HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.17.01City of San, ' d Planning and Zoning Cc mission AGENDA Thursday, MAY 17, 2001 City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida Worksho.g 6:00 P.M. 1. Presentation of Sanford Planning Activities and Programs Regularly Scheduled Meeting 7:00 P.M. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use to allow the installation of telecommunication antennas and ground equipment on an existing 120 foot transmission tower on property addressed as 1050 Rinehart Road. Tax Parcel Number: -1 -3o- Lw -1 oo -0000 Property owner: Sanford Investors Representative tive Ulay Thompson, Senior Land Agent - Florida Power Corp. 2. Consider the Final Plat for Calabria cove (formerly East Lake Reserve/Burke Property), a 37 lot single family residential subdivision located at Zoo Oregon Avenue. Tax Panel Number. 32-19-30-300 Property owner: Sara E. Burke Representative: William E. Burkett, P.E. - Burkett Engineering, Inc. 3. Hold a Public Hearing for the purpose of amending the Future Land Use Plan Map of the Comprehensive Plan for properties generally located along Park Avenue between 13"' street and 23' street changing the land use classification from MDR-1 5, Medium Density Residential to LDi , Low Density Residential (Map Number 17). TABLED FROM I MAY 3 2001 Representative: Antonia Gerli, Sanford Senior Planner 4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone ne properties generally located along Park Avenue between 1 3th street a rid 23rd street changing the zoning classification fro -2, Multiple Family residential to SIR -1, single Family Residential. TABLED FROM MAY 3 2001 Representative: Antonia Gerli, Sanford senior Planner 5. Minutes 6. Any other business from floor or Commission Members 7. Reports from staff. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which h record is not provided by the city of Sanford FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. F:\ZONINGXAGENDA\2001\5-17.0l.wpd Page I of 1 MINUTES PLANN AND ZONING C OMMISSION WoR SESSION MAY 17, 2001 6:00 PM. CITE" COMMISSION C HAMBERS CITY SA T ORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT �Y Y�YI�PqgiF R oss Robert Kevin Hues Carol Dennison Mich ae l Slat .i Yose f`tan Bobby Von Hrbuli Robert C arraway Andrew Kut G ary Lowe MEMBERS ARSE I: O tto Garrett - excused OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Mar Director of Enginceting and Planning Antonia G rli Senior Planner Russ Gibson, Land Development Manager Mar-ion Andenon, Recording Secretary Mr. Ma.rder stated that this wor session is to bring to the Commission the City's Plan. He Mated that it is a work in progress. The Strategic Plan, the Comprehensive Plan, the Area Plans and Initiatives are parts of the Sanford P lan Regarding the Str Plan, the Vision that was developed was `The Most Successful City In The World '. Th ere are four overall goals: a saf and friendly place to live; our residents have the opportunity to succee emhang the City's assets; and goverment with vision and leadership. There is a list of projects with responsibilities that goes with each goal along with a spedA*f is task for each go Area Plans include the Downtown, which has always been the City's focal point. It is a redcveloptnent area where we have established a Community Redevelopment Area and all the increased value which is basically ' Street north and more or less the Railroad to the north to the Labe, it all goes into the Redevelopment Trust Fund for redevelopment activities. 11r. llrlardet noted the Seminole Towne Center Redevelopment Area. That area was e to build the roads that support the I1r1A The 46 Cortidor is very important and specific design standards were adopted that wiR make it a functional entry into the City. WORKSESSI N PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MAY 17 PAGE Another redevelopment area is the 17-92 Redevelopment Area. A streetsea a will take place at the 1"' Street /French Avenue intersection. All of the traffic signals will eventuafly become mast arms along with a pavement amenity. The Master Plan Area at the Airport is very important from an economical standpomnt. There have been several plarm 9 gr efforts at the Airport and a furth effort is being accomplished on two levels: Aviation FAA Master Flan that has to be done so that the ninways could be expanded and grants can be had; and also the industry parr is being master planned. Another Master Plan Area that the City participates in 1*S the Zoo Master flan Area. It is in Phase 1 and like the Airport they have put the word Orlando into their name as part of a marketing ploy on the part of the Zoo. The Zoo feels that it can get a broader base of support for the facility. It becomes then something that the City of Orlando and others in the entire Orlando area can identify with and focus upon. Two roaster plan efforts have been done in Georgetown and Goldsboro. The Front Porch Program will bring in a whole new area of financial and other resources to improve, conditions in the areas. Mr. Mard r stated that the City is part of a multi-level tran sportation 3 4 ng process. Staff does not do the Citys transportation r odehng except for development reviews. Staff becomes involved in the County's transportation mo lehng process and staff artapat in the Metroplan Orlando planet' g process. We are now in a 2020 update. One of the City's legislative initiatives has been to get some money for the deteriorating seawall. We have a chance of funding going through the Mate Budget. Workse sion ended at 7:00 P.M. MINUTES PIANN AND ZONING COMMISSION ME ING of MAY 17 2001 7:00 PM. CITY C OMMISSION CHAMBERS CITE , SANFORD� FLORI MEMBERS PRESENT, R oss Robert Kevin Hipes C aro l D e nnison Nfichael Skat Rmni Y an Bobby VonHerbulis R o b er t Carr Andrew Kut Cary Lowell MEMBERS ABSENT: Ott Garrett- excuse OTHERS PRESENT, Ja 1larder, Director of Engineering and Planning Antonia Gerli Senior Planner Russ Gibson, Land Development Manager Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary Mr. Skat called the meeting to order at 7412 1.M0 The first item o the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use t allow the ire t ati n telecommunication munication antennas and ground equipment on an existing 120 foot tt nsrn ssion tourer on p ro perty located at 1050 Rinehart Road. Ulay Tbompson, Florida Po wer Corporation, 2600 Lake L ucien Dr M idand, was present. This structure is 240' north of gn existing structure. It was move bete because it was un der where the Beltway is going. The equipment building will be sixr� to the eidsting one that is 240' to the north. Mr. Kutz moved for approval based on staffs re c om men d a tions an requirements. Seconded by Ms. Dennison. All in favor. Motion carried. Next on the Agenda was the consideration of the Final Flat for Calabria Cove (formerly East L kc Reserve /Burke Property), a 37 lot single fatl residential subdivision located at 2200 Oregon Avenue. Jessica Lucyshyn, Burkett Engineering, Or lando, was p resen t . Mr. VonHerbults move to approve the Final Plat per Staff reconunendadons and the City's Development Order. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion wed. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MAY 17, 2001 PAGE 2 The next item was to h a Public Hearing for the purpose of amending the Future Land Use Plan Map of the Comprehensive Plan for properties generally located along Park Avenue between 13t Street and 23 d Street ch an gmng the land use classification n from MDR-1 , Medium Density a identW to I , Low Density Residents L Mr. Robert moved to remove from the table. Seconded by Mr. VonH ulis. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Kutz and Mr. Yo se abstained. Antonia Gerh stated one thing she looked at since the last twee ting was the number of vacant lots in the arcs. There aren't very many. A lot of vacant lots are side yards, people that have two lots, being used for playground equipment, gardens, etc. Th ere are seven actual bonafide vacant lots that coin be developed. There doesn't a ppear to be much call for the tJd - f mBy designation. Mr. Kutz stated that the thing that worries everybody is that they will lose some o the value of them asset. If there was a tnechanism, a form, or a document, if someone had a problem with this, they could sign something that says they are mod fathered in. Mr. V onHerbulis moved to a pprove the F uture L U se M with the exce ption o f the western po of Pa Avenue between 1 and 15' Streets, w hich are the four lots adjac on the east side o the existing nursing horne property to stay MR-2, the barlance of Section 17 to go to -1. Mr. Hipes seconded for discussion. Mr. Kutz stated that a method needs to be established so that an existing propel can be grand fathered so that nobody property value will be ' hed by this changed. M Lowell o Mr. Kutz and Mr. Yosefian abstained. All others in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a re to Rezone properties generally located along Park Avenue between 13" Street and 23' Street changing the zoning from MR -2 to SR-1. Mr. VonHerbulis moved to remove from the t a ble. S econ ded by Mr. Robert. All in f avor . Motion carried. Mr. VonH er bulis move on a pproval of all i te ns of I Map 17 with the exception on the one block between 1 � and 15' Streets of Palmetto Avenue and the east side of Pal ,etto Avenue. Seconded by Mr. Hipes. M r. Kutz and Mr. Yos abstained. All others in favor. Motion carried. Ilex. Robert moved to approve the Minutes of April 5 April 19 as circ ulated. S econ ded by Mr. pipes. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Kutz stated that this Board should rec to the City that something be written to encourage and enhance the u li ation of carriage houses. We need some sort of in .fusion in the LDR that addresses it, specifically. It needs to be a positive and encouraging document. Mr. Sat suggested that Staff take a look at other cities, research it, before the next comp plan amendment. MINUTES P AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 17 2001 PAGE There being no further busin s, the meeting adjourned at :2 P.M. r Michael Ska , Chairman FORM 8B MEMOP *.NDUM OF VOTING C11"INFLI rftwl r­0k COUNTY MUNICIPAL AND OTHER LOCA PJSLIC OFFICERS LAST � —FIRST N E -1111) ll NAME N ;- BOARU COUNCIL. Cc' MISSIO UTH RITN, >R C O lMITTEi 1 I � * /YV. � 7 ' I 1 1 '' � 1'Hk• 140ARk3. CO L. (�C1MMI ON , A RITZ, ()k co I iulIT"T�� AILlh� � , l3 RES. WHIA±N SERVL A N11- C C , r Y) _ COUN Off: OTHER LOCA1 AGENCY CITY '�)4.11�!'i'1 0 HAK , of LITIC S IVI I N DATE ON WHICH () I• C L k ' #' !;IqjhN !. f 00P ELECT 1 PPiI1Tl'E WHO MUST FILE FORM This form is for use by any- person serving at the county, city, or other local level of governrn en t on a appointed or elected board, c oun c il, c ommission, authority, or committee. h applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented with a voti conflict of interest used r Section 1'12.3143, Florid S Latutes. The requirements of t la w are mandator, although the use of this p articular form is not required by lamp, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required by laver. Your re sponsibilities under the lain Then faced with a mea ure in which you have a conflict of interest 'Will nary greatly depending on whether Y ou hold an elective or a ppointive position. For this reason, Tease pa y c lose attention to the instructions o n t his form before completing the re%trse side and filing the form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPUANCE WITH SECTION 112.3143, FLORIDA STATUTES E LECTED FFI C R : A ho�lding•.elective count ,, rl�uni.cipal, or other local public office M AB T 11 from �roting ort xrs�ure which inures to his special p' nxpate gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from kno �ingl voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a governmeni agen by whom he is retained. In either case, you should disclose the conflict: PRICK TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you arc abstaining from voting; and W ITHIN 15 DAY'S AFTER THE V OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the 'miltut s. APPOINTED OFFICERS: person holding appointive c unt f, municipal, r other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on, a.rneasure which p pP - inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also i s prohibited from kn owl ngl , voting on a measure which. intt s to .t e special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained. 1 A person holding an appointive local office otherwise `ria� participate in a matter in which h has a ctrxf3ict of ircrest, but: must disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision by • ral'or n cony mt icaiionr- *titer made by the officer or at -.ors direction. I F YOU l NTE f D TO MAKE ANY ATTEM PT TO I N FLUENCE T I E• D EC 1 S 1 ON .'Pk 10 F70 THE M E TING ATWH f H THE VOTE WILL BE TAKE • You sold complete and file this form (before rinaking any attempt to inf uen`ce the decision) wish the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. 9 A cop) of the form should be provided irr mediatel \ to the other members of the agency. Tire form should be read publicly at the meeting priol to consideration of the matter in w hlch you have a conflict o interest. ATT EMPT O I NF L U E N CE DE C I S I O N X D D T T HE MEETI i, E NO I Y OU MAK F r� #� our c�nf�ie[ in �� m�a�ure before participating. • �� should d� eloe orally the tutu for r t1� minute a aftcr the vote occurs with the per on responsibly I - houl� otnpl� the form file it ithin 1 d �r of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER'S INTEREST # hereby d t hat on a) rnasurc ca or will come before my agency which (check one) inured xo my special private gain; or by whom I aM retained. inured to the special gain of (h ) The measure before niy a and the n of My intrcst in the mea - is as fllw: E 11?.31"7 {1985)# FAILURE T �f. l � ANY I UlRE' NOTICE UNDER PROVISIONS F FLORID S TATUTES � F THE ` LLOWI DISCLOSURE COI TITUT GROUND - �P�. �'�1i 1 T, i TI , REDUCTION 1 � �` ��l�� �, #P�l �`1��� Fyn OR I'I.._.?�.iT, T SOT` EX�D , FORM 8B ME OF VOTING `�ONFLICl roK COUNTY, MUNICIPAL, AND OTHER LOCAL PUBLIC OFFICERS MRU. COUNCIL. Co S k S1 NAM fn .t NAME I' b(� SIOn Tl. OR CY»nMIITFL ` " .If' " Jl�;'� ��/1rl/IrnG �.�aru� wUT iimsnicf;,v� JON To Pad DATE ON WH CH V, r f =7 THF 140ARU. COU COM M ISSION. AV OR I T 1'. OR COM M MEL. ON WHIG I SERVE i I.�NII F: CS COUNTY OTHER LOCAI AGENCY ' P NAML- OF III( L SURN 1SI my P =S11joN_ lu oe' i &_; ELEC 1VE APPO E WHO MUST FILE FORM 88 This form is for use b y an y person searing a t the cou nty, city, o other local level o f g overn m nt on an appointed 0 r elected board, council, c ommission, authority, or committee. is applies equally to members of advisory and non-a dvisory bodies who are pms nt d with a voting conflict o interest under Se ction 112.3143, Florida S Latutes . The requirements of this la w are mandatory; although the use of this particular form is not required b y law, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required by law. Your responsibilities under the lame when faced with a measure. in which you have a conflict of interest 'Will Vary greatly depending on whether you hold an elective or' appointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to. the instructions on this faun before completing the revere side and filing the form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PLIANCE WITH SECTION 112-3443, FLOWDA STATUTES ELECTED OFFICERS: i person holding - elective county; municipal, or other local public orrice MUST A STAI N from voting on a measure which inures � to hiss p eclat p rixaze gai n. Each local officer also. is prohibited from knowin'g,i Y voi in g on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a governmeni agency) b y whore he is retained. ! In either case, you should disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE D'OT'E BEING TAKEN by publicly stating io the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are absiainine from voting and % VJ N 15 DAYS AFTE R THE VOTE U RS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the minutes o the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. � APPOINTED TED FFICEF : A person holding appointive county, municipal or other local public office MUST A TAI1 from voting on .measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local off }per also is prohib ited from knowingly voting on a measure ► r ich. inures to -.the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by m-hom he is retained. A person holding an appointive local office other rise `ma y parl'icip to in a matter in which he' has a c'dnflict of interest, but.-.muSt disclose the nature of the conflict before making a atten' pt to influence the decision b y 'dral'or mpriti n corriman1cation made by the officer or at - pis direction. IF YOU INTEND TO M AK E ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE' ECI 1 1 PMOR-T THE MEETING AT'WHfC THE V T F, WILL BE TA E • Yo u sold complete and file this form before r aking any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. • A copy of the form should be provided irninediately to the other members of the aeencv. • Tire form should be read publicly ai the meeiing prior' to considerailon of the marten In which you have a conflict of interest. N • INFLUENCE THE DECISION F:�I�FT` B DI �" �` M iF �'� � TT�[l''T �` I1FLLl� N" ou s hould di orally the nature re f' your conflict in the mea before particiating. • u should corr�ptt� the dorm and file it ithtn 1 bars aftc r t h vote occurs with tl� perort reponsile for reordin t he rr�ir�utS ) o _. of the me ter w who should incorporate the form to the minutes. lSCL S RE OF LOCAL OF FICEWS INTEREST • hereby disclose that on I I V � A me ea me or will come before mfr agency which (check one) / I r C eetay private gain; or inured to us p by whom l am retained. inured to the special gain of h The measure beforc my agency the nature of MY interest in the MUS as f Date Filed �` S 3 Imo.. 1 {19$5), FAILURE T iAI �. ANY REQUIRE - ! TI E: UNDER F �I I F FLORI STAT THE F LL VII DILJI CONSTITUT GRO YlT, D DLT`i? I 0 4 p'.N FROM 0FF10E OR I M F EACHNVAENT, RE1NIOVAL OR V i NOT T i X I� A D I G0.