HomeMy WebLinkAbout4345 Cross Connection ControlOrdinance No. 4345 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida, amending Section 102 -536 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford relating to the City's Manual of Cross Connection Control; providing for the payment of costs for work performed by the City; providing for legislative findings and intent; providing for the adoption of rules by the City Manager and other implementing action; providing for a savings provision; providing for conflicts; providing for codification; providing for severability and providing for an effective date. Be It Enacted By The People Of The City Of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to this Ordinance. (b). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. Section 2. Manual of Cross Connection Control. Section 102 -536, Chapter 102, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 102 -536. - Manual of Cross Connection Control adopted; costs incurred by the City; duty to pay. The City Commission hereby adopts by reference the most recent versions of the City's Manual of Cross Connection Control, dated QGtGbeF 1, 1 as adopted by administrative rule adopted by the City Manager. Compliance with the Manual and the cross connection program contained therein is hereby required and it is prohibited and unlawful to act in any manner that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Manual. The City Manager is hereby authorized to fully implement the City's cross connection control program by adoption of administrative rules that shall have the force For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, * ** shall constitute ellipses to the original text and stFikethr-eu shall constitute deletions to the original text. and effect of an ordinance enacted by the City Commission. The City Manager shall advise the City Commission of the adoption of rules and the City Clerk shall maintain the rules adopted in a codified version of such rules together with any other rules of the City that may be appropriate to place in such codification. (b). Should the customer of the City (or such person as the City may deem to be responsible) not accomplish all actions necessary with regard to cross connect control and the obligations of this Code or the rules of the City, to include, but not be limited to the City's Manual of Cross Connection Control; the customer or the account relating to the property served, as the City determines, shall be invoiced/billed for the amount which amount shall be due and payable to the City as any other utility charge. Section 3. Savings. The prior actions of the City of Sanford relating to the use and implementation of the City's Manual of Cross Connection Control, utility billings of the City and any and all related matters are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 4. Conflicts. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 6. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 6. Codification. Except for Section 2, the provisions of this Ordinance shall not become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, Florida. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon enactment by the City Commission. For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, *** shall constitute ellipses to the original text and stdkethmuo shall constitute deletions to the original text. Passed and Adopted this 13th day of July, 2015. Attest. City Commission the City of Sanford, Florida If Cynthia orter, City Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, * ** shall constitute ellipses to the original text and str�hrough shall constitute deletions to the original text. Prepared for: City of Sanford 300 North Park Ave. Sanford, FL 32771-1788 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PLAN For City of Sanford Prepared by: Hydro Designs, Inc. Main Office 5700 Crooks Rd, Suite 100 Troy, Ml 48098 Florida Office 640 Jubilee Street Melbourne, Fl- 32940 Phone: 321.610.8135 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ ..............................1 ` 1.1. PURPOSE ..............................1 ........................................................................................................ 1.2. LEGALITY ......................................................................................................... 1.3. LOCAL ORDINANCE .......................................................................................... ..............................1 ..............................1 2. AUTHORITY/ ADMINISTRATOR ...................................................................................... ..............................2 2.1. INSPECTOR ...................................................................................................... ..............................2 3. INSPECTIONS .................................................................................................................. ..............................3 3.1. INSPECTION ..............................3 ..................................................................................................... 3.2. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER ....................................................................... ..............................3 3.3. SERVICE LINE PROTECTION INSPECTION ........................................................... ..............................3 3.4. INTERNAL PLUMBING SYSTEM INSPECTION ......................................................... ..............................4 3.5. RECLAIM WATER SYSTEM ................................................................................ ..............................4 3.6. INSPECTION/SURVEY FORMS ............................................................................ ..............................4 3.7. INSPECTION PROCEDURES ............................................................................... ..............................4 3.8. REQUEST FOR INTERNAL CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL INFORMATION .............. ..............................5 3.9. RECORD KEEPING AND DATA MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE .................................... ..............................5 4. BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES AND DEVICES ........................................... ..............................6 4.1. RESPONSIBILITY .........................:....6 ............................................................................................... 4.2. APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES AND DEVICES ......................... ..............................6 4.3. SERVICE LINE BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY PROTECTION ........................ ..............................6 4.4. LAWN IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ............................................................................. ..............................9 4.5. TESTING OF BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES ............................................ ..............................9 4.6. BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION ...................... ..............................9 4.7. ASSEMBLY AND DEVICE ABBREVIATION LIST ..................................................... .............................10 5. NEW SERVICE INSPECTION ......................................................................................... .............................11 5.1. PROCEDURES ........................................................................................ 5.2. INSPECTIONS .................................................................................................. 5.3. COMPLIANCE .................................................................................................. 5.4. NON - COMPLIANCE .......................................................................................... ............................... .......11 .............................11 .............................11 .............................11 6. PIPING IDENTIFICATION .....................................................:......................................... .............................12 6.1. REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. .............................12 7. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN .................................................................................. .............................13 7.1. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN PROCEDURES ................................................... .............................13 7.2. EMERGENCY SCENARIOS ................................................................................. .............................13 7.3. SAMPLE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN ............................................................ .............................14 8. EDUCATION AND AWARENESS ................................................................................... .............................16 APPENDIXA - LOCAL ORDINANCE .................................................................................... .............................17 APPENDIXB - FIELD FORMS .............................................................................................. .............................19 APPENDIXC - NOTICE TEMPLATES .................................................................................. .............................21 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM INSPECTION NOTICE ..................................... .............................22 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM INSPECTION COMPLIANCE NOTICE ................. .............................23 CONTAINMENTNOTICE ................................................................................................. .............................24 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM CONTAINMENT COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATION ... .............................25 RE: THE SAM SAMPLES STORE AT 911 TEST DRIVE ...................................................... .............................25 REQUEST FOR INTERNAL CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL INFORMATION NOTICE ............. .............................26 RE: THE SAM SAMPLES STOREAT 119 TEST DRIVE ............................... INSPECTION NON - COMPLIANCE NOTICE 1 ..................................................................... .............................27 INSPECTION NON - COMPLIANCE NOTICE 2 ..................................................................... .............................28 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM INSPECTION SHUT -OFF NOTICE ..................... .............................29 ANNUAL. TEST NOTICE .................................................................................................. .............................30 TESTNOTICE # 2 .......................................................................................................... .............................31 TESTINGSHUT-OFF NOTICE ......................................................................................... .............................32 APPENDIXD - TEST FORM .................................................................................................. .............................33 APPENDIXE - DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................ .............................35 APPENDIX F - FACILITIES REQUIRING SERVICE LINE PROTECTION .......................... .............................38 APPENDIX G - INSTALLATION SCHEMATICS ................................................................... .............................40 APPENDIX H - 2007 FLORIDA PLUMBING CODE .............................................................. .............................49 APPENDIX I - AWWA M -14 MANUAL, 3R° EDITION ........................................................... .............................50 APPENDIX J - RECLAIM WATER SYSTEM POLICIES AND REGULATIONS .................. .............................51 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Purpose The purpose of this document is to outline the City of Sanford Cross Connection Control (CCC) policies for all commercial, industrial, governmental, residential and miscellaneous facilities having service connections to the City of Sanford public water supply, and is summarized as follows: • Protect the public water supply from contaminants and pollutants that could backfiow through the service connection(s) • Promote the elimination of actual and/or potential cross connections between the public water supply and non-potable water systems, plumbing fixtures and sources or systems containing substances of unknown or questionable quality • Promote the elimination of actual and/or potential cross connections between the facility potable water supply and non-potable water systems, plumbing fixtures and sources or systems containing substances of unknown or questionable quality • Provide guidance for the maintenance of a continuing program for protection from the potential of service line and internal cross connections within the facility 1.2. Legality In accordance with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Water Bureau (FDEP), the City of Sanford proclaims this program as a continuing effort to maintain pure, clean, safe potable water. The City of Sanford shall comply with the Cross Connection Control Rules in the Florida Administrative Code Chapters 62-550,62-555, and 62-610 (Rule 62-550.200, Rule 62-550.720, Rule 62-555.330, Rule 62-555.350, 62- 555.360, Rule 62-610.419, 62-610.469, 62-610.476, 62-610-491 and 62-610.660) as appropriate. By reference to the Florida Administrative Code (FAC), Rules 62-555.360(2), "we hereby establish the "City of Sanford Cross Connection Control Program." This program was adopted by the hereby above described organization on (insert date) and made effective upon approval of the FDEP on (insert date). 1.3. Local Ordinance Legal authority to carry out and enforce the City of Sanford Cross Connection Control Program is provided in Article XIII, Sections 102-536 through 102-545 of the City of Sanford Code of Ordinances. A copy of said ordinance can be found in Appendix A of this plan. City ofSanford (� 2. AUTHORITY /ADMINISTRATOR i` The City of Sanford shall be the Authority and the Administrator of the Cross Connection Control (CCC) Program. This Cross Connection Control Program shall include, but not be limited to: • Establish Authority • Local Ordinance (See Appendix A) • Applicable Rules and Regulations • Inspection Process and Requirements • Approved Backflow Prevention Devices and Assemblies • Testing Requirements of Backflow Prevention Assemblies • Data Management • Reporting • Public Education and Awareness 2.1. Inspector The City of Sanford or Designated Agent (Administrator /Agent) conducting inspections on behalf of the City of Sanford must be designated or approved by the City of Sanford. The Administrator /Agent must meet both 1) an experience component and 2) a certification/training component. Experience Acceptable experience may include one- (1) or more of the following: • Be employed by a Utility, Water Purveyor, Building Department, or body of jurisdiction and must meet the qualifications and training requirements as dictated by the Authority conducting inspections /surveys on behalf of the City of Sanford • Have held a similar position (CCC Inspector) with a previous municipality • One year full time experience in conducting cross connection control inspections in commercial, institutional, industrial facilities, and/or residential facilities Inspector Certification/Training Acceptable certification /training may include one- (1) or more of the following: • Meet American Society of Sanitary Engineer Standards (ASSE) 5020 and completed their Cross Connection Inspector Course (40 hours) • Possess a certificate of completion from one of the following: - University of Southern California (USC) Cross Connection Control Specialist Course (40 hours) - University of Florida TREEO Center (UFTREEO) Cross Connection Control Program Manager Course (40 hour) America Society of Sanitary Engineers (ASSE) Certified Cross Connection Control Surveyor • Other approved cross connection courses for surveying, as approved by the Authority for conducting inspections /surveys on behalf of the City of Sanford. Submission requirements for approvals must include the following: - Course outline - Date of attendance Outline of test questions - Categories and grading criteria - Certificate of satisfactory completion City of Sanford 2 3. INSPECTIONS 3.1. Inspection Authorized Inspectors, having proper identification, shall be permitted to enter the building /premises at any reasonable time for the purpose of inspection for the presence or absence of cross connections, testing, repair, and maintenance of any part of the plumbing system or any cross connection control device- connected to the water system. The Authority shall deny or discontinue, after reasonable notice to the occupants, water service to any building /premises for refusal or failure to arrange for a cross connection inspection. The Authority shall deny or discontinue water service if there is reason to believe the building /premises pose a potential for danger to the public and /or occupants. 3.2. Responsibility of the Owner The Owner shall be responsible for the protection of the public water supply from contamination due to backflow through the water service connection. The Authority may require Owner, at their expense, to install, alter, replace, or repair any plumbing connected to the public water system that may pose a threat to public health. Failure, refusal or the inability on the part of the Owner to correct any deficiency or violation immediately shall be unlawful and the Authority may deny or discontinue water service to the premises. The owner shall be responsible for the elimination of all unprotected cross connections, to include service line protection and any connections downstream of the service line supply to the building(s). 3.3. Service Line Protection Inspection Ca) Existing service line connections should be reassessed/inspected at an interval of no less than once every ten- (10) years to determine if the existing backflow preventer /method is appropriate for the level of hazard, or if service line protection is required. The frequency of reassessmentrnspection shall be based on the degree of hazard recorded with the City of Sanford and according to the following guidelines: 1. High Hazard facilities shall be reassessed every one (1) — three (3) years 2. Moderate Hazard facilities shall be reassessed every three (3) —six (6) years 3. Low Hazard facilities shall be reassessed every six (6) —ten (10) years b) New service line connections shall be assessed priorto introduction of new service to determine what method of backflow protection is required. c) Existing and /or new service line protection backflow prevention devices /methods shall be determined and required for certain buildings by referencing the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Manual M14,3 Edition, Chapters 2 and 5 and FAC Rule 62- 555.360. Backflow protection selection shall be consistent with or more stringent than FDEP Rules and AWWA M14 recommendations. d) Failure to install backflow protection as required by the Authority may precede disciplinary action from the Authority City of Sanford 3 3.4. Internal Plumbing System Inspection a Internal plumbing systems may require inspection at the discretion of the Utilities Manager. The facilities internal water use practices shall be reviewed to determine whether there are actual or potential cross connections to the plumbing system through which contaminants or pollutants could backflow into the public water supply and /or the facilities internal plumbing system. b) The internal plumbing systems downstream of the service line shall be reviewed for cross connections whenever there is a change in the customer of record at all commercial or industrial facilities to determine (1) if backflow protection is required at individual points of potable water use, (2) if existing backflow preventers /methods are appropriate for the level of hazard, (3) if existing backflow prevention devices needs to be replaced to ensure proper function, or if service line protection is required. 3.5. Reclaim Water System The City of Sanford Reclaim Water System shall be maintained in accordance with the Reclaim Water System Policies and Regulations which are located in Appendix J of this manual. 3.6. Inspection /Survey Forms An inspection Form/Survey Form shall be used in every inspection, as required, and will be filed in a location as identified along with other pertinent information accumulated. 3.7. Inspection Procedures Cross connection control inspections shall be completed as follows: a) Identify building to be inspected and schedule inspection. b) Meet on -site with facility contact/owner. c) Explain the Cross Connection Control Program to the facility contact/owner before inspection of the facility. d) Inspect/Evaluate the status of service line protection — complete all inspection forms as required (See line item V below). e) Inspect the building downstream of the service line if required and complete the Inspection Form(s) as applicable /required with the following information: Visually review all exposed piping and water outlets /uses downstream of the service connection Document all existing backflow prevention assemblies, devices and methods (including make, model #, size, serial # if applicable) that are currently protecting cross connections on the inspection /Survey Form Describe the point of use or equipment supplied for each backflow prevention assembly, device or method on the Inspection/Survey Form (� . Use the Inspection /Survey Form to provide specific requirements for corrective action City of Sanford 4 C J • Fill out an Inspection/Survey Form to document general findings; provide a "Compliance Status" and any follow up action to be taken. if no action is required (i.e., Compliant), provide a date of the next inspection due, if applicable. If the facility requires corrective action (i.e., Non - Compliant), provide a due date to complete corrective action(s) as designated on InspectionlSurvey Form • Date all forms with the date of the in -field inspection f) In addition to the field forms, a piping diagram or schematic of the plumbing system may be requested or required. 3.8. Request for Internal Cross Connection Control Information The Authority has the right to request specific cross connection control information to include but not limited to service line protection methods, assembly test records, CCC Program information, piping drawings, etc. 3.9. Record Keeping and Data Management Software All data obtained from the Inspection Forms, Existing Devices Forms and Requirements Forms will be input into a data management system and held for a period of no less than ten- (10) years to facilitate the CCC Program. This information will include: • Address and location • Owner name and contact information • Required re4nspection frequency • Degree of hazard classification • List of assemblies • Location of assemblies • Make, model, and size of assemblies • Testing and maintenance of assemblies • Description of other cross connections within the facility - Air gaps - Non testable devices Additionally, all written backflow incident reports and annual cross connection control program activities reports shall be maintained for a period of no less than five — (5) years. City of Sanford 5 4. BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES AND DEVICES 4.1. Responsibility With respect to backflow prevention devices /assemblies or methods the City of Sanford shall require the following: a) Installation and maintenance of assemblies, devices and/or methods to protect all existing cross connections shall be the responsibility of the Owner. 4.2. Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies and Devices a) The City of Sanford accepts backflow prevention devices, assemblies and methods (downstream of service line protection) as recognized by the Florida Building Code. b) FDEP recognized backflow prevention device, assemblies and methods intended to protect the public water supply at the point of the service connection must conform to FAC 62- 555.360 (4). c) New installation of Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assemblies and Double Check Valve Assemblies intended for service line protection must conform to AWWA Standards C510 and C511. 4.3. Service Line Backflow Prevention Assembly Protection With respect to backflow prevention assemblies installed at the service line, the Authority will require the following: Service line protection shall be required in accordance with the AW WA M -14 Manual, Td Edition recommendations and guidelines set forth by the FDEP. a) Where service line protection is required the owner shall receive formal written notification detailing the requirement and instructions pertaining to the need for protection from thermal expansion (see Containment Not cation located in b) Appendix C). The installation of a Double Detector Check Valve Assembly (DDCV) or a Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly (RPDA) shall be required at all new and existing dedicated service connections to fire protection systems. The type of assembly required shall be determined by the degree of hazard associated with c) the system. The installation of a Double Check Valve Assembly (DCV) or a Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assembly shall be required at the point of origin of all new and existing fire protection systems that are supplied by a dual d) domestic /fire service connection. Backflow Prevention Assemblies installed on dedicated service connections to fire protection systems shall be installed (1) above ground in order to provide access for maintenance and meter accessibility and (2) on private property abutting a right of way. The city shall be furnished an easement on any property where an assembly of this type is installed. e) If an existing fire protection system requires a higher degree of protection than that of which is currently installed and additional or new backflow prevention devices are required that may effect the hydraulics of the system, the owner shall receive formal written notification detailing the requirement and the owners responsibility to hire a registered professional engineer or a certified fire - in order to ensure there will not be an adverse f. protection system contractor f) effect on the operation of the system. The installation of a Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assembly as City orSantord 6 service line protection shall be required at all commercial, industrial and governmental facilities which are also served by reclaimed water or where (� ,+ auxiliary water systems exist. g) The installation of residential Dual Checks, Double Check Valve Assemblies or Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assemblies shall be required as service line protection at all residential homes which are also served by reclaimed water or where an auxiliary water system exists. h) If a residential Dual Check is installed as service line protection at a residential home and the home is also served by reclaimed water or an auxiliary water system exists the Authority shall also incorporate one or more of the following measures: C. 1. Automatic Meter Readings (AMR) may be utilized at service connections to residential homes which are also served by reclaimed water where a Double Check Valve Assembly or residential Dual Check has been installed as service line protection. The AMR shall have the ability to detect reversal of flow through the service connection and provide either immediate notification of the flow reversal event or record the flow reversal data for transmittal or retrieval on a monthly basis. 2. Premises inspections may be conducted at the time the backflow preventer is initially installed and at least once every five years thereafter by appropriately trained Utility Department staff or contractors or by a licensed plumber. A CCC Inspection /Survey ,J Form shall be completed and signed by the inspector. The Utilities Department shall keep the latest copy of the completed and signed inspection form in its records. Upon discovery of an existing cross connection the Utility Department shall (1) ensure that the cross connection is eliminated, (2) ensure thatthe backflow preventer at the service line is upgraded to a Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assembly or Air Gap, or (3) discontinue service until the cross connection is eliminated or the appropriate backflow preventer has been installed at the service line. i) Backflow prevention assemblies, devices or methods installed as service line protection shall be installed immediately downstream of the water meter and prior to the first branch line in the plumbing system. j) New Installation of Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assemblies and Double Check Valve Assemblies must conform to AW WA Standards C510 and C511. k) The installation of Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assemblies, Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assemblies and Atmospheric Vacuum Breakers below grade or in an underground pit shall be prohibited. City of Sanford 7 1) The installation of Testable Dual Checks below grade or in an underground pit shall be accepted under the following conditions: 1) If the test cocks are plugged 2) If adequate drainage is provided to maintain a normally dry location m) Assemblies located at the service line shall be tested upon installation, upon repair, upon responding to a reported backfiow incident, and on an annual basis. CltyotSanford 8 4.4. Lawn Irrigation Systems Lawn irrigation systems which are supplied from a dedicated service line shall be equipped with a Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assembly or Pressure Vacuum Breaker immediately downstream of the water meter and prior to the first irrigation branch line. Lawn irrigation systems installed in such a manner that the supply originates downstream of the potable service line connection to a building shall be equipped with a Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembly or Reduced Pressure Backfiow Prevention Assembly at the point of origination of the system. These assemblies must be installed in accordance with the FL Building Code and the manufacturers' installation requirements. 4.5. Testing of Backfiow Prevention Assemblies a) All backflow prevention assemblies and testable residential dual check valves located at the service line and downstream shall be tested upon installation, upon repair, upon responding to a reported backflow incident, and on an annual basis. Assemblies must be tested in accordance with applicable standards referenced within the FL Building Code (ASSE 5000 Series or CSA B64.10.1- b) 01). Equipment used to field test assemblies must be checked for accuracy annually. c) Assembly test form(s) to record test results will be maintained by the Owner and submitted to the Authority as required. d) The Owner shall have all assemblies tested annually by a tester having completed the 40 hour University of Florida TREEO Center Backfiow Prevention Southern Assembly Tester Training and Certification Course, The University of ..! California Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research backflow prevention assembly tester course, or another FDEP approved certification course. All testers must also complete a recertification exam at an interval not to exceed once every three years. Per FS Sections 633.021 and 633.549, only certified fire protection contractors may test assemblies at service e) connections to fire protection systems. The City of Sanford shall reserve the right to direct and administer testing of any backflow prevention assemblies installed as service line protection. All costs associated with testing and any necessary repairs of these assemblies shall be the responsibility of the owner and will be added as a separate line item on the next occasion of the owners water billing cycle. f) Failure to test assemblies and submit appropriate test forms located at the service line may result in termination of water service. 4.6. Backfiow Prevention Device Maintenance and Inspection a) Residential dual checks installed as service line protection shall be replaced, or overhauled at an interval acceptable to the FDEP which is no longer than every five- (5) years to ensure that the device is (1) appropriate for the degree of hazard and (2) also to ensure that the backflow prevention device is working properly. City of Sanford 9 A 7 A -nt-1 rIntAnim A kkmwinfinn I i--f kS.S.E Legend Testable Standard , Acronym Device 1001 Atmospheric Type Vacuum Breakers AVB No 1002 Anti-si phon Fill Valves (Ballcocks) ASBC No 1011 Hose Connection Vacuum Breaker HBVB No 1012 44 Backflow Preventer w/Intermediate Atmospheric Vent i VDCV No 1013 Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assembly RPBP 1015 Double Check Valve Backflow Prevention Assemblv DCV 1019 Vacuum Breaker Wall Hydrants HBIVB No 1020 Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembl y PVB 1022 Backflow Preventer for Carbonated Beverage Machine VMBP No 1024 Dual Check Valve Type Backflow Preventers DC No 1024 Residential Dual Check RDC Yes/No 1035 Laboratory Faucet Backflow Preventer LFVB No 1037 Pressurized Flushing Devices (Flushometers) PFD No 1047 RP Detector Backflow Prevention Assembly RPDA 1048 Double Check Detector Backflow Prevention Assembly DDCV 1052 Hose Connection Backflow Preventer HCBP No 1055 Chemical Dispensing S stems AG No 1056 Spill Resistant Vacuum Breaker Assembly SVB 1057 Freeze Resistant Yard Hydrant W/Backfiow No Al 12.1.2 Air GaD AG No Single Check Valve SCV No City ofSanford 10 5. NEW SERVICE INSPECTION 5.1. Procedures All plumbing plans and permits for a proposed building shall be reviewed by the Building Department of the City of Sanford in order to determine the degree of possible Cross Connection hazards. This review shall include input from the Utility Department to coordinate the proper location and application of approved backflow prevention assemblies as necessary. If adequate plans and specifications are not available and no realistic evaluation of the proposed water uses can be made, the Owner shall be advised that the installation of backflow prevention devices or other controls shall be necessary unless the Owner satisfies the reviewing authorities in writing that no hazard will exist. 5.2. inspections The Plumbing Official shall inspect the building, including the complete backflow prevention assembly installation, for compliance with the Cross Connection Control Program. On -site inspections shall be completed either during the construction or immediately after in order to identify hazards that were not apparent during the plan review or any hazards that were introduced during construction. Utility Department personnel will assist the Plumbing Official as needed to ensure compliance with field testing requirements of the backflow prevention assembly. At a minimum, all non- residential construction shall be plan checked and inspected prior to connection to the City of Sanford potable water distribution system. 5.3. Compliance C_ After final approval of the installation and satisfactory testing of the backflow prevention assembly, in accordance with plumbing codes and cross connection control rules and regulations, a report will be completed and filed by the Cross Connection Control Technician with the concurrence of the Plumbing Official. This report will include the size, manufacturer, model, serial number, exact location and any other pertinent details of the backflow prevention assembly installation. A completed test report properly filled out and signed by a Certified Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester shall be included with this report. 5.4. Non - Compliance If the building does not comply with the Cross Connection Control Program the Authority shall enforce this plan as required. The water service and the certificate of occupancy will not be initiated until compliance is achieved and approved. City of Sanford 11 C 6. PIPING IDENTIFICATION 6.1. Requirements 6.1.1. When two or more piping systems are used for water in a building extreme care should be taken not to interconnect the systems. There may be a potable water system and systems carrying lesser quality water such as for fire protection or re- use. To help prevent the possibility of two systems being interconnected, pipes must be identified adequately. Legends and color coding should be based on the American Standards Association Scheme for Identification of Piping Systems" (ANSI Z535.1 -199) or an identification plan accepted by the Authority and prominently posted throughout the facility. 6.1.2. Color- coding and /or labeling should not be used solely to identify the contents of pipes but should be used supplementary to the use of legends. Potable water lines must be painted and /or labeled and the words "Potable Water" put on the pipe at appropriate intervals. Pipes carrying water for fire protection must be painted or labeled. Piping systems carrying other material, or water for other purposes, must also be clearly identified with the appropriate legends and color - coding. Flow arrows should be included to indicate the direction of flow. 6.1.3. Buildings which do not comply with the identification of piping system requirements on the effective date of this plan, must be painted or labeled in accordance with this section. Identification must be completed as soon as reasonably possible. 6.1.4. When the piping system layout creates an unusual or extreme situation in a limited area of inaccessibility, the Authority may permit the use of permanently attached durable sign(s), or such segments of piping may require substitute techniques to achieve positive identification. The use of substitute techniques shall not deviate from ANSI Z535.1 -199 standards and must be approved by the Authority. 6.1.5. All openings from which secondary water may be obtained shall have at all times a sign prominently posted within two (2) feet of the opening bearing the following warning: WATER UNSAFE FOR DRINKING. Such sign shall be at least eight (8) inches by ten (10) inches in size, prominently lettered in contrasting colors, with no letters less than one (1) inch in height. Signs are to be furnished and maintained by the owner of the secondary supply and must be of material and design acceptable to the Authority. City of Sanford 12 7. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN r 7.1. Emergency Response Plan Procedures The City of Sanford shall develop and maintain an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) document intended to facilitate in properly responding to a backflow event. The written ERP shall be readily available to designated personnel. Investigative actions to address an actual or potential backflow event are intended to: a) Protect the distribution system from the spread of a contaminant detected in the water supply b) Quickly restore the quality of water in the distribution system if a contaminant has entered the system through backflow c) Prevent any further contamination of the distribution system The facilities investigation should include these steps: 1) Locate the source of contamination 2) Isolate the source to protect the water distribution system from further contamination 3) Determine the extent of the spread of contamination through the distribution system and provide timely, appropriate notification to the public and it's regulatory agencies as applicable 4) Take corrective action to clean the contamination from the distribution system 5) Restore water service 7.2. Emergency Scenarios Common scenarios causing unintended backflow forcing execution of Emergency Response may include the following: b) Main water supply pipe break c) internal facility water pipe break d) Internal facility — unprotected cross connection allowing contaminant to flow into potable water distribution system e) Report of illness due to water supply contamination f) Report of discolored water City ofSanrord 13 7.3. Sample Emergency Response Plan BACKFLOW INCIDENT REPORT FORM There are many backilow incidents, which occur that are not reported. This is usually because they are of short duration, are not detected, the customer is not aware they should be reported or it may not be known to whom the incident should be reported. If you have any knowledge regarding incidents, please complete the form below and return it to the Municipal Engineer at the above address. Reporting Agency: Reported By: Mail Address: Province: Postal Code: Date of incident: General Location (Street, etc.): 1. Backflow Originated From: Name of Premise Street Address: Contact Person: Type of Business: 2. Description of Contaminant(s): (Attach Chemical Analysis if available) Report Date: Position: City. Telephone: Time of occurrence: City: Telephone: 3. Distribution of Contaminant(s): Contained within customer's property: Yes: _No: _ Number of persons affected: 4. Effect of Contamination: Illness reported: Physical irritation reported: 5. Cross Connection Source of Contaminant: (boiler, chemical pump, irrigation system, etc.) city otsantord 14 Backflow Incident Report Form Page 2 6. Cause of Backflow: (main break, fire flow, etc.) 7. Corrective Measures Taken to Restore Water Quality: (main flushing, disinfection, etc.) 8. Corrective Action Ordered to Eliminate or Protect from Cross Connection: (type of backilow preventer, location, etc.) 9. Previous Cross Connection Survey of Premise: Date: By: 10. 12. Type(s) of Backflow Preventer Isolating Property: RP: RPDA: — DCVA: DCDA: AVB: Air Gap: _ None: Other Type: Date of Latest Test of Device: Notification of Health Department: Person Notified: Date: Time: _ PVB: — SVBk. — Attach sheets containing any additional Information, sketches, etc. to the back of this form. City of Sanford 15 8. EDUCATION AND AWARENESS �. The cross connection control program staff must have a good understanding of the program. The City of Sanford shall ensure their cross connection control staff receives proper in -the -field training as well as classroom education focusing on terminology, backflow prevention devices /assemblies, regulations, and hydraulic concepts. in addition, cross connection control staff will be encouraged to receive continuing education to be made aware of new backflow prevention devices /assemblies, regulation changes (i.e. plumbing code updates), new water use devices that pose cross connection concerns, etc. C (—:1: Furthermore, attempts to educate the public about cross connections will be made by distributing pamphlets on common residential cross connections, visiting schools, providing onsite education of facility management and maintenance staff during routine inspections, speaking at condominium association meetings, showing videos on local access channels, or posting newspaper announcements. Cross connection staff shall also be available upon request to provide backflow prevention education to pertinent community officials and City of Sanford employees. Cibj of Sanford 16 APPENDIX A - LOCAL ORDINANCE ARTICLE X111. CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL Sec. 102 -536. Manual of Cross Connection Control adopted. The city adopts by reference the city's Manual of Cross Connection Control, dated October 1, 1990. Compliance with the manual and the cross connection program contained therein is hereby required. (Code 1973, § 28 -270; Ord. No. 3042, § 1, 12 -10 -1990) Sec. 102 -537. Inspections. The director of utilities or his designee shall cause inspections to be made of all properties served by the public potable water supply where cross connection with the public potable water supply is deemed possible. The frequency of inspections and reinspections based on potential health hazards involved shall be as established by the Manual of Cross Connection Control of the department of utilities of the city and in no case shall be less than once per year for commercial users. Any fees or charges established by the city pursuant to the regulations or requirements established in this article may be changed from time to time by resolution of the city commission. (Code 1973, § 28 -271; Ord. No. 3042, § 1, 12 -10 -1990) Sec. 102 -538. Right of entry of inspectors. Duty authorized employees of the city bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter any building, structure, or property served by a connection to the public potable water supply system of the city for the purpose of inspecting the piping systems on such property. Consent to such access shall be obtained from a person of suitable age and discretion therein or in control thereof. The refusal of such information or refusal of access, when requested, shall be deemed evidence of the presence of cross connections. (Code 1973, § 28 -272; Ord. No. 3042, § 1, 12 -10 -1990) Sec. 102 -539. Authority to discontinue water service. The director of utilities or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to discontinue potable water service to any property, after notice, where in any connection in violation of section 102- 536 exists, and to take such other precautionary measures deemed necessary to eliminate any danger of contamination of the public potable water supply system. Water service to such - property shall not be restored until the cross connection has been eliminated in compliance with the provisions of this article. (Code 1973, § 28 -273; Ord. No. 3042, § 1, 12 -10 -1990) Sec. 102 -540. Protection of public potable water supply; labeling of nonpotable supplies. The potable water supply made available on the properties served by the public potable water supply shall be protected from present or future possible contamination as specified by this article and by state and city plumbing codes. Any water outlet which could be used for potable or domestic purposes and which is not supplied by the potable system must be labeled "WATER UNSAFE FOR DRINKING" or by other appropriate labeling, in a conspicuous manner. (Code 1973, § 28 -274; Ord. No. 3042, § 1, 12 -10 -1990) Sec. 102 -541. Installation, operation and testing of protective devices. The consumer shall bear all expense of installing, testing and maintaining the protective devices required by section 102 -511 to insure proper operation on a continuing basis. Installation, testing and maintenance of protective devices shall be conducted by certified personnel approved by the city department of utilities. The consumer shall notify the department of utilities at least 48 hours in advance, in writing, when the tests are to be undertaken so that it may have a City of Sanford 17 representative witness the tests if it is so desired. The consumer shall keep records of his testing, maintenance and repair activities related to cross connection control and shall make F`: these records available upon request. Copies of all testing, maintenance and repair records shall be sent to the city's department of utilities immediately after the work is performed. (Code 1973, § 28 -275; Ord. No. 3042, § 1,12 -10 -1990) Sec. 102 -542. Additional regulations. Section 102 -536 does not supersede the Standard Plumbing Code of the Southern Building Code Congress International, the state department of health plumbing rules, and the city's plumbing ordinance, but is supplementary to them. When conflicts exist the more restrictive provision shall apply. (Code 1973, § 28 -276; Ord. No. 3042, § 1,12 -10 -1990) Sec. 102 -543. Violations; penalty. Any person or customer found guilty of violating any of the provisions of section 102 -536, or any written order of the city in pursuance thereof, shall be punishable in accordance with section 1 -7. In addition, such person or customer shall pay all costs and expenses involved in the case, to include attomeys' fees. Notice of such violation shall be given by delivering the same to the premises and mailing a copy thereof to the billing address as it appears on the city's billing records. Each day upon which a violation of the provisions of section 102 -536 shall occur shall be deemed separate and additional violation. Any person or customer in violation of any of the provisions of section 102 -536 shall become liable to the city for any expense, loss, or damage incurred by the city, such violation to include attorneys' fees. In addition to any penalty provided by law for the violation of any of the provisions of section 102 -536, the city may bring suit in the appropriate court to enjoin, restrain, or otherwise prevent the violation of any of the provisions of this article. (Code 1973, § 28 -277; Ord. No. 3042, § 1, 12 -10 -1990) Sec. 102 -544. City employees not liable for penalties for failure to perform duties. No provision of this article designating the duties of any city officer or employee shall be so construed as to make such officer or employee liable for any fine or penalty for failure to perform such duty. (Code 1973, § 28 -278; Ord. No. 3042, § 1, 12 -10 -1990) Sec. 102 -545. Area of applicability. All territory within the city and the county served by the city potable water system shall be governed by this article to the extent permitted by law. (Code 1973, § 28 -279; Ord. No. 3042, § 1, 12 -10 -1990) Secs. 102- 546 - -102 -564. Reserved. City of Sanford 18 ws RM X , 8�� Item No. CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 15 -123 JULY 13, 2015 AGENDA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission PREPARED BY: Cynthia Porter, City Clerk SUBMITTED BY: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., Ci Manager %/) SUBJECT: City of Sanford Cross Connection Control Program STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: ❑ Unify Downtown & the Waterfront ❑ Promote the City's Distinct Culture ❑ Update Regulatory Framework ❑ Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities SYNOPSIS: Ordinance No. 4345, amending the City Code relating to the City's Cross Connection Control Program, is being presented for second reading and adoption. F'ISCALJSTAFFFING STATEMENT: No additional costs are anticipated. BACKGROUND: The City is required to have a Cross Connection Control Program to safeguard the public potable water distribution system pursuant to rule 62- 555.360, Florida Administrative Code. In 1990 the City Commission approved Ordinance No. 3042 establishing a Cross Connection Control Program and adopted the City's Manual of Cross Connection Control. The Manual of Cross Connection Control establishes rules and procedures to protect the public water supply from contaminates and pollutants that could backflow through the service connection to customers properties. The Utility Department inspects all backflow prevention devices on the water distribution system. Ordinance No. 4345 amends the City Code relating to the City's Cross Connection Control Program to comply with changes to the State rules since 1990. This Ordinance adopts the most recent 'version of the City's Manual of Cross Connection and authorizes the City Manager to fully implement the program by adoption of administrative rules. On June 22, 2015, Ordinance No. 4345 was passed on first reading by the City Commission. The City Clerk published notice of the public hearing in the Sanford Herald on June 21, 2015. LEGAL REVIEW: The City Attorney's office prepared Ordinance No. 4345. RECOMMENDATION: It is Staff's recommendation that the City Commission adopt Ordinance No. 4345. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4345." Attachments: Ordinance No. 4345 Cross Connection Control Plan Ordinance No. 4345 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida, amending Section 102 -536 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford relating to the City's Manual of Cross Connection Control; providing for the payment of costs for work performed by the City; providing for legislative findings and intent; providing for the adoption of rules by the City Manager and other implementing action; providing for a savings provision; providing for conflicts; providing for codification; providing for severability and providing for an effective date. Be It Enacted By The People Of The City Of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to this Ordinance. (b). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. Section 2. Manual of Cross Connection Control. Section 102 -536, Chapter 102, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 102 -536. - Manual of Cross Connection Control adopted; costs incurred by the City; duty to pay. The City Commission hereby adopts by reference the most recent versions of the City's Manual of Cross Connection Control, dated QGtGbeF 1, 1 as adopted by administrative rule adopted by the City Manager. Compliance with the Manual and the cross connection program contained therein is hereby required and it is prohibited and unlawful to act in any manner that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Manual. The City Manager is hereby authorized to fully implement the City's cross connection control program by adoption of administrative rules that shall have the force For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, * ** shall constitute ellipses to the original text and strikethmugh shall constitute deletions to the original text. and effect of an ordinance enacted by the City Commission. The City Manager shall advise the City Commission of the adoption of rules and the City Clerk shall maintain the rules adopted in a codified version of such rules together with any other rules of the City that may be appropriate to .dace in such codification. (b) Should the customer of the City (or such person as the City may deem to be responsible) not accomplish all actions necessary with regard to cross connect control and the obligations of this Code or the rules of the City, to include, but not be limited to the City's Manual of Cross Connection Control; the customer or the account relating to the property served as the City determines shall be invoiced /billed for the amount which amount shall be due and payable to the City as any other utility charge. Section 3. Savings. The prior actions of the City of Sanford relating to the use and implementation of the City's Manual of Cross Connection Control, utility billings of the City and any and all related matters are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 4. Conflicts. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 6. Codification. Except for Section 2, the provisions of this Ordinance shall not become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, Florida. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon enactment by the City Commission. For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, * ** shall constitute ellipses to the original text and StFikethFOU0 shall constitute deletions to the original text. Passed and Adopted this 13th day of July, 2015. Attest: Cynthia Porter, City Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: William L. Colbert, Esquire City Attorney City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida Jeff Triplett, Mayor For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, * ** shall constitute ellipses to the original text and stFikethFGU shall constitute deletions to the original text.