HomeMy WebLinkAbout4344 New 2015 CRA Ord w/attachmtsOrdinance No. 2015 -4344 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida relating to community redevelopment and reaffirming the finding of the existence of blight conditions in an area of the City; making diverse specific findings and determinations in accordance with the controlling provisions of State law and expressing legislative intent; adopting a Community Redevelopment Plan; finding that the plan conforms to the City's Comprehensive Plan; providing for implementation of the Community Redevelopment Plan; providing for processes, procedures, requirements, limitation of effect and related matters; amending Chapter 74, Article 11, City Code relating to community redevelopment and all matters relating thereto; providing for implementing administrative actions; providing for a savings provision; providing for conflicts; providing for codification and the correction of scrivener's errors; providing for severability and providing for an effective date. Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County has previously delegated authority to the City of Sanford for the establishment, expansion and operation of a Community Redevelopment Agency through the adoption of Seminole County Resolution Numbers 90 -R -213, 93 -R -181, 95 -R -246 and 2009 -R -154, in accordance with the provisions of Section 163.410, Florida Statutes, related to the exercise of community redevelopment powers in counties with home rule charters; and Whereas, the governments of the City Commission and of Seminole County have previously worked in a harmonious, cooperative and collaborative manner on many issues and in many ways and desire to further such positive and beneficial relationship and implementation of projects, programs and activities for the benefit of the citizens of Seminole County and the City of Sanford; and Whereas, a study was completed that confirms conditions of blight in that part of the City of Sanford (the "Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community 1 IPa;e Redevelopment Area ") as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Whereas, the results of that study have been presented and adopted by the City Commission of the City for its consideration and are included in the public record; and Whereas, the results of that study have been presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County for its consideration and included in the public record; and Whereas, a community redevelopment plan as contemplated by Part III, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the "Community Redevelopment Act of 1969," was prepared 1995 which addresses the redevelopment needs original to the City of Sanford's Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area; and Whereas, an update of the 1995 community redevelopment plan has been prepared, through close coordination with Seminole County, the City of Sanford and the CRA Board, to address conditions of blight that are still present within the City of Sanford's Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area; and Whereas, on April 2, 2015 the City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the City's Local Planning Agency for the purposes of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, determined the proposed Community Redevelopment Plan is in conformity with the tn City's Comprehensive Plan for the City as a whole and recommended the approval of the proposed Plan; and Whereas, the Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency considered the proposed community redevelopment plan on May 6, 2015, recommended approval of the proposed Community Redevelopment Plan; and Whereas, a copy of the proposed Community Redevelopment Plan was submitted by the Community Redevelopment Agency to the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, as the governing body of Seminole County, Florida, the St. Johns River Water Management District; the City of Sanford; and the Seminole County Public Schools; as taxing authorities which levy ad valorem taxes on taxable real property located in Seminole County; and Whereas, the City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance and the public hearings held in relation to this Ordinance and has conducted all reviews and analysis in accordance with the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the actions taken in this Ordinance are consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford; and Whereas, the notices required by Section 163.346, Florida Statutes, and other controlling law have been published, noticed and mailed as required; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford conducted public hearings on June 8 and June 22, 2015, to consider the proposed Community Redevelopment Plan; and 3 1 Pa,,e �n Whereas, for purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, * ** shall constitute ellipses to the original text and °+rte, ugh text shall constitute deletions to the original text; provided, however, that sections with all new text, codified or not, shall not be legislative scored and shall note that all of the text is in the original. Now, Therefore, Be It Enacted By The People Of The City Of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. General Legislative Findings And Intent; Finding of Conformance; Finding of Adequacy of Recreational Facilities and Community Policing Innovations; Finding of No Anticipated Residential Displacement; Finding of Maximum Opportunity; Finding of Effect on Private Enterprise. (All original text). (a). The recitals set forth above in the "whereas clauses" are hereby adopted as legislative findings of the City Commission of the City of Sanford. (b). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to this Ordinance. (c). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby finds, determines and declares that the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Community Redevelopment Plan for the Community Redevelopment Area conforms to the Comprehensive Plan of the City as required by controlling State law and is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. (d). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby finds, determines and declares that the Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan for the Lake Monroe 4 1 P a. e Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Community Redevelopment Plan gives due consideration to the provision of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities that are desirable for neighborhood improvement, with special consideration for the health, safety and welfare of children residing in the general vicinity of the area addressed by the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Community Redevelopment Plan and gives due consideration to the utilization of community policing innovations in the general vicinity of the area addressed by the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Community Redevelopment Plan. (e). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby finds, determines and declares that the Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan for the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area does not anticipate or propose any activities that will have the potential to displace residents who currently reside within the general vicinity of the area addressed by the Community Redevelopment Plan. (f). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby finds, that although the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Community Redevelopment Plan contemplates that most improvements shall be undertaken by the City or the Community Redevelopment Agency, or the two entities in collaboration, the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Community Redevelopment Plan will afford the maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the community redevelopment area by private enterprise to the 5 (.Page extent contemplated by the Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan. (g). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby finds, determines and declares that the proposed Community Redevelopment Plan for the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City of Sanford as a whole, for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the Community Redevelopment Area by private enterprise. (h). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. Section 2. Adoption of Community Redevelopment Plan. (All original text). (a). The Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan as set forth in Exhibit "C", having been duly received and considered as provided by law, is hereby approved and adopted. Said Plan is hereby designated as the official Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan for the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area. It is the purpose and intent of the City Commission that the Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan be implemented in the Community Redevelopment Area in accordance with the controlling provisions of State law. (b). The Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area is sufficiently complete to indicate such land acquisition, demolition and removal of structures, redevelopment, improvements and rehabilitation as may be proposed to be carried out in the Community Redevelopment Area; zoning 6 1 P a - e and planning changes, if any; land uses; maximum densities; and building requirements. Section 3. C. The provisions of Chapter 74, Article 11 of the City Code area amended to read as follows: Sec. 74-54. - Established. There is hereby established and created in accordance with the provisions of F.S. § 163.387, a Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Trust Fund hereafter referred to as the "fund." Sec. 74-55. - Use of funds. (a) The funds allocated to, and deposited into the fund are hereby appropriated to the Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency, hereafter referred to as the "Agency," to finance the City of Sanford Community Redevelopment Projects within the "Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area" as created by the City of Sanford and as may be amended from time-to-time. The agency shall utilize the funds and revenues paid into and earned by the fund for all and every community redevelopment purpose delegated to it in accordance with controlling law and as contained in the approved plan for redevelopment as provided by controlling p 7 1 Page (b) No Seminole County tax revenues, equivalent revenues, or any other County funds of any kind shall be used in any way to fund the Community Redevelopment Agency nor any of said Agency's programs or projects except as specifically identified in the Community Redevelopment Plan tendered to the County. In no event may the City pledge or assert any interest in any Seminole County revenues or funds without the express written consent of the Board of County Commissioners or with regard to the tax increment revenues deriving to the City. (c) All uses of revenues deposited in the fund shall be evaluated by the Treasurer of the Agency and Agency legal counsel who shall certify that the use of the funds are consistent with the Community Redevelopment Plan. Sec. 74 -56. - Appropriations; administration. (a) There shall be paid into the fund, and the City hereby appropriates, commits and sets over for payment into the fund, a sum equal to that increment from the income proceeds, revenues and funds of the City derived from or held in connection with the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area, and the agency's undertaking and carrying out of the projects therein. Said increment shall be determined and appropriated annually and shall be as set forth in F.S. § 163.387. It shall be in an amount equal to the percentage approved by the Board of County Commissioners in its delegation of authority resolution 95 peFGei;t of the difference between: W ) The amount of ad valorem taxes levied each year by the City and by Seminole County, exclusive of any amount from any debt service millage, on taxable 8 1 Page real property contained within the geographic boundaries of the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area; and Mb} ) The amount of ad valorem taxes which would have been produced by the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by the City and by Seminole County, exclusive of any debt service millage, upon the total of the assessed value of the taxable real property in the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area as shown by the most recent assessment roll used in connection with the taxation of such property by the City and Seminole County prior to the effective date of this subdivision, providing for the funding of the fund. (c4 (b) The City will annually appropriate to the fund the aforestated sum at the beginning of the City's fiscal year. The fund shall receive the tax increment above described only as, if and when, such taxes may be collected by the City. The City's obligation to annually appropriate to the fund shall commence immediately upon the effective date of this subdivision and continue to the extent permitted by state law, until all loans, advances and indebtedness, if any, and interest thereon incurred by the agency as a result of the projects within the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area have been paid, and only to the extent that the tax increment recited above accrues. (4) LcJ The agency is directed to establish and set up the fund and to develop and promulgate rules, regulations and criteria whereby the fund may be promptly and effectively administered, including the establishment and the maintenance of books and records and adoption of procedures whereby the agency may, 9 1 Pages expeditiously and without undue delay, utilize said fund for its allocated statutory purpose subject to annual budgetary approval by the City Commission. {e} ) The agency is vested with full responsibility for the receipt, custody, disbursement, accountability, management and proper application of all monies paid into the fund subject to annual budgetary approval by the City Commission. The governing body of the agency shall be the trustee of the fund. (4) (e) Monies in the fund may not be spent for community redevelopment projects without the approval of the City Commission in accordance with its budgetary approvals. The City Manager is hereby delegated authority to enter memorandums of agreement with the agency in order to provide for the provision of administrative and other services to the agency with all costs being reimbursed to the City by the agency. jf All uses of revenues deposited in the fund shall be evaluated by the Treasurer of the Agency and Agency legal counsel who shall certify that the use of the funds are consistent with the Community Redevelopment Plan. Sec. 74 -75. - City of Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency. (a) The City of Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency is hereby created and established. (b) In accordance with Section 163.410, Florida Statutes, the Agency shall exercise only such powers as conferred by delegation to the City of Sanford by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County. The City Commission shall be 10 1 P��.e charged with, and solely responsible for, making any and all necessary findings relative to the actions taken with regard to the creation and operation of the Agency and any and all actions taken subsequent to the creation of the Agency and continued operation of said Agency. (c) Any proposed additional community redevelopment areas or any proposed expansion of the Community Redevelopment Area as contemplated, shall require that the City seek and request an additional delegating resolution from the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County in accordance with controlling State laws which action shall not be deemed or construed, in any way, as a general delegation by Seminole County of any powers nor a pledge of any Seminole County funds or revenues to be used by the City, the Agency or within the Community Redevelopment Area except with regard to tax increment revenues as specifically dedicated and allowed to be used by the City by formal action of the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with the controlling provisions of State law. Sec. 74 -76. - Composition of the agency. (aa,) The City Commission shall appoint the members to of the agency in accordance with the delegation of authority to the City as approved by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County , WhiGh shall GORSiSt of a total of five membeFs. Two of the five membeFs shall be RGMiRated by the BGard of Geu4* W ) Any person may be appointed as a member if he or she resides or is engaged in business, which means owning a business, practicing a profession, or 11 1 .P a e performing a service for compensation, or serving as an officer or director of a corporation or other business entity so engaged, within the City's ef SanfeFd corporate limits. M (c) The City Commission shall designate a chairperson, a-R4 vice chairperson and Treasure from among the members of the agency or the staff of the Agency, with regard to the Treasures and the agency shall advise the City Commission at such time as it desires to designate its officers. Sec. 74 -77. - Terms of office and removal from office. (a) The terms of office of the members of the agency shall be for four years or such terms as may be provided in the delegation of authority issued by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County. (b) The City Commission may remove a member of the agency for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office only in the manner prescribed by law. Sec. 74 -78. - Duties and responsibilities. (a) The agency shall be the redevelopment agency to carry out the redevelopment of the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area, and to that end and as such, shall have and exercise all of the powers of redevelopment agencies pursuant to F.S. Ch. 163, pt. III, as amended, and shall have the power granted to it by actions taken in accordance with the controlling provisions of law from time -to -time. (a) b) The agency shall exercise all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of community redevelopment 12 1 Pagel and related activities consistent with the delegation of authority issued by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole except the fGllGWiRg WhiGh shall be vested in the City Go i i if the City of SanfeFd, Perida consistent with the delegation of the Board of County Commissioners: (1) The power to determine an area to be a slum or blighted area. (2) The power to grant final approval to community redevelopment plans. (3) The power to authorize the issuance of revenue bonds. (4) The power to approve the acquisition, demolition, removal, or disposal of property. M c) The agency shall file with the City Commission and with the auditor general as well as all other agencies and entities as may be required by controlling law, on or before March 31 of each year, a report of its activities for the preceding fiscal year, which report shall include, at a minimum, a complete financial statement setting forth its assets, liabilities, income, and operating expenses as of the end of such fiscal year. At the time of filing of the report, the agency shall comply with all procedures regarding notice and publishing as set forth by controlling law. (d) The Agency shall provide the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County and the City Commission written notification in a timely fashion of any proposed actions activities or projects that may be deviate from the projects, programs and priorities that have been identified within the latest adopted Community Redevelopment Plan, prior to the undertaking of a potentially deviating project, program or activity; provided, however, that, this provision shall not be construed to permit any actions not compliant with controlling State law which prohibits any expenditures from 13 1 Pa. ;,e the Community Redevelopment Trust Fund for any expenditure that is non consistent with the Community Redevelopment Plan. (e). Any future updates, if any, of the Community Redevelopment Plan shall be developed in close coordination with the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County and/or their designated staff representatives to identify shared development objectives, potentially complementary or competing projects or other issues and concerns as may be determined cogent by the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County in accordance Section 163.361, Florida Statutes. Sec. 74-79. - Future multi jurisdictional community redevelopment agency. Ir9wax . A N L*r-". to (a) Should Seminole County create, in the future, a Community Redevelopment Agency with jurisdiction over the Community Redevelopment Area, the delegation of the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County shall automatically terminate and expire and the Agency shall terminate and cease to exist in 14 1 Page accordance with whatever schedule Seminole County may establish when creating a new Community Redevelopment Agency. In such event, the City shall unwind and transfer its projects programs and activities to the successor Community Redevelopment Agency. M The Agency shall ensure that all of its projects, programs and activities into any multi -jurisdictional or Countywide Community Redevelopment Agency that may be established in the future by Seminole County. To that end, all documents of creation and implementation of the Agency shall provide for the contingent future transfer of any and all projects programs, activities, assets, property, funds, obligations and liabilities to Seminole County and /or a multi jurisdictional or Countywide Community Redevelopment Agency established by Seminole County; provided, however, that any funds on account at the time of termination, expiration, or dissolution of the Agency that are not encumbered or pledged as securitV for any indebtedness shall be transferred to the City for use as the City deems fit consistent with the controlling provisions of State law, within the Community Redevelopment Area; provided, further, however, that any real or personal property that has been purchased with Agency funds shall become the property of the City unless pledged or encumbered and Agency shall take any and all necessary actions to implement those transfers. Section 4. Use of Eminent Domain. (All original text). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby acknowledges that any potential use of the powers of eminent domain by the City shall be in accordance with Section 73, Florida Statutes, and the taking private property for the purpose of preventing or eliminating slum or blight conditions is not a valid public purpose or use 15 1 Page for which private property may be taken by eminent domain and does not satisfy the public purpose requirement of Section 6(a), Article X of the Constitution of the State of Florida. Section 5. Liability. (All original text). Nothing contained herein shall impose any liability upon Seminole County for any acts of the City or the Community Redevelopment Agency. Section 6. Implementing Administrative Actions. (All original text). (a). The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized and directed to implement the provisions of this Ordinance and to take any and all necessary administrative actions to include, but not be limited to, the adoption of administrative policies, procedures, processes and rules. (b). The City Manager may enter into such intergovernmental agreements and memoranda of understandings as may be necessary and appropriate to implement the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 7. Savings. (All original text). The prior actions of the City of Sanford in implementation of community redevelopment projects, programs and activities as well as all related are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 8. Severability. (All original text). If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful or 16 1 Pag(g unconstitutional. Section 9. Codification; Scrivener's Errors. (All original text). (a). This Ordinance shall be codified in the City Code of the City of Sanford; provided, however, that Sections 7, 8, 9 and 10 shall not be codified. The Code Codifier is granted broad and liberal authority to change section numbers is in the current City Code and to take other appropriate actions as set forth in Section 1 -10 of the City Code. (b). Typographical errors and other matters of a similar nature that do not affect the intent of this Ordinance, as determined by the City Clerk and City Attorney, may be corrected with the endorsement of the City Manager, or designee, without the need for a public hearing. Section 10. Effective Date. (All original text). This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and adoption; provided, however, that the Community Redevelopment plan set forth herein shall be implemented only upon the Board of County Commissioners approval of a delegation of authority resolution subsequent to the effective date of this Ordinance and on or before December 31, 2015. Passed and adopted this 22 day of June, 2015. City Commissio of the City of I Sanford, Fl-onda 3 SeminoleAount1 Florida SM01 17 1 P i - e Attest: Cyn0a Porter, City Clerk 18 1 Pa.ne EXHIBIT "A" (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) The boundary of the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area is as follows: 19 1 Pa. e Legal Description of Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Begin at the intersection of the center -line of the channel of the St:. John's River and the Northerly extension of the center -line of Mellonvillc Avenue, as shown on Mayfair Lake Front Addition, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, pale 81, of the Public Records of Seminole county, Florida; thence run Southerly along said Mellonville Avenue to an intersection with center -line of Union Street (Second Street); thence run Westerly along said center -line of Union Street: of Sanford Avenue; thence run Southerly along said center -line of Sanford Avenue to an intersection with the center -line of Third Street:; thence run Westerly along said center -line of Third Street; to an intersection with an intersection with French Avenue (US 17 -92); thence run Northerly along said center -line of French Avenue to an center -line of West First. Street (SR 46); thence run Westerly along said center- line of West First Street to an intersection with point being 5369.02 feet West of an intersection with the center- -line of West Flist Street and Holly Avenue; thence run Northerly to an intersection with the South line of Lot 19 of the Florida and Colonization Company's Celery Plantation according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, page 129 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run Westerly along said South line of Lot 19 to the Southwest corner of said Lot 19; thence run Northerly along the West lot line of said Lot 19 to a point, said point: being 196 feet from the Northwest corner of I.ot 19; thence run Easterly 233 feet; thence run Northerly to an intersection with the center -line of Narcissus Avenue; thence run Easterly along said center -line to an intersection with the Northerly extension of the East line of the Westerly 44 feet of Lot 18 of said Plat of Celery Plantation; thence run Southerly along said Northerly extension of the East line of the Westerly 44 feet of Lot 18 to the South- erly lot line of said Lot 18; thence run Northerly along the East lot line of said Lot 18 and it's Northerly extension to an East. Line of the Westerly 44 feet of Lot 18 to the Southerly lot line of said Lot 18; thence run Easterly along said lot line of Lot 18 to the Southeast corner of said Lot 18; thence run Northerly along the East lot line of said Lot 18 and it's Northerly extension to an intersection with said center -line Narcissus Avenue; thence run Easterly along said center -line to an intersection with the Southerly extension of the Easterly Lot line of Lot 17 of said Celery Plantation; thence run Northerly along said Southerly extension and the said Easterly lot line of Lot 17 to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 17; thence run Westerly along the Northerly lot line of said Lot 17; thence run Northerly to an intersection with the center -line of Highway U.S. 17 -92; thence run Southeasterly to an intersec- tion with the Northerly extension of the center -line of Terwilliger Lane; thence run along the Northerly extension of said Terwilliger Lane to said center -line of the St. John's River; thence run Easterly along said channel to the Point of Beginning. Area to be Annexed Begin at the Northwest Corner of Lot 7, Florida Land Colonization Co's Celery Plantation according to the plat. thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 129 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run S. 53 °43' E., 584.41 feet; thence run N. 18'50'1,,., 134 feet, thence run S. 80'46'E., 74 feet, thence run N. 9 °14' E. to the North lot line of said Lot 7; thence continue N. 9 °1.4' E., 1.60 feet; thence run Easterly 191.25 feet; thence run N. 18 025'15" E., 195.37 feet; thence run North 370.74 feet, thence run Westerly 897.5 feet; said point being on the East:erIy line of the W 1/2 of the E,3/4. of the N 3/4 of Section 22, 'Township 19 South, Range 30 East, of Seminole Count, Florida; thence run Northerly along said Easterly line of Section 22 to the Northerly Line of said Section 22; thence run Westerly along said Northerly line of Section 22 to a point on the Westerly line of said W 1/2 of the E 3/4 of the N 3/4 of Section 22; thence run Southerly along said West line to an intersection wit-Ii Northerly right- of-way 1520.04 feet; thence run S. 540 E. 41.58 feet; thence run Easterly 356.29 feet; thence run Southerly 255.45 feet; thence run S. 35 041'22" W., 285 feet to the Northerly right-of-way of a road; thence run Southeasterly along said right-of-way to a point West of Point of Beginning; thence Easterly to the Point of Being. A -5 Overall Combined Property Description:(To Be Added To C.R.A.) Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4; Lots 1 and 3 through 7, Block 5; Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8; TOGETHER WITH the vacated alley lying East of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 5 and West of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8; AND ALSO Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 6, all lying and being in CI-IAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; Together With: Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Tier A; Lots 7 through 12, Block 7, Tier A, TOGI�aTHER WITH the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said Lot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO 'TOGETHER WITII the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, 'leer A; TOGETHER WITH Lots I through 7, Block 5, Tier 1; TOGETHER WITH Lots I through 7, Block 6, Tier l; and ALSO TOGETHER WITH Logs I through 8, 13lock 7, Tier 1, all lying and being in FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.A. TRAFI <'ORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; And Also Together With: That portion of Sanford Avenue lying South of a line from the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Tier 1, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole Country, Florida, to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 5 of CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Boole 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida and lying North of a line from the Southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 7, Tier 1 to the Southwest corner of Lot 12, Block 7, Tier A, LESS the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said I.ot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO LESS the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, Tier A of said FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OIa' SANFORD; And Also Together With: That portion of 3rd Street lying East of the East right.-of-way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Lot 1, Block 5 extended North to the South line of Lot 3, lock 4, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION `1'O SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat; Boole 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public; records of Seminole County, Florida.; And Also Together With: That portion of 4th Street lying East of the East right -of way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Block 5 extended South to the South right-of-way line of said 4th Street as shown on the plat; of CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Boole 3, Page 55 of the public: records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO) that portion of 4th Street lying West; of the West right-of-way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots 1 through 7, Block 5, Tier 1 extended South to the South right. ofway line of said 4th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMI'T'ED E.R. 'TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; raj And Also Together With: That portion of 5th Street lying East of the East right-of-way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the Mast line of Lot 5, Block 6, 'leer A extended South to the South right-of-way line of said 5th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE 'TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole Country, Florida; ANI} ALSO ghat; portion of 5th Street; lying West of the West right-of-way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots 1 through 8, Block 6, `leer 1, extended South to the South right -of -way line of said 5th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF TIIE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat; thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida Area to be removed from CRA: A Parcel of land located within Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, described as follows: I3egin at a point 66.6 feet West and 15.00 feet North of the South 1/4 corner of said Section 23, said point being an intersection of the North right-of-way line of Narcissus Road and the West right-of-way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence West along the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and parallel to the South line of said Section 23, a distance of 335.40 feet to the East line of Lot 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY'S CELE11Y PLANTATION as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 129, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence leaving said North right-of- way line of Narcissus Road, run North 660.00 feet; to the Northeast corner of said Lot 17; thence West along the North line of said Lot 17, a distance of 174.40 feet; thence leaving said North line of Lot 17, run North 1028.22 feet to the Southwest right - of-way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; thence South 39 °41'08" East, along said Southwest right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92, a distance of 798.34 feet to an intersection with the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence South 1073.85 feet to the point of Beginning, less the East 30 feet thereof: Together With: Begin on North line of St. Gertrude Avenue 71.97 chains West of East line of Holly Avenue, run West 15 chains North 10 chains East 484 feel; North 807 feet East 501 feet South to the beginning (LESS Begin NW intersection of first Street and Terwilliger Lane run North 150 feet West 120 feet South 150 feet East to Beginning). Together With: Begin 51.6 feet West, and 1,468 feet South of the North 1/4 Section Post, between Section 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330 feet, thence North to Lake Monroe, thence Northwesterly along Lake Monroe to a point North of the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said property lying and being in Seminole County, Florida Less and Except Road Right of Way for U.S. Highway 17 -92 on North. AIso Less and Except the portion of the above described lands conveyed to the City of Sanford by virtue of that certain Warranty Deed recorded September 10, 1985 in Official Records Book 1669, Page 852; corrected by Warranty Deed recorded January 10, 1987 in Official Records book 1806, Page 95, all being of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: A -7 Commence at the North 1/4 corner of Section 26, 'Township 19 South, Range 30 East and run South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the North line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 26, 36.60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continue South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds 'Brest: along the North line 15.00 feet to the point on the Easterly Right of Way line of Terwilliger Lane, thence run South 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East along said Easterly line 1407.97 feet, thence run North 89 degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds East 15.00 feet, thence run North 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West 1407.95 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Also Less and Except from the above described lands that portion conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded August 14, 1990 in Official Records Boole 2211, Page 292, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.60 feel: West, and 1,468.00 feet South of the North 1/4 Section post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330.00 feet, thence run North 396.00 feet, thence run 147est to a point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 396.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO LESS: Rights of Way for State Poad 46 and `Terwilliger Lane. Together With: Lots 1, 2 and 3, SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 63, Page 92, of the Public: Records of Seminole County, Florida Together With: From a permanent reference monument at the centerline of third Street and Persimmon Avenue shown on the plat of ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO THE 'TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat; thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112 through 117, Public; Records of Seminole County, Florida, run North parallel with and 41.00 feet; West of the West line of Tier 22 of said S'1: GERTRUDE ADDITION, 688.7 feet to Old North Right -of -Way line of St. Gertrude Avenue (First Street), thence run N 89 058'40" E, 357.17 feet to a point 20.5 feet West of the West line of Tier 21, said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run North 21.54 feet to the North Right-of-Way line of S.R. 46 for Point of Beginning, said Point being on the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (41.00 foot Right -of Way), thence run North along said centerline, 646.31 feet to the North Right-of-Way line of Fulton Street extended West, thence run S 89 °58'40" W, 20.5 feet to the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (82 foot Right-of-Way), thence run North along said centerline 594.00 feet to the North line of Block 2N of said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run S 89 °58'40" W, 20.00 feet to a point 579.5 feet East: of the North and South 1/4 Section Line of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run North 700.57 feet to the Southerly Right -of -Way line of U.S. Highway 17 & 92, thence run Northwesterly along said Southerly Right- of-Way line and a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1698.77 feet, a central angle of 12 021'51 ", a chord bearing of N 54 °11'21" W, an arc distance of 366.59 feet, to a point 278.4 feet East of a line running North from the South 1/4 Section Corner of Section 23, 'Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run S 00 010'50" W, 1454.83 feet to the North Right-of- Way line of S.R. 46, thence run N 88 036'35" E, 342.34 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Together With: Begin at the Northeast: corner of Block 2N, Tier 19, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East; along the Easterly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19, 264.00 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West; along the Southerly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19 and Westerly extension thereof, 337.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 20 of the said FLORIDA LAND A -8 AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED NTAP OF ST GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, said point also being on the Westerly right-of-way lira of Mulberry Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along said Westerly right -of -way line 363.00 feel; to a point on the centerline of Fulton Street; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West along the centerline of said Fulton Street 296.00 feet to the centerline of Pomegranite Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East 605,739 feet to a point on the Northerly right; ofway line of State Road 46; thence run South 88 degrees 16 minutes 56 seconds West. along said Northerly right-of-way line 168.550 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 279.808 feet to a point on centerline of Commercial Street; thence run South 89 degrees 30 minutes 56 seconds West; along said centerline of commercial Street 148.00 feet to the centerline of Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along the centerline of said 'Tamarind Avenue 363.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.500 feet to a point on the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees I8 minutes 59 seconds West along said centerline of Tamarind Avenue 594.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.00 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 700.80 feet to a point on the Southerly right -ofway line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; said Southerly right-of-way being 90.00 feet Southerly Measured, at right angles to and radially from the Northerly line of the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe thence run, Southeasterly along said Southerly right-of-way line along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1,681.678 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 44 minutes 03 seconds 520.513 feet to the end of said curve; thence continue along said Southerly right-of-way line South 77 degrees 35 minutes 36 seconds east 562.37 feet to a point; on the Northerly extension of the centerline of Jessamine Avenue; thence run South 0 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along said Northerly extension 386.80 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 41.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Together With: The West one -half of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded. in Plat Boole 1, Page 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 and 117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, less right-of-way for State Road 46. Together With: The East 1/2 of vacated Tamarind Avenue lying West of the West 1/2 of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZA'T'ION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANI {'ORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Boole 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and together with the South 1/2 of vacated Commercial Street lying North of said West 1/2 of Block 2, Tier 21, extended West to the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue. Together With: All of Block 1, Tier 20 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OIL' ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also all of that land which is contiguous to the above described Block 1, Tier 20, which land was formerly portions of the South 1/2 of Fulton Street and the East; 1/2 of Pomegranite Avenue and which was vacated by the City of Sanford ordinance No. 1099 as recorded in Official Records Boole 962, page 862 of the Public: Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also the North 1/2 of Commercial Street contiguous to the South line of said Block l,'frier 20; A -9 Together With: Lots I and 2, 1700 FIRST STREET according to the plat. thereof as recorded in Plat Book 72, page I of the public records of Seminole County, Florida_ Anti Also Together With: Block 2, Tier 19, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 11.5 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole Country, Florida LESS that part lying North of and within 53 foot of the centerline of construction of State Road 46, Section 77030, said centerline being described as follows: Commence on the West line of the NE 1/4 of Section 27, Township 19 South, Range 30 East at a point. 1576.05 feet South of the Northwest corner of said NE 1/4 of Section 27, thence run North 89 degrees 37' 56" East 2647.28 feet to the East line of said Section 27 (West line of Section 26, said 'Township and Range) at a point 1567.43 feel: South of the Northeast corner of said Section 27 (Northwest corner of said Section 26) thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 659.87 feet; thence run North 0 degrees 14' 44" West, 44 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 1566.40 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 42' 34" East, 1006.51 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 56' 48" East, 564.42 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 56" East, 106.1 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 26" East, 2308.96 feet to the center line of French Avenue at Station 120 +30.65 of Section 7715 -105 for the end of this center line description. TOGETHER WITH the South 112 of vacated Commercial Street lying North of and adjacent to Block 2, Tier 19, as vacated by City ordinance No. 1517 on July 28, 1980 AND the West 1/2 of vacated Jessamine Avenue, which is adjacent to the South 1/2 of vacated Commercial Street. A -10 Proposed S3 Taxable Value 23193030000700000 9,859,348 13,920,000 231930300007A0000 79 79 231930300009A0000 182,820 59,(i99 23193030001100000 0 0 25193030000200000 0 0 251.930300002A0000 0 0 25193030000300000 0 0 25193030000400000 0 0 25193030000700000 10,291,429 15,300,000 251930300009A0000 722,242 732,871 251930300009B0000 1,148,010 1,162,085 25193030000900000 565,471 566, 154 25193030001500000 221,157 221,369 25193030001600000 233,262 233,262 25193030001700000 0 0 25193030001800000 0 0 251930300018A0000 0 0 251930300018B0000 0 0 25193030001800000 0 0 25193030001900000 449,504 568,611 25193030002000000 344,508 344,508 25193030002100000 898,479 911,647 25193030002800000 143,748 143,748 25193050100000010 0 0 25193050100000030 0 0 251930501000000A0 314,165 321,637 25193050100000020 73,100 73,100 251930501000000DO 170,991 173,995 251930501000000BO 0 0 2519305010000001'0 0 0 25193050100000060 0 0 251930501000000110 0 0 25193050100000200 0 0 25193050100000210 0 0 25193050100000350 407,532 412,455 25193050100000380 515,734 522,649 25193050100000410 511,021 627,487 25193050100000450 0 0 25193050200000010 523,124 558,876 25193050200000020 240,770 240,770 25193050200000050 196,425 196,425 25193050200000060 175,073 175,073 25193050200000070 0 0 2519305020000007A 178,376 178,376 A -11 A -12 50 251930502000000X0 50 25193050200000100 1,059,962 1,075,152 2519305020000010A 81,180 81,180 25193050200000110 349,376 349,376 25193051400000030 208,105 208,105 25193051400000040 274,428 274,428 25193051400000080 0 0 2519305140000008A 178,376 178,376 25193051400000090 317,990 508,784 25193051400000120 0 0 25193051400000130 0 0 25193051500000010 0 0 2519305150000001A 565,269 598,618 25193051500000018 239,080 239,080 25193051500000010 0 0 2519305150000001D 319,824 323,224 25193051500000020 2,074,380 2,300,879 2519305150000002A 1,289,286 1,289,286 25193051500000040 0 0 25193051500000050 0 0 25193051500000060 199,737 201,703 25193051500000070 0 0 25193051500000080 752,502 766,663 25193051600000000 0 0 251930517000000A0 139,860 139,860 251930517000000BO 145,320 145,320 25193051700000000 139,860 139,860 251930517000000DO 145,320 145,320 25193051700000080 134,400 134,400 25193051700000010 139,860 139,860 25193051700000060 279,720 279,720 25193051700000000 0 0 25193051800000020 411,754 134,940 25193051800000030 1,296,000 3,240,000 25193052001001101 190,650 270,600 25193052001001102 247,690 351,560 25193052001001103 247,690 351,560 25193052001001104 247,690 351,560 25193052001001105 279,450 310,500 25193052001001106 130,975 185,900 25193052001001107 241,800 343,200 25193052001001108 163,370 231,880 25193052001001109 387,500 550,000 25193052001001201 141,700 207,200 25193052001001202 179,178 268,640 A -12 25193052001001203 179,178 2(;8,690 25193052001001204 179,178 `268,(;40 25193052001001205 141,700 207,200 25193052001001206 141,700 207,200 25193052001001207 179,178 268,640 251.93052001001208 179,178 268,640 25193052001001209 329,249 437,600 25193052001001210 179,178 243,455 2519305200100121.1 179,178 243,455 2519305200100121.2 179,275 256,650 25193052001001213 179,178 243,455 25193052001001214 141,700 187,775 25193052001001301 141,700 207,200 25193052001001302 179,178 268,640 25193052001001303 179,275 283,200 25193052001001304 179,178 268,640 25193052001001305 181,093 270,880 25193052001001306 181,093 270,880 25193052001001307 179,178 268,640 25193052001001308 179,178 268,640 25193052001001309 329,249 437,600 25193052001001310 179,178 243,455 25193052001001311 179,178 243,455 25193052001001312 179,275 256,650 25193052001001313 179,178 243,455 25193052001001314 141,700 187,775 25193052001001401 141,700 207,200 25193052001001402 179,178 208,640 25193052001001403 179,275 283,200 25193052001001404 179,178 268,640 25193052001001405 426,845 556,320 25193052001001406 426,845 556,320 25193052001001407 179,178 268,640 25193052001001408 179,178 268,640 25193052001001409 329,249 437,600 25193052001001410 129,178 193,455 25193052001001411 179,178 243,455 25193052001001412 179,275 256,650 25193052001001413 179,178 243,455 25193052001001414 141,700 187,775 25193052001.001501 344,241 473,920 25193052001001502 179,275 283,200 25193052001001503 179,178 268,640 25193052001001504 426,845 556,320 25193052001001.505 426,845 556,320 A -13 i 25193052001001506 + 179,178 i 268,640 25193052001001507 179,178 268,640 25193052001001508 329,249 437,600 25193052001001509 179,178 243,455 25193052001001510 179,178 243,455 25193052001001511 179,275 256,650 25193052001001512 344,241 429,490 25193052001001601 344,241 473,920 25193052001001602 412,547 538,240 25193052001001603 426,845 556,320 25193052001001604 426,845 556,320 25193052001001605 412,547 538,240 25193052001001606 329,249 437,600 25193052001001607 412,547 487,780 25193052001001608 179,275 256,650 251930 52001001609 344,241 429,490 25193052009009001 773,785 791,780 25193052000000000 0 0 251930520OC200000 0 0 2519305AGO1040010 412,086 417,747 2<519305AG01040020 49,759 49,759 2519305AGO1040040 558,780 556,084 2519305AGO1040060 1,419,063 1,476,976 2519305AGO1040110 421,757 427,144 2519305AGO1050070 55,286 55,286 25I9305AGO1060010 112,992 112,992 2519305AGO1060040 0 0 2519305AGO1060060 382,716 387,044 2519305AGO1070010 1,032,464 1,044, 163 2519305AGO1070060 417,439 417,439 2519305AGO1080010 218,558 221,745 2519305AGO1080030 270,937 273,323 2519305AGO1080060 101,038 101,038 2519305AGO1080080 111,100 111,257 2519305AGO1090010 429,890 429,890 2519305AGO1090060 459,901 455,810 2519305AG01090090 103,891 157,080 2519305AGO1100010 118,590 252,992 2519305AGOI I00060 176,228 255,944 2519305AGOI 170000 24,898,732 25,194,138 2519305AGO1170010 914,958 923,760 2519305AGO1170OU0 100 100 2519305AGO1200000 593,286 593,286 2519305AGO1210000 8,432,750 15,090,406 2519305AGO2010010 154,512 154,512 A -14 2519305AGO2010090 0 0 2519305AGO2010120 29,250 2 9, 25 0 2519305AGO2010140 46,450 46,450 2519305AGO2020010 0 0 2519305AGO2020020 0 0 2519305AGO2020040 467,349 467,349 2519305AGO2020050 264,646 269,184 2519305AGO202005A 211,659 215,540 2519305AGO2020060 185,372 189,194 2519305AGO2020070 402,858 411,190 2519305AGO2030010 79,761 79,761 2519305AGO2030040 0 0 2519305AGO2030050 763,861 779,485 2519305AGO2040010 127,024 131,219 2519305AGO204001A 389,547 395,091 2519305AGO2040020 233,839 238,419 2519305AGO204002A 76,661 77,550 2519305AGO2040030 1,366,174 1,427,500 2519305AG02040090 0 0 2519305AGO2050010 0 0 2519305AGO2050030 227,345 234,410 2519305AGO2050070 0 0 2519305AGO2050080 31,008 31,008 2519305AGO2050090 33,105 33,105 2519305AGO2060010 3 ,233,718 3,057,243 2519305AGO2070010 73,547 73,573 2519305AGO2070030 450,791 456,107 2519305AGO2070060 457,034 461,284 2519305AGO2080010 1,326,633 1,339,785 2519305AGO2090010 369,956 371,905 2519305AGO2090060 173,350 174,100 2519305AGO2090070 349,537 351,792 251.9305AG02100000 309,131 388,192 2519305AGO2100060 97,713 112,747 2519305AGO2100070 70,393 71,279 2519305AGO2100080 64,805 72,260 2510305AGO2100090 116,804 118,322 2619305AGO2100100 113,822 114,494 2519305AGO2110010 127,100 168,960 2519305AGO211002A 68,945 110,312 2519305AGO2110060 151,923 153,352 2619305AGO2110080 107,570 107,570 2519305AGO21.10090 66,184 66,184 2519305AGO2170000 535,788 535,788 2519305AGO21.80000 117,600 117,600 A -15 SIM ME 292,605 295,252 2519305AG021800A0 2519305AGO21800BO 117,612 11.7,612 2519305AGO2190000 81,024 81,024 2519305AG021900A0 255,930 255,930 2519305AGO21900BO 101,928 101,928 2519305ACi022100A0 249,972 249,972 2519305AGO3010010 0 0 2519305AG03010020 188,876 188,979 2519305AGO301002A 121,770 120,887 2519305AGO3010030 239,359 243,844 2519305AGO3010040 103,178 99,416 2519305AGO3010090 103,483 86,155 2519305AGO3010110 166,325 166,325 2519305AGO301011A 0 0 2519305AGO3010140 194,024 197,924 2519305AGO3010150 430,430 442,419 2519305AG03020010 400,073 400,073 2519305AGO3020030 72,185 73,123 2519305AGO3020040 148,368 148,466 2519305AGO3020050 212,453 214,796 2519305AGO302005A 120,863 124,240 2519305AGO3020090 261,238 244,317 2519305AGO3020100 103,896 105,106 2519305AGO3020110 181,561 192,613 2510305AGO3020120 255,478 260,266 2519305AGO302012A 455,936 464,456 2519305AGO302012B 108,697 113,155 2519305AGO3030010 587,446 595,841 2519305AGO303001A 276,250 279,826 2519305AGO3030020 281,340 281,349 2519305AGO3030030 147,331 151,616 2519305AGO3030040 1,656,250 1,562,252 2519305AG0303004A 174,526 170,707 2519305AG03030060 143,133 135,009 2619305AGO3030080 245,370 231,445 2519305AG03040010 214,241 221,004 2519305AGO304001 A 168,144 175,399 2519305AGO3040020 269,052 274,712 2519305AGO304002A 767,700 612,416 2519305AG03040060 779,495 790,294 2519305AGO3040090 97,546 101,494 2519305AGO304009A 329,240 338,608 251.9305AG03040100 80, &32 82,261 2519305AGO3050000 42,572 44,483 2519305AGO3050010 666,964 (19(1,900 A -16 2519305AGO3050030 194,440 211,315 2519305AGO3050040 448,011 452,881 2519305AGO3050090 217,271 217,401 2519305AGO3050120 37,069 37,069 25193055AGO3060010 751,775 804,348 2519305AGO3060050 42,117 37,002 2519305AGO3060060 188,679 193,080 2519305AGO3060090 49,548 49,806 2519305AGO3060100 164,941 166,909 2519305AGO3070010 67,926 69,124 2519305AGO3070020 150,736 150,736 2519305AGO3070030 198,548 206,734 2519305AGO3070040 253,907 257,047 2519305AGO3070050 34,818 34,818 2519305AGO3070060 127,1,58 130,425 2519305AGO3070070 24,500 24,500 2519305AGO3070090 58,702 59,263 2519305AGO3070100 18,247 18,204 2519305AGO3080010 485,606 493,609 2519305AGO3080030 202,891 204,116 2519305AGO3080060 101,998 106,680 2519305AGO3080090 176,790 209,459 2519305AGO3080100 137,598 160,909 2519305AGO4010010 218,308 223,778 2519305AGO401001A 23,094 23,094 2519305AGO401001B 119,051 120,149 2519305AGO4010040 108,896 108,896 2519305AGO4010050 44,460 44,460 2519305AGO4010070 0 0 2519305AGO4010110 347,318 392,233 2519305AGO4020010 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020020 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020030 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020040 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020050 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020060 20,185 20,185 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2519305AGO4020050 19,305 19,305 2519305AG04020060 20,185 20,185 2519305AGO4020070 234,704 237,131 2519305AGO4020090 0 0 2519305AGO4020100 0 0 2519305AG04020110 27,495 27,495 2519305AG04020120 207 ,464 212,273 2519305AGO4020130 131,082 132,356 2519305AGO4030010 32,265 32,265 2519305AGO4030020 32,265 32,265 2519305AGO4030030 238,652 245,239 A -29 2519305AG04030040 29,250 29,250 !202,392 2519305AG04030050 205,076 2519305AGO4030060 98,422 101,697 2510305AG04030080 31,560 31,560 2519305AG04030090 180,060 177,382 2519305AG04040010 272,452 278,930 2519305AG04040030 347,038 379,331 2519305AG04040040 81,404 88,979 2519305AG04040050 136,001 137,560 2519305AG04040060 33,345 33,345 2519305AGO4040070 29,250 29,250 2519305AG04040080 0 0 2519305AGO4040090 90,765 92,415 2519305AG0404009A 14,889 14,896 2519305AG04040100 12,995 12,995 2519305AGO404010A 174,986 174,986 2519305AGO4050010 183,720 183,720 2519305AG04OL10040 321,299 292,090 2519305AG0405005A 6,960 6,960 2519305AG04060010 313,924 321,735 2519305AG04060040 188,927 190,644 2619305AGO4060060 0 0 2519305AG04060070 141,577 89,171 2519305AGO4060090 138,180 171,463 2519305AG0406009A 18,339 18,296 2519305AG04070010 169,738 172,585 2519305AG04070O30 29,250 23,000 2519305AGO4070040 29,250 23,000 2519305AGO4070050 94,425 116,346 2519305AG04070060 55,675 55,569 2519305AG04070080 126,262 1.55,035 2519305AGO4070090 101,956 124,492 2519305AGO4070100 136,422 170,238 2519305AGO4080010 87,724 106,200 2519305AG0-1080020 1.07,974 132,068 2519305AGO4080030 98,161 121,621 2519305AGO4080040 85,976 105,615 2519305AG04080050 82,820 101,381 2519305AGO4080060 515,372 520,077 2519305AGOX000010 0 0 2519305AGOX000030 0 0 251930r)AGOX000050 362,035 362,035 2519305AGOX00005B 0 0 2519305AGOX000060 1,1(54,896 1,303,095 251930 SAGOX000070 376 376 A -30 A -31 il' 132 11: 132 2519305AGOX00007A 2519305AGOY000OIO 0 0 2519305AG0YO00040 39,596 39,596 2519305AGOY000050 99,970 99,970 251.9305AG0YO00090 201,560 211,629 2519305AGOY00009A 9,409 9,409 2519305AGOYOOOIOO 172,494 172,494 2519305AGOYOOOI lA 1,012,797 310,068 2519305AGOY000130 433,964 394,513 2510305AGOY000140 234,700 236,304 2519305AGOY00014A 407,484 412,096 2519305AGlNO60000 0 0 2519305AG2NO60000 0 0 2519305AG3NO90010 382,320 388,103 2519305QIA0000010 154,000 154,000 2519305QIA0000020 181,500 181,500 2519305QL00000030 181,500 181,500 2519305QL00000040 396,000 396,000 2519305QL00000050 509,964 514,400 2519305QL00000060 180,000 180,000 2519305QL00000070 180,000 180,000 2519305QL00000080 180,000 180,000 2519305QLOOOOOIOO 200,000 200,000 2519305QL0000011.0 453,037 456,367 2519305QL00000120 150,000 150,000 2519305QL00000130 180,000 180,000 2519305QL00000140 514,839 519,132 2519305QL00000150 493,382 497,399 2519305QI,00000160 225,000 225,000 2519305QI,00000170 144,000 180,000 2519305QL00000180 144,000 198,000 2519305QI.00000190 330,000 330,000 2519305QLOA000000 0 0 2519305QLOB00000O 0 0 26193030000100000 0 0 26193030000200000 6,733,291 7,804,428 261930300003AOOOO 1,764,180 1,764,180 26193030000500000 3,181 3,181 26193030000600000 33,268 33,184 26193030000700000 241,907 278,382 26193050800001010 341,250 341,250 26193050800001140 131,250 131,250 261930508000011.90 183,750 183,750 26193050800001260 210,000 210,000 26193050800001340 154,875 154,875 A -31 � 26143050800001410 • 278,250 f 278,250 26193050800001510 156,030 156,030 201103050800001580 0 0 26193050800002010 141,330 141,330 26193050800002060 121,170 121,170 26193050800002110 393,750 393,750 26193050800002260 231,000 231,000 2619305080000234A 162,750 162,750 26193050800002410 183,750 183,750 26193050800002480 210,000 210,000 26193050800002560 131,251 131,251 26193050800002610 131,250 131,250 26193050800000000 0 0 26193050900000010 1,364,480 1,378,142 26193050900000020 90,726 90,726 26193050900000030 600,173 605,841 26193051000000010 259,021 263,468 26193051000000020 370,434 370,434 26193051100000010 405,000 405,000 26193051100000020 405,000 292,500 30193130000100000 0 0 30193130000400000 538,139 695,933 30193150601000010 246,367 259,127 30193150601000020 514,944 514,944 30193150601000040 394,231 407,332 30193150601000050 0 0 30193150602000010 0 0 301931507OA000000 0 0 3019315070EOo0000 0 0 3019315070F000010 0 0 3019315070GO00010 31,278 31,278 30193150706000030 142,565 143,440 3019315070GO00060 75,930 75,930 30193150706000110 118,535 126,797 3019315070GO00140 85,497 99,105 301931.50706000180 93,321 109,330 30193150701.1000010 774,395 1,001,465 3019315070J000140 0 0 30193150701 {000010 0 0 301931507OK000090 0 0 301031507OL000010 0 0 301031507OL000090 0 0 3019315070I,000130 0 0 3019315070M000010 0 0 301931507084000090 0 0 A -32 A -33 � • i 3019315070M00U 11.0 0 0 3019315070M000140 0 0 3019315070M000230 0 0 3019315070M000250 0 U 3019315070M000280 U U 30193150700000010 0 0 30193150804000010 0 0 30193151415000000 0 0 30193151501000000 0 0 30193151502000000 1,825,329 2,387,673 30193151514000010 0 0 30193151514000020 166,476 151,342 30193151521000000 123,114 123,114 301931515210A0000 106,842 106,842 30193151522OA0000 198,636 198,636 30193152800000010 153,180 153,180 30193152800000020 153,180 153,180 30193152800000030 153,090 153,090 30193152800000040 153,090 153,090 30193152800000050 163,170 163,170 30193152800000060 163,170 163,170 30193152800000070 154,800 154,800 30193152800000080 154,800 154,800 3019315 2800000090 156,240 156,240 30193152800000000 0 0 A -33 R 22193030000400000 / • 22193050200000010 238,130 305,052 22193050200000020 1.58,611 201,301 22193050200000030 116,336 170,933 22193050200000040 175,183 232,773 221.93050200000050 113,723 132,129 22193050200000060 113,723 217,443 22193050200000070 113,223 131,629 22193050200000080 117,711 120,038 22193050200000090 105,271 105,116 22193050200000100 149,091 148,892 22193050200000110 167,171 207,438 22193050200000120 105,271 105,116 22193050200000130 123,021 132,504 22193050200000140 152,043 188,669 22193050200000150 99,087 98,933 22193050200000160 116,315 156,682 22193050200000170 172,042 117,387 22193050200000180 188,328 220,687 22193050200000190 172,723 224,443 22193050200000200 116,315 156,682 22193050200000210 223,801 289,676 22193050200000220 118,036 117,868 22193050200000230 136,800 173,386 22193050200000240 169,187 172,265 22193050200000250 117,055 169,105 22193050200000260 110,291 118,136 22193050200000270 126,927 174,443 22193050200000280 120,244 120,074 22193050200000290 172,859 238,443 22193050200000300 122,723 224,443 22193050200000310 182,817 188,177 22193050200000320 95,754 184,485 22193050200000330 142,469 180,952 22193050200000340 107,315 149,682 22193050200000350 130,738 185,079 22193050200000360 98,141 97,993 22193050200000370 93,043 131,669 22193050200000380 115,473 169,243 22193050200000390 156,667 198,872 22193050200000400 120,569 120,399 22193050200000410 167,381 207,657 22193050200000420 184,305 250,509 A -34 � 22193050200000430 f 105,271 • 105,116 22193050200000440 124,793 178,861 22I93050200000450 107,315 149,682 22193050200000460 105,271 105,116 22193050200000470 163,042 216,543 22193050200000480 222,859 288,443 22193050200000490 132,850 132,667 22193050200000500 143,700 155,553 22193050200000510 119,741 119,571 22193050200000520 173,229 173,005 22193050200000530 165,244 204,615 22193050200000540 96,874 103,872 22193050200000550 143,043 181,669 22193050200000560 165,473 219,243 22193050200000570 100,665 189,420 22193050200000580 92,469 130,952 22193050200000590 83,847 198,872 22193050200000600 113,042 117,387 22193050200000610 106,667 148,872 22193050200000620 86,983 86,846 22193050200000630 85,637 172,306 22193050200000640 137,873 196,733 22193050200000650 140,281 161,844 22193050200000660 164,403 1.68,343 22193050200000670 130,329 184,917 22193050200000680 111,922 150,491 22193050200000690 156,500 I45,775 22193050200000700 167,449 221,875 22193050200000710 93,618 132,387 22193050200000720 86,174 122,976 22193050200000730 128,084 180,572 22193050200000740 125,183 180,176 22193050200000750 136,174 172,976 22193050200000760 143,618 132,387 22193050200000770 11 ti,086 167,844 22193050200000780 93,043 131,669 22193050200000790 92,939 92,796 22193050200000800 163,723 217,443 22193050200000810 93,043 99,360 22193050200000820 163,723 217,443 22193050200000830 143,043 181,669 22193050200000840 93,043 99,360 22193050200000850 113,042 164,236 22193050200000860 105,271 105,116 22193050200000870 122,743 162,359 A -35 22193050200000880 il• 156,667 I!: 198,872 22193050200000890 142,469 180,952 22193050200000900 106,667 198,872 22193050200000910 113,723 132,129 22193050200000920 165,649 220,025 22193050200000930 M3,492 252,301 22193050200000940 182,097 186,164 22193050200000950 122,409 141,611 22193050200000960 169,982 210,505 22193050200000970 103,675 111,099 22193050200000980 93,043 181,669 22193050200000990 1.08,723 127,129 22193050200001000 214,801 282,676 22193050200001010 177,589 245,265 22193050200001020 113,042 117,387 22193050200001030 143,618 182,387 22193050200001040 126,396 180,449 22193050200001050 137,974- 174,826 22193050200001060 114,403 165,982 22193050200001070 130,425 185,012 22193050200001080 56,541 56,435 22193050200001090 117,259 171,301 22193050200001100 143,043 99,360 22193050200001110 126,583 165,982 22193050200001120 115,649 167,652 22193050200001130 143,043 181,669 22193050200001140 163,723 217,443 22193050200001150 157,315 199,682 22193050200001160 152,163 108,720 22193050200001.170 107,315 114,384 22193050200001180 113,723 132,129 22193050200001190 118,289 127,680 22193050200001200 181,129 185,985 22193050200001 210 176,790 217,409 22193050200001220 139,623 201,457 22193050200001230 226,548 294,789 22193050200001240 142,469 180,952 22193050200001250 107,315 11.4,384 22193050200001260 93,043 99,360 22193050200001270 107,315 114,384 22193050200001280 163,779 202,307 22193050200001290 130,476 184,789 22193050200001300 233,070 301,660 22193050200001310 127,515 147,206 22193050200001320 117,171 126,240 A -36 22193050200001330 122,723 132,129 22193050200001340 102,043 138,669 22193050200001350 122,723 132,129 22193050200001360 102,043 138,150 22193050200001370 174,473 226,243 22193050200001380 143,043 181,669 22193050200001390 124,448 144,361 22193050200001400 197,604 253,522 22193050200001410 97,043 133,669 22193050200001420 122,723 132,129 22193050200001430 143,043 181,669 22193050200001440 107,315 11.4,384 22193050200001450 113,723 217,443 22193050200001460 115,473 169,243 22193050200001470 157,315 199,682 22193050200001480 157,315 114,384 22193050200001490 105,532 115,243 22193050200001500 180,018 221,322 221930 50200001510 181,1(i9 222,726 22193050200001520 114,403 218,343 22193050200001530 1.13,723 132,129 22193050200001540 227,061 295,322 22193050200001550 115,473 134,248 22193050200001560 201,885 264,223 22193050200001570 123,712 143,546 22193050200001580 229,106 297,431 22193050200001590 166,203 220,193 22193050200001600 107,963 150,491 22193050200001610 93,043 99,360 22193050200001620 117,449 171,875 22193050200001630 86,174 122,976 22193050200001640 141,153 200,681 22193050200001650 1.73,024 172,801 22193050200001660 166,336 220,933 22193050200001670 108,611 151,301 22193050200001680 109,034 151,857 22193050200001690 165,640 219,217 22193050200001700 1.66,551 168,940 22193050200001710 93,043 131,669 22193050200001720 175,183 232,773 22193050200001730 11.4,675 133,115 22193050200001740 93,043 131,669 22193050200001750 107,963 150,491 221913050200001760 114,403 165,982 22193050200001770 107,315 114,384 A -37 A -38 ii• 164,403 !i: 218,343 22193050200001780 22193050200001790 107,315 114,384 22193050200001800 113,723 132,129 22193050200001810 110,001 152,467 22193050200001820 116,596 132,129 22193050200001830 157,315 199,682 22193050200001840 113,723 132,129 22193050200001850 125,260 178,438 22193050200001860 168,764 237,111 22193050200001870 85,637 122,306 22193050200001880 107,315 149,682 22193050200001890 157,315 1991682 22193050200001.900 0 0 22193050200001.910 125,566 147,133 22193050200001920 163,723 217,443 22193050200001930 157,315 149,682 22193050200001940 118,151 126,930 22193050200001950 113,723 167,443 22193050200001960 106,667 148,872 22193050200001970 142,469 180,95` 22193050200001980 113,042 164,236 22193050200001990 106,667 148,872 22193050200002000 61,594 61,483 2219305020A000000 0 0 22193050200000000 0 0 2219305020D000000 0 0 22193050201;000000 0 0 22193050206000000 0 0 2219305020I1000000 0 0 22193050201000000 0 0 2219305020JO00000 0 0 22193050201 {000000 0 0 22193050201.000000 0 0 2219305020M000000 0 0 26193030000900000 282,553 2&3,246 A -38 2519305AG0501.0010 11' • 173,581 11: • 1.57,801 2519305AGO5010020 30,421 30,425 2519305AGO5010030 66,801 66,808 2519305AGO5010050 20,358 20,358 2519305AGO5010060 50,544 50,544 2519305AGOGOl.0010 182,668 182,668 2519305AGO6010030 163,378 148,525 2519305AGO6010040 132,754 132,754 2510305AGO6010060 148,663 152,156 2519305AGO6010080 94,858 97,007 2519305AG06OA0050 40,248 40,248 2519305AG06OA0060 153,480 105,141 2519305AGO7010010 192,198 194,553 2519305AGO7010030 124,557 126,570 2519305AGO7010040 114,037 115,861 2519305AGO7010050 30,888 30,888 2619305AGO7010060 0 0 2519305AG07OA0070 55,243 55,243 2519305AG07OA007A 43,008 43,008 2519305AG07OA0090 228,072 287,932 2519305AG07OA0110 67,584 67,584 30193151504000010 60,180 60,180 30193151504000020 57,900 57,900 30193151504000030 24,090 21,900 30193151505000010 37,440 37,440 30193151505000020 13,395 13,395 30193151505000030 18,396 18,396 30193151505000040 687,032 693,640 30193151506000010 165,938 167,873 3010315150600001A 47,528 43,863 30193151506000020 50,268 87,962 30193151506000030 0 29,736 A -39 om.,j:.)arties _Ile. 11 If I "'I'll 11 1 a I , rl 11 i I DOUDNEYCOMPANIES, INC. BY: DAVID A. DOUDNE.Y, PRESI.DEV'T FLORIDA. f. ECIISTRATION NUUBER. 3939 I JUNE 2009 E'.tk:QE I OF 7 PR.Oi?RSSIONAL SUR'V YORS AND MAPP CIS R0_60,1rR6 • SAAP0i?D, FLORIDA • 52772 • TELEPHONE • 407.322.1451 • FAX •407.322.1495 200 E COMAIFRCIAL STRHL T, SUITE I • SANrORD, 1-1,ORIDA 32771 OVERALL COMBINED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: (TO BE ADDED TO C.R.A.) Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4; Lots 1 and 3 through 7, Block 5; Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8; TOGETHER WITH the vacated alley lying East of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 5 and West of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8; AND ALSO Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 6, all lying and being in CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; TOGETHER WITH: Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Tier A; Lots 7 through 12, Block 7, Tier A, TOGETHER WITH the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said Lot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, Tier A; TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 7, Block 5, Tier 1; TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 7, Block 6, Tier 1; and ALSO TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 8, Block 7, Tier 1, all lying and being in FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of Sanford Avenue lying South of a line from the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Tier 1, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida, to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 5 of CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida and lying North of a line from the Southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 7, Tier 1 to the Southwest corner of Lot 12, Block 7, Tier A, LESS the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said Lot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO LESS the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, Tier A of said FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of 3rd Street lying East of the East right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Lot 1, Block 5 extended North to the South line of Lot 3, Block 4, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; PAGE: 2 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of 4`h Street lying East of the East right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Block 5 extended South to the South right -of -way line of said 41h Street as shown on the plat of CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO that portion of 4th Street lying West of the West right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots 1 through 7, Block 5, Tier 1 extended South to the South right -of- way line of said 4th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of 5th Street lying East of the East right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the East line of Lot 5, Block 6, Tier A extended South to the South right -of -way line of said 5`h Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO that portion of 5t Street lying West of the West right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots 1 through 8, Block 6, Tier 1, extended South to the South right -of -way line of said 5th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida. PAGE: 3 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 OVERALL COMBINED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: (TO BE REMOVED FROM C.R.A.) A Parcel of land located within Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, described as follows: Begin at a point 66.6 feet West and 15.00 feet North of the South Y4 corner of said Section 23, said point being an intersection of the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence West along the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and parallel to the South line of said Section 23, a distance of 335.40 feet to the East line of Lot 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY'S CELERY PLANTATION as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 129, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence leaving said North right - of -way line of Narcissus Road, run North 660.00 feet; to the Northeast corner of said Lot 17; thence West along the North line of said Lot 17, a distance of 174.40 feet; thence leaving said North line of Lot 17, run North 1028.22 feet to the Southwest right -of -way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; thence South 39 041'08" East, along said Southwest right -of- way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92, a distance of 798.34 feet to an intersection with the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence South 1073.85 feet to the point of Beginning, less the East 30 feet thereof: TOGETHER WITH; Begin on North line of St. Gertrude Avenue 71.97 chains West of East line of Holly Avenue, run West 15 chains North 10 chains East 484 feet North 807 feet East 501 feet South to the beginning (LESS Begin NW intersection of first Street and Terwilliger Lane run North 150 feet West 120 feet South 150 feet East to Beginning). TOGETHER WITH; Begin 51.6 feet West, and 1,468 feet South of the North'/ Section Post, between Section 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330 feet, thence North to Lake Monroe, thence Northwesterly along Lake Monroe to a point North of the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said property lying and being in Seminole County, Florida Less and Except Road Right of Way for U.S. Highway 17 -92 on North. Also Less and Except the portion of the above described lands conveyed to the City of Sanford by virtue of that certain Warranty Deed recorded September 10, 1985 in Official Records Book 1669, Page 852; corrected by Warranty Deed recorded January 10, 1987 in Official Records book 1806, Page 95, all being of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Commence at the North Y4 corner of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East and run South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the North line of the Northwest '/ of said Section 26, 36.60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continue South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the North line 15.00 feet to the point on the Easterly Right of Way line of Terwilliger Lane, thence run South 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East along said Easterly line 1407.97 feet, thence run North 89 degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds East 15.00 feet, thence run North 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West 1407.95 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PAGE: 4 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 Also Less and Except from the above described lands that portion conveyed by \KAarrontVD��d .rded August 14.1S90iDOfUcio| Records Book 2211. Page 202, Public ' Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.8D feet West, and 1.408.DO feet South of the North |4 Section post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330.00 feet, thence run North 396.00 feet, thence run West to a point North to the P01NT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 396.OD feet tw the POINT C)FBEGINNING. ALSO LESS: Rights of Way for State Road 48 and Terwilliger Lane TOGETHER WITH; Lots 1. 2 and 3. SANF(]RD ONCOLOGY CENTER, according to the Plat thereof aa recorded in Plat Book 63, Page 92, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida TOGETHER WITH; From a permanent reference monument at the centerline of third Street and Persimmon Avenue shown on the plat of ST. GERTRUOE ADDITION TO THE TOWN [)F SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112 through 117` Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run North parallel with and 41.00feet West of the West line of Tier 22of said ST. GERTRUOE ADDITION, OU8.7feet to Old North F7ight-of4Nay line cf St. Gertrude Avenue (First Stno*d. thence run NB8"58,4U"E. 357.17 feet toa point 2O.5 feet West of the West line of Tier 31. said ST. GERTP(UC>E ADDITION, thence run North 21.54feet to the North Right'of4/Vay line ofG.R.4Ofor Point ofBeginning, said Point being on the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue /41.00 foot }�ight-ofVVa«\. thence run North along said centedina, 846.31 feet Luthe `o�hRigh|-of4y�aV line -of Fulton Street extended West, thence run S8S"58`4U"VV.2O.5 feet to the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (82 foot Right-of-Way), thence run North along said centerline 594.00 feet to the North line of Block 2N of said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run G88"5O'4O"VV.2D.00 feet too point 578.5 feet East of the North and South 1/4Section Line of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run North 700.57 feet to the Southerly Right-of-Way line of U.S. Highway 17 & 92, thence run Northwesterly along said Southerly Right-of-Way line and a curve concave Northeasterly having m radius of18SO.77 feet, a central angle of12"21`51",o chord bearing ofN54"11'21"VV,an arc distance of388.59 feet, 1oopoint 278.4 feet East of line running North from the South 1/4 8ection Corner of Section 23` Township 1S South, Range 3O East, thence run 8DO"1O'5O^VV`1454.O3feet to the North Right-of- Way line of G.R. 48. thence run N 88"38'35" E. 342.34 feet 1othe Point of Beginning. TOGETHER WITH; Begin at the Northeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 19, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along the Easterly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19, 264.00 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West along the Southerly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19 and Westerly extension thereof, 337.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 20 of the said FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, said point also being on the Westerly right -of -way line of Mulberry Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along said Westerly right -of -way line 363.00 feet to a point on the centerline of Fulton Street; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West along the centerline of said Fulton Street 296.00 feet to the centerline of Pomegranite Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East 605.739 feet to a point on the Northerly right -of- way line of State Road 46; thence run South 88 degrees 16 minutes 56 seconds West along said Northerly right -of -way line 168.550 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 279.808 feet to a point on centerline of Commercial Street; thence run South 89 degrees 30 minutes 56 seconds West along said centerline of commercial Street 148.00 feet to the centerline of Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue 363.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.500 feet to a point on the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along said centerline of Tamarind Avenue 594.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.00 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 700.80 feet to a point on the Southerly right -of- way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; said Southerly right -of -way being 90.00 feet Southerly Measured, at right angles to and radially from the Northerly line of the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe thence run, Southeasterly along said Southerly right -of -way line along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1,681.678 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 44 minutes 03 seconds 520.513 feet to the end of said curve; thence continue along said Southerly right -of -way line South 77 degrees 35 minutes 36 seconds east 562.37 feet to a point on the Northerly extension of the centerline of Jessamine Avenue; thence run South 0 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along said Northerly extension 386.80 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 41.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. TOGETHER WITH: The West one -half of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FL RIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 and 117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, less right -of -way for State Road 46. TOGETHER WITH: The East' /2 of vacated Tamarind Avenue lying West of the West'/ of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and together with the South Y2 of vacated Commercial Street lying North of said West 1/2 of Block 2, Tier 21, extended West to the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; PAGE: 6 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 TOGETHER WITH: All of Block 1, Tier 20of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. C3EHTRU[]E ADDITION TOGANF{}RD. FLORIDA, according tw the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112-117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also all of that land which is contiguous to the above described Block 1,Tier 20, which land was formerly portions of the South 1/2of Fulton Street and the East 1/2 of PonnegoanihaAvenue and which was vacated by the Qb/ of Sanford ordinance No. 1098 as recorded in Official Records Book 962, page 862 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also the North 1/2of Commercial Street contiguous to the South line of said Block 1, Tier 20; TOGETHER WITH: Lots 1 and 2,1700 FIRST STREET according kz the plat thereof ao recorded inPlat Book 73. page 1 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida. AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: Block 2, Tier 19. FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION C[]'8 LIMITED MAP OF 8T. GERTRUOEADDIT|[)N TO 8ANFDRD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof ao Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 115-117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida LESS that part lying North of and within 53 foot of the centerline of construction of State Road 48. Section 77O3O. said centerline being described unfollows: Commence on the West line of the NE % of Section 27, Township 19 South, Range 30 East ota point 1570.U5 feet South of the Northwest corner ofsaid NE�� of Section 27, thence run North 89 degrees 37`56" East 2847.2Dfeet tu the East line of said Section 27 (West line of Section 26, said Township and Range) at a point 1567.43 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Section 27 (Northwest corner of said Section 26) thence run North U8 degrees 42'58" East U5S.87feet; thence run North D degrees 14'44" West, 44 feet; thence run North 8S degrees 42'50" East 1508.4O feet; thence run South 89 degrees 42' 34" East, 1006.51 feet; thence run South 88 degrees 58' 48" East, 584.42 feet; thence run North DS degrees 38`50" East, 108.1 feet; thence run North 8Sdegrees 39'28" East, 23O8.S6 feet to the center line of French Avenue ot Station 12O+38.65of Section 7715-1O5 for the end of this center line description. TOGETHER WITH the South Y2 ofveuaied Con1[narcie| Street lying North of and adiucenttu Block 2. Tier 19,aa vacated bu��ity ordinance No. 1517on July 2O.1SRO AND the West 1/2of vacated Jessamine Avenue, which io adjacent to the South 1/2of vacated Commercial Street. JOB# 9 -09 DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD PLATS: FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY'S CELERY PLANTATION: 1/129 SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER: 63/92 FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF THE ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA: 1/112 THROUGH 117 1700 FIRST STREET 72/1 (1) PARCEL ID: 23- 19- 30- 300 - 0070 -0000 UNITED DOMION REALITY TRUST WARRENTY DEED: 2793/1082 DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land located within the Southwest 1/ Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East Seminole County, Florida. Described as follows: Begin at a point 66.6 feet West and 15.0 feet North of the South'/ corner of said Section 23; said point being an intersection of the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence West along the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and parallel to the South line of said Section 23, a distance of 191.40 feet; thence leaving said North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road, run North 210.00 feet; thence West 144.00 feet to the East line of Lot 17 of "Florida Land and Colonization Company's Plantation" as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 129, public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence North 450.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 17; thence West along the North line of said Lot 17, a distance of 174.40 feet; thence leaving said North line of lot 17, run North 1028.22 feet to the Southwest right -of- way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; thence South 39 °41'08" East, along said Southwest right -of -way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92, a distance of 798.34 feet to an intersection with the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence South 1073.85 feet to the Point of Beginning, less the East 30 feet thereof. EASEMENT 1: Together with a non - exclusive easement for retention and detention and drainage and private or public utilities as described in Deed of Easement recorded in Official Records Book 1830, Pagel 268 of the public Records of Seminole County, Florida. EASEMENT 2: Together with an easement used for the construction, operation and maintenance of one or more underground water and sewer lines as described in easement for water and sewer lines recorded in Official Records Book 2012, Page 1635 Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (2) PARCEL ID: 23- 19 -30- 300 -009A -0000 MICHAEL T. & DONNA L. LOADER QUIT CLAIM DEED: 598710537 DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1: From the South'/ Section corner of Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, run West 402 feet, thence run North 15 feet for a Point of Beginning. Thence continue North 105 feet; thence run East 144 feet, thence run South 105 feet; thence run West 144 feet to the Point of Beginning. Subject to an easement over the West 12 feet thereof for road purpose Parcel 2: From the South '/ Section corner of Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, run West 402 feet, thence run North 120 feet for a point of Beginning, thence continue North 195 feet; thence run East 144 feet, thence run South 105 feet; thence run West 144 feet to the Point of Beginning. Subject to an easement over the West 12 feet thereof for road purpose (3) PARCEL ID: 2G'G-3 SUSAN W. H|GGINBOTH&M, MARGARET W. JONES, CATHERINE W. MASSEY, ANNE B. STURGES AND WILLIAM W. WHITE`JR. WARRENTY DEED: 4243/1UO3 DESCRIPTION: AN UNDIVIDED ONE-FIFTH (1/5) INTEREST EACH |N4.17296 INTEREST |NTHE FOLLOWING: Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Begin on North line of St. Gertrude Avenue 71.97 chains West of East line of Holly Avenue, run West 10 chains North 10 chains East 154 feet North 807 feet South to Beginning (Less Begin NVVintersection of First Street and Terwilliger Lane run North 150 feet West 120 feet South 150 feet East to Beginning). PARCEL ID: 26-19-3W-30O-007Q-80O0 PEGGY NESTOR WARRENTY DEED: 1441/Q770 DESCRIPTION: Beginning on the North line of St, Gertrude Avenue 81.g7 chains West of the East line of the Intersection of Holly Avenue and First Street, in the City of Sanford, run West 5 chains, North 10 chains, East 5 chains, South 10 chains to the Point of Beginning, all lying and being in Section 36.Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida. SUBJECT TO all valid Restrictions, conditions, limitations and EoaenneDtn of record, however this reference ohm!{ not aan/a to repose same. (6) PARCEL I0; 26-19-30-300-003A-0008 THE SPANOS CORPORATION SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED: 5021/1115 DESCRIPTION: Begin 51.8 feet West, and 1.488 feet South of the North % Section Post, between Sacl}uno 23 and 28. Township 18 Gouth, Range 30 East, run East 330 feet, U1enma North to Lake Monroe, thence Northwesterly along Lake Monroe to a point North of the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence South to the POINT OF BEG|NN|NC3, said property lying and being in Seminole County' Florida. Less and Except Road Right of Way for U.G. Highway 17-92onNorth. Also Less and Except that portion of the above described lands conveyed to the City of Sanford by virtue ofthat certain Warranty Deed recorded 8ecdmrnber 10` 1985 in {}ffioim| F{acnndm Book 1069. Page 852; corrected by Warranty Deed recorded January 10. 1987 in Official Records Book 1806. Page 85` all being of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Commence at the North % corner of Section 20. Township 19 8oUth, Range 30 East and run South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the North line of the Northwest % of said Section 26, 36.60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continue South 89 degrees 45 minutes OU seconds West along the North line 15.OU feet to the point on the Easterly Right of Way line of Terwilliger Lane, thence run South 0 degrees 06 rninu0ae 30 seconds East along said Easterly line 1407.97 feet, thence run North 89 degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds East 15.00 feet, thence run North 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West 14O7.85 feet tu the POINT OF BEGINNING. Also Less and Except that portion of the above described lands conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded August 14, 1990 in Official Records Book 2211, Page 290, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.60 feet West, and 1,468.00 feet South of the North'/ Section Post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 200.00 feet, thence run North 200.00 feet, thence run West to a point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 200.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS: Rights of Way for State Road 46 and Terwilliger Lane Also Less and Except from the above described lands that portion conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded August 14, 1990 in Official Records Book 2211, Page 292, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.60 feet West, and 1,468.00 feet South of the North'/ Section Post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330.00 feet, thence run North 396.00 feet, thence run West to a Point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 396.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS: Begin 51.60 feet West and 1,468.00 feet South of the North'/ Section Post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 200.00 feet, thence run North 200.00 feet, thence run West to a point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 200.00 feet the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO LESS: Rights of Way for State Road 46 and Terwilliger Lane. (6) PARCEL ID: 26- 19 -30- 509 - 0000 -0010 PEREGRINE LLC NO DEED DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER PB 63 PG 92 (7) PARCEL ID: 26- 19- 30- 509 -0000 -0020 PEREGRINE LLC NO DEED DESCRIPTION: LOT 2, SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER PB 63 PG 92 (8) PARCEL ID: 26- 19- 30- 509 - 0000 -0030 MID - FLORIDA ONCOLOGY 1, LLC WARRENTY DEED: 0510610032 DESCRIPTION: PARCEL I.D. NOS: 26- 19 -30- 300 -0030 -0000 and 26-19-30-300-003B-0000 Lot 3 of SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 63, Page 92, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (9) PARCEL ID: 26-19-30-300-0020-0000 LAKE KAONROE ASSOCIATES, LTD SPECIALWARREMTY DEED: 02618/0013 DESCRIPTION: Tax Parcel |.D.#(o): 23'19-30-300-0100-0000-0-5 20-19-30-300-0020'0000-0-5 From o Permanent Reference Monument at the centerline of Third Street and Persimmon Avenue shown on the Plat ofST. GERTRUDEAOD|Ti[]N TO THE TOWN OF SANFC)RO, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112 through 117, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, nun North parallel with and 41.00 feet West of the West line of Tier 22 of said GT. {]ERTRUDE ADDITION, 888.7 feet to Old North Right-of-Way Line of St. Gertrude Avenue (First Street), thence run N 89058`40" E. 357.17 feet toe point 2O.5 feet West Vf the West Line of Tier 21. said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run North 21.54feet tV the North RiQht-of-VVay Line of S.R. 46 for a Point of Beginning, said Point being on the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (41.00 foot Right-of-Way), thence [UO North e|oD8 said centerline, 646.81 feet to the North Right-of-Way line of Fulton Street extended West, thence run S 89058,40" W, 20.5 feet to the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (82 foot Right-of-Way), thence run North along said centerline 594.00 feet to the North Line of Block 2N of said ST. BERTRUDEAO0T|[)N. thence run 8 89058'40" W, 2O.00 feet to o point 579.5 feet East of the North and South % Section Lino of Section 26. Township 19 5oVth, Range 30 Egot, thence run North 700.57 feet tothe Southerly Right-of-Way Line of U.G. Highway 17 & 92. thence run Northwesterly along said Southerly Right-of-Way Line and curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1698.77 feet, a central angle of 12"21'51^, o chord bearing of 54"11'21" VV` an arc distance of 360.59 feat, to a point 278.4 feet East of line running North from the South 1/4 Sootion Corner ofSection 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run S 00"02'10" VV. 708.43 feet, thence run G 000 10'50"VV. 1454.83 feet to the North Rig ht-of-Way Line Cf8.R. 46. thence run N 88°36`35" E` 342.34 feet tothe Point of Beginning. (10, 11 & 12) PARCEL UD: 23-19-30-300'0010-0000 /10A 26^19'30-300-0010~0000 (11) 25-19-3Q-5AG-0121-0000 (12) SANFORQ LANDING APARTMENTS LTD C/O EASLEY 00CCALEB & ASSOCIATES WARRENTY DEED: 01388/1117 DESCRIPTION: Begin at the Northeast corner ofBlock 2N. Tier 18, of Florida Land and Colonization Co.'s Limited Map of the St. Gertrude Addition to Sanford, Florida, according to the plat thereof as recorded in P|sd Bonk 1. Pages 112-117 of the public Records of Seminole CoUnty. Florida and run 0001 8'59"E, along the Easterly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19, 264.00 feet to the Southeast corner thereof, thence run 888"38`50"VV, along the 8uUthady line of said Block 2N, Tier 19 and Westerly extension thereof, 337.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Block 2N. Tier 28of the said Florida Land and Colonization Co.'s Limited Map of the St. Gertrude Addition to Sanford, Florida; said point also being 0O the Westerly right-of-way line of Mulberry Avenue; thence run 8 00°18`59"E, along said Westerly right-of-way line 383.00 feet to a point on the centerline of Fulton Street; thence run G.89"39'56"VV. along the centerline of said Fulton Street, 296.00 feet to the centerline cfPoU0eg[aOite Avenue; thence run S.OU"18`5S"E. 605.739 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of State Rood 40; thence run S.88°18'56"VV` along said Northerly right-of-way line 168.550 feet; thence run N.0001 8'59"W, 279.BO8 feet kz a point on the centerline of Commercial Street; thence run S.89039'56^VV. along said centerline of Commercial Street, 148.00 feet tOthe centerline of Tamarind Avenue; thence run N.00^18'59"VV, along the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue, 363.00 feet; thence run S.89 °39'56 "W, 20.500 feet to a point on the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; thence run N.00 018'59 "W, along said centerline of tamarind Avenue, 594.00 feet, thence run S.89 °39'56 "W, 20.00 feet; thence run N.0001 8'59"W, 700.80 feet to a point on the Southerly Right of Way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; said Southerly right of way being 90.00 feet Southerly measured at right angles to and radially from the Northerly line of the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe; thence run Southeasterly along said Southerly right of way line along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1681.678 feet and a central angle of 17 044'03 ", 520.513 feet to the end of said curve; thence continue along said Southerly right of way line S. 77 035'36 "E, 562.37 feet to a point on the Northerly extension of the centerline of Jessamine Avenue; thence run S.0 018'59" E, along said Northerly extension 386.80 feet; thence run S. 89 °39'56" W, 41.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. {13) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0221 -OOAO JOHN S. & MICHAEL J. LAWLOR WARRENTY DEED: 04047/1997 DESCRIPTION: The West one -half of Block 2, Tier 21, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDES ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112, 113, 115, 116 and 117, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida less right of way for State Road 46. Together with the East'/ of vacated Tamarind Avenue, lying West of the West "/z of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDES ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. According to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, page 116, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, and Subject to easements and restrictions of record (14) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -SAG -0120 -0000 CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL HOSPITAL, INC. WARRENTY DEED: 01778/1690 DESCRIPTION: All of Block 2 -N, and all of Block 1 -N of Tier 17, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; Me Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, of Tier 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run West 378 feet to the centerline of Jessamine Avenue at its North end, thence run North 484 feet more or less to the low water on lake Monroe, thence run Southerly along the low water mark on Lake Monroe 382.1 feet more or less to a point North of the point of Beginning; thence run South 426 feet more or less to the point of Beginning; M All of Block 1 -N, and all of Block 2 -N, in Tier 18, according to FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida And Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, of Tier 17, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST, GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run thence North 344.51 feet, more or less to the low water mark in Lake Monroe; thence Southeasterly along the meandering line of the low water mark in Lake Monroe, a distance of 252.5 feet more or less to a stake at low water mark in Lake Monroe; thence South a distance of 297 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of said Block 2 -N, of Tier 17, thence West 248 feet more or less to the point of beginning; EXCEPTING from the above described property a strip of land 90 feet in width, the Northerly line of which is the Northerly line of the coping on the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe, less the North 2 feet thereof, across the following described property, to -wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, Tier 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida run thence West 378 feet to the center of Jessamine Avenue; thence North 484 feet more or less to Lake Monroe; thence Southeasterly along said Lake Shore 362.4 feet to a point of beginning; thence South to beginning; also, Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, Tier 17, in said St. Gertrude Addition, run North 344.5 feet more or less to Lake Monroe; thence Southeasterly along the shore of said Lake 232.5 feet; thence South 297 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of said Block 2 -N, thence West 248 feet to beginning; LESS road right -of -way of U.S. 17 -92 Stair Road, 15 -600 AND All of Block 1 -N, Tier 19 and all of Block 1 Tier 19, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida AND All of Block 1, Tier 20 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida And also all of that land which is continuous to the above described Block 1, Tier 20, which land was formerly portions of the South 'h of Fulton Street and the East'/ of Pomegranite Avenue and which was vacated by the City of Sanford ordinance No. 1099 as recorded in Official Records Book 962, page 862 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; D The West'/ (Less Road) of Block 2, Tier 18, and the South ' /� of vacated Street adjacent on the North; and the East'/ of vacated Street adjacent on the West, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Also described as the West 69 feet of Block 2, Tier 18 and vacated streets adjacent on the North and West, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112.117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida AND The East Y2 of the West 1/2 of the South'/ of vacated Street on North, Block 2, Tier 18, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Also described as: The East 63 feet of the East'/ of the West 1/2 of Block 2, Tier 18, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION GO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, together with the South' /2 of vacated Commercial Street, according to the plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112, 113, 115, 116 and 117 Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; Together being subject to easement or rights -of -way record (15) PARCEL ID: 26 -19 -30 -510 -0000 -0020 1700 FIRST STREET LLC NO WARRANTY DEED DESCRIPTION: LOT 2,1700 FIRST STREET PB 72 PG 1 (16) PARCEL ID: 26 -19 -30 -510- 0000 -0010 SUNIL PATEL LLC WARRANTY DEED: 06567/1558 DESCRIPTION: LOT 1, 1700 FIRST STREET PB 72 PG 1 (17) PARCEL ID: 25- 19- 30 -5AG- 0219 -OOBO CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL HOSPITAL, INC. WARRANTY DEED: 02973/1118 DESCRIPTION: The SW % of block 2, Tier 19, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST, GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 115 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. LESS that part lying North of and within 53 foot of the centerline of construction of State Road 46, Section 77030, said centerline being described as follows: Commence on the West line of the NE'/ of Section 27, Township 19 South, Range 30 East at a point 1576.05 feet South of the Northwest corner of said NE % of Section 27, thence run North 89 degrees 37' 56" East 2647.28 feet to the East line of said Section 27 (West line of Section 26, said Township and Range) at a point 1567.43 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Section 27 (Northwest corner of said Section 26) thence run North 89 degrees 42'56" East 659.87 feet; thence run North 0 degrees 14'44" West, 44 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 1566.40 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 42' 34" East, 1006.51 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 56' 48" East, 564.42 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 56" East, 106.1 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 26" East, 2308.96 feet to the center line of French Avenue at Station 120 +30.65 of Section 7715 -105 for the end of this center line description (18) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0219 -00A0 CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL HOSPITAL, INC. WARRANTY DEED. 0295711183 DESCRIPTION: Block 2, (Less Southwest one quarter and North one -half of Northeast one - quarter) Tier 19, Town of Sanford, according to E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP thereof recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 116, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, less part in State Road TOGETHER with the South' /2 of vacated Commercial Street lying North of and adjacent to the NW'/ of Block 2, Tier 19, as vacated by City ordinance No. 1517 on July 28, 1980. THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT NOW CONSTITUTE. NOR HAS IT EVER CONSTITUTED, NOR DOES IT LIE CONTIGUOUS TO, THE CONSTITUTIONAL, HOMESTEAD OF GRANTOR HEREIN. (19) PARCEL ID: 25- 19- 30- 5AG -0219 -0000 HOSPITAL CORPORATION OF AMERICA WARRANTY DEED: 0137810296 DESCRIPTION: North ' /s of Northeast'/ of Block 2, Tier 19, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY, LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 116, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; And the South % of the vacated street adjacent on the North; AND the West ' /z of vacated Jessamine Avenue, which is adjacent to the South Y2 of vacated Commercial Street. JOB# 9 -09 DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD PLATS: CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITIONS TO SANFORD, FLORIDA: 1/24 AND 3155 TOWN OF SANFORD 1156,1/58,1159 (1/56 -64), SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND B/111 -117, ORANGE COUNTY (A) PARCEL ID: 3849'31-615-0400-0010 JOHN S.&MARIA F-VAWGHAN QUIT CLAIM DEED: @7850/1931 DESCRIPTION: Lot 1' Block 4, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'GADD|T|{]N TO S&NFORO. FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55, in the public records of Seminole County, Florida (B & C) PARCEL ID: 30-19-31-515-0400-0020 (B) PARCEL ID: 30-19'31-515'0400~0030 /C\ JOE0ANTE LLC WARRENl[Y DEED: 08G46/O100 DESCRIPTION: Lots 2 and 3' Block 4, CH/\PMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO GANFORD` according to the plat thereof aa recorded in Plat Book 1,Page 24, Public Records of Seminole Cnunty, Florida Subject to easements and restrictions ofrecord Subject to taxes for the year 2OO5 and thereafter Property Tax Identification Number: 30-1S-31'515-D4OO-UO20 and 30-1S-31-515-O4OO- 0O30 Subject to the restrictions, conditions, reservations, easements and other matters continued on the Plat ofCHAPM/\N AND TUCKER'S ADDITION T{}G/\NF[)RD.mo recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and Plat Book 3, Page 55, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (C>& E) PARCEL ID: 30-18'31~515-0500-0010 (0) PARCEL ID: 30^19~31-515'0500-0030 (E} EXACT PLUMBING INC. WARRENTY DEED: Q534O/1$84 DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 and 3, Block 5, AND Lots 1, 2 and 4. Block 8. Together with the East 1/2 of vacated alley adjacent to said Lot 1, Block 8, all in CHAPMAN & TUCKER'S ADDITION T[>GANFC)RQ.according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book i. Page 24,ufthe Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (F) PARCEL ID: 30-19-31-515-0500-0040 SAWFORD SUPERMARKETS INC. WARRENTY DEED: 06S6G/D520 DESCRIPTION: Lots 4, 5. 8 and 7. Block 5, and Lots 5, 0aOd 7. Block and vacated alley lying East of Lots 4, 5. O and 7. Block and West of Lots 5. 8 and 7. Block all in Chapman & Tucker's Addition to Sanford, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (G) PARCEL ID: 30 -19 -31 -515- 0600 -0010 EXACT PLUMBING INC. WARRENTY DEED: 06238/0636 DESCRIPTION: LOT 1, BLOCK 6, LESS THE NORTH 46.72 FEET OF THE EAST 53 FEET OF LOT 1, BLOCK 6, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 24, AND RERECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 55, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA (H) PARCEL ID: 30 -19 -31 -515- 0600 -001A COLCOR CAPITAL, INC. WARRENTY DEED: 0708610305 DESCRIPTION: The North 46.72 feet of the East 53 feet of Lot 1, Block 6, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in plat book 1, Page(s) 24, ,and Plat Book 3, Page 55, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, reservations and limitations of recorded, if any. (1) PARCEL ID: 30- 19- 31- 515 - 0600 -0020 GEORGE L. & LINDA LOPEZ WARRENTY DEED: 01776/1687 DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Block 6, CHAPMAN and TUCKER addition to SANFORD, a subdivision, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (J, K & L) PARCEL ID: 30 -19 -31 -515- 0600 -0030 (J) PARCEL ID: 25- 19- 30- 5AG -060A -0060 (K) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG -060A -0050 (L) 417 SANFORD LLC WARRENTY DEED: 06725/0258 DESCRIPTION: Lot 3, Block 6, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24, Public records of Seminole County, Florida AND Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Tier A, Florida Land & Colonization Co., Ltd., E.R. Trafford's Map of the Town of Sanford, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Subject to all easements, rights of way and restrictions of record (M) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-070A-0070 VIVIAN M. YOUNGBLOOD & MCGEE A. COBBIN WARRENTY DEED: 0554411394 DESCRIPTION: LEG N 32 FT OF LOT 7 + E 11.4 FT OF VACD ST ON W BLK 7 TR A TOWN OF SANFORD According to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (N) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-070A-007A ELLIOTT BELAMY 11 WARRENTY DEED: 00437/0638 LEGS 12 FT OF LOT 7 + ALL LOT 8 + E 11 FT OF D ST ON W BLK 7 TR A TOWN OF SANFORD PB I PG 56 (P) PARCEL ID: 26-19-30-5AG-070A-0010 DOYLE INVESTMENTS & DEVELOPMENT, INC. WARRENTY DEED: 0674810405 DESCRIPTION: Lots 11 and 12, and the East 11 feet of the vacated street along the West, Block 7, Tier "A", E.R. TRAFFORDS'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Bookl, Page 56, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. JOB# 9 -09 DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD PLATS: E.R TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD 1/66 -64 FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION LIMITED E.R TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD 1166 -64 (1,5 &15) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0501 -0010 (1) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0501 -0060 (15) EXACT PLUMBING INC QUIT CLAIM DEED: 05061/1759 DESCRIPTION: (5) LOT 1 AND THE NORTH 12 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 6, TIER 1, E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PARCEL TWO: 26- 19- 30- 5AG - 0501 -0060 (15) ALL OF LOTS 6 AND 7, BLOCK 5, TIER 1, FLORIDA LAND COLONIZATION LIMITED, E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PARCEL THREE: 26 -19 -30 -5AG- 0501 -0010 (1) LOT 1, BLOCK 5, TIER 1, OF E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (2,3 &4) PARCEL ID: 25- 19- 30- 5AG - 0501 -0020 (2) ROBERT & LINDA KUHN, AUDIS LEMMON, ANDREW & SUSAN KALIFEH WARRENTY DEED: 03373/0030 DESCRIPTION: LOTS 2, 3, 4 and 5, BLOCK 5, TIER 1, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (5) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0601 -0010 EXACT PLUMBING INC. WARRENTY DEED: 05061/1760 DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 AND THE NORTH 12 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 6, TIER 1, E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA (6) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0601 -0030 JASON S. TURNER WARRENTY DEED: 06830/1799 DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 and the South 21 feet of Lot 2, Block 6, Tier 1 E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 -64, public Records of Seminole County, Florida (7) PARCEL €D: 25- 19- 30- 5AG- 0601 -0040 GOODING & CO., MORTGAGE, INC QUIT CLAIM DEED: 05493/0529 DESCRIPTION: Lots 4 + 5, Block 6, Tier 1, Florida Lane and Colonization Company ER Trafford's Map of Town of Sanford according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56 -64, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (8) PARCEL ID: 25- 19- 30- 5AG -0601 -0060 KHEMRAJ P. JAIKARAN QUIT CLAIM DEED: 06699/1291 DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY ID # 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0601 -0060 LEG LOTS 6 + 7 BLK 6 TR 1 TOWN OF SANFORD PB 1 PG 58 (9) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG -0601 -0080 INVESTORS REALTY NETWORK LLC WARRENTY DEED: 06566/0952 DESCRIPTION: Leg Lot 8 BLK 6 TR 1 Town of Sanford PB 1 PG 58 Tax Parcel I.D. No 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0601 -0080 (10 & 11) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG -0701 -0010 (10) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0701 -001A (11) JOE E KING & JENNIFER S CARTIER WARRENTY DEED: 06159/1879 DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1: LOT 1 and the North 16'h feet of LOT 2, BLOCK 7, TIER 1, less and except the East 65 feet of said Lots 1 and 2, E.R. TRAFFORDS MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. PARCEL 2: The East 65 feet of Lot 1 and the East 65 feet of the North' /2 of Lot 1, all in BLOCK 7, TIER 1, E.R. TRAFFORDS MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. ADDRESS: 500 Sanford Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771 /Seminole County PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 25- 19 -30- 5AG -0701 -0010 (12) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0701 -0030 HOWARD S MARKS WARRENTY DEED: 0435910796 DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 and the South ' /z of lot 2, (Less he North 2 feet of the West 52 feet) Block 7, Tier 1, E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Subject to Easement and Restrictions of Record (13) PARCEL ID: 26-19-30-5AG-0701-0040 JOHN GIULIANI, PEGGY KING & JOE E KING QUIT CLAIM DEED: 06965/1441 DESCRIPTION. 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0040 (parcel ID#) Leg Lot 4 BLK 7 TR 1 Town of Sanford PB I PG 59 (14) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0050 HUGGINS DEVELOPMENT, INC. WARRENTY DEED: 6494/714 DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, Block 7, Tier 1, E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP of the TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (15) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0060 TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH WARRENTY DEED: 1141312 DESCRIPTION: LEG LOTS 6 7 + 8 BLK 7 TR I TOWN OF SANFORD PB I PG 59 The boundary of the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area is as follows: 20 1 P a - e U) LL (f) 'o LO C) LO Cl) O O Lq N 3AV SOIHV 3AV 3: 3AV/A3, 3n d my C:) 3AV-13'd M3lA30'dNOW 3AV 3NiisnOONVW 3AV31A 3AVATIOH- 3AV AI C) LO 3 3AV UVIld 3AV NV,:)3,d 04 co 3AV SOIHV 3AV 3: 3AV/A3, 3n d my C:) 3AV-13'd M3lA30'dNOW 3AV 3NiisnOONVW 0- Cd 4a C 0 3AV31A 3AVATIOH- 3AV AI 3AVEV(13) 3AV UVIld 3AV NV,:)3,d 3AV 0(]V:)OAV 'd311NqiHDr)OW NVMOD M I 3AV3AII0 3AV3AII0 3AV 3N)ISnODNVW S 130NV310 3AV1330NV310S 3AV3NIWVSS3r 3AV3NIWVSS3r MAIdId3ainw 3AVAUIM-in 7, 3AV NOWVIVISU 3d 0- Cd 4a C 0 EXHIBIT "C" (COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN) The Community Redevelopment Plan which is the subject of this Ordinance is set forth as follows: 21 1 Page w ,, 'AMMI I ID T"Mr-Tv" RTTM April 2015 Prepared for: City of Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency Department of Economic Development 300 N. Fark Ave. Sanford, FL 32771 Prepared by: Id Id M Liukjohn SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Table of Contents �~ �� ~~�~_u�~er �~ ^=~==^=°~~,~' ^^u��=��=r� ~^~~^~^^^~^~^~~~^^^~^^^~~^^^~^^`~^^^^~~^~^^~~~^~^^~^~~^^~~~^~~^^`= Public Sector Iniproveme ot to Stimulate Private Sector Investment ........................................... 4 �~ ��� � ~=`�~�'°=� =�. Purpose, ��"�°~,�� =^=°�=~�~,��^�^"^=^��=~�"=°...............................~w L3RAPurpose ...................................................................................................................................... 5 CityofSanford History .................................................................................................. .................. 9 CRA Accomplishments ................................... 12 ��. ~~="=J�°~� =~ �^^�=�==� ~�^=�"=�^�^^�~" ^^ss~ss�^"=�^"~~^~~~~~^^^^^^~^^^~^^^^^~^^^^~^^~~^~^^^^^^ ��� �"^ ExistingLand Use ........................................................................................................................... 14 FutureCood Use .................. .............................. ......................................................................... 17 Zoning------_—.------.------..--_—....—..._......_.—...------. 19 Boody\azno ..................................................................................................................................... 21 Wetlands.......................................................................................................... .............................. 23 TransportationNetwork ................................................................................................ ............... 25 Water Infrastructure ............... 28 HistoricResources . ............................................................................. .......................................... 30 �. ~~�~au^°~~ ~^ Economic =^o=^=�="��^= A�=sess��^=n=^^~^~^^^^~^^^^^^~^^~^^^^^^~^~~~~~^^^^^^^ �� =°^ MarketAnalysis ............................................................................................................................. 32 �~ ��� ��� ,��^��'~�� =. �==° ==�^ ��������� ^��`^^���� �^^^�^�u^rw� ................................. �K�F = " PastPlanning Initiatives ........................................................................ ............... ........ .............. 37 Current Initiatives --..—.-----------------------------,__.___ 43 Public Input & Community Workshops ................ ............................... ...................................... 44 �� ��� ~-��=1p°=� ~,. ^,=`~~°=����� ===° ~^�J=�=°v=w ..............~........~.~..~.~..~....~...~~..~~~~.~~ �� "^ " Public Infrastructure and Private Sector lovzmtrouot _-___..-.______.____..-..... 47 Urban (In-Fill) Neighborhood Creation ............................................................... ............... ...... 47 Catalyst Project(s) 1nuolerueotutioz ._..._.__.__._.___...___._____._..__-_-- 48 Private Sector Investment Programs ............................................................................................ 48 EcmuVnnic Development Partnerships ...................................................... ................................... 49 Projectsand o ................................. ................................................................................. 49 ~� =~^~=y�~~� ^ ~ �����^�~^^^=��=°===�^^~~^~^~~~~~^^~^~~^~^~~~^~~~~~~^^~^^^~~~~~^~~~^^^~^~^^~^^~^^~`^~^~~~~~ �� == Chapter 8, Catalyst Project Site ,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,~~,.,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,~,,,,~,~~,,,~,,~~~,~ 53 Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan ............................................................................................ 53 N Littlejohn i SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Chapter 9: CR& Conceptual Master Plan,,,,~,,,,,,,,~,,,,~,~,,,,,~,,,,~,,,~,,,,,~~,,,, 57 Neighborhood Impact Statement . ................................................................................................ 59 10: Tax �o�� Chapter = =~ �=^===�==~==�===~��~~~Alternative Funding �� w�xurces.....~~.~.~..~......~..........~.....~........~...~.~~...~...~,,.,^,~~,,,,,,,~~,,,~,,,~.~,~~~,,,,~, ,�~~ TaxIncrement Fund .......... ........................................................................................................... 6Q Alternative Funding Sources .......................... ...... ............................................................ .......... 83 Chapter 11: Consistency with Florida Statutes .~..~....~~......~~....~..~~~......~.. 74 Consistency with Applicable State Laws ...................................................................................... 74 APPENDIX 1: CRA LEGAL DESCRIPTION ,,,,,~,,~~~,~,~,~~,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,~,,, 75 �. �� ^°����`^^��� ��^ ~�^~��~^"� �^=='�^="� =~^�~="~��=�� ~^^^^~~~^^~~~^^^^^^^~~^~~^~^~~^^~~~~~^^^^ ^ ~^ �. �� ���^��`����� �^ ����,���`���"������ ��`�����~���^��~�` ^��^^^~~^^��^^^~^�~~^^�^^^^^���^^�� ^ � �� Littlejohn ii SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN List of Map1: CRA Context Map .......................................................................................... II Map2: Existing � Land Use ............................................................................................................. 16 Map3: Future Land Use ............................................................................................................... .18 Map4: Zoning _.-------------------.-------------.-------..2O Map5: Floodplairis ....................................... ..................................................... ........................... 2Z Map6: Wetlands ........................................................................................................................... 24 Map 7: Transportation Network .................................................................................................. 27 Map8: Utilities .............................................................................................................................. 29 ��n4'~� ���cw� Tables Table1: Existing Land Use ............................................................................... —....................... I5 Table2: Future Land Use .............................................................................................................. 17 Table3: Zoning Districts ............................................................................................................... 19 Table 4: P\,oad Performance. (2014) .............................................................................................. 25 Table 5: Age of Housing Stock iuCRA ......................................................................................... 32 Table 6: Occupied Units hv Year Householder Moved Into Unit .............................................. S3 Table 7: LMWDS-CRA T4 ---------------------------.35 Table Q:Issues, Concerns, and Recommendations ........... ......................................................... 45 Table5: Common Themes .......................................................... ................................................. 45 Table 10: Implementation Plan .................................................................................................... 51 Table 11:1595Base Year CRA7lFRevenue Projections Original CDA Area- |995 ................ @l Table 12: 2009 Base Year CR&TIF Revenue Projections 8ouford Avenue CR& Expansion Artm-ZOO9 .............................. ........................................................................................................ 61 Table 13: Combined (Existing Area fExpansion Area) CMWDD-CRAT[F PrmimctbznS2Ol5- List of ' o����:�� ��gmm'e.» Figure I: Waterfront Master Plan (Concept) ..................................................... 94 Figure 2: Waterfront Master Plan (Alternate Plan) .................................................................... 56 E Littlejohn iii C�. nI FR °'. I. f YI_.CiJ [ � FUNA MA RN SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Chapter 1: Executive Sununary Public Sector Improvements to Stimulate Private Sector Investment The Lake Monroe Waterfront - Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan update presents a robust, three - phase, 10 year capital improvement program and business assistance programming designed to enable and encourage private sector investment and development within downtown Sanford. The Community Redevelopment Plan update identifies capital improvement projects to increase economic activity and employment opportunities within the CRA by physically connecting the downtown and waterfront areas to adjacent employment centers, neighborhoods and the SunRail Station. Phase one of the Implementation Plan, Chapter 7, focuses on infrastructure and capital improvements required to enable the development of Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan catalyst project. The Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan proposes the development of an urban waterfront neighborhood located on approximately 6 acres of City -owned land in the heart of the downtown. The mixed -use development program may include up to 75 residential units, approximately 29,000 square feet of non - residential uses and the development of a 90 key boutique hotel. This phased, public- private partnership project will serve as a demonstration project of the economic potential and commercial development viability within the CRA. It is anticipated that successful implementation of the Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan catalyst project will encourage additional private sector investment and continued redevelopment at targeted sites within the CRA. The resultant Tax Increment Fund revenue will enable the continued operation of the CRA and implementation of Phases 2 and 3 of the Community Redevelopment Implementation Plan. The Lake Monroe Waterfront - Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan update is a continuation of the over twenty (20 +) year successful partnership between Seminole County and the City of Sanford to revitalize, address conditions of blight and increase economic activity and value within Seminole County's historic County seat. This Community Redevelopment Plan was created by the City of Sanford in partnership with Seminole County and the residents and business community of Sanford in accordance with Florida Statutes, Chapter 163, Part III. M Littlejohn 4 Cl-iA Pl h' ���� °> ty¢IF"POP,E, Iii:; IORYAf, �lw, A..,COMNCS�..lF�i�f =1 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN 'Chapter 2: Purpose, History and Accomplishments CRA Purpose The purpose of the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency (LMWDS -CRA) is to address the documented conditions of blight that were identified in previous Findings of Necessity studies conducted by the City. These conditions of blight include: faulty surface water drainage systems; a deteriorating bulkhead; deteriorating streets /irregular brick streets /broken sidewalks; faulty lot layout and diversity of ownership; structures needing rehabilitation and renovation; inadequate parking facilities; loss of offices and retail commercial businesses and environmental blight caused by midges.' Over the past twenty (20) years, the LMWDS-CRA has completed numerous capital improvement projects and assisted private sector investors to begin to address the aforementioned conditions of blight. The redevelopment has been successfully initiated, however it is critical to maintain the redevelopment inertia created by the CRA's operations to continue to address the remaining conditions of blight, stimulate additional private sector investment and to prepare the downtown area for the impending exit of the Seminole County Civil Courthouse facilities and the ancillary employment and economic activities associated with the operations of the Courthouse (i.e., law- offices, support services, retail, restaurants, etc.). The following redevelopment methods and practices will be utilized by the LMWDS -CRA to address the conditions of blight described above. Specific Strategies and Objectives address and realize the methods and practices described below are presented in Chapter 6, Strategies and Objectives. I. Increase Property Valuation Property taxes are a significant source of funds utilized by the City of Sanford and Seminole County. Although property values are largely determined by market forces, it is in the best interest of the city and county to stabilize and increase property values in order to maintain a high standard of quality of life and fund public services. One method of stabilizing and increasing property values is by investing in public infrastructure and services. Improvements to the CRA's transportation network and infrastructure enhance the level of service and quality of life for residents, visitors, business owners, and employees. A high i City of Sanford, Community Redevelopment Plan and Finding of Necessity for the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area 2009. 0 Littlejohn 5 P I [: R, 2: PU1'f'OSF, A,C(,'(`)M[11 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN level of service and quality of life attracts development and revitalization. As demand grows to develop and revitalize properties for higher utilization, property values increase, which translates to greater tax revenues for improving public services. The result is a positive cycle of improvements leading to enhanced quality of life, public service, investment, and property values. The assessed taxable value of the property within the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CPA has increased 155% since the CRA was established in 1995'-. This increase in taxable value is higher than the increase in assessed taxable value for unincorporated Seminole County and Seminole County as a whole (including cities) for the same period'. II. Create Public- Private Partnerships Public- private partnerships are a key component for the long -term success of large -scale projects, especially in commercial districts such as Sanford's Downtown and Waterfront. Initiative from government agencies and non - profit organizations reduces risk, boosts confidence, and facilitates development, paving the way for the private sector to invest, leverage funds, and meet market demands. In addition, partnerships with non - profit and private sector organizations provide opportunities for multiple organizations to pool in their resources and expertise for greater effectiveness and efficiencies. Hence, one of the primary purposes of the City of Sanford's CRA is to establish public - private partnerships with private sector organizations, non - profit entities, and government agencies to partner with non - profit and private sector organizations. Public- partnerships allow the CRA to pool in resources and leverage funds for transportation and infrastructure improvements, property renovation and maintenance, retention and expansion of businesses, and marketing and promotion of the Downtown and Waterfront areas. The following is a list for public- private partnerships with the CRA: • City of Sanford 0 Seminole County • Greater Sanford Chamber of Commerce 2 Seminole County Property Appraiser's Office, Littlejohn, 2015. 3 Seminole County Property Appraiser's Office, Littlejohn, 2015. M Littlejohn 6 [.2: PURP( ")SIB: 1- HS 6C)P.Y A 1D �e��.C;a ":� n1�'9IS F SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN • Seminole County Tourist Development Council • Central Florida Regional Hospital • Central Florida Zoological Park • Sanford Historic Trust • Historic Sanford Welcome Center • Sanford Historic Preservation Board • St. Johns Riverboat Company 0 Minority Community Representatives • Sanford Airport Authority • Celery Soup • Love Your Shorts Film Festival • St. Johns River Festival of the Arts III. Increase Employment Opportunities A successful commercial district relies on a stable and diverse employment base to sustain itself in the long term. Expanding employment opportunities improves residents' income and living conditions, attracts development, and expands business services and goods provided. Among the purposes of the City of Sanford's CRA is to assist in relocation of existing businesses to the Downtown and Waterfront areas and with the retention and expansion of retail and commercial businesses. These measures lead to an increase in employment opportunities, expansion for development, and a stable and successful commercial district for the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CRA. IV. Reduce Symptoms of Blight The presence of the symptoms of blight in the Downtown and Waterfront areas of Sanford is one of the primary factors impeding its redevelopment and revitalization and deterring private sector investment. Vacant lots, abandoned properties, and deteriorated structures and infrastructure present serious issues for residents, community stakeholders, business owners, E Littlejohn 7 SAPS FORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN investors, and the city. Deteriorated streets and structures, an aging bulkhead in need of repair, faulty sewer and stormwater systems, and broken sidewalks not only pose health and safety and health hazards for citizens, but also discourage private investment. Abandoned structures attract criminal activity and are unsafe for children, residents, and visitors in its immediate surroundings. Furthermore, these conditions impose a burden on city services needed for additional maintenance, policing, and fire extinguishment. Consequently, the diminishment in property values for blighted properties and their surroundings deprive essential city tax revenues and discourage investments for improvement. Other aspects of blight affecting the CRA are faulty lot layouts and diversity of ownership, inadequate parking facilities, loss of commercial business, and environmental nuisances. Irregular parcel configurations, sizes, and multiple ownerships severely limit and prevent varying types of development that will benefit the area. A shortage of parking spaces is a significant factor in preventing businesses, primarily in retail, from locating within the CRA and in inhibiting the expansion and success of existing business. In addition, a high vacancy and turnover of businesses undermines the stability of the commercial district and discourages commercial investment. Lastly, the intensity and infestation of midges and blind mosquitoes require costly maintenance of property and discourage visitors and residents from utilizing the waterfront and frequenting local businesses during periods of midge hatchings and swarming. Addressing the reduction of blight symptoms is an essential purpose for the City of Sanford's CRA to meet their goals and objectives for the Downtown and Waterfront areas. The strategies described in Chapter 6 present strategies to eliminating and mitigating blight while Chapter 7 provides an action plan for implementing the strategies. E Littlejohn 8 fE l'Il..:f / PUll ° °f'O` E, Hf CORY 6 l ll.,) SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT FLAN City of Sanford History The City of Sanford was established in 1870 as a transportation hub by Henry Sanford, following the purchase of 18,000 acres of land west of Mellonville Avenue along Lake Monroe. Agricultural products coming from St. Petersburg and the rail corridor made its way to Sanford before being shipped north on the St. Johns River. Tourists, fisherman, and hunters travelled south on the St. Johns River via steamboat to disembark in Sanford on their way to Central and South Florida. The original City plan was based on a " ti ,;, , �,.�r.i�!"a'�k " ✓mom ,. Lam' traditional urban grid network with streets named after trees, a commercial district along the waterfront, neighborhoods to the south, and numerous parks located throughout the City. By the 1920s, the city already had developed municipal infrastructure features and development pattern, including a waterfront bulkhead, and its commercial district housed the City Hall, the Sanford Zoo, hotels, and other businesses and civic uses. As alternative modes of travel replaced the steamship, the waterfront became more attractive for recreational and civic uses to be developed, such as marinas, parks, a new City Hall, and the Seminole County Courthouse in the 1960s. The construction of Interstate 4, the transformation of the Navy's airfield into the Sanford Orlando Airport, the arrival of an Amtrak terminal, and the connection of the Central Florida Greenway to the Interstate has shifted development away from the downtown core outwards, west and south along the US -17 -92 corridor and westward towards the Interstate 4 corridor along SR -46. As a result of this development shift away from the downtown core, the historic neighborhoods, the downtown and waterfront areas have lagged in development and suffered through neglected infrastructure, vacant and deteriorated properties, and a weakened commercial district. The establishment of the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area (LMWDS -CRA) by a partnership of Seminole County and the City of Sanford, shown on Map E Littlejohn 9 CIH�-,P]T R 2 I`URPOSF, � I G S [(-)[?Y 4,r 9D ACC( SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN 1 on the following page, has initiated a revival of the city's historic downtown core, waterfront and stimulated reinvestment in the historic neighborhoods adjacent to the CPA boundaries. E Littlejohn 10 CI1; PEFR't P UICFOSE P..HSlORV(A!`lf. � C..C..NAPI.I SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN CRA Acconiplishments Since its founding in 1995, the City of Sanford's CRA has completed numerous projects and initiatives for the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area. Improvements to the areas' transportation, streetscapes, and infrastructure have increased the level of public service, created attractive and inviting places, and reduced risk and uncertainty for the redevelopment and rehabilitation of key properties. A new stormwater system along 2" `' Street has greatly mitigated flooding along this corridor and adjacent properties. The redesign of 1" Street, 2nd Street, Palmetto Avenue, Magnolia Avenue, Sanford Avenue, and Seminole Boulevard has improved transportation and safety for all modes of travel, including for pedestrians. In addition, the variety of pavement and sidewalk materials, pedestrian- scaled lighting and street furniture, landscaping, and the concealment of utilities underground have converted these streets into attractive places for residents, visitors, and business owners, while luring more commercial activity. New parks, open spaces, and recreational facilities along the RiverWalk and Fort Mellon Park have enhanced quality of life for residents, attracted visitors, and increased adjacent property values. Lastly, public- private partnerships have leveraged funds, resources, and expertise for the renovation and development of institutional and commercial facilities, such as the Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center, the West End Building, the Magnolia Square Market, and a bank facility. M Littlejohn 12 �^ l_...I I 'TE, R / P � T�.1 �. A .�7 d_ �, ! H S t () 6' J h l � t.,.7 !'�u f . k , \...) f"�✓i ( "" I . f .,11' d � F�4 � t 4 „'7 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN The projects completed and initiatives undertaken by the CRA have catalyzed significant investment from the private sector, with the leverage of Tax - Increment Financing. Consequently, these accomplishments have directly increased assessed property values within the CRA. Furthermore, these accomplishments have facilitated the transformation of the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford into a landmark for the City of Sanford and Seminole County, benefitting residents and visitors with a mix of commercial, residential, recreation, and entertainment options. However, Downtown Sanford and the Waterfront still need improvements to its transportation and infrastructure, redevelopment of strategic properties, and renovation of deteriorated structures and historic buildings. Chapters 3 and 4 provide an assessment of the CRA's challenges and opportunities. Chapters 5 and 6 address in more detail the new and continuing projects and initiatives recommended for the CRA. M Littlejohn 13 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN .. This chapter describes the existing physical features of the area encompassed by the boundary of the LMWDS -CRA. Analyzing the conditions of the CRA is an essential process in order to determine its challenges, opportunities, and strategies. A detailed description of the CRA's existing land use, future land use, zoning, historical resources, floodplains, wetlands, transportation network, and infrastructure is provided in the following section. Existing Land Use In review of the Seminole County Property Appraiser data, the LNAVDS -CRA is comprised of twelve (12) generalized existing land uses. Public oriented uses and vacant properties dominate the current uses within the CRA with over 39 percent of the total acreage. Commercial and offices uses are the most common uses within the CRA occupying 208 parcels or approximately 40 percent of the total parcels. Residential uses account for roughly 17 percent of the acreage. One property was identified as agriculture, which is 18.72 acres and comprises nearly 5 percent of the total acreage. Table 1 below shows the parcel count, acres, and percent of each existing land use category and Map 2 on the following pages shows the location of these categories by parcel within the LNIWDS- CRA. For a detailed list of vacant parcels see Appendix 2. E Littlejohn 14 0 d APB EkE, ,, ICI py SK1,6,1_ (_J 71 `fI-)I I �ear'4'S /6s[ SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Existing Land Use Parcel Count Acres Percent Agriculture 1 18.72 4.97% Commercial 100 26.45 7.02% Dedicated Area 24 42.60 11.32% Hotel /Motel 1 1.67 0.44% Industrial 19 8.34 2.21% Institutional 17 36.56 9.71% Office 108 28.72 7.63% Public 47 77.18 20.50% Recreation 3 0.38 0.10% Residential Multifamily 78 55.90 14.85% Residential Single Family 18 9.21 2.45% Vacant 98 70.76 18.79% Total 514 376.48 100.00% Source: Seminole County Property Appraiser, 2015. Compared to the 2009 Finding of Necessity, the report utilized to expand and contract the CRA, the current make -up of the CRA uses is not much different. Vacant lands have remained relatively constant, agricultural lands have decreased slightly, public lands have remained constant and single family residential use has remained the same. The largest difference between the land uses from 2009 and 2015 is the diminution of approximately 15 acres of multifamily residential land that was removed from the CRA in 2009. 0 Littlejohn 15 Legend �`'" °• Existing Land Use !, Hotel /Motel Y4lu���ffPl Recreation ! Parcels Agriculture Industrial Residential Multifamily LMWDS -CRA Commercial Institutional Residential Single Famlity City Boundary 4 Dedicated Area Office r; Vacant OAK DR .K Public FM '4 �. t3 �<& Mon Y0..P2 . Sourca'..SCPA, City ot Sanford, and ..Littlejohn, 2015, 0 Feet 0 625 1,250 2,500 3,750 5,000 0 w O Z �. 2 �' VENETIAN BAY CIR � m NA CISSU57wE r r yy 1 a,AtgNp �� o�j� ` FUL fU� Y FMiNa /NCO '.I w ! T a T ; L ONCST a L2 O (Y 8GY0 ', / / Z O r O PoMwwa otr� l/ � pp T% I q z J" i f a a TI1S Wt ,A _ a ... Z I Y,f ... 1 ! I r'D 0 5Rg6 I T J IY 10 l / 1ii ST -¢ O p I r ., wM W W]N�6i t....�. - Q W 1N D`ST. J ...... ..» IF'-J Z W.]NII J T/ ,� a E3F65f , i W:3NDST a �. 1, ''77 ) ¢ B a ? ,'. I r LE C7' O ,.., <,- •. -• i /T z ; ST O a EgTH ST .. W qTH SY O a TIH O a E,t a ;... 5 a y/ J 4TH ST -O O ". W4b W TH �y S•_ r ST S 5T 3 D 5� „Q w 5T E 5711 T WiVi Si ,n .. - i I 0 rL I" W6TH ST W6TH5T g 'T E6TH ST tt I' ...]Ell . i .I -..._ '1� l <� ,�a ,. 11w .. .. ', a ?¢' a n .. H ST MITH ST w 2TN ST 1 a �.: oo i1 i. it it �. 4s 1 111 w ,( o I II " i i ! 1 .J .m., _ j w �I _ EBTH a\ W,;TH 5T i, 1 6T a ...._ I al � weTHSr y ! � I ' _. YH 57 .. h O w JEWS W 9 1 uw� > g g a� W TN, 9H5T.: T w Q 5 v i p . l 6 r J { ..:1 3..f fST. k ,{ !r a 1. ..� Littlejohn Existing Land Use Map LAKE MONROE WATERFRONT AND DOWNTOWN SANFORD CRA (LMWDS -CRA) CI—IAI'TI:" :;. h`F�''e'�kl .F,L t:_. `,.rS& ,"; AF NI' I' SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Future Land Use The Sanford Community Redevelopment Area is comprised of three future land use categories (Waterfront /Downtown Business District, Resource Protection, and Parks, Recreation and Open Space). The Waterfront /Downtown Business District future land use was developed specifically for the LNAVDS -CRA and consequently, is the dominant category of the CRA, accounting for over 96 percent of its land area. The remaining land area, approximately 3 percent of the CRA, is made up of both Resource Protection and Parks, Recreation and Open Space future land uses. There have been no changes to the future land use map within the CRA since 2009. Table 2 below shows the acres and percent of each future land use category and Map 3 on the following page shows the location of these categories by parcel within the LMWDS -CRA. Future Land Use Acres Percent Parks, Recreation and Open Space 5.52 1.46% Resource Protection 7.26 1.92% Waterfront /Downtown Business District 364.69 96.61% Total 377.47 100.00% Source: City of Sanford, 2015. After a thorough review of the adopted future land use map and the policies that regulate the future development of the CRA, no new changes are recommended to the map or policies. At the time this report was prepared, the City was in the process of evaluating proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Element that would allow more flexibility of the type of development within the Waterfront /Downtown Business District. These considerations are expected to provide a more developer friendly landscape and to help facilitate the City's vision of the future waterfront area. E Littlejohn Legend Future Land Use ®_ Parcels Parks, Recreation and Open Space City Boundary llll�ull Resource Protection LMWDS -CRA Waterfront /Downtown Business District Monroe OAK DR Monroe Source, SCPA, City of Sanford, and Littlejohn, 2015. 11 Feet 1� 5 � a 0 625 1,250 2,500 3,750 5,000 o rr ~ > Z m f l /������ g m � �� ,��' % / /��� A' °plpn /J/� n r�. %/ / %.l� % /.. 1�, � USH >•/.9x —�� � � o .. NA CISSUS'AVI > w �I — /�� JI /� i Li/ I / /1 / l/ / ,.OI /r0,. Gr /inrf 'r n,.l%Iw ,>, r�O44YllJ�➢: i' / : / r ,> .. �rr/ /, /,c�,.w ! / I / /, /fll,iz!%. �. Y, /z.i , ✓r /Jn/, ��/'P� // /�uz�.c�Grz /m/?'1 "SM� �,�riii''///G,rS �jlo _ O ... > w ..µ .WSR. 6 r l/J tST �Y ✓ rG W's _ ..�I... .: PI ai .> .o. .? I.r..l .�'...� 4 AI. ;. 6II I.,� % C1 /ru 'Dam rd �i. /4 :/ ,,.,.. 1(�'r "✓/rat U% �r �>%J. �a� � ,O/ ZE I'i 11 "I'� � 111, W.3ND ST - Y G NDST/ JE]ND ST) / /Oif i""f¢jeG�f /Z...._FI. p ✓, 11 /I l � �'' a LE w a H ST O [ :a: W41N5T y'O EgTHST / %%/ W4THSTJ .. W T a/ r— EaTH ST i O Oa It� gTdi _ �.� WSTHIT > I, WSTFI T Y ¢._ ESTN�TI j� W5TH 5T� ¢ f Md �J 6� T 4 /� .. = a '{ a a ST W6TH ST 'l �g W TN �H "� rw W7 TN ST p 6 k{ t ST 1 -^^1 T a k 1' E Z W:1 "r 1' T l/ t o '> a fa. i. ,. wBTH ST t 8TH 5T r O j �. EBTHS �� TH 57 7 a �i O a a JEWE TT LIN .... rIW9 4 l E THST r _:. 9 3 O 5 r J {{ W�9T ST 1 -1 'A ELii* Future Land Use Map LAKE MONROE WATERFRONT AND DOWNTOWN SANFORD CRA (LMWDS -CRA) ,. I.....I! IMC I�R,, ,b I.AH I SK AL CONDp.. ASS SS ,A '.I I..�... SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN The CRA is comprised of nine zoning districts, which range from Agriculture to Special Commercial. Multiple - Family Residential- Office - Institutional (RMOI) occupies the largest amount of land within the CRA at nearly 38 percent. The next district of significance, according to size, is Special Commercial (SC -3) that makes up approximately 27 percent of the CRA. In addition to the RMOI district, there are two other multifamily residential districts represented in the redevelopment area. Table 3 below shows the parcel count, acres, and percent of each zoning district category and Map 4 on the following page shows the location of these categories by parcel within the LMWDS- CRA. Zoning District Parcel Count Acres Percent Agriculture (AG) 1 8.44 2.23% General Commercial (GC2) 19 64.35 16.99% Medium Industrial (MI2) 1 19.38 5.12% Multifamily Residential (MR1) 1 0.69 0.18% Multifamily Residential (MR3) 1 13.45 3.55% Planned Development (PD) 3 21.92 5.79% Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PRO) 4 5.44 1.44% Multiple - Family Residential- Office - Institutional (RMOI) 14 143.72 37.95% Special Commercial (SC3) 1 76 101.34 26.76% Total 120 378.73 100.00% Source: City of Sanford, 2015. Additionally, the Waterfront CRA is subject to three overlay districts and a historic district. The three districts include the Riverfront, Midtown, and Downtown overlays. These overlays were established to address the desired urban character and form of Sanford's downtown and waterfront areas. E Littlejohn 19 OAK DR Legend Zoning medium industrial Parks, Recerealon, Open Space Parcels Agriculture Multi Family Residential 8 du/cc Multi Family Residential /Office /Institutional tj City Boundary General Commercial Multi Family Residential 20 du/ac special Commercial LMWDS-CRA Planned Development Lake MonroL Source SCPA. Crty of Sanford. and LnfleJonn, 2:1b, Feet 0 625 1,250 2,500 3,750 5,000 W-MINJ j V�qni l J j -- I Zoning Map M Liottkjeohl I LAKE MONROE WATERFRONT AND DOWNTOWN SANFORD CRA (LMWDS-CRA) Pl...h Si 'AL C ONDP K )1',,,1S ASS SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Floodplainss Due to the CRA's adjacency to Lake Monroe, the presence of floodplains persist throughout the redevelopment district. As shown on Map 5 on the following page, the 100 -year floodplain extends from the edge of Lake Monroe as far south as 1" Street in the eastern portion of the CRA and Fulton Street in the western portion. The expanse of the 100 -year floodplain covers approximately 116 acres of the CRA, which accounts for 25 percent of the total redevelopment area. Additionally, the floodplain travels across the CRA along the Poplar Avenue corridor in a serpentine pattern. The existence of a floodplain does not necessarily mean that flooding occurs during every rain event. According to the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), the risk of a flood event is approximately 1 percent a year within a 100 -year floodplain and a 0.2 percent risk per year of a flood event within a 500 -year floodplain. Nonetheless, flooding is still a significant concern affecting the CRA. The areas in the CRA under the 100 -year floodplain are still at risk of flooding and, consequently, face an additional challenge to attract investment and redevelopment compared to areas clear of any floodplains. E Littlejohn 21 Legend 100-Year Floodplain Parcels City Boundary O LMWDS-CRA NO Lifflejohn a I Floodplains LAKE MONROE WATERFRONT AND DOWNTOWN SANFORD CRA (LMWDS-CRA) 0 [C NC L Iew 3: PHYSIC/0, )'OC I[)I I K—)',f`" Cr >`:f. >.`:;1� ✓�� �E,�.�. SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN I Although a large portion of the CRA has been developed, there are several expanses of wetlands that have been preserved, as shown on Map 6 on the following page. In total, approximately 26 acres of wetlands exist within the CRA boundary, according to the St. Johns River Water Management District Land Use Cover database. The wetlands displayed on Map 6 represent areas identified through aerial photography and have not been officially delineated by an ecologist or the district. Depending on the extent and quality of the wetlands, development may be required to mitigate for encroachments into the delineated wetland areas. E Littlejohn 23 ' Legend Wetlands Parcels f I . � City Boundary LMWDS -CRA C..HWJIT i .A I I 5Y4.a4f4.. . €_vl L fYlrll "f:.l /4,YsIl ..)f t k{ SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Transportation Network ork The transportation network within the CRA is comprised of multiple modes of travel, including vehicular, transit, pedestrian, and bicycle travel. Much of the downtown area is served by an established gridded street network that, for the most part, is still intact from its early development during the late 19"' century. Typical block dimensions for the commercial downtown area fall roughly within a 250 feet square while blocks adjacent to the waterfront vary widely. The vehicular network, as shown on Map 7 on the following pages, serves the CRA and surrounding neighborhoods through an established system of arterials, collectors, and local roads. Two regionally significant arterial roads providing regional connections into the heart of the CRA are US 17 -92 (French Avenue) and State Road 46 (V Street). Park Avenue, Mellonville Avenue, and Sanford Avenue serve as collectors, feeding traffic from the local roads throughout the CRA into arterials and other major roads. Table 4 below shows the arterials and collectors are all operating efficiently within its adopted level of service (LOS). On the other hand, the component of the vehicular network that is lacking is parking, which has also been stated as an issue by residents and business owners in previous public workshops. The CRA area has been designated by the City as a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA). Roadway & Segment Roadway Traffic Volume LOS / Service Volume Type (2014) (at adapted standard) US 17 -92: Seminole Blvd to State Route 46 Arterial 13,473 E / 34,500 State Road 46: Airport Blvd to US 17 -92 Arterial 21,376 D / 35,700 Park Avenue: Seminole Blvd to State Route 46 Collector 2,171 D / 14,600 Mellonville Avenue: Seminole Blvd to State Route 46 Collector 4,544 D / 14,600 Source: Public Works, City of Sanford, 2015; City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan, 2010 Pedestrian and bicycle access is provided on much of the gridded street network, via sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and multi -use paths along right -of -ways, shown on Map 7. Extending from Monroe View Trail to Mellonville Avenue, the Sanford RiverWalk is a 12 -foot wide mutli-use path that provides pedestrian and bicycle travel, recreation, and public access to the waterfront. Map 7 shows E Littlejohn 25 ( 11..1p�f �hcl �('Y"'yI(�'pM1 ��"y131, /I'I AP �O�Jy..�,A�I�'., pf�i k,.'.j' (. "(")[Y,,ll DL ''f II_E..�(��8p4�..?p A"t �,+l `Ip,'..S[yr'k ��/A PLAN �1. i. f,. Sl�N ORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT MENl C LAN the location of the RiverWalk multi -use path and the proposed phase III extension to Interstate 4 along Seminole Boulevard. The construction of the final 2.2 miles, phase III, is anticipated to commence in fiscal year 2017/2018. In 2009, the RiverWalk received international recognition for urban plazas and nature spaces by the International Making Cities Livable (IMCL) Council. It was designated a Florida scenic route and boasts the longest shoreline fishing area in Florida. Ultimately the RiverWalk is envisioned to connect Sanford to the Coast -to -Coast Cross Florida Trail. An estimated 30,000 people visit the Sanford RiverWalk annually. Transit serves the CRA via 3 LYNX bus routes and the SunRail railroad commuter line, shown on Map 7. The LYNX bus routes — 34, 46E, and 46W — primarily cover State Road 46, US 17 -92, and Mangoustine Avenue with multiple bus stops. The SunRail station, located within half a mile to west of the CRA boundary, provides 17 trips northbound and southbound each on weekdays and connections to the LYNX bus system. 0 Littlejohn 26 Legend -+-4 - SunRail Line Trails Arterials SunRail Station a Existing - Collectors I Railroads aammma Proposed - Local Roads l -f i � LMWDS -CRA y,l LYNX Bus Routes E____ OAKOR La r ( Lake �1Un4"G7 f9 �y Source SCPA, SJRWMD, City of Sanford, and Littlejohn, 2015. w Feet 0 625 1,250 2,500 3,750 5,000 �0 I s 17` VENETIAN BAY CIRI� ..... NARCISSUS AVEJ..,,,...... �M`�O Mn W,4 'I 11 Furao > 1 1., -..1 ..... ... Z FULTON 5T NSr a p S M y0 ° / a e ogRCJ Fmi p w r 1 z � 46 . , 57STMyy 1 W3ND5T- ,�, WIND ST.,.. _.. Y - w.. y ypaM`j 'mod k0 m1''//x ND,fST 4E,�ND1STmm do-.:. µ 4 c O T� -� �_ , ¢ O WA t Iy' i -W4TH ST - - N ST_ L -W 57H ST O Gtap 6mrk PNk a Imo. ''�....� Tri w SE Pmv4 ;H y .__WSTN Pmvk 1 a 4TH 5T ¢ ..._ - W TH ST� S a!' �..W STT EST NHS _... I ST w _ry w 1 �w a �L � � Q�p .n e ¢ � W 6TH S l _.�. -.. _...._. ¢ "' "a, "4 14 w._ Z I...ky,T� S*rr ¢�� ff _ W 6I H ST -:- - -- =� 6TH ST ,a, 539 P 7THST mo 9Z E8 �1 WBTHST ¢ 4 � „¢ -,�._ ru ......_E,4H �^�p._ : O Z {{_ -WBTN ST� HST, � W gTHST ¢ .J WgTH ST -,i -1 „ �. � P.wk II9. 17 I n P r u d $ w � Wg HST. _ _ i— _.._ EgTH ST` O w z m SIc - L _aCawNbro Pe, Nlnls ,Recoelan Cm• �- S ¢ e _.i._ -. _.__I._W to NST ... _. .__ ._...I_..- �..___ __ "Eto7114 —,.� M Littlejohn Transportation Network Map LAKE MONROE WATERFRONT AND DOWNTOWN SANFORD CRA (LMWDS -CRA) C.14,* P°ER 3: P IYS Is 41 (,()NN .71" r AS J.SsiyM'N F SAI',IFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Water ffiftastructure The City of Sanford provides potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water for the city's residential, commercial, light industrial, agricultural, and rural areas. As shown on Map 8 on the following page, the CRA houses a water treatment plant and is served by an extensive system of water and sewer lines. As described in the Floodplains sections above, the stormwater mitigation system does not currently address and mitigate all the areas within the CRA prone to flooding. Efforts to mitigate flooding along 2 °`' Street and adjacent properties have been accomplished successfully through a stormwater system. E Littlejohn 28 (:1I.IA6 f:I' X. I'I IYSICA4_ f ND flC)r',VS AS S i ., SMI.;r °,I� SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Historic esourc; s As a city with a rich history, the LMWDS -CRA and surrounding neighborhoods contain numerous historic structures and two historic districts. Completely within the CRA, the Commercial Historic District was listed on the National Register in 1976 and contains 26 contributing structures. Sharing 5 blocks on its northwest corner with the CRA, the Old Sanford Residential Historic District was listed on the National Register in 1989 and contains 14 contributing structures located within the CRA. Of particular note being listed on the National Register within the CRA is the Ritz Theater, which currently houses the Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center. The two historic districts, in context of the LMWDS -CRA, are shown on Map 9 on the following page. In addition to historic preservation, the City of Sanford also hosts a series of tours to celebrate its history and heritage. The Pathways to History tours emphasize the city's development, technology, architecture, African American History, and military and veteran history. The tours offered within the CRA cover the Downtown Commercial Historic District, the Old Sanford Residential Historic District, the Waterfront Development, the Georgetown neighborhood and Sanford Avenue, and the area's historic parks. E Littlejohn 30 Legend " w Commercial Historic District Old Sanford Residential Historic District �" LMWDS-CRA OAK OR \ \\ Source SCPA SJRWMD City of Sanford, and EitUelahn 2015, Lake Monroe Feet �y \, 0 625 1,250 2,500 3,750 5,000 o o i.... `x ti a d I ✓ q I r �� , { d I 1 - .•. f VEN --_... btamvglPUk !� NA ETIANBAYIIRj i jf ^}^ I fryr 1{F ply ' RCISS SAVU, 1. ON I.�,.. ST� �} ( bN ST O f 0-. r.. x 111 ¢ ✓ _ I I' &.IEf 1 _SIuL :!...�I I� r 041 g ,I ,. i rMbbnPx �.;� � r fir Y .� ..�.. >]...�� 1 IS°- `k z 7 wsr `�` 4�� r _ A .. ¢ � i @ iv IILiml•, } IA.g��fsT I It yI _.. 0 d { z ¢ '::� ... I W N Bs z �2y 11 W 2ND ST g q .+ I i III, O „I 3"� d z Z RD STw ¢ V .. ¢ I. f w'{ ,�4'^yq 5rvh z a - M ROSE ST '' 4TH ST i.. v¢i 0 Z 0 W.4TH ST ` ^¢ M1 EyTH. T �" Pe,kW 4 `O ,t .._ z I_ C = }{ � '- WSTHST ps Ela.kP '� I ¢ r E4TH ST C s T ¢ 5 z i... �.' STH S. 'WSTH ST aV STH`ST E5iF{5T 4 i ': F I 1 I ✓ qW W { ¢ O > y`� hu lt( .. 1 3W6TH 57 :' -- 6 b"m, ""W pTHST gb b ¢ E15THST - ¢ J ,¢ W 7TN ST d ` S , My�^MWTHy5T 4 E 7THT Sd O w U I U I � !' B , Y E :.. T v� O W BTH ST.:.y, 9TH Sy� f "1 ST �5anla 4TH ' j ,Y. ¢ ,z N .... . r ItanwrV ,. I I j O "Wt J j Wcatsu'¢iitat mnkMCanb� ' j , "i.,. I .EtoTHST_ MLil " Historic Resources Map LAKE MONROE WATERFRONT AND DOWNTOWN SANFORD CRA (LMWDS -CRA) {. ('.£'..!i (") /v/d(.. (. C)I`' ^H)� E I0 1' r A`r,;aH"PP AI �ti i,.l. SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN �: 1 ' ` '4 �ti � i , � ` 1; ' ; 11 Market Analysis I. Housing Stock The LMWDS -CRA contains 514 parcels encompassing approximately 377 acres. The total population of the CRA is approximately 1,870 persons, comprised of 938 households and 1,371 housing units`. 122 of the 938 (-13 %) households are owner occupied with 816 of the 938 households ( -87 9/6) are renter - occupied. The median age (year built) of structures in the LMWDS -CRA underscores the lack of recent residential development that has occurred in the CRA during the last 15 -20 years. Table 5 shows the years the residential structures were built within the CRA. Table Age of Housing Units By Year Structure Built 2008 -2012 ACS Percent Built 2010 or Later 0 0.0% Built 2000 -2009 203 14.8% Built 1990 to 1999 205 15.0% Built 1980 to 1989 327 23.9% Built 1970 to 1979 160 11.7% Built 1960 to 1969 113 8.2% Built 1950 to 1959 107 7.8% Built 1940 to 1949 7 0.5% Built 1939 or earlier 249 18.2% Total 1,371 100% Median Year Structure Built 1982 Source: American Community Survey 2008 -2012 Estimate, US Census, ESRI BAC), 2015. 'American Community Survey 2008 -2012 Estimate, US Census, ESRI BAO, 2015. E Littlejohn 32 C;I- W1FE i e (II10I`�6t.. /OK C(:')', l ")l l F SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN II. Occupied Units by Year Householder Moved Into Unit Reviewing the year that residents moved into particular housing units can identify periods of population growth within the LMWDS -CRA. Since 1969, the period that saw the largest number of residents move into owner - occupied residential units the CRA was the period of 2000 -2009 when 66 owner occupied housing units became occupied'. This influx of owner- occupied units in the LM`y1DS -CRA represents 54% of the owner - occupied units in the CRA. The same period 2000 -2009 also saw the largest influx of residents into renter- occupied structures within the CRA with 566 units becoming renter occupied. This 2000- 2009 period is contemporaneous with the completion of many of the streetscape and public realm improvements within the CRA and reinforces the relationship between public infrastructure investments within the CRA and increased residential and private sector economic activity within the CRA. Table 6 shows the years the residential units became occupied within the CRA. Housing Units By Year Occupied by Householder 2008 -2012 ACS Percent Owner Occupied Moved in 2010 or Later 7 0.7% Moved in 2000 -2009 66 7.0% Moved in 1990 to 1999 22 2.3% Moved in 1980 to 1989 18 1.9% Moved in 1970 to 1979 1 0.1% Moved in 1969 or earlier 8 0.9% Renter Occupied Moved in 2010 or Later 166 17.1% Moved in 2000 -2009 566 60.3% Moved in 1990 to 1999 86 9.2% Moved in 1980 to 1989 3 0.3% Moved in 1970 to 1979 0 0.0% Moved in 1969 or earlier 0 0.0% 5 American Community Survey 2008 -2012 Estimate, US Census, ESR.I BAC), 2015. M Littlejohn 33 C1: in fi t FC11(,) I �E " ") /�lEEG `0ND1T)l ")N SANG =ORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Housing Units By Year Occupied by Householder 2008 -2012 ACS Percent Median Year Householder Moved Into Unit 2005 Source: American Community Survey 2008 -2012 Estimate, US Census, ESRI BAO, 2015. III. Median Home Values and Contract Rent The median home value for owner - occupied houses within the LMWDS -CRA is $110,417.00. This amount is lower than the median home value citywide in City of Sanford of $112,000.00 and lower than the median home value in Seminole County of $219,000. The median contract rent for renter occupied units within the LMWDS -CRA is $601.00 per month. This amount is lower than the median contract rent citywide in City of Sanford of $1,034.00 and lower than the median contract rent in Seminole County of $782.00 per month'. IV. Household Incomes The median household income within the LMWDS -CRA is $19,177.00 This amount is lower than the median household income citywide in City of Sanford of $43,470.00 and lower than the median household income in Seminole County of $58,175.008. V. Lifestyle Tapestry Segments in the CRA Tapestry segmentation provides an accurate, detailed description of America's neighborhoods —U.S. residential areas are divided into 67 distinctive segments based on their socioeconomic and demographic composition. The LMWDS -CRA was evaluated to identify the composition of its tapestry segments. The top -5 Tapestry Segments for the CRA are shown in Table 7. The tapestry segments within the CRA present a population comprised of young single - parent families, older retirees, young families and start -up households and an international blend of younger families and renters. The recurring theme in this tapestry segment analysis is that of a preponderance of renters versus home owners and a middle to lower household income level. G American Community Survey 2008 -2012 Estimate, US Census, ESRI BAO, 2015. City-Data, 2015 and Sperling's Best Places, 2015. 7 American Community Survey 2008 -2012 Estimate, US Census, ESRI BAO, 2015. City-Data, 2015 and Sperling's Best Places, 2015, based on 2- bedroom unit. 8 American Community Survey 2008 -2012 Estimate, US Census, ESRI BAO, 2015. E Littlejohn 34 C F1 hi R C r,.: }l t1 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Tapestry Segment -2014 Households Percent Cumulative Percent City Commons 31.5% 31.5% Social Security Set 28.1% 59.6% Old and New Comers 26.2% 85.8% Metro Fusion 10.8% 96.6% Modest Income Homes 3.3% 99.9% Source: ESRI BAO, 2015. VI. Tapestry Segment DetaiV City Commons This segment is one of Tapestry's youngest and largest markets, primarily comprised of single - parent and single - person households living within cities. While more than a third have a college degree or spent some time in college, nearly a third have not finished high school, which has a profound effect on their economic circumstance. However, that has not dampened their aspiration to strive for the best for themselves and their children. Social Security Set Social Security Set is an older market located in metropolitan cities across the country. Over one -third of householders here are aged 65 or older and dependent on low, fixed incomes, primarily Social Security. In the aftermath of the Great Recession, early retirement is now a dream for many approaching the retirement age; wages and salary income in this market are still earned. Residents may live alone in lower -rent, high -rise buildings, located in or close to business districts that attract heavy daytime traffic. But they enjoy the hustle and bustle of life in the heart of the city, with the added benefit of access to hospitals, community centers, and public transportation. 9 ESRI BAO Tapestry Segmentation data, 2015. N Littlejohn 35 SANFOPD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Old and Newcomers This market features singles' lifestyles, on a budget. The focus is more on convenience than consumerism, economy over acquisition. Old and Newcomers is composed of neighborhoods in transition, populated by renters who are just beginning their careers or retiring. Some are still in college; some are taking adult education classes. They support environmental causes and Starbucks. Age is not always obvious from their economic choices. Metro Fusion Metro Fusion is a young, diverse market. Many residents have moved into their homes recently. Over three quarters of households are occupied by renters. Many households have young children; a quarter are single - parent families. Metro Fusion is a hard - working market with residents that are dedicated to climbing the ladders of their professional and social lives. This is particularly difficult for the single parents due to median incomes that are 35% lower than the US level. Modest Income Homes Families in this urban segment may be nontraditional; however, their religious faith and family values guide their modest lifestyles. Many residents are primary caregivers to their elderly family members. Jobs are not always easy to come by, but wages and salary income are still the main sources of income for most households. Reliance on Social Security and public assistance income is necessary to support single- parent and multigenerational families. High poverty rates in this market make it difficult to make ends meet. Nonetheless, rents are relatively low, public transportation is available, and Medicaid can assist families in need. E Littlejohn 36 I -` AST A I r, d,.aR l I" PI. "N' 11 °ifh €G: II II'l, /AT lV(.'� SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN! Chapter 5: Past and Current Planning Initiatives Past Planning Initiatives I. Redevelopment Plan and Finding of Necessity for the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area The City of Sanford CRA was initially established by City - Resolution in 1995. The Redevelopment Plan and Finding of Necessity for the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area was originally drafted in 1995 and last updated in 2009. The Finding of Necessity describes the following examples of blight within the CRA: faulty surface water drainage systems, deteriorating bulkhead; deteriorating streets, irregular brick streets, and broken sidewalks; faulty lot layout and diversity of ownership; structures needing rehabilitation and renovation; inadequate parking facilities; loss of offices and retail commercial businesses; and environmental blight caused by midges. The ultimate goal for the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area is to "enable Sanford and Seminole County to realize the dream of the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford becoming an exciting regional activity center for business, government, and recreation." The following goals were devised for this CRA: aggressively pursue redevelopment and revitalization; establish downtown as a regional center; create a family - oriented, lakefront activity center; integrate downtown - waterfront in both function and transportation; and improve neighborhood conditions in both physical and social quality. The plan update of 2009 describes progress achieved as a result of this CRA, including reduction of blight, the success of downtown businesses, and the revitalization of the downtown and waterfront areas. The update also emphasizes continuing or expanding projects initially outlined in the original Community Redevelopment Plan and provides a list of capital improvement projects prioritized for completion by the end of the CRA period in September of 2015. Some of these projects include streetscape improvements — which have been underway on 1st Street and Sanford Avenue, facade grant improvement programs and other property improvement incentive programs, marina improvements, and midge /mosquito solutions. M Littlejohn 37 I Ad'] FR PAS AND 6 "IJR'', d [ Ni',JIIPA [ FI' SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN II. Downtown Sanford /Lake Monroe Waterfront Redevelopment Plan The intention of this plan /marketing piece was to combine economic development strategies with physical planning opportunities in the Downtown and Lake Monroe waterfront areas in order to transform Sanford into a major anchor in the region. The plan was completed in 2000 and highlights the city's prominence as a hub for transportation and government offices, public and recreational amenities, and high- quality residences. On the other hand, the plan also emphasizes the waterfront's underutilized properties and inadequate access, lagging development relative to Seminole County, and declining market and demographics needed to support businesses in the city's core. The plan's redevelopment strategies focus on marketing opportunity sites for mixed -uses, targeting specific investors, engaging in public- private partnerships, and leveraging the city's historic and administrative assets. More specifically, the plan calls for several streetscape improvements to trigger private investment and link the historic downtown to the waterfront, incorporating public parking facilities in strategic locations, and developing signage and gateway programs. Lastly, urban design concepts and land uses are proposed for the waterfront, the marina, the stretch along East 1" Street, Magnolia Square, and Fort Mellon Park. III. A Plan for Downtown Sanford Completed in 2002, the purpose of this plan was to develop a unified vision to guide the redevelopment of Downtown Sanford into a premier destination in Central Florida. Many of the recommendations from this plan have influenced the projects within the Downtown Waterfront CRA. Stakeholder interviews, surveys, and design workshops led to 6 main strategies focusing on connections, public access, main streets, residential and mixed -use infill, gateways and districts, and downtown parks and lake access. The strategies for connections emphasize shaded amenities, bike lanes, sidewalks, and pedestrian - friendly streets connecting neighborhoods to downtown and the waterfront. To reinforce the waterfront's presence, the plan recommends increasing public access to the waterfront by providing parkway streets, creating activity nodes along the water, and reestablishing the marina as a civic space. The concepts of main streets, residential or mixed - use infill, and gateways and districts are advanced through incentives for historic M Littlejohn 38 5 IAA` >I', J, :..CwA "r',h:P�lf I'I, k'•II14r�E�� IiYN'f1 V��1�,�:; SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN rehabilitation, urban design elements, and conformance of projects to the character of the district and the city's vision and development codes. In addition, the plan's strategies also reinforce connections and presence to Downtown parks while emphasizing downtown redevelopment in and around the marina, the City Hall and Seminole County Courthouse, the 151 Street commercial area, and the proposed Sanford Conference Center and Hotel. Detailed illustrations, master plans, and proposals guide the plan's strategies to specific areas and streets in Downtown, Memorial Park, Fort Mellon Park, and the Riverwalk. IV. Cultural Corridor 2006 marked the designation of Sanford Avenue, between 1st Street and 6th Street, as a cultural corridor by the City Commission and CRA. The designation sought to implement redevelopment initiatives along one of the Downtown's primary corridors through a creative, workable, and cost- effective concept. Although similar in land use and character, the Sanford Avenue streetscape of the six -block area was designed to have its own identity than Sanford's other primary commercial corridor, 1st Street. Sanford Avenue's unique design features include the City's first public art in addition to heritage markers and interpretative signage explaining the historical significance of the area. At a cost of $2.4 million, the Sanford Avenue streetscape was constructed beginning September 2013 and completed in the summer of 2014. V. Sanford Comprehensive Plan The Sanford Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2010, is organized into ten plan elements that address the city's land development and growth. The Future Land Use Element clearly prioritizes development and redevelopment of economically disadvantaged areas within Sanford. Policies throughout the plan address the need for increased economic development efforts. Several policies refer to promoting public and private sector partnerships to further redevelopment goals, and the City's responsibility to provide economic development incentives including but not limited to ad valorem tax exemptions. Other important policies in the Future Land Use Element to note include: designating neighborhood and general commercial nodes throughout the City, encouraging planned and mixed -use developments, promoting high intensity development in designated districts, establishing aesthetic cohesiveness in historic downtown and waterfront, improving accessibility to the waterfront, E Littlejohn 39 f,fll'.N'.E�`,,1[ fldHIIJTv /J �S SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN designating regional activity centers, promoting urban infill redevelopment, and implementing small area master plans. Furthermore, in addition to three Community Redevelopment Areas (CRAs), the City also identified the Waterfront and Downtown District as a targeted activity centers to focus higher intensity development. VI. Imagine Sanford Imagine Sanford was a large scale community visioning and strategic planning process for the City of Sanford. The final vision was substantiated through extensive community engagement taking place over three public workshops and a continuous online forum from fall 2012 to summer 2013. Many of the major takeaways from this planning process were centered on economic development. Some of Sanford's economic advantages identified through the visioning process were available industrial land, walkable downtown and historic district, waterfront, SunRail with adjacent greenfield land, and the Orlando Sanford airport. One notable consensus to come from the Imagine Sanford visioning is the need to update the regulatory and policy framework to encourage economic development. Specific actions for this include refocusing the City's development strategy, reforming zoning codes and developer incentives to increase mixed -use downtown development, and diversify residential zoning to promote transit oriented development around the SunRail station VII. Envision Seminole Strategic Plan for Economic Development in Seminole County In 2011, a Strategic Plan for Economic Development was adopted for all of Seminole County. The stated intent of this document was to establish a coordinated approach to economic development in Seminole County and to increase prosperity through growth in business with high paying, high value jobs. The planning process involved a task force of 26 business leaders in Seminole County to assess the County's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; and to develop recommendations and a strategy for continuing economic development. Among the identified strengths are education, transportation infrastructure, attractive and available land, natural resources and housing diversity; while the identified weaknesses include weak incentives for business, lack of synergy or communications, traffic congestion, higher property taxes, and student retention. This comprehensive document provides overarching recommendations as well as specific action items, responsible parties, funding sources, and performance measures. The primary 0 Littlejohn 40 SA,NI=OPD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN recommendation from the economic development task force was to maintain the task force as the Economic Development Advisory Council to carry forward the strategic plan recommendations and to establish an independent Seminole County Economic Development Organization (EDO). The EDO is to be founded on leadership from business, local partnerships, leadership from government, focus on redevelopment (specifically established CRAs), and focus on entrepreneurs. Specific action items the advisory council and EDO would oversee include establishing a program for business retention and expansion, a program to attract new businesses and start -ups, a comprehensive workforce development program and a comprehensive business development program. The primary conclusion of the Task Force was the identified need to establish a coordinated approach to economic development in Seminole County that involves guidance from the business community and which can be implemented by a team of economic development professionals. Furthermore, this approach should involve establishing a comprehensive workforce development program, promoting collaboration within the business community and developing a strong multimodal transportation system. Since adopting this plan in 2011, the County has worked towards adopting the recommendations as policies in order to spur and continue economic growth. Sanford is the largest city in Seminole County and will continue to benefit from this county -wide position in support of economic development. VIII. MetroPlan Orlando: Regional Northeast Corridor Study ( Aloma Spur Area Study) MetroPlan Orlando conducted a Corridor Study in 2014 to evaluate the existing conditions in the area along the Aloma Spur from the downtown Sanford SunRail station through Seminole County into the City of Winter Springs, the City of Oviedo and extending into Orange County to the UCF Campus. The purpose of the study is to find areas suitable for multi -modal opportunities that are available along the corridor. The study addresses the existing conditions along the corridor in six topic areas: socio- demographic characteristics, economic vitality, land use, mobility, travel demand, and environmental constraints. The land use section of the study focused on the opportunities present in Sanford's Downtown Business District. The business district offers spectacular view of Lake Monroe in addition to numerous restaurants, offices, art galleries, historic M Littlejohn 41 CH ,Pl"I IR „r. [= nu.,.�. r.f{:;� f,IJI'I�E�:1'i[ I'iJ,'C It iV� l�:: �NHH/),hNF,(`) SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN museums, multi -use trails and unique architecture. The downtown district also includes the Gateway at Riverwalk, a mixed -use complex with 250 luxury condominiums and townhouses and 25,000 square feet of commercial space developed along the shore of Lake Monroe. The Riverwalk trail is another major draw to residents, visitors and businesses. The multi -use paved trail is currently 1.2 miles, but when completed will be 5 miles long, connecting the downtown to the Central Florida Zoological Park and the Coast to Coast Cross -State Trail. Overall the study lauded Sanford's Downtown Business District as an example of an up -and- coming business district where constant improvements go hand -in -hand with historic preservation and economic development. IX. Sanford SunRail Station Area Bicycle & Pedestrian Connectivity Study This study, prepared by FDOT and SunRail, examined opportunities to maximize pedestrian and bicyclist connectivity and access to the Sanford SunRail Station. The study identified twelve potential projects (immediate, short term and long term) that would provide increased pedestrian and bicyclist connectivity to the Sanford SunRail station. The increased connectivity and ease of access to the Sanford SunRail station from the LMWDS -CRA area would assist the City's community redevelopment activities and increase the economic viability of the CRA parcels. The LMWDS -CRA should examine opportunities to assist with the development and implementation of the accessibility and connectivity projects that would serve the CRA area. The planned and programmed projects identified E Littlejohn 42 E..V...,1AIP V PAST f���I.�C,.,,F 4.URRFN If 4k,dV`I `1k..1 I `II flhAIIVF4S SANFORD COMMIJNFrY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Current Initiatives I. Riverfront Design Workshop LEA administered a planning and conceptual design workshop in August, 2014 with City staff and key community stakeholders to discuss and address potential development scenarios for parcels generally located in Sanford's downtown Riverfront district near East Seminole Boulevard and North Palmetto Avenue. The product of the workshop activities was the Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan. The Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan was presented to the City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission on September 18th, 2014 and to the Sanford Downtown Waterfront Community Redevelopment Agency on October 1st, 2014. Am Single Family Detached: 8 Units 1 1 Lot size approx: 45 "x 110" Detached rear garage with courtyard Attached Townhouse: 21 Units i »j G g , Unit size approx: 3 Story 25'x40' re/ , KV Parking in adjacent structure n»rrrfG t 2 Attached Townhouse /Multi - Family: 29 Units 3 Unit size approx: 3 story 25'x38' l r 2� �� "1 Parking under unit Access by alley -M; � a �� r c 6 V' Mixed Use: 19 Residential Flats 4 + Commercial retail ground floor x ar�iGan�yG Y Office or residential flat above. 4 4, 20,100 s.f. Retail r � SN ,(�1��/. 5': Hotel: 80 - 100 keys - 3 to 4 Story 4�' 44 �'� o� �� Ground floor retail on Sanford Avenue 9�088s.f. Parking Structure: 3 Story 240 S paces p ces r t »i 5 ` Parking Structure: 3 Story 285 Spaces 1 � I 7 �i �� if(�i6 urvrw / i imp The aspirational Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan proposes the development of an urban waterfront neighborhood that will include a mix of residential products (single - family detached, multi - family, and townhomes) office, hotel and commercial uses. The conceptual development program includes up to 75 residential units, over 29,000 sq.ft. of non- residential uses, parking structures and an 80 -90 key boutique hotel. The implementation and development of the City -owned parcels utilizing the themes presented in the Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan will address the City's four Strategic Priorities: Unify the E Littlejohn 43 ('L V, M'� F� ,' `5 PAS hC!E�x �,f.r('� >J::h�dl� f�'k.�iwll��l(�I�':'�a ft41IIAll`��'C > SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Downtown and the Waterfront; Promote the City's Distinct Culture; Update the City's Regulatory Framework; and, Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities. The City is actively marketing the development opportunities that were the product of the Riverfront Design `workshop. Public Input & Commutifty Workshops I. Workshop 1: Issue Identification and Prioritization On March 2 °`', 2015 the City of Sanford facilitated the first of two (2) Community Workshops to solicit public input for use in the update of the Community Redevelopment Plan. The purpose of this workshop was to receive public input from residents, business owners, government agencies, and stakeholders in order to develop a general consensus and guide the long -term direction of the LMWDS -CRA. Workshop participants were introduced to the CRA's history, past and existing conditions, accomplishments, and present a proposed list of preliminary programs and projects identified during the initial research and planning phases of the Community Redevelopment Plan update. A hands -on table exercise followed where participants utilized base maps of the CRA area and engaged in discussions to list issues and concerns affecting the CRA, propose recommendations, programs and projects for the CRA. The CRA base maps were marked -up by workshop participants to record the locations of specific projects and areas of concern. Lastly, the participants prioritized the identified issues in order to indicate the predominant issues, concerns, and recommendations the Community Redevelopment Plan should focus on. Table 8 below provides a prioritized list of the issues, concerns, and recommendations identified by participants during the workshop. Table 9 below groups and prioritizes the public input received into common themes reflected throughout the Community Redevelopment Plan. E Litklejohn 44 ( . I fs !'I R ,, "AE"' T P,I ID (1UI;4'f:N F I'i..A1,,` [4111 I II II I E "'JIV1 `1 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Public Input Number of Votes Connection from Sanford Avenue to Marina Island and Waterfront 8 Port and Marina Island rehabilitation 8 Event center needs to be demolished and /or repurposed 6 Gateway south of State Route 46 / 1st St 6 Connect Sunrail to Riverwalk 5 Community- oriented policing 5 Additional "Resto" in Downtown 4 2nd Street & Magnolia: parking garage 4 Marketing of Waterfront (+ day slips) 3 Fort Mellon Park: new amphitheater 2 Willow Tree building expansion: sports bar, waiting area, other 2 More bicycle racks 2 Repurpose the former CVS building 1 Building stabilization grants 1 Need for more parking 1 Mixed -use residential, office, and retail 1 Substandard housing and crime southeast of the CRA 1 Multi -modal access to the CRA 1 Expand the CRA south of State Route 46 1 Public Input Number of Votes Connections & Wayfinding 22 Renovation & Rehabilitation 17 Business & Marketing 15 Community & Safety 6 Expansion & Mix of Uses 2 0 Littlejohn 45 PAS .� M`dl) H/0]\/Fs SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN II. Workshop 2: Presentation of Preliminary Community Redevelopment Plan On March 16`h, 2015 the City of Sanford facilitated the second of two (2) Community Workshops to solicit public input for use in the update of the Community Redevelopment Plan. The purpose of this workshop was to present the findings and priorities from Community Workshop 1, present a revised list of proposed projects and programs and to solicit additional public input from residents, business owners, government agencies, and stakeholders. Workshop participants reviewed a proposed projects and programs list and also reviewed a map of the CRA showing the locations of the proposed improvements and targeted redevelopment opportunity sites. Workshop attendees then participated in a lively discussion regarding additional redevelopment opportunities and issues. Items identified and reinforced during the second Community Workshop included: Redevelopment activities should be well coordinated with the City's Historic Preservation Board when redevelopment projects are located within or have a significant impact upon the City's historic district. • Residential development along the waterfront would increase activity and eliminate `dead - zones'. • Parking needs of courthouse employees must be addressed as the Court House parking lot is redeveloped. • Additional parking structures may be needed in other areas of the CRA and not solely on the City owned parcels shown in the Waterfront Master Plan concept. M Littlejohn 46 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Chapter 6: Strategies es d Objectives The overarching goal of the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CRA is to increase private sector investment and economic activity within the CRA thus addressing the documented conditions and symptoms of blight. The following complementing strategies and objectives represent the operational directives of the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CRA through the 2025 planning period. The following strategies and their associated objectives are consistent with applicable controlling state Law. Fublic Infrastructure and Fr vate Sector Investment Continued investment and upgrading of deteriorating public infrastructure systems within the CRA is one of the redevelopment strategies to be utilized for the next ten (10) years. During the past twenty (20) years the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CRA has invested over $12M in public infrastructure within the CRA district. These improvements to the public infrastructure systems and public realm have improved public safety and health, incrementally addressed conditions of blight and stimulated increased private sector investment within the downtown area of the CRA and the adjacent historic district. The objectives of this strategy are to continue incremental improvements to public safety and health conditions, to protect and increase the values of existing private sector investment within the CRA and to encourage continued private sector development and investment within the CRA. Urban (In-Fill) Neighborhood Creation The creation of urban neighborhoods within the downtown and waterfront areas of the CRA is one of the development strategies to be pursued for the next phase of the CRA's operations. This strategy directly complements and builds upon the Infrastructure and Investment development strategy. The objectives of this strategy include increasing the median housing value within the downtown, increasing the activity level and vibrancy within the downtown district, utilization of vacant or underutilized parcels and increasing the localized demand for retail, including grocers, and other commercial services within the downtown district. M Littlejohn 47 SANI=ORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Catalyst t Project(S) Implementation The implementation of catalyst projects is a redevelopment strategy the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CRA has identified as integral to the continued successful redevelopment of the district. The City of Sanford has aggregated several vacant parcels within the downtown waterfront district and has developed several potential development scenarios for these parcels. These parcels and others may be utilized for potential catalyst projects to physically demonstrate the development opportunities available within the CRA. It is understood by the City and the CRA that catalyst projects are the initial projects to be developed in a stagnant or failing real estate markets that may face significant development constraints and financial risks when compared to traditional green field development. It is also understood that the development of catalyst projects may require the utilization and leveraging of public infrastructure, resources and creative, non - traditional financing methods to fully implement the projects. Requisite capital improvement projects to enable the implementation of the Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan catalyst projects are identified in the Phase I portion of the Implementation Plan, Table 10. The objectives for this strategy include the development of catalyst projects within the district. These projects will demonstrate the economic potential as well as the desired architectural style, development value and quality of construction for future development within the CRA. Concurrent objectives of this strategy include increasing the economic activity level and vibrancy within the downtown district, increasing the median housing value within the downtown, utilization of vacant or underutilized parcels and incrementally increasing the demand for retail and commercial services within the downtown district. Private Sector Investment Frogranis Stimulating additional private sector investment through the utilization of specific CRA programming is a redevelopment strategy to be utilized by the CRA during the next ten (10) years. The Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CRA has successfully utilized several programs to stimulate additional private sector investment within the CRA district. These programs have enabled private sector investors to develop within the CRA district that otherwise would not have occurred. The continued utilization of these programs, including but not limited to facade improvement programs, building stabilization programs, rental subsidies and other performance and M Littlejohn 48 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN investment based assistance programs has been identified by the CRA as a cost effective redevelopment strategy. The objective for this strategy is to enable creative private sector investment within the CRA that would not have otherwise occurred. Economic Development Partnerships The Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CRA was created out of a shared vision between Seminole County Government and the City of Sanford in 1995. The many successful physical improvements, public infrastructure and private sector developments could not have been possible without the aforementioned partnership, partnerships with other public agencies and numerous private sector partnerships. The continued utilization of public and private economic development partnerships is a redevelopment strategy that will enable and encourage additional private sector development within the CRA district. The objectives for this strategy include leveraging additional public and private sector resources to cost - effectively enable continuing private sector investment and business retention and business recruitment activities within the CRA district. Projects and Progranis The projects and programs to implement the above strategies are organized in seven major groupings, including CRA Operations and Management, Land Use and Urban Form, Economic Development Programs and Property Improvement, Cultural and Historic Preservation, Transportation Improvements, Stormwater, and Utilities. Each of the major project and program groups address the aforementioned redevelopment strategies and also address the day -to -day operations and administration of the LMWDS -CRA. Each of these seven major project and program groups has several tasks and activities associated with it. The implementation plan presents these major project and program groups and associated tasks and activities in a tabular format. E Littlejohn 49 I- i/`,I'IF '/. llv�f'�.G.r� 4:I�•N.� "� llCu71 ^I SANFORD CC7mmui�uw REDEVELOPMEN -r PLAN The implementation plan provided below includes a ten -year, three phase schedule of potential projects and programs that may be undertaken by the CRA. The projects and programs are organized in seven major groupings, including CRA Operations and Management, Land Use and Urban Form, Economic Development Programs and Property Improvement, Cultural and Historic Preservation, Transportation Improvements, Stormwater, and Utilities. Proposed prioritization and scheduling of the projects and programs is shown by line per project. The first year of a project is shown with a general monetary cost estimate in the column of the proposed year of commencement of a program, construction project or design phase of an improvement. The proposed prioritization was determined through direction received from Seminole County, the City of Sanford, the LMWDS -CRA Board and at public workshops. The proposed prioritization was also influenced by the intent to continue the implementation of multi- year projects already underway from the previous (1995 and 2009) community redevelopment plans and their associated work efforts. The actual project and program implementation undertaken by the LMWDS -CRA will be based on the proximate and anticipated economic conditions and opportunities, availability of funds and the direction provided by the CRA Board. Dollar amounts assigned to each project and /or program are based on 2015 opinions of probable costs for design and construction costs using current industry standards and historical budgetary data10. Florida does not require that CRA implementation plans to be financially feasible and funding sources are not required to be identified by project. The primary source of funding for projects within the LMWDS -CRA will be the Tax Increment Fund (TIF). However, the estimated limited TIF for the next 10 year period cannot solely fund each and every project or program in their entirety. In order to maximize and fully leverage the available TIF, additional funding sources must be utilized that may include grants, private partnerships, bonds, or state /federal agency funds. io Littlejohn, CPH, 2014 -2015. E Littlejohn 50 PHASE PHASE2 T$276$282 item mmmimmm CRA Operationsand Management CRA Administration and Staffing IMA4tl, ',$917,300 ",, 5119,646 .. $122039 $124,480 $172,099 $134,741 $137,436 $1,259,218 Membershps.rd Dues `i$3,00b ;, ,`; S3,b69 ':" $3,121 ,. SIM $3,247 $3,446 $3,515 $3,585 $32,949 Subsaiptims i $250' ,, %$255 - :" $260 "' $265 $271 $287 $293 $299 $2737 TechnicaVPlanning Studies and Plans ;;$25,000' ", $2SA00 $25,000 $25,000 $25.000 $25,000 $25,000 $225,000 CRAManagement TrzMing $1,S9d '" ''$1,530";;, $1,661, $1,592 $1.624 $1,656 $1,689 $1,723 51,757 $1,793 $16,425 Land Use and Urban Fonn Annual review of LDR( Redevelpment Constraint Identification) CRA)Cily Stall ORAICi haff " Amand Future Land Use Element CRAIG Staff, CRA/CifyStaff Amend Zoning Overlays ' CRAICIlyStaff ". CRA /Ci Stag ,. Continue dialogue vltn Seminole County Regarding Redevelopment Partnerships '" "" CfUkfCRySM4 " " CRl�l6hy Slag - ConsultlSolicitmthUrbanDevelopers CRAICdy SMIf; 'CMICAyStilf Economic Development Programs and Property Improvement Fagade Grant Program ;$60,000 <, $60,000; ;, $60,000 $60,000 $60.000 S60, 000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $600,000 Rahabdletbn Interest Subsidy Program ;.;$30,000 "" z, $110,000 "'. $34,000 $30,000 $30.000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $380.000 Building Stabilization Grant Program ;534,049' " $75.000 '. STS,wO ' $76,811 $77,733 $78,665 $79,609 $80,565 561,531 $82.510 $738.324 Incubator Graduaterent subsidy program :$12000 ' :`$24,000''" "" $36,000 $36,432 $36.869 $37,312 $37,759 $38212 $38.671 $39,135 $336,391 Incubator Support "; $35,000; "" $751000 $75,900 $76,811 $77,733 $78,665 $79,609 $80,565 SB1,531 $660,814 Busmess Development Programs and Economic: Development Partnerships $15,900', " " $25,000' ' z 425,304 " $25,804 525,911 $26,222 $26,536 $26,855 $27,177 $27,503 $251,108 AmTrekf$unRaiVAI,port Shuttle $18,000 "'" `, $18,211 ; $18,435 $18,656 $18,880 $19,106 $19,336 $19,568 $19,802 $169,998 Initlate identification and cataloging of vacant parcels for development olmarketing brochure CRA /Cqy SfaB " Preparecatalog and marketing brochure ofvaunt opportunity sites located in CRA " $20.000 Prepare and d'rstrilule requests for development proposals (RFPIRFO) CRA /"8, CRA10*'Slaff Evaluate potential sites for parking structure development " "CRAICI'Btalf, CRAACit "8188 Evaluate vacant parcels form -use opportunities; lard banking and potential aggregation 6RA78dy9M0 "' - "' CRAI�,SWfi Set-aside Funds for Land AcquuntiordAssemby 1560,0011, " " $50,000 $50,000 550,000 $50,000 $50.000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $450,000 Prepare RFP for targeted redevelopment sites " CRA /Ci SMO '. 'CRAI SMO a Explore public/private partnershps CRAICI falf, CRAIG Staff Cultural and Historic preservation Support the City's Affordable Housing Development Programs within the CRA" "'$2S G00 $?SO9S $25,000 525,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $250,000 Evaluate Opportunities for Historic Building Preservation Grants AgAl*$1a8," 'CRA&0SIaH Support Local Cornmuniy, Oriented Poling Programs "SPD , "$5,090 $5,000'" $5,000 $5,000 55.000 $5,000 $5,000 '$5,000 $5,000 $45,000 Transportation, Maindenanoe and Capacity Development Programs Notes: Cossratect291bpr=g.-u= Janloraroute uepaeren[ romnom mwwg wwcea ,wprgm,fa--- w w-�- " . Streetscape, Chamber of Commerce renovation and Sanford Events Center opinions of probable costs provided by CPH Engineering, 2015. AN other opinions of probable costs provided by Littlejohn, 2015. Cost Estimation Aswmotions PHASE i PHASE 2 $15,000 �IIIIII II $15,000 IISI $15,000 II $15,000 m 5150,000 ,$15900 WOMMM `:$15,000 , $15,100 $15,00 $15,000 $15,000 Roadway inprovemm6 (Set- asides) Manna-Oriented'mprovements (SO-asides) ' ^:$10,000' $10900 $10.000 ' $10,000 $10,000 $10.000 $10,000 $10.000 $10,000 $10,000 5100,000 Amenities Improvements '- '.K000e '. $5900 r, "$5,000' $5.000 $5,000 $5,000 $5.000 55,000 55.000 $5,900 $50,000 Additional Streatscape Projects within the CRA ;=TBO'�- TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Landscape and Streotscape lnvestinent Maintenance .$80,000- $80,090 Sanford Avenue -1st SLto R'denvalk (Catalyst Project) -;. #1,11X,116' $1,117,116 Palmetto Avenue•1st SLMRNmvalk (CataystProject) $972,012 $972,972 Hood Avenue- Camm.StwRivenvalk (Catalyst Project) '$1972.014 > $1,072,071 Park Avenue - Fulton Street to Rive...lk $1,702,701 $1,702,701 Sanford Event Center (CataystProject) $5,332,000 $5,332,800 Entrance Road to Marina ISWnd $1,711.710 $1,711710 Commercial SL Oak Ave. to Sanford Ave. $2,036,034 $2,036,037 Oak Avenue -1st St to Fulton SL $1,009,008 SI,009,008 Laurel Avenue -1st SL to Fukan SL $1.009,008 1 $1,009,008 Elm Avenue - tat SL to FUBan St $1,009,008 $1,009,008 Myrtle Avenue - tat SL to Fulton SL V.D09,008 $1,009,098 Commercial SL French Ave. W Ebn Ave. $1,108107 $1,108,107 Chamber efCemmwm Rehabilitation $369,600 $369.600 Parking Garage #1 $3,600,900 $366000090 Parking Garage f2 $4,275,000 54,275,000 Review and evaluate the Sanford SunWl Station Area Bicycle 8 Pedestrian Connectivity Study far applicable projects) Ynpiementation CR/77¢tly Staff, CRAICity Staff ,TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Evaluate additional streetsfareesfor streetscape and/or pedestrian safety improvements " "" ORA /Cly $(aO, " GRAXCYy Sta% TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Gateway Features $200,000 $200,090 5400,000 Pedestrian facilities upgrades and bnprovements `. $15,000 S15.DD0 $15,000 $15,000 515,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,099 $120.000 Stormwater Develop a Downtown Master Storormter Regional Pond Downtownmaslerstwmwalerplan ',IMAM $120.000 Desgnof mganalpondsys tembwedonmaelerplan 'TBD TBD Con t-ifon ofregronalle.dsyfem TED TBD Set Aside funds for general Stormwater System upgrades $15900" $15,000 $15,000 $15,900 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $120,000 Utilities Evaluate and prioril¢e underground electric utility installation areas CRA7Ciy SWH : $0 Initiate installation of utilities underground TED TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Potable water inhasWClure knprovements $200,009 $200,000 $200.000 $200.000 $200900 $200,000 $1,200,000 Wastewater inhasWdwa inprovements " $100,000 5100,000 $100.000 $100,000 $100,000 $10000 $100,000 $100,090 $800,000 Total Implementation Costs Estimates 8321,750 $1,956.261 58,087,847 $2,417,962 $2,129,608 $4.673,769 $2,949,551 $5,748,140 $2,420,525 $5,208,594 $35,912,006 Notes: Cossratect291bpr=g.-u= Janloraroute uepaeren[ romnom mwwg wwcea ,wprgm,fa--- w w-�- " . Streetscape, Chamber of Commerce renovation and Sanford Events Center opinions of probable costs provided by CPH Engineering, 2015. AN other opinions of probable costs provided by Littlejohn, 2015. Cost Estimation Aswmotions SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Chapter 8: Catalyst Project Site Waterfront Conceptual Master Fla-'I' The catalyst project site is located on the City -owned parcels. The parcels comprises approximately three (3) city blocks or approximately 4.5 +/- acres excluding right -of -way. Two of the three catalyst site city blocks are generally bound by Seminole Boulevard on the north, Commercial Street on the south with Sanford Avenue and Hood Avenue on the east and west respectively. The third block of the catalyst project site is bound by Commercial Street on the north, First Street on the south and Sanford Avenue and Palmetto Avenue on the east and west respectively. A conceptual plan for the catalyst site was developed by the City in August, 2014 (Waterfront Master Plan). The aspirational Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan proposes the development of an urban waterfront neighborhood that will include a mix of residential products (single - family detached, multiple - family, and townhomes) office, hotel and commercial uses. The conceptual development program includes up to 75 residential units, over 29,000 square feet of non - residential uses, two (2) parking structures (525 spaces total) and an 80 -90 key boutique hotel. The development of the catalyst project site as per the Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan will create an urban waterfront neighborhood within the LMWDS -CRA and serve as a demonstration project presenting the potential urban waterfront development opportunities within the LMWDS- CRA. Additional anticipated outcomes of the development of the catalyst project will include: an increase in the median home values within the CRA; increased economic activity within the CRA including increased demands for goods and services and job creation during and after the construction phases. The following graphic depicts the Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan. E Littlejohn 53 Single Family Detached: 6 Units Lot size approx: 45'x 110' Detached rear garage with courtyard Attached Townhouse: 21 Units Unit size approx: 3 Story 25'x40' Parking in adjacent structure Attached Townhouse/Multi-Family: 29 Units Unit size approx: 3 story 25'x38' Parking under unit Access by alley Mixed Use: 19 Residential Flats Commercial retail ground floor Office or residential flat above. 20,100 s.f. Retail Hotel: 80 - 100 keys - 3 to 4 Story Ground floor retail on Sanford Avenue 9,068 s.f. Parking Structure: 3 Story 240 Spaces Parking Structure: 3 Story 285 Spaces rim I I rUC_cAC' FP k r, I,. l_�`w� h I�, `�) Mi r::; � Sl i"F SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMEN-f PLAN Waterfront aster Plan (After nt Plan) An alternate plan to the Waterfront Master Plan has been developed for the catalyst site. The alternate plan also proposes the development of an urban waterfront neighborhood on two (2) of the three (3) waterfront blocks of the catalyst project site. The proposed alternate plan does not contain any non - residential development. Parking for the alternate plan utilizes surface and on- street parking. The proposed development program for the alternate plan includes ten (10) detached single - family estate homes, thirty -four (34) townhomes and sixty (60) stacked flats. The total number of dwelling units is 104 + / -. The purpose of the development of the alternate plan for the catalyst project site is to demonstrate the residential redevelopment potential of the city -owned parcels using more cost effective surface parking in the place of the more expensive parking structures depicted in the Waterfront Master Plan. The following graphic depicts the alternate plan for the catalyst project site. 0 Littlejohn 55 CL. { /'J'I LT' 9: ("/, �'AL',`, I PROJ -('I- S1 I E SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Development Program 10- Estate Homes (3,600 - 5,400 sf) ± 104 Total Dwelling Units Hornesite, (45 x90: 55 x 90; 60 x 90') ± 4.65 Total Acres ± 22A MAC 34- Townhomes (1,800 - 2,200 sf) n Three story tuck Linder garage V2, Go- Stacked Flats (900 - 1500 0) Three story surface parked !�Q E Littlejohn 56 SANFORD COMMLJI,,IITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN c The CRA Conceptual Master Plan, Figure 3, presents the overall "Campaign -Map" that graphically depicts the LMWDS -CRA boundary and the 2015 -2025 capital improvement projects and how they connect to previously completed capital improvements, including streetscapes, multi- purpose trails and gateway features, as well as the locations of the waterfront catalyst site and the locations of sixteen (16) additional redevelopment opportunity sites. The CRA Conceptual Master Plan also graphically depicts how the capital improvements within the CRA interlocks and connects to other community and regional improvements and employment centers including planned or proposed improvements by Seminole County, the City of Sanford and FDOT. These connections to employment centers, regional transportation facilities and surrounding neighborhoods expands the overall economic development impact of the LMWDS -CRA into the surrounding communities. The LMWDS -CRA has identified sixteen (16) redevelopment opportunity sites within the Community Redevelopment Area. These sites have been identified as having a high redevelopment potential. The redevelopment potential was based on limited parcel ownership, active development agreements or entitlements and limited (if any) on -site development. These redevelopment opportunity sites may accommodate over 1,750 residential dwelling units, 96 assisted living facility units, a 100 key hotel, over 135,000 square feet of retail uses and over 131,500 square feet of office space. The CRA Conceptual Master Plan graphically illustrates how the activities and capital improvement projects of LMWDS -CRA can affect economic development, investment and activity beyond the CRA's boundaries and into the surrounding neighborhoods and unincorporated areas. M Littlejohn 57 SANFORD COMMI-JNI'rY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Neighborhood Impact Statement. The proposed projects and programs are not anticipated to impact or require relocation of any low or moderate income housing areas within the CRA district. Each of the proposed projects, catalyst projects and other development within the CRA district will be evaluated for potential impacts upon the surrounding areas addressing traffic circulation, environmental impacts, availability of community facilities, effects on school populations and other potential impacts upon the physical and social quality of life during the planning and design phase of each project. Any potential negative impacts will be mitigated to the maximum extent possible. M Littlejohn 59 "I' FR f(). 1 /",X fE I.,C'I (4[- :�,,ll (l.f IF) 1111 R, lAI[VE. V lJl�\tI)IN1c. ,X:>(..IR..FS SANFORD C0MMUh,19TY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Estimates Chapter 10: Tax Increment Fund .r; Alternative o Tax Incretrient Fund The following section presents the estimated Tax Increment Fund (TIF) revenues that may be available for use by the LMWDS -CRA form implementation of the projects and program listed in Implementation Plan. The LMWDS -CRA currently (2015) has approximately $404,000 of funds allocated for CRA operations, programming and projects ". The sources for the estimated TIF revenues are City and County increment ad- valorem tax revenues from the initial, CRA area and the City and County increment ad- valorem tax revenues from the CRA expansion area (2009) located along Sanford Avenue. Due to the differing base years (1995 and 2009), the estimated TIF revenues are presented in two tables. Table 11 shows the estimated TIF revenue that may be generated from the CRA parcels with the 1995 base year. Table 12 shows the estimated TIF revenue that may be generated from the CRA parcels with the 2009 base year. Table 13 shows the combined estimated TIF revenues for the 2015 -2025 period utilizing an anticipated valuation growth rate of 5.5 %. The total estimated TIF revenues that may be available for projects during the 2015 -2025 period is projected to be approximately $19,380,522.00''. 11 City of Sanford, 2015. 12 Seminole County Property Appraisers Office, Littlejohn, 2015. M Littlejohn 60 (" � 1 /,I ) H-1 R, I (1) . d' h' X it @ C P, [" /0,F 1 I' I ' I : l J �' J l ) /N l" C () /'� � C F I 1/�' i, V l I i" I U I SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Table 11: 1995 Base Year CRA TIF Revenue Projecfions Original CRA Area-1995 1995 Base Year CRA Parcels-TIF Revenue Projections Source: Seminole County Property Appraisers Office, Littlejohn, 2015. 1995 Base Year CRA Parcels-TIF Revenue Projections Current Current Estimated Estimated Final Certification Base Year Increment Increment Sanford Sanford Seminole Co Seminole Co Year TaxableValue Taxable Value at 100% at 95% Millage Rate Payment@ 95% Millage Rate Payment@ 95% 2015 $152,032,345 $48,105,493 $103,926,852 $98,730,510 6.8250 $673,836 4.8751 $481,321 2016 $157,353,478 $48,105,493 $109,247,985 $103,785,585 6.8250 $708,337 4.8751 $505,965 2017 $162,860,849 $48,105,493 $114,755,356 $109,017,588 6.8250 $744,045 4.8751 $531,472 2018 $168,560,979 $48,105,493 $120,455,486 $114,432,712 6.8250 $781,003 4.8751 $557,871 2019 $174,460,613 $48,105,493 $126,355,120 $120,037,364 6.8250 $819,255 4.8751 $585,194 2020 $180,566,735 $48,105,493 $132,461,242 $125,838,180 6.8250 $858,846 4.8751 $613,474 2021 $186,886,570 $48,105,493 $138,781,077 $131,842,024 6.8250 $899,822 4.8751 $642,743 2022 $193,427,600 $48,105,493 $145,322,107 $138,056,002 6.8250 $942,232 4.8751 $673,037 2023 $200,197,566 $48,105,493 $152,092,073 $144,487,470 6.8250 $986,127 4.8751 $704,391 2024 $207,204,481 $48,105,493 $159,098,988 $151,144,039 6.8250 $1,031,558 4.8751 $736,842 2025 $214,456,638 $48,105,493 $166,351,145 $158,033,588 6.8250 $1,078,579 4.8751 $770,430 $9,523,640 $6,802,739 Source: Seminole County Property Appraisers Office, Littlejohn, 2015. 1995 Base Year CRA Parcels-TIF Revenue Projections Source: Seminole County Property Appraisers Office, Littlejohn, 2015. E Littlejohn 61 Current Current Estimated Estimated Final Certification Base Year Increment Increment Sanford Sanford Seminole Co Seminole Co Year TaxableValue Taxable Value at 100% at 95% Millage Rate Payment@ 95% Millage Rate Payrnent@ 95% 2015 $154,970,169 $48,105,493 $106,864,676,$101,521,442' 6.8250 $692,884 4.8751 $494,927 2016 $163,493,528 $48,105,493 $115,388,035 $109,618,633 6.8250 $748,147 4.8751 $534,402 2017 $172,485,672 $48,105,493 $124,380,179 $118,161,170 6.8250 $806,450 4.8751 $576,048 2018 $181,972,384 $48,105,493 $133,866,891 $127,173,546 6.8250 $867,959 4.8751 $619,984 2019 $191,980,865 $48,105,493 $143,875,372 $136,681,603 6.8250 $932,852 4.8751 $666,336 2020 $202,539,812 $48,105,493 $154,434,319 $146,712,603 6.8250 $1,001,314 4.8751 $715,239 2021 $213,679,502 $48,105,493 $165,574,009 $157,295,309 6.8250 $1,073,540 4.8751 $766,830 2022 $225,431,875 $48,105,493 $177,326,382 $168,460,063 6.8250 $1,149,740 4.8751 $821,260 2023 $237,830,628 $48,105,493 $189,725,135 $180,238,878 6.8250 $1,230,130 4.8751 $878,683 2024 $250,911,312 $48,105,493 $202,905,819 $192,665,528 6.8250 $1,314,942 4.8751 $939,264 2025 $264,711,435 $48,105,493 $216,605,942 $205,775,644 6.8250 $1,404,419 4.8751 $1,003,177 $11,222,378 $8,016,149 Source: Seminole County Property Appraisers Office, Littlejohn, 2015. E Littlejohn 61 CL.I „C`7r:f: 10: hA x IN (” I'-IEfv\FNT /'&R) /V' I FI'J! I L -) I I"IG ;"O H P'11',TS' SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Table 13: Combined (Existing Area + Expansion Area) LMWDS-CRA Projections 2015-2025 Combined LMWDS-CRA TIF Projections 2015-2025 E Littlejohn 62 Estimated Estimated Sanford Seminole Co Year Payment @ 95% Payment @ 95% Combined 2015 $693,675 $495,493 $1,189,168 2016 $750,076 $535,780 $1,285,856 2017 $809,579 $578,283 $1,387,862 2018 $872,355 $623,124 $1,495,479 2019 $938,583 $670,431 $1,609,014 2020 $1,008,454 $720,339 $1,728,794 2021 $1,082,168 $772,993 $1,855,161 2022 $1,159,936 $828,543 $1,988,479 2023 $1,241,982 $887,148 $2,129,130 2024 $1,328,539 $948,976 $2,277,516 2025 $1,419,858 $1,014,205 $2,434,063 Total $11,305,209 $8,075,314 $19,380,522 Source: Seminole County Property Appraisers Office, Littlejohn, 2015. E Littlejohn 62 II..I i i ) i /+." f I ' I C ` E ? L t , 4 1 . ti 1 P ( A J I F) �J_TN'�lRI "' J I V L 1�UI "H)II °,IO ",r�B,J{`� SA,NFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Afternative Funding Sources This section includes a listing of Alternative Funding Sources that have been identified based on their applicability to the successful achievement of the project recommendations. Florida. Recreation 17evelopment Assistance Program (FRDAP) FRDAP is a competitive grant program that provides financial assistance to local governments for development and acquisition of land for public outdoor recreational purposes. All county governments and municipalities in Florida and other legally constituted local governmental entities with the legal responsibility for the provision of outdoor recreational sites and facilities. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) accepts grant applications for the FRDAP annually. littp://w-,vw.del2.state.fl.us/parks/""`oirs/"""`def,,iult.htm Florida C.oMMUnities "1 "mast (FC'F) FCT is a state land acquisition grant program that provides funding through the competitive criteria identified in the Parks and Open Space Florida Forever Grant Program and the Stan Mayfield Working Waterfronts Florida Forever Grant Program to local governments and eligible non - profit environmental organizations for acquisition of community -based parks, open space and greenways that further outdoor recreation and natural resource protection needs identified in local government comprehensive plans. l -ittp: / /www.del).state.fl.us /lands /fl communities trust /default cont.htm community Reinvestment Act The Community Reinvestment Act is a federal law created to encourage commercial banks and savings associations to meet the needs of borrowers in all segments of their communities, including low- and moderate - income neighborhoods. The Act was passed by Congress in 1977 to reduce discriminatory credit practices against low- income neighborhoods, a practice known as redlining. The Act requires the appropriate federal financial supervisory agencies to encourage regulated financial institutions to meet the credit needs of the local communities in which they are chartered, consistent with safe and sound operation. To enforce the statute, federal regulatory agencies examine banking institutions for Community Reinvestment Act compliance, and take this 0 Littlejohn 63 C, I [4P Fl, 10 I'AX f ll i'(P,0 Al'ND Al f[.I�l`,E��,I�I "vl�.: k���lkl' DIP\It'., S0k.JlZf_.`1,,S SANI ORD COMMLJNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN information into consideration when approving applications for new bank branches or for mergers or acquisitions. Follow the link provided below to research financial institution's CRA ratings within Sanford. htttas: / /www2.fdic.gov cranes/ Economic Development 'rra nsportation fund (EDTl ) The Economic Development Transportation Fund, commonly referred to as the "Road Fund," is an incentive tool designed to alleviate transportation problems that adversely impact a specific company's location or expansion decision. The elimination of the problem must serve as an inducement for a specific company's location, retention, or expansion project in Florida and create or retain job opportunities for Floridians. Eligible projects are those that facilitate economic development by the eradication of location - specific transportation problems (e.g., access roads, signalization, road widening, etc.) on behalf of a specific eligible company (e.g., a manufacturing, corporate /regional headquarters, or recycling facility). Up to $3,000,000 may be provided to a local government to implement transportation related improvements. The actual amount funded is based on specific job creation and /or retention criteria. littp: / /ww-,v. enterpriseflr)rida.com /why- florida /business - climate /incentives / CommLnfiy C?evelopmeni Block Grants (CLl3Cx)- Sma.11 Cities laro ;] "i III . The purpose of this federal grant program is to provide annual grants on a formula basis to entitled cities and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent affordable housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low and moderate - income persons. The program is authorized under Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93 -383, as amended: 42 U.S.C. -5301 et seq. A grantee must develop and follow a detailed plan which provides for, and encourages, citizen participation and which emphasizes participation by persons of low or moderate- income, particularly residents of predominately low and moderate - income neighborhoods, slum or blighted areas, and areas in which the grantee proposes to use CDBG funds. 0 Littlejohn 64 . I A,1 {U :' A: A[ 1 -PN/ HVF ` tDH,K -' ' 4 f i r SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMEN'f PLAN The program, administered and funded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, consists of two components: Entitlement - provides funds directly to urban areas and Small Cities (or State CDBG) - provides funds to the states for distribution to rural areas. The Department of Community Affairs administers Florida's Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program. This is a competitive grant program that awards funds to rural areas. Each year since 1983, Florida has received between 18 and 35 million dollars. One of the factors in the competitive process is the Community Wide Needs Score. This is a numerical representation of the needs of a community based on the following census data: • Low and Moderate Income Population • Number of Persons Below the Poverty Level • Number of Housing Units with More than One Person Per Room The program is an excellent opportunity for communities to obtain funds for projects that the community cannot otherwise afford. Further, it provides a means to implement projects that local governments may not have staff to complete. Popular examples of community projects include: 0 Downtown Revitalization • Water and Sewer Improvements • Drainage Improvements • Economic Development Activities • Creating Jobs for Low and Moderate Income People • Rehabilitation and Preservation of Housing • Parks and Recreation Projects • Street Improvements Pr ject Requirements • To be eligible for funding, an activity must meet at least of the following national objectives: 6 E Littlejohn CI AAJITER . i �, FAX F FUN(') JN(') , ,� !f.1 �`��,k l (��r'i`��I ",W/I FAUN `ilNC,, SOLIRC': 'S SM,4FOR7 COMMLJI4lITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN • Low - Moderate National Objective - at least 51 percent of the beneficiaries must be low and moderate income persons (total family income is at or below 80 percent of the area's median income) • Slum and Blight National Objective - the area must be a slum or blighted area as defined by state or local law + Urgent Needs National Objective - the activity must alleviate existing conditions which pose a serious and immediate threat to those living in the area and are 18 months or less in origin. The local government must demonstrate that it is unable to finance the activity on its own and that other funding is not available. Farnding Categories The program gives the community the ability to determine which projects - with a focus on the following five categories - are most needed within the overall eligibility and scoring priorities. The Florida Legislature requires that each of the first four categories be allocated funding based on a percentage of the total amount received from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (subject to change): • Housing (receives 20 percent) 0 Neighborhood Revitalization (receives 40 percent) • Commercial Revitalization (receives 10 percent) • Economic Development (receives 30 percent) 0 Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program (approximately $160,000,000 in loan guarantees can be issued) • Eligible Applicants The following communities are eligible to apply for funds: • Non - entitlement cities with fewer than 50,000 residents 0 Counties with fewer than 200,000 residents • Cities that opt out of the urban entitlement program E Littlejohn 66 C I— 1 /11, F, F F R 10: TA X l ("I FC 1NL Ad'41) ALTU",NA I V ": - 1, U 1,111) d G SO U ' C F SANFORD COMMUI,,IITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Fundin ,g Requirements Upon receipt of the award, communities must comply with specific recording obligations. Examples include: • Procurement • Record Keeping • Wages • Public Participation • Acquisition • Protection of the Environment • Relocation • Civil Rights and Non-Discrimination • Construction Standards • Minority Business Participation Additional Infonvation DEO Regional Staff Contact: Bob Dennis Chief, Bureau of Community Revitalization bob.dennis@deo.myfIorida.corn (850) 922-1883 http://,,vw\v. florid,,ijobs.org/communi!y 121annin,(),-,,ind-deNrelopment/­­­,,issist,,ince-f(.-)r- governments-,,ind-or�),-,ttiizations/coinmunit),-develol2ment-block-grant-12roV,r,im M Littlejohn 67 10: 1""'X H'dC I'.DVV l kT FLP ll ) AI,10 A FR: I' HVF r'�J�`!(;�t "f�i4�; S(),,IF'C S SANFC7RD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN EDA Grants The U.S. Economic Development Administration is the only federal agency that focuses solely on economic development initiatives. Within the parameters of a competitive grant process, all projects are evaluated to determine if they advance global competitiveness, create jobs, leverage public and private resources, can demonstrate readiness and ability to use funds quicky and effectively, and link to specific and measureable outcomes. To facilitate evaluation, EDA has established the following investment priorities: 1. Collaborative Regional Innovation Initiatives that support the development and growth of innovation clusters based on existing regional competitive strengths. Initiatives must engage stakeholders; facilitate collaboration among urban, suburban, and rural (including tribal) areas; provide stability for economic development through long -term intergovernmental and public /private collaboration; and support the growth of existing and emerging industries. 2. Public /Private Partnerships Investments that use both public- and private- sector resources and leverage complementary investments by other government /public entities and /or nonprofits. 3. National Strategic Priorities Initiatives that encourage job growth and business expansion related to advanced manufacturing; information technology (e.g., broadband, smart grid) infrastructure; communities severely impacted by automotive industry restructuring; urban waters; job - driven skills development; natural disaster mitigation and resiliency; access to capital for small, medium- sized, and ethnically diverse enterprises; and innovations in science and health care. 4. Global Competitiveness Initiatives that support high- growth businesses and innovation -based entrepreneurs to expand and compete in global markets, especially investments that expand U.S. exports, encourage foreign direct investment, and promote the repatriation of jobs back to the U.S. 5. Environmentally- Sustainable Development Investments that promote job creation and economic prosperity through projects that enhance environmental quality and develop and implement green products, processes, 0 Littlejohn 68 .!'11 °.I'' t1 'f /A l I( f. l ): (D i0 <1) AJ 'I C F"r fAl NF I`Ui�II <" SUURC!: ` SAhlFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN places, and buildings as part of the green economy. This includes support for energy - efficient green technologies. 6. Economically Distressed and Underserved Communities Investments that strengthen diverse communities that have suffered disproportionate economic job losses and /or are rebuilding to become more competitive in the global economy. Additional Information Regional Staff Contact: Jonathan Corso jcorso&eda.g; )v (404) 730 -3023 Programs Administered by the EDA are as folloxvs.- • Public Works Program • Economic Adjustment Assistance Program • Research and National Technical Assistance • Local Technical Assistance • Partnership Planning Program • University Center Economic Development Program • Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms Program htr -): / / -,vw\v. eda.gov / funding - opportunities / E Littlejohn 69 EXHIBIT "A" (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) The boundary of the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area is as follows: 19 1 Pa. e Legal Description of Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Begin at the intersection of the center -line of the channel of the St:. John's River and the Northerly extension of the center -line of Mellonvillc Avenue, as shown on Mayfair Lake Front Addition, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, pale 81, of the Public Records of Seminole county, Florida; thence run Southerly along said Mellonville Avenue to an intersection with center -line of Union Street (Second Street); thence run Westerly along said center -line of Union Street: of Sanford Avenue; thence run Southerly along said center -line of Sanford Avenue to an intersection with the center -line of Third Street:; thence run Westerly along said center -line of Third Street; to an intersection with an intersection with French Avenue (US 17 -92); thence run Northerly along said center -line of French Avenue to an center -line of West First. Street (SR 46); thence run Westerly along said center- line of West First Street to an intersection with point being 5369.02 feet West of an intersection with the center- -line of West Flist Street and Holly Avenue; thence run Northerly to an intersection with the South line of Lot 19 of the Florida and Colonization Company's Celery Plantation according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, page 129 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run Westerly along said South line of Lot 19 to the Southwest corner of said Lot 19; thence run Northerly along the West lot line of said Lot 19 to a point, said point: being 196 feet from the Northwest corner of I.ot 19; thence run Easterly 233 feet; thence run Northerly to an intersection with the center -line of Narcissus Avenue; thence run Easterly along said center -line to an intersection with the Northerly extension of the East line of the Westerly 44 feet of Lot 18 of said Plat of Celery Plantation; thence run Southerly along said Northerly extension of the East line of the Westerly 44 feet of Lot 18 to the South- erly lot line of said Lot 18; thence run Northerly along the East lot line of said Lot 18 and it's Northerly extension to an East. Line of the Westerly 44 feet of Lot 18 to the Southerly lot line of said Lot 18; thence run Easterly along said lot line of Lot 18 to the Southeast corner of said Lot 18; thence run Northerly along the East lot line of said Lot 18 and it's Northerly extension to an intersection with said center -line Narcissus Avenue; thence run Easterly along said center -line to an intersection with the Southerly extension of the Easterly Lot line of Lot 17 of said Celery Plantation; thence run Northerly along said Southerly extension and the said Easterly lot line of Lot 17 to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 17; thence run Westerly along the Northerly lot line of said Lot 17; thence run Northerly to an intersection with the center -line of Highway U.S. 17 -92; thence run Southeasterly to an intersec- tion with the Northerly extension of the center -line of Terwilliger Lane; thence run along the Northerly extension of said Terwilliger Lane to said center -line of the St. John's River; thence run Easterly along said channel to the Point of Beginning. Area to be Annexed Begin at the Northwest Corner of Lot 7, Florida Land Colonization Co's Celery Plantation according to the plat. thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 129 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run S. 53 °43' E., 584.41 feet; thence run N. 18'50'1,,., 134 feet, thence run S. 80'46'E., 74 feet, thence run N. 9 °14' E. to the North lot line of said Lot 7; thence continue N. 9 °1.4' E., 1.60 feet; thence run Easterly 191.25 feet; thence run N. 18 025'15" E., 195.37 feet; thence run North 370.74 feet, thence run Westerly 897.5 feet; said point being on the East:erIy line of the W 1/2 of the E,3/4. of the N 3/4 of Section 22, 'Township 19 South, Range 30 East, of Seminole County, Florida; thence run Northerly along said Easterly line of Section 22 to the Northerly Line of said Section 22; thence run Westerly along said Northerly line of Section 22 to a point on the Westerly line of said W 1/2 of the E 3/4 of the N 3/4 of Section 22; thence run Southerly along said West line to an intersection wit-Ii Northerly right- of-way 1520.04 feet; thence run S. 540 E. 41.58 feet; thence run Easterly 356.29 feet; thence run Southerly 255.45 feet; thence run S. 35 041'22" W., 285 feet to the Northerly right-of-way of a road; thence run Southeasterly along said right-of-way to a point West of Point of Beginning; thence Easterly to the Point of Being. A -5 Overall Combined Property Description:(To Be Added To C.R.A.) Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4; Lots 1 and 3 through 7, Block 5; Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8; TOGETHER WITH the vacated alley lying East of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 5 and West of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8; AND ALSO Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 6, all lying and being in CI-IAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; Together With: Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Tier A; Lots 7 through 12, Block 7, Tier A, TOGI�aTHER WITH the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said Lot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO 'TOGETHER WITII the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, 'leer A; TOGETHER WITH Lots I through 7, Block 5, Tier 1; TOGETHER WITH Lots I through 7, Block 6, Tier l; and ALSO TOGETHER WITH Logs I through 8, 13lock 7, Tier 1, all lying and being in FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.A. TRAFI <'ORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; And Also Together With: That portion of Sanford Avenue lying South of a line from the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Tier 1, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole Country, Florida, to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 5 of CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Boole 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida and lying North of a line from the Southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 7, Tier 1 to the Southwest corner of Lot 12, Block 7, Tier A, LESS the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said I.ot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO LESS the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, Tier A of said FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OIa' SANFORD; And Also Together With: That portion of 3rd Street lying East of the East right.-of-way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Lot 1, Block 5 extended North to the South line of Lot 3, lock 4, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION `1'O SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat; Boole 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public; records of Seminole County, Florida.; And Also Together With: That portion of 4th Street lying East of the East right -of way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Block 5 extended South to the South right-of-way line of said 4th Street as shown on the plat; of CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Boole 3, Page 55 of the public: records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO) that portion of 4th Street lying West; of the West right-of-way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots 1 through 7, Block 5, Tier 1 extended South to the South right. ofway line of said 4th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMI'T'ED E.R. 'TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; raj And Also Together With: That portion of 5th Street lying East of the East right-of-way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the Mast line of Lot 5, Block 6, 'leer A extended South to the South right-of-way line of said 5th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE 'TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole Country, Florida; ANI} ALSO ghat; portion of 5th Street; lying West of the West right-of-way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots 1 through 8, Block 6, `leer 1, extended South to the South right -of -way line of said 5th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF TIIE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat; thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida Area to be removed from CRA: A Parcel of land located within Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, described as follows: I3egin at a point 66.6 feet West and 15.00 feet North of the South 1/4 corner of said Section 23, said point being an intersection of the North right-of-way line of Narcissus Road and the West right-of-way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence West along the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and parallel to the South line of said Section 23, a distance of 335.40 feet to the East line of Lot 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY'S CELE11Y PLANTATION as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 129, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence leaving said North right-of- way line of Narcissus Road, run North 660.00 feet; to the Northeast corner of said Lot 17; thence West along the North line of said Lot 17, a distance of 174.40 feet; thence leaving said North line of Lot 17, run North 1028.22 feet to the Southwest right - of-way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; thence South 39 °41'08" East, along said Southwest right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92, a distance of 798.34 feet to an intersection with the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence South 1073.85 feet to the point of Beginning, less the East 30 feet thereof: Together With: Begin on North line of St. Gertrude Avenue 71.97 chains West of East line of Holly Avenue, run West 15 chains North 10 chains East 484 feel; North 807 feet East 501 feet South to the beginning (LESS Begin NW intersection of first Street and Terwilliger Lane run North 150 feet West 120 feet South 150 feet East to Beginning). Together With: Begin 51.6 feet West, and 1,468 feet South of the North 1/4 Section Post, between Section 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330 feet, thence North to Lake Monroe, thence Northwesterly along Lake Monroe to a point North of the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said property lying and being in Seminole County, Florida Less and Except Road Right of Way for U.S. Highway 17 -92 on North. AIso Less and Except the portion of the above described lands conveyed to the City of Sanford by virtue of that certain Warranty Deed recorded September 10, 1985 in Official Records Book 1669, Page 852; corrected by Warranty Deed recorded January 10, 1987 in Official Records book 1806, Page 95, all being of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: A -7 Commence at the North 1/4 corner of Section 26, 'Township 19 South, Range 30 East and run South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the North line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 26, 36.60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continue South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds 'Brest: along the North line 15.00 feet to the point on the Easterly Right of Way line of Terwilliger Lane, thence run South 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East along said Easterly line 1407.97 feet, thence run North 89 degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds East 15.00 feet, thence run North 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West 1407.95 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Also Less and Except from the above described lands that portion conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded August 14, 1990 in Official Records Boole 2211, Page 292, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.60 feel: West, and 1,468.00 feet South of the North 1/4 Section post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330.00 feet, thence run North 396.00 feet, thence run 147est to a point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 396.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO LESS: Rights of Way for State Poad 46 and `Terwilliger Lane. Together With: Lots 1, 2 and 3, SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 63, Page 92, of the Public: Records of Seminole County, Florida Together With: From a permanent reference monument at the centerline of third Street and Persimmon Avenue shown on the plat of ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO THE 'TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat; thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112 through 117, Public; Records of Seminole County, Florida, run North parallel with and 41.00 feet; West of the West line of Tier 22 of said S'1: GERTRUDE ADDITION, 688.7 feet to Old North Right -of -Way line of St. Gertrude Avenue (First Street), thence run N 89 058'40" E, 357.17 feet to a point 20.5 feet West of the West line of Tier 21, said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run North 21.54 feet to the North Right-of-Way line of S.R. 46 for Point of Beginning, said Point being on the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (41.00 foot Right -of Way), thence run North along said centerline, 646.31 feet to the North Right-of-Way line of Fulton Street extended West, thence run S 89 °58'40" W, 20.5 feet to the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (82 foot Right-of-Way), thence run North along said centerline 594.00 feet to the North line of Block 2N of said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run S 89 °58'40" W, 20.00 feet to a point 579.5 feet East: of the North and South 1/4 Section Line of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run North 700.57 feet to the Southerly Right -of -Way line of U.S. Highway 17 & 92, thence run Northwesterly along said Southerly Right- of-Way line and a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1698.77 feet, a central angle of 12 021'51 ", a chord bearing of N 54 °11'21" W, an arc distance of 366.59 feet, to a point 278.4 feet East of a line running North from the South 1/4 Section Corner of Section 23, 'Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run S 00 010'50" W, 1454.83 feet to the North Right-of- Way line of S.R. 46, thence run N 88 036'35" E, 342.34 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Together With: Begin at the Northeast: corner of Block 2N, Tier 19, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East; along the Easterly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19, 264.00 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West; along the Southerly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19 and Westerly extension thereof, 337.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 20 of the said FLORIDA LAND A -8 AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED NTAP OF ST GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, said point also being on the Westerly right-of-way lira of Mulberry Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along said Westerly right -of -way line 363.00 feel; to a point on the centerline of Fulton Street; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West along the centerline of said Fulton Street 296.00 feet to the centerline of Pomegranite Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East 605,739 feet to a point on the Northerly right; ofway line of State Road 46; thence run South 88 degrees 16 minutes 56 seconds West. along said Northerly right-of-way line 168.550 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 279.808 feet to a point on centerline of Commercial Street; thence run South 89 degrees 30 minutes 56 seconds West; along said centerline of commercial Street 148.00 feet to the centerline of Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along the centerline of said 'Tamarind Avenue 363.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.500 feet to a point on the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees I8 minutes 59 seconds West along said centerline of Tamarind Avenue 594.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.00 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 700.80 feet to a point on the Southerly right -ofway line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; said Southerly right-of-way being 90.00 feet Southerly Measured, at right angles to and radially from the Northerly line of the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe thence run, Southeasterly along said Southerly right-of-way line along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1,681.678 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 44 minutes 03 seconds 520.513 feet to the end of said curve; thence continue along said Southerly right-of-way line South 77 degrees 35 minutes 36 seconds east 562.37 feet to a point; on the Northerly extension of the centerline of Jessamine Avenue; thence run South 0 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along said Northerly extension 386.80 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 41.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Together With: The West one -half of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded. in Plat Boole 1, Page 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 and 117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, less right-of-way for State Road 46. Together With: The East 1/2 of vacated Tamarind Avenue lying West of the West 1/2 of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZA'T'ION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANI {'ORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Boole 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and together with the South 1/2 of vacated Commercial Street lying North of said West 1/2 of Block 2, Tier 21, extended West to the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue. Together With: All of Block 1, Tier 20 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OIL' ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also all of that land which is contiguous to the above described Block 1, Tier 20, which land was formerly portions of the South 1/2 of Fulton Street and the East; 1/2 of Pomegranite Avenue and which was vacated by the City of Sanford ordinance No. 1099 as recorded in Official Records Boole 962, page 862 of the Public: Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also the North 1/2 of Commercial Street contiguous to the South line of said Block l,'frier 20; A -9 Together With: Lots I and 2, 1700 FIRST STREET according to the plat. thereof as recorded in Plat Book 72, page I of the public records of Seminole County, Florida_ Anti Also Together With: Block 2, Tier 19, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 11.5 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole Country, Florida LESS that part lying North of and within 53 foot of the centerline of construction of State Road 46, Section 77030, said centerline being described as follows: Commence on the West line of the NE 1/4 of Section 27, Township 19 South, Range 30 East at a point. 1576.05 feet South of the Northwest corner of said NE 1/4 of Section 27, thence run North 89 degrees 37' 56" East 2647.28 feet to the East line of said Section 27 (West line of Section 26, said 'Township and Range) at a point 1567.43 feel: South of the Northeast corner of said Section 27 (Northwest corner of said Section 26) thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 659.87 feet; thence run North 0 degrees 14' 44" West, 44 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 1566.40 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 42' 34" East, 1006.51 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 56' 48" East, 564.42 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 56" East, 106.1 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 26" East, 2308.96 feet to the center line of French Avenue at Station 120 +30.65 of Section 7715 -105 for the end of this center line description. TOGETHER WITH the South 112 of vacated Commercial Street lying North of and adjacent to Block 2, Tier 19, as vacated by City ordinance No. 1517 on July 28, 1980 AND the West 1/2 of vacated Jessamine Avenue, which is adjacent to the South 1/2 of vacated Commercial Street. A -10 Proposed S3 Taxable Value 23193030000700000 9,859,348 13,920,000 231930300007A0000 79 79 231930300009A0000 182,820 59,(i99 23193030001100000 0 0 25193030000200000 0 0 251.930300002A0000 0 0 25193030000300000 0 0 25193030000400000 0 0 25193030000700000 10,291,429 15,300,000 251930300009A0000 722,242 732,871 251930300009B0000 1,148,010 1,162,085 25193030000900000 565,471 566, 154 25193030001500000 221,157 221,369 25193030001600000 233,262 233,262 25193030001700000 0 0 25193030001800000 0 0 251930300018A0000 0 0 251930300018B0000 0 0 25193030001800000 0 0 25193030001900000 449,504 568,611 25193030002000000 344,508 344,508 25193030002100000 898,479 911,647 25193030002800000 143,748 143,748 25193050100000010 0 0 25193050100000030 0 0 251930501000000A0 314,165 321,637 25193050100000020 73,100 73,100 251930501000000DO 170,991 173,995 251930501000000BO 0 0 2519305010000001'0 0 0 25193050100000060 0 0 251930501000000110 0 0 25193050100000200 0 0 25193050100000210 0 0 25193050100000350 407,532 412,455 25193050100000380 515,734 522,649 25193050100000410 511,021 627,487 25193050100000450 0 0 25193050200000010 523,124 558,876 25193050200000020 240,770 240,770 25193050200000050 196,425 196,425 25193050200000060 175,073 175,073 25193050200000070 0 0 2519305020000007A 178,376 178,376 A -11 A -12 50 251930502000000X0 50 25193050200000100 1,059,962 1,075,152 2519305020000010A 81,180 81,180 25193050200000110 349,376 349,376 25193051400000030 208,105 208,105 25193051400000040 274,428 274,428 25193051400000080 0 0 2519305140000008A 178,376 178,376 25193051400000090 317,990 508,784 25193051400000120 0 0 25193051400000130 0 0 25193051500000010 0 0 2519305150000001A 565,269 598,618 25193051500000018 239,080 239,080 25193051500000010 0 0 2519305150000001D 319,824 323,224 25193051500000020 2,074,380 2,300,879 2519305150000002A 1,289,286 1,289,286 25193051500000040 0 0 25193051500000050 0 0 25193051500000060 199,737 201,703 25193051500000070 0 0 25193051500000080 752,502 766,663 25193051600000000 0 0 251930517000000A0 139,860 139,860 251930517000000BO 145,320 145,320 25193051700000000 139,860 139,860 251930517000000DO 145,320 145,320 25193051700000080 134,400 134,400 25193051700000010 139,860 139,860 25193051700000060 279,720 279,720 25193051700000000 0 0 25193051800000020 411,754 134,940 25193051800000030 1,296,000 3,240,000 25193052001001101 190,650 270,600 25193052001001102 247,690 351,560 25193052001001103 247,690 351,560 25193052001001104 247,690 351,560 25193052001001105 279,450 310,500 25193052001001106 130,975 185,900 25193052001001107 241,800 343,200 25193052001001108 163,370 231,880 25193052001001109 387,500 550,000 25193052001001201 141,700 207,200 25193052001001202 179,178 268,640 A -12 25193052001001203 179,178 2(;8,690 25193052001001204 179,178 `268,(;40 25193052001001205 141,700 207,200 25193052001001206 141,700 207,200 25193052001001207 179,178 268,640 251.93052001001208 179,178 268,640 25193052001001209 329,249 437,600 25193052001001210 179,178 243,455 2519305200100121.1 179,178 243,455 2519305200100121.2 179,275 256,650 25193052001001213 179,178 243,455 25193052001001214 141,700 187,775 25193052001001301 141,700 207,200 25193052001001302 179,178 268,640 25193052001001303 179,275 283,200 25193052001001304 179,178 268,640 25193052001001305 181,093 270,880 25193052001001306 181,093 270,880 25193052001001307 179,178 268,640 25193052001001308 179,178 268,640 25193052001001309 329,249 437,600 25193052001001310 179,178 243,455 25193052001001311 179,178 243,455 25193052001001312 179,275 256,650 25193052001001313 179,178 243,455 25193052001001314 141,700 187,775 25193052001001401 141,700 207,200 25193052001001402 179,178 208,640 25193052001001403 179,275 283,200 25193052001001404 179,178 268,640 25193052001001405 426,845 556,320 25193052001001406 426,845 556,320 25193052001001407 179,178 268,640 25193052001001408 179,178 268,640 25193052001001409 329,249 437,600 25193052001001410 129,178 193,455 25193052001001411 179,178 243,455 25193052001001412 179,275 256,650 25193052001001413 179,178 243,455 25193052001001414 141,700 187,775 25193052001.001501 344,241 473,920 25193052001001502 179,275 283,200 25193052001001503 179,178 268,640 25193052001001504 426,845 556,320 25193052001001.505 426,845 556,320 A -13 i 25193052001001506 + 179,178 i 268,640 25193052001001507 179,178 268,640 25193052001001508 329,249 437,600 25193052001001509 179,178 243,455 25193052001001510 179,178 243,455 25193052001001511 179,275 256,650 25193052001001512 344,241 429,490 25193052001001601 344,241 473,920 25193052001001602 412,547 538,240 25193052001001603 426,845 556,320 25193052001001604 426,845 556,320 25193052001001605 412,547 538,240 25193052001001606 329,249 437,600 25193052001001607 412,547 487,780 25193052001001608 179,275 256,650 251930 52001001609 344,241 429,490 25193052009009001 773,785 791,780 25193052000000000 0 0 251930520OC200000 0 0 2519305AGO1040010 412,086 417,747 2<519305AG01040020 49,759 49,759 2519305AGO1040040 558,780 556,084 2519305AGO1040060 1,419,063 1,476,976 2519305AGO1040110 421,757 427,144 2519305AGO1050070 55,286 55,286 25I9305AGO1060010 112,992 112,992 2519305AGO1060040 0 0 2519305AGO1060060 382,716 387,044 2519305AGO1070010 1,032,464 1,044, 163 2519305AGO1070060 417,439 417,439 2519305AGO1080010 218,558 221,745 2519305AGO1080030 270,937 273,323 2519305AGO1080060 101,038 101,038 2519305AGO1080080 111,100 111,257 2519305AGO1090010 429,890 429,890 2519305AGO1090060 459,901 455,810 2519305AG01090090 103,891 157,080 2519305AGO1100010 118,590 252,992 2519305AGOI I00060 176,228 255,944 2519305AGOI 170000 24,898,732 25,194,138 2519305AGO1170010 914,958 923,760 2519305AGO1170OU0 100 100 2519305AGO1200000 593,286 593,286 2519305AGO1210000 8,432,750 15,090,406 2519305AGO2010010 154,512 154,512 A -14 2519305AGO2010090 0 0 2519305AGO2010120 29,250 2 9, 25 0 2519305AGO2010140 46,450 46,450 2519305AGO2020010 0 0 2519305AGO2020020 0 0 2519305AGO2020040 467,349 467,349 2519305AGO2020050 264,646 269,184 2519305AGO202005A 211,659 215,540 2519305AGO2020060 185,372 189,194 2519305AGO2020070 402,858 411,190 2519305AGO2030010 79,761 79,761 2519305AGO2030040 0 0 2519305AGO2030050 763,861 779,485 2519305AGO2040010 127,024 131,219 2519305AGO204001A 389,547 395,091 2519305AGO2040020 233,839 238,419 2519305AGO204002A 76,661 77,550 2519305AGO2040030 1,366,174 1,427,500 2519305AG02040090 0 0 2519305AGO2050010 0 0 2519305AGO2050030 227,345 234,410 2519305AGO2050070 0 0 2519305AGO2050080 31,008 31,008 2519305AGO2050090 33,105 33,105 2519305AGO2060010 3 ,233,718 3,057,243 2519305AGO2070010 73,547 73,573 2519305AGO2070030 450,791 456,107 2519305AGO2070060 457,034 461,284 2519305AGO2080010 1,326,633 1,339,785 2519305AGO2090010 369,956 371,905 2519305AGO2090060 173,350 174,100 2519305AGO2090070 349,537 351,792 251.9305AG02100000 309,131 388,192 2519305AGO2100060 97,713 112,747 2519305AGO2100070 70,393 71,279 2519305AGO2100080 64,805 72,260 2510305AGO2100090 116,804 118,322 2619305AGO2100100 113,822 114,494 2519305AGO2110010 127,100 168,960 2519305AGO211002A 68,945 110,312 2519305AGO2110060 151,923 153,352 2619305AGO2110080 107,570 107,570 2519305AGO21.10090 66,184 66,184 2519305AGO2170000 535,788 535,788 2519305AGO21.80000 117,600 117,600 A -15 SIM ME 292,605 295,252 2519305AG021800A0 2519305AGO21800BO 117,612 11.7,612 2519305AGO2190000 81,024 81,024 2519305AG021900A0 255,930 255,930 2519305AGO21900BO 101,928 101,928 2519305ACi022100A0 249,972 249,972 2519305AGO3010010 0 0 2519305AG03010020 188,876 188,979 2519305AGO301002A 121,770 120,887 2519305AGO3010030 239,359 243,844 2519305AGO3010040 103,178 99,416 2519305AGO3010090 103,483 86,155 2519305AGO3010110 166,325 166,325 2519305AGO301011A 0 0 2519305AGO3010140 194,024 197,924 2519305AGO3010150 430,430 442,419 2519305AG03020010 400,073 400,073 2519305AGO3020030 72,185 73,123 2519305AGO3020040 148,368 148,466 2519305AGO3020050 212,453 214,796 2519305AGO302005A 120,863 124,240 2519305AGO3020090 261,238 244,317 2519305AGO3020100 103,896 105,106 2519305AGO3020110 181,561 192,613 2510305AGO3020120 255,478 260,266 2519305AGO302012A 455,936 464,456 2519305AGO302012B 108,697 113,155 2519305AGO3030010 587,446 595,841 2519305AGO303001A 276,250 279,826 2519305AGO3030020 281,340 281,349 2519305AGO3030030 147,331 151,616 2519305AGO3030040 1,656,250 1,562,252 2519305AG0303004A 174,526 170,707 2519305AG03030060 143,133 135,009 2619305AGO3030080 245,370 231,445 2519305AG03040010 214,241 221,004 2519305AGO304001 A 168,144 175,399 2519305AGO3040020 269,052 274,712 2519305AGO304002A 767,700 612,416 2519305AG03040060 779,495 790,294 2519305AGO3040090 97,546 101,494 2519305AGO304009A 329,240 338,608 251.9305AG03040100 80, &32 82,261 2519305AGO3050000 42,572 44,483 2519305AGO3050010 666,964 (19(1,900 A -16 2519305AGO3050030 194,440 211,315 2519305AGO3050040 448,011 452,881 2519305AGO3050090 217,271 217,401 2519305AGO3050120 37,069 37,069 25193055AGO3060010 751,775 804,348 2519305AGO3060050 42,117 37,002 2519305AGO3060060 188,679 193,080 2519305AGO3060090 49,548 49,806 2519305AGO3060100 164,941 166,909 2519305AGO3070010 67,926 69,124 2519305AGO3070020 150,736 150,736 2519305AGO3070030 198,548 206,734 2519305AGO3070040 253,907 257,047 2519305AGO3070050 34,818 34,818 2519305AGO3070060 127,1,58 130,425 2519305AGO3070070 24,500 24,500 2519305AGO3070090 58,702 59,263 2519305AGO3070100 18,247 18,204 2519305AGO3080010 485,606 493,609 2519305AGO3080030 202,891 204,116 2519305AGO3080060 101,998 106,680 2519305AGO3080090 176,790 209,459 2519305AGO3080100 137,598 160,909 2519305AGO4010010 218,308 223,778 2519305AGO401001A 23,094 23,094 2519305AGO401001B 119,051 120,149 2519305AGO4010040 108,896 108,896 2519305AGO4010050 44,460 44,460 2519305AGO4010070 0 0 2519305AGO4010110 347,318 392,233 2519305AGO4020010 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020020 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020030 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020040 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020050 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020060 20,185 20,185 2519305AGO4020070 234,704 237,131 2519305AG04020090 0 0 2519305AG04020100 0 0 2519305AGO4020110 27,495 27,495 2519305AGO40201.20 207,464 212,273 2519305AGO40201.30 131,082 132,356 2519305AGO4030010 32,265 32,265 2519305AG04030020 32,265 32,265 2519305AG04030030 238,652 245,239 2519305AGO4030040 29,250 29,250 A -17 202,392 i f 205,076 2519305AG04030050 2519305AG04030060 98,422 101,697 2519305AGO4030080 31,560 31,560 2519305AGO4030090 180,060 177,382 2519305AGO4040010 272,452 278,930 2519305AGO4040030 347,038 379,331 2619305AGO4040040 81,404 88,979 2519305AGO4040050 136,001 137,560 2519305AGO4040060 33,345 33,345 2519305AG04040070 29,250 29,250 2519305AGO4040080 0 0 2519305AGO4040090 90,765 92,415 2519305AGO404009A 14,889 14,896 2519305AGO4040100 12,995 12,995 2519305AGO404010A 174,986 174,986 2519305AGO4050010 183,720 183,720 2519305AGO4050040 321,299 292,090 2519305AGO405005A 6,960 6,960 2519305AGO4060010 313,924 321,735 2519305AGO4060040 188,927 190,644 2519305AGO4060060 0 0 2519305AG04060070 141,577 89,171 2519305AG04060090 138,180 171,463 2519305AGO406009A 18,339 18,296 2519305AGO4070010 169,738 172,585 2519305AGO4070030 29,250 23,000 2519305AGO4070040 29,250 23,000 2519305AG04070050 94,425 116,346 2519305AGO4070060 55,675 55,569 2519305AGO4070080 126,262 155,035 2519305AG04070090 101,956 124,492 2519305AGO4070100 136,422 170,238 2519305AGO4080010 87,724 106,209 2519305AGO4080020 107,974 132,068 2519305AGO4080030 98,161 121,621 2519305AG04080040 85,976 105,615 2519305Atx04080050 82,820 101,381 2519305AG04080060 515,372 520,077 2519305AGO5010010 173,581 157,801 2519305AGO5010020 30,421 30,425 2519305AGO5010030 66,801 66,808 2519305AGO5010050 20,358 20,358 2519305AGO5010060 50,544 50,544 2519305AGO6010010 182,668 182,668 2519305AG06010030 163,378 148,525 2519305AGO6010040 132,754 132,754 A -18 2519305AGOG010060 148,663 152,156 2519305AGO6010080 94,858 97,007 2519305AGOGOA0050 40,248 40,248 2519305AGOGOA0060 153,480 105,141 2519305AGO7010010 192,198 194,553 2519305AGO7010030 124,557 126,570 2519305AG07010040 114,037 115,861 2519305A(307010050 30,888 30,888 2519305AGO7010060 0 0 2519305AG07OA0070 55,243 55,243 2519305AG07OA007A 43,008 43,008 2519305AG07OA0090 228,072 287,932 2519305AG07OA0110 67,584 67,584 2519305AGOX000OIO 0 0 2519305AGOX000030 0 0 2519305AGOX000050 362,035 362,035 2519305AGOX00005B 0 0 2519305AGOX000060 1,164,896 1,303,095 2519305AGOX000070 376 376 2519305AGOX00007A 132 132 2519305AGOYOOOOIO 0 0 2519305AGOY000040 39,596 39,596 2519305AGOY000050 99,970 99,970 2519305A(30YO00090 201,560 211,629 2519305AGOY00009A 9,409 9,409 2519305AGOY000100 172,494 172,494 2519305AGOY000I IA 1,012,797 310,008 2519305AGOY000130 433,964 394,513 2519305AGOY000140 234,700 236,304 2519305AGOY00014A 407,484 412,096 2519305AGIN060000 0 0 2519305AG2NO60000 0 0 2519305AGM090010 382,320 388,103 2519305QL000OOOI.O 154,000 154,000 2519305QL00000020 181,500 181,500 2519305QL00000030 181,500 181,500 2519305QL00000040 396,000 396,000 2519305QUO000050 509,964 514,400 2519305QL00000060 180,0()0 180,000 2519305QL00000070 180,000 180,000 2519305QL00000080 180,000 180,000 2519305QLOOOWIOO 200,000 200,000 2519305QL )0000110 453,037 456,367 2519305QL00000120 150,000 150,000 2519305QL00000130 180,000 180,000 A -19 2519305QL00000140 514,839 519,132 2519305Q1100000150 493,382 497,399 2510305QL00000160 225,000 225,000 2519305QL00000170 144,000 180,000 2519305QI.00000180 144,000 198,000 2519305QL00000190 330,000 330,000 2519305QLOAO000OO 0 0 2519305QLO13000000 0 0 26193030000100000 0 0 26193030000200000 6,733,291 7,804,428 26193030OG03AOOOO 1,764,180 1,764,180 26193030000500000 3,181 3,181 26193030000600000 33,268 33,184 26193030000700000 241,907 278,382 26193050800001010 341,250 341,250 26193050800001140 131,250 131,250 26193050800001190 183,750 183,750 26193050800001260 210,000 210,000 26193050800001340 154,875 154,875 26193050800001410 278,250 278,250 26193050800001510 156,030 156,030 26193050800001580 0 0 26193050800002010 141,330 141,330 26193050800002060 121,170 12I,170 26193050800002110 393,750 393,750 26193050800002260 231,000 231,000 2619305080000234A 162,750 162,750 26193050800002410 183,750 183,750 26193050800002480 210,000 210,000 26193050800002560 131,251 131,251 26193050800002610 131,250 131,250 26193050800000000 0 0 26193050900000010 1,364,480 1,378,142 26193050900000020 90,726 90,726 26193050900000030 600,173 605,841 26193051000000010 259,021 263,468 26193051000000020 370,434 370,434 26193051100000010 405,000 405,000 26193051100000020 405,000 292,500 30193130000100000 0 0 30193130000400000 538,1`39 695,933 30193150601000010 246,367 259,127 30193150601000020 514,944 514,944 30193150601000040 394,231 407,332 30193150601000050 0 0 A -20 3019,3150602000010 0 0 3019315070A000000 0 0 3019315070EOOOOOO 0 0 301931507OR00010 0 0 30193150706000010 31,278 31,278 30193150706000030 142,565 143,440 30193150706000060 75,930 75,930 3019315070GO00110 118,535 126,797 3019315070GO00140 85,497 99,105 3019315070GO00180 93,321 109,330 30193150701.1000010 774,395 1,001,465 3019315070,JO00140 0 0 3019315070KO00010 0 O 30193150701 {000090 0 0 301931507OL000010 0 0 301931507OL000090 0 0 3019315070LO00130 0 0 3019315070MO00010 0 0 3019315070M000090 0 0 3019315070M000110 0 0 3019315070M000140 0 0 3019315070M000230 0 0 3019315070M000250 0 0 3019315070M000280 0 0 30193150700000010 0 O 30193150804000010 0 0 30193151415000000 () 0 30193151501000000 0 0 30193151502000000 1,825,329 2,387,673 30193151504000010 60,180 60,180 30193151504000020 57,900 57,900 30193151504000030 24,090 21,900 30193151505000010 37,440 37,440 30193151505000020 13,395 13,395 30193151505000030 18,396 18,396 30193151505000040 687,032 693,640 30193151506000010 165,938 167,873 30193151506WOOIA 47,528 43,863 30193151506000020 50,268 87,962 30193151506000030 0 29,736 30193151514000010 0 0 301.93151514000020 166,476 151,342 30193151521000000 123,114 1213,114 30193151521 OA0000 106,842 106,842 30193151522OA0000 198,636 198,636 A -21 A -22 Current S3 `taxable Value Without property Deletions or Additions 23193030000700000 9,859,348 13,920,000 231930300007A0000 79 79 231930300009A0000 182,820 59,699 23193030001100000 0 0 25193030000200000 0 0 251930300002A0000 0 0 25193030000300000 0 0 25193030000400000 0 0 25193030000700000 10,291,429 15,300,000 251930300009A0000 722,242 732,871 25193030000980000 1,148,010 1,162,085 25193030000900000 565,471 566,154 25193030001500000 221,157 221,369 25193030001600000 233,262 233,262 25193030001700000 0 0 25193030001800000 0 0 251930300018A0000 0 0 251930300018130000 0 0 25193030001800000 0 0 25193030001900000 449,504 568,611 25193030002000000 344,508 344,508 25193030002100000 898,479 911,647 25193030002800000 143,748 143,748 25193050100000010 0 0 25193050100000030 0 0 251930501000000A0 314,165 321,637 25193050100000080 73,100 73,100 251930501000000DO 170,991 17<3,995 251930501000000x0 0 0 251930501000000M! 0 0 25193050100000060 0 0 2519305010000001I0 0 (1 25193050100000200 0 0 25193050100000210 0 0 25193050100000350 407,532 412,455 25193050100000380 515,734 522,649 25193050100000410 511,021 627,487 25193050100000450 0 0 25193050200000010 523,124 558,876 25193050200000020 240,770 240,770 25193050200000050 196,425 196,425 25193050200000060 175,073 175,073 25193050200000070 0 0 2519305020000007A 178,376 178,376 A -23 `251930502000000X0 50 Elm 50 25193050200000100 1,059,962 1,07 5,152 251.9305020000010A 81,180 81,180 25193050200000110 349,376 349,376 25193051400000030 208,105 208,105 25193051400000040 274,428 274,428 25193051400000080 0 0 2519305140000008A 178,376 178,3 7$ 25193051400000090 317,990 508,784 25193051400000120 0 0 25193051400000130 0 0 25193051500000010 0 0 2519305150000001A 565,260 598,618 251930515000000113 239,080 239,080 25193051500000010 0 0 2519305150000001D 319,824 323,224 25193051500000020 2,074,380 2,300,879 2519305150000002A 1,289,286 1,289,286 25193051500000040 0 0 25193051500000050 0 0 25193051500000060 199,737 201,703 25193051500000070 0 0 25193051500000080 752,502 766,663 25193051600000000 0 0 25193051700000OA0 139,860 139,860 251.930517000000730 145,320 145,320 25193051700000000 139,860 139,860 251930517000000DO 145,320 145,320 2519305170000OOEO 134,400 134,400 251930517000000H 139,860 139,860 25193051700000060 279,720 279,720 25I93051700000000 0 0 25193051800000020 411,754 134,940 25193051800000030 1,296,000 3,240,000 2.5193052001001101 190,650 270,600 25193052001001102 247,690 357,560 25193052001001103 247,690 351,560 25193052001001104 247,690 351,560 25193052001001105 279,450 310,500 25193052001001106 130,975 185,900 25193052001001107 241,800 343,200 25193052001001108 163,370 231,880 25193052001001109 387,500 550,000 25193052001001201 141,700 207,200 25193052001001202 179,178 2{68,640 A -24 w 25193052001001203 - rr• � 179,178 rr: � 268,640 25193052001001204 179,178 268,640 25193052001001205 141,700 207,200 25193052001001206 141,700 207,200 25193052001001207 179,178 268,640 25193052001001208 179,178 268,640 25193052001001209 329,249 437,600 25193052001001210 179,178 243,455 25193052001001211 179,178 243,455 25193052001001212 179,275 256,650 25193052001001213 179,178 243,455 25193052001001214 141,700 187,775 25193052001001.301 141,700 207,200 25193052001001302 179,178 268,640 25193052001001303 179,275 283,200 25193052001001304 179,178 268,640 25193052001001305 181,093 270,880 25193052001001306 181,093 270,880 25193052001001307 179,178 268,640 25193052001001308 179,178 268,640 25193052001001309 329,249 437,600 25193052001001310 179,178 243,455 25193052001001311 179,178 243,455 25193052001001312 179,275 256,650 2519305200I.001313 179,178 243,455 25193052001001314 141,700 187,775 25193052001001401 141,700 207,200 25193052001001402 179,178 268,640 25193052001001403 179,275 283,200 25193052001001404 179,178 268,640 25193052001001405 426,845 556,320 25193052001001406 426,845 556,320 25193052001001407 179,178 268,640 25193052001001408 179,178 268,640 251.93052001001409 329,249 437,600 25193052001001410 129,178 193,455 25193052001001411 179,178 243,455 25193052001001412 179,275 256,650 25193052001001413 179,178 243,455 25193052001001414 1.41,700 187,775 25193052001001501 344,241 473,920 25193052001001502 179,275 283,200 25193052001001503 179,178 268,640 25193052001001504 426,845 556,320 25193052001001505 426,845 556,32 0 A -25 r 25193052001001506 rr• � 179,178 rr: � 268,640 25193052001001507 179,178 268,640 25193052001001508 329,249 437,600 25193052001001509 179,178 243,455 25193052001001510 179,178 243,455 25193052001001511 179,275 256,650 25193052001001512 344,241 429,490 25193052001001601 344,241 473,920 25I93052001001602 412,547 538,240 25193052001001.603 426,845 556,320 25193052001001604 426,845 556,320 25193052001001605 412,547 538,240 25193052001001606 329,249 437,600 25193052001001607 412,547 487,780 25193052001001608 179,275 256,650 25193052001001609 344,241 429,490 25193052009009001 773,785 791,780 25193052000000000 0 0 251930520OC200000 0 0 2519305AGO1040010 412,086 417,747 2519305AGO1040020 49,759 49,759 2519305AGO1040040 558,780 556,084 2519305AGO1040060 1,419,053 1,476,976 2519305AGO1040110 421,757 427,144 2519305AGO1050070 55,285 55,286 2519305AGO1060010 112,992 112,992 2519305AGO1060040 0 0 2519305AGO1060060 382,716 387,044 2519305AGO1070010 1,032,464 1,044,163 2519305AGO1070060 417,439 417,439 2519305AGO1080010 218,558 221,745 2519305AGO1080030 270,937 273,323 2519305AGO1080060 101,038 101,038 2519305AGO1080080 111,100 111,257 2519305AGO1090010 429,890 429,890 251930GAGO1090060 459,961 455,810 2519305AGO1090090 103,891 157,080 2519305AGO1100010 118,590 252,992 2519305AGOI 100060 176,228 255,944 2519305AGO1170000 24,898,732 25,194,138 2519305AGO117001.0 91.4,958 923,760 2519305AGO117001I0 100 100 2519305AGO1200000 593,286 593,286 2519305AGO1210000 8,432,750 15,090,406 2519305AGO2010010 154,512 154,512 A -26 251.9305AGO2010090 rr• 0 rr: 0 2519305AGO2010120 29,250 29,250 2519305AGO2010140 46,450 46,450 2519305AGO2020010 0 0 2519305AGO2020020 0 0 2519305AG02020040 467,349 467,349 2619305AGO2020050 264,646 269,184 2519305AGO202005A 211,659 215,540 2519305AGO2020060 185,372 189,194 2519305AGO2020070 402,858 411,190 2519305AGO2030010 79,761 79,761 2519305 AGO2030040 0 0 2.519305AG02030050 763,861 779,485 2519305AGO2040010 127,024 131,219 2519305AGO204001A 389,547 395,091 2519305AG02040020 233,839 238,419 2519305AGO204002A 76,661 77,550 2519305AGO2040030 1,366,174 1,427,500 2519305AGO2040090 0 0 2519305AGO2050010 0 0 2519305AGO2050030 227,345 234,410 2519305AGO2050070 0 0 2519305AGO2050080 31,008 31,008 2519305AGO2050090 33,105 33,105 2519305AGO2060010 3,233,718 3,057,243 2519305AGO2070010 73,547 73,573 2519305AGO2070030 450,791 456,107 2519305AGO2070060 457,034 461,284 251930GAGO2080010 1,326,633 1,339,785 2519305AGO2090010 369,956 371,905 2519305AGO2090060 173,350 174,100 2519305AGO2090070 349,537 351,792 2519305AGO2100000 309,131 388,192 2519305AGO2100060 97,713 112,747 2519305AGO2100070 70,393 71,279 2519305AGO2100080 64,805 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2519305AGO302005A 120,863 124,240 251.9305AG03020090 261,238 244,317 2519305AGO3020100 103,896 105,106 2519305AGO3020110 181,561 192,613 2519305AGO3020120 255,478 260,266 2519305AGO302012A 455,936 464,456 2519305AGO302012B 1.08,697 113,155 2519305AGO3030010 587,446 595,841 2519305AG0303001A 276,250 279,826 2519305AGO3030020 281,349 281,349 2519305AGO3030030 147,331 151,616 2519305AGO3030040 1,656,250 1,562,252 2519305AGO303004A 174,526 179,707 2519305AGO3030060 143,133 135,009 2519305AGO3030080 245,370 231,445 2519305AG03040010 214,241 221,004 2510305AGO304001A 168,144 175,399 2519305AGO3040020 269,052 274,712 2519305AG0304002A 767,700 612,416 2519305AG03040060 779,495 790,294 2519305AGO3040090 97,546 101,494 2519305AG0304009A 329,240 338,608 251.9305AG03040100 80,832 82,261 2519305AGO3050000 42,572 44,483 2519305AGO3050010 666,964 69(i,900 A -28 2519305AGO3050030 IBM_ 194,440 11: 211,315 2519305AG03050040 448,011 452,881 2619305AGO3050090 217,271 217,401 2519305AGO3050120 37,069 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106,842 106,842 30193151522OA0000 198,636 198,636 30193152800000010 153,180 153,180 30193152800000020 153,180 153,180 30193152800000030 153,090 153,090 30193152800000040 153,090 153,090 30193152800000050 163,170 163,170 30193152800000060 163,170 163,170 30193152800000070 154,800 154,800 30193152800000080 154,800 154,800 3019315 2800000090 156,240 156,240 30193152800000000 0 0 A -33 R 22193030000400000 / • 22193050200000010 238,130 305,052 22193050200000020 1.58,611 201,301 22193050200000030 116,336 170,933 22193050200000040 175,183 232,773 221.93050200000050 113,723 132,129 22193050200000060 113,723 217,443 22193050200000070 113,223 131,629 22193050200000080 117,711 120,038 22193050200000090 105,271 105,116 22193050200000100 149,091 148,892 22193050200000110 167,171 207,438 22193050200000120 105,271 105,116 22193050200000130 123,021 132,504 22193050200000140 152,043 188,669 22193050200000150 99,087 98,933 22193050200000160 116,315 156,682 22193050200000170 172,042 117,387 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143,618 132,387 22193050200000770 11 ti,086 167,844 22193050200000780 93,043 131,669 22193050200000790 92,939 92,796 22193050200000800 163,723 217,443 22193050200000810 93,043 99,360 22193050200000820 163,723 217,443 22193050200000830 143,043 181,669 22193050200000840 93,043 99,360 22193050200000850 113,042 164,236 22193050200000860 105,271 105,116 22193050200000870 122,743 162,359 A -35 22193050200000880 il• 156,667 I!: 198,872 22193050200000890 142,469 180,952 22193050200000900 106,667 198,872 22193050200000910 113,723 132,129 22193050200000920 165,649 220,025 22193050200000930 M3,492 252,301 22193050200000940 182,097 186,164 22193050200000950 122,409 141,611 22193050200000960 169,982 210,505 22193050200000970 103,675 111,099 22193050200000980 93,043 181,669 22193050200000990 1.08,723 127,129 22193050200001000 214,801 282,676 22193050200001010 177,589 245,265 22193050200001020 113,042 117,387 22193050200001030 143,618 182,387 22193050200001040 126,396 180,449 22193050200001050 137,974- 174,826 22193050200001060 114,403 165,982 22193050200001070 130,425 185,012 22193050200001080 56,541 56,435 22193050200001090 117,259 171,301 22193050200001100 143,043 99,360 22193050200001110 126,583 165,982 22193050200001120 115,649 167,652 22193050200001130 143,043 181,669 22193050200001140 163,723 217,443 22193050200001150 157,315 199,682 22193050200001160 152,163 108,720 22193050200001.170 107,315 114,384 22193050200001180 113,723 132,129 22193050200001190 118,289 127,680 22193050200001200 181,129 185,985 22193050200001 210 176,790 217,409 22193050200001220 139,623 201,457 22193050200001230 226,548 294,789 22193050200001240 142,469 180,952 22193050200001250 107,315 11.4,384 22193050200001260 93,043 99,360 22193050200001270 107,315 114,384 22193050200001280 163,779 202,307 22193050200001290 130,476 184,789 22193050200001300 233,070 301,660 22193050200001310 127,515 147,206 22193050200001320 117,171 126,240 A -36 22193050200001330 122,723 132,129 22193050200001340 102,043 138,669 22193050200001350 122,723 132,129 22193050200001360 102,043 138,150 22193050200001370 174,473 226,243 22193050200001380 143,043 181,669 22193050200001390 124,448 144,361 22193050200001400 197,604 253,522 22193050200001410 97,043 133,669 22193050200001420 122,723 132,129 22193050200001430 143,043 181,669 22193050200001440 107,315 11.4,384 22193050200001450 113,723 217,443 22193050200001460 115,473 169,243 22193050200001470 157,315 199,682 22193050200001480 157,315 114,384 22193050200001490 105,532 115,243 22193050200001500 180,018 221,322 221930 50200001510 181,1(i9 222,726 22193050200001520 114,403 218,343 22193050200001530 1.13,723 132,129 22193050200001540 227,061 295,322 22193050200001550 115,473 134,248 22193050200001560 201,885 264,223 22193050200001570 123,712 143,546 22193050200001580 229,106 297,431 22193050200001590 166,203 220,193 22193050200001600 107,963 150,491 22193050200001610 93,043 99,360 22193050200001620 117,449 171,875 22193050200001630 86,174 122,976 22193050200001640 141,153 200,681 22193050200001650 1.73,024 172,801 22193050200001660 166,336 220,933 22193050200001670 108,611 151,301 22193050200001680 109,034 151,857 22193050200001690 165,640 219,217 22193050200001700 1.66,551 168,940 22193050200001710 93,043 131,669 22193050200001720 175,183 232,773 22193050200001730 11.4,675 133,115 22193050200001740 93,043 131,669 22193050200001750 107,963 150,491 221913050200001760 114,403 165,982 22193050200001770 107,315 114,384 A -37 A -38 ii• 164,403 !i: 218,343 22193050200001780 22193050200001790 107,315 114,384 22193050200001800 113,723 132,129 22193050200001810 110,001 152,467 22193050200001820 116,596 132,129 22193050200001830 157,315 199,682 22193050200001840 113,723 132,129 22193050200001850 125,260 178,438 22193050200001860 168,764 237,111 22193050200001870 85,637 122,306 22193050200001880 107,315 149,682 22193050200001890 157,315 1991682 22193050200001.900 0 0 22193050200001.910 125,566 147,133 22193050200001920 163,723 217,443 22193050200001930 157,315 149,682 22193050200001940 118,151 126,930 22193050200001950 113,723 167,443 22193050200001960 106,667 148,872 22193050200001970 142,469 180,95` 22193050200001980 113,042 164,236 22193050200001990 106,667 148,872 22193050200002000 61,594 61,483 2219305020A000000 0 0 22193050200000000 0 0 2219305020D000000 0 0 22193050201;000000 0 0 22193050206000000 0 0 2219305020I1000000 0 0 22193050201000000 0 0 2219305020JO00000 0 0 22193050201 {000000 0 0 22193050201.000000 0 0 2219305020M000000 0 0 26193030000900000 282,553 2&3,246 A -38 2519305AG0501.0010 11' • 173,581 11: • 1.57,801 2519305AGO5010020 30,421 30,425 2519305AGO5010030 66,801 66,808 2519305AGO5010050 20,358 20,358 2519305AGO5010060 50,544 50,544 2519305AGOGOl.0010 182,668 182,668 2519305AGO6010030 163,378 148,525 2519305AGO6010040 132,754 132,754 2510305AGO6010060 148,663 152,156 2519305AGO6010080 94,858 97,007 2519305AG06OA0050 40,248 40,248 2519305AG06OA0060 153,480 105,141 2519305AGO7010010 192,198 194,553 2519305AGO7010030 124,557 126,570 2519305AGO7010040 114,037 115,861 2519305AGO7010050 30,888 30,888 2619305AGO7010060 0 0 2519305AG07OA0070 55,243 55,243 2519305AG07OA007A 43,008 43,008 2519305AG07OA0090 228,072 287,932 2519305AG07OA0110 67,584 67,584 30193151504000010 60,180 60,180 30193151504000020 57,900 57,900 30193151504000030 24,090 21,900 30193151505000010 37,440 37,440 30193151505000020 13,395 13,395 30193151505000030 18,396 18,396 30193151505000040 687,032 693,640 30193151506000010 165,938 167,873 3010315150600001A 47,528 43,863 30193151506000020 50,268 87,962 30193151506000030 0 29,736 A -39 om.,j:.)arties _Ile. 11 If I "'I'll 11 1 a I , rl 11 i I DOUDNEYCOMPANIES, INC. BY: DAVID A. DOUDNE.Y, PRESI.DEV'T FLORIDA. f. ECIISTRATION NUUBER. 3939 I JUNE 2009 E'.tk:QE I OF 7 PR.Oi?RSSIONAL SUR'V YORS AND MAPP CIS R0_60,1rR6 • SAAP0i?D, FLORIDA • 52772 • TELEPHONE • 407.322.1451 • FAX •407.322.1495 200 E COMAIFRCIAL STRHL T, SUITE I • SANrORD, 1-1,ORIDA 32771 OVERALL COMBINED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: (TO BE ADDED TO C.R.A.) Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4; Lots 1 and 3 through 7, Block 5; Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8; TOGETHER WITH the vacated alley lying East of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 5 and West of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8; AND ALSO Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 6, all lying and being in CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; TOGETHER WITH: Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Tier A; Lots 7 through 12, Block 7, Tier A, TOGETHER WITH the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said Lot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, Tier A; TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 7, Block 5, Tier 1; TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 7, Block 6, Tier 1; and ALSO TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 8, Block 7, Tier 1, all lying and being in FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of Sanford Avenue lying South of a line from the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Tier 1, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida, to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 5 of CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida and lying North of a line from the Southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 7, Tier 1 to the Southwest corner of Lot 12, Block 7, Tier A, LESS the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said Lot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO LESS the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, Tier A of said FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of 3rd Street lying East of the East right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Lot 1, Block 5 extended North to the South line of Lot 3, Block 4, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; PAGE: 2 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of 4`h Street lying East of the East right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Block 5 extended South to the South right -of -way line of said 41h Street as shown on the plat of CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO that portion of 4th Street lying West of the West right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots 1 through 7, Block 5, Tier 1 extended South to the South right -of- way line of said 4th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of 5th Street lying East of the East right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the East line of Lot 5, Block 6, Tier A extended South to the South right -of -way line of said 5`h Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO that portion of 5t Street lying West of the West right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots 1 through 8, Block 6, Tier 1, extended South to the South right -of -way line of said 5th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida. PAGE: 3 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 OVERALL COMBINED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: (TO BE REMOVED FROM C.R.A.) A Parcel of land located within Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, described as follows: Begin at a point 66.6 feet West and 15.00 feet North of the South Y4 corner of said Section 23, said point being an intersection of the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence West along the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and parallel to the South line of said Section 23, a distance of 335.40 feet to the East line of Lot 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY'S CELERY PLANTATION as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 129, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence leaving said North right - of -way line of Narcissus Road, run North 660.00 feet; to the Northeast corner of said Lot 17; thence West along the North line of said Lot 17, a distance of 174.40 feet; thence leaving said North line of Lot 17, run North 1028.22 feet to the Southwest right -of -way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; thence South 39 041'08" East, along said Southwest right -of- way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92, a distance of 798.34 feet to an intersection with the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence South 1073.85 feet to the point of Beginning, less the East 30 feet thereof: TOGETHER WITH; Begin on North line of St. Gertrude Avenue 71.97 chains West of East line of Holly Avenue, run West 15 chains North 10 chains East 484 feet North 807 feet East 501 feet South to the beginning (LESS Begin NW intersection of first Street and Terwilliger Lane run North 150 feet West 120 feet South 150 feet East to Beginning). TOGETHER WITH; Begin 51.6 feet West, and 1,468 feet South of the North'/ Section Post, between Section 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330 feet, thence North to Lake Monroe, thence Northwesterly along Lake Monroe to a point North of the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said property lying and being in Seminole County, Florida Less and Except Road Right of Way for U.S. Highway 17 -92 on North. Also Less and Except the portion of the above described lands conveyed to the City of Sanford by virtue of that certain Warranty Deed recorded September 10, 1985 in Official Records Book 1669, Page 852; corrected by Warranty Deed recorded January 10, 1987 in Official Records book 1806, Page 95, all being of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Commence at the North Y4 corner of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East and run South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the North line of the Northwest '/ of said Section 26, 36.60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continue South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the North line 15.00 feet to the point on the Easterly Right of Way line of Terwilliger Lane, thence run South 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East along said Easterly line 1407.97 feet, thence run North 89 degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds East 15.00 feet, thence run North 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West 1407.95 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PAGE: 4 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 Also Less and Except from the above described lands that portion conveyed by \KAarrontVD��d .rded August 14.1S90iDOfUcio| Records Book 2211. Page 202, Public ' Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.8D feet West, and 1.408.DO feet South of the North |4 Section post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330.00 feet, thence run North 396.00 feet, thence run West to a point North to the P01NT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 396.OD feet tw the POINT C)FBEGINNING. ALSO LESS: Rights of Way for State Road 48 and Terwilliger Lane TOGETHER WITH; Lots 1. 2 and 3. SANF(]RD ONCOLOGY CENTER, according to the Plat thereof aa recorded in Plat Book 63, Page 92, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida TOGETHER WITH; From a permanent reference monument at the centerline of third Street and Persimmon Avenue shown on the plat of ST. GERTRUOE ADDITION TO THE TOWN [)F SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112 through 117` Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run North parallel with and 41.00feet West of the West line of Tier 22of said ST. GERTRUOE ADDITION, OU8.7feet to Old North F7ight-of4Nay line cf St. Gertrude Avenue (First Stno*d. thence run NB8"58,4U"E. 357.17 feet toa point 2O.5 feet West of the West line of Tier 31. said ST. GERTP(UC>E ADDITION, thence run North 21.54feet to the North Right'of4/Vay line ofG.R.4Ofor Point ofBeginning, said Point being on the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue /41.00 foot }�ight-ofVVa«\. thence run North along said centedina, 846.31 feet Luthe `o�hRigh|-of4y�aV line -of Fulton Street extended West, thence run S8S"58`4U"VV.2O.5 feet to the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (82 foot Right-of-Way), thence run North along said centerline 594.00 feet to the North line of Block 2N of said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run G88"5O'4O"VV.2D.00 feet too point 578.5 feet East of the North and South 1/4Section Line of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run North 700.57 feet to the Southerly Right-of-Way line of U.S. Highway 17 & 92, thence run Northwesterly along said Southerly Right-of-Way line and a curve concave Northeasterly having m radius of18SO.77 feet, a central angle of12"21`51",o chord bearing ofN54"11'21"VV,an arc distance of388.59 feet, 1oopoint 278.4 feet East of line running North from the South 1/4 8ection Corner of Section 23` Township 1S South, Range 3O East, thence run 8DO"1O'5O^VV`1454.O3feet to the North Right-of- Way line of G.R. 48. thence run N 88"38'35" E. 342.34 feet 1othe Point of Beginning. TOGETHER WITH; Begin at the Northeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 19, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along the Easterly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19, 264.00 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West along the Southerly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19 and Westerly extension thereof, 337.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 20 of the said FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, said point also being on the Westerly right -of -way line of Mulberry Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along said Westerly right -of -way line 363.00 feet to a point on the centerline of Fulton Street; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West along the centerline of said Fulton Street 296.00 feet to the centerline of Pomegranite Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East 605.739 feet to a point on the Northerly right -of- way line of State Road 46; thence run South 88 degrees 16 minutes 56 seconds West along said Northerly right -of -way line 168.550 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 279.808 feet to a point on centerline of Commercial Street; thence run South 89 degrees 30 minutes 56 seconds West along said centerline of commercial Street 148.00 feet to the centerline of Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue 363.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.500 feet to a point on the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along said centerline of Tamarind Avenue 594.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.00 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 700.80 feet to a point on the Southerly right -of- way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; said Southerly right -of -way being 90.00 feet Southerly Measured, at right angles to and radially from the Northerly line of the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe thence run, Southeasterly along said Southerly right -of -way line along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1,681.678 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 44 minutes 03 seconds 520.513 feet to the end of said curve; thence continue along said Southerly right -of -way line South 77 degrees 35 minutes 36 seconds east 562.37 feet to a point on the Northerly extension of the centerline of Jessamine Avenue; thence run South 0 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along said Northerly extension 386.80 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 41.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. TOGETHER WITH: The West one -half of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FL RIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 and 117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, less right -of -way for State Road 46. TOGETHER WITH: The East' /2 of vacated Tamarind Avenue lying West of the West'/ of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and together with the South Y2 of vacated Commercial Street lying North of said West 1/2 of Block 2, Tier 21, extended West to the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; PAGE: 6 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 TOGETHER WITH: All of Block 1, Tier 20of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. C3EHTRU[]E ADDITION TOGANF{}RD. FLORIDA, according tw the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112-117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also all of that land which is contiguous to the above described Block 1,Tier 20, which land was formerly portions of the South 1/2of Fulton Street and the East 1/2 of PonnegoanihaAvenue and which was vacated by the Qb/ of Sanford ordinance No. 1098 as recorded in Official Records Book 962, page 862 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also the North 1/2of Commercial Street contiguous to the South line of said Block 1, Tier 20; TOGETHER WITH: Lots 1 and 2,1700 FIRST STREET according kz the plat thereof ao recorded inPlat Book 73. page 1 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida. AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: Block 2, Tier 19. FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION C[]'8 LIMITED MAP OF 8T. GERTRUOEADDIT|[)N TO 8ANFDRD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof ao Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 115-117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida LESS that part lying North of and within 53 foot of the centerline of construction of State Road 48. Section 77O3O. said centerline being described unfollows: Commence on the West line of the NE % of Section 27, Township 19 South, Range 30 East ota point 1570.U5 feet South of the Northwest corner ofsaid NE�� of Section 27, thence run North 89 degrees 37`56" East 2847.2Dfeet tu the East line of said Section 27 (West line of Section 26, said Township and Range) at a point 1567.43 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Section 27 (Northwest corner of said Section 26) thence run North U8 degrees 42'58" East U5S.87feet; thence run North D degrees 14'44" West, 44 feet; thence run North 8S degrees 42'50" East 1508.4O feet; thence run South 89 degrees 42' 34" East, 1006.51 feet; thence run South 88 degrees 58' 48" East, 584.42 feet; thence run North DS degrees 38`50" East, 108.1 feet; thence run North 8Sdegrees 39'28" East, 23O8.S6 feet to the center line of French Avenue ot Station 12O+38.65of Section 7715-1O5 for the end of this center line description. TOGETHER WITH the South Y2 ofveuaied Con1[narcie| Street lying North of and adiucenttu Block 2. Tier 19,aa vacated bu��ity ordinance No. 1517on July 2O.1SRO AND the West 1/2of vacated Jessamine Avenue, which io adjacent to the South 1/2of vacated Commercial Street. JOB# 9 -09 DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD PLATS: FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY'S CELERY PLANTATION: 1/129 SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER: 63/92 FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF THE ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA: 1/112 THROUGH 117 1700 FIRST STREET 72/1 (1) PARCEL ID: 23- 19- 30- 300 - 0070 -0000 UNITED DOMION REALITY TRUST WARRENTY DEED: 2793/1082 DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land located within the Southwest 1/ Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East Seminole County, Florida. Described as follows: Begin at a point 66.6 feet West and 15.0 feet North of the South'/ corner of said Section 23; said point being an intersection of the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence West along the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and parallel to the South line of said Section 23, a distance of 191.40 feet; thence leaving said North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road, run North 210.00 feet; thence West 144.00 feet to the East line of Lot 17 of "Florida Land and Colonization Company's Plantation" as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 129, public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence North 450.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 17; thence West along the North line of said Lot 17, a distance of 174.40 feet; thence leaving said North line of lot 17, run North 1028.22 feet to the Southwest right -of- way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; thence South 39 °41'08" East, along said Southwest right -of -way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92, a distance of 798.34 feet to an intersection with the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence South 1073.85 feet to the Point of Beginning, less the East 30 feet thereof. EASEMENT 1: Together with a non - exclusive easement for retention and detention and drainage and private or public utilities as described in Deed of Easement recorded in Official Records Book 1830, Pagel 268 of the public Records of Seminole County, Florida. EASEMENT 2: Together with an easement used for the construction, operation and maintenance of one or more underground water and sewer lines as described in easement for water and sewer lines recorded in Official Records Book 2012, Page 1635 Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (2) PARCEL ID: 23- 19 -30- 300 -009A -0000 MICHAEL T. & DONNA L. LOADER QUIT CLAIM DEED: 598710537 DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1: From the South'/ Section corner of Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, run West 402 feet, thence run North 15 feet for a Point of Beginning. Thence continue North 105 feet; thence run East 144 feet, thence run South 105 feet; thence run West 144 feet to the Point of Beginning. Subject to an easement over the West 12 feet thereof for road purpose Parcel 2: From the South '/ Section corner of Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, run West 402 feet, thence run North 120 feet for a point of Beginning, thence continue North 195 feet; thence run East 144 feet, thence run South 105 feet; thence run West 144 feet to the Point of Beginning. Subject to an easement over the West 12 feet thereof for road purpose (3) PARCEL ID: 2G'G-3 SUSAN W. H|GGINBOTH&M, MARGARET W. JONES, CATHERINE W. MASSEY, ANNE B. STURGES AND WILLIAM W. WHITE`JR. WARRENTY DEED: 4243/1UO3 DESCRIPTION: AN UNDIVIDED ONE-FIFTH (1/5) INTEREST EACH |N4.17296 INTEREST |NTHE FOLLOWING: Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Begin on North line of St. Gertrude Avenue 71.97 chains West of East line of Holly Avenue, run West 10 chains North 10 chains East 154 feet North 807 feet South to Beginning (Less Begin NVVintersection of First Street and Terwilliger Lane run North 150 feet West 120 feet South 150 feet East to Beginning). PARCEL ID: 26-19-3W-30O-007Q-80O0 PEGGY NESTOR WARRENTY DEED: 1441/Q770 DESCRIPTION: Beginning on the North line of St, Gertrude Avenue 81.g7 chains West of the East line of the Intersection of Holly Avenue and First Street, in the City of Sanford, run West 5 chains, North 10 chains, East 5 chains, South 10 chains to the Point of Beginning, all lying and being in Section 36.Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida. SUBJECT TO all valid Restrictions, conditions, limitations and EoaenneDtn of record, however this reference ohm!{ not aan/a to repose same. (6) PARCEL I0; 26-19-30-300-003A-0008 THE SPANOS CORPORATION SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED: 5021/1115 DESCRIPTION: Begin 51.8 feet West, and 1.488 feet South of the North % Section Post, between Sacl}uno 23 and 28. Township 18 Gouth, Range 30 East, run East 330 feet, U1enma North to Lake Monroe, thence Northwesterly along Lake Monroe to a point North of the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence South to the POINT OF BEG|NN|NC3, said property lying and being in Seminole County' Florida. Less and Except Road Right of Way for U.G. Highway 17-92onNorth. Also Less and Except that portion of the above described lands conveyed to the City of Sanford by virtue ofthat certain Warranty Deed recorded 8ecdmrnber 10` 1985 in {}ffioim| F{acnndm Book 1069. Page 852; corrected by Warranty Deed recorded January 10. 1987 in Official Records Book 1806. Page 85` all being of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Commence at the North % corner of Section 20. Township 19 8oUth, Range 30 East and run South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the North line of the Northwest % of said Section 26, 36.60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continue South 89 degrees 45 minutes OU seconds West along the North line 15.OU feet to the point on the Easterly Right of Way line of Terwilliger Lane, thence run South 0 degrees 06 rninu0ae 30 seconds East along said Easterly line 1407.97 feet, thence run North 89 degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds East 15.00 feet, thence run North 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West 14O7.85 feet tu the POINT OF BEGINNING. Also Less and Except that portion of the above described lands conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded August 14, 1990 in Official Records Book 2211, Page 290, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.60 feet West, and 1,468.00 feet South of the North'/ Section Post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 200.00 feet, thence run North 200.00 feet, thence run West to a point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 200.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS: Rights of Way for State Road 46 and Terwilliger Lane Also Less and Except from the above described lands that portion conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded August 14, 1990 in Official Records Book 2211, Page 292, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.60 feet West, and 1,468.00 feet South of the North'/ Section Post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330.00 feet, thence run North 396.00 feet, thence run West to a Point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 396.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS: Begin 51.60 feet West and 1,468.00 feet South of the North'/ Section Post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 200.00 feet, thence run North 200.00 feet, thence run West to a point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 200.00 feet the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO LESS: Rights of Way for State Road 46 and Terwilliger Lane. (6) PARCEL ID: 26- 19 -30- 509 - 0000 -0010 PEREGRINE LLC NO DEED DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER PB 63 PG 92 (7) PARCEL ID: 26- 19- 30- 509 -0000 -0020 PEREGRINE LLC NO DEED DESCRIPTION: LOT 2, SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER PB 63 PG 92 (8) PARCEL ID: 26- 19- 30- 509 - 0000 -0030 MID - FLORIDA ONCOLOGY 1, LLC WARRENTY DEED: 0510610032 DESCRIPTION: PARCEL I.D. NOS: 26- 19 -30- 300 -0030 -0000 and 26-19-30-300-003B-0000 Lot 3 of SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 63, Page 92, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (9) PARCEL ID: 26-19-30-300-0020-0000 LAKE KAONROE ASSOCIATES, LTD SPECIALWARREMTY DEED: 02618/0013 DESCRIPTION: Tax Parcel |.D.#(o): 23'19-30-300-0100-0000-0-5 20-19-30-300-0020'0000-0-5 From o Permanent Reference Monument at the centerline of Third Street and Persimmon Avenue shown on the Plat ofST. GERTRUDEAOD|Ti[]N TO THE TOWN OF SANFC)RO, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112 through 117, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, nun North parallel with and 41.00 feet West of the West line of Tier 22 of said GT. {]ERTRUDE ADDITION, 888.7 feet to Old North Right-of-Way Line of St. Gertrude Avenue (First Street), thence run N 89058`40" E. 357.17 feet toe point 2O.5 feet West Vf the West Line of Tier 21. said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run North 21.54feet tV the North RiQht-of-VVay Line of S.R. 46 for a Point of Beginning, said Point being on the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (41.00 foot Right-of-Way), thence [UO North e|oD8 said centerline, 646.81 feet to the North Right-of-Way line of Fulton Street extended West, thence run S 89058,40" W, 20.5 feet to the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (82 foot Right-of-Way), thence run North along said centerline 594.00 feet to the North Line of Block 2N of said ST. BERTRUDEAO0T|[)N. thence run 8 89058'40" W, 2O.00 feet to o point 579.5 feet East of the North and South % Section Lino of Section 26. Township 19 5oVth, Range 30 Egot, thence run North 700.57 feet tothe Southerly Right-of-Way Line of U.G. Highway 17 & 92. thence run Northwesterly along said Southerly Right-of-Way Line and curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1698.77 feet, a central angle of 12"21'51^, o chord bearing of 54"11'21" VV` an arc distance of 360.59 feat, to a point 278.4 feet East of line running North from the South 1/4 Sootion Corner ofSection 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run S 00"02'10" VV. 708.43 feet, thence run G 000 10'50"VV. 1454.83 feet to the North Rig ht-of-Way Line Cf8.R. 46. thence run N 88°36`35" E` 342.34 feet tothe Point of Beginning. (10, 11 & 12) PARCEL UD: 23-19-30-300'0010-0000 /10A 26^19'30-300-0010~0000 (11) 25-19-3Q-5AG-0121-0000 (12) SANFORQ LANDING APARTMENTS LTD C/O EASLEY 00CCALEB & ASSOCIATES WARRENTY DEED: 01388/1117 DESCRIPTION: Begin at the Northeast corner ofBlock 2N. Tier 18, of Florida Land and Colonization Co.'s Limited Map of the St. Gertrude Addition to Sanford, Florida, according to the plat thereof as recorded in P|sd Bonk 1. Pages 112-117 of the public Records of Seminole CoUnty. Florida and run 0001 8'59"E, along the Easterly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19, 264.00 feet to the Southeast corner thereof, thence run 888"38`50"VV, along the 8uUthady line of said Block 2N, Tier 19 and Westerly extension thereof, 337.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Block 2N. Tier 28of the said Florida Land and Colonization Co.'s Limited Map of the St. Gertrude Addition to Sanford, Florida; said point also being 0O the Westerly right-of-way line of Mulberry Avenue; thence run 8 00°18`59"E, along said Westerly right-of-way line 383.00 feet to a point on the centerline of Fulton Street; thence run G.89"39'56"VV. along the centerline of said Fulton Street, 296.00 feet to the centerline cfPoU0eg[aOite Avenue; thence run S.OU"18`5S"E. 605.739 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of State Rood 40; thence run S.88°18'56"VV` along said Northerly right-of-way line 168.550 feet; thence run N.0001 8'59"W, 279.BO8 feet kz a point on the centerline of Commercial Street; thence run S.89039'56^VV. along said centerline of Commercial Street, 148.00 feet tOthe centerline of Tamarind Avenue; thence run N.00^18'59"VV, along the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue, 363.00 feet; thence run S.89 °39'56 "W, 20.500 feet to a point on the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; thence run N.00 018'59 "W, along said centerline of tamarind Avenue, 594.00 feet, thence run S.89 °39'56 "W, 20.00 feet; thence run N.0001 8'59"W, 700.80 feet to a point on the Southerly Right of Way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; said Southerly right of way being 90.00 feet Southerly measured at right angles to and radially from the Northerly line of the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe; thence run Southeasterly along said Southerly right of way line along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1681.678 feet and a central angle of 17 044'03 ", 520.513 feet to the end of said curve; thence continue along said Southerly right of way line S. 77 035'36 "E, 562.37 feet to a point on the Northerly extension of the centerline of Jessamine Avenue; thence run S.0 018'59" E, along said Northerly extension 386.80 feet; thence run S. 89 °39'56" W, 41.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. {13) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0221 -OOAO JOHN S. & MICHAEL J. LAWLOR WARRENTY DEED: 04047/1997 DESCRIPTION: The West one -half of Block 2, Tier 21, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDES ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112, 113, 115, 116 and 117, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida less right of way for State Road 46. Together with the East'/ of vacated Tamarind Avenue, lying West of the West "/z of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDES ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. According to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, page 116, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, and Subject to easements and restrictions of record (14) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -SAG -0120 -0000 CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL HOSPITAL, INC. WARRENTY DEED: 01778/1690 DESCRIPTION: All of Block 2 -N, and all of Block 1 -N of Tier 17, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; Me Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, of Tier 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run West 378 feet to the centerline of Jessamine Avenue at its North end, thence run North 484 feet more or less to the low water on lake Monroe, thence run Southerly along the low water mark on Lake Monroe 382.1 feet more or less to a point North of the point of Beginning; thence run South 426 feet more or less to the point of Beginning; M All of Block 1 -N, and all of Block 2 -N, in Tier 18, according to FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida And Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, of Tier 17, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST, GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run thence North 344.51 feet, more or less to the low water mark in Lake Monroe; thence Southeasterly along the meandering line of the low water mark in Lake Monroe, a distance of 252.5 feet more or less to a stake at low water mark in Lake Monroe; thence South a distance of 297 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of said Block 2 -N, of Tier 17, thence West 248 feet more or less to the point of beginning; EXCEPTING from the above described property a strip of land 90 feet in width, the Northerly line of which is the Northerly line of the coping on the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe, less the North 2 feet thereof, across the following described property, to -wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, Tier 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida run thence West 378 feet to the center of Jessamine Avenue; thence North 484 feet more or less to Lake Monroe; thence Southeasterly along said Lake Shore 362.4 feet to a point of beginning; thence South to beginning; also, Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, Tier 17, in said St. Gertrude Addition, run North 344.5 feet more or less to Lake Monroe; thence Southeasterly along the shore of said Lake 232.5 feet; thence South 297 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of said Block 2 -N, thence West 248 feet to beginning; LESS road right -of -way of U.S. 17 -92 Stair Road, 15 -600 AND All of Block 1 -N, Tier 19 and all of Block 1 Tier 19, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida AND All of Block 1, Tier 20 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida And also all of that land which is continuous to the above described Block 1, Tier 20, which land was formerly portions of the South 'h of Fulton Street and the East'/ of Pomegranite Avenue and which was vacated by the City of Sanford ordinance No. 1099 as recorded in Official Records Book 962, page 862 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; D The West'/ (Less Road) of Block 2, Tier 18, and the South ' /� of vacated Street adjacent on the North; and the East'/ of vacated Street adjacent on the West, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Also described as the West 69 feet of Block 2, Tier 18 and vacated streets adjacent on the North and West, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112.117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida AND The East Y2 of the West 1/2 of the South'/ of vacated Street on North, Block 2, Tier 18, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Also described as: The East 63 feet of the East'/ of the West 1/2 of Block 2, Tier 18, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION GO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, together with the South' /2 of vacated Commercial Street, according to the plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112, 113, 115, 116 and 117 Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; Together being subject to easement or rights -of -way record (15) PARCEL ID: 26 -19 -30 -510 -0000 -0020 1700 FIRST STREET LLC NO WARRANTY DEED DESCRIPTION: LOT 2,1700 FIRST STREET PB 72 PG 1 (16) PARCEL ID: 26 -19 -30 -510- 0000 -0010 SUNIL PATEL LLC WARRANTY DEED: 06567/1558 DESCRIPTION: LOT 1, 1700 FIRST STREET PB 72 PG 1 (17) PARCEL ID: 25- 19- 30 -5AG- 0219 -OOBO CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL HOSPITAL, INC. WARRANTY DEED: 02973/1118 DESCRIPTION: The SW % of block 2, Tier 19, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST, GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 115 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. LESS that part lying North of and within 53 foot of the centerline of construction of State Road 46, Section 77030, said centerline being described as follows: Commence on the West line of the NE'/ of Section 27, Township 19 South, Range 30 East at a point 1576.05 feet South of the Northwest corner of said NE % of Section 27, thence run North 89 degrees 37' 56" East 2647.28 feet to the East line of said Section 27 (West line of Section 26, said Township and Range) at a point 1567.43 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Section 27 (Northwest corner of said Section 26) thence run North 89 degrees 42'56" East 659.87 feet; thence run North 0 degrees 14'44" West, 44 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 1566.40 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 42' 34" East, 1006.51 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 56' 48" East, 564.42 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 56" East, 106.1 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 26" East, 2308.96 feet to the center line of French Avenue at Station 120 +30.65 of Section 7715 -105 for the end of this center line description (18) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0219 -00A0 CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL HOSPITAL, INC. WARRANTY DEED. 0295711183 DESCRIPTION: Block 2, (Less Southwest one quarter and North one -half of Northeast one - quarter) Tier 19, Town of Sanford, according to E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP thereof recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 116, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, less part in State Road TOGETHER with the South' /2 of vacated Commercial Street lying North of and adjacent to the NW'/ of Block 2, Tier 19, as vacated by City ordinance No. 1517 on July 28, 1980. THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT NOW CONSTITUTE. NOR HAS IT EVER CONSTITUTED, NOR DOES IT LIE CONTIGUOUS TO, THE CONSTITUTIONAL, HOMESTEAD OF GRANTOR HEREIN. (19) PARCEL ID: 25- 19- 30- 5AG -0219 -0000 HOSPITAL CORPORATION OF AMERICA WARRANTY DEED: 0137810296 DESCRIPTION: North ' /s of Northeast'/ of Block 2, Tier 19, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY, LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 116, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; And the South % of the vacated street adjacent on the North; AND the West ' /z of vacated Jessamine Avenue, which is adjacent to the South Y2 of vacated Commercial Street. JOB# 9 -09 DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD PLATS: CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITIONS TO SANFORD, FLORIDA: 1/24 AND 3155 TOWN OF SANFORD 1156,1/58,1159 (1/56 -64), SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND B/111 -117, ORANGE COUNTY (A) PARCEL ID: 3849'31-615-0400-0010 JOHN S.&MARIA F-VAWGHAN QUIT CLAIM DEED: @7850/1931 DESCRIPTION: Lot 1' Block 4, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'GADD|T|{]N TO S&NFORO. FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55, in the public records of Seminole County, Florida (B & C) PARCEL ID: 30-19-31-515-0400-0020 (B) PARCEL ID: 30-19'31-515'0400~0030 /C\ JOE0ANTE LLC WARRENl[Y DEED: 08G46/O100 DESCRIPTION: Lots 2 and 3' Block 4, CH/\PMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO GANFORD` according to the plat thereof aa recorded in Plat Book 1,Page 24, Public Records of Seminole Cnunty, Florida Subject to easements and restrictions ofrecord Subject to taxes for the year 2OO5 and thereafter Property Tax Identification Number: 30-1S-31'515-D4OO-UO20 and 30-1S-31-515-O4OO- 0O30 Subject to the restrictions, conditions, reservations, easements and other matters continued on the Plat ofCHAPM/\N AND TUCKER'S ADDITION T{}G/\NF[)RD.mo recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and Plat Book 3, Page 55, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (C>& E) PARCEL ID: 30-18'31~515-0500-0010 (0) PARCEL ID: 30^19~31-515'0500-0030 (E} EXACT PLUMBING INC. WARRENTY DEED: Q534O/1$84 DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 and 3, Block 5, AND Lots 1, 2 and 4. Block 8. Together with the East 1/2 of vacated alley adjacent to said Lot 1, Block 8, all in CHAPMAN & TUCKER'S ADDITION T[>GANFC)RQ.according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book i. Page 24,ufthe Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (F) PARCEL ID: 30-19-31-515-0500-0040 SAWFORD SUPERMARKETS INC. WARRENTY DEED: 06S6G/D520 DESCRIPTION: Lots 4, 5. 8 and 7. Block 5, and Lots 5, 0aOd 7. Block and vacated alley lying East of Lots 4, 5. O and 7. Block and West of Lots 5. 8 and 7. Block all in Chapman & Tucker's Addition to Sanford, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (G) PARCEL ID: 30 -19 -31 -515- 0600 -0010 EXACT PLUMBING INC. WARRENTY DEED: 06238/0636 DESCRIPTION: LOT 1, BLOCK 6, LESS THE NORTH 46.72 FEET OF THE EAST 53 FEET OF LOT 1, BLOCK 6, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 24, AND RERECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 55, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA (H) PARCEL ID: 30 -19 -31 -515- 0600 -001A COLCOR CAPITAL, INC. WARRENTY DEED: 0708610305 DESCRIPTION: The North 46.72 feet of the East 53 feet of Lot 1, Block 6, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in plat book 1, Page(s) 24, ,and Plat Book 3, Page 55, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, reservations and limitations of recorded, if any. (1) PARCEL ID: 30- 19- 31- 515 - 0600 -0020 GEORGE L. & LINDA LOPEZ WARRENTY DEED: 01776/1687 DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Block 6, CHAPMAN and TUCKER addition to SANFORD, a subdivision, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (J, K & L) PARCEL ID: 30 -19 -31 -515- 0600 -0030 (J) PARCEL ID: 25- 19- 30- 5AG -060A -0060 (K) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG -060A -0050 (L) 417 SANFORD LLC WARRENTY DEED: 06725/0258 DESCRIPTION: Lot 3, Block 6, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24, Public records of Seminole County, Florida AND Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Tier A, Florida Land & Colonization Co., Ltd., E.R. Trafford's Map of the Town of Sanford, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Subject to all easements, rights of way and restrictions of record (M) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-070A-0070 VIVIAN M. YOUNGBLOOD & MCGEE A. COBBIN WARRENTY DEED: 0554411394 DESCRIPTION: LEG N 32 FT OF LOT 7 + E 11.4 FT OF VACD ST ON W BLK 7 TR A TOWN OF SANFORD According to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (N) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-070A-007A ELLIOTT BELAMY 11 WARRENTY DEED: 00437/0638 LEGS 12 FT OF LOT 7 + ALL LOT 8 + E 11 FT OF D ST ON W BLK 7 TR A TOWN OF SANFORD PB I PG 56 (P) PARCEL ID: 26-19-30-5AG-070A-0010 DOYLE INVESTMENTS & DEVELOPMENT, INC. WARRENTY DEED: 0674810405 DESCRIPTION: Lots 11 and 12, and the East 11 feet of the vacated street along the West, Block 7, Tier "A", E.R. TRAFFORDS'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Bookl, Page 56, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. JOB# 9 -09 DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD PLATS: E.R TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD 1/66 -64 FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION LIMITED E.R TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD 1166 -64 (1,5 &15) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0501 -0010 (1) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0501 -0060 (15) EXACT PLUMBING INC QUIT CLAIM DEED: 05061/1759 DESCRIPTION: (5) LOT 1 AND THE NORTH 12 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 6, TIER 1, E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PARCEL TWO: 26- 19- 30- 5AG - 0501 -0060 (15) ALL OF LOTS 6 AND 7, BLOCK 5, TIER 1, FLORIDA LAND COLONIZATION LIMITED, E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PARCEL THREE: 26 -19 -30 -5AG- 0501 -0010 (1) LOT 1, BLOCK 5, TIER 1, OF E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (2,3 &4) PARCEL ID: 25- 19- 30- 5AG - 0501 -0020 (2) ROBERT & LINDA KUHN, AUDIS LEMMON, ANDREW & SUSAN KALIFEH WARRENTY DEED: 03373/0030 DESCRIPTION: LOTS 2, 3, 4 and 5, BLOCK 5, TIER 1, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (5) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0601 -0010 EXACT PLUMBING INC. WARRENTY DEED: 05061/1760 DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 AND THE NORTH 12 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 6, TIER 1, E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA (6) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0601 -0030 JASON S. TURNER WARRENTY DEED: 06830/1799 DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 and the South 21 feet of Lot 2, Block 6, Tier 1 E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 -64, public Records of Seminole County, Florida (7) PARCEL €D: 25- 19- 30- 5AG- 0601 -0040 GOODING & CO., MORTGAGE, INC QUIT CLAIM DEED: 05493/0529 DESCRIPTION: Lots 4 + 5, Block 6, Tier 1, Florida Lane and Colonization Company ER Trafford's Map of Town of Sanford according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56 -64, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (8) PARCEL ID: 25- 19- 30- 5AG -0601 -0060 KHEMRAJ P. JAIKARAN QUIT CLAIM DEED: 06699/1291 DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY ID # 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0601 -0060 LEG LOTS 6 + 7 BLK 6 TR 1 TOWN OF SANFORD PB 1 PG 58 (9) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG -0601 -0080 INVESTORS REALTY NETWORK LLC WARRENTY DEED: 06566/0952 DESCRIPTION: Leg Lot 8 BLK 6 TR 1 Town of Sanford PB 1 PG 58 Tax Parcel I.D. No 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0601 -0080 (10 & 11) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG -0701 -0010 (10) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0701 -001A (11) JOE E KING & JENNIFER S CARTIER WARRENTY DEED: 06159/1879 DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1: LOT 1 and the North 16'h feet of LOT 2, BLOCK 7, TIER 1, less and except the East 65 feet of said Lots 1 and 2, E.R. TRAFFORDS MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. PARCEL 2: The East 65 feet of Lot 1 and the East 65 feet of the North' /2 of Lot 1, all in BLOCK 7, TIER 1, E.R. TRAFFORDS MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. ADDRESS: 500 Sanford Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771 /Seminole County PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 25- 19 -30- 5AG -0701 -0010 (12) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0701 -0030 HOWARD S MARKS WARRENTY DEED: 0435910796 DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 and the South ' /z of lot 2, (Less he North 2 feet of the West 52 feet) Block 7, Tier 1, E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Subject to Easement and Restrictions of Record (13) PARCEL ID: 26-19-30-5AG-0701-0040 JOHN GIULIANI, PEGGY KING & JOE E KING QUIT CLAIM DEED: 06965/1441 DESCRIPTION. 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0040 (parcel ID#) Leg Lot 4 BLK 7 TR 1 Town of Sanford PB I PG 59 (14) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0050 HUGGINS DEVELOPMENT, INC. WARRENTY DEED: 6494/714 DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, Block 7, Tier 1, E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP of the TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (15) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0060 TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH WARRENTY DEED: 1141312 DESCRIPTION: LEG LOTS 6 7 + 8 BLK 7 TR I TOWN OF SANFORD PB I PG 59 The boundary of the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area is as follows: 20 1 P a - e U) LL (f) 'o LO C) LO Cl) O O Lq N 3AV SOIHV 3AV 3: 3AV/A3, 3n d my C:) 3AV-13'd M3lA30'dNOW 3AV 3NiisnOONVW 3AV31A 3AVATIOH- 3AV AI C) LO 3 3AV UVIld 3AV NV,:)3,d 04 co 3AV SOIHV 3AV 3: 3AV/A3, 3n d my C:) 3AV-13'd M3lA30'dNOW 3AV 3NiisnOONVW 0- Cd 4a C 0 3AV31A 3AVATIOH- 3AV AI 3AVEV(13) 3AV UVIld 3AV NV,:)3,d 3AV 0(]V:)OAV 'd311NqiHDr)OW NVMOD M I 3AV3AII0 3AV3AII0 3AV 3N)ISnODNVW S 130NV310 3AV1330NV310S 3AV3NIWVSS3r 3AV3NIWVSS3r MAIdId3ainw 3AVAUIM-in 7, 3AV NOWVIVISU 3d 0- Cd 4a C 0 EXHIBIT "C" (COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN) The Community Redevelopment Plan which is the subject of this Ordinance is set forth as follows: 21 1 Page w ,, 'AMMI I ID T"Mr-Tv" RTTM April 2015 Prepared for: City of Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency Department of Economic Development 300 N. Fark Ave. Sanford, FL 32771 Prepared by: Id Id M Liukjohn SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Table of Contents �~ �� ~~�~_u�~er �~ ^=~==^=°~~,~' ^^u��=��=r� ~^~~^~^^^~^~^~~~^^^~^^^~~^^^~^^`~^^^^~~^~^^~~~^~^^~^~~^^~~~^~~^^`= Public Sector Iniproveme ot to Stimulate Private Sector Investment ........................................... 4 �~ ��� � ~=`�~�'°=� =�. Purpose, ��"�°~,�� =^=°�=~�~,��^�^"^=^��=~�"=°...............................~w L3RAPurpose ...................................................................................................................................... 5 CityofSanford History .................................................................................................. .................. 9 CRA Accomplishments ................................... 12 ��. ~~="=J�°~� =~ �^^�=�==� ~�^=�"=�^�^^�~" ^^ss~ss�^"=�^"~~^~~~~~^^^^^^~^^^~^^^^^~^^^^~^^~~^~^^^^^^ ��� �"^ ExistingLand Use ........................................................................................................................... 14 FutureCood Use .................. .............................. ......................................................................... 17 Zoning------_—.------.------..--_—....—..._......_.—...------. 19 Boody\azno ..................................................................................................................................... 21 Wetlands.......................................................................................................... .............................. 23 TransportationNetwork ................................................................................................ ............... 25 Water Infrastructure ............... 28 HistoricResources . ............................................................................. .......................................... 30 �. ~~�~au^°~~ ~^ Economic =^o=^=�="��^= A�=sess��^=n=^^~^~^^^^~^^^^^^~^^~^^^^^^~^~~~~~^^^^^^^ �� =°^ MarketAnalysis ............................................................................................................................. 32 �~ ��� ��� ,��^��'~�� =. �==° ==�^ ��������� ^��`^^���� �^^^�^�u^rw� ................................. �K�F = " PastPlanning Initiatives ........................................................................ ............... ........ .............. 37 Current Initiatives --..—.-----------------------------,__.___ 43 Public Input & Community Workshops ................ ............................... ...................................... 44 �� ��� ~-��=1p°=� ~,. ^,=`~~°=����� ===° ~^�J=�=°v=w ..............~........~.~..~.~..~....~...~~..~~~~.~~ �� "^ " Public Infrastructure and Private Sector lovzmtrouot _-___..-.______.____..-..... 47 Urban (In-Fill) Neighborhood Creation ............................................................... ............... ...... 47 Catalyst Project(s) 1nuolerueotutioz ._..._.__.__._.___...___._____._..__-_-- 48 Private Sector Investment Programs ............................................................................................ 48 EcmuVnnic Development Partnerships ...................................................... ................................... 49 Projectsand o ................................. ................................................................................. 49 ~� =~^~=y�~~� ^ ~ �����^�~^^^=��=°===�^^~~^~^~~~~~^^~^~~^~^~~~^~~~~~~^^~^^^~~~~~^~~~^^^~^~^^~^^~^^~`^~^~~~~~ �� == Chapter 8, Catalyst Project Site ,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,~~,.,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,~,,,,~,~~,,,~,,~~~,~ 53 Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan ............................................................................................ 53 N Littlejohn i SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Chapter 9: CR& Conceptual Master Plan,,,,~,,,,,,,,~,,,,~,~,,,,,~,,,,~,,,~,,,,,~~,,,, 57 Neighborhood Impact Statement . ................................................................................................ 59 10: Tax �o�� Chapter = =~ �=^===�==~==�===~��~~~Alternative Funding �� w�xurces.....~~.~.~..~......~..........~.....~........~...~.~~...~...~,,.,^,~~,,,,,,,~~,,,~,,,~.~,~~~,,,,~, ,�~~ TaxIncrement Fund .......... ........................................................................................................... 6Q Alternative Funding Sources .......................... ...... ............................................................ .......... 83 Chapter 11: Consistency with Florida Statutes .~..~....~~......~~....~..~~~......~.. 74 Consistency with Applicable State Laws ...................................................................................... 74 APPENDIX 1: CRA LEGAL DESCRIPTION ,,,,,~,,~~~,~,~,~~,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,~,,, 75 �. �� ^°����`^^��� ��^ ~�^~��~^"� �^=='�^="� =~^�~="~��=�� ~^^^^~~~^^~~~^^^^^^^~~^~~^~^~~^^~~~~~^^^^ ^ ~^ �. �� ���^��`����� �^ ����,���`���"������ ��`�����~���^��~�` ^��^^^~~^^��^^^~^�~~^^�^^^^^���^^�� ^ � �� Littlejohn ii SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN List of Map1: CRA Context Map .......................................................................................... II Map2: Existing � Land Use ............................................................................................................. 16 Map3: Future Land Use ............................................................................................................... .18 Map4: Zoning _.-------------------.-------------.-------..2O Map5: Floodplairis ....................................... ..................................................... ........................... 2Z Map6: Wetlands ........................................................................................................................... 24 Map 7: Transportation Network .................................................................................................. 27 Map8: Utilities .............................................................................................................................. 29 ��n4'~� ���cw� Tables Table1: Existing Land Use ............................................................................... —....................... I5 Table2: Future Land Use .............................................................................................................. 17 Table3: Zoning Districts ............................................................................................................... 19 Table 4: P\,oad Performance. (2014) .............................................................................................. 25 Table 5: Age of Housing Stock iuCRA ......................................................................................... 32 Table 6: Occupied Units hv Year Householder Moved Into Unit .............................................. S3 Table 7: LMWDS-CRA T4 ---------------------------.35 Table Q:Issues, Concerns, and Recommendations ........... ......................................................... 45 Table5: Common Themes .......................................................... ................................................. 45 Table 10: Implementation Plan .................................................................................................... 51 Table 11:1595Base Year CRA7lFRevenue Projections Original CDA Area- |995 ................ @l Table 12: 2009 Base Year CR&TIF Revenue Projections 8ouford Avenue CR& Expansion Artm-ZOO9 .............................. ........................................................................................................ 61 Table 13: Combined (Existing Area fExpansion Area) CMWDD-CRAT[F PrmimctbznS2Ol5- List of ' o����:�� ��gmm'e.» Figure I: Waterfront Master Plan (Concept) ..................................................... 94 Figure 2: Waterfront Master Plan (Alternate Plan) .................................................................... 56 E Littlejohn iii C�. nI FR °'. I. f YI_.CiJ [ � FUNA MA RN SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Chapter 1: Executive Sununary Public Sector Improvements to Stimulate Private Sector Investment The Lake Monroe Waterfront - Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan update presents a robust, three - phase, 10 year capital improvement program and business assistance programming designed to enable and encourage private sector investment and development within downtown Sanford. The Community Redevelopment Plan update identifies capital improvement projects to increase economic activity and employment opportunities within the CRA by physically connecting the downtown and waterfront areas to adjacent employment centers, neighborhoods and the SunRail Station. Phase one of the Implementation Plan, Chapter 7, focuses on infrastructure and capital improvements required to enable the development of Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan catalyst project. The Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan proposes the development of an urban waterfront neighborhood located on approximately 6 acres of City -owned land in the heart of the downtown. The mixed -use development program may include up to 75 residential units, approximately 29,000 square feet of non - residential uses and the development of a 90 key boutique hotel. This phased, public- private partnership project will serve as a demonstration project of the economic potential and commercial development viability within the CRA. It is anticipated that successful implementation of the Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan catalyst project will encourage additional private sector investment and continued redevelopment at targeted sites within the CRA. The resultant Tax Increment Fund revenue will enable the continued operation of the CRA and implementation of Phases 2 and 3 of the Community Redevelopment Implementation Plan. The Lake Monroe Waterfront - Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan update is a continuation of the over twenty (20 +) year successful partnership between Seminole County and the City of Sanford to revitalize, address conditions of blight and increase economic activity and value within Seminole County's historic County seat. This Community Redevelopment Plan was created by the City of Sanford in partnership with Seminole County and the residents and business community of Sanford in accordance with Florida Statutes, Chapter 163, Part III. M Littlejohn 4 Cl-iA Pl h' ���� °> ty¢IF"POP,E, Iii:; IORYAf, �lw, A..,COMNCS�..lF�i�f =1 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN 'Chapter 2: Purpose, History and Accomplishments CRA Purpose The purpose of the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency (LMWDS -CRA) is to address the documented conditions of blight that were identified in previous Findings of Necessity studies conducted by the City. These conditions of blight include: faulty surface water drainage systems; a deteriorating bulkhead; deteriorating streets /irregular brick streets /broken sidewalks; faulty lot layout and diversity of ownership; structures needing rehabilitation and renovation; inadequate parking facilities; loss of offices and retail commercial businesses and environmental blight caused by midges.' Over the past twenty (20) years, the LMWDS-CRA has completed numerous capital improvement projects and assisted private sector investors to begin to address the aforementioned conditions of blight. The redevelopment has been successfully initiated, however it is critical to maintain the redevelopment inertia created by the CRA's operations to continue to address the remaining conditions of blight, stimulate additional private sector investment and to prepare the downtown area for the impending exit of the Seminole County Civil Courthouse facilities and the ancillary employment and economic activities associated with the operations of the Courthouse (i.e., law- offices, support services, retail, restaurants, etc.). The following redevelopment methods and practices will be utilized by the LMWDS -CRA to address the conditions of blight described above. Specific Strategies and Objectives address and realize the methods and practices described below are presented in Chapter 6, Strategies and Objectives. I. Increase Property Valuation Property taxes are a significant source of funds utilized by the City of Sanford and Seminole County. Although property values are largely determined by market forces, it is in the best interest of the city and county to stabilize and increase property values in order to maintain a high standard of quality of life and fund public services. One method of stabilizing and increasing property values is by investing in public infrastructure and services. Improvements to the CRA's transportation network and infrastructure enhance the level of service and quality of life for residents, visitors, business owners, and employees. A high i City of Sanford, Community Redevelopment Plan and Finding of Necessity for the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area 2009. 0 Littlejohn 5 P I [: R, 2: PU1'f'OSF, A,C(,'(`)M[11 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN level of service and quality of life attracts development and revitalization. As demand grows to develop and revitalize properties for higher utilization, property values increase, which translates to greater tax revenues for improving public services. The result is a positive cycle of improvements leading to enhanced quality of life, public service, investment, and property values. The assessed taxable value of the property within the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CPA has increased 155% since the CRA was established in 1995'-. This increase in taxable value is higher than the increase in assessed taxable value for unincorporated Seminole County and Seminole County as a whole (including cities) for the same period'. II. Create Public- Private Partnerships Public- private partnerships are a key component for the long -term success of large -scale projects, especially in commercial districts such as Sanford's Downtown and Waterfront. Initiative from government agencies and non - profit organizations reduces risk, boosts confidence, and facilitates development, paving the way for the private sector to invest, leverage funds, and meet market demands. In addition, partnerships with non - profit and private sector organizations provide opportunities for multiple organizations to pool in their resources and expertise for greater effectiveness and efficiencies. Hence, one of the primary purposes of the City of Sanford's CRA is to establish public - private partnerships with private sector organizations, non - profit entities, and government agencies to partner with non - profit and private sector organizations. Public- partnerships allow the CRA to pool in resources and leverage funds for transportation and infrastructure improvements, property renovation and maintenance, retention and expansion of businesses, and marketing and promotion of the Downtown and Waterfront areas. The following is a list for public- private partnerships with the CRA: • City of Sanford 0 Seminole County • Greater Sanford Chamber of Commerce 2 Seminole County Property Appraiser's Office, Littlejohn, 2015. 3 Seminole County Property Appraiser's Office, Littlejohn, 2015. M Littlejohn 6 [.2: PURP( ")SIB: 1- HS 6C)P.Y A 1D �e��.C;a ":� n1�'9IS F SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN • Seminole County Tourist Development Council • Central Florida Regional Hospital • Central Florida Zoological Park • Sanford Historic Trust • Historic Sanford Welcome Center • Sanford Historic Preservation Board • St. Johns Riverboat Company 0 Minority Community Representatives • Sanford Airport Authority • Celery Soup • Love Your Shorts Film Festival • St. Johns River Festival of the Arts III. Increase Employment Opportunities A successful commercial district relies on a stable and diverse employment base to sustain itself in the long term. Expanding employment opportunities improves residents' income and living conditions, attracts development, and expands business services and goods provided. Among the purposes of the City of Sanford's CRA is to assist in relocation of existing businesses to the Downtown and Waterfront areas and with the retention and expansion of retail and commercial businesses. These measures lead to an increase in employment opportunities, expansion for development, and a stable and successful commercial district for the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CRA. IV. Reduce Symptoms of Blight The presence of the symptoms of blight in the Downtown and Waterfront areas of Sanford is one of the primary factors impeding its redevelopment and revitalization and deterring private sector investment. Vacant lots, abandoned properties, and deteriorated structures and infrastructure present serious issues for residents, community stakeholders, business owners, E Littlejohn 7 SAPS FORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN investors, and the city. Deteriorated streets and structures, an aging bulkhead in need of repair, faulty sewer and stormwater systems, and broken sidewalks not only pose health and safety and health hazards for citizens, but also discourage private investment. Abandoned structures attract criminal activity and are unsafe for children, residents, and visitors in its immediate surroundings. Furthermore, these conditions impose a burden on city services needed for additional maintenance, policing, and fire extinguishment. Consequently, the diminishment in property values for blighted properties and their surroundings deprive essential city tax revenues and discourage investments for improvement. Other aspects of blight affecting the CRA are faulty lot layouts and diversity of ownership, inadequate parking facilities, loss of commercial business, and environmental nuisances. Irregular parcel configurations, sizes, and multiple ownerships severely limit and prevent varying types of development that will benefit the area. A shortage of parking spaces is a significant factor in preventing businesses, primarily in retail, from locating within the CRA and in inhibiting the expansion and success of existing business. In addition, a high vacancy and turnover of businesses undermines the stability of the commercial district and discourages commercial investment. Lastly, the intensity and infestation of midges and blind mosquitoes require costly maintenance of property and discourage visitors and residents from utilizing the waterfront and frequenting local businesses during periods of midge hatchings and swarming. Addressing the reduction of blight symptoms is an essential purpose for the City of Sanford's CRA to meet their goals and objectives for the Downtown and Waterfront areas. The strategies described in Chapter 6 present strategies to eliminating and mitigating blight while Chapter 7 provides an action plan for implementing the strategies. E Littlejohn 8 fE l'Il..:f / PUll ° °f'O` E, Hf CORY 6 l ll.,) SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT FLAN City of Sanford History The City of Sanford was established in 1870 as a transportation hub by Henry Sanford, following the purchase of 18,000 acres of land west of Mellonville Avenue along Lake Monroe. Agricultural products coming from St. Petersburg and the rail corridor made its way to Sanford before being shipped north on the St. Johns River. Tourists, fisherman, and hunters travelled south on the St. Johns River via steamboat to disembark in Sanford on their way to Central and South Florida. The original City plan was based on a " ti ,;, , �,.�r.i�!"a'�k " ✓mom ,. Lam' traditional urban grid network with streets named after trees, a commercial district along the waterfront, neighborhoods to the south, and numerous parks located throughout the City. By the 1920s, the city already had developed municipal infrastructure features and development pattern, including a waterfront bulkhead, and its commercial district housed the City Hall, the Sanford Zoo, hotels, and other businesses and civic uses. As alternative modes of travel replaced the steamship, the waterfront became more attractive for recreational and civic uses to be developed, such as marinas, parks, a new City Hall, and the Seminole County Courthouse in the 1960s. The construction of Interstate 4, the transformation of the Navy's airfield into the Sanford Orlando Airport, the arrival of an Amtrak terminal, and the connection of the Central Florida Greenway to the Interstate has shifted development away from the downtown core outwards, west and south along the US -17 -92 corridor and westward towards the Interstate 4 corridor along SR -46. As a result of this development shift away from the downtown core, the historic neighborhoods, the downtown and waterfront areas have lagged in development and suffered through neglected infrastructure, vacant and deteriorated properties, and a weakened commercial district. The establishment of the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area (LMWDS -CRA) by a partnership of Seminole County and the City of Sanford, shown on Map E Littlejohn 9 CIH�-,P]T R 2 I`URPOSF, � I G S [(-)[?Y 4,r 9D ACC( SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN 1 on the following page, has initiated a revival of the city's historic downtown core, waterfront and stimulated reinvestment in the historic neighborhoods adjacent to the CPA boundaries. E Littlejohn 10 CI1; PEFR't P UICFOSE P..HSlORV(A!`lf. � C..C..NAPI.I SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN CRA Acconiplishments Since its founding in 1995, the City of Sanford's CRA has completed numerous projects and initiatives for the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area. Improvements to the areas' transportation, streetscapes, and infrastructure have increased the level of public service, created attractive and inviting places, and reduced risk and uncertainty for the redevelopment and rehabilitation of key properties. A new stormwater system along 2" `' Street has greatly mitigated flooding along this corridor and adjacent properties. The redesign of 1" Street, 2nd Street, Palmetto Avenue, Magnolia Avenue, Sanford Avenue, and Seminole Boulevard has improved transportation and safety for all modes of travel, including for pedestrians. In addition, the variety of pavement and sidewalk materials, pedestrian- scaled lighting and street furniture, landscaping, and the concealment of utilities underground have converted these streets into attractive places for residents, visitors, and business owners, while luring more commercial activity. New parks, open spaces, and recreational facilities along the RiverWalk and Fort Mellon Park have enhanced quality of life for residents, attracted visitors, and increased adjacent property values. Lastly, public- private partnerships have leveraged funds, resources, and expertise for the renovation and development of institutional and commercial facilities, such as the Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center, the West End Building, the Magnolia Square Market, and a bank facility. M Littlejohn 12 �^ l_...I I 'TE, R / P � T�.1 �. A .�7 d_ �, ! H S t () 6' J h l � t.,.7 !'�u f . k , \...) f"�✓i ( "" I . f .,11' d � F�4 � t 4 „'7 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN The projects completed and initiatives undertaken by the CRA have catalyzed significant investment from the private sector, with the leverage of Tax - Increment Financing. Consequently, these accomplishments have directly increased assessed property values within the CRA. Furthermore, these accomplishments have facilitated the transformation of the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford into a landmark for the City of Sanford and Seminole County, benefitting residents and visitors with a mix of commercial, residential, recreation, and entertainment options. However, Downtown Sanford and the Waterfront still need improvements to its transportation and infrastructure, redevelopment of strategic properties, and renovation of deteriorated structures and historic buildings. Chapters 3 and 4 provide an assessment of the CRA's challenges and opportunities. Chapters 5 and 6 address in more detail the new and continuing projects and initiatives recommended for the CRA. M Littlejohn 13 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN .. This chapter describes the existing physical features of the area encompassed by the boundary of the LMWDS -CRA. Analyzing the conditions of the CRA is an essential process in order to determine its challenges, opportunities, and strategies. A detailed description of the CRA's existing land use, future land use, zoning, historical resources, floodplains, wetlands, transportation network, and infrastructure is provided in the following section. Existing Land Use In review of the Seminole County Property Appraiser data, the LNAVDS -CRA is comprised of twelve (12) generalized existing land uses. Public oriented uses and vacant properties dominate the current uses within the CRA with over 39 percent of the total acreage. Commercial and offices uses are the most common uses within the CRA occupying 208 parcels or approximately 40 percent of the total parcels. Residential uses account for roughly 17 percent of the acreage. One property was identified as agriculture, which is 18.72 acres and comprises nearly 5 percent of the total acreage. Table 1 below shows the parcel count, acres, and percent of each existing land use category and Map 2 on the following pages shows the location of these categories by parcel within the LNIWDS- CRA. For a detailed list of vacant parcels see Appendix 2. E Littlejohn 14 0 d APB EkE, ,, ICI py SK1,6,1_ (_J 71 `fI-)I I �ear'4'S /6s[ SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Existing Land Use Parcel Count Acres Percent Agriculture 1 18.72 4.97% Commercial 100 26.45 7.02% Dedicated Area 24 42.60 11.32% Hotel /Motel 1 1.67 0.44% Industrial 19 8.34 2.21% Institutional 17 36.56 9.71% Office 108 28.72 7.63% Public 47 77.18 20.50% Recreation 3 0.38 0.10% Residential Multifamily 78 55.90 14.85% Residential Single Family 18 9.21 2.45% Vacant 98 70.76 18.79% Total 514 376.48 100.00% Source: Seminole County Property Appraiser, 2015. Compared to the 2009 Finding of Necessity, the report utilized to expand and contract the CRA, the current make -up of the CRA uses is not much different. Vacant lands have remained relatively constant, agricultural lands have decreased slightly, public lands have remained constant and single family residential use has remained the same. The largest difference between the land uses from 2009 and 2015 is the diminution of approximately 15 acres of multifamily residential land that was removed from the CRA in 2009. 0 Littlejohn 15 Legend �`'" °• Existing Land Use !, Hotel /Motel Y4lu���ffPl Recreation ! Parcels Agriculture Industrial Residential Multifamily LMWDS -CRA Commercial Institutional Residential Single Famlity City Boundary 4 Dedicated Area Office r; Vacant OAK DR .K Public FM '4 �. t3 �<& Mon Y0..P2 . Sourca'..SCPA, City ot Sanford, and ..Littlejohn, 2015, 0 Feet 0 625 1,250 2,500 3,750 5,000 0 w O Z �. 2 �' VENETIAN BAY CIR � m NA CISSU57wE r r yy 1 a,AtgNp �� o�j� ` FUL fU� Y FMiNa /NCO '.I w ! T a T ; L ONCST a L2 O (Y 8GY0 ', / / Z O r O PoMwwa otr� l/ � pp T% I q z J" i f a a TI1S Wt ,A _ a ... Z I Y,f ... 1 ! I r'D 0 5Rg6 I T J IY 10 l / 1ii ST -¢ O p I r ., wM W W]N�6i t....�. - Q W 1N D`ST. J ...... ..» IF'-J Z W.]NII J T/ ,� a E3F65f , i W:3NDST a �. 1, ''77 ) ¢ B a ? ,'. I r LE C7' O ,.., <,- •. -• i /T z ; ST O a EgTH ST .. W qTH SY O a TIH O a E,t a ;... 5 a y/ J 4TH ST -O O ". W4b W TH �y S•_ r ST S 5T 3 D 5� „Q w 5T E 5711 T WiVi Si ,n .. - i I 0 rL I" W6TH ST W6TH5T g 'T E6TH ST tt I' ...]Ell . i .I -..._ '1� l <� ,�a ,. 11w .. .. ', a ?¢' a n .. H ST MITH ST w 2TN ST 1 a �.: oo i1 i. it it �. 4s 1 111 w ,( o I II " i i ! 1 .J .m., _ j w �I _ EBTH a\ W,;TH 5T i, 1 6T a ...._ I al � weTHSr y ! � I ' _. YH 57 .. h O w JEWS W 9 1 uw� > g g a� W TN, 9H5T.: T w Q 5 v i p . l 6 r J { ..:1 3..f fST. k ,{ !r a 1. ..� Littlejohn Existing Land Use Map LAKE MONROE WATERFRONT AND DOWNTOWN SANFORD CRA (LMWDS -CRA) CI—IAI'TI:" :;. h`F�''e'�kl .F,L t:_. `,.rS& ,"; AF NI' I' SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Future Land Use The Sanford Community Redevelopment Area is comprised of three future land use categories (Waterfront /Downtown Business District, Resource Protection, and Parks, Recreation and Open Space). The Waterfront /Downtown Business District future land use was developed specifically for the LNAVDS -CRA and consequently, is the dominant category of the CRA, accounting for over 96 percent of its land area. The remaining land area, approximately 3 percent of the CRA, is made up of both Resource Protection and Parks, Recreation and Open Space future land uses. There have been no changes to the future land use map within the CRA since 2009. Table 2 below shows the acres and percent of each future land use category and Map 3 on the following page shows the location of these categories by parcel within the LMWDS -CRA. Future Land Use Acres Percent Parks, Recreation and Open Space 5.52 1.46% Resource Protection 7.26 1.92% Waterfront /Downtown Business District 364.69 96.61% Total 377.47 100.00% Source: City of Sanford, 2015. After a thorough review of the adopted future land use map and the policies that regulate the future development of the CRA, no new changes are recommended to the map or policies. At the time this report was prepared, the City was in the process of evaluating proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Element that would allow more flexibility of the type of development within the Waterfront /Downtown Business District. These considerations are expected to provide a more developer friendly landscape and to help facilitate the City's vision of the future waterfront area. E Littlejohn Legend Future Land Use ®_ Parcels Parks, Recreation and Open Space City Boundary llll�ull Resource Protection LMWDS -CRA Waterfront /Downtown Business District Monroe OAK DR Monroe Source, SCPA, City of Sanford, and Littlejohn, 2015. 11 Feet 1� 5 � a 0 625 1,250 2,500 3,750 5,000 o rr ~ > Z m f l /������ g m � �� ,��' % / /��� A' °plpn /J/� n r�. %/ / %.l� % /.. 1�, � USH >•/.9x —�� � � o .. NA CISSUS'AVI > w �I — /�� JI /� i Li/ I / /1 / l/ / ,.OI /r0,. Gr /inrf 'r n,.l%Iw ,>, r�O44YllJ�➢: i' / : / r ,> .. �rr/ /, /,c�,.w ! / I / /, /fll,iz!%. �. Y, /z.i , ✓r /Jn/, ��/'P� // /�uz�.c�Grz /m/?'1 "SM� �,�riii''///G,rS �jlo _ O ... > w ..µ .WSR. 6 r l/J tST �Y ✓ rG W's _ ..�I... .: PI ai .> .o. .? I.r..l .�'...� 4 AI. ;. 6II I.,� % C1 /ru 'Dam rd �i. /4 :/ ,,.,.. 1(�'r "✓/rat U% �r �>%J. �a� � ,O/ ZE I'i 11 "I'� � 111, W.3ND ST - Y G NDST/ JE]ND ST) / /Oif i""f¢jeG�f /Z...._FI. p ✓, 11 /I l � �'' a LE w a H ST O [ :a: W41N5T y'O EgTHST / %%/ W4THSTJ .. W T a/ r— EaTH ST i O Oa It� gTdi _ �.� WSTHIT > I, WSTFI T Y ¢._ ESTN�TI j� W5TH 5T� ¢ f Md �J 6� T 4 /� .. = a '{ a a ST W6TH ST 'l �g W TN �H "� rw W7 TN ST p 6 k{ t ST 1 -^^1 T a k 1' E Z W:1 "r 1' T l/ t o '> a fa. i. ,. wBTH ST t 8TH 5T r O j �. EBTHS �� TH 57 7 a �i O a a JEWE TT LIN .... rIW9 4 l E THST r _:. 9 3 O 5 r J {{ W�9T ST 1 -1 'A ELii* Future Land Use Map LAKE MONROE WATERFRONT AND DOWNTOWN SANFORD CRA (LMWDS -CRA) ,. I.....I! IMC I�R,, ,b I.AH I SK AL CONDp.. ASS SS ,A '.I I..�... SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN The CRA is comprised of nine zoning districts, which range from Agriculture to Special Commercial. Multiple - Family Residential- Office - Institutional (RMOI) occupies the largest amount of land within the CRA at nearly 38 percent. The next district of significance, according to size, is Special Commercial (SC -3) that makes up approximately 27 percent of the CRA. In addition to the RMOI district, there are two other multifamily residential districts represented in the redevelopment area. Table 3 below shows the parcel count, acres, and percent of each zoning district category and Map 4 on the following page shows the location of these categories by parcel within the LMWDS- CRA. Zoning District Parcel Count Acres Percent Agriculture (AG) 1 8.44 2.23% General Commercial (GC2) 19 64.35 16.99% Medium Industrial (MI2) 1 19.38 5.12% Multifamily Residential (MR1) 1 0.69 0.18% Multifamily Residential (MR3) 1 13.45 3.55% Planned Development (PD) 3 21.92 5.79% Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PRO) 4 5.44 1.44% Multiple - Family Residential- Office - Institutional (RMOI) 14 143.72 37.95% Special Commercial (SC3) 1 76 101.34 26.76% Total 120 378.73 100.00% Source: City of Sanford, 2015. Additionally, the Waterfront CRA is subject to three overlay districts and a historic district. The three districts include the Riverfront, Midtown, and Downtown overlays. These overlays were established to address the desired urban character and form of Sanford's downtown and waterfront areas. E Littlejohn 19 OAK DR Legend Zoning medium industrial Parks, Recerealon, Open Space Parcels Agriculture Multi Family Residential 8 du/cc Multi Family Residential /Office /Institutional tj City Boundary General Commercial Multi Family Residential 20 du/ac special Commercial LMWDS-CRA Planned Development Lake MonroL Source SCPA. Crty of Sanford. and LnfleJonn, 2:1b, Feet 0 625 1,250 2,500 3,750 5,000 W-MINJ j V�qni l J j -- I Zoning Map M Liottkjeohl I LAKE MONROE WATERFRONT AND DOWNTOWN SANFORD CRA (LMWDS-CRA) Pl...h Si 'AL C ONDP K )1',,,1S ASS SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Floodplainss Due to the CRA's adjacency to Lake Monroe, the presence of floodplains persist throughout the redevelopment district. As shown on Map 5 on the following page, the 100 -year floodplain extends from the edge of Lake Monroe as far south as 1" Street in the eastern portion of the CRA and Fulton Street in the western portion. The expanse of the 100 -year floodplain covers approximately 116 acres of the CRA, which accounts for 25 percent of the total redevelopment area. Additionally, the floodplain travels across the CRA along the Poplar Avenue corridor in a serpentine pattern. The existence of a floodplain does not necessarily mean that flooding occurs during every rain event. According to the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), the risk of a flood event is approximately 1 percent a year within a 100 -year floodplain and a 0.2 percent risk per year of a flood event within a 500 -year floodplain. Nonetheless, flooding is still a significant concern affecting the CRA. The areas in the CRA under the 100 -year floodplain are still at risk of flooding and, consequently, face an additional challenge to attract investment and redevelopment compared to areas clear of any floodplains. E Littlejohn 21 Legend 100-Year Floodplain Parcels City Boundary O LMWDS-CRA NO Lifflejohn a I Floodplains LAKE MONROE WATERFRONT AND DOWNTOWN SANFORD CRA (LMWDS-CRA) 0 [C NC L Iew 3: PHYSIC/0, )'OC I[)I I K—)',f`" Cr >`:f. >.`:;1� ✓�� �E,�.�. SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN I Although a large portion of the CRA has been developed, there are several expanses of wetlands that have been preserved, as shown on Map 6 on the following page. In total, approximately 26 acres of wetlands exist within the CRA boundary, according to the St. Johns River Water Management District Land Use Cover database. The wetlands displayed on Map 6 represent areas identified through aerial photography and have not been officially delineated by an ecologist or the district. Depending on the extent and quality of the wetlands, development may be required to mitigate for encroachments into the delineated wetland areas. E Littlejohn 23 ' Legend Wetlands Parcels f I . � City Boundary LMWDS -CRA C..HWJIT i .A I I 5Y4.a4f4.. . €_vl L fYlrll "f:.l /4,YsIl ..)f t k{ SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Transportation Network ork The transportation network within the CRA is comprised of multiple modes of travel, including vehicular, transit, pedestrian, and bicycle travel. Much of the downtown area is served by an established gridded street network that, for the most part, is still intact from its early development during the late 19"' century. Typical block dimensions for the commercial downtown area fall roughly within a 250 feet square while blocks adjacent to the waterfront vary widely. The vehicular network, as shown on Map 7 on the following pages, serves the CRA and surrounding neighborhoods through an established system of arterials, collectors, and local roads. Two regionally significant arterial roads providing regional connections into the heart of the CRA are US 17 -92 (French Avenue) and State Road 46 (V Street). Park Avenue, Mellonville Avenue, and Sanford Avenue serve as collectors, feeding traffic from the local roads throughout the CRA into arterials and other major roads. Table 4 below shows the arterials and collectors are all operating efficiently within its adopted level of service (LOS). On the other hand, the component of the vehicular network that is lacking is parking, which has also been stated as an issue by residents and business owners in previous public workshops. The CRA area has been designated by the City as a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA). Roadway & Segment Roadway Traffic Volume LOS / Service Volume Type (2014) (at adapted standard) US 17 -92: Seminole Blvd to State Route 46 Arterial 13,473 E / 34,500 State Road 46: Airport Blvd to US 17 -92 Arterial 21,376 D / 35,700 Park Avenue: Seminole Blvd to State Route 46 Collector 2,171 D / 14,600 Mellonville Avenue: Seminole Blvd to State Route 46 Collector 4,544 D / 14,600 Source: Public Works, City of Sanford, 2015; City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan, 2010 Pedestrian and bicycle access is provided on much of the gridded street network, via sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and multi -use paths along right -of -ways, shown on Map 7. Extending from Monroe View Trail to Mellonville Avenue, the Sanford RiverWalk is a 12 -foot wide mutli-use path that provides pedestrian and bicycle travel, recreation, and public access to the waterfront. Map 7 shows E Littlejohn 25 ( 11..1p�f �hcl �('Y"'yI(�'pM1 ��"y131, /I'I AP �O�Jy..�,A�I�'., pf�i k,.'.j' (. "(")[Y,,ll DL ''f II_E..�(��8p4�..?p A"t �,+l `Ip,'..S[yr'k ��/A PLAN �1. i. f,. Sl�N ORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT MENl C LAN the location of the RiverWalk multi -use path and the proposed phase III extension to Interstate 4 along Seminole Boulevard. The construction of the final 2.2 miles, phase III, is anticipated to commence in fiscal year 2017/2018. In 2009, the RiverWalk received international recognition for urban plazas and nature spaces by the International Making Cities Livable (IMCL) Council. It was designated a Florida scenic route and boasts the longest shoreline fishing area in Florida. Ultimately the RiverWalk is envisioned to connect Sanford to the Coast -to -Coast Cross Florida Trail. An estimated 30,000 people visit the Sanford RiverWalk annually. Transit serves the CRA via 3 LYNX bus routes and the SunRail railroad commuter line, shown on Map 7. The LYNX bus routes — 34, 46E, and 46W — primarily cover State Road 46, US 17 -92, and Mangoustine Avenue with multiple bus stops. The SunRail station, located within half a mile to west of the CRA boundary, provides 17 trips northbound and southbound each on weekdays and connections to the LYNX bus system. 0 Littlejohn 26 Legend -+-4 - SunRail Line Trails Arterials SunRail Station a Existing - Collectors I Railroads aammma Proposed - Local Roads l -f i � LMWDS -CRA y,l LYNX Bus Routes E____ OAKOR La r ( Lake �1Un4"G7 f9 �y Source SCPA, SJRWMD, City of Sanford, and Littlejohn, 2015. w Feet 0 625 1,250 2,500 3,750 5,000 �0 I s 17` VENETIAN BAY CIRI� ..... NARCISSUS AVEJ..,,,...... �M`�O Mn W,4 'I 11 Furao > 1 1., -..1 ..... ... Z FULTON 5T NSr a p S M y0 ° / a e ogRCJ Fmi p w r 1 z � 46 . , 57STMyy 1 W3ND5T- ,�, WIND ST.,.. _.. Y - w.. y ypaM`j 'mod k0 m1''//x ND,fST 4E,�ND1STmm do-.:. µ 4 c O T� -� �_ , ¢ O WA t Iy' i -W4TH ST - - N ST_ L -W 57H ST O Gtap 6mrk PNk a Imo. ''�....� Tri w SE Pmv4 ;H y .__WSTN Pmvk 1 a 4TH 5T ¢ ..._ - W TH ST� S a!' �..W STT EST NHS _... I ST w _ry w 1 �w a �L � � Q�p .n e ¢ � W 6TH S l _.�. -.. _...._. ¢ "' "a, "4 14 w._ Z I...ky,T� S*rr ¢�� ff _ W 6I H ST -:- - -- =� 6TH ST ,a, 539 P 7THST mo 9Z E8 �1 WBTHST ¢ 4 � „¢ -,�._ ru ......_E,4H �^�p._ : O Z {{_ -WBTN ST� HST, � W gTHST ¢ .J WgTH ST -,i -1 „ �. � P.wk II9. 17 I n P r u d $ w � Wg HST. _ _ i— _.._ EgTH ST` O w z m SIc - L _aCawNbro Pe, Nlnls ,Recoelan Cm• �- S ¢ e _.i._ -. _.__I._W to NST ... _. .__ ._...I_..- �..___ __ "Eto7114 —,.� M Littlejohn Transportation Network Map LAKE MONROE WATERFRONT AND DOWNTOWN SANFORD CRA (LMWDS -CRA) C.14,* P°ER 3: P IYS Is 41 (,()NN .71" r AS J.SsiyM'N F SAI',IFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Water ffiftastructure The City of Sanford provides potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water for the city's residential, commercial, light industrial, agricultural, and rural areas. As shown on Map 8 on the following page, the CRA houses a water treatment plant and is served by an extensive system of water and sewer lines. As described in the Floodplains sections above, the stormwater mitigation system does not currently address and mitigate all the areas within the CRA prone to flooding. Efforts to mitigate flooding along 2 °`' Street and adjacent properties have been accomplished successfully through a stormwater system. E Littlejohn 28 (:1I.IA6 f:I' X. I'I IYSICA4_ f ND flC)r',VS AS S i ., SMI.;r °,I� SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Historic esourc; s As a city with a rich history, the LMWDS -CRA and surrounding neighborhoods contain numerous historic structures and two historic districts. Completely within the CRA, the Commercial Historic District was listed on the National Register in 1976 and contains 26 contributing structures. Sharing 5 blocks on its northwest corner with the CRA, the Old Sanford Residential Historic District was listed on the National Register in 1989 and contains 14 contributing structures located within the CRA. Of particular note being listed on the National Register within the CRA is the Ritz Theater, which currently houses the Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center. The two historic districts, in context of the LMWDS -CRA, are shown on Map 9 on the following page. In addition to historic preservation, the City of Sanford also hosts a series of tours to celebrate its history and heritage. The Pathways to History tours emphasize the city's development, technology, architecture, African American History, and military and veteran history. The tours offered within the CRA cover the Downtown Commercial Historic District, the Old Sanford Residential Historic District, the Waterfront Development, the Georgetown neighborhood and Sanford Avenue, and the area's historic parks. E Littlejohn 30 Legend " w Commercial Historic District Old Sanford Residential Historic District �" LMWDS-CRA OAK OR \ \\ Source SCPA SJRWMD City of Sanford, and EitUelahn 2015, Lake Monroe Feet �y \, 0 625 1,250 2,500 3,750 5,000 o o i.... `x ti a d I ✓ q I r �� , { d I 1 - .•. f VEN --_... btamvglPUk !� NA ETIANBAYIIRj i jf ^}^ I fryr 1{F ply ' RCISS SAVU, 1. ON I.�,.. ST� �} ( bN ST O f 0-. r.. x 111 ¢ ✓ _ I I' &.IEf 1 _SIuL :!...�I I� r 041 g ,I ,. i rMbbnPx �.;� � r fir Y .� ..�.. >]...�� 1 IS°- `k z 7 wsr `�` 4�� r _ A .. ¢ � i @ iv IILiml•, } IA.g��fsT I It yI _.. 0 d { z ¢ '::� ... I W N Bs z �2y 11 W 2ND ST g q .+ I i III, O „I 3"� d z Z RD STw ¢ V .. ¢ I. f w'{ ,�4'^yq 5rvh z a - M ROSE ST '' 4TH ST i.. v¢i 0 Z 0 W.4TH ST ` ^¢ M1 EyTH. T �" ,t .._ z I_ Pe,kW 4 `O C = }{ � '- WSTHST ps Ela.kP '� I ¢ r E4TH ST C s T ¢ 5 z i... �.' STH S. 'WSTH ST aV STH`ST E5iF{5T 4 i ': F I 1 I ✓ qW W { ¢ O > y`� hu lt( .. 1 3W6TH 57 :' -- 6 b"m, ""W pTHST gb b ¢ E15THST - ¢ J ,¢ W 7TN ST d ` S , My�^MWTHy5T 4 E 7THT Sd O w U I U I � !' B , Y E :.. T v� O W BTH ST.:.y, 9TH Sy� f "1 ST �5anla 4TH ' j ,Y. ¢ ,z N .... . r ItanwrV ,. I I j O "Wt J j a. r is n0TH�5T�.i�ti r M >_ 1. I Wcatsu'¢iitat mnkMCanb� ' j , "i.,. .EtoTHST_ MLil " Historic Resources Map LAKE MONROE WATERFRONT AND DOWNTOWN SANFORD CRA (LMWDS -CRA) {. ('.£'..!i (") /v/d(.. (. C)I`' ^H)� E I0 1' r A`r,;aH"PP AI �ti i,.l. SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN �: 1 ' ` '4 �ti � i , � ` 1; ' ; 11 Market Analysis I. Housing Stock The LMWDS -CRA contains 514 parcels encompassing approximately 377 acres. The total population of the CRA is approximately 1,870 persons, comprised of 938 households and 1,371 housing units`. 122 of the 938 (-13 %) households are owner occupied with 816 of the 938 households ( -87 9/6) are renter - occupied. The median age (year built) of structures in the LMWDS -CRA underscores the lack of recent residential development that has occurred in the CRA during the last 15 -20 years. Table 5 shows the years the residential structures were built within the CRA. Table Age of Housing Units By Year Structure Built 2008 -2012 ACS Percent Built 2010 or Later 0 0.0% Built 2000 -2009 203 14.8% Built 1990 to 1999 205 15.0% Built 1980 to 1989 327 23.9% Built 1970 to 1979 160 11.7% Built 1960 to 1969 113 8.2% Built 1950 to 1959 107 7.8% Built 1940 to 1949 7 0.5% Built 1939 or earlier 249 18.2% Total 1,371 100% Median Year Structure Built 1982 Source: American Community Survey 2008 -2012 Estimate, US Census, ESRI BAC), 2015. 'American Community Survey 2008 -2012 Estimate, US Census, ESRI BAO, 2015. E Littlejohn 32 C;I- W1FE i e (II10I`�6t.. /OK C(:')', l ")l l F SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN II. Occupied Units by Year Householder Moved Into Unit Reviewing the year that residents moved into particular housing units can identify periods of population growth within the LMWDS -CRA. Since 1969, the period that saw the largest number of residents move into owner - occupied residential units the CRA was the period of 2000 -2009 when 66 owner occupied housing units became occupied'. This influx of owner- occupied units in the LM`y1DS -CRA represents 54% of the owner - occupied units in the CRA. The same period 2000 -2009 also saw the largest influx of residents into renter- occupied structures within the CRA with 566 units becoming renter occupied. This 2000- 2009 period is contemporaneous with the completion of many of the streetscape and public realm improvements within the CRA and reinforces the relationship between public infrastructure investments within the CRA and increased residential and private sector economic activity within the CRA. Table 6 shows the years the residential units became occupied within the CRA. Housing Units By Year Occupied by Householder 2008 -2012 ACS Percent Owner Occupied Moved in 2010 or Later 7 0.7% Moved in 2000 -2009 66 7.0% Moved in 1990 to 1999 22 2.3% Moved in 1980 to 1989 18 1.9% Moved in 1970 to 1979 1 0.1% Moved in 1969 or earlier 8 0.9% Renter Occupied Moved in 2010 or Later 166 17.1% Moved in 2000 -2009 566 60.3% Moved in 1990 to 1999 86 9.2% Moved in 1980 to 1989 3 0.3% Moved in 1970 to 1979 0 0.0% Moved in 1969 or earlier 0 0.0% 5 American Community Survey 2008 -2012 Estimate, US Census, ESR.I BAC), 2015. M Littlejohn 33 C1: in fi t FC11(,) I �E " ") /�lEEG `0ND1T)l ")N SANG =ORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Housing Units By Year Occupied by Householder 2008 -2012 ACS Percent Median Year Householder Moved Into Unit 2005 Source: American Community Survey 2008 -2012 Estimate, US Census, ESRI BAO, 2015. III. Median Home Values and Contract Rent The median home value for owner - occupied houses within the LMWDS -CRA is $110,417.00. This amount is lower than the median home value citywide in City of Sanford of $112,000.00 and lower than the median home value in Seminole County of $219,000. The median contract rent for renter occupied units within the LMWDS -CRA is $601.00 per month. This amount is lower than the median contract rent citywide in City of Sanford of $1,034.00 and lower than the median contract rent in Seminole County of $782.00 per month'. IV. Household Incomes The median household income within the LMWDS -CRA is $19,177.00 This amount is lower than the median household income citywide in City of Sanford of $43,470.00 and lower than the median household income in Seminole County of $58,175.008. V. Lifestyle Tapestry Segments in the CRA Tapestry segmentation provides an accurate, detailed description of America's neighborhoods —U.S. residential areas are divided into 67 distinctive segments based on their socioeconomic and demographic composition. The LMWDS -CRA was evaluated to identify the composition of its tapestry segments. The top -5 Tapestry Segments for the CRA are shown in Table 7. The tapestry segments within the CRA present a population comprised of young single - parent families, older retirees, young families and start -up households and an international blend of younger families and renters. The recurring theme in this tapestry segment analysis is that of a preponderance of renters versus home owners and a middle to lower household income level. G American Community Survey 2008 -2012 Estimate, US Census, ESRI BAO, 2015. City-Data, 2015 and Sperling's Best Places, 2015. 7 American Community Survey 2008 -2012 Estimate, US Census, ESRI BAO, 2015. City-Data, 2015 and Sperling's Best Places, 2015, based on 2- bedroom unit. 8 American Community Survey 2008 -2012 Estimate, US Census, ESRI BAO, 2015. E Littlejohn 34 C F1 hi R C r,.: }l t1 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Tapestry Segment -2014 Households Percent Cumulative Percent City Commons 31.5% 31.5% Social Security Set 28.1% 59.6% Old and New Comers 26.2% 85.8% Metro Fusion 10.8% 96.6% Modest Income Homes 3.3% 99.9% Source: ESRI BAO, 2015. VI. Tapestry Segment DetaiV City Commons This segment is one of Tapestry's youngest and largest markets, primarily comprised of single - parent and single - person households living within cities. While more than a third have a college degree or spent some time in college, nearly a third have not finished high school, which has a profound effect on their economic circumstance. However, that has not dampened their aspiration to strive for the best for themselves and their children. Social Security Set Social Security Set is an older market located in metropolitan cities across the country. Over one -third of householders here are aged 65 or older and dependent on low, fixed incomes, primarily Social Security. In the aftermath of the Great Recession, early retirement is now a dream for many approaching the retirement age; wages and salary income in this market are still earned. Residents may live alone in lower -rent, high -rise buildings, located in or close to business districts that attract heavy daytime traffic. But they enjoy the hustle and bustle of life in the heart of the city, with the added benefit of access to hospitals, community centers, and public transportation. 9 ESRI BAO Tapestry Segmentation data, 2015. N Littlejohn 35 SANFOPD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Old and Newcomers This market features singles' lifestyles, on a budget. The focus is more on convenience than consumerism, economy over acquisition. Old and Newcomers is composed of neighborhoods in transition, populated by renters who are just beginning their careers or retiring. Some are still in college; some are taking adult education classes. They support environmental causes and Starbucks. Age is not always obvious from their economic choices. Metro Fusion Metro Fusion is a young, diverse market. Many residents have moved into their homes recently. Over three quarters of households are occupied by renters. Many households have young children; a quarter are single - parent families. Metro Fusion is a hard - working market with residents that are dedicated to climbing the ladders of their professional and social lives. This is particularly difficult for the single parents due to median incomes that are 35% lower than the US level. Modest Income Homes Families in this urban segment may be nontraditional; however, their religious faith and family values guide their modest lifestyles. Many residents are primary caregivers to their elderly family members. Jobs are not always easy to come by, but wages and salary income are still the main sources of income for most households. Reliance on Social Security and public assistance income is necessary to support single- parent and multigenerational families. High poverty rates in this market make it difficult to make ends meet. Nonetheless, rents are relatively low, public transportation is available, and Medicaid can assist families in need. E Littlejohn 36 I -` AST A I r, d,.aR l I" PI. "N' 11 °ifh €G: II II'l, /AT lV(.'� SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN! Chapter 5: Past and Current Planning Initiatives Past Planning Initiatives I. Redevelopment Plan and Finding of Necessity for the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area The City of Sanford CRA was initially established by City - Resolution in 1995. The Redevelopment Plan and Finding of Necessity for the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area was originally drafted in 1995 and last updated in 2009. The Finding of Necessity describes the following examples of blight within the CRA: faulty surface water drainage systems, deteriorating bulkhead; deteriorating streets, irregular brick streets, and broken sidewalks; faulty lot layout and diversity of ownership; structures needing rehabilitation and renovation; inadequate parking facilities; loss of offices and retail commercial businesses; and environmental blight caused by midges. The ultimate goal for the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area is to "enable Sanford and Seminole County to realize the dream of the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford becoming an exciting regional activity center for business, government, and recreation." The following goals were devised for this CRA: aggressively pursue redevelopment and revitalization; establish downtown as a regional center; create a family - oriented, lakefront activity center; integrate downtown - waterfront in both function and transportation; and improve neighborhood conditions in both physical and social quality. The plan update of 2009 describes progress achieved as a result of this CRA, including reduction of blight, the success of downtown businesses, and the revitalization of the downtown and waterfront areas. The update also emphasizes continuing or expanding projects initially outlined in the original Community Redevelopment Plan and provides a list of capital improvement projects prioritized for completion by the end of the CRA period in September of 2015. Some of these projects include streetscape improvements — which have been underway on 1st Street and Sanford Avenue, facade grant improvement programs and other property improvement incentive programs, marina improvements, and midge /mosquito solutions. M Littlejohn 37 I Ad'] FR PAS AND 6 "IJR'', d [ Ni',JIIPA [ FI' SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN II. Downtown Sanford /Lake Monroe Waterfront Redevelopment Plan The intention of this plan /marketing piece was to combine economic development strategies with physical planning opportunities in the Downtown and Lake Monroe waterfront areas in order to transform Sanford into a major anchor in the region. The plan was completed in 2000 and highlights the city's prominence as a hub for transportation and government offices, public and recreational amenities, and high- quality residences. On the other hand, the plan also emphasizes the waterfront's underutilized properties and inadequate access, lagging development relative to Seminole County, and declining market and demographics needed to support businesses in the city's core. The plan's redevelopment strategies focus on marketing opportunity sites for mixed -uses, targeting specific investors, engaging in public- private partnerships, and leveraging the city's historic and administrative assets. More specifically, the plan calls for several streetscape improvements to trigger private investment and link the historic downtown to the waterfront, incorporating public parking facilities in strategic locations, and developing signage and gateway programs. Lastly, urban design concepts and land uses are proposed for the waterfront, the marina, the stretch along East 1" Street, Magnolia Square, and Fort Mellon Park. III. A Plan for Downtown Sanford Completed in 2002, the purpose of this plan was to develop a unified vision to guide the redevelopment of Downtown Sanford into a premier destination in Central Florida. Many of the recommendations from this plan have influenced the projects within the Downtown Waterfront CRA. Stakeholder interviews, surveys, and design workshops led to 6 main strategies focusing on connections, public access, main streets, residential and mixed -use infill, gateways and districts, and downtown parks and lake access. The strategies for connections emphasize shaded amenities, bike lanes, sidewalks, and pedestrian - friendly streets connecting neighborhoods to downtown and the waterfront. To reinforce the waterfront's presence, the plan recommends increasing public access to the waterfront by providing parkway streets, creating activity nodes along the water, and reestablishing the marina as a civic space. The concepts of main streets, residential or mixed - use infill, and gateways and districts are advanced through incentives for historic M Littlejohn 38 5 IAA` >I', J, :..CwA "r',h:P�lf I'I, k'•II14r�E�� IiYN'f1 V��1�,�:; SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN rehabilitation, urban design elements, and conformance of projects to the character of the district and the city's vision and development codes. In addition, the plan's strategies also reinforce connections and presence to Downtown parks while emphasizing downtown redevelopment in and around the marina, the City Hall and Seminole County Courthouse, the 151 Street commercial area, and the proposed Sanford Conference Center and Hotel. Detailed illustrations, master plans, and proposals guide the plan's strategies to specific areas and streets in Downtown, Memorial Park, Fort Mellon Park, and the Riverwalk. IV. Cultural Corridor 2006 marked the designation of Sanford Avenue, between 1st Street and 6th Street, as a cultural corridor by the City Commission and CRA. The designation sought to implement redevelopment initiatives along one of the Downtown's primary corridors through a creative, workable, and cost- effective concept. Although similar in land use and character, the Sanford Avenue streetscape of the six -block area was designed to have its own identity than Sanford's other primary commercial corridor, 1st Street. Sanford Avenue's unique design features include the City's first public art in addition to heritage markers and interpretative signage explaining the historical significance of the area. At a cost of $2.4 million, the Sanford Avenue streetscape was constructed beginning September 2013 and completed in the summer of 2014. V. Sanford Comprehensive Plan The Sanford Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2010, is organized into ten plan elements that address the city's land development and growth. The Future Land Use Element clearly prioritizes development and redevelopment of economically disadvantaged areas within Sanford. Policies throughout the plan address the need for increased economic development efforts. Several policies refer to promoting public and private sector partnerships to further redevelopment goals, and the City's responsibility to provide economic development incentives including but not limited to ad valorem tax exemptions. Other important policies in the Future Land Use Element to note include: designating neighborhood and general commercial nodes throughout the City, encouraging planned and mixed -use developments, promoting high intensity development in designated districts, establishing aesthetic cohesiveness in historic downtown and waterfront, improving accessibility to the waterfront, E Littlejohn 39 f,fll'.N'.E�`,,1[ fldHIIJTv /J �S SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN designating regional activity centers, promoting urban infill redevelopment, and implementing small area master plans. Furthermore, in addition to three Community Redevelopment Areas (CRAs), the City also identified the Waterfront and Downtown District as a targeted activity centers to focus higher intensity development. VI. Imagine Sanford Imagine Sanford was a large scale community visioning and strategic planning process for the City of Sanford. The final vision was substantiated through extensive community engagement taking place over three public workshops and a continuous online forum from fall 2012 to summer 2013. Many of the major takeaways from this planning process were centered on economic development. Some of Sanford's economic advantages identified through the visioning process were available industrial land, walkable downtown and historic district, waterfront, SunRail with adjacent greenfield land, and the Orlando Sanford airport. One notable consensus to come from the Imagine Sanford visioning is the need to update the regulatory and policy framework to encourage economic development. Specific actions for this include refocusing the City's development strategy, reforming zoning codes and developer incentives to increase mixed -use downtown development, and diversify residential zoning to promote transit oriented development around the SunRail station VII. Envision Seminole Strategic Plan for Economic Development in Seminole County In 2011, a Strategic Plan for Economic Development was adopted for all of Seminole County. The stated intent of this document was to establish a coordinated approach to economic development in Seminole County and to increase prosperity through growth in business with high paying, high value jobs. The planning process involved a task force of 26 business leaders in Seminole County to assess the County's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; and to develop recommendations and a strategy for continuing economic development. Among the identified strengths are education, transportation infrastructure, attractive and available land, natural resources and housing diversity; while the identified weaknesses include weak incentives for business, lack of synergy or communications, traffic congestion, higher property taxes, and student retention. This comprehensive document provides overarching recommendations as well as specific action items, responsible parties, funding sources, and performance measures. The primary 0 Littlejohn 40 SA,NI=OPD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN recommendation from the economic development task force was to maintain the task force as the Economic Development Advisory Council to carry forward the strategic plan recommendations and to establish an independent Seminole County Economic Development Organization (EDO). The EDO is to be founded on leadership from business, local partnerships, leadership from government, focus on redevelopment (specifically established CRAs), and focus on entrepreneurs. Specific action items the advisory council and EDO would oversee include establishing a program for business retention and expansion, a program to attract new businesses and start -ups, a comprehensive workforce development program and a comprehensive business development program. The primary conclusion of the Task Force was the identified need to establish a coordinated approach to economic development in Seminole County that involves guidance from the business community and which can be implemented by a team of economic development professionals. Furthermore, this approach should involve establishing a comprehensive workforce development program, promoting collaboration within the business community and developing a strong multimodal transportation system. Since adopting this plan in 2011, the County has worked towards adopting the recommendations as policies in order to spur and continue economic growth. Sanford is the largest city in Seminole County and will continue to benefit from this county -wide position in support of economic development. VIII. MetroPlan Orlando: Regional Northeast Corridor Study ( Aloma Spur Area Study) MetroPlan Orlando conducted a Corridor Study in 2014 to evaluate the existing conditions in the area along the Aloma Spur from the downtown Sanford SunRail station through Seminole County into the City of Winter Springs, the City of Oviedo and extending into Orange County to the UCF Campus. The purpose of the study is to find areas suitable for multi -modal opportunities that are available along the corridor. The study addresses the existing conditions along the corridor in six topic areas: socio- demographic characteristics, economic vitality, land use, mobility, travel demand, and environmental constraints. The land use section of the study focused on the opportunities present in Sanford's Downtown Business District. The business district offers spectacular view of Lake Monroe in addition to numerous restaurants, offices, art galleries, historic M Littlejohn 41 CH ,Pl"I IR „r. [= nu.,.�. r.f{:;� f,IJI'I�E�:1'i[ I'iJ,'C It iV� l�:: �NHH/),hNF,(`) SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN museums, multi -use trails and unique architecture. The downtown district also includes the Gateway at Riverwalk, a mixed -use complex with 250 luxury condominiums and townhouses and 25,000 square feet of commercial space developed along the shore of Lake Monroe. The Riverwalk trail is another major draw to residents, visitors and businesses. The multi -use paved trail is currently 1.2 miles, but when completed will be 5 miles long, connecting the downtown to the Central Florida Zoological Park and the Coast to Coast Cross -State Trail. Overall the study lauded Sanford's Downtown Business District as an example of an up -and- coming business district where constant improvements go hand -in -hand with historic preservation and economic development. IX. Sanford SunRail Station Area Bicycle & Pedestrian Connectivity Study This study, prepared by FDOT and SunRail, examined opportunities to maximize pedestrian and bicyclist connectivity and access to the Sanford SunRail Station. The study identified twelve potential projects (immediate, short term and long term) that would provide increased pedestrian and bicyclist connectivity to the Sanford SunRail station. The increased connectivity and ease of access to the Sanford SunRail station from the LMWDS -CRA area would assist the City's community redevelopment activities and increase the economic viability of the CRA parcels. The LMWDS -CRA should examine opportunities to assist with the development and implementation of the accessibility and connectivity projects that would serve the CRA area. The planned and programmed projects identified E Littlejohn 42 E..V...,1AIP V PAST f���I.�C,.,,F 4.URRFN If 4k,dV`I `1k..1 I `II flhAIIVF4S SANFORD COMMIJNFrY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Current Initiatives I. Riverfront Design Workshop LEA administered a planning and conceptual design workshop in August, 2014 with City staff and key community stakeholders to discuss and address potential development scenarios for parcels generally located in Sanford's downtown Riverfront district near East Seminole Boulevard and North Palmetto Avenue. The product of the workshop activities was the Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan. The Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan was presented to the City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission on September 18th, 2014 and to the Sanford Downtown Waterfront Community Redevelopment Agency on October 1st, 2014. Am Single Family Detached: 8 Units 1 1 Lot size approx: 45 "x 110" Detached rear garage with courtyard Attached Townhouse: 21 Units i »j G g , Unit size approx: 3 Story 25'x40' re/ , KV Parking in adjacent structure n»rrrfG t 2 Attached Townhouse /Multi - Family: 29 Units 3 Unit size approx: 3 story 25'x38' l r 2� �� "1 Parking under unit Access by alley -M; � a �� r c 6 V' Mixed Use: 19 Residential Flats 4 + Commercial retail ground floor x ar�iGan�yG Y Office or residential flat above. 4 4, 20,100 s.f. Retail r � SN ,(�1��/. 5': Hotel: 80 - 100 keys - 3 to 4 Story 4�' 44 �'� o� �� Ground floor retail on Sanford Avenue 9�088s.f. Parking Structure: 3 Story 240 S paces p ces r t »i 5 ` Parking Structure: 3 Story 285 Spaces 1 � I 7 �i �� if(�i6 urvrw / i imp The aspirational Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan proposes the development of an urban waterfront neighborhood that will include a mix of residential products (single - family detached, multi - family, and townhomes) office, hotel and commercial uses. The conceptual development program includes up to 75 residential units, over 29,000 sq.ft. of non- residential uses, parking structures and an 80 -90 key boutique hotel. The implementation and development of the City -owned parcels utilizing the themes presented in the Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan will address the City's four Strategic Priorities: Unify the E Littlejohn 43 ('L V, M'� F� ,' `5 PAS hC!E�x �,f.r('� >J::h�dl� f�'k.�iwll��l(�I�':'�a ft41IIAll`��'C > SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Downtown and the Waterfront; Promote the City's Distinct Culture; Update the City's Regulatory Framework; and, Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities. The City is actively marketing the development opportunities that were the product of the Riverfront Design `workshop. Public Input & Commutifty Workshops I. Workshop 1: Issue Identification and Prioritization On March 2 °`', 2015 the City of Sanford facilitated the first of two (2) Community Workshops to solicit public input for use in the update of the Community Redevelopment Plan. The purpose of this workshop was to receive public input from residents, business owners, government agencies, and stakeholders in order to develop a general consensus and guide the long -term direction of the LMWDS -CRA. Workshop participants were introduced to the CRA's history, past and existing conditions, accomplishments, and present a proposed list of preliminary programs and projects identified during the initial research and planning phases of the Community Redevelopment Plan update. A hands -on table exercise followed where participants utilized base maps of the CRA area and engaged in discussions to list issues and concerns affecting the CRA, propose recommendations, programs and projects for the CRA. The CRA base maps were marked -up by workshop participants to record the locations of specific projects and areas of concern. Lastly, the participants prioritized the identified issues in order to indicate the predominant issues, concerns, and recommendations the Community Redevelopment Plan should focus on. Table 8 below provides a prioritized list of the issues, concerns, and recommendations identified by participants during the workshop. Table 9 below groups and prioritizes the public input received into common themes reflected throughout the Community Redevelopment Plan. E Litklejohn 44 ( . I fs !'I R ,, "AE"' T P,I ID (1UI;4'f:N F I'i..A1,,` [4111 I II II I E "'JIV1 `1 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Public Input Number of Votes Connection from Sanford Avenue to Marina Island and Waterfront 8 Port and Marina Island rehabilitation 8 Event center needs to be demolished and /or repurposed 6 Gateway south of State Route 46 / 1st St 6 Connect Sunrail to Riverwalk 5 Community- oriented policing 5 Additional "Resto" in Downtown 4 2nd Street & Magnolia: parking garage 4 Marketing of Waterfront (+ day slips) 3 Fort Mellon Park: new amphitheater 2 Willow Tree building expansion: sports bar, waiting area, other 2 More bicycle racks 2 Repurpose the former CVS building 1 Building stabilization grants 1 Need for more parking 1 Mixed -use residential, office, and retail 1 Substandard housing and crime southeast of the CRA 1 Multi -modal access to the CRA 1 Expand the CRA south of State Route 46 1 Public Input Number of Votes Connections & Wayfinding 22 Renovation & Rehabilitation 17 Business & Marketing 15 Community & Safety 6 Expansion & Mix of Uses 2 0 Littlejohn 45 PAS .� M`dl) H/0]\/Fs SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN II. Workshop 2: Presentation of Preliminary Community Redevelopment Plan On March 16`h, 2015 the City of Sanford facilitated the second of two (2) Community Workshops to solicit public input for use in the update of the Community Redevelopment Plan. The purpose of this workshop was to present the findings and priorities from Community Workshop 1, present a revised list of proposed projects and programs and to solicit additional public input from residents, business owners, government agencies, and stakeholders. Workshop participants reviewed a proposed projects and programs list and also reviewed a map of the CRA showing the locations of the proposed improvements and targeted redevelopment opportunity sites. Workshop attendees then participated in a lively discussion regarding additional redevelopment opportunities and issues. Items identified and reinforced during the second Community Workshop included: Redevelopment activities should be well coordinated with the City's Historic Preservation Board when redevelopment projects are located within or have a significant impact upon the City's historic district. • Residential development along the waterfront would increase activity and eliminate `dead - zones'. • Parking needs of courthouse employees must be addressed as the Court House parking lot is redeveloped. • Additional parking structures may be needed in other areas of the CRA and not solely on the City owned parcels shown in the Waterfront Master Plan concept. M Littlejohn 46 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Chapter 6: Strategies es d Objectives The overarching goal of the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CRA is to increase private sector investment and economic activity within the CRA thus addressing the documented conditions and symptoms of blight. The following complementing strategies and objectives represent the operational directives of the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CRA through the 2025 planning period. The following strategies and their associated objectives are consistent with applicable controlling state Law. Fublic Infrastructure and Fr vate Sector Investment Continued investment and upgrading of deteriorating public infrastructure systems within the CRA is one of the redevelopment strategies to be utilized for the next ten (10) years. During the past twenty (20) years the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CRA has invested over $12M in public infrastructure within the CRA district. These improvements to the public infrastructure systems and public realm have improved public safety and health, incrementally addressed conditions of blight and stimulated increased private sector investment within the downtown area of the CRA and the adjacent historic district. The objectives of this strategy are to continue incremental improvements to public safety and health conditions, to protect and increase the values of existing private sector investment within the CRA and to encourage continued private sector development and investment within the CRA. Urban (In-Fill) Neighborhood Creation The creation of urban neighborhoods within the downtown and waterfront areas of the CRA is one of the development strategies to be pursued for the next phase of the CRA's operations. This strategy directly complements and builds upon the Infrastructure and Investment development strategy. The objectives of this strategy include increasing the median housing value within the downtown, increasing the activity level and vibrancy within the downtown district, utilization of vacant or underutilized parcels and increasing the localized demand for retail, including grocers, and other commercial services within the downtown district. M Littlejohn 47 SANI=ORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Catalyst t Project(S) Implementation The implementation of catalyst projects is a redevelopment strategy the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CRA has identified as integral to the continued successful redevelopment of the district. The City of Sanford has aggregated several vacant parcels within the downtown waterfront district and has developed several potential development scenarios for these parcels. These parcels and others may be utilized for potential catalyst projects to physically demonstrate the development opportunities available within the CRA. It is understood by the City and the CRA that catalyst projects are the initial projects to be developed in a stagnant or failing real estate markets that may face significant development constraints and financial risks when compared to traditional green field development. It is also understood that the development of catalyst projects may require the utilization and leveraging of public infrastructure, resources and creative, non - traditional financing methods to fully implement the projects. Requisite capital improvement projects to enable the implementation of the Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan catalyst projects are identified in the Phase I portion of the Implementation Plan, Table 10. The objectives for this strategy include the development of catalyst projects within the district. These projects will demonstrate the economic potential as well as the desired architectural style, development value and quality of construction for future development within the CRA. Concurrent objectives of this strategy include increasing the economic activity level and vibrancy within the downtown district, increasing the median housing value within the downtown, utilization of vacant or underutilized parcels and incrementally increasing the demand for retail and commercial services within the downtown district. Private Sector Investment Frogranis Stimulating additional private sector investment through the utilization of specific CRA programming is a redevelopment strategy to be utilized by the CRA during the next ten (10) years. The Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CRA has successfully utilized several programs to stimulate additional private sector investment within the CRA district. These programs have enabled private sector investors to develop within the CRA district that otherwise would not have occurred. The continued utilization of these programs, including but not limited to facade improvement programs, building stabilization programs, rental subsidies and other performance and M Littlejohn 48 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN investment based assistance programs has been identified by the CRA as a cost effective redevelopment strategy. The objective for this strategy is to enable creative private sector investment within the CRA that would not have otherwise occurred. Economic Development Partnerships The Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford CRA was created out of a shared vision between Seminole County Government and the City of Sanford in 1995. The many successful physical improvements, public infrastructure and private sector developments could not have been possible without the aforementioned partnership, partnerships with other public agencies and numerous private sector partnerships. The continued utilization of public and private economic development partnerships is a redevelopment strategy that will enable and encourage additional private sector development within the CRA district. The objectives for this strategy include leveraging additional public and private sector resources to cost - effectively enable continuing private sector investment and business retention and business recruitment activities within the CRA district. Projects and Progranis The projects and programs to implement the above strategies are organized in seven major groupings, including CRA Operations and Management, Land Use and Urban Form, Economic Development Programs and Property Improvement, Cultural and Historic Preservation, Transportation Improvements, Stormwater, and Utilities. Each of the major project and program groups address the aforementioned redevelopment strategies and also address the day -to -day operations and administration of the LMWDS -CRA. Each of these seven major project and program groups has several tasks and activities associated with it. The implementation plan presents these major project and program groups and associated tasks and activities in a tabular format. E Littlejohn 49 I- i/`,I'IF '/. llv�f'�.G.r� 4:I�•N.� "� llCu71 ^I SANFORD CC7mmui�uw REDEVELOPMEN -r PLAN The implementation plan provided below includes a ten -year, three phase schedule of potential projects and programs that may be undertaken by the CRA. The projects and programs are organized in seven major groupings, including CRA Operations and Management, Land Use and Urban Form, Economic Development Programs and Property Improvement, Cultural and Historic Preservation, Transportation Improvements, Stormwater, and Utilities. Proposed prioritization and scheduling of the projects and programs is shown by line per project. The first year of a project is shown with a general monetary cost estimate in the column of the proposed year of commencement of a program, construction project or design phase of an improvement. The proposed prioritization was determined through direction received from Seminole County, the City of Sanford, the LMWDS -CRA Board and at public workshops. The proposed prioritization was also influenced by the intent to continue the implementation of multi- year projects already underway from the previous (1995 and 2009) community redevelopment plans and their associated work efforts. The actual project and program implementation undertaken by the LMWDS -CRA will be based on the proximate and anticipated economic conditions and opportunities, availability of funds and the direction provided by the CRA Board. Dollar amounts assigned to each project and /or program are based on 2015 opinions of probable costs for design and construction costs using current industry standards and historical budgetary data10. Florida does not require that CRA implementation plans to be financially feasible and funding sources are not required to be identified by project. The primary source of funding for projects within the LMWDS -CRA will be the Tax Increment Fund (TIF). However, the estimated limited TIF for the next 10 year period cannot solely fund each and every project or program in their entirety. In order to maximize and fully leverage the available TIF, additional funding sources must be utilized that may include grants, private partnerships, bonds, or state /federal agency funds. io Littlejohn, CPH, 2014 -2015. E Littlejohn 50 PHASE PHASE2 T$276$282 item mmmimmm CRA Operationsand Management CRA Administration and Staffing IMA4tl, ',$917,300 ",, 5119,646 .. $122039 $124,480 $172,099 $134,741 $137,436 $1,259,218 Membershps.rd Dues `i$3,00b ;, ,`; S3,b69 ':" $3,121 ,. SIM $3,247 $3,446 $3,515 $3,585 $32,949 Subsaiptims i $250' ,, %$255 - :" $260 "' $265 $271 $287 $293 $299 $2737 TechnicaVPlanning Studies and Plans ;;$25,000' ", $2SA00 $25,000 $25,000 $25.000 $25,000 $25,000 $225,000 CRAManagement TrzMing $1,S9d '" ''$1,530";;, $1,661, $1,592 $1.624 $1,656 $1,689 $1,723 51,757 $1,793 $16,425 Land Use and Urban Fonn Annual review of LDR( Redevelpment Constraint Identification) CRA)Cily Stall ORAICi haff " Amand Future Land Use Element CRAIG Staff, CRA/CifyStaff Amend Zoning Overlays ' CRAICIlyStaff ". CRA /Ci Stag ,. Continue dialogue vltn Seminole County Regarding Redevelopment Partnerships '" "" CfUkfCRySM4 " " CRl�l6hy Slag - ConsultlSolicitmthUrbanDevelopers CRAICdy SMIf; 'CMICAyStilf Economic Development Programs and Property Improvement Fagade Grant Program ;$60,000 <, $60,000; ;, $60,000 $60,000 $60.000 S60, 000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $600,000 Rahabdletbn Interest Subsidy Program ;.;$30,000 "" z, $110,000 "'. $34,000 $30,000 $30.000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $380.000 Building Stabilization Grant Program ;534,049' " $75.000 '. STS,wO ' $76,811 $77,733 $78,665 $79,609 $80,565 561,531 $82.510 $738.324 Incubator Graduaterent subsidy program :$12000 ' :`$24,000''" "" $36,000 $36,432 $36.869 $37,312 $37,759 $38212 $38.671 $39,135 $336,391 Incubator Support "; $35,000; "" $751000 $75,900 $76,811 $77,733 $78,665 $79,609 $80,565 SB1,531 $660,814 Busmess Development Programs and Economic: Development Partnerships $15,900', " " $25,000' ' z 425,304 " $25,804 525,911 $26,222 $26,536 $26,855 $27,177 $27,503 $251,108 AmTrekf$unRaiVAI,port Shuttle $18,000 "'" `, $18,211 ; $18,435 $18,656 $18,880 $19,106 $19,336 $19,568 $19,802 $169,998 Initlate identification and cataloging of vacant parcels for development olmarketing brochure CRA /Cqy SfaB " Preparecatalog and marketing brochure ofvaunt opportunity sites located in CRA " $20.000 Prepare and d'rstrilule requests for development proposals (RFPIRFO) CRA /"8, CRA10*'Slaff Evaluate potential sites for parking structure development " "CRAICI'Btalf, CRAACit "8188 Evaluate vacant parcels form -use opportunities; lard banking and potential aggregation 6RA78dy9M0 "' - "' CRAI�,SWfi Set-aside Funds for Land AcquuntiordAssemby 1560,0011, " " $50,000 $50,000 550,000 $50,000 $50.000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $450,000 Prepare RFP for targeted redevelopment sites " CRA /Ci SMO '. 'CRAI SMO a Explore public/private partnershps CRAICI falf, CRAIG Staff Cultural and Historic preservation Support the City's Affordable Housing Development Programs within the CRA" "'$2S G00 $?SO9S $25,000 525,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $250,000 Evaluate Opportunities for Historic Building Preservation Grants AgAl*$1a8," 'CRA&0SIaH Support Local Cornmuniy, Oriented Poling Programs "SPD , "$5,090 $5,000'" $5,000 $5,000 55.000 $5,000 $5,000 '$5,000 $5,000 $45,000 Transportation, Maindenanoe and Capacity Development Programs Notes: Cossratect291bpr=g.-u= Janloraroute uepaeren[ romnom mwwg wwcea ,wprgm,fa--- w w-�- " . Streetscape, Chamber of Commerce renovation and Sanford Events Center opinions of probable costs provided by CPH Engineering, 2015. AN other opinions of probable costs provided by Littlejohn, 2015. Cost Estimation Aswmotions PHASE i PHASE 2 $15,000 �IIIIII II $15,000 IISI $15,000 II $15,000 m 5150,000 ,$15900 WOMMM `:$15,000 , $15,100 $15,00 $15,000 $15,000 Roadway inprovemm6 (Set- asides) Manna-Oriented'mprovements (SO-asides) ' ^:$10,000' $10900 $10.000 ' $10,000 $10,000 $10.000 $10,000 $10.000 $10,000 $10,000 5100,000 Amenities Improvements '- '.K000e '. $5900 r, "$5,000' $5.000 $5,000 $5,000 $5.000 55,000 55.000 $5,900 $50,000 Additional Streatscape Projects within the CRA ;=TBO'�- TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Landscape and Streotscape lnvestinent Maintenance .$80,000- $80,090 Sanford Avenue -1st SLto R'denvalk (Catalyst Project) -;. #1,11X,116' $1,117,116 Palmetto Avenue•1st SLMRNmvalk (CataystProject) $972,012 $972,972 Hood Avenue- Camm.StwRivenvalk (Catalyst Project) '$1972.014 > $1,072,071 Park Avenue - Fulton Street to Rive...lk $1,702,701 $1,702,701 Sanford Event Center (CataystProject) $5,332,000 $5,332,800 Entrance Road to Marina ISWnd $1,711.710 $1,711710 Commercial SL Oak Ave. to Sanford Ave. $2,036,034 $2,036,037 Oak Avenue -1st St to Fulton SL $1,009,008 SI,009,008 Laurel Avenue -1st SL to Fukan SL $1.009,008 1 $1,009,008 Elm Avenue - tat SL to FUBan St $1,009,008 $1,009,008 Myrtle Avenue - tat SL to Fulton SL V.D09,008 $1,009,098 Commercial SL French Ave. W Ebn Ave. $1,108107 $1,108,107 Chamber efCemmwm Rehabilitation $369,600 $369.600 Parking Garage #1 $3,600,900 $366000090 Parking Garage f2 $4,275,000 54,275,000 Review and evaluate the Sanford SunWl Station Area Bicycle 8 Pedestrian Connectivity Study far applicable projects) Ynpiementation CR/77¢tly Staff, CRAICity Staff ,TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Evaluate additional streetsfareesfor streetscape and/or pedestrian safety improvements " "" ORA /Cly $(aO, " GRAXCYy Sta% TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Gateway Features $200,000 $200,090 5400,000 Pedestrian facilities upgrades and bnprovements `. $15,000 S15.DD0 $15,000 $15,000 515,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,099 $120.000 Stormwater Develop a Downtown Master Storormter Regional Pond Downtownmaslerstwmwalerplan ',IMAM $120.000 Desgnof mganalpondsys tembwedonmaelerplan 'TBD TBD Con t-ifon ofregronalle.dsyfem TED TBD Set Aside funds for general Stormwater System upgrades $15900" $15,000 $15,000 $15,900 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $120,000 Utilities Evaluate and prioril¢e underground electric utility installation areas CRA7Ciy SWH : $0 Initiate installation of utilities underground TED TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Potable water inhasWClure knprovements $200,009 $200,000 $200.000 $200.000 $200900 $200,000 $1,200,000 Wastewater inhasWdwa inprovements " $100,000 5100,000 $100.000 $100,000 $100,000 $10000 $100,000 $100,090 $800,000 Total Implementation Costs Estimates 8321,750 $1,956.261 58,087,847 $2,417,962 $2,129,608 $4.673,769 $2,949,551 $5,748,140 $2,420,525 $5,208,594 $35,912,006 Notes: Cossratect291bpr=g.-u= Janloraroute uepaeren[ romnom mwwg wwcea ,wprgm,fa--- w w-�- " . Streetscape, Chamber of Commerce renovation and Sanford Events Center opinions of probable costs provided by CPH Engineering, 2015. AN other opinions of probable costs provided by Littlejohn, 2015. Cost Estimation Aswmotions SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Chapter 8: Catalyst Project Site Waterfront Conceptual Master Fla-'I' The catalyst project site is located on the City -owned parcels. The parcels comprises approximately three (3) city blocks or approximately 4.5 +/- acres excluding right -of -way. Two of the three catalyst site city blocks are generally bound by Seminole Boulevard on the north, Commercial Street on the south with Sanford Avenue and Hood Avenue on the east and west respectively. The third block of the catalyst project site is bound by Commercial Street on the north, First Street on the south and Sanford Avenue and Palmetto Avenue on the east and west respectively. A conceptual plan for the catalyst site was developed by the City in August, 2014 (Waterfront Master Plan). The aspirational Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan proposes the development of an urban waterfront neighborhood that will include a mix of residential products (single - family detached, multiple - family, and townhomes) office, hotel and commercial uses. The conceptual development program includes up to 75 residential units, over 29,000 square feet of non - residential uses, two (2) parking structures (525 spaces total) and an 80 -90 key boutique hotel. The development of the catalyst project site as per the Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan will create an urban waterfront neighborhood within the LMWDS -CRA and serve as a demonstration project presenting the potential urban waterfront development opportunities within the LMWDS- CRA. Additional anticipated outcomes of the development of the catalyst project will include: an increase in the median home values within the CRA; increased economic activity within the CRA including increased demands for goods and services and job creation during and after the construction phases. The following graphic depicts the Waterfront Conceptual Master Plan. E Littlejohn 53 Single Family Detached: 6 Units Lot size approx: 45'x 110' Detached rear garage with courtyard Attached Townhouse: 21 Units Unit size approx: 3 Story 25'x40' Parking in adjacent structure Attached Townhouse/Multi-Family: 29 Units Unit size approx: 3 story 25'x38' Parking under unit Access by alley Mixed Use: 19 Residential Flats Commercial retail ground floor Office or residential flat above. 20,100 s.f. Retail Hotel: 80 - 100 keys - 3 to 4 Story Ground floor retail on Sanford Avenue 9,068 s.f. Parking Structure: 3 Story 240 Spaces Parking Structure: 3 Story 285 Spaces rim I I rUC_cAC' FP k r, I,. l_�`w� h I�, `�) Mi r::; � Sl i"F SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMEN-f PLAN Waterfront aster Plan (After nt Plan) An alternate plan to the Waterfront Master Plan has been developed for the catalyst site. The alternate plan also proposes the development of an urban waterfront neighborhood on two (2) of the three (3) waterfront blocks of the catalyst project site. The proposed alternate plan does not contain any non - residential development. Parking for the alternate plan utilizes surface and on- street parking. The proposed development program for the alternate plan includes ten (10) detached single - family estate homes, thirty -four (34) townhomes and sixty (60) stacked flats. The total number of dwelling units is 104 + / -. The purpose of the development of the alternate plan for the catalyst project site is to demonstrate the residential redevelopment potential of the city -owned parcels using more cost effective surface parking in the place of the more expensive parking structures depicted in the Waterfront Master Plan. The following graphic depicts the alternate plan for the catalyst project site. 0 Littlejohn 55 CL. { /'J'I LT' 9: ("/, �'AL',`, I PROJ -('I- S1 I E SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Development Program 10- Estate Homes (3,600 - 5,400 sf) ± 104 Total Dwelling Units Hornesite, (45 x90: 55 x 90; 60 x 90') ± 4.65 Total Acres ± 22A MAC 34- Townhomes (1,800 - 2,200 sf) n Three story tuck Linder garage V2, Go- Stacked Flats (900 - 1500 0) Three story surface parked !�Q E Littlejohn 56 SANFORD COMMLJI,,IITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN c The CRA Conceptual Master Plan, Figure 3, presents the overall "Campaign -Map" that graphically depicts the LMWDS -CRA boundary and the 2015 -2025 capital improvement projects and how they connect to previously completed capital improvements, including streetscapes, multi- purpose trails and gateway features, as well as the locations of the waterfront catalyst site and the locations of sixteen (16) additional redevelopment opportunity sites. The CRA Conceptual Master Plan also graphically depicts how the capital improvements within the CRA interlocks and connects to other community and regional improvements and employment centers including planned or proposed improvements by Seminole County, the City of Sanford and FDOT. These connections to employment centers, regional transportation facilities and surrounding neighborhoods expands the overall economic development impact of the LMWDS -CRA into the surrounding communities. The LMWDS -CRA has identified sixteen (16) redevelopment opportunity sites within the Community Redevelopment Area. These sites have been identified as having a high redevelopment potential. The redevelopment potential was based on limited parcel ownership, active development agreements or entitlements and limited (if any) on -site development. These redevelopment opportunity sites may accommodate over 1,750 residential dwelling units, 96 assisted living facility units, a 100 key hotel, over 135,000 square feet of retail uses and over 131,500 square feet of office space. The CRA Conceptual Master Plan graphically illustrates how the activities and capital improvement projects of LMWDS -CRA can affect economic development, investment and activity beyond the CRA's boundaries and into the surrounding neighborhoods and unincorporated areas. M Littlejohn 57 SANFORD COMMI-JNI'rY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Neighborhood Impact Statement. The proposed projects and programs are not anticipated to impact or require relocation of any low or moderate income housing areas within the CRA district. Each of the proposed projects, catalyst projects and other development within the CRA district will be evaluated for potential impacts upon the surrounding areas addressing traffic circulation, environmental impacts, availability of community facilities, effects on school populations and other potential impacts upon the physical and social quality of life during the planning and design phase of each project. Any potential negative impacts will be mitigated to the maximum extent possible. M Littlejohn 59 "I' FR f(). 1 /",X fE I.,C'I (4[- :�,,ll (l.f IF) 1111 R, lAI[VE. V lJl�\tI)IN1c. ,X:>(..IR..FS SANFORD C0MMUh,19TY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Estimates Chapter 10: Tax Increment Fund .r; Alternative o Tax Incretrient Fund The following section presents the estimated Tax Increment Fund (TIF) revenues that may be available for use by the LMWDS -CRA form implementation of the projects and program listed in Implementation Plan. The LMWDS -CRA currently (2015) has approximately $404,000 of funds allocated for CRA operations, programming and projects ". The sources for the estimated TIF revenues are City and County increment ad- valorem tax revenues from the initial, CRA area and the City and County increment ad- valorem tax revenues from the CRA expansion area (2009) located along Sanford Avenue. Due to the differing base years (1995 and 2009), the estimated TIF revenues are presented in two tables. Table 11 shows the estimated TIF revenue that may be generated from the CRA parcels with the 1995 base year. Table 12 shows the estimated TIF revenue that may be generated from the CRA parcels with the 2009 base year. Table 13 shows the combined estimated TIF revenues for the 2015 -2025 period utilizing an anticipated valuation growth rate of 5.5 %. The total estimated TIF revenues that may be available for projects during the 2015 -2025 period is projected to be approximately $19,380,522.00''. 11 City of Sanford, 2015. 12 Seminole County Property Appraisers Office, Littlejohn, 2015. M Littlejohn 60 (" � 1 /,I ) H-1 R, I (1) . d' h' X it @ C P, [" /0,F 1 I' I ' I : l J �' J l ) /N l" C () /'� � C F I 1/�' i, V l I i" I U I SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Table 11: 1995 Base Year CRA TIF Revenue Projecfions Original CRA Area-1995 1995 Base Year CRA Parcels-TIF Revenue Projections Source: Seminole County Property Appraisers Office, Littlejohn, 2015. 1995 Base Year CRA Parcels-TIF Revenue Projections Current Current Estimated Estimated Final Certification Base Year Increment Increment Sanford Sanford Seminole Co Seminole Co Year TaxableValue Taxable Value at 100% at 95% Millage Rate Payment@ 95% Millage Rate Payment@ 95% 2015 $152,032,345 $48,105,493 $103,926,852 $98,730,510 6.8250 $673,836 4.8751 $481,321 2016 $157,353,478 $48,105,493 $109,247,985 $103,785,585 6.8250 $708,337 4.8751 $505,965 2017 $162,860,849 $48,105,493 $114,755,356 $109,017,588 6.8250 $744,045 4.8751 $531,472 2018 $168,560,979 $48,105,493 $120,455,486 $114,432,712 6.8250 $781,003 4.8751 $557,871 2019 $174,460,613 $48,105,493 $126,355,120 $120,037,364 6.8250 $819,255 4.8751 $585,194 2020 $180,566,735 $48,105,493 $132,461,242 $125,838,180 6.8250 $858,846 4.8751 $613,474 2021 $186,886,570 $48,105,493 $138,781,077 $131,842,024 6.8250 $899,822 4.8751 $642,743 2022 $193,427,600 $48,105,493 $145,322,107 $138,056,002 6.8250 $942,232 4.8751 $673,037 2023 $200,197,566 $48,105,493 $152,092,073 $144,487,470 6.8250 $986,127 4.8751 $704,391 2024 $207,204,481 $48,105,493 $159,098,988 $151,144,039 6.8250 $1,031,558 4.8751 $736,842 2025 $214,456,638 $48,105,493 $166,351,145 $158,033,588 6.8250 $1,078,579 4.8751 $770,430 $9,523,640 $6,802,739 Source: Seminole County Property Appraisers Office, Littlejohn, 2015. 1995 Base Year CRA Parcels-TIF Revenue Projections Source: Seminole County Property Appraisers Office, Littlejohn, 2015. E Littlejohn 61 Current Current Estimated Estimated Final Certification Base Year Increment Increment Sanford Sanford Seminole Co Seminole Co Year TaxableValue Taxable Value at 100% at 95% Millage Rate Payment@ 95% Millage Rate Payrnent@ 95% 2015 $154,970,169 $48,105,493 $106,864,676,$101,521,442' 6.8250 $692,884 4.8751 $494,927 2016 $163,493,528 $48,105,493 $115,388,035 $109,618,633 6.8250 $748,147 4.8751 $534,402 2017 $172,485,672 $48,105,493 $124,380,179 $118,161,170 6.8250 $806,450 4.8751 $576,048 2018 $181,972,384 $48,105,493 $133,866,891 $127,173,546 6.8250 $867,959 4.8751 $619,984 2019 $191,980,865 $48,105,493 $143,875,372 $136,681,603 6.8250 $932,852 4.8751 $666,336 2020 $202,539,812 $48,105,493 $154,434,319 $146,712,603 6.8250 $1,001,314 4.8751 $715,239 2021 $213,679,502 $48,105,493 $165,574,009 $157,295,309 6.8250 $1,073,540 4.8751 $766,830 2022 $225,431,875 $48,105,493 $177,326,382 $168,460,063 6.8250 $1,149,740 4.8751 $821,260 2023 $237,830,628 $48,105,493 $189,725,135 $180,238,878 6.8250 $1,230,130 4.8751 $878,683 2024 $250,911,312 $48,105,493 $202,905,819 $192,665,528 6.8250 $1,314,942 4.8751 $939,264 2025 $264,711,435 $48,105,493 $216,605,942 $205,775,644 6.8250 $1,404,419 4.8751 $1,003,177 $11,222,378 $8,016,149 Source: Seminole County Property Appraisers Office, Littlejohn, 2015. E Littlejohn 61 CL.I „C`7r:f: 10: hA x IN (” I'-IEfv\FNT /'&R) /V' I FI'J! I L -) I I"IG ;"O H P'11',TS' SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Table 13: Combined (Existing Area + Expansion Area) LMWDS-CRA Projections 2015-2025 Combined LMWDS-CRA TIF Projections 2015-2025 E Littlejohn 62 Estimated Estimated Sanford Seminole Co Year Payment @ 95% Payment @ 95% Combined 2015 $693,675 $495,493 $1,189,168 2016 $750,076 $535,780 $1,285,856 2017 $809,579 $578,283 $1,387,862 2018 $872,355 $623,124 $1,495,479 2019 $938,583 $670,431 $1,609,014 2020 $1,008,454 $720,339 $1,728,794 2021 $1,082,168 $772,993 $1,855,161 2022 $1,159,936 $828,543 $1,988,479 2023 $1,241,982 $887,148 $2,129,130 2024 $1,328,539 $948,976 $2,277,516 2025 $1,419,858 $1,014,205 $2,434,063 Total $11,305,209 $8,075,314 $19,380,522 Source: Seminole County Property Appraisers Office, Littlejohn, 2015. E Littlejohn 62 II..I i i ) i /+." f I ' I C ` E ? L t , 4 1 . ti 1 P ( A J I F) �J_TN'�lRI "' J I V L 1�UI "H)II °,IO ",r�B,J{`� SA,NFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Afternative Funding Sources This section includes a listing of Alternative Funding Sources that have been identified based on their applicability to the successful achievement of the project recommendations. Florida. Recreation 17evelopment Assistance Program (FRDAP) FRDAP is a competitive grant program that provides financial assistance to local governments for development and acquisition of land for public outdoor recreational purposes. All county governments and municipalities in Florida and other legally constituted local governmental entities with the legal responsibility for the provision of outdoor recreational sites and facilities. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) accepts grant applications for the FRDAP annually. littp://w-,vw.del2.state.fl.us/parks/""`oirs/"""`def,,iult.htm Florida C.oMMUnities "1 "mast (FC'F) FCT is a state land acquisition grant program that provides funding through the competitive criteria identified in the Parks and Open Space Florida Forever Grant Program and the Stan Mayfield Working Waterfronts Florida Forever Grant Program to local governments and eligible non - profit environmental organizations for acquisition of community -based parks, open space and greenways that further outdoor recreation and natural resource protection needs identified in local government comprehensive plans. l -ittp: / /www.del).state.fl.us /lands /fl communities trust /default cont.htm community Reinvestment Act The Community Reinvestment Act is a federal law created to encourage commercial banks and savings associations to meet the needs of borrowers in all segments of their communities, including low- and moderate - income neighborhoods. The Act was passed by Congress in 1977 to reduce discriminatory credit practices against low- income neighborhoods, a practice known as redlining. The Act requires the appropriate federal financial supervisory agencies to encourage regulated financial institutions to meet the credit needs of the local communities in which they are chartered, consistent with safe and sound operation. To enforce the statute, federal regulatory agencies examine banking institutions for Community Reinvestment Act compliance, and take this 0 Littlejohn 63 C, I [4P Fl, 10 I'AX f ll i'(P,0 Al'ND Al f[.I�l`,E��,I�I "vl�.: k���lkl' DIP\It'., S0k.JlZf_.`1,,S SANI ORD COMMLJNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN information into consideration when approving applications for new bank branches or for mergers or acquisitions. Follow the link provided below to research financial institution's CRA ratings within Sanford. htttas: / /www2.fdic.gov cranes/ Economic Development 'rra nsportation fund (EDTl ) The Economic Development Transportation Fund, commonly referred to as the "Road Fund," is an incentive tool designed to alleviate transportation problems that adversely impact a specific company's location or expansion decision. The elimination of the problem must serve as an inducement for a specific company's location, retention, or expansion project in Florida and create or retain job opportunities for Floridians. Eligible projects are those that facilitate economic development by the eradication of location - specific transportation problems (e.g., access roads, signalization, road widening, etc.) on behalf of a specific eligible company (e.g., a manufacturing, corporate /regional headquarters, or recycling facility). Up to $3,000,000 may be provided to a local government to implement transportation related improvements. The actual amount funded is based on specific job creation and /or retention criteria. littp: / /ww-,v. enterpriseflr)rida.com /why- florida /business - climate /incentives / CommLnfiy C?evelopmeni Block Grants (CLl3Cx)- Sma.11 Cities laro ;] "i III . The purpose of this federal grant program is to provide annual grants on a formula basis to entitled cities and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent affordable housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low and moderate - income persons. The program is authorized under Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93 -383, as amended: 42 U.S.C. -5301 et seq. A grantee must develop and follow a detailed plan which provides for, and encourages, citizen participation and which emphasizes participation by persons of low or moderate- income, particularly residents of predominately low and moderate - income neighborhoods, slum or blighted areas, and areas in which the grantee proposes to use CDBG funds. 0 Littlejohn 64 . I A,1 {U :' A: A[ 1 -PN/ HVF ` tDH,K -' ' 4 f i r SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMEN'f PLAN The program, administered and funded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, consists of two components: Entitlement - provides funds directly to urban areas and Small Cities (or State CDBG) - provides funds to the states for distribution to rural areas. The Department of Community Affairs administers Florida's Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program. This is a competitive grant program that awards funds to rural areas. Each year since 1983, Florida has received between 18 and 35 million dollars. One of the factors in the competitive process is the Community Wide Needs Score. This is a numerical representation of the needs of a community based on the following census data: • Low and Moderate Income Population • Number of Persons Below the Poverty Level • Number of Housing Units with More than One Person Per Room The program is an excellent opportunity for communities to obtain funds for projects that the community cannot otherwise afford. Further, it provides a means to implement projects that local governments may not have staff to complete. Popular examples of community projects include: 0 Downtown Revitalization • Water and Sewer Improvements • Drainage Improvements • Economic Development Activities • Creating Jobs for Low and Moderate Income People • Rehabilitation and Preservation of Housing • Parks and Recreation Projects • Street Improvements Pr ject Requirements • To be eligible for funding, an activity must meet at least of the following national objectives: 6 E Littlejohn CI AAJITER . i �, FAX F FUN(') JN(') , ,� !f.1 �`��,k l (��r'i`��I ",W/I FAUN `ilNC,, SOLIRC': 'S SM,4FOR7 COMMLJI4lITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN • Low - Moderate National Objective - at least 51 percent of the beneficiaries must be low and moderate income persons (total family income is at or below 80 percent of the area's median income) • Slum and Blight National Objective - the area must be a slum or blighted area as defined by state or local law + Urgent Needs National Objective - the activity must alleviate existing conditions which pose a serious and immediate threat to those living in the area and are 18 months or less in origin. The local government must demonstrate that it is unable to finance the activity on its own and that other funding is not available. Farnding Categories The program gives the community the ability to determine which projects - with a focus on the following five categories - are most needed within the overall eligibility and scoring priorities. The Florida Legislature requires that each of the first four categories be allocated funding based on a percentage of the total amount received from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (subject to change): • Housing (receives 20 percent) 0 Neighborhood Revitalization (receives 40 percent) • Commercial Revitalization (receives 10 percent) • Economic Development (receives 30 percent) 0 Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program (approximately $160,000,000 in loan guarantees can be issued) • Eligible Applicants The following communities are eligible to apply for funds: • Non - entitlement cities with fewer than 50,000 residents 0 Counties with fewer than 200,000 residents • Cities that opt out of the urban entitlement program E Littlejohn 66 C I— 1 /11, F, F F R 10: TA X l ("I FC 1NL Ad'41) ALTU",NA I V ": - 1, U 1,111) d G SO U ' C F SANFORD COMMUI,,IITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Fundin ,g Requirements Upon receipt of the award, communities must comply with specific recording obligations. Examples include: • Procurement • Record Keeping • Wages • Public Participation • Acquisition • Protection of the Environment • Relocation • Civil Rights and Non-Discrimination • Construction Standards • Minority Business Participation Additional Infonvation DEO Regional Staff Contact: Bob Dennis Chief, Bureau of Community Revitalization bob.dennis@deo.myfIorida.corn (850) 922-1883 http://,,vw\v. florid,,ijobs.org/communi!y 121annin,(),-,,ind-deNrelopment/­­­,,issist,,ince-f(.-)r- governments-,,ind-or�),-,ttiizations/coinmunit),-develol2ment-block-grant-12roV,r,im M Littlejohn 67 10: 1""'X H'dC I'.DVV l kT FLP ll ) AI,10 A FR: I' HVF r'�J�`!(;�t "f�i4�; S(),,IF'C S SANFC7RD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN EDA Grants The U.S. Economic Development Administration is the only federal agency that focuses solely on economic development initiatives. Within the parameters of a competitive grant process, all projects are evaluated to determine if they advance global competitiveness, create jobs, leverage public and private resources, can demonstrate readiness and ability to use funds quicky and effectively, and link to specific and measureable outcomes. To facilitate evaluation, EDA has established the following investment priorities: 1. Collaborative Regional Innovation Initiatives that support the development and growth of innovation clusters based on existing regional competitive strengths. Initiatives must engage stakeholders; facilitate collaboration among urban, suburban, and rural (including tribal) areas; provide stability for economic development through long -term intergovernmental and public /private collaboration; and support the growth of existing and emerging industries. 2. Public /Private Partnerships Investments that use both public- and private- sector resources and leverage complementary investments by other government /public entities and /or nonprofits. 3. National Strategic Priorities Initiatives that encourage job growth and business expansion related to advanced manufacturing; information technology (e.g., broadband, smart grid) infrastructure; communities severely impacted by automotive industry restructuring; urban waters; job - driven skills development; natural disaster mitigation and resiliency; access to capital for small, medium- sized, and ethnically diverse enterprises; and innovations in science and health care. 4. Global Competitiveness Initiatives that support high- growth businesses and innovation -based entrepreneurs to expand and compete in global markets, especially investments that expand U.S. exports, encourage foreign direct investment, and promote the repatriation of jobs back to the U.S. 5. Environmentally- Sustainable Development Investments that promote job creation and economic prosperity through projects that enhance environmental quality and develop and implement green products, processes, 0 Littlejohn 68 .!'11 °.I'' t1 'f /A l I( f. l ): (D i0 <1) AJ 'I C F"r fAl NF I`Ui�II <" SUURC!: ` SAhlFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN places, and buildings as part of the green economy. This includes support for energy - efficient green technologies. 6. Economically Distressed and Underserved Communities Investments that strengthen diverse communities that have suffered disproportionate economic job losses and /or are rebuilding to become more competitive in the global economy. Additional Information Regional Staff Contact: Jonathan Corso jcorso&eda.g; )v (404) 730 -3023 Programs Administered by the EDA are as folloxvs.- • Public Works Program • Economic Adjustment Assistance Program • Research and National Technical Assistance • Local Technical Assistance • Partnership Planning Program • University Center Economic Development Program • Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms Program htr -): / / -,vw\v. eda.gov / funding - opportunities / E Littlejohn 69 f,.,..HAF I.R 10i D",X\ 11C..1 P'.E1✓II'N,.I.. f I!Y`lF) /d CI) " l. ""1'/41IVF I:;�lli �V� �.i OL ik IF,, 5ANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN The Florida Black Business investment Board Franchise Finance and Developinenl Program The Florida Black Business Investment Board Franchise Finance and Development Program (FFDP) makes loans / investments in franchise businesses that are at least 51% owned, controlled and managed on a day to day basis, by an ethnic minority that exercises executive control of the franchise business. The FFDP can make loans / investments anywhere in Florida, but the target areas are urban and rural communities. The FFDP will provide debt and equity financing up to $500,000 for a term up to 10 years (if real estate, term can be up to 15 years). The interest rate charged will be fixed and will not be greater than 12 %. The FFDP will subordinate its collateral position when necessary. Main Office: Tallahassee, FL (850) 487 -4850 http: / /bbifflorida.com /loans /black- business -loan -fund/ 1-- listoric Preservation Grants Special Category Grants and Small Matching Grants are awarded annually for the restoration of historic structures, archaeological excavations, recording of the historic and archaeological sites, state historical markers and historic preservation education projects. The purpose of Historic Preservation Grants is to assist in the identification, excavation, protection and rehabilitation of historic and archeological sites in Florida; to provide public information about these important resources; and to encourage historic preservation in smaller cities through the Florida Main Street Program. Types of historic preservation projects that can be funded include Acquisition and Development projects (including identification, protection, and excavation of archeological sites and building rehabilitation, stabilization or planning for such activities); Survey and Planning activities (including surveying for historic properties, preparing National Register nominations, and preparing ordinances or preservation plans): and Community Education projects (such as walking tour brochures, educational programs for school children, videos and illustrating historic preservation principles, Florida Historical Markers). BI- iPgrantsados.mvflorida.com 0 Littlejohn 70 CF-tAP I�� I <' 10, ",AX li<F hL I.I. I fJl,Il') Al',G) ALIT I I� /('� 1= IJI'{i�)IN ".> S .Jl'r..l:S SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN 850.245.6333 Historic Preservation Grants Program R. A. Gray Building 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, FL 32399 httl2://dos.mvflorida.com/Iiistorical/""`gr,,ints/`­­­- Florida lw)epartment cif Transportation (F[)O'F) Crattts The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has several grant programs available for Cities and Counties. Department funding for grant programs is limited, but most grants are available annually. Funding is available through a competitive award process. The grants are usually administered by the local FDOT Regional office. Contact information is provided below. Highway Beautification Grant Contact: Susan Preil, Grant Coordinator FDOT District 5 (407) 647 -7275 Federal Discretionary Fund Grants Contact: Duane Compo, Federal Aid Coordinator FDOT District 5 (386) 943 -5441 Traffic Safety Grants Contact: Chris Craig, Traffic Safety Administrator FDOT District 5 (850) 414 -4009 M Littlejohn 71 ' 1 - , I ' F l = R 1 0 : 1 F /\X C i , • � 1: 7 C'IF ( U I,, I A L FF I?I' "[ / F1VL F = I D I I{'I , P t.:l; SANFORD COMMUNITY RE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Private Fundhig Sources The following organizations provide philanthropic grants to individuals, communities, civic organizations or non - profit organizations that share their philanthropic goals. These organizations were selected for inclusion in this report based on their service areas and the applicability of their philanthropic objectives to the long -term objectives of the Community Redevelopment Agency. Bank of America The Bank of America (BOA) provides three philanthropic programs for the 45 markets in which they serve. The three programs include Matching Gifts, Workforce Development and Education, Community Development (Housing) and Basic Human Services. http: / /about.bankofamerica.com /en -us /global- impact/ find- grants- sponsors hips.html Duke Energy Foundation Grant Program The Duke Energy Foundation, along with employee and retiree volunteers, provide philanthropic support to address the needs vital to the health of our communities. Annually, the Foundation funds over $25 million in charitable grants. The Foundation reviews funding requests at the regional level and target investments in the areas where it is believed the company can have the greatest impact on the well-being of our communities. Int,esmvent Priorities The Duke Energy Foundation powers vibrant communities in the regions served by Duke Energy focusing on four investment priorities: Education — STEM and Early Childhood Literacy • Supporting effective education programs and initiatives that emphasize STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) or teach critical reading skills Economic and Workforce Development • Building strong communities by enhancing state development strategies and marketing efforts and funding workforce development initiatives to retool and retrain workers with 21st century skills E Littlejohn 72 I1/1d'FER I:1 1AX1 N(RFMD' F SANFORZD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Environment 0 Protecting, improving or restoring natural resources, especially water and air Community Impact and Cultural Enrichment • Increasing access to arts and culture in our communities and strengthening the capabilities, knowledge and skills of local nonprofits httl2://ww\v.duke-etiergy.com/communii�,/fc)undadon.-,tsl-2 The Amber Foundation The Amber Grant Foundation began in 1998, launched in conjunction with the entrepreneurial community for women and gives grants to women-owned businesses. h aps: / / arnbergrants forwomen. coin/ about-us / M Littlejohn 78 I' d'I F'P� 1 I: l ;.L.L IC "I' VVI I I I IFl (,IRII) , ; C.1l SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Consistency it Applicable State Laws The aforementioned projects, programs and implementation plan is consistent with applicable state Law (FS Chapter. 163.362) regarding the contents of Community Redevelopment Plans. The Community Redevelopment Plan contains; Legal Description of the community redevelopment area (APPENDIX 1) Open spaces, street layouts (pg. 58, CRA Conceptual Master Plan Map) Limitations on type, size, height, number and proposed use of buildings (pg. 15, Table 1- Existing Conditions, pg. 17, Table 2- Future Land Use, and pg. 19, Table 3- Zoning) Approximate number of dwelling units (pgs., 32 Market Analysis - Existing Housing Stock) Property intended for use as public parks, recreation areas, streets, public utilities and public improvements (pg. 58 CRA Conceptual Master Plan Map) Anticipated impact on residents (pg. 59, Neighborhood Impact Statement) Identified publicly funded capital projects within CRA (pg. 51 -52, Table 10- Implementation Plan) Adequate safeguards that the work of the redevelopment plan will be carried out pursuant to the plan (pgs. 47 -49, Chapter 5, Strategies and Objectives) Provisions for retention of controls and the establishment of any restrictions or covenants running with the land or sold or leased for private use for such periods of time and under such conditions as the governing board deems necessary to effectuate the redevelopment purpose (pg. 47 -49, Chapter 5, Strategies and Objectives) Provides assurances that there will be replacement housing for the relocation of persons temporarily or permanently displaced from housing facilities within the community redevelopment area (pg. 59, Neighborhood Impact Statement) E Littlejohn 74 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN M Littlejohn 75 Legal Description of Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Begin at the intersection of the center -line of the channel of the St.. John's River and the Northerly extension of the center -line of Mellonville Avenue, as shown on Mayfair Lake Front Addition, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, page 81, of the Public Records of Seminole county, Florida, thence run Southerly along said Mellonville Avenue to an intersection with Center -line of Union Street (Second Street); thence run Westerly along said center -line of Union Street of Sanford Avenue; thence run Southerly along said center -line of Sanford Avenue to an intersection with the center -line of 'Third Street; thence run Westerly along said center -line of Third Street; to an intersection with an intersection with French Avenue (US 17 -92); thence run Northerly along said center -line of French Avenue to an center -line of West First Street (SR 46); thence run Westerly along said center- line of West First: Street to an intersection with point being 5369.02 feet West of an intersection with the center =line of West First Street and Holly Avenue; thence run Northerly to an intersection with the South line of Lot 19 of the Florida and Colonization Cornpan�y's Celery Plantation according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, page 129 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run Westerly along said South line of Lot 19 to the Southwest corner of said Lot 19; thence run Northerly along the West lot line of said Lot 19 to a point, said point. being 196 feet from the Northwest corner of Lot 19; thence run Easterly 233 feet; thence run Northerly to an intersection with the center -line of Narcissus Avenue; thence run Easterly along said center -line to an intersection with the Northerly extension of the East line of the Westerly 44 feet of Lot 18 of said Plat of Celery Plantation; thence run Southerly along said Northerly extension of the East line of the Westerly 44 feet of Lot 18 to the South- erly lot line of said Lot; 18; thence run Northerly along the East; lot line of said Lot 18 and it's Northerly extension to an East; Line of the Westerly 44 feet of Lot 18 to the Southerly lot line of said Lot 18; thence run Easterly along said lot line of Lot 18 to the Southeast corner of said Lot 18; thence run Northerly along the East lot line of said Lot 18 and it's Northerly extension to an intersection with said center -line Narcissus Avenue; thence run Easterly along said center -line to an intersection with the Southerly extension of the Easterly Lot line of Lot 17 of said Celery Plantation; thence run Northerly along said Southerly extension and the said Easterly lot line of Lot 17 to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 17; thence run Westerly along the Northerly lot line of said Lot 17; thence run Northerly to an intersection with the center -line of Highway U.S. 17 -92; thence run Southeasterly to an intersec- tion with the Northerly extension of the center -line of Terwilliger Lane; thence run along the Northerly extension of said Terwilliger Lane to said center -line of the St. John's River; thence run Easterly along said channel to the Point of Beginning. Area to be Annexed Begin at the Northwest Corner of Lot 7, Florida Land Colonization Co's Celery Plantation according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 1, Page 129 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run S. 53043'E., 584.41 feet; thence run N. 18'50'E., 134 feet; thence run S. 80'46'E., 74 feet; thence run N. 9'14'E. to the North lot line of said Lot 7; thence continue N. 9'1.4'E., 1.60 feet; thence run Easterly 191.25 feet; thence run N. 18-25'15" E., 195.37 feet; thence run North 370.74 feet; thence run Westerly 897.5 feet; said point being on the Easterly line of the W 1/2 of the E 3/4 of the N 3/4-of Section 22, 'Township 19 South, Range 30 East, of Seminole County, Florida; thence run Northerly along said Easterly line of Section 22 to the Northerly Line of said Section 22; thence run Westerly along said Northerly line of Section 22 to a point on the Westerly line of said W 1/2 of the E 3/4 of the N 3/4 of Section 22; thence rein Southerly along said West line to an intersection with Northerly right - of-way 1520.04 feet; thence run S. 54° E. 41.58 feet; thence run Easterly 356.29 feet; thence run Southerly 255.45 feet; thence run S. 35 °41'22" W., 285 feet to the Northerly right-of-way of a road; thence run Southeasterly along said right-of-way to a point West of Point of Beginning; thence Easterly to the Point of Being. A -5 Overall Combined Property Description: (To Be Added To C.R.A.) Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4; Lots 1 and 3 through 7, Block 5; Lots 5, G and 7, Block 8; '1'OGErrHF,R WITH the vacated alley lying East of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 5 and West of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8; AND ALSO Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 6, all lying and being in CIIAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Boole 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; Together With: Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Tier A; Lois 7 through 12, Block 7, 'leer A, TOGETHER WITH the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said Lot 7, Block 6, 'leer A; AND ALSO 'TOGETHER WITH the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, Tier A; TOGETHER WITH Lots I through 7, Block 5, Tier 1; TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 7, Block 6, Tier l; and ALSO TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 8, 131ock 7, Tier 1, all lying and being in FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANI +'ORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; And Also Together With: That portion of Sanford Avenue lying South of a line from the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Tier 1, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida, to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 5 of CIIAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida and lying North of a line from the Southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 7, Tier 1 to the Southwest corner of Lot 12, Block 7, 'Tier A, LESS the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said Lot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO LESS the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, Tier A of said. FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAI' OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD; And Also Together With: That portion of 3rd Street lying East of the East right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Lot 1, Block 5 extended North to the South line of Lot 3, Block 4, CIIAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Boole 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; And Also Together With: That portion of 4th Street lying East of the East right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Block 5 extended South to the South right-of-way line of said 4th Street: as shown on the plat: of CIIAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat: thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public: records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO that portion of 4th Street lying West of the West right-of-way live of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots 1 through 7, Block 5,'fler I extended South to the South right -ofway line of said 4th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMI'T'ED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF TIIE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; A -6 And Also Together With: That portion of 5th Street lying East; of the East; right-of-way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the blast line of Lot 5, Block 6, 'leer A extended South to the South right-of-way line of said 5th Street as shown on the flat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZA`T'ION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat; thereof as recorded in Plat. Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO that portion of 5th Street; lying West of the West right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots I through 8, Block 6, 'Ter 1, extended South to the South right-of-way line of said 51;h Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat: thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida. Area to be removed from CRA: A Parcel of land located within Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, described as follows: Begin at a point 66.6 feet West and 15.00 feet North of the South 1/4 corner of said Section 23, said point being an intersection of the North right-of-way line of Narcissus Road and the West right-of-way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence West along the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and parallel to the South line of said Section 23, a distance of 335.40 feet to the East fine of Lot; 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY'S CELERY PLANTATION as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 129, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence leaving said North right-of- way line of Narcissus Road, run North 660.00 feet; to the Northeast corner of said Lot 17; thence West; along the North Pule of said Lot 17, a distance of 174.40 feet; thence leaving said North line of Lot 17, run North 1028.22 feet to the Southwest right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; thence South 39 041'08" East, along said Southwest right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92, a distance of 798.34 feet to an intersection with the West right-of-way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence South 1073.85 feet to the point. of Beginning, less the East 30 feet thereof: Together With: Begin on North line of St. Gertrude Avenue 71.97 chains West of East line of Holly Avenue, run West 15 chains North 10 chains Last: 484 feet North 807 feet East 501 feel: South to the beginning (LESS Begin NW intersection of first Street and Terwilliger Lane run North 150 feet West 120 feet South 150 feet East to Beginning). Together With: Begin 51.6 feet West., and 1,468 feet South of the North 1/4 Section Post, between Section 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East:, run East 330 feet, thence North to Lake Monroe, thence Northwesterly along Lake Monroe to a point North of the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said property lying and being in Seminole County, Florida Less and Except Road Right of Way for U.S. Highway 17 -92 on North. Also Less and Except the portion of the above described lands conveyed to the City of Sanford by virtue of that certain'4Tarraniy Deed recorded September 10, 1985 in Official Records Book 1669, Page 852; corrected by Warranty Deed recorded January 10, 1987 in Official Records book 1806, Page 95, all being of the Public Records of Seminole Coiuit;,y, Florida, more particularly described as follows: A-7 Commence at the North 1/4 corner of Section 26, Township 19 South, Lange 30 East and run South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds Vilest along the North line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 26, 36.60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continue South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds Vilest along the North line 15.00 feet to the point on the Easterly Right of Way line of 'Terwilliger Lane, thence run South 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East along said Easterly line 1407.97 feet, thence run North 89 degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds East 15.00 feet, thence run North 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West 1407.95 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Also Less and Except from the above described lands that portion conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded August 14, 1990 in Official Records Book 2211, Page 292, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.60 feet: West, and 1,468.00 feet: South of the North 1/4 Section post, between Sections 23 and 26, 'Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East; 330.00 feet, thence run North 396.00 feet, thence run West to a point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 396.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO LESS: Rights of Way for State Road 46 and Terwilliger Lane. Together With: Lots 1, 2 and 3, SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 63, Page 92, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Together With: From a permanent reference monument at the centerline of third Street and Persimmon Avenue shown on the plat of ST GERTRUDE ADDITION TO THE 'TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat. thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112 through 117, Public: Records of Seminole County, Florida, run North parallel with and 41.00 feet West of the West line of 'Tier 22 of said ST GERTRUDE ADDITION, 688.7 feet to Old North Right -of -Way line of St. Gertrude Avenue (First Street), thence run N 89 058'40" E, 357.17 feet to a point 20.5 feet West of the West line of Tier 21, said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run North 21.54 feet to the North Right-of-Way line of S.R. 46 for Point of Beginning, said Point being on the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (41.00 foot Right -of Way), thence run North along said centerline, 646.31 feet to the North Right-of-Way line of Fulton Street extended West, thence run S 89 °58'40" W, 20.5 feet to the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (82 foot Right- of - -Way), thence run North along said centerline 594.00 feet to the North line of Block 2N of said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run S 89 °58'40" W, 20.00 feet to a point 579.5 feet East; of the North and South 1/4 Section Line of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run North 700.57 feet to the Southerly Right-of-Way line of U.S. Highway 17 & 92, thence run Northwesterly along said Southerly Right-of-Way line and a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1698.77 feet:, a central angle of 12 °21'51 ", a chord bearing of N 54 °11'21" W, an arc distance of 366.59 feet, to a point 278.4 feet East: of a line running North from the South 1/4 Section Corner of Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run S 00 °10'50" W, 1454.83 feet to the North Right-of- Way line of S.R. 46, thence run N 88 °36'35" E, 342.34 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Together With: Begin at the Northeast: corner of Block 2N, Ter 19, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East: along the Easterly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19, 264.00 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West along t:he Southerly line of said Block 2N, Ter 19 and Westerly extension thereof, 337.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Block 2N, Ter 20 of the said FLORIDA LAND a -a AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAI' OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, said point also being on the Westerly right-of-way line of Mulberry Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along said Westerly right-of-way line 363.00 feet to a point on the centerline of Fulton Street; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West along the centerline of said Fulton Street 296.00 feet to the centerline of Pomegranite Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East 605.739 feet to a point on the Northerly right -ofway line of State Road 46; thence run South 88 degrees 16 minutes 56 seconds West along said Northerly right-of-way line 168.550 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 279.808 feet to a point on centerline of Commercial Street; thence run South 89 degrees 30 minutes 56 seconds West along said centerline of commercial Street; 148.00 feet to the centerline of Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue 363.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 ininutes 56 seconds West 20.500 feet to a point on the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West; along said centerline of Tamarind Avenue 594.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.00 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 700.80 feet to a point on the Southerly right -ofway line of U.S. highway 17 -92; said Southerly right-of-way being 90.00 feet Southerly Measured, at right angles to and radially from the Northerly line of the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe thence run, Southeasterly along said Southerly right-of-way line along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1,681.678 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 44 minutes 03 seconds 520.513 feet to the end of said curve; thence continue along said Southerly right-of-way line South 77 degrees 35 minutes 36 seconds east 562.37 feet to a point on the Northerly extension of the centerline of Jessamine Avenue; thence run South 0 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds Trust along said Northerly extension 386.80 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 41.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Together With: The West one -half of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF STT, GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 and 117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, less right -of way for State Road 46. Together With: The East 1/2 of vacated Tamarind Avenue lying West of the West 1/2 of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Boole 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and together with the South 1/2 of vacated Commercial Street lying North of said West 1/2 of Block 2, Tier 21, extended West to the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue. Together With: All of Block 1, Tier 20 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also all of that land which is contiguous to the above described Block 1, Tier 20, which land was formerly portions of the South 1/2 of Fulton Street and the East 1/2 of Pomegraanite Avenue and which was vacated by the City of Sanford ordinance No. 1099 as recorded in Official Records Boole 962, page 862 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also the North 112 of Commercial Street contiguous to the South line of said Block 1,11er 20; A -9 Together With: Lots 1 and 2, 1700 I +IRS's' ST'REE'T` according to the plat. thereof as recorded in Plat Book 72, page 1 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida_ And Also 'Together With: Block 2, Tier 19, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST GERTRUDE ADDI'T'ION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Boole 1, Page 115 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida LESS that part lying North of and within 53 foot of the centerline of construction of State Road 46, Section 77030, said centerline being described as follows: Commence on the West line of the NE 1/4 of Section 27, Township 19 South, Range 30 East at a point 1576.05 feet South of the Northwest corner of said NE 1/4 of Section 27, thence run North 89 degrees 37' 56" East 2647.28 feet to the East line of said Section 27 (West line of Section 26, said Township and Range) at a point 1567.43 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Section 27 (Northwest comer of said Section 26) thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 659.87 feet; thence run North 0 degrees 14' 44" West, 44 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 1566.40 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 42' 34" East, 1006.51 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 56' 48" East, 564.42 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 56" East, 106.1 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 26" East, 2308.96 feet to the center line of French Avenue at Station 120 +30.65 of Section 7715 -105 for the end of this center line description. TOGETHER WITH the South 1/2 of vacated Commercial Street lying North of and adjacent to BIock 2, Tier 19, as vacated by City ordinance No. 1517 on July 28, 1980 AND the West 1/2 of vacated Jessamine Avenue, which is adjacent to the South 1/2 of vacated Commercial Street. R -90 gE Emu= 23193030000700000 m r9,859,348 13,920,000 231930300007AOOOO 79 231930300009A000O 182,820 59,699 23193030001100000 0 0 25193030000200000 0 0 251930300002AOOOO 0 0 25193030000300000 0 0 25193030000400000 0 0 25193030000700000 10,291,429 15,300,000 251930300009AOOOO 722,242 732,871 251930300009BOGOO 1,148,010 1,162,085 251930300009CO000 565,471 566,154 25193030001500000 221,157 221,369 25193030001600000 233,262 233,262 25193030001700000 0 0 25193030001800000 0 O 251930300018AOOOO 0 O 251930300018B0000 0 0 251930300018CO000 0 0 25193030001900000 449,504 568,611 25193030002000000 344,508 344,508 25193030002100000 898,479 911,647 25193030002800000 143,748 143,748 25193050100000010 0 0 25193050100000x30 0 0 251930501000000AO 314,165 321,637 251930501000000130 73,100 73,100 251930501000000DO 170,991 173,995 251930501000000E0 0 0 251.930501000000I'O 0 0 251930501000000GO 0 0 251930501000000110 0 0 25193050100000200 0 0 25193050100000210 0 0 25193050100000350 407,532 412,455 25193050100000380 515,734 522,649 25193050100000410 511,021 627,487 25193050100000450 0 0 25193050200000010 523,124 558,876 25193050200000020 240,770 240,770 25193050200000050 196,425 196,425 25I93050200000060 175,073 175,073 25193050200000070 0 U 2519305020000007A 178,376 178,376 A -11 A -12 lip 50 i1: 50 251930502000000X0 25193050200000100 1,059,062 1,075,152 2519305020000010A 81,180 81,180 25193050200000110 349,376 340,376 25193051400000030 208,105 208,105 25193051400000040 274,428 274,428 25193051400000080 0 0 2519305140000008A 178,376 178,376 25193051400000090 317,990 508,784 25193051400000120 0 0 25193051400000130 0 0 25193051500000010 0 0 2519305150000001A 565,269 508,618 25103051500000018 239,080 239,080 25193051500000010 0 0 2519305150000001D 319,824 323,224 25193051500000020 2,074,380 2,300,879 2519305150000002A 1,280,286 1,289,286 25193051500000040 0 0 25193051500000050 0 0 25193051500000060 190,737 201,703 25193051500000070 0 0 25193051500000080 752,502 766,663 25193051600000000 0 0 251930517000000A0 130,860 139,860 251930517000000BO 145,320 145,320 25193051700000000 139,860 139,860 251930517000000DO 145,320 145,320 251930517000000BO 134,400 134,400 2519305170000001TO 139,860 139,860 25193051700000060 279,720 279,720 25193051700000000 0 0 25193051800000020 411,754 134,040 25193051800000030 1,296,000 3,240,000 25193052001001101 190,650 270,600 25193052001001102 247,690 351,560 25193052001001103 247,690 351,560 25193052001001104 247,690 351,560 25193052001001105 279,450 31.0,500 25193052001001106 130,975 185,000 25193052001001107 241,800 343,200 25103052001001108 163,370 231,880 25193052001001100 387,500 550,000 25193052001001201 141,700 207,200 25193052001001202 179,178 268,640 A -12 A -13 179,178 268,640 25193052001001203 25193052001001204 179,178 268,640 25193052001001205 141,700 207,200 25193052001001206 141,700 207,200 25193052001001207 179,178 268,640 25193052001001208 179,178 268,640 25193052001001209 329,249 437,600 25193052001001210 179,178 243,455 25193052001001211 179,178 243,455 25193052001001212 179,275 256,650 25193052001001213 179,178 243,455 25193052001001214 141,700 187,775 25193052001001301 141,700 207,200 25193052001001302 179,178 268,640 25193052001001303 179,275 283,200 25193052001001304 179,178 268,640 25193052001001305 181,093 270,880 25193052001001306 181,093 270,880 25193052001001307 179,178 268,640 25193052001001308 179,178 268,640 25193052001001309 329,249 437,600 25193052001001310 179,178 243,455 25193052001001311 179,178 243,455 25193052001001312 179,275 256,650 25193052001001313 179,178 243,455 25193052001001314 141,700 187,775 25193052001001401 141,700 207,200 25193052001001402 179,178 268,640 25193052001001403 179,275 283,200 25193052001001404 179,178 268,C-AO 25193052001001405 426,845 556,320 25193052001001406 426,845 556,320 25193052001001407 179,178 268,640 25193052001001408 179,178 268,640 25193052001001409 329,249 437,600 25193052001001410 129,178 193,455 25193052001001411 179,178 243,455 25193052001001412 179,275 256,650 25193052001001413 179,178 243,455 25193052001001414 141,700 187,775 25193052001001501 344,241 473,920 25193052001001502 179,275 283,200 25193052001001503 179,178 268,640 25193052001001504 426,845 556,320 25193052001001505 426,845 556,320 A -13 "25"193052001001506 179,178 268,640 25193052001001507 179,178 268,640 25193052001001508 329,249 437,600 25193052001001509 179,178 243,455 25193052001001510 179,378 243,455 25193052001001511 179,275 256,650 255193052001001512 344,241 429,490 25193052001001601 344,241 473,920 25193052001001602 412,547 538,240 25193052001001603 426,845 556,320 25193052001001604 426,845 556,320 25193052001001605 412,547 538,240 25193052001001606 329,249 437,600 25193052001001607 412,547 487,780 25193052001001608 179,275 256,650 25193052001001609 344,241 429,490 25193052009009001 773,785 791,780 251930520000G0000 0 0 25193052000200000 0 0 2519305AGO1040010 412,086 417,747 2519305AGO1040020 49,759 49,759 2519305AGO1040040 558,780 556,084 2519305AGO1040060 1,419,063 1,476,976 2519305AGO1040110 421,757 427,144 2519305AGO1050070 55,286 55,286 2519305AGO1060010 112,992 112,992 2519305AGO1060040 0 0 2519305AGO1060060 382,716 387,044 2519305AGO1070010 1,032,464 1,044,163 2519305AGO1070060 417,439 417,439 2519305AG01080010 218,558 221,745 2519305AGO1080030 270,937 273,323 2519305AGO1080060 101,038 101,038 2519305AGO1080080 111,100 11.1,257 2519305AGO1090010 429,890 429,890 2519305AGO1090060 459,961 455,810 2519305AGO1090090 103,891 157,080 2519305AGO1100010 118,590 252,992 2519305AG01100060 176,228 255,944 2519305AGOI 170000 24,898,732 25,194,138 2519305AGO1170010 914,958 923,760 2519305AGO117001JO 100 100 2519305AGO1200000 593,286 593,286 2519305AGO1210000 8,432,750 15,090,406 2519305AG0201001.0 154,512 154,512 A -14 � 2519305AGO2010090 ii• i 0 i1: ! 1!!!!!!!!29,250 U 2519305AGO2010120 29,250 2519305AGO2010140 46,450 46,450 2510305AGO2020010 0 0 2519305AG02020020 0 0 2519305AGO2020040 467,349 467,349 2519305AGO2020050 264,646 269,184 2519305AGO202005A 211,659 215,540 2519305AGO2020060 185,372 189,194 251.9305AG02020070 402,858 411,190 2519305AGO2030010 79,761 79,761 2519305AGO2030040 U 0 2519305AG02030050 763,861 779,485 2519305AGO2040010 127,024 131,219 2519305AGO204001A 389,547 395,091 2519305AGO2040020 233,839 238,419 2519305AGO204002A 76,661 77,550 2519305AGO2040030 1,366,174 1,427,500 2519305AGO2040090 0 0 2519305AGO2050010 U 0 2519305AG02050030 227,345 234,410 2519305AGO2050070 0 0 2519305AGO2050080 31,008 31,008 2519305AGO2050090 33,105 33,105 2519305AG02060010 3,233,718 3,057,243 2519305AGO2070010 73,547 73,5 ?3 2519305AGO2070030 450,791 456,107 2519305AGO2070060 457,034 461,284 2519305AGO2080010 1,326,633 1,339,785 2519305AGO2090010 369,956 3711905 2519305AGO2090060 173,350 174,100 2519305AGO2090070 349,537 351,792 2519305AGO2100000 309,131 388,192 2519305AGO2100060 97,713 112,747 2519305AGO2100070 70,393 71,279 2519305AGO2100080 64,805 72,260 2519305AGO2100090 116,804 118,322 2519305AGU2100100 113,822 114,494 2519305AGO2110010 127,100 168,960 2519305AGO211002A 68,945 110,312 2519305AGO2110060 151,923 153,352 2519305AGO2110080 107,570 107,570 2519305A(1021.10090 66,184 66,184 2519305AGO2170000 535,788 535,788 2519305AG02180000 117,600 117,600 A -15 A -16 11• 292,605 il: 295,252 2519305AG021800A0 2519305AGO21800BO 117,612 11.7,612 2519305AGO2190000 81,024 81,024 2519305AG021900A0 255,930 255,930 251930,r)AG021900130 101,928 101,928 2519305AG022100A0 249,972 249,972 2519305AGO3010010 0 0 2519305AG03010020 188,876 188,979 2519305AGO301002A 121,770 120,887 2519305AG03010030 239,359 243,844 2519305AGO3010040 103,178 99,416 2519305AG03010090 103,483 86,155 2519305AGO3010110 166,325 166,325 2519305AG0301011A 0 0 2519305AGO3010140 194,024 197,924 2519305AGO3010150 430,430 442,419 2519305AGO3020010 400,073 400,073 2519305AGO3020030 72,185 73,123 2519305AGO3020040 148,368 148,466 2519305AGO3020050 212,453 214,796 2519305AGO302005A 120,8633 124,240 2519305AGO3020090 261,238 244,317 2519305AGO3020100 103,896 105,106 2519305AGO3020110 1811561 192,613 2519305AGO3020120 255,478 260,265 2519305AGO302012A 455,936 464,456 2519305AGO302012B 108,697 113,155 2519305AGO3030010 587,446 595,841 2519305AGO303001A 276,250 279,826 2519305AG03030020 281,349 281,349 2519305AGO3030030 147,331 151,616 2519305AGO3030040 1,656,250 1,562,252 2519305AG0303004A 174,526 170,707 2519305AG030<30060 143,133 135,009 2519305AGO3030080 245,370 231,445 2519305AGO3040010 214,241 221,004 2519305AGO304003 A 168,144 175,399 2519305AGO3040020 269,052 274,712 2519305AGO304002A 767,700 612,416 2519305AGO3040060 779,495 790,294 2519305AG03040090 97,546 101,494 2519305AG0304009A 329,240 338,608 2519305AG03040100 80,832 82,261 2519305AG03050000 42,572 44,483 2519305AGO3050010 666,964 696,900 A -16 2519305AG03050030 tt• 194,440 5 F"452,!881 2619305AGO3050040 448,011 2519305AGO3050090 217,271 217,401 2519305AGO3050120 37,069 37,069 2519305AG03060010 751,775 804,348 2519305AGO3060050 42,117 37,002 2519305AGO3060060 188,679 193,080 2519305AGO3060090 49,548 49,806 2519305AGO3060100 164,941 166,909 2519305AGO3070010 67,926 69,124 2519305AGO3070020 150,736 150,736 2519305AGO3070030 198,548 206,734 2519305AGO3070040 253,907 257,047 2519305AGO3070050 34,818 34,818 2519305AGO3070060 127,158 130,425 2519305AGO3070070 24,500 24,500 2519305AGO3070090 58,702 59,263 2519305AGO3070100 18,247 18,204 2519305AGO3080010 485,606 493,609 2519305AG03080030 202,89I 204,116 2519305AG03080060 101,998 106,680 2519305AGO3080090 176,790 209,459 2519305AGO3080100 137,598 160,909 2519305AGO4010010 218,308 223,778 2519305AGO401001A 23,094 23,094 2519305AGO401001B 119,051 120,149 2519305AGO4010040 108,896 108,896 2519305AGO4010050 44,460 44,460 2519305AGO4010070 0 0 2519305AGO4010110 347,318 392,233 2519305AGO4020010 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020020 19 305 19,305 2519305AG04020030 191305 19,305 2519305AG04020040 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020050 19,305 19,305 2519305AG04020060 20,185 20,185 2519305AGO4020070 234,704 237,131 2519305AGO4020090 0 0 2519305AGO4020100 0 0 2519305AGO4020110 27,495 27,495 2519305AGO4020120 207,464 212,273 2519305AGO4020130 131,082 132,356 2519305AGO4030010 32,265 32,265 2519305AG04030020 321265 32,265 2519305AGO4030030 238,652 245,239 2519305AGO4030040 29,250 29,250 A -17 2519305AGO4030050 202,392 205,076 2519305AG04030060 98,422 101,697 2519305AGO4030080 31,560 31,560 2519305AGO4030090 180,060 177,382 2519305AG04040010 272,452 278,930 2519305AGO4040030 347,038 379,331 2519305AGO4040040 81,404 88,979 2519305AGO4040050 136,001 137,560 2519305AGO4040060 33,345 33,345 2510305AGO4040070 29,250 29,250 2519305AGO4040080 0 0 2519305AGO4040090 90,765 92,415 2519305AGO404009A 14,889 14,896 2519305AGO4040100 12,995 12,995 2519305AGO404010A 174,986 174,986 2519305AGO4050010 183,720 183,720 2519305AGO4050040 321,299 292,090 2519305AGO405005A 6,960 6,960 2519305AGO4060010 313,924 321,735 2519305AGO4060040 188,927 190,644 2519305AGO4060060 0 0 2519305AGO4060070 141,577 89,171 2519305AGO4060090 138,180 171,463 2519305AGO406009A 18,339 18,296 2519305AGO4070010 169,738 172,585 2519305AGO4070030 29,250 23,000 2519305AG04070040 29,250 23,000 2519305AGO4070050 94,425 116,346 2519305AGO4070060 55,675 55,569 2519305AGO4070080 126,262 155,035 2519305AGO4070090 101,956 124,492 2519305AGO4070100 136,422 170,238 2519305AGO4080010 87,724 106,209 2519305AGO4080020 107,974 132,068 2519305AGO4080030 98,161 121,621 2519305AGO4080040 85,976 105,615 2519305AG04080050 82,820 101,381 2519305AGO4080060 515,372 520,077 2519305AGO5010010 173,581 157,801 2519305AGO5010020 30,421 30,425 2519305AG05010030 66,801 66,808 2519305AGO5010050 20,358 20,358 2519305AG05010060 50,54.4 50,544 2519305AGO6010010 1.82,668 182,668 2519305AGO6010030 163,378 148,525 2519305AG06010040 132,754 132,754 A -18 r 2519305AGO6010060 ir• ' 148,663 rr: , 152,156 2519305AGO6010080 94,858 97,007 2519305AG06OA0050 40,248 40,248 2519305AG06OA0060 153,480 105,141 2519305AG07010010 1.92,198 194,553 2519305AGO7010030 124,557 126,570 2519305AGO7010040 114,037 115,861 2519305AGO7010050 30,888 30,888 2519305AGO7010060 0 0 2519305AG07OA0070 55,243 55,243 2519305AG07OA007A 43,008 43,008 2519305AG07OA0090 228,072 287,932 2519305AG07OA0110 67,584 67,584 2519305AGOX000010 0 0 2519305AGOX000030 0 0 2519305AGOX000050 362,035 362,035 2519305AGOX00005B 0 0 2519305AGOX000060 1,164,896 1,303,095 2519305AGOX000070 376 376 2519305AGOX00007A 132 132 2519305AGOYOOOOIO 0 0 2519305AGGY000040 39,596 39,596 2519305AGOY000050 99,970 99,970 2519305AGOY000090 201,560 211,629 2519305AGOY00009A 9,409 9,409 2519305AGOYOOOIOO 172,494 172,494 2519305AG0YO0011A 1,012,797 310,068 2519305AGOY000130 433,964 394,513 251.9305AGOY000140 234,700 236,304 2519305AGOY00014A 407,484 412,096 2519305AGlNO60000 0 0 2519305AG2NO60000 0 0 2519305AG3NO90010 382,320 388,103 2519305QL0000001.0 154,000 154,000 2519305QL00000020 181,500 181,500 2519305QL00000030 181,500 181,500 2519305QL.00000040 396,000 39 {5,000 2519805QL00000050 509,964 514,400 2519305QLOOOOOOGO 180,000 180,000 2519305QL00000070 180,000 180,000 2519305Q1.00000080 180,000 180,000 2519305QWOOOOIOO 200,000 200,000 2519305QIA0000110 453,037 456,367 2519305QL00000120 150,000 150,000 2519305QL00000130 180,000 180,000 A -19 2519305QL00000140 514,839 519,132 2519305QIAO000150 493,382 497,399 2519305QI,00000160 225,000 225,000 2519305QL00000170 144,000 180,000 2519305QW0000180 144,000 198,000 25193ONLO0000190 330,000 330,000 2519305QLOA00000O 0 0 2519305QLOB00000O 0 0 201193030000100000 0 0 26193030000200000 6,733,291 7,804,428 261930300003AOOOO 1,764,180 1,764,180 26193030000500000 3,181 3,181 26193030000600000 33,268 33,184 26193030000700000 241,907 278,382 26193050800001010 341,250 341,250 26193050800001140 131,250 131,250 26193050800001190 183,750 183,750 26193050800001260 210,000 210,000 26193050800001340 154,875 154,875 26193050800001410 278,250 278,250 26193050800001510 156,030 156,030 26193050800001580 0 0 26193050800002010 141,330 141,330 26193050800002060 121,170 121,170 26193050800002110 393,750 393,750 26193050800002260 231,000 231,000 2619305080000234A 162,750 162,750 26193050800002410 183,750 183,750 26193050800002480 210,000 210,000 26193050800002560 131,251 131,251 26193050800002610 131,250 131,250 26193050800000000 0 0 26193050900000010 1,364,480 1,378,142 26193050900000020 90,726 90,726 26193050900000030 600,173 605,841 26193051000000010 259,021 263,468 26193051000000020 370,434 370,434 26193051100000010 405,000 405,000 26193051100000020 405,000 292,500 30193130000100000 0 0 30193130000400000 538,139 695,933 30193150601000010 246,367 259,127 30193150601000020 514,944 514,944 30193150601000040 394,231 407,332 30193150601000050 0 0 A -20 30193150602000010 il• 0 1!' 0 301931507OA000000 0 0 3019315070EOOOOOO 0 0 301931507OR00010 0 0 3019315070G000010 31,278 31,278 3019315070GO00030 142,565 143,440 3019315070GO00060 75,930 75,930 30193150700000110 118,535 126,797 30193150706000140 85,497 99,105 30193150706000180 93,321 109,330 3019315070I 000010 774,395 1,001,465 3019315070.1000140 0 0 3019315070I(000010 0 0 30193150701(000090 0 (? 3019315070L000010 0 0 301931507OLO00090 0 0 301931507OL000130 0 0 3019315070M000010 0 0 3019315070M000090 0 0 3019315070M000110 0 0 3019315070M000140 0 0 3019315070M000230 0 0 3019315070M000250 0 0 3019315070M000280 0 0 30193150700000010 0 0 30193150804000010 0 0 30193151415000000 0 0 30193151501000000 0 0 30193151502000000 1,825,329 2,387,673 30193151504000010 60,180 60,180 30193151504000020 57,900 57,900 30193151504000030 24,090 21,900 301931515505000010 37,440 37,440 30193151505000020 13,395 13,395 30193151505000030 18,396 18,396 30193151505000040 687,032 693,640 30193151506000010 165,938 167,873 3019315150600001A 47,528 43,863 30193151506000020 50,268 87,962 30193151506000030 0 29,736 30193151514000010 0 0 301.93151514000020 166)476 151,342 30193151521000000 123,114 123,114 30193151521OA0000 106,842 106,842 30193151522OA0000 198,636 198,636 A -21 A -22 Current S3 Taxable Value Without property Deletions or Additions 9,859,348 13,920,000 23193030000700000 231930300007A0000 79 79 231930300009A0000 182,820 59,699 23193030001100000 0 0 25193030000200000 0 0 251930300002A0000 0 0 25193030000300000 0 0 25193030000400000 0 0 25193030000700000 10,291,429 15,300,000 251930300009A0000 722,242 732,871 25193030000980000 1,148,010 1,162,085 251930300009(:0000 50,471 566,154 25193030001500000 221,157 221,369 25193030001600000 233,262 233,262 25193030001700000 0 0 25193030001800000 0 0 251930300018A0000 0 0 25193030001880000 0 0 251930300018C0000 0 0 25193030001900000 449,504 568,611 25193030002000000 344,508 344,508 25193030002100000 898,479 911,647 25193030002800000 143,748 143,748 25193050100000010 0 0 25193050100000030 0 0 251930501000000A0 314,I65 321,637 25193050100000080 73,100 73,100 251930501000000DO 170,991 173,995 25193050100000080 0 0 25193050100000010 0 0 25193050100000060 0 0 2519305010000001 -10 0 () 25193050100000200 0 0 25193050100000210 0 0 25193050100000350 407,532 412,455 25193050100000380 515,734 522,649 25193050100000410 511 ,021 627,487 25193050100000450 0 0 25193050200000010 523,124 558,876 25193050200000020 240,770 240,770 25193050200000050 1116,425 195,425 25193050200000060 175,073 175,073 25193050200000070 0 0 2519305020000007A 178,376 178,376 A -23 r 25193050200000OX0 50 50 25193050200000100 1,059,962 11075,152 2519305020000010A 81,180 81,180 25193050200000110 349,376 349,376 25193051400000030 208,105 208,105 2<5193051400000040 274,428 274,428 25193051400000080 0 0 2519305140000008A 178,376 178,376 25193051400000090 317,990 508,784 25193051400000120 0 0 25193051400000130 0 0 25193051500000010 0 0 2519305150000001A 565,269 598,618 2519305150000001B 239,080 239,080 25193051500000010 0 0 2519305150000001D 319,824 323,224 25193051500000020 2 ,074,380 2,300,879 2519305150000002A 1,289,286 1,289,286 25193051500000040 0 0 25193051500000050 0 0 25193051500000060 199,737 201,703 25193051500000070 0 0 25193051500000080 752,502 766,663 25193051600000000 0 0 251930517000000AO 139,860 139,860 251.930517000000130 145,320 145,320 25193051700000000 139,860 139,860 251930517000000DO 145,320 145,320 2519305170000OOEO 134,400 134,400 251930517000000n, 139,860 139,860 25193051700000060 279,720 279,720 25I93051700000000 0 0 25193051800000020 411,754 134,940 25193051800000030 1,296,000 3,240,000 25193052001001101 190,650 270,600 25193052001001102 247,690 351,560 25193052001001103 247,690 351,560 25193052001001104 247,690 351,560 25193052001001105 279,450 310,500 25193052001001106 130,975 185,900 25193052001001107 241,800 343,200 25193052001001108 163,370 231,880 25193052001001109 387,500 550,000 25193052001001201 141,700 207,200 25193052001001202 I79,178 268,640 A -24 25193052001001203 179,178 268,640 25193052001001204 179,178 268,640 25193052001001205 141,700 207,200 25193052001001206 141,700 207,200 25193052001001207 179,178 268,640 251930,52001001208 179,178 268,640 25193052001001209 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22193050200001060 114,403 165,982 22193050200001070 130,425 185,012 22103050200001080 56,541 56,435 22193050200001090 117,259 171,301 22193050200001100 143,043 99,360 22193050200001110 126,583 165,982 22193050200001120 115,649 167,652 22193050200001130 143,043 181,669 22193050200001.140 163,723 217,443 22193050200001150 157,315 199,682 22193050200001160 152,163 108,720 22193050200001170 107,315 114,384 22193050200001180 113,723 132,129 22193050200001190 118,289 127,680 22193050200001200 181,129 185,985 22193050200001 210 176,790 217,409 22193050200001220 139,623 201,457 22193050200001230 226,548 294,789 22193050200001240 142,469 180,952 22193050200001250 107,315 114,384 22193050200001260 93,043 99,360 22193050200001270 107,315 114,384 22193050200001280 163,779 202,307 22193050200001290 130,476 184,789 22193050200001300 233,070 301,660 22193050200001310 127,515 147,206 2219305020OW1320 117,171 126,240 A -36 A -37 11' 122,723 li: 132,129 22193050200001330 22193050200001340 102,043 138,669 22193050200001350 122,723 132,129 22193050200001360 102,043 138,150 22193050200001370 174,473 226,243 22193050200001380 143,043 181,669 22I93050200001390 124,448 144,361 22193050200001400 197,604 253,5522 22193050200001410 97,043 133,669 22193050200001420 122,723 132,129 22193050200001430 143,043 181,669 22193050200001440 107,315 114,384 22193050200001450 113,723 217,443 22193050200001460 115,473 169,243 22193050200001470 157,315 199,682 22193050200001480 157,315 114,384 22193050200001490 1.05,532 115,243 22193050200001500 180,018 221,322 22193050200001510 181,169 222,726 22193050200001520 114,403 218,343 22193050200001530 113,723 132,129 22193050200001540 227,061 295,322 22193050200001550 115,473 134,248 22193050200001560 201,885 264,223 22193050200001570 123,712 143,546 22193050200001580 229,106 297,431 22193050200001590 166,203 220,193 22193050200001600 107,963 150,491 22193050200001610 93,043 99,360 22193050200001620 117,449 171,875 22193050200001630 86,174 122,976 22193050200001640 141,153 200,681 22193050200001650 173,024 172,801 22193050200001660 166,336 220,933 22193050200001670 108,611 151,301 22193050200001680 109,034 151,857 22193050200001690 165,640 219,217 22193050200001700 166,551 168,940 22193050200001710 93,043 131,669 22193050200001720 1.75,183 232,773 22193050200001730 114,675 133,115 22193050200001740 93,043 131,669 22193050200001750 107,M3 150,491 22193050200001760 1.14,403 165,982 22193050200001770 107,315 114,384 A -37 22193050200001780 164,403 218,343 22193050200001790 107,315 114,384 22I93050200001800 113,723 132,129 22193050200001810 110,001 152,467 22193050200001820 116,596 132,129 22193050200001830 157,315 199,682 22193050200001840 113,723 132,129 22193050200001850 125,260 178,438 22193050200001860 168,764 237,111 22193050200001870 85,637 122,306 22193050200001880 107,315 149,682 22193050200001890 157,315 199,682 22193050200001900 0 0 22193050200001910 125,566 147,133 22193050200001920 163,723 217,443 22193050200001930 157,315 149,682 22193050200001940 118,151. 126,930 22193050200001950 113,723 167,443 22193050200001960 106,667 148,872 22193050200001970 142,469 180,952 22193050200001980 113,042 164,236 22193050200001990 106,667 148,872 22193050200002000 61,594 61,483 2219305020A000000 0 0 22193050200000000 0 0 2219305020D000000 0 0 2219305020L000000 0 0 22193050206000000 0 0 22193050201I000000 0 0 22193050201000000 0 0 2219305020J000000 0 0 22193050201(000000 0 0 22193050201,000000 0 0 2219305020M000000 0 0 26193030000900000 282,553 2 &3,246 A -38 A -39 11' 173,581 11: 1.57,801 2519305AG05010010 2519305AGO5010020 30,421 30,425 2519305AGO5010030 66,801 66,808 2519305AG05010050 20,358 20,358 2519305AG05010060 50,544 50,544 2519305AG0601.0010 182,668 182,668 2519305AGO6010030 163,378 148,525 2510305AGO6010040 132,754 132,754 2519305AGO6010060 148,663 152,156 2519305AGO6010080 94,858 97,007 2519305AG06OA0050 40,248 40,248 2519305AG06OA0060 153,480 105,141 2519305AGO7010010 192,198 194,553 2519305AG07010030 124,557 126,570 2519305AGO7010040 114,037 115,861 2519305AGO7010050 30,888 30,888 2619305AGO7010060 0 0 2519305AG07OA0070 55,243 55,243 2519305AG07OA007A 43,008 43,008 2519305AG07OA0090 228,072 287,932 2519305AG07OA0110 67,584 67,584 30193151504000010 60,180 60,180 30193151504000020 57,900 57,900 30193151504000030 24,090 21,900 30193151.505000010 37,440 37,440 30193151505000020 13,395 13,395 30193151505000030 18,396 18,396 30193I51505000040 687,032 693,640 30193151506000010 165,938 167,873 3019315150600001A 47,528 43,863 30193151506000020 50,268 87,962 30193151506000030 0 29,736 A -39 I A C o u cl-ti-ey. Tile DOUDNEY COMPANIES, INC. BY DAVID A, DOUDNEY, PRESI.DEVT FLORIDA RECISTRATION NUMBER. 3939 1 JUNE 2009 PAGE. OF 7 PROFFSSIONALSURVl.YQRS AND M.AP E13S P.O. BOX 266 • SAA'F0l?D, R ORIDA • 32772 • 7 EI R-PIIONF • 407.322.1457 -FAX -407-322-14.95 200 11 COMMERCIAL L SORE 7, SUITE I • SAN1-01lD, FLORIDA 32 771 OVERALL COMBINED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: (TO BE ADDED TO C.R.A.) Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4; Lots 1 and 3 through 7, Block 5; Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8; TOGETHER WITH the vacated alley lying East of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 5 and West of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8; AND ALSO Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 6, all lying and being in CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; TOGETHER WITH: Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Tier A; Lots 7 through 12, Block 7, Tier A, TOGETHER WITH the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said Lot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, Tier A; TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 7, Block 5, Tier 1; TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 7, Block 6, Tier 1; and ALSO TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 8, Block 7, Tier 1, all lying and being in FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of Sanford Avenue lying South of a line from the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Tier 1, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida, to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 5 of CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida and lying North of a line from the Southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 7, Tier 1 to the Southwest corner of Lot 12, Block 7, Tier A, LESS the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said Lot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO LESS the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, Tier A of said FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of 3rd Street lying East of the East right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Lot 1, Block 5 extended North to the South line of Lot 3, Block 4, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; PAGE: 2 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of 4th Street lying East of the East right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Block 5 extended South to the South right -of -way line of said 4t" Street as shown on the plat of CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO that portion of 4h Street lying West of the West right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots 1 through 7, Block 5, Tier 1 extended South to the South right -of- way line of said 4th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of 5th Street lying East of the East right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the East line of Lot 5, Block 6, Tier A extended South to the South right -of -way line of said 51h Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 throuV 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO that portion of 5t Street lying West of the West right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots 1 through 8, Block 6, Tier 1, extended South to the South right -of- -way line of said 5' Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida. PAGE: 3 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 OVERALL COMBINED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: (TO BE REMOVED FROM C.R.A.) A Parcel of land located within Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, described as follows: Begin at a point 66.6 feet West and 15.00 feet North of the South '4 corner of said Section 23, said point being an intersection of the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence West along the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and parallel to the South line of said Section 23, a distance of 335.40 feet to the East line of Lot 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY'S CELERY PLANTATION as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 129, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence leaving said North right - of -way line of Narcissus Road, run North 660.00 feet, to the Northeast corner of said Lot 17; thence West along the North line of said Lot 17, a distance of 174.40 feet; thence leaving said North line of Lot 17, run North 1028.22 feet to the Southwest right -o#- -way fine of U.S. Highway 17 -92; thence South 39 °41'08" East, along said Southwest right -of- way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92, a distance of 798.34 feet to an intersection with the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence South 1073.85 feet to the point of Beginning, less the East 30 feet thereof: TOGETHER WITH; Begin on North line of St. Gertrude Avenue 71.97 chains West of East line of Holly Avenue, run West 15 chains North 10 chains East 484 feet North 807 feet East 501 feet South to the beginning (LESS Begin NW intersection of first Street and Terwilliger Lane run North 150 feet West 120 feet South 150 feet East to Beginning). TOGETHER WITH; Begin 51.6 feet West, and 1,468 feet South of the North % Section Post, between Section 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330 feet, thence North to Lake Monroe, thence Northwesterly along Lake Monroe to a point North of the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said property lying and being in Seminole County, Florida Less and Except Road Right of Way for U.S. Highway 17 -92 on North. Also Less and Except the portion of the above described lands conveyed to the City of Sanford by virtue of that certain Warranty Deed recorded September 10, 1985 in Official Records Book 1669, Page 852; corrected by Warranty Deed recorded January 10, 1987 in Official Records book 1806, Page 95, all being of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Commence at the North ' /s corner of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East and run South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the North line of the Northwest "4 of said Section 26, 36.60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continue South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the North line 15.00 feet to the point on the Easterly Right of Way line of Terwilliger Lane, thence run South 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East along said Easterly line 1407.97 feet, thence run North 89 degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds East 15.00 feet, thence run North 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West 1407.95 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PAGE: 4 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 Also Less and Except from the above described lands that portion conveyed by Warrar�������A�u�14,1S��Cffi�a|���eB�k2211.P�e2�. Public ' Records of Seminole CVVnty. Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.OD feet West, and 1.400.00 feet South of the North 1/4Geo1ion post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330.00 feet, thence run North 396.00 feet, thence run West to a point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 39O.DO feet to the POINT [)FBEGINNING. ALSO LESS: Rights of Way for State Road 48 and Terwilliger Lane TOGETHER WITH; Lots 1, 2 and 3. 8/\NFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 63, Page 92, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida TOGETHER WITH; From a permanent reference monument at the centerline of third Street and Persimmon Avenue shown on the plat of ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TD THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112 through 117, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run North parallel with and 41.00 feet West of the West line of Tier 22 of said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, 688.7 feet to Old North Right-of-Way line of St. Gertrude Avenue (First Street), thence run N 89'58'40" E, 357.17 feet too point 2U.5 feet West mf the West line of Tier 21' said ST. GERTRU[)E ADDITION, thence run North 21.54feet tm the North Ri0Nt-of4Way line ofG.R.46for Point of Beginning, said Point being on the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue /4fo[tRigh�ofVVoy\.thanneruO North along said centerline, 646.31 feet tothe (41.00 orth Right-of-Way line of Fulton Street extended West, thence run S 89058`40" VV, 20.5 feet to the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (82 foot Right-of-Way), thence run North along said centerline 584.U0 feet tothe North line of Block 2N of said GT. GERTR(U[]E ADDITION, thence run 888"50'4O"VV.2O.DO feet toa point 578.5 feet East of the North and South 1/4Section Line of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run North 700.57 feet to the Southerly Right-of-Way line of U.S. Highway 17 & 92, thence run Northwesterly along said Southerly Right-of-Way line and a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of1R98.77 feet, a central angle of12"21'51''.a chord bearing of 54011'21^VV. an arc distance of3O6.59 feet, too point 278.4feet East of line running North from the South 144 8ection Corner ofSection 23, Township 18 South, Range 3O East, thence run 8DO°1O'5O^N/1454.O3 feet to the North Right-of- Way |ineof S.F<.48. thence run N88"3O'35"E'342.34 feet 10 the Point ufBeginning. PAGE: 5 OF7. JOB No. 9-09 TOGETHER WITH; Begin at the Northeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 19, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along the Easterly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19, 264.00 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West along the Southerly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19 and Westerly extension thereof, 337.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 20 of the said FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, said point also being on the Westerly right -of -way line of Mulberry Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along said Westerly right -of -way line 363.00 feet to a point on the centerline of Fulton Street; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West along the centerline of said Fulton Street 296.00 feet to the centerline of Pomegranite Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East 605.739 feet to a point on the Northerly right -of- way line of State Road 46; thence run South 88 degrees 16 minutes 56 seconds West along said Northerly right -of -way line 168.550 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 279.808 feet to a point on centerline of Commercial Street; thence run South 89 degrees 30 minutes 56 seconds West along said centerline of commercial Street 148.00 feet to the centerline of Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue 363.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.500 feet to a point on the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along said centerline of Tamarind Avenue 594.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.00 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 700.80 feet to a point on the Southerly right -of- way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; said Southerly right -of -way being 90.00 feet Southerly Measured, at right angles to and radially from the Northerly line of the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe thence run, Southeasterly along said Southerly right -of -way line along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1,681.678 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 44 minutes 03 seconds 520.513 feet to the end of said curve; thence continue along said Southerly right -of -way line South 77 degrees 35 minutes 36 seconds east 562.37 feet to a point on the Northerly extension of the centerline of Jessamine Avenue; thence run South 0 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along said Northerly extension 386.80 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 41.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. TOGETHER WITH: The West one -half of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FL RIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 and 117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, less right -of -way for State Road 46. TOGETHER WITH: The East' /2 of vacated Tamarind Avenue lying West of the West % of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and together with the South Y2 of vacated Commercial Street lying North of said West' /2 of Block 2, Tier 21, extended West to the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; PAGE: 6 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 TOGETHER WITH: All of Block 1, Tier 20 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also all of that land which is contiguous to the above described Block 1, Tier 20, which land was formerly portions of the South °/2 of Fulton Street and the East % of Pomegranite Avenue and which was vacated by the City of Sanford ordinance No. 1099 as recorded in Official Records Book 962, page 862 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also the North ' /z of Commercial Street contiguous to the South line of said Block 1, Tier 20; TOGETHER WITH: Lots 1 and 2, 1700 FIRST STREET according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 72, page 1 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida. AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: Block 2, Tier 19, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 115.117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida LESS that part lying North of and within 53 foot of the centerline of construction of State Road 46, Section 77030, said centerline being described as follows: Commence on the West line of the NE % of Section 27, Township 19 South, Range 30 East at a point 1576.05 feet South of the Northwest corner of said NE'/ of Section 27, thence run North 89 degrees 37' 56" East 2647.28 feet to the East line of said Section 27 (West line of Section 26, said Township and Range) at a point 1567.43 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Section 27 (Northwest corner of said Section 26) thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 659.87 feet; thence run North 0 degrees 14' 44" West, 44 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 1566.40 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 42' 34" East, 1006.51 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 56'48" East, 564.42 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 56" East, 106.1 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 26" East, 2308.96 feet to the center line of French Avenue at Station 120-30.65 of Section 7715 -105 for the end of this center line description. TOGETHER WITH the South'/ of vacated Commercial Street lying North of and adjacent to Block 2, Tier 19, as vacated by City ordinance No. 1517 on July 28, 1980 AND the West' /2 of vacated Jessamine Avenue, which is adjacent to the South 1/2 of vacated Commercial Street. PAGE: 7 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 JOB# 9 -09 DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD PLATS: FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY'S CELERY PLANTATION: 1/129 SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER: 63192 FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF THE ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA: 11112 THROUGH 117 1700 FIRST STREET 7211 (1) PARCEL ID: 23 -19 -30 -300- 0070 -0000 UNITED DOMION REALITY TRUST WARRENTY DEED: 2793/1082 DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land located within the Southwest 1/ Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East Seminole County, Florida. Described as follows: Begin at a point 66.6 feet West and 15.0 feet North of the South 'f corner of said Section 23; said point being an intersection of the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence West along the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and parallel to the South line of said Section 23, a distance of 191.40 feet; thence leaving said North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road, run North 210.00 feet; thence West 144.00 feet to the East line of Lot 17 of "Florida Land and Colonization Company's Plantation" as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 129, public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence North 450.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 17; thence West along the North line of said Lot 17, a distance of 174.40 feet; thence leaving said North line of lot 17, run North 1028.22 feet to the Southwest right -of- way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; thence South 39 °41'08" East, along said Southwest right -of -way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92, a distance of 798.34 feet to an intersection with the West right -o€ -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence South 1073.85 feet to the Point of Beginning, less the East 30 feet thereof. EASEMENT 1: Together with a non - exclusive easement for retention and detention and drainage and private or public utilities as described in Deed of Easement recorded in Official Records Book 1830, Pagel 268 of the public Records of Seminole County, Florida. EASEMENT 2: Together with an easement used for the construction, operation and maintenance of one or more underground water and sewer lines as described in easement for water and sewer lines recorded in Official Records Book 2012, Page 1635 Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (2) PARCEL ID: 23- 19 -30- 300 -009A -0000 MICHAEL T. & DONNA L. LOADER QUIT CLAIM DEED: 5987/0537 DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1: From the South' /4 Section corner of Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, run West 402 feet, thence run North 15 feet for a Point of Beginning. Thence continue North 105 feet; thence run East 144 feet, thence run South 105 feet; thence run West 144 feet to the Point of Beginning. Subject to an easement over the West 12 feet thereof for road purpose Parcel 2: From the South '/ Section corner of Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, run West 402 feet, thence run North 120 feet for a point of Beginning, thence continue North 195 feet; thence run East 144 feet, thence run South 105 feet; thence run West 144 feet to the Point of Beginning. Subject to an easement over the West 12 feet thereof for road purpose /3\ PARCEL ID: 3G- 9-30-300-0050-0000 SUSAN W. H|GK3XNBOTHAM, MARGARET W. JONES, CATHERINE W. MASSBY, ANNE 8'STURGES AND WILLIAM W. WHITE, JR. VVARRE0TY DEED: 424010Q3 DESCRIPTION: AN UNDIVIDED ONE-FIFTH (1/5) INTEREST EACH IN 4.17296 INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING: Section 28` Township 19 8outh, Range 30 Eocd. Begin on North line of St. Gertrude AVeDVa 71.97 chains West of East Una of Holly Avenue, run West 10 chains North 10 chains East 154 feet North 807 feet South to Beginning (Less Begin NVVintersection of First Street and Terwilliger Lane run North 15O feet West 120 feet South 150 feet East to Beginning). (4) PARCEL ID: 38-10-30-300-0070-0000 PEGGY NESTOR WARRENTY DEED: 1441/0770 DESCRIPTION: Beginning on the North line of St. Gertrude Avenue 81.97 chains West of the East line of the Intersection of Holly Avenue and First Gtreet, in the City of Sanford, run West 5 chains, North 10 chains, East 5chaina. South 1O chains tothe Point ofBeginning, all lying and being in Section 20.Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida. SUBJECT TO all valid Restrictions, conditions, limitations and EamernoDto of record, however this reference shall not serve to repose aonoe. (5) PARCEL [D: 26'19-30-300-003A-0000 THE SPANOS CORPORATION SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED: 6821/1115 DESCRIPTION: Begin 51.0 feet West, and 1.488feet South of the North %Seobon Post, between Sections 23 and 26. Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330 feet, thence North to Lake Monroe, thence Northwesterly along Lake Monroe to a point North of the PC)|MT OF BEGINNING, thence South to the POINT OF BEG|NNING, said property lying and being in Seminole County, Florida. Less and Except Rood Right of Way for U.G. Highway 17-92 on North. Also Less and Except that portion of the above described lands conveyed to the City of Sanford by virtue of that certain Warranty Deed recorded September 10, 1985 in Official Records Book 1689, Page 052; corrected by Warranty Deed recorded January 10. 1987 in Official Records Book 1808, Page 85, all being of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Commence at the North % corner of Section 28' Township 19 South, Range 30 East and run South 89 degrees 45 minutes OO seconds West along the yJudh line of the Northwest % ofneid 8aobun 20. 36.60 feet to the POINT OF 8EG|NN|NG, thence continue South 89 degrees 45 DninUtao OU seconds West along the North line 15.OU feet tothe point on the Easterly Right of Way line of Terwilliger Lone, thence run South O degrees 08 minutes 30 seconds East along said Easterly line 1407.87 feet. thence run North DQ degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds East 15.00 feet, thence run North 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West 1407.95 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Also Less and Except that portion of the above described lands conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded August 14, 1990 in Official Records Book 2211, Page 290, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.60 feet West, and 1,468.00 feet South of the North'/ Section Post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 200.00 feet, thence run North 200.00 feet, thence run West to a point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 200.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS: Rights of Way for State Road 46 and Terwilliger Lane Also Less and Except from the above described lands that portion conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded August 14, 1990 in Official Records Book 2211, Page 292, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.60 feet West, and 1,468.00 feet South of the North % Section Post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330.00 feet, thence run North 396.00 feet, thence run West to a Point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 396.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS: Begin 51.60 feet West and 1,468.00 feet South of the North'/ Section Post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 200.00 feet, thence run North 200.00 feet, thence run West to a point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 200.00 feet the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO LESS: Rights of Way for State Road 46 and Terwilliger Lane. (6) PARCEL ID: 26 -19 -30 -509- 0000 -0010 PEREGRINE LLC NO DEED DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER PB 63 PG 92 (7) PARCEL ID: 26- 19- 30- 509 -0000 -0020 PEREGRINE LLC NO DEED DESCRIPTION: LOT 2, SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER PB 63 PG 92 (8) PARCEL ID: 26 -19 -30 -509- 0000 -0030 MID - FLORIDA ONCOLOGY 1, LLC WARRENTY DEED: 05/06/0032 DESCRIPTION: PARCEL I.D. NOS: 26- 19 -30- 300- 0030 -0000 and 26- 19 -30- 300 -003B -0000 Lot 3 of SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 63, Page 92, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (8) PARCEL ID: 2G-19-3O'3U0-0D2O-0OOO LAKE K0ONROE ASSOCIATES, LTD SPEC[AL0ARRENTY DEED: 02518/0013 DESCRIPTION: Tax Parcel iD.#(s):23-19-30-300-0100-0000-0-5 30-19-30-300-0020'0000-0-5 From a Permanent Reference Monument at the centerline of Third Street and Persimmon Avenue shown on the Plat of ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112 through 117` Public Records Vf Seminole County, Florida, run North parallel with and 41.00 feet West nf the West line of Tier 22of said ST. GER-FRUDE ADDITION, G88.7 feet to Old North Right-of-Way Line of St. Gertrude Avenue (First Street), thence run N 89058'40^ E` 357.17 feet to m point 2O.5 feet West of the West Line uf Tier 21. said 8T. GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run North 21.54 feet to the North Right-of-Way Line of S.R. 48 fora Point of Beginning, said Point being on the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (41.00 foot RiQht-of4/Voy). thence run North along said centerline, 640'31 feet to the North Right-of-Way line of Fulton Street extended West, thence [UO 8 89058'40" W, 2O.5 feet tothe centerline pf vacated Tamarind Avenue /O2 foot Right-of-VVax\.thence run North along said centerline 584.00feet tD the North Line of Block 2N0f said ST. GERTRU[JE ADDITION, thence run 0 88"58'40" VV. 2O.DO feet tu a point 579.5 feet East Vf the North and South 1/48eo1ion Line of Section 2M. Township 1S South, Range 3O East, thence run North 7OO.57feet to the Southerly Right-mf-VVay Line ofU.G.Highway 17 & 92, thence run Northwesterly along said Southerly Right-of-Way Line and curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of10SM.77 feet, m central angle of12"21'b1^.a chord bearing ofN54"11'21"VV.un arc distance mf 3O0.5S feet, toa point 278.4feet East of a line running North from the South % Section Corner of Section 23, Township 1S South, Range 3O East, thence run 8OD"U2'1O"VV.7O8.43 feet, thence run S 00-10'50" W, 14b4.83 feet to the North RiQht-of-A/oy Line ofG.R.48. thence run N 88036'35" E. 342.34 feet tothe point of Beginning. (10,11 &12) PARCEL ID: 23-18-3Q-300-001048000 /10H 26-19~30-300-8018~0000 (11) 25-19-30'SAG-0121-0000 (12) SANF0R0 LANDING APARTMENTS LTD C/O EABLEY,D8CCALEB & ASSOCIATES WARRENTY DEED: 01386/1117 DESCRIPTION: Begin at the Northeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 19, of Florida Land and Colonization Co.'s Limited Map of the St. Gertrude Addition to Sanford, Florida, according to the plat thereof mo recorded in Plat Book 1. Pages 112-117of the public Records ofSeminole CVUnh/. Florida and run 8OU"18'50^E' along the Easterly line Ofsaid Block 2N, Tier 19. 264.00 feet to the Southeast corner thereof, thence run S89'39'56"W, along the Southerly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19 and Westerly extension thereof, 337.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 20 of the said Florida Land and Colonization Co.'s Limited Map ofthe 8L Gertrude Addition toSanford, Florida; said point also being on the Westerly [iQht-of+way line of Mulberry Avenue; thence run SOO"1O'5S"E,along said Westerly right-of-vvey line 383.8Ofeet to8 point on the centerline ¢f Fulton Street; thence run S.89039'56"W, along the centerline of said Fulton Street, 296.00 feet to the centerline ofPo[negngDiteAvenue; thence run G.000 18`59"E, 0O5.73S feet tDa point on the Northerly [ight-of-wuy line of State Road 4O; thence run [S.B8"18'5U'W along said Northerly ri8ht-of-vvoy line 168.55O feet; thence run N.00"1G`5Q"VV.279.8O8 feet to8 point on the centerline of Commercial Street; thence run G.88038'56"VV' along said centerline of Commercial Street, 148.O0 feet tothe centerline of Tamarind Avenue; thence run N.00"18'58"VV, along the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue, 3O3.U0feet; thence run S.89 °39'56 "W, 20.500 feet to a point on the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; thence run N.00 018'59 "W, along said centerline of tamarind Avenue, 594.00 feet, thence run S.89 °39'56 "W, 20.00 feet; thence run N.00 °18'59 "W, 700.80 feet to a point on the Southerly Right of Way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; said Southerly right of way being 90.00 feet Southerly measured at right angles to and radially from the Northerly line of the concrete retaining wail along the South shore of Lake Monroe; thence run Southeasterly along said Southerly right of way line along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1681.678 feet and a central angle of 17 °44'03 ", 520.513 feet to the end of said curve; thence continue along said Southerly right of way line S. 77 °35'36 "E, 562.37 feet to a point on the Northerly extension of the centerline of Jessamine Avenue; thence run S.0 °18'59" E, along said Northerly extension 386.80 feet; thence run S. 89 039'56" W, 41.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. (13) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0221 -OOAO JOHN S. & MICHAEL J. LAWLOR WARRENTY DEED: 04047/1997 DESCRIPTION: The West one -half of Block 2, Tier 21, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDES ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112, 113, 115, 116 and 117, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida less right of way for State Road 46. Together with the East'/ of vacated Tamarind Avenue, lying West of the West 1/2 of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDES ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. According to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, page 116, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, and Subject to easements and restrictions of record (14) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0120 -0000 CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL HOSPITAL, INC. WARRENTY DEED: 01778/1690 DESCRIPTION: All of Block 2 -N, and all of Block 1 -N of Tier 17, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; And Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, of Tier 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run West 378 feet to the centerline of Jessamine Avenue at its North end, thence run North 484 feet more or less to the low water on lake Monroe, thence run Southerly along the low water mark on Lake Monroe 382.1 feet more or less to a point North of the point of Beginning; thence run South 426 feet more or less to the point of Beginning; And All of Block 1 -N, and all of Block 2 -N, in Tier 18, according to FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida .' Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, of Tier 17, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run thence North 344.51 feet, more or less to the low water mark in Lake Monroe; thence Southeasterly along the meandering line of the low water mark in Lake Monroe, a distance of 252.5 feet more or less to a stake at low water mark in Lake Monroe; thence South a distance of 297 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of said Block 2 -N, of Tier 17, thence West 248 feet more or less to the point of beginning; EXCEPTING from the above described property a strip of land 90 feet in width, the Northerly line of which is the Northerly line of the coping on the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe, less the North 2 feet thereof, across the following described property, to -wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, Tier 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida run thence West 378 feet to the center of Jessamine Avenue, thence North 484 feet more or less to Lake Monroe; thence Southeasterly along said Lake Shore 362.4 feet to a point of beginning; thence South to beginning; also, Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, Tier 17, in said St. Gertrude Addition, run North 344.5 feet more or less to Lake Monroe; thence Southeasterly along the shore of said Lake 232.5 feet; thence South 297 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of said Block 2 -N, thence West 248 feet to beginning; LESS road right -of -way of U.S. 17 -92 Stair Road, 15 -600 AND All of Block 1 -N, Tier 19 and all of Block 1 Tier 19, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida r All of Block 1, Tier 20 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida And also all of that land which is continuous to the above described Block 1, Tier 20, which land was formerly portions of the South' /2 of Fulton Street and the East '2 of Pomegranite Avenue and which was vacated by the City of Sanford ordinance No. 1099 as recorded in Official Records Book 962, page 862 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; D The West % (Less Road) of Block 2, Tier 18, and the South' /2 of vacated Street adjacent on the North; and the East'/ of vacated Street adjacent on the West, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Also described as the West 69 feet of Block 2, Tier 18 and vacated streets adjacent on the North and West, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida AND The East Y2 of the West' /2 of the South'/ of vacated Street on North, Block 2, Tier 18, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Also described as: The East 63 feet of the East'/ of the West 1/2 of Block 2, Tier 18, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, together with the South ' /z of vacated Commercial Street, according to the plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112, 113, 115, 116 and 117 Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; Together being subject to easement or rights -of -way record (15) PARCEL ID: 26 -19 -30 -510- 0000 -0020 1700 FIRST STREET LLC NO WARRENTY DEED DESCRIPTION: LOT 2,1700 FIRST STREET PB 72 PG 1 (16) PARCEL ID: 26- 19 -30- 510- 0000 -0010 SUNIL PATEL LLC WARRENTY DEED: 0656711558 DESCRIPTION: LOT 1, 1700 FIRST STREET PB 72 PG 1 (17) PARCEL ID: 25- 19- 30- 5AG- 0219 -0080 CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL HOSPITAL, INC. WARRANTY DEED: 02973/1118 DESCRIPTION: The SW % of block 2, Tier 19, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 115 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. LESS that part lying North of and within 53 foot of the centerline of construction of State Road 46, Section 77030, said centerline being described as follows: Commence on the West line of the 0EIX of Section 27, Township 19 South, Range 30 East mta point 1576.05 feet South of the Northwest corner ofsaid NE1/4Cf Section 27. thence run North 89 degrees 37' 56" East 2647.28 feet to the East line of said Section 27 (West line of Section 2O` said Township and Range) at apoint 1567.43 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Section 27 (Northwest corner of said Section 26) thence run North 89 degrees 42'55" East O59.O7 feet; thence run North 0 degrees 14'44" West, 44 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 1566.40 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 42' 34" East. 1006.51 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 56' 48" East, 564.42 feat thence run North 8S degrees 3G' 56" East, 106.1 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 26" East, 2308.96 feet to the center line of French Avenue at Station 120+30.65 of Section 7715-1O5 for the end of this center line description PARCEL ID: 25~18-30-5AG-0219-OOA0 CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL HOSPITAL, INC. WARRANTY DEED: 02957/1183 DESCRIPTION: Block 2, (Less Southwest one quarter and North one-half of Northeast one-quarter) Tier 18. Town ofSanford, according toE.R.TR/\FFORD'S MAP thereof recorded inPlat Book 1, Page 116. mf the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, less part inState Road TOGETHER with the South 1/2 ofmanatod Commercial Street lying North of and adjacent 10 the NVV%of Block 2` Tier 19, 8m vacated b» City ordinance No. 15170nJuly 28,198O. THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT NOW CONSTITUTE. NOR HAS |TEVER CONSTITUTED, NOR DOES |T LIE CONTIGUOUS TO, THE CONSTITUTIONAL, HOMESTEAD OF GRANTOR HEREIN. PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG'0219-0000 HOSPITAL CORPORATION OF AMERICA WARRANTY DEED: M13701Q296 DESCRIPTION: North Y2of Northeast 1/4 of Block 2, Tier 19, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY, LIMITED MAP (]F ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO THE TOWN C)F SANFORD, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 116, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; And the South 1/2of the vacated street adjacent on the North; AND the \A/omt 1/2mf vacated Jessamine Avenue, which io adjacent tuthe South y6ofvacated Commercial Street. JOB# 9 -09 DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD PLATS: CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITIONS TO SANFORD, FLORIDA: 1/24 AND 3/55 TOWN OF SANFORD 1/56,1/58,1/59 (1156 -64), SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND B/111 -117, ORANGE COUNTY (A) PARCEL ID: 30-19-31-515-0400-0010 JOHN S. & MARIA F. VAUGHA0 QUIT CLAIM DEED: 07066/1931 DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Block 4'CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TOSANFQRD.FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55, in the public records nf Seminole County, Florida (B &C) PARCEL IQ: 30-19-31-515-0400-0020 {B) PARCEL ID: 30-19-31-515-0400-8030 (C) J<JE[)A0TE LLC \AAFKRENl[Y DEED: 05646/0180 DESCRIPTION: Lots 2 and 3. Block 4, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO 8ANFORD. according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Subject to eaaannanto and restrictions of record Subject to taxes for the year 2OO5 and thereafter Property Tax Identification Number: 30-18-31-515-0400'0020 and 30-19-31-515-0408' 0030 Subject tothe restrictions, conditions, [eue[V@ti0Ds, easements and other matters continued on the Plat ofCHAPK8ANAND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO G/\NF{}RO, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and Piet Book 3, Page 55, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (0 & E) PARCEL ID: 30-19-31-515-0500-0010 (D) PARCEL ID: 30-19-31-516-0580-0030 (E) EXACT PLUMBING INC' WARREyJl[Y DEED: 05340V1694 DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 and 3. Block 5. AND Lots 1. 2 and 4. Block 8. Together with the East 112 of vacated alley adjacent to said Lot 1, Block 8, all in CHAPMAN & TLICKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (F) PARCEL ID: 30-18-31-616-0500-0840 S/\MFORD SUPERMARKETS INC. V0ARRE0TY DEED: 06966/0520 DESCRIPTION: Lots 4, 5. 6 and 7. Block 5, and Lots 5. O and 7` Block 8 and vacated o||my lying East of Lots 4, 5, Oand 7, Block 5 and West of Lots 5. 0 and 7. Block all in Chapman & Tucker's Addition to Sanford, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida hG\ PARCEL ID: 30-19-31-615-0600-0010 EXACT PLUMBING INC. VVARRENTY DEED: 06230/8G38 DESCRIPTION: LOT 1. BLOCK 0` LESS THE NORTH 46.72 FEET {)F THE EAST 53 FEET []F LOT 1. BLOCK 6, CHAPK4AN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TJSANFORD` ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT B{){}N 1, PAGE 24, AND RERECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGE 55, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF 8EK8|NC]LECOUNTY. FLORIDA (H) PARCEL ID: 30-19-31-515'0680'801A COlCOR CAPITAL, INC. WARRENTy DEED: W7086/03O5 DESCRIPTION: The North 4O.72 feet of the East 5J feet of Lot 1. Block 6, CHAPK88N AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO 8ANFC)RO, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in plat book 1. PaQe/e\24. and Plat Book 3,Page 55.of the Public Records uf Seminole County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, reservations and limitations of recorded, if any. 0\ PARCEL ID: 30'19-31-515-8600-0020 GEORGE L. & LINDA LOPEZ VVARRE0TY DEED: 01776M6@7 DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Block 6, CHAPMAN and TUCKER addition to SANFORD, a subdivision, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24, of the Public Records of Seminole County. Florida. (J. K & L) PARCEL ID: 30-19-31-515-0600-0030 (J) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-050A'0060 (K) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30'5AG-068A'0050 (L) 417 SANFOR0 LLC VVAFtREWTY DEED: QG726/0258 DESCRIPTION: Lot 3. Block 6, CHAPK8AN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TC} 8ANFORD. FLORIDA, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24, Public records of Seminole County, Florida AND Lots G. G and 7, Block 0` Tier A, Florida Land & Colonization Co, Ltd., E.R. Trafhond`o Map of the Town of Sanford, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1` Page 50. Public Records nf Seminole County, Florida Subject tu all easements, rights of way and restrictions ofrecord (M) PARCEL ID: 26-19-30-6AG-070A-0070 VIVIAN M. YOUNGBLOOD & MCGEE A. COBBIN WARRENTY DEED: 05544/1394 DESCRIPTION: LEG N 32 FT OF LOT 7 + E 11.4 FT OF VACD ST ON W BLK 7 TR A TOWN OF SANFORD According to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (N) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-SAG-070A-007A ELLIOTT BELAMY 11 WARRENTY DEED: 0043710638 LEG S 12 FT OF LOT 7+ALL LOT 8+ E 11 FT OF DST ON WBLK7TRA TOWN OF SANFORD PB 1 PG 56 (P) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-SAG-070A-0010 DOYLE INVESTMENTS & DEVELOPMENT, INC. WARRENTY DEED: 06748/0405 DESCRIPTION: Lots 11 and 12, and the East 11 feet of the vacated street along the West, Block 7, Tier "A", E.R. TRAFFORDS'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Bookl, Page 56, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. JOB# 9 -09 DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD PLATS: E.R TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD 9156 -64 FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION LIMITED E.R TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD 1/56 -64 (1,5 &15) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG -0501 -0010 (1) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG -0501 -0060 (15) EXACT PLUMBING INC QUIT CLAIM DEED: 05061/1759 DESCRIPTION: (5) LOT 1 AND THE NORTH 12 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 6, TIER 1, E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PARCEL TWO: 26- 19 -30- 5AG -0501 -0060 (15) ALL OF LOTS 6 AND 7, BLOCK 5, TIER 1, FLORIDA LAND COLONIZATION LIMITED, E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PARCEL THREE: 26 -19 -30 -5AG- 0501 -0010 (1) LOT 1, BLOCK 5, TIER 1, OF E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (2,3 & 4) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0501 -0020 (2) ROBERT & LINDA KUHN, AUDIE LEMMON, ANDREW & SUSAN KALIFEH WARRENTY DEED: 03373/0030 DESCRIPTION: LOTS 2, 3, 4 and 5, BLOCK 5, TIER 1, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (5) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0601 -0010 EXACT PLUMBING INC. WARRENTY DEED: 05061/1760 DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 AND THE NORTH 12 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 6, TIER 1, E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA (6) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0601 -0030 JASON S. TURNER WARRENTY DEED: 0683011799 DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 and the South 21 feet of Lot 2, Block 6, Tier 1 E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 -64, public Records of Seminole County, Florida (7) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0601 -0040 GOODING & CO., MORTGAGE, ING QUIT CLAIM DEED: 05493/0529 DESCRIPTION: Lots 4 + 5, Block 6, Tier 1, Florida Lane and Colonization Company ER Trafford 's Map of Town of Sanford according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56 -64, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (8) PARCEL 1D: 25- 19- 30- 5AG -0601 -0060 KHEMRAJ P. JAIKARAN QUIT CLAIM DEED: 06699/1291 DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY ID # 25- 19- 30- 5AG - 0601 -0060 LEG LOTS 6 + 7 BLK 6 TR 1 TOWN OF SANFORD PB 1 PG 58 (9) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0601 -0080 INVESTORS REALTY NETWORK LLC WARRENTY DEED: 0656610952 DESCRIPTION: Leg Lot 8 BLK 6 TR 1 Town of Sanford PB 1 PG 58 Tax Parcel I.D. No 25- 19 -30- 5AG -0601 -0080 (10 & 11) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0701 -0010 (10) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-SAG-0701 -001 A (11) JOE E KING & JENNIFER S CARTIER WARRENTY DEED: 06159/1879 DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1: LOT 1 and the North 16'/2 feet of LOT 2, BLOCK 7, TIER 1, less and except the East 65 feet of said Lots 1 and 2, E.R. TRAFFORDS MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. PARCEL 2: The East 65 feet of Lot 1 and the East 65 feet of the North 'h of Lot 1, all in BLOCK 7, TIER 1, E.R. TRAFFORDS MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. ADDRESS: 500 Sanford Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771 /Seminole County PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 25- 19- 30- 5AG - 0701 -0010 (12) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0701 -0030 HOWARD S MARKS WARRENTY DEED: 04359/0796 DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 and the South' /2 of lot 2, (Less he North 2 feet of the West 52 feet) Block 7, Tier 1, E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Subject to Easement and Restrictions of Record (13) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0040 JOHN GIULIANI, PEGGY KING & JOE E KING QUIT CLAIM DEED: 06966/1441 DESCRIPTION: 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0040 (parcel ID#) Leg Lot 4 BLK 7 TR 1 Town of Sanford PB 1 PG 59 (14) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0060 HUGGINS DEVELOPMENT, INC. WARRENTY DEED: 6494/714 DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, Block 7, Tier 1, E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP of the TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (15) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0060 TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH WARRENTY DEED: 114/312 DESCRIPTION: LEG LOTS 6 7 + 8 BLK 7 TR I TOWN OF SANFORD PB I PG 59 SANFORD COMMUt'll-FY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN OWNER ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE ACRES QUALITY REAL EST DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD Fl, 32771 0.94 BELLAMY ELLIOTT 11 211 ELGIN AVE #5 FOREST' PARK IL 60130 0.16 MFC & CO INVESTMENT LLC 225 MEADOW BEAUTY TER SANFORD FL 32771 0.21 DOYLE INV & DEV INC 2377 RIVER TREE, CIR SANFORD FL 32771 0.25 LEXINGTON REAL ESTATE DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.09 SMITH VALERIE M & STEVEN 1 1962 MIKLE R RD OVIEDO Fl, 32765 0.09 REGATTA SHORES INC 2335 W SEMINOLE BLVD SANFORD FL 32771 0.79 HOOGLAND ORLANDO INC 1516 HILLCREST ST STE 210 ORLANDO FL 32803 0.16 LEXINGTON REAL ESTATE DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.08 CENTRAL FLA REGIONAL HOSP INC PO BOX 1504 NASHVILLE TN 37202 2.27 CENTRAL FLA REGIONAL HOSP INC PO BOX 1504 NASHVILLE TN 37202 0.97 1700 FIRST STREET LLC 301 SAN MARCOS AVE STE 100 SANFORD FL 32771 1.38 SHERMAN WILLIE B JR 217 S OAK AVE SANFORD FL 32771 0.07 PAULUCCI JENO F & 201 W I ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 2.02 TUBBS REAL ESTATE LLC 6857 THORNHILL CIR WINDERMERE FL 34786 0.94 PAULUCCI JENO F & 201 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.77 LEXINGTON REAL ESTATE DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD Fil 32771 0.12 LEXINGTON REAL ESTATE DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.10 LOPEZ GEORGE L & LINDA 104 SWEET GUM CT SANFORD FL 32773 0.21 STAHL ROBERT A & NORMA 810 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.23 QUALITY REAL EST DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 1.23 CSXTRANSPORTATION INC 500 WATER ST JACKSONVILLE FL 32202 0.54 STEWARTREAL ESTATE DEV LLC 115 TIMBERLACHEN CIR #1013 LAKE MARY FL 32746 0.08 TD BANK NA 1660 SW ST LUCIE WEST BLVD PORT ST LUCIE FL 34986 0.24 QUALITY REAL EST DEV LLC 1426 W 1 ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.87 CENTRAL FLA REGIONAL HOSP INC PO BOX 740035 LOUISVILLE KY 40201 1.69 417 SANFORD LLC 559 E HIGHLAND ST ALTAMONTE SPRINGS FL 32701 0.16 HOOGLAND ORLANDO INC 1516 HILLCREST ST STE 210 ORLANDO FL 32803 1.17 RIGGAN JACK F & SHERRY A 410 NTREMAIN ST MTDORA FL 32757 0.06 CENTRAL FLA REGIONAL HOSP INC PO BOX 1504 NASHVILLE TN 37202 0.29 CSX TRANSPORTATION INC 500 WATER ST JACKSONVILLE FL 32202 1.19 STAHL ROBERT A & NORMA 810 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.28 ROYSTER WILLIAM & 118 LARKWOOD DR SANFORD FL 32771 0.69 CENTRAL FLA REGIONAL HOSP INC PO BOX 1504 NASHVILLE TN 37202 0.42 NEW TRIBES MISSION INC 1000 E 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.17 QUALITY REAL ESTATE DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD FI, 32771 1.28 E Littlejohn 76 SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN OWNER ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE ACRES PEREGRINE LLC 1246 ALABAMA DR WINTER PARK FL 32789 0.69 NEW TRIBES MISSION INC 1000 E 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.16 KING JOE E & GIULIANI JOHN & 559 HIGHLAND ST ALTAMONTE SPRINGS FL 32701 0.09 DEARBORN STREET HOLDINGS LLC- 111 W MONROE ST CHICAGO IL. 60603 0.08 RS&J INV LLC 14746 YORKSHIRE RUN DR ORLANDO F'L 32828 0.15 SEMINOLE PROFESSIONAL VILLAGE 1426 W 1ST SI' SANFORD FL 32771 0.14 LEXINGTON REAL EST'A'TE DEV LLC 1426 W 1SI' ST SANFORD Fl, 32771 0.08 HUGGINS DEV INC PO BOX 1267 WINTER PARK FL 32790 0.09 CI-IIAPPONE KATHLEEN & MICHAEL 2590 MODAC TRI. MAITLAND FL 32751 2.29 500 SANFORD LLC 559 E HIGHLAND ST ALTAMONTE SPRINGS FL 32701 0.06 KIRCI -IHOFF WILLIAM E 2044 HIBISCUS CT SANFORD FL, 32771 0.13 DEARBORN STREET HOLDINGS LLC- 111 W MONROE ST CHICAGO IL 60603 0.14 GOOD FATTI -I REAL ESTA "1'E 3407 E OSCEOLA RD GENEVA FL 32732 0.13 ANGLO CEN'T'URION LLC 10203 TROUT RD ORLANDO FL 32836 0.13 NICHOLS OE A PA PO BOX 451 SANFORD FL 32772 0.09 KING JOE E 559 HIGHLAND ST ALTAMONTE SPRINGS FL 32701 0.09 KISWANI NOURIFIAN A'I'R 3900 WIMBLEDON DR LAKE MARY FL 32746 0.09 SANFORD FL CONSTR LLC 2377 RIVER TREE CIR SANFORD FL 32771 0.20 RS &J INV PROP LLC 14746 YORKSHIRE RUN DR ORLANDO FL 32828 0.14 ASI-ID I NOURID AN A TRUST 3900 WIMBLEDON DR LAKE MARY FL 32746 0.09 LK & L FAMILY PROPERTIES LLC 127 CRYSTAL VW S SANFORD FL 32773 0.88 QUALITY REAL EST DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.41 ABBOTF THOMAS P & 481 AUTUMN OAKS PL LAKE MARY FL 32746 0.13 ROSEMOND SALLY H TRUSTEE 941 POWHATAN DR SAN17ORD FL 32771 0.20 MONACO UNLIMITED INC 200 N MAPLE AVE SANFORD FL 32771 0.96 ATKINS WYMAN B PO BOX 4175 ORMOND BEACH FL 32175 1.01 UALITY REAL ESI' DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 1.00 MA I HUSSEIN G H & FATMABAI f 3295 SAFE HARBOR LN LAKE MARY FL 32746 1.00 UALITY REAL EST DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 1.19 KANE BRUCE E PO BOX 278 CLEVELAND GA 30528 0.24 UALITY REAL EST DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.98 PAULUCCI J ENO F & 201 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.32 CENTRAL FLA REGIONAL HOSP INC PO BOX 1504 NASHVILLE TN 37202 0.45 UALITY REAL EST DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 1.47 HOSPITAL CORP OF AMERICA PO BOX 1504 NASHVILLE TN 37202 0.30 LEXINGTON REAL ESTATE DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.10 I-IORSTME'YER MARK D & ANNIE LOU 115 N LAUREL AVE SANFORD FL 32771 0.35 IAG INV INC 2295 S I IIAWASSEE RD #305 ORLANDO FL 32835 1.02 E Littlejohn 77 rl[iC/ ' /f'�.(: i_1,lf� I ,-%, ,' : t , � � u1Ar1; �''.` SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN OWNER ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE ACRES LEXINGTON REAL ESTATE DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.08 MAWJI I IUSSEIN G H & FATMABAI H 3295 SAFE HARBOR LN LAKE MARY FL 32746 0.82 ORTIZ UDY R 1209 TREN"IWOOD CT HEATHROW FL 32746 0.11 ROSEMOND SALLY I-I TR 941 POWHATAN DR SANFORD FL 32771 2.73 NEW "TRIBES MISSION INC 1000 E 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.15 PARK AVENUE REAL ESTATE LLC 18509 LIT'HIA TOWNE RD I:.ITHIA FL 33547 0.06 SANFORD CITY OF 300 N PARK AVE' SANFORD FL 32771 0.60 SEMINOLE B C C 1101 E 1ST ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.32 1-IOOGLAND ORLANDO INC 1516 HILLCREST ST STE 210 ORLANDO FL 32803 0.13 LEXINGI'ON REAL ESTATE DEV LLC 1426 W 1ST ST SANFORD FI, 32771 0.08 GATEWAY ACQUISITION LLC 200 HIGH STREET STE 5 BOSTON MA 02110 4.16 SANFORD CITY OF 300 N PARK AVE SANFORD FL 32771 0.35 SPANOS CORP THE 2701 N ROCKY POINT DR STE 100 TAMPA FL 33607 13.82 FLORIDA SUPERIOR PROP 815 S FRENCH AVE SANFORD FL 32771 1.14 SUNTRUST BANK C/O I -1 FORD 200 S ORANGE AVE ORLANDO FL 32801 0.38 MORENO MIKE 337 GLENCLUB DR DEBARY FL 32713 0.77 KUI IN ROBERT & LINDA & LEMMON 305 S PALMETTO AVE SANFORD FL 32771 0.10 FLORIDA SUPERIOR PROP 815 S FRENCH AVE SANFORD FL 32771 4.56 KUI-IN ROBERT & LINDA & LEMMON 305 S PALMETTO AVE SANFORD FL 32771 0.08 FLORIDA SUPERIOR PROP 815 S FRENCH AVE SANFORD FL 32771 0.37 KUHN ROBERT & LINDA & LEMMON 305 S PALMETT'O AVE SANFORD FL 32771 0.23 1 EXACT PLUMBING INC 308 E 4TH ST SANFORD FL 32771 0.20 Source: Seminole County Property Appraiser, 2015. M Littlejohn 78 i I I f ,,l F C) [','aVW H l SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN E Littlejohn 79 Ak IN' rN Top Twenty Tapestry Segments Total 100.00/0 10.10/0 Top Ten Tapestry Segments Site vs. U.S. Family Foundations (12A) Modest Income Homes (12D) Social Security Set (9F) Metro Fusion (11C) Rustbelt Traditions (5D) Old and Newcomers (8F) City Commons (11E) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Percent of Households by Tapestry Segment Index 4269 653 584 918 1,569 Site U.S. 480 103 989 Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 2014 Households 2014 U.S. Households Cumulative Cumulative Rank Tapestry Segment Percent Percent Percent Percent 1 City Commons (11E) 38.6% 38.6% 0.9% 0.9% 2 Old and Newcomers (8F) 15.2% 53.8% 2.3% 3.2% 3 Rustbelt Traditions (5D) 13.1% 66.9% 2.2% 5.4% 4 Metro Fusion (11C) 12.8% 79.7% 1.4% 6.8% 5 Social Security Set (9F) 12.6% 92.3% 0.8% 7.6% Subtotal 92.3% 7.6% 6 Modest Income Homes (12D) 6.5% 98.8% 1.4% 9.0% 7 Family Foundations (12A) 1.1% 99.9% 1.1% 10.1% Subtotal 7.60/a 2.5% Total 100.00/0 10.10/0 Top Ten Tapestry Segments Site vs. U.S. Family Foundations (12A) Modest Income Homes (12D) Social Security Set (9F) Metro Fusion (11C) Rustbelt Traditions (5D) Old and Newcomers (8F) City Commons (11E) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Percent of Households by Tapestry Segment Index 4269 653 584 918 1,569 Site U.S. 480 103 989 Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 � Alk CRA Center Z3DN Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 Ring: 1 mile radius 2D14 Tapestry Indexes bvHouseholds Index o 1,000 2,000 3,000 *,000 w Ln Prepared by: Littlejohn ��umde� z8@��7z �onoi�ode� '8�z77O� 2D14 Tapestry Indexes bvPopulation Index o 1,000 2,000 3,000 *`uon bes the sod6ec-bnomicquality of the immediate neighborhood. The index isacomparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population m the United States, »vsegment. mn index mnm is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 � G esno CRA Center Prepared by: Littlejohn Z]0N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 uumue� zaao7z Ring: z mile radius �unu|uwo� 'szzr/o� Tapestry Lifemodemmvps 2014 Households 2014 Population Number Percent Index Number Percent Index Total: 2,714 100.0% 6'501 100.0e 1. Affluent Estates u m.ov+ o o 0'00/0 m Top Tier (zx) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Professional p,me (ze) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o avvmbu,bs(zc) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Savvy Suburbanites (zo) u 0.0% o o 0.0% o cxuru"ni»rs(zE) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o z Upscale Avenues u 0'00/0 o n 0.00/0 o Urban Chic (ax) o 0.0% o o 0.0% u Pleasantville (2B) o 0.0% o o o.o`m o Pacific Heights (zc) o 0.0% o o 0.0% u Enterprising Professionals (ao) n n.o,m n o 0.0% n s. Uptown Individuals o 0.00/0 o o 0.00/0 o Laptops and mttcs(3A) o o.uv+ o o 0.0% n Metro Renters (so) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o nenosettcrs (sC) o 0.0% o n o.o"m o 4. Family Landscapes o 0'00/0 o o 0.00/0 o Soccer Moms (1x) u 0.0% o o 0.0% n Home Improvement (*o) u 0.0% o o o.u"m o Middleburg (4c) o 0.0% n o n.ov+ o s.menXuruan 356 13'1% 114 780 12.0v+ 112 Comfortable Empty Nesters (sA) o 0.0% n o 0.0% o In Style (oa) o 0.0% o n 00% o Parks and nec(sc) o 0.0% n o 0.0% o nustbe|t Traditions (sn) »so 13.1% 584 780 12.0% 570 nid|ifc Constants (ss) o 0.0% u o 0.0% o 6' Cozy Country Living o 0.00/0 o o o.ovw o Green Acres (s«) » »'»% » » ».»% « Salt u,the Earth (sB) o 0.0% u o 0.0% u The Great Outdoors (oc) o n.o"a o o o.o"m o Prairie Living (mo) o 0.0% o u 0.0% n a"m| Resort Dwellers (ss) o n.o"m o o 0.0% o Heartland Communities (6F) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o 7' Ethnic Enclaves o 0.0% o w o.nv* o un and Coming Families (7x) o o.o"m o o 0.0% o Urban v0aocs (7o) o 0.0% n o 0.0% o American Dreamers (7c) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Barrios u,uanos(7o) o »'»% » » «.»% « Valley Growers (/e) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Southwestern Families (,r) u u.o"m o o 0.0% o Data Note: This The index is comparison of the percent of households m population m the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households m population m the United States, by segment. An index of 100 /s the usaverage. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source. Esri March 09, 2015 Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2014 Households 2014 Population Number percent Index Number Percent Index Total: z,rz* 100.0% 6,504 100.0% 1. Principal Urban Center o 0.00/0 o o 0'00/0 o Laptops and Lames(3x) » ».»% » » »'»% « Metro ncmro (sa) o oow, o o 0.0% o Trendsetters (3C) o 0.0% . o n 0.0% o Downtown me|une Pot (8D) » »'»% » » «.»"* » City Strivers (zzx) o 0.0% o n 0.0% n mmmest Residents (zsc) n 0.0% u o o.o^u o Fresh Ambitions (oo) o 0.0% o o o.ov* o High Rise Renters (oE) u n.o"m n n 0.0% u a. Urban Periphery 911 33.e% zee 2,088 sz'x% 172 Pacific Heights (2c) o 0.0% o o n.o"m o nustbc|t Traditions (sm) 356 13.1% sV^ 780 zz.o"m 570 Urban Villages (7o) » ».»% « » «'«% » American Dreamers (7c) o oun, o n 0.0% u Barrios omanos(7o) n o.o"* o o 0.0% o Southwestern Families (,p) u 0.0% o o 0.0% u City Lights (ux) o o.ov* o o 0.0% o Bright Young Professionals (ac) o 0.0% u o o.o"m o Metro Fusion (oc) 348 12.8n, ozn 754 11.6^m aza Family Foundations (zzx) »u 1.1% zos oo z.z"m zzz Modest Income Homes (z2o) 177 *.s% 480 *74 7.3"m sso International Marketplace (tsA) n 0.0% o o o.ov+ o Las casus(zso) o 0.0% o o 00% o 3. Metro Cities 1,803 6e.4% 3e4 4,416 ere% 414 In Style (sa) o 0.0% u o o.o"m o Emerald City (oa) o 0.0% o o 0.0% n Front Porches (as) o 0.0% o o 0.0% n Old and Newcomers (or) 412 15.2% *sa 743 11.4% ssr naruszmbb|c Road (nG) o 0.0% o n o.ov^ o Retirement Communities (oE) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Social Security Set (9p) 313 zz.a"m 1,569 000 10.3w, 1'71* Young and Restless (z1o) n 0.0% o u 0.0% o Set m Impress (om) u 0.0% u o u.o^m o City Commons (zzs) 1,048 38.6% 4,269 3,005 46zv, 4,924 Traditional Living (zzs) n 0.0% o o 0.0% o College Towns (z*a) n o.n`m o o o.u"* o Dorms to Diplomas (14C) n 0.0% o o 0.0% o Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is comparison of the percent m households m, population m the area, h/ Tapestry segment, m the percent m households u, population m the United States, vv segment. *n index mzon /s the osaverage. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2014 Households 2014 Population Number Percent Index Number Percent Index Total: 2,714 100.0% 6,504 100.0% 4. Suburban Periphery 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Top Tier (1A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Professional Pride (1B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Boomburbs (1C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Savvy Suburbanites (ID) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Exurbanites (1E) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Urban Chic (2A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Pleasantville (2B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Enterprising Professionals (2D) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Soccer Moms (4A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Home Improvement (4B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Comfortable Empty Nesters (5A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Parks and Rec (5C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Midlife Constants (5E) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Up and Coming Families (7A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Silver & Gold (9A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Golden Years (9B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 The Elders (9C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Military Proximity (14A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 S. Semirural 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Middleburg (4C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Heartland Communities (6F) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Valley Growers (7E) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Senior Escapes (9D) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Down the Road (10D) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Small Town Simplicity (12C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 6. Rural 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% O Green Acres (6A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Salt of the Earth (6B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 The Great Outdoors (6C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Prairie Living (6D) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Rural Resort Dwellers (6E) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Southern Satellites (10A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Rooted Rural (10B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Diners & Miners (10C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0% 0 Rural Bypasses (10E) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Unclassified (15) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Rank Tapestry Segment I Metro Fusion (11C) 2 Rustbelt Traditions (SD) 3 City Commons (11E) 4 Family Foundations (12A) 5 Modest Income Homes (12D) Subtotal 6 American Dreamers (7C) 7 Middleburg (4C) 8 Traditional Living (12B) 9 Front Porches (8E) 10 Up and Coming Families (7A) Subtotal 11 Social Security Set (9F) 12 Old and Newcomers (8F) 13 Soccer Moms (4A) 14 Home Improvement (4B) is Hardscrabble Road (8G) 47.7% Subtotal 16 Midlife Constants (5E) 17 Bright Young Professionals (8C) is Green Acres (6A) 2014 Households 86.9% Cumulative Percent Percent 31.0% 31.0% 9.6% 40.6% 7.1% 47.7% 6.4% 54.1% 6.2% 60.3% 60.3% 0.4% 5.9% 66.2% 5.5% 71.7% 4.7% 76.4% 4.3% 80.7% 3.4% 84.1% 23.8% 2.8% 2.8% 86.9% 2.8% 89.7% 2.7% 92.4% 2.7% 95.1% 2.4% 97.5% 13.4% 1.7% 99.20/c 0.6% 99.80/0 0.4% 100.2% 2.7% 100.00/0 2014 U.S. Households Cumulative Percent Percent 1.4% 1.4% 2.2% 3.6% 0.9% 4.5% 1.1% 5.6% 1.4% 7.0% 7.0% 1.5% 8.5% 2.8% 11.3% 2.0% 13.3% 1.6% 14.9% 2.2% 17.1% 10.10/0 0.8% 17.9% 2.3% 20.2% 2.8% 23.0% 1.7% 24.70/c 1.2% 25.90/c 8.8% 2.5% 28.40/c 2.2% 30.60/c 3.2% 33.80/c 7.9% 33.9% 10 15 20 25 30 Percent of Households by Tapestry Segment Index 2222 428 785 599 459 Site U.S. 400 195 236 268 152 348 120 95 154 196 65 27 11 295 Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 "o esn" I �1011' CRA Center 230 N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 327 Ring: 3 mile radius I 1A OJ 2014 Tapestry Indexes by Households Index 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 CD cu CL Prepared by: Littlejohn �ah�ude. zmoU7� �unyu�ue� 'Dz277u� 2D14 Tapestry Indexes bvPopulation Index 0 Soo 1,000 1,500 2,000 oa6WN-6te,rxis report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes mesm*5ec-bnomic quality m the immediate neighborhood. The index isncomparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 u the usaverage. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Gesno CRA Center Prepared by: Littlejohn 230 N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 - .- Ring: 3 mile radius a� Tapestry LifeMode Groups 2014 Households 2014 Population Number Percent Index Number Percent Index Total: 14,768 100.0% 39,915 100.0% 1. Affluent Estates 0 0.0% 0 0 0.00/0 0 Top Tier (1A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Professional Pride (1B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Boomburbs (1C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Savvy Suburbanites (1D) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Exurbanites (1E) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 2. Upscale Avenues 0 0.00/0 0 0 0.00/0 0 Urban Chic (2A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Pleasantville (2B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Pacific Heights (2C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Enterprising Professionals (2D) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 3. Uptown Individuals 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Laptops and Lattes (3A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Metro Renters (3B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Trendsetters (3C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 4. Family Landscapes 1,591 10.80/0 147 4,441 11.10/0 140 Soccer Moms (4A) 393 2.7% 95 1,133 2.8% 90 Home Improvement (4B) 393 2.7% 154 1,055 2.6% 141 Middleburg (4C) 805 5.5% 195 2,253 5.6% 193 5. GenXurban 1,664 11.30/a 98 3,975 10.00/0 93 Comfortable Empty Nesters (5A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 In Style (5B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Parks and Rec (5C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Rustbelt Traditions (5D) 1,419 9.6% 428 3,323 8.3% 396 Midlife Constants (5E) 245 1.7% 65 652 1.6% 71 6. Cozy Country Living 54 0.4% 3 130 0.3% 3 Green Acres (6A) 54 0.4% 11 130 0.3% 10 Salt of the Earth (6B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 The Great Outdoors (6C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Prairie Living (6D) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Rural Resort Dwellers (6E) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Heartland Communities (6F) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 7. Ethnic Enclaves 1,362 9.2% 134 4,179 10.50/0 120 Up and Coming Families (7A) 495 3.4% 152 1,559 3.9% 150 Urban Villages (7B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 American Dreamers (7C) 867 5.9% 400 2,620 6.6% 371 Barrios Urbanos (7D) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Valley Growers (7E) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Southwestern Families (7F) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 March 09, 2015 CRA Center Z3ON Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 Ring: 3 mile radius Prepared by: Littlejohn ��umde� 2O8�272 �ong|�oua� '8�zr7o4 Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2014 Households 59.8% 354 2014 Population 60.1% 321 Number percent Index Number percent Index Total: 1*,768 100.0% e.*"m 39,915 100.0% 8.3% z. Principal Urban Center o 0.0% o o o'o% o Laptops and /aurs(sA) o 0.0% n o 0.0% o Metro Renters (za) o 0.0% o o o.ov* o Trendsetters (ac) o o.o`m u o 0.0% o Downtown Melting Pot (8D) o 0.0% o o o.o^m o City Strivers (zzx) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o wewest Residents (zs() o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Fresh Ambitions (1ro) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o mox Rise namrn (tss) o 0.0% o o o.u^m o 2. Urban Periphery 8,827 59.8% 354 23,973 60.1% 321 Pacific Heights (zq o o.o,m o o 0.0% o nv$belt Traditions (so) z/*zo e.*"m 428 x'szs 8.3% ano Urban Villages (ro) u 0.0% o o 0.0% o American Dreamers (7C) 8*7 5.9% 400 2,620 6.6% 371 Barrios urbanos (7m) o 0.0% u o o.o"m n Southwestern Families (7F) V 0.0% n o o.o"m o City Lights (aA) u oo"m o o 0.0% n Bright Young Professionals (ac) uo 0.6m 27 2*7 o.s^m su Metro Fusion (zzo) w'smf 31.0% 2,222 12,114 30.3% 2,155 Family Foundations (za^) y«n 6.4"m ssy 2,815 7.1n, asa Modest Income Homes (z2o) ozz *.z% 459 2'864 7.2% sxo International Marketplace (z3x) u 0.0% o n 0.0% o Las cvsas(zan) o oo"* o n o.n"m o s. Metro Cities 3,556 24.1% 132 e'160 22.e% 140 m Style (sa) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Emerald City (pe) « ».»% » » ».»% » Front Porches (ee) ssz 4.3% zso 1,963 4.9`m 311 Old and Newcomers (ep) vzz 2.8% zzn 743 z.y"m 97 *a,uscrauWe Road (nG) nao 2.4% zya oos 2.2% 173 Retirement Communities (oe) o 0.0% u o 0.0% o Social Security Set (yr) 414 z.u,* 318 755 1.9% 316 Young and Restless (11B) u 0.0% o o 0.0% n Set to Impress (zzo) u 0.0% u o 0.0% n City Commons (1zc) 1,049 7.1"m 785 3,006 7.5m no» Traditional Living (z2e) 689 *.7m 236 1,808 4.5% 239 College Towns (14e) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Dorms to Diplomas (14C) o 0.0% o o 0.0% n Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments m the and describes the socioeconomic quality m the immediate neighborhood. The index isacomparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 /s the usaverage. Source* Esri March 09, 2015 Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2014 Households 2014 Population Number Percent znonn Number Percent Index Total: 14,768 100.096 39,915 /ou.u"m 4' Suburban Periphery 1,526 10.3% 33 *,oeg 11'0% 34 Top Tier (zA) u 0.0% u o 0.0% o Professional pnoe (ze) o n.o"m o n 0.0% o ovomu"ua<zc> n 0.0% o o 0.0% o Savvy Suburbanites (zm) o o.o"m o n 0.0% o Exurbanites (1E) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Urban Chic (2x) o 00% o o o.o"m o Pleasantville (2B) o 0.0% n u u.o"m u Enterprising Professionals (2o) o 00% u o o.o"m o Soccer Moms (4«) syx 2.7m gs /'z»x z.nv* yo Home Improvement (*u) sg» 2.7% 154 z'oss 2.6% 141 Comfortable Empty Nesters (sx) n o.o"m n n 0.0% o Parks and nec(oc) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Midxoe Constants (ss) 245 1.7,m os osz 1.6v+ 71 Up and Coming Families (7A) ^ys 3.4% 152 1,559 3.9% 150 Silver aGold (9x) o 0.0% n u 0.0% o Golden Years (os) « »'»% » » »'«% » The Elders (oc) o 0.0% o o n.o"m o Military Proximity (z4x) o 0.0% n o 0.0% o S.aemiru,a/ aos 5'5% so 2,253 5.6% e1 Mmu/euv"o (*C) oos 5.5% 195 2,253 s.o^m z*y Heartland Communities (sp) o 0.0% n o 0.0% o Valley Growers (7e) o o.o"m o n 0.0% o Senior Escapes (yo> o o.n`m o n 0.0% o Down the Road (zno) o o.o"m o o 0.0% o Small Town Simplicity (zzc) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o 6. Rural 54 0.4% z 130 0'3% 2 Green Acres (ax) s* 0.4% zz zao 0.3% zo Salt orthe Earth <oe> o ».»% » » ».»% » The Great Outdoors (sc) o o.o"m n o 0.0% n Prairie Living (su) o 0.0% o n 0.0% o xum| Resort Dwellers (as) o 0.0% o o 0.0% n suumcno Satellites (10x) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o xnoueu Rural (zoa) o o.o^m o u 0.0% o Diners & Miners (10C) n 0.0% u o om n Rural Bypasses (1ne) n 0.0% o o n.o"m n Unclassified (zs) o 0.0% o o o.o^m o Data Note: This report identifies in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index mn comparison of the percent m households m population m the area, u' Tapestry segment, m the percent m households mpopulatioommeunitedstates, by segment, An index of 100 /s the usaverage. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 «zaws�n : � ueourI s Top Twenty Tapestry Segments 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Percent of Households by Tapestry Segment Site U.S. Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 2014 Households 2014 U.S. Households Cumulative Cumulative Rank Tapestry Segment Percent Percent Percent Percent Index 1 Metro Fusion (11C) 18.3% 18.3% 1.4% 1.4% 1307 2 Rustbelt Traditions (5D) 15.5% 33.8% 2.2% 3.6% 691 3 Soccer Moms (4A) 7.0% 40.8% 2.8% 6.4% 247 4 Enterprising Professionals (2D) 6.8% 47.6% 1.4% 7.8% 496 5 Bright Young Professionals (8C) 6.7% 54.3% 2.2% 10.0% 303 Subtotal 54.3% 10.0% 6 Up and Coming Families (7A) 4.3% 58.6% 2.2% 12.2% 196 7 Home Improvement (4B) 4.1% 62.7% 1.7% 13.9% 241 8 Middleburg (4C) 4.0% 66.7% 2.8% 16.7% 144 9 American Dreamers (7C) 3.9% 70.6% 1.5% 18.2% 266 10 Traditional Living (12B) 3.4% 74.0% 2.0% 20.2% 173 Subtotal 19.7% 10.2% 11 Modest Income Homes (12D) 3.0% 77.0% 1.4% 21.6% 222 12 City Commons (11E) 2.8% 79.8% 0.9% 22.5% 310 13 Family Foundations (12A) 2.5% 82.3% 1.1% 23.6% 237 14 Southern Satellites (10A) 2.3% 84.6% 3.2% 26.8% 72 15 Green Acres (6A) 2.1% 86.7% 3.2% 30.0% 65 Subtotal 12.7% 9.8% 16 Old and Newcomers (8F) 2.0% 88.7% 2.3% 32.3% 88 17 Front Porches (8E) 1.7% 90.4% 1.6% 33.9% 106 i8 In Style (5B) 1.4% 91.8% 2.3% 36.2% 64 19 Golden Years (9B) 1.4% 93.2% 1.3% 37.5% 105 20 Exurbanites (1E) 1.3% 94.5% 2.0% 39.5% 68 Subtotal 7.8% 9.5% Total 94.6% 39.4% 240 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Percent of Households by Tapestry Segment Site U.S. Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 2O14 Tapestry Indexes bvHouseholds Index 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 ct 2O14 Tapestry Indexes bvPopulation Index 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 ues the sm*6bc-bv m/cvuam,^rme/mmemateneighborhood. The index is aconrmrismn of the percent of households v,vvpuiauuo/^ the area, uvTapestry segment, m the percent m households u, population m the United States, ^vsegment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source. Esri March 09, 2015 Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index ua comparison vr the percent of households vr population m the area, bv Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 /s the usaverage. Source, Esri March 09, 2015 March 09, 2015 CK4Center Prepared by: Littlejohn 230 Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, ]l771 �nu�oVc� zna�3rz Ring: 5 mile radius uz,ouuxs� -azz77o� Tapestry u, mpoemrnups 2014 Households 2014 Population Number percent Index Number Percent index Total: 37,368 znn.o"m 97,*85 /oo.u"m o. Middle Ground 4,245 11'4% 104 10,247 10.50/0 104 c|tv Lights (e«) o »'u% » » »'»»* » Emerald City (aa) u 0.0% o o 0.0% o Bright Young Professionals (ac) z,«oy 6.7% sos 5.678 5.8% zox Downtown Melting Pot (8D) o 0.0% o u 0.0% o Front Porches (oe) osz 1.7% mo z'yoa 2.0% zzn Old and Newcomers (or) 764 2.0% nn 1.721 1.8% 92 *ordscmbb|e Road (os) soo 1.0% 77 mos 0.9% 71 g' Senior Styles e40 2'5% 44 2,815 2'e% as Silver aGold (gA) o 0.0% u o 0.0% u Golden Years (ya) 526 z.«% 105 2,060 2.1% zy« The Elders (yC) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Senior Escapes (oo) o 0.0% u o o.o`m o Retirement Communities (pe) o 0.0% o o o.u^m o Social Security Set (yp) 414 1.1% zsn 755 o.o"m zae 10' Rustic Outposts 856 2.3% 27 2,418 z.s"a oe Southern Satellites (znA) uso 2.3% 72 2,418 z.o"m 77 nvotru Rural (zna) o 0.0% o o o.o`m o Diners u Miners (zoC) o 0.0% o o u.n"m o Down the Road (zun) o 0.0% n o 0.0% o nvm| Bypasses (zos) u 0.0% o o 0.0% u 11. Midtown Singles 7,871 21-1% 342 20,685 21'1% 374 City Strivers (z1x) o o.n`a o o 0.0% n Young and Restless (zze) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Metro Fusion (11c) 6,822 18.3% 1,307 17,679 18.0m z'auz Set to Impress (zzo) o n.o`m u n 0.0% n City Commons (zzs) 1,049 z.n"u s/o s'oos ».zva 327 12. *vmexvx,u 3,353 9.0% 142 9,650 e'a% 1e2 Family Foundations (zzA) g*u 2.5m zs/ 2,815 2.9n, 759 Traditional u"|no (12e) 1,278 3.4% 173 »,s*y 3.5% zos Small Town Simplicity (z2o) o o.n"m o o 0.0% o Modest Income Homes (12D) 1'127 3.0% 222 3'436 3.5% zsy 1s. Next Wave o o.ova o o 0.0% o znu,mauunn| Marketplace (13A) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Las casas(zse) o 0.0% o u 0.0% o mcvvast Residents (zsC) o n.or+ n o o.n"u o Fresh Ambitions (z3o) o o.n`m o o 0.0% n *|ox Rise Renters (13E) o 0.0% o o 0.0% n 14' Scholars and Patriots o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Military Proximity (1«x) o 0.0% o n 0.0% o College Towns (z4o) o n.nv* o o 0.0% o Dorms to Diplomas (14C) o 0.0% o u 0.0% o Unclassified (zs) u 0.0% o o o.u.m o Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood, rhemuex/sammna,/svp of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index vrmo /s the usaverage. Svvrre'ss,/ March 09, 2015 Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2014 Households 2014 Population Number Percent Index Number Percent Index Total: 37,368 100.0% 97,985 100.0% 1. Principal Urban Center 0 0.00/0 0 0 0.00 /0 0 Laptops and Lattes (3A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Metro Renters (3B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Trendsetters (3C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Downtown Melting Pot (8D) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 City Strivers (11A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Newest Residents (13C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Fresh Ambitions (13D) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 High Rise Renters (13E) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 2. Urban Periphery 18,638 49.9% 296 47,900 48.9% 262 Pacific Heights (2C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Rustbelt Traditions (5D) 5,796 15.5% 691 14,221 14.5% 689 Urban Villages (7B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 American Dreamers (7C) 1,456 3.9% 266 4,071 4.2% 235 Barrios Urbanos (7D) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Southwestern Families (7F) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 City Lights (8A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Bright Young Professionals (8C) 2,489 6.7% 303 5,678 5.8% 288 Metro Fusion (11C) 6,822 18.3% 1,307 17,679 18.0% 1,281 Family Foundations (12A) 948 2.5% 237 2,815 2.9% 259 Modest Income Homes (12D) 1,127 3.0% 222 3,436 3.5% 259 International Marketplace (13A) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Las Casas (13B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 3. Metro Cities 5,035 13.5% 74 12,864 13.1% 80 In Style (5B) 538 1.4% 64 1,135 1.2% 57 Emerald City (8B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Front Porches (8E) 632 1.7% 106 1,963 2.0% 128 Old and Newcomers (8F) 764 2.0% 88 1,721 1.8% 92 Hardscrabble Road (8G) 360 1.0% 77 885 0.9% 71 Retirement Communities (9E) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Social Security Set (9F) 414 1.1% 138 755 0.8% 129 Young and Restless (11B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Set to Impress (11D) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 City Commons (11E) 1,049 2.8% 310 3,006 3.1% 327 Traditional Living (12B) 1,278 3.4% 173 3,399 3.5% 183 College Towns (14B) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Dorms to Diplomas (14C) 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 � 0 esno 1: i CKA[enter Prepared by: Littlejohn 230N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 |�u/oue� zo�zs7z King: 5 mile radius �o^oxvue� -a�zrro� Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2014 Households 2014 Population Number Percent Index Number percent Index Total: 37,368 zuo.o"m 97'985 100.0% 4. Suburban Periphery 9,e01 25.7% 82 26,205 2e.7v+ ms Top Tier (zx) o 0.0% u n 0.0% n Professional Pride (ze) o 0.0% o o o.o"m o uonmour»s(zc) o 0.0% o o n.o.m o Savvy Suburbanites (zo) 22 n.z"m z 48 0.0% o Exurbanites (1E) 495 z.a"m *o z,»nu 1.4% 76 Urban Chic (ax) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Pleasantville (2B) u 0.0% o o o.o^m o Enterprising Professionals (21)) 2,54e o.u`m 49* 5,882 s.o"m 465 Soccer Moms (*x) z'suz 7.0% 247 7'0*1 7.2% 227 Home Improvement (4o) 1,549 4.1"m 241 *,zns 4.*% 234 Comfortable Empty Nesters (sx) o 0.0% o n 0.0% o Parks and ncc(so) o o.n"m o o 0.0% o m/dxe, Constants (se) 245 0.7va zo osz 0.7m uy Up and Coming Families (7A) 1,614 4.3"m 196 4'846 4.9n, zyo Silver mGold (yA) o o.on+ u o 0.0% n Golden Years (on) szo 1.4% 105 2,060 2.1m 194 The Elders (yc) n 0.0% u n 0.0% n Mi|ix,n' Proximity (14x) u 0.0% o o o.n`m o a'Sem/rvra| 1,532 4'1% *4 4,246 4.3% 47 Middleburg (4C) 1,501 *.o% 144 *,153 4.2m z*s Heartland Communities (op) 31 0.1% x o» u./% 4 Valley Growers (7s) u 0.0% n u o.o"m o Senior Escapes (em) o 0.0% n o o.o"m o ovvo the Road (zom) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Small Town Simplicity (12c) o 0.0% o n 0.0% o 6. Rural 2,562 6'e% 40 6,770 6.e% 41 Green Acres (ax) 771 2.1% os 2,092 2.1% os Salt m the Earth (ao) ons 0.8% zs 727 0.7% za The Great Outdoors (oc) 327 0.9% sa 730 0.7% sz pome Living (ao) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Rural Resort Dwellers (os) az» o.o"* ow aos 0.8% y* Southern Satellites (znx) oso 2.3% 72 2,418 z.s^m 77 Rooted Rural (me) n 0.0% o o o.o,m o mnersu Miners (znc) n oupm o o u% o Rural Bypasses (zos) o 0.0% u o 0.0% o Unclassified (15) n 0.0a o o 0.0% n Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households ", population m the United States, »v segment. mn index vrzuo /s the usaverage, So"=e,csri March 09, 2015 e s r i iii =ti /�%%rGr% Sanford glj CRA .• square Top Twenty Tapestry Segments Rank Tapestry Segment 1 City Commons (ilE) 2 Social Security Set (9F) 3 Old and Newcomers (8F) 4 Metro Fusion (11C) 5 Modest Income Homes (121)) Subtotal Total Top Ten Tapestry Segments Site vs. U.S. Modest Income Homes (12D) Metro Fusion (11C) Old and Newcomers (8F) Social Security Set (9F) City Commons (11E) 0 2014 Households Cumulative Percent Percent 31.5% 31.5% 28.1% 59.6% 26.2% 85.8% 10.8% 96.6% 3.3% 99.9% 99.9 ° /a 99.9% Prepared by: Littlejohn 2014 U.S. Households Cumulative Percent Percent 0.9% 0.9% 0.8% 1.7% 2.3% 4.0% 1.4% 5.4% 1.4% 6.8% 6.8% 6.8% 5 10 15 20 25 30 Percent of Households by Tapestry Segment Index 3486 3,486 1,127 775 240 1471 IM Site U.S. Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 " Sanford CRA Area: 0.69 square miles 3O14 Tapestry Indexes bvHouseholds Index o sno 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 In cl ro Prepared by: Littlejohn /am�uUc ��8|sz6�z7 uzoy�mue� -8�2,55o/9 2O14 Tapestry Indexes bvPopulation Index 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 oammv6te:mis report identifies neighborhood segments m the area, and describes the smd6bcbnnmic quality m the immediate neighborhood. The index /sacomparison m the percent m households ur population m the area, uv Tapestry segment, w the percent of households o, population m the United States, o' segment. xn index mam /s the usaverage. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Gesn" Sanford CRA Area: 0.69 square miles Prepared by: Littlejohn z8m336o7 Tapestrymifemode Groups 2014 Households 2014 Population Number percent Index Number percent Total: 1,071 100.0va 2,246 zuoum 1. Affluent Estates m o-n% o o 0.0% Top Tier (zA) o o.o"a o u 0.0% Professional Pride (1B) o o.o"m o o 0.0% anvmbvrus (zc) o 0.0% o o o.ov+ Savvy Suburbanites (zo) o o.n"m o o o.ov+ Exurbanites (/s) o 0.0% u n u.o"m z- Upscale Avenues o 0'00/0 m o 0'00/0 Urban Chic (zx) o n.o"m o u 0.0% Pleasantville (2B) o o.o"m u o o.o"m Pacific ne|oms (zC) o o.uv+ u o 0.0% zn,rrpnsmo Professionals (zo) o 0.0% o o o.o"m s' Uptown Individuals o o'ov* m o o'o% Laptops and Lettes(sx) o 0.0% o n 0.0% mctm Renters (se) o 0.0% o o 0.0% Trendsetters (sc) o 0.0% u u 0.0% 4' Family Landscapes o 0'00/0 m n 0'00/0 Soccer Moms («x) o 0.0% o o o.n"m Home Improvement (4a) o 0.0% o o o.n"m miuu|eu"po (4c) o 0.0% o o o.ov+ S'senXu,uan o 0'00/0 m m 0'00/0 Comfortable Empty Nesters (sA) u 0.0% o o 0.0% m Style (sB) o 0.0% o o o.oy+ Parks and nec(sc) o o.u"m n o n.o"m nuatue|tTrauiuuns (sm) o 0.0% o o n.o"m Midx,c Constants (Ss) o 0.0% u o o.n"m s. Cozy Country Living o 0.00/0 o o 0.00/0 Green Acres (oA) o 0.0% o o o.o"m Salt o,the Earth (sa) o o.o"m o o 0.0% The Great Outdoors (oc) o 0.0% o o 0.0% Prairie Living (ao) n o.uv+ o u o.o"m Rural Resort Dwellers (ae) o 0.0% o o o.ov* Heartland Communities (6p) o o.o"m o o 0.0% 7. Ethnic Enclaves n o'o% o o 0.0% up and Coming Families (7x) o 0.0% o o 0.0% Urban Villages (re) o 0.0% o u 0.0% American Dreamers (7c) o 0.09a o u 0.0% Barrios uruano,(7o) u 0.0% o o uova Valley Growers (7E) o 0.0% o o 0.0% Southwestern Families (7p) u 0.09a o u o.ov* Index Data Note: This report identifies m the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality m the immediate my h»mhou The index un comparison of tile percent of households o, population m the area, u' Tapestry segment, tothe percent m households m population m tile United States, uv segment. xn index mzun /s the usaverage. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 March 09, 2015 Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2014 Households 2014 Population Number Percent index Number Percent Index Total: 1,071 100.0% 2,246 100.0% z' Principal Urban Center o 0.00/0 o o 0.0% o Laptops and Luttes(ax) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Metro Renters (xa) » »'»% « » 0.0% » Trendsetters (sc) o 0.0% o o 0.0% n Downtown Melting Pot (8D) o 0.0% o o o.o"m o City Strivers (11x) u 0.0% u o 0.0% o wevvest Residents <1acJ o o.o^m u o uup* n Fresh Ambitions (oo) o o.u"m o o 0.0% o mox Rise Renters (13E) o n.op* o n 0.0% o 2. Urban Periphery 151 14'1% 84 452 20.1% 108 Pacific Heights (ac) n o.o"m o o o.o"m o nusme|tnamuons (sm) o o.o"m o n 0.0% o Urban Villages (7o) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o American Dreamers (7c) n 0.0% o o oum o Barrios u,hn^os(,o) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Southwestern Families (/p) o 0.0% u o 0.0% o c|tv Lights (ux) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Bright Young Professionals (ac) o u.o"m o o 0.0% o Metro Fusion (z1c) 116 10.8% 775 zzo 9.8% ooa Family Foundations (z2x) u 0.0% o o 0.0% u Modest Income Homes (zzo) as 3.3m 240 233 10.4va 766 International Marketplace <zaA> n 0.0% n n n.o"m n Las casas(zan) o o.o"m o o 0.0% o s. Metro Cities ozo o5.e0/0 471 1,794 ne'e% 487 In Style (so) n o.nv^ o o 0.0% o Emerald City (ou) u 0.0% o n 0.0% o Front Porches (we) u n.o"m o n o.u"m o Old and Newcomers (ap) zoz 26.2"m 1,128 485 zz.*ph 1,129 nardscrabme Road (os) o 0.0% u o 0.0% o neurcmantcvmmvn/t/es (vE) » ».»% » « «'«% » Social Security Set (yR 301 28.1% s'*pu svo 24.3"m 4,061 Young and Restless (1za) o o.o"m u o 0.0% o Set m Impress (1zo) o o.u"m o o 0.0% n City Commons (zzs) aao xz.*% a'«ao 763 34.0% 3,621 Traditional Living (12o) o 0.0% o n n.o"* o College Towns (z4s) o o.n"m o n 0.0% o Dorms to Diplomas (z«c) o 0.0% u o 0.0% u Data Note: This The index is comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2014 Households 2014 Population Number Percent Index Number Percent Index Total: 1,071 100.0% z,z*o 100.0% 4. Suburban Periphery o o'o% o o o'o% o Top Tier (t») » »'«% » » ».»% » Professional Pride (1B) o 0.0% n o o.o"m o onomburbs(zc) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Savvy Suburbanites (zo) o 0.0% o o 0.0% » Exurbanites (1s) u 0.0% u o 0.0% o Urban Chic (zx) o 0.0% o o o.o"m u Pleasantville (2B) o 0.0% o o u.uv^ o Enterprising Professionals (2D) o o.o"m n o 0.0% o Soccer Moms (4A) o o.n"m u n 0.0% o Home Improvement (4a) n 0.0% o n 0.0% u Comfortable Empty Nesters (sA) o 0.0% n o 0.0% o Parks and ncc (sc) o 0.0% o o 0.0% n miu||fe Constants (sE) u 0.0% o o 0.0% o uv and Coming Families (7x) o 0.0% n o o.o"m o Silver mGold (eA) u 0.0% n n 0.0% o Golden Years (es) u 0.0% o o o.n"m n The Elders (yC) o 0.0% o o n.o,m o mmtan/ Proximity (z*A) o 0.0% o u o.o.m o s.samrrwn,| o 0.00/0 o n o'u% o Middleburg (4C) u o.o"m u o 0.0% o Heartland Communities (sp) o o.n"m o o o.o"m n Valley Growers (7E) o 0.0% o n 0.0% n Senior Escapes <9o) u 0.0% n o o.o"m o Down the xvau (mo) n 0.0% o o o.o"m o Small Town Simplicity (12C) n ».»% » » »'»% » 6. Rural o 0.00/0 o o 0.00/0 o Green Acres (aA) n n.o"m o o 0.0% o Salt ufthe Earth (oa) o 0.0% n o 0.0% o The Great Outdoors (sc) n o.o`m o o 00% n Prairie Living (oo) u 0.0% » » »'»% » Rural xesortDwellers (os) o o.u"m o n o.o"m o Southern Satellites (znA) o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Rooted Rural (zoa) n 0.0% n o 0.0% o Diners a Miners (zoo) o n.o"m o o o"m o nun,| Bypasses (znc) o 0.0% » » »'»% » Unclassified (15) Data Note: This report identifies The index is comparison m the percent m households vr population m the area, ov Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 /s the osaverage, Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Rank Tapestry Segment 1 »g. Young and Restless z e*. City Commons o os. Social Security Set 4 34. Family Foundations 5 su. Modest Income Homes Subtotal Total Top Ten Tapestry Segments Site vs. U.S. 62. Modest Income Homes s«. Family Foundations ss. Social Security Set s*. City Commons ye. Young and Restless o 2013 Households Cumulative Percent Percent ss.x`m 35.8% »z.op* 67.6"m 29.0% 96.6% 2.7% 99.3% 0.7va 100.0% 1oo.uo+ no1su.S.Households Cumulative Percent percent 1.5% z.s"m 0.7% 2.2% 0.7% 2.9% 0.8% 3.7% 0.9% 4.6% 4.6% s 10 zs 20 zs so ss Percent of Households by Tapestry Segment Index ^'~`' 4,668 Site U.S. Data Note: This The index ua comparison nr the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 /s the osaverage. Source: Esn March 09, 2015 os os ez sy 57 55 53 sz *» *7 4s 4s 41 yy 37 Cu �ss � 33 W 3 � 29 zr 25 23 zz 19 o 15 13 11 2O13 Tapestry Indexes bvHouseholds Index 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 B tn 2D13 Tapestry Indexes bvPopulation Index 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 oo U9 D&- ivte.-mu report identifies neighborhood segments mthe area, and describes the s9Ad cononic quality m the immediate neighborhood. The index uacomparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 /s the osaverage. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Data Note: This report identifies The index is comparison m the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 /s the usaverage. Source: Esri March Q9,015 66 Unclassified o 0.0% o n uma o Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index isa comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. source- Esri March 09, 2015 Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2013 Households 2013 Population Number Percent Index Number Percent Index Total: 1,034 100.0% 2,177 100.0% U1. Principal Urban Centers I 0 0.00 /0 0 0 0.0% 0 08 Laptops and Lattes 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 11 Pacific Heights 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 20 City Lights 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 21 Urban Villages 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 23 Trendsetters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 27 Metro Renters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 35 International Marketplace 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 44 Urban Melting Pot 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 U2. Principal Urban Centers II 629 60.8% 1266 1,289 59.2% 1091 45 City Strivers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 47 Las Casas 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 54 Urban Rows 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 58 NeWest Residents 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 61 High Rise Renters 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 64 City Commons 329 31.8% 4668 744 34.2% 4853 65 Social Security Set 300 29.0% 3904 545 25.0% 4659 U3. Metro Cities I 0 0.00/0 0 0 0.00/0 0 01 Top Rung 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 03 Connoisseurs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 05 Wealthy Seaboard Suburbs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 09 Urban Chic 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 10 Pleasant -Ville 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 16 Enterprising Professionals 0 0.0% 0, 0 0.0% 0 19 Milk and Cookies 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 22 Metropolitans 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 U4. Metro Cities II 398 38.5% 348 872 40.1% 397 28 Aspiring Young Families 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 30 Retirement Communities 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 34 Family Foundations 28 2.7% 325 214 9.8% 1146 36 Old and Newcomers 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 39 Young and Restless 370 35.8% 2408 658 30.2% 2578 52 Inner City Tenants 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 60 City Dimensions 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 63 Dorms to Diplomas 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 U5. Urban Outskirts I 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 04 Boomburbs 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 24 Main Street, USA 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 32 Rustbelt Traditions 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 38 Industrious Urban Fringe 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 48 Great Expectations 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 66 Unclassified 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Subtotal 1.2% 0.8% Total Top Ten Tapestry Segments Site vs. U.S. 34. Family Foundations 65. Social Security Set 48. Great Expectations 62. Modest Income Homes 39. Young and Restless 64. City Commons 0 100.00/0 6.4% 5 10 15 20 25 Percent of Households by Tapestry Segment 1573 Site U.S. Data Note. This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 65 63 61 59 57 55 53 51 49 47 45 43 41 39 37 o, 35 w U) >- 33 .b in CL31 CL M 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 2013 Tapestry Indexes by Households Index 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 4 C: (L) E to U) (V CL ro 2013 Tapestry Indexes by Population Index 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 09- Uy - 07- 07- 05- 05- 03- 03- D& Le: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the SgA.04conomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 u1. High Society o 0.0% o o 0.0% m nz Top Rung o 0.0% o o 0.0% o nz Suburban Splendor o 0.0m n o 0.0% o 03 Connoisseurs o o.o"m o o 0.0% o 01 000m»ums o 0.0% o o 0.0% o os Wealthy Seaboard Suburbs o 0.0% o o 0.0% o no Sophisticated Squires o 0.0% o o 0.0% o 07 Exurbanites o o.o^m o o 0.0% o La' Upscale Avenues o 0.0% o o 0.0% n 09 uum^ Chic o 0.0% n o oum u m p|casont-vU|c o non, o o 0.0% n zz Pacific Heights o 0.0% o o o.n^m u o In Style o 0.0% o o 0.0% o 1nenoen,rismoProfessionals o 0.0% o u 0.0% o n Green Acres o 0.0% n o o.n"m o zo Cozy and Comfortable o 0.0% o o o.o,m o L3. Metropolis 4*4 16.7% 315 1,215 1e.00/0 364 zn City Lights o 0.0% u o 0.0% o za Metropolitans n 0.0% o o 0.0% o 4s City Strivers n o.u"m n o 0.0% o sz Metro City Edge o n.o"* o o n.op* o sv Urban Rows n 0.0% u n 0.0% o aa Modest Income Homes 444 16.7% 1817 1,215 ze.o"m zooz L4. Solo Acts 715 26.9% aas 1,413 22'1v* 398 no Laptops and Lattcs o 0.0% u o 0.0% o 23 Tpendseue,s o 0.0% o o 0.0% u 27 Metro Renters u 0.0% o n o.ow^ o yo nu and Newcomers n 0.0% o o 0.09a o zn Young and Restless 715 26.9p* zuoo z,*zs 22.1% 1884 us' Senior Styles s«z za'g% 102 ee7 10.4% ya 14 pmspcmvs Empty Nesters o o.o"m o u 0.0% o zs Silver and su|u » 0.0% o » »'»% o zgRusme|tRetirees o o.n"m n o 0.0% o so Retirement Communities o 0.0% n o 0.0% o 43 The Elders o 0.0% n n 0.0% o 49 Senior Sun seekers u 0.0% o o 0.0% u so Heartland Communities o 0.0% o o 0.0% o s7 Simple Living o 0.0% o o n.op+ u os Social Security Set 342 12.9"m 1731 667 10.4n, 1940 L6. Scholars & Patriots m 0.00/0 o n 0.00/0 o *o Military Proximity o 0.0% u o 0.0% o ss College Towns o 0.0% o o 0.0% o sa Dorms to Diplomas n 0.0% o o 0.0% o Data Note: This identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index ua comparison of the percent m households u, population m the area, ur Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Tapestry ufeMnueGroups 2013 Households 2013 Population Number percent Index Number Percent Index Total: 2,e59 100.0% e'399 100.0% u7. High Hopes 351 13'2% 327 771 12'0% 313 za Aspiring Young Families o 0.0% o o o.o"m o 4o Great Expectations ssz 13.2y 779 771 zz.o.m 782 Lo. Global Roots o 0.0% o o 0'00/0 o 35 International Marketplace o 0.0% u o 0.0% o sa Industrious Urban Fringe o 0.0% o u o.u"m u 14 Urban Melting pot o 0.0% o o 0.0% n *7 Las casas o 0.0% n o o.o"m o sz Inner City Tenants o o.nv* o o 0.0% o somcvvesxResidents o 0.0% u u 0.0% n sn City Dimensions o 0.0% o n 0.0% o 61 x/gx Rise Renters o 0.0% n n 0.0% o cy. Family Portrait 77e 2e'2% 328 2,251 35.2% 335 1zup and Coming Families o 0.0% o o 0.0% o zo Milk and Cookies » »'»% » » »'»% » zz Urban Villages o o.u"m o o 0.0% o sg Southwestern Families o 0.0% o n 0.0% o a4 City Commons 776 29.2va «zoz 2,251 35.2% *sys Lzo'rrau/ouna| Living 31 1'2% 15 82 1.3% 17 24 Main Street, USA o 0.0% n o ou"m o 32 nustudtTmdiuons o o.n"m o o o.o"m o ss MmOreJunctin^ n 0.0% o o o.n^m o so Family Foundations sz 1.2% 140 nz 1.3% 149 1-11' Factories mFarms o o.o+a m o 0'00/0 o 2s Salt o, the Earth o u.o"* o o o.o`m o 37 Prairie uvmo o 0.0% o o o.o"m n 42 Southern Satellites o o.n^m o o o.n^m u ss Home Town o o.o"m o o 0.0% o sa Rural Bypasses u 0.0% o n 0.0% o L12. American Quilt m 0.0% o o o'o% m za Midland cmwo o o.V.m o o ou"a o az Rural Resort Dwellers u 0.0% o n o.o"m o 41 Crossroads n 0.0% n o 0.0% o 46 Rooted Rural o 0.0% o o 0.0% o oo Unclassified o o.o`m o n 0.0% o Data Note: This report identifies The index is comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2013 Households 2013 Population m"muor Percent Index Number Percent Index Total: 2,659 100.0% 6,399 100.0% U1. Principal Urban Centers o 0.0% o o o'o% o ua Laptops and Lattes o 0.0% n o 0.0% o zz Pacific Heights » »'»% » » ».»% » zn cuv unms u 0.0% o o 0.0% o zz Urban Villages o o.o`m o » 0.0% n 23 Trendsetters o ou% o o 0.0% o 27 Metro Renters o o.o"m o n o.o"m o 35 International Marketplace o o.o"m u o 0.0% o 44 Urban m*|uno Pot o o.n"m o » 0.0% o o2. Principal Urban Centers 11 1,118 42.0% 875 2,918 45.6% a*o 45 City Strivers o 0.0% o o u.o"m o *7 Lascasas o o.n"m o » 0.0% o s« Urban Rows o 0.0% o o 0.0% o sa wewestncsments o 0.0% o o 0.0% n sz High Rise Renters o 0.0% o n o.o"m u s« City Commons 776 29.2% *znz 2.251 ss.z"m *yss os Social Security Set 342 zz.*% 1731 sor 10.4p+ 1940 U3. Metro Cities n n m'o% o u 0.0% o oz Top Rung u 0.0% o o 0.0% o ox Connoisseurs n o.o"a o o 0.0% o us Wealthy Seaboard Suburbs n 0.0% o n 0.0% o oe Urban Chic o 0.0% o n 0.0% n 10 Pleasant-Ville o 0.0% n u 0.0% o 10 Enterprising Professionals o o.o`m o n 0.0% o ze Milk and Cookies n 0.0% o o 0.0% o az Metropolitans u 0.0% o o 0.0% o U4. Metro Cities 11 74e 28.1% 254 1,495 23'40/u zaz zo Aspiring Young Families o o.o"m o n 0.0% o xo Retirement Communities u 0.0% o o 0.0% o a4 Family Foundations sz 1.2% z*u 82 z.»`m 119 xa Old and Newcomers u 0.0% o o o.o"m o ag Young and Restless 715 26.9% znng 1,113 22.1% 1884 sa Inner City Tenants o 0.0% o o 0.0% o oo City Dimensions o 0.0% u o o.u^m o sz Dorms to Diplomas o o.ov* o o 0.0% o US. Urban Outskirts z 351 13.2% 126 771 12'0% 108 04 aonmbvms n 0.0% u o 0.0% o 24 Main Street, USA o 0.0% n n 0.0% o sznust»c|,Traditions n o.u"* o o 0.0% o xa Industrious Urban p,mgc o o.o"m o n 0.0% n *o Great Expectations asz 13.2"m 779 771 zo.o"m 782 Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments m the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality m the immediate neighborhood. The index isacomparison m the percent of households vr population m the area, ur Tapestry segment, to the percent of households vr population m the United States, ur segment. xn index mum /s the usaverage. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 66 Unclassified o 0.0% o o 0.0% n Data Note: This report identifies The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 .s the ""average. Source: Esd March 09, 2015 Top Twenty Tapestry Segments Rank Tapestry Segment 1 39. Young and Restless 2 34. Family Foundations 3 52. Inner City Tenants 4 53. Home Town 5 29. Rustbelt Retirees Subtotal 6 32. Rustbelt Traditions 7 64. City Commons 8 28. Aspiring Young Families 9 60. City Dimensions 10 62. Modest Income Homes 43.5% Subtotal 11 48. Great Expectations 12 12. Up and Coming Families 13 65. Social Security Set 14 18. Cozy and Comfortable is 51. Metro City Edge 77.0% Subtotal 16 16. Enterprising Professionals 17 19. Milk and Cookies 2013 Households Cumulative Percent Percent 17.4% 17.4% 15.0% 32.4% 11.1% 43.5% 9.9% 53.4% 7.2% 60.6% 60.6% 797 6.2% 66.8% 5.3% 72.1% 4.9% 77.0% 4.4% 81.4% 3.9% 85.3% 24.7% 257 3.4% 88.7% 3.0% 91.7% 2.8% 94.5% 2.5% 97.0% 1.9% 98.9% 13.6% 422 0.6% 99.5% 0.3% 99.8% 0.9% 100.0% Prepared by: Littlejohn Tapestry descriptions can be found here 2013 U.S. Households Cumulative Percent Percent Index 1.5% 1.5% 1169 0.8% 2.3% 1,803 1.4% 3.7% 797 1.4% 5.1% 701 2.0% 7.1% 371 7.1% 2.4% 9.5% 257 0.7% 10.2% 784 2.3% 12.5% 210 0.9% 13.4% 514 0.9% 14.3% 422 7.2% 1.7% 16.0% 199 4.1% 20.1% 73 0.7% 20.8% 382 2.2% 23.0% 114 0.9% 23.9% 221 9.6% 1.9% 25.8% 32 2.2% 28.0% 12 4.1% 28.1% 356 6 8 10 12 14 16 Percent of Households by Tapestry Segment Site U.S. Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 65 63 61 59 57 55 53 51 49 47 45 43 41 39 37 E cn 35 Cu LO >. 33 U) a- (v 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 2013 Tapestry Indexes by Households Index 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,80C 4 E V) 2013 Tapestry Indexes by Population Index 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 11 - 11 - 09- 09- 07- 07- 05- 05- 03- 03- D&Iote: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the sgA.04conomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 � Gesno OR M. NINE= CKACenter Prepared by: Littlejohn Z30N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 3Z771 Ring: 3 mile radius Tapestry Lifemodemroups 2013 Households 2013 Population Number Percent Index Number Percent Index Total: »*,sa/ 100.0% s*,sso znnu% cn' High Hopes 1,208 8.3+a aoe 2,873 7,3"m 18e 2o Aspiring Young Families 717 4.9n, zzo 1,774 4.5^u zys 4o Great Expectations 491 3.4w, zoy 1,099 2.8% znz Lm. Global Roots x'asr 15.5% /ur 6,183 15,7% 159 ss International Marketplace o o.o"m o o 0.0% o 3o Industrious Urban Fringe u o.o"m o o u.ov* o 44 Urban we|uno pot o 0.0% o u 0.0% u 47 Lascas^s o 0.0% o o 0.0% o sa Inner City Tenants 1,616 zz.z"m 797 4,188 m.o"m 799 sawevvcstResidents o 0.0% o n o.o"u n ao City Dimensions 641 *.*n, 514 z,y*s 5.1m ssn Gz High Rise Renters o 0.0% n n 0.0% o Ly. Family Portrait 1,256 8.6% e7 3,592 e.1% 87 z2up and Coming Families 441 3.0% 73 1,250 3.2`m 67 zv Milk and Cookies sy o.s"m zz n/ 0.2% o 21 Urban Villages o 0.0% o o 0.0% o sy Southwestern Families u 0.0% n o 0.0% o a4 City Commons 776 5.3% 784 2,251 5.7pa 812 L10. Traditional Living 3,080 21.20+ 2e4 8,956 zo'ova 2e7 z4 Main Street, USA o 0.0% o o 0.0% o sznusmc|tTraditions yno 6.2% 257 2,170 5.5% zss ss M|d||hc]unction o 0.0% o n 0.0% o s4 Family Foundations x'zoo 15.0% znoa 6,786 17.2"m zozo L11' Factories mFarms 1,440 e.ev+ 106 3,e72 10.1v+ 10e zs Salt ofthe Earth o 0.0% n o 0.0% o 37 Prairie uvmo o 0.0% o o o.on^ o 42 snumrm aauc||ioes o 0.0% o n 0.0% u sz Home Town z,o*o 9.9% 701 3,972 zn.z"m 723 sa mvna| Bypasses o 0.0% n o o.o"m o L1z. American Quilt m 0.00/0 o o 0.0% o zs Midland Crowd o 0.0% o o 0.0% o sz Rural Resort Dwellers o 0.0% o o 0.0% o 41 Crossroads n o.n"a o o 0.0% u 46 Rooted xum| o o.o"m o o 0.0% n os Unclassified o 0.0% n u o.o.m n Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index ua comparison vr the percent vr households o, population m the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent ^r households vr population m the United States, »v segment. xn index ofzoo /s the osaverage. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index ua comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. xn index w1cm /s the osaverage. sovoe:ssn March 09, 2015 � ° in i;;;Elii;iliili! Gesn CmvCenter Prepared by: Littlejohn 230 Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 �nu�uae� za a/s7z King: 3 mile radius �uoo|mue� -o/z7/o� Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2013 Households 2013 Population Number Percent Index Number Percent Index Total: 11,521 zno.u`m 39,356 zoo.o"m U6. Urban Outskirts 11 839 5.8% 113 2,321 s'e% 113 sl Metro City Edge 276 z.*m azz 782 2.0% 215 ss College Towns o o.o"m n o 0.0% o s7 Simple Living o 0.0% o o n.o"m o se Southwestern Families u o.o"m o o o.o"m n sz Modest Income Homes 563 s.y"y *zz ''ssy 3.9% 429 u7' Suburban Periphery z 441 s'o% 1e 1,250 3.2% 19 oa Suburban Splendor o n.o"m o o 0.0% u no Sophisticated Squires o o.uv* n n o.o`m o 07 Exurbanites o 0.0% o o 0.0% o zzupanucvmingpamU/es 441 3.0% 73 1,250 ».zm 67 z3/nStyle o 0.0% n o 0.0% n 14 Prosperous Empty Nesters o 0.0% o o 0.0% n zs Silver and Gold » »'»% » » »'»»+ » US. Suburban Periphery 11 2,860 19'7wa ozo 7,8e2 20.1% 242 zo Cozy and Comfortable nao z.s"m 111 1,006 u.a"m 117 zyn"stuexRetirees 1,052 7.2"m 371 2,*14 7.4% 419 zsMimimJunction o 0.0% u o 0.0% o 4o Military Proximity o 0.0% n u 0.0% o 4s The Elders o 0.0% o o 0.0% n 53 Home Town 1,440 9.9% roz 3,972 zo.z"* 723 us- Smanrowns o o'm% m o 0.0% o 41 Crossroads o 0.0% o o ou"m n 4y Senior Sun Seekers o 0.0% u o 0.0% o su Heartland Communities o 0.0% n o o.o"m o uzn' Rural m 0.0010 n o o'o% o 17 Green Acres o o.o,m n o oup* o 25 Salt orthe Earth o 0.0% n o 0.0% o 2s Midland Crowd o 0.0% o o 0.0% o 31 Rural Resort Dwellers o 0.0% o o 0.0% o U11. Rural 11 o 0'00/0 o o 0.0% o s7 Prairie Living o 0.0% n n 0.0% o 42 Southern sau,m»es n 0.0% o o 0.0% o 46 Rooted Rural o 0.0% o u 0.0% o so nvm\ Bypasses n 0.0% o o 0.0% o 66 Unclassified o 0.0% n o 0.0% o Data Note: This report identifies The index is comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population m the United States, »v segment. an index mum /s the osaverage. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Top Twenty Tapestry Segments Tapestry descriptions can be found here 4 6 8 10 12 Percent of Households by Tapestry Segment Site U.S. Data Note., This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 2013 Households 2013 U.S. Households Cumulative Cumulative Rank Tapestry Segment Percent Percent Percent Percent Index 1 13. In Style 12.4% 12.4% 2.3% 2.3% 534 2 32. Rustbelt Traditions 8.7% 21.1% 2.4% 4.7% 362 3 19. Milk and Cookies 8.3% 29.4% 2.2% 6.9% 374 4 39, Young and Restless 8.1% 37.5% 1.5% 8.4% 546 5 16. Enterprising Professionals 6.7% 44.2% 1.9% 10.3% 356 Subtotal 44.2% 10.3% 6 34. Family Foundations 6.0% 50.2% 0.8% 11.1% 717 7 33. Midlife Junction 4.9% 55.1% 2.5% 13.6% 192 8 53. Home Town 4.8% 59.9% 1.4% 15.0% 339 9 29. Rustbelt Retirees 4.5% 64.4% 2.0% 17.0% 232 10 52. Inner City Tenants 4.4% 68.8% 1.4% 18.4% 317 Subtotal 24.6% 8.10/0 11 07. Exurbanites 3.9% 72.7% 2.5% 20.9% 159 12 41. Crossroads 3.9% 76.6% 1.5% 22.4% 267 13 12. Up and Coming Families 3.5% 80.1% 4.1% 26.5% 85 14 28. Aspiring Young Families 3.3% 83.4% 2.3% 28.8% 143 is 18. Cozy and Comfortable 3.3% 86.7% 2.2% 31.0% 149 Subtotal 17.9% 12.6% 16 48. Great Expectations 2.3% 89.0% 1.7% 32.7% 136 17 64. City Commons 2.1% 91.1% 0.7% 33.4% 312 is 62. Modest Income Homes 2.1% 93.2% 0.9% 34.3% 230 19 60. City Dimensions 1.8% 95.0% 0.9% 35.2% 204 20 26. Midland Crowd 1.2% 96.2% 3.2% 38.4% 38 Subtotal 9.5% 7.4% Total 96.3% 38.5% 250 4 6 8 10 12 Percent of Households by Tapestry Segment Site U.S. Data Note., This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is a comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 is the US average. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 os os oz sy sr ss 53 sz wg 17 *s 4s ^z sy 37 �as � 33 � sz � 29 zr zs 23 21 19 17 15 o 11 2O13 Tapestry Indexes bvHouseholds Index 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 .0 Cu En Ln 0. 2O13 Tapestry Indexes bvPopulation Index 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 oy oe 07-- 07 - womwans—now o& wvte'This report identifies neighborhood segments m the area, and describes the sPAo comnnic quality m the immediate neighborhood. The index isacomparison of the percent of households m population m the area, ov Tapestry segment, m the percent of households m population * the United States, by segment. mn index mum /s the osaverage. Source, Esri March 09, 2015 L1. High Society 1,455 4.0% 32 4,63e 4.8% 35 oz Top Rung o 0.0% o o oo"m o oz Suburban Splendor o 0.0% o n 0.0% n 03 Connoisseurs n o.n"m o n 0.0% o m*auomb"rbo o o.o,m u o 0.0% o os Wealthy Seaboard Suburbs o 0.0% u o 0.0% o oo Sophisticated Squires 22 n.zv+ z *y 0.1% z 07 Exurbanites 1'433 oym zsy 4,590 4.8m zyo L2. Upscale Avenues 8,180 22.4% 16e 19,679 20.5% 157 oy u,ma^ Chic n 0.0% o o 0.0% o 10 Pleasant-Ville o 0.0% o o 0.0% o zz Pacific Heights o 0.0m n o 0.0% u zsmStyle 4'513 zz.*% ss* 10'801 zz.»% say za Enterprising Professionals 2,462 6.7% »ss 5,625 s.s"m »so tr Green Acres n 0.0% o o o.o"m o zo Cozy and Comfortable 1,205 3.3% 149 a'zsa 3.4m zss L3. Metropolis 1,048 2.9% 54 z\ema a'o% so zn City Lights u 0.0% o o 0.0% o 22 Metropolitans o 0.0% u o 0.0% o 4s City Strivers o o.o`m n o 0.0% o 51 Metro City Edge 276 0.8% oo 782 o.u"m uu s* Urban Rows o n.o"m o o o.o`m o az Modest Income Homes 772 2.1% z»n 2,120 2.2% a*z /4. Solo Acts 2,9e1 8.1% 110 7,475 ra% 140 nn Laptops and |attrs o 0.0% o o 0.0% o 23 rrcnuseuers o 0.0% n o u.o`m o ar Metro Renters o 0.0% o n 0.0% o se Old and Newcomers o 0.0% o o ooph u 39 Young and Restless 2,961 8.1% 546 7,475 7.8% 664 L5.seoinroty/es 2,3e0 6.5+a sz 5,954 6.2% 58 z4 Prosperous Empty Nesters o 0.0% o o 0.0% o zs Silver and sn|u n o.o"m n o 0.0% n zsxumbe|tRetirees z,ns* 4.5m 232 4,394 4.6"a zso 30 Retirement Communities o 0.0% o o 0.0% n 43 The Bueo o 0.0% o o 0.0% o 4o Senior Sun Seekers sz* 0.9n, 77 000 00% oo sn Heartland Communities o 0.0% o o 0.0% o sr Simple Living o 0.0% o o 0.0% u ss Social Security Set 112 1.1% zsu 75* 0.8% 146 Le' Scholars mPatriots o o'o% m o o'o% o wu MiUu,n, Proximity o u.o"* o u 0.0% n ss College Towns o 0.0% n o 0.0% o as Dorms to Diplomas o 0.0% o o 0.0% o Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index /sacomparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 /s the usaverage. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 � " -�~ [RA Center Prepared by: Littlejohn 2]Um Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 ��umde� zaa�o/z King: 5 mile radius u,00uoos� -az�77o� Tapestry ufeMvueGroups 2013 Households 2013 Population Number Percent Index Number percent Index Total: so'szo 100.0m 95,965 100.0% L7. High Hopes 2,06e 5-7% 140 5,2e1 5.50/0 143 zn Aspiring Young Families 1,223 3.3% 143 3,213 3.3% z*s ^o Great Expectations 843 a.s"* zao 2,078 2.2% z«z Lm. szvma/ Roots z'zsr 6.2% 71 6,183 6'4% ss 35 International Marketplace o 0.0% u n 0.0% o znzndustrivusUrban p,|noe u o.o"* o u o.uv* u :4 Urban Melting pot o 0.0% o u o.o,m o 4r Las cosos o o.n"a o o 0.0% o sz Inner City Tenants 1,616 *.*"m 317 4,188 4.*% 328 somcm/estResidents o 0.0% o o 0.0% o an City Dimensions 641 z.o"m 204 1,995 2.1% zzs 61 mox Rise Renters o o.o^m u n 0.0% o Le. Family Portrait 5,087 13.9ra 15e 1*,231 14.8% 141 12up and Coming Families 1,290 3.5% ns »,snz 3.7va 77 zg Milk and Cookies 3,021 o.s,m 37* 8,449 8.8% ssu az Urban Villages o o.o"m o n 0.0% o sg Southwestern Families o o.ov+ o o 0.0% o s4 City Commons 776 2.1% szz 2,251 z.»m 333 LID. Traditional uxrnm 7,151 1e.6% 2** 1e,288 20.1% zaa zo Main Street, us« o n.u"m u u o.ov+ o 32 nustbe|tnadiuvns 3,187 8.7% soz 8'317 8.7p* 371 »yMimineJunction 1'784 *.e% zyz 4,185 4.4"m zya s4 Family Foundations z'zno 6.0% 717 6,786 7.1% 824 1-11. Factories &Farms 1,751 4.8% 51 4,80e 5.0% 54 zs Salt ofthe Earth u 0.0% o o n.n`* o s7 Prairie Living o 0.09a o o 0.0% o 42 svvtxem Satellites n 0.0% u n 0.0% o ss Home Town 1,751 4.8% asy 4'809 5.0% osy ss Rural Bypasses o 0.0% u o 0.0% n L12' American Quilt 2,170 5.e0/0 aa 5,51* 5.7+a *7 zs Midland Crowd *43 z.z«a sn 1'215 1.3% ya az Rural Resort Dwellers n 0.0% o o o.o"y n oz Crossroads 1,415 3.9% 267 s'*ov ».on, 243 46 Rooted Rural 312 0.9% 37 oss 0.7% sa so Unclassified o 0.0% o u 0.0% o Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index is comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment. An index of 100 /s the osaverage. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Tapestry Urbanization Groups 2013 Households 2013 Population mumu,, Percent Index Number Percent Index Total: »o,szo zoo.n"m 95'965 100.0% U1. p*oupa| Urban Centers z m 0.0% o o o'o% o ne Laptops and Laues o 0.0% o o 0.0% o u Pacific Heights o n.n`m o » o.o* u zn City Lights u 0.0% o o 0.0% o az Urban Villages o oo"m o o 0.0% o 23 Trendsetters » ».»% » » »'»% » 27 Metro Renters o 0.0% o o 0.0% o ss muemaunna| Marketplace o 0.0% o o 0.0% o *f Urban Melting Pot o 0.0% o u 0.0% o U2. Principal Urban Centers 11 1,18e 3'3% au 3,005 3.1% sa *s City Strivers n ou% o o 0.0% n «7 Las casas u n.o"m o n 0.0% o s* Urban Rows o 0.0% o » 0.0% o se mewcstnesidems o 0.0% o u o.o"m o az High Rise Renters o 0.0% n o u.o,m o s4 City Commons 776 2.1% azz 2.251 2.3% »sa as Social Security Set 412 1.1% 152 ro* 0.8% 146 U3. Metro Cities 5,483 15.00/0 124 1*.07* 14.7% 120 01 Top x"no o n.o"m o o 0.0% n ns Connoisseurs u o.n"* o o 0.0% o ns Wealthy Seaboard Suburbs o 0.0% o o 0.0% o no Urban Chic o 0.0% o o o.o^m o 10 Pleasant-Ville u 0.0% o o 0.0% u 1e Enterprising Professionals 2'462 6.7va ss* s'ozs s.e"m sso zn Milk and Cookies s'ozz u.y"m 374 8,449 8.8% aso ,x nctmn"||,ans o 0.0% n o 0.0% o U4. Metro Cities zz 8,e21 23.6% 214 23,657 24.7% 245 ze Aspiring Young Families 1,223 3.3n, 143 3'213 s.a^m 145 ao Retirement Communities n 0.0% o o 0.0% o a4 Family Foundations 2,180 6.0% 717 *,786 7.1% 824 sa Old and Newcomers o 0.0% n o 0.0% o 3e Young and Restless 2,961 8.1% 546 7,475 7.8"m 664 sz Inner City Tenants 1,616 4.4`m 317 4'188 4.4m szo sn City Dimensions 641 1.8% 204 1,995 2.1% 225 oa Dorms to oiv|nmn, o 0.0% u o 0.0% o US. Urban Outskirts z 4,030 11.0% 105 10,3e5 10'8% 97 01 000muu,bs o 0.0% o o o.n"m o 24 Main Street, usx u 0.0% o o 0.0% o s2nustbe|tTraditions 3,1e7 8.7% »ez 8,317 8.7ya 371 38 Industrious Urban pr|noc o 0.0% o o 0.0% n 4V Great Expectations u*» 2.3% 136 2,078 2.2n, 141 Data Note: This report identifies o»mhou segments m the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality m the immediate neighborhood. The index ua comparison or the percent vr households ur population m the area, uv Tapestry segment, m the percent m households vr population m the United States, »rsegment. xo index mnm /, the uaaverage. Svunz,ssri ��___ March 09, 2015 66 Unclassified o 0.0% n o 0.0% o Data Note: This report identifies neighborhood segments in the area, and describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. The index ua comparison of the percent of households or population in the area, by Tapestry segment, to the percent of households or population in the United States, by segment, ao index ofum /s the osaverage. Source: Esri March 09, 2015 Demographic Summary 2014 2019 Population 2,246 2,270 Households 1,072 1,094 Families 475 472 Median Age 34.3 35.4 Median Household Income $21,304 $24,094 Total Expenditures Food Food at Home Food Away from Home Alcoholic Beverages Spending Average Amount Index Spent 45 $31,858.81 48 $4,000.54 49 $2,501.84 47 $1,498.71 48 $258.74 Total Percent $34,152,647 100.0% $4,288,581 12.6% $2,681,968 7.9% $1,606,613 4.7% $277,368 0.8% Housing 49 $10,227.77 $10,964,172 32.1% Shelter 49 $7,852.71 $8,418,108 24.6% Utilities, Fuel and Public Services 48 $2,375.06 $2,546,064 7.5% Household Operations 42 $761.52 $816,346 2.4% Housekeeping Supplies 47 $327.80 $351,398 1.0% Household Furnishings and Equipment 40 $718.08 $769,777 2.3% Apparel and Services 33 $741.01 $794,366 2.3% Transportation 46 $4,726.56 $5,066,867 14.8% Travel 40 $760.48 $815,238 2.4% Health Care 44 $2,013.02 $2,157,954 6.3% Entertainment and Recreation 45 $1,450.66 $1,555,112 4.6% Personal Care Products & Services 46 $351.26 $376,552 1.1% Education 47 $694.11 $744,084 2.2% Smoking Products 59 $267.97 $287,264 0.8% Miscellaneous (1) 46 $522.30 $559,903 1.6% Support Payments /Cash Contribution /Gifts in Kind 43 $1,043.33 $1,118,448 3.3% Life /Other Insurance 38 $169.24 $181,424 0.5% Pensions and Social Security 41 $2,824.43 $3,027,793 8.9% Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household - based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. (1) Miscellaneous includes lotteries, pari- mutuel losses, legal fees, funeral expenses, safe deposit box rentals, checking account/banking service charges, cemetery lots/ vaults /maintenance fees, accounting fees, miscellaneous personal services /advertising /fines, finance charges excluding mortgage & vehicle, occupational expenses, expenses for other properties, credit card membership fees, and shopping club membership fees. Source: Esri forecasts for 2014 and 2019; Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2011 and 2012 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. March 09, 2015 Total Expenditures Food Food at Home Food Away from Home Alcoholic Beverages Spending Average Amount Index Spent 48 $33,485.28 50 $4,166.91 r $2,603.23 49 $1,563.68 49 $266.22 $2,531.67 $6,870,941 7.6% Demographic 45 1 Population 2.4% 6,504 Households $342.82 $930,424 Families Household Furnishings and Equipment 1,425 1,422 Median Age $2,069,545 32.0 33.0 Vedian Household Income 34 $21,347 $25,265 Total Expenditures Food Food at Home Food Away from Home Alcoholic Beverages Spending Average Amount Index Spent 48 $33,485.28 50 $4,166.91 51 $2,603.23 49 $1,563.68 49 $266.22 Total Percent $90,879,050 100.0% $11,308,999 12.4% $7,065,178 7.8% $4,243,821 4.7% $722,522 0.8% Housing 51 $10,631.14 $28,852,913 31.7% Shelter 51 $8,099.47 $21,981,971 24.2% Utilities, Fuel and Public Services 51 $2,531.67 $6,870,941 7.6% Household Operations 45 $805.42 $2,185,907 2.4% Housekeeping Supplies 49 $342.82 $930,424 1.0% Household Furnishings and Equipment 42 $762.54 $2,069,545 2.3% Apparel and Services 34 $771.28 $2,093,262 2.3% Transportation 49 $5,037.36 $13,671,407 15.0% Travel 42 $806.42 $2,188,621 2.4% Health Care 46 $2,141.64 $5,812,423 6.4% Entertainment and Recreation 48 $1,536.64 $4,170,452 4.6% Personal Care Products & Services 48 $365.93 $993,129 1.1% Education 48 $716.47 $1,944,499 2.1% Smoking Products 61 $278.33 $755,376 0.8% Miscellaneous (1) 48 $543.09 $1,473,948 1.6% Support Payments /Cash Contribution /Gifts in Kind 45 $1,092.77 $2,965,785 3.3% Life /Other Insurance 42 $187.29 $508,296 0.6% Pensions and Social Security 44 $3,032.99 $8,231,545 9.1% Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household- based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. (1) Miscellaneous includes lotteries, pari - mutuel losses, legal fees, funeral expenses, safe deposit box rentals, checking account /banking service charges, cemetery lots/ vaults /maintenance fees, accounting fees, miscellaneous personal services /advertising /fines, finance charges excluding mortgage & vehicle, occupational expenses, expenses for other properties, credit card membership fees, and shopping club membership fees. Source: Esri forecasts for 2014 and 2019; Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2011 and 2012 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. March 09, 2015 Demographic Summary 2014 2019 Population 39,915 41,442 Households 14,768 15,357 Families 9,351 9,650 Median Age 33.5 34.0 Median Household Income $36,352 $42,198 Spending Average Amount Index Spent Total Percent Total Expenditures 66 $46,538.01 $687,273,325 100.0% Food 69 $5,720.06 $84,473,857 12.3% Food at Home 69 $3,522.86 $52,025,536 7.6% Food Away from Home 69 $2,197.20 $32,448,321 4.7% Alcoholic Beverages 69 $371.47 $5,485,901 0.8% Housing 69 $14,504.03 $214,195,555 31.2% Shelter 69 $11,094.18 $163,838,888 23.8% Utilities, Fuel and Public Services 69 $3,409.85 $50,356,667 7.3% Household Operations 64 $1,147.26 $16,942,748 2.5% Housekeeping Supplies 67 $473.72 $6,995,864 1.0% Household Furnishings and Equipment 60 $1,075.63 $15,884,830 2.3% Apparel and Services 46 $1,044.90 $15,431,122 2.2% Transportation 68 $7,035.84 $103,905,310 15.1% Travel 63 $1,190.77 $17,585,241 2.6% Health Care 64 $2,975.12 $43,936,584 6.4% Entertainment and Recreation 67 $2,155.56 $31,833,318 4.6% Personal Care Products & Services 68 $515.66 $7,615,322 1.1% Education 65 $970.45 $14,331,654 2.1% Smoking Products 74 $337.76 $4,988,062 0.7% Miscellaneous (1) 64 $729.15 $10,768,090 1.6% Support Payments /Cash Contribution /Gifts in Kind 63 $1,540.08 $22,743,875 3.3% Life /Other Insurance 61 $273.68 $4,041,710 0.6% Pensions and Social Security 65 $4,476.86 $66,114,282 9.6% Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household- based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. (1) Miscellaneous includes lotteries, pari- mutuel losses, legal fees, funeral expenses, safe deposit box rentals, checking account/banking service charges, cemetery lots/ vaults /maintenance fees, accounting fees, miscellaneous personal services /advertising /fines, finance charges excluding mortgage & vehicle, occupational expenses, expenses for other properties, credit card membership fees, and shopping club membership fees. Source: Esri forecasts for 2014 and 2019; Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2011 and 2012 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. March 09, 2015 Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household- based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. (1) Miscellaneous includes lotteries, pari- mutuel losses, legal fees, funeral expenses, safe deposit box rentals, checking account /banking service charges, cemetery lots/ vaults /maintenance fees, accounting fees, miscellaneous personal services /advertising /fines, finance charges excluding mortgage & vehicle, occupational expenses, expenses for other properties, credit card membership fees, and shopping club membership fees. Source: Esri forecasts for 2014 and 2019; Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2011 and 2012 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. March 09, 2015 esn" CRA Center Prepared by: Littlejohn 230 N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 Ring: 5 mile radius Demographic Summary 2014 2019 Population 97,986 102,523 Households 37,368 39,195 Families 24,654 25,671 Median Age 36.2 36.5 Median Household Income $46,675 $53,790 Spending Average Amount Index Spent Total Percent Total Expenditures 84 $59,060.20 $2,206,961,538 100.0% Food 86 $7,169.82 $267,921,980 12.1% Food at Home 86 $4,390.77 $164,074,253 7.4% Food Away from Home 87 $2,779.05 $103,847,727 4.7% Alcoholic Beverages 87 $470.32 $17,574,946 0.8% Housing 86 $18,116.65 $676,982,855 30.7% Shelter 87 $13,871.56 $518,352,630 23.5% Utilities, Fuel and Public Services 86 $4,245.08 $158,630,224 7.2% Household Operations 83 $1,485.39 $55,506,005 2.5% Housekeeping Supplies 85 $598.83 $22,377,147 1.0% Household Furnishings and Equipment 77 $1,373.72 $51,333,089 2.3% Apparel and Services 58 $1,300.85 $48,610,061 2.2% Transportation 86 $8,896.29 $332,436,718 15.1% Travel 83 $1,577.05 $58,931,096 2.7% Health Care 83 $3,842.76 $143,596,115 6.5% Entertainment and Recreation 86 $2,771.05 $103,548,771 4.7% Personal Care Products & Services 86 $658.17 $24,594,378 1.1% Education 83 $1,234.19 $46,119,037 2.1% Smoking Products 88 $398.19 $14,879,410 0.7% Miscellaneous (1) 82 $927.11 $34,644,203 1.6% Support Payments /Cash Contribution /Gifts in Kind 82 $2,002.94 $74,845,956 3.4% Life /Other Insurance 81 $365.89 $13,672,728 0.6% Pensions and Social Security 85 $5,870.99 $219,387,042 9.9% Data Note: The Spending Potential Index (SPI) is household- based, and represents the amount spent for a product or service relative to a national average of 100. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. (1) Miscellaneous includes lotteries, pari- mutuel losses, legal fees, funeral expenses, safe deposit box rentals, checking account /banking service charges, cemetery lots/ vaults /maintenance fees, accounting fees, miscellaneous personal services /advertising /fines, finance charges excluding mortgage & vehicle, occupational expenses, expenses for other properties, credit card membership fees, and shopping club membership fees. Source: Esri forecasts for 2014 and 2019; Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2011 and 2012 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. March 09, 2015 Sanford CRA Area: 0.69 square miles Prepared by: Littlejohn Source: Esri Tapestry LifeMode EM Lt: Affluent Estates LJ L2: Upscale Avenues Lj L3: Uptown Individuals L] L4: Family Landscapes L] LS: GonXurban IM LG: cozy country EJ L7: Ethnic Enclaves IM LB: Middle Ground Mg L9: Senior Styles F] L10: Rustic Outposts IM LI 1: Midtown Singles r I L12: Hornotown L13: Next Wave L14: Scholars and Patriots March 09, 2015 r, ,/ � / f , , i Aft Sanford CPA Area: 0.69 square miles Tapestry Segmentation Prepared by: Litt ejo n Tapestry Segmentation represents the fifth generation of market segmentation systems that began 30 years ago. The 67- segment Tapestry Segmentation system classifies U.S. neighborhoods based on their socioeconomic and demographic composition. Each segment is identified by its two -digit Segment Code. Match the two -digit segment labels on the map to the list below. Click each segment below for a detailed description. Segment lA (Top Tier) Segment 1B (Professional Pride) Segment 1C (Boomburbs) Segment 1D (Savvy Suburbanites) Segment lE (Exurbanites) Segment 2A (Urban Chic) Segment 2B (Pleasantville) Segment 2C (Pacific Heights) Segment 2D (Enterprising Professionals) Segment 3A (Laptops and Lattes) Segment 3B (Metro Renters) Segment 3C (Trendsetters) Segment 4A (Soccer Moms) Segment 4B (Home Improvement) Segment 4C (Middleburg) Segment 5A (Comfortable Empty Nesters) Segment 5B (In Style) Segment 5C (Parks and Rec) Segment 5D (Rustbelt Traditions) Segment 5E (Midlife Constants) Segment 6A (Green Acres) Segment 6B (Salt of the Earth) Segment 6C (The Great Outdoors) Segment 6D (Prairie Living) Segment 6E (Rural Resort Dwellers) Segment 6F (Heartland Communities) Segment 7A (Up and Coming Families) Segment 7B (Urban Villages) Segment 7C (American Dreamers) Segment 7D (Barrios Urbanos) Segment 7E (Valley Growers) Segment 7F (Southwestern Families) Segment 8A (City Lights) Segment 8B (Emerald City) Source: Esri Segment 8C (Bright Young Professionals) Segment 8D (Downtown Melting Pot) Segment 8E (Front Porches) Segment 8F (Old and Newcomers) Segment 8G (Hardscrabble Road) Segment 9A (Silver & Gold) Segment 9B (Golden Years) Segment 9C (The Elders) Segment 9D (Senior Escapes) Segment 9E (Retirement Communities) Segment 9F (Social Security Set) Segment 10A (Southern Satellites) Segment 10B (Rooted Rural) Segment 10C (Diners & Miners) Segment 10D (Down the Road) Segment 10E (Rural Bypasses) Segment 11A (City Strivers) Segment 11B (Young and Restless) Segment 11C (Metro Fusion) Segment 11D (Set to Impress) Segment 11E (City Commons) Segment 12A (Family Foundations) Segment 12B (Traditional Living) Segment 12C (Small Town Simplicity) Segment 12D (Modest Income Homes) Segment 13A (International Marketplace) Segment 13B (Las Casas) Segment 13C (NeWest Residents) Segment 13D (Fresh Ambitions) Segment 13E (High Rise Renters) Segment 14A (Military Proximity) Segment 14B (College Towns) Segment 14C (Dorms to Diplomas) Segment 15 (Unclassified) March 09, 2015 CRA Center Prepared by: Littlejohn 230 N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 Rings: 1, 3, 5 mile radii cZM W105 GO Tapestry LifeMode N Lt: AlIfluent Estates U(fl L2: Upstate Avenues L] L3: Uptown Individuals tj L4: Family Landscapes 1-5: GonXurban L6: Cozy Country 1-7: Ethnic Enclaves MM 1.8: Middle Ground IM Lg: Senior Styles F] 1.11)z Rustic Outposts L11: Midtown Singles L12: Hometown L13: Next Wave EJ L14; Scholars and Patriots Source: Esri March 09, 2015 j el Tapestry Segmentation Tapestry Segmentation represents the fifth generation of market segmentation systems that began 30 years ago. The 67- segment Tapestry Segmentation system classifies U.S. neighborhoods based on their socioeconomic and demographic composition. Each segment is identified by its two -digit Segment Code. Match the two -digit segment labels on the map to the list below. Click each segment below for a detailed description. Segment lA (Top Tier) Segment 1B (Professional Pride) Segment 1C (Boomburbs) Segment 1D (Savvy Suburbanites) Segment lE (Exurbanites) Segment 2A (Urban Chic) Segment 2B (Pleasantville) Segment 2C (Pacific Heights) Segment 2D (Enterprising Professionals) Segment 3A (Laptops and Lattes) Segment 3B (Metro Renters) Segment 3C (Trendsetters) Segment 4A (Soccer Moms) Segment 4B (Home Improvement) Segment 4C (Middleburg) Segment 5A (Comfortable Empty Nesters) Segment 5B (In Style) Segment 5C (Parks and Rec) Segment 5D (Rustbelt Traditions) Segment 5E (Midlife Constants) Segment 6A (Green Acres) Segment 6B (Salt of the Earth) Segment 6C (The Great Outdoors) Segment 6D (Prairie Living) Segment 6E (Rural Resort Dwellers) Segment 6F (Heartland Communities) Segment 7A (Up and Coming Families) Segment 7B (Urban Villages) Segment 7C (American Dreamers) Segment 7D (Barrios Urbanos) Segment 7E (Valley Growers) Segment 7F (Southwestern Families) Segment 8A (City Lights) Segment 8B (Emerald City) Source: Esh Segment 8C (Bright Young Professionals) Segment 8D (Downtown Melting Pot) Segment BE (Front Porches) Segment 8F (Old and Newcomers) Segment 8G (Hardscrabble Road) Segment 9A (Silver & Gold) Segment 9B (Golden Years) Segment 9C (The Elders) Segment 9D (Senior Escapes) Segment 9E (Retirement Communities) Segment 9F (Social Security Set) Segment 10A (Southern Satellites) Segment 10B (Rooted Rural) Segment 10C (Diners & Miners) Segment 10D (Down the Road) Segment 10E (Rural Bypasses) Segment 11A (City Strivers) Segment 11B (Young and Restless) Segment 11C (Metro Fusion) Segment 11D (Set to Impress) Segment 11E (City Commons) Segment 12A (Family Foundations) Segment 12B (Traditional Living) Segment 12C (Small Town Simplicity) Segment 12D (Modest Income Homes) Segment 13A (Internati'onal Marketplace) Segment 13B (Las Casas) Segment 13C (NeWest Residents) Segment 13D (Fresh Ambitions) Segment 13E (High Rise Renters) Segment 14A (Military Proximity) Segment 14B (College Towns) Segment 14C (Dorms to Diplomas) Segment 15 (Unclassified) March 09, 2015 Data Note: Disposable Income is after -tax household income. Disposable income forecasts are based on the Current Population Survey, U.S. Census Bureau. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2014 and 2019. March 09, 2015 2014 -2019 2014 -2019 Census 2010 2014 2019 Change Annual Rate Population 2,318 2,246 2,270 24 0.21% Median Age 33.0 34.3 35.4 1.1 0.63% Households 1,096 1,072 1,094 22 0.41% Average Household Size 1.94 1.92 1.90 -0.02 -0.21% 2014 Households by Disposable Income Number Percent Total 1,072 100.0% <$15,000 420 39.2% $15,000- $24,999 217 20.2% $25,000- $34,999 132 12.3% $35,000 - $49,999 133 12.4% $50,000 - $74,999 109 10.2% $75,000- $99,999 29 2.7% $100,000 - $149,999 20 1.9% $150,000 - $199,999 7 0.7% $200,000+ 6 0.6% Median Disposable Income $19,232 Average Disposable Income $29,799 Number of Households 2014 Disposable Income by Age of Householder X25 25 -34 35 -44 45 -54 55 -64 65 -74 75+ Total 96 239 152 170 149 123 142 <$15,000 52 76 45 59 56 52 80 $15,000 - $24,999 19 54 29 25 27 32 31 $25,000 - $34,999 9 37 20 27 18 12 9 $35,000 - $49,999 7 37 27 21 21 14 7 $50,000 - $74,999 8 23 21 24 18 8 7 $75,000 - $99,999 1 6 5 7 5 2 3 $100,000 - $149,999 1 4 3 4 3 3 2 $150,000 - $199,999 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 $200,000+ 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 Median Disposable Income $13,990 $22,245 $25,749 $25,397 $21,088 $17,082 $13,219 Average Disposable Income $21,134 $30,307 $34,574 $36,568 $32,280 $25,887 $23,183 Data Note: Disposable Income is after -tax household income. Disposable income forecasts are based on the Current Population Survey, U.S. Census Bureau. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2014 and 2019. March 09, 2015 Data Note: Disposable Income is after -tax household income. Disposable income forecasts are based on the Current Population Survey, U.S. Census Bureau. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2014 and 2019. March 09, 2015 Number of Households 2014 -2019 2014 -2019 Census 2010 2014 2019 Change Annual Rate Population 6,721 6,504 6,547 43 0.13% Median Age 30.8 32.0 33.0 1.0 0.62% Households 2,776 2,714 2,758 44 0.32% Average Household Size 2.35 2.33 2.31 -0.02 -0.17% 2014 Households by Disposable Income 82 66 $25,000- $34,999 Number Percent Total 66 47 32 2,714 100.0% <$15,000 85 64 51 1,069 39.4% $15,000- $24,999 $50,000 - $74,999 16 61 538 19.8% $25,000 - $34,999 17 10 $75,000 - $99,999 325 12.0% $35,000 - $49,999 20 16 5 320 11.8% $50,000 - $74,999 15 11 19 274 10.1% $75,000 - $99,999 $150,000 - $199,999 0 4 87 3.2% $100,000 - $149,999 2 1 $200,000+ 70 2.6% $150,000 - $199,999 3 4 1 18 0.7% $200,000+ $22,861 $23,950 $22,753 12 0.4% Median Disposable Income Average Disposable Income $20,822 $31,799 $19,217 $35,313 Average Disposable Income $26,167 $21,691 $30,357 Data Note: Disposable Income is after -tax household income. Disposable income forecasts are based on the Current Population Survey, U.S. Census Bureau. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2014 and 2019. March 09, 2015 Number of Households 2014 Disposable Income by Age of Householder <25 25 -34 35 -44 45 -54 55 -64 65 -74 75+ Total 215 589 421 483 454 297 255 <$15,000 115 196 140 174 188 121 136 $15,000- $24,999 44 116 76 80 74 82 66 $25,000- $34,999 20 91 51 66 47 32 18 $35,000 - $49,999 16 85 64 51 58 32 14 $50,000 - $74,999 16 61 57 64 48 17 10 $75,000 - $99,999 4 19 17 20 16 5 6 $100,000 - $149,999 1 15 11 19 15 6 3 $150,000 - $199,999 0 4 3 5 4 2 1 $200,000+ 0 2 2 3 4 1 1 Median Disposable Income $14,087 $22,861 $23,950 $22,753 $19,230 $17,278 $14,063 Average Disposable Income $20,822 $31,799 $34,087 $35,313 $33,233 $26,167 $21,691 Data Note: Disposable Income is after -tax household income. Disposable income forecasts are based on the Current Population Survey, U.S. Census Bureau. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2014 and 2019. March 09, 2015 Data Note: Disposable Income is after -tax household income. Disposable income forecasts are based on the Current Population Survey, U.S. Census Bureau. Detail may not surn to totals due to rounding Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2014 and 2019. March 09, 2015 2014 -2019 2014 -2019 Census 2010 2014 2019 Change Annual Rate Population 39,308 39,915 41,442 1,527 0.75% Median Age 33.0 33.5 34.0 0.5 0.30% Households 14,535 14,768 15,357 589 0.79% Average Household Size 2.66 2.65 2.65 0.00 0.00% 2014 Households by Disposable Income Number Percent Total 14,768 100.0% <$15,000 3,360 22.8% $15,000 - $24,999 2,421 16.4% $25,000 - $34,999 2,277 15.4% $35,000 - $49,999 2,588 17.5% $50,000- $74,999 2,407 16.3% $75,000 - $99,999 867 5.9% $100,000- $149,999 634 4.3% $150,000- $199,999 122 0.8% $200,000+ 92 0.6% Median Disposable Income $31,347 Average Disposable Income $41,060 Number of Households 2014 Disposable Income by Age of Householder <25 25 -34 35 -44 45 -54 55 -64 65 -74 75+ Total 874 2,877 2,688 2,775 2,570 1,664 1,320 <$15,000 337 605 421 478 678 377 465 $15,000 - $24,999 167 442 303 348 381 366 414 $25,000- $34,999 141 467 396 449 364 272 189 $35,000 - $49,999 116 523 575 455 463 339 116 $50,000- $74,999 72 516 555 593 388 209 75 $75,000 - $99,999 31 172 222 201 155 51 35 $100,000 - $149,999 8 120 161 185 97 44 20 $150,000 - $199,999 2 19 34 36 23 4 4 $200,000+ 0 13 22 30 22 2 3 Median Disposable Income $19,898 $32,910 $39,488 $37,799 $30,482 $27,566 $18,328 Average Disposable Income $26,991 $41,291 $49,129 $49,409 $40,715 $34,315 $26,031 Data Note: Disposable Income is after -tax household income. Disposable income forecasts are based on the Current Population Survey, U.S. Census Bureau. Detail may not surn to totals due to rounding Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2014 and 2019. March 09, 2015 Population Median Age Households Average Household Size CRA Center 230 N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 Ring: 5 mile radius , Prepared by: Littlejohn 2014 Households by Disposable Income Total <$15,000 $15,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $34,999 $35,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $74,999 $75,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $149,999 $150,000 - $199,999 $200,000+ Median Disposable Income Average Disposable Income 2014 Disposable Income by Age of Householder Total <$15,000 $15,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $34,999 $35,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $74,999 $75,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $149,999 $150,000 - $199,999 $200,000+ Median Disposable Income Average Disposable Income 2014 -2019 2014 -2019 Census 2010 2014 2019 Change Annual Rate 95,619 97,986 102,523 4,537 0.91% 35.6 36.2 36.5 0.3 0.17% 36,386 37,368 39,195 1,827 0.96% 2.58 2.57 2.57 0.00 0.00% 2014 Households by Disposable Income Total <$15,000 $15,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $34,999 $35,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $74,999 $75,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $149,999 $150,000 - $199,999 $200,000+ Median Disposable Income Average Disposable Income 2014 Disposable Income by Age of Householder Total <$15,000 $15,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $34,999 $35,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $74,999 $75,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $149,999 $150,000 - $199,999 $200,000+ Median Disposable Income Average Disposable Income Data Note: Disposable Income is after -tax household income. Disposable income forecasts are based on the Current Population Survey, U.S. Census Bureau. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2014 and 2019. March 09, 2015 Number Percent 37,368 100.0% 5,905 15.8% 5,116 13.7% 5,120 13.7% 6,681 17.9% 7,684 20.6% 3,246 8.7% 2,712 7.3% 519 1.4% 384 1.0% $39,478 $50,666 Number of Households <25 25 -34 35 -44 45 -54 55 -64 65 -74 75+ 1,733 6,741 7,100 7,477 6,787 4,391 3,139 506 1,046 748 866 1,245 730 765 293 834 693 758 811 824 903 301 992 868 986 786 615 574 273 1,313 1,422 1,154 1,241 875 403 220 1,593 1,658 1,811 1,346 759 298 100 527 796 806 651 263 103 32 358 711 839 461 234 76 6 44 126 144 131 56 11 2 33 78 115 115 35 7 $26,676 $39,405 $47,419 $49,569 $40,348 $35,301 $23,337 $33,649 $47,068 $58,139 $60,327 $53,376 $45,241 $31,752 Data Note: Disposable Income is after -tax household income. Disposable income forecasts are based on the Current Population Survey, U.S. Census Bureau. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2014 and 2019. March 09, 2015 e s r i Sanford CRA Area: 0.69 square miles Prepared by: Littlejohn dr,t March 09, 2015 2008-2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(f) Reliability TOTALS Total Population 1,870 221 JB Total Households 938 66 j Total Housing Units 1,371 61 POPULATION AGE 15+ YEARS BY MARITAL STATUS Total 1,476 100.0% 140 Never married 585 39.6% 101 all Married 547 37.1% 84 'u) Widowed 153 10.4% 33 Divorced 192 13.0% 36 POPULATION AGE 3+ YEARS BY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total 1,768 100.0% 202 Enrolled in school 515 29.1% 130 Enrolled in nursery school, preschool 14 0.8% 86 Public school 13 0.7% 86 Private school 1 0.1% 32 Enrolled in kindergarten 19 1.1% 38 Public school 19 1.1% 38 Private school 0 0.0% 0 Enrolled in grade 1 to grade 4 150 8.5% 96 Public school 150 8.5% 95 Private school 1 0.1% 13 Enrolled in grade 5 to grade 8 79 4.5% 55 Public school 78 4.4% 54 Private school 1 0.1% 36 Enrolled in grade 9 to grade 12 86 4.9% 55 Public school 84 4.8% 51 Private school 2 0.1% 77 Enrolled in college undergraduate years 157 8.9% 55 Public school 132 7.5% 53 Private school 25 1.4% 27 Enrolled in graduate or professional school 10 0.6% 20 Public school 10 0.6% 20 Private school 0 0.0% 0 Not enrolled in school 1,253 70.9% 103 POPULATION AGE 25+ YEARS BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Total 1,206 100.0% 112 No schooling completed 26 2.2% 17'� Nursery School 0 0.0% 0 Kindergarten 0 0.0% 0 1 -4th Grade 47 3.9% 89 5 -8th Grade 81 6.7% 43 Some High School 156 12.9% 71 g' High School Diploma 239 19.8% 66 GED 112 9.3% 33 Some College 280 23.2% 51 Associate's degree 66 5.5% 29 x'10 Bachelor's degree 108 9.0% 43 " Master's degree 40 3.3% 14 Professional school degree 34 2.8% 71 Doctorate degree 15 1.2% 26 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2006 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: J high L11 medium W low March 09, 2015 POPULATION AGE 5+ YEARS BY LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME AND ABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH Total 5 to 17 years Speak only English Speak Spanish Speak English "very well" or "well" Speak English "not well" Speak English "not at all" Speak other Indo- European languages Speak English "very well" or "well" Speak English "not well" Speak English "not at all" Speak Asian and Pacific Island languages Speak English "very well" or "well" Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well" Speak English "not at all' 18 to 64 years Speak only English Speak Spanish Speak English "very well' or "well" Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other Indo- European languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak Asian and Pacific Island languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all" 65 years and over Speak only English Speak Spanish Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other Indo-European languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak Asian and Pacific Island languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' 1,743 100.0% 197 273 15.7% 166 22 1.3% 90 16 0.9% 74 0 0.0% 0 6 0.3% 55 1 0.1% 23 1 0.1% 23 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 1,003 57.5% 129 83 4.8% 119 61 3.5% 110 11 0.6% 106 11 0.6% 70 32 1.8% 67 30 1.7% 54 1 0.1% 27 1 0.1% 41 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 4 0.2% 15 4 0.2% 15 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 304 17.4% 49 19 1.1% 11 19 1.1% 11 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 2 0.1% 48 2 0.1% 48 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 �1 I I Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: L W high uy medium 0 low March 09, 2015 Gesn' Sanford CRA 0.69 square miles WORKERS AGE 16+ YEARS BY PLACE OF WORK Total Worked in state and in county of residence Worked in state and outside county of residence Worked outside state of residence WORKERS AGE 16+ YEARS BY MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION TO WORK Total Drove alone Carpooled Public transportation (excluding taxicab) Bus or trolley bus Streetcar or trolley car Subway or elevated Railroad Ferryboat Taxicab Motorcycle Bicycle Walked Other means Worked at home WORKERS AGE 16+ YEARS (WHO DID NOT WORK FROM HOME) BY TRAVEL TIME TO WORK Total Less than 5 minutes 5 to 9 minutes 10 to 14 minutes 15 to 19 minutes 20 to 24 minutes 25 to 29 minutes 30 to 34 minutes 35 to 39 minutes 40 to 44 minutes 45 to 59 minutes 60 to 89 minutes 90 or more minutes Average Travel Time to Work (in minutes) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Prepared by: Littlejohn 2008-2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(f) Reliability 558 100.0% 96 465 83.3% 86 92 16.5% 68 1 0.2% 78 558 100.0% 96 462 82.8% 95 40 7.2% 23 7 1.3% 14 7 1.3% 14 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 7 1.3% 24 10 1.8% 13 0 0.0% 0 32 5.7% 36 527 100.0% 91 21 4.0% 22 86 16.3% 22 68 12.9% 64 94 17.8% 50 47 8.9% 47 13 2.5% 52 55 10.4% 41 19 3.6% 42 20 3.8% 33 80 15.2% 44 ; aQ 10 1.9% 42 12 2.3% 12 N/A N/A Reliability: high L0 medium 0 low March 09, 2015 Sanford CRA Area: 0.69 square miles CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPULATION AGE 16+ YEARS BY OCCUPATION Total Management Business and financial operations Computer and mathematical Architecture and engineering Life, physical, and social science Community and social services Legal Education, training, and library Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media Healthcare practitioner, technologists, and technicians Healthcare support Protective service Food preparation and serving related Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance Personal care and service Sales and related Office and administrative support Farming, fishing, and forestry Construction and extraction Installation, maintenance, and repair Production Transportation and material moving CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPULATION AGE 16+ YEARS BY INDUSTRY Total Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction Construction Manufacturing Wholesale trade Retail trade Transportation and warehousing Utilities Information Finance and insurance Real estate and rental and leasing Professional, scientific, and technical services Management of companies and enterprises Administrative and support and waste management services Educational services Health care and social assistance Arts, entertainment, and recreation Accommodation and food services Other services, except public administration Public administration Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey 2008-2012 ACS Estimate Prepared by: Littlejohn Percent MOE(f) Reliability 571 100.0% 99 30 5.3% 23 38 6.7% 39 8 1.4% 74 2 0.4% 96 0 0.0% 0 3 0.5% 11 3 0.5% 36 49 8.6% 22 8 1.4% 15 18 3.2% 15 35 6.1% 22 15 2.6% 32 34 6.0% 29 34 6.0% 35 18 3.2% 15 84 14.7% 34 93 16.3% 74 0 0.0% 0 33 5.8% 24 21 3.7% 33 10 1.8% 81 35 6.1% 45 571 100.0% 99 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 52 9.1% 24 12 2.1% 63 5 0.9% 162 86 15.1% 47 28 4.9% 29 0 0.0% 0 6 1.1% 33 10 1.8% 178 33 5.8% 27 19 3.3% 66 0 0.0% 0 81 14.2% 65 71 12.4% 39 94 16.5% 31 7 1.2% 15 34 6.0% 27 24 4.2% 25 12 2.1% 15 Reliability: rLL high LL medium 0 low ( ( I 11, March 09, 2015 CIVILIAN POPULATION AGE 18 OR OLDER BY VETERAN STATUS Total 1,447 100.0% 131 J11 Veteran 125 8.6% 25 [ Nonveteran 1,322 91.4% 133 Male 652 45.1% 79 all Veteran 125 8.6% 25 ),@ Nonveteran 527 36.4% 82 Female 795 54.9% 85 ;Q) Veteran 0 0.0% 0 Nonveteran 795 54.9% 85 CIVILIAN VETERANS AGE 18 OR OLDER BY PERIOD OF MILITARY SERVICE Total 125 100.0% 25 Gulf War (9/01 or later), no Gulf War (8/90 to 8/01), no Vietnam Era 16 12.8% 22 Gulf War (9/01 or later) and Gulf War (8/90 to 8/01), no Vietnam Era 1 0.8% 46 all Gulf War (9/01 or later), and Gulf War (8/90 to 8/01), and Vietnam Era 0 0.0% 0 Gulf War (8/90 to 8/01), no Vietnam Era 5 4.0% 40 Gulf War (8/90 to 8/01) and Vietnam Era 0 0.0% 0 Vietnam Era, no Korean War, no World War II 19 15.2% 11 Vietnam Era and Korean War, no World War II 0 0.0% 0 Vietnam Era and Korean War and World War II 0 0.0% 0 Korean War, no Vietnam Era, no World War II 11 8.8% 36 0 Korean War and World War II, no Vietnam Era 0 0.0% 0 World War II, no Korean War, no Vietnam Era 6 4.8% 15 a Between Gulf War and Vietnam Era only 27 21.6% 24 0 Between Vietnam Era and Korean War only 36 28.8% 35 a Between Korean War and World War II only 4 3.2% it Pre -World War II only 0 0.0% 0 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: DJ high [0 medium ® low March 09, 2015 HOUSEHOLDS BY POVERTY STATUS Total Income in the past 12 months below poverty level Married - couple family Other family - male householder (no wife present) Other family - female householder (no husband present) Nonfamily household - male householder Nonfamily household - female householder Income in the past 12 months at or above poverty level Married - couple family Other family - male householder (no wife present) Other family - female householder (no husband present) Nonfamily household - male householder Nonfamily household - female householder HOUSEHOLDS BY INCOME Total Less than $10,000 $10,000 to $14,999 $15,000 to $19,999 $20,000 to $24,999 $25,000 to $29,999 $30,000 to $34,999 $35,000 to $39,999 $40,000 to $44,999 $45,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $59,999 $60,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $124,999 $125,000 to $149,999 $150,000 to $199,999 $200,000 or more Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income 938 100.0% 66 384 40.9% 59 36 3.8% 49 2 0.2% 40 112 11.9% 64 109 11.6% 63 126 13.4% 34 � 554 59.1% 53 208 22.2% 55 0 0.0% 0 49 5.2% 52 135 14.4% 25 162 17.3% 29 all 938 100.0% 66 245 26.1% 51'�' 160 17.1% 39 73 7.8% 24 96 10.2% 40 l] 68 7.2% 29 '1 67 7.1% 23 a] 21 2.2% 24 45 4.8% 22 24 2.6% 39 25 2.7% 104 a 25 2.7% 53 a 15 1.6% 75 a 43 4.6% 17 4 0.4% 10 22 2.3% 20 3 0.3% 77 a $19,177 N/A $30,119 $4,651 $14,919 $2,573 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LW high medium I low March 09, 2015 � esno Sanford CRA Area: 0.69 square miles Prepared by: Littlejohn Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: L U high Vii] medium ® low March 09, 2015 2008-2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(*) Reliability HOUSEHOLDS WITH HOUSEHOLDER AGE <25 YEARS BY INCOME Total 87 100.0% 62 Less than $10,000 22 25.3% 40 $10,000 to $14,999 17 19.5% 31 $15,000 to $19,999 23 26.4% 42 $20,000 to $24,999 3 3.4% 8 $25,000 to $29,999 1 1.1% 13 $30,000 to $34,999 10 11.5% 15 $35,000 to $39,999 0 0.0% 0 $40,000 to $44,999 5 5.7% 11 $45,000 to $49,999 0 0.0% 0 $50,000 to $59,999 0 0.0% 0 $60,000 to $74,999 2 2.3% 5 $75,000 to $99,999 0 0.0% 0 $100,000 to $124,999 0 0.0% 0 $125,000 to $149,999 3 3.4% 9 $150,000 to $199,999 0 0.0% 0 $200,000 or more 0 0.0% 0 Median Household Income for HHr <25 $15,582 N/A Average Household Income for HHr <25 N/A N/A HOUSEHOLDS WITH HOUSEHOLDER AGE 25 -44 YEARS BY INCOME Total 294 100.0% 75 M Less than $10,000 64 21.8% 42 $10,000 to $14,999 44 15.0% 71 $15,000 to $19,999 26 8.8% 20 $20,000 to $24,999 25 8.5% 46 $25,000 to $29,999 10 3.4% 37 $30,000 to $34,999 31 10.5% 27 $35,000 to $39,999 4 1.4% 9 $40,000 to $44,999 33 11.2% 22 $45,000 to $49,999 6 2.0% 15 $50,000 to $59,999 15 5.1% 139 9 $60,000 to $74,999 12 4.1% 77 $75,000 to $99,999 5 1.7% 87 $100,000 to $124,999 16 5.4% 30 $125,000 to $149,999 1 0.3% 32 $150,000 to $199,999 5 1.7% 12 $200,000 or more 0 0.0% 0 Median Household Income for HHr 25 -44 $22,660 N/A Average Household Income for HHr 25 -44 N/A N/A Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: L U high Vii] medium ® low March 09, 2015 r� esno Sanford CRA Area: 0.69 square miles Prepared by: Littlejohn Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LW high [fi medium 0 low March 09, 2015 2008-2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(t) Reliability HOUSEHOLDS WITH HOUSEHOLDER AGE 45 -64 YEARS BY INCOME Total 262 100.0% 49 ail Less than $10,000 84 32.1% 29 $10,000 to $14,999 25 9.5% 13 $15,000 to $19,999 3 1.1% 36 $20,000 to $24,999 23 8.8% 48 $25,000 to $29,999 29 11.1% 29 $30,000 to $34,999 12 4.6% 20 $35,000 to $39,999 16 6.1% 23 $40,000 to $44,999 1 0.4% 27 $45,000 to $49,999 15 5.7% 38 $50,000 to $59,999 2 0.8% 33 $60,000 to $74,999 10 3.8% 22 $75,000 to $99,999 9 3.4% 21 $100,000 to $124,999 14 5.3% 20 $125,000 to $149,999 0 0.0% 0 $150,000 to $199,999 16 6.1% 28 0 $200,000 or more 3 1.1% 77 Median Household Income for HHr 45 -64 $23,982 N/A Average Household Income for HHr 45 -64 N/A N/A HOUSEHOLDS WITH HOUSEHOLDER AGE 65+ YEARS BY INCOME Total 295 100.0% 47 Less than $10,000 76 25.8% 30;° $10,000 to $14,999 75 25.4% 39;� $15,000 to $19,999 21 7.1% 25 $20,000 to $24,999 45 15.3% 31 $25,000 to $29,999 29 9.8% 17' $30,000 to $34,999 14 4.7% 10 $35,000 to $39,999 0 0.0% 0 $40,000 to $44,999 7 2.4% 6 $45,000 to $49,999 3 1.0% 8 $50,000 to $59,999 7 2.4% 11 $60,000 to $74,999 1 0.3% 52 $75,000 to $99,999 2 0.7% 25 $100,000 to $124,999 14 4.7% 35 $125,000 to $149,999 0 0.0% 0 $150,000 to $199,999 1 0.3% 16 0 $200,000 or more 0 0.0% 0 Median Household Income for HHr 65+ $14,656 N/A Average Household Income for HHr 65+ N/A N/A Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LW high [fi medium 0 low March 09, 2015 Sanford CRA Area: 0.69 square miles Prepared by: Littlejohn HOUSEHOLDS BY FOOD STAMPS /SNAP STATUS 2008-2012 Total ACS Estimate Percent MOE(f) Reliability HOUSEHOLDS BY PUBLIC ASSISTANCE INCOME IN THE PAST 231 24.6% 52 12 MONTHS 707 75.4% 59 Total 938 100.0% 66 With public assistance income 33 3.5% 36 L(� No public assistance income 905 96.5% 64¢ HOUSEHOLDS BY FOOD STAMPS /SNAP STATUS Total 938 100.0% 66 With Food Stamps /SNAP 231 24.6% 52 With No Food Stamps /SNAP 707 75.4% 59 HOUSEHOLDS BY DISABILITY STATUS Total 938 100.0% 66 L(� With 1+ Persons w /Disability 304 32.4% 57 With No Person w /Disability 634 67.6% 70 Data Note: N/A means not available. Population by Ratio of Income to Poverty Level represents persons for whom poverty status is determined. Household income represents income in 2012, adjusted for inflation. 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate: The American Community Survey (ACS) replaces census sample data. Esri is releasing the 2008 -2012 ACS estimates, five -year period data collected monthly from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2012. Although the ACS includes many of the subjects previously covered by the decennial census sample, there are significant differences between the two surveys including fundamental differences in survey design and residency rules. Margin of error (MOE): The MOE is a measure of the variability of the estimate due to sampling error. MOEs enable the data user to measure the range of uncertainty for each estimate with 90 percent confidence. The range of uncertainty is called the confidence interval, and it is calculated by taking the estimate +/- the MOE. For example, if the ACS reports an estimate of 100 with an MOE of +/- 20, then you can be 90 percent certain the value for the whole population falls between 80 and 120. Reliability: These symbols represent threshold values that Esri has established from the Coefficients of Variation (CV) to designate the usability of the estimates. The CV measures the amount of sampling error relative to the size of the estimate, expressed as a percentage. High Reliability: Small CVs (less than or equal to 12 percent) are flagged green to indicate that the sampling error is small relative to the estimate and the estimate is reasonably reliable. 11 Medium Reliability: Estimates with CVs between 12 and 40 are flagged yellow —use with caution. Low Reliability: Large CVs (over 40 percent) are flagged red to indicate that the sampling error is large relative to the estimate. The estimate is considered very unreliable. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: high �, medium @ low March 09, 2015 TOTALS Total Population Total Households Total Housing Units POPULATION AGE 15+ YEARS BY MARITAL STATUS Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced POPULATION AGE 3+ YEARS BY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total Enrolled in school Enrolled in nursery school, preschool Public school Private school Enrolled in kindergarten Public school Private school Enrolled in grade 1 to grade 4 Public school Private school Enrolled in grade 5 to grade 8 Public school Private school Enrolled in grade 9 to grade 12 Public school Private school Enrolled in college undergraduate years Public school Private school Enrolled in graduate or professional school Public school Private school Not enrolled in school POPULATION AGE 25+ YEARS BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Total No schooling completed Nursery School Kindergarten 1 -4th Grade 5 -8th Grade Some High School High School Diploma GED Some College Associate's degree Bachelor's degree Master's degree Professional school degree Doctorate degree Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey 2008-2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(f) Reliability 5,405 507 LLB' 2,173 164 3,269 180 all 4,106 100.0% 352 1,686 41.1% 245 lu 1,537 37.4% 191 U1 394 9.6% 90 di 489 11.9% 91 4,986 100.0% 475 1,360 27.3% 241 40 0.8% 100 29 0.6% 127 11 0.2% 14 91 1.8% 44 91 1.8% 44 0 0.0% 0 421 8.4% 141 406 8.1% 141 a 14 0.3% 19 211 4.2% 105 Ell 192 3.9% 106 M 19 0.4% 32 0 247 5.0% 87 232 4.7% 83 M 14 0.3% 38 0 323 6.5% 100 [ 253 5.1% 89 F0 70 1.4% 48 1 29 0.6% 27 a 29 0.6% 27 0 0.0% 0 3,626 72.7% 281 3,375 100.0% 315 60 1.8% 374 17 0.5% 25 0 0.0% 0 103 3.1% 93 166 4.9% 96 10 549 16.3% 158 809 24.0% 131 Lk 230 6.8% 83 677 20.1% 157 ` 221 6.5% 57 i 350 10.4% 79 106 3.1% 37 k 55 1.6% 54 31 0.9% 36 Reliability: LW high medium @ low March 09, 2015 POPULATION AGE 5+ YEARS BY LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME AND ABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH Total 5 to 17 years Speak only English Speak Spanish Speak English "very well" or "well" Speak English "not well" Speak English "not at all" Speak other Indo-European languages Speak English "very well" or "well" Speak English "not well" Speak English "not at all" Speak Asian and Pacific Island languages Speak English "very well' or "well" Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' 18 to 64 years Speak only English Speak Spanish Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other Indo-European languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak Asian and Pacific Island languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' 65 years and over Speak only English Speak Spanish Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other Indo-European languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak Asian and Pacific Island languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' 4,833 100.0% 464 801 16.6% 264 70 1.4% 74 70 1.4% 65 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 2 0.0% 40 2 0.0% 40 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 2,969 61.4% 319 189 3.9% 189 167 3.5% 148 22 0.5% 181 0 0.0% 0 71 1.5% 104 66 1.4% 84 3 0.1% 31 3 0.1% 47 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 11 0.2% 16 11 0.2% 16 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 679 14.0% 117 27 0.6% 25 27 0.6% 25 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 12 0.2% 29 12 0.2% 29 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 I, t I N Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: L Ll high ] medium ® low March 09, 2015 WORKERS AGE 16+ YEARS BY PLACE OF WORK Total 1,590 100.0% 218 Worked in state and in county of residence 1,296 81.5% 202 LLD Worked in state and outside county of residence 290 18.2% 92 Worked outside state of residence 5 0.3% 53 WORKERS AGE 16+ YEARS BY MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION TO WORK Total 1,590 100.0% 218 Drove alone 1,255 78.9% 210 Carpooled 126 7.9% 55y Public transportation (excluding taxicab) 39 2.5% 30 Bus or trolley bus 39 2.5% 30 Streetcar or trolley car 0 0.0% 0 Subway or elevated 0 0.0% 0 Railroad 0 0.0% 0 Ferryboat 0 0.0% 0 Taxicab 0 0.0% 0 Motorcycle 1 0.1% 16 Bicycle 20 1.3% 30 Walked 43 2.7% 23 Other means 0 0.0% 0 Worked at home 106 6.7% 52'� WORKERS AGE 16+ YEARS (WHO DID NOT WORK FROM HOME) BY TRAVEL TIME TO WORK Total 1,484 100.0% 208 Less than 5 minutes 31 2.1% 19 5 to 9 minutes 155 10.4% 62 10 to 14 minutes 201 13.5% 88' 15 to 19 minutes 256 17.3% 101 b 20 to 24 minutes 149 10.0% 66 25 to 29 minutes 60 4.0% 48 30 to 34 minutes 204 13.7% 52 .9 35 to 39 minutes 79 5.3% 54 40 to 44 minutes 62 4.2% 41 45 to 59 minutes 218 14.7% 106 60 to 89 minutes 45 3.0% 43 90 or more minutes 24 1.6% 24 Average Travel Time to Work (in minutes) N/A N/A Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LW high L] medium 0 low March 09, 2015 CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPULATION AGE 16+ YEARS BY OCCUPATION Total 1,634 100.0% 225 Management 105 6.4% 39 Business and financial operations 82 5.0% 35 Computer and mathematical 25 1.5% 82 Architecture and engineering 17 1.0% 40 Life, physical, and social science 1 0.1% 25 Community and social services 10 0.6% 12 Legal 5 0.3% it Education, training, and library 123 7.5% 50 %D Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media 44 2.7% 21 10 Healthcare practitioner, technologists, and technicians 46 2.8% 30 Healthcare support 88 5.4% 51�' Protective service 62 3.8% 43 Food preparation and serving related 97 5.9% 52 Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance 98 6.0% 63 Personal care and service 74 4.5% 39 1D Sales and related 185 11.3% 69 "1"( Office and administrative support 257 15.7% 129 Farming, fishing, and forestry 1 0.1% 8 Construction and extraction 96 5.9% 44' Installation, maintenance, and repair 63 3.9% 39 [fl Production 50 3.1% 58 1 Transportation and material moving 105 6.4% 82 0 CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPULATION AGE 16+ YEARS BY INDUSTRY Total 1,634 100.0% 225 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 0 0.0% 0 Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction 0 0.0% 0 Construction 156 9.5% 60 Manufacturing 67 4.1% 42 Y Wholesale trade 38 2.3% 78 0 Retail trade 199 12.2% 83 Transportation and warehousing 68 4.2% 47 Utilities 0 0.0% 0 Information 34 2.1% 32 Finance and insurance 35 2.1% 175 Real estate and rental and leasing 56 3.4% 49 Professional, scientific, and technical services 94 5.8% 58 Management of companies and enterprises 0 0.0% 0 Administrative and support and waste management services 200 12.2% 104;y Educational services 212 13.0% 81'$ Health care and social assistance 205 12.5% 64 a' Arts, entertainment, and recreation 32 2.0% 29 Accommodation and food services 100 6.1% 48� Other services, except public administration 85 5.2% 28 1 Public administration 53 3.2% 38 0 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey Reliability: ,I high [i�j medium I low March 09, 2015 FEMALES AGE 20 -64 YEARS BY AGE OF OWN CHILDREN AND EMPLOYMENT STATUS Total 1,630 100.0% 210 Own children under 6 years only 95 5.8% 49 ([ In labor force 42 2.6% 55 Not in labor force 53 3.3% 38 Own children under 6 years and 6 to 17 years 92 5.6% 44 In labor force 50 3.1% 42 Not in labor force 42 2.6% 25(� Own children 6 to 17 years only 274 16.8% 114) In labor force 203 12.5% 105 Not in labor force 72 4.4% 46 [ y No own children under 18 years 1,169 71.7% 186 In labor force 719 44.1% 148 G.f Not in labor force 450 27.6% 146 ` POPULATION BY RATIO OF INCOME TO POVERTY LEVEL 22 6.6% 14 [ Total 5,357 100.0% 508 % Under.50 1,216 22.7% 247) .50 to .99 889 16.6% 230) 1.00 to 1.24 522 9.7% 228 1.25 to 1.49 374 7.0% 214 1.50 to 1.84 308 5.7% 198 L 1.85 to 1.99 246 4.6% 156 2.00 and over 1,803 33.7% 293 CIVILIAN POPULATION AGE 18 OR OLDER BY VETERAN STATUS Total 3,959 100.0% 330 Veteran 331 8.4% 72 [l Nonveteran 3,628 91.6% 324 Male 1,774 44.8% 188 10 Veteran 327 8.3% 72 Nonveteran 1,447 36.5% 188 i Female 2,185 55.2% 219 Veteran 4 0.1% 11 Nonveteran 2,181 55.1% 219 CIVILIAN VETERANS AGE 18 OR OLDER BY PERIOD OF MILITARY SERVICE Total 331 100.0% 72 Gulf War (9/01 or later), no Gulf War (8/90 to 8/01), no Vietnam Era 35 10.6% 38 Gulf War (9/01 or later) and Gulf War (8/90 to 8/01), no Vietnam Era 11 3.3% 20 Gulf War (9/01 or later), and Gulf War (8/90 to 8 /01), and Vietnam Era 0 0.0% 0 Gulf War (8/90 to 8/01), no Vietnam Era 24 7.3% 33 Gulf War (8/90 to 8/01) and Vietnam Era 0 0.0% 0 Vietnam Era, no Korean War, no World War II 39 11.8% 20 Vietnam Era and Korean War, no World War II 7 2.1% 16 Vietnam Era and Korean War and World War II 0 0.0% 0 Korean War, no Vietnam Era, no World War II 36 10.9% 40 Korean War and World War II, no Vietnam Era 0 0.0% 0 World War II, no Korean War, no Vietnam Era 22 6.6% 14 [ Between Gulf War and Vietnam Era only 88 26.6% 37 [ Between Vietnam Era and Korean War only 63 19.0% 26 Between Korean War and World War II only 5 1.5% 11 Pre -World War II only 0 0.0% 0 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LLJ high [[[ medium W low March 09, 2015 7 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: cLJL high Lid medium ® low March 09, 2015 Gesn", MEN= CPA Center Prepared by: Littlejohn 230 N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 Ring: 1 mile radius . 2008-2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(t) Reliability HOUSEHOLDS BY POVERTY STATUS Total 2,173 10010% 164 Income in the past 12 months below poverty level 835 38.4% 116 Married - couple family 112 5.2% 62 Other family - male householder (no wife present) 43 2.0% 30 Other family - female householder (no husband present) 267 12.3% 85' Nonfamily household - male householder 189 8.7% 63 LL Nonfamily household - female householder 224 10.3% 57 ID Income in the past 12 months at or above poverty level 1,338 61.6% 136 LIM Married - couple family 508 23.4% 114 Other family - male householder (no wife present) 29 1.3% 27 Other family - female householder (no husband present) 213 9.8% 69 ) „Q Nonfamily household - male householder 270 12.4% 72 L(H Nonfamily household - female householder 317 14.6% 64 HOUSEHOLDS BY INCOME Total 2,173 100.0% 164 Less than $10,000 508 23.4% 86 $10,000 to $14,999 332 15.3% 79 $15,000 to $19,999 158 7.3% 56' $20,000 to $24,999 201 9.2% 76 $25,000 to $29,999 141 6.5% 63 I'M $30,000 to $34,999 162 7.5% 75 $35,000 to $39,999 76 3.5% 39 Ell $40,000 to $44,999 83 3.8% 45 [fl $45,000 to $49,999 97 4.5% 47 M $50,000 to $59,999 81 3.7% 97 0 $60,000 to $74,999 76 3.5% 58 0 $75,000 to $99,999 107 4.9% 50 a] $100,000 to $124,999 78 3.6% 43 A $125,000 to $149,999 11 0.5% 12 0 $150,000 to $199,999 44 2.0% 21 $200,000 or more 19 0.9% 38 Median Household Income $21,964 N/A Average Household Income $33,705 $4,325 Per Capita Income $14,329 $1,976 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: cLJL high Lid medium ® low March 09, 2015 HOUSEHOLDS WITH HOUSEHOLDER AGE <25 YEARS BY INCOME 100.0% 136 113 Total 159 100.0% 80 Less than $10,000 43 27.0% 43 $10,000 to $14,999 31 19.5% 34 $15,000 to $19,999 41 25.8% 43 $20,000 to $24,999 5 3.1% 7 $25,000 to $29,999 2 1.3% 20 $30,000 to $34,999 17 10.7% 22 $35,000 to $39,999 1 0.6% 10 $40,000 to $44,999 7 4.4% 12 $45,000 to $49,999 1 0.6% 8 $50,000 to $59,999 1 0.6% 5 $60,000 to $74,999 4 2.5% 5 $75,000 to $99,999 0 0.0% 0 $100,000 to $124,999 1 0.6% 8 $125,000 to $149,999 6 3.8% 8 $150,000 to $199,999 0 0.0% 0 $200,000 or more 0 010% 0 Median Household Income for HHr <25 Average Household Income for HHr <25 HOUSEHOLDS WITH HOUSEHOLDER AGE 25 -44 YEARS BY INCOME Total Less than $10,000 $10,000 to $14,999 $15,000 to $19,999 $20,000 to $24,999 $25,000 to $29,999 $30,000 to $34,999 $35,000 to $39,999 $40,000 to $44,999 $45,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $59,999 $60,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $124,999 $125,000 to $149,999 $150,000 to $199,999 $200,000 or more Median Household Income for HHr 25 -44 Average Household Income for HHr 25 -44 $15,490 N/A N/A N/A 711 100.0% 136 113 15.9% 49 98 13.8% 75 55 7.7% 32 63 8.9% 62 44 6.2% 32 77 10.8% 62 20 2.8% 22 58 8.2% 41 19 2.7% 18 50 7.0% 124 30 4.2% 93 52 7.3% 40 21 3.0% 28 3 0.4% 32 9 1.3% 13 0 0.0% 0 $27,885 N/A N/A N/A I Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: UA high .i,E medium 0 low March 09, 2015 Source: u.S. Census Bureau, znoaauo American Community Survey md|am|uv: high 0medium 0 mw March 09, 2015 HOUSEHOLDS BY PUBLIC ASSISTANCE INCOME IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS Total 2,173 100.0% 164 With public assistance income 151 6.9% 46 LL No public assistance income 2,022 93.1% 159 HOUSEHOLDS BY FOOD STAMPS /SNAP STATUS Total 2,173 100.0% 164 LLL9 With Food Stamps /SNAP 706 32.5% 102 With No Food Stamps /SNAP 1,467 67.5% 149 LLk HOUSEHOLDS BY DISABILITY STATUS Total 2,173 100.0% 164 LL11 With 1+ Persons w /Disability 681 31.3% 119 With No Person w /Disability 1,492 68.7% 170 LL Data Note: N/A means not available. Population by Ratio of Income to Poverty Level represents persons for whom poverty status is determined. Household income represents income in 2012, adjusted for inflation. 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate: The American Community Survey (ACS) replaces census sample data. Esri is releasing the 2008 -2012 ACS estimates, five -year period data collected monthly from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2012. Although the ACS includes many of the subjects previously covered by the decennial census sample, there are significant differences between the two surveys including fundamental differences in survey design and residency rules. Margin of error (MOE): The MOE is a measure of the variability of the estimate due to sampling error. MOEs enable the data user to measure the range of uncertainty for each estimate with 90 percent confidence. The range of uncertainty is called the confidence interval, and it is calculated by taking the estimate +/- the MOE. For example, if the ACS reports an estimate of 100 with an MOE of +/- 20, then you can be 90 percent certain the value for the whole population falls between 80 and 120. Reliability: These symbols represent threshold values that Esri has established from the Coefficients of Variation (CV) to designate the usability of the estimates. The CV measures the amount of sampling error relative to the size of the estimate, expressed as a percentage. ,L;# High Reliability: Small CVs (less than or equal to 12 percent) are flagged green to indicate that the sampling error is small relative to the estimate and the estimate is reasonably reliable. 11 Medium Reliability: Estimates with CVs between 12 and 40 are flagged yellow —use with caution. Low Reliability: Large CVs (over 40 percent) are flagged red to indicate that the sampling error is large relative to the estimate. The estimate is considered very unreliable. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LLL9 high M medium a low March 09, 2015 • Gesn- CRA Center Prepared by: Littlejohn 230 N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 i .. Ring: 3 mile radius 2008-2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(t) Reliability TOTALS Total Population 38,245 1,691 Total Households 12,949 462 Total Housing Units 17,352 459 j POPULATION AGE 15+ YEARS BY MARITAL STATUS Total 29,624 100.0% 1,287 [ Never married 10,564 35.7% 751 Ilu Married 13,061 44.1% 576 all Widowed 2,067 7.0% 264 Divorced 3,932 13.3% 389 POPULATION AGE 3+ YEARS BY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total 36,568 100.0% 1,602 Enrolled in school 10,815 29.6% 698 all Enrolled in nursery school, preschool 757 2.1% 180 Public school 535 1.5% 145'j Private school 223 0.6% 116 Enrolled in kindergarten 845 2.3% 176 Public school 828 2.3% 175 Private school 17 0.0% 20 Enrolled in grade 1 to grade 4 2,583 7.1% 312 Public school 2,372 6.5% 308 Lai Private school 211 0.6% 111 ff] Enrolled in grade 5 to grade 8 1,662 4.5% 246 Lai Public school 1,517 4.1% 239 Private school 144 0.4% 65 Enrolled in grade 9 to grade 12 2,249 6.2% 310 Public school 2,090 5.7% 304 Private school 160 0.4% 69 Enrolled in college undergraduate years 2,456 6.7% 314 Public school 1,947 5.3% 264 Private school 509 1.4% 167 CG] Enrolled in graduate or professional school 263 0.7% 60 ED Public school 187 0.5% 50 M Private school 77 0.2% 41 Not enrolled in school 25,752 70.4% 998 POPULATION AGE 25+ YEARS BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Total 24,578 100.0% 1,079 No schooling completed 474 1.9% 145 Nursery School 17 0.1% 25 Kindergarten 0 0.0% 0 1 -4th Grade 303 1.2% 160 5 -8th Grade 644 2.6% 200 "j Some High School 2,892 11.8% 359 4 High School Diploma 6,148 25.0% 564 V GED 1,608 6.5% 263 111 Some College 5,756 23.4% 464 Associate's degree 2,240 9.1% 271 Bachelor's degree 3,251 13.2% 300 Master's degree 940 3.8% 173„ Professional school degree 242 1.0% 103. Doctorate degree 63 0.3% 43 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LLV high D] medium ® low March 09, 2015 POPULATION AGE 5+ YEARS BY LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME AND ABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH Total 5 to 17 years Speak only English Speak Spanish Speak English "very well" or "well" Speak English "not well" Speak English "not at all" Speak other Indo-European languages Speak English "very well" or "well" Speak English "not well" Speak English "not at all" Speak Asian and Pacific Island languages Speak English "very well" or "well" Speak English "not well" Speak English "not at all" Speak other languages Speak English 'very well" or "well' Speak English "not well" Speak English "not at all' 18 to 64 years Speak only English Speak Spanish Speak English 'very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other Indo- European languages Speak English 'very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak Asian and Pacific Island languages Speak English 'very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other languages Speak English 'very well" or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' 65 years and over Speak only English Speak Spanish Speak English 'very well" or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other Indo- European languages Speak English 'very well' or "well' Speak English "not well" Speak English "not at all' Speak Asian and Pacific Island languages Speak English 'very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other languages Speak English 'very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Prepared by: Littlejohn 2008-2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(t) Reliability 35,267 100.0% 1,532 6,073 17.2% 586 948 2.7% 216 (i„ 882 2.5% 193 32 0.1% 37 34 0.1% 53 (� 160 0.5% 82 160 0.5% 82 uM 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 37 0.1% 39 30 0.1% 36 7 0.0% 17 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 19,529 55.4% 1,087 eL 3,162 9.0% 463 2,441 6.9% 369 613 1.7% 168 108 0.3% 77 848 2.4% 237 794 2.3% 231 30 0.1% 29 25 0.1% 45 324 0.9% 120 312 0.9% 121 11 0.0% 50 0 0.0% 0 84 0.2% 52 75 0.2% 404 9 0.0% 15 0 0.0% 0 3,613 10.2% 331 301 0.9% 102; 238 0.7% 89 30 0.1% 27 33 0.1% 40 154 0.4% 66'.' 144 0.4% 64 Ell 0 0.0% 0 9 0.0% 16 2 0.0% 55 0 0.0% 0 2 0.0% 54 0 0.0% 0 33 0.1% 69 7 0.0% 10 26 0.1% 87 0 0.0% 0 Reliability: L6 high [1] medium ® low March 09, 2015 WORKERS AGE 16+ YEARS BY PLACE OF WORK Total 15,360 100.0% 815 ) Worked in state and in county of residence 10,794 70.3% 650 ) Worked in state and outside county of residence 4,455 29.0% 460 LEI Worked outside state of residence 110 0.7% 52 1D WORKERS AGE 16+ YEARS BY MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION TO WORK Total 15,360 100.0% 815 iVUTA Drove alone 12,772 83.2% 728 L1 Carpooled 1,249 8.1% 251' Public transportation (excluding taxicab) 250 1.6% 117.7 Bus or trolley bus 250 1.6% 117') Streetcar or trolley car 0 0.0% 0 Subway or elevated 0 0.0% 0 Railroad 0 0.0% 0 Ferryboat 0 0.0% 0 Taxicab 0 0.0% 0 Motorcycle 43 0.3% 28 110 Bicycle 123 0.8% 82 0 Walked 196 1.3% 69 »Q Other means 105 0.7% 55 Worked at home 623 4.1% 144 WORKERS AGE 16+ YEARS (WHO DID NOT WORK FROM HOME) BY TRAVEL TIME TO WORK Total 14,736 100.0% 795 Less than 5 minutes 163 1.1% 80 5 to 9 minutes 1,025 7.0% 180 10 to 14 minutes 2,035 13.8% 242 15 to 19 minutes 2,701 18.3% 342 20 to 24 minutes 1,800 12.2% 238 25 to 29 minutes 835 5.7% 171 ):1 30 to 34 minutes 2,211 15.0% 316 35 to 39 minutes 600 4.1% 135 40 to 44 minutes 547 3.7% 89 45 to 59 minutes 1,795 12.2% 300 60 to 89 minutes 819 5.6% 172 r „a 90 or more minutes 206 1.4% 68', Average Travel Time to Work (in minutes) N/A N/A Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: Ljjj high O1 medium 0 low March 09, 2015 CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPULATION AGE 16+ YEARS BY OCCUPATION Total 15,909 100.0% 854 Management 1,099 6.9% 164 Business and financial operations 706 4.4% 144 Computer and mathematical 422 2.7% 82 Architecture and engineering 172 1.1% 66 Life, physical, and social science 75 0.5% 57 Community and social services 222 1.4% 68 Legal 143 0.9% 61 Education, training, and library 1,019 6.4% 167 Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media 452 2.8% 150 Healthcare practitioner, technologists, and technicians 773 4.9% 177 Healthcare support 591 3.7% 172 Protective service 299 1.9% 84 Food preparation and serving related 846 5.3% 163 Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance 994 6.2% 290 Personal care and service 459 2.9% 117 Sales and related 1,989 12.5% 289 Office and administrative support 2,244 14.1% 262 Farming, fishing, and forestry 18 0.1% 21 Construction and extraction 751 4.7% 162 Installation, maintenance, and repair 596 3.7% 172 Production 810 5.1% 170 Transportation and material moving 1,229 7.7% 269 CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPULATION AGE 16+ YEARS BY INDUSTRY Total 15,909 100.0% 854 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 34 0.2% 32 Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction 73 0.5% 86 Construction 1,097 6.9% 209 Manufacturing 1,113 7.0% 204 Wholesale trade 477 3.0% 143 Retail trade 1,918 12.1% 259 Transportation and warehousing 599 3.8% 156 Utilities 139 0.9% 83 Information 482 3.0% 125 Finance and insurance 879 5.5% 135 Real estate and rental and leasing 224 1.4% 89 Professional, scientific, and technical services 1,073 6.7% 172 Management of companies and enterprises 5 0.0% 17 Administrative and support and waste management services 1,518 9.5% 347 Educational services 1,613 10.1% 203 Health care and social assistance 1,939 12.2% 277 Arts, entertainment, and recreation 333 2.1% 102 Accommodation and food services 1,034 6.5% 195 Other services, except public administration 679 4.3% 158 Public administration 681 4.3% 149 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LIW high 0 low March 09, 2015 CIVILIAN POPULATION AGE 18 OR OLDER BY VETERAN STATUS Total 28,037 100.0% 1,231 Veteran 2,643 9.4% 319 Nonveteran 25,394 90.6% 1,166 jwii) Male 12,945 46.2% 738 g Veteran 2,468 8.8% 303 LM Nonveteran 10,477 37.4% 660 Female 15,092 53.8% 741 Veteran 175 0.6% 81 L Nonveteran 14,917 53.2% 739 Ilu CIVILIAN VETERANS AGE 18 OR OLDER BY PERIOD OF MILITARY SERVICE Total 2,643 100.0% 319 Gulf War (9/01 or later), no Gulf War (8/90 to 8/01), no Vietnam Era 242 9.2% 83 jwii) Gulf War (9/01 or later) and Gulf War (8/90 to 8/01), no Vietnam Era 104 3.9% 62 g Gulf War (9/01 or later), and Gulf War (8/90 to 8/01), and Vietnam Era 5 0.2% 9 Gulf War (8/90 to 8/01), no Vietnam Era 372 14.1% 89 Gulf War (8/90 to 8/01) and Vietnam Era 31 1.2% 28 Vietnam Era, no Korean War, no World War II 622 23.5% 177 ILI Vietnam Era and Korean War, no World War II 80 3.0% 47 La Vietnam Era and Korean War and World War II 0 0.0% 0 Korean War, no Vietnam Era, no World War II 149 5.6% 65 ti's Korean War and World War II, no Vietnam Era 16 0.6% 26 World War II, no Korean War, no Vietnam Era 141 5.3% 53 ) Between Gulf War and Vietnam Era only 593 22.4% 199 Between Vietnam Era and Korean War only 257 9.7% 81 Between Korean War and World War II only 31 1.2% 30 Pre -World War II only 0 0.0% 0 Source. U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: 4 � high G,g medium low March 09, 2015 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey Reliability: , LW high LEI medium I low March 09, 2015 HOUSEHOLDS WITH HOUSEHOLDER AGE <25 YEARS BY INCOME 100.0% 346 389 Total 450 100.0% 116 Less than $10,000 81 18.0% 49 $10,000 to $14,999 73 16.2% 38 $15,000 to $19,999 52 11.6% 47 $20,000 to $24,999 28 6.2% 23 $25,000 to $29,999 12 2.7% 21 $30,000 to $34,999 89 19.8% 51 $35,000 to $39,999 11 2.4% 10 $40,000 to $44,999 25 5.6% 28 $45,000 to $49,999 9 2.0% 8 $50,000 to $59,999 36 8.0% 52 $60,000 to $74,999 8 1.8% 8 $75,000 to $99,999 7 1.6% 20 $100,000 to $124,999 13 2.9% 14 $125,000 to $149,999 6 1.3% 8 $150,000 to $199,999 0 0.0% 0 $200,000 or more 0 0.0% 0 Median Household Income for HHr <25 Average Household Income for HHr <25 HOUSEHOLDS WITH HOUSEHOLDER AGE 25 -44 YEARS BY INCOME Total Less than $10,000 $10,000 to $14,999 $15,000 to $19,999 $20,000 to $24,999 $25,000 to $29,999 $30,000 to $34,999 $35,000 to $39,999 $40,000 to $44,999 $45,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $59,999 $60,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $124,999 $125,000 to $149,999 $150,000 to $199,999 $200,000 or more Median Household Income for HHr 25 -44 Average Household Income for HHr 25 -44 $23,200 N/A N/A N/A 5,213 100.0% 346 389 7.5% 128 354 6.8% 115 243 4.7% 88 300 5.8% 90 378 7.3% 117 336 6.4% 100 331 6.3% 99 398 7.6% 119 228 4.4% 78 602 11.5% 123 444 8.5% 87 745 14.3% 166 265 5.1% 85 139 2.7% 62 54 1.0% 33 8 0.2% 16 $43,322 N/A N/A N/A Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: U high medium 0 low March 09, 2015 Median Household Income for HHr 45 -64 $42,751 N/A Average Household Income for HHr 45 -64 N/A N/A HOUSEHOLDS WITH HOUSEHOLDER AGE 65+ YEARS BY INCOME Total 2,646 100.0% 230 Less than $10,000 493 18.6% 126 $10,000 to $14,999 392 14.8% 109 $15,000 to $19,999 245 9.3% 68 $20,000 to $24,999 295 11.1% 79 $25,000 to $29,999 192 7.3% 60 $30,000 to $34,999 148 5.6% 61 $35,000 to $39,999 111 4.2% 48 $40,000 to $44,999 62 2.3% 34 $45,000 to $49,999 108 4.1% 40 $50,000 to $59,999 93 3.5% 36 $60,000 to $74,999 200 7.6% 66 $75,000 to $99,999 156 5.9% 56 $100,000 to $124,999 73 2.8% 46 $125,000 to $149,999 41 1.5% 27 $150,000 to $199,999 38 1.4% 29 $200,000 or more 0 0.0% 0 Median Household Income for HHr 65+ $23,024 N/A Average Household Income for HHr 65+ N/A N/A Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LCIJ high Lj medium @ low March 09, 2015 i HOUSEHOLDS BY PUBLIC ASSISTANCE INCOME IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS Total 12,949 100.0% 462 With public assistance income 532 4.1% 118 No public assistance income 12,417 95.9% 457 HOUSEHOLDS BY FOOD STAMPS /SNAP STATUS Total 12,949 100.0% 462 With Food Stamps /SNAP 2,287 17.7% 235 With No Food Stamps /SNAP 10,662 82.3% 440 HOUSEHOLDS BY DISABILITY STATUS Total 12,949 100.0% 462 With 1+ Persons w /Disability 3,057 23.6% 283 With No Person w /Disability 9,892 76.4% 459 Data Note: N/A means not available. Population by Ratio of Income to Poverty Level represents persons for whom poverty status is determined. Household income represents income in 2012, adjusted for inflation. 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate: The American Community Survey (ACS) replaces census sample data. Esri is releasing the 2008 -2012 ACS estimates, five -year period data collected monthly from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2012. Although the ACS includes many of the subjects previously covered by the decennial census sample, there are significant differences between the two surveys including fundamental differences in survey design and residency rules. Margin of error (MOE): The MOE is a measure of the variability of the estimate due to sampling error. MOEs enable the data user to measure the range of uncertainty for each estimate with 90 percent confidence. The range of uncertainty is called the confidence interval, and it is calculated by taking the estimate +/- the MOE. For example, if the ACS reports an estimate of 100 with an MOE of +/- 20, then you can be 90 percent certain the value for the whole population falls between 80 and 120. Reliability: These symbols represent threshold values that Esri has established from the Coefficients of Variation (CV) to designate the usability of the estimates. The CV measures the amount of sampling error relative to the size of the estimate, expressed as a percentage. Al High Reliability: Small CVs (less than or equal to 12 percent) are flagged green to indicate that the sampling error is small relative to the estimate and the estimate is reasonably reliable. C[ Medium Reliability: Estimates with CVs between 12 and 40 are flagged yellow —use with caution. Low Reliability: Large CVs (over 40 percent) are flagged red to indicate that the sampling error is large relative to the estimate. The estimate is considered very unreliable. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LW high i% medium 0 low March 09, 2015 TOTALS Total Population Total Households Total Housing Units POPULATION AGE 15+ YEARS BY MARITAL STATUS Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced POPULATION AGE 3+ YEARS BY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Total Enrolled in school Enrolled in nursery school, preschool Public school Private school Enrolled in kindergarten Public school Private school Enrolled in grade 1 to grade 4 Public school Private school Enrolled in grade 5 to grade 8 Public school Private school Enrolled in grade 9 to grade 12 Public school Private school Enrolled in college undergraduate years Public school Private school Enrolled in graduate or professional school Public school Private school Not enrolled in school POPULATION AGE 25+ YEARS BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Total No schooling completed Nursery School Kindergarten 1 -4th Grade 5 -8th Grade Some High School High School Diploma GED Some College Associate's degree Bachelor's degree Master's degree Professional school degree Doctorate degree Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey 96,589 3,073 33,383 800 42,423 847 ] 76,751 100.0% 2,376 4 25,558 33.3% 1,386 36,831 48.0% 1,115 4,534 5.9% 444 9,828 12.8% 624 92,545 100.0% 2,932 26,104 28.2% 1,395 2,071 2.2% 366 1,177 1.3% 272 894 1.0% 269 1,635 1.8% 301 1,574 1.7% 297 61 0.1% 49 5,764 6.2% 654 5,390 5.8% 651 u 374 0.4% 133 4,086 4.4% 453 3,682 4.0% 444 404 0.4% 106 E� 5,053 5.5% 510 4,627 5.0% 495 426 0.5% 119 6,325 6.8% 666 5,280 5.7% 621 1,045 1.1% 236 1,170 1.3% 240 865 0.9% 229 305 0.3% 76 66,442 71.8% 1,758 64,543 100.0% 1,954 761 1.2% 225 17 0.0% 25 0 0.0% 0 448 0.7% 201 1,365 2.1% 251 ;w 51770 8.9% 586 14,743 22.8% 939 3,466 5.4% 438 all 16,057 24.9% 923 6,485 10.0% 563 l 10,828 16.8% 769 3,423 5.3% 362 893 1.4% 178 286 0.4% 69 Reliability: LW high L� medium ® low March 09, 2015 n► airy � cur iM� CRA Center 230 N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 Ring: 5 mile radius POPULATION AGE 5+ YEARS BY LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME AND ABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH Total 5 to 17 years Speak only English Speak Spanish Speak English "very well" or "well" Speak English "not well" Speak English "not at all" Speak other Indo- European languages Speak English "very well" or "well" Speak English "not well" Speak English "not at all" Speak Asian and Pacific Island languages Speak English "very well" or "well" Speak English "not well" Speak English "not at all" Speak other languages Speak English "very well' or "well" Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' 18 to 64 years Speak only English Speak Spanish Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other Indo- European languages Speak English "very well" or "well" Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak Asian and Pacific Island languages Speak English "very well' or "well" Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' 65 years and over Speak only English Speak Spanish Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other Indo-European languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak Asian and Pacific Island languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Speak other languages Speak English "very well' or "well' Speak English "not well' Speak English "not at all' Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey 2008-2012 ACS Estimate Percent Prepared by: Littlejohn MOE(t) Reliability 89,406 100.0% 2,791 13,284 14.9% 1,167 2,518 2.8% 499 2,430 2.7% 478 54 0.1% 41 34 0.0% 53 421 0.5% 104 414 0.5% 104 7 0.0% 31 0 0.0% 0 179 0.2% 111 168 0.2% 111 11 0.0% 18 0 0.0% 0 26 0.0% 41 26 0.0% 41 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 49,726 55.6% 1,875 8,401 9.4% 1,000 7,169 8.0% 851 930 1.0% 288 303 0.3% 205 2,412 2.7% 392 2,303 2.6% 367 80 0.1% 54 29 0.0% 45 1,036 1.2% 333 893 1.0% 282 129 0.1% 128 13 0.0% 25 269 0.3% 87 260 0.3% 80 9 0.0% 15 0 0.0% 0 9,425 10.5% 542 1,181 1.3% 279 685 0.8% 121 191 0.2% 82 305 0.3% 233 378 0.4% 118 271 0.3% 91 67 0.1% 67 41 0.0% 52 79 0.1% 61 18 0.0% 17 61 0.1% 61 0 0.0% 0 71 0.1% 89 13 0.0% 12 58 0.1% 88 0 0.0% 0 Reliability: LM high M medium I low all] ) N March 09, 2015 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LM high Lrj medium W low March 09, 2015 CRA Center 230 N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 Ring: 5 mile radius CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPULATION AGE 16+ YEARS BY OCCUPATION Total Management Business and financial operations Computer and mathematical Architecture and engineering Life, physical, and social science Community and social services Legal Education, training, and library Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media Healthcare practitioner, technologists, and technicians Healthcare support Protective service Food preparation and serving related Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance Personal care and service Sales and related Office and administrative support Farming, fishing, and forestry Construction and extraction Installation, maintenance, and repair Production Transportation and material moving CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPULATION AGE 16+ YEARS BY INDUSTRY Total Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction Construction Manufacturing Wholesale trade Retail trade Transportation and warehousing Utilities Information Finance and insurance Real estate and rental and leasing Professional, scientific, and technical services Management of companies and enterprises Administrative and support and waste management services Educational services Health care and social assistance Arts, entertainment, and recreation Accommodation and food services Other services, except public administration Public administration Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Prepared by: Littlejohn 2008-2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(t) 43,608 100.0% 1,632 4,527 10.4% 451 2,487 5.7% 348 1,520 3.5% 211 529 1.2% 132 99 0.2% 64 616 1.4% 186 370 0.8% 136 2,552 5.9% 288 1,023 2.3% 206 2,187 5.0% 310 1,313 3.0% 279 1,155 2.6% 197 2,045 4.7% 316 1,887 4.3% 380 1,227 2.8% 249 5,982 13.7% 545 6,736 15.4% 612 66 0.2% 60 1,998 4.6% 313 1,254 2.9% 234 1,610 3.7% 308 2,425 5.6% 410 43,608 100.0% 1,632 112 0.3% 67 80 0.2% 86 3,105 7.1% 401 2,612 6.0% 337 1,148 2.6% 274 5,667 13.0% 569 1,502 3.4% 279 254 0.6% 94 1,520 3.5% 299 3,456 7.9% 386 895 2.1% 180 3,360 7.7% 391 11 0.0% 17 3,295 7.6% 497 4,235 9.7% 425 5,232 12.0% 542 792 1.8% 188 2,498 5.7% 356 1,843 4.2% 286 1,990 4.6% 260 Reliability Reliability: L high Lo medium @ low March 09, 2015 March 09, 2015 HOUSEHOLDS BY POVERTY STATUS Total Income in the past 12 months below poverty level Married- couple family Other family - male householder (no wife present) Other family - female householder (no husband present) Nonfamily household - male householder Nonfamily household - female householder Income in the past 12 months at or above poverty level Married - couple family Other family - male householder (no wife present) Other family - female householder (no husband present) Nonfamily household - male householder Nonfamily household - female householder HOUSEHOLDS BY INCOME Total Less than $10,000 $10,000 to $14,999 $15,000 to $19,999 $20,000 to $24,999 $25,000 to $29,999 $30,000 to $34,999 $35,000 to $39,999 $40,000 to $44,999 $45,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $59,999 $60,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $124,999 $125,000 to $149,999 $150,000 to $199,999 $200,000 or more Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey 33,383 100.0% 800 4,686 14.0% 380 y 866 2.6% 179 296 0.9% 122 ED 1,465 4.4% 230 889 2.7% 160 1,170 3.5% 192 28,697 86.0% 768 all 14,680 44.0% 613 U'll 1,057 3.2% 188 lu 3,715 11.1% 389 LO 4,695 14.1% 446 4,550 13.6% 368 33,383 100.0% 800 Lid 2,330 7.0% 296 CM 2,157 6.5% 298 1,739 5.2% 266 2,090 6.3% 303 lid 1,799 5.4% 265 1,659 5.0% 253 1,917 5.7% 259 Lai HOUSEHOLDS WITH HOUSEHOLDER AGE <25 YEARS BY INCOME Total 911 100.0% 166 Less than $10,000 138 15.1% 83 $10,000 to $14,999 93 10.2% 58 $15,000 to $19,999 52 5.7% 47 $20,000 to $24,999 93 10.2% 60 $25,000 to $29,999 30 3.3% 23 $30,000 to $34,999 122 13.4% 57 $35,000 to $39,999 86 9.4% 37 $40,000 to $44,999 39 4.3% 31 $45,000 to $49,999 80 8.8% 51 $50,000 to $59,999 96 10.5% 58 $60,000 to $74,999 51 5.6% 33 $75,000 to $99,999 12 1.3% 20 $100,000 to $124,999 14 1.5% 16 $125,000 to $149,999 6 0.7% 8 $150,000 to $199,999 0 0.0% 0 $200,000 or more 0 0.0% 0 Median Household Income for HHr <25 $31,796 N/A Average Household Income for HHr <25 N/A N/A HOUSEHOLDS WITH HOUSEHOLDER AGE 25 -44 YEARS BY INCOME Total 13,017 100.0% 644 Less than $10,000 566 4.3% 184 $10,000 to $14,999 563 4.3% 167 $15,000 to $19,999 525 4.0% 163 $20,000 to $24,999 667 5.1% 230 $25,000 to $29,999 735 5.6% 203 $30,000 to $34,999 547 4.2% 146 $35,000 to $39,999 892 6.9% 205 $40,000 to $44,999 677 5.2% 184 $45,000 to $49,999 752 5.8% 176 $50,000 to $59,999 1,573 12.1% 317 $60,000 to $74,999 1,552 11.9% 248 $75,000 to $99,999 2,221 17.1% 293 $100,000 to $124,999 898 6.9% 168 $125,000 to $149,999 465 3.6% 131 $150,000 to $199,999 286 2.2% 63 $200,000 or more 99 0.8% 41 Median Household Income for HHr 25 -44 Average Household Income for HHr 25 -44 $53,230 N/A N/A N/A Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: , high 10 medium 0 low March 09, 2015 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LW high [11 medium 0 low March 09, 2015 CRA Center 230 N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 Ring: 5 mile radius Prepared by: Littlejohn HOUSEHOLDS BY FOOD STAMPS /SNAP STATUS 2008-2012 Total ACS Estimate Percent MOE(t) Reliability HOUSEHOLDS BY PUBLIC ASSISTANCE INCOME IN THE PAST 4,147 12.4% 381 12 MONTHS 29,236 87.6% 781 Total 33,383 100.0% 800 , With public assistance income 1,049 3.1% 202 w( No public assistance income 32,335 96.9% 791 j HOUSEHOLDS BY FOOD STAMPS /SNAP STATUS Total 33,383 100.0% 800 id With Food Stamps /SNAP 4,147 12.4% 381 With No Food Stamps /SNAP 29,236 87.6% 781 HOUSEHOLDS BY DISABILITY STATUS Total 33,383 100.0% 800 With 1+ Persons w /Disability 6,969 20.9% 468 With No Person w /Disability 26,414 79.1% 848 Data Note: N/A means not available. Population by Ratio of Income to Poverty Level represents persons for whom poverty status is determined. Household income represents income in 2012, adjusted for inflation. 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate: The American Community Survey (ACS) replaces census sample data. Esri is releasing the 2008 -2012 ACS estimates, five -year period data collected monthly from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2012. Although the ACS includes many of the subjects previously covered by the decennial census sample, there are significant differences between the two surveys including fundamental differences in survey design and residency rules. Margin of error (MOE): The MOE is a measure of the variability of the estimate due to sampling error. MOEs enable the data user to measure the range of uncertainty for each estimate with 90 percent confidence. The range of uncertainty is called the confidence interval, and it is calculated by taking the estimate +/- the MOE. For example, if the ACS reports an estimate of 100 with an MOE of +/- 20, then you can be 90 percent certain the value for the whole population falls between 80 and 120. Reliability: These symbols represent threshold values that Esri has established from the Coefficients of Variation (CV) to designate the usability of the estimates. The CV measures the amount of sampling error relative to the size of the estimate, expressed as a percentage. J,7 High Reliability: Small CVs (less than or equal to 12 percent) are flagged green to indicate that the sampling error is small relative to the estimate and the estimate is reasonably reliable. Medium Reliability: Estimates with CVs between 12 and 40 are flagged yellow —use with caution. ® Low Reliability: Large CVs (over 40 percent) are flagged red to indicate that the sampling error is large relative to the estimate. The estimate is considered very unreliable. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LM high Lo medium 0 low March 09, 2015 Median Home Value Average Home Value OWNER - OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY MORTGAGE STATUS Total Housing units with a mortgage /contract to purchase /similar debt Second mortgage only Home equity loan only Both second mortgage and home equity loan No second mortgage and no home equity loan Housing units without a mortgage AVERAGE VALUE BY MORTGAGE STATUS Housing units with a mortgage Housing units without a mortgage Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey $110,417 N/A N/A N/A 122 100.0% 44 87 71.3% 60 6 4.9% 14 9 7.4% 24 0 0.0% 0 71 58.2% 68 36 29.5% 15 ' N/A N/A N/A N/A Reliability: LIU high G medium I low March 09, 2015 RENTER - OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY CONTRACT RENT Total With cash rent Less than $100 $100 to $149 $150 to $199 $200 to $249 $250 to $299 $300 to $349 $350 to $399 $400 to $449 $450 to $499 $500 to $549 $550 to $599 $600 to $649 $650 to $699 $700 to $749 $750 to $799 $800 to $899 $900 to $999 $1,000 to $1,249 $1,250 to $1,499 $1,500 to $1,999 $2,000 or more No cash rent Median Contract Rent Average Contract Rent RENTER - OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY INCLUSION OF UTILITIES IN RENT Total Pay extra for one or more utilities No extra payment for any utilities HOUSING UNITS BY UNITS IN STRUCTURE Total 1, detached 1, attached 2 3 or 4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 49 50 or more Mobile home Boat, RV, van, etc. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey 816 100.0% 69 775 95.0% 71 ;10 20 2.5% 27 19 2.3% 14 37 4.5% 48 5 0.6% 12 15 1.8% 26 30 3.7% 22 37 4.5% 28 31 3.8% 27 77 9.4% 48 89 10.9% 67 26 3.2% 20 79 9.7% 35 59 7.2% 48 52 6.4% 65 56 6.9% 43 89 10.9% 49 'IM 40 4.9% 31 10 1.2% 84 4 0.5% 64 0 0.0% 0 1 0.1% 19 41 5.0% 30 $601 N/A $581 $86 816 100.0% 69 686 84.1% 74 130 15.9% 48 1� 1,371 100.0% 61 262 19.1% 34 25 1.8% 141 29 2.1% 16 F 49 3.6% 26 248 18.1% 53� 238 17.4% 36 251 18.3% 64 261 19.0% 35 9 0.7% 20 0 0.0% 0 Reliability: [W high M medium 0 low March 09, 2015 Gesn- Lrxaii�lw Sanford CRA Area: 0.69 square miles HOUSING UNITS BY YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT Total Built 2010 or later Built 2000 to 2009 Built 1990 to 1999 Built 1980 to 1989 Built 1970 to 1979 Built 1960 to 1969 Built 1950 to 1959 Built 1940 to 1949 Built 1939 or earlier Median Year Structure Built OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT Total Owner occupied Moved in 2010 or later Moved in 2000 to 2009 Moved in 1990 to 1999 Moved in 1980 to 1989 Moved in 1970 to 1979 Moved in 1969 or earlier Renter occupied Moved in 2010 or later Moved in 2000 to 2009 Moved in 1990 to 1999 Moved in 1980 to 1989 Moved in 1970 to 1979 Moved in 1969 or earlier Median Year Householder Moved Into Unit OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY HOUSE HEATING FUEL Total Utility gas Bottled, tank, or LP gas Electricity Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. Coal or coke Wood Solar energy Other fuel No fuel used Prepared by: Littlejohn 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(t) Reliability 1,371 100.0% 61 0 0.0% 0 203 14.8% 153 1 205 15.0% 79 � 327 23.9% 57 160 11.7% 39 113 8.2% 51 (10 107 7.8% 31 7 0.5% 26 0 249 18.2% 47 Ll 1982 0.3% N/A 938 100.0% 66 7 0.7% 43 66 7.0% 62 1 22 2.3% 22 18 1.9% 13 1 0.1% 9 8 0.9% 22 160 17.1% 41 566 60.3% 73 86 9.2% 70 � 3 0.3% 6 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 2005 N/A 938 100.0% 66 65 6.9% 23� 1 0.1% 10 867 92.4% 66 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 5 0.5% 8 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: did high 10 medium @ low March 09, 2015 OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY VEHICLES AVAILABLE Total Owner occupied No vehicle available 1 vehicle available 2 vehicles available 3 vehicles available 4 vehicles available 5 or more vehicles available Renter occupied No vehicle available 1 vehicle available 2 vehicles available 3 vehicles available 4 vehicles available 5 or more vehicles available Average Number of Vehicles Available Data Note: N/A means not available. 938 100.0% 66 4 0.4% 7 51 5.4% 24 28 3.0% 108 31 3.3% 18 8 0.9% 22 0 0.0% 0 294 31.3% 58 LLU 382 40.7% 54� 138 14.7% 46 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 1 0.1% 19 1.0 0.1 Id 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate: The American Community Survey (ACS) replaces census sample data. Esri is releasing the 2008 -2012 ACS estimates, five -year period data collected monthly from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2012. Although the ACS includes many of the subjects previously covered by the decennial census sample, there are significant differences between the two surveys including fundamental differences in survey design and residency rules. Margin of error (MOE): The MOE is a measure of the variability of the estimate due to sampling error. MOEs enable the data user to measure the range of uncertainty for each estimate with 90 percent confidence. The range of uncertainty is called the confidence interval, and it is calculated by taking the estimate +/- the MOE. For example, if the ACS reports an estimate of 100 with an MOE of +/- 20, then you can be 90 percent certain the value for the whole population falls between 80 and 120. Reliability: These symbols represent threshold values that Esri has established from the Coefficients of Variation (CV) to designate the usability of the estimates. The CV measures the amount of sampling error relative to the size of the estimate, expressed as a percentage. Lj High Reliability: Small CVs (less than or equal to 12 percent) are flagged green to indicate that the sampling error is small relative to the estimate and the estimate is reasonably reliable. L Medium Reliability: Estimates with CVs between 12 and 40 are flagged yellow —use with caution. Low Reliability: Large CVs (over 40 percent) are flagged red to indicate that the sampling error is large relative to the estimate. The estimate is considered very unreliable. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LW high , medium G low March 09, 2015 Median Home Value 2008 -2012 N/A Average Home Value ACS Estimate Percent MOE(t) Reliability TOTALS Total Population 5,405 100.0% 507 Total Households 2,173 71.1% 164 l Total Housing Units 3,269 4.2% 180 OWNER- OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY VALUE 37 7.8% 28 Total 477 100.0% 72 Less than $10,000 0 0.0% 0 M $10,000 to $14,999 8 1.7% 6 °} $15,000 to $19,999 17 3.6% 30 $20,000 to $24,999 0 0.0% 0 $25,000 to $29,999 0 0.0% 0 $30,000 to $34,999 16 3.4% 22 $35,000 to $39,999 4 0.8% 6 $40,000 to $49,999 30 6.3% 30 $50,000 to $59,999 19 4.0% 8 1LU $60,000 to $69,999 13 2.7% 22 $70,000 to $79,999 18 3.8% 19 $80,000 to $89,999 68 14.3% 31 $90,000 to $99,999 29 6.1% 38 $100,000 to $124,999 35 7.3% 29 $125,000 to $149,999 46 9.6% 48 $150,000 to $174,999 63 13.2% 33 $175,000 to $199,999 45 9.4% 31 $200,000 to $249,999 35 7.3% 54 $250,000 to $299,999 8 1.7% 12 $300,000 to $399,999 9 1.9% 21 $400,000 to $499,999 13 2.7% 14 $500,000 to $749,999 0 0.0% 0 $750,000 to $999,999 0 0.0% 0 $1,000,000 or more 0 0.0% 0 Median Home Value $111,429 N/A Average Home Value N/A N/A OWNER- OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY MORTGAGE STATUS Total 477 100.0% 72 Housing units with a mortgage /contract to purchase /similar debt 339 71.1% 65 l Second mortgage only 20 4.2% 16 Home equity loan only 37 7.8% 28 Both second mortgage and home equity loan 0 0.0% 0 No second mortgage and no home equity loan 282 59.1% 61 M Housing units without a mortgage 138 28.9% 45 °} AVERAGE VALUE BY MORTGAGE STATUS Housing units with a mortgage N/A N/A Housing units without a mortgage N/A N/A Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LU high LEI medium ® low March 09, 2015 RENTER - OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY CONTRACT RENT Total With cash rent Less than $100 $100 to $149 $150 to $199 $200 to $249 $250 to $299 $300 to $349 $350 to $399 $400 to $449 $450 to $499 $500 to $549 $550 to $599 $600 to $649 $650 to $699 $700 to $749 $750 to $799 $800 to $899 $900 to $999 $1,000 to $1,249 $1,250 to $1,499 $1,500 to $1,999 $2,000 or more No cash rent Median Contract Rent Average Contract Rent RENTER- OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY INCLUSION OF UTILITIES IN RENT Total Pay extra for one or more utilities No extra payment for any utilities HOUSING UNITS BY UNITS IN STRUCTURE Total 1, detached 1, attached 2 3or4 5to9 10 to 19 20 to 49 50 or more Mobile home Boat, RV, van, etc. Prepared by: Littlejohn 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(t) Reliability 1,696 100.0% 160 1,617 95.3% 168 1-2 120 7.1% 48 1 54 3.2% 29 68 4.0% 48 20 1.2% 19 41 2.4% 36 64 3.8% 44 60 3.5% 39 LJ 92 5.4% 45 110 6.5% 39 101 6.0% 70 62 3.7% 35 [j 138 8.1% 58 UJ 141 8.3% 78� 111 6.5% 84 112 6.6% 62 187 11.0% 86 83 4.9% 61 33 1.9% 76 19 1.1% 41 0 0.0% 0 2 0.1% 28 79 4.7% 39 $606 N/A $563 $92 1,696 100.0% 160 1,535 90.5% 160 160 9.4% 45 3,269 100.0% 180 1,133 34.7% 114 ; 107 3.3% 102 107 3.3% 48 237 7.2% 67 500 15.3% 92 d 358 11.0% 96 Elk 440 13.5% 140 ] 369 11.3% 81 17 0.5% 22 0 0.0% 0 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LW high EGA medium 0 low March 09, 2015 Z ' M OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT Total Owner occupied Moved in 2010 or later Moved in 2000 to 2009 Moved in 1990 to 1999 Moved in 1980 to 1989 Moved in 1970 to 1979 Moved in 1969 or earlier Renter occupied Moved in 2010 or later Moved in 2000 to 2009 Moved in 1990 to 1999 Moved in 1980 to 1989 Moved in 1970 to 1979 Moved in 1969 or earlier Median Year Householder Moved Into Unit OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY HOUSE HEATING FUEL Total Utility gas Bottled, tank, or LP gas Electricity Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. Coal or coke Wood Solar energy Other fuel No fuel used 2,173 CRA Center 230 N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 Ring: 1 mile radius 164 Prepared by: Littlejohn 16 0.7% 2008 -2012 252 11.6% 66 10 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(f) Reliability HOUSING UNITS BY YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT 2.6% 30 25 Total 22 3,269 100.0% 180 26„ Built 2010 or later 356 0 0.0% 0 1,210 Built 2000 to 2009 158 545 16.7% 188 J0 Built 1990 to 1999 5 391 12.0% 102 12 Built 1980 to 1989 21 682 20.9% 128 10 Built 1970 to 1979 2005 294 9.0% 68 2,173 Built 1960 to 1969 164 248 7.6% 44 LM Built 1950 to 1959 1 275 8.4% 75 11 Built 1940 to 1949 158 158 4.8% 56 IrA Built 1939 or earlier 0 676 20.7% 99 ail Median Year Structure Built 0 1979 0 N/A 0 OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT Total Owner occupied Moved in 2010 or later Moved in 2000 to 2009 Moved in 1990 to 1999 Moved in 1980 to 1989 Moved in 1970 to 1979 Moved in 1969 or earlier Renter occupied Moved in 2010 or later Moved in 2000 to 2009 Moved in 1990 to 1999 Moved in 1980 to 1989 Moved in 1970 to 1979 Moved in 1969 or earlier Median Year Householder Moved Into Unit OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY HOUSE HEATING FUEL Total Utility gas Bottled, tank, or LP gas Electricity Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. Coal or coke Wood Solar energy Other fuel No fuel used 2,173 100.0% 164 16 0.7% 56 252 11.6% 66 10 82 3.8% 27 1 56 2.6% 30 25 1.2% 22 45 2.1% 26„ 356 16.4% 84 1,210 55.7% 158 112 5.2% 69 5 0.2% 6 12 0.6% 21 1 0.0% 10 2005 N/A 2,173 100.0% 164 229 10.5% 54 1 0.0% 5 1,896 87.3% 158 26 1.2% 37 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 22 1.0% 20 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LaV high M medium ® low March 09, 2015 CRA Center Prepared by: Littlejohn 230 N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 Ring: 1 mile radius 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(f) Reliability OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY VEHICLES AVAILABLE Total 2,173 100.0% 164 Owner occupied No vehicle available 18 0.8% 12 1 vehicle available 205 9.4% 50 2 vehicles available 155 7.1% 66 ( 3 vehicles available 85 3.9% 30 (' 4 vehicles available 15 0.7% 23 5 or more vehicles available 0 0.0% 0 Renter occupied No vehicle available 598 27.5% 108 all 1 vehicle available 776 35.7% 128 111 2 vehicles available 313 14.4% 85 'd 3 vehicles available 0 0.0% 0 4 vehicles available 8 0.4% 14 5 or more vehicles available 2 0.1% 28 Average Number of Vehicles Available Data Note: N/A means not available. N/A N/A 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate: The American Community Survey (ACS) replaces census sample data. Esri is releasing the 2008 -2012 ACS estimates, five -year period data collected monthly from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2012. Although the ACS includes many of the subjects previously covered by the decennial census sample, there are significant differences between the two surveys including fundamental differences in survey design and residency rules. Margin of error (MOE): The MOE is a measure of the variability of the estimate due to sampling error. MOEs enable the data user to measure the range of uncertainty for each estimate with 90 percent confidence. The range of uncertainty is called the confidence interval, and it is calculated by taking the estimate +/- the MOE. For example, if the ACS reports an estimate of 100 with an MOE of +/- 20, then you can be 90 percent certain the value for the whole population falls between 80 and 120. Reliability: These symbols represent threshold values that Esri has established from the Coefficients of Variation (CV) to designate the usability of the estimates. The CV measures the amount of sampling error relative to the size of the estimate, expressed as a percentage. High Reliability: Small CVs (less than or equal to 12 percent) are flagged green to indicate that the sampling error is small relative to the estimate and the estimate is reasonably reliable. y Medium Reliability: Estimates with CVs between 12 and 40 are flagged yellow —use with caution. Low Reliability: Large CVs (over 40 percent) are flagged red to indicate that the sampling error is large relative to the estimate. The estimate is considered very unreliable. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: high M medium 0 low March 09, 2015 TOTALS Total Population Total Households Total Housing Units OWNER - OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY VALUE Total Less than $10,000 $10,000 to $14,999 $15,000 to $19,999 $20,000 to $24,999 $25,000 to $29,999 $30,000 to $34,999 $35,000 to $39,999 $40,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $59,999 $60,000 to $69,999 $70,000 to $79,999 $80,000 to $89,999 $90,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $124,999 $125,000 to $149,999 $150,000 to $174,999 $175,000 to $199,999 $200,000 to $249,999 $250,000 to $299,999 $300,000 to $399,999 $400,000 to $499,999 $500,000 to $749,999 $750,000 to $999,999 $1,000,000 or more Median Home Value Average Home Value OWNER- OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY MORTGAGE STATUS Total Housing units with a mortgage /contract to purchase /similar debt Second mortgage only Home equity loan only Both second mortgage and home equity loan No second mortgage and no home equity loan Housing units without a mortgage AVERAGE VALUE BY MORTGAGE STATUS Housing units with a mortgage Housing units without a mortgage Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Prepared by: Littlejohn 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(t) Reliability 38,245 100.0% 1,691 12,949 78.1% 462 17,352 3.8% 459 7,208 100.0% 355 LW 78 1.1% 42 68 0.9% 47 ; 46 0.6% 37 65 0.9% 60 55 0.8% 42 86 1.2% 62 83 1.2% 49 � 125 1.7% 63 143 2.0% 64� 229 3.2% 73 383 5.3% 93 587 8.1% 128 k „) 488 6.8% 142 (� 1,022 14.2% 184 804 11.2% 158 907 12.6% 138 516 7.2% 111 689 9.6% 101 428 5.9% 112 267 3.7% 73 70 1.0% 36 42 0.6% 33 18 0.2% 17 10 0.1% 14 P1 $129,555 N/A N/A N/A 7,208 100.0% 355 5,631 78.1% 332 274 3.8% 75 861 11.9% 156 33 0.5% 34 4,462 61.9% 311 ; 1,577 21.9% 181 N/A N/A N/A N/A Reliability: L high LAC medium a low March 09, 2015 RENTER - OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY CONTRACT RENT Total With cash rent Less than $100 $100 to $149 $150 to $199 $200 to $249 $250 to $299 $300 to $349 $350 to $399 $400 to $449 $450 to $499 $500 to $549 $550 to $599 $600 to $649 $650 to $699 $700 to $749 $750 to $799 $800 to $899 $900 to $999 $1,000 to $1,249 $1,250 to $1,499 $1,500 to $1,999 $2,000 or more No cash rent Median Contract Rent Average Contract Rent RENTER - OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY INCLUSION OF UTILITIES IN RENT Total Pay extra for one or more utilities No extra payment for any utilities HOUSING UNITS BY UNITS IN STRUCTURE Total 1, detached 1, attached 2 3 or 4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 49 50 or more Mobile home Boat, RV, van, etc. 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate 5,741 5,488 225 162 68 57 193 127 95 178 154 371 206 417 541 416 411 726 433 346 214 115 32 253 $695 N/A Percent 100.0% 95.6% 3.9% 2.8% 1.2% 1.0% 3.4% 2.2% 1.7% 3.1% 2.7% 6.5% 3.6% 7.3% 9.4% 7.2% 7.2% 12.6% 7.5% 6.0% 3.7% 2.0% 0.6% 4.4% Prepared by: Littlejohn MOE(f) Reliability 369 367 103 85 48 43 88 70 59 65 67 134 79 126 146 107 105 157 112 94 94 57 21 97 N/A N/A 5,741 100.0% 369 5,475 95.4% 366 266 4.6% 62 17,352 100.0% 459 10,353 59.7% 391 1,136 6.5% 152 JA 306 1.8% 97� 565 3.3% 144 1,070 6.2% 164 1 Li 1,094 6.3% 210 1,872 10.8% 247 704 4.1% 128 253 1.5% 73 (` 0 0.0% 0 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LLLI high W medium @ low March 09, 2015 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey Reliability: k high medium @ low March 09, 2015 Alk �.r �r /fir r/✓ ,// / CRA Center 230 N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 Ring: 3 mile radius OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY VEHICLES AVAILABLE Total Owner occupied No vehicle available 1 vehicle available 2 vehicles available 3 vehicles available 4 vehicles available 5 or more vehicles available Renter occupied No vehicle available 1 vehicle available 2 vehicles available 3 vehicles available 4 vehicles available 5 or more vehicles available Average Number of Vehicles Available Data Note: N/A means not available. Prepared by: Littlejohn 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(f) Reliability 12,949 100.0% 462 ali 222 1.7% 64 Ld 2,604 20.1% 258 M 2,995 23.1% 253 IM 1,110 8.6% 168 L 263 2.0% 77 1 14 0.1% 14 0 1,096 8.5% 202 ail 2,958 22.8% 270 1,490 11.5% 229 G1 175 1.4% 63 11 8 0.1% 14 13 0.1% 28 N/A N/A 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate: The American Community Survey (ACS) replaces census sample data. Esri is releasing the 2008 -2012 ACS estimates, five -year period data collected monthly from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2012. Although the ACS includes many of the subjects previously covered by the decennial census sample, there are significant differences between the two surveys including fundamental differences in survey design and residency rules. Margin of error (MOE): The MOE is a measure of the variability of the estimate due to sampling error. MOEs enable the data user to measure the range of uncertainty for each estimate with 90 percent confidence. The range of uncertainty is called the confidence interval, and it is calculated by taking the estimate +/- the MOE. For example, if the ACS reports an estimate of 100 with an MOE of +/- 20, then you can be 90 percent certain the value for the whole population falls between 80 and 120. Reliability: These symbols represent threshold values that Esri has established from the Coefficients of Variation (CV) to designate the usability of the estimates. The CV measures the amount of sampling error relative to the size of the estimate, expressed as a percentage. 1 High Reliability: Small CVs (less than or equal to 12 percent) are flagged green to indicate that the sampling error is small relative to the estimate and the estimate is reasonably reliable. i' Medium Reliability: Estimates with CVs between 12 and 40 are flagged yellow —use with caution. 0 Low Reliability: Large CVs (over 40 percent) are flagged red to indicate that the sampling error is large relative to the estimate. The estimate is considered very unreliable. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LW high medium 0 low March 09, 2015 TOTALS 21,952 Total Population 96,589 3,073 Total Households 33,383 800 Total Housing Units 42,423 847 Id OWNER - OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY VALUE Total 21,952 100.0% 641 Less than $10,000 275 1.3% 94 $10,000 to $14,999 129 0.6% 59 $15,000 to $19,999 129 0.6% 65 $20,000 to $24,999 114 0.5% 77 $25,000 to $29,999 140 0.6% 72 f; $30,000 to $34,999 108 0.5% 66� $35,000 to $39,999 184 0.8% 64 $40,000 to $49,999 251 1.1% 82 $50,000 to $59,999 410 1.9% 88 10 $60,000 to $69,999 712 3.2% 195 M $70,000 to $79,999 870 4.0% 142 $80,000 to $89,999 1,399 6.4% 240 $90,000 to $99,999 1,027 4.7% 195 LLU $100,000 to $124,999 2,392 10.9% 273 $125,000 to $149,999 2,320 10.6% 278 Lill $150,000 to $174,999 2,623 11.9% 294 $175,000 to $199,999 1,681 7.7% 238 $200,000 to $249,999 2,533 11.5% 250 $250,000 to $299,999 1,874 8.5% 231 $300,000 to $399,999 1,670 7.6% 193 $400,000 to $499,999 482 2.2% 102 $500,000 to $749,999 415 1.9% 74 i $750,000 to $999,999 119 0.5% 50 ED $1,000,000 or more 95 0.4% 29 W13 Median Home Value $154,918 N/A Average Home Value N/A N/A OWNER - OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY MORTGAGE STATUS Total 21,952 100.0% 641 Housing units with a mortgage /contract to purchase /similar debt 16,683 76.0% 618 Second mortgage only 951 4.3% 150 Home equity loan only 2,828 12.9% 282 Both second mortgage and home equity loan 185 0.8% 54 No second mortgage and no home equity loan 12,718 57.9% 582 Housing units without a mortgage 5,269 24.0% 329 AVERAGE VALUE BY MORTGAGE STATUS Housing units with a mortgage N/A N/A Housing units without a mortgage N/A N/A Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: Ld high EJ medium 0 low March 09, 2015 RENTER - OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY CONTRACT RENT 11,431 100.0% 647 Total 11,431 100.0% 647 With cash rent 10,895 95.3% 642 Less than $100 241 2.1% 154 $100 to $149 177 1.5% 88 $150 to $199 105 0.9% 65 $200 to $249 63 0.6% 47 $250 to $299 202 1.8% 92 $300 to $349 188 1.6% 90 $350 to $399 112 1.0% 62 $400 to $449 222 1.9% 78 $450 to $499 247 2.2% 118 $500 to $549 585 5.1% 165 $550 to $599 294 2.6% 93 $600 to $649 531 4.6% 138 $650 to $699 880 7.7% 296 $700 to $749 716 6.3% 204 $750 to $799 755 6.6% 197 $800 to $899 1,412 12.4% 313 $900 to $999 1,242 10.9% 223 $1,000 to $1,249 1,675 14.7% 269 $1,250 to $1,499 843 7.4% 188 $1,500 to $1,999 197 1.7% 81 $2,000 or more 207 1.8% 75 No cash rent 536 4.7% 133 Median Contract Rent $809 N/A Average Contract Rent N/A N/A RENTER - OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY INCLUSION OF UTILITIES IN RENT Total 11,431 100.0% 647 j Pay extra for one or more utilities 10,990 96.1% 641 No extra payment for any utilities 442 3.9% 116 HOUSING UNITS BY UNITS IN STRUCTURE Total 42,423 100.0% 847 1, detached 26,523 62.5% 648 1, attached 3,300 7.8% 380 2 614 1.4% 177 3 or 4 1,467 3.5% 191 5 to 9 2,723 6.4% 351 10 to 19 2,179 5.1% 326 20 to 49 3,269 7.7% 446 50 or more 985 2.3% 193 Mobile home 1,297 3.1% 187 Boat, RV, van, etc. 65 0.2% 62 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LLJ high M medium 0 low March 09, 2015 HOUSING UNITS BY YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT Total Built 2010 or later Built 2000 to 2009 Built 1990 to 1999 Built 1980 to 1989 Built 1970 to 1979 Built 1960 to 1969 Built 1950 to 1959 Built 1940 to 1949 Built 1939 or earlier Median Year Structure Built OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT Total Owner occupied Moved in 2010 or later Moved in 2000 to 2009 Moved in 1990 to 1999 Moved in 1980 to 1989 Moved in 1970 to 1979 Moved in 1969 or earlier Renter occupied Moved in 2010 or later Moved in 2000 to 2009 Moved in 1990 to 1999 Moved in 1980 to 1989 Moved in 1970 to 1979 Moved in 1969 or earlier Median Year Householder Moved Into Unit OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY HOUSE HEATING FUEL Total Utility gas Bottled, tank, or LP gas Electricity Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. Coal or coke Wood Solar energy Other fuel No fuel used Source. U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Prepared by: Littlejohn 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(f) Reliability 42,423 100.0% 847 55 0.1% 20 13,270 31.3% 577 1 6,808 16.0% 430 8,311 19.6% 493 4,927 11.6% 442 LW 2,868 6.8% 339 3,632 8.6% 344 LU 886 2.1% 170 1,666 3.9% 248 1989 N/A 33,383 100.0% 800 763 2.3% 172 12,939 38.8% 569 4,595 13.8% 341 2,083 6.2% 225 787 2.4% 150 785 2.4% 142 2,937 8.8% 414 7,818 23.4% 536 506 1.5% 169 88 0.3% 51 37 0.1% 47 46 0.1% 35 2004 N/A 33,383 100.0% 800 1,380 4.1% 210 379 1.1% 83 31,291 93.7% 804 140 0.4% 76 0 0.0% 0 37 0.1% 33 9 0.0% 28 4 0.0% 7 143 0.4% 51 Reliability: high 01 medium @ low March 09, 2015 l � f wrl rr►;. CRA Center Prepared by: Littlejohn 230 N Poplar Ave, Sanford, Florida, 32771 ,.. Ring: 5 mile radius 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate Percent MOE(f) Reliability OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY VEHICLES AVAILABLE Total 33,383 100.0% 800 Owner occupied No vehicle available 584 1.7% 134 1 vehicle available 6,924 20.7% 433 2 vehicles available 10,123 30.3% 503 3 vehicles available 3,245 9.7% 315 4 vehicles available 975 2.9% 186 5 or more vehicles available 102 0.3% 31 ley Renter occupied No vehicle available 1,478 4.4% 262 l; 1 vehicle available 5,799 17.4% 502 all 2 vehicles available 3,568 10.7% 407 111 3 vehicles available 515 1.5% 154 Ell 4 vehicles available 55 0.2% 41 5 or more vehicles available 16 0.0% 27 Average Number of Vehicles Available Data Note: N/A means not available. N/A N/A 2008 -2012 ACS Estimate: The American Community Survey (ACS) replaces census sample data. Esri is releasing the 2008 -2012 ACS estimates, five -year period data collected monthly from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2012. Although the ACS includes many of the subjects previously covered by the decennial census sample, there are significant differences between the two surveys including fundamental differences in survey design and residency rules. Margin of error (MOE): The MOE is a measure of the variability of the estimate due to sampling error. MOEs enable the data user to measure the range of uncertainty for each estimate with 90 percent confidence. The range of uncertainty is called the confidence interval, and it is calculated by taking the estimate +/- the MOE. For example, if the ACS reports an estimate of 100 with an MOE of +/- 20, then you can be 90 percent certain the value for the whole population falls between 80 and 120. Reliability: These symbols represent threshold values that Esri has established from the Coefficients of Variation (CV) to designate the usability of the estimates. The CV measures the amount of sampling error relative to the size of the estimate, expressed as a percentage. High Reliability: Small CVs (less than or equal to 12 percent) are flagged green to indicate that the sampling error is small relative to the estimate and the estimate is reasonably reliable. Medium Reliability: Estimates with CVs between 12 and 40 are flagged yellow —use with caution. Low Reliability: Large CVs (over 40 percent) are flagged red to indicate that the sampling error is large relative to the estimate. The estimate is considered very unreliable. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 -2012 American Community Survey Reliability: LW high [E medium I low March 09, 2015