HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.04.01City of Sanf( I Planning and Zoning Cot Fission AGENDA Thursday, OCTOBER 4, 2001 City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida Regularly Scheduled Meeting 7:00 P.M. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for the type, height and location of a fence at the National Guard Armory property located at 915 E. 1st Street Tax Parcel Number: 0 -1 -1- 507 -0100 -001 Property Owner& THTF /Dept. of Military Affairs - Sanford Armory Representative: Stephen T. Strickland 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for the installation of a paint booth at 1121 Sanford Avenue Tax Parcel Number: 30-19-31-522-0000-039 Property Owner: David Florman Representative: David Florman Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request to re- construct a single family residence on a non-conforming lot located in a GC -2 zoning district at 412 East h Street Tax Parcel Number: 2 -1 - 0- AG- oA -oo o Property Owner: Earnest Grant Representative: Earnest Grant 4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Planned Development Rezone with associated PD Master Plan for Magnolia Parke, a 130 lot single family subdivision on 51 acres at 3801 Mellonville Avenue. Tex Parcel Number: 18-20-31-300-0020-0000 Property owners: Magnolia Plantation Partners, LC and Richard L. Mamale, Trustee Representatives: entatives: Mi hael Murray and John T. Brisl ey, P.E. 5. Minute 6. Any other business from floor or Commission Members 7. Reports from Staff. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. F,20NIN \A ENDAQ001110- 04.01.wpd MENUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING G of OCTOBER 4, 2001 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY MALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Nfichael ►kat Rami Yose flail Carol Dennison Ross Robert Crary Lowell Bobby vonHerbulis Kevin Hipes Robert Carraway Brian Volk OTHERS PRESENT: Andrew Iut Otto Garrett- excused Russ Gibson, Land Development Manager Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. First on the Agenda was to hold a Public Dearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for the type, height and location of a fence at the National ward Amory located at 915 F. 1" Street. Sgt. Strickland of the National Guard Armory stated that he is requesting a 6' chain link fence. It has to be a ' chain lank, triple strand barb wire and a certain gauge to meet nfflitary standards. The existing fence is deteriorating and doesn't meet their needs. The front part of the fence will be landscaped. He stated that a fence similar to the one at Gram Towers will never meet military standards and it is out of them budget. 1rIr. Lowell stated that with the improvements planned for the park, putting barb wire doesn't seem adequate. Mr. Hipes stated that this is a urnque situation and the Commission should cooperate and give the applicant what is needed. IIr. Skat suggested that the fence carry with it the use of the property as an wry. If the title of the property is transferred or if there is a change of use, the agreement would be that the fence would have to come down. LIF "IA t PLANNING AND ZONING COMVHSSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 41, 2001 PAGE 2 Kathleen Shaw, 1021 E. 2` Street, spoke in f Ivor of the request. She stated that she thinks we owe a lot of gratitude for the dedication and sacrifice of the rational Guard. we want them to be there to take care of us. She is 100% in favor of the fence. Mr. Yose fian moved to approve with the condition that if there is a new owner or change of use, the barb wire fence wiU have to be removed. Seconded by Ms. Dennison for discussion. Mr. vonHerbulis stated that he would like to see the fence not vinyl coated and see if the City could help the Armory with some landscaping around the fencing. Mr. Skat suggested that the fence be set back a couple of feet rather than directly on the property line. Mr. Yose modified his motion to approve with no vinyl coating with the condition that if there is change of use, the new owner will have to remove the barb wire fence plus the chairs link. Seconded by Ms. Dennison. Mr. Dowell in opposition.. All others in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a public Dearing to consider a Conditional Use for the installation of a paint booth at 1121 Sanford Avenue. David F1o mman, owner, stated that the building is actually two buildings in one. There is a 40x40 square cinder block air - conditioned office building and the other is a 40o steel shed. The spray booth w D be installed inside the 40x6O shed. vehicles will not be stored on the outside. The inside of the building will hold from 12 to 16 cars. Charles Griefs Altamonte Springs, the tenant that will be leasing the building stated that his business will be called Reflections. This will be an auto plastic body shop. I &. Hipes moved to approve in accordance with Staffs recommendations. Seconded for discussion by I &. VonHerbuli . It was agreed that fencing would be addressed during site plan review. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use to reconstruct a single family residence on a non- confo lot located at 412 E. ' Street in a GC- 2, General Conu n rci. l Zoning District. Earnest Grant, owner, stated that he would life to tear down the existing house because it is burned and rebuild a new Home. W. vonHer ulis moved to approve the Conditional Use to allows the single family hone to be rebuilt on the non- confo ng lot in the GC -2 Zoning District per Staff s recommendations, with the recommendation that the porch be removed from the west side of the structure and be pint NffNUTE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 4 ,, 2001 PAGE onto the south side of the structure facing " Street to be the front entrance, and that the house be shifted back so that the front porch matches and lines up with the other hornes on the street, and that he be allowed to put a driveway on the west side of the douse to get access to his rear yard. Seconded by Ills. Dennison. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was a Public Hearing to consider a Manned Development Rezone with associated PD Master Plan for Magnolia Park, a 130 lot single fimr ly subdivision on 51 acres at 3801 Ilellonville Avenue. Berry walker, one of the owners of the Magnolia PD,, was present. He stated that they are looking to rezone a commercial tract that they want to take into the subdivision. Eve r y thin g around this piece is residential. All lots will be o' in width. Mr. Robert moved to approve per Staff s recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Hipe . All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Robert moved to approve the Minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbulis. All in favor. Motion carded. N1r. Dowell noted the sign for the Sign Shop on Sanford Avenue tacked to a utility pole. Mr. Skat noted the parking in front of the ,junkyard on SR 46. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. 11 de� Michael Skat, C hahum