HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.19.14HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Wednesday, November 19, 2014 City Commission Chambers, 1S Floor, Sanford City Hall 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida Regular Scheduled Meeting - 5:30 PM Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Historic Preservation Photography Contest • Presentation of contest winners and recognition by the Historic Preservation Board and University of Central Florida Public History Center. Approval of Minutes October 15, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes Public Meeting PM -1 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness for modification to a previously approved Certificate of Appropriateness to enclose existing carport with wood frame stucco walls and windows to match existing at 201 S. Park Avenue. Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0403 -0060 Property Owner: William Kirchhoff Representative: William Kirchhoff PM -2 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness for retroactive approval to retain a metal carport at 520 S. Oak Avenue. Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0705 -0050 Property Owners: Robert and Kimberlyn Whitt Representatives: Robert and Kimberlyn Whitt PM -3 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace existing garage door with 18' steel carriage style door at 900 S. Magnolia Avenue. Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 1103 -0010 Property Owners: Dan Dutkofski and Marcia Roman Representatives: Dan Dutkofski and Marcia Roman PM -4 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness for alterations to the entry feature on the west elevation at 1015 S. Magnolia Avenue. Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 1202 -0080 Property Owner: Frank Loose Representative: Frank Loose PM -5 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness for changes to the west elevation to include: a) Relocation of the rear entry door, b) removal of a second story door to be replaced with siding to match the existing c) relocation of an original window to the south elevation d) replacement of a window on the north elevation with a smaller dimension window at 1112 S. Myrtle Avenue. Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 1306 -0040 Property Owner: Brannon Rue Representative: Brannon Rue Minor Reviews Review of Certificate of Appropriateness approvals issued administratively from October 1, 2014 through October 30, 2014. Page 1 of 2 Six Month Reviews Listed below is the status of project(s) reviewed by the board during the April 2014 meeting. 815 S. Elm Avenue Item: Board approved the construction of a metal carport. Status: An update on this item will be provided during the meeting. 205 E. 10th Street Item: Board approved fire damage repairs and waived the 180 day waiting period for selective demolition of areas that were not salvageable. Status: A building permit was approved and the building is in the process of being repaired. 908 S. Magnolia Avenue Item: Board approved alterations to the detached, one car garage. Status: An update on this item will be provided during the meeting. 120 S. Park Avenue Item: Board approved the addition of a glass folding wall and screening wall with the condition the wall did not exceed eight feet in height. Status: A building permit has been submitted and is being processed. Citizen Participation Staff Reports Chairman and Board Items for Discussion Adjournment In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Advice to The Public: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) Page 2 of 2 Minutes Historic Preservation Board November 19, 2014 — 5:30 PM City Commission Chambers City Hall, Sanford, Florida Members Present Steve Chusmir, Chairman Ian Carfagna, Vice Chairman Hank Dieckhaus Cheryl Deming Ana Yebba Others Present Lonnie Groot, Assistant City Attorney Christine Dalton, Community Planner /Historic Preservation Officer Tammy Agnini Mary Muse, Administrative Coordinator Mr. Chusmir called the regular meeting to order at 5:33 PM. Historic Preservation Photography Contest The Board recognized and presented awards to the contest winners. First Place: Robert Willson for his photograph titled "Old Iron Bridge" Second Place: Jeff Davis for his photograph titled "PICO" Third Place: Eddie Browder for his photograph titled "Mission Towers" Minutes Mr. Dieckhaus moved to approve the October 15, 2014 meeting minutes. Ms. Deming seconded. Motion carried 5 -0. Public Meeting PM -1 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness for modification to a previously approved Certificate of Appropriateness to enclose existing carport with wood frame stucco walls and windows to match existing at 201 S. Park Avenue. Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0403 -0060 Property Owner: William Kirchhoff Representative: Andrew Kutz Mr. Dieckhaus moved to approve the request to modify a previously approved Certificate of Appropriateness to enclose the existing carport with wood frame stucco walls and windows to match existing carport with wood frame stucco walls and windows to match existing at 201 S. Park Avenue based on a finding the proposed alterations are consistent with the purpose and intent of Schedule S, and comply with the design guidelines in Schedule S as outlined in the staff report. The modification will allow for the installation of windows without transoms to be installed on the east and south elevations. Ms. Yebba seconded. Motion carried 5 -0. PM -2 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness for retroactive approval to retain a metal carport at 520 S. Oak Avenue. Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0705 -0050 Property Owners: Robert and Kimberlyn Whitt Representative: Kimberlyn Whitt MINUTES —NOVEMBER 19, 2014 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD PAGE 2 Mr. Dieckhaus moved to deny the request to retain a metal carport at 520 S. Oak Avenue based on a finding the proposed alteration is not consistent with the purpose and intent of Schedule S and does not comply with the specific design guidelines contained within Schedule S, as outlined in the staff report; specifically the installed metal carport is intended to be a permanent structure. Ms. Yebba seconded. Motion carried 5 -0. Mr. Carfagna moved to approve the request to retain the metal carport at 520 S Oak Avenue for a time period not to extend 90 days because it is only used as a temporary structure. Ms. Deming seconded. Motion carried 5 -0. PM -3 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace existing garage door with 18' steel carriage style door at 900 S. Magnolia Avenue. Tax Parcel Number: 25- 1.9 -30 -5AG -1103 -0010 Property Owners: Dan Dutkofski and Marcia Roman Representatives: Dan Dutkofski and Marcia Roman Mr. Dieckhaus moved to table the request to replace the existing garage door with 18' steel carriage style door at 900 S. Magnolia Avenue to allow the board to review design materials on the steel door. Ms. Deming seconded. Motion carried 4 -1, Mr. Carfagna against. PM -4 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness for alterations to the entry feature on the west elevation at 1015 S. Magnolia Avenue. Tax Parcel Number: 25 -19 -30 -5AG -1202 -0080 Property Owner: Frank Loose Representative: Frank Loose Ms. Deming moved to approve the request to obtain approval for alterations to the entry feature on the west elevation at 1015 S. Magnolia Avenue based on a finding the proposed alterations are consistent with the purpose and intent of Schedule S and complies with the specific design guidelines contained within Schedule S, as outlined in the staff report. Ms. Yebba seconded. Motion carried 5 -0. PM -5 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness for changes to the west elevation to include: a) Relocation of the rear entry door, b) removal of a second story door to be replaced with siding to match the existing c) relocation of an original window to the south elevation d) replacement of a window on the north elevation with a smaller dimension window at 1112 S. Myrtle Avenue. Tax Parcel Number: 25- 19- 30- 5AG -1306 -0040 Property Owner: Brannon Rue Representative: Brannon Rue Mr. Carfagna moved to approve the request to retain changes which include relocation of the rear entry door and removal of a second story door to be replaced with siding to match the existing on the west elevation; relocation of an original window to the south elevation and replacement of a window on the north elevation with a smaller dimension window at 1112 S. Myrtle Avenue based on a finding the proposed alterations are consistent with the purpose and intent of Schedule S and complies with the specific design guidelines contained within Schedule S, as outlined in the staff report. Mr. Dieckhaus seconded. Motion carried 5 -0. Citizen Participation None. MINUTES —NOVEMBER 19, 2014 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD PAGE 3 Chairman and Board Items for Discussion Ms. Deming asked Mr. Groot if the board could ask a property owner to appear before the board in order for the board to discuss and assist them with the codes. Mr. Groot informed the board if there is nothing pending before them the owner could not be brought before the board. As an individual citizen, a board member can contact the owner and discuss an issue with them as long as it isn't a pending item before the board. There was discussion led by Ms. Deming in regards to staff approving a Certificate of Appropriateness for repairs that are in conflict with Schedule S. Ms. Deming made a motion to have Russ Gibson appear before them at the December meeting to answer questions about a Certificate of Appropriateness he issued to the property owner of the SW corner of Sanford Avenue and I" Street, as well as discuss the process of an Administratively approved Certificate of Appropriateness. Mr. Dieckhaus seconded. Motion carried 5 -0. Staff Reports Ms. Dalton distributed "goodie bags" that included literature and miscellaneous items she obtained at the National Trust Conference she attended in Savannah. Ms. Dalton informed the board she is working on making arrangements for a "hands -on" workshop to be held at CCS Restoration in December. She requested the board members to bring in rotted wood prior to the next meeting. Ms. Dalton stated the UCF Public History Center is seeking support for the upcoming grant cycle. They will need to raise money for matching, as well as in -kind services. Ms. Dalton challenged each board member to commit volunteer hours at the history center and submit a letter from the board stating they stand behind the grant and have volunteered hours. She also is planning to conduct a hands -on workshop at the history center on hardware restoration, which can be done as a fundraiser and charge a fee. Ms. Dalton invited the members to attend the Sanford Avenue Completion and Unveiling of Sanford Avenue Heritage Markers event on Thursday, November 20` at 4:30 PM. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.