HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.03.01City of San Yd Planning and Zoning Cc mission Regularly Scheduled Meet*ng 7:00 P.M. Thursday, MAY 3, 2001 City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a conditional Use for property located at 418 Maple Avenue in order to develop a single Family Residence in a FCC -1, Restricted Commercial Zoning District Tax Parcel Number: 2 -1 g- g- AG -061 o- o Property Owner: Habitat for Humanity in Seminole County Representative: Rose L. Harkey, Vice President Habitat for Humanity 2. Hold a Public Hearing for the purpose of amending the comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element and the Future Land Use Plan Map of the Comprehensive Plan. Representative: Antonia Gerli, Sanford senior Planner 3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to . Re z one properties generally located along Parr Avenue between 13 1h street and 23" street changing the zoning classification from MR-2, Multiple Family Residential to s -1, single Family Residential. Representative: Antonia Gerli, Sanford senior Planner 4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone properties fronting Park Avenue between 23r street and 2 street changing the zoning classification from MIS -2, Multiple Family Residential to RM I, Multiple Family Residential, ntial, Office and Institutional. Representative: Antonia Gerli, Sanford senior Planner Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone properties generally located on the west side of Park Avenue and Palmetto Avenue south of 24th street charging the zoning classification from RM01, Multiple Family Residential, office and Institutional to s w1A, single Family Residential. Representative: Antonia Gerli, Sanford Senior Planner 6. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Re property located at 2250 celery Avenue from -1, Agriculture to SR-1 , single Family Residential. Tax Parcel Number: 29-19-31-300-0080-0000 Property owner: celery Farms Land Holding Co. Representative: W. Garnett White /Larry Dale 7. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone one property located at 417 W. 19 street from s -1 A, single Family residential to PD, Planned Development. Tax Parcel Number: 8 -1 - o- 506 - 0000 -'10 30 Property Owner: John sobik Jr. Representative: John sobik Jr. 8. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 600 Aero Lane in order to allow outdoor storage and major equipment repair, for a heavy equipment rental, sales and service operation in an I -1 Restricted Industrial Zoning District. Tax Parcel Number: 8 -1 g -3 - AE -1 oo -0000 Property owner: B.C. Family Partnership Representative: Randy Thomas P1a.nnin g and Zoning Conumissi oa meeting agenda for May 3, 2001 Page 1 of 9 . Minute 1 . Any other business from floor or Commission Members 11. Reports its fr m staff. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. H:1ZONIN IA ENDA)200115- 03.01. pd Planning and Zoning Commission meeting agenda for May 3, 2001 Page 2 of MINUTES PIANNING AND ZONING G OMMISSI N MEETING OF MAY 3 2001 :00 PM. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY , SA1 F R , FLORIDA A. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ross Robert Kevin Hie Carol Dennison Lichael Skat Rami Yoefian Bobby YonHerbuh Robert Carmway Steven Vaughn Apdrew Kut MEMBERS ABSENT: Otto Garrett-excused Gary Lowell-excused OTHERS PRESENT. Jay Marder, Director of Engineering and Planning Antonia Gerli, Senior Planner Russ Gibson, Land Development Manager Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary Mr. Skat cabled the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Heating to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 418 Maple Avenue in order to develop a Single Family Residence in a RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zoning District. Rose Harkey, 680 River Oak give, Ost en, was present representing Habitat for Humanity. She stated that there are two lots adjoining each other that they would lie to build a 4 bedroorn, 2 bath home for a single mother with 5 children. The square footage will be approxiately 1330. Ms. . Dennison moved on approval with 8taf 's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Yose an. All in favor. biotin carried. The next item considered was a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 600 Aero Lane order to allow outdoor storage and major equipment repair, for heavy equipment rental, sales and service in an I -1, Restricted. Industrial Zoning District. MIN PI AI NING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OIL MAY 3, 2001 PAGE Paul Straubinger, Real Vest Properdes, represented the request. He stated that M. D Moody and Sons is a h ea vy equipment company that has been in business for approximately 80 years. They would l e to establish a warehouse and a sma]1 yard with some ' ' trative uses on this parcel. This is actually the same parcel of land that Neff Rentals currently occupies. It is appro ately 3 acres between Neff f and the piece that Moody will occupy. This is the southern 226' of that tract of land. Mr. Straubinger stated that M. D. Moody and Sons business ptimarily lies around the crane business. They plan to have tppical equipment, sales and se e, leasing and storage. The yours of operation will be 8:00 to 5:00, Monday thru Fridays. Shirley Edyvean stated that if they are si ai} r to Neff; she doesn't expect any problems, seeing that Neff has been a very good neighbor. She is concerned with her welt. There are so drainage issues concerning the area and the north to south ditch needs to remain. Mr. Flipes moved to approve subject to Staff s comments. Seconded by Mr. I ut . All in favor. Motion carried. Next t eras a Public Hearing for the purpose of amending the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element and the Future Land Use Plan Map of the Comprehensive Plan. Antonia Gerli, San ord.'s Senior Plan er, represented the request. Ms. Gerh stated that this round of Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments include one text a mendment and twenty -three map amendments. The text amen dment is to the future land use designation of Airport Industry and C ommerce. The purpose of the change is to encourage and attract a functional mix of uses on the cast side of town surroun the Airport. A land use mix that provides a full range of urban ekes including residential, business, commercial and industrW that will help to prevent urban sprawl and alleviate any traffic congestion by allowing people to wor and shop year where they live. The east side of town is becoming very suitable for the type of wed use designation. GIs. Gerh stated that there is appromrnately 77 acres of vacant land and Map Amendment #16 wffi add another 250 acres of approximately to the Airport Industry and Commerce designation. Important changes that come with the text amendment include new land uses, residential land uses, schools, commercial and office uses as the Airport Industry and Commerce designation is now strictly an induce land use supporting the Airport and any commercial uses are usually supportive of the Airport or the industrial uses at the Airport. H�& intensity residents uses will only be allowed in areas outside the N, noise contour 60 or less. Ms. Gerli stated that other changes covered are the floor area and the density. The floor area for comma and Indust uses will be `one ", and for the residential density it will be 50 units per acre. There are 23 am endments to the Future L Use Plan Map. 16 are clue to annexations. O f those 16, 12 will have the equivalent land use that they have in the County. Two others include the Sewage MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 3 2001 PAGE Treatment Plants The elementary school on Oregon Avenue will come in as Public Semi- Public. Sites 1 and 61, the Buddhist Temple and the Catholic Church and School wiU be corxu*ng in as 'waterfront Downtown Business District. Sites 17, 1 and 1 are bung initiated by a pity of Sanford in order to preserve the single fa ]y residential character of the Park Avenue area between 13' and 2e Streets. 90% of the existing land uses in Site 17 are sine family and two family homes. The principal difference between the two Future Land Use designations is now it is Medium Density Residents and the City is proposing Low Density Residential Single Family. The Medium Density Residential allows boarding houses and multi family, more than two units. The Sine Family designation only allows the one and two fan* hits. The breakdown of Map x#17 is that there are 88 single family residences, 71 %, 23 two fanfly residences, 19 %, them are two multi family residences, %, 7 religious institutions, 6 % and 3 retail and office uses, %. Site 18 is proposing to change the Future Land Use designation from Residential Office -- Institutional to Low Density Residential Single Family. This area is on the merest side of Palmetto Avenue. On the east side of Park there are time re ' * units that are more closely associated in character with the properties behind there, so the City is proposing to change this also to single fandy residential. Site #19, which is in between Sites 17 & 18, is being proposed to change from tedium Density Residential to Resident- Office- InstitutionaL This area contains the condominium complex on the west side, which the City did not want to make a non -conf rmm' g use, and since the City is proposing to e ate the Medium Density designation, the City is proposing to put them in with the Residential-Office-Institutional designation. Ms. Gerh stated that the next three amendments were initiated by applicants. Site 20 is on Celery Avenue and it consists of 126 acres. The applicant is proposing to amend the map from Suburban Estates and Conservation to Lour Density Residential Single Family and Resource Protection. This site is targeted by a joint Planning Agreement with Seminole County for low density residential development, The Map A end l nt is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for Low Density Residential Single Fancy development. Site 21 is a part of Magnolia Parr Subdivision. The applicant is proposing to amend the Future Land Use Map from Industrial to Low Density Residential Single Fay. This area is south of most of the industal development near the Airport and is beco increasingly a residential area. It is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Policies for Low Density Residential Single Famfly designation. Site 21 is not before the Commission tonight for a re omng, it will come at a later date. Site 22 is located at 417 W. 1' Street. The applicant is proposing to amend the Future Lana Use designation from Low Density Residents Single Family to General Commercial. This site is adjacent to a fast food restaurant and is not well suited for residential development. The applicant is proposing a transinonal use of office and indoor storage, which is more compatible with the residential distdct, and will help buffer the restaurant uses and the French Avenue uses from the existing residential district. Lisa Sanson, 401 Elliott Avenue, stated that she owns property located at 1702 Magnolia Avenue and would like her opinion heard regarding the development of the Airport property. 50 units per acre MINUTES ES DIL I T TING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 3, 2001 DACE 4 n kes her cringe. She would hate to see a high -rise god in out there, but would be in full agreement with a hotel. Another issue is with 1702 Magnolia Avenue area. She requested that this area be maintaine as a single Es mi ly community. David Higginbotham, 2405 S. Palmetto Avenue, spoke in opposition to Site 18. His hone is zoned multi - family. He stated that he can't sell his horse as a single fancy house because nobody wants to buy a house with a 3 story, 9 unit, condo next door. The only way he will ever be able to get his money back out of his house is if it is sold for the zoning that he has right now. He stated that he is looking a t losing $50,000, n im urn, if the zo ning is ch anged back to single fanifly. Ills. Higginbotham stated to the C onin3ission that it was not going to do anything to help hin�, it was going to change his designation, it was goiter to take his money away, and it was not going to make the owners of the condo put in a divider between a multi -fam ly and a single - family. He doesn't think it is right. Mr. Kutz stated that there is a terry called inverse condemnation. when somebody takes property and value is lost, they've taken that prop" ty and it can't b e used f or wha it w as o riginally purchased for within the rights as purchased, rights have been taken array. Inverse condemnation means that the property has been inversely condemned, the value has been taken away. Jay and Grace Dittman, 2410 Detto Avenue, was present. He stated that they use their property for religious type meetings and have dome some things to help the community. He doesn't understand why this is being changed. Carl Vorp ahl, 2421 P lnxtt, stated that he is not personally involved, but that he is aw that when this change takes dace, these folks will b e impoverished to some degree. He sees no reason that this should be changed for any reason. It is not necessary and ts not needed. It hurts the folks that shouldn "t be hurt. Mary Higginbotham, 2408 S. Palmetto Avenue, asked the Commission to think about others. Mr. Kutz asked how many a pplications in the p as t five years have the City received from someone w has seemed to imply that they are going to buy a cou lc of lots and put some kind of intense use in that neighborhood or any one of these neighborhoods. He as ked why is this being doge. James Ha wver, 2209 S. l rla o lia A venue, asked if the condo would have to be torn down if this ch in z oning was made. Mr. Skat explained that the condo was not a part of this proposal and that it would be grand fathered in if it was. Robert Kinn ey, 1920 S. Darr A venue, stated that he su pports the proposed c hanges. Jim Hattaway, 200 S. Orange A Orlando, was present regarding Site2l. H stated that two years ago he was a resident of Mayfair. He and his father own property to the east o this site. He asked the omission to approve the a pplication with a caveat of any mitigation, shield, buff or anything MINUTES PT.ANNING AND ZONING CQMMISSYON MEETING OF MAY 3 2001 PAGE 5 that may be required between the residents use o property and his indus use of property, be paid for by the applicant or its successor of interest and be placed on the property of the applicant or its successor of interest. Alternatively and sur ly, that before any residents development be done, that the buffer be created, the buffer be in existence and be paid for by the applicant or successor o the property of the applicant, a pplying the rules of fundamental fairness. He stated that the person who is bringing about the change should bare the cost. Barry Walter, Maitland, one of the developers of Site 21, stated that the site would get buffered at their expense. Mr. Skat note for P u blic Record there were two petitions submitted Sandy Wright and L auren Swag exty xn o pposition to 417 W. 19 Street. Dennis Sobik, 2435 S. Drench Avenue, stated that he is proposing a storage warehouse for Lee's Chicken and S bi s'. There will be no doors facing single fa y residents and a 6 mason gall is being proposed. Jeanette C ontios, 4 06 W. 1 9' Street, stated that s is opposed to rezo ning this p Wi th ail of the property and opportunities zoned commercial on 17-92, there wouldn't be a probes for Mr. S bik to purchase of lec. Donna Zimmer, 414 W. 19 Street, directly across from Mr. Sobiks', stated that she already has debris from the chicken place. This is definitely a residential lot. There are beautiful trees on the lot and everydiLing around this site is residential. She asked that if this is go�ng to be commercial, then why cant her lot be the same g. She stated that she is definitely against having a 6 ' wall across the street from heir. It will not buffer anyd�mg, just wiU look ugly. F rank St. Pierre, 40 W. 19 Street, stated that this has been a consistently single family dwelling neighborhood and has enjoyed moderate tranquility. The proposed wall will be for ' ' s to hide. This is one lot where someone should build a h tne. He requested that the zoning be left as it is. Christopher Falters, 404 W. 19' Street, spoke on behalf of Sanford Heights. He stated that a contemporary warehouse built among homes that were constructed in 1 930 is not in keeping with the neighborhood. He stated that this lot acts as a buffer and asked the Comn:iission to preserve the natural buffer. Dave Williams,, 406 W. 19' Street, stated that there are five properties between Sobik's and Lee's Chicken that are already commercial. He cited quite a few vacant lots along 17-92 that are either for lease or sale. He is definitely opposed to this request. Mr. Yosefi abstained on Site 1 Mr. S bik stated that their business is pretty quiet with a limited amount of traffic. The building would be designed to look like a house, not a big warehouse. He stated that there would be 3 pg spaces, they are not d e it for big delivery trues. There is no inventory and no dehvery. They are tryin to store two trailers, various restaurant equipment, h ave offices with three rooms: one conference MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 3 2001 PAGE room, restroom, with all access being toward the alleyway. Mr. Robert moved for approval of the Airport Industry Text Amendment. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbulis. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. VonHerbuhs moved for approval for 2381 Narcissus Avenue. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All inn favor. Motion eyed. Mr. Kutz moved for approval of 3525 Ohio Avenue. bonded by Mr. Robert. AU in favor. Motion carri Mr. Robert moved for approval of 320 E. 29' Street. Seconded by Mr. Kutz. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Robert moved for approval of 1701 Brisson Avenue. Seconded y Ms. Denrlison. AR in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Robert moved for approval of 1813 and 1 819 Roosevelt Avenue. Seconded by Mr. I ut . All in favor. Motion carried. Ir. Robert moved for approval of 5 10 Riverview Avenue. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbui. All in favor. Motion carried, Mr. VonHerbulis moved for approval of 313 Poinsettia Avenue. Seconded by Ms. Tennison. All favor. Motion c Mr. Robert moved for approval of 4437 W. 1 Street. Seconded by Mr. Y sefia,n. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. VonHerbuhs moved for approval of 2980 W. Airport Blvd. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Robert moved for approval of 3905 Sanford Avenue. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbulis. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Kutz moved for approval of 2681 W. 5 Street. Seconded by Mr. Robert. A in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Kutz moved for approval of 2916 Palmetto Avenue. Seconded by Mr. Robert. A n in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES PLANNING AND Z l ll C COMMiSSI N MEETING O MAY 3 , 2001 PAGE NIr. Robert moved for approval of 33 Sanford Avenue. Seconded by IIr1r. VonHerbulis. All in favor. Motion carrie Mr. VonHerbulis move for a pprov al of 2175 O re gon Avenue. S by Mr. Y o se All in favor. Motion cared, Mr. Yose fi n moved for a pproval of 2190 Oregon Avenue. Seconded by Ms. Dennison. AR M' favor. Motion carried. Mr. VonHerbulis moved for approval of the Sanford Airport. Seconded by Ms. Dennison. AU in favor. Motion carrie Mr. Yosef an and Mr. Kutz abstained from voting on Site 17. Mr. Kutz stated that it seems to hits the idea is well founded to esta blish and extend the single Family zoning. He thinks it has gone too far in this particular instance. It des sense that the zoning from 13' Street to 20' Street is a single family street. F rom lo Street to " Street, w e are Forcing the zoning. It doesn't make sense. We are creating things, improvising, and all binds of mn a tics that doesn't work well. Mr. Kutz stated that if the zoning is changed to single family residential in that area, change it from 1 " Street to 20` Street, 20t to ' Streets, over a period of time, wM take care of itself. But don't create more problems by going too far, Mr. Marder said that for Mr. Yosefian's property, the site that was fornnerly the school is in this proposed change, and is not suppose to be. The whole block needs to be excluded. Mr. Robert moved for approval. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbulis for discussion. Mr. Slat stated that it is great idea on paper, unfortunately it is a bad idea for the people out there. Mr. I1 arder stated that Staff had received dozens of calls and they were pretty positive. Staff also had a meeting and received all positive feedback. Mr. Robert stated that two people had called him today and they were in favor of mss. Mr. VonHerbuhs tated that if it was narrowed doom he would rather see it come back with s ome items carved out of it or corrected in it, but he is not sure everyd3in in the hashed area heeds to be where it is. Mt. Robert in favor of the motion. All others opposed. Motion faded. Mr. Sat stated that all he heard were negative comments on Sites 17, 18 and 19, which included one positive comment and about 15 negative comments. H e thinks it i a great idea, the concept is a right thing, but it needs work. Mr. V stated that part of the Commission's job is to evaluate all information, not just public input which is a n extremely important part, but the Commission is to exercise its own good judgement, its own foresight, and the vision for the com aunity. we a s a Board must consider the written information, the facts and fi gures, and personal feelings. Mr. VonHerbuhs moved to table until the next meeting to give everyone a c hance to think about the request and give Staff their input. Seconded by Ms. Dennison. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. VonHerbuhs move to den Site 1 Seconded by Mr. Y osefian. Mr. VonHerbulis stated that he MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF NLA , 2001 PAGE S didn't particularly care for portion of fork Avenue going to residential strictly. To dear everybod wanting to bud more on their property, and the neighbors are absolutely in favor of being able to put lots together and build apartments on then, he didn't think the Commission should deny them the pleasure. Mr. Robert stand that he was opposed to the motion because the neighbors told him they wanted the single fa r y. M . Robert in opposition. All others in favor. Motion carried, Mr. VonI I rbul roved to approve Site 19. Seconded by Mr. Robert. Ali in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Yo efi n moved to approve Site 20. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbuhs. . ll in favor. Motion carried. Mr. VonHerbu s moved to approve Site 21 to include in the Development Order to meet with industrial to industrial setbacks as opposed to Indust to residential and that Site 21 will do the buffering separation as opposed to the industrial coaxing in at a later date and buffering. Seconded b Mr. Robert. AU in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Kutz moved to deny Site 22. Seconded by Mr. =away. Mr. VonlHerbulis stand that he wow be voting in favor of the project because he thinks someone going in with a residenfml house will not happen, other than a Habitat for Humanity or HANDS. The way it is designed, the way it addresses the alley, it is not anything negative to the area. Mr. Kutz stated that it is an encroachment to the residential. Mr. VonHerbuhs and Nis. Denson in opposition. A11 others in favor. Motion carried. Mr. VonHerbulis moved to approve the new surer plant. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda that was considered was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone one properties generally located along Park Avenue between 13' Street and 23r Street changing the zoning classification from M--2, to S -1. Mr. Pose an and Mir. Kutz abstained. Mr. VonHerbuhs moved to table until the next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Seconded by Nis. Dennison. Mr. l obert in opposition. All others in favor. Motion carded. The next item was to Bold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone properties fronting Farb Avenue between 2 " Street and 24' Street changing the zoning classification from MR -2 to iM I. Mr. Robert moved to approve. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbuUs. Ms. Gerli stated that the original proposal changed, just to the north of 19', to single family. It left this one square lot as medium density. Rather than leave it as it is, Staff attached it to the RMI that was esting to the south of it. It also allows the condominillms to be a confo use. Mr. Kutz in opposition. All others in favor. Motion came . MINUTES PLANNING AND Z NTNG COMMISSION MEETING ilG MAY , 2001 PAGE The next item was to hold a Public Heating to consider a request to Reonc properties generally located on the west side of Park Avenue and Pa ietto Avenue south of 2e Street ch n LY the zoning from CPO RM01 to SR -1A. Mr. VonHerbulis mooed to deny. Seconded y 1 lr. Yosefian. Mr. Robert in opposition. All others m favor. Motion carried. The next item was a request to Rezone property located at 220 Celery Avenue from A- I, A to SR -1, Single Fanifly Residential, Larry Dale, 3400 Celery Avenue, was present. He stated that he will be the developer. The Eagle's nest is on the ' Street right-of -way. 'There will be 2.6 units per acre. Two access points on Celery Avenue. No access anywhere west of the property. The mini tnuin lots size will be 60'x115'. He asked that on what would be resource protection, that it be worded that anything that is inside the officially delineated wetland lines as delineated by the St Johns River Water Management District to be zoned Resource Protection. domes would be 1 700 to 1 800 and up to Zoo square feet and in the price range of $130XO, $170,000 up to $180,000. The site consists of 12 acres with 12 acres of wetlands. Mr. Robert moved to approve. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbulis. Ali in favor. Motion carried. Next was a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property located at 417 W. 19 Stmt from SR-1A to PDFI Dennis Sobik stated that when they purchased Lee's, they took over a location that had a lot of problems, not just physical problems with the building but internal problems with the employees. They are doing their best to proactively alleviate a lot of those problems. They thought this would be a positive ive thing to the area, not a negative thing. Mr. Skat stated that architecture y it makes sense. He noted that the applicant could appeal the Planning and Zoning Commission's decision to the City Commission and the Comprehensive Plan Amendment can also be appealed. Mr. Kutz moved to deny. Seconded by Mr. Yose fian. Ms. Dennison and Mr. VonHerbulis in opposition. All others in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Skat asked Staff to check to see if occupational licenses could be pulled on people who don't comply with standards that have been set. He asked if Code Enforcement could do sotnefl3Ling. There bemn no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1 1:00 P.M. Michael 9kat , Chairman COUNTY, MUNICIPAL AND OTH MEMOP. ANDUM OF VOTING GONFLIGI rOk FORM 8B AL "USLIC OFFICERS. L AST NA �'� Iv,+►Nti — 171 }L I i` NA I BOARD. COUNCIL. CO M ICS , AUTH MT OR C:(ll� • M� Tki y 0 k 0 yr�7 I I H A. H()A�kU, Cr()l1+ C'�}hAh+'1I1C1 ►+►L� itIT () 'C�Mi iTT E K i , MAIL �► P. " S� WHI • I SER L t NII OF: - C IT Y (1)UNTY OTHER LOC AGENCY C'IT1' C c ur 's` NAM L of Lr ICAL SU IVI. 6 afi C 1 AT E CAN WW CH 01•L ['C "URREL7 M PUS5� I(� � ELECTIVE WHO FAUST FILE FORM B This form is for use by and person serving at the eountY,, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, • or committee. It lies equally to members of adViSOTy and non -advisory bodies who are presented council, ornrr�rsston, authority, rip I I with a v oting confli of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida SLatutes. The requirements of this law are mandatory; although part icular forth is riot required by law, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required by law. the use o �` this part . ... der the law when faced with a measure in which you nave a conflict of interest will Crary greatly depending dour respons�bxl�taes un der -- an elective or ap position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this forth on whether you bold Pp 'before completing the reverse side and filing the forth. I ST U= � S F MPUANCE WITH SECTION i iZ.3443, FL WDA ST T 'TES E LECTED OFFICER: person hofd in -elective counly, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which Inures p rivate in. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special to his special � � h gain of a prin ipaJ (other than a government agency) b horn e is retained. In either case, you should disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE VO TE E11 TAKEN b y publicly stating to the assembly t he nature of your inlere t in t he measure on which you are abstaining from voting; and WIT HIN T I I1 � A� f r AFT ER THE VOTE U S by complcting and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form 'in the minutes. APPOINTED OFFICERS: person holding appoint� a co 'v ' unt - , municipal, aI , r other local public o ffi ce MUST A STAIN from voting , on a- ineasure v�• inures p icb .. res to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which intt s -to -,the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom- b e is retained. MUst A person holding an appointive local office e otherwise rhay participate ipate in a matter ire +hich h has a ednfli t of ifi rest, ut. 1 p .. disclose tine nature of the conflict before making an) att mnpt to influence the decision. b y oral Wrin en co rrimun-1 made b the officer or at -his diT tion IF YOU INT T'I D TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE TH E DECIS THE MEETING AT-WHI THE TE WILL BE TAKEN: • You sold complete and file this forth (before rinaking any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who will' incorporate the form in the mintrles. • A copy of the form should be provided immediately to t he other members o the agency. Them form should b read publicly at zhe eefjng prior to consideration f tine ?natter in which you have a onfli t of interest. ATTEMPT T INFLUENCE THE DECISION EXCEPT. BY DI SCUSSION AT THE MEETING' IF P l� MAKE 11 :. . . re �' our onfiicx ire the mea before participating. . "�u should �i�ose orally the natu ' for record�n the rr��nute� �0 U should complete the form and fate it w1thin I d s after the vote occurs with the person responsible of the mcefing, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. 4 DISCLOSURE O F LOCAL OFFICER'S INTEREST ■ hereby disclose that on � — a) A measure came or will come before rny agency which (check ore) inured 10 rny special private gain; or inured to the special gain of by whom I am retainea. a nd the 11alure of my i nterest in the measure , is a follows: (b The measure before agent) a . STATUTES � � �`�E �' M AKE I FE�.31 L; NO TICE: PR FLORIDA STT THE FOLLOWI FOR AN M AY BE PUNISHED ONE MO F T , DIS CON 3LJ11 ��,iEt�1T, DEM �ECJT'11 1? REM SL�iSP�SI FR OFFICE Ei IMPEACHME { I S AL A R� REPRIMAND {IPENA NOT TO EXCEED .000• FORM 8B MEMO""4NDUM OF COUNTY, MUNICIPAL AND OTHER �,c, r .rE s H.Mt- ,Iuum.ir,.Me NAy MAILING AULTESS CITY f DATE ON WH IC H VR RE D my P0511 ION IS I &_. ELECTIVE I APPOINTIVE WHO LAST FILE FORM SIB This form is for use by any person serving at the county, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, council, commission, authority, or committee. it applies equally to members o advisory and non - advisory bodies who are presented w ith a voting conflict of interest mider Secdon 112.3143, Florida Statutes. The requirements o f this lave are mandatory; although the use of this particular form is not required by lamp, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required by Yarn. Your responsibilities under the law when faced with a measure in which you have a conflict of interesi 'rill marry greatly depending ors w �ezher you hold an elective or appointive position. F or t his reason, please pay ease attention to the instructions on this form before completing the reverse side and filing t he form. INSTRU=ONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 112.3143, FLORLDA STATUTE ELECTED OFFICERS: A person ho�lding,elective county, municipal, ar other local public office l iU T AB ST I> from voting on a measure hich inures to his special private gain. Each .local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained. In either case, you should disclose the conflict: PF I T THE V OTE B EING TAKEN by publish stating to the assembly the nature of your imerest in the measure n which you are abstaining from voting; and WITHIN 1 OAFS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this f rm with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. APPOINTED OFFICERS: S: person holding appointive cb'uniy, municipal, 6r other local public offige MUST ABSTAIN from voting ion. a. - measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowing]) voting ors a measure which. inums .the special gain of a principal ( ot her than a government agency) by Wh'O he is retained. A person holding an appointive local office of berwise 'ma R pa�rt'icipat m2 matter in' which he' has a dttf'li t of irit:erest, but; must disclose the nature o f the conflict before rnakin g an y atte'rhpI to influc'ncc the decisian by`6ral `ar written corn vn.i - c tiara, - -. , %nether made by the officer or at -nis direction. IF YO U INT 1 D TO N4 AKE AEI ' ATTENI PT TO I N FLUENCE THE D EC 1 S ION. FI I : TO THE Ii► E TI'1 C ATW KF THE VOTE WlLL BE TAKEN: : You sh ld complete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision') with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the rnecung, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. • A caps of the form should be provided imirnediately to the other members of the acencv. VOTING r"t"ONLIG r Qk LOCAL OFFICERS f 80ARL), COLINCI `[1 „ A SS ION. AUT RITZ. OR C.{ +i I TTY j A0 t 11­11- HOARD, ti OU ; �`C�mMISSI N. ' HORIT1. 0K C �+� MI7TEL N rjV ^HI” SERVE f KNII OF COUNIN OTHER LOCA1 AGENCY COUN'rl hl Ai OF PC .I L UBDI I.VQ f: Tne form should be read publish ai the rneeiing prior' 10 consideration of the matter in which you have a. conflict of interest. i ION EXC DISCUSSION T TH 1��� EE T L G: IF YOU MAKE N ATTEMPT T INFLUE THE ICE k.Y � � #` our conflict in the measure before partiYp tir�g. 'aim • You s hould disc orally the natur � for re the minut 'ou should complete the four and f� #c within 1 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible o the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. D ISCLOSURE OF LOCAL O FFIGEWS INTERIST l hereby disclose that on e or will come before my agency which (check one) inured to rrx' special private gain; or by whom l am retaine inured to the special gain of (b The measure before my agency and the stature of my interest in the measure is follows: �4 Date Filed Nor- L�T� 1I?,17 (1 FA ILU R E TO M A K E_ A NY RE Q UI R E' T`IE.: UN P � FLORIDA L.I�DA STATUTES. � � � �. �' THE FLL%'I ROUNDS FOR A MA BE: PU B ONE MOR DISCLOSURE C TIT�1T`E � t y E . 'EMPLOYMENT, D EMOTION, REDUCTION TION I I N-IAE T, -MOVAL jj P= 1 F O' l OFF I 'S .... . ,-- �-, A . �-, , j R i j p 7' A L T Y ° T TO E X C d E AE D . �O .