HomeMy WebLinkAbout14000 Millwood 09-1259-2Designation: C 926 — 98a (Reapproved 2005) INTERNATIONAL Standard Specification for Application of Portland Cement-Based Plasterl This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 926; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (a) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers the requirements for the appli- cation of full thickness portland cement-based plaster for exterior (stucco) and interior work. 1.2 This specification sets forth tables for proportioning of various plaster mixes and plaster thickness. NOTE 1—General information will be found in Annex Al. Design considerations will be found in Annex A2. 1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The SI (metric) values given in parentheses are approximate and are provided for information purposes only. 1.4 The text of this specification references notes and footnotes that provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements of the specification. 1.5 Details of construction for a specific assembly to achieve the required fire resistance shall be obtained from reports of fire-resistance tests, engineering evaluations, or listings from recognized fire testing laboratories. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 C 11 Terminology Relating to Gypsum and Related Build- ing Materials and Systems C 25 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Limestone, Quicklime, and Hydrated Lime C 35 Specification for Inorganic Aggregates for Use in Gypsum Plaster C 91 Specification for Masonry Cement C 150 Specification for Portland Cement C 206 Specification for Finishing Hydrated Lime 'This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C11 on Gypsum and Related Building Materials and Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C11.03 on Specifications for Application of Gypsum and Other Products on Assemblies. Current edition approved July 1, 2005. Published August 2005. Originally approved in 1981. Last previous edition approved in 1998 as C 926-98a. `For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standard's Document Summary page on the ASTM website. C 207 Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Pur- poses C 219 Terminology Relating to Hydraulic Cement C 260 Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Con- crete C 595 Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements C 631 Specification for Bonding Compounds for Interior Plastering C 897 Specification for Aggregate for Job-Mixed Portland Cement-Based Plasters C 932 Specification for Surface-Applied Bonding Agent for Exterior Plastering C 1063 Specification for Installation of Lathing and Furring to Receive Interior and Exterior Portland Cement-Based Plaster C 1116 Specification for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete and Shotcrete C 1328 Specification for Plastic (Stucco) Cement E 90 Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne-Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions and Elements E 119 Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials E 492 Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Impact Sound Transmission Through Floor-Ceiling Assemblies Using the Tapping Machine 2.2 ANSI Standard: A108.1 Specification for Installation of Ceramic Tile3 3. Terminology 3.1 Terms shall be defined as in Terminologies C 11 and C 219, except as modified herein. 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.2.1 accelerator—an admixture that will shorten the set- ting time of plaster. 3.2.2 admixture—a material other than water, aggregate, or basic cementitious material added to the batch before or during job mixing. 3 Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036. Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. 1 •C 926 3.2.3 acid etching—the cleansing and controlled erosion of a solid surface, using an acid wash. 3.2.4 air entrainment—the use of an air-entraining admix- ture or air-entraining cementitious material in a plaster mix to yield a controlled quantity of minute (typically between 10 and 1000 pm in diameter) disconnected air bubbles in the plaster (see entrapped air). 3.2.5 backplaster—plaster applied to the face of metal lath opposite a previously applied plaster. 3.2.6 bond—the state of adhesion between plaster coats or between plaster and plaster base. 3.2.7 bonding compound or agent—compounds surface ap- plied or integrally mixed with plaster to improve the quality of bond between plaster and plaster base or between plaster coats. 3.2.8 cementitious material—a material that, when mixed with water and with or without aggregate, provides the plasticity and the cohesive and adhesive properties necessary for placement and the formation of a rigid mass. 3.2.9 coat—a thickness of plaster applied in a single opera- tion. basecoat—all plaster applied before the application of the finish coat. bedding coat—a plaster coat that receives aggregate or other decorative material impinged into its surface before it sets. brown coat—in three-coat work, the second coat, applied over the scratch coat. In two-coat work, brown coat refers to the double-up basecoat. In either use, the brown coat is the coat directly beneath the finish coat. dash-bond coat—a thick wet mixture of portland cement and water, with or without aggregate, dashed onto the surface of a plaster base such as smooth monolithic concrete or concrete block surfaces to improve the mechanical key for subsequent plaster coats. double-up coat—the brown-coat plaster applied to the scratch coat plaster before the scratch-coat plaster has set. finish coat—the final layer of plaster applied over basecoat plaster. fog coat—a light coat of cement and water, with or without aggregate or color pigment, applied by machine spray to improve color consistency. scratch coat—the first coat of plaster applied to a plaster base. skim coat—a thin finish coat applied to an existing plaster surface or other substrate to improve appearance. three-coat work—application of plaster in three successive coats with time between coats for setting or drying, or both. 3.2.10 cold joint ("joining" or "jointing")—the juncture of fresh plaster application adjacent to set plaster, in the same plane. 3.2.11 curing—the act or processes of producing a moisture environment favorable to cement hydration, resulting in the setting or hardening of the plaster. 3.2.12 entrapped air—unintentional air voids in the plaster generally larger than 1 mm. — 98a (2005) 3.2.13 factoty prepared (" mill-mixed" or "ready ,nixed")— pertaining to material combinations that have been formulated and dry-blended by the manufacturer, requiring only the addition of and mixing with water to produce plaster. 3.2.14 fiben natural or synthetic—an elongated fiber or strand admixture added to plaster mix to improve cohesiveness or pumpability, or both. 3.2.15 floating—act of compacting and leveling brown-coat plaster to a reasonably true surface plane using a float tool or the act of bringing the aggregate to the surface of finish-coat plaster. 3.2.16 key (also mechanical key)—plaster that physically surrounds, penetrates, or deforms to lock onto the perforations or irregularities of the plaster base or previous coat of plaster. 3.2.17 metal plaster base—expanded metal lath, or welded or woven wire lath. 3.2.18 plaster—portland cement-based cementitious mix- ture (see stucco). 3.2.19 required—pertaining to a mandatory obligation im- posed by a force outside of this specification, such as a building code, project specification, contract, or purchase order. 3.2.20 rustication (also "break")—an interruption or change in plane of a plastered surface. 3.2.21 scoring (also known as "scratching")—the grooving of the surface of an unset plaster coat to provide a key for a subsequent coat. 3.2.22 set—the chemical and physical change in plaster as it goes from a plastic, workable state to a rigid state. 3.2.23 stucco—portland cement-based plaster used on exte- rior locations. 3.2.24 stucco finish—a factory-prepared, dry blend of ma- terials for finish coat applications. 3.2.25 temper, v—to mix or restore unset plaster with water to a workable consistency. 3.2.26 texture—any surface appearance as contrasted to a smooth surface. 4. Materials 4.1 Materials shall conform to the requirements of the referenced specifications and standards and to the requirements specified herein. 4.2 Cement: 4.2.1 Portland Cement—Specification C 150, Type I, II, and III, as specified. White where specified. 4.2.2 Air-Entraining Portland Cement—Specification C 150, type as specified. White where specified. 4.2.3 Masonry Cement—Specification C 91, Types N, S, and M. White where specified. 4.2.4 Blended Hydraulic Cement—Specification C 595, Type IP, I(PM), IS, and I(SM) as specified. 4.2.5 Air-Entraining Blended Hydraulic Cement— Specification C 595, Type IP-A, I(PM)-A, IS-A, and I(SM)-A as specified. 4.2.6 Plastic Centent—Plastic Cement shall meet the re- quirements of Specification C 1328, Standard Specification for Plastic (Stucco) Cement. NOTE 2—Plastic cements are not available nationally. 2 • C 926 — 98a (2005) 4.3 Type "S" Hydrated Lime—A hydrated lime that con- tains not more than 8 % unhydrated oxides when tested in accordance with Test Methods C 25. See Specifications C 206 and C 207 for a complete description of a Type "S" hydrated lime. 4.4 Aggregates: 4.4.1 Sand for Base Coats—Specification C 897. Aggregate failing to meet gradation limits in Specification C 897 shall be permitted to be used, provided the plaster made with this sand has an acceptable demonstrated performance record in similar construction and climate conditions. 4.4.2 Perlite—Specification C 35. 4.4.3 Sand for Job-Mixed Finish Coats—Specification C 897. 4.5 Water—Water used in mixing, application, and finishing of plaster shall be clean, fresh, suitable for domestic water consumption, and free of such amounts of mineral or organic substances as would affect the set, the plaster, or any metal in the system. 4.6 Admixtures—See 3.2.2 and. 4.7 Fibers—Specification C 1116 on alkali-resistant fibers, glass fibers, nylon, polypropylene or carbon fibers. 5. Requirements for Bases to Receive Portland Cement- Based Plaster 5.1 Metal bases and accessories used to receive plaster shall be installed in conformance with Specification C 1063, except as otherwise specified. NOTE 3—All metal, or PVC, or CPVC plastic members should be free of deleterious amounts of rust, oil, or other foreign matter, which could cause bond failure or unsightly discoloration. 5.2 Surfaces of solid bases to receive plaster, such as masonry, stone, cast-in-place or precast concrete shall be straight and true within 'A in. in 10 ft (2.1 mm/m) and shall be free of form oil or other elements, which would interfere with bonding. Form ties or other obstructions shall be removed or trimmed back even with the surface of the solid base. 5.2.1 Solid surfaces shall have the suction (ability to absorb water) or surface roughness, or both, to provide the bond required for the plaster. 5.2.2 Smooth or nonabsorbent solid surfaces, such as cast- in-place or precast concrete, shall be prepared to receive portland cement plaster by one of the following methods: Sandblasting, wire brushing, acid etching, or chip- ping or a combination thereof, Application of a dash-bond coat applied forcefully against the surface, left untroweled, undisturbed, and moist cured for at least 24 h, or Application of a bonding compound suitable for exterior or interior exposure solid surfaces in accordance with the manufacturer's written directions. 5.2.3 Where bond cannot be obtained over the entire surface to receive plaster by one or more of the methods in 5.2.2, or where total plaster thickness will exceed the total thickness specified in Table 1 for types of solid bases, furred or self-furring metal plaster base shall be installed in accordance with Specification C 1063. 6. Plaster Proportions and Mixing 6.1 Proportions: 6.1.1 All portland cement plasters shall be mixed and proportioned in accordance with the following tables and accompanying requirements, using measuring devices of known volume with successive batches proportioned alike. 6.1.2 Plaster mix used shall be as designated and referenced to Table 2. 6.1.3 Base-coat proportions shall be as shown in Table 3 for the mix specified from Table 2. Measurement of Materials—The method of measur- ing materials for the plaster shall be such that the specified proportions are controlled and accurately maintained. The weights per cubic foot of the materials are considered to be as follows: Material Weight, Ibift3(kg/m3) Portland cement 94(1505) Blended cement Weight printed on bag Masonry or plastic cement Weight printed on bag Hydrated Lime 40 (640) Lime Putty 80(1280) Sand, Damp and Loose ( 80 (1280) of dry sand TABLE 1 Nominal Plaster Thickness' for Three- and Two-Coat Work, in. (mm) Vertical Horizontal BASE 1st Coat 2nd Coat 3rd CoatB Total 1st Coat 2nd Coat 3rd CoatB Total Interior/Exterior Three-coat work:c Metal plaster base 3/8 (9.5) 1/8 (9.5) 1 (3) 1/2 (22) 1/4 (6) 1/4 (6) 1/8 (3) 5/8 (16) Solid plaster base: Unit masonry 1/4 (4) 1/4 (6) 1/8 (3) 5/8 (16) Use two-coat work Cast-in-place or precast concrete 1/4 (6) 1/4 (6) 1/8 (3) 5/8 (16) 3/8 (9.5), max Metal plaster base over solid base 1/2 (12.5) 1/4 (6) 1/8 (3) 1/2 (22) 1/2 (12.5) 1/4 (6) 143 (3) 7/a (22) Two-coat work: Solid plaster base: Unit masonry 3/8 (9.5) ya (3) 1/2 (12.5) 3/8 (9.5) Cast-in-place or pre-cast concrete 1/4 (6) I/8 (3) 3/4 (9.5) 3/8 (9.5) A Exclusive of texture. B For solid plaster partitions, additional coats shall be applied to meet the finished thickness specified. C For exposed aggregate finishes, the second (brown) coat shall become the "bedding" coat and shall be of sufficient thickness to receive and hold the aggregate. 3 •a? C 926 -98a (2005) TABLE 2 Plaster Bases—Permissible Mixes Nom—See Table 3 for plaster mix symbols. Mixes for Plaster Coats Property of Base First (Scratch) Low absorption, such as dense, smooth clay tile, brick, or concrete CM or MS High Absorption, such as CL CL concrete masonry, absorp- tive brick, or tile CM or MS CM, MS, or M Metal plaster base C, CL, M, CM, or MS CL CL CM or MS CM, MS, or M CP CP or P For purposes of this specification, a weight of 80 lb (1280 kg) of oven-dried sand shall be used. This is, in most cases, equivalent to one cubic foot of loose, damp sand. 6.1.4 Finish-coat proportions for job-mixed finish coats shall be as specified in Table 4. 6.1.5 Factoty-Prepared Finish Coats—See 3.2.14. 6.1.6 Dash-bond coat proportions shall be 1 volume part portland cement and not more than 2 volume parts of aggregate mixed to a consistency that will permit application as specified in 7.1.5. 6.1.7 Admixtures shall be proportioned, mixed, and applied in accordance with the printed directions of the manufacturer. (See A2.5.) 6.2 Mixing: 6.2.1 All plaster shall be prepared in a mechanical mixer, using sufficient water to produce a workable consistency and uniform color. (See X1.1.) 6.2.2 Base-coat plasters that have stiffened because of evaporation of water shall be permitted to be tempered one time only to restore the required consistency. Plaster not used within 11/2 h from start of initial mixing shall be discarded. NOTE Severe hot, dry climate conditions accelerate the stiffening of plaster and require reduction of this limit. The use of cold waters will slow the stiffening process. 6.2.3 Finish-coat plaster shall not be tempered. 7. Application 7.1 General: 7.1.1 Portland cement plaster shall be applied by hand or machine to the nominal thickness specified in Table 1. 7.1.2 Plaster nominal thickness shall be measured from the back plane of the metal plaster base, exclusive of ribs or dimples, or from the face of the solid backing with or without metal plaster base, to the outer surface exclusive of texture variations. 7.1.3 Portland cement-based plaster shall be applied on furred metal plaster base when the surface of solid backing consists of gypsum board, gypsum plaster, wood, or rigid foam board-type products. Nom 5—On horizontal ceiling supports or roof soffits protected by a drip edge, gypsum board products shall be permitted to be used as backing for metal base to receive portland cement plaster. 7.1.4 Separation shall be provided where plaster abuts dissimilar construction materials or openings. (See A2.1.4.) 7.1.5 Each plaster coat shall be applied to an entire wall or ceiling panel without interruption to avoid cold joints and abrupt changes in the uniform appearance of succeeding coats. Wet plaster shall abut set plaster at naturally occurring inter- ruptions in the plane of the plaster, such as corner angles, rustications, openings, and control joints where this is possible. Joinings, where necessary, shall be cut square and straight and not less than 6 in. (152 mm) away from a joining in the preceding coat. 7.1.6 Metal plaster base shall be covered with three-coat work with or without solid backing. The combined total nominal thickness shall be as shown in Table 1. A dash-bond coat shall not replace one of the specified number of coats. 7.1.7 Two-coat work shall be used only over solid bases meeting the requirements of 5.2. The combined total nominal thickness shall be as shown in Table 1. A dash-bond coat shall not replace one of the specified number of coats. 7.1.8 Backplaster where required, shall be applied only after the coat on the opposite side has set sufficiently to resist breaking or cracking the plaster keys. 7.1.9 Each coat shall be permitted to set before the next coat is applied. (See X1.4.2.) 7.1.10 Plaster coats that have become dry shall be evenly dampened with water prior to applying subsequent coats to obtain uniform suction. There shall be no visible water on the surface when plaster is applied. 7.2 Plaster Application on Metal Plaster Bases: 7.2.1 The first (scratch) coat shall be applied with sufficient material and pressure to form full keys through, and to embed the metal base, and with sufficient thickness of material over the metal to allow for scoring the surface. As soon as the first (scratch) coat becomes firm, the entire surface shall be scored in one direction only. The vertical surfaces shall be scored horizontally. The first (scratch) coat shall become sufficiently rigid to support the application of the second (brown) coat without damage to the monolithic continuity of the first (scratch) coat or its key. 7.2.2 The second (brown) coat shall be applied with suffi- cient material and pressure to ensure tight contact with the first (scratch) coat and to bring the combined thickness of the base coat to the nominal thickness shown in Table 4. The surface of the second (brown) coat shall be brought to a true, even plane with a rod or straightedge, filling surface defects in plane with plaster. Dry rodding the surface of the brown coat shall be permitted. The surface shall be floated uniformly to promote densification of the coat and to provide a surface receptive to bonding of the finish coat. 7.2.3 The third (finish) coat shall be applied with sufficient material and pressure to ensure tight contact with, and com- plete coverage of the base coat and to the nominal thickness shown in Table 1 and Second (Brown) C, CL, M, or CM CM, MS, or M 4 Plaster Mix Symbols Portland Cement or Blended Cement Volume of Aggregate per Sum of Separate Volumes of Cementitious Materials 1st Coat 2ndc Coat 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 Cementitious Materials Plastic Cement Masonry Cement Lime M or S CL CM MS CP 0-3/4 21/2 —4 21/2-4 2½-4 2½-4 21/2 —4 21/2 —4 2½-4 C 926 - 98a (2005) TABLE 3 Base-Coat Proportions,A Parts by Volume A The mix proportions for plaster scratch and brown coats to receive ceramic tile shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of ANSI A108.1 series applicable to specified method of setting time. 6 Variations in lime, sand, and perlite contents are allowed due to variation in local sands and insulation and weight requirements. A higher lime content will generally support a higher aggregate content without loss of workability. The workability of the plaster mix will govern the amounts of lime, sand, or perlite. C The same or greater sand proportion shall be used in the second coat than is used in the first coat. TABLE 4 Job-Mixed Finish Coat Proportion Parts by Volume Cementitious Materials Volume of Aggregate per Sum of Separate Volumes of Cementitious Materials' Plaster Mix SymbolsA Portland Cement or Blended Cement Masonry CementA Plastic Cement Lime M or S FL FM FCM FMS FP 1 3/4 —11/2 11/2 —2 11/2 —3 11/2 —3 11/2 —3 11/2 —3 11/2 —3 11/2 —3 A Additional portland cement is not required when Type S or M masonry cement is used. In areas not subject to impact, perlite aggregate shall be permitted to be used over base-coat plaster containing perlite aggregate. 7.3 Plaster Application on Solid Plaster Bases: 7.3.1 High-suction bases shall be evenly dampened with clean water prior to the application of plaster. Do not dampen low-suction solid bases, such as dense concrete or smooth brick. Where masonry or concrete surfaces vary in plane, plaster thickness required to produce level surfaces shall not be required to be uniform. 7.3.2 Three-Coat Application on Solid Bases: The first (scratch) coat shall be applied with suffi- cient material and pressure to ensure tight contact and complete coverage of the solid base, to the nominal thickness shown in Table 1. As soon as the first (scratch) coat becomes firm, the entire surface shall be scored in one direction only. The vertical surfaces shall be scored horizontally. The second (brown) coat shall be applied using the same procedures specified in 7.2.2 and, bringing the surface to a true, even plane with a rod or straightedge, filling any defects in plane with plaster and darbying. The surface shall be floated uniformly to provide a surface receptive to the application of the third (finish) coat. The third (finish) coat shall be applied as specified in 7.2.3. 7.3.3 Two-Coat Application on Solid Plaster Bases: The first (scratch) coat shall be applied as specified in The second (finish) coat shall be applied as specified in 7.2.3. 7.4 Finish-Coat Application: 7.4.1 Job-mixed or factory-prepared finish coats shall be applied, by machine or by hand, as specified in 7.2.3. 7.4.2 The use of excessive water during the application and finishing of finish-coat plaster shall be avoided. 7.5 Fog-Coat Application—Job-mixed or factory-prepared fog coats shall be applied in accordance with the directions of the manufacturer. 8. Curing and Time Between Coats 8.1 Provide sufficient moisture in the plaster mix or by moist or fog curing to permit continuous hydration of the cementitious materials. The most effective procedure for curing and time between coats will depend on climatic and job conditions. (See X1.4.2.) 8.2 Sufficient time between coats shall be allowed to permit each coat to cure or develop enough rigidity to resist cracking or other physical damage when the next coat is applied. (See X1.4.2.) 9. Product Marking 9.1 Packaged materials shall be clearly marked or labeled to indicate product, brand name, the manufacturer, and the weight of the material contained therein. Similar information shall be provided in the shipping advices accompanying the shipment of bulk materials. 10. Delivery of Materials 10.1 Packaged materials shall be delivered in factory- sealed, unopened, and unbroken packages, containers, or bundles. 5 C 926 — 98a (2005) 10.2 Bulk materials shall be delivered in clean transport vessels, free of contaminates. 11. Protection of Materials 11.1 Weather-sensitive materials shall be kept in a dry condition until ready for use. (See A2.4.) 11.2 Bulk materials shall be stored to prevent subsequent contamination and segregation. 12. Environmental Conditions. 12.1 Portland cement-based plaster shall not be applied to frozen base or to a base containing frost. Plaster mixes shall not contain frozen ingredients. Plaster coats shall be protected from freezing for a period of not less than 24 h after set has occurred. 12.2 Portland cement plaster shall be protected from uneven and excessive evaporation during dry weather and from strong blasts of dry air. 12.3 Plaster Application—When artificial heat is required, heaters shall be located to prevent a concentration of heat on uncured plaster. Heaters shall be vented to the outside to prevent toxic fumes and other products of combustion from adhering to or penetrating plaster bases and plaster. Adequate ventilation shall be maintained in all areas, particularly in interior areas with little or no natural air movement. 12.3.1 Interior environment shall be maintained at a tem- perature above 40 °F not less than 48 h prior to and during application of portland cement-based plaster. Interior tempera- ture shall be maintained above 40 °F until normal occupancy. 12.3.2 For exteriors, plaster shall be applied when the ambient temperature is higher than 40 °F (4.4 °C), unless the work area is enclosed and heat is provided as described in 12.3. 13. Keywords 13.1 brown coat; cementitious; exterior plaster; fog coat— bond; portland cement; scratch coat; stucco ANNEXES (Mandatory Information) Al. GENERAL INFORMATION A1.1 The work shall include all labor, materials, services, equipment, and scaffolding required to complete the plastering of the project in accordance with the drawings and specifica- tions, except heat, electric power, and potable water. A1.2 Where a specific degree of fire resistance is required for plastered assemblies and constructions, details of construc- tion shall be in accordance with official reports of fire tests conducted by recognized testing laboratories, in accordance with Test Methods E 119. A1.3 Where a specific degree of sound control is required for plastered assemblies and constructions, details of construc- tion shall be in accordance with official reports of tests conducted by recognized testing laboratories, in accordance with applicable sound tests of Test Methods E 90 or E 492. A1.4 Scaffolding shall be constructed and maintained in strict conformity with applicable laws and ordinances. A1.5 Work schedules shall provide for completion of work affecting supports, framework or lath of a suspended ceiling (such as loading) before plastering work is accomplished. A1.6 Surfaces and accessories to receive plaster shall be examined before plastering is applied thereto. The proper authorities shall be notified and unsatisfactory conditions shall be corrected prior to the application of plaster. Unsatisfactory conditions shall be corrected by the party responsible for such conditions. A1.6.1 Metal plaster bases, backing, attachment, and acces- sories to receive plaster shall be examined to determine if the applicable requirements of Specification C 1063 have been met unless otherwise required by the contract specifications. A1.6.2 The construction specifier shall describe, in the proper section of the contract specifications, the physical characteristics of solid surface bases to receive plaster. The plane tolerance shall be not more than 1/4 in. in 10 ft (3.1 mm/m). The mortar joints shall be flush and not struck. Dissimilar materials such as ties, reinforcing steel, and so forth, shall be cut back 1/8 in. (3 mm) below the surface and treated with a corrosion-resistant coating. Masonry shall be solid at corners and where masonry changes thickness in a continuous construction. Form release compounds shall be compatible with plaster or be completely removed from surfaces to receive plaster. The plastering contractor shall use this portion of the construction specifications for acceptance or rejection of such surfaces. 6 C 926 — 98a (2005) A2. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS A2.1 Exterior plaster (stucco) is applied to outside surfaces of all types of structures to provide a durable, fire-resistant covering. Interior plaster is applied to inside surfaces that will be subjected to various exposures, such as abrasion, vibration, or to continuous or frequent moisture and wetting, or to freezing or thawing. A2.1.1 Sufficient slope on faces of plastered surfaces shall be provided to prevent water, snow, or ice from accumulating or standing. Air-entrained portland cement plaster provides improved resistance to freeze/thaw deterioration. Resistance to rain penetration is improved where plaster has been adequately densified during application and properly cured. Plaster shall not, however, be considered to be "waterproof." A2.1.2 The construction specifier shall describe, in the appropriate section of the contract specifications, the require- ments for furnishing and application of flashing. Flashing shall be specified at openings, perimeters, and terminations to prevent water from getting behind plaster. Flashing shall be corrosion-resistant material. Aluminum flashing shall not be used. Flashing supplemented with sealant shall be permitted. A2.1.3 Sealing or caulking of V-grooves, exposed ends, and edges of plaster panels exterior work to prevent entry of water shall be provided. A2.1.4 To reduce spalling where interior plaster abuts openings, such as wood or metal door or window frames, or fascia boards, the edge of three-coat plaster shall be tooled through the second and finish coats to produce a continuous small V-joint of uniform depth and width. On two-coat work, the V-joint shall be tooled through the finish coat only. A2.1.5 Provide in the appropriate project specification sec- tion that solid bases to receive plaster shall not be treated with bond breakers, parting compounds, form oil, or other material that will prevent or inhibit the bond of the plaster to the base. A2.1.6 Maximum allowable deflection for vertical or hori- zontal framing for plaster, not including cladding, shall be L/360. A2.2 Provisions for Drainage Behind Exterior Plaster: A2.2.1 In multistory construction where lath and portland cement plaster exterior walls are continuous past a floor slab, tracks or plates and studs shall be offset to provide a space not less than 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) between the inner face of the exterior plaster and the edge of the floor slab. A2.2.2 At the bottom of exterior walls where the wall is supported by a floor or foundation, a drip screed and through- wall flashing or weep holes or other effective means to drain away any water that may get behind the plaster shall be provided. A2.2.3 Where vertical and horizontal exterior plaster sur- faces meet, both surfaces shall be terminated with casing beads with the vertical surface extending at least 1/4 in. (6 mm) below the intersecting horizontal plastered surface, thus providing a drip edge. The casing bead for the horizontal surface shall be terminated not less than 1/4 in. from the back of the vertical surface to provide drainage. A2.3 Relief front Stresses: A2.3.1 For information on control joints and perimeter relief see the Installation Section of Specification C 1063. A2.3.1.1 Control joints shall be cleaned and clear of plaster within the control area after plaster application and before final plaster set. A2.3.1.2 Prefabricated control joint members shall be in- stalled prior to the application of plaster; therefore, the decision to use them, the type selected, their location, and method of installation shall be determined and specified in project speci- fication sections other than the section on plastering. A2.3.1.3 The creation of a groove or cut in plaster only, shall be specified in the plastering section. Such groove shall not be considered a control or expansion joint. A2.3.2 Where plaster and metal plaster base continues across the face of a concrete column, or other structural member, water-resistive building paper or felt shall be placed between the metal plaster base and the structural member (paper or plastic-backed metal plaster base shall be permitted). Where the width of the structural member exceeds the ap- proved span capability of the metal plaster base, self-furring metal plaster base shall be used and sparingly scatter nailed to bring paper and metal base to general plane. A2.3.3 Where dissimilar base materials abut and are to receive a continuous coat of plaster: (1) a two-piece expansion joint, casing beads back-to-back, or premanufactured control- expansion joint member shall be installed; or (2) the juncture shall be covered with a 6-in. (152-mm) wide strip of galva- nized, self-furring metal plaster base extending 3 in. (76 mm) on either side of the juncture; or (3) where one of the bases is metal plaster base, self-furring metal plaster base shall be extended 4 in. (102 mm) onto the abutting base. A2.4 Weather-Sensitive Materials—Water-sensitive mate- rials shall be stored off the ground or floor and under cover, avoiding contact with damp floor or wall surfaces. Temperature-sensitive materials shall be protected from freez- ing. Bulk materials shall be stored in the area of intended use and caution shall be exercised to prevent contamination and segregation of bulk materials prior to use. A2.5 Admixtures—Admixtures shall be proportioned and mixed in accordance with the published directions of the admixture manufacturer. A2.5.1 The quantity of admixtures required to impart the desired performance is generally very small in relation to the quantities of the other mix ingredients. Batch-to-batch quanti- ties shall be measured accurately. A2.5.2 Air-entraining agents cause air to be incorporated in the plaster in the form of minute bubbles, usually to improve frost or freeze-thaw resistance, or workability of the plaster during application. Air-entraining agents for portland cement- based plaster shall meet the requirements of Specification C 260. 7 C 926 — 98a (2005) APPENDIX (Nonmandatory Information) Xl. GENERAL INFORMATION X1.1 Additions—Bonding compounds or agents may be pre-applied to a surface to receive plaster. In this usage it is not considered an admixture. Bonding compounds that are inte- grally mixed with plaster prior to its application are considered admixtures. Where exterior exposure and cyclic wetting are anticipated, the re-emulsification capability of the bonding material must be considered. Bonding agents are only as good as the material surface to which they are applied; therefore, form release materials must be removed from concrete or be compatible with the bonding material used. Bonding agents in plaster mixes may increase the cohesive properties of the plaster. Bonding agents should meet the requirements of Specifications C 631 or C 932. X1.1.1 By the use of a suitable admixture or additive, it is possible to improve plaster's resistance to moisture movement. However, the use of the terms damproofing or water proofing is misleading, and their use shall be discouraged. X1.1.2 Natural or synthetic fibers, 1/2 to 2 in. (13 to 51 mm) in length and free of contaminates may be specified to improve resistance to cracking or to impart improved pumpability characteristics. The quantities per batch shall be in accordance with the published directions of the fiber manufacturer. No more than 2 lb (0.90 kg) of fiber should be used per cubic foot of cementitious material. Asbestos fibers should not be used. Alkaline-resistant glass fibers are recommended where glass fiber is used. X1.1.3 Plasticizers containing hydrated lime putty, air- entraining agents, or approved fatteners to increase the work- ability of a portland cement plaster may be used. Plaster consistency and workability are affected by plasticizers that are beneficial in proper quantities from an economic standpoint, but in excess can be detrimental to the long-term performance of the plaster in place. X1.1.4 Color material for integral mixing with plaster should not significantly alter the setting, strength development, or durability characteristics of the plaster. Natural or mineral pigments that are produced by physical processing of materials mined directly from the earth appear to offer the best long-term performance with respect to resistance to fading. Plaster color is determined by the natural color of the cementitious materi- als, aggregate, and any color pigment, and their proportions to each other. The use of white cement with the desired mineral oxide pigment color material may result in truer color. X1.1.4.1 The uniformity of color cannot be guaranteed by the materials manufacturer of the component materials or by the applicating contractor. Color uniformity is affected by the uniformity of proportioning, thoroughness of mixing, cleanli- ness of equipment, application technique, and curing condi- tions and procedure, which are generally under the control of the applicator. Color uniformity is affected to an even greater degree by variations in thickness and differences in the suction of the base coat from one area or location to another, the type of finish selected, the migration of color pigments with moisture, and with job site climatic and environmental condi- tions. These factors are rarely under the control of the applicator. X1.2 Finish Coat Categories (applicable to both natural and colored finishes): X1.2.1 Texture, as a description of surface appearance, is identified generally with the method and tools used to achieve the finish. Texture can be varied by the size and shape of the aggregate used, the equipment or tools employed, the consis- tency of the finish coat mix, the condition of the base to which it is applied, and by subsequent decorative or protective treatment. X1.2.2 There are many factors that affect the ultimate appearance of textured and integrally colored plaster. A suit- ably sized sample panel should be submitted for approval by the architect and the owner. Once approved, the sample should be maintained on site for reference and comparison. X1.2.3 With the almost limitless variations possible for finish appearance or texture, the same term may not have the same meaning to the specifier, the contractor, and the actual applicator. The specifier is cautioned to use an approved range of sample panels. To provide some guidance, the following categories are generally understood and recognized to imply a particular method of application technique or resulting finished appearance: X1.2.4 Smooth Trowel—Hand- or machine-applied plaster floated as smooth as possible and then steel-troweled. Steel troweling should be delayed as long as possible and used only to eliminate uneven points and to force aggregate particles into the plaster surface. Excessive troweling should be avoided. X1.2.5 Float—A plaster devoid of coarse aggregate applied in a thin coat completely covering the base coat, followed by a second coat that is floated to a true plane surface yielding a relatively smooth to fine-textured finish, depending on the size of aggregate and technique used. It is also known as sand finish. X1.2.6 Trowel-Textured (such as Spanish Fan, Trowel Sweep, English Cottage)—A freshly applied plaster coat is given various textures, designs, or stippled effects by hand troweling. The effects achieved may be individualized and may be difficult to duplicate by different applicators. X1.2.7 Rough-Textured (such as Rough Cast, Wet Dash, Scottish Harl)—Coarse aggregate is mixed intimately with the plaster and is then propelled against the base coat by trowel or by hand tool. The aggregate is largely unexposed and deep textured. X1.2.8 Exposed Aggregate (also known at Marblecrete)— Varying sizes of natural or manufactured stone, gravel, shell, or 8 4111) C 926 — ceramic aggregates are embedded by hand or machine propul- sion into a freshly applied finish "bedding" coat. The size of the aggregate determines the thickness of the "bedding" coat. It is generally thicker than a conventional finish coat. X1.2.9 Spray-Textured—A machine-applied plaster coat di- rected over a previously applied thin smooth coat of the same mix. The texture achieved depends on the consistency of the sprayed mixture, moisture content of the base to which it is applied, the angle and distance of the nozzle to the surface, and the pressure of the machine. X1.2.10 Brush-Finish—A method of surfacing or resurfac- ing new or existing plaster. The plaster is applied with a brush to a thickness of not less than 1/46 in. (1.6 mm). For an existing plaster surface the bond capability must be determined by test application or a bonding compound must be applied prior to the brush application. X1.2.11 Miscellaneous Types—This finish coat category is somewhat similar to trowel-textured finishes, except that the freshly applied plaster is textured with a variety of instruments other than the trowel, such as swept with a broom or brush, corrugated by raking or combing, punched with pointed or blunt instrument, scored by aid of a straightedge into designs of simulated brick, block, stone, and so forth. A variation of texturing a finish coat involves waiting until it has partially set and then flattening by light troweling of the unevenly applied plaster or by simulating architectural terracotta. X1.2.12 Scraffitto—A method of applying two or more successive coats of different colored plaster and then removing parts of the overlaid coats to reveal the underlaying coats, usually following a design or pattern. This is not generally considered a finish coat operation because of the number of thickness of coats. X1.3 When specified as alternate for final coat, trowel- or plaster machine-applied textured acrylic finishes containing aggregate may be substituted for portland cement finish coats, provided brown coat is properly prepared and finish is applied according to the manufacturer's directions. X1.3.1 Staining of Plaster—Staining and discoloration of plaster, caused by free water draining from one plane of plaster to another or from a dissimilar material onto a plaster surface, can be minimized by providing sufficient depth and angle for drip caps and the use of water-resistive surface coatings. X1.3.2 Staining of plaster due to entrapment of moisture behind the plaster, can be avoided or minimized by providing an air space for ventilation between the back of the plaster and adjacent material. This type of staining may occur where insulation with or without vapor barrier, or other material containing asphaltic or coal tar derivatives, fireproofing salts, and so forth, can migrate with moisture movement to the finished plaster surface. X1.3.3 Integrally colored plaster can be discolored or al- tered in shade if subjected to moisture, either from uncured base coats or external sources, such as rain, too soon after applications. X1.4 Installation Instructions: 98a (2005) X1.4.1 Hand mixing should not be permitted, except as approved by the contract specifier. X1.4.1.1 After all ingredients are in the mixer, mix the plaster for 3 to 5 min. X1.4.1.2 The amount of water used in the plaster mix should be determined by the plasterer. Factors such as the suction of the base, or of the previous coat, water content of the aggregate, drying conditions, and finishing operations should be considered in determining water usage. Use of excessive water may result in dropouts, fall or slide off, excessive shrinkage, high porosity, and lower strength. X1.4.2 Time Between Coats and Curing for Portland Cement-Based Plaster: X1.4.2.1 The timing between coats will vary with climatic conditions and types of plaster base. Temperature and relative humidity extend or reduce the time between consecutive operations. Cold or wet weather lengthens and hot or dry weather shortens the time period. Moderate changes in tem- perature and relative humidity can be overcome by providing additional heating materials during cold weather and by reducing the absorption of the base by pre-wetting during hot or dry weather. X1.4.2.2 In order to provide more intimate contact and bond between coats and to reduce rapid water loss, the second coat should be applied as soon as the first coat is sufficiently rigid to resist cracking, the pressures of the second coat application, and the leveling process. X1.4.2.3 The amount of water and the timing for curing portland cement plaster will vary with the climatic conditions, the type of base, and use or nonuse of water-retentive admix- tures. X1.4.2.4 Some moisture must be retained in or added back to freshly applied portland cement-based plaster. If the relative humidity is relatively high (above 75 %), the frequency for rewetting a surface may be reduced. If it is hot, dry, and windy, the frequency of rewetting must be increased. X1.4.2.5 Consider the physical characteristics of the struc- ture as well as the previously mentioned conditions when selecting the method of curing. The method can be one or a combination of the following: (1) Moist curing is accomplished by applying a fine fog spray of water as frequently as required, generally twice daily in the morning and evening. Care must be exercised to avoid erosion damage to portland cement-based plaster surfaces. Except for severe drying conditions, the wetting of finish coat should be avoided, that is, the base coat prior to application of the finish coat. (2) Plastic film, when taped or weighted down around the perimeter of the plastered area, can provide a vapor barrier to retain the moisture between the membrane and plaster. Care must be exercised in placing the film: if too soon, the film may damage surface texture; if too late, the moisture may have already escaped. (3) Canvas, cloth, or sheet material barriers can be erected to deflect sunlight and wind, both of which will reduce the rate of evaporation. If the humidity is very low, this option alone may not provide adequate protection. 9 • C 926 — 98a (2005) ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org). 10 Designation: C 1063— 03 ; INTERNATIONAL Standard Specification for Installation of Lathing and Furring to Receive Interior and Exterior Portland Cement-Based Plasterl This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1063; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers the minimum requirements for lathing and furring for the application of exterior and interior portland cement-based plaster as in Specification C 926. 1.2 Where a fire resistance rating is required for plastered assemblies and constructions, details of construction shall be in accordance with reports of fire tests of assemblies that have met the requirements of the fire rating imposed. 1.3 Where a specific degree of sound control is required for plastered assemblies and constructions, details of construction shall be in accordance with official reports of tests conducted in recognized testing laboratories in accordance with the appli- cable requirements of Test Method E 90. 1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded 'as the standard. The SI (metric) values given in parentheses are approximate and are provided for information purposes only. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: A 526/A 526M Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process, Commercial Qual- ity2 A 641/A 641M Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Carbon Steel Wire' B 69 Specification for Rolled Zinc' B 221 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes' C 11 Terminology Relating to Gypsum and Related Build- ing Materials and Systems6 C 841 Specification for Installation of Interior Lathing and Furring6 'This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C11 on Gypsum and Related Building Materials and Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C11.03 on Specifications for Application of Gypsum and Other Products in Assemblies. Current edition approved June 10, 2003. Published August 2003. Originally approved in 1986. Last previous edition approved in 1999 as C 1063 — 99. 'Discontinued; see 1994 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.06. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.06. 4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.04. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.02. 6 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.01. C 847 Specification for Metal Lath6 C 926 Specification for Application of Portland Cement- Based Plaster6 C 933 Specification for Welded Wire Lath6 C 954 Specification for Steel Drill Screws for the Applica- tion of Gypsum Panel Products or Metal Plastic Bases to Steel Studs from 0.033 in. (0.84 mm) to 0.112 in. (2.84 mm) in Thicicness6 C 1002 Specification for Steel Drill Screws for the Appli- cation of Gypsum Panel Products or Metal Plaster Bases' C 1032 Specification for Woven Wire Plaster Base6 D 1784 Specification for Rigid Poly( Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds7 D 4216 Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) and Related Plastic Building Products Compounds8 E 90 Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne-Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions' 3. Terminology 3.1 Definitions—For definitions relating to Ceilings and Walls, see Terminology C 11. 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.2.1 hangers—wires or steel rods or straps used to support main runners for suspended ceilings beneath floor or roof constructions. 3.2.2 inserts—devices embedded in concrete structural members to provide a loop or opening for attachment of hangers. 3.2.3 saddle tie—see Figs. 1 and 2. 3.2.4 self-furring—a metal plaster base manufactured with evenly-spaced indentations that hold the body of the lath approximately 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) away from solid surfaces to which it is applied. 3.2.5 framing member, n—studs, joist, runners (track), bridging, bracing, and related accessories manufactured or supplied in wood or light gage steel. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.06. Copyright ©ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. 1 FIG. 1 Saddle Tie Main Runner Cross Furring FIG. 2 Saddle Tie • C 1063 - 03 and to secure attachment of the accessory to the underlying surface. Accessories shall be designed to receive application of the specified plaster thickness. 6.2.2 Accessories shall be fabricated from Zinc Alloy (99 % pure zinc), galvanized (zinc coated) steel, rigid PVC or CPVC plastic, or anodized aluminum alloy. See Specification B 221. (See Table 1 for minimum allowable thicknesses). NOTE 1-The selection of an appropriate type of material for accesso- ries shall be determined by applicable surrounding climatic and environ- mental conditions specific to the project location, such as salt air, industrial pollution, high moisture, or humidity. 6.2.3 Steel-Specification A 526 and shall have a G60 coating. 6.2.4 PVC Plastic-Specification D 1784 or D 4216. 6.2.5 Zinc Alloy-Specification B 69, 99 % pure zinc. 6.2.6 Thickness of base material shall be as shown in Table 1. 6.2.7 Cornerite-1.75 lb/yd2(0.059 kg/m2), galvanized ex- panded metal lath, galvanized, 1.7 lb/yd2(0.057 kg/m2) galva- nized woven or welded wire fabric of 0.0410 in. (1.04 mm) wire. When shaped for angle reinforcing, it shall have out- standing flanges (legs) of not less than 2 in. (51 mm). 6.3 Channels-Shall be cold-formed from steel with mini- mum 33 000 psi (228 MPa) yield strength and 0.0538 in. (1.37 mm) minimum bare steel thickness. Channel shall have a protective coating conforming to Specification A 653-060, or have a protective coating with an equivalent corrosion resis- tance for exterior applications, or shall be coated with a rust inhibitive paint, for interior applications, and shall have the following minimum weights in pounds per 1000 linear feet (kg/m). 4. Delivery of Materials 4.1 All materials shall be delivered in the original packages, containers, or bundles bearing the brand-name and manufac- turer's (or supplier's) identification. 5. Storage of Materials 5.1 All materials shall be kept dry. Materials shall be stacked off the ground, supported on a level platform, and protected from the weather and surface contamination. 5.2 Materials shall be neatly stacked with care taken to avoid damage to edges, ends, or surfaces. 5.3 Paper backed metal plaster bases shall be handled carefully in delivery, storage, and erection to prevent punctur- ing or removal of paper. 6. Materials 6.1 Metal Plaster Bases: 6.1.1 Expanded Metal Lath-Specification C 847, galva- nized. 6.1.2 Wire Laths: Welded Wire Lath-Specification C 933. Woven Wire Lath-Specification C 1032. Paper Backed Plaster Bases-Specification C 847. 6.2 Accessories: 6.2.1 General-All accessories shall have perforated or expanded flanges or clips shaped to permit complete embed- ment in the plaster, to provide means for accurate alignment, Sizes, in. (mm) Weight, lb/1000 ft (kg/m) Flange Width, in. (mm) 34 (19) 277 (0.412) 1/2 (13) 11/2 (38) 414 (0.616) lh (13) 2 (51) 506 (0.753) 11/2 (13) 21/2 (64) 597 (0.888) 1/2 (13) Non 2-Channels used in areas subject to corrosive action of salt air shall be hot-dipped galvanized, G60 coating. 6.3.1 External Corner Reinforcement-Expanded lath, welded wire, or woven wire mesh bent to approximately 900 used to reinforce portland cement stucco at external corners. This accessory shall be fully embedded in the stucco. 6.3.2 Foundation Weep Screed-Accessory used to termi- nate portland cement based stucco at the bottom of exterior walls. This accessory shall have a sloped, solid, or perforated, ground or screed flange to facilitate the removal of moisture from the wall cavity and a vertical attachment flange not less than 31/2 in. (89 mm) long. 6.4 Wire-As specified in Specification A 641 with a Class I zinc coated (galvanized), soft temper steel. Wire diameters TABLE 1 Minimum Thickness of Accessories Base Material, in. (mm) Accessory Steel Zinc Alloy P.V.C. Corner Beads 0.0172 (0.44) 0.0207 (0.53) 0.035 (0.89) Casing Beads 0.0172 (0.44) 0.0207 (0.53) 0.035 (0.89) Weep Screeds 0.0172 (0.44) 0.0207(0.53) 0.050 (1.27) Control Joints 0.0172 (0.44) 0.018 (0.46) 0.050 (1.27) 2 cialf C 1063 - 03 (uncoated) specified herein correspond with United States Steel Wire Gage numbers as follows: Wire Gage Diameter (in.) (US Steel Wire Gage) mm No. 20 0.0348 .88 No. 19 0.0410 1.04 No. 18 0.0475 1.21 No. 17 0.0540 1.37 No. 16 0.0625 1.59 No. 14 0.0800 2.03 No. 13 0.0915 2.32 No. 12 0.1055 2.68 No. 11 0.1205 3.06 No. 10 0.1350 3.43 No. 9 0.1483 3.77 No. 8 0.1620 4.12 6.5 Rod and Strap Hangers-Mild steel, zinc or cadmium plated, or protected with a rust-inhibiting paint. 6.6 Clips-Form from steel wire, Specification A 641 zinc- coated (galvanized), Specification A 641 or steel sheet, Speci- fication A 526, depending on use and manufacturer's require- ments. 6.7 Fasteners: 6.7.1 Nails-For attaching metal plaster bases to wood supports, 0.1205-in. 11 gage (3.06-mm) diameter, 7/16-in. (11.1- mm) head, barbed, galvanized roofing nails or galvanized common nails. Nails for attaching metal plaster bases to solid substrates shall be not less than 3/4 in. (19 mm) long. 6.7.2 Screws for attaching metal plaster base shall be fabricated in accordance with either Specification C 954 or C 1002 and shall have a 7/16 in. (11.1 mm) diameter pan wafer head and a 0.120 in. (3.0 mm) diameter shank. Screws used for attachment to metal framing members shall be self-drilling and self-tapping. Screws used for attachment to wood framing members shall be sharp-point. 7. Installation 7.1 Workmanship-Metal furring and lathing shall be erected so that the finished plaster surfaces are true to line (allowable tolerance of Vi in. [6.4 mm] in 10 ft [3.05 m]), level, plumb, square, or curved as required to receive the specified plaster thickness. 7.2 Hangers and Inserts: 7.2.1 Hangers shall be of ample length and shall conform to the requirements of Table 2 both as to size and maximum area to be supported, except as modified in this section. 7.2.2 When 1 by 3/16-in. (25 by 4.8-mm) flat inserts and hangers are used, 7/16-in. (11.1-mm) diameter holes shall be provided on the center line at the lower end of the insert and upper end of the hanger to permit the attachment of the hanger TABLE 2 Allowable Support or Hanger Wire Spacing ft-in. (mm) and Cold-Rolled Channel Main Runner Spans, ft-in. (mm)1-1° NOTE-1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2 Member Size, in. (mm) Member Weight, lb/1000 ft (kg/m) Uniform Load = 12 psf (0.479 kPa) Span Condition90° Member Spacing, in. (mm) 24 (610) 36 (914) 48 (1220) 60 (1520) 72 (1830) Allowable Hanger Wire or Support Spacing, ft-in. (mm) 11/2 414 Single 3-6 (1070) 3-1 (940) 2-9 (840) 2-9 (790) 2-5 (740) (38.1) (0.615) 2 or More 4-11 (1500) 4-2 (1270) 3-7 (1090) 3-2 (970) 2-11 (890) 2 506 Single 3-9 (1140) 3-3 (990) 3-0 (910) 2-9 (840) 2-8 (810) (50.8) (0.753) 2 or More 5-2 (1570) 4-6 (1370) 4-1 (1240) 3-10 (1170) 3-7 (1090) 21/2 597 Single 3-11 (1190) 3-5 (1040) 3-2 (970) 2-11 (890) 2-9 (840) (63.5) (0.888) 2 or More 5-5 (1650) 4-9 (1450) 4-4 (1320) 4.0 (1220) 3-10 (1170) Uniform Load = 15 psf (0.287 kPa) Member Size, in. (mm) Member Weight, lb/1000 ft (kg/m) Span Condition9.10 Member Spacing, in. (mm) 24 (610) 36 (914) 48 (1220) 60 (1520) 72 (1830) 11/2 414 Single 3-3 (990) 2-10 (860) 2-7 (790) 2-4 (710) 2-2 (660) (38.1) (0.616) 2 or More 4-6 (1370) 3-8 (1120) 3-2 (970) 2-10 (860) 2-7 (790) 2 506 Single 3-6 (1070) 3-1 (940) 2-10 (880) 2-7 (790) 2-5 (740) (50.8) (0.753) 2 or More 4-10 (1470) 4-3 (1300) 3-10 (1170) 3-6 (1070) 3-3 (990) 21/2 597 Single 3-8 (1120) 3-3 (990) 2-11 (890) 2-9 (840) 2-7 (790) (63.5) (0.888) 2 or More 5-0 (1520) 4-5 (1350) 4-0 (1220) 3.9 (1140) 3-6 (1070) Allowable Spans Notes: I Bare metal thickness of cold-rolled main runners shall be not less than 0.0538 in. (1.367 mm). 2 Inside corner radii shall not be greater than 1/8 in. (3.19 mm). 3 Spans based on upper flange of main runners laterally unbraced. 4 Maximum deflection limited to 1/360 of the span length. 5 Steel yield stress, Fy, shall be not less than 33 000 psi (228 MPa). 6 Uniform load 12 psf (dry density) shall be used for portland cement plaster ceilings with plaster thicknesses up to 2/3 in. (22 mm) and 15 psf shall be used for ceil- ings with plaster thicknesses over 7/8 in. (22 mm) and not more than 1-1A in. (32 mm). 7 "2 or More" spans refers to two or more continuous, equal spans. 8 For the "2 or More" span condition, listed spans represent the center-to-center distance between adjacent supports. 9 These tables are designed for dead loads. Specific conditions such as exterior installations in high wind areas require additional engineering. 1° Where uplift resistance is required for suspended ceilings to resist negative forces, the architect or engineer of record shall select the method to be used. 3 FIG. 4 Hanger Attached to Support Through a Drilled Hole FLAT HANGER BOLT MAIN RUNNER C 1063 - 03 to the insert. The edge of the holes in both the inserts and the hangers shall be not less than 'A in. (9.5 mm) from the ends. 7.2.3 In concrete, hangers shall be attached to inserts embedded in the concrete or to other attachment devices designed for this purpose and able to develop full strength of the hanger. 7.2.4 Flat, steel hangers shall be bolted to 1 by 3/16-in. (25 by 4.8-mm) inserts with 3/8-in. (9.5-mm) diameter round-head stove bolts. (See Fig. 3.) 7.2.5 The nuts of the bolts shall be drawn up tight. Nom 3—Hangers required to withstand upward wind pressures shall be of a type to resist compression. Struts of formed channels shall be permitted. 7.3 Installation of Hangers for Suspended Ceilings Under Wood Constructions—Hangers shall be attached to supports by any of the following methods: 7.3.1 A hole shall be drilled through the wood member not less than 3 in. (76 mm) above the bottom with the upper end of the wire hanger passed through the hole and twisted three times around itself. See Fig. 4. 7.3.2 Three 12d nails shall be driven, on a downward slant, into the sides of the wood member with not less than 11/4 in. (31.8 mm) penetration and not less than 5 in. (127 mm) from the bottom edges, and not more than 36 in. (914 mm) on the center with the upper end of the wire hanger wrapped around the nails and twisted three times around itself. See Fig. 5. 7.3.3 A loop shall be formed in the upper end of the wire hanger and secured to the wood member by four 11/2-in. FIG. 3 Flat Hanger Attached to Main Runner Using Round-Head Stove Bolt (38.1-mm), not less than 9 gage, 0.1483-in. (3.77-mm) diam- eter wire staples driven horizontally or on a downward slant into the sides of the wood members, three near the upper end of the loop and the fourth to fasten the loose end. See Fig. 6. 7.3.4 Where supports for flooring are thicker than 11/2 in. (38.1 mm) and are spaced more than 4 ft (1.2 m) on center, 11/2 in. (38.1-mm) No. 1/0 (0.3065 in.) (7.78 mm) eye screws, or equivalent, spaced not more than 3 ft (0.9 m) on centers shall be screwed into the flooring supports with the upper end of the wire hanger inserted through the eye screws and twisted three times around itself. 7.3.5 Two holes shall be drilled in the upper end of the flat hangers and nailed to the sides of the wood members with 12d nails driven through the holes and clinched. Nails shall be not less than 3 in. (76 mm) above the bottom edge of the framing member. See Fig. 7. 7.4 Attachment of Hangers to Main Runners: 7.4.1 Wire hangers shall be saddle-tied to the runners. See Fig. 1. 7.4.2 Smooth or threaded rod hangers shall be fastened to the runners with special attachments appropriate to the design. 7.4.3 The lower ends of flat hangers shall be bolted to the main runners, or bent tightly around the runners and carried up and above the runners and bolt to the main part of the hanger. Bolts shall be 3/8-in. (9.5-mm) diameter, round-head stove bolts. See Fig. 3. 7.5 Installation of Main Runners: 4 0 C 1063 — 03 FIG. 5 Hanger Attached to Support Using Nails 7.5.1 Minimum sizes and maximum spans and spacings of main runners for the various spans between hangers or other supports shall be in accordance with the requirements of Table 2. 7.5.2 A clearance of not less than 1 in. (25 mm) shall be maintained between the ends of the main runners and the abutting masonry or the concrete walls, partitions, and col- umns. Where special conditions require that main runners let into abutting masonry or concrete construction, within such constructions maintain a clearance of not less than 1 in. (25 mm) from the ends and not less than 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) from the tops and sides of the runners. 7.5.3 A main runner shall be located within 6 in. (152 mm) of the paralleling walls to support the ends of the cross furring. The ends of main runners shall be supported by hangers located not more than 6 in. (152 mm) from the ends. 7.5.4 Where main runners are spliced, the ends shall be overlapped not less than 12 in. (305 mm) with flanges of channels interlocked and securely tied near each end of the splice with double loops of 0.0625 in. (1.59 mm) or double loops of twin strands of 0.0475-in. (1.21-mm) galvanized wire. However, when the splice occurs at an expansion/control joint, the channel shall be nested and loosely tied to hold together but still allow movement. 7.5.5 Hanger wires shall hang straight down. If an obstacle prevents this, a trapeze type device shall be used to allow hanger wires to hang straight. 7.6 Installation of Cross Furring: FIG. 6 Hanger Attached to Support Using Staples 7.6.1 Minimum size and maximum spans and spacings of various types of cross furring for various spans between main runners and supports shall conform to the requirements of Table 2. 7.6.2 Cross furring shall be saddle-tied to main runners with 0.0625-in. 16 gage (1.59-mm) galvanized wire, or a double strand of 0.0475-in. 18 gage (1.21-mm) galvanized wire or with special galvanized clips, or equivalent attachments. (See Fig. 2.) 7.6.3 Where cross furring members are spliced, the ends shall be overlapped not less than 8 in. (203 mm), with flanges of channels interlocked, and securely tied near each end of the splice with double loops of 0.0625-in. 16 gage (1.59-mm) galvanized wire or twin strands of 0.0475-in. 18 gage (1.21- mm) galvanized wire. 7.6.4 Cross furring shall not come into contact with abutting masonry or reinforced concrete walls or partitions except, where special conditions require that cross furring be let into abutting masonry or concrete construction, the applicable provisions of 7.5.2 shall apply. 7.6.5 Main runners and cross running shall be interrupted at control (expansion) joints. However, when the splice occurs at an expansion/control joint, the channel shall be nested and loosely tied to hold together but still allow movement. 7.7 Metal Furring for Walls: 7.7.1 Attachments for furring shall be concrete nails driven securely into concrete or into masonry joints, short pieces of 5 FIG. 7 Flat Hanger Attached to Support Using Nails • C 1063 - 03 3/4-in. (19.1-mm) channels used as anchors driven into masonry joints, or other devices specifically designed as spacer ele- ments, spaced horizontally not more than 2 ft (0.6 m) on centers. They shall be spaced vertically in accordance with horizontal stiffener spacing so that they project from the face of the wall in order for ties to be made. 7.7.2 Horizontal stiffeners shall be not less than 3/4 in. (19.5-mm) cold-rolled channels, spaced not to exceed 54 in. (1372 mm) on centers vertically, with the lower and upper channels not more than 6 in. (152 mm) from the ends of vertical members and not less than 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) clear from the wall face, securely tied to attachments with three loops of galvanized, soft-annealed wire, or equivalent devices. Ap- proved furring is not prohibited from use in this application. 7.7.3 Vertical members shall be not less than 3/4 in. (19.5- mm) cold-rolled channels in accordance with the requirements of Table 3. Vertical members shall be saddle-tied to horizontal stiffeners with three loops of 0.0475-in. (1.21-mm) galvanized soft-annealed wire, or equivalent devices, at each crossing, and securely anchored to the floor and ceiling constructions. Where furring is not in contact with the wall, channel braces shall be installed between horizontal stiffeners and the wall, spaced horizontally not more than 2 ft (600 mm) on centers. 7.7.4 Where dampproofing has been damaged during instal- lation of attachments, the dampproofing shall be repaired with the same material before proceeding with the installation of the furring. 7.8 Lapping of Metal Plaster Bases: TABLE 3 Types and Weights of Metal Plaster Bases and Corresponding Maximum Permissible Spacing of Supports Type of Metal Plaster Base Maximum Permissible Spacing of Supports Center to Center, in. (mm) Minimum Weight of Metal Plaster Base Walls (Partitions) Ceilings lb/ye(kg/m2) Wood Studs or Furring Solid Partitions' Ste Steel Studs or Furring Wood or Concrete Metal U.S. Nominal Weights: Diamond Mese 2.5 (1.4) 16 (406)c 16(406) 16 (406)c 12(305) 12(305) 3.4 (1.8) 16 (406)c 16(406) 16 (406)c 16(406) 16(406) Flat Rib 2.75 (1.5) 16(406) 16(406) 16(406) 16(406) 16(406) 3.4 (1.8) 19(482) 24(610) 19(482) 19(482) 19(482) Flat Rib (large opening) 1.8 (0.95) 24(610) 24(610) 24(610) 16(406) 16(406) % in. Rib 3.4 (1.8) 24(610) N/AD 24(610) 24(610) 24(610) 4.0 (2.1) 24 (610) N/A 24 (610) 24 (610) 24 (610) 3/4 in. Rib 5.4 (2.9) 24(610) N/A 24(610) 36 (914) 36(914) Welded Wire 1.4 (0.8) 16(406) 16(406) 16(406) 16 (406) 16(406) 1.95(1.1) 24(610) 24(610) 24(610) 24(610) 24(610) Woven Wire' 1.1 (0.6) 24 (610) 16(406) 16(406) 16(406) 24(610) 1.4 (0.6) 24(610) 16(406) 16(406) 24(610) 16(406) Canadian Nominal Weights: Diamond Mese 2.5 (1.4) 16(406) 12(305) 12(305) 12(305) 12(305) 3.0 (1.6) 16(406) 12(305) 12 (305) 12(305) 12(305) 3.4 (1.8) 16(406) 16(406) 16(406) 16 (406) 16(406) Flat Rib 2.5 (1.4) 16(406) 12(305) 12(305) 12(305) 12(305) 3.0 (1.6) 16(406) 16(406) 16(406) 16(406) 131/2 (343) 3/ I in. Rib 3.0 (1.6) 19(482) N/A 16(406) 16(406) 16(406) 3.5 (1.9) 24(610) N/A 19(482) 19(482) 19(482) 4.0 (2.1) 24(610) N/A 24(610) 24(610) 24(610) ' Where plywood is used for sheathing, a minimum of 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) separation shall be provided between adjoining sheets to allow for expansion. 8 Metal plaster bases shall be furred away from vertical supports or solid surfaces at least 1/4 in. Self-furring lath meets furring requirements; except, furring of expanded metal lath is not required on supports having a bearing surface of 1% in. or less. C These spacings are based on unsheathed walls. Where self-furring lath is placed over sheathing or a solid surface, the permissible spacing of supports shall be no more than 24 in. (610 mm). D Not applicable. 6 C 1063 — 03 TABLE 4 Spans and Spacing of Cold-Rolled Channel Cross- Furring MembersA A c, D, E, F Design Load, 12 psf (575 Pa) Allowable Span, Main Runners or Supports Ft-in. (mm) Member Depth Spacing, in. (mm) Simple Span Two or More Spans°." 3/4 (19) 13.5 (343) 2-9 (840) 3-5 (1040) 16 (406) 2-7 (790) 3-3 (990) 19 (483) 2-7 (740) 3-0 (910) 24 (610) 2-3 (690) 2-10 (860) 11/2 (38) 13.5 (343) 4-6 (1370) 5-8 (1730) 16 (406) 4-3 (1300) 5-5 (1650) 19 (483) 4-0 (1220) 5-1 (1550) 24 (610) 3-8 (1120) 4-9 (1450) A Bare metal thickness of cold-rolled members shall not be less than 0.0538 in. (1.367 mm). Inside corner radii shall not be greater than Yri in. (3.17 mm). °Spans based on upper flange of cross-furring laterally unbraced. °Maximum deflection limited to Yasoth of span length unbraced. E Steel yield stress, Fy, shall not be less than 33 000 psi (228 MPa). F Tabulated spans apply only to cross-furring with webs oriented vertically. G "Two or more" spans refers to two or more continuous, equal spans. "For the "two or more span conditions, listed spans represent the center-to- center distance between adjacent supports. 7.8.1 Side laps of metal plaster bases shall be secured to framing members. They shall be tied between supports with 0.0475-in. (1.21-mm) wire at intervals not more than 9 in. (229 mm). - 7.8.2 Metal lath shall be lapped 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) at the sides, or nest the edge ribs. Wire lath shall be lapped one mesh at the sides and the ends. Lap metal lath 1 in. (25 mm) at ends. -Where end laps occur between the framing members, the ends of the sheets of all metal plaster bases shall be laced or wire tied with 0.0475-in. (1.21-mm) galvanized, annealed steel wire. 7.8.3 Where metal plaster base with backing is used, the vertical and horizontal lap joints shall be backing on backing and metal on metal. Backing shall be lapped not less than 2 in. (50 mm). On walls, the backing shall be lapped so water will flow to the exterior. Backing shall not be placed between plaster base (lath) and flanges of accessories. Metal lath to metal flange contact shall be required to ensure that flanges are mechani- cally locked together. 7.9 Spacing of Attachments for Metal Plaster Bases— Attachments for securing metal plaster bases to framing members shall be spaced not more than 7 in. (178 mm) apart for diamond mesh and flat rib laths and at each rib for 3/8 in. (9.5-mm) rib lath. 7.10 Application of Metal Plaster Bases: 7.10.1 General: The spacing of framing members for the type and weight of metal plaster base used shall conform to the requirements of Table 3. Metal plaster bases shall be attached to framing members at not more than 7 in. (178 mm) along framing members except for 3/8-in. (9.5-mm) rib metal lath that shall be attached at each rib. Lath shall be applied with the long dimension at right angles to the supports, unless otherwise specified. Ends of adjoining plaster bases shall be staggered. Lath shall not be continuous through control joints but shall be stopped and tied at each side. Where furred or suspended ceilings butt into or are penetrated by columns, walls, beams, or other elements, the edges and ends of the ceiling lath shall be terminated at the horizontal internal angles with a casing bead, control joint, or similar device designed to keep the edges and ends of the ceiling lath and plaster free of the adjoining vertically oriented, or penetrating elements. Cornerite shall not be used at these locations. A clearance of not less than 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) shall be maintained between the bead and all such elements. Where load bearing walls or partitions butt into structural walls, columns, or floor or roof slabs, the sides or ends of the wall or partition lath shall be terminated at the internal angles with a casing bead, expansion/control joint, or similar device designed to keep the sides and ends of the wall or partition lath free of the adjoining elements. Cornerite shall not be used at these internal angles. A clearance of not less than 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) shall be maintained from all abutting walls, columns, or other vertical elements. 7.10.2 Attachments for Metal Plaster Bases to Wood Fram- ing Members: Lath shall be attached to framing members with attachments spaced not more than 7 in. (178 mm) on centers along supports. Diamond-mesh expanded metal lath, flat-rib ex- panded metal lath, and wire lath shall be attached to horizontal wood framing members with 11/2-in. (38.1-mm) roofing nails driven flush with the plaster base and attached to vertical wood framing members with 6d common nails, or 1-in. (25-mm) roofing nails driven to a penetration of not less than 3/4 in. (19.1 mm), or 1-in. (25-mm) wire staples driven flush with the plaster base. Staples shall have crowns not less than 3/4 in. (19.05 mm) and shall engage not less than three strands of lath and penetrate the wood framing members not less than 3/4 in. (19.05 mm). When metal lath is applied over sheathing, use fasteners that will penetrate the structural members not less than 3/4 in. (19 mm). Expanded 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) rib lath shall be attached to horizontal and vertical wood framing members with nails or 7 • C 1063 — 03 staples to provide not less than 13/4-in. (44.5-mm) penetration into horizontal wood framing members, and 3/4-in. (19.1-mm) penetration into vertical wood framing members. Common nails shall be bent over to engage not less than three strands of lath, or be bent over a rib when rib lath is installed. Screws used to attach metal plaster base to hori- zontal and vertical wood framing members shall penetrate not less than 5A in. (15.9 mm) into the member when the lath is installed and shall engage not less than three strands of lath. When installing rib lath, the screw shall pass through, but not deform, the rib. 7.10.3 Attachments for Metal Plaster Bases to Metal Fram- ing Members: Except as described in, all metal plaster bases shall be securely attached to metal framing members with 0.0475-in. 18 gage (1.21-mm) wire ties, clips or by other means of attachment which afford carrying strength and resistance to corrosion equal to or superior to that of the wire. Rib metal lath shall be attached to open-web steel joists by single ties of galvanized, annealed steel wire, not less than 0.0475 in. (1.21 mm), with the ends of each tie twisted together 11/2 times. Screws used to attach metal plaster base to metal framing members shall project not less than 3A in. (9.5 mm) through the metal framing member when the lath is installed and shall engage not less than three strands of lath. When installing rib lath, the screw shall pass through, but not deform, the rib. 7.10.4 Attachments for Metal Plaster Bases to Concrete Joists—Rib metal lath shall be attached to concrete joists by loops of 0.0800-in. (2.03-mm) galvanized, annealed steel wire, with the ends of each loop twisted together. 7.10.5 Metal plaster bases shall be attached to masonry or concrete with power or powder actuated fasteners or a combi- nation of power or powder actuated fasteners and hardened concrete stub nails. One power or powder actuated fastener shall be located at each corner and one at the mid point of the long dimension adjacent to the edge of the metal plaster base sheet. The balance of the sheet shall be fastened with power or powder actuated fasteners or hardened concrete stub nails. The fasteners shall be installed in rows not more than 16 in. (406 mm) on center and spaced vertically along each row not more 7 in. (178 mm) on center. All fasteners shall be corrosion resistant and shall be not less than 3/4 in. (19 mm) long, with heads not less than 3A in. (9.5 mm) wide. 7.11 Application of Accessories: 7.11.1 General—All metal accessories shall be installed in such a manner than flanges and clips provided for their attachment are completely embedded in the plaster. Accessories shall be attached to substrate in such a manner as to ensure proper alignment during application of plaster. Flanges of accessories shall be secured at not more than 7 in. (178 mm) intervals along supports. 7.11.2 Corner Beads—Corner beads shall be installed to protect all external corners and to establish grounds. External Corner Reinforcement—External corner reinforcement shall be installed to reinforce all external corners where corner bead is not used. Where no external corner reinforcement or corner bead is used, lath shall be furred out and carried around corners not less than one support on frame construction. 7.11.3 Casing Beads—Nonload-bearing members shall be isolated from load-bearing members, and all penetrating ele- ments, with casing beads or other suitable means, to avoid transfer of structural loads, and to separate from dissimilar materials. 7.11.4 Control Joints-General—Control joints shall be formed by using a single prefabricated member or fabricated by installing casing beads back to back with a flexible barrier membrane behind the casing beads. The separation spacing shall be not less than 1/2 in. (3.2 mm) or as required by the anticipated thermal exposure range and shall be in conform- ance with Control Joints—Control (expansion and contrac- tion) joints shall be installed in walls to delineate areas not more than 144 ft2(13.4 m2) and to delineate areas not more than 100 ft2(9.30 m2) for all horizontal applications, that is, ceilings, curves, or angle type structures. The distance between control joints shall not ex- ceed 18 ft (5.5 m) in either direction or a length-to-width ratio of 21/2 to 1. A control joint shall be installed where the ceiling framing or furring changes direction. A control joint shall be installed where an expan- sion joint occurs in the base exterior wall. Wall or partition height door frames shall be considered as control joints. 7.11.5 Foundation Weep Screed—Foundation weep screed shall be installed at the bottom of all steel or wood framed exterior walls to receive lath and plaster. Place the bottom edge of the foundation weep screed not less than 1 in. (25 mm) below the joint formed by the foundation and framing. The nose of the screed shall be placed not less than 4 in. (102 mm) above raw earth or 2 in. (51 mm) above paved surfaces. The weather resistive barrier and lath shall entirely cover the vertical attachment flange and terminate at the top edge of the nose or ground flange. 8. Keywords 8.1 ceiling; expansion control joints; lath; plaster; screed; suspended ceiling; walls 8 C 1063 - 03 ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or servicegastm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org). 9 4 APA The Engineered Wood Association PRODUCT GUIDE 011iENT[1] ST HI BOARD APA The Engineered Wood Association DO THE RIGHT THING RIGHT.Th' 01 9 9 9 AP A - TH E EN G I N E E R ED W O O D AS S O C I A T I ON • AL L R I G H T S RE S E R V E D . • A N Y C O PY I NG , M OD I F I C A T I O N , DIS T R IB U T I ON O R O T H E R U SE OF T H I S P U B L IC A TION OT H E R T H A N A S E X P R E SS L Y A U T H O R I Z E D B Y A P A I S P R O H I B I T E D B Y T H E U . S. C O P Y R I GH T Wood is good. It is the earth's natural, energy efficient and renewable building material. Engineered wood is a better use of wood. It uses less wood to make more wood products. That's why using APA trademarked plywood, oriented strand board and APA EWS glued laminated timbers is the right thing to do. A few facts about wood. • We're not running out of trees. One-third of the United States land base - 731 million acres - is covered by forests. About two-thirds of that 731 million acres is suitable for repeated planting and harvesting of timber. But only about half of the land suitable for growing timber is open to logging. Most of that harvestable acreage is open to other uses, such as camping, hiking, hunting, etc. Forests fully cover one-half of Canada's land mass. Of this forestland, nearly half is considered productive, or capable of producing timber on a sustained yield basis. Canada has the highest per capita accumulation of protected natural areas in the world - areas including national and provincial parks. • We're growing more wood every day. American landowners plant more than two billion trees every year. In addition, millions of trees seed naturally. The forest products industry, which comprises about 15 percent of foresdand ownership, is responsible for 41 percent of replanted forest acreage. That works out to more than one billion trees a year, or about three million trees planted every day. This high rate of replanting accounts for the fact that each year, 27 percent more timber is grown than is harvested. The Canadian forest products industry annually harvests only 4/10 of one percent of the country's productive forestlands. Canada's replanting record shows a fourfold increase in the number of trees planted between 1975 and 1990. • Manufacturing wood is energy efficient. Wood products made up 47 percent of all industrial raw materials manufactured in the United States, yet consumed only 4 percent of the energy needed to manufacture all industrial raw materials, according to a 1987 study. • Good news for a healthy planet. For every ton of wood grown, a young forest produces 1.07 tons of oxygen and absorbs 1.47 tons of carbon dioxide. Wood. It's the right product for the environment. Material Percent of Production Percent of Energy Use Wood 47 4 Steel 23 48 Aluminum 2 8 A IPA Elmo H ENG IA INE TioN WOOD ASS°C 141-°°11 araD SII113°1-32 mai spNcIt4G 1-4joivi 41-112 osto. Em- 000 SINGLE FLOOR ps 2-92 1.10.9M-40 pRP-1°8 NOTICE: The recommendations in this guide apply only to panels that bear the APA trademark. Only panels bearing the APA trademark are subject to the Association's quality auditing program. corn squeak-free floors to solid wall and roof sheathing, oriented strand board (OSB) is helping to shape how the world builds. OSB is engineered for strength and designed for a variety of applications. For about two decades. OSB has been a proven performer for many residential and nonresidential applications. Its performance has allowed OSB to gain entry into new markets, including materials-handling applications, the structural insulated panel industry, do-it-yourself projects, wood I-joist products, and industrial applications such as furniture, and trailer liners. This brochure from APA — The Engineered Wood Association describes OSB's features, uses, quality assurance, and performance. APA began providing a quality assurance program for OSB in 1981 and has led the engineered wood industry in OSB research and quality programs ever since. The APA trademark is the manufac- turer's assurance to you that the OSB panel is produced to APA's stringent requirements as well as to U.S. and Canadian standard requirements. The APA trademark also assures you that an OSB manufacturer is committed to quality. CONTENTS Product Features 4 Quality Assurance 6 OSB Applications and Common Sizes 7 Span Ratings 9 OSB Storage and Handling . . 11 APA Provides Quality Assurance and More 11 2000 APA - The Engineered Wood Association PRODUCT FEATURES OSB is made from real wood OSB is manufactured in a cross-oriented pattern similar to plywood to create a strong, stiff structural panel. OSB is composed of thin rectangular-shaped wood strands arranged in layers at right angles to one another, which are laid up into mats that form a panel. OSB is bonded with fully waterproof adhesives. Most panels are also treated with a sealant on the panel edges to guard against moisture penetration during shipment. As an added feature, panels are often textured on at least one side to provide a slip-resistant surface. OSB uses the wood resource very effi- ciently, in part because sheathing panels can be made using smaller, younger fast- growing tree species such as aspen and southern yellow pine. Plus, about 85- 90 percent of a log can be used to make high quality structural panels, and the remainder — bark, saw trim, and saw- dust — can be converted into energy, pulp chips or bark dust. OSB manufacture In the first phase of OSB manufacture, logs are debarked and cut to a uniform length. The logs are then turned into strands or wafers. The strands are dried with heat in a large rotating drum which is screened to grade for strands that are the correct size. The dried strands are sprayed with liquid or powder resin and then transported in layers on a conveyer system to a forming line, where the layers are cross-oriented into mats. For face layers, the strands generally run along the panel, while for core layers, the strands are randomly oriented or run across the panel. The mats are trimmed to a workable size and then moved to a press where the wood strands and glue are bonded together under heat and pressure to create a structural panel. Finally, the panels are cut to size. Panels can be manufactured in many sizes simply by altering the cutting pattern. 4 © 2000 APA - The Engineered Wood Association OSB is engineered to perform Over a decade of laboratory tests and use in the field have proven that OSB is an excellent performer. Performance begins when the panel leaves the manu- facturer. The panels remain flat and square during storage and transporta- tion, so they arrive at the jobsite flat and easy to install; tongue-and-groove panels effortlessly fit together. Relative to their strength, OSB panels are light in weight and easy to handle and install. Frequently, the panels are textured or splatter-coated on one side to increase traction on the panel surface. This is especially useful when the panels are used for roof sheathing, because the textured surface provides better footing for workers. OSB is designed to with- stand exposure to the weather during construction. OSB's performance continues long after the panel is put to use. The panels exhibit excellent fastener-holding capa- bility, even when nailed close to the panel edge. OSB resists deflection, delamination and warping because the wood and adhesives work together to create a strong, dimensionally stable panel. OSB panels are made of real wood, a natural insulator which provides excellent protection against heat loss and condensation. Many OSB panels are manufactured in large dimen- sions, minimizing the number of joints that can "leak" heat and admit airborne noise into the structure. In addition, the panels resist racking and shape distortion under high wind and earthquake forces. 5 2000 APA - The Engineered Wood Association 1 APA panel grade 2 Panel mark - Rating and end-use designation, Canadian standard 3 Canadian performance-rated panel standard 4 Thickness 5 Mill number FIGURE 1 TYPICAL APA TRADEMARK THE ENGINEERED WOOD ASSOCIATION RATED SHEATHING 32/16 15/32 INCH SIZED FOR SPACING EXPOSURE 1 000 PRP-108 HUD-UM-40 1 APA panel grade 2 Span rating 3 Exposure durability classification 4 Thickness 5 Mill number 6 APA's performance-rated panel standard FIGURE 2 TYPICAL APA TRADEMARK, CONFORMING TO CSA-0325 THE ENGINEERED WOOD ASSOCIATION RATED SHEATHING 24/16 7/16 INCH SIZED FOR SPACING EXPOSURE 1 000 PS 2-92 SHEATHING PRP-108 HUD-UM-40 CONSTRUCTION SHEATHING 1R24/2F16/ W24 10.5mm CSA 0325 EXTERIOR TYPE ADHESIVE 2000 Al' - The Engineered Wood Association -ce Q ILI AL I TV ASSU RAN CE OSB panels that bear the APA trademark are manufactured under APAs rigorous quality assurance program, and are recognized by the major U.S. and Canadian building codes, as well as many international building codes. Each panel is "performance rated," which means the panel meets the performance requirements necessary for its end-use application. Standards recognition in the United States Most North American OSB panels are manufactured in conformance with Voluntary Product Standard PS-2 or APA PRP-108 performance standards. Panels, similar to those described in the repre- sentative trademarks in Figure 1, are evaluated for their performance in spe- cific end-use markets. Panel applications described in PS-2 and APA PRP-108 include floors, walls, and roofs. These standards are recognized in the major model building codes in the United States: 1) National Building Code, 2) Uniform Building Code, 3) Standard Building Code, and the International Building Code* and International Residential Code*, or by National Evaluation Service Report NER-108. *Scheduled for publication in the year 2000. Standards recognition in Canada Many North American OSB panels are manufactured in conformance to the requirements of CAN/CSA-0325.0-92 Construction Sheathing. The panel trademark shown in Figure 2 is repre- sentative of the marks APA applies to OSB manufactured in accor- dance with the Canadian standard. OSB panels manufactured to the CAN/CSA-0325.0-92 standard are recognized in the National Building Code of Canada and other provincial codes for use in flooring, wall, and roof construction. Performance standards A performance standard sets perfor- mance requirements for a product based on that product's intended end use. The advantage of a wood structural panel performance standard is that it provides a common baseline of perfor- mance for all panel types, regardless of the manufacturing method. By placing emphasis on product performance rather than on manufacturing method, you — the consumer — stand to benefit. A performance standard sets require- ments based on a panel's end use, while a prescriptive standard defines mini- mum manufacturing requirements. The objective of a performance standard is to provide flexibility in manufacturing while assuring that a product will satisfy the requirements of the intended use. Performance standards help to encour- age more efficient use of resources because panel producers have more freedom to use innovative manufactur- ing techniques that use greater percent- ages of each log and allow for the utilization of a wide range of species. The wood products industry was not the first to use performance standards and testing. The electronics, automo- tive, and aircraft industries all use per- formance standards for a variety of parts and products. Panels manufactured under APA performance standards are rated for three end uses: sheathing for floors, walls, and roofs (APA Rated Sheathing); single-layer flooring (APA Rated Sturd-I-Floor); and exterior siding (APA Rated Siding). The three basic criteria for qualifying OSB products under APA performance standards are: structural adequacy, dimensional stability, and bond durabil- ity. Performance criteria in each of these categories were established by building code requirements and through tests of panel products with known acceptance in the marketplace. These tests assure that panels possess the structural requirements necessary for uniform load, concentrated load, shear wall, diaphragm, and other demanding end- use applications. A partial list of typical tests includes: linear expansion, racking, uniform load, concentrated static load, impact resistance, direct fastener with- drawal, and lateral fastener strength. OSB APPLICATIONS AND COIMIVION SIZES OSB is most commonly used for tradi- tional applications such as sheathing for roofs and walls, subfloors, and single- layer flooring. Its superior performance has allowed OSB to gain popularity in a variety of other areas, including: struc- tural insulated panels, the webs for wood I-joists, materials-handling appli- cations, furniture, and a variety of do-it-yourself projects. OSB panels manufactured in North America are typically 4 x 8 feet in size. Metric panel sizes are also available from some manufacturers in 1.25 x 2.50 meters. Panels for use as exterior siding are also available in narrow lap widths of 6 inches (152 mm) or 8 inches (203 mm) and 16-foot (4.88 m) lengths. Because OSB is typically manufactured in large sizes, many manufacturers can custom-make panels in almost any size by simply altering the cutting pattern. Most OSB manufacturers make oversized panels, up to 8 x 24 feet, which are typically used for panelized roof systems or mod- ular floors. In operations where over- sized panels can be handled, they provide the advantage of reducing the total number of panels required to do a job, and thus speed installation time and cost. OSB can be manufactured with square edges or with tongue-and-groove edges. Panel surface treatments may include texturing or sanding. Overlaid OSB for use as exterior siding also may be surface textured or grooved. Exposure classifications APA Performance Rated oriented strand board panels have a designated expo- sure classification, which identifies the panel's resistance to moisture exposure. Panels are classified into the following two groups: Exterior panels have a fully waterproof bond and are designed for applications subject to permanent exposure to the weather or to moisture. Exposure 1 panels have a fully water- proof bond and are designed for appli- cations where long construction delays may be expected prior to providing protection. Approximately 95 percent of Performance Rated Panels are manufac- tured with this designation. 7 0 2000 APA - The Engineered Wood Association OSB for sheathing OSB APA Rated Sheathing is intended for subflooring, wall sheathing, and roof sheathing. APA Rated Sheathing/Ceiling Deck can also be made using OSB; it is made so that one surface has an overlay, texturing, or grooving. Common thicknesses for sheathing panels are: 5/16" (7.9 mm), 3/8" (9.5 mm), 7/16" (11.1 mm), 15/32" (11.9 mm), 1/2" (12.7 mm), 19/32" (15.1 mm), 5/8" (15.9 mm), 23/32" (18.2 mm), and 3/4" (19.0 mm). OSB for flooring OSB APA Rated Sturd-I-Floor is intended for single-layer flooring under carpet and pad. APA Rated Sturd-I-Floor panels often have tongue-and-groove edges. Common thicknesses for flooring panels are: 19/32" (15.1 mm), 5/8" (15.9 mm), 23/32" (18.2 mm), 3/4" (19.0 mm), 7/8" (22.2 mm), 1" (25.4 mm), and 1-1/8" (28.6 mm). OSB for industrial and do-it-yourself applications OSB is also widely used in industrial applications. It can be used for mezza- nine floors and shelving in commercial and industrial structures. OSB also is used in furniture, reels, trailer liners, recreational vehicle floors, roofs and components. Industrial specifiers are encouraged to talk with APA mills about their particular panel needs. 8 2000 APA - The Engineered Wood Association SPAN RATINGS Span Ratings for panels used in the United States The Span Ratings in the trademarks on Performance Rated Panels denote the maximum permitted center-to-center spacing of supports, in inches, over which the panels should be installed in normal construction. For APA Rated Sheathing and Sturd-I- Floor, the Span Rating applies when the long panel dimension is across sup- ports, unless the strength axis is other- wise identified. The Span Rating for APA Rated Siding panels is for vertical installation; for lap siding, the rating applies with the long dimension across supports. For APA Rated Sheathing, the Span Rating looks like a fraction, such as 32/16. The left-hand number denotes the maximum spacing of supports (in inches) when the panel is used for roof sheathing, and the right-hand number denotes the maximum spacing of supports when the panel is used for subflooring. Sheathing panels with roof Span Ratings of 24 or greater may be used vertically or horizontally as wall sheathing over studs at 24 inches on center (o.c.). Those with roof Span Ratings of less than 24 may be used vertically or hori- zontally over studs at 16 inches o.c. APA Rated Sheathing may also be manufactured specifically for use as wall sheathing. These panels are identified with Span Ratings of Wall-16 or Wall-24. APA Rated Sturd-I-Floor panels are designed specifically for single-floor (combined subfloor-underlayment) applications under carpet and pad and are manufactured with Span Ratings of 16, 20, 24, 32, and 48 oc. APA Rated Siding is produced with Span Ratings of 16 and 24 oc. Both panels and lap siding may be used direct to studs or over non-structural sheathing (Sturd-I-Wall construction) or over nailable panel or lumber sheathing (double wall construction). Building precisely at Span Ratings will meet minimum code requirements. For structures that will exceed minimum code requirements, specify panels with Span Ratings greater than the spacing of supports. Allowable uniformly distributed live load at maximum span for APA Rated Sturd-I-Floor and APA Rated Sheathing is 100 psf live load for floors plus 10 psf dead load (65 psf total load for Sturd-I- Floor 48 oc) and 30 psf snow load for roofs (35 psf for Rated Sheathing 48/24 or greater) plus 10 psf dead load. Higher live load levels can be achieved by plac- ing supports closer than the maximum span indicated on the APA Rated Sheathing or Sturd-I-Floor trademarks. Refer to APNs Design/Construction Guide: Residential and Commercial for these live load capacities. Span Ratings for panels used in Canada The Span Ratings in the trademarks on Performance Rated Panels denote the maximum recommended centre-to- centre spacing of supports, in inches, over which the panels should be installed. The Span Rating, also referred to as "panel mark," applies when the long panel dimension runs across the supports, unless the strength axis is otherwise identified. APA Rated Sheathing and APA Rated Sturd-I-Floor panels intended for use in Canada are marked with one or more Span Ratings to show maximum support spacings for subfloors, roofs, and/or walls. Span Ratings for floors and roofs include a number and letter to indicate the end use, followed by a two-digit number, or span mark, representing the maximum allowable span in inches. An "F" in the Span Rating represents floors, while the "R" signifies roofs. In the case of floors, the prefix "1" indicates that the panel is designed for use as a single-layer floor (no separate underlay required under carpet and pad); a "2" indicates that an additional layer of panel-type underlay is required. For example, 2F16 is a Span Rating for a two-layer subfloor- ing system (subfloor with underlay to be added), where supports are spaced a maximum of 16 inches on centre. For roofs, the prefix "1" indicates that no additional edge support is required at maximum span; a panel with a "2" will require edge support such as panel clips at maximum span. A Span Rating of 2R24, therefore, represents use for roof applications with panel clips where supports are spaced a maximum of 24 inches on centre. APA Rated Sheathing Span Ratings for walls include the letter "W" to identify end use followed by a two-digit number, 9 2000 APA - The Engineered Wood Association PANEL MARKS FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEATHING PRODUCTS Manufactured under Canadian Standard CAN/CSA-0325.0-92 TABLE 1 END-USE MARKS For Panels Marked Assumed End Use 1F Subflooring (single-layer) 2F Subflooring used with panel-type underlay 1R Roof sheathing used without edge support 2R Roof sheathing used with edge support Wall sheathing TABLE 2 PANEL MARKS Span Marks 16 20 24 32 40 48 Recommended Framing Member Spacing End Use 400 mm 500 mm 600 mm 800 mm 1000 mm 1200 mm Marks (16 in.) (20 in.) (24 in.) (32 in.) (40 in.) (48 in.) 1F 1F16 1F20 1F24 1F32 1F48 2F 2F16 2F20 2F24 1R 1R16 1R20 1R24 1R32 1R40 1R48 2R 2R16 2R20 2R2.4 2R32 2R40 2R48 W16 W20 W24 * Not covered in CSA-0325 Note: (1) Multiple panel marks may be used on panels qualified for more than one end use, e.g., 1R24/2F16/W24 or 2R48/2F24. 0 2000 APA - The Engineered Wood Association indicating the maximum support spacing. For example, a Span Rating of W16 appears on panels for use where the maximum spacing of wall framing members is 16 inches on centre. Building at the indicated Span Ratings will ensure that minimum code require- ments are met. For structures that will exceed minimum code requirements, specify panels with Span Ratings greater than the spacing of supports. Allowable uniformly distributed live load at maximum span for APA Rated Sturd-I-Floor and APA Rated Sheathing is 4.8 kPa (100 psf) for floors plus 0.5 kPa (10 psf) dead load (3.1 kPa [65 psf] total load for Sturd-I-Floor 1F48) and 1.4 kPa (30 psf) for roofs (1.7 kPa [35 psf] for Rated Sheathing 2R48) plus 0.5 kPa (10 psf) dead load. Higher live load levels can be achieved by placing supports closer than the maximum span indicated on the APA Rated Sheathing or Sturd-I-Floor trade- marks. Refer to APA's Design/ Construction Guide: Residential and Commercial, Form E30, or to the Residential Construction Guide, Canadian Edition, form CE R200 (English) or Form CF R200 (French) for these live load levels. OSB STORAGE AND HANDLING OSB panels require proper storage and handling. Always protect ends and edges, especially tongue-and-groove products, from physical damage. When moving bundles of panels with a forklift, place the bundles on pallets or lumber bunks to avoid damaging them with fork tines. When transporting panels on open truck beds, cover the bundles with a tarp. Whenever possible, store the panels under a cover. Keep sanded or other appearance-grade panels away from high traffic areas. If moisture absorption is expected, cut the steel band on the bundles to prevent damage. When storing panels outside, stack them on a level surface on top of stringers or other blocking. Use at least three stringers. Never leave panels in contact with the ground. Cover the stack with plastic or a tarp. Make sure the bundle is well ventilated to prevent mildew. APA PROVIDES QUALITY ASSURANCE AND IVIORE APA — The Engineered Wood Association is a nonprofit trade association whose member mills produce approximately 70 percent of the structural wood panel products manufactured in North America. Founded in 1933 as the Douglas Fir Plywood Association and widely recog- nized today as the voice of the structural wood panel industry, APA performs numerous functions and services on behalf of panel product users, specifiers, dealers, distributors, schools, universities, and other key groups. Among the most important of these functions is quality auditing. The APA trademark appears only on products manufactured by APA member mills and is the manufacturer's assurance that the product conforms to the standard shown on the trademark. For OSB, that standard may be an APA performance standard, Voluntary Product Standard PS 2-92 Performance Standard for Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels, or CAN/CSA-0325.0-92 Construction Sheathing. APA maintains five quality testing laboratories in key producing regions, and a 37,000-square-foot research center at Association headquar- ters in Tacoma, Washington. But quality validation is only one of APAs many functions. The Association also: • Operates the most sophisticated program for basic panel research in the world. • Maintains an international network of field representatives to assist panel product users, specifiers, dealers, distributors, and other segments of the trade. • Conducts informational buyer and specifier seminars and provides dealer and distributor sales training. • Publishes a vast inventory of literature on panel grades, applications, design criteria, and scores of other topics. • Advertises and publicizes panel product systems and applications in national trade and consumer magazines. • Works to secure acceptance of structural wood panel products and applications by code officials, insuring agencies and lending institutions. • Develops and maintains industry performance and product standards. • Conducts in-depth market research and development programs to identify and penetrate new panel markets. • Works in conjunction with other wood product industry organizations on solutions to problems of common concern. Always insist on panels bearing the mark of quality — the APA trademark. Your APA panel purchase or specifica- tion is your highest assurance of quality. It is also an investment in the many trade services and programs that APA undertakes on your behalf. 11 0 2000 APA - The Engineered Wood Association ORIENTED STRIIND WIR PRODUCT GUIDE D We have field representatives in most major U.S. cities and in Canada who can help answer questions involving APA trademarked products. For additional assistance in specifying APA engineered wood products, get in touch with your nearest APA regional office. Call or write: WESTERN REGION 7011 So. 19th St. • PO. Box 11700 Tacoma, Washington 98411-0700 (253) 565-6600 • Fax: (253) 565-7265 EASTERN REGION 2130 Barrett Park Drive, Suite 102 Kennesaw, Georgia 30144-3681 (770) 427-9371 • Fax: (770) 423-1703 U.S. HEADQUARTERS AND INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIVISION 7011 So. 19th St. • P.O. Box 11700 Tacoma, Washington 98411-0700 (253) 565-6600 • Fax: (253) 565-7265 Addre www.apawood.org PRODUCT SUPPORT HELP DESK (253) 620-7400 E-mail Address: help@apawood.org (Offices: Antwerp, Belgium; Bournemouth, United Kingdom; Hamburg, Germany; Mexico City, Mexico; Tokyo, Japan.) For Caribbean/Latin America, contact headquarters in Tacoma. The product use recommendations in this publica- tion are based on APA - The Engineered Wood Association's continuing programs of laboratory testing, product research, and comprehensive field experience. However, because the Association has no control over quality of workmanship or the con- ditions under which engineered wood products are used, it cannot accept responsibility for product performance or designs as actually constructed. Because engineered wood product performance requirements vary geographically, consult your local architect, engineer or design professional to assure compliance with code, construction, and performance requirements. Form No. W410B/Revised June 1999/0200 APA The Engineered Wood Association 0 2000 APA - The Engineered Wood Association Design No. U356 (Exposed to Fire on Interior Face Only) Bearing Wall Rating — 1 Hr Finish Rating —23 Min ' nZ:4, 'X X 1 A t' XRI FIRE SIDE HORIZONTAL SECTION 1. Wood Studs — Nom 2 by 4 in. spaced 16 in. OC with two 2 by 4 in. top and one 2 by 4 in. bottom plates. Studs laterally-braced by wood structural panel sheathing (Item 5) and effectively fire stopped at top and bottom of wall. 2. Gypsum Board*— Any Classified 5/8 in. thick, 4 ft wide, applied vertically and nailed to studs and bearing plates 7 in. OC with 6d cement-coated nails, 1-7/8 in. long with 1/4 in. diam head. When Item 7, Steel Framing Members*, is used, gypsum panels attached to furring channels with 1 in. long Type S bugle-head steel screws spaced 12 in. OC. See Gypsum Board (CKNX) Category for names of Classified Companies. 3. Joints and Nailheads — (Not Shown) — Wallboard joints covered with tape and joint compound. Nail heads covered with joint compound. 4. Batts and Blankets* — Mineral fiber or glass fiber insulation, 3-1/2 in. thick, pressure fit to fill wall cavities between studs and plates. Mineral fiber insulation to be unfaced and to have a min density of 3 pcf. Glass fiber insulation to be faced with aluminum foil or kraft paper and to have a min density of 0.9 pcf (min R-13 thermal insulation rating). See Batts and Blankets (BKNV) Category in the Building Materials Directory and Batts and Blankets (BZJZ) Category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names of Classified Companies. 4A. Fiber, Sprayed* — As an alternate to Batts and Blankets (Item 4)— Spray applied cellulose material. The fiber is applied with water to completely fill the enclosed cavity in accordance with the application instructions supplied with the product. Nominal dry density of 3.0 lb/ft3 . Alternate application method: The fiber is applied with U.S. Greenfiber LLC Type AD100 hot melt adhesive at a nominal ratio of one part adhesive to 6.6 parts fiber to completely fill the enclosed cavity in accordance with the application instructions supplied with the product. Nominal dry density of 2.5 lb/ft3 U S GREENFIBER L L C — Cocoon2 Stabilized or Cocoon-FRM (Fire Rated Material) 5. Wood Structural Panel Sheathing — Min 7/16 in. thick, 4 ft wide wood structural panels, min grade "C-D" or "Sheathing" . Installed with long dimension of sheet (strength axis) or face grain of plywood parallel with or perpendicular to studs. Vertical joints centered on studs. Horizontal joints backed with nom 2 by 4 in. wood blocking. Attached to studs on exterior side of wall with 6d cement coated box nails spaced 6 in. OC at perimeter of panels and 12 in. OC along interior studs. 6. Exterior Facings — Installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. One of the following exterior facings is to be applied over the sheathing: A. Vinyl Siding — Molded Plastic* — Contoured rigid vinyl siding having a flame spread value of 20 or less. See Molded Plastic (BTAT) category in the Building Materials Directory for names of manufacturers. B. Particle Board Siding — Hardboard exterior sidings including patterned panel or lap siding. C. Wood Structural Panel or Lap Siding — APA Rated Siding, Exterior, plywood, OSB or composite panels with veneer faces and structural wood core, per PS 1 or APA Standard PRP-108, including textured, rough sawn, medium density overlay, brushed, grooved and lap siding. D. Cementitious Stucco — Portland cement or synthetic stucco systems with self-furring metal lath or adhesive base coat. Thickness from 3/8 to 3/4 in., depending on system. E. Brick Veneer — Any type on nom 4 in. wide brick veneer. When brick veneer is used, the rating is applicable with exposure on either face. Brick veneer fastened with corrugated metal wall ties attached over sheathing to wood studs with 8d nail per tie: ties spaced not more than each sixth course of brick and max 32 in. OC horizontally. One in. air space provided between brick veneer and sheathing. Copyright (D 2006 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. , F. Exterior Insulation and Finish System(EIFS) — Nom 1 in. Foamed Plastic* insulation bearing the UL Classification Marking, attached over sheathing and finished with coating system, or Portland cement or synthetic stucco systems, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. See Foamed Plastic (BRYX and CCVVV) categories for names of Classified companies. G. Siding — Aluminum or steel siding attached over sheathing to studs. H. Fiber-Cement Siding — Fiber-cement exterior sidings including smooth and patterned panel or lap siding. 7. Steel Framing Members — (Optional, Not Shown)* — Furring Channels and Steel Framing Members as described below: a. Furring Channels — Formed of No. 25 MSG galv steel. 2-3/8 in. wide by 7/8 in. deep, spaced 24 in. OC perpendicular to studs. Channels secured to studs as described in Item b. Ends of adjoining channels are overlapped 6 in. and tied together with double strand of No. 18 SWG galv steel wire near each end of overlap. As an alternate, ends of adjoining channels may be overlapped 6 in. and secured together with two self-tapping #6 framing screws, min. 7/16 in. long at the midpoint of the overlap, with one screw on each flange of the channel. Gypsum board attached to furring channels as described in Item 2. b. Steel Framing Members*— Used to attach furring channels (Item 7a) to studs . Clips spaced 48 in. OC., and secured to studs with No. 8 x 2-1/2 in. coarse drywall screw through the center grommet. Furring channels are friction fitted into clips. PAC INTERNATIONAL INC — Type RSIC-1. *Bearing the UL Classification Mark Copyright 2006 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. ID) g@Ut DaVa W. R. MEADOWS. SEAITIGH Tv, CSI Code: 07 13 26 NO. 714 MARCH 2008 (Supersedes February 2007) MEL-ROL® Rolled, Self-Adhering Waterproofing Membrane DESCRIPTION MEL-ROL waterproofing system is a flexible, versatile, dependable, roll-type waterproofmg membrane. It is composed of a nominally 56 mil thick layer of polymeric waterproofing membrane on a heavy duty, four-mil thick, cross-laminated polyethylene carrier film. The two components are laminated together under strict quality- controlled production procedures. A handy overlap guideline is printed 2 'A" (63.5 mm) in from the material edge on each side to assure proper overlap coverage and to assist in maintaining a straight application. Special exposed polymeric membrane strips are provided on both sides for positive membrane-to- membrane adhesion in the overlap area. The membrane strips are protected by a pull-off release strip. All components of the MEL-ROL waterproofing system work together to provide a cost-effective, positive waterproofmg system that's quick and easy to apply. W. R. MEADOWS accessory products included in the MEL-ROL waterproofing system are: MEL-ROL LIQUID MEMBRANE, MEL-PRIME,. primers (solvent-based and water-based), POINTING MASTIC, DETAIL STRIP, CATALYTIC BONDING ASPHALT, TERMINATION BAR, PROTECTION COURSE and MEL-DRAINm drainage board. USES MEL-ROL waterproofing system provides a cost- effective answer to properly waterproof foundations, vertical walls and below-grade floors in residential and commercial construction. It is equally effective for use as between-the-slab waterproofing on plaza decks, parking decks and structural slabs. Use it as a waterproofing membrane to isolate mechanical and electronic rooms, laboratories, kitchens and bathrooms. MEL-ROL offers positive protection when "wrapped around" major rapid transit, vehicular, utility and pedestrian tunnel projects. Installation of PROTECTION COURSE from W. R. MEADOWS is recommended before backfilling. MEL- ROL can also be used with drainage boards when specified. FEATURES/BENEFITS • Provides cost-effective, flexible, versatile, dependable, positive waterproofing protection against damaging moisture migration and the infiltration of free water. • Offers a quick and easy-to-apply system for maximum productivity. • Special membrane-to-membrane adhesion provides additional overlap security. • Meets or exceeds the test requirements of all currently applicable specifications. • Components work together for positive waterproofing protection. • Handles with ease on the jobsite. • The product will help meet and maintain the maximum slab moisture transfer rate of 3 lb./1000 11.2/24 hours required by the flooring industry's specifications. • Available in a low temperature version, for use when air and surface temperatures are between 20° F (-7° C) and 60° F (16° C). PACKAGING 38.5" (.98 m) wide x 60' (18.29 m) long, one roll per carton. COVERAGE Provides 180 11.2 (17.88 m2) per roll. Gross coverage is 192.5 ft.2. (Net coverage is 180 ft.2 with overlap of 2 'A") STORAGE AND HANDLING Store membrane cartons on pallets and cover if left outside. Keep materials away from sparks and flames. Store where temperature will not exceed 90° F (32° C) for extended periods of time. SPECIFICATIONS • A.R.E.M.A. Specifications Chapter 29, Waterproofing ADDITIONAL WATERPROOFING MEMBRANES FROM W. R. MEADOWS CAN BE FOUND BY VISITING OUR WEBSITE: www.wrmeadows.com CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE... W. R. MEADOWS, INC. P.O. Box 338 • HAMPSHIRE, IL 60140-0338 Phone: 847/214-2100 • Fax: 847/683-4544 1-800-342-5976 www.wrmeadows.com HAMPSHIRE, IL / CARTERSVILLE, GA / YORK, PA FORT WORTH, TX / BENICIA, CA! POMONA, CA GOODYEAR, AZ / MILTON, ON / ST. ALBERT, AB W R. MEADOWS, PAGE 2 ... MEL-ROL #714 ... MARCH 2008 MEL-ROL COMBINES POSITIVE WATERPROOFING PROTECTION WITH EASE OF HANDLING EXCLUSIVE FEATURES A handy overlap guideline is printed 2 'A" (63.5 mm) in from the material edge on each side, assuring proper overlap coverage and assisting in maintaining a straight application. The polymeric waterproofing membrane is protected by a special, easy-to-remove release paper. The exposed membrane strips on the material edges are protected by a pull-off release strip. Exposed polymeric membrane strips are provided on both sides of MEL-ROL for positive membrane-to- membrane adhesion in the overlap area ... note the detail, as shown in inset photo. TECHNICAL DATA PROPERTY TYPICAL VALUE TEST METHOD COLOR ... Carrier Film White Polymeric Membrane Black THICKNESS ... Carrier Film 4 mils Polymeric Membrane 56 mils TENSILE STRENGTH ... Carrier Film 5900 psi min. (40.71 MPa) Polymeric Membrane 590 psi min. (4.07 MPa) ASTM D 412 (Die C) ELONGATION ... Polymeric Membrane 455% min. ASTM D 412 (Die C) PERFORMANCE OF COMPOSITE MEMBRANE PEEL ADHESION Dry 7 lb./in. (125 g/mm) Wet 7 lb/in. (125 g/mm) Footnote 1 LAP ADHESION Dry 5 lb./in. (90 g/mm) PLIABILITY 180° Bend, Unaffected 1(25.4 mm) Mandrel @ -25° F (-32° C) ASTM D 146 WATER VAPOR PERMEABILITY 0.019 Perms ASTM E-96, B WATER ABSORPTION 0.1%, 72 hrs. max. ASTM D 1970 RESISTANCE TO HYDROSTATIC HEAD Equiv. to 240' (73.1 m) of water Footnote 2 PUNCTURE RESISTANCE 67 lb. (2.98 kN) ASTM E 154 EXPOSURE TO FUNGI Pass, 16 weeks Soil Test . 90% peel after 7 days at 70° F 2. Membrane placed over a porous base in a test cell and edges sealed. Water was placed over test plus 7 days at 120° F specimen. Cell fastened and sealed and placed under 105 psi (.73 MPa) (approx. 240' (73.1 m) water plus 7 days at 70° F head) pressure for 24 hours. Test specimen did not show any water to permeate the membrane. (dry) (wet). MEL-ROL IS QUICK AND EASY TO APPLY APPLICATION SURFACE PREPARATION... Concrete should be cured at least 72 hours, be clean, thy, smooth and free of voids. Repair spalled areas; fill all voids and remove all sharp protrusions. TEMPERATURE* ... Apply in dry, fair weather when the air and surface temperatures are above 40° F (4° C). Do not apply to frozen concrete. *MEL-ROL LOW TEMP can be used when air and surface temperatures are between 20° F (- 7° C) and 60° F (16° C). PRIME ... Prior to application, prime all surfaces to be covered in one working day with applicable MEL-PRIME primer. Uncovered, primed surfaces must be re-primed the next day. Follow all instructions and precautions shown on primer containers. REMOVE release paper from MEL-ROL from the top edge of the roll and firmly press exposed area to the wall. Remove the release paper from the rolls in a downward direction, pressing MEL-ROL into place on the wall. DIAGRAM A Outside Corner Concrete 151 Wall Detail Strip Oting FOOTING DETAILS ... Use DETAIL STRIP for impaction sheet coverage. First, fold strips lengthwise and then cut at the fold. Material is then ready to install as 4 Y2" (114.3 mm) strips on either side of the rebar. Any excess can be turned down on the face of the footing. Next, fill the voids around rebars in the keyway with CATALYTIC BONDING ASPHALT. Pour the walls. Install DETAIL STRIP horizontally along the wall where it meets the footing, placing half the material up the wall and the other half onto the footing. Extend the material 4 'A" (114.3 mm) beyond outside corners. Slit extended portion of DETAIL STRIP lengthwise. Place the horizontal flap out onto the footing and bend the vertical flap around the wall. (See Diagram A.) Repeat this procedure in the opposite direction as shown in Diagram B. MEL-ROL can be applied to concrete, masonry surfaces, wood, insulated wall systems and metal. All substrates must be clean, dry and free of all surface irregularities. DIAGRAM B Outside Corner 2nd Detail Strip TERMINATION BAR or POINTING MASTIC Bead MEL-PRIME Primer MEL-DRAIN Roiled Matrix Drainage System or PROTECTION COURSE HORIZONTAL MEMBRANE 4.." (11.43 cm) wide DETAIL STRIP with a 4%"(11.43cm) wide overlap inside and outside corners MEL-PRIME Primer EL-PRIME Primer 2'1=^ (6.35cm) Overlap ME MEMB 2"*"(6.35cm) POINTING MASTIC Bead or Overlap TERMINATION BAR Drain Tile ETAIL STRIP MEL-ROL 9^ (22.86cm) wide Waterproofing Membrane CATALYTIC BONDING ASPHALT POINTING MAST! t•— Concrete , Wall 3rd. DETAIL STRIP 1st DETAIL STRIP • Footing. DIAGRAM D Inside Corner W R. MEADOWS. PAGE 3 ... MEL-ROL #714 ... MARCH 2008 POINTING DETAIL STRIP MASTIC Bead 9. (22.86cm) wide HORIZONTAL APPLICATION ... Remove release paper on edge, then position the MEL-ROL membrane. Pull balance of release paper off, running the roll from low to high points, so all laps will shed water. Stagger end laps and overlap all seams at least 2 'A" (63.5 mm). Apply a double-thickness of the MEL-ROL membrane over construction, control and expansion joints and over cracks greater than 1/16" (1.59 mm) wide. VERTICAL WALL APPLICATION ... Masonry walls may require the application of a cementitious parge- coat. Allow the parge-coat to dry before priming and applying MEL-ROL. When applied, the parge-coat will produce a smooth, uniform and well-bonded surface. Remove release paper, then apply vertically in lengths approximately 8' (2.44 m) long over the top of the horizontal DETAIL STRIP at the footing. Overlap seams at least 2 'A" (63.5 mm). Tightly butt edges of membrane and apply POINTING MASTIC in corner applications. (See Diagram C). DETAIL 3rd. DIAGRAM C Outside Corner POINTING MASTIC To the top terminations, apply POINTING MASTIC at least 1/8" (3.18 mm) thick and 1" (25.4 mm) wide. As an option, TERMINATION BAR may be used to mechanically fasten the membrane. HAND-RUB AND ROLL PRESS ... Once positioned, immediately hand-rub the MEL-ROL membrane firmly to the surface, removing any bubbles or wrinkles, then pressure roll the complete surface to assure positive adhesion. INSIDE CORNERS ... Before MEL-ROL is applied, place a vertical DETAIL STRIP on inside corners extending the material 4 'A" (114.3 mm) beyond each side of the corner. (See Diagram D.) Terminate at the footing and finish the corner with POINTING MASTIC. OUTSIDE CORNERS ... Bend DETAIL STRIP vertically over the outside corner and extend 4 'A" (114.3 mm) beyond each side of the corner. Terminate the material at the footing. Finish the corner with POINTING MASTIC. (See Diagram C.) DRAINS AND PROTRUSIONS ... All protrusions should be sealed with two layers of membrane applied at least 6" (152.4 mm) in all directions. Seal all terminations with POINTING MASTIC. Around drains, apply two layers of MEL-ROL and put a bead of POINTING MASTIC between the membrane and clamping rings and at all terminations, drains and protrusions. See ASTM D 5898. INSPECT AND REPAIR ... A thorough inspection should be made before covering and all necessary repairs made immediately. Tears and inadequate overlaps should be covered with MEL-ROL ... slit fislunouths and patch. Seal edges of all patches with POINTING MASTIC. Where applicable, horizontal applications can be flood- tested for 24 hours. All leaks should be marked and repaired when membrane dries. PROTECT THE MEMBRANE ... on all vertical and horizontal installations with the immediate application of PROTECTION COURSE if no drainage system is used, or MEL-DRAIN. To secure PROTECTION COURSE, use POINTING MASTIC as an adhesive, and/or physically attach at the top edge using TERMINATION BAR. Backfilling should be done immediately, using care and caution to avoid damaging the waterproofing application. PAGE 4 ... MEL-ROL #714 ... MARCH 2008 PRECAUTIONS Avoid the use of products that contain tars, solvents, pitches, polysulfide polymers, or PVC materials that may come into contact with MEL-ROL. The use of MEL-ROL does not negate the need for relief of hydrostatic heads. A complete drain tile system should be placed around the exterior of footing and under slabs, as required. Read and follow application information, precautions and Material Safety Data Sheet. ACCESSORIES MEL-PRIME W/B ... This water-based primer prepares concrete surfaces for MEL-ROL application. Arrives ready to use. Requires no additional mixing. MEL-PRIME W/B emits no unpleasant odors and works with all W. R. MEADOWS waterproofmg membranes. Applies easily with manual sprayer or roller; VOC-compliant. MEL- PRIME W/B is for use at temperatures of 40° F (4° C) and up. COVERAGE: 250 to 350 ft.2/gal. (6.14 to 8.59 m2/L) PACKAGING: 1 Gallon (3.79 Liter) Units (4 units per carton) and 5 Gallon (18.93 Liter) Pails MEL-PRIME ... This solvent-based primer is for use at temperatures of 25° F (-4° C) and above. Apply by roller. COVERAGE: 250-350 ft.2/gal. (6.14 to 8.59 m2/L) PACKAGING: 5 Gallon (18.93 Liter) Pails MEL-ROL LIQUID MEMBRANE ... A two-component material used as a flashing to form fillets at corners and at protrusions. May be used as a substitute for POINTING MASTIC. COVERAGE: As a fillet, approximately 135 lineal feet per gallon (10.87 meters per liter) PACKAGING: 1 Gallon (3.79 Liter) Units, 4 Units per carton. POINTING MASTIC ...Used as an adhesive and for sealing top edge terminations on DETAIL STRIP and membrane, and to adhere PROTECTION COURSE. COVERAGE: 1/8" x 1" x 200'/gal. (3.18 mm x 25.4 mm x 16.10 m1). PACKAGING: 5 Gallon (18.93 Liter) Pails or 29 Oz. (857.65 ml) Cartridges, 12/ctn. CATALYTIC BONDING ASPHALT ... Easy-to- apply, one-component material for sealing around rebar. COVERAGE: 5 gal./1000 ft.2/gal. (4.9 m2/L) PACKAGING: 5 Gallon (18.93 Liter) Pails. DETAIL STRIP ... Convenient, easy-to-use DETAIL STRIP provides an economical and effective method for sealing vertical and horizontal butt joints, i.e. inside or outside corners and where walls and footings meet. PACKAGING: 9" x 50' (.23 x 15.24 m) roll, 4 rolls per carton. PROTECTION COURSE ... Use for vertical and horizontal applications. Adhere with POINTING MASTIC or use mechanical fasteners. PACKAGING: 4' by 8' (1.22 by 2.44 m) panels. MEL-DRAIN ... is a dimple-raised molded polystyrene fabric designed to provide high flow capacity to reduce hydrostatic pressure buildup around waterproofing and vaporproofing membranes. Choice of drain types are available for vertical, horizontal and site applications. TERMINATION BAR ... is a high strength, pre- formed, multi-purpose, plastic strip designed to support vertical membrane systems and PROTECTION COURSE at their termination point. PACKAGING: 10 (Holes every 6" o/c, 2" from either end), 25 pieces per carton. MAINTAIN ENERGY EFFICIENCY Wet insulating materials lose much of their "R" factor performance characteristics, reducing the energy efficiency of the structure. W. R. MEADOWS thermal and moisture protection products play a key role in maintaining the structure's energy efficiency and aiding in the integrity of other structural systems, such as insulation. FOR MSDS AND MOST RECENT TECHNICAL DATA SHEET, VISIT www.wrm ea dows.com. LIMITED WARRANTY "W. R. MEADOWS, INC. warrants at the time and place we make shipment, our material will be of good quality and will conform with our published specifications in force on the date of acceptance of the order." Read complete warranty. Copy furnished upon request. Disclaimer The information contained herein is included for illustrative purposes only, and to the best of our knowledge, is accurate and reliable. W. R. MEADOWS, INC. cannot however under any circumstances make any guarantee of results or assume any obligation or liability in connection with the use of this information. As W. R. MEADOWS, INC. has no control over the use to which others may put its product, it is recommended that the products be tested to determine if suitable for specific application and/or our information is valid in a particular circumstance. Responsibility remains with the architect or engineer, contractor and owner for the design, application and proper installation of each product. Specifier and user shall determine the suitability of products for specific application and assume all responsibilities in connection therewith. W. R. MEADOWS 2002 3/08-4M