HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.01.00City of Sanf •d Planning and Zoning "9mmission Regularly Scheduled Meering 7:00 P.M. T JUNE 1 2000 City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida AGENDA 1. Hold a .Public Hearing to consider a Dimensional Variance request for an existing Lil' Champ located at 7499 C.R. 427 (southeast corner of Lake Mary Boulevard and Sanford Avenue) proposing to re- locate gasoline service islands and canopy within 35 feet of parcel lines. Tax Parcel Number: 12- 20 -30- 300 -019D -0000 Property Owner: The Pantry Representative: Adam A. Dionna - Stillwater Technologies 2. Presentation of Subdivision Development and Related Issues -Mayor and City Manager to attend. 3. Minutes 4. Any other business from floor or Commission Members 5. Reports from Staff. ADVICE To THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the roceedings including the testimony and evidence provided Y the City Y of Sanford (FS 286. which record is not b 9105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to pparticipate in an of these proceedings should contact the personnel office ADA Coordinator at 334 -562fi 481 rs in advance p a a ce o the meeting. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Of JUNE 1 2000 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL SANFORD FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Ross Robert Carol Dennison Kevin Hipes Bobby VonHerbulis James Valerino Michael Skat Otto Garrett MEMBERS ABSENT: Andrew Kutz- excused Timothy Hudson OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, Director of Engineering & Planning Marion Anderson - Recording Secretary Mr. Valerino called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for Dimensional Variance for an existing Lil' Champ located at 7499 C.R. 427 (southeast corner of Lake Mary Blvd. and Sanford Avenue) proposing to relocate gasoline service islands and canopy within 35 feet of parcel lines. Adam Dionna, 1 S. orange Avenue, Orlando, was present representing this request. He stated that in general, they are in agreement with Staff's recommendations. There are nine parking spaces with the requirement being twelve. However, three islands are proposed which represent six fueling points. He believes that the nine that are existing and the six that are proposed will give them fifteen, which makes it three over the parking requirements. This is a way in creating more parking spaces. In addition to the six parking spaces in the front of the store, they plan to make three new ones on the north side facing Lake Mary Blvd. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 1 2000 Dnr"-V Mr. Dionna stated that the canopy height is warranted because it is not so much the normal vehicle height but rather the air - conditioning units and all the other types of equipment that may go on top of a vehicle, in addition to naturally larger sized vehicles. The existing canopy in its current configuration cannot allow them to maximize the usage of the site. Mr. Marder stated that Staff has reviewed and scrutinized the traffic circulation and is satisfied that this is the best that can be done, given all of the site restraints. Mr. Dionna stated that Item 2 of Staff's recommendations had not been discussed in the previous two Staff meetings that he had attended. The main reason for moving forward is because of the competition. one way is by signage and advertising particularly with gasoline pricing. They are asking to do something with the existing sign in the way of creating some type of cement blocks or bricks, naturally with plantings. They would like to do something to utilize the existing sign, even shroud the existing columns, to not go through the expense of replacing the I.D. sign. He asked that Staff work with them with the existing location in lieu of having to move the sign. There are very few places on the property that a sign could be installed. In essence, the sign has to be left in the same general location where it is now. In opposition was Herb Gertner, 30 Keyes Court, Sanford. He stated that he owns the building next door to this facility. He has not been advised other than the letter of encroachment, what was going on, what is planned, how much will be encroached, or what the actual setbacks are. He has been told absolutely nothing. He has not had an opportunity to review the layouts. He stated that he wanted to know what was going on before any decisions are made. Vicki Meyers stated that she called city Hall and was told that the variance is to put in a larger canopy. The existing canopy is sufficient for what is there. She is also concerned with the traffic pattern. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 1, 2000 n A I= Mr. Robert stated that there is no encroachment onto Mr. Gertner's property from anything the applicant is going to build. They need a variance to build a canopy, and its how close that canopy is to their own property line. They do not encroach onto Mr. Gertner I s property. Mr. Dionna explained that they are not proposing any new tanks. The canopy will be further away from the right -of -way. There is genuine concern over any type of hazard and any kind of extra activity that would increase the odds of any incidents. There are a lot of controls in place to control fire and any other type of emergency where a substance like gasoline is handled. He stated that they will be adding one additional pump, not two. He has met with Seminole county on the roadway and has its support regarding the right -of -way circulation issue. They have met with the City Engineer regarding the ingress/egress activity and have addressed this. Mr. Robert moved for approval for the canopy setback reduction and to allow gasoline pump stations to count toward required parking with Staff's recommendations #1 and ##3 and with the understanding that #2 to be worked out with Staff. Seconded by Mr. Skat for discussion. Mr. Skat stated that he didn't think that they should allow the stations at the pump to count as parking spaces. He would much rather see a variance for the parking based on the hardship of the property. Mr. Robert withdrew his motion and Mr. Skat withdrew his second. Mr. Skat moved to approve the request for the Dimensional Variance for the canopy setback and to allow a variance of three parking spaces, twelve required, 9 allowed, on this site due to hardship of the site based on Staff's recommendations with the exception of item #2 to be worked out with Staff. Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Robert moved to approve the Minutes of April 20, 2000. Seconded by Mr. VonHerbulis. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. VonHerbulis moved to approve the Minutes of May 18, 2000. Seconded by Ms. Dennison. All in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 1 2000 The next item on the Agenda was a presentation of subdivision development and related issues by the Mayor and City Manager. The City Manager stated that there was a joint worksession some time ago about densities, subdivision requirements, PUD requirements and all those kinds of things. There was discussion about house and lot sizes at that time. Recently, this Commission commented on subdivisions to the City Commission regarding 50' lot sizes. The Mayor stated that the point about 50' lots is well taken. He stated that 50' lots are not allowed except in PUDs. There are elements in PUDs that can eliminate some of the problems that have been seen recently. Specifically, where there are rear lot swales. The problems are more related to the depth of the lot. 50' lots are the market now in the Orlando area. Mayor Dale stated that there are some areas that need 50' lots. We still need to encourage 50' lots but we need to be cognizant of problems that are created by these lots. 50' lots with upscale housing will give us a good tax base, a good character of the person that moves in, and it gives us no problems. These subdivisions cost hardly anything in terms of services, but contribute a lot to the tax base. He stated that the City does not want to have 50' lots as a norm, but on the other hand, don't want to absolutely outlaw them. Mr. Garrett requested that Staff take a look at the advertising truck parked at 6 th Street and French Avenue. The truck has flat tires and an invalid tag. It is parked in the right -of -wa . Y Mr. Robert nominated Mr. Skat for Chairman and Mr. Valerino for Vice Chairman. Seconded by Mr. Hipes. All in favor. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. Ida J 5's Valerino, Chairman