HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.19.01City of San wd Planning and Zoning Cc mission
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
7:00 P.M.
Thursday, APRIL 19, 2Q01
City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida
1. Consider the Site Plan for the redevelopment of Cr ms High School at 2200 W. 13th Street.
Tax Parcel Number: 2 -1 - - AE- 9300 -0000
Property Owner: Seminole County School Board Facilities Department
Representative: Majid Kala hchi, P.E. - SK Consortium
2. Consider the site Plan for Mack Plumbing, a proposed 7,984 square foot cfl:ice /warehouse o n
Lot 6, Sanford Central Park, Phase 2 located at 41 coastline Load.
Tax Parcel lumber. 2 -1 -- Nf- 0000-0060
Property Owner: Mack Plumbing Systems, Inc.
Representative: entative: Greg Wilson - Wilson & Associates
I Minutes
4. Any other business from floor or Commission embers
5. Reports from Staff: Draft First Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 2001
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MEETING of APRIL 19, 2001
7:00 PM.
Ross Robert
Carol Dennison
Nfichael Skat
O tto Garrett
Rami Yosean
Bobby VonHer
Jaynes Valerino- excused
Andrew Kut- excused
Kevin Hle- excused
Jay Maarder, erector o Enginewng an Plannin
Russ Gibson, Land Development Manger
Mr. Sat Call the meeting to order at 7.0 P.N.
First on the Agenda was the co of the Site Plan for the redevelopment of Croonu High School at
22 00 W. 13 Street
Ylr[ajtd Kalaghchi represen*�in SK Consortium and John LeRoy representing Seminole County School Board were
present Nk. Kalaghchi stated that they are proposing to demolish half of the old campus, build new classrooms,
cafeteria, and keep the old gy ►nasiunrL The school wM be in operation while the new buildings are b eing built.
Once the new 3uildings are built, they wiU demolish the old portions of the carpus dint will become a parking
area. The opened play field at the northwest corner of the site will be kept in tact.
Mr. K alighchi stated that this fadlity is a special program school. The population will be capped at boo students.
People have the option of attending this school from basically anywhere else in the County. This is a high tech
facility that will basically become a computer school.
b. Y s flan moved on approval. Seconded by Ills. D etmison. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item was the consideration of the Site Plan for Mack Plumbing, a proposed 7,984 square foot
office /warehouse on Lot 6. Sanford Centi:21 Park, Phase 2,, located at 41 Coastline Road.
Greg Willson, R.H. Wilson Associates, 903 W. 3 11d Street, was present.
Mr. Robert moved on approval per staffs recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Garrett All in favor. Motion
Re gardin g the draft of the first Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 2001, Ms. Gerh started that it consists of
one text amendment that has to do with the Airport Industry and Commerce Land Use Desipation. The Airport
Industry and Conunerce District, as it is now, is a fairly limited use of industdA and some commercial uses. To
make it more consistent with the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan, Staff has proposed some changes that
would make it a truly mixed use district with residential, commercial, and industrial uses. Staff has changed the
densities and intensities to those that are now allowed in Seminole County. The industrial and commercial floor
areas would be 1, and the residential Boor area would be 50 units per acre.
1 Is. Gerli stated that there are 16 snap amendments that are due to annexations. Of that 16 almost all wi11 keep
the equivalent future land use designations. "Whose that won't are Sites 1 and 6 which are the Buddhist Temple
and Catholic Church, they will go to waterfront Downtown Business Distda. Site 15 is on Oregon Avenue,
the elementary school, will be going to Public Semipublic instead of West side Industry and Commerce. Site l ,
to the cast of the Airport, includes the new sewerage treatment plant that will go to Public enmipublic instead
of Airport Industry and Commerce because of the type of use.
1 &. G r]i stated that the City has initiated three Fumte I-and Use Map Amendments,, Sites 17, 18 and 19. The
residential area in this part of torn has become increasingly single family. A lot of new families are moving in
and taking the Houses that have been aparmunts and wrning them back into single family houses. It is b c on=g
a more stable neighborhood vnth more single family. To conserve that single family character of the
neighborhood, the City is initiating a land use designation change that would take the area that is now medium
density and change it into single family, the same designation as the surrounding area.
Site 20, on Celery Avenue, is proposed to go from Suburban Estates and Conservation to Low Density
Residential Single Fanuly aid Resource Protection. It is 126 acres, of which 12 1 /2 are Resource Protection.
Site 21, to the south of the Airport, is being proposed to go from dustd l to residential in order to construct
Phase 1I of Ma Park Subdivision.
Site 22, is located on W. 1 Street., one lot off of French Avenue. The applicant owns a fast food restaurant
on French and would like to take the vacant propearty and construct an office /storage or warehouse area. Right
now the future land use designation is low density residential single family. The applicant is requesting to go to
general commercial. This site is not a particularly appropriate site for residential development. It is very close
to French Avenue and the fast food restaurant.
I*. Yosefian non - n=ted Mr. Robert as Vice Chair. Seconded by Mr. VonH rbulis. All in favor. Motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.
Ric hael Skat CRairman