Wednesday, August 20, 2014
F�sO,� City Commission Chambers, 1 Floor, Sanford City Hall
300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida
Work Session - 4:30 PM
Regular Scheduled Meeting - 5:30 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
July 16, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes
Public Meeting
PM -1 Remove from Table and hold a Public Meeting to consider a
previously approved Certificate of Appropriateness to cot
architectural pergola and trellis at 115 S. Oak Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0304 -0060
Property Owner: Hieu Katcher
Representative: Ashley Lenentine
Certificate of Appropriateness to modify a
struct a 6' privacy screening wall with
PM -2 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace an existing addition with a
new addition and facade improvements at 616 S. Palmetto Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0802 -0040
Property Owner: Delvin Miller
Representative: Delvin Miller
Minor Reviews
Review of Certificate of Appropriateness approvals issued administratively from July 1, 2014 through July 31,
Six Month Reviews
Listed below is the status of project(s) reviewed by the board during the January 2014 meeting.
1204 Palmetto Avenue
Item: Board approved to replace the front door with a single lite wood door and paint the exterior of the house.
Status: An update will be provided to the board during the meeting.
Citizen Participation
Staff Reports
Chairman and Board Items for Discussion
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any
of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Advice to The Public: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above
meeting or hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence,
which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105)
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Historic Preservation Board
August 20, 2014 — 5:30 PM
City Commission Chambers
City Hall, Sanford, Florida
Members Present
Steve Chusmir, Chairman
Ian Carfagna, Vice Chairman
Hank Dieckhaus
Cheryl Deming
Ana Yebba
Others Present
Lonnie Groot, Assistant City Attorney
Christine Dalton, Community Planner /Historic Preservation Officer
Mary Muse, Administrative Coordinator
Mr. Chusmir called the regular meeting to order at 5:30 PM.
Ms. Deming moved to approve the July 16, 2014 meeting minutes. Mr. Dieckhaus seconded. Motion carried
5 -0.
Public Meeting
PM -1 Remove from Table and hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to modify
a previously approved Certificate of Appropriateness to construct a 6' privacy screening wall with
architectural pergola and trellis at 115 S. Oak Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0304 -0060
Property Owner: Hieu Katcher
Representative: Hieu Katcher
Mr. Carfagna moved to approve the request to modify a previously issued Certificate of Appropriateness to
construct a 6' privacy screening wall with architectural pergola and trellis and new entry doors with the
following conditions: metal gate is to be replaced with a wood gate; finials are to be replaced with squared off
flat tops as originally approved; sign above adjacent building and awning can be removed and replaced with
one continuous awning above both windows and door and any signage installed must comply with Schedule
S; additional architectural piece on top of the pergola is to be removed and smaller beam can remain; remove
the transom (4 windows) above door and modify it by lowering the wall which must match the mass and
scaling. Ms. Deming seconded. Motion carried 5 -0.
After further discussion and direction from Mr. Groot, Mr. Carfagna modified the above motion to strike any
mention of the awning and signage on the adjacent building. Ms. Deming seconded. Modified motion carried
5 -0.
PM -2 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace an existing addition
with a new addition and fagade improvements at 616 S. Palmetto Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0802 -0040
Property Owner: Delvin Miller
Representative: None Present
Mr. Dieckhaus moved to approve the request to replace an existing addition with a new addition and fagade
improvements at 616 S. Palmetto Avenue based on a finding that proposed alterations are consistent with the
purpose and intent of Schedule S and complies with the specific design guidelines contained within Schedule
S, as outlined in the staff report. Ms. Yebba seconded. Motion carried 5 -0.
Mr. Groot informed the board a new law now requires HPB members to file a Financial Disclosure Statement
with the Supervisor of Elections office. The secretary distributed a copy of the form to each member.
Citizen Participation
Staff Reports
Chairman and Board Items for Discussion
Ms. Deming asked staff for the status of the shed installed in the 500 block of Palmetto Avenue.
Ms. Dalton reported the board approved the shed with a shingle roof and hardy board siding. She has made
contact with the property owner because a building permit was not issued, as well as they installed lap siding
instead of the hardy board siding.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:42