HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.02.00City of S ' r d Pl ann i n g and Z onin g
Reg Sc heduled Mee�in
7: 00 P.M.
rsday, November 2, 2000
City Conumssion Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida
1. Hold a P H earing to consider a req for a Conditional Use for property located a 3 150 Orlando Drive in a CSC -2,
General Commercial Zoning District for alcoholic beverage sales for consumption on premises. 4COP -SR C)
Tex Parcel Number: 11-- 399 - 9949 -0000
Property Owner Shoneyls, Inc.
Representative: Andrew Hyltin - Amigos Restaurant
2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for p roperty located at 2921 Orlando Drive, Suite 260,
in a GC -2, General Commer ial Zoning District to replace a 109 foot monopole with a 150 foot mu It! pie user monopole.
Tax Parcel Number: 01-20-
Property Owner: Sanford Plaza Inc. of Deltona
Representative: Julia Peery - Nextel
3 . Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 3 09 Elm Avenue in a SC -
Special Commercial Zoning District to establish automobile dealer sales and repair.
Tax Parcel Numbers: - 19-30- - 0506 - 0010 125 -1 -J0- - 0506 - 0060/0080
Property Owner: James E. Terwilleger, Jr.
Representative: Jim Dunn
4. Hold ar Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for Lexington Park, property located at 301
Mangoustine Avenue in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning District for a reduction in the base building line setback: 50
feet required from SR ; 30 feet proposed, a variance request of 20 feet from SR 46 (W. 1" Street)
Tax Parcel Number: 2 -1 - o- AG -OY -0080
Property Owner: Mehbub Manji
Representative: Govind M. Chaudharri
5 . Hoid a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property located at 950 Vihlen Road from AG, Agriculture to SR-1
Single Family Dwelling Residential.
Tax Parcel Number: -1 - 9- AE- 0099 -9 9A
Property Owner: Ed V. Turner, Jr.
Representative Craig Rouhier
6 -a Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Compreh Plan Amendment for property located at 3653
Orlando Drive amending the Future Land Use from HDR, High Density Residential to that of GC, General Commercial.
Property Owner: Wal -Mart Stores East, Inc.
Representative: Robert M. Bedard
6.b Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property located at 3653 Orlando Drive from -2 Multiple
Family Residential to GC -, General Commercial.
Property Owner: Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc.
Representative: Robert M. Bedard
6 .c Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 3653 Orlando Drive in a GC-2,
General Commercial Zoning District for the purpose of a retail shopping center with trailer storage.
Property Owner: Wal -Mart Stores East, Inc.
Representative: Robert M. Bedard
6.d Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at 3653 Orlando Drive in a
GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for a reduction in parking space size requirements: 1 o'x2 ' required, 9.5'x195
proposed, a variance of .5'x.5'.
Property Owner: Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc.
Representative: Robert M. Bedard
7. Minutes.
8 . Any other business from floor or Commission Members
9 . Reports from Staff.
Draft Meeting Schedule for 2991
• Sanford Lakefront and Downtown Revitalization RFC and Find Success in Sanford Brochure
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above
meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record Is not
provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office AD
Coordinator at 330 -6 48 hrs in advance of the meeting.
7:00 PM.
Nficbael Skat
Ross Robert
Kevin Hipes
Andrew Iutz
- ..Caurol Dennison
Otto Garrett
Bobby VonHerbufis
James Valerino
Timothy Hudson
Jay Marder, Director f ngmneer.g and
Russ Gibson, Land Development MmWer
Eileen McDowell, Planner
1 &. Skat called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Heafing to consider a request for a Conditional
Use for property located at 3150 Orlando Drive in a GC-2, General Corrercial zoning Duct
for alcoholic beverage sales for consumption on premises CP -SRX.
Andrew Hyl in, 33 Lakeview Oaks, Longwood, was present. He stated that there are six Amigos
Restaurants in the OrWdo area that are full ser%qeed, sit down, restaurants.
lr. Gibson stated that this type of alcoholic beverage license in conjunction with a restaurant
does not have the distance restrictions.
There was no one else present to speak in favor of or aga1nt the request. Mr. Rutz moved for
approval. Seconded by lair. Robert. AR in favor. Motion cam*ed.
The next item was to hold a Public Hearing for consideration of a request for a Conditional Use
for property located at 2921 Orlando Drive, Suite 260 in a GC -2, General Co - wreial Zoning
District to replace a 100 foot monopole with a 150 foot multiple user monopole.
Cheryl Hence, Esq., representing l extel Communications, was present. She stated that they
would like to replace the existing 100' monopole with a monopole of 150# level so that
communications can be done appropriately with the rest of the system. They are p to
install it within the already leased area so the area would not be enlarged. They wUl be co-
locating with Horizon and it will be capable of holding two additional carriers. Ms. Hence stated
that a 1 o' pole provides maxim opportunity to get as much additional coverage as they can, it
is n optimal height for then. It will. cause therm to have a little bit longer transmis area and it
will allow them to hold a larger volume of calls.
Mr. Robert moved for approval per Staffs recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Hip . All in
favor. lotion carried.
Next on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for
property located at 309 Elm Avenge in a SC -, Special Coin- nercial Zoning District, to establish
automobile dealer sales and repair.
,Tim Dunn, 4080 Chickasaw, Sanford, was present. He stated that the application is for
approximately an acre of land. It is in the Historic District and that he has gone through Historic
Preservation Board approval. They are proposing a two -phase project: the fiat phase is to go in
and get the property ready for auto sales. He stated that they plan on putting in toot of am i
wrought iron fencing along ' Street with gates. They would lace to remodel the existing building
for the sales office. The second phase will be on Parcel #2; This will be for an auto repair shop.
1 &. Dunn stated that there are a couple of small pads, 4"x4" sticking out of the ground that wiU
be smoothed over, and all of the grass on the concrete will be removed. The abrupt places will be
filled -in and smoothed out to look very nice. He stated that they would have to do the
calculations for the number of cats. This is an acre of land and they do not Mend to exceed the
allowable number of cars by code, more toward the mid range that is allowed by code. He stated
that they have asked for a curb cut for Parcel #2 because this parcel will not be used for auto
sales. The hours of operation are proposed to be from :00 to :00 or 5:30, Monday through
Friday, and :00 to 1:00 on Saturdays. Mr. Dunn stated that he has received approval from the
Historic Preservation Board.
Dave Arms trong, Geneva, staved that he owns and operates the auto sales building directly across
the street and that he is in favor of any kind of improvement at this site that is to be built to code.
j 1 1�, -
Barbara Jackson, 112 S. Dolly, in opposition, stated that this request is not consistent with the
Historic District. This site does face a residential area. This use is not the right thing in our
lovely town.
Robert welch, S. Holly, in opposition, stated that it would not be good to go with this use
because they have fought so hard and spent so much money in the Historic District. This does not
follow the guidelines that the Eli storic District has set down to them as property owners. He
stated that they would be better ofd' if the prostitutes were gone.
l &. Robert moved to approve the request for conditional use for automobile dealer sales and
automotive and truck repair per the Staffs recommendations with the exception of in Paragraph
4 ,, to cross out stormwater retention and in Paragraph 5, to cross out no repair or service allowed
anywhere on slue. I &. Hipes seconded for discussion. l &. Hipes asked if it was appropriate at
this time to place some type of sunset provision on an approval regarding all repairs to be
completed on the inside of the building with no cars being stacked outside. I &. VonHerbuli
stated that a sunset provision would bring it back to the C n iiss�on within an allotted time
frame, whereas a recorded deed restriction mn accordance with the Developer's Order would b
part of the title of this property. Mr. Kuhn suggested a sunset provision be placed on the
approval so that the C n n�r si n would have an opportunity to review it and see to it that they
are doing what they are suppose to be doing. W. Robert restated his motion exactly with the
inclusion of a 3 year sunset provision. l rlr. Hipes seconded. AR in favor. Motion carried.
Ne on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional
Variance for Lexington Park, property located at 301 I1 angoustine Avenue in a GC-2, General
Commercial Zoning District, for a reduction in the base building line setback: o' required from
S ; o' proposed, a variance request of 20' from S w. V Street).
Frank Devers, 602 Magnolia, Lake Mary, was present. He stated that there are two reasons the
variance is being requested: 1 the aesthetics. This will b e approximately a $12 niAon project
and 2 to justify the Meld corning off of the property. Where will be a total of 19 buildings, 10 are
internally around the proposed, lake, 9 building w 1 be on either l rlangoustine or First. The design
will be Williamsburg Colonial design. The target market is for doctors or medically related.
Nor. vonHerbulis stated that he was concerned with brkiging buildings closer to Sly 46 as opposed
to a little farther west. Mr. Devers stated that with the amount of landscaping going in the 20'
buffer, the buildings would not be imm ediately noticed.
motion was made and seconded for approval. All in favor. Motion carried.
Next on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property
located at 950 Vihlen Road from AG, Agricultural, to SR - I , Single Fn ily Dwelling Residential.
Ted Buckley, Florida Land Design, was present representing the applicant Craig Rouhier. He
stated that there is a site playa that is under development at this stage. It appears as though, used
upon the requested rezoning, there will be some where around 72 single fancy lots. Out of the
28 acres there is approximately 9 acres of wetlands or uplands that are isolated by wethmd.s which
are intended to be used for recrea tional purp
ifr. Buckley stated that at this time the property is presently in Seminole County. Obtaining this
zoning classification for the property is a condition of the annexation. The developer does not
want to go forward with this unless this zoning is obtained due to the lirnitations proposed on the
Mr. Hipes stated that he has some. concerns because there was no site plan presented with this
application. He would like to have a site plan to see what is going out there.
Ir. Buckley stated that his preference would be to table the item until the next meeting and that
they would provide the Conuni sion with a site plan as part of the package.
Ms. Dennison stated that since tabling this itern is being considered, this on * sion is not
opposed to this subdivision as long a it is consistent with the hones in the area and that she is
concerned with the egress onto Dogwood Drive. Mr, Skat stated that he would like to see
traffic study because it is a Fairly dense area.
Bruce Stranton, 114 Maplewood Drive, stated that adjacent property owners are not opposed to
progress, but that they are opposed to any kind of development that immediately abuts their well
established neighborhoods on both sides, that will in any way be detriments not only in the
investment in property values but also the hWess egress of said entrance. He requested that the
developer present weh established market studies, directional exam and traffic study to insure that
the adjacent property owners can be sure that the integrity and market value of their homes will
not be detrimental in any way.
Alfred Green, 309 Dogwood Drive, stated that they do not want to see their property values
decreased. All homes on both sides are custom hones. They do not want to see a tract type
cornrnun�ity come in. They would he to Main the lot sizes that are in the surrounding area
along with the density. H is concemed with the increased traffic on Upsala Road. They do not
want any ingressl gr ss on Dogwood Drive.
Amette Lor inierse, 630 Upsala load, stated that they do not want their quality of life diminished.
She stated that a brick wall between the subdivisions would be good. She sued that there is no
site Plan to go on. The developers cone ire, do what they want and then leave. They have put a
lot of money into their business and they don't plan on leaving. She suggested a brick wall
between them.
Ms. Dennison moved to table until the next meeting. Seconded by her. vonHerbulis. All In
favor. lotion carried.
The next four items on the Agenda were to hold Public Hearings to consider requests for property
located at 3653 Orlando Drive. 1 A Comprehensive Plan Amendment amending the Future Land
Use from HDI , High Density Residential to that of GC-2, General Cor unerclal; To Rezone
from MR-2, Multiple Family residential, to GC-2, General Commercial; A Conditional Use for
the purpose of a retail shopping center with trailer storage; and Da' neuronal Variance for
reduction in parking space size requirements - 1 o'xo' required, 9.5x 19.5' proposed, a variance of
Mr. Hipes abstained on aH four items.
Larry Wray, CPH Engineers, 500 W. Fulton Street, stated that the existing shopping center is
located on 17-92 gust north of Lake Mary Blvd. and south of Americana Blvd. The existing
future land use for the development is GC, General Con nercial, that is consistent with the
property to the north, west, and to the south. The property to the east has a future land use of
High Density Residential. The current zoning for the shopping center is ham..
Mr. Wray stated that they wM be expanding the existing Wal-Mart into the Ross area as well as
imtallation of ditional parking bays where there is currently retention. Because of the reduction
of the retention, they will be expanding the retention pond to the east. The current Publix wig] be
incorporated into the Wal-Mart Supereenter as the grocery portion. The Wal-Mart, itself, comes
close to doubling in size with a net increase of abut 60,000 square feet because here is some
reduction in the existing tenant space.
Mr. Wray stated that they are anticipating starting construction early next year with completion in
2002. They are requesting a conditional use to allow outdoor season trailer storage. This trailer
storage will be fimited to the holiday season October through January. It wiH be limited to an
area designated on the site plan and screened from view.
The Tensional Variance for the parking space sip required because the proposed expansion
is constrained by the existing shopping center on three sides and City Staff has requested the
inclusion of concrete /landscaped medians to prevent cross vehicular access tbrough the parking
lot. Due to the constraints placed on the site by the layout of the existing shopping center,
0 ` ` code pares space dimensions and providing the armnities requested by Staff, would
result in a reduced parking ratio for the development. The requested variance will allow the
proposed site to maintain a parking ratio sUghtly in excess of the current ratio.
Where was no one else present to speak in favor of or against the requests.
Mr. Robert moved in favor of the Comprehensive Plan Amendnwnt per Staffs recommendations.
Seconded by Mr. VonHerbulis. All in favor. Motion carried.
A&. Robert moved in favor of the Rezoning request at 3653 Orlando eve per Stars
reconunendations. Seconded by Mr. vonHerbulis. All favor. Motion carried.
? r. Robert moved for approval of the Conditional Use per Staffs recon i rrien&tions. Seconded
by Mr. vonHerbulis. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Robert moved for approval of the Dirnensional Variance per Sta s recomnwndations.
Seconded by Mr. vonHerbulis for discussion. Mr. VonHerbulis shed that because of the fact
that the applicant exceeded the existing parking calculations, increased ed the percentages, and
the fact that the applicant is keeping the parking space width at 9.5 , he in acceptance of this size.
All in favor. Motion carried.
Ms. Denson moved to approve the Minutes. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion
Adjournment 11:00 P.M.
iiil Skcit, ' rmm