Wednesday, July 16, 2014
F�sO,� City Commission Chambers, 1 Floor, Sanford City Hall
300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida
Work Session - 4 PM
Regular Scheduled Meeting - 5:30 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
June 18, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes
Public Meeting
PM -1 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to modify a previously approved
Certificate of Appropriateness to construct a 6' privacy screening wall with architectural pergola and trellis
at 115 S. Oak Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0304 -0060
Property Owner: Hieu Katcher
Representative: M. Shafi Zaman
PM -2 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to install an aluminum frame, half
barrel entry canopy, sized 8'x10' on the south facade of the church social hall at 820 S. Oak Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 1005 -0000
Property Owner: All Souls Catholic Church
Representative: Mary Valente
PM -3 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to change the roof material from asphalt
shingles to 5v crimp roofing at 615 S. Park Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0803 -0090
Property Owner: John C. Scales Trustee FBO
Representative: John Scales
Minor Reviews
Review of Certificate of Appropriateness approvals issued administratively from June 1, 2014 through June 30,
Citizen Participation
Staff Reports
Discussion of 2014 Land and Water Conservation Grant Program (ORLPP) grant application in the amount of
$250,000 for the improvements to Ft. Mellon Park.
Chairman and Board Items for Discussion
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any
of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Advice to The Public: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above
meeting or hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence,
which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105)
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Historic Preservation Board
July 16, 2014 — 5:30 PM
City Commission Chambers
City Hall, Sanford, Florida
Members Present
Ian Carfagna, Vice Chairman
Hank Dieckhaus
Cheryl Deming
Members Present
Steve Chusmir, Chairman - excused
Ana Yebba - excused
Others Present
.Jennifer Nix, Assistant City Attorney
Marc Hultin, Parks & Grounds Operations Manager
Eileen Hinson, Development Services Manager
Christine Dalton, Community Planner/Historic Preservation Officer
Mary Muse, Administrative Coordinator
Mr. Carfagna called the regular meeting to order at 5:35 PM.
Mr. Dieckhaus moved to approve the June 18, 2014 meeting minutes. Ms. Deming seconded. Motion carried
3 -0.
Public Meeting
PM -1 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to modify a previously approved
Certificate of Appropriateness to construct a 6' privacy screening wall with architectural pergola and
trellis at 115 S. Oak Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0304 -0060
Property Owner: Hieu Katcher
Representatives: Hieu Katcher and Ashley Lenentine
Mr. Dieckhaus moved to table the request until next meeting to allow staff to review the building plans that
are on file in the building department. Ms. Deming seconded. Motion carried 3 -0.
PM -2 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to install an aluminum frame, half
barrel entry canopy, sized 8'x10' on the south fagade of the church social hall at 820 S. Oak Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 1005 -0000
Property Owner: All Souls Catholic Church
Representative: Mary Valente
Mr. Dieckhaus moved to approve the installation. of canopy using fabric instead of vinyl and signage not to
exceed 10" in height or 20% of the canopy drop area. Ms. Deming seconded. After discussion regarding the
signage location, Mr. Dieckhaus withdrew his motion and Ms. Deming withdrew her second. Motion carried
3 -0.
Mr. Dieckhaus moved to approve the installation of a canopy using fabric material with signage being placed
in the fabric drop area as defined as the front surface of the canopy with 10" letters 1" above bottom edge. Ms.
Deming seconded. Motion carried 3 -0.
MINUTES —JULY 16, 2014
PM -3 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to change the roof material from
asphalt shingles to 5v crimp roofing at 615 S. Park Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25- 19- 30 -5AG- 0803 -0090
Property Owner: John C. Scales Trustee FBO
Representative: John Scales
Mr. Dieckhaus moved to approve the request to change roof material from shingles to metal at 615 S. Park
Avenue based on a finding that proposed alterations are consistent with the purpose and intent of Schedule S
and complies with the specific design guidelines contained within Schedule S, as outlined in the staff report.
Ms. Deming seconded. Motion carried 3 -0.
Citizen Participation
Staff Reports
Ms. Dalton introduced Eileen Hinson, Development Services Manager, to the board.
Marc Hultin, Parks & Grounds Operations Manager gave a brief presentation on the 2014 Land and Water
Conservation Grant Program (ORLPP) grant application in the amount of $250,000 for the improvements to
Ft. Mellon Park. Ms. Dalton read the letter of support for the board chairman to sign.
Ms. Dalton reported Dave Aldrich, Building Official, will be attending the meeting in August. Mr. Chusmir
had requested his attendance at one of the meetings.
Ms. Dalton reported she has requested a copy of Savanah's and Tampa's C of A's they use.
Ms. Dalton reported she would give an update on 506 Palmetto Avenue at the next meeting.
Ms. Dalton distributed a handout regarding the Little Red Schoolhouse she presented to the City Commission
at their work session on July 14` After a brief discussion on it and she stated a letter could be submitted to the
Commission if the board had any suggestions.
Chairman and Board Items for Discussion
Ms. Deming asked if a rehab center /nursing home is a permitted use under the Marina Isle zoning request. Ms.
Dalton read several uses that are permitted for the current zoning of the Marina Isle.
Mr. Carfagna asked staff why Mr. Chusmir requested Dave Aldrich to attend a meeting. Ms. Dalton reported
he requested his attendance in order to have someone give a process on the submittal /approval from HPB — to
C of A - to building permit.
Mr. Dieckhaus reported the lots next to 655 W. Fulton Avenue appear to be turning into a junk yard. Ms.
Dalton stated she will notify code enforcement.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:55 Pn