HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.18.01City of San rd Planning and Zoning Cr 'mission AGENDA Thursday, OCTOBER 1 20Q1 City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida Regularly Scheduled Meeting 7:00 P.M. 1, Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for property located at 1218 French Avenue to allow a change of use in a non - conforming structure, Tax Parcel Number: - 19 -30- AG -1409 -0010 Property Owner: Heller son Barn Limited Company c10 A tty Frank Whigharn Representative: Jeffrey S. Boetto 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a conditional Use request to construct a two - family residence (duplex) in a GC-2 zoning district at 903 -905 Samford Avenue, Talk Parcel Number: 2 -19- o- AG -11 OA-0060 Property Owners: Emory and Gladys Green Representative: Emory Green 3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Planned Development Rezone with associated PD Master Plan for Wal-Mart Supercenter (Seminole Farms Trust IV Eastgate ) at 1601 Rinehart Road Tarn Parcel Numbers: 2- 19-0- 506 - 0000 -0390 and -19 -0- 506 - 0000 -0410 Property Owners: Harrold G. Hartstock - Seminole Farm Representatives: Irene Boyles and Larry Wray, P.E. - CPH Engineers, Inc. 4. consider the Site Plan for Sam's club, a proposed 1 32,338 square foot retail facility and gasoline service station located at 1101 Rinehart Toad. Tax Parcel Numbers: 2 -19 -0- 300- 0090/9A/9D /9E -0000 Property Owners: Clara Ball, ,Jeffrey Sargent and Linda Sargent Representatives: Irene Boyles and Larry Wray, P.E. - CPH Engineers, Inc, 5. Consider the Site Plan for a proposed 11,700 square foot office /warehouse facility on Lot 38, Sanford central Park, Phase 2 for Mack Properties located at 1200 Central Park Drive. Tax Parcel Number: 2- 19 Nl -0000-0380 Property owners: Jaynes & Marie Figueiredo Representative: Greg Wilson - F .H Wilson and Associates 6.. consider the Preliminary subdivision Plan for Magnolia Park, , 130 lot single family subdivision on 1 acres located at 3801 I lellonville Avenue. Tarn Parcel umber: 18-20-31-300-0020-0000 Property Owners: Magnolia Plantation Partners, Lc and Richard L. Mamale, Trustee Representatives: Michael Murray and John T. Brisey, P.E 7. Minutes 8. Any other business from floor or commission Members 9. Deports from Staff. ADVICE To THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the city of Sanford (FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate In any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs In advance of the meeting. FAZONING AGENDAl2O01110 -18.0 I.Wpd MIWTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of OCTOBER 18, 2001 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HAL L, SANFORD, FLORI A MEMBERS PRESENT: Nfichaei Skat Rami Yosefian Ross Robert Kevin Hipes Brun Yolk Andrew Iut Otto Garrett MEMBERS ABSENT: Carol Dennison - excused Bobby v onHerbul�s - excused Gary Lowe - excused OTHERS PRESENT: Russ Gi Land Development Manager Marion n Anderson, Recording Secretary The Chaiman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. First on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1218 French Avenue to allow a change of use in a non- conforming structure. Torn wetherald, 1200 S. French Avenue, stated that he had purchased the property and has been spending a lot of time cleaning it up. They have started to remodel and clean the place on the corner. He stated that the only problem he has with staffs reconnendations is the restriction of the curb cut This is the only entrance into The Barn and it has been this way for years. They don't min putting the landscaping, and they will install new doors and windows. Jeff Boetta, owner of the Saddle Lip Western Store in Longwood, stated that this store will be n expansion. The projected hours, being subject to change, are fr 10 to 6, Monday through Thursday. They may opt to open later on Friday and Saturday nights. �'. Gibson stated that the site is non-confornimg in its current configuration and with the addition of a retail establishment on this property, Staff i concerned ith ' that the site functions are better from a safety perspective. Mr. Skat stated that if the curb cut is taken I Z I Z -10 9 ail R PLANNING AND ZONING CNOvUSS1N MEETING OF OCTOBER 18, 2001 PAGE 2 down to where it is just a close in and out, the traffic circulation will be worse. He suggested that it be even with the side of the store. Mr. Gibson stated that it would have to be coordinated with DOT but staff s pre ' assessment of this is that it is a wide, uncontrolled access to this site. 1Ir. Kutz stag that in lieu of putting in landscaping, he would like to see two good sized decorative light poles that would identify the sides of the egress from 17-92 2 with one by the store on French Avenue. He suggested the installation of a light by the sure on French Avenue and then from that light back towards to comer a small piece of decorative fence could be put III.. The lights would be an asset from the standpoint of circulation at night. It would help to clean up the area. Mr. Kutz moved to approve the request to allow non-confo use in a General C nunercial area contingent upon the instalktion of two decorative lights and a hitching rail to be located as directed by staff. Seconded by Mr. Robert for discussion. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public rearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use to construct a two -family residence, duplex, in a GC-2 zoning district at 903 -905 Sanford Avenue. Emory Green stated that he has worked on this site for five years. He stated that there is an existing curb cut on Sanford Avenue. Weeds and grass are covering it up, but it is there. There is also a curb cut on ' Street. The only way that he can build is to turn the duplex facing Sanford Avenue. 1W. Yosefwn moved to approve with confinnation of curb cut along Sanford Avenue with staff to work out parking. Seconded by Mr. Robert. Ali in favor. lotion carried. Next on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a Pined Development Rezone with associated PD Master Plan for Wal -Mart Supercenter at 1601 chart Road. Larry Wray, Conklin Porter & Hopes Engineers, was present. Mr. Skat disclosed that he had spoken with Toni Ball. There being no one else present to spew in favor of or against the request, rir. Robert moved to approve per staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Hipes. All in favor. Motion carried. Next on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for San's Club, a proposed 1 32,3 square feet retail facility and gasoline service station located at 1101 Rinehart toad. Larry Wray was present. Mr. Gibson pointed out that even though the PD Master Plan approved as part of Lot I Site Plan being considered tonight, the site plan does not include the fuel station LUTES PLANNING I ING A TD Z ING C 1 �SSI T MEETING F OC 1, 2001 PAGE along Rinehart Toad. Sam's will go through a separate site plan review process specific to that fuel station area. Mr. Robert moved for approval of the site plan. Seconded by Mr. Hipes. All in favor. Motion carried. The neat item was the consideration of the Site Plan for a proposed 11,700 square Boot office warehouse facility on Lot 38, Sanford Central Park, Phase 2 for Mack Properties located at 1200 Central Park Drive. Greg Wilson, R H Wilson Associates, 466 weathersfield Avenue, Altamonte Springs, was present. This facility was designed for four separate entities. The site plan shows one handicap fac based on the square footage of the facility. Mr. Hipes moved to approve the site plan based on staff s recornnwndations an the relocation o the handicap parking space closer to the center of the building. Seconded b lldr. Ysefian. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the pre ' ; Subdivision Plan for Ma noIia Park, a 130 lot single family subdivision on 51 acres located at 38 I Mellon ille Avenue. Barry walker, 235 S. Maitland Ave, Maitland, was present along with Nfichael Murray. 1Ir. Walker pointed out that the plan is for 170 lots. Mr. Gibson stated that in the Development Order outlines the stipulation that although Magnolia parr and Bakers Crossing will be private developments there should be a private and a permanent connection between the two to allow for cross access and traffic circulation. The City Commission stipulated that this not take place, that there absolutely be no connectivity between the two subdivisions. Mr. meson stated that the connectivity may be desired in the future so the lots that abut the area could be widened and there could be song sort of easement that preclude development. Mr. Yosefum moved for approval per staf s reco Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. M otion carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 o P.M. 60eoo 000 Mial Slat , airman