HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.15.01City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission AGENDA Thursday, NOVEMBER 15, 2001 City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida Regularly Scheduled Meeting 7:00 P.M. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a conditional Use request to establish a car wash at the Texaco gasoline service station located at 490 W. Labe Mary Boulevard. Tax Parcel Number: 11- 2- 3- 0- A02 -0000 Property Owner: Motiva Enterprises LLc Representative: Kenneth sanders, P.E. - Blount Sikes & Associates 2. Hold a Public Hearing to Rezone property at 1701 Brissn Avenue from AG, Agriculture to PD Planned Development to allo w a Community Resource Facility with are associated daycare. Tax Parcel Number: 32-19-31-300-012A-0000 Property Owner: Bates Feed Representative: Tessa Duncan - Jute, Inc. 3. Hold a Public Hea ri ng to Rezone property located at 1100 Rinehart Road from Agriculture to PD, Planned Development to allover an Automobile Dealer Bales Establishment. Tax Parcel Number: 32-19-30-300-009B-000 Property Owner: WPB Properties Inc. Representative: Bob Lochrane, P.E. - Lochrane Engineering 4. consider the Site Plan for courtesy Honda, a proposed Automobile Dealer sales establishment at 1000 Rinehart Road. Tax Parcel Number: 32-19-30-300-007A-0000 Property Owner: First Team Ford, LTD Representative: Brian Denham - Lochrane Engineering 5. consider the site Plan for Courtesy Chrysler ,leap a proposed Automobile Dealer sales establishment at 1 001 Rinehart Road. Tax Parcel lumber: 32-19-30-300-007E-0000 Property owner: First Team Ford, LTD Representative: Brian Denham - Lochrane Engineering 6. Minutes 7. Any other business from floor or Commission Members 8. Reports from staff. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may read a verbatim record of the proceedings Including the testimony and evidence, which record Is not provided by the city of Sanford (FS 286.010 ) Persona with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel off ce ADA coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs In advance of the meeting. F .20NIWA ENDAl2001111 -1 .01. pd MENUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of NOVEMBER 15, 2001 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA l EM ERS PRESENT Michael Skat Ross Robert Kevin Hipes B rian Volk Bobby vonerbulis Cary LoweR Rams Yosehan Andrew Kut Otto Garrett MEMBERS ABSENT: Carol Dennison- excused OTHERS FRE5ENT: Russ Gibson, Land Development 1 l=ager Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. First on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request to establish a car wash at the Texaco gasoline service station located at 490 W. Lake Mary Blvd. Ken Sand ers of Blount Sikes and Associates, 3032 Mercy Drive, Orlando, was present. H e st ated that they would like to add a ear wash behind the existing retail sales building. Regarding Star s recommendation to locate the car wash behind the existing retail building, It would put the edge of the car wash at the edge of the existing bu�lding, which is not a good thing to do. They can meet all other criteria, including the base building Une setback. The car wash will be further back from the existing building, to the north. Signage will comply with Gateway Corridor Standards. �&. Kutz questioned the in 1 0 sound level and decibel for ear washes. Mr. Gibson explained that the land to the north and east is vacant and is conunercially zoned. There should not be any concern with the noise impacts to residential uses, Staff has identified to update noise standards, not only as it relates to car washes, but other activities as veil. Mr. Kutz stated that n=h ne manufacturers may well have an established decibel level. He would hke to ff ke it an element o known information for this and other car gashes. Mr. Skat requested that at site plan review, the applicant finmish readings of decibel levels. M- PLANNING AND ZONING COMNUSSI N MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15, 2001 PAGE 2 There being no one else to speak in favor of or in opposition to the request, A&. Yose ian moved to approve with staff s recommendations. Seconded by Mr. H pes for discussion. Mr. Yosefaan moved to mend his motion to delete Item B of staffs recommendations and add an item so that the ear wash would have to be lined up with canopy of the building. Amendment seconded by Mr. Hipes. Ir. Dowell stated that sound is something that needs to be considered on certain circumstances when the generating source for the noise is the control ng factor. Mr. Lowell stated that he couldn't support a resolution that doesn't include that type of criteria. Mr. VonHerbulis stated that every piece of property is stand alone and individual. If this was next to residential, or a nursing home next door, that would be the tune to be considerate of the decibel levels. Mr. Lowell and Mr. Kutz in opposition to the motion. All others in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to Rezone property located at 1701 Brison Avenue from AG, Agriculture, to PD, Planned Development, to allow a Community Resource Facility with an associated daycare. Tessa Duncan, JUTE, Inc., stated that they are proposing to open a single parent teenage facilYty. This is a 1. 2 acre property surrounded by water on three sides and is completely fenced. In the main house there are 7 bedrooms with 3 bat. The cottage is 1 bedroom, self standing unit. It has a bathroom, large living area, kitchen and 1 bedroonL Ms. Duncan stated that they are seeking to open a 10 bedroom facility. There are two phases to this project. In the first phase they are hoping to have six mothers and their children until the garage is convcrted to the child care unit. They are hoping to convert one additional bedroom in the downstairs portion of the main house. The downstairs has a living room, a sitting room, one bedroom, a d ining room, laundry room, two bathrooms, kitchen and another room to the back. In the second phase of the project, they will be converting the dining room to the eight bedroom. The halfway upstairs is huge and can be used as a living area that is suitable for couches, tables, television sets, etc. All room dimensions fall within the guidelines that are requested b City y Staff. The cottage has one bedroom and they will be converting the kitchen to make into another bedroom. No remodeling is needed on the main house, only doors will be added. The child care facility that will be on site will be specicahy for the babies of the teenage mothers. This facility will have the level of licensing recognized as an early intervention diagnostic learning center. 11s. Duncan stated that they are also concerned with the recommendation about the end of one year monitoring. They are here to follow the appropriate steps necessary to open this facility. A one year monitoring clause of this program is a bit punitive and intrusive. WNUTES PLANNING AND ZONING CON4NUSSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1 , 2001 PAGE Mr. Skat questioned the square footage of the bedrooms. Mr. Gibson explained that Staff is looking at the current configuration of the house. Staff` is not suggesting that she be limited to the current configuration, if she desires to make renovations or remodeling, she has to comply with the building codes which include space requirements. Leonard FabreL Central Florida Legal Services, spoke in favor of the request. He stated that he would be guiding Ms. Duncan through most of her legal services. He comes in when the teen mothers have completed their time at JUTE and are ready for home ownership. Bates Reed, spoke in favor of the request and thanked the Conmission for considering Ids. I un an's request. There were approximately . o people in the audience in favor of the request. Mr. Robert moved to approve per Staff s recommendations with the exception that in Paragraph 1, the first two lines apply and eliminate what is below them and add with a maximum of 10 -mm li es on the site, and with these same charges to be made to -the Development. Order. Seconded by I &. vonHerbulis to modify instead a maxim of 10 families put the maxim that the Standard Housing Code allows with a maximum of 10. All in favor. Motion carried. T next item was a Public Dearing to Rezone property located at 1100 Rinehart Road from Agriculture to PD, Pied Development, to allow an automobile dealer sales establishment. Bob Loehrane, L ehrane Engineering, 201 S. Burnby Ave., Orlando, was present. He stated that there will be 10x20 parking stalls for customers and 9x 18 stalls for new ear parking. lrir. VonHerbuhs suggested a visual screen at the back of the showroom so that service bays cannot be seen. Ir. vonHcrbulis moved to approve the Rezone for property at 1100 Rinehart load as per Staff s recommendations. Seconded by &- I utz. All in favor. Motion carried. Next on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Courtesy Honda, a proposed automobile dealer sales establishment at 1000 Rinehart load. Bob Lchrane represented the request. Mr. Gibson stated that an earlier version of this site plan showed a specific layout of the service area. we are interested in understanding the dynamics of the design of that area because there may be an opportunity to add some additional landscape areas or control the traffic circulation. Staff feels the specific design of the area is warranted and can be considered as nai engineering. Regarding the landscaping, Mr. Loehrane has been MrNT S PLANNING AND ZONING CONMHSSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1 , 2001 PAGE challenged with working with Florida Power Corporation due to the Zoo' wide easement that runs through the site. Per that easement agreement with FPC, it restricts any trees to be planted in that easement area.. W. Lochrane stated that FPC has been purchased by Carolina Power & Light and the new ownership entity is very strict on what they allow in the easements with overhead power lines. Trees could explode and power surges could occur. Mr. Gibson stated that the City Code specifically refers to Crepe Myrtles with single tnmks as trees. Staff is reconumnding multi -truck Crepe Myrtles rtle or smear under story - plantings be utilized in these landscape areas within the easement. Mr. Lochrane exp pined that the Power Company has given then a letter of approval to provide shrubbery within the easement provided that the shrubbery is within a height of 12'. On Florida Power's criteria fist, the Crepe Myrtle is fisted as a small tree and they do not differentiate between multi and single trunks. Mr. Gibson stated that staff is also reco m ding dark vinyl coating with some type of screening like a heavy duty fabric on the chain link fence along the front portion of the service area. Mr. VonHerbulis moved to approve the site plan per staff s recommendations and the additional recommendations me ntioned by 1 &. Gibson. Seconded by Mr. Kut . All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to consider the Site Plan for Courtesy Chrysler Jeep, a proposed automobile dealer sales establishment located at 1001 Rinehart Road. Bob Lochrane represented this request. Mr. VonHerbulis moved to approve the site plan per staffs recommendations and the added caveats for the last site plan. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion carried. l r. VonHerbulis moved to approve the Minutes of November 1, 2001. Seconded by Mr. Robert. AU in favor. Motion carried. Where Ding no fuwther business, the meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. 7: - - . Ket,4 -,o Michael Skat, C&di:n'm