HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.16.00lCity ofSanf 'od Planning and Zoning ' 2n2rms on
Rev Scheduled Ieetix
7:00 P.M.
Thursday, Nov er 16, 2000
City Coffunission Chambers, City Mall, Sanford, Florida
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property located at 950 vihien Road from
AG, Agriculture to S -'l , Single Fatally Dwelling Residential. ntial. TABBED ON NP EM E R 2 1 2000
Tax Parcel lumber: 33-19- -AE-0A
Property Owner: Ed V. Turner, Jr.
Representative: Craig f ouhier
2. Hold a Public Fearing to consider a request to Rezone property located at loo E. Lake Mary Blvd.
from MR-3, Multiple Family Dwelling Residential, to that of GO -2, General Commercial.
Tax Parcel Number: 12-20-30-300-012Q-0000
Property Owner: Huntington Properties Investments, Inc.
Representative: Ron Howse, P.E.
3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a conditional Use for property located at 200
Persimmon Avenue within a GC 2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of parking
dump trucks.
Tax Parcel Number: 26-19-30-300-004D/E-0000
Property Owner: Levi A. & Carol A. Coombs
Representative: entative: Roland R. Jernigan
4. Hold a Public Dearing to consider a request for a eondMonai Use for property located at 910
Desoto Drive within a SR -1, Single Family Dwelling Residential Zoning District, for the purpose of
a duplex.
Tao Parcelurnber: 01-20-30-504-2300-0090
Propert Anne E. Stanih
Representative: entative: L.eo C. [nelson, Jr.
5. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a eonditlonai Use for property located at boo W,
Airport Blvd. within a GC-2, General Commercial mercial Zoning District, for the purpose of multiple family
Tax Parcel Number 0 - - 0- 1 A00 -0000
Property Owner: ZOM Companies
Representative: Madden Engineering, Inc.
6. Any other business from floor or Commission Members
7. Reports from Staff.
ADWE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a d cielon made with respect to any (natter cons#d d at the above mee#h
or hearing, he may need a verbaft record of the proceedings including the stimoW and evidence, which record is not pr vMed
by the city of Sanford (FS 286.0105}
Persom with OwbINUm needing aasin once to participate In any of ti a proceWhW should coact the persons # affkm ADA
coOMInator at 330-56269 48 bra In advance of the me ing.
R oss Robert
Kel vin Hipes
Andrew Kut
Carol D ermis on
Otto Garrett
Janes V alerino
Bobby vonHerbulis-e
Nfichael Skat-exc
Ta* nothy Hudson
Jay Marder, Director of Engineering and P la�nir�g
Russ Gibson, Land Development Manager
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
Mr. valerino called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Taring to consider a request to Rezone
property located at 950 vihlen Toad from AG, Agriculture, to S - I. Single Family Dwelling
esidentiaL Tabled on November 2, 2000.
Mr. Robert made a motion to remove from the table. Seconded by fir. Kutz. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Ted Buckley, Florida Land Design, Inc., 222 Wesnne Drive, Alt Springs, was present.
He Mated that following the first meeting, they had an opportunity to meet with the Homeowner
Association's representatives. He presented a revised site plan to the Director of
Engineering and p ' and has proposed to include within a development order that all
properties abutting Idyllwilde Subdivision be a rrr im uxn of 10,000 square feet. They are wing
to agree that Yx ix'u'n square foot ages f the houses t be constructed would be 1500 square
feet. They have n problem with the concept of severing vehicular access to Dogwood give.
PA. GE 2
The lots that front onto Dogwood would have a frontage of 85 wear feet.
M[r+ Buckley stated that they agree to include within the Development Order that any areas that
abut Idyllwilde Subdivision that a 6 ' high white vinyl fence be constructed by the bu ilder prior to
C.O. during the construction of hoes. He stated that they are down to 70 lots in this
subdivision which is slightly less than 2 1 /2 dwelling units per gross acre.
Ms. Dennison questioned the width of the road that leads to Lots 40 41, 42 and 43. Mr. Buckley
stated that this would be a standard o' platted right-of-way up to Lot 40 where it would then
reduce down to a o' right - - way. They would be required to put the white vinyl fence along the
southern side of Lot 40 and as a fimction of doing this, they would also provide a barricade with
landscaping at the terminus of this right
Ms. Dennison stated that another concern is the new goad and Dogwood Drive going beside Lot
9. She asked how can they meet the mm*imurn setbacks and meet the 1500 square feet. Nft.
Buckley stated that man of the interior lots would have to be two -story in order to meet the
rrnr�, requirements and meet the nrn xn standards for the price range that they are
propo L ots and 39 are itn S- I AA lots with a minim of frontage and
10 ,,000 square feet o area. He stated that they have not identified any situation where there will
be a need for setback variances.
Mr. Buckley stated that they would like to go with a consistent type of fence and geed that
while there are no code requirements to screen residential from agriculturally zoned properties, in
order to meet the owners part way, they would like to screen a section of the subdivision from the
nursery operation. Regarding the barricade and landscaped strip, there are a number of difF
types of barricades that are called single crash barriers. They wiH refer to Staff as to what type i
A l Greer, 309 Dogwood Drive, in opposition to the request, handed out two exhibits, A & %
which expressed some of the concerns of the residents of Idyllwilde. He stated that they would
like to e e any future use of the exit, the entrance or the barrier that is being proposed.
They would like for Dots 40 and 41 to be reorganized s o that they would open directly into the
applicant's neighborhood and would not face Dogwood Drive. He stated that they would Eke t
see the whole cormnunity upgraded to SR-1 AA. He asked if Lot 32 is actually the 85' standard
for SR- I AA lot size, I Ir. Green stated that they would like to have a fence around the project a
they had discussed with the applicant. He questioned the longevity of the vinyl fence opposed to
what they would like to have, a block wall. He requested that this development only have
in through vlen Road. fix. Green stated that they are also concerned with the
drainage behind Idyllwilde Lots 5, 6 and 7.
Bruce Grbbin, 114 Maplewood Drive, spoke in opposition. He stated that he is concerned with
the drainage behind Lots 5 and 6 of Idyllwilde. At this point, it is very wet and there is mud there
now. They do not want this subdivision putting more water on these lots.
fir. Hipes questioned Staff as to deleting the emergency entrance and having the one entrance,
1Ir. Gibson stated that this was discussed at a Staff` meeting and it is acknowledged that there is
some benefit to have certain connectivity between subdivisions, certainly with regard to
infrastructure that will be needed in this case. It would be beneficial to consider a road and
perhaps a r nim urn pedestrian connectivity. It is not necessary to have the crash barrier as far as
emergency services.
Ashby .Tones, 105 Maplewood Drive, was not able to attend the meeting but his written comments
totally opposing this request were entered into the record.
Dill Cray, 313 Northwood, stated that now that they understand that the emergency barricade is
not required, they would appreciate the C onr ssio n eonsiderxng a c ul -de- sac at this point.
Jim Briar, 113 Aberdeen, asked if there would be sanhary sewer, storm sewer and other
connections to be interfaced into the existing City systems. He stated that they have had a lot of
sanhary sewer problems in Section 4 and have had flooding.
Gene Bor 202 Dogwood, noted that they have had water pressure problems and flooding.
He asked why can't this be a completely enclosed subdivision with .gress egress on ViWen Road.
He would like to see a brick wall from the house on the corner of Maplewood and Dogwood
completely down to Elder Road past Lot 40.
Annette Lo nnerse, 631 Ups, la road, stated that she would like to see a block or brick wall
around the entire subdivision for security reasons. She would lire to see larger lots along the
entire vest side of the property.
Pat Donaldson, 209 Dogwood Drive, stated that his lot has a spur that goes all the way through
the curare of Dogwood which would make the crash gate kTo ible. He is not happy having a
retention pond next door to him.
Nancy Peterson, 109 Larkood Drive, asked if anyone had considered the impact on the school
and the traffic. It as getting more and more crowded. She stated that there is a lot of flooding
around her house. when there is a lot of she has had back -ups in her house. She wouldn't
mind seeing less homes and larger lots.
Ted Buckley stated that they can redesign the site plan to acconunodate a cul -de -sac at that
proposed entrance. Regarding Lot 32, no matter how age in width it is m ade, there would AM
be one house on that lot abutting the Idyllwilde Subdivision. when the fence is erected, Lot 32
will not be visible from any part of Idyllwilde Subdivision. He stated that almost the entire
property is down hill from the Idyllwilde Subdivision. The retention area will be the recipient of
some of the subsurface drainage. The down hill construction will probably go a long way to
dr out some of the lots in Idyllwilde.
Mr. Buckley stated that they have looked at the unities in the area. There is a problem with the
sewer. The lift station will exit out by way of a force main that will go out to vihln and connect
with the City's force main on Upsala. As far as the water is concerned, they will actually be doing
Idyllwdde a favor by connecting water lines. It will provide a redundancy of the water supply
because the water will be brought in from a different point and connect back to the Idyllwilde
l &. Buckley stated that Lots 37, 38 and 39 will be 85 wide lots. There 's presently a substandard
douse on Lot 37. The retention ponds will be dry ponds. He stated that they are willing to go the
faU extent of the western side of the property with the white vinyl fence which will include Lots
32 tbru 11.
Ms. Dennison stated that she is concerned about Lot 32. The size of it would require a two -story
Home. It would look directly down on the neighbors with s pools. This doesn't make
good neighbors either especially as close to the lot line as it would have to be. She asked if they
would have to haul in fill. Mr. Buckley stated that they are under a mandate by the developer to
try to make the site balance. The building pads would be elevated above the roadway per code
requirements, but the roadway elevations are intended to remain thoroughly close to existing
Mr. Robert moved to recommend a pproval to the City Commission of the request to rezone the
Turner Wilkes property subject to the fohowin : Development Order that Staffs recommends,
an a pproved Prel kninary Subdivision Ilan and all other submissions that have to cone with it, and
that all development will be in accordance with the approved Subdivision Improvement Fly, and
also at the Developer's representation verbally, here tonight at P and Zoning, to be a part
of it, especially concerning the 8 5' lots for Lots 3' , 3 8, and 3 9 and that a full width vinyl fence
across the entire west side be a part of it, and a deed restriction that Lot 32 be improved only with
a one -story home, and that Florida Land and Design November 1 letter so submitted tonight be
part of the reconmwn&tion and in addition, the letter to Jay l ar er, and also the fence along
the west property line be installed at the time of the development C.O. as opposed to the homes
C.O. seconded by Mr. Hipes for discussion. �&. Hipes questioned the cul-de-sac. Mr. Robert
P_ AGE 5
amended his motion to yes to the cul-de-sac at Lot 40 and no through access and no crash barrier
be included. Mr. Hipes asked if the house for Lot 32 can be reduced to one -story and still
maintain 1500 square feet. fir. Robert stated that he would like to leave it as it is. I &. Hipes
seconded the amended notion* fix. Garrett asked if something could be done about lr.
onaldson's trouble with retention, to get it further away from his lot. lair. Robert stated that he
felt that, when the Developer explained that it will be dry retention and that the homeowner had
explained that his house is on the Front 200' and since that does pop -off within a 72 hour period
mandated to the same creek behind his house, it wasn't a problem. He stated that this would be
looked at at the time of site plan. All in favor. Lotion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone
property located at 700 E. Lake Mary Blvd. from MR-3, Multiple Family Dwelling Residential, to
that of GC -2, General Commercial.
Ron Dowse, 1100 N. Thin Street, Kissinnrnee, was present.
Nk. Hipes moved for approval per Staff's comnients. Seconded by Mr. Kut . All in favor.
Motion carried.
Next on the Agenda was a Public Nearing to consider a request for a Condition Use for
property located at 200 Persimmon Avenue within a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning District,
for the purpose of pang dump trucks.
Ron Jernigan, 215 E. F" Street, Sanford, was present. He stated that he has worked with Staff,
received a copy of the rewmmendations, and prepared to meet them. This wM be a three year
lease. Trucks will go out in the moming and back in during the evening. 'Mere will be no activity
aver 2:0 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.
Mr. Robert moved for approval per Staffs s re omm Tien&fions 1, 2, and 3. Seconded by Ms.
Dennison. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property
located at 910 DeS oto give within a SR -1, Single Family Dwelling Residential Zoning District,
for the purpose of a duplex.
Leo Nelson, 951 Cross Cut way, Longwood, was present.
Mr. Gibson explained that the footprint of the building area on these lots would not achieve the
700 square feet per unit that is required by the City. Staff is reconunending that all
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requirements to construct a two- family dwelling be achieved including the rn rum 700 square
feet per unit of living area. This could be achieved with multi -level construction. Another
concern in terms of the limited lot area would be to insure that the required off-street parking
would be accommodated on each of the two lots. The requirer nt is to have two spaces per unit,
four parking spaces per duplex.
Susan ,la' al, 2622 El Portal Avenue, stated that this site is opposite her house. She asked
how many stories and where wiU cars be parked. She doesn't think two -story buildings are very
desirable for their neighborhood. She does not want to -story buildings. Two -story buildings
ould have a negative impact on the neighborhood as well as adjacent property values. Mr.
Nelson stated that the buildings would be one - story.
Mr. Hipes rmved to approve subject to Staffs conmients and that the proposed is to be a one
level residence. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion carved.
The next item to be considered was a Public Nearing for a Conditional Use for property located at
boo W. Airport Blvd. in a GC-2, General Comnnercial Zoning District, for the purpose of multiple
fondly deliing.
Charlie Madden, Madden Engineering, was present. He stated that they do not have any
problems with Staffs reconnendations.
Mr. Gibson stated that Staff is not reconnnending ' wide parking spaces. Part of the request to
rezone this included a request to reduce the parking standard. Because of the dynarnics of this
site, and the configuration of the property, it was felt not necessary by Staff to grant the 9' parking
width at this location. 1 r. Madden cormiwnted that this particular company is the third largest
multi- family builder in the nation. what works for then is that this is not enough parking for
them It is private property, the Cit in no way has to maintain these parking spaces, it is totally
maintained by them He stated that they can meet the 10' parking spaces but because it is private
property and it doesn't seem like an unreasonable request if the applicant desires to go to ', it
would certainly work fine and would aflow them to have more pang spaces. The Developers
have found that 9'parking space size is a very good size for them.
Dick Boyer, Soo W. Airport Blvd, stated that he was neither for nor against the request, just an
interested party. He asked the height that is being proposed, and the number of units, what bind
of bu er will be between the two apartment buiWings and activities along the edge of the
apartment between the proposed apartments and village Lakes Apartnwnts. Mr. Madden stated
that the maximum height is 3 5.
1 Ir. Hipes moved to approve per Staffs Bo ts. Seconded by I Ir. Robert for discussion.
Mr. Hipes stated that the applicant could have 1 o'x2o spaces and would have a project that has
under parking. This wo uld be less efficient complex because of our rode. 1 &. Robert stated
that he would be willing to go 9 l 'xW or something s imilar in this particular ease which would
give them some additional spaces. I &. Kutz stated that the could vary a little. The applicant
could diminish the total number of units and could put in a parking ratio that is greater than what
is required and accom for the l 0'x20' which would give us the best of both worlds. llrlr.
pes withdrew his motion and fir. Robert withdrew his second.
fir. I-Iipes moved to approve to approve as is, with no substantial changes to the site plan.
Seconded by Mr. Robert. AR in favor. Motion carried.
1 Ir. Marder stated that the Commnission needs to make some type of recommendation to the City
Commission regarding absenteeism, specifically as it regards to Mr. Hudson. The City has written
him a letter and tried to get in touch with him unsucce s dy. Mr. Valerino rec ri v ended that
l &. Hudson be asked to resign and if he doesn't resign, because of his lack of attendance, then he
should be removed. So moved by Mr. Hipes. Seconded by Mr. Robert and Ms. Dennison. A
favor. Motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
t a :�s Valerino , Vice Chairman