 30 falls Underlined text is added language to City Code and striltetl=lrsygl=l text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. on a weekend or holidav. the tax is due and pavable on or before the first workina day followina September 30. Local business taxes that have not been paid when due and pavable are delinauent and subiect to a delinauencv penaltv of 10 percent for the month of October. plus an additional 5 percent penaltv for each subseauent month of delinauencv until paid. However. the total delinauencv penaltv may not exceed 25 percent of the business tax for the delinauent establishment. Pre-payment of local business taxes may be made prior to Julv 1 of a year. (c). Anv person who enaaaes in or manaaes any business. occupation. or profession without first obtainina a reauired local business tax receipt is subiect to a penaltv of 25 percent of the tax due. in addition to any other penalty that may provided bv law or ordinance subiect to the limitations set forth in Chapter 205. Florida Statutes. (d). Anv person who enaaaes in any business. occupation. or profession covered bv this Ordinance. who does not pay the reauired business tax within 150 days after the initial notice of tax due. and who does not obtain the reauired receipt is subiect to civil actions and penalties. includina court costs. reasonable attorneys' fees. additional administrative costs incurred as a result of collection efforts. and a penaltv of UP to $250.00. (e). Anv person owina any delinauent amount of local business tax for a prior year's taxes shall be reauired to pay such delinauent local business tax before beina issued a new local business tax receipt. Payments to the City shall be first applied to penalties and prior year local business taxes due before beina applied to current year local business taxes due. (f). For local business taxes timelv paid bv any new business. occupation or profession which commences the operation of a business after April 1 of a year. one- half of the local business tax for one year shall be paid. except in the months of Auaust and September when 1/6 and 1/12 of the full year's local business tax shall be assessed respectivelv. (a). The City shall not accept postmarked dates for payment of bills due the City. Payments shall onlv be accepted without penaltv when received bv the due date and not bv the date postmarked. The City shall not be responsible for delav or loss of mail. (h). The Code Enforcement Special Maaistrate shall have iurisdiction over the enforcement of the provisions of this Section relative to the assessment and imposition of penalties in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 162. Florida Statutes. and the implementina codes and ordinances of the City: provided. however. that a taxpayer may make such payments on a voluntary basis and City staff may accept such payments administrativelv. (D. The City Manaaer. or desianee. shall have the authority to make all investiaations reasonablv necessary for the enforcement of this Ordinance. Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril{etl:lr9~gl:l text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. (D. It is prohibited and unlawful for any person to hinder. impede or obstruct any authorized person in his or her investiaation or inspection in the reasonable performance of his or her duties. as set forth in this Ordinance. (k). It is prohibited and unlawful for any person to operate under a local business tax receipt issued under a false statement and such person shall be subiect to punishment to the maximum extent authorized by law pursuant to the code enforcement remedy elected by the City. Exoopt aE othorwiEO providod, no lioonEo r-oquirod by thiE artiolo Ehall bo iEEuod for moro than one yoar, oxoopt whon iEEuod for a half yoar, day, month or quartor, aE tho case may boo All liconsos shall bo iSEuod boginning ^ugust 1 of oaoh yoar. LioonEo fooE Ehall bo duo and payablo on Ootobor 1 of oach yoar, and lioonsoE shall oxpiro on Soptombor 30 of tho suooooding yoar. Thoso liconEoE not ronowod by Octobor 1 shall bo oonEidored dolinquont and EubjOct to a dolinquonoy ponalty of ton poroont for tho month of Octobor pluE an additional fivo porcont ponalty for oaoh month of dolinquonoy thoreaftor until paid; pro'Jidod that tho total dolinquoncy ponalty Ehall not oxcood 25 porcont of tho oooupational liconEo foo for tho dolinquont oEtablishmont. Thoso porEons who ongago in any businoEE, profoEsion, or occupation and havo not paid thoir occupationallioonso renowal faOE '/lithin 160 daYE aftor tho initial notice of tax duo shall bo EUbjOct to an additional ponalty of $260.00. Sec. 98-94. Transfers LiGense '/aliEl only for spesifiG person anEl plase; transfer of IiGense. Local business tax receipts LioonsoE shall be good only for the particular business at the particular place of business which shall be named therein and for the person to whom issued. Local business tax receipts LioonEoE may be transferred to a new owner when there is a bona fide sale of the business upon application to the tax collector and payment of a transfer fee of up to ten percent of the annual local business lioonco tax, but not less than $3.00 nor more than $25.00, and upon presentation of evidence of the sale and the original local business tax receipt liconEo. Upon written request and presentation of the original local business tax receipt lioonEo, any local business tax receipt lioonso may be transferred from one location to another location upon payment of a transfer fee of up to ten percent of the annual liconEo tax, but not less than $3.00 nor more than $25.00. Sec. 98-95. Submission of statement of value of merchandise prior to issuanGe of Iisense. The City tax collector, before issuing a local business tax receipt lioonso based on a property value or capital stock or value of stock of goods, wares or merchandise on hand, shall require the person applying for a local business tax receipt lioonEo to make a written statement under oath of the yalue of the property or the amount of the capital stock or value of stock of goods, wares or merchandise employed or to be employed in such business. If the City tax collector has reason to believe that the application and Underlined text is added language to City Code and striketl-1r9~gl-1 text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. oath do not properly disclose the value of the property or the amount of capital stock or value of goods, wares or merchandise, such local business tax receipt lioenGo shall not be issued until the application and oath shall correctly set forth such information. The term "value of a stock of goods, wares or merchandise" shall mean inventory value as of July 31 next proceeding the Iicenso year for which a local business tax receipt lioenso is applied. Sec. 98-96. Exhibition and display of local business tax receipt IiGense. Every person required to procure a local business tax receipt licenGe under this article shall exhibit the same whenever called upon to do so by the personnel of the City ~ colloctor, lioonGo oUioial, or ohief of polioe or any polioo officer of tho city. The local business tax receipt Licenses of all persons having a place of business shall be conspicuously displayed thereat. Sec. 98 97. Inspection of places of business. It shall be the duty of the license offioial, or other employeo aG designated by tho city manager, to inspect all plaoos of businoss in the city and to roport the fnilure of any porson carrying on any of the oooupations, businemmG or professions set out in this artiolo to sooure a license therefor or to post tho same conspiouously in his placo of business. SeG. 98 98. Records of licenses. The oity tax collector shall koep a book, alphabotioally arranged, in whioh shall bo entered every lioonGo iGGued undor this artiolo, the name of all pomonG holding a oity lioenso, the number of the lioonGe, the oocupation, tho dato of issuance and expiration of tho license, and the Gum paid. Sec. 98-99. Schedule of local business Iioense taxes. The local business tax rate which shall be imposed and assessed in the City shall +Re amount of lioonso tax loviod and imposed upon ovory person that Ghall ongago in or manago any oooupation, business or profession montionod in this Goction within tho oity is hereby fixed, gradod and detormined as to tho following occupationG, businosGes or profesGionG at the following amounts: ABSTRACT COMPANY. . . $ 100.00 This classification includes companies in the business of furnishing title insurance and/or abstracts of titles. ACCOUNTANT. . . 50.00 This classification includes general accounting, bookkeeping, income tax preparation, and other related endeavors. For certified public accountant, see PROFESSIONAL. ADDRESSING SERVICE. . . 50.00 This classification includes addressing, mailing, duplicating, mimeographing, Xeroxing and services of a similar nature, including stenographer. For public stenographer alone, see PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. ADULT ARCADE AMUSEMENT CENTER. . . 225.00 ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITY. . .52.50 Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril(etRre~gR text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. ADVERTISING AGENT OR AGENCY (see chapter 38, article II) . . . 52.50 Advertising by any lawful method except sound trucks or trade inducement companies. ADVERTISING, SOUND TRUCK, each vehicle. . . 112.50 Mu~t h3'1e police dep3rtment approv31. ADVERTISING, TRADE INDUCEMENT COMPANY. . . 225.00 AGENCY. . . 50.00 Includes any type agency or bureau not otherwise specifically classified in the license schedule. AIRCRAFT, FLIGHT INSTRUCTION. . . 50.00 AIRCRAFT, FOR HIRE: Each. . .50.00 Maximum charge. . . 225.00 This classification includes air taxi, charter service, air ambulance, rent-a-plane, etc. AIR FREIGHT COMPANY. . . 200.00 ALARM SYSTEMS/FIRE AND BURGLARY, SALES AND SERVICE. . . 100.00 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES (~ee ch3pter 6): I\~ provided in Florid3 St3tute~. Off Premise...50.00 On Premise. . 100.00 Bottle Club...100.00 AMBULANCE SERVICE, each vehicle. . . 50.00 AMUSEMENT ARCADE: A collection of amusement and/or music machines located in a building. Operator. . . 150.00 Plus each machine operated, or amusement. . .37.50 Plus each music machine. . . 37.50 AMUSEMENT PARK: A collection of mechanical rides, permanently located. Operator. . . 150.00 Plus each ride or machine. . . 37.50 Meohanioal ride~ 3re ~ubjeot to 3 ~afety cheok by tho building inspector before being plaoed into operation. Plus each concession stand. . . 50.00 Subject to approval by the health department. ANIMAL GROOMING SERVICE. . . 50.00 ANIMAL HOSPITAL. . . 70.00 This classification includes a hospital for cows, horses, dogs, cats or any other domestic animal. Thi~ licen~e i~ not required if a lioonsod voterinarian or veterinarian ~urgeon maintain~ the hospital in conjunotion \aJith hi~ ~orvioos. ANTIQUES. . . 50.00 Definition: Merchandise of intrinsic value. If any now morch3ndi~o i~ ~old, issue moroh3nt'~ lioense r3ther th3n 3ntiquo~ licon~o. APARTMENT OR OTHER RENTAL UNIT (with three (3) or more units: Each unit. . . 10.00 Maximum charge. . . 150.00 OVlnor'~ residenco unit not inoluded in oomputing tho numbor of unit~. Four or more aooommod3tion~ require a ~t3to division of hotel~ and re~t3ur3nt~ licen~e. Underlined text is added language to City Code and &tril(etl::lr9~gl::l text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. ARCHERY RANGES (see ATHLETIC OR RECREATIONAL FACILITY). .^.RCHITECT . . . 100.001 ARMORED CAR SERVICE, each vehicle. . . 50.00 ARTISAN AND/OR CRAFTSMAN. . . 20.00 One person working alone and meeting all the qualifications of existing city ordinances relating to his trade. ASTROLOGERS. . .625.00 ATHLETIC OR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES, for profit. . . 100.00 This classification includes archery ranges, baseball fields, football fields, go-cart tracks, golf courses, gymnasiums, rinks, shuffleboard, swimming pools, tennis courts and other similar facilities not otherwise specifically classified in tho Iiconso schodulo. AUCTIONEER. . . 200.00 Transiont, oaoh, por d3Y 150.00 AUCTION HOUSE. . . 100.00 Regularly scheduled auctions of household goods, electrical goods, tools, etc. AUCTION SALE, AIRCRAFT, VEHICLES, OR BOATS. . . 100.00 AUCTION SALE, IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND/OR JEWELRY. . . 200.00 All auotions must bo oonduotod by 3 liconsod auotionoor. AUCTION SALE, REAL ESTATE ONLY. . . 100.00 AUTHORS. . . 50.00 AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION AGENCY. . . 50.00 Agent soliciting insurance in conjunction with membership enrollment, each agent . . . 50.00 AUTOMOBILE PARKING LOT OR STORAGE GARAGE. . . 50.00 AUTOMOBILE TRAILER RENTAL HEADQUARTERS. ..50.00 Trailor rontal sorvicos 3m undor tho oontrol of tho St3tO r3i1road oommission and no city lioonsos aro roquirod for oaoh unit. AUTOMOBILE, TRUCK, TRACTOR, MOTORCYCLE, AIRCRAFT OR MOBILE HOME DEALER. . . 150.00 AUTOMOBILE WRECKER SERVICE, each vehicle. . . 50.00 AUTOMOBILES. TRUCKS. TRACTORS. MOTORCYCLE. AIRCRAFT OR MOBILE HOMES FOR HIRE: Taxis, oaoh Each vehicle. etc. . . . 50.00 (Soo ohaptor 106, artiolo II.) I\utomobilos and/or trucks: Eaoh 'iohiolo . . . 50.00 Maximum charge. . . 225.00 This classification includes U-Drive-It or other rental plans. BAKERY AND RETAIL STORE. . . 50.00 BAKERY ROUTE, each vehicle. . . 70.00 BAKERY WHOLESALE ROUTE, each vehicle. . . 70.00 Doos not apply to vohiolos opor3tod from wholosalo businossos lioonsod undor F.S. S 205.59. 1 Architects will be treated in the category "Professional" as other professionals. Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril(etl:lrEll:lgl:l text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. BANKS (12 USC 648, 2 24 71 CCM) . . .375.00 Includes automatic teller machines. BARBERSHOPS: First chair. . . 20.00 Each additional chair. . . 10.00 Eaoh barber mUEt be oertified by tho Elato bnrbor'E board. BASEBALL FIELDS (see ATHLETIC OR RECREATIONAL FACILITY). BATHS, TURKISH, STEAM, SAUNA, ETC. . . . 50.00 Stato oortificate of appr{)'.(al requirod. If mmmage troatmontE am givon, oach maEEeur mUEt bo cortifiod by the Etato board of health and licenEed by tho oity. BEAUTY SHOPS: First operator. . . 20.00 Each additional operator. . . 10.00 Each oporator mUEt be cortified by the Etato board of cOEmotology. Nail technician. . . 20.00 Tannina booth/bed. . . 50.00 BOAT DEALER, NEW AND/OR USED.. . 150.00 Includes boats, motors, trailers and equipment. BOAT REPAIR YARD. . . 100.00 Includes designing, building and repairing boats. BOAT STORAGE: Wet slips, each. . . 2.00 Pigeon-hole dry storage space, each. . .2.00 BOATS FOR HIRE: Cruising, fishing or houseboats: Each. . .50.00 Maximum charge. . . 200.00 Canoes, rowboats, or sailboats: Each. . .20.00 Maximum charge. . . 200.00 Sightseeing: Each. . . 50.00 Maximum charge. . . 200.00 BOND BROKER OR DEALER. . . 200.00 This classification includes a dealer in state, county, municipal or similar type bonds. BONDSMAN. . . 100.00 BOTTLED GAS DEALER: Each vehicle. . .50.00 For installation of gas appliances, see CONTRACTOR. BOTTLED WATER COMPANY. . . 50.00 Each vehicle. . . 70.00 BOWLING ALLEYS: First five alleys. . . 50.00 Each additional alley. . . 10.00 BROKER. . . 50.00 Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril(etl:1re~gl:1 text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. Except otherwise specifically classified in tho Iioon~o ~ohodulo. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. . .375.00 BUS LINES: Intercity. . . 150.00 Sightseeing. . . 100.00 CARNIVAL OR STREET FAIR, per week or fraction thereof. . .625.00 CATERER. . . 50.00 Each vehicle. . . 70.00 This classification includes a person or company that provides food and/or drinks to homes, parties, offices or businesses. County h031th in~poction roquirod. CIRCUS, per day. . .200.00 CIVIC/SPORTS CENTER COMPLEX. . . 1,000.00 Including dog tracks, sports, entertainment, promotional, theatrical and parking activities. CLEANERS AND/OR LAUNDRIES: 1--3 employees. . .30.00 4--5 employees. . .50.00 6--10 employees. . .80.00 11 or more employees. . . 100.00 CLOSING-OUT SALE (see Ordinance No. 927) . . . 100.00 Fee charged is either the amount of the previous year's license fee or $100.00, whichever is less. COIN-OPERATED COPY MACHINES... 11.25 COIN-OPERATED MACHINES: Amusement machines, each. . . 50.00 Definition: Machines or devices which are played for amusement or score and not for vending merchandise or rendering a service. Music playing machines, each. . . 50.00 Washers, dryers, dry cleaning machines: Each. . .5.00 Self-service laundry, maximum charge. . . 150.00 Carwash machines, each. . . 5.00 Vacuum machines, each. . . 5.00 Othor amu~omont, ~orvioo or morohandising maohinos not spooifioally ola~~ifiod in thi~ ~oction ~hall pay ~uoh tax a~ ~h311 bo dotorminod from time to timo by tho Iioon~o omoial with City Commi~sion approval on 3 basis oomparablo with othor coin opor3tod maohino~. Exemptions: Coin-operated parcel checking lockers, postage stamp machines, cigarette vending machines, citrus juice vending machines, and public toilets are exempt ffam city licon~o~. COIN-OPERATED PHOTO MACHINES.. .37.50 COLD STORAGE OR OTHER WAREHOUSES. . . 50.00 COMMERCIAL OR JOB PRINTING: 1--3 employees. . . 30.00 4--5 employees. . .50.00 Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril<etl:trel:lgl:t text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. 6--10 employees. . . 80.00 11 or more employees. . . 100.00 COMPUTER SERVICE. . . 100.00 Includes listings, courses/classes, sales office, writing programs and repairs. CONCESSION STAND: Temporary stand at sporting events, shopping center, promotions, etc., maximum five days per event, per day. . . 10.00 Permanent stand. . .50.00 CONTRACTORS AND/OR SUBCONTRACTORS: Classification: Contractors: Building, meoh::mical, electrioal, air oonditioning, pool, roofing, sheetmetal, plumbing, and screen enolosure Requirements: If state registered, $1,000.00 surety bond. If state oertified, a copy of ourrent state oertifioate. If not state certified, a oOPY of stato registmtion and ourrent oity oertificate of oompetenoy. Suboontractors/speoialty: Inoludes tiling, paving, painting, land olearing, house mo':ing, eto., and any other contmctor not speoifioally classified in lioenso schedule. $1,000.00 surety bond. Fees:- Contractor working alone. . . 30.00 Contractor and 1--4 employees. . . 100.00 Contractor and 5--9 employees. . . 150.00 Contractor and 10 or more employees. . . 200.00 CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS. . .50.00 Firms or corporations, or agents thereof, operating within the City, supplying information for members and others. DAIRY. . . 50.00 Each vehicle. . . 70.00 Does not apply to vehioles operated from a \\'holesale business lioensed under F.S. S 205.59. DANCEHALLS (see chapter 10, article III) . . . 150.00 DAY LABORER: No license required. Definition: A person maintaining no place of business, representing himself as being under the direction and control of the person for whom he is working, and who has no other person working for him. DAY NURSERY OR KINDERGARTEN. . . 50.00 Definition: An institution or place in which two or more children not of common parentage are received for periods of not less than four hours at anyone time, for care apart from their parents, for compensation. Must be approved by the state departmont of hoalth and rehabilitativo services. Exception A--Family day care homes. . .5.00 (See Florida Statutes.) "Family day oare home" means an oooupiod rosidonoo in whioh ohild care is rogularly provided for no more than five preschool ohildron from more than one unrelated family Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril<ett:lrel:lgt:l text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. and 'Nhich rocoives a payment, fee, or grant for any of tho childron roceiving C~lrO, whothor or not oporated for profit. Tho maximum numbor of fivo proschool children includos proschool childron living in tho homo and proschool childron rocoivod for day caro who are not related to tho resident caregiver. Elomentary school siblings of the proschool children rocei'/ed for day care may also be carod for outside of school hOUFS provided tho total number of child ron, including the caregivor's mom and tho so rolatod to tho carogi':or, does not oxceed ten. DELICATESSEN. . . 50.00 Definition: ,^,n establishment that sells pr{)parod food or moals to be eaton elsewhoro. Requiros county health inspootion. DETECTIVE OR INVESTIGATOR, each. . . 50.00 DETECTIVE AGENCY. . . 50.00 DISCOUNT CORPORATIONS. . . 200.00 DRESSMAKING AND/OR ALTERATIONS. . . 20.00 Persons working in the home and not employing assistants are exempt. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES. . . 375.00 ELECTROL YSIS: Facial specialists, each. . . 20.00 ENGRAVER. . . 50.00 Not in conjunction with a licensed business. ENTERTAINMENT, SHOWS, CONCERTS, ETC., por day. . . 100.00 When not held in a licensed theater and when the gross proceeds are not devoted solely to bona fide religious, charitable, educational or fraternal purposes. EXEMPT LICENSE (F.S. S 205.162): Must bo 65 or older and submit proof. Must bo a rosident of the county. Must not use over $1,000.00 of personal capital in businoss, Le., including automobile, oquipment, furniture, building, etc. EXPRESS COMPANIES. . .200.00 Does not apply to express companies regulated and operated under F.S. 9 195.14. FISH PEDDLER. . . 50.00 No liconso roquired if licensed by the state shellfish commission. FLEA MARKET: Operator. . . 150.00 Plus each table/booth. . . 6.00 FLORIST. . . 50.00 FORTUNETELLER . . . 625.00 This classification includes fortuneteller, palmist, clairvoyant, phrenologist, spiritualist, crystal gazer, seer, character reader, spirit medium, hypnotist (other than a licensed medical doctor), absent treatment healer, faith healer, and every person engaged in any occupation of a similar nature. Must exhibit a state and county license boforo a city license is issuod. Cannot be rono'::od oxcept by appr-o'Jal of the city commission. FRUIT AND/OR VEGETABLE DEALER: Permanent stand. . .50.00 Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril(etl:1r9~gl:1 text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. If merchandise other than fruit and/or vegetables is sold, ~ merchant's rate applies liconso rather than fruit and 'Joget3ble dealor's license. Peddler (soo Ordimmce No. 917): Exhibiting grower's certificate. . . No charge No grower's certificate, each vehicle. . . 70.00 Wholesale dealer or broker. . . 50.00 GAME ROOMS AND ARCADES. . . 50.00 GARBAGE AND/OR TRASH DISPOSAL COMPANIES. . . 50.00 Each vehicle. . . 70.00 GAS COMPANIES. . . 300.00 GASOLINE, KEROSENE, OIL, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS. . . 150.00 GASOLINE SERVICE STATIONS: First two pumps. . . 30.00 Each additional pump. . . 5.00 Includes a stock of $500.00 worth of non-petroleum merchandise when paying $22.50 or more for a license. A retail merchant's license is required for sale of merchandise inventory in excess of $500.00. GREASE, OIL, TALLOW, ETC., SALVAGE COMPANIES. . .50.00 Each vehicle. . .70.00 GUN DEALER/GUNSMITH. . . 70.00 Doalors 3re required to report to police departmont, upon dem3nd, the records of 311 3cquisitions and disposals of all fire3rms. GYMNASIUM (see ATHLETIC OR RECREATION FACILITY). HOSPITAL, operated for profit. . . 150.00 Must bo lioonsed by tho St3to boar<i of he3lth. HOTELS, MOTELS, TOURIST HOMES, BOARDINGHOUSES, ETC.: Each room. . . 3.00 Minimum charge. . . 10.00 If food is served, a state division of hotels lioense is required. Three or more rooms requir{) a state Iioenso. ICE CREAM AND/OR FROZEN CUSTARD SHOP. ..70.00 Requires oounty health inspection. ICE CREAM, SNOW CONE, POPCORN, ETC., VENDOR, each vehicle. . .20.00 Roquires county he31th inspection. INSURANCE COMPANY. . . 50.00 ^ oompany Iioense is requir{)d whenever insuFDnce of the company in question is being Gold or solioitod 'J:ithin tho oity limits thr{)ugh indopendent agonoies or oompany branch offioos. INSURANCE SOLICITORS OR AGENTS. . . 50.00 The company represented by the agont must also bo licensed. INTERIOR DECORATOR... 30.00 If morchandiso is sold, issuo merch3nt's licenso r3ther th3n interior decor3tor's Iioonse. JUNK DEALER. . . 52.50 Each vehicle. . . 75.00 KENNELS. . . 50.00 Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril(etl:trsblgl:l text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. KEYMAKER AND/OR LOCKSMITH. . . 20.00 V'.'hen not in oonjunction '.vith a Iioonsed business. LABORATORY. ..70.00 LAND DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT OFFICE. . . 70.00 LINEN, TOWEL, DIAPER, UNIFORM SERVICE COMPANY. . . 50.00 Each vehicle. . . 70.00 LOAN COMPANY. . . 225.00 Smalllo~m company lioensed by the st:lte under F.S. ch. 516; does not inoludo b:lnks, trust comp:lnies, savings :lnd loan associations, credit unions, industrial loan oompanies or p:l'.vnbrokers. MANUFACTURERS: 1--3 employees. . .30.00 4--5 employees. . .50.00 6--10 employees. . .80.00 11 or more employees. . . 100.00 MASSEUR OR MASSEUSE, MASSAGE THERAPIST, AND BATHS, each.. . 75.00 Certific:lto from st:lte before Iioense is issued, pursu:lnt to F.S. ~~ 480.052 and 480.04a. MERCHANTS, RETAIL AND/OR WHOLESALE: Moroh:lnts, retail or wholesale, shall P:lY :l Iioense t:lX b:lsed upon full c:lsh valuo of the stock carried as of July a1 immedi:ltely preooding the Iioense year at the following r:ltes: Stock of $1.00 to $500.00 . . . 30.00 Stock of $501.00 to $1,000.00 . . . 40.00 Stock of $1 ,001.00 to $2,000.00 . . . 60.00 Stock of $2,001.00 to $3,000.00 . . . 80.00 Stock of $3,001.00 to $4,000.00 . . . 100.00 For each additional $1,000.00 of stock or fraction thereof. . . 3.00 MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE MOBILE UNIT, each vehicle. . . 70.00 Exoept vehicles operatod from v:holesalo businessos licensed under F.S. ~ 205.59. MESSAGE AND/OR PACKAGE DELIVERY SERVICE. . . 50.00 MIDWIFE. . . 50.00 MONUMENTS AND/OR TOMBSTONES: Sales, see MERCHANT schedule. Installation, see SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR schedule. Manufacturer, see MANUFACTURER schedule. MUSEUM, for profit. . . 100.00 This classification includes museums and exhibitions of animals, relics, or other articles of historic interest. NEWSSTAND (each location) . . .30.00 f>Jot in oonjunction 'A'ith another lioensod businoss. NURSERY, SHRUBS, PLANTS, ETC. . . . 50.00 Each vehicle. . .70.00 NURSING AND/OR CONVALESCENT HOME. . .70.00 Stato board of health oertificate required. OPEN ^IR RESTAURANT, annLJal foo . . . 70.00 Before a licenso can bo issued all of tho following conditions must bo mot: (1) Pass inspeotion by the oounty health dopartment. Underlined text is added language to City Code and 5tril<etRrol:lgR text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. (2) l\pprov31 from the oity oommiEEion. (3) Notarized pormiEEion from tho proporty ollmor whoro tho unit is to bo looatod. (4) OooupationalliconEing inEpootion and inEpootion of ovorhoad 010ctric31 hool(up. (5) Lottor giving pormiEEion for employooE and oUEtomorE to UEO rOEtroom facilitioE aEEociatod '..lith tho proporty whoro tho unit is looatod. ROEtroom f3cilitios should bo a'/3ibblo if tho unit iE to sot up 3t 311. (6) Rostrictions on Eigns 3ssoci3tod '....ith tho unit to 3110'1.' only lottoring on tho unit +tseIt ORGAN AND/OR PIANO TURNER OR TECHNICIAN. . . 20.00 Each vehicle. . . 30.00 PAWNBROKER. . . 187.50 PEDDLERS (soo section 54 7), oxcopt 3S othOl'\a:iso Epecific311y cbssifiod in the lioonso schedulo . . . 112.50 PHOTOGRAPHER. . . 50.00 PONY RIDES, LIVE ANIMALS. . . 50.00 POOL TABLES: First table. . . 60.00 Second table. . . 22.50 Each additional table. . . 15.00 Coin-operated pool tables, each. . .37.50 PORTABLE TOILET SERVICE COMPANY. . . 50.00 PROFESSIONAL, not othol'\viso spooifioally Cl3ssified in tho lioonso schodulo . . . 100.00 Except ministers and teachers. Must be cortified by tho appr{)priate state b03rds in thoir reEpoctivo profossiom::. PROMOTERS OF SPORTS OR ENTERTAINMENTS.. . 100.00 PUBLISHERS: Books. . .200.00 Daily newspapers. . . 100.00 Weekly newspapers. . . 50.00 Weekly newspapers and periodicals. . . 100.00 Weekly shopping guides, radio guides, TV guides, etc. . . . 50.00 RAILROAD COMPANIES. . . 375.00 RAILWAY EXPRESS COMPANY... 300.00 Rogulated by F.S. ~ 105.14. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. . . 50.00 REAL ESTATE BROKER/MORTGAGE BROKER. . . 50.00 Must bo lioonsod by tho stato real oEtato commission. REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON, APPRAISER, each. . . 37.50 RECREATION (see ATHLETIC OR RECREATION FACILITIES). REDUCING SALON OR HEALTH CLUB. . . 50.00 If m3ss3go treatmonts 3re givon, oach massour must bo cortifiod by the Etato board of hoalth. RENTAL ESTABLISHMENT. . .50.00 Each vehicle. . . 70.00 Underlined text is added language to City Code and &triketl:1rsl:Igl:1 text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. If morch::mdiso is also sold, issue a morchant's lioenso rathor than !':ental establishmont Iioonso. RENTAL STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE WITH NO SALE FROM THE FACILITY, up to 5,000 square feet. . . 60.00 If the facility exceeds 5,000 square feet, there shall be an additional tax fee of $4.50 for each additional 1 ,000 square feet. REPAIR SHOPS: 1--3 employees. . .30.00 4--5 employees. . . 50.00 6--10 employees. . .80.00 11 or more employees. . . 100.00 Permits a stook of parts '::ithout a merchant's lioense, if parts are used striotly in repair businoss. RESTAURANTS AND DRIVE-INS: Takeout only, no seats. . .30.00 1--10 seats or counter spaces. . .40.00 11--20 seats or counter spaces. . . 60.00 21 or more seats or counter spaces. . .80.00 Requires state division of hotols and restaurants Iicenso. Roquires oounty health inspeotion. RIDES, MECHANICAL, each. . . 50.00 This olassification inoludes Ferris '::heels, morry go rounds, r{)lIor ooasters and other similar rides, except ooin operated kiddio rides. Subjoct to safoty check by the city building inspector before placed into operation. RUMMAGE SALE, maximum of three days per sale. . . 10.00 Charitable, fraternal, religious, or educational organi;mtions oxempt upon appro'lal of the oity manager. SCHOOLS. . . 50.00 SECONDHAND DEALER. . .37.50 Inoludos all secondhand merchandiso exoept aircraft, ',ehiclos, or boats. If ne';.' morchandise is also sold, issue merchant's liconse rather than seoondhand doaler's lioenso. SERVICE: Consultant. . .37.50 Handyman. . . 37.50 Janitorial. . .37.50 Lawn maintenance. . .37.50 Mail order. . . 37.50 Not otherwise specifically classified. . .37.50 SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT. . . 50.00 This olassification inoludos any nonprofossional sorvico, having an ostablished place of businoss in the oity and not otherl.'iso specifically olassifiod in tho lioenso schedule. No part of tho business shall consist of tho solo of morchandiso or tangible property. SERVICE FROM A VEHICLE, each vehicle. . . 70.00 Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril<etl:lrsl:lgl:l text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. Not otherwise specifically classified in the city license schedule, oovoring sorvioes porformed from a vehiolo. No sale of morohandise pormitted. SHUFFLEBOARD (see ATHLETIC OR RECREATIONAL FACILITY). SIGN PAINTERS OR SIGN WRITERS. . . 20.00 This clmmifioation inoludos p::linting port::lble signs, showonrds, window ::lnd door lottering, eto. SIGNS, NONPORT/\BLE: Erecting, seo SPECIALTY CONTR/\CTOR schedule. P::linting, soe SPECIALTY CONTR/\CTOR schedule. Manufacturing, see MANUFACTURER sohedule. SODA FOUNTAIN AND/OR JUICE BAR. . .20.00 "'-'hen not in conjunction with anothor licensed businoss. Always requires county hoalth inspection. SOLICITORS: Solioitors regulated by Interst::lte Cemmeroe Commission. . . Ne ohar-ge Solioitors not regulated by Interst::lte Commerce Commission and not reprosonting ::l business lioensed by tho oity . . .50.00 SPECIAL EVENTS: Includes exhibitions, shows, festivals, bazaars, etc.: 1--10 vendors. . . 50.00 11--25 vendors. . . 80.00 26--75 vendors. . . 200.00 76 vendors and up . . . 500.00 SPORTING GOODS STORE (see Ordinanoo No. 878): This classifioation inoludes tho s::lle of ::lthletic, hunting, fishing, or oamping equipment and all types of logal firearms ::lnd ::lmmunition. The schedulo of feos is the same as a rot::lil meroh::lnt. SWIMMING POOL (see ATHLETIC OR RECREATIONAL FACILITY). STUDIO. . . 100.00 Recording, filming, processing, testing (sound and film). TAILOR. . .20.00 T/\NNING, e::lch booth. . . 60.00 T^TTOOI~JG: Pr{)hibited. It is unl::lwful for any porson to t::lttoo the body of any human boing, oxoopt that tattooing may bo performed by a porson lioensod to practico medicine or dentistry or bY::l person under his dirootion. Soo F.S. ~ 877.04. TAXICAB (see AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE). TELEGRAPH COMPANY. . . 50.00 TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE. . . 50.00 TELEPHONE COMPANY. . . 250.00 TELEVISION CABLE COMPANY. . . 375.00 THEATER. . . 225.00 TRAILER PARK. . . 50.00 Plus, for each trailer space. . . 1.00 TRANSFER OR TRUCKING COMPANIES. . . 50.00 This classification includes general hauling and freight transportation. Tr::lnsror companies under tho jurisdiction of tho state milro::ld commission ::lro oxompt from roquiring ::l city license. Underlined text is added language to City Code and striliett-lr9~gf::l text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. TRANSIENT RENTAL HOUSING: Levied and imposed upon evory person that shall engago in or m:m3ge any suoh oooupation within the oity . . . 10.00 TREE TRIMMING, LAWN MAINTENANCE. . . 50.00 Each vehicle. . . 70.00 UNCLASSIFIED: Any person engaged in any lawful business, profession, or occupation not specifically mentioned or covered by ordinance shall pay the local business annu31 license tax as follows: Business office. . . 50.00 Sales or service establishment. . . 50.00 Professional services. . . 100.00 Wholesale sales from vehicle. . . 70.00 Dom: not 3pply to vehicles operated from 'l:holes3Ie businossos licensed under F.S. ~ 205.59. UNDERTAKER, EMBALMER, FUNERAL HOMES. . . 150.00 FunOFal direotor and/or emb31mer in char:go must be certified by the stato board of f-uner31 directors 3nd embalmers (F.S. oh. 170). VETERAN'S EXEMPTIONS: A veteran with a ten percent or more disability will be allowed an exemption up to $50.00 annually with the following qualifications and approval of the city commission: (1) Government certificate rating the disability. (2) Resident of Florida. (3) Honorably discharged veteran. (4) Proof of compensation from local field office. (5) If from another Florida city, furnish proof that he is not receiving an exempt license from that city. WATER COMPANY. . .200.00 WATER SOFTENER SERVICE AND/OR RENTAL COMPANY. . . 50.00 Each vehicle. . . 70.00 WINDOW WASHING OR MAINTENANCE SERVICE. . . 50.00 Each vehicle. . .70.00 WOOD YARD. . . 20.00 Section 2. Amendment Relating To Community Residential Homes. The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby amends Part III, Schedule E, Section 7.0 (Land Development Regulations), City Code of the City of Sanford, as follows: Section 7.0. Community residential homes. Community residential homes with six or fewer residents shall comply with applicable state law and requirements. Community residential homes with six or fewer residents licensed by the department of children and families (DCF) shall be deemed single-family units and shall be allowed in single-family or multifamily zoning districts provided that such homes shall not be located within a radius of 1,000 feet of existing duly licensed group home of six or fewer residents. Community residential homes with seven to fourteen residents shall comply with applicable state laws and requirements, the City's development plan review and Underlined text is added language to City Code and 5triltetl:lre~gl:l text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. permitting process as set forth in these regulations and the City's local business tax oooupationalliconsing requirements. A. On-site supervision. A responsible person over the age of 18 years shall be on duty on the premises at all times while residents are on the premises. B. Recreational area. Outdoor recreation area shall be provided at the minimum ratio of 50 square feet per resident. C. Proposed site plan. A proposed site plan shall be submitted for all community residential homes and residential care facilities. D. Oooupational ,'..sonse. /\11 facilitios shall be requirod to obtain a City of Sanford oooupational lioonso. .^.I1 such facilitios shall oomply with applicablo stato physioal plant standards and shall furnish proof of stato liconsure if applioable, bofore issuanco of a oity oooupationnlliconso. 1. Site selection. When a site for a home has been selected by a sponsoring agency ("sponsoring agency" shall mean an agency or unit of government, a profit or nonprofit agency, or any other person or organization which intends to establish or operate a community residential home) in an area zoned for multifamily, the agency shall notify the city manager in writing and include in such notice the specific address of the site, the residential licensing category, the number of residents, and the community support requirements of the program. Such notice shall also contain a statement from the State aaencv with controllina iurisdiction district administrator of tho HRS indicating the need for and the licensing status of the proposed community residential home and specifying how the home meets applicable licensing criteria for the safe care and supervision of the clients in the home. The district administrator shall also provide to the city manager the most recently published data compiled that identifies all community residential homes in the district in which the proposed site is to be located. The city shall review the notification of the sponsoring agency in accordance with the zoning ordinances of the city. 2. Site review process. Pursuant to such review, the city may: a. Determine that the siting of the community residential home is in accordance with zoning and approve the siting. If the siting is approved, the sponsoring agency may establish the home at the site selected. b. Fail to respond within 60 days. If the city fails to respond within such time, the sponsoring agency may establish the home at the site selected. c. Deny the siting of the home. d. The city shall not deny the siting of a community residential home unless the city establishes that the siting of the home at the site selected: (1) Does not otherwise conform to existing zoning regulations applicable to other multifamily uses in the area. (2) Does not meet applicable licensing criteria established and determined by the department of children and family services (DCFS), including, but not limited to, requirements that the home be located to assure the safe care and supervision of all clients in the home. (3) Would result in such a concentration of community residential homes in the area in proximity to the site selected, or would result in a combination of such homes with other residences in the community, such that the nature and character of the area would be Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril(etl:1rsl:Igl:1 text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. substantially altered. A home that is located within a radius of 1,200 feet of another existing community residential home in a multifamily zone shall be an overconcentration of such homes that substantially alters the nature and character of the area. A home that is located within a radius of 500 feet of an area of single-family zoning substantially alters the nature and character of the area. All distance requirements in this section shall be measured from the nearest point of the existing home or area of single-family zoning to the nearest point of the proposed home. (4) All group homes shall contain requisite infrastructure including, but not limited to, potable water; adequate surface water management and approved system of wastewater disposal. The sites shall also be free of safety hazards and all structures shall comply with city ordinances and applicable state laws including applicable licensing and program requirements of the state. e. If agreed to by both the city commission and the sponsoring agency, a conflict may be resolved through informal mediation. The city shall arrange for the services of an independent mediator or may utilize the mediation process established by a regional planning council pursuant to F.S. 9 186.509. Mediation shall be concluded within 45 days of a request therefor. The resolution of any issue through the mediation process shall not alter any person's, or the City's, right to a judicial determination of any issue if that person is entitled to such a determination under statutory or common law. E. Zoning requirements. A dwelling unit housing a community residential home or community residential facility established pursuant to this section shall be subject to the same local laws and ordinances applicable to other noncommercial, residential family units in the area in which it is established. F. Nonconforming uses. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect the authority of any community residential home or residential care facility lawfully established prior to the effective date of this schedule to continue to operate. G. Resident qualifications. Nothing in this section shall permit persons to occupy a community residential home or residential care facility who would constitute a direct threat to the health and safety of other persons or whose residency would result in substantial physical damage to the property of others. Section 3. Amendment Relating To Contractors. The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby amends Section 22-126, City Code of the City of Sanford, as follows: Sec. 22-126. Certificate of competency, registration, and local business tax oGGl:Ipationallicense required. fa) No person, other than a certified contractor, shall engage in contracting or act as a contractor unless he has first obtained a certificate and has, when appropriate, registered in the proper classification with the state department of business and professional regulation pursuant to the provisions of F.S. ch. 489. A contractor will also be required to have paid the City's local business tax an oooupation31 liconso. Contractors required to obtain a certificate, and registration when applicable, as defined by F.S. 9 489.105(3)a--q, include General Contractor, Building Contractor, Residential Contractor, Sheet Metal, Roofing Unlimited, Class A Air Conditioning, Class B Air Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril(etl:trsl:lgl:I text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. Conditioning, Class C Air Conditioning, Mechanical, Commercial Pool and Spa, Residential Pool and Spa, Plumbing, Electrical Contractor, Residential Electrical Contractor, Journeyman Electrician, Journeyman Plumber, Journeyman HARV, Aluminum, Aluminum with Concrete, Electrical Sign. (b) The board shall havo the option to delete or 3dd to tho list of contr3ctors in subseotion (a) of this section as it deems necoss3ry ':Jithout a ohango in this artiole. Section 4. Amendment Relating To Definition Of Adult Entertainment Establishment. The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby amends the definition of the term "adult entertainment establishment" as set forth in Section 10-36, City Code of the City of Sanford, as follows: Sec. 10-36. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: **** Adult entertainment establishment means an adult theater, an adult bookstore, or an adult performance establishment operated for commercial or pecuniary gain regardless of whether such establishment is licensed under this article. "Operated for commercial or pecuniary gain" shall not depend upon actual profit or loss. It shall be presumed that an establishment is "operated for commercial or pecuniary gain" if the establishment has paid a local business tax an occupational license. An establishment with an adult entertainment license shall be presumed to be an adult entertainment establishment. **** Section 5. Amendment Relating To Nonconforming Structures Or Uses. The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby amends Part III, Schedule L, Section1.2 (Land Development Regulations), City Code of the City of Sanford, as follows: Section 1.2. Use, enlargement, replacement, alteration, expansion andlor extension of an existing nonconforming structure andlor use. Any structure and/or use which is lawfully existing on the effective date of these land development regulations, or an amendment thereto, and which does not conform with Schedules B through K of these regulations, may be used, enlarged, replaced, altered, expanded and/or extended beyond the scope and area of its operation on the effective date of these regulations, or amendment thereto, subject to the following regulations: A. Such use, enlargement, replacement, alteration, expansion and/or extension is hereby designated as a conditional use permissible in the specific zoning district in which such existing nonconforming structure and/or use is located. B. In addition to complying with all of the procedures, provisions and requirements of these regulations for conditional use approval, all applicants for a conditional use permit involving the use, enlargement, replacement, alteration, expansion and/or extension of an existing nonconforming structure and/or use shall also provide the administrative Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril(etRfEll:lgR text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. official with adequate and sufficient documentation to establish that the specific nonconforming structure and/or use in question did in fact, lawfully exist on the effective date of these regulations, or amendment, thereto, which resulted in such structure and/or use becoming nonconforming. No application for a conditional use permit involving such a request shall be accepted by the administrative official or considered by the planning and zoning commission without such documentation of nonconformity and proof of prior legal existence. Evidence of a valid local business tax receipt oooupational license shall not in and of itself, establish a prima facie case for the documentation of actual nonconformity and proof of prior legal existence. C. All applications for a conditional use permit involving the use, enlargement, replacement, alteration, expansion and/or extension of an existing nonconforming structure and/or use shall be subject to all appropriate safeguards and conditions necessary to ensure that any such approval will not be contrary to the public interest, the intent of this schedule or injurious to the specific area in which the existing nonconforming structure and/or use is located. D. Under no circumstances shall the provisions of this section be construed to mean that any existing nonconforming structure and/or use may be changed to another nonconforming use, or that any provision, requirement and/or regulation contained within this schedule [or] these regulations can be waived or reduced which can reasonably be complied with by the applicant. In essence, the provisions of this section shall not be construed and/or applied in such a manner as to permit the use, enlargement, replacement, alteration, expansion and/or extension of any existing nonconforming structure and/or use without justifiable reasons based on a legally existing and nonconforming status; or such application that would result in any undue hardship or injurious activity that would deprive adjacent individual property owners of their property rights; or that would be detrimental to the area surrounding the nonconforming premises in general. Section 6. Amendment Relating To Right-Ot-Way Permitting. The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby amends Section 30-72, City Code of the City of Sanford, as follows: Sec. 30-72. Fee tor occupation ot right-ot-way. (a) Any telecommunications company providing local telephone service, as defined in F.S. 9 203.012(3), in the city and that is occupying municipal streets or rights-of-way within the corporate limits of the city with poles, wires or other fixtures shall pay to the city a fee in the amount of one percent of the gross receipts on recurring local service revenues for services provided within the corporate limits of the city by such telecommunications company. Included within the fee are all taxes, licenses, fees, in- kind contributions accepted pursuant to F.S. 9 337.401 and other impositions except ad valorem taxes and amounts for assessments for special benefits, such as sidewalks, street pavings, and similar improvements, and local business oooupationnllioenso taxes levied or imposed by the city upon the telecommunications company. (1) If a telecommunications company which provides telecommunications services defined as toll services in F.S. 9 203.012(7) occupies the city's rights-of-way, the Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril(etl:lrsl:Igl:I text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. telecommunications company shall pay to the city annually $500.00 per linear mile, which amount is prorated for any portion thereof, for any cable, fiber optic, or other pathway that makes physical use of the city's rights-of-way. Such annual fee shall be prorated to reflect the expiration date of this article and shall be payable annually, in advance. If a telecommunications company that is required to pay a fee pursuant to this subsection (1) increases the amount of its facilities occupying the city's rights-of-way after such advance payment has been made, but prior to the expiration date of this article, the fees due for the additional facilities shall be prorated and paid in full at the time the facilities are installed in the city's rights-of-way. The fee or other consideration imposed pursuant to this subsection shall not apply in any manner to any telecommunications company which provides local telephone service for any services provided by such telecommunications company. (2) "Telecommunications company," as used in this article, shall have the meaning set forth in F.S. 9364.02(12). (b) The fees provided for in subsection (a) of this section shall be paid by the telecommunications company to the city in quarterly installments. The installment payments shall be based upon such gross receipts on recurring local service revenues for the immediately preceding installment period or portion thereof after the effective date of the ordinance from which this article is derived, and shall be made within 30 calendar days following the end of the period. Past due payments or underpayments shall bear interest accrued from the last day of the quarter for which the payment was due. Interest shall be paid at the Florida statutory rate of interest on judgments as established by F.S. 9 55.03. Payments shall include a statement as to how the fee amount was determined and the statement shall be certified by the telecommunications company's chief financial officer or other duly authorized representative of the company. (c) If the city wishes to verify the payments due to the city under this section, the telecommunications company shall permit the city or a designated representative of the city, upon reasonable advance written notice, and during normal business hours, at the location of the telecommunications company where such records are maintained in the city, at another location satisfactory to the city, or elsewhere pursuant to subsection (c)(1) or (2) of this section, to review or audit the telecommunications company's billing and payment records kept in the ordinary course of business upon which the payments were based. If a telecommunications company's records are not maintained in the city, the telecommunications company shall either: (1) Pay all reasonable expenses, including travel, following the provisions of F.S. 9 112.061 (6), (7) and (8) to the city for the city to have a review or audit performed; or (2) Provide the city with access to copies of the telecommunications company's records in the city or within 55 miles of the city or by an electronic method satisfactory to the city. However, without the specific written consent of a telecommunications company's audit representative, no company records may be duplicated or taken from the telecommunications company's premises, and the city shall maintain the confidentiality of the information disclosed in these records and use the information solely for the purposes of verifying payments by the telecommunications company. No acceptance of payment shall be construed as a release or as an accord and satisfaction of any claim Underlined text is added language to City Code and ~tril(etJ::lrEl"'gA text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. the city may have for sums due and payable under this article unless the city agrees in writing. If the city, pursuant to final audit findings, determines that there exists a difference between the amount due to the city and the amount paid to the city, indicating an underpayment to the city, in excess of five percent of the amount due, such telecommunications company shall pay all reasonable costs, fees and expenses of the audit. (d) This article is adopted consistent with the provisions of F.S. 9 337.401 and other applicable provisions of law. This section shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of the power of the city to prescribe and enforce reasonable rules and regulations pursuant to applicable provisions of law. (e) If required by applicable city ordinances, codes or regulations, a telecommunications company shall be registered with the city and obtain all permits that may be required by the city regarding occupation of the city's public rights-of-way for telecommunications facilities. Section 7. Amendment Relating To Newsracks. The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby amends Section 22-93, City Code of the City of Sanford, as follows: Sec. 22-93. Conditions for issuance; fee; duration. (a) As an express condition of the acceptance of such newsrack permit, the permittee thereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless the city, its officers and employees against loss, liability or damages, including expenses and costs for bodily or personal injury, and for property damages sustained by any person as a result of the installation, use or maintenance of a newsrack within the city. (b) Permits shall be issued for the installation of a newsrack without prior inspection of the location, but such newsrack and the installation, use or maintenance thereof shall be conditioned upon observance of the provisions of this article and by such reasonable rules and regulations as may be established by city staff. Permits shall be issued on a first-come, first-served basis within 48 hours (excluding Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays) after the application has been filed. An annual permit fee in the amount established by the City Commission shall be required. Such foo sh311 bo in tho form of tho occupational Iiconso foo for nowsstands as sot forth in this Codo. (Soo sootion 98 99, "Nowsstand.") (c) Such permit shall be valid for one year and shall be renewable pursuant to the procedure for original applications referred to in this article and upon payment of the required permit fee. Section 8. Amendment Relating To Solid Waste Franchisees. The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby amends Section 86-398, City Code of the City of Sanford, as follows: Sec. 86-398. Required. (a) No person may collect or transport commercial source separated recyclable materials within the city without first obtaining a nonexclusive permit from the city. This Underlined text is added language to City Code and 5trilmtl:lr9l:1gl:l text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. provision applies to all persons except facilities within the city owned or operated by a governmental subdivision or entity of the state, the school district or a special taxing district. (b) Each person desiring to perform commercial recycling services in the city shall make application for a nonexclusive permit to the city which application shall be made on forms provided by the city and shall provide, at a minimum, the following: (1) Name and address of business; (2) Name and address of owner of business; (3) Corporate officers and directors and certificate of good standing; (4) Permanent place of business; (5) Copy of local business tax receipt occupation~lIliconso; (6) Evidence of certification from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection; (7) Certification that all recovered materials collected will be recycled at a state- certified recycling facility; (8) Description of equipment to be utilized; (9) Copy of certificate of insurance; and (10) Agreement to comply with all conditions of permit and provisions of this article. Section 9. Solicitors. The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby amends Section 94-80, City Code of the City of Sanford, as follows: Sec. 94-80. Licensing requirements. (a) A permit for solicitation on city, county, or state rights-of-way, as defined in F.S., ch. 334, or its successor provision, within the boundaries of the city may be obtained from the city manager or his or her designee under the following conditions: (1) The applicant shall be an organization qualified under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and registered pursuant to F.S., chapter 496, or persons or organizations acting on behalf of and with the written authority of such an organization. (2) The applicant shall provide the specific location(s), date(s) and time(s) of the planned solicitation. (3) The applicant shall take measures to assure the safety of the solicitors as well as the motorists. Such measures shall include, but not be limited to, providing a Florida Department of Transportation approved safety vest to each solicitor. (4) The applicant shall provide indemnification satisfactory to the city for defense and liability for any judgments, claims and costs arising out of the applicants' activities relative to the solicitation. This indemnification shall be in the form of an insurance policy that names the city as an additional insured and is endorsed to provide a separate aggregate of $1,000,000.00 for the event for which the person or organization is making application. (5) The applicant shall pay an application fee in the amount of $50.00 or such other amount established by adoption of a resolution by the City Commission. (b) Upon receipt of an application, plan, and indemnification acceptable to the city, a permit will be issued subject to the following conditions: ............................................................................... Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril<etl:lrsl:Igl:l text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. (1) No person or organization or person acting on the organizations behalf, may receive a permit or permits allowing solicitation for more than three days in any calendar year. (2) To avoid solicitation during the hours that experience the highest numbers of traffic accidents, no permit shall be given for solicitation outside the hours 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (3) No more than four solicitors may solicit at anyone intersection. (4) Soliciting will only be allowed at a limited number of intersections pre-approved for the safe conduct of such activities and each intersection shall count as a separate permit for a person or organization and shall count toward the limitation set forth in this division for the annual maximum number of permits. (5) Each solicitor must carry a copy of the permit. (6) Solicitors must be 18 years of age or older. (7) If multiple applications are received for the same intersection at the same time, the first complete and otherwise acceptable application will be given the permit. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this division, the city manager may issue a permit for any publicly sponsored event sponsored by a governmental entity such as, by way of illustration only and without limitation, a public school. The written permission of the school principal must be provided at the time that an application is submitted as to applications submitted by public schools which written permission shall be attached to each copy of the permit and shall constitute a part of the permit document. (d) The applicant for a permit shall submit to the city manager at the time of application a copy of any and all applicable state and local licenses and, when applicable, proof of payment of the applicable local business occupntionnllioonso tax. Section 10. Repealer. The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby repeals Section 106-32 and Section 106-33, City Code of the City of Sanford, as well as the provisions of Resolution Number 1756. Section 11. Implementing Administrative Actions. The City Clerk, or designee, is hereby authorized and directed to implement the provisions of this Ordinance and to take any and all necessary administrative actions. Section 12. Conflicts. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 13. Savings. The prior actions of the City of Sanford in terms of the collection of the local business tax are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 14. Severability. ............................................................................... Underlined text is added language to City Code and striketl:lrol:lgl:l text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown. (a). If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional. (b). It is not the intent of this Ordinance to conflict with any applicable State law. If any Section, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is for any reason held or declared to so conflict; it shall be construed to have been the legislative intent to enact this Ordinance without such conflict and the remainder of this Ordinance, after exclusion of such part of parts, shall be deemed and held to be valid as if such part or parts had not been included therein. Section 15. Codification. This Ordinance shall be codified in the City Code of the City of Sanford; provided, however, that Sections 12,13, 14, 15 and 16 shall not be codified. The Code Codifier is granted broad and liberal authority to change section numbers in the current City Code and other appropriate actions as set forth in Section 1-10 of the City Code. Section 16. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 14th day of December, 2009. Effective this 14th day of December, 2009. City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida Attest: ~-Aau~ ~anet Dougherty, Cit Clerk c-~aK~~ ~ For use and reliance of the Sanford City Commission only. ppr ed as to form and Ie al' ~~~~~~~;.~......................................................, Underlined text is added language to City Code and stril<etl:trsl:lgl:t text is deleted language to City Code. When all new text is presented, no underlining is shown.