Wednesday, October 15, 2014
City Commission Chambers, 1S Floor, Sanford City Hall
300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida
Work Session - 4 PM
Regular Scheduled Meeting - 5:30 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
August 20, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes
Public Meeting
PM -1 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to install two vintage trains adjacent to
the west facade and install five 40'x8' shipping freight containers on the rear loading dock at 212 W. 1St
Tax Parcel Numbers: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0205 -0030 and 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0105 -0070
Property Owner: Mike Moreno
Representative: Mitch Menaker
Minor Reviews
Review of Certificate of Appropriateness approvals issued administratively from August 1, 2014 through
September 30, 2014.
Six Month Reviews
Listed below is the status of project(s) reviewed by the board during the February and March 2014 meetings.
1109 S. Park Avenue
Item: Board approved the request to add a screen enclosure and screen doors to the rear porch.
Status: An update on this item will be provided during the meeting.
1204 S. Palmetto Avenue
Item: Board approved the request to modify three additions and add a master bedroom on the west elevation of
the house.
Status: An update on this item will be provided during the meeting.
719 S. Oak Avenue
Item: Board approved the request for design of columns, porch railing, and doors.
Status: The alterations have been completed.
110 S. Palmetto Avenue
Item: Board approved the request for the design of two storefronts.
Status: The applicant received a permit for selective demolition of the existing, non - conforming storefront to reveal
structural and architectural elements. During this work it was discovered that an original, structural column
is in place. The applicant will submit revised drawings based on this discovery.
210 S. Sanford Avenue
Item: Board approved the design of four storefronts per proposed elevation "A" (requiring the awning).
Status: A building permit was obtained and the storefronts are substantially completed. Colored glass will be
installed in the transom windows.
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201 S. Park Avenue
Item: Board approved the request to enclose the existing carport with wood frame stucco walls and windows to
match proposed elevation # 1 and windows constructed of wood to match the existing original windows.
Status: The applicant has not applied for a building permit and no alterations have been undertaken.
319 S. Elm Avenue
Item: Board approved the request to modify the building to include stucco walls and a ramp.
Status: The applicant has not applied for a building permit and no alterations have been undertaken.
911 S. Palmetto Avenue
Item: Board approved the request to construct a new church building and modify the existing building.
Status: The applicant has not applied for a building permit and no alterations have been undertaken.
Citizen Participation
Staff Reports
Chairman and Board Items for Discussion
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any
of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Advice to The Public: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above
meeting or hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence,
which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105)
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Historic Preservation Board
October 15, 2014 — 5:30 PM
City Commission Chambers
City Hall, Sanford, Florida
Members Present
Steve Chusmir, Chairman
Ian Carfagna, Vice Chairman
Hank Dieckhaus
Cheryl Deming
Member Absent
Ana Yebba - excused
Others Present
Jennifer Barrington Nix, Assistant City Attorney
Russ Gibson, Director of Planning & Development Services
Christine Dalton, Community Planner /Historic Preservation Officer
Mr. Chusmir called the regular meeting to order at 5:31 PM.
Public Meeting
PM -1 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to install two vintage trains
adjacent to the west fagade and install five 40'x8' shipping freight containers on the rear loading dock
at 212 W. 1st Street.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0205 -0030 and 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0105 -0070
Property Owner: Mike Moreno
Representative: Mitch Menaker
New Construction /Additions - Shipping Containers "Option A ": withdrawn by applicant.
Painting: Mr. Carfagna moved to approve the request, with condition, for the proposed freight depot building
colors, chosen from the National Trust for Historic Preservation color palette based on a finding that the
proposal is consistent with the purpose and intent of Schedule S and complies with the design guidelines in
Schedule S. Specifically, the proposed colors are in character with the architectural style and time period of
the building. The condition is that a separate application be submitted for the proposed shipping container
colors, which should be selected from the National Trust for Historic Preservation color line. Mr. Dieckhaus
seconded. Motion carried 4 -0.
Site Improvements: Mr. Dieckhaus moved to approve, with condition, the proposed site improvements based
on a finding that the proposal is consistent with the purpose and intent of Schedule S and complies with the
design guidelines in Schedule S. Specifically, the proposed site improvements will not adversely impact the
character of the building, site, or surrounding neighborhood. The condition is the dumpster must be placed
behind the rear building line. Ms. Deming seconded. Motion carried 4 -0.
New Construction/Additions - Shipping Containers "Option B ": Mr. Carfagna moved to approve the request,
with conditions, for new buildings constructed of shipping containers based on the finding that the proposal is
consistent with the purpose and intent of Schedule S and complies with the design guidelines contained within
Schedule S. Specifically, 1) the proposed new buildings are in character with the scale and massing of existing
buildings within the historic districts; 2) the proposed new construction creates a sense of layers using steps,
brackets, chimneys, vegetation, and other projecting elements to make the buildings look less massive; 3) the
proposed buildings are consistent with the predominant building width in the surrounding neighborhood; 4)
the facades are divided into smaller elements that relate to those of the surrounding neighborhood; 5) the
proposed new buildings are designed with architectural features and patterns that provide visual interest from
the perspective of the pedestrian or vehicular traffic; 5) the proposed new buildings placing and
massing relates to nearby buildings and the urban context; and 6) the proposed new building does encourage
pedestrian scale activity. The conditions are: 1) the new building's primary customer entrances are not clearly
defined through the use of architectural detail so the applicant must present and receive approval for design of
the primary customer entrances; 2) the applicant must present an amendment to the application and receive
approval for the amendment prior to placement of the shipping containers on site. The amendment must
include a) dimensioned elevations which reflect the door and window openings and design of primary
customer entrances and b) proposed paint colors for the shipping containers, chosen from the National Trust
for Historic Preservation color line. Mr. Dieckhaus seconded. Motion carried 4 -0.
New Construction/Additions - Vintage Trains: Ms. Deming moved to approve, with condition, the request to
install two vintage train cars on -site as an immobile structure, based on a finding that the proposed rail cars
are consistent with the purpose and intent of Schedule S. Specifically, the proposed rail cars will be placed in
the same location as previous rail cars and will add to the historical context of the site. The condition is the
applicant is required to obtain a Development Order which details the scope, timeframe, method, and security
measures for restoration of the rail cars. Mr. Carfagna seconded. Motion carried 4 -0.
Temporary Sign /Banner: Mr. Dieckhaus moved to approve the request to retain the existing banner sign, not
to exceed six months based on a finding that the proposed sign will not adversely impact the surrounding
historic district, and the size is warranted due to the fact that the building is set back from the road. Ms.
Deming seconded. Motion carried 4 -0.
Mr. Carfagna moved to approve the August 20, 2014 meeting minutes. Mr. Dieckhaus seconded. Motion
carried 4 -0.
Citizen Participation
Staff Reports
Ms. Dalton reported the CRA is looking at having the official unveiling of Sanford Avenue coincide with the
November Alive After Five event. Once an actual date is set, the board will receive notice.
Chairman and Board Items for Discussion
Ms. Deming asked for a status on the shed located in the 500 block of Palmetto Avenue. Ms. Dalton reported
the owner has been informed they will need to add wood siding.
Ms. Deming asked if the bead board under the Colonial Room canopy would be painted or sealed. Ms. Dalton
reported there will be a clear sealant on it. Also, an engineer is working on the drawings for the awning
replacement on the Bishop Building, but an application has not been submitted at this time.
Ms. Deming asked for a status of the ice cream and soup shop with paper on windows. Mr. Gibson reported he
met with owner and was informed she has plans to open the business sometime in November 2014.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned a'