HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.17.14HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Wednesday, December 17, 2014 City Commission Chambers, 1S Floor, Sanford City Hall 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida Work Session - 5 PM Regular Scheduled Meeting - 5:30 PM Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Election of Officers • The board members must elect a Chairperson Approval of Minutes November 19, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes Public Meeting PM -1 Remove from Table and hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace existing garage door with 18' steel carriage style door at 900 S. Magnolia Avenue. Tax Parcel Number: 25- 19- 30 -5AG- 1103 -0010 Property Owners: Dan Dutkofski and Marcia Roman Representatives: Dan Dutkofski and Marcia Roman Minor Reviews Review of Certificate of Appropriateness approvals issued administratively from November 1, 2014 through November 30, 2014. Six Month Reviews Listed below is the status of project(s) reviewed by the board during the May 2014 meeting. 319 S. Elm Avenue Item: The board approved the request to modify the building to include stucco walls, concrete columns and awnings on the west elevation. Status: Work has not yet been undertaken; staff has extended the approval 6 months. 911 S. Magnolia Avenue Item: The board approved the request to change the roof material from shingles to metal. Status: An update on this item will be provided during the meeting. 811 Elm Avenue Item a: The board approved the request to remove the rear door and replace with siding with the following condition: the opening shall be filled in with siding to match the existing in dimension, profile, texture, and other visual qualities and must be keyed in so the previous opening is no longer original when the alteration is complete. Status: The applicant received a building permit and has completed the alterations. Item b: The board approved the request to reinstate the double entry door openings per Option "A3.2 and A 1.2 ", repair the existing original columns, and installation of new spindles appropriate to the National style and time period. Status: The applicant received a building permit and has completed the alterations. Page 1 of 2 210 S. Sanford Avenue Item: The board approved the renovation of four storefronts on the east facade per Scenario 1 (colored glass) with the condition the glass is textured and mimics the appearance of historic colored glass and also approved or Scenario 3 (stained glass) with the condition a drawing be submitted for approval which depicts the design, color, texture, and dimensions of the stained glass. Status: The storefronts have been constructed; however the colored glass has not been installed. Citizen Participation Staff Reports Christine Dalton, Historic Preservation Officer /Community Planner will seek the Historic Preservation Boards' support for a grant application for a city -wide Brownfield Assessment. Chairman and Board Items for Discussion Adjournment In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Advice to The Public: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) Page 2 of 2 Minutes Historic Preservation Board December 17, 2014 — 5:30 PM City Commission Chambers City Hall, Sanford, Florida Members Present Ian Carfagna, Vice Chairman Hank Dieckhaus Cheryl Deming Ana Yebba Tammy Agnini Others Present Lonnie Groot, Assistant City Attorney Russ Gibson, Planning & Development Services Director Mary Muse, Administrative Coordinator Mr. Carfagna called the regular meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Officer Election Ms. Deming nominated Ian Carfagna for Chairman. Ms. Yebba seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Ms. Deming nominated Hank Dieckhaus for Vice Chairman. Ms. Yebba seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes Mr. Dieckhaus moved to approve the November 19, 2014 meeting minutes. Ms. Deming seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Public Meeting PM -1 Remove from Table and hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace existing garage door with 18' steel carriage style door at 900 S. Magnolia Avenue. Tax Parcel Number: 25- 19- 30 -5AG- 1103 -0010 Property Owners: Dan Dutkofski and Marcia Roman Representatives: Dan Dutkofski and Marcia Roman Mr. Dieckhaus informed the board he contacted the owner asking for the information on the steel garage door. The owners distributed a document titled "Choosing the Best Garage Door Material." Mr. Dieckhaus moved to approve the request to replace the existing garage door with an 18' steel carriage style door at 900 S. Magnolia Avenue based on a finding that the proposed alteration is consistent with the purpose and intent of Schedule S and complies with the specific design guidelines contained within Schedule S, with the condition the door must be 24 gauge or stronger. Ms. Deming seconded. Motion carried 4 -1, Mr. Carfagna against. Mr. Dieckhaus moved to change Schedule S to allow 24 gauge steel or stronger carriage style doors in addition to wood and fiberglass garage doors. Ms. Deming seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gibson informed the board the proposed code change will be presented to HPB for review and approval prior to forwarding to the Planning and Zoning Commission as a public hearing to make a recommendation to City Commission for final approval. MINUTES —DECEMBER 17, 2014 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD PAGE 2 Citizen Participation None. Chairman and Board Items for Discussion Ms. Deming asked for the progress on the Bishop Building awning. Mr. Gibson reported he checked it and asked the Building Official and Fire Marshall to investigate for public safety concerns. They reported there was no imminent public threat at this time. Mr. Carfagna asked the board members to review the letter of support for the City's efforts to obtain an Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Assessment Grant. The board unanimously approved the letter of support and Chairman Carfagna signed the letter. Mr. Carfagna informed the board members there is a sheet with parliamentary procedures and specific questions in regards to the Sunshine Laws in each notebook in case anyone needed to review it. Mr. Groot distributed a copy of "Florida Redevelopment Awards — 2014 Best Book." Staff Reports Mr. Gibson informed the board they can contact staff or if necessary, the city attorney at any time. Mr. Gibson informed the board the City Commission will be attending various training classes, including Ethics, which will also be presented to all board members. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM. IAN CA G - CHAIRMAN