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Thursday -June 3, 2004
City Commission Chambers, 1 St Floor, Sanford City Hall
300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida
Regular Meeting Agenda 7 :00 P.Illi.
Approval of Minutes
■ May 20, 2004 Regular Meeting Minutes
Development Plans
DP -1 Consider the Site Plan for the revised Rinehart Plaza, a 10,325 square foot retail center at 1641 Rinehart Road.
Tax Parcel Number: 28 -19 -30 -506 -0000 -0390
Property Owner: Wal-Mart Stores East, LP Representative: Jim Barnett - National Building Services
DP -2 Consider the Comprehensive Sign Plan for The MarketPlace at Seminole Towne Center at 1400 Rinehart Road.
Representative: Jeff" Pape — North American Properties
Public Hearings
PH -1 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for an Urban Infilf Redevelopment to allow a change of use
from residential to commercial for a non - conforming property at 1021 W. 1st Street. (TABLED ON MAY 20, 2004).
Tax Parcel Number: 25- 19- 30- 5AG- OZOO -002A
Property Own ersfRepresentatives: Nicholas & Elizabeth Darwick
PH -2 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for an Urban Infilf Redevelopment Project to develop ten
single family lots at 2441 Park Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 36- 19 -30- 541 -0000 -0380
Property Owner: Smithbrook Associates Representative: Chad Linn, P.E.
PH -3 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for an Urban Infll Redevelopment Project to allow a minor
subdivision (lot split) of property at 1007 Palmetto Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25- 19- 30 -5AG- 1201 -0080
Property Owner /Representative: Pamela Hendricks
PH--4 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request to establish an Accessory Residential Structure in a SR -1,
Single Family Residential zoning district for property at 1118 Palmetto Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25- 19- 30 -5AG -1302 -0030
Property Owner /Representative: Maria Shreve
PH -5 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request to establish an Accessory Residential Structure in a SR -1 A,
Single Family Residential zoning district for property at 1331 Silver Lake Court.
Tax Parcel Number: 07- 20 -31- 300 - 0041 -0000
Property Owners/ Representatives: Alan T. and Sandi Frye
PH -6 Hold a Public Hearing to consider Sanford's Second Annual Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment of 2004.
Representative: Antonia Gerli, AICP - Principal Planner
PH -7 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Rezone of 4.8 acres at 205 Aero Lane to amend the Matthews Associates PD
Master Plan to Aero one Complex PD Master Plan.
Tax Parcel Number: 26 -19 -30 -5AE- 1800 -0000
Property Owner: Night Owl Properties Representative: Robert VonHerbulis — McKee Construction
PH -8 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Rezone of 5.0 acres at 3335 W. 5th Street from AG, Agriculture to PD, Planned
Development for Aero Two Complex.
Tax Parcel Number, 26- 19- 30- 5AE - 1800 -0001
Property Owner: Night Owl Properties Representative: Robert VonHerbulis — McKee Construction
Staff and Commissioners Reports
Citizen Participation
ADVICE To THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may
need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0106)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the ADA Coordinator at 407- 330 -5610, 48 hours in
advance of the meeting.
7:00 P.M.
Ross Robert, Chairman
Andy Kutz, Vice Chairman
Brian Volk
Mike Skat
Richard Huber
Rami Yosef"ian
Bobby VonHerbulis
Carol Dennison
Otto Garrett
Russ Gibson, Director of Planning and Development Services
Antonia Gerli, Principal Planner
Eileen Hinson, Planner
Mary Muse, Secretary
Mr. Robert called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M.
Mr- Yosefian moved to approve the Minutes of the May 20, 2004 Regular Meeting. Mr. Garrett seconded. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Consider the Site Plan for the revised Rinehart Plaza, a 10,325 square foot retail center at 1641 Rinehart Road;
Wal -Mart Stores East, LP, owner; Larry Wray — CPH Engineers, Inc, representative.
Mr. VonHerbulis moved to approve the Site Plan per staff's recommendation with a correction on Item H (north side of
building instead of south side of the building) and an additional item stating no attached signage on the north side of the
building and the applicant is to work with staff regarding architectural features on the north side of the building. Ms.
Dennison seconded. Mr. VonHerbulis amended his motion to include the revised Site Plan is to be considered as a
consent agenda item before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Ms. Dennison seconded amended motion. All in
favor. Amended motion carried.
Consider the Comprehensive Sign Plan for The MarketPlace at Seminole Towne Center at 1400 Rinehart Road;
Jeff Pape — North American Properties, representative.
Mr. Kutz moved to approve the Comprehensive Sign Plan per staff s recommendation with the stipulation that Major
Tenant "F" (Linens n Things) shall be limited to no more than two attached wall signs (one on the front elevation and
one on the rear elevation) and shall not have more than a 150 square foot maximum sign on the front elevation so it is
consistent with the remaining tenants in the plaza; allow only an anchor tenant of at least a 150,000 square foot floor area
to be accorded wall signage exceeding the maximum 150 square foot per sign with said sign not to exceed an overall size
of 710 square foot and shall not exceed 2 square feet of wall signage for each 1 linear foot of storefront on the primary
facade. Mr. VonHerbulis seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Consider a Conditional Use request for an Urban Infill Redevelopment Project to allow a change of use from
residential to commercial for a non - conforming property at 1021 W. 1st Street. (TABLED ON MAY 20, 2004);
Nicholas & Elizabeth Darwick, owners/representatives.
Ms. Dennison moved to remove this item from the table. Mr. VonHerbulis seconded. All in favor_ Motion carried.
Mr. Yosefian moved to approve the Conditional Use per staff s amended recommendation which allows a small garden
area to be approved during the Site Plan approval process and the 1 St Street access is to be closed and restored. Mr. Volk
seconded. Mr. Yosefian amended his motion to include eliminating the 24 square foot maximum sign size restriction and
allow the design of the freestanding sign to be compatible with adjacent neighbors and ensure there is appropriate
directional information for safe access to the site. Mr. Volk seconded amended motion. All in favor. Amended motion
Consider a Conditional Use request for an Urban Infill Redevelopment Project to develop ten single family lots at
2441 Park Avenue; Smithbrook Associates, owner; Chad Linn, P.E., representative. Present to speak were Grace
Pittman of 2410 Palmetto Avenue, David Higginbotham of 2408 Palmetto Avenue and Dr. Robert Smith of 2405 Park
Avenue. The concerns were what type of homes, the value of the homes and impact on the value of their homes, the
condition of the alley, and the soil conditions of the property.
Mr. Skat moved to approve the Conditional Use per staff s recommendation with the stipulation that a 20 foot utility
service easement is to be required at the rear (east side) of each lot. Mr. VonHerbulis seconded. Mr. Huber and Mr .
Kutz against, all others in favor. Motion carried 7 to 2.
Consider a Conditional Use request for an Urban Infill Redevelopment Project to allow a minor subdivision (lot
split) of property at 1007 Palmetto Avenue; Pamela Hendricks, owner /representative. Present to speak were Toby
Troutman of 900 Palmetto Avenue and Earl Freeman of 1001 Palmetto Avenue. The concerns were approving too many
infill developments and having access to their property.
Mr. Skat moved to approve the Conditional Use per staff s amended recommendation to include requirement that owner
will authorize City to rezone property to SR -1.. Mr, VonHerbulis seconded. Mr, Skat amended his motion to include that
there shall be a 7.5 foot minimum side yard setback along the south property line of Lot 8. Mr. VonHerbulis seconded
amended motion. All in favor, Amended motion carried.
Consider a Conditional Use request to establish an Accessory Residential Structure in a SR-1, Single Family
Residential zoning district for property at 1118 Palmetto Avenue; Maria Shreve, owner /representative. Present to
speak was Rachel Cheek of 207 E. 11 Street. Her concern was the distance between her home and the proposed
accessory structure.
Mr. Yosefian moved to approve the Conditional Use per staff s recommendation. Mr Kutz seconded. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Consider a Conditional Use request to establish an Accessory Residential Structure in a SR -1A, Single Family
Residential zoning district for property at 1331 Silver Lake Court; Alan T. and Sandi Frye, owners/representatives.
Present to speak were Linda Barker of Casselberry (owner of lot at 3405 Mellonville Avenue), Leonard Abraham of
Apopka (owner of lot at 3375 Mellonville Avenue), and Dr, Beverly Boothe of 3358 Whitner Way. The concerns were
setting a precedent for a full time occupancy of an accessory structure and would like to have the accessory structure
attached or constructed closer to the main structure.
Mr. Yosefian moved to approve the Conditional Use per staff's amended recommendation which allows only one access
to the property, property is not to be subdivided, and a proper site plan/survey showing improvements is to be submitted.
Mr.. VonHerbulis seconded. Mr. Huber left the meeting during this item, all others in favor. Motion carried.
At 11:30 PM, Chairman Ross Robert called a five minute recess.
At 11:41 PM, Chairman Ross Robert called the meeting back to order.
Consider Sanford's Second Annual Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment of 2004; Antonia Gerii, AICP
Principal Planner, representative. Jay Folk and Meredith Pickens were present for the map amendments.
Mr. Gibson reported that the amendments for the Water Supply Facilities had not been received so only the two map
amendments will be considered at tonight's meeting.
Mr. Kutz moved to approve the two map amendments of Sanford's Second Annual Large Scale Comprehensive Plan
Amendment of 2004 per staff's recommendation and table the text amendments until the next meeting. Mr , VonHerbulis
seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Consider a Rezone of 4.8 acres at 205 Aero Lane to amend the Matthews Associates PD Master Plan to Aero One
Complex PD Master Plan; Night owl Properties, owner; Robert VonHerbulis -- McKee Construction, representative.
Mr. Skat moved to approve the Rezone per staff's recommendation. Ms. Dennison seconded. Mr. VonHerbulis
abstained, all others in favor. Motion carried.
Consider a Rezone of 5.0 acres at 3336 W. 5th Street from AO, Agriculture to PD, Planned Development for Aero
Two Complex; Night owl Properties, owner; Robert VonHerbulis — McKee Construction, representative.
Mr. Volk moved to approve the Rezone per staff s recommendation. Mr. Lutz seconded. Mr. VonHerbulis abstained,
all others in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Gibson reported that BP Connect has submitted an appeal due to the restricted access from 17 -92.
Mr. Gibson reported that the City Manager is planning to facilitate a joint meeting for August 9 with the City
Commission and Planning and Zoning Commission and requested if anyone had any particular items /issues that they
would like to discuss to contact him (Russ).
Mr. Gibson distributed a Press Release from the Orlando- Sanford International Airport regarding the Airport's passenger
traffic increase for the month of April.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:45 A.M.
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Ross Robert, Chairman