HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.21.00City of S ford Planning and Zoning )mmission
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
7:00 P.M.
Thursday, December 21, 2000
City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida
Hold a Public Hearing to amend the Future Land Use Plan Map of the Comprehensive Plan from Public/ Semi Public PSP
to MDR -1 (Medium Density Residential - 1 . Units Per Acre) and NC (Neighborhood Commercial) for 1 .859 acres for
property located at 1491 Magnolia Avenue.
Tax Parcel Nos: 2 -1 - - SAG -1601 -0080 25-19- o- A -1602 -0090
Own erll epresentative: rani Yos flan
2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Planned Development Rezone one for property Io ated at 1491 Magnolia
Avenue from M R-2, Medium Industrial, to that of PD, Planned Development.
Tax Parcel Nos: A - 1001 -0080 & 2 - 19 - AC- 1802 -0000
Owner/ epre entative: I ami Yosefian
8. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Planned Development Rezone one for property located at 8280 W. 1 " Street
from CC-2, Cenerai Commercial; FBI -1, Restricted Industrial: AC, Agricultural; and MI -2, Medium Industrial, to that of PD,
Planned Development
Tax Panel Nos: 22 -1 - 0- AD -0000- 0280102 AI 0300 /0 0AI0 D1 OCIO ODIO 1010 2010 2A1 440104 BI0Obo
Property Owner: Tory Sall
Representative: B.I . Godwin, III - PB S&,J, Inc.
4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 808 B. 2 W' Street in a I M i,
Multiple Family Reside Zoning District, for the purpose of expanding a non - conforming structure.
Tax Parcel o: 31-19-31-519-0000-0180
Property Owner: Stanley H. Sandefur
Representative: Alan Dean Shoemaker - Shoemaker Construction Company, Inc.
5. Consider the Site Plan for Prestige Flooring, a 7,700 square foot office warehouse facility proposed on Lot 28, Samford
Central Park, Phase II addressed as 1151 Central Park Drive.
Tax Parcel Number: 2- 19 -0 -NI- 9999 -0260
Property Owner: Mark D "Agostino, Trustee
Representatives: Oovind Chaudhari; Fussell Maynard - Central Florida Land Design Corp.
8. Consider the Site Plan for American Woodmen of the World, a proposed 2,400 square foot fraternal lodge proposed at
2015 Maple Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 36-19-30-522-0000-0170
Property Owner: Walter Wade
Representatives: ll'llalter Wade - American Woodmen; Allen Davis - AA Davis Engineering
7. Minutes.
8. Any other business from floor or Commission Members
9. reports from Staff.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or
hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City
of Sanford (FS 286.0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator
at 330 -, 48 firs in advance of the meeting,
Carol Dennison
Otto Garrett
Ross Robert.
Michael Slat
Andrew Kut
Rani Yo se#ian
Bobby onHerbulis- excused
James valerino- excused
Kevin Hipes- excused
.Tay harder, Director of Engineering and Planning
Russ Gibson, Land Development Manager
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
Mr. Sl at called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
The first item considered was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Planned Development
Rezone for property located at 3 2 8 o W. I Street from GC-2, General Conunercial; RI -1,
Restricted Industrial; ACS, Agricultural; and MR -2, Multiple Family Residential, to that of PIS,
Planned Development.
Tom Ustler,, 236 Pacedena Place, Orlando, representative for the Catholic Diocese, was present.
He stated that they plan to move All Souls Catholic Church from downtown, not the school, just
the Church itself.
Erin Degutis, Post Buckley Schuh & Jernigan, 42 S. Keller Road, Orlando, was also present
representing this request. She stated that they concur with Staffs recommendations and that they
intend to comply with the City's Land Development Regulations including parking requirements.
There will be two ingress egresses on site. One is from land Yard Road and the second is from
SR 46. At such time the development reaches its threshold there ma y be signal at SR 46.
She stated that Narcissus Road is intended to be vacated. At such point where Narcissus Road
and the western property line intersects, a cud -de -sac is intended. This will be to provide
ingress/egress on the tertiary level for the site as well as to provide the residents who are in the
area some place to turn around. It will not be a total dead -end.
Albert Bustamante, Akenman S rater itt, 255 S. Orange Avenue, Orlando was also present. He
stated that the Development Order is comprehensive and that it covers man of the things that are
addressed in the Master Plan.. One of the things that he has been talking with Staff about is the
desire to have, in association with the development order approving the basic zoning or land use
purposes of the property, is to also do a development agreement that would be more
comprehensive including all of the more detailed items relating to the development of the project.
He stated that the capacity would relate to 1200 students in the school and 1500 seats for the
Church and all uses associated which includes a stadiurn. They would life a development
agreement that identifies current and future uses.
Mr. Ustler stated that at the current location it is their intention to leave the Church where it is. It
will be used as a part of the school.
Mr. Kutz moved to approve subject to the stipulations and conditions of Staff. Seconded by Mr.
Robert and leis. Dennison. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item considered was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for
property located at 806 B. 25" Street in a RM 1, Multiple Family residential- Office- Institutional
Zoning District, for the purpose of expanding a non - conforming structure.
Dean Shoemaker, 128 Woodridge Trail, Sanford, was present. He stated that fir. Sandefur
would like to remodel the exterior of the building. They would like to do a brick exterior, a new
entryway and a brick buffer wall along 25' Street with landscaping and enhancement. They
would like to do an addition, 12x20, 240 square feet, to the east side of the property.
There being no one else present to speak in favor of or opposition to the request, Mr. Robert
moved to approve the conditional use with Staffs stipulations and conditions along with
Shoemaker's letter ofl November 17, 2000 letter. Seconded by Mr. Garrett. All in favor. Motion
The next item considered was the Site Plan for Prestige Flooring, a 7,700 square foot office
warehouse facility proposed on Lot 2, Sanford Central Park, Phase II, addressed as 115 1 Central
Park give.
lontye Plank, Central Florida Land Design, 550 N. Bumby Avenue, Orlando, was present and
stated that they concur with Staffs recon nendations.
Mr. Kutz moved to approve. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item was the consideration of the Site Plan for American woodmen of the world,
proposed 2,400 square foot fraternal lodge proposed at 2015 Maple Avenue.
Walter wade, 1175 S. BrickellDr., Ieltona, was present. He stated that they have
approximately 450 members, but there are approximately 15 to 20 that attend the meetings each
month. They are a non - profit organization. All monies that are collected go out to needy
fa.nifi Mr. wade stated that they meet once a month for approximately three hours each
Mr. Robert moved for approval. Seconded by Mr. Garrett. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item considered was a Public Hearing to amend the Future Land Use Plan Map of the
Comprehensive Plan from Public /Semi Public (PSP) to MDR- 1 Medium Density Residential -
15 Units Per Acre) and N (Neighborhood Cormmercial ) for 1.859 acres, for property located at
1 401 Magnolia Avenue.
Ir. Yosefan, 5520 Wilson Road, Sanford, representative of the request, abstained from voting.
He stated that the school has been vacant approximately one year. Several reasons they decided
on an assisted living facility are because the area is being rejuvenated by historical hones, they did
not want any offices or commercial, they wanted to keep it residential and because there is a park
adjacent to the property.
Mr. Yosefan stated that the entire surrounding areas of the school, which were classrooms wiU be
residents rooms, that will be individual apartments. There will be no full kitchens. Most
apartments will be studios with wash facilities and a microwave area. There wAl be some two
bedrooms for couples. A total of 50 rooms. There wi 1 be a full kitchen facility on the basement.
floor. The auditorium will be made into a d ining area, library, TV room, entenainrnent,
education, and there is a stage for shows.
Regarding the 1 400 Block of Palmetto Avenue, IMr. Yosefian stated that the intent was to have a
medical clinic since there would be elderly people living in the facility next door. They had
anticipated building something to corn lim nt the surrounding homes and create some type of
clinic that would not only serve the facility across the street but the neighborhood as well.
1r.1larder. explained that the land use in the area is medium density residential at 15 units per
acre. Staff has recommended that the 1400 Block of Palmetto be the same land use designation
as the entire surrounding area. The neighborhood commercial doesn't appear to be like the other
neighborhood commercial type uses that are located within the area.. Staff felt that it would be
better to main tain residential use at this location.
Kenneth Lowe, 13 11 S. Palmetto Avenue, was present. He stated that he is opposed to a walk -in
clinic. The entrance needs to be addressed. Right now the curb cut is on City property. A new
curb cut will be required and if a new road is put in in front of the building, what will it be like.
WiU it be a through road, a private driveway, will it have a stop sign, will it be four -ay stop
sign` Another. thing is with the sever system the way it is now, will an additional pumping station
be needed? Not only this, when there is the slightest rain, it floods in the area. There are many
things that aren't ans wered. He stated that he is not against the assisted living.
Ir. harder stated that the applicant wiH be putting in quite a few additional bathrooms. This will
all be calculated and Staff' will have to determine based on the one sues in the area what needs to
be done. It is basically a gravity system in that area.
Eric Ereitenbach, 1505 Palmetto Avenue, spoke officially for the residents in the imm ediate area.
He stated that they concur with Staf s memorandum dated 12/15/2000 which recommends
approval for the assisted living facility at the Magnolia Avenue site. He stated that they are
requesting that in addition to bringing the property up to code and maintaining compliance with
all Mate and local ordinances. They are encouraging the developer to maintain the historical
appearance of the property and to provide adequate on -site parking, attractive landscaping,
screening, and to fence or ever the trash receptacles. Regarding the proposal to amend the
future land use designation of the 1400 block of Pahnetto Avenue to neighborhood commercial
with plans to construct a 4800 square foot medical facility and community clinic, they concur with
Staff's memorand m dated 12/15/2000 which denies approval of such amendment. It will be
mconslstent with the comprehensive plan policies and objectives.
Stephen Myers, 718 Oak Avenue, addressed one area concerning the clinic. He stated that as far
as alternative sites, there is a vacant medical office on Park Avenue. The development of a small
House on the vaunt lot would not be unusual for the area.
Lane Wood, 918 Palmetto Avenue, urged the Co to use ,Andres Duany
recommendations when usage is changed in the District.
Andrew Valente, 1011 S. Oak Avenue, asked why PD and not medium density residential. Mr.
Nlarder stated that the planned development zoning is mechanism where a lot of conditional
types of restrictions can be provided. It allows for more restrictions and relaxes some restrictions
Dick Huber, 10 12 Magnolia Avenue, stated that he is concerned with flooding. He asked if there
would be al heimer's patients. M . Yosefwn stated "no".
Arlene Kelly, 1119 S. Myrtle Avenue, questioned the parking. She stated that she is also
concerned with the noise level from ambulances and that the medical care facility is unrealistic.
Mr. Gibson explained that the Land Development Regulations require 2/10 of a parking space per
resident within a residential care facility, plus 1/2 of a parking space per regular employee. Based
on the maximum number of residents proposed for this site, 10 parking spaces are required for the
50 residents and 5 for the employees. At the southwest corner of the property, there is an existing
paved parking area with a total of 12 existing spaces that are actually paved. There is some
concern with the proposed staflSing for the site.
Alex Then, 1019 Magnolia Avenue, questioned the durnpsters that are going in and out of the
property nor.
Mr. Yo se stated that the property has to be gutted no matter what the use will be. The
number of rooms requires a tremendous amount of garbage. There are 12 paved parking spaces
on the site along with 15 spaces where the School Board was parking on the grass. All parking
will be on the southside. There are three entrances: one in the center, one on the left and one on
the right. He stated that there are 39 existing bathrooms and 25 existing sinks. There will be an
addition of 12 or 13 bathrooms.
Mr. Robert moved to deny the amendment to the future land use plan for neighborhood
commercial for the parcel on the east side of Palmetto Avenue, 1400 Block, but across the street
at I401 Magnolia is the right use and moved for approval to amend the future use to MDR -
1 5 for 1401 Magnolia Avenue. Seconded by Ms. Tennison. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr.
Robert moved that the three lots on the east side of Palmetto to be absolutely consistent with the
adjacent zoning to go to Medium Density Residential - 15 from PSP just as with the adjacent
properties for that site. Seconded by Mr. Garrett. Mr. Skat stated that if what is r ng is to be
fixed it should go to Low Density Residential Single Family. Mr. Robert withdrew his motion and
Mr. Garrett withdrew his second. Mr. Robert moved to approve the PSP zoning on the lots on
the east side of Palmetto Avenue be LIAR -SF. Mr. Robert withdrew his emotion and the property
stays at PSl.
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Dearing to consider a request for a Planned
Development Rezone for property located at 1401 Magnolia Avenue from MR-Multiple Family
Residential, to that of P1, Planned Development.
Mr. Yosefian represented this request also.
Andrew Valente, 1011 S. Oak Avenue, Sanford, asked if the existing parking would be brought
up to code from the standpoint of dimensional criteria, screening, etc. or if things would be rand -
fathered in.. Mr. r. Mar der stated that this is change of use basically it is back to square one.
Obviously there is a building there that would not be changed, but the parking, the landscaping,
access, curly radii, driveway specifications, and all would come up to code. Mr. Valente asked if
the lighting could be directed towards the parking lot and away from the adjacent houses. He
requested that any noisy equipment be screened by landscaping.
NIr. Kutz moved to approve the rezoning of the 2 1 acres known as 1401 Magnolia Avenue from
NCR -2 to PIS for the purpose of assisted living for the elderly and to amend the Master Plan to
elirnit".ate the Palmetto Avenue site to not include in the PD the 1400 Block of Palmetto Avenue.
Seconded for discussion by Mr. Robert. Mr. Robert wanted to be clear on the motion and asked
if the notion it is to approve the rezoning of the 2 '2 acres of the main site and leave moot the .44
acres of the 4' lot and the two 5 o' lots on Palmetto. NIT. Kutz stated that this is correct. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Gibson reported that the City Commission iLs in the process of ehminating term limits and
some other requirements for various City boards including the P & Z Commission. The draft
ordinance amends Section 3.5 of the Land Development Regulations to eliminate the current term
Emits for the Historic Preservation Board. The City Commission has approved the first reading to
elir hate the term Emit requirement if adopted.
Mr. Robert moved to recommend that the City Commission adopt the changes to Section 3.5 of
the Land Development Regulations. Seconded by Mr. Yosefian for discussion. Mr. Kutz stated
that he thus that after a reasonable amount of time at bat, it is time for someone else to get in
and be involved. Mr. I ut , Mr. Yosefiar4 Ms. Dennison, and W. Skat opposed to the motion.
Others were in favor. Motion failed. Ir. Kutz moved to recommend to the City Commission
that the terra limits not be eliminated for the Historic Preservation Board. Seconded by Ms.
Dennison. Mr. Garrett and Mr. Robert in opposition. All others in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Kutz proved to approve the Mutes as circulated.
1 &. Skat asked if screening is required for Diamond Gloms parking on Sanford Avenue. Staff is to
check. Mr. Skt stated that Code Enforcement needs to check the apartments on Sanford Avenue
and 13' Street that burned. People are climbing in and out of the windows. He asked what is
happening with the Jet Ski shop next door to Bee Bee's. Mr. Gibson stated that he had talked to
the Code Enforcement Officer today. The Officer is tacking that whole corner. They are
working on it.
Mr. Kutz asked if the Conum* sion could get a quarterly update of the graphics reap with all the
new developments. Mr. Gibson stated that Staff is working on the update,
Mr. Kutz asked if the City is doing a downtown traffic study, a circulation analysis, so that we
know what we're doing downtown, which seems to change daily, will have adequate circulation.
1 &- Marder stated that the City is going to do one after it goes through the RFP process on the
hotel conference center. When the City has an entity that is proposing to do the hotel conference
center, and we know what is going to be there based on this proposal, them the City could go
ahead and do a traffic study. Right now there is no traffic study change.
Mere being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 930 P.M.
MachaeZ 5k t, Chairman