HomeMy WebLinkAbout1699* FRS Envir Chg Ord No. 1 (6)Ws— RMX V�-�eol-1 1811 Y7�,-, %k*11 Item No.'rllb- CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM I5.106 JUNE 22, 2015 AGENDA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission PREPARED BY: Cynthia Porter, City Clerk RManager ------ I., SUBMITTED BY: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., Cit SUBJECT: Ordinance Relating to Lake Monroe Wa ont and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Agenc - Community Redevelopment Plan Update and Adoption STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: Z Unify Downtown & the Waterfront Z Promote the City's Distinct Culture Z Update Regulatory Framework Z Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities SYNOPSIS: Ordinance No. 4344, amending the City Code regarding the April 2015 Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford CRA Plan is being submitted for second reading and adoption. The proposed April, 2015 LMWDS-CRA Community Redevelopment Plan update provides a blue print and plan of action for the LMWDS-CRA to utilize to address the conditions of blight identified extant within the Community Redevelopment Area through the year 2025. The April, 2015 LMWDS-CRA Community Redevelopment Plan update presents the purpose, history and accomplishments of the LMWDS-CRA, an assessment of the physical and economic conditions of the Community Redevelopment Area, a summary of past and current planning initiatives, the strategies and objectives for addressing conditions of blight currently affecting the Cornmunity Redevelopment Area, an implementation plan of prioritized projects, programs and improvements, describes a catalyst site project, presents an overall conceptual LMWDS-CRA Master Plan for the Community Redevelopment Area, identifies estimated tax-increment-fund revenue that may be available through the 2015-2025 planning horizon, identifies alternate funding sources, reviews the consistency of the LMWDS-CRA Community Redevelopment Plan contents with applicable Florida law, provides a legal description of the Community Redevelopment Area boundaries, provides a summary of the vacant parcels within the Community Redevelopment Area and provides detailed demographic information regarding the LMWDS-CRA. FISCAL/STAFFING STATEMENT: (" I The April 2015, LMVrDS-CRA Community Redevelopment Plan update identifies opinions of probable cost for the administration, operation and implementation of programs and projects through 2025, utilizing tax increment funds (TIF) and funds from alternate funding sources. Based on current conditions and an anticipated tax value growth rate of 5.5%1 the total estimated TIF revenue that may be available for projects during the 2015-2025 period is projected to be approximately $19,380,522. The budget amount for staffing and administration of the operations of the LMWDS-CRA is $1,536,229 for the 2015-2025 operational period. The LMWDS-CRA would pay back the City for the costs of this effort. Other financial matters are being brought before the City Commission independent of this action. BACKGROUND: For the preceding 12 months the City and the LMWDS-CRA have been preparing for the extension of the operational timeframe of the LMWDS-CRA through the 2025 tax year. The City has advanced funded this effort. City/LMWDS-CRA staff, the LMWDS-CRA and CPH, Engineers, through procured services, have been evaluating potential programs, projects and infrastructure improvements that would stimulate additional private sector development in the Community Redevelopment Area for implementation through the 2025 tax year/planning horizon in order to address the conditions of blight still present in the downtown areas of the City (which could possibly disclose the need to expand the Community Redevelopment Area and the Community Redevelopment Area itself. City/LMWDS-CRA staff, the LMWDS-CRA and CPH, Engineers, through procured services, have actively coordinated with members of the Seminole County government to identify shared development objectives for inclusion in the LMWDS- CRA Community Redevelopment Plan update. To complement these activities, in August of 2014 the City and Littlejohn conducted several meetings and a public design workshop to evaluate potential development and redevelopment scenarios for various City-owned parcels located within the Community Redevelopment Area. Upon determination of a preferred development scenario and alternatives, the City endeavored to update the governing regulatory documents (the City's Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Regulations and the Community Redevelopment Plan) so as to enable and encourage the preferred development pattern identified at the design workshop within the Community Redevelopment Area. The Comprehensive Plan and related Land Development Regulations updates were completed in March of this year. The proposed LMWDS-CRA Community Redevelopment Plan has been subsequently completed through the coordinated efforts of the City/LMWDS-CRA staff, the LMWDS-CRA and CPH, Engineers and Littlejohn (as procured services providers) in April, 2015. 15.5% appreciation utilized as per Seminole County Property Appraisers Office anticipated taxable value growth rate, 2015. The City Commission, through the adoption of Resolution 2514, formally requested that the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County (BCC) approve the extension of the operational timeframe of the LMWDS -CRA through tax year 2025 in order to allow for the implementation of the capital improvements and infrastructure improvements identified within the LMWDS -CRA Community Redevelopment Plan. The BCC's current authorization to the City to provide for community redevelopment activities within the City expires at the end of the current tax year (December 31, 2015). CityILMWDS -CRA staff, the LMWDS -CRA and CPH, Engineers and Littlejohn, as procured services providers have been actively coordinating with County staff and elected officials to facilitate the extension of the operational timeframe of the LMWDS -CRA by means of the BCC adopting a new resolution providing for delegation of such authority to the City Commission. (Attached Exhibit D). It is anticipated that the formal request for approval of the extension of the operational timeframe of the LMWDS -CRA and modification of the governing BCC resolution will be considered for approval by the BCC at its June, 23 2015 meeting. If the request for the extension of the operational timeframe of the LMWDS -CRA through tax year 2025 is not approved by the BCC, the BCC will be asked to authorize the remaining funds available from current tax year revenues to be used to implement the updated LMWDS -CRA Community Redevelopment Plan which the City may, of course, use as a guide for redevelopment and economic development activities in the downtown and waterfront areas. The draft of the LMWDS -CRA Community Redevelopment Plan has been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission on April 2, 2015 and was determined to be consistent with the Goals and Objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and was recommended for adoption by the LMWDS -CRA and the City Commission. The City has duly advertised the consideration of adoption of the updated LMWDS -CRA Community Redevelopment Plan and has notified the affected taxing authorities in accordance with applicable governing laws. The adoption of the updated LMWDS -CRA Community Redevelopment Plan will require the adoption of Ordinance No. 4344 (Attached Exhibit Q. Ordinance No. 4344 passed on first reading by the City Commission on June 8, 2015. The City Clerk published notice of the public hearing in the Sanford Herald on June 7, 2015. LEGAL. REVIEW: The City Attorney has reviewed the updated LMWDS -CRA Community Redevelopment Plan and has assisted in the drafting of Ordinance No. 4344 and this agenda item and has no legal objection. The City Attorney has, from time -to -time, provided detailed legal guidance and information to various personnel of the City in order to ensure that the City comports with the controlling law pertaining to community redevelopment activities in Florida. The City Attorney supports the proposed necessary revisions to the LMWDS -CRA Community Redevelopment Plan in order to add additional projects to be implanted within the Community Redevelopment Area which can be funded by tax increment revenues that are placed in the Community Redevelopment Trust Fund. This support is, of course, contingent upon the City Commission desiring to proceed toward the implementation of community redevelopment activities under the State's statutory requirements and limitations. RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends that the City Commission adopt Ordinance No. 4344. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4344." Attachments: (1). LMWDS -CRA Community Redevelopment Plan update, Littlejohn, April, 2015 (Exhibit A is a very large document; it is available on the City's website and a hard copy is available in the City Clerk's office). (2). Redevelopment Plan and Finding of Necessity for the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area, City of Sanford, July, 2009. (Exhibit B). (3). Proposed Ordinance No. 4344 with its exhibits noted. (Exhibit C). (4). Proposed BCC delegation of authority resolution. (Exhibit D). Exhibit A LMWDS -CRA Community Redevelopment Plan update, Littlejohn, April, 2015. Exhibit B Redevelopment Plan and Finding of Necessity for the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Areal City of Sanford, July, 2009. a For the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area H Originally Drafted: November 21, 1995 Last Updated: July 29, 2009 Prepared for City of Sanford Prepared by City of Sanford Department of Engineering and Planning Updated by Economic Development Office �f • Table of Contents I. Background and Introduction Comparison of Socioeconomic Characteristics IL Finding of Necessity 2 A. Description of "Blighted Area" B. Existence of a "Blighted Area" Faulty Surfacewater Drainage Systems Deteriorating Bulkhead Deteriorating Streets/Irregular Brick Streets/Broken Sidewalks Faulty Lot Layout and Diversity of Ownership Structures Needing Rehabilitation/Penovation Inadequate Parking facilities Loss of Offices and Retail Commercial Businesses Environmental Blight Caused by Midges III. Land Use Characteristics Existing Land Use Map Future Land Use Map Zoning Map Land Use Characteristics IV. Property Inventory and Financial Analysis Financial Data Table V. Community Involvement Lake Monroe Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee Sanford Main Street, Inc. VI. Mission Statement and Benefits Goal: Aggressively Pursue Redevelopment/Revitalization Goal: Establish Downtown As A Regional Center Goal: Create A Family - Oriented, lakefront Activity Center Goal: Integrate The Downtown - Waterfront In Both Function and Transportation Goal: Improve Neighborhood Conditions In Both Physical and Social Quality VII. Redevelopment Plan Prioritized Capital Improvement Project List Sanford Waterfront Redevelopment Study, Proposed Master Plan Non - prioritized Capital Improvement Project List General Statement; Regarding Project and program Financing and Sources of Funding VIII. Summary and Conclusion Appendix 0 4 5 N. Redevelopment Plan and Finding of Necessity For Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area November 17, 1995 Updated July 8, 2009 The City of Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, is located approximately twenty (20) miles north of Orlando in the east central portion of the State of Florida. The City is primarily a residential community with a historic down- town waterfront area located on Lake Monroe, a wide spot; in the St Johns River. The St. Johns River was General Henry Shelton Sanford's reason for founding the community in the 1870's because it provided access to the area for settlement. Swedish immigrants were attracted and the City became a center for commerce and industry in the early 1900's. At; one time it was the Celery Capital. of the United States although citrus crops were the principal farm crops until several hard freezes during the 1980's. The City experienced a setback when the Sanford Naval Air Lase was decommissioned in the Iate 1960's by the U.S. Government. Recently the renamed Orlando Sanford International Airport has expanded to include an International Arrivals Building, parking garage and an FAA Con- trol Tower. The City has a population in 2009 of approximately 52,000 persons and covers approximately 17 square miles of land area. Over the years Sanford's growth and development has lagged behind the rest of the County. The table below shows that in comparison with the rest of Seminole County, Sanford's socioeconomic profile was much lower in terms of income and poverty level and remains so at the time of the 2009 revisions. Comparison of Socioeconomic Characteristics Between City of Sanford and Seminole County Characteristic Seminole County City Of Sanford Seminole County City Of Sanford 1990 1994 2007 2007 Population 284,180 32,387 407,260 47,952 Percent Below 7.2 16.3 9.4 17.3 Poverty Level Persons Below 20,513 5,061 38,328 8,296 Poverty Level Per Capita Income $16,644 $11,115 28,890 $20,387 Median Household $35,637 $25,029 57,318 $38,559 Income Source: 1900 Census and 2007 Census 1:'stimate Between 1990 and 2007, the City's per capita income has only risen from two thirds to 70% of the per capita income of surrounding Seminole County. Between 1990 and 2007 the portion of persons living in poverty within Seminole County living in Sanford had only declined from 25% to 21 %. The Sanford Community Redevelopment Area grew out of the Lake Monroe Waterfront Master Plan Steer- ing Committee, a committee of the City of Sanford that; worked towards the revitalization and redevelopment of the Lake Monroe Waterfront and the Sanford Downtown area. (After creation of the Community Redevelopment: Agency (CRA) in 1995, this group was supplanted by the CRA Board).`1'he Sanford City Commission agreed to explore the establishment of a community redevelopment agency covering the Lake Monroe waterfront from Interstate 4 through downtown Sanford within the context of the Community Redevelopment Act of 1959, as amended, (Part III, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes). This Study and modified Community Redevelopment Plan is intended first, to determine whether the legal requisites for a Community Redevelopment; Area exists, and second, if the area is a "blighted area' as defined by Florida law in order to establish the basis for a Community Rede.vef- oprnent Plan. Pursuant to Resolution No. 95 -R -245, and the Resolution adopted on July 28,2009, the Board of County Com- missioners of Seminole County, Florida pursuant: to Section 153.410, Florida Statutes, has delegated to the City of Sanford City Commission the authority, rights and responsibilities to create and establish a Community RedeveI- oprnent Area, as modified, within its municipal boundaries expressly for the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Down- town Sanford area and the six (6) block area of Sanford Avenue from 3rd Street; to 6th Street; (while removing a residential area west of Riverview Avenue). 11. Finding of Necessity A. Description of "Blighted Area ": The overall study area extends 4.3 miles from Interstate 4 easterly to Mellonville Avenue. The southern bound - aIy for the study area includes the CSX Main Railroad Line, also known as Rand Yard Load, First Street, Third Street and Second Street. This area encompasses major waterfront recreation facilities including Lake Monroe Wayside Park with its "new" historic bridge/ skiing pier, Central Florida Zoological Park and Ft. Mellon Park with its inception. The Community Redevelopment Area includes properties located within the Sanford City Limits (see attached map). The recent Seminole County BCC resolutions resulted in the deletion from the CRA of the area west of Central Florida Regional Hospital known as 'The Preserve at Lake Monroe' and the addition of a six block area on Sanford Avenue from 2nd to 6th Streets. This six (6) block area on Sanford Avenue approved for inclusion however is contained in this original study area. B. Existence of a "Blighted Area" The Community Redevelopment Act requires each local government to adopt a resolution finding that slum or blighted areas exist or that rehabilitation, conservation or redevelopment is necessary in the interest of public health, safety, or welfare. Specifically Chapter 163.355(1), Florida Statutes, requires the governing body to adopt a resolution finding that: 1. One or more slum or blighted areas exist in such municipality; and 2. The rehabilitation, conservation, or redevelopment, or a combination thereof, of such area is necessary in the interest of the public health, safety, morals, or welfare of the residents of such municipality. Examples of blight in study area are noted as follows: Faulty Surfacewater Drainage Systems - As part of a massive and ongoing wastewater facilities program, the City recently separated the combined stormwater /sewer system in the older downtown area. Until then, when there was a heavy rainfall event, the combined sewage/stormwater could jump the levy and drain directly to Lake Monroe. The City has corrected that problem by separating the sewer to a special vacuum system. However, other downtown surface water drainage problems continue to exist that cause periodic flooding of businesses, espe- cially on First Street. This drainage problem represents a public infrastructure improvement that is obsolete by to- day's storm-water management standards and reflects the existence of a condition which endangers property and public health. The poor drainage situation has been addressed in certain situations but has remained a continuing problem. This situation applies equally to the six (6) block area proposed for annexation on Sanford Avenue. Deteriorating Bulkhead- Portions of the bulkhead were constructed in 1916. Wave action over the years has caused portions of the bulkhead to require remedial maintenance. Memorial Park which juts out into the water and was constructed in the early 1920's is experiencing subsidence at its northern end due to undermining of the bulkhead structure by wave action. This facility constitutes deteriorated and aging public infrastructure that needs to be repaired and rehabilitated in order to guard the public safety and welfare. Measures were taken to ad- dress the bulkhead problem between 2005 and 2009, but have only been partially successful. The problem remains an engineering challenge and has so far deified a complete solution. Deteriorating Streets /irregular Brick Streets /Broken Sidewalks- There are a number of brick streets in the downtown area that have been paved over with asphalt over the years. Other Miele streets such as Second Street between Park Avenue and Oak Avenue have uneven or broken surface that poses a safety menace to the public in its present: condition. Eventually, the City desires to repair these streets to their original brick in keeping with safety concerns as well as the historic character of the area. Similarly, the area's sidewalks are uneven and broken. Curbs are cracked and broken posing a. safety hazard t;o the public. Retail customers and office workers desiring to travel from office buildings to restaurants and shopping businesses are discourage-,d by the lack of smooth, safe walking surfaces and thus, there is a negative economic impact caused by deteriorated public infrastructure improvements. A portion of this problem has been addressed with the streetscape improvements undertaken be- tween 2002 and 2009. Problems remain in a significant portion of the study area especially the six (6) block area on Sanford Avenue proposed for inclusion into the Community Development Area. This area displays equivalent: and worse physical conditions, with deteriorating sidewalks and pavement and lack of smooth safe walking sur- faces. Faulty Lot Layout and Diversity of ownership- In a number of instances, the property configuration and own- ership patterns discourage the usefulness of land and subsequently deter redevelopment ;. The block bounded by First Street, Sanford Avenue, Commercial Avenue and Palmetto Avenue exemplifies a vacant area where three (3) separate ownerships of inadequately sized parcels prevent useful development. Several parcels west of Preach Avenue are also problematic from a development perspective because, as single parcels they are too narrow to be useful or there are too many owners to provide for a viable and marketable development pr(kject. Several vacant properties that exhibit these characteristics are included in a study by Andersen & Associates prepared in June, 1994. The six (6) block area on Sanford Avenue proposed for inclusion into the Community Development Area displays equivalent problematic lot layout conditions. Structures Needing Rehabilitation/Renovation- A substantial number of historic and other buildings are in need of repair and rehabilitation. Although considerable progress has been achieved in the Community Rede- velopment Area with the renovation of the Helen Stairs Theatre (now known as the Wayne Densch Center for the Performing Arts) and the Welaka Building;, there remain a number of structures that are deteriorated, or de- teriorating with conditions that endanger life or property and which substantially impair or arrest sound growth within the study area. Although addressed to some degree by fagade improvement programs funded by the City Commission and implemented by the CRA Board from 1995 to 2009, the condition of downtown building remains a major challenge through the time of this amended Community Redevelopment Plan update The six block area on Sanford Avenue proposed for inclusion into the Community Development Area in particular contains a number of deteriorating or condemned structures. Inadequate Parking Facilities - The Downtown Traffic and Paz king Study conducted by Howard, Needles, Tam - men & Bergendoff (HNTB) in1987, documented existing and anticipated parking needs. The study inventoried existing and anticipated land uses, performed parking inteiviews, measured off- season and peals season parking demands, performed a parking demand analysis and performed intersection capacity analyses. In 1987, a court- house expansion of 106,000 square feet was envisioned and incorporated into projections. The 1987 HNTB study concluded that an existing deficiency of approximately four hundred (400) parking spaces exists. The HNTB study also documented the need.for additional parking to be structured. The parking situation remains a challenge at this time. Potential solutions have been proposed, but have exceeded the financial capacity of the City. Loss of Offices and Retail Commercial business- In 1990 the downtown area lost its last: major store, Me- Croiy's. The area continues to be plagued by a high vacancy rate. The downtown area has experienced a high turnover of business openings and closings. Although there is evidence of successful businesses establishing and flourishing, such as the Willow Tree Restaurant, a high number of retail and restaurant. establishments have opened with inadequate: funding and busine&s plans and closed within months. The Palm Resort on the marina has gone through numerous changes of ownership and continues to experience financial difficulties. These condi- tions, therefore, continue to impair or otherwise arrest the sound growth of the City and County mid are consid- ered a rnenace to the public welfare. Up to the time of the adoption of this amended Community Redevelopment Plan, the office use situation has not improved. The 22,000 square foot Welaka Building was renovated in 1.996. On the other hand the larger State Attorney's Building was vacated by Seminole County government along with the Criminal Court; facilities located in the County Courthouse in 2003. Approximately twenty -five percent: (250/6) of the retail storefronts remain vacant. The six (6) block area on Sanford Avenue proposed for inclusion into the Conu- nunity Development: Area displays a similar lack of office and commercial presence with a high percentage of empty or abandoned storefronts. Environmental Blight Caused by Midges- `l'lie Lake Monroe Waterfront is plagued with a seasonal blight in the form of an insect pest known as the midge or blind mosquito. Midges do not bite people. However, midges swarm in dense clouds at various times of the year. They emerge from Lake Monroe and cause discomfort and annoyance to humans. Midges cause significant economic blight because people are discouraged and dissuaded from conducting or even establishing lakefront businesses because of the intensity of periodic infestation. The insect carcasses attract spiders which in turn attract birds, all of which stain painted finishes on buildings, boats and vehicles causing costly damage and maintenarice to surfaces. Boat owners are discouraged from docking at the Sanford Marina because of midges. Sometimes, the insect swmans are so thick that it is impossible to walk outdoors without ingesting midges in one's nostrils or mouth. This problem has lead to loss of business due to negative experiences by customers of lakefront businesses. The insects even damage carpets in hotel rooms. Over the past decades, much effort has been accomplished to study the midges and various schemes have been proposed to decrease their number. Many of the proposed solutions are unacceptable to environmental agencies because hake Monroe is actually part of a river chain rather than a land - locked lake. The City desires to develop various means to lessen the detrimental impact of the midges, but also recognizes that this is a natural phenom- enon, possibly exacerbated by rnia.n -made influences that must be managed with sound environmental solutions and cost - benefit analysis. By the time of this amended Community Redevelopment Plan, the midge problem has continued as a major challenge with no viable solutions yet implemented. 111. Land Use Characteristics Land use characteristics within the proposed redevelopment area are depicted on the following three digital maps for the following features: • Existing Land Use • Future Land Use • Zoning The tabular data on the maps themselves includes the particular land use classification, acreage arid, in paren- thesis, the number of parcels within the given classification. The Land Use Characteristics table notes the acreage and number of parcels broken down by City and unincorporated areas of the overall study area. There are a total of one thousand and fifty -three (1,053) acres within the overall study area included within four hundred and seventy -seven (477) parcels. The Community Redevelopment Area realignment passed by the Seminole County BCC on July 28, 2009 will result in a net decrease of the area of approximately one hundred (100) acres. The greatest number of parcels are utilized as commercial grid office (existing land use) and are located within the City. Correspondingly, the greatest number of parcels which are designated as Central Business Dis- trict for future land use designations. These commercial classifications are located primarily in the eastern half of the study area which is basically urbanized at the present time. The largest acreages are reflected by wetlands, rural zoning and agricultural designations in the western, predominantly unincorporated portion of the study area around the Central Florida Zoological Park. Iv. Property Inventory and Financial Analysis A complete inventory of property in the study area was compiled and is included as an appendix of this docu- ment. The inventory provides the basis for compiling historic revenue trends as such trends would relate to a community redevelopment agency with an associated redevelopment trust fund. V. Community Involvement At the inception of the Community Redevelopment Area, as evidence of widespread community acknowledge - ment. that actions needed to be taken to redevelop and revitalize the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford area, community organizations worked towards that end. Waterfront: Master Plan Steering Committee- Formed as an outgrowth from a series of consensus building community workshops in March and April, 1993, the Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee's purpose was to develop and implement a community consensus vision of the Lake Monroe waterfront. Since the creation of the Community Redevelopment Agency in 1995, the CRA Board has largely supplanted the functions of the Wa- terfront Master Plan Steering Committee working, under the authority of the City Commission, with community agencies including the following groups: 1. Greater Sanford Chamber of Commerce 2. Seminole County Tourist Development Council 3. Central I <'lorida Regional Hospital 4. Central Florida Zoological Park 5. Sanford Historic Trust 6. Historic Sanford Welcome Center, Inc. 7. Seminole County 8. City of Sanford staff 9. Sanford Historic Preservation Board 10. Romance- America River Cruises 11. Minority Community Representatives 12. Sanford Airport Authority 13. Property owners as individuals and acting as groups or entities VI. Mission Statement and Benefits The City or Sanford recognizes that. the Lake Monroe waterfront: is an amenity of regional importance. The City is dedicated to revitalizing the historic downtown and enhancing the waterfront area in order to strengthen the economy and public and semi- public functions as well as the livability of North Seminole County. The Lake Monroe Waterfront and Sanford Downtown Community Redevelopment Area provide the mechanism to Focus redevelopment and revitalization of the area. Goat: Aggressively Pursue Redevelopment/Revitalization: By providing a funding platform, the proposed redevelopment area will encourage public and private sector investments of infrastructure and facilities. Goal: Establish Downtown As A Regional Center: The redevelopment effort is aimed at providing an identity for the downtown waterfront: area. The redevelopment effort: strengthens the continued revitalization and "redis- covery" of the area. Goal: Create A Family- Oriented, Lakefront Activity Center: Quality of life for northern Seminole County is more than a regional mall and target businesses. The Downtown and Waterfront area as a unique cultural, enter- tainment and, recreational focal point; represents the only mixed use urban environment of its kind in Seminole County. Additional art and educational activities and amenities are necessary for both commercial activities and community events and programs. Goal: Integrate Downtown - Waterfront In Both Function And Transportation: From a physical standpoint., integrating the waterfront, governmental and First: Street: commercial areas together with physical and functional linkages will include vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian amenities in a manner that encourages travel between functions. Such amenities would include the Riverwalk which Will tie government :, recreation and tourist ameni- ties such as the Florida Zoological Park and the Seminole County Wayside I'ark on the St. Johns River to Down- town Sanford with the courthouse, marina and Ft.. Mellon Park. Goal: Improve Neighborhood Conditions In Both And Social Quality: Redevelopment activities do not an- ticipate affecting the low and moderate income housing. For example, Towne Center Apartments is a "tax credit" project that is located in the redevelopment area. 'There will be no need for relocation of residents. 'I ansportat.ion ' improvements and circulation changes are not anticipated to effect residential uses. However, the contemplated improvements of public facilities will improve the amenities available to low and moderate income residents of the area. Environmental quality will not be affected nor will school populations. Because this area does not have a shortage or affordable housing, there is no provision for increasing affordable housing in the area. Notwithstand- ing the dramatic increase and decrease of property values encountered from 2000 -2010, the availability situation for affordable housing has not appreciably changed in the study area. Vlt. Redevelopment Plan Community redevelopment is a continuous process. Since the creation of the Community Redevelopment Area in 1995, considerable planning and research has gone into creating quality downtown plans. This includes the "Plan for Downtown Sanford" created in 2004, and the `Cultural Corridor Plan" in 2007. The Georgetown PIan, created in 2008, has direct implications on the six block area on Sanford Avenue whose annexation into the CPA authority was approved by the Board of County Commissioners. The context and recommendations of the 2004 Plan for Downtown Sanford are closely related to the completed projects and planned projects developed by the Board of the Community Redevelopment Area. Such elements as creation of gateways and districts, revitaliza- tion of main streets, the provision of incentives for rehabilitating historic structures, acid the development; of downtown parks have all been reflected in programs and project:-, the City Commission and the CRA Board have approved and executed since the inception of community redevelopment activities within the City. Need for Dedicated f=unding As the Community Development Area's funding has matured, a number of projects envisioned and enumer- ated in the original Community Redevelopment Plari have been accomplished or are nearing completion. These include: • Seawall rehabilitation • Streetscape related projects such as First Street (Phase I and II), Palmetto Avenue and Magnolia Square • Seed funding for the Helen Stairs Theatre building renovation. • Assistance to the Ft. Mellon Park renovation • Marina island improvements This amended Community Redevelopment: Plan foresees continuing or expanding the following projects enu- merated in the original Community Redevelopment: Plan: Seawall maintenance - (cost estimate $100,000). Downtown parking; improvements (including possible purchases of real property or real property interests) - (no cost estimate). Linkages - completion of streetscape projects on North and South Palmetto, Magnolia and Park Avenues, as well as Commercial Street (estimate $2 million). Completion of Sanford Avenue streetscape projects (cost estimate $1.5 million). Public Art and Street Graphics and Aesthetic maintenance -This includes such projects as the planting of flower annuals, concert infrastructure (shade sails) for Magnolia Square and information kiosks (cost estimate $200,000). Economic Development Incentive Programs for property improvements - including, but not limited to, - tlie FaSade Grant: Improvement Program avid the Rehabilitation Loan Interest Subsidy Program (estimate $2.5 million) which economic developi7lent activities must fall within the statutory definition of the term "community redevelopment " as set forth in Section 163.340(3), Florida Statutes. Marina- Oriented Improvements - including midge/blind mosquito Solutions, boat: ramps, breakwaters iin- provernents (no cost estimate). User - Oriented Amenities -- Includes fishing piers, etc. (no cost -estimat:e). Promotional Marketing - Finding for events, advertising and maxketing. Although a small part of the CRA bud- get, promotional marketing is a key element in revitalizing the downtown and fulfilling community related goals. Examples include subsidizing the downtown Christmas lighting, offering subsidies to major events designed to bring people to the CRA area (e.g. Alive After Five, Bikefest, Celery Soup) and funding and co- funding of advertis- ing ventures designed to attract tourism and development in the CRA area. (cost: estimate $350,000). Although fitting into the overall goals and priorities of the original plan, the following projects detailed in the 2009 plan revision are new or expanded from the original descriptions: • Community and Economic Development Incentives - Technology Incubator. With -in the goal of downtown revitalization is the need to attract; high paying jobs and employees to the downtown. This will have the effect of attracting a customer base for downtown retail and restaurants, act as all impetus to renovate buildings and help populate downtown residential properties. The subsidization of a technology incubator will have the effect of simultaneously addressing a number of these goals: attracting quality companies to the downtown, attracting high paying employees and offering an incentive for building revitalization (estimate $400,000). All such fund- ing must conform to the definition of "community redevelopment "as set forth in Section 1.63.340(3), Florida Statutes. • Community and Economic Development Incentives - Tourism subsidies. Given the Community Redevel- opment Area's current demographic make -up, attraction of tourism is an important element to the success of downtown retail and restaurants. With current residential and office population constraints, the creation of a vibrant populated downtown can be augmented by the attraction of tourists and visitors to the downtown area. The subsidy of the Amtrak shuttle, a daily service to deliver passengers from the Amtrak AutoTaain Station to the Sanford downtown is a major example of such a subsidy (cost estimate $250,000). All such funding must conform to the definition of "community redevelopment "as set forth in Section 163.340(3), Florida Statutes. • Community and Economic Development Incentives and Projects - Rehabilitation Interest Subsidy Program and Facade Improvement Grant: Program. It has become evident that as public infrastructure projects such as the Mrst Street Streetscape are completed, major challenges remain in addressing the perilous condition of downtown buildings. These grant programs, one to offer direct matching grants for Smaller building improvements; mid the other to offer a loan subsidy grant for major building improvements are designed to spur revitalization/conununity redevelopment of do- ,mitown buildings while ensuring that building owners are required to use a substwitial portion of their own funding in conjunction with the subsidies thereby resulting in a classic public/private partnership. In addition the City Commission and CPA Board has undertaken to finance the renovation and redevelopment of certain properties that have been repossessed by the City for eventual resale on the open market (cost estimate $2.5 million). All such funding must conform to the definition of "community redevelopment "as set forth in Section 163.340(3), Florida Statutes. Prioritized Capital Improvement: Project List 1. Linkages: With slightly more than six (6) years left in the life of the Community Redevelopment Area, cornple- tion of streetscape projects have been identified by the CPA Board as a major priority. The following projects have been listed: • Magnolia Avenue from 2nd to 3rd Street (cost; estimate $300,000). • Commercial Street (cost estimate $450,000). • Oak Avenue (cost estimate $450,000). • Laurel Avenue (cost; estimate $450,000). • Myrtle Avenue Improvements (cost: estimate $450,000). • Palmetto Avenue from 2nd to 3rd Street: (cost estimate $300,000) • Sanford Avenue Improvements (cost estimate $1.5 million). 2. Community and Economic Development Incentive Programs for targeted businesses and related,' property improvements such as facade, improvements, event banners, etc. all of which funding must conform to the definition of "community redevelopment "as set forth in Section 163.340(3), Florida Statutes. • Rehabilitation Interest Subsidy Program (cost estimate $ 2 million). • Fagade Improvement Grants (cost estimate $500,000). • City repossessed building renovation and resale (cost estimate $200,000 before resale). • Banners, printing, etc. (cost estimate $50,000). • Subsidy to UCF Incubator (cost: estimate $450,000). • Amtrak Shuttle subsidy (cost estimate $ 210,000). 3. Additional Project Funding List (which fiends are expended for "community redevelopment "as defined in Section 163.340(3), Florida Statutes): • Seawall Maintenance - Cost Estimate: $100,000 for Seminole Boulevard /City - maintained section only. • Promotional Marketing - Cost estimate: $350,000. • Public Art and Street Graphics and Aesthetic Maintenance - Cost estimate $200,000. • Marina- Oriented Improvements - Includes midge/blind mosquito solutions, boat ramps, breakwaters improvements. No cost estimate. General Statement Regarding Project and Program Financing and Sources of Funding Some of the costs of funding the above - described redevelopment projects and programs are not yet known and will be varied. Such costs will 'Involve the cooperation of public and private sectors. Funding may be provided from tax increment property tax revenues deriving from the Community Pedevelopment Area, special assessments imposed by the City Commission, reimbursements of impact and /or other fees as authorized and directed by the City Commission, grants -in -aid to the from State, Federal or other governmental sources to the City that are budgeted to the CRA Board by the City Commission, contributions from private sources, or any combination of the above sources of funds. Bonds may be issued, in accordance with the requirements of controlling law, to fund part of the project costs to be repaid from the above referenced funding sources. Additional costs may be incurred which are necessary and appropriate costs of insurance of notes, bonds, or other financial instruments necessary to finance improvements and programs. All projects slialI be financed and all related procedures and process shall be conducted in a manner that conforms to applicable State and local laws and ordinances. VIII. Summary and Conclusion In summary, this amended Community Redevelopment Plan provides a broad framework for redeveloping the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford areas. The ultimate goal is to enable Sanford and Seminole County to realize the dream of the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford becoming an exciting regional activity center for business, government and recreation. Revitalization and redevelopment are long term processes that require commitment as well as flexibility in order to take advantage of opportunities, some of which are not yet known. Six (6) years from its planned sunset, concrete evidence of the Community Redevelopment Area's success can be witnessed in the reduction of blight, the success of many downtown businesses and the number of new people enjoying the downtown and waterfront. Much work remains to be accomplished, however. For the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area N Lake Monroe Waterfront & Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area DepaAmeM of Piaming & Development Services, A4 2009 �.wlcufemua�au- wnw.rv.�wn vv��7num a. c ncwUC,..� Existing Land Use Designation _.! Moline lime 1.4 ac Agriculture 24.7 ac Institutional 21.7 ac Public Service 81.6 ac Recreation 19.2 ac Single Family Residential 9,2 ac conservation 7.1 ac Multi-family Residential 71,1 ac Industrial 18 ac Vacant 71.4 ac Office 38.2 ac commercial 31.7 ac A -1 Lake Monroe Waterfront & Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Department of Plantung & Development Services, July 2019 J,I rcV wZatarPlanlCRA\2W9 waterfront CRA_FLU Rmsed mxd Future Land Use Designation Waterfront Downtown Business District 383.1 ac Resource Protection 7.1 ac E Parks, Recreation & Open Space 5.3 ac A -2 Lake Monroe Waterfront & Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Department of Planting & Development Semices, J* 2009 Generalized Zoning Designation Agriculture General Commercial Medium Insdustrial ,7 Mu e U:tti-Fam- R s.10fficetinstitutionai V —01 M i-Fam. Residential 20DU/ac. Multi-Fam. Residential 8DU/ac. 13.16 ac 70.9 ac; 18,5 ac 143.1 ac 12.9 ac 0.7 ac W.4 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Planned Development Restricted Industrial Special Commercial A-3 5.4 ac 21.2 ac 2.3 ac 89.3 ac 0 J 1AxViewDataUnWCW2M Waterfront CRAZON Remsed.mxd Lake Monroe Waterfront & Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Department of Planning & Development Services. July 2009 J:An:\AcMDalakPfaMCFWM9 VMelfforg CRA_Z0rw Generalized Zoning Designation Agriculture 101.1 ac Parks, Recreation and Open Space 5.4 ac General Commercial 62,2 ac Planned Development 232.4 ac Medium n sd I ustrial 21.8 ac Restricted Industrial 2.3 ac Multi-Fam. Res./Office/institutional 123.0 ac Single Fam. Residential 7,500 sq. ft Lots 0.6 ac Multi-Fam. Residential 20DU/ac. 12.9 ac Special Commercial 67.9 ac Multi-Fam. Residential 8DU/ac. 0.7 ac an SR 46 Tis > 4 HL W 2 to 0 be x o 0 bg A UL Department of Planning & Development Services. July 2009 J:An:\AcMDalakPfaMCFWM9 VMelfforg CRA_Z0rw Generalized Zoning Designation Agriculture 101.1 ac Parks, Recreation and Open Space 5.4 ac General Commercial 62,2 ac Planned Development 232.4 ac Medium n sd I ustrial 21.8 ac Restricted Industrial 2.3 ac Multi-Fam. Res./Office/institutional 123.0 ac Single Fam. Residential 7,500 sq. ft Lots 0.6 ac Multi-Fam. Residential 20DU/ac. 12.9 ac Special Commercial 67.9 ac Multi-Fam. Residential 8DU/ac. 0.7 ac A-4 Exhibit A Legal Description The boundary of the Sanford Community Redevelopment Area is described as follows: Exhibit C Ordinance No. 4344 Ordinance No. 2015 -4344 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida relating to community redevelopment and reaffirming the finding of the existence of blight conditions in an area of the City; making diverse specific findings and determinations in accordance with the controlling provisions of State law and expressing legislative intent; adopting a Community Redevelopment Plan; finding that the plan conforms to the City's Comprehensive Plan; providing for implementation of the Community Redevelopment Plan; providing for processes, procedures, requirements, limitation of effect and related matters; amending Chapter 74, Article 11, City Code relating to community redevelopment and all matters relating thereto; providing for implementing administrative actions; providing for a savings provision; providing for conflicts; providing for codification and the correction of scrivener's errors; providing for severability and providing for an effective date. Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County has previously delegated authority to the City of Sanford for the establishment, expansion and operation of a Community Redevelopment Agency through the adoption of Seminole County Resolution Numbers 90 -R -213, 93 -R -181, 95 -R -246 and 2009 -R -154, in accordance with the provisions of Section 163.410, Florida Statutes, related to the exercise of community redevelopment powers in counties with home rule charters; and Whereas, the governments of the City Commission and of Seminole County have previously worked in a harmonious, cooperative and collaborative manner on many issues and in many ways and desire to further such positive and beneficial relationship and implementation of projects, programs and activities for the benefit of the citizens of Seminole County and the City of Sanford; and Whereas, a study was completed that confirms conditions of blight in that part of the City of Sanford (the "Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community 1 1 Piage Redevelopment Area") as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit "B"; and Whereas, the results of that study have been presented and adopted by the City Commission of the City for its consideration and are included in the public record; Milk Whereas, the results of that study have been presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County for its consideration and included in the public record; and Whereas,, a community redevelopment plan as contemplated by Part III, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the "Community Redevelopment Act of 1969," was prepared 1995 which addresses the redevelopment needs original to the City of Sanford's Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area; and Whereas, an update of the 1995 community redevelopment plan has been prepared, through close coordination with Seminole County, the City of Sanford and the CRA Board, to address conditions of blight that are still present within the City of Sanford's Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area; and Whereas, on April 2, 2015 the City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the City's Local Planning Agency for the purposes of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, determined the proposed Community Redevelopment Plan is in conformity with the 2 1 Page City's Comprehensive Plan for the City as a whole and recommended the approval of the proposed Plan; and Whereas, the Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency considered the proposed community redevelopment plan on May 6, 2015, recommended approval of the proposed Community Redevelopment Plan; and Whereas, a copy of the proposed Community Redevelopment Plan was submitted by the Community Redevelopment Agency to the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, as the governing body of Seminole County, Florida, the St. Johns River Water Management District; the City of Sanford; and the Seminole County Public Schools; as taxing authorities which levy ad valorem taxes on taxable real property located in Seminole County; and Whereas, the City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance and the public hearings held in relation to this Ordinance and has conducted all reviews and analysis in accordance with the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the actions taken in this Ordinance are consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford; and Whereas, the notices required by Section 163.346, Florida Statutes, and other controlling law have been published, noticed and mailed as required; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford conducted public hearings on June 8 and June 22, 2015, to consider the proposed Community Redevelopment Plan; and 3 1 P a. - e Whereas, for purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, *** shall constitute ellipses to the original text and 6trikethrGugh text shall constitute deletions to the original text; provided, however, that sections with all new text, codified or not, shall not be legislative scored and shall note that all of the text is in the original. Now, Therefore, Be It Enacted By The People Of The City Of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. General Legislative Findings And Intent; Finding of Conformance; Finding of Adequacy of Recreational Facilities and Community Policing Innovations; Finding of No Anticipated Residential Displacement; Finding of Maximum Opportunity; Finding of Effect on Private Enterprise. (All original text). (a). The recitals set forth above in the "whereas clauses" are hereby adopted as legislative findings of the City Commission of the City of Sanford. (b). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to this Ordinance. (c). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby finds, determines and declares that the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Community Redevelopment Plan for the Community Redevelopment Area conforms to the Comprehensive Plan of the City as required by controlling State law and is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. (d). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby finds, determines and declares that the Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan for the Lake Monroe 4 1 P ax e tn Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Community Redevelopment Plan gives due consideration to the provision of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities that are desirable for neighborhood improvement, with special consideration for the health, safety and welfare of children residing in the general vicinity of the area addressed by the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Community Redevelopment Plan and gives due consideration to the utilization of community policing innovations in the general vicinity of the area addressed by the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Community Redevelopment Plan. (e). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby finds, determines and declares that the Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan for the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area does not anticipate or propose any activities that will have the potential to displace residents who currently reside within the general vicinity of the area addressed by the Community Redevelopment Plan. (f). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby finds, that although the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Community Redevelopment Plan contemplates that most improvements shall be undertaken by the City or the Community Redevelopment Agency, or the two entities in collaboration, the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Community Redevelopment Plan will afford the maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the community redevelopment area by private enterprise to the 5 1 Page extent contemplated by the Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan. (g). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby finds, determines and declares that the proposed Community Redevelopment Plan for the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City of Sanford as a whole, for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the Community Redevelopment Area by private enterprise. (h). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. text). Section 2. Adoption of Community Redevelopment Plan. (All original (a). The Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan as set forth in Exhibit "C", having been duly received and considered as provided by law, is hereby approved and adopted. Said Plan is hereby designated as the official Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan for the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area. It is the purpose and intent of the City Commission that the Sanford Community Redevelopment Plan be implemented in the Community Redevelopment Area in accordance with the controlling provisions of State law. (b). The Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area is sufficiently complete to indicate such land acquisition, demolition and removal of structures, redevelopment, improvements and rehabilitation as may be proposed to be carried out in the Community Redevelopment Area; zoning 6 1 Page and planning changes, if any; land uses; maximum densities; and building requirements. Section 3. C. The provisions of Chapter 74, Article 11 of the City Code area amended to read as follows: Sec. 74-54. - Established. There is hereby established and created in accordance with the provisions of F.S. § 163.387, a Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Trust Fund hereafter referred to as the "fund." Sec. 74-55. - Use of funds. (a) The funds allocated to, and deposited into the fund are hereby appropriated to the Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency, hereafter referred to as the "Agency," to finance the City of Sanford Community Redevelopment Projects within the "Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area" as created by the City of Sanford and as may be amended from time-to-time. The agency shall utilize the funds and revenues paid into and earned by the fund for all and every community redevelopment purpose delegated to it in accordance with controlling law and as contained in the approved plan for redevelopment as provided by controlling IF .tm HIMWJ w xnr.r.�. W -M1rTMZ Biwa 7 1 Page ?_n (b) No Seminole County tax revenues, equivalent revenues, or any other County funds of any kind shall be used in any way to fund the Community Redevelopment Agency nor any of said Agency's programs or projects except as specifically identified in the Community Redevelopment Plan tendered to the County. In no event may the City pledge or assert any interest in any Seminole County revenues or funds without the express written consent of the Board of County Commissioners or with regard to the tax increment revenues deriving to the City. (c) All uses of revenues deposited in the fund shall be evaluated by the Treasurer of the Agency and Agency legal counsel who shall certify that the use of the funds are consistent with the Community Redevelopment Plan. Sec. 74-56. - Appropriations; administration. (a) There shall be paid into the fund, and the City hereby appropriates, commits and sets over for payment into the fund, a sum equal to that increment from the income proceeds, revenues and funds of the City derived from or held in connection with the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area, and the agency's undertaking and carrying out of the projects therein. Said increment shall be determined and appropriated annually and shall be as set forth in F.S. § 163.387. It shall be in an amount equal to the percentage approved by the Board of County Commissioners in its delegation of authority resolution '05'-Fpre�r-ent of the difference between: W M The amount of ad valorem taxes levied each year by the City and by Seminole County, exclusive of any amount from any debt service millage, on taxable 8 1 Page real property contained within the geographic boundaries of the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area; and (b) (2) The amount of ad valorem taxes which would have been produced by the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by the City and by Seminole County, exclusive of any debt service millage, upon the total of the assessed value of the taxable real property in the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area as shown by the most recent assessment roll used in connection with the taxation of such property by the City and Seminole County prior to the effective date of this subdivision, providing for the funding of the fund. (G) (b) The City will annually appropriate to the fund the aforestated sum at the beginning of the City's fiscal year. The fund shall receive the tax increment above described only as, if and when, such taxes may be collected by the City. The City's obligation to annually appropriate to the fund shall commence immediately upon the effective date of this subdivision and continue to the extent permitted by state law, until all loans, advances and indebtedness, if any, and interest thereon incurred by the agency as a result of the projects within the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area have been paid, and only to the extent that the tax increment recited above accrues. (d4 (c) The agency is directed to establish and set up the fund and to develop and promulgate rules, regulations and criteria whereby the fund may be promptly and effectively administered, including the establishment and the maintenance of books and records and adoption of procedures whereby the agency may, 9 1 Page expeditiously and without undue delay, utilize said fund for its allocated statutory purpose subject to annual budgetary approval by the City Commission. W (d) The agency is vested with full responsibility for the receipt, custody, disbursement, accountability, management and proper application of all monies paid into the fund subject to annual budgetary approval by the City Commission. The governing body of the agency shall be the trustee of the fund. (f) (e) Monies in the fund may not be spent for community redevelopment projects without the approval of the City Commission in accordance with its budgetary approvals. The City Manager is hereby delegated authority to enter memorandums of agreement with the agency in order to provide for the provision of administrative and other services to the agency with all costs being reimbursed to the City by the agency. (f) All uses of revenues deposited in the fund shall be evaluated by the Treasurer of the Agency and Agency legal counsel who shall certify that the use of the funds are consistent with the Community Redevelopment Plan. Sec. 74-76. - City of Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency. (a) The City of Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency is hereby created and established. (b) In accordance with Section 163.410, Florida Statutes, the Agency shall exercise only such powers as conferred by delegation to the City of Sanford by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County. The City Commission shall be 10 1 Page ?.n charged with, and solely responsible for, making any and all necessary findings relative to the actions taken with regard to the creation and operation of the Agency and an and all actions taken subsequent to the creation of the Agency and continued operation of said Agency. (c) Any proposed additional community redevelopment areas or any proposed expansion of the Community Redevelopment Area as contemplated, shall require that the City seek and request an additional delegating resolution from the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County in accordance with controlling State laws which action shall not be deemed or construed, in any way, as a general delegation by Seminole County of any powers nor a pledge of any Seminole County funds or revenues to be used by the City, the Agency or within the Community Redevelopment Area except with regard to tax increment revenues as specifically dedicated and allowed to be used by the City by formal action of the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with the controlling provisions of State law. Sec. 74-76. - Composition of the agency. (a) The City Commission shall appoint the members to of the agency in accordance with the delegation of authority to the City as approved by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County , WhiGh shall GORSiSt of a total of five W (b) Any person may be appointed as a member if he or she resides or is engaged in business, which means owning a business, practicing a profession, or 11 1 Page performing a service for compensation, or serving as an officer or director of a corporation or other business entity so engaged, within the City's of Sanford corporate [) (b) (c) The City Commission shall designate a chairperson., and vice chairperson and Treasure from among the members of the agency or the staff of the Agency, with regard to the Treasures, and the agency shall advise the City Commission at such time as it desires to designate its officers. Sec. 74 -77. - Terms of office and removal from office. (a) The terms of office of the members of the agency shall be for four years or such terms as may be provided in the delegation of authority issued by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County. (b) The City Commission may remove a member of the agency for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office only in the manner prescribed by law. Sec. 74 -78. - Duties and responsibilities. (a) The agency shall be the redevelopment agency to carry out the redevelopment of the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area, and to that end and as such, shall have and exercise all of the powers of redevelopment agencies pursuant to F.S. Ch. 163, pt. III, as amended, and shall have the power granted to it by actions taken in accordance with the controlling provisions of law Seminele GOURty BeaFd Of GGURty Commissioners from time -to -time. (a) ) The agency shall exercise all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of community redevelopment 12 1 Pace tl and related activities consistent with the delegation of authority issued by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole except City Go i i f the City of Sanford, PeFida consistent with the delegation of the Board of County Commissioners: (1) The power to determine an area to be a slum or blighted area. (2) The power to grant final approval to community redevelopment plans. (3) The power to authorize the issuance of revenue bonds. (4) The power to approve the acquisition, demolition, removal, or disposal of property. {b} (c) The agency shall file with the City Commission and with the auditor general as well as all other agencies and entities as may be required by controlling law, on or before March 31 of each year, a report of its activities for the preceding fiscal year, which report shall include, at a minimum, a complete financial statement setting forth its assets, liabilities, income, and operating expenses as of the end of such fiscal year. At the time of filing of the report, the agency shall comply with all procedures regarding notice and publishing as set forth by controlling law. (d) The Agency shall provide the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County and the City Commission written notification in a timely fashion of any proposed actions, activities or projects that may be deviate from the projects, programs and priorities that have been identified within the latest adopted Community Redevelopment Plan, prior to the undertaking of a potentially deviating project, program or activity; provided, however, that, this provision shall not be construed to permit any actions not compliant with controlling State law which prohibits any expenditures from 13 1.E a-e the Community Redevelopment Trust Fund for any expenditure that is non consistent with the Community Redevelopment Plan. (e). Any future updates, if any, of the Community Redevelopment Plan shall be developed in close coordination with the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County and/or their designated staff representatives to identify shared development objectives, potentially complementary or competing Proiects or other issues and concerns as may be determined cogent by the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County in accordance Section 163.361, Florida Statutes. Sec. 74-79. - Future multi jurisdictional community redevelopment agency. The Gity of Sanford, at its eptiGR and iR aGGOrdaRGe with the Gentrolling U.M.M.-MUMMIMM-r. Ww" I . ........ . . ........ al- or F. established by Serninele GOURty-. (a) Should Seminole County create, in the future, a Commgnily Redevelopment Agengy with iurisdiction over the Communily Redevelopment Area, the delegation of the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole Counly shall automatically terminate and expire and the A-gency shall terminate and cease to exist in 14 1 P ,.). - e tn accordance with whatever schedule Seminole County may establish when creating a new Community Redevelopment Agency. In such event, the City shall unwind and transfer its projects, programs and activities to the successor Community Redevelopment Agency. (b) The Agency shall ensure that all of its projects, programs and activities into any multi jurisdictional or Countywide Community Redevelopment Agency that may be established in the future by Seminole County. To that end, all documents of creation and implementation of the Agency shall provide for the contingent future transfer of any and all projects, programs, activities, assets, property, funds, obligations and liabilities to Seminole County and /or a. multi - jurisdictional or Countywide Community Redevelopment Agency established by Seminole County; provided, however, that any funds on account at the time of termination, expiration, or dissolution of the Agency that are not encumbered or pledged as security for any indebtedness shall be transferred to the City for use, as the City deems fit consistent with the controlling provisions of State law, within the Community Redevelopment Area; provided, further, however, that any real or personal property that has been purchased with Agency funds shall become the property of the City unless pledged or encumbered and Agency shall take any and all necessary actions to implement those transfers. Section 4. Use of Eminent Domain. (All original text). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby acknowledges that any potential use of the powers of eminent domain by the City shall be in accordance with Section 73, Florida Statutes, and the taking private property for the purpose of preventing or eliminating slum or blight conditions is not a valid public purpose or use 15 1 Pa.go for which private property may be taken by eminent domain and does not satisfy the public purpose requirement of Section 6(a), Article X of the Constitution of the State of Florida. Section 5. Liability. (All original text). Nothing contained herein shall impose any liability upon Seminole County for any acts of the City or the Community Redevelopment Agency. Section 6. Implementing Administrative Actions. (All original text). (a). The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized and directed to implement the provisions of this Ordinance and to take any and all necessary administrative actions to include, but not be limited to, the adoption of administrative policies, procedures, processes and rules. (b). The City Manager may enter into such intergovernmental agreements and memoranda of understandings as may be necessary and appropriate to implement the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 7. Savings. (All original text). The prior actions of the City of Sanford in implementation of community redevelopment projects, programs and activities as well as all related are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 8. Severability. (All original text). If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful or 16 1.Pa e� unconstitutional. Section 9. Codification; Scrivener's Errors. (All original text). (a). This Ordinance shall be codified in the City Code of the City of Sanford; provided, however, that Sections 7, 8, 9 and 10 shall not be codified. The Code Codifier is granted broad and liberal authority to change section numbers is in the current City Code and to take other appropriate actions as set forth in Section 1 -10 of the City Code. (b). Typographical errors and other matters of a similar nature that do not affect the intent of this Ordinance, as determined by the City Clerk and City Attorney, may be corrected with the endorsement of the City Manager, or designee, without the need for a public hearing. Section 10. Effective Date. (All original text). This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and adoption; provided, however, that the Community Redevelopment plan set forth herein shall be implemented only upon the Board of County Commissioners approval of a delegation of authority resolution subsequent to the effective date of this Ordinance and on or before December 31, 2015. Passed and adopted this 22 day of June, 2015. City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida Seminole County, Florida Jeff Triplett, Mayor 17 1 Page Attest., Cynthia Porter, City Clerk Approved as to form and legality: William L. Colbert, Esquire City Attorney 18 1 Page EXHIBIT "A" (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) The boundary of the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area is as follows: 19 1 Page Legal Description of Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area Begin at the intersection of the center =line of the channel of the St. John's River and the Northerly extension of the center-line of Mellonville Avenue, as shown on Mayfair Lake Front Addition, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, page 8I, of the Public Records of Seminole county, Florida; thence run Southerly along said Mellonville Avenue to an intersection with center -line of Union Street (Second Street); thence run Westerly along said center -line of Union Street: of Sanford Avenue; thence run Southerly along said center -line of Sanford Avenue to an intersection with the center -line of Third Street; thence run Westerly along said center -line of Third Street; to an intersection with an intersection with French Avenue (US 17 -92); thence run Northerly along said center -line of French Avenue to an center -line of West First; Street (SR 46); thence run Westerly along said center- line of West First Street to an intersection with point being 5369.02 feet West of an intersection with the center- -line of West First Street and Dolly Avenue; thence run Northerly to an intersection with the South line of Lot 19 of the Florida and Colonization Company's Celery Plantation according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 1, page 129 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run Westerly along said South line of I.ot 19 to the Southwest corner of said Lot 19; thence run Northerly along the West lot line of said Lot 19 to a point, said point being 196 feet from the Northwest corner of Lot 19; thence run Easterly 233 feet; thence run Northerly to an intersection with the center -line of Narcissus Avenue; thence run Easterly along said center -line to an intersection with the Northerly extension of the Fast line of the Westerly 44 feet of Lot 18 of said Plat of Celery Plantation; thence run Southerly along said Northerly extension of the East line of the Westerly 44 feet of Lot 18 to the South- erly lot line of said Lot 18; thence run Northerly along the East lot line of said I.ot 18 and it's Northerly extension to an East: Line of the Westerly 44 feet of Lot 18 to the Southerly lot line of said Lot 18; thence run Easterly along said lot line of Lot 18 to the Southeast corner of said Lot 18; thence run Northerly along the East lot line of said Lot 18 and it's Northerly extension to an intersection with said center -line Narcissus Avenue; thence run Easterly along said center -line to an intersection with the Southerly extension of the Easterly Lot line of Lot 17 of said Celery Plantation; thence run Northerly along said Southerly extension and the said Easterly lot line of Lot 17 to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 17; thence run Westerly along the Northerly lot line of said Lot 17; thence run Northerly to an intersection with the center -line of highway U.S. 17 -92; thence run Southeasterly to an intersec- tion with the Northerly extension of the center =line of Terwilliger Lane; thence run along the Northerly extension of said Terwilliger Lane to said center- -line of the St. John's River; thence run Easterly along said channel to the Point of Beginning. Area to be Annexed Begin at the Northwest Corner of Lot: 7, Florida Land Colonization Co's Celery Plantation according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Hook 1, Page 129 of the Public Records of Seminole County, ]:Florida; thence run S. 53043'E., 584.41 feet; thence run N. 18'50'E., 134 fee-.t:; thence run S. 80 °46' E., 74 feet, thence run N. 9 °14' E. to the North lot line of said Lot 7; thence continue N. 9'14'E., 160 feet; thence run Easterly 19125 feet; thence run N. 18 025'15" E., 195.37 feet; thence run North 370.74 feet; thence run Westerly 897.5 feet; said point being on the Easterly line of the W 1/2 of the E 3/4 of the N 3/4- of Section 22, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, of Seminole County, Florida; thence run Northerly along said Easterly line of Section 22 to the Northerly Line of said Section 22; thence run Westerly along said Northerly line of Section 22 to a point on the Westerly line of said W 1/2 of the E 3/4 of the N 3/4 of Section 22; thence run Southerly along said West line to an intersection with Northerly right- of-way 1520.04 feet; thence run S. 54° E. 41.58 feet; thence run Easterly 356.29 feet; thence run Southerly 255.45 feet; thence run S. 35 °41'22" W., 285 feet to the Northerly right -of -way of a road; thence run Southeasterly along said right -of way to a point West of Point of Beginning; thence Easterly to the Point of Being." A -5 Overall Combined Property Description : {To Be Added To C.R.A.} Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4; Lots 1 and 3 through 7, Block 5; Lots 5, 6 and 7, I3locic 8; TOGETHER WITH the vacated alley lying East of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 5 and West of Lots 5, 6 and 7, 13lock 8; AND ALSO Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 6, all lying and being in CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; Together With: Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Tier A; Lots 7 through 12, Block 7, Tier A, TOGETHER WITH the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said Lot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, 'Tier A; TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 7, Block 5, Tier 1; TOGETHER WITH Lots I through 7, Block 6, Tier 1; and ALSO TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 8, Block 7, Tier 1, all lying and being in FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANI+'ORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; And Also Together With: That portion of Sanford Avenue lying South of a line from the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Tier 1, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFF<'OPD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFOPD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida, to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, I3locic 5 of CI-IA13MAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida and lying North of a line from the Southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 7,11er 1 to the Southwest corner of Lot 12, Block 7, Tier A, LESS the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said Lot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO LESS the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, Tier A of said. FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMI'T'ED E.R. TRAFFi'ORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD; And Also Together With: That portion of 3rd Street lying East of the East right-of-way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Lot 1, Block 5 extended North to the South line of Lot 3, Block 4, CHAPMAN AND 'PUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat, Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat: Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; And Also Together With: That portion of 4th Street lying East of the East right-of-way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Block 5 extended South to the South right-of-way line 4 said 4th Street as shown on the plat of CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public: records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO that portion of 4th Street lying West: of the West right -of way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West: line of Lots 1 through 7, Block 5, Tier 1 extended South to the South right -ofway line of said 4th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. `I RAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat: Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; A -s And Also Together With: That portion of 5th Street; lying East of the East right-of-way line of Sanford Avenue an(] West of the Mast line of Lot 5, Block 6, 'leer A extended South to the South right-of-way line of said 5th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZA`T'ION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF TIME `!"OWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat. Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole Country, Florida; AND ALSO that portion of 5th Street lying West of the West right-of-way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots 1 through 8, Block 6, 'leer 1, extended South to the South right-of-way line of said 5th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF TI3E TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat. thereof as recorded in Plat. Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida. Area to be removed from CRA: A Parcel of land located within Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, described as follows: Begin at a point 66.6 feet West and 15.00 feet North of the South 1/4 corner of said Section 23, said point being an intersection of the North right-of-way line of Narcissus Road and the West right-of-way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence West, along the North right-of-way line of Narcissus Road and parallel to the South line of said Section 23, a distance of 335.40 feet to the Fast line of Lot 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY'S CELERY PLANTATION as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 129, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence leaving said North right-of- way line of Narcissus Road, run North 660.00 feet; to the Northeast corner of said Lot 17; thence West along the North line of said Lot 17, a distance of 174.40 feet; thence leaving said North line of Lot 17, run North 1028.22 feet to the Southwest right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; thence South 39 041'08" East, along said Southwest right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92, a distance of 798.34 feet to an intersection with the West right-of-way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence South 1073.85 feet to the point: of Beginning, less the East 30 feet thereof: Together With: Begin on North line of St. Gertrude Avenue 71.97 chains West. of least line of Holly Avenue, run West 15 chains North 10 chains East 484 feel; North 807 feet East 501 feet South to the beginning (LESS Begin NW intersection of first Street and Terwilliger Lane run North 150 feet West 120 feet South 150 feet least to Beginning). Together With: Begin 51.6 feet West, and 1,468 feet South of the North 1/4 Section Post, between Section 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330 feet, thence North to Lake Monroe, thence Northwesterly along Lake Monroe to a point North of the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said property lying and being in Seminole County, Florida Less and Except Road Right of Way for U.S. highway 17 -92 on North. Also Less and Except the portion of the above described lands conveyed to the City of Sanford by virtue of that certain Warranty Deed recorded September 10, 1985 in Official Records Book 1669, Page 852; corrected by Warranty Deed recorded January 10, 1987 in Official Records book 1806, Page 95, all being of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: reA Commence at the North 1/4 corner of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East and run South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West: along the North line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 26, 36.60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continue South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West: along the North line 15.00 feet to the point on the Easterly Right of Way line of 'Terwilliger Lane, thence run South 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East along said Easterly line 1407.97 feet, thence run North 89 degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds East 15.00 feet, thence run North 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West 1407.95 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Also Less and Except from the above described lands that portion conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded August 14, 1990 in Official Records Book 2211, Page 292, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.60 feel: West, and 1,468.00 feet: South of the North 1/4 Section post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330.00 feet, thence run North 396.00 feet, thence run West to a point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 396.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO LESS: Rights of Way for State Road 46 and Terwilliger Lane. Together With: Lots 1, 2 and 3, SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boole 63, Page 92, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Together With: From a permanent reference monument at the centerline of third Street and Persimmon Avenue shown on the plat of ST GERTRUDE ADDITION TO TIE 'TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat: thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112 through 117, Public: Records of Seminole County, Florida, run North parallel with and 41.00 feet: West of the West line of Tier 22 of said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, 688.7 feet to Old North Right -of -Way line of St. Gertrude Avenue (First Street), thence run N 89 °58'40" E, 357.17 feet to a point 20.5 feet West of the West line of Tier 21, said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run North 21.54 feet to the North Right-of-Way line of S.R. 46 for Point of Beginning, said Point being on the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (41.00 foot Right-of Way), thence run North along said centerline, 646.31 feet to the North Right-of-Way line of Fulton Street extended West, thence run S 89 °58'40" W, 20.5 feet to the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (82 foot Right-of-Way), thence run North along said centerline 594.00 feet to the North line of Block 2N of said ST: GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run S 89 °58'40" W, 20.00 feet to a point 579.5 feet East: of the North and South 1/4 Section Line of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run North 700.57 feel; to the Southerly Right. of -Way line of U.S. Highway 17 & 92, thence run Northwesterly along said Southerly Right-of-Way line and a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1698.77 feet, a central angle of 12 °21'51 ", a chord bearing of N 54 011'21" W, an are distance of 366.59 feet; to a point 278.4 feet East of a line running North from the South 1/4 Section Corner of Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run S 00 °10'50" W, 1454.83 feet to the North Right -of- Way line of S.R. 46, thence run N 88 °36'35" E, 342.34 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Together With: Begin at the Northeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 19, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Boole 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along the Easterly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19, 264.00 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West along the Southerly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19 and Westerly extension thereof`, 337.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 20 of the said FLORIDA LAND A -8 AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, said point also being on the Westerly right-of-way line of Mulberry Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 miiuites 59 seconds East along said Westerly right-of-way line 363.00 feet to a point on the centerline of Fulton Street; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West along the centerline of said Fulton Street 296.00 feet to the centerline of Pomegranite Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East 605.739 feet to a point on the Northerly right -ofway line of State Road 46; thence run South 88 degrees 16 rainut:es 56 seconds West along said Northerly right-of-way line 168.550 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 279.808 feet to a point on centerline of Commercial Street; thence run South 89 degrees 30 minutes 56 seconds West along said centerline of conunercial Street: 148.00 feet to the centerline of Tamarind Avenue; thence, run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along the centerline of said 'Tamarind Avenue 363.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.500 feet to a point on the centerline of said 'Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along said centerline of Tamarind Avenue 594.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.00 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 700.80 feet to a point on the Southerly right -ofway line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; said Southerly right-of-way being 90.00 feet Southerly Measured, at right angles to and radially from the Northerly line of the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe thence run, Southeasterly along said Southerly right-of-way line along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1,681.678 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 44 minutes 03 seconds 520.513 feet to the end of said curve; thence continue along said Southerly right-of-way line South 77 degrees 35 minutes 36 seconds east 562.37 feet to a point: on the Northerly extension of the centerline of Jessamine Avenue; thence run South 0 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along said Northerly extension 386.80 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 41.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Together With: The West one -half of Block 2, 'Tier 21, FL()RIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDI'T'ION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded. in Plat Boole 1, Page 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 and 117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, less right -of way for State Road 46. Together With: The East 1/2 of vacated Tamarind Avenue lying West of the West 1/2 of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and together with the South 1/2 of vacated Commercial Street lying North of said West 1 /2 of Block 2, Tier 21, extended West to the centerline of said'Tamarind Avenue. Together With: All of Block 1, 'Tier 20 of FLORIDA LAND AND C,OLONIZA.'TION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Boole 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also all of that land which is contiguous to the above described Block 1, Tier 20, which land was formerly portions of the South 1/2 of Fulton Street and the East 1/2 of Pomegranite Avenue and which was vacated by the City of Sanford ordinance No. 1099 as recorded in Official Records Boole 962, page 862 of the Public: Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also the North 1/2 of Cominercial Street contiguous to the South line of said Block 1, 'TSer 20; A -9 Together With: Lots 1 and 2, 1700 FIRST STREET according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 72, page 1 of the public records of Seminole County, I <~lorid& And Also 'together With: Block 2, Mer 19, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 115 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida LESS that part lying North of and within 53 foot of the centerline of construction of State Road 46, Section 77030, said centerline being described as follows: Commence on the West line of the NE 1/4 of Section 27, Township 19 South, Range 30 East at a point 1576.05 feet South of the Northwest corner of said NE 1/4. of Section 27, thence run North 89 degrees 37' 56" East 2647.28 feet to the East line of said Section 27 (West line of Section 26, said Township and Range) at a point 1567.43 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Section 27 (Northwest corner of said Section 26) thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 659.87 feet, thence run North 0 degrees 14' 44" West, 44 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 1566.40 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 42' 34" East, 1006.51 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 56' 48" East, 564.42 feet; thence-, run North 89 degrees 39' 56" East, 106.1 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 26" East, 2308.96 feet to the center line of French Avenue at Station 120 +30.65 of Section 7715 -105 for the end of this center line description. TOGETHER WITH the South 112 of vacated Commercial Street lying North of and adjacent to Block 2, 'leer 19, as vacated by City ordinance No. 1517 on July 28, 1980 AND the West 1/2 of vacated Jessamine Avenue, which is adjacent to the South 1/2 of vacated Commercial Street. A -10 23193030000700000 9,859,348 13,920,000 231930300007AOOOO 79 79 231930300009AOOOO 182,820 59,599 23193030001100000 0 0 25193030000200000 0 0 251930300002AOOOO 0 0 25193030000300000 0 0 25193030000400000 0 0 25193030000700000 10,291,429 15,300,000 251930300009AOOOO 722,242 732,871 251930300009B0000 1,148,010 1,152,085 251930300009CO000 555,471 555,154 25193030001500000 221,157 221,359 25193030001500000 233,252 233,252 25193030001700000 0 0 25193030001800000 0 0 251930300018AOOOO 0 0 251930300018B0000 0 0 25193030001800000 0 0 25193030001900000 449,504 558,511 25193030002000000 344,508 344,508 25193030002100000 898,479 911,547 25193030002800000 143,748 143,748 25193050100000010 0 0 25193050100000030 0 0 251930501000000AO 314,155 321,537 251930501000000BO 73,100 73,100 251930501000000730 170,991 173,995 2519305010000001.0 0 0 2519305010000001'0 0 0 251930501000000GO 0 0 251930501000000110 0 0 25193050100000200 0 0 25193050100000210 0 0 25193050100000350 407,532 412,455 25193050100000380 515,734 522,549 25193050100000410 511,021 527,487 25193050100000450 0 0 25193050200000010 523,124 558,875 25193050200000020 240,770 240,770 25193050200000050 195,425 195,425 25193050200000050 175,073 175,073 25193050200000070 0 0 2519305020000007A 178,375 178,375 A -11 I Kill �� ►�: 50 251930502000000x0 50 25193050200000100 1,059,962 1,075,152 2519305020000010A 81,180 81,180 25193050200000110 349,376 349,376 25193051400000030 208,105 208,105 25193051400000040 274,428 274,428 25193051400000080 0 0 2519305140000008A 178,376 178,376 25193051400000090 317,990 508,784 25193051400000120 0 0 25193051400000130 0 0 25193051500000010 0 0 2519305150000001A 565,269 598,618 25193051500000018 239,080 239,080 25193051500000010 0 0 2519305160000001D 319,824 323,224 25193051500000020 2,074,380 2,300,879 2519305150000002A 1,289,286 1,289,286 25193051500000040 0 0 25193051500000050 0 0 25193051500000060 199,737 201,703 25193051500000070 0 0 25193051500000080 752,502 766,663 25193051600000000 0 0 251930517000000A0 139,860 139,860 25193051700000080 145,320 145,320 25193051700000000 139,860 139,860 261930517000000DO 145,320 145,320 25193051700000080 134,400 134,400 25193051700000010 139,860 139,860 251930517000000G0 279,720 279,720 25193051700000000 0 0 25193051800000020 411,754 134,940 25193051800000030 1,296,000 3,240,000 25193052001001101 190,650 270,600 25193052001001102 247,690 351,560 25193052001001103 247,690 351,560 25193052001001104 247,690 351,560 25193052001001105 279,450 310,500 25193052001001106 130,975 185,900 25193052001001107 241,800 343,200 25193052001001108 163,370 231,880 25193052001001109 387,500 550,000 25193052001001201 141,700 207,200 25193052001001202 179,178 268,640 A -12 q177 "268�,640 25193052001001203 8 25193052001001204 179,178 25193052001001205 141,700 207,200 25193052001001206 141,700 207,200 25193052001001207 179,178 268,640 25193052001001208 179,178 268,640 25193052001001209 329,249 437,600 25193052001001.210 179,178 243,455 25193052001001211 179,178 243,455 2519305200100121.2 179,275 256,650 25193052001001213 179,178 243,455 25193052001001214 141,700 187,775 25193052001001301 141,700 207,200 25193052001001302 179,178 268,640 25193052001001303 179,275 283,200 25193052001001304 179,178 268,640 25193052001001305 181,093 270,880 25193052001001306 181,093 270,880 25193052001001307 179,178 268,640 25193052001001308 179,178 268,640 25193052001001309 329,249 437,600 25193052001001310 179,178 243,455 25193052001001311 179,178 243,455 25193052001001312 179,275 256,650 25193052001001313 179,178 243,455 25193052001001314 141,700 187,775 25193052001001401 141,700 207,200 25193052001001402 179,178 268,640 25193052001001403 179,275 283,200 25193052001001404 179,178 268,640 25193052001001405 426,845 556,320 25193052001001406 426,845 556,320 25193052001001407 179,178 268,640 25193052001001408 179,178 268,640 25193052001001409 329,249 437,600 2519305200 100141.0 129,178 193,455 25193052001001411 179,178 243,455 25193052001001412 179,275 256,650 25193052001001413 179,178 243,455 25193062001001414 141,700 187,775 25193052001001501 344,241 473,920 25193052001001502 179,275 283,200 25193052001001503 179,178 268,640 25193052001001504 426,845 556,320 25193052001001505 426,845 556,320 A -13 25193052001001506 179,178 268,640 25193052001.001507 179,178 268,640 25193052001001508 329,249 437,600 25193052001001509 179,178 243,455 25193052001001510 179,178 243,455 25193052001001511 179,275 256,650 25193052001001512 344,241 429,490 255193052001001601 344,241 473,920 25193052001001602 412,547 538,240 25193052001001603 426,845 556,320 25193052001001604 426,845 556,320 25193052001001605 412,547 538,240 25193052001001606 329,249 437,600 25193052001001607 412,547 487,780 25193052001001608 179,275 256,650 25193052001001609 344,241 429,490 25193052009009001 773,785 791,780 25193052000000000 0 0 25193052000200000 0 0 2619305AGO1040010 412,086 417,747 2519305AG01040020 49,759 49,759 2619305AGO1040040 558,780 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2519305AGO1040020 49,759 49,759 2519305AGO1040040 558,780 556,084 2519305AGO1040060 1,419,063 1,476,976 2519305AGO1040110 421,757 427,144 2519305AGO1050070 55,286 55,286 2519305AGO1060010 112,992 112,992 2519305AGO1060040 0 0 2519305AGO1060060 382,716 387,044 2519305AGO1070010 1,032,464 1,044,163 2519305AGO1070060 417,439 417,439 2519305AGO1080010 218,558 221,745 2519305AGO1080030 270,937 273,323 2519305AGO1080060 101,038 101,038 2519305AGO1080080 111,100 111,257 2519305AGO1090010 429,890 429,890 2519305AGOI ODO060 459,961 465,810 2519305AGO1090090 103,891 157,080 2519305AGOI I OOOI O 118,590 252,992 2519305AGOI 100060 176,228 255,944 2519305AGO1170000 24,898,732 25,194,138 2519305AGO1170010 914,958 923,760 2519305AGOI1700UO 100 100 2519305AGO1200000 593,286 593,286 2519305AG01210000 8,432,750 15,090,406 25I9305AG02010010 154,512 154,512 A -26 A -27 0 0 251.9305AG02010090 2519305AG0201.0120 29,250 29,250 2519305AG02010140 46,450 46,450 2519305AGO2020010 0 0 2519305AGO2020020 0 0 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72,260 2519305AGO2100090 116,804 118,322 2519305AGO2100100 113,822 114,494 2519305AG02110010 127,100 168,960 2519305AG0211002A 68,945 110,312 2519305AGO2110060 151,923 153,352 2519305AG02110080 107,570 107,570 251930F)AG02110090 66,L84 66,184 2519305AGO2170000 535,788 535,788 2519305AGO2180000 117,600 117,600 A -27 11• 2519305AG021800A0 292,605 ii: 295,252 2519305AGO21800BO 117,612 117,612 2519305AGO2190000 81,024 81,024 2519305AG021900A0 255,930 255,930 2510306AGO21900BO 101,928 101,928 2519305AG022100A0 249,972 249,972 2519305AGO3010010 0 0 2519305AGO3010020 188,876 188,979 2519305AG0301002A 121,770 120,887 2519305AGO3010030 239,359 243,844 2519305AGO3010040 103,178 99,416 2519305AGO3010090 103,483 86,155 2519305AGO3010110 166,325 166,325 2519305AG0301011A 0 0 2519305AGO3010140 194,024 197,924 2519305AGO3010150 430,430 442,419 2519305AGO3020010 400,073 400,073 2519305AGO3020030 72,185 73,123 2519305AGO3020040 148,368 148,466 2519305AGO3020050 212,453 214,796 2519305AGO302005A 120,863 124,240 2519305AG03020090 261,238 244,317 2519305AGO3020100 103,896 105,106 2519305AGO3020110 181,561 192,613 2519305AGO3020120 255,478 260,266 2519305AGO302012A 455,936 464,456 2519305AGO302012B 108,697 113,155 2519305AGO3030010 587,446 595,841 2519305AGO303001A 276,250 279,826 2519305AGO3030020 281,349 281,349 2519305AGO3030030 147,331 151,616 2519305AGO3030040 1,656,250 11562,252 2519305AGO303004A 174,526 179,707 2519305AGO3030060 143,133 135,009 2519305AGO3030080 245,370 231,445 2519305AG03040010 214,241 221,004 2519305AG0304001A 168,144 175,399 2519305AGO3040020 269,052 274,712 2519305AGO304002A 767,700 612,416 2519305AGO3040060 779,495 790,294 2519305AGO3040090 97,546 101,494 2519305AG0304009A 329,240 338,608 2519305AGO3040100 80,832 82,261 2519305AGO3050000 42,572 44,483 2519.305AG03050010 666,964 696,900 A -28 if all; !i' wit 194,440 211$15 2519305AGO3050030 2519305AG03050040 448,011 462,881 2519305AGO3050090 217,271 217,401 2619305AGO3050120 37,069 37,069 2519305AGO3060010 751,775 804,348 2519305AGO3060050 42,117 37,002 2519305AG03060060 188,679 193,080 2519305AGO3060090 49,548 49,806 2519305AGO3060100 164,941 166,909 2610305AG03070010 671926 69,124 2619305AGO3070020 150,736 150,736 2519305AGO3070030 198,548 206,734 2519305AG03070040 253,907 257,047 251930GAGO3070050 34,818 34,818 2519305AGO3070060 127,158 130,425 2519305AGO3070070 24,500 24,500 2519305AGO3070090 58,702 59,263 2619305AGO3070100 I8,247 18,204 2519305AGO3080010 485,606 493,609 2519305AGO3080030 202,891 204,116 2519305AG03080060 101,998 106,680 2519305AGO3080000 176,790 209,459 2519305AG03080100 137,598 160,909 2519305AGO4010010 218,308 223,778 2519305AGO401001A 23,094 23,094 2519305AGO401001 B 119,051 120,149 2519305AGO4010040 108,896 108,896 2519305AGO4010050 44,460 44,460 2519305AGO4010070 0 0 2619305AGO4010110 347,318 392,233 2519305AG04020010 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020020 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020030 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020040 19,305 19,305 2519305AGO4020050 19,305 19,305 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190,644 2519305AG04060060 0 0 2519305AGO4060070 141,577 89,171 2519305AGO4060090 138,180 171,463 2519305AGO406009A 18,339 18,296 2519305AGO4070010 169,738 172,585 2619305AGO4070030 29,250 23,000 2519305AGO4070040 29,250 23,000 2519305AGO4070050 94,425 116,346 2519305AGO4070060 55,675 55,569 2519305AGO4070080 126,262 155,035 2519305AG04070090 101,956 124,492 2519305AGO4070100 136,422 170,238 2519305AGO4080010 87,724 106,209 2519305AG04080020 107,974 132,068 2519305AG04080030 98,161 121,621 2519305AGO4080040 85,976 105,615 2510305AGO4080050 82,820 101,381 2519305AGO4080060 515,372 520,077 2519305AGOX000010 0 0 2519305AGOX000030 0 0 2619305AGOX000050 362,035 36`2,035 2519305AGOX00005B 0 0 2519305AGOX000060 1,164,896 1,303,095 2519305AGOX000070 376 376 A -30 ills 0 2519305AGOX00007A 132 132 2519305AGOY000010 0 0 2519305AGOY000040 39,596 39,596 2519305AGOY000050 99,970 99,970 2519305AG0Y000090 201,560 211,629 2519305AGOY00009A 9,409 9,409 2519305AGOY000100 172,494 172,494 2519305AGOYOOOI IA 1,012,797 310,0(18 2519305AGOY000130 433,964 394,513 2519305AGOY000140 234,700 236,304 2519305AGOY00014A 407,484 412,096 2619305AGlNO60000 0 0 2519305AG2NO60000 0 0 2519305AG3NO90010 382,,320 388,103 2519305QIA0000010 154,000 154,000 2519305QIA0000020 181,500 181,500 2519305QL00000030 181,500 181,500 2519305QL00000040 3961000 396,000 2519305QL00000050 509,964 514,400 2519305QLOOOOOOGO 180,000 180,000 2519305QL00000070 180,000 180,000 2519305QL00000080 180,000 180,000 2519305QL000OOIOO 200,000 200,000 2519305QL00000110 453,037 456,367 2519305QL00000120 150,000 150,000 2519305QL00000130 180,000 180,000 2519305QL0O000140 5I4,839 519,132 2519305QL00000150 493,382 497,399 2519305QI,00000160 225,000 225,000 2519305Q1A0000170 144,000 180,000 2519305QL00000180 144,000 198,000 2519305QL00000190 330,000 330,000 2519305QLOAOO0000 0 0 2519305QLOB00000O 0 0 26193030000100000 0 0 26193030000200000 6,733,291 7,804,428 261930300003A0000 1,764,180 1,764,180 26193030000500000 3,181 3,181 26193030000600000 33,268 33,184 26193030000700000 241,907 278,382 26193050800001010 341,250 341,250 26193050800001140 131,250 131,250 26193050800001190 183,750 183,750 26193050800001260 210,000 210,000 26193050800001340 154,875 154,875 A -31 il' " R 26193050800001410 278,250 11. � 278,250 26193050800001510 156,030 156,030 26193050800001580 0 0 26193050800002010 141,330 141,330 26193050800002060 121,170 121,170 26193050800002110 393,750 393,750 26193050800002260 231,000 231,000 2619305080000234A 162,750 162,750 26193050800002410 183,750 183,750 26193050800002480 210,000 210,000 26193050800002560 131,251 131,251 26193050800002610 131,250 131,250 26193050800000000 0 0 26193050900000010 1,364,480 1,378,142 26193050900000020 90,726 90,726 26193050900000030 600,173 605,841 26193051000000010 259,021 263,468 26193051000000020 370,434 370,434 26193051100000010 405,000 405,000 26193051100000020 405,000 292,500 30193130000100000 0 0 30193130000400000 538,139 695,933 30193150601000010 246,367 259,127 30193150601000020 514,944 514,944 30193150601000040 394,231 407,332 30193150601000050 0 0 30193150602000010 0 0 301931507OA000000 0 0 3019315070EU0000O 0 0 30193150701i'000010 0 0 3019315070GO00010 31,278 31,278 3019315070G000030 142,565 143,440 30193150706000060 75,930 75,930 3019315070GO00110 118,535 126,797 3019315070GO00140 85,497 99,105 301931.5070GO00180 93,321 109,330 30193150701•I000010 774,395 1,001,465 3019315070JO00140 0 0 30193150701(000010 0 U 30193150701(000090 0 0 301931507OLO00010 0 0 301031507OL000090 0 U 30193150701,000130 0 0 3019315070MO00010 0 0 3010315070M000090 0 0 A -32 A -33 3019315070M000110 0 0 3010315070M000140 0 0 3019316070M000230 0 0 3019315070M000250 0 0 3019315070M000280 U U 30193150700000010 0 0 30193150804000010 0 0 30193151415000000 0 0 30193151501000000 0 0 30193151502000000 1,825,329 2,387,673 30193151514000010 0 0 30193151514000020 166,476 151,342 30193151521000000 1231114 123,114 30193151521OA0000 106,842 106,842 30193151522OA0000 198,636 198,636 30193152800000010 153,180 153,180 30193152800000020 153,180 153,180 30193152800000030 153,090 153,090 30193152800000040 153,090 153,090 30193152800000050 163,170 163,170 30193152800000060 163,170 163,170 30193152800000070 154,800 154,800 301931.52800000080 154,800 154,800 30193152800000090 156,240 156,240 30193152800000000 0 0 A -33 Mal r � � 22193030000400000 22193050200000010 238,130 305,052 22193050200000020 158,611 201,301 22193050200000030 1.16,336 170,933 22193050200000040 175,183 232,773 221.93050200000050 113,723 132,129 22193050200000060 113,723 217,443 22193050200000070 113,223 131,629 22193050200000080 117,711 120,038 22193050200000090 105,271 105,116 22193050200000100 149,091 148,892 22193050200000110 167,171 207,438 22193050200000120 105,271 105,116 22193050200000130 123,021 132,504 22193050200000140 152,043 188,669 22193050200000150 99,087 98,933 22193050200000160 116,315 156,682 22193050200000170 172,042 117,387 22193050200000180 188,328 220,687 22193050200000190 172,723 224,443 22193050200000200 116,315 156,682 22193050200000210 223,801 289,676 22193050200000220 118,036 117,864 22193050200000230 136,800 173,386 22193050200000240 169,187 172,265 22193050200000250 117,055 169,105 22193050200000260 110,291 118,136 22193050200000270 126,927 174,443 22193050200000280 120,244 120,074 22193050200000290 172,859 238,443 22193050200000300 122,723 224,443 22193050200000310 182,817 188,177 22193050200000320 95,754 184,485 22193050200000330 142,469 180,952 22193050200000340 107,315 149,682 22193050200000350 130,738 185,079 22193050200000360 98,141 97,993 22193050200000370 93,043 131,669 22193050200000380 115,473 169,243 22193050200000390 156,667 198,872 22193050200000400 120,569 120,399 22193050200000410 167,381 207,657 22193050200000420 184,305 250,509 A -34 il• 22193050200000430 105,271 ii: 105,116 22193050200000440 124,793 178,861 22193050200000450 107,315 149,682 22193050200000460 105,271 105,116 22193050200000470 163,042 216,543 22193050200000480 222,859 288,443 22193050200000490 132,850 132,667 22193050200000500 143,700 155,553 2219305 0200000510 119,741 119,571 22193050200000520 173,229 173,005 22193050200000530 165,244 204,615 22193050200000540 96,874 103,872 22193050200000550 143,043 181,669 22193050200000560 165,473 219,243 22193050200000570 100,665 189,420 22193050200000580 92,469 130,952 22193050200000590 83,847 198,872 22193050200000600 113,042 117,387 22193050200000510 106,667 148,872 22193050200000620 86,983 86,846 22193050200000630 85,637 172,306 22193050200000640 137,873 196,733 22193050200000650 1.40,281 161,844 22193050200000660 164,403 168,343 22193050200000670 130,329 184,917 22193050200000680 111,922 150,491 22193050200000690 156,500 145,775 22193050200000700 167,449 221,875 22193050200000710 93,618 1.32,387 22193050200000720 86,174 122,976 22193050200000730 128,084 180,572 22193050200000740 125,183 180,176 22193050200000750 136,174 172,976 22193050200000760 143,618 132,387 22193050200000770 116,086 167,844 22193050200000780 93,043 131,669 22193050200000790 92,939 92,796 22193050200000800 163,723 217,443 22193050200000810 93,043 99,360 22193050200000820 163,723 217,443 22193050200000830 143,043 181,669 22193050200000840 93,043 99,360 22193050200000350 113,042 164,236 22193050200000860 105,271 105,116 22193050200000870 122,743 162,359 A -35 ""221930,51,00200000880 156,667 198,872 180,952 198,872 132,129 220,025 252,301 00890 142,469 22193050200000900 106,667 22193050200000910 113,723 22193050200000920 165,649 22193050200000930 183,492 22193050200000940 182,097 186,164 22193050200000950 122,409 141,611 22193050200000960 169,982 210,505 22193050200000970 103,675 111,099 22193050200000980 93,043 181,669 22193050200000990 108,723 127,129 22193050200001000 214,801 282,676 22193050200001010 177,589 245,265 22193050`200001020 113,042 117,387 22193050200001030 143,618 182,387 22193050200001040 126,396 180,449 22193050200001050 137,974 174,826 22193050200001060 114,403 165,982 22193050200001070 130,425 185,012 22193050200001080 56,541 56,435 22193050200001090 117,259 171,301 22193050200001100 143,043 99,360 22193050200001110 126,583 165,982 22193050200001120 115,649 167,652 22193050200001130 143,043 181,669 22193050200001140 163,723 217,443 22193050200001150 157,315 199,682 22193050200001160 1,52,163 108,720 22193050200001.170 107,315 114,384 22193050200001180 113,728 132,129 22193050200001190 118,289 127,680 22193050200001200 181,129 185,985 22193050200001210 176,790 217,409 22193050200001220 139,623 201,457 22193050200001230 226,548 294,789 22193050200001240 142,469 180,952 22193050200001250 107,315 114,384 22193050200001260 93,043 99,360 22193050200001270 107,315 114,384 22193050200001280 163,779 202,307 22193050200001290 130,476 184,789 22193050200001300 233,070 301,660 22193050200001310 127,515 147,206 22193050200001320 117,171 126,240 A -36 22193050200001330 122,723 132,129 22193050200001340 102,043 138,669 22193050200001350 122,723 132,129 22193050200001360 102,043 138,150 22193050200001370 174,473 226,243 22193050200001380 143,043 181,669 22193050200001390 124,448 144,361 22193050200001400 197,604 253,522 22193050200001410 97,043 133,669 22193050200001420 122,723 132,129 22193050200001430 143,043 181,669 22193050200001440 107,315 114,384 22193050200001450 113,723 217,443 22193050200001460 115,473 169,243 22193050200001470 157,315 199,682 22193050200001480 157,315 114,384 22193050200001490 105,532 115,243 22193050200001500 180,018 221,322 22193050200001510 181,169 222,726 22193050200001520 114,403 218,343 22193050200001530 113,723 132,129 22193050200001540 227,061 295,322 22193050200001550 115,473 134,248 22193050200001560 201,885 264,223 22193050200001570 123,712 143,546 22193050200001580 229,106 297,431 22193050200001590 166,203 220,193 22193050200001600 107,963 150,491 22193050200001610 93,043 99,360 22193050200001620 117,449 171,875 22193050200001630 86,174 122,976 22193050200001640 141,153 200,681 22193050200001650 173,024 172,801 22193050200001660 166,336 220,933 22193050200001670 108,611 151,301 22193050200001680 109,034 151,857 22193050200001690 165,640 219,217 22193050200001700 166,551 168,940 22193050200001710 93,043 131,669 22193050200001720 175,183 232,773 22193050200001730 114,675 133,115 2`'2193050200001740 93,043 131,669 22193050200001750 107,963 150,491 22193050200001760 114,403 165,982 22193050200001770 107,315 114,384 A -37 A•38 il• 164,403 il: 218,343 22193050200001780 22193050200001790 107,315 114,384 22193050200001800 113,723 132,129 22193050200001810 110,001 152,467 22193050200001820 116,596 132,129 22193050200001830 157,315 199,682 22193050200001840 113,723 132,129 22193050200001850 125,260 178,438 22193050200001860 168,764 237,111 22193050200001870 85,637 122,306 22193050200001880 107,315 149,682 22193050200001890 157,315 199,682 22193050200001.900 0 0 22193050200001910 125,666 147,133 22193050200001920 163,723 217,443 22193050200001930 157,315 149,682 22193050200001940 118,151 126,930 22193050200001950 113,723 167,443 22193050200001960 106,667 148,872 22193050200001970 142,469 180,952 22193050200001980 113,042 164,236 22193050200001990 106,667 148,872 22193050200002000 61,504 61,483 221930502OA000000 0 0 22193060200000000 0 0 2219305020D000000 0 0 2219305020D000000 0 0 22193050206000000 0 0 221930502011000000 0 0 22193050201000000 0 0 2219305020JO00000 0 0 22193050201(000000 0 0 22193050201.000000 0 0 2219305020M000000 0 0 26193030000900000 282,553 2 &`1,246 A•38 A -39 1!• � 173,581 11: s 157,801 2619305AGO5010010 2519305AGO5010020 30,421 30,425 2519305AGO5010030 66,801 66,808 2519305AG05010050 20,358 20,358 2619305AG05010060 50,544 50,544 2519305AGO6010010 182,668 182,668 2519305AGO6010030 163,378 148,525 2519305AGO6010040 132,754 132,754 2519305AGO6010060 148,663 152,156 2519305AGO6010080 94,858 97,007 2519305AG06OA0050 40,248 40,248 2619305AG06OA0060 153,480 105,141 2519305AGO7010010 192,198 194,553 2519305AGO7010030 124,557 126,.570 2519305AGO7010040 114,037 115,861 2519305AGO7010050 30,888 30,888 2519305AGO7010060 0 0 2519305AG07OA0070 55,243 55,243 2519305AG07OA007A 43,008 43,008 2519305AG07OA0090 228,072 287,932 2519305AG07OA0110 67,584 67,584 30193151504000010 60,180 60,180 30193151504000020 57,900 57,900 30193151504000030 24,090 21,900 30193151505000010 37,440 37,440 30193151505000020 13,395 13,395 30193151505000030 18,396 18,396 30193151505000040 687,032 693,640 30193151506000010 165,938 167,873 3019315150600001A 47,528 43,863 30193151506000020 50,268 87,962 30193151506000030 0 29,736 A -39 llou.ch.-I-ey. o m.'j:3 a fu. e S r �� l :�►� ro DOUDNEYCOUPANIES, INC. 13V: DAVID A., DOUDNI~Y, PRESIDENT FLORIDA REGISTRATION NUMBER. 3939 t JUNE 2009 PAGE I OF 7 PROF- ESSIONALSURVE.YORS AND MAPPERS go. .o0x266 .,SAAt>:o>zl t"Loj?JDA • 32772 • rELEPHONE • 407- 3 2 2.1 4 5 1 - P--AX - 407.322.1495 200 E C014A�'FgCjAL STREP % SUI1 e 1 • Se (d1�OC{D, LO.t?JDA 32771 OVERALL COMBINED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: (TO BE ADDED TO C.R.A.) Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4; Lots 1 and 3 through 7, Block 5; Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8; TOGETHER WITH the vacated alley lying East of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 5 and West of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8; AND ALSO Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 6, all lying and being in CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; TOGETHER WITH: Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Tier A; Lots 7 through 12, Block 7, Tier A, TOGETHER WITH the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said Lot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, Tier A; TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 7, Block 5, Tier 1; TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 7, Block 6, Tier 1; and ALSO TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 8, Block 7, Tier 1, all lying and being in FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of Sanford Avenue lying South of a line from the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Tier 1, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida, to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 5 of CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida and lying North of a line from the Southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 7, Tier 1 to the Southwest corner of Lot 12, Block 7, Tier A, LESS the East 11.4 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the North 32 feet of said Lot 7, Block 6, Tier A; AND ALSO LESS the East 11 feet of the vacated street on the West side of the South 12 feet of said Lot 7 and Lots 8 through 12, Block 6, Tier A of said FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of 3`d Street lying East of the East right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Lot 1, Block 5 extended North to the South line of Lot 3, Block 4, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; PAGE: 2 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of 4th Street lying East of the East right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the West line of Block 5 extended South to the South right -of -way line of said 4th Street as shown on the plat of CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and re- recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO that portion of 4th Street lying West of the West right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots 1 through 7, Block 5, Tier 1 extended South to the South right -of- way line of said 4th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: That portion of 5th Street lying East of the East right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and West of the East line of Lot 5, Block 6, Tier A extended South to the South right -of- -way line of said 5th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida; AND ALSO that portion of 5th Street lying West of the West right -of -way line of Sanford Avenue and East of the West line of Lots 1 through 8, Block 6, Tier 1, extended South to the South right -of -way line of said 5th Street as shown on the plat of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 through 64 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida. PAGE: 3 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 OVERALL COMBINED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: (TO BE REMOVED FROM C.R.A.) A Parcel of land located within Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, described as follows: Begin at a point 66.6 feet West and 15.00 feet North of the South % corner of said Section 23, said point being an intersection of the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence West along the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and parallel to the South line of said Section 23, a distance of 335.40 feet to the East line of Lot 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY'S CELERY PLANTATION as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 129, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence leaving said North right - of -way line of Narcissus Road, run North 660.00 feet; to the Northeast corner of said Lot 17; thence West along the North line of said Lot 17, a distance of 174.40 feet; thence leaving said North line of Lot 17, run North 1028.22 feet to the Southwest right -of -way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; thence South 39 041'08" East, along said Southwest right -of- way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92, a distance of 798.34 feet to an intersection with the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence South 1073.85 feet to the point of Beginning, less the East 30 feet thereof: TOGETHER WITH; Begin on North line of St. Gertrude Avenue 71.97 chains West of East line of Holly Avenue, run West 15 chains North 10 chains East 484 feet North 807 feet East 501 feet South to the beginning (LESS Begin NW intersection of first Street and Terwilliger Lane run North 150 feet West 120 feet South 150 feet East to Beginning). TOGETHER WITH; Begin 51.6 feet West, and 1,468 feet South of the North'/ Section Post, between Section 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330 feet, thence North to Lake Monroe, thence Northwesterly along Lake Monroe to a point North of the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said property lying and being in Seminole County, Florida Less and Except Road Right of Way for U.S. Highway 17 -92 on North. Also Less and Except the portion of the above described lands conveyed to the City of Sanford by virtue of that certain Warranty Deed recorded September 10, 1985 in Official Records Book 1669, Page 852; corrected by Warranty Deed recorded January 10, 1987 in Official Records book 1806, Page 95, all being of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Commence at the North 114 corner of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East and run South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the North line of the Northwest '/ of said Section 26, 36.60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continue South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the North line 15.00 feet to the point on the Easterly Right of Way line of Terwilliger Lane, thence run South 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East along said Easterly line 1407.97 feet, thence run North 89 degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds East 15.00 feet, thence run North 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West 1407.95 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PAGE: 4 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 Also Less and Except from the above described lands that portion conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded August 14, 1990 in Official Records Book 2211, Page 292, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.60 feet West, and 1,468.00 feet South of the North % Section post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330.00 feet, thence run North 396.00 feet, thence run West to a point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 396.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO LESS: Rights of Way for State Road 46 and Terwilliger Lane TOGETHER WITH; Lots 1, 2 and 3, SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 63, Page 92, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida TOGETHER WITH; From a permanent reference monument at the centerline of third Street and Persimmon Avenue shown on the plat of ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112 through 117, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run North parallel with and 41.00 feet West of the West line of Tier 22 of said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, 688.7 feet to Old North Right -of -Way line of St. Gertrude Avenue (First Street), thence run N 89 058`40" E, 357.17 feet to a point 20.5 feet West of the West line of Tier 21, said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run North 21.54 feet to the North Right- of-Way line of S.R. 46 for Point of Beginning, said Point being on the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (41.00 foot Right -of Way), thence run North along said centerline, 646.31 feet to the North Right-of-Way line of Fulton Street extended West, thence run S 89 058'40" W, 20.5 feet to the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (82 foot Right -of -Way), thence run North along said centerline 594.00 feet to the North line of Block 2N of said ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION, thence run S 89 058'40" W, 20.00 feet to a point 579.5 feet East of the North and South'/ Section Line of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run North 700.57 feet to the Southerly Right -of -Way line of U.S. Highway 17 & 92, thence run Northwesterly along said Southerly Right -of -Way line and a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1698.77 feet, a central angle of 12 °21'51 ", a chord bearing of N 54 °11'21" W, an arc distance of 366.59 feet, to a point 278.4 feet East of a line running North from the South % Section Corner of Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run S 00 °10'50" W, 1454.83 feet to the North Right -of- Way line of S.R. 46, thence run N 88 036'35" E, 342.34 feet to the Point of Beginning. PAGE: 5 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 TOGETHER WITH; Begin at the Northeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 19, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along the Easterly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19, 264.00 feet to the Southeast corner thereof, thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West along the Southerly line of said Block 2N, Tier 19 and Westerly extension thereof, 337.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 20 of the said FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, said point also being on the Westerly right -of -way line of Mulberry Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along said Westerly right -of -way line 363.00 feet to a point on the centerline of Fulton Street; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West along the centerline of said Fulton Street 296.00 feet to the centerline of Pomegranite Avenue; thence run South 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East 605.739 feet to a point on the Northerly right -of- way line of State Road 46; thence run South 88 degrees 16 minutes 56 seconds West along said Northerly right -of -way line 168.550 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 279.808 feet to a point on centerline of Commercial Street; thence run South 89 degrees 30 minutes 56 seconds West along said centerline of commercial Street 148.00 feet to the centerline of Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue 363.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.500 feet to a point on the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along said centerline of Tamarind Avenue 594.00 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 20.00 feet; thence run North 00 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West 700.80 feet to a point on the Southerly right -of- way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; said Southerly right -of -way being 90.00 fee=t Southerly Measured, at right angles to and radially from the Northerly line of the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe thence run, Southeasterly along said Southerly right -of -way line along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1,681.678 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 44 minutes 03 seconds 520.513 feet to the end of said curve; thence continue along said Southerly right -of -way line South 77 degrees 35 minutes 36 seconds east 562.37 feet to a point on the Northerly extension of the centerline of Jessamine Avenue; thence run South 0 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds East along said Northerly extension 386.80 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West 41.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. TOGETHER WITH: The West one -half of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FL RIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 and 117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, less right -of -way for State Road 46. TOGETHER WITH: The East' /2 of vacated Tamarind Avenue lying West of the West'/ of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and together with the South'/ of vacated Commercial Street lying North of said West' /2 of Block 2, Tier 21, extended West to the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; PAGE: 6 OF 7, JOB No. 9 -09 TOGETHER WITH: All of Block 1. Tier 20nf FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CCl1S LIMITED MAP / OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD.F0R|DA, according to the Plat thereof ` as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112-117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also all of that land which is contiguous to the above described Block 1, Tier 2O. which land was formerly portions of the South % of Fulton Street and the East %of Pornegranite Avenue and which was vacated by the City of Sanford ordinance No. 1099 as recorded in Official Records Book 962, page 862 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. And also the North %, of Commercial Street contiguous to the South line of said Block 1, Tier 20; TOGETHER WITH: Lots 1 and 2.i700 FIRST STREET according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 72. page 1 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida. AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: Block 2, Tier 18, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION C{}'8 LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 115-117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida LESS that part lying North of and within 53 foot of the centerline of construction of State Road 4O` Section 77O38. said centerline being described msfollows: Commence on the West line of the NE Y4of Section 27. Township 1S South, Range 3O East ato point 1570.05 feet South of the Northwest corner ofsaid NE%of SectiVn,27, thence run North D8 degrees 37'50" East 2G47.28 feet to the East line of said Section 27 (West line of Section 25. said Township and Range) mtopoint 1587.43 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Section 27 (Northwest corner mf said Section 2O\ thence run North dS degrees 42'56" East 65S.O7 feet; thence run North O degrees 14'44" West, 44 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 1666.40 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 42' 34'' East, 1008.51 feet; thence nun South 89 degrees 58' 48" East, 584.42 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 56" East. 106.1 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 3S`20" East, 23O8.S8feet to the center line of French Avenue ot Station 12O+3U.O5of Section 7715-1O5 for the end of this center line description. TOGETHER WITH the South !6 ofvocatod Commercial Street lying North of and adjacent to Block 2. Tier 19'oa vacated by City ordinance No. 1517on July 28.19O0 AND the West 1/2of vacated Jessamine Avenue, which io adjacent 10 the South t6of vacated Commercial Street. JOB# 9-09 DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD PLATS: FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY'S CELERY PLANTATION: 11129 SANFORD ONCOLOGY CENTER: 63192 FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF THE ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA: 11112 THROUGH 117 1700 FIRST STREET 72/1 (1) PARCEL ID: 23- 19- 30- 300 -0070 -0000 UNITED DOMION REALITY TRUST WARRENTY DEED: 279311082 DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land located within the Southwest % Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East Seminole County, Florida. Described as follows: Begin at a point 66.6 feet West and 15.0 feet North of the South % corner of said Section 23; said point being an intersection of the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence West along the North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road and parallel to the South line of said Section 23, a distance of 191.40 feet; thence leaving said North right -of -way line of Narcissus Road, run North 210.00 feet; thence West 144.00 feet to the East line of Lot 17 of "Florida Land and Colonization Company's Plantation" as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 129, public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence North 450.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 17; thence West along the North line of said Lot 17, a distance of 174.40 feet; thence leaving said North line of lot 17, run North 1028.22 feet to the Southwest right -of- way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; thence South 39 °41'08" East, along said Southwest right -of -way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92, a distance of 798.34 feet to an intersection with the West right -of -way line of Terwilliger Lane; thence South 1073.85 feet to the Point of Beginning, less the East 30 feet thereof. EASEMENT 1: Together with a non - exclusive easement for retention and detention and drainage and private or public utilities as described in Deed of Easement recorded in Official Records Book 1830, Pagel 268 of the public Records of Seminole County, Florida. EASEMENT 2: Together with an easement used for the construction, operation and maintenance of one or more underground water and sewer lines as described in easement for water and sewer lines recorded in Official Records Book 2012, Page 1635 Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (2) PARCEL ID: 23- 19- 30- 300 -009A -0000 MICHAEL T. & DONNA L. LOADER QUIT CLAIM DEED: 598710537 DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1: From the South % Section corner of Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, run West 402 feet, thence run North 15 feet for a Point of Beginning. Thence continue North 105 feet; thence run East 144 feet, thence run South 105 feet; thence run West 144 feet to the Point of Beginning. Subject to an easement over the West 12 feet thereof for road purpose Parcel 2: From the South % Section corner of Section 23, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, run West 402 feet, thence run North 120 feet for a point of Beginning, thence continue North 195 feet; thence run East 144 feet, thence run South 105 feet; thence run West 144 feet to the Point of Beginning. Subject to an easement over the West 12 feet thereof for road purpose (3) PARCEL ID: 36-1 SUSAN W. HIGGI0BQTHAM,MARGARET W. JONES, CATHERINE W. MASSEY, ANNE B. ST0RGES AND WILLIAM W. WH[TE,JR. / WARRENTY DEED: 4243/1OOJ ` DESCRIPTION: AN UNDIVIDED ONE-FIFTH M/5> INTEREST EACH |N4.Y7296 INTEREST |MTHE FOLLOWING: Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Begin on North line of St. Gertrude Avenue 71.97 chains West of East line of Holly Avenue, run West 10 chains North 10 chains East 154 feet North 807 feet South 1n Beginning (Less Begin NVVintersection of First Street and Terwilliger Lane run North 150 feet West 120 feet South 150 feet East to Beginning). (4) PARCEL ID: 26- PEGGY NESTOR WARRENTY DEED: 1441/077W DESCRIPTION: Beginning on the North line cf St. Gertrude Avenue 81.97 chains West of the East line of the Intersection of Holly Avenue and First 8tree$, in the City of Sanford, run West 5 chains, North 10 chains, East 5chains, GuUih 1O chains tothe Point ofBeginning, all lying and being in Section 26.Township 19 South, Range 3OEast, Seminole County, Florida. SUBJECT TO all valid Restrictions, conditions, limitations and Easements of record, however this reference shall not serve to repose same. (5) PARCEL ID: 26- � THE SPANOS CORPORATION SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED: 5821 /1115 DESCRIPTION: Begin 51.6 feet West, and 1,468 feet South of the North % Section Post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330 feet, thence North to Lake Monroe, thence Northwesterly along Lake Monroe to a point North of the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence South to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said property lying and being in Seminole County, Florida. Less and Except Road Right of Way for U.S. Highway 17-92 on North. Also Less and Except that portion of the above described lands conveyed bu the City of Sanford by virtue of that certain Warranty Deed recorded September 1O,1985 in Official Records Book 1668. Page 852; corrected by Warranty Deed recorded January 10. 1987 in Official Records Book 1806, Page 85, all being of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described oofollows: Commence at the North %cornerof Section 26. Township 19 South, Range 30 East and run South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the North line of the Northwest %of said Section 20.36.0O feet ho the POINT [)F BEGINNING, thence continue South 89 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along the North line 15.00 feet to the point on the Easterly Right of Way line of Terwilliger Lane, thence run South 0 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East along said Easterly line 1407.97 feet, thence run North 89 degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds East 15.00 feet, thence run North 0 degrees 06 minutes / 3O seconds West 14O7.S5 feet tu the POINT OFBEGINNING. \`_ Also Less and Except that portion of the above described lands conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded August 14.1SSOin Official Records Book 2211. Page 2BO.Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.60 feet West, and 1,468.00 feet South of the North %Section Post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 200.00 feet, thence run North 200.00 feet, thence run West to a point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 2O0.00 feet to the POINT [JFBEGINNING. LESS, Rights cd Way for State Road 48 and Terwilliger Lane Also Less and Except from the above described lands that portion conveyed bv Warranty Deed recorded August 14,199Oin Official Records Book 2211, Page 282. Public Records of Seminole County. Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin 51.O0 feet West, and 1.488.OU feet South of the North % Section Post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 330.00 feet, thence run North 3SG.00 feet, thence run West toa Point North tmthe POINT (]FBEGINNING, thence run South 3BO.00 feet to the POINT OFBEGINNING. LESS: Begin 51.60 feet West and 1,468.00 feet South of the North %Section Post, between Sections 23 and 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, run East 200.00 feet, thence run North 200.00 feet, thence run West to a point North to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run South 2OO.00 feet the POINT OFBEGINNING. ALSO LESS: Rights of Way for State Road 40 and Terwilliger Lane. (G) PARCEL ID: 25-1B~3D'5D9-O0D04l310 PEREGRINE LLC NO DEED DESCRIPTION: LOT 1SANFORO ONCOLOGY CENTER PBO3PGS2 (7) PARCEL ID: 2G-19-3O~5O9-D0OO-082g PEREGRINE LLC NO DEED DESCRIPTION: LOT 2`8ANFC)RD ONCOLOGY CENTER PB83PG82 A8\ PARCEL 10: 26~19-30-509'0000-0030 MID-FLORIDA ONCOLOGY K^ LLC WARRENTY DEED: 05106/0032 DESCRIPTION: PARCEL i.D. NOS: 20'19-3O-3OO-O03O-OUOOand 26-19-30-300-003B-0000 Lot 3 of GANF[)RD ONCOLOGY CENTER, according to the Plat thereof ms naoonjad in Plat Book 63, Page 92. Public Records of Seminole County. Florida, (9) PARCEL ID: 26-19-30-300-0W2O-0000 LAKE 88OMROE ASSOCIATES, LTD _ / SPECIAL WARRE0TY DEED~ ^ 025180013 ( DESCRIPTION: ` Tax Parcel i[}.#bd: 20'19-30-300-0100-0000-0-5 26-19-30-800-0020-0000-0-5 From a Permanent Reference Monument at the centerline of Third Street and Persimmon Avenue shown on the Plat of ST. GERTRUOE ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFOR[]' according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112 through 117, Public Records of Seminole County' Florida, run North parallel with and 41.00 feet West of the West line of Tier 22 of said GT. GERTRUDE ADDITION, 688.7 feet to Old North Right-of-Way Line of St. Gertrude Avenue (First Streah, thence run N 89058'40" E. 357.17 feet toa point 2O.5 feet West of the West Line of Tier 21, said ST. GERTRUOEAODIT|C}N. thence run North 21.54 feet to the North Right-of-Way Line of S.R. 48 for a Point of Beginning, said Point being on the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (41.00 foot Right-of-Way), thence run North along said centerline, 646.31 feet to the North Right-of-Way line of Fulton Street extended West, thence run 889"58'40^VV. 20.5 feet to the centerline of vacated Tamarind Avenue (82 foot Right-of-Way), thence nun North along said centerline 594.00 feet to the North Line of Block 2N of said ST. GERTRQDEADD|T|ON` thence run G 89"5840" VK 2U.00 feet tu a point 579.5 feet East of the North and South % Section Lino of Section 26. Township 19 South, Range 30 East, thence run North 700.57 feat to the Southerly Right-of-Way Line of U.G. MiQhvvoy 17 & 92, thence run Northwesterly along said Southerly Right-of-Way Line and curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1698.77 feet, a central angle of 12"21`51^, m chord bearing ofN 54"11`21"VV.on arc distance mf 3OO.5S feet, toa point 278'4feet East of line running North from the South % Section Corner ofSection 23` Township 19 South, Range 30 Eost, thence run S 00"02'10" N1 708.43 feet, thence run 8 00-10'50" W, 1454.03 feet tothe North Right-of-Way Line of8.R. 46. thence run N / 88-36'35" E, 342.34 feet to the Point of Beginning. � (10, 11 &1D) PARCEL UD: 23-19-30-300-0010-0000 M0A 26-19-30-300-000-000 (1Y) 25-19-3O-5AG-0121-0000 (12) SANH0FV0LA00XNG APARTMENTS LTD C/O EASLEY,8ACCALEB& ASSOCIATES WARBENl[Y DEED: R130G/1117 DESCRIPTION: Begin at the Northeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 19, of Florida Land and Colonization Co.'s Limited Map of the St. Gertrude Addition to Sanford, Florida, according to the plat thereof oa recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112'117of the public Records of Seminole County, Florida and run GOO"18'5S^E. along the Easterly line ¢f said Block 2N, Tier 1S. 264.00 feet to the Southeast corner thereof, thence run S89'3956'W, along the Southerly line of said Block 2N. Tier 1B and Westerly extension thereof, 337.O0 feet bo the Southeast corner of Block 2N, Tier 20 of the said Florida Land and Colonization Co.'s Limited Map of the St. Gertrude Addition to Sanford, Florida; said point also being nn the Westerly h0ht-of*voy line of Mulberry Avenue; thence run 800°18'59"E.along said Westerly right-of-way line 363.00 feet to a point on the centerline of Fulton Street; thence run S.89039'56"W, along the centerline of said Fulton Street, 296.00 feet to the centerline of Pomegranite Avenue; thence run S.000 I 8'59"E, 605.739 feet to a point on the Northedvhght-of-way line uf State Road 4Q; thence run S.88"18'5G"Walong said Northerly right-of-way line 1O8.55Ofeet; thence run N.00"18'58"VV.27S.8D8 feet toa point on the centerline of Commercial Street; thence runG'88"38'56`VV' along said ( centerline of Commercial Street, 148.00 feet to the centerline of Tamarind Avenue; \' thence run N.00*1859"W, along the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue, 363.00 feet; thence run S.89 °39'56 "W, 20.500 feet to a point on the centerline of said Tamarind Avenue; thence run N.00 °18'59 "W, along said centerline of tamarind Avenue, 594.00 feet, thence run S.89 °39'56 "W, 20.00 feet; thence run N.00 °1 8'59 "W, 700.80 feet to a point on the Southerly Right of Way line of U.S. Highway 17 -92; said Southerly right of way being 90.00 feet Southerly measured at right angles to and radially from the Northerly line of the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe; thence run Southeasterly along said Southerly right of way line along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1681.678 feet and a central angle of 17 044'03 ", 520.513 feet to the end of said curve; thence continue along said Southerly right of way line S. 77 035'36 "E, 562.37 feet to a point on the Northerly extension of the centerline of Jessamine Avenue; thence run S.0 °18'59" E, along said Northerly extension 386.80 feet; thence run S. 89 °39'56" W, 41.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. (13) PARCEL 1D: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0221 -00A0 JOHN S. & MICHAEL J. LAWLOR WARRENTY DEED: 04047/1997 DESCRIPTION: The West one -half of Block 2, Tier 21, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDES ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112, 113, 115, 116 and 117, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida less right of way for State Road 46. Together with the East ' /z of vacated Tamarind Avenue, lying West of the West 1/2 of Block 2, Tier 21, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDES ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. According to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, page 116, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, and Subject to easements and restrictions of record (14) PARCEL 1D: 25- 19 -30- 5AG -0120 -0000 CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL HOSPITAL, INC. WARRENTY DEED: 0177811690 DESCRIPTION: All of Block 2 -N, and all of Block 1 -N of Tier 17, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; And Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, of Tier 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run West 378 feet to the centerline of Jessamine Avenue at its North end, thence run North 484 feet more or less to the low water on lake Monroe, thence run Southerly along the low water mark on Lake Monroe 382.1 feet more or less to a point North of the point of Beginning; thence run South 426 feet more or less to the point of Beginning; And All of Block 1 -N, and all of Block 2 -N, in Tier 18, according to FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida And Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, of Tier 17, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run thence North 344.51 feet, more or less to the low water mark in Lake Monroe; thence Southeasterly along the meandering line of the low water mark in Lake Monroe, a distance of 252.5 feet more or less to a stake at low water mark in Lake Monroe; thence South a distance of 297 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of said Block 2 -N, of Tier 17, thence West 248 feet more or less to the point of beginning; EXCEPTING from the above described property a strip of land 90 feet in width, the Northerly line of which is the Northerly line of the coping on the concrete retaining wall along the South shore of Lake Monroe, less the North 2 feet thereof, across the following described property, to -wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, Tier 17 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida run thence West 378 feet to the center of Jessamine Avenue; thence North 484 feet more or less to Lake Monroe; thence Southeasterly along said Lake Shore 362.4 feet to a point of beginning; thence South to beginning; also, Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 2 -N, Tier 17, in said St. Gertrude Addition, run North 344.5 feet more or less to Lake Monroe; thence Southeasterly along the shore of said Lake 232.5 feet; thence South 297 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of said Block 2 -N, thence West 248 feet to beginning; LESS road right -of -way of U.S. 17 -92 Stair Road, 15 -600 :HIr All of Block 1 -N, Tier 19 and all of Block 1 Tier 19, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida WO-101 All of Block 1, Tier 20 of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida And also all of that land which is continuous to the above described Block 1, Tier 20, which land was formerly portions of the South' /2 of Fulton Street and the East'/ of Pomegranite Avenue and which was vacated by the City of Sanford ordinance No. 1099 as recorded in Official Records Book 962, page 862 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; M The West'/ (Less Road) of Block 2, Tier 18, and the South'/ of vacated Street adjacent on the North; and the East'/ of vacated Street adjacent on the West, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Also described as the West 69 feet of Block 2, Tier 18 and vacated streets adjacent on the North and West, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida AND The East 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the South'/ of vacated Street on North, Block 2, Tier 18, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Also described as: The East 63 feet of the East'/ of the West '/2 of Block 2, Tier 18, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, together with the South 1/2 of vacated Commercial Street, according to the plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 112, 113, 115, 116 and 117 Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; Together being subject to easement or rights -of -way record (15) PARCEL ID: 26- 19 -30- 510 - 0000 -0020 1700 FIRST STREET LLC NO WARRENTY DEED DESCRIPTION: LOT 2,1700 FIRST STREET PB 72 PG 1 (16) PARCEL ID: 26 -19 -30 -510- 0000 -0010 SUNIL PATEL LLC WARRENTY DEED: 0656711558 DESCRIPTION: LOT 1, 1700 FIRST STREET PB 72 PG 1 (17) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -BAG- 0219 -0080 CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL HOSPITAL, INC. WARRANTY DEED: 02973/1118 DESCRIPTION: The SW'/ of block 2, Tier 19, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION CO'S LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 115 -117 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. LESS that part lying North of and within 53 foot of the centerline of construction of State Road 46, Section 77030, said centerline being described as follows: Commence on the West line of the NE '/ of Section 27, Township 19 South, Range 30 East at a point 1576.05 feet South of the Northwest corner of said NE' /a of Section 27, thence run North 89 degrees 37' 56" East 2647.28 feet to the East line of said Section 27 (West line of Section 26, said Township and Range) at a point 1567.43 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Section 27 (Northwest corner of said Section 26) thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 659.87 feet; thence run North 0 degrees 14' 44" West, 44 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 42' 56" East 1566.40 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 42' 34" East, 1006.51 feet; thence run South 89 degrees 56' 48" East, 564.42 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39'56" East, 106.1 feet; thence run North 89 degrees 39' 26" East, 2308.96 feet to the center line of French Avenue at Station 120 +30.65 of Section 7715 -105 for the end of this center line description (18) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG- 0219 -00A0 CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL HOSPITAL, INC. WARRANTY DEED: 02957/1183 DESCRIPTION: Block 2, (Less Southwest one quarter and North one -half of Northeast one - quarter) Tier 19, Town of Sanford, according to E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP thereof recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 116, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, less part in State Road TOGETHER with the South' /2 of vacated Commercial Street lying North of and adjacent to the NW % of Block 2, Tier 19, as vacated by City ordinance No. 1517 on July 28, 1980. THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT NOW CONSTITUTE. NOR HAS IT EVER CONSTITUTED, NOR DOES IT LIE CONTIGUOUS TO, THE CONSTITUTIONAL, HOMESTEAD OF GRANTOR HEREIN. (19) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0219 -0000 HOSPITAL CORPORATION OF AMERICA WARRANTY DEED: 01378/0296 DESCRIPTION: North' /2 of Northeast % of Block 2, Tier 19, of FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY, LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 116, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; And the South 'h of the vacated street adjacent on the North; AND the West 1/2 of vacated Jessamine Avenue, which is adjacent to the South Y2 of vacated Commercial Street. JOB# 9 -09 DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD PLATS: CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITIONS TO SANFORD, FLORIDA: 1124 AND 3155 TOWN OF SANFORD 1166,1/58,1/59 (115664), SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND B1111 -117, ORANGE COUNTY (A) PARCEL ID: 30- 19- 31- 515 - 0400 -0010 JOHN S. & MARIA F. VAUGHAN QUIT CLAIM DEED: 07056/1931 DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Block 4, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 55, in the public records of Seminole County, Florida (B & C) PARCEL ID: 30- 19- 31- 515 - 0400 -0020 (B) PARCEL ID: 30- 19- 31- 515 - 0400 -0030 (C) JOE DANTE LLC WARRENTY DEED: 05646/0180 DESCRIPTION: Lots 2 and 3, Block 4, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Subject to easements and restrictions of record Subject to taxes for the year 2005 and thereafter Property Tax Identification Number: 30- 19- 31- 515 -0400 -0020 and 30-19-31- 515 -0400- 0030 Subject to the restrictions, conditions, reservations, easements and other matters continued on the Plat of CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and Plat Book 3, Page 55, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (D &E) PARCEL ID: 30 -19 -31 -515- 0500 -0010 (D) PARCEL ID: 30 -19 -31 -515 -0500 -0030 (E) EXACT PLUMBING INC. WARRENTY DEED: 05340/1694 DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 and 3, Block 5, AND Lots 1, 2 and 4, Block 8, Together with the East 1/ of vacated alley adjacent to said Lot 1, Block 8, all in CHAPMAN & TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (F) PARCEL ID: 30- 19- 31- 515 - 0500 -0040 SANFORD SUPERMARKETS INC. WARRENTY DEED: 06966/0520 DESCRIPTION: Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 5, and Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8 and vacated alley lying East of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 5 and West of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 8 all in Chapman & Tucker's Addition to Sanford, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24 and in Plat Book 3, Page 55 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (G) PARCEL ID: 30-19-31-515-0600-0010 EXACT PLUMBING INC. WARRENTY DEED: 06238/0636 DESCRIPTION: LOT 1, BLOCK 6, LESS THE NORTH 46.72 FEET OF THE EAST 53 FEET OF LOT 1, BLOCK 6, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 24, AND RERECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 55, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA (H) PARCEL ID: 30- 19 -31- 515 - 0600 -001A COLCOR CAPITAL, ING. WARRENTY DEED: 0708610305 DESCRIPTION: The North 46.72 feet of the East 53 feet of Lot 1, Block 6, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in plat book 1, Page(s) 24, ,and Plat Book 3, Page 55, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Subject to easements, restrictions, reservations and limitations of recorded, if any. (1) PARCEL ID: 30-19-31-515-0600-0020 GEORGE L. & LINDA LOPEZ WARRENTY DEED: 01776/1687 DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Block 6, CHAPMAN and TUCKER addition to SANFORD, a subdivision, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, (J, K & L) PARCEL ID: 3049-31-616-0600-0030 (J) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-060A-0060 (K) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-060A-0050 (L) 417 SANFORD LLG WARRENTY DEED: 06725/0258 DESCRIPTION: Lot 3, Block 6, CHAPMAN AND TUCKER'S ADDITION TO SANFORD, FLORIDA, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 24, Public records of Seminole County, Florida U0111 Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 6, Tier A, Florida Land & Colonization Co., Ltd., E.R. Trafford's Map of the Town of Sanford, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Subject to all easements, rights of way and restrictions of record (M) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-SAG-070A-0070 VIVIAN M. YOUNGBLOOD & MCGEE A. COBBIN WARRENTY DEED: 0564411394 DESCRIPTION: LEG N 32 FT OF LOT 7 + E 11.4 FT OF VACD ST ON W BLK 7 TR A TOWN OF SANFORD According to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (N) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-070A-007A ELLIOTT BELAMY 11 WARRENTY DEED: 00437/0638 LEG S 12 FT OF LOT 7+ALL LOT 8+ E 11 FTOFDSTON WBLK7TRA TOWN OF SANFORD PB I PG 56 (P) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-070A-0010 DOYLE INVESTMENTS & DEVELOPMENT, INC. WARRENTY DEED: 06748/0405 DESCRIPTION: Lots 11 and 12, and the East 11 feet of the vacated street along the West, Block 7, Tier "A", E. R. TRAFFORDS'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Bookl, Page 56, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. JOB# 9 -09 DESCRIPTION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD PLATS: E.R TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD 1156 -64 FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION LIMITED E.R TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD 1156 -64 (1,5 &15) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG -0501 -0010 (1) PARCEL ID: 25 -19 -30 -5AG -0501 -0060 (15) EXACT PLUMBING INC QUIT CLAIM DEED: 05061/1759 DESCRIPTION: (5) LOT 1 AND THE NORTH 12 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 6, TIER 1, E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PARCEL TWO: 26- 19 -30- 5AG -0501 -0060 (15) ALL OF LOTS 6 AND 7, BLOCK 5, TIER 1, FLORIDA LAND COLONIZATION LIMITED, E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PARCEL THREE: 26 -19 -30 -5AG- 0501 -0010 (1) LOT 1, BLOCK 5, TIER 1, OF E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (2, 3 & 4) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0501 -0020 (2) ROBERT & LINDA KUHN, AUDIE LEMMON, ANDREW & SUSAN KALIFEH WARRENTY DEED: 03373/0030 DESCRIPTION: LOTS 2A4 4 and 5, BLOCK 5, TIER 1, FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (5) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG - 0601 -0010 EXACT PLUMBING INC. WARRENTY DEED: 0506111760 DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 AND THE NORTH 12 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 6, TIER 1, E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 56 THROUGH 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA (6) PARCEL ID: 25- 19 -30- 5AG -0601 -0030 JASON S. TURNER WARRENTY DEED: 06830/1799 DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 and the South 21 feet of Lot 2, Block 6, Tier 1 E.R. TAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 -64, public Records of Seminole County, Florida (7) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30 -5AG-0601-0040 GOODING & CO., MORTGAGE, INC QUIT CLAIM DEED: 0549310529 DESCRIPTION: Lots 4 + 5, Block 6, Tier 1, Florida Lane and Colonization Company ER Trafford's Map of Town of Sanford according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56-64, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (8) PARCEL ID: 26-19-30-6AG-0601-0060 KHEMRAJ P. JAIKARAN QUIT CLAIM DEED: 06699/1291 DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY ID # 25-19-30-5AG-0601-0060 LEG LOTS 6+7 BLK6TR I TOWN OF SANFORD PB I PG 58 (9) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-0601-0080 INVESTORS REALTY NETWORK LLC WARRENTY DEED: 0656610952 DESCRIPTION: Leg Lot 8 BLK 6 TR i Town of Sanford PB I PG 58 Tax Parcel I.D. No 25-19-30-5AG-0601-0080 (10 & 11) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0010 (10) PARCEL ID: 26-19-30-5AG-0701 -001 A (11) JOE E KING & JENNIFER S CARTIER WARRENTY DEED: 0615911879 DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1: LOT I and the North 16'/2 feet of LOT 2, BLOCK 7, TIER 1, less and except the East 66 feet of said Lots I and 2, E.R. TRAFFORDS MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. PARCEL 2: The East 65 feet of Lot 1 and the East 65 feet of the North' /2 of Lot 1, all in BLOCK 7, TIER 1, E.R. TRAFFORDS MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. ADDRESS: 500 Sanford Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771 /Seminole County PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0010 (12) PARCEL ID: 26-19-30-5AG-0701-0030 HOWARD S MARKS WARRENTY DEED: 04359/0796 DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 and the South' /2 of lot 2, (Less he North 2 feet of the West 52 feet) Block 7, Tier 1, E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 through 64 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida Subject to Easement and Restrictions of Record (13) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0040 JOHN GIULIANI, PEGGY KING & JOE E KING QUIT CLAIM DEED: 06965/1441 DESCRIPTION: 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0040 (parcel lD#) Leg Lot 4 BLK 7 TR 1 Town of Sanford PB 1 PG 59 (14) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0050 HUGGINS DEVELOPMENT, INC. WARRENTY DEED: 6494/714 DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, Block 7, Tier 1, E.R. TRAFFORD'S MAP of the TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 56, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (15) PARCEL ID: 25-19-30-5AG-0701-0060 TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH WARRENTY DEED: 1141312 DESCRIPTION: LEG LOTS 6 7 + 8 BLK 7 TR I TOWN OF SANFORD PB I PG 59 The boundary of the Lake Monroe Waterfront Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area is as follows: 20 1 Page q NLL o - 3AV-3llIAN0113W,S, U _ L O 3AV SODaVW NVS U 0 L , 3AV.SOIaV3L V5 3AV SOIaV:) NVS N 0 J f c N3AV 331j 3AtlAV9 ^C c 3AV MOlIIM" CO 3AV M3 � 3ayl w U F- 3AV 3DNVH0 r- N N Cl) rJ r- 3Ab15307 N 3A LL NbWdbHD N 3AV,AUONDIH N Z �O 3Atl 3NId w , ... Z ai Wwas . 3AV S53UAD .. W O i g h and,(Iao:INVS b� Z Ra ewmrW C°¢ammmmsmm Y N 3ntl OLL3 Wltld 5 d 0 _ o,�,gm�+u 41 "3Atl U N,{Ir 3AV 000H Z w :..w VIION'DVW Z )atld "F Q 3AV NBVd N . F g3IAV 7 3AVAVON n 3Atl Ntl0 '^ r 3AV 3l1aAW N3AV 3llaAW 3AV 311aAW 3 N F N i W 3AV W13 N _ 3AV W13 cO 3 3 > 3AV l3aflVl N � :.. ?� .... 3AV l3aflVl L!J zb'�Ll'�AMH�SfI N � wu� O 3AV 31dVW N 3Atl 3ldtlW _ 3AV 3ld rp LU N 3AV AIIOH 3AV AllOH 3 3AV A " 3AV atla33 .. . �z � 3ntlatlldoa 3AV aVld M z 3 a, 3AV NV33d zR F, 9 3 . 3 rx- 3AV.oaVDOAV 3 x 'l Z � a31�, NO1HDf10W NVM07 M 3AV 3AII0 3AV.3AIl0 LL F 3 N . 3AV 3NiisnoDNVW N 3AV 3NiisnODNVW S m 3AH 30NV310 3AVa30 NV3-IOS 3AV 3NIWVSS3f 3AV3NIWVS53f I L ntl AN39im 3AV Aaa39in F Z N � LANDING i ^� r HD 83NI11M... 3AV NOWWISa3d rr r'3 V�w��aaemm� .::v- wmcm�mmffi� ¢ ? .. .... 1a1M31A309NOW v� o Y a0 W1Vd 0 p� mmmm .0 O z Q 3Atl M3IAa3Ala / 3 f t 1 EXHIBIT "C" (COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN) The Community Redevelopment Plan which is the subject of this Ordinance is set forth as follows: 21 1 Page DRAFT DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. 2015- SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA ON THE DAY OF , 2015, A.D. WHEREAS, Seminole County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida which has adopted a Home Rule Charter; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanford is a Florida municipal corporation which is wholly located within the jurisdictional boundaries of Seminole County; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 163.410, Florida Statutes, Seminole County may delegate to the governing bodies of municipalities within Seminole County, the exercise of such powers conferred upon Seminole County by Part III, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, as Seminole County may deem appropriate; and WHEREAS, Section 163.410, Florida Statutes, permits such a delegation to be made subject to such conditions and limitations as Seminole County may impose; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford adopted Resolution Number 2514 on March 23, 2015 formally requesting that Seminole County delegate to the City of Sanford, pursuant to Section 163.410, Florida Statutes, the right and authority to exercise certain powers conferred upon Seminole County by Part III, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, such powers to specifically include the power to create a Community Redevelopment Agency as part of the municipal public body or taxing authority, together with necessary appurtenant responsibilities, rights, and authority as a governing body serving as a Community Redevelopment Agency pursuant to Part III, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County has previously delegated authority to the City of Sanford for the establishment, expansion and operation of a Community Redevelopment Agency through the adoption of Seminole County Resolution Numbers 90 -R -213, 93 -R -181, 95 -R -246 and 2009 -R -154; and WHEREAS, the governments of the City Commission and of Seminole County have previously worked in a harmonious, cooperative and collaborative manner on many issues and in many ways and desire to further such positive and beneficial relationship and implementation of projects, programs and activities for the benefit of the citizens of Seminole County and the City of Sanford; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County has found and determined that the establishment and continued operation of a Community Redevelopment 1 Agency within the City of Sanford would serve a public purpose and would be consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the Seminole County Comprehensive plan, and will otherwise be consistent with the controlling provisions of State law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: (1). Pursuant to Section 163.410, Florida Statutes, the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida, acting for and on the behalf of Seminole County, Florida, as limited by the provisions hereof and as conditioned upon the performance of the City of Sanford relative to certain performance criteria set forth herein, hereby delegates to the City of Sanford such authority, rights, and responsibilities conferred upon Seminole County pursuant to Part III, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes), in order that the City of Sanford may continue to operate a Community Redevelopment Agency up to December 31, 2025, within its municipal boundaries subject to the conditions and limitations set forth herein and to fully participate and contribute the "increment revenues" to the Community Redevelopment Agency that would otherwise be deposited with the County. (2). The above delegation is subject to the following conditions which, by accepting the delegation made herein, the City of Sanford fully and completely agrees to perform, implement, abide by, act consistent with and adhere to: (a). In accordance with Section 163.410, Florida Statutes, this delegation shall confer only such powers as shall be specifically enumerated in this Resolution and the City of Sanford shall be charged with, and solely responsible for, making any and all necessary findings relative to the actions taken with regard to the creation and operation of a Community Redevelopment Agency and any and all actions taken subsequent to the creation and continued operation of said Community Redevelopment Agency. (b). No Seminole County tax revenues, equivalent revenues, or any other County funds of any kind shall be used in any way to fund the Community Redevelopment Agency created by the City of Sanford nor any of said Agency's programs or projects except as specifically identified herein relative to tax increment revenues. In no event may the City of Sanford pledge or assert any interest in any Seminole County revenues or funds without the express written consent of the Board of County Commissioners or with regard to the tax increment revenues deriving to the City of Sanford as set forth herein. (c). The powers delegated herein shall be and constitute the requisite authority of the City of Sanford to continue to operate the City of Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency, as previously authorized through Seminole County Resolution Numbers 90 -R -213, 93 -R -181, 95 -R- 246 and 2009 -R -154, for an additional period of ten (10) years relating only to the property (the "Community Redevelopment Area ") described in the Exhibit "A" which Exhibit is attached hereto, all of said real property being located within the City Limits of the City of Sanford and relating to numerous parcels of real property. The delegation set forth herein shall relate solely and exclusively to that certain real property described in the Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof and said Community Redevelopment Area may not be extended or expanded absent 2 affirmative action by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with controlling Florida law. (d). If the City of Sanford has not updated and adopted the City's Community Redevelopment Plan as contemplated herein on or before September 30, 2015, including the enactment of a Resolution by the City Commission of the City of Sanford adopting and approving the updated Community Redevelopment Plan in accordance with controlling State law, such as a finding of consistency with the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan by its local planning agency, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and as and relating to the Community Redevelopment Area described in the Exhibit "A" attached hereto; then the delegation set forth in this Resolution shall be deemed terminated and shall be of no further force or effect and any further action by the City of Sanford shall require affirmative action by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County. (e). Any proposed additional Community Redevelopment Areas or any proposed expansion of the Community Redevelopment Area as contemplated by the City of Sanford, but not established by virtue of the adoption of this Resolution, shall require that the City of Sanford seek and request an additional delegating resolution in accordance with controlling State laws which action, as well as the actions set forth herein, shall not be deemed or construed, in any way, as a general delegation by Seminole County of any powers nor a pledge of any Seminole County funds or revenues to be used by the City of Sanford, the City's Community Redevelopment Agency or within the Community Redevelopment Area except with regard to tax increment revenues as specifically dedicated and allowed to be used by the City of Sanford as set forth herein and as may be authorized in the future by formal action of the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with the controlling provisions of State law. (f). Neither the City of Sanford nor the City's Community Redevelopment Agency shall contest or challenge any provision, term or condition of this Resolution and, should any such challenge be perfected, then the terms and conditions of this Resolution shall be deemed to be void ab initio. (g). The City of Sanford shall and hereby does hold harmless and indemnify Seminole County and its officials, officers, employees and agents from and against any losses or claims of any type or nature whatsoever resulting in any way from the creation of the City's Community Redevelopment Agency and all activities of any type or nature of or by the Community Redevelopment Agency all to the maximum extent authorized by the controlling provisions of State law to, include, but not be limited to, the provisions of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. This condition shall not preclude the City of Sanford from obtaining indemnification from the City's Community Redevelopment Agency to the fullest extent authorized by controlling State law as aforesaid. To that end, the City of Sanford and the Community Redevelopment Agency shall ensure that they operate and function as well as implement the provisions of the Community Redevelopment Plan as separate and distinct legal entities and shall ensure that the distinction between the two entities is appropriately maintained; provided, however, that the two agencies may cooperate and collaborate in order to implement projects, programs and activities by means of interlocal agreements and similar formal agreements. (h). Should Seminole County create, in the future, a Community Redevelopment Agency with jurisdiction over the City of Sanford's Community Redevelopment Area as set forth herein, the delegation set forth herein shall automatically terminate and expire and the Community Redevelopment Agency created hereunder and as authorized by previously cited Seminole County Resolutions shall terminate and cease to exist in accordance with whatever schedule Seminole County may establish when creating the new Community Redevelopment Agency. The City of Sanford shall structure and implement all actions relative to the creation, implementation and continued operation of the Community Redevelopment Agency in order to facilitate and contemplate such contingent termination, expiration and dissolution and in such manner as to be able to unwind and transfer its projects, programs and activities to the successor Community Redevelopment Agency. (i). Any and all actions relative to the creation, implementation and continued operation of the Community Redevelopment Agency shall be structured and configured in such a way as to facilitate the consolidation of the Community Redevelopment Agency and all of its projects, programs and activities into any multi jurisdictional or Countywide Community Redevelopment Agency that may be established in the future by Seminole County. To that end, all documents of creation and implementation of the Community Redevelopment Agency shall provide for the contingent future transfer of any and all projects, programs, activities, assets, property, funds, obligations and liabilities to Seminole County and/or a multi jurisdictional or Countywide Community Redevelopment Agency established by Seminole County; provided, however, that any funds on account at the time of termination, expiration, or dissolution of the City of Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency that are not encumbered or pledged as security for any indebtedness shall be transferred to the City of Sanford for use, as the City of Sanford deems fit consistent with the controlling provisions of State law, within the City of Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency; provided, further, however, that any real or personal property that has been purchased with Community Redevelopment Agency funds shall become the property of the City of Sanford unless pledged or encumbered and the City of Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency shall take any and all necessary actions to implement those transfers. (3). The composition of the City's Community Redevelopment Agency Commission (CRA Board), in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 163.356, Florida Statutes, shall be composed of five persons as delineated below: (a) Three (3) representatives appointed by the City Commission of the City of Sanford; and, (b) Two (2) representatives appointed by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County. (4). The City's Community Redevelopment Agency Commission (CRA Board) shall provide the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners written notification in a timely fashion of any proposed actions, activities or projects that may be deviate from the projects, programs and priorities that have been identified within the latest adopted Community Redevelopment Plan, prior to the undertaking of a potentially deviating project, program or activity. 4 (5). Any future updates of the City's Community Redevelopment Agency's Community Redevelopment Plan shall be developed in close coordination with the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners and or their designated staff representatives to identify shared development objectives, potentially complementary or competing projects or other issues and concerns as may be determined cogent by the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners in accordance with FS Chapter 163.361. (6). Any action by the City of Sanford or the City's Community Redevelopment Agency in conflict with the limitations and requirements stated herein shall immediately revoke and rescind the authorization and delegation to the fullest extent made in this Resolution upon written notice by the County Attorney being delivered to the City Attorney and an opportunity, of a reasonable time, being provided to the City of Sanford to cure any such discrepancy with the delegation set forth in this Resolution. (7). This delegation is in response to a request of the City of Sanford and shall not be construed to represent the taking on or acceptance of any obligation by Seminole County or the making of any required finding or action by Seminole County under Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, or any other law, rule or regulation except only as to Seminole County's consent that the City of Sanford may create, and continue to operate a Community Redevelopment Agency through the period ending December 31, 2025, pursuant to the terms and conditions hereof, and consistency with the provisions of the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan relative to the creation of Community Redevelopment Agencies or areas of any actions relating thereto. (8). If any clause, paragraph, provisions, sentence, term, condition, or part of this Resolution is found to be invalid, inoperable, unconstitutional, unenforceable, or otherwise contrary to law; then this entire Resolution shall be of no force, effect, or meaning and, to that end, this Resolution is non - severable. (9). The delegation of authority and the powers conferred therein shall become effective upon adoption of a resolution by the City of Sanford on or before September 30, 2015, accepting the delegation and conditions as set forth in this Resolution. If no such resolution is adopted by the City of Sanford in a timely manner, then the delegation Resolution shall be deemed terminated further force or effect. (10). The County Manager, in conjunction with the counsel of the County Attorney, may take any and all appropriate actions necessary to implement the provisions of this Resolution. ADOPTED this day of , 2015, A.D. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: BRENDA CAREY, Chairman Date: / / ATTEST: MARYANNE MORSE Clerk to the Board County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida