HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.16.01City ofSanf �d Planning and Zoning Co mission AGENDA Thursday, AUGUST 16,2001 City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida Workshou 6:00 PA 1. Presentation by F iverwalk and Do wntown Design Consultants - Glattin , Jackson Kercher - BiII Kercher and Raj Allohabeer .&gdqff. M eet i n g 7:00 P.Me 1. Hold a Public Hearing for the purpose of amending the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element and the Future Land Use Flan Map of the Comprehensive Plan. Representative: Antonia Gerli, Sanford Senior Planner 2 .A Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property located at 2 151 Celery Avenue from the approved multi -use Oasis PD to celery Plantation PD, a single family residential subdivision with up to 325 lots. Tax Parcel Numbers: 32- 32 2- 19 -31 - 300 -021 0-0000 (master) 32-19-31-300 Property Owner: layman Fields Foundation, Inc. Representatives: Allan Keen - Keewln fealty, Inc., Toni Daly - Daly Design 2. B Consider the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for celery Plantation, a proposed 301 lot single - family subdivision located at 2151 Celery Avenue. Property Owner: Hyman Fields Foundation, Inc. Representatives Allan Keen - Keewin Fealty, Inc., Torn Daly - Daly Design 3 . Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Lake Monroe P# (Phase 1), a 200 lot single family residential subdivision located at 2900 Narcissus Ave. (Property east o f Zoo Orlando.) Tax Parcel Numbers: - 19 - -AD- 0000 -0; 2 -19 -0- 300 - 0020 -0000; 22-19- 0000; 22 -1 9 - 30 - 300 -0030-0000; and 22-19-30-300-004A-0000 Property Owner: Strategic Acquisitions Corporation Representatives Donald McIntosh - Donald McIntosh and Associates, Allan Keen - Kee grin Fealty, Inc. 4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone ne property located at 2770 Narcissus sus Avenue from M11 -2 Medium Industrial and AO, Agriculture to PD, Planned Development for Lake Monroe PD, Phase 11, a 138 lot single family residential subdivision. Tax Parcel Numbers: - 19 -0 -D -0000 -0080; -1 - -D- 0000 -0090; 22 -19-30-501-0000-0010; 2 -1 - - - 0000 - 1 (portion of); and 22- Property Owners. Annis and John F. Popp, William E. Kirchhoff and Nixie K. Coleman, Trustee; Margaret I. Sonnett Representatives: ntatives: Donald McIntosh - Donald McIntosh and Associates, Allan Keen - Kee in Fealty, Inc. 5 . Consider changes to Sanford's Land Development Regulations continued from August 2, 2001 meeting). Representative: Antonia Gerli, Senior Planner 6 . Minutes 7. Any other business from floor or Commission Member B. reports from Staff. AWCE TO THE PUSUC. If a person decides to appeal a dwt ion reads w41 respect W any nutter consldsred at the above msetng or hearing. he #'rmy need a verbaft record of the proceedlnp Includlrig the testimony and evidence, which record Is not prov klod by the Cit of Sanford (FS 288.0100) PwDmm with dlssbiI ties needing assistance to pardclpste In any of these prooeedngs should contact" pereonnel office ADA Coordl now at 330.5M. 48 hm In edw&no@ of the M ,"16 H:1 NIMA NDA%2001W- 1s_Q1.wpd MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WORK SESSION MEETING of AUGUST 16, 2001 6:00 F.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SAN FORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Michael Skat Rai. Yo sf Tail Carol Dennison Ross Robert Gary Lowell Bobby vonHerbuhs Andrew Kut Otto Garrett Kevin Hipes oTIERS PRESENT: Robert Carraway Brian Volk Antonia Gerli,, Senior Planner Jar larder, Director of Engineering and P larYning Russ Gibson, Land Development Manager Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary Presentation by Riverwalk and Downtown Design Consultants - Glatting, Jackson, Iercher. I Ir. Marder stated that he wanted to inform the Commission on what Gl ttm* g, Jackson are doing. They have a contract with three bade components: 1 to do an overall plan for the Downtown which will, include all major streets and Ft. Mellon Park, Me morial Park, about $190,,000. This will be a fairly detailed design plan, all street amenities, landscape, type of buildings, lighting, type of futures, etc.; 2 the actual Riverwalk, itself, which is the design and the actual construction permitting documents for the Riverwalk, between Mellonville and French including the Seawall; 3 constr ction permitting documents for a segment of Pt Street between Oak and Sanford Avenues. Mr. Marder stated that the City has the funding for the construction of the Riverwalk. $3.4 million from FD T, $3 million through the Department of Environmental Protection. The City is putting in $700,000 and has committed $365,000 this year for Memorial Park. The City has received approval of a grant for $300,000 called the County Incentive grant, where we applied through I& I I to] # PLANNING AND ZONING C MNRSSIGI MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 2001 PAGE 2 Seminole County for the design of Phase 2 of the Riverwalk, from French Avenue to the Zoo. It will be available in 2002/2003. This will be matched by another $300,000 from Seminole County. There is also money in the 1 cent sales tax of the County's portion for the portion of the Seawall on 17 -92 from French Avenue to the Zoo. The City will receive $15.7 million. 1Ir.1larder explained that the soil investigation has been completed and what was found was that the land was basically just filled-in and that there was never any de- mucking dome. This is part of the problem with the Seawall. It is likely that the City won't try to change this. A new seawall will be built on the outside of the old one and cone back in 25 to 30' with the tie backs and get back down to the actual land. REGULARLY SCHEDULED MELTING 7:00 P.1, The Burst item on the Agenda was a Public Bearing for the purpose of amending the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element and the Future Land Use Plan Map of the Comprehensive Plan. Antonia Gerli, Senior Planner, represented the request. She stated that for the second round of Comprehensive Plan Amendments we have 20 neap amendments and 2 text amendments. Of the 20 map amendments the first 17 are due to annexations and those amendments will take the equivalent land use designation that the County has. Three of the snap amendments were applications for specific charges to the designation. The first one is Site 18, an extension of the Lake Monroe Subdivision, located on Narcissus Blvd. This is a 28 acre addition to the existin subdivision that was approved. Much of that land is Resource Protection with 18 acres being designated as waterfront Downtown Business District. The applicants have submitted an environmental evaluation that slightly changes the upland wetland line from what the existing Resource Protection line shows. This is the way the map will be based on that environmental assessment with the resource protection on the north and the southern portion of the waterfront Downtown Business District. She stated that Staff feels that this is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Policies and Staff is recommending approval of this map amendment. Its. Gerli stated that Site 19 is located on Oregon Avenue between Rinehart Road and 46A. It is just under 5 acres and at this time it is Single Family Residential. This is also an annexation. In the County it is Single Family Residential and the applicant is requesting Neighborhood MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING Li MN1I S S I N MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 2001 P AGE Co unercial. Staff' is recommending denial based on five policies in the Comprehensive Plan: Policy 1 -1.1.1 to provide access to goods and services and prevent residential areas from adverse impacts of transition and land use. There are no other commercial developments along this area. Most of it is undeveloped and we do have approvals for 1600 multi -family uses on Oregon Avenue. The southern portion of Oregon Avenue has about Zoo existing platted lots. This is not a transitional area. The other policies in the Comprehensive Plan require that commercial development be allocated to commercial nodes on major intersections. A better location for neighborhood commercial area would probably be at the intersection of Rinehart and Oregon or the intersection of 46A and Oregon so there wouldn't be the additional traffic going into the residential area and the school area. Policy on Neighborhood Commercial„ Development states that the neighborhood commercial area lots should be less than 3 acres. This is almost 5 acres and is inconsistent with this policy. Staff is recommending denial of the Neighborhood Commercial but are recommending approval of Medium Residential, I 1 - 10 because most of this area i multi- fnil Site 20 is located on the northeast corner of W. Lake Mary Blvd. and Sterling Pine Road. The applicant is proposing that this go to Neighborhood Commercial. Now it is Resource protection and Low Density and Medium Density Residential. The property is 27.45 acres, 17.33 are wetlands and the applicant is proposing to fill in two of the small wetlands on the property and to also build in the third wetlands, which is quite large. This property is partiaU.y owned by Seminole County, and Seminole County has provisionally agreed to allow this to come before the Commission prodded that the plans are sufficiently acceptable to both the County and the City planning staffs. Ms. Gerli stated that the applicant has proposed specific land uses. He has proposed a mini storage area two-story office warehouse building and a convenience store with gas station with 16 fueling stations. Staff believes that this proposal is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The area to the west of this property is in the City of sake Mary. They do not allow any commercial development in this area. To the east of this property the commercial development ends at Art Lane. For about a mile and a half from this property to the crest there is no commercial development at all. In addition, there is Policy in the Comprehensive Plan that prevents strip development and it prohibits service stations from being on Lake Mary Blvd. within the City of Sanford. The other issue on this property, in addition to the inappropriate location for neighborhood commercial and the inappropriate uses of neighborhood commerci 1, are the environmental problems with the property. These wetlands are shown on maps as being environmental sensitive areas and habitat areas for threatened and endangered species. The proposed activities would probably destroy and degrade those functions of the wetlands. The applicant has subnfitted an environmental assessment but it doesn't tell anything about the impact of the development on the wetlands, it is more coordination or letter saying they had started coordination with the water Management District. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING C I MSSI N MEETING OF AUGUST 1 , 2001 PAGE Ms. Gerli stated that there are two text amendments. One is at the request of the Utility Department to protect the well fields and also allow the Utility Department to change the naps as they specifically pinpoint where wells will be. The second text amendment is at the request of the applicant for Site 20 and that was to change the policy that prevents additional corridor strip retail commercial development to allow a gas station to go on Lake Mary Blvd. Staff is recommending denW of this text amendment. Allen Nettles, 2505 S Oregon Avenue, stated that the intent of his application for Site 19 is for neighborhood co rnercial center that will serge the neighborhood and any patrons that may be traveling to and from the Elementary School just north of the site. Given the distance from and Rinehart he does not thin it will attract a lot of non - neighborhood traffic. It may well reduce traffic on Oregon or at least at the major intersections of Rinehart and 46A, by providing the opportunity for folks in the surrounding apartments and outlying subdivisions that would normally travel this road to possibly walk to the neighborhood commercial center. The center would be an asset to the surrounding apartments giving them a convenient and close location for goods and services. Mr. Nettles stated that the site could possibly be developed to provide something other that just the normal or usual convenient store. He has envisioned something out of the norm of just the usual convenient center, i.e. a fitness center, possibly a child day care center, some professional offices. He stated that the total acreage of both parcels is 4 acres. Parcel 2A is 2.1 acres and Parcel 23B is 2. 6 acres after .4 acres was conveyed to the City for the construction of Oregon Avenue. He would like to work around several large live oak trees on the parcels which if allowed to remain would be a great asset to the neighborhood center. Mr. Nettles stated that he is asking for a comp plan amendment that would at least allow a rezoning. He is not asking for a rezoning, just comp plan amendment. Mr. Nettles recognized that Staff is recommending denial and asked if there was a possibility of rezoning to PD. Mr. Skat and Mr. vonHerbulis agreed that PD is the best way to go with this property. The Commission would like to see a concept, a general layout of what is being proposed. Mr. vonHerbulls stated that if the Conum* soon approves this request the way it is typed up with a caveat that it comes back under PIS, the Commission sion would have control of what the applicant will put on the site, as long as it is under a PIS Zoning. He stated that since the site needed a land use designation, Mead of going with the MDR- 1 , to put it as neighborhood co unercial with the stipulation that it has to be brought before this Commission as a P development. WNUT PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING O AUGUST 16 2001 PAGE Mr. vonHerbuhs moved to approve with a recommendation to the City Commission to approve the amendment for Sites 1 through 17, approve Site 18 approve Site 19 with a caveat of having the landowner, Mr. fettles, sign a development agreement to bring the site in under a PD, Planned Development, so that the Commission can approve the uses of the plan, and to decay Site 20 per Staffs recommendation and their report. Seconded by �&. osef1an. All in favor. Motion carried. Next on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property located at 2151 Celery Avenue from the approved multiLuse Oasis PD to Celery Plantation PD, a single family residential subdivision with up to 325 lots. Torn Daly, 861 W. Morse Blvd., winter Part, was present on behalf of the applicant. 1Ir. Slat disclosed that he had communicated with Staff and additionally spore with the developer across the street, Larry Dale. I &. Daly stated that in Staffs report it talks about the inim umn lot depth being 120'. The southern portion of the property, mathematically, doesn't allow for the entire 120' depth on a couple of the lots. They are proposing a typical setback, 112'. The inina lot size is still 6,000 square feet. Mr. Daly stated that they met with Staff regarding amending the current PD. It was suggested that they Rezone since they would be doing something dramatically different. Approved were rental units, a commercial site, 100 single family units and a police sub - station were also approved. They are proposing to eliminate all rental and commercial components of the property and rezone it to single family subdivision. The lot sizes are to be 6,000 square feet, 50'x120', and in some eases 55'x115'. They are reducing the units by 184 units. There is a 4 reduction in density on the property. Mr. Daly stated that the lots along Celery Avenue will be consistent with the lots across the street. They are proposing to stagger the f ronts of the homes so there will not be a 25' straight across down both sides of the road. They are proposing that 50 of the lots have a 2 5' setbacl , 25% will be 0% and 25 wiI be 20 The garage setbacks throughout the subdivision will be 22 so cars will not stick out across the side Mr. Daly stated that they had originally proposed to put a fence to buffer Brisson Avenue. The type of fence that they are proposing will be maintained by the homeowner's association. The fence will be of a poly -vinyl material. This property has received staff approval from the water Management District, from Seminole County for the road improvements on Brisson and Celery Avenues, and is very close to receiving staff approval from the City of Sanford subject to some engineering issues. Existing homes along Celery Avenue wM be buffered by a fence. Egres ingress will match exactly the subdivision across the street. Mr. vonHerbds stated that he cannot vote for approval o f 50' lots and he thin the brief wall 1 E S PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 16,, 2001 PAGE 6 should be on both Celery and Brisson Avenues. 1 &. Yosefian questioned the square footage. 11r. Daly stated that the mm square footage is 1300 square feet for the o' wide lot size, and 1600 square feet for the 60' wide lot size. Mr. I utz stated that this is already a dense area. He was disappointed to see 5 0' lots being presented. If we are ever going to make improvements in the area we need to upscale the size of the lots. I �e asked I &. Daly if consideration had been given to reduce the quantity of the lots from the original layout or if they were looking for a reasonable max. Mr. Daly stated that they had looped at the downside and the development wasn't feasiblely with the reduced density based on the land cost. One thing that has to be recognized is that the neighborhood is a very difficult to market and build in. The pricing and the lot sizes are inter - related between each other. Affordable housing is across the street. A step o home ownership in the area has to be made as opposed to an extra 10' and a half built subdivision won't make anything better. Mr. Skat stated that he is a little co ncerned because the traffic stu didn't address pear a.m. usage because of the school in the area. Peak a.m. traffic 1s significantly higher than peak p.m. traffic. Mr. Daly stated that they have looked very hard and if this project is not going to get developed the way it is approved, economically they have to do 5 o' lots and it will be a dramatic reduction in the intensity and density that is approved. They are sensitive to some of the issues . They are willin to go to 1 400 on the mini lot size and are willing to agree to the 2' front yard setback and will retain o' for 25% of the lots to be able to stagger. Mr. Robert moored to approve based on Staff reconunendations with the correction of 301 lots to 325 lots. Seconded by Mr. Hipes for discussion. Mr. Robert, I &. Yosefian and Mr. S at in favor of the motion. All others in opposition. Motion failed. Mr. Hipes moved to approve subject to Dots 1 through 11 on the south side of Brison to Street B be ' lots and subject to Staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Lowell. Mr. I utz in opposition. All others in favor. Motion carried. Next on the Agenda was to consider the Pre ' ` Subdivision Plan for Celery Plantation, proposed 301 lot single - famil su located at 2151 Celery Avenue. Tom Daly represented the request. Ir. Gibson pointed out that under General Notes, Note 918, the developer ou what they propose to include in the HA documents. He suggested the Commission give this some thought. Mr. Yose an moved to approve per StaiTs r eco rnendatlons and with the sam comments as the MINUTES S PLANNING AND ZONING COMNUSSI 1 MEETING OF AUGUST 1 , 2001 PAGE rezoning. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbulis. N r. Kut mn opposition. All others in favor. Motion carried. Next on the Agenda was to consider the Prelkairimy Subdivision plan for Lake Monroe P (Phase I, a Zoo lot single family residential subdivision located at 2900 Narcissus Avenue. (Property east of Zoo Orlando). Mr. Gibson stated that the development standards proposed in the Preliminary Subdivision Plan are consistent with the PD Master Plan. A recommendation is predicated on the approved engineering for this project. Mr. Robert moved for approval per Stafrs recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Hipes. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property located at 2770 Narcissus Avenue from MI -2, Medium Industrial and AG, Agriculture to P, Planned Development for Lake Monroe PIS, Phase II, a 138 lot single famil residential subdivision. Don McIntosh was present representing the applicant. This project is an extension geographically, of the Lake Monroe PD. There are three different numbers for the number of lots: 138 lots which are the maxim 109 lots as an intermittent play, and 120 lots. There has been an immense amount of discussion regarding this area drainage's challenges. This project brings, in conjunction with the Lake Monroe PD, a significant opportunity to improve many of the conditions that are in the area. Mr. McIntosh stated that they have submitted a concept plan to City Staff that actually shows 78 lots. 11r. VonHerbuhs disclosed that he has had conversations with the neighbors, Mr. Lee, and his mother -in -law who live directly to the east of this site. Mr. McIntosh stated that there will be an extension to the eastern road parallel to the eastern boundary down to the point where it intersects with the south property line, it will be an intersection vs. a curve. They will bring central water through the subdivision through the roadway from the west. Tie -ins wifl be from two locations of the water main. Regarding buffering, they have discussed deeper lots with a buffer easement to preserve some of the trees in the area. A tree survey will be done to see what can be preserved and what would be best for the area. Their goal is to do a survey of the area, incorporate the drainage issues and work to make sure that they have something that is responsible. Mr. VonHerbulis recor 1 ended a 25 to 3 5' buffer along the east side that stays Mural and a brick wall where the property lime is. Basically, leave the buffer on the outside of the property as a natural, non- disturbed buffer separating those residences on the east and make the lots on the east side ' lot widths and leave the balance to S PLANNING AND ZONING COMMJSSION MEETING F AUGUST 16, 2001 PAGE match the rest of the subdivision. Ilrfr. Skat stated that he spoke with a number of people from the Zoo and all are pretty happy with what is going on out there. Danny Lee, 511. Power Road, stated that he was representing several of the property owners on Power Road. He spoke in favor of the request. To answer some of the earlier questions, l&. Lee stated that the water on Narcissus Avenue goes all the way down to the railroad track. In talking with Staff, 11r. Lee stated that the angle at the south end of Narcissus will help with the emergency vehicles, large fire trucks, because the truck will continue on the southerly road into the subdivision and could access Phase 1. The property lots abutting the single famil residence to the east, vary from about 100 to 140' lots to up to 2 acre lots. Nft. Lee stated that his lot is 100'x140'. The back of the applicant's property line goes to the center of the drainage ditch which runs north and south. The ditch helps dram their lots through the trees and also the existing residences. He is recommending that this ditch not be culverted because the trees would have to cone out which would block the two story houses which the developer wants to locate on that property. 1 &. Lee's main concern is the buffer zone that is 25 to 3 o' off of the center of the ditch, approximately 15' from the trees. The lot depths would be better if they were closer to 1 o' plus the 25 or o'. The reason that he is in favor of the request is that Narcissus Avenue, for the past 50 years, has been a problem to the whole community. Semi- trailers use to come down this road, and the County tried to put in a helicopter landing pad few years ago. He is in favor because they are getting rid of the M I - Industarial. The piece of property next to the railroad tracks is zoned M1 and is 22 acres. The County had approved a dress mill at this location. Semi trucks would come down Riverview Avenue, turn left on Narcissus with 80' long trucks with logs hanging off the back. The first day a semi took out the phone lines, the cable tv, and mall boxes. Two years later the County scraped the grass away from the road and made it about 2' wide until you get to the cypress lot. Mr. Robert moved to approve per Staff's recommendations with some exceptions in the area of the lots on the east that there be fencing, a 25' buffer and a brick wall on the south with o' lots on the east. Seconded by Mr. Garrett. Mr. Kutz stated that it would cost next to nothing if the lots on the south sloe were made o'. Mr. McIntosh asked that there not be a requirement for o' lots on the south side because they are required by City Code to put in a wall to buffer the uses. l &. McIntosh stated that if the condition isn't specific to say than the intent is to preserve the ditch, when they move forward with the construction of the subdivision to the extent that their property touches any part of lie ditch, they will be required to pipe the ditch. The intent is to preserve the trees and the ditch. Mr. VonHerbulis stated that if the Commission relays to Staff` that the intent MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING C VMSSIDN MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 2001 PAGE is to leave it natural, the Comnmi sion cannot say "don't close it's, because all of the drainage information has not been provided. The Commission's intent is to keep it open. 114x. VonHerbulis explained, regarding drainage, when a pipe is closed ire, the volume of run-off has been limited and constrained. when there is are open ditch there is a swell factor, which allows it to sell out of its banks during the massive rush and then go back down. An open ditch will help a lot more than closed drainage system. Amer discussion, Mr. Robert amended his 'notion to establish just a buffer on the east side and leave it as natural as possible. Amendment seconded by Mr. Garrett. After discussion regarding ' lots on the south side, Mr. Hipes, Mr. Kut , Mr. Lowell, and Mr. Von erbulis were in opposition. All others in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to consider changes to Sanford's Land Development Regulations. Ms. Gerli stated that these are the changes that were discussed previously. Mr. VonHerbulis moved to recommend approval of the revisions to Schedule J to the City Conmiission. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Notion carded. Mr. Robert moved to approve the Minutes of July 1 9th and August 2', Seconded by llrlr. Vonl4erbulis. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Kutz stated that Mainstreet Leesburg provided to Mainstreet Sanford the ordinances that they are using to approve their downtown area which is reasonably successful. He obtained copies from Mainstreet Sanford for the Planning and Zoning Board and asked Staff to make and distribute copies for each of the Board members to review and see if there is anything that woujd be of merit either for extraction or use or perhaps just discussion that ma help in our decision with respect to what we ould want Staff` to do. There being no farther business, the meeting adjourned at 10:45P.M. Michael Skfit,, Chairmm