HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.18.05� "M " i City of Sanford PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION Thursday - August 18, 2005 City Commission Chambers, I" Floor, Sanford City Hall 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida Regular Meeting Agenda - 7:00 PA W Approval of Minutes August 4, 2005 Regular Meeting Minutes Acceptance of Proof of Publications Consent C -1 Approve the Final Plat for Rand Yard Commerce Park, an 18 lot industrial subdivision at 700 N. White Cedar Road Tax Parcel Numbers: 16- 19- 30- 5AC- 0000-035A and 16- 19- 30 -5AC- 0000--058A Property owner: Lake Monroe Dev., LLC Representative: Sid Vihlen, Jr. C -2 Approve the Site Plan for Big Boy Restaurant on Flagship Park Commercial Lot 2 at 1831 Rinehart Road Tax Parcel Number: 28 -19 -30 -506 0000 -024A Property owner: Flagship Development, LLC Representative: Megan Gilbert, lnterplan LLC Public Hearings PH -1 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Planned Development Rezone to amend the PD Master Plan for BGZM to allow Vehicular Accessory Sales and Installation facility (a proposed Tire Kingdom store) on Lot 3 at 4401 W. 1 S t Street Tax Parcel Numbers: 28- 19 -30-- 300 -0010 -0000 and 28- 19 -30- 300 -0030 -0000 Property owners: BGZM Land LLC and Ramesh & Navin Bajaj Representative: Scott Stuart — Kelly, Collins & Gentry, Inc. PH -2 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request to establish a Landscaping Service Establishment in an AG, Agriculture zoning district for Garcia Landscaping at 3221 W. 1" Street Tax Parcel Number- 26- 19- 30-5AE -3100 -0000 Property owner: Sanford 46, LLC Representative: Frank Garcia — Garcia Landscaping Staff Reports Citizen Participation I A Commissioners Reports Adjournment ADVICE To THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286,0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the ADA Coordinator at 407 - 330 -5626, 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Page 1 of 1 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 18, 2005 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Andy Kutz, Vice Chairman Richard Huber Rami Yoseflan Bobby VonHerbulis Otto Garrett MEMBERS ABSENT Ross Robert, Chairman, excused Brian Volk, excused Mike Skat, excused Carol Dennison, excused Eddie Green, excused OTHERS PRESENT: Russ Gibson, Director of Planning and Development Services Larry Robertson, Development Services Manager Jared Munster, Planning Intern Mr. Kutz called the meeting to order at 7.15 P.M. MIMTTF S. Mr. Huber moved to approve the Minutes of the August 4, 2005 Regular Meeting. Mr., Garrett seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. PROOF OF PUBLICATION Mr, VonHerbulis moved to accept the proof of publication for the Public Hearings being considered. Mr. Garrett seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. CONSENT. Consider the Final Plat for Rand Yard Commerce Park, an 18 lot industrial subdivision at 700 N. White Cedar Road; Lake Monroe Dev., LLC, owner; Sid Vihlen, Jr., representative. Consider the Site Plan for Big Boy Restaurant on Flagship Park Commercial Lot 2 at 1831 Rinehart Road; Flagship Development, LLC, owner; Megan Gilbert, Interplan LLC, representative. Mr Yosefian moved to approve the Final Plat and the Site Plan per Staff s recommendation. Mr. VonHerbulis seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Planned Development Rezone to amend the PD Master Plan for BGZM to allow Vehicular Accessory Sales and Installation facility (a proposed Tire Kingdom store) on Lot 3 at 4401 W. 1st Street; BGZM Land LLC and Ramesh & Navin Bajaj, owners; Greg Platt and Hal Collins — Kelly, Collins & Gentry, Inc., representatives. MINUTES — AUGUST 18, 2005 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Mr. VonHerbulis moved to approve the Rezone per Staff's recommendations and subject to (a) the final configuration of the building and parking /traffic circulation being designed consistent with the exhibit (Preliminary Layout 1) provided with the agenda, (b) an enhanced landscape buffer and/or architectural feature extended west along the front of the building to better screen the bay doors openings, and (c) verify the operational status (ie., maintenance condition) of the ditch on the east side of the property that serves as the outfall to the subdivision's retention pond. Mr. Yosefian seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request to establish a Landscaping Service Establishment in an AG, Agriculture zoning district for Garcia Landscaping at 3221 W. I st Street; Sanford 46, LLC, owner; Frank Garcia — Garcia Landscaping and Bob Maksimowicz .. owner, representatives. Mr. Yosefian moved to approve the Conditional Use per Staff s recommendation with the addition that this approval is for Garcia Landscaping only and is not transferable to another party. Mr. VonHerbulis seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. STAFF REPORTS Mr Gibson invited the board members to attend the FPZA conference in September. Mr. Gibson informed the board that the CRA is working with the Public Works and Parks Departments to make improvements to Magnolia Square. The CRA is requesting input from the Historic Preservation Board and staff is requesting input from the Planning and Zoning as well. Mr. Gibson asked the board to submit any ideas or suggestions to staff. Mr. Gibson informed the board that Jared Munster, the Planning Intern, will be leaving on August 19"' to return to college and thanked him for the assistance he provided during the past few months. COMMISSIONERS REPORTS Mr. Lutz asked for a status on the installation of the traffic signal in front of Lowe's and WalMart. Mr. Gibson informed the board that he has been in contact with CPH Engineers and they are awaiting funds from WalMart. The board unanimously agreed to have staff send a letter, on behalf of the board, addressed to WalMart with a copy to City Commission requesting action on their part to get the signal installed. Mr, VonHerbulis asked for a status on the installation of the traffic signal at the Northstar Business Park entrance at the corner of Central Park Drive and W, I St Street (SR -46). Mr, Gibson stated he would look into it and report back. Mr., Huber asked about the elimination of the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Gibson stated that with the new LDR changes, most of the requests that the Board of Adjustment reviewed will now be considered at staff level. Mr, Garrett stated that staff should attend the County Commission meetings to represent the City, CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned