HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.05.01City of San, Yd Planning and Zoning Cc 'mission AGENDA Thursday, JULY 5, 2001 City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida Regularly Scheduled Mee ire 7:00 P.M. 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a conditional use for the Habitat for Humanity Thrift store (under construction) at 1100 Americana Boulevard to allow outdoor storage in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District. Tax Parcel No: 111-20-30-300-04113-0000 Property Owner: Habitat for Humanity Representative: Robert Saunders - Habitat for Humanity 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for the Charleston Club Apartments (site under construction) located at 800 E. Mari Boulevard for an increase in the maximum building height requirements: 35 feet maximum height allowed within a MR-3, Multiple Family Residential Zoning District; 42 feet proposed; a variance of 7 feet. Tax Parcel No: 12-20-30-300-012X-0000 Property Owner: Charleston club Partners, Ltd. Representative: Steve Joos - Sands pur Housing, Inc. 3. Consider the Site Plan for Allstars Car Wash, a proposed full service oar gash facility located at 12 W. Lake Mary Boulevard Tax Parcel Number: 11- 0- 0- AN- 0000-0/02F and 11 -20 -30 -503- 0000 -0010 Property Owners: Lawrence Miklus and Charlynne Bourne Representative: entative: Jack Reynolds - American Civil Engineering 4. Consider the Site Plan for Lot 1 ,sanf rd Central Park, Phase II for a 12,000 square foot office/warehouse located at 71 coastline Road Tax Parcel Number: -1 - - N - 0000 -01 o Property Owner: Sanford Central Park, Ltd (under contract to David Brewer Homes, Inca Representative: e: Montje Plank, P. E. - Central Florida Land Design 5. Minutes 6. Any other business from floor or Commission Members 7. Reports from staff. ADVICE To THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record o f the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. F:\ZONINGIAGENDA\200IN7-5.0l.wpd Page 1 of 1 MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING of JULY 5 2001 FBI. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY ; SANFORI , FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT": Michael Skat Ross Robert Kevin Dipes Robert C=away Otto Garrett Gary Lowell Andrew Iut MEMBERS ABSENT: Bobby VonHrbuli- excused Carol Dennison-excused Rami Yose -excused OTHERS PRESET: Jay Marder, Director of Engineering and Planning Russ Gibson, Land Development Manager Eileen McDowell, Planner Mr. Skat called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for the Habitat for Humanity Thrift Store at 1100 Amer' ana Boulevard to allow outdoor storage in G -2, General Commercial Zoning District. Nancy DePew, 2301 Fulton Street, Deltona, represented the request. She stated that the existing plywood sign is temporary and will be coming down. Penna.n nt signage will be placed on the building. Mr. Lowell stated that he is concerned with the wail pack lighting that sends light from the building towards the street. He suggested that the City consider some way of addressing lights that shine in the public right-of-way as well as onto private property. Mr. Lowell moved to accept Staffs recommendations with the stipulations that the fence be are ' fence and that it has a non -slat slide in bind of opaque mechanism, s pr ='9 is to he of colored fabric. Seconded by Mr. Kut . All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Dearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Va ianee for the Charleston Club Apartments located at Boo E. Lake Mary Boulevard for an increase in the maximum building height requirements: 3 5' required, ' proposed, a variance of 7'. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 53P 2001 PAGE 2 Steve Joos, Sandspur Housing, was present. He stated that the Code defines the maximum building height as the ridge, the highest point and the eave of the roof, in this case right at '. Per the standard building code, the raid point of the roof is typically defined as the height of the Building. Mr. Gibson stated that there was a mi sunderstanding on the applicant's behalf perhaps between the elements of his development team. 'The engineering of this project which included the site plan which had specifically on the plans a maximum building height of '. His project team proceeded on the basis of a three -story apartment community, and his architectural team moved forward with the assumption that the three story could comply with the standard building code. Mr. Gibson stated that based on s imilar exceptions to the City of S nford's Code that this Board has considered as well as similar products that are accorded by right in general commercial zoning which allows a maxinum building height of up to 50 Staff supports this relatively min or variance to the building height. Laura Beaumont, 2200 Celery Avenue, spoke in opposition. She stated that she works for Vestcor and feels that if she presented phis and they were agreed to, then all of a sudden she can't do it without a variance, she would have a problem with this, flaking exceptions opens the door for a lot of things clown the road. Mr. Robert moved to approve the request for the m' crease m the maximum building height frorn ' to 2' based on the allowable building heights per the Standard Building Code of 1997 and recent construction approval that is similar and per Staffs recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Hipes for discussion. Mr. Gibson stated that consideration of modifying the LDR was discussed before this issue tonight. It is clue to the observation of contemporary architecture and design of three story buildings exceeding the ' height standard that is currently in the LD . Staff will research further including adjoining jurisdictions and policies throughout the area. Mr. Carr w y stated that his opposition is the fact that there is a standard and the Cor rflission needs to stick with it. Mr. Robert and Mr. Hipes in favor of the motion. In opposition were Mr. Garrett, Mr. Carraway, Mr. Skat, Mr. I ut , and Mr. Lowell. Motion denied. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for Allstars Car Wash, a proposed full service car gash facility located at 712 W. Lake Mary Blvd. Jack Reynolds,. American Civil Engineering, 207 N. Moss Ind., winter Springs, stand that in Staff recommendations it should be that canopies or other structures shaft be prohibited between the principal building and the front property line. Mr. Gibson agreed. Mr. Reynolds is to insure that lighting does not interfere with the residences in the area. Mr. Robert moved for approval with the stipulation that the noise levels cannot exceed the existing. Seconded by Mr. Gmett. All in furor. Lotion carried. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 5 PAGE Next on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for Lot 17, Sanford Central Park, Phase II for a 12,000 square foot office/warehouse located at 71 Coastline Road. Dave Brewer, 145 Coastline Road, Sanford, was present. Mr. Kurz moved for approval. Seconded b Mr. Lowell. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Robert moved to approve the Minutes as circulated. Seconded by I Ir. Hues, AU in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Kutz asked the possibility of each item that comes before the Board, being recorded and the essence being recorded on a spreadsheet. This would help with consistency. Mr. Skat asked Staff to check on the two trailers at Anything But Gas on Sanford Avenue. Mr. Carrawa r requested that Ho ward Jeffries give a general presentation about what Parks and Recreation would be doing in the new millennium. Staff to coo ate. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Michael Skat,, Chairman