HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.06.01City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
Thursday, DECEMBER 6, 2401
City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
7:00 P.M.
1. Consider the Final Plat for the Dakotas, a proposed 23 lot single family residential subdivision
located at 600 Ugsala Road
rd .
Tax Parcel Number: 3 -1 - - AF- 0000 -0300
Property Owner /representative. Dean shoemaker - Shoemaker Construction Co., Inc.
2.A Consider the Pre Iirninary subdivision Plan for Lade Mary B uIevard /'I 7-92, LLc commer ial
Subdivision, a five lot commercial development proposed at 3803 Orlando Drive.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 14-20-30-300-0050-0000,14-20-30-300-0060-0000 & 14-20-30-300-0320-0000
Property Owner: Louis Wolff, Trustee - RING Properties, Inc.
Representatives: Charles Lichtigman - Charles Wayne Prop.; Tom Skelton - American civil Eng.
2.13 Consider the site Plan for Walgreens Drugstore, a proposed 14,490 square foot retail facility
located at 3801 Orlando Drive.
Tax Parcel umbers: 14-20-30-300-0050-0000 1 - 0- - 300 - 0060 -0000 & 14-20-30-300-0320-0000
Property Owner: Louis Wolff, Trustee - RING Properties, Inc.
Representatives: ntatives: Charles Li htigman - Charles Wayne Prop.; Torn Skelton - American Civil Eng.
3. Consider the site Plan for Lots 1 13, Keyes s Industrial Parr, for a proposed 18,080 square
foot office /warehouse facility located at 120 - 130 Keyes Court.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 12-20-30-510-0000-0120, 12 -2 - - 1 - 0000 -0'1 o & 12-20-30-0210-0000
Property Owner: Fred smith - Keyes Asset Management Inc.
Representative: Jack Reynolds - American civil Engineering
4. Minutes
5. Any other business from floor or Commission Members
6. Deports from Staff.
Update regarding changes to Sanford's Lard Development Regulations
2002 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting schedule
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F;1Z N INGC A ENDAl200111 - 06.01.wpd
ME ING of December 6,2001
7:00 PM.
Carol Denison
Michael Skat
Rami osef`ian
Gary Lowell
Robert Carraway
Steven Vaughn
Otto Garrett
Irian Volt
Kevin Fipes - excused
Ross Robert - excused
Andrew Iut - excused
Bobby VonHerbulis - excused
Antonia Gerli, Senior Pl=mer
Russ Gibson, Land Development Manager
Nick Balevich, Planner
Mr. Skat called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.
The first item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Final Plat for the Dakotas, a proposed 2
lot single f amply residential subdivision location at 600 Upsala load.
Dean Shoemaker represented the request. Mr. Shoemaker stated that he met with Bob Walter and
Russ Gibson at the site today regarding the drainage issues between each house. If the lot were located
along the retention pond, the scale would be in the rear and if not along the retention pond, the sale
is at the front Between lots 15 & 16 there is a storm sewer pipe, which the City will not be responsible
Mr. Gibson stated that he spoke with Jerry Ferman, Public works Director, and be concurred that
perhaps it is not the ideal configuration of the easement across the storm line, it is acceptable and
recommends the proposed changes by Mr. Shoemaker be adopted.
Mr. Shoe stated that between lot 23 and Upsala Road, there will be landscaping and a brick gall.
The retention pond is sodded with Floratam Sod with a sprinkler system and is being mowed.
Mr. Gibson stated the original zoning was a pp rove d in June 1999 and approved for 24 lots. One lot,
lot 24,, was sacrificed for the retention pond and a right-of-way that Seminole County needed for
improvements along Up ala Road.
Mr. Lowell moved on approval with Staffs recommendations and incorporating the items listed in the
December 6 letter. Seconded by GIs. Dennison. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next itern considered was a consideration of the Freliri�nary Subdivision Flan for Lake Mary
Boulevard/ 17-92,, LL Cornmerci.al Subdivision, a five lot commercial development proposed at
38 03 Orlando Drive.
Thomas Skelton with American Civil Engineering represented the request. 'Mere is a concern about
the subdivision being limited to a m xi urn of three freestanding signs, one not to exceed 100-sq. ft.
and the remaining two not exceeding 50-s ft. The Walgreens will have the 100 ft. sign on the
corner leaving the other two signs being shared between the other 3 parcels. They would like to have
the two -sq. ft. signs increase to 100-sq. ft. eac
During discussion, it was mentioned that there will 3 freestanding sighs with a total of Zoo -sq. ft. with
a r a i um of 100-sq. ft. an a nnrrn of 50-sq. t. per sign.
Ir. Lowell moved for approval of the pre subdivision per Staff's reco except the
swage being a total of Zoo - ft, for 3 signs and no sign shall be less than 50- f. and no sign shall
be more than loo -sq. ft. Mr. Volk seconded. All in favor. Mod on carried.
Next on the Agenda was to consider the Site Plan for Walgreens Drugstore, a prop 14, 490 square
foot retail facility located at 3801 Orlando Drive,
Toni Skelton represented the request.
Mr. Lowell asked about the landscaping around the signs on the property. Mr. Gibson stated that this
could be addressed at the final engineering plan review by Staff and note it to be required.
Mr. Skat asked about the visual screen for the compactor area. fir. Jones stated that there wo uld b
a visual screen per Staff requirements.
Mr. Lowell move to approve the Site Flan per Staff recommendations and with previous sign
restrictions. Mr. Vaughn seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Next on the Agenda was to consider the Site flan for Lots 12 & 13 Keyes Industrial Park, for a
proposed 18, square foot office/warehouse f located at 120-130 Keyes Court.
Jack Reynolds represented the request. He stated he did not have any problem with Staff
recommendations. would like to direct their attention to the development Order, page 2, item (3)(d
regarding no semi - tractor trailer trucks shall be permitted on site. He understands that this would mean
no overnight parking.
Mr. Lowell made a suggestion regarding the hots on the building. Instead of placing the lights on the
front of the building, which may cause a problem with the lights shinning into the eyes of the people
traveling on 427, maybe a light on a pole in the parking lot shinning towards the building to t
the building. Mr. Reynolds stated he would pass that suggestion on.
Mr. Lowell moved to approve the Site Marx per Staff recommendations with two additions —
1 enhancing the SW corner landscaping and 2 along the lbw faade of the building wall pack lights
be replaced with however number of shoebox pole bits located for directional lighting towards the
front of the building. Ms. enm's n seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Lowell moved to approve the Minutes as circulated. Mr. Volk seconded. All in favor. Motion
Mr. Lowell stated that he hasn't had the opportunity to personally thank Mr. Rowe regarding the
removal of the temporary signs off the right- of -way along Sanford Avenue between the sign shop and
the transmission shop. Mr. Rowe did a nice job.
Mr. Skat stated that the Board has received comments back from the City Commission regarding
changes to Sanford's Land Development Regulations. Mr. Gibson stated that Antonia is present to
address the updated changes to Sanford's Lana Development Regu6tions. Mr. Gibson also distributed
a copy of the 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting schedule.
Ills. Gerli stated that there were not too many changes from the City Commission. The wain thing
they granted was increased landscaping between single family residential and multi - family residential,
commerciaL and industrial. In addition to landscaping Schedule J, Staff has increased the buffer along
the roadways. Stars * have been placed next to the items that have changes. On the collectors, Staff
is recommending a 15-ft. wide landscape strip instead of a 10-ft. wide landscape strip. n other right -
of -gays, it is increased to a 10-ft. wide landscape strip from of a 5-ft wide landscape strip. On other
parcel lines, it is increased to a 10-ft. strip from a 5-ft. wide landscape strip. On page J -13, Table A, City
on n i sion wanted more buffering between multi famil and single family, so Staff is recommending
a 1 00-ft setback with a 2 -ft buffer with 2 rows of staggered trees and shrubbery. Surrounding areas
have s imilar requirements. She has removed the Type 3 visual screening. Also, City Manager wants
fully shielded }fighting in the buffer. Section 3. 7 was added stating that no lighting will go onto the
residential lots and a definition of fully shielded lighting.
Another change the City CM1111sin wanted was standard noticing 20 -ft owner notification for de
tni= variances that are approved by Administrative Official, for changes of one non - conforming
use to another non- conforming use, and for approval from Administrative Official for one and two
fmidy residential uni ts that are non-conforming so they can expand.
Mr. Gibson stated that under Schedule L, based on the character of the non - conformity, the
Administrative Official can have it deffered to the Board.
Ms. Gerh stated that Staff c udd notify Planning & Zoning Commission and City Comrru's ion of any
d variances that Staff vwould approve.
Mr. Skat stated that he would like to have Planning & Zoning Conunission approve a variance request
for one and two family dwel1ings within a commercial district and not the Board of Adjustment.
Ms. Geri stated that Staff was objecting to the 20 ft notice where randy geared towards single family
and two family residential. Staff did not want them to go through a burden of a lengthy process.
After hearing the changes, the Comnussion. concurred with the changes. Ms. Gerh stated that the City
Con x fission will adopt these changes on December 17, 2001.
Mr. Skat asked about the landscape vision. with the City Conirnission wanting to increase the buffer
r gwements, there will be some variation in the streets cape between the old and new locations. Mr.
Gibson stated that this is to bring up the rest of Sanford to the same standards, such as Sanford
Avenue and 17-92.
Mr. Gibson ann ounced to the Board that recording secretary Marion Anderson will no longer be
servicing this Board as she has transferred to the Hurnan Resources Department. However, Mary
Muse, will be joining the team. A plaque will be prepared for Marion for her dedication, time and
devotion for her number of years of service to this Board. Maybe the presentation can be made at a
City Con rrn* sion Workshop.
Mr. Skat stated that if the Board receives calls or letters from an Attorney regarding an apartment
complex, just defer any discussion.
There being no firth r business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Michael Skat, Chairman