HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.06.01City of Sanf( t Planning and Zoning Coy Fission
Thursday, SEPTEMBER 6, 2Q01
City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
7:00 P.M.
1, Consider the Final Plat for Baker's crossing, Phase 1, a 104 lot single family subdivision
located at 4045 Sanford Avenue.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 18-20-31-300-005B-0000, 1 -29- 1- 300 - 0050 - 9000,' 1 -2 - 1- 300 -0090 -0000
Representative: Karl J. Bierfreund - Golden Florida Construction and Development
2. consider the Final Plat for Dose Hill, Phase 2, a 17 lot single family subdivision located at 4045
Sanford Avenue.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 18-20-31-300-005B-0000, 18-20-31-300-0050-0000
Representative: Karl J. Bierfreund - Golden Florida construction and Development
3. Consider the site Plan for a proposed 10,000 square foot a pansion to the Hill Dermaceuticall s
facility located at 2650 Mellonville Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 06-20-31-300-0010-4540
Property Owner: Sanford Airport Authority
Representatives: Dennis M. Graven - PBS J, Bob Wise - Hill Derlmaceuticarl, Inc.
4. consider the site Plan for a proposed expansion to the Airport Bowling center located at 190 E.
Airport Boulevard.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 01-20-30-512-0000-028A, 01-20-30-512-0000-034A
Property Owner: Airport Lanes LCc
Representative: Jack Reynolds - American Civil Engineering
5. consider the Preliminary subdivision Plan for Venetian Bay, a proposed 92 lot single family
development located at 2835 W. Seminole Boulevard.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 22 -1 -0-AD- 0050 - 0000122- 1 -0 -AD- 0900 - 0000/22- 10 -0 -AD-
0 1 50/22 19--D- 0000 -01 AI2 1 9- AD 0000 - 1 5A
Representatives: Neal Hiler - Neal Hiller Engineering, Michael Murray - Golden Florida I lgmt.
6. consider the Preliminary subdivision Plan for Sam's (Deno Dikeou site), a proposed commercial
subdivision for a 1 31,500 square foot retail facility with a gasoline service station and a 22,852
square foot retail building on a outpa rceI located at 110 1 F inehart Road.
Tarn Parcel Numbers: 32- 19- 3- 300- 99A19D19E -0000
Property Owners: Clara Ball, Jeffrey Sargent and Linda urgent
Representatives: Irene Boyles and Larry Wray - CPH Engineers, Inc..
7. Minutes
8. Any other business from floor o r Commission Members
9. Reports its from Staff.
ADVICE To THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or
- hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings Including the testimony and evidence, which record Is not provided
by the city of Sanford {Fs 286.0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA
Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs In advance of the meeting.
F.\ZONI G\AGENDA oo1 -6.01. pd
Page 7 of 'I
'x:00 P.M.
Michael Skat
Rams Yose iar
Robert Carraway
Brian Volk
Ross Robert
Gary Lowell
Bobby vonHerbuhs
Andrew ut- excused
Otto Garrett-excused
Kevin Hues - excused
Carol Dennison - excused
.lay Nlarder, Director of Engineering and Planning
Russ Gibson, Lund Development Manager
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
The first item on the Agenda was to consider the Final inal Plat for Baker's Crossing, Phase 1, a 104
single fannily subdivision located at 4045 Sanford Avenue.
Michael Murray, 1399 W. SR 434, Longwood, represented the request. Mr. Gibson stated that
the entire subdivision ranges from Sanford Avenue to the Nlellonvle Avenue right -of -way.
Being considered tonight is just the plat for Phase 1 which is proposed for 104 lots out of the
entire 250 lots that have been approved for the entire subdivision. Mr. Gibson stated that there
was a specified number of lots that are to be permitted, he believes it is o, after the 0" single
m l r Dome site is permitted then the wall along Pineway is to be constructed, otherwise no
further home sites will be permitted. This wM not prevent the applicant from submitting Phase 2.
The 0" lot could be submitted with Phase 2.
Mr. Robert moved to approve per Staffs reconn endations. Seconded by Mr. vonHerbulis for
discussion. Mr. vonHerbulis stated that he is still opposed to o' lots. Mr. Lowell in opposition.
All others in favor. Motion carried.
The next item was the consideration of the F Plat for Rose Hill, Phase 2, a 17 lot single family
subdivision located at 4045 Sanford Avenue.
Michael Murray was the representative. He stated that Phase 1 is all sold. Out of the 17 homes
shown in Phase 2, there are 2 pre- sales. The houses average $140,000 with one berg under
100,000. There is a minimu of 1700 square feet in Phase 2 with the average being 1900 square
I &. Robert moved for approval per Staffs recommendations. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbulis.
Mr. Carraway noted that the o' lots are of concern. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for a proposed 10,000 square
foot expansion to the Hill Dermaceuticals facility located at 2650 Mellonville Avenue.
De nnis Graven with Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan, and Bob wise were present. Mr. wise
stated that they will be moving the overhead door to the center of the building and using that as a
past through. Mr. Gibson stated that Staff had met with Mr. Dale and his staff and has stipulated
that the approval is subject to the Airport Authority agreeing to any modifications necessary to a
lease agreement, if necessary, and their sign -off on the site plan.
1 &. Robert moved for approval. Seconded by Mr. Volk. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item was the consideration of the Site Plan for a proposed expansion to the Airport
Bowling Center located at 190 E. Airport Blvd. He wanted to bring the Commission's attention
to Condition 4 of Staff s recorn nendations regarding the payment. He believes the agreement "i
up to $50,000". IIr1r. Gibson stated that he has had specific dialog with the County Staff who has
already received a comnfitrnent from the property owner and understands that it is up to 50k.
Without knoing definitively, he worded the development order such that it is not referencing a
specific am ount. Stipulation E in the development order indicates subject to payment to Seminole
County for road improvements to Airport Blvd. as agreed upon.
Regarding Condition 6 of Sta s recommendations, Mr. Reynolds stated that the applicant could,
once he takes control of the property, he certainly could give himself a cross access easement as
the City is asking for, but if the property owner to the east feels that this is not advantageous to
have a cross access easement, he thinks this is something the City may want to revisit. Mr.
Gibson stated that the City of Sanford is considering the remainder of the site, the 1.22 acres, as
future fire station site. As far as securing the cross access, the fire station rmy not want this.
What Staff is asking the Bowling Alley side to do is to commit to their easement so that if an
easement is procured on the other side, we would have a throughway. Depending on what does
develop on the east side, we'll be able to facilitate It if it is desired. Mr. Reynolds stated that they
would not be opposed to a half easement. In other words, have a cross access easement from
them existing drive through the parking lot and it ending at the landscape island.
Mr. vonHerbu.lis moved to approve the site plan per Staff s recommendations with a correction
on #4 with the approval subject to a payment up to $50,000 to Seminole County and a correction
on #6 to strife the word "cross"' and just provide an access easement to the fixture site to the east,
and with the execution of Development Order o 1 -0035. Seconded by Ir. Robert. All in favor.
Notion carried. I &. vonHerbulis amended his motion to include no dollar amount to Seminole
County. Amendment seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item was to consider the Pre ' . Subdivision flan for venetian lay, a proposed 92
lot single famil development located at 2835 W. Seminole Blvd.
Neal Hiler, 636 N. Rio Grande, Orlando, was present. Mr. Gibson stated that he needed to
correct a few mistakes in the Staff report: under Background #, second sentence, should actually
read the residential area to the west is Zone R -1 A; and under #4, second sentence, should be 4.0
dweng units instead of 4. 5 dwelling units.
Mr. Hiler stated that they have agreed to Hmit the project to 4 units per acre, increase the size of
the single fimil lots abutting the existing development to the west by xx al ing them a muo u"murn of
60' , and have agreed that there would be no two -story houses. Mr. Gibson noted that there is a
lot or two that falls short of the 60 mmm n um, Lot 56. Mr. vonHerbulis asked what will be clone,
specifically, to help with the drainage. Mr. Hiler stated that regarding sots 52 through 64 of the
neighboring subdivision, besides dedicating a conservation area over 5 Y2of those lots, they have
provided a 15' tract on the west side of those lots that abut the neighbors to the west. That tract
will contain a 6' block screen wall that will be set back at least 12' from the property line. There
will be a 12' area between the property line and the wadi to acconnnodate a swale that will have
yard dr ains to catch any runoff from the neighboring subdivision. Drainage will be carried to the
north and dump into the existing wetlands.
11r. Robert questioned the additional width on Narcissus. Mr. Her stated that there is 15' of
right -of -war existing on the north side of the center -line of Narcissus. They are dedicating an
a {dditional 10' ofright -of- ay. On top of that, they will be constructing a waU, with landscaping,
drainage easement, and they wiH be setting the wall back another 3'. A swale will be
constructed on the southside of the existing tree line. Mr. Filer stated that along the east side of
the apartments, there is a 30' drainage right-of-way extending from Seminole Blvd. approximately
1 o' with a 36" culvert where aH drainage flows. This culvert goes out to Lake Monroe.
Mr. Gibson stated that, in te of traffic i and access to this project, t was interest by staffs
public safety representative that an emergency entrance be provided for this subdivision. This is a
smaller number of lots but it would be landlocked if there was a problem at the entrance of 17-92.
IS&. vonHerbuhs questioned the grate elevations of the storm drams that are runnin down the
entrance to venetian Bay. He is concerned about the water level of the St. Johns that has been
known to pear at 9 and further to the west it is up to 12. There are road areas that are potentially
below what the water elevation could be for Lake Monroe. If the road is actually lower than what
the lake is, there is a substantial potential problem as far as access.
M[r. vonHerbulis questioned the outfiLlI structure that goes into the wetlands area that appears to
be drawn in somewhere in the elevation of 5.5. On the schedule, it shows to be t DS5 which has
spreader swell of an invert elevation of 3.08. He asked if this will have to go cloven to elevation
or will it have to build tip ' to pop -off. His concern is that if it goes in at elevation 5.5 there are
contour lies over on the existing lots on Palm give that are elevation 7. Concern is with the
dumping of water out of this subdivision with a pop-off that is 18" from an existing lot. Nk.
Hiler stated that they had met with the City Engineer and in the development code it says that
storrnwater system has to be designed with a caveat that states that in the opinion of the City
Engineer if things didn't meet the conditional criteria, the City Engineer has stated that they need
to meet a requirement for back to back 25 year storms. Mr. Hiler stated that their commitment is
that they will not have any adverse impact on the neighbors to the west.
Mr. Murray stated that their project will have less impact on the drainage program now. When
this site is developed, it will. have less water impact upon the area than there is now by one -acre
Mr. Skat read into the record, a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission from Rick
For dham, see attached. In the letter, Mr. Fordham requested that any member of the Commission
that owns or has an interest in properties adjacent to or in the close proximity of the Mill Creek
Basis area to please excuse themselves from participating and/or voting on this request.
lrfr. Murray read into the record, a letter to Ma Brady Lessard from Central Florida
Development Partners, LC, see attached. Mr. Murray also read into the record a letter from
Tierra Verde Consulting, Inc. addressed to Mayor Lessard, see attached.
Mr. Murray stated that the purpose of these letters was not to make Rick Fordham look like he
doesn't know what he is doing, because he is doing ghat he thinks as right. The only thing that
Mr. Hurray wants them to understand is that they are not the adversaries, the land is the
adversary. They are fighting back. This property is long deserved to be developed. It is all high
and dry and the artesian wells are gone. Mr. Murray stated that he has no problem with the
requirement of an emergency entrance.
Danny Lee, 110 N. Poplar Avenue, stated that four people on Palm Avenue and one or two
people on Riverview received the letters that Mr. 1 Murray sent out. The main concern is tail
water. Water coning back through the culvert actually hacks up across Oak Drive and across
part of Palm Drive into the wetlands. The one place the water has not been addressed is at the
west wall of this subdivision. The water runs off of Riverview to the east and goes along the
sale. If the waU is there, the water will ran up to Pahn Drive and there is no way to turn the
water. Mr. Lee stated that the problem is not only with this project but also with the Hospital,
and the lard between the sewer plant.
1r. Yosefan abstained at Mr. Form's request because he is a property owner in the area of
the request.
Mr. Robert moved for approval of the Prelimhmiry Subdivision Plan for Venetian Bay conditioned
upon Staffs recommendations 1 through 5 and based on the existing Development Order #00-
0022 along with the inclusion of the 20' access between lots 41 and 42 to meet StaT
requirements for emergency ingress/egress. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbuli.s. Mr. VonHerbulis
requested that the ingress egress is a solid gated situation, a knockdown type gate, not open for
passage. I1rIr. Skat stated that there are certain pieces of property that he has a hard time thinkin
needs to be developed became of the way the river is. He think a mess will be created out there.
Mr. Skat stated that he thinks the water wiH come in, the people out there already will continue to
be negatively impacted, and in the end this subdivision will be negatively impacted because of
when the water washes backwards through the Seawall. Ir. Skat stated that there are a ton of
open issues stiU and he would like to see the report and results from Palatka. Mr. VonHerbulis,
Mr. Skat, Mr. Lowell in opposition to the motion. Mr. Robert, Mr. Volk and Mr. Carraway were
in favor of the motion. Motion failed. Mr. VonHerbuhs moved to continue this request until the
second meeting in October because of the applicant's meeting with the St. Johns River water
Management District on October 9. Seconded by Mr. Volk. prix. Robert and Mr. Carraway m
opposition. All others in favor. Motion carried.
Next on the Agenda was the consideration of the Prelkainary Subdivision Plan for Sarn' ,
proposed con nercial subdivision for a 131,500 square Toot retail facility with a gasoline service
station and a 22,862 square foot retail building on an outparcel located at 1101 Rinehart Road.
Larry Wray, Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, was present. Mr. Gibson stated that ghat is
before the Commission is a division of the parent property into to tracts of land.
1r. VonHerbulis moved for approval per Staffs reco and comments. Seconded b
Mr. Carrwa. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Robert moved for approval of the Minutes. Seconded by Nor. Yoseflan. All in favor. Motion
There being no farther business, the meeting adjourned at 1 :2r P.M.
ichael Skat, Chaimlan