HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.07.05City of Sanford PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION Thursday -July 7, 2005 City Commission Chambers, V Floor, Sanford City Hall 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida Regular Meeting Agenda w 7:00 P.M. Approval of Minutes 0 June 16, 2005 Regular Meeting Minutes Acceptance of Proof of Publication Development Plans DP -1 Consider the Revised Preliminary Subdivision Plan for The Marketplace at Seminole Towne Center at 1400 Rinehart Road Tax Parcel ID Numbers: 32 -19 -30 -300- 0030 -0000; 32- 19 -30- 300 -003B -0000; 32- 19 -30- 501 - 0000- -002A; 32- 19 -30- 501 -0000 -0020; 32 -19 -30 -501- 0000 -002B Property Owner: NAP Seminole Marketplace LLC Representative: Jim McMullan, P.E. - CPH Engineers, Inc. DP -2 Consider the Site Plan for Taco Bell/Long John Silver's Restaurant on the Revised Lot 1 at 1200 WP Ball Boulevard Tax Parcel ID Number: 32- 19 -30- 300 - 0030 -0000 Property Owner; NAP Seminole Marketplace LLC Representative: Jim McMullan, P.E. - CPH Engineers, Inc. DP -3 Consider the Site Plan for Smokey Bones Barbeque and Grill on the Revised Lot 10 at 1000 WP Ball Boulevard Tax Parcel ID Number: 32 -19 -30 -300- 0030 -0000 Property Owner- NAP Seminole Marketplace LLC Representative: Jim McMullan, P.E. - CPH Engineers, Inc. DP -4 Consider the Revised Site Plan for a 35,144 square foot addition to David Maus Toyota at 1160 Rinehart Road Tax Parcel ID Numbers: 29 -19 -30 -5LW- 1604 - -0000; 29- 19- 30- 5LW - 1700 - -0000; 32 -19 -30 -300 -010A -0000 Property Owner: Automotive Investment Group Representative: Richard Merkel, P.E. — Professional Engineering Consultants DP -5 Consider the Site Plan for a proposed commercial center known as Lake Minnie Plaza at 601 Lake Minnie Drive Tax Parcel ID Number: 11- 20- 30 -5AN- 0000 -0410 Property Owner: A &R Projects Corp. Representative: Darcy Unroe, P.E. - Unroe Engineering DP -6 Consider the Site Plan for a proposed warehouse for Jainivon Properties at 104 Challenger Court Tax Parcel ID Number: 28- 19- 30 -5NR- 0000 -0220 - - Property Owner: Jamivon Properties, Inc. Representative: Solange Dao, P.E. - DAO Consultants, Inc. DP -7 Consider the Site Plan for a 4,000 square foot retail building and Hooters Restaurant at 500 and 554 Towne Center Circle Tax Parcel ID Number: 29 -19 -3 0-- 5LW - 0700 -0400 Property Owner: Wisdom Development Group Representative: B. Todd Hudson, P.E. - Hudson Engineering Associates, Inc. Public Hearings PH -1 Hold a Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to the City of Sanford Land Development Regulations, Schedule_ E_ , Additional Requirements and Provisions for Specific Uses Section 20.0 Sidewalk Cafes and Schedule S Historic Preservation. Representative: Antonia Gerli, Principal Planner -City of Sanford Staff Reports Citizen Participation Commissioners Reports Adjournment ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the ADA Coordinator at 407- 330 -5610, 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Paap 1 of 1 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 7 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Ross Robert, Chairman Brian Volk Richard Huber Rami Yosefi.an Carol Dennison Otto Garrett MEMBER ABSENT Andy Kutz, Vice Chairman Mike Skat, excused Bobby VonHerbulis, excused Eddie Green, excused OTHERS PRESENT: Larry Robertson, Development Services Manager Antonia Gerli, Principal Planner Mary Muse, Secretary Mr, Robert called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. MTNTTTF.0 Mr. Huber moved to approve the Minutes of the June 16, 2005 Regular Meeting. Ms. Dennison seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. PROOF OF PUBLICATION Mr. Yoseflan moved to accept the proof of publication for the Public Hearing being considered. Mr Huber seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. Consider the Revised Preliminary Subdivision Plan for The Marketplace at Seminole Towne Center at 1400 Rinehart Road; NAP Seminole Marketplace LLC, owner; Jim McMullan, P.E. -CPH Engineers, Inc., representative. Mr. Yosefian moved to approve the Revised Preliminary Subdivision Plan per staff s recommendation. Ms. Dennison seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Consider the Site Plan for Taco Bell/Long John Silver's Restaurant on the Revised Lot 1 at 1200 WP Ball Boulevard; NAP Seminole Marketplace LLC, owner; Jim McMullan, P.E. -CPH Engineers, Inc., representative. Ms. Dennison moved to approve the Site Plan per staff s recommendation. Mr. Huber seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Consider the Site Plan for Smokey Bones Barbeque and Grill on the Revised Lot 10 at 1000 WP Ball Boulevard; NAP Seminole Marketplace LLC, owner; Jim McMullan, P.E. -CPH Engineers, Inc. and John King- Darden Restaurant, representatives. Mr. Volk moved to approve the Site Plan per staff's recommendation. Mr. Huber seconded. All in favor.. Motion carried. Consider the Site Plan for a 35,144 square foot addition to David Maus Toyota at 1160 Rinehart Road; Automotive Investment Group, owner; Richard Merkel, P.E.-Professional Engineering Consultants and Jack Krivec- Project Manager, representatives. Mr. Volk moved to approve the Site Plan per staff s recommendation. Mr. Garrett seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES — JULY 7 2005 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Consider the Site Plan for a proposed commercial center known as Lake Minnie Plaza at 601 Lake Minnie Drive; A &R Projects Corp., owner; Darcy Unroe, P.E. -Unroe Engineering, representative. Mr. Huber moved to approve the Site Plan per staff s recornrnendation. Ms. Dennison seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Consider the Site Plan for a proposed warehouse for Jamivon Properties at 104 Challenger Court; Jamivon Properties, Inc., owner; Solange Dao, P.E. -DAO Consultants, Inc., representative. Mr. Robertson informed the board that staff is adding an additional stipulation to require the installation of a sidewalk along the front of the building. Ms. Dennison moved to approve the Site Plan per staff s amended recommendation. Mr. Yosefian seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Consider the Site Plan for a 4,000 square foot retail building and Hooters Restaurant at 500 and 550 Towne Center Circle; wisdom Development Group, owner; B. Todd Hudson, P.E. - Hudson Engineering Associates, Inc., representative. Mr. Garrett moved to approve the Site Plan per staff's recommendation. Mr. Volk seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING. Hold a Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to the City of Sanford Land Development Regulations, Schedule E, Additional Requirements and Provisions for Specific Uses, Section 20.0, Sidewalk Cafes and Schedule S, Historic Preservation;, Antonia Gerli, Principal Planner -City of Sanford, representative. Those present to speak were Steve Chusmir, Robert Kinney, Chris McLeod, and Leonard Temple. After discussion on the Sidewalk Cafe regulations, Mr. Volk moved to approve the Sidewalk Cafe regulations with changes (delete item D.7. and include a variance through review /approval process in regards to item E 21). Mr. Garrett seconded for discussion. After discussion, Mr. Volk amended his motion to call it a special condition instead of a variance. Ms. Dennison seconded. All in favor, Amended motion carried. Mayor Linda Kuhn came forward to introduce herself and to address the board. She informed the board that the City is restructuring several boards, but Planning & Zoning Commission will not be affected. The Commission is also considering time limits on terms and allowing a person to serve on only one board at a tune. After discussion on the Schedule S regulations, Mr. Huber moved to approve as presented, Mr. Volk seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. STAFF REPORTS Mr. Robertson reviewed the staff report that was distributed in the agenda packet in regards to commissioner's follow ups and other items of interest. COMMISSIONERS REPORTS None. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION None. ADJOURNMENT There being no fin ther busin &ss, thermeeting adjourned at 8:50 P .M. Ross Robert, Chairman