HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.04.04City of Sanford
Thursday -March 4, 2004
City Commission Chambers, 1 st Floor, Sanford City Hall
300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida
Regular Meeting Agenda - 7.00 PAN
Approval of Minutes
February 19, 2004 Regular Meeting Minutes
Public Hearinas
PH -1 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request to allow outdoor storage on Lot 3,
Gordon subdivision for the proposed Martin Warehouse located at 300 Gordon Street.
Tax Parcel Number- 27-19-30-504-0000-0030
Property Owner- Gordon Realty Partners, Ltd.
Representative: Richard L. Martin — Martin Warehouse
Consider the Site Plan for Martin Warehouse located at 300 Gordon Street.
Representatives: Richard Martin - Martin Warehouse; Jack Reynolds - American Civil Engineering
PH -2 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for an Urban Infill Redevelopment for
Tire City to establish an Automobile & Truck Service establishment at 3775 Orlando Drive.
Tax Parcel Number: 11- 20 -30-- 300 - 01813-0000
Properly Owner: City of Sanford
Representative: John Sellers — Tire City
Consider the Site Plan for Tire City at 3775 Orlando Drive.
Representative: John Sellers — Tire City
PH -3 Hold a Public Hearing to consider Sanford's First Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment of 2004.
Representative: Antonia Gerli, AICP Principal Planner
Development Plan
DP -1 Consider the Site Plan for The Marketplace at Seminole Towne Center, a 515,431 square foot
regional commercial activity center proposed at 1400 Rinehart Road.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 32- 19 -30- 300 - 0030 -0000 and 32- 19 -30- 501 -0000 -0020
Property Owner: WPB Properties, Inc.
Representatives: Jeff Pape — North American Properties;
Jay Jackson, P.E. - Kimley --Horn and Associates, Inc.
Staff Reports
Citizen Participation
Commissioners Reports
ADVICE To THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or
hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the
City of Sanford (FS 288.0145)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the ADA Coordinator at 407-330 -
6610 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
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7:00 P.M.
Ross Robert
Brian Volk
Mike Skat
Richard Huber
Rami Yosefian
Carol Dennison
Otto Garrett
Andy Kutz, excused
Bobby VonHerbulis, excused
Russ Gibson, Director of Planning and Development Services
Antonia Gerli, Principal Planner
Chris Smith, Project Manager
Mary Muse, Secretary
Mr. Robert called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.
Mr, Huber moved to approve the Minutes of the February 19, 2004 Regular Meeting. Mr. Skat seconded. All in
favor: Motion carried.
Consider a Conditional Use request to allow outdoor storage on Lot 3, Gordon subdivision for the proposed
Martin Warehouse located at 300 Gordon Street; Gordon Realty Partners Ltd., owner; Richard L. Martin- Martin
Warehouse, representative. Wilma Russell and Henry Muse were present to speak. Their concerns were drainage
issues in the area and if items being stored outside would be visible.
Mr. Skat moved to approve the request per Staff s recommendation with the addition that Mr. Gibson is to get with
Seminole County regarding the drainage along W. 5 Street. Ms. Dennison seconded. All in favor Motion
Consider the Site Plan for Martin warehouse located at 300 Gordon Street; Gordon Realty Partners Ltd,
owner; Richard Martin - Martin Warehouse, representative.
Mr. Skat moved to approve the request per Staff s recommendation. Ms. Dennison seconded. All in favor_ Motion
Consider a Conditional Use request for an Urban Infill Redevelopment for Tire City to establish an
Automobile & Truck Service establishment at 3776 Orlando Drive; City of Sanford, owner; John Sellers -Tire
City, representative. Two letters (dated February 27, 2004 and March 2, 2004) submitted by Stanley Sandefur -
Sandefur & Associates, Inc., were read into the record. Mr. Sandefur's concern was the parcel size for the
proposed use and parking.
Mr, Volk moved to approve the request per Staff s recommendation. Mr: Skat seconded. All in favor. Motion
Consider the Site Plan for Tire City located at 3776 Orlando Drive; City of Sanford, owner; John Sellers -Tire
City, representative.
Mr. Skat moved to approve the Site Plan per Staff s recommendation with the applicant working with staff to
relocate the driveway access further west and landscape the area appropriately- Mr Volk seconded. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Chairman Ross Robert moved the Public Hearing to consider Sanford's First Annual Comprehensive Plan
Amendment of 2004 after the consideration of the Site Plan for The Marketplace at Seminole Towne Center.
Consider the Site Plan for The Marketplace at Seminole Towne Center, a 515,431 square foot regional
commercial activity center proposed at 1400 Rinehart Road; WPB Properties, Inc., owner; Meredith Pickens -
Shutts and Bowen, Jeff Pape - -North American Properties, Jay Jackson and Melanie Edwards- Kimley Horne and
Associates, representatives.
Mr. Skat moved to approve the Site Plan per Staff's recommendation with the following modifications: Item 1 a
(WP Ball Boulevard shall be privately owned and maintained by the owner(s)): Allow City Commission to
determine WP Ball Boulevard to be private or public; Item lb (One additional driveway on Rinehart Road maybe
permitted subject to both Expressway and Seminole County approvals): Allow the right -in from Rinehart subject to
approval by Seminole County and Expressway Authority; Item lc (Minimum 9' x 18' parking space sizes are
allowed for the shopping center only —all outparcels shall have minimum 9 1/2' x 18' parking): Allow all parking
space sizes to be 9' x 18'; Item 1 d (In lieu of installing additional vertical landscape islands in front of the large
anchor tenant, developer shall install additional landscaping (double row) of trees along Rinehart Road, Towne
Center Boulevard, Ball Boulevard and the southerly property line along (or within) the Expressway right -of -way):
Along Rinehart and Towne Center Boulevard allow four (4) inch caliper trees with double plantings, applicant is to
work with staff on the landscaping along WP Ball Boulevard, and along the Expressway right -of -way the applicant
is to work with the Expressway to place landscaping at the top along roadway with a continuous buffer along the
base property line; Item 2d (Provide landscaping in accordance with Sanford's SR 46 Gateway Corridor Standards;
In addition, all required trees within landscape buffers abutting aright -of -way shall have a minimum six (6) inch
caliper at four and one half (4 %2) feet above grade): Allow trees to have a minimum four (4) inch caliper; Item 2e
(Design all cart return areas to be enclosed and contain no signage): All cart return areas are to be covered with
directional signage only; Item 2g (Design center turn land of Ball Boulevard at a minimum of fourteen (14) feet
wide): Allow center turn lane on Ball Boulevard to be eleven (11) feet instead of fourteen (14) feet. Mr. Volk
seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Consider Sanford's First Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment of 2004; Antonia Gerli -City of Sanford's
Principal Planner, representative.
Ms. Gerli reported that the first Comprehensive Plan Amendment of 2004 consisted of Text Amendments for
Activity Centers, Airport Master Plan, Criteria for Future Land Use Map Amendments, and Change in definitions
of density, land area and open space sections along with 54 Map Amendments.
Mr. Skat moved to approve the First Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment of 2004. Ms. Dennison seconded.
All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr Gibson reported that the City Commission will be reviewing the JPA during the works ession at 4:00 PM on
Monday, March 8 Also, the Board of County Commissioners will consider land use changes at their meeting on
Tuesday, March 9th, at 9� 30 AM with city representation present.
Mr. Gibson reported that the City Manager, Commissioner Hipes and others would like to hold a joint meeting with
this board to consider a variety of issues such as land use amendments, conditional uses, and design standards.
Mr, Gibson reported that the department name has been changed to Planning and Development Services.
Mr. Gibson distributed a copy of the Affordable Housing Issues publication in which it ranked Seminole County as
the 18th most affordable county in the State of Florida.
Mr. Robert asked for an update regarding the sewage problems in the area of 25 Street and Sanford Avenue that
was mentioned during a Public Hearing for Habitat for Humanity homes on Grandview Avenue. Mr.. Gibson
reported that the Utility Department investigated that area and they are working on providing a loop -out to Sanford
Mr. Skat asked about the probability of roads, such as 5th Street, being pulled into the City and considered to be a
city road instead of a county road. Mr. Gibson stated that when properties are annexed along both sides of the
right-of-way, the county and city are working together on getting them transferred to the city., Mr. Skat stated that
when St Johns Parkway is completely finished, he is concerned about the county maintaining the ditches in the
Mr. Robert stated that he noticed wall packs being installed on the building at the northwest corner of 13 Street
and Park Avenue and asked if there were plans for this building. Mr. Gibson reported that due to this building
being within the historic district they will have to submit paperwork for approval if work is being performed on the
outside and a site layout was submitted for review requesting a convenience store to reopen.
There being no further business, the meeting adj ourned at 9:19 P.M.
Ross Robert, Chairman