HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.07.00City of Sa brd Planning and Zoning C °mission Remlarly Scheduled Meeting 7:00 P.M. Thursday, September 7, 2000 City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Samford, Florida AGENDA Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property located at 3801 McIlonviIle Avenue from MI -2, Medium Industrial, to that of PD, Planned Development. Tax Parcel Number: 18-20-31-300-0020/002A-0000 Property Owner: Helen Howland Holdings Representative: Michael Murray 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a conditional Use for property located at 750 W. Street in a -2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of expansion of a nonconforming property, proposed building addition to an existing church. Tai Parcel Number: 2- 1-0- 512 -1010 -0090 Property Owner: Bobbie Stiver Representative: entative: Anthony Robinson 3.A. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at 801 Cornwall Road in a I -2, Medium Industrial Zoning District, for a reduction in parking space requirement- 64 spaces required, 49 spaces proposed, a variance of 15 parking spaces. Tax Panel Number: 07-20-31-300-017K-0000 Property Owners: Ralph & Edna Bheffler Representative: Scott Sheffler 3-B. Consider the Site Plan for R & E Foods, Inc., a proposed 46,020 s.f. office /warehouse at 801 Cornwall Road. Tax Parcel Number: 7 -20- 1 -300 -017 -0000 Property Owners: Ralph M. & Edna M. Sheffler c/o R & E Foods, Inc. Representative: e: Joseph W. Stepp, P.E. - The Haskell Company 4. I" told a Public H aring to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 3101 Orlando Drive, in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of manufacturing. Tax Parcel Number: 12 -20 -0 -300- 0090 -0000 Property wrier: Sanford Property Group Representative: Gary E. Stills The applicant Has requested That This Item Be Withdrawn. 5. Consider the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Arbor Lakes Development (Burke Property) a proposed 40 lot single family residential subdivision located at 2200 Oregon Avenue. Tax Panel Number: 2 -1 -0- 300 -016A -0000 Property Owner: Sara E. Burke Representative: William E. Burkett, P.E. - Burkett Engineering Inc. 6. Minutes 7. Any other business from floor or Commission Members 8. Reports from Staff. ADVICE To THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made wlth respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearin , he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and evidence, which record Is not provide by t he ciy of Sanord (FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to pard I ate In any of these proceedings should contact the personnel offl D Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the mee , ng. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Of SEPTMCBER 7, 2000 7:00 P.N. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT Ross Robert Michael Shat Andrew Kutz Sevin Hipes Bobby vonHerbuli Otto Garrett MYMBE S ABSENT: Timothy Hudson James Valerin - excused Carol Dennison- excused O THERS PRESENT Russ Gibson, Land Development Manager Marion Anderson, Recording rd.ing Secretary Mr. Skat Called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to Consider a request to Rezone property located at 3801 Mellonville Avenue from MI -2, Medium Industrial, to that of PD, Planned Development. Shane Murray, 1 W. S.R. 4 4 , Longwood, was present. He stated that the proposed ingress egress is Mellonville Avenue, a County right-of-way, and it will be improved. Mr. Gibson noted that the development is proposed at 138 units into a total site of 51.2 acres which includes 14.37 acres of wetlands. The Comprehensive Plan has not been approved, it has been transmitted to the Stag recommended by the City Commission. It was published and advertised to be considered for adoption next Monday. The adoption Cannot take place at that time. The City Commission will table it until such time as the State responds. Mr. Murray stated that as far as the entranceway is concerned, they are anticipating putting in some type of a decorative wall to separate the entranceway from the adjacent industrial uses. Mr. V nHerbulis noted that the plan shows the wall on the north and east sides only, and not the middle section or the wetland portion. Mr. Murray stated that this plan would be redesigned to accommodate certain lines as far as where the wetlands lye as well as the existing Mellonville right-of-way. Mr. Kutz stated that with an isolated PD Rezone there is no way to visualize vehicular and pedestrian Circulation as it relates to adjacent and existing approved Pds. There is no way to tell how this will affect what is going on outside of the site from the standpoint of circulation and infrastructure. He asked if it would be judicious to have some type of a broad brush master plan that relates to each PD as they Borne up so there is an overall idea of what is MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 7, 2000 PAGE being done in the community. He asked if it would be judicious and appropriate to have each developer participate, specifically contribute, towards the development of a master plan. Mr. Kutz requested that Staff bring back at the next meeting a list of things that the Commission should, or would like to consider, things that it would like to have more information on, more interested in, within a reasonable proximity of each PD. Mr. Robert moved in favor of the Rezone per all of Staff's recommendations and in addition that the masonry fence as noted on the preliminary plat for Magnolia Park, PD, the Master Plan, that the 6 high masonry screen wall, shown on the east and north boundaries be brick veneer. Seconded by Mr. VnHrbulis for discussion. Mr. VnHrbulis stated that a portion on the south needs to be walled abutting the other uses. Mr. Robert withdrew his motion and restated it. He moved for approval per all of Staff's recommendations t include brick veneer or solid brick on the wall on the north, east and along the southerly subdivision boundary where it is contiguous with the developable lots. Seconded by Mr. V nH rbulis. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 750 W. Stn Street in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of expansion of a nonconforming property, proposed building addition to an existing church. Anthony Robinson, 1506 Southwest Road, and Steven Balint, 322 Hidden Lake Drive, Sanford, were present. Mr. Robinson stated that there are approximately 20 to 5 members of this church and they have no place to get together. They need this addition so that church members could have a meeting place. Mr. Gibson stated that Staff has requested a survey because of the existence of an alley on the east side. It is an issue and concern of Staff that they do have the right to access their property from the east side. Mr. Hipes moved for approval subject to Staff's comments and the survey being conducted. Seconded by Mr. Kutz. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for property located at 801 Cornwall Road in a MI-2. Medium Industrial Zoning District, for a reduction in parking space requirement: 64 spaces required, 49 spaces proposed, a variance of 15 parking spaces. Scott Sheffler, 1750 E. Lake Mary Blvd., Sanford was present. He stated that they are proposing a new warehouse distribution facility. The reasons for this request are that they are having to build an extensive retention pond MINUTE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEE'T'ING OF SEPTEMBER 7, 2000 PAGE area, and that they will not need 64 parking spaces. The company trucks will be parked at the dock doors overnight. There will be only one or two trucks at the facility during the daytime. Mr. Sheffler explained that they operate more than one shift. The majority of employees park during the day. At the existing facility there are 30 parking spaces and half is empty throughout the day. The total payroll is around 50 employees and not all of them work at one time. At maximum, he anticipates 25 cars at peak hours. Mr. Sheffler stated that there is no proposed fencing near Cornwall Road. The fencing will be approximately where the warehouse starts just after the parking spaces, for security purposes. There being no one else present to speak in favor of or against the request, Mr. Hipes moved to approve striking the first of Staff's comments and stipulating that if the use of the property changes, it would be subject to the terms of the development agreement. Seconded by r. VnHerbulis. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for R & E Foods, Inc. a proposed 46,020 s . f . f f i e /warehouse at 801 Cornwall Road. Jae Stepp, The Haskell Company, 111 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville, represented this request. He explained that the site plan is being revised because of the strmwater lift station. DOT is working with him on eliminating the lift station because of potential maintenance problems. He stated that the only fencing is around the wet retention pond. Mr. Robert moved to approve. Seconded by Mr. Hipes . All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the consideration of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Arbor Lakes Development (Burke Property) a proposed 40 lot single family residential subdivision located at 2200 Oregon Avenue. Bill Burkett, Burkett Engineering, was present. He stated that the subdivision is down to 39 lots, not 40. He requested that the approval of this request include language that addresses some clarity as far as the 25 undisturbed buffer is concerned. Ghat they do not want to happen for the sake of the residents is for this to be literally undisturbed, meaning that they cannot mow and maintain it. He requested that it be clarified that trees would not be removed and the only improvements allowed within the 25' buffer would be fencing. After some discussion, Mr . V nHerbu l i s moved to approve the Preliminar Subdivision Plan per Staff's recommendations. Seconded by r. hut. Mr. VonHerbulis amended his motion to include that fencing would be allowed on the south edge of the undisturbed area, no trees are to be removed and the undisturbed area is undisturbed during the development, but that a fence could MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEE'T'ING OF SEPTEMBER 7, 2000 PAGE be constructed in this 25 buffer. The amended motion was seconded by Mr. Kut. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Hobert moved to approve the Minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mr. V nH rbulis. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Kutz stated that the City needs a master plan. It needs a master plan throughout the community and desperately downtown. The City has a 1% million boardwalk that goes nowhere on both ends. It doesn't have any kind of a document that shows, even conceptually, what it is going to be like regarding traffic. The community has said that it is going to do some things in the community and the City needs to make a commitment to those things. We know that there will be piers on the waterfront, we know there will be a 1 million trail, all of these things are happening and nothing is getting connected. We need to see where these things are, we need to put it on paper and say this is it. We could move things around it, but everything we move around it needs to be related to it, needs to enhance it, reeds to connect to it, needs to make it all work together. There needs to be a reasonable drainage plan that constantly moves every time a development comes in. There should be some type of overall concept with respect to hove people and vehicles will be moved in the areas that already don't work. We need to fix this. The only way to fix it is to pint it down on paper and say this is the way it will be as of a given date. Mr. VonHrbulis asked if the engineers could provide the City at the end of a project, a mlar reproducible and a digital disk of the project. With this, everything could come together. Mr. Kutz suggested that he get in touch with the person who did the master plan for Savannah and see if he could come to Sanford and give the Commission a presentation. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. i h l k Chairman