HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.04.00C ity of Sar. 1 rd Planning and Zoning C remission
Regglarly Scheduled Meetin
7:00 P.M.
Thursday, MAY 4, 2000
City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Planned Development Rezone for property located at 2290 E. 25
Street for a proposed mining and excavation project (borrow pit expansion).
Tax Parcel No: 31- 19 -31- 300 -025A -0000
Property Owner: Bill McClanahan
Representative: John Buttrey - Bishop & Buttrey
2.A Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Planned Development Rezone for property located at 4301 W. 1St
Street (SR. 46) for a Tuffy's Auto Service Center, Subway Restaurant and 1,123 S.F. office /retail space.
Tax Parcel Number: 28 -19 -30 -506- 0000 -0040
Property Owner: Helen L. Stapler
Representative: Anita D. Ensminger - Interplan Practice, Ltd.
2.13 Consider the Site Plan for property located at 4301 W. 1 st Street for a Tuffy's Auto Service Center, Subway
Restaurant and 1,123 S.F. office/retail space.
Tax Parcel Number: 28- 19 -30- 506 - 0000 -0040
Property Owner: Helen L. Stapler
Representative: Anita D. Ensminger - Interplan Practice, Ltd.
3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for property located at 1307 Park Avenue (Rose
Cottage Tea Room) in an RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zoning District for an expansion of a non - conforming structure.
Tax Parcel Number: 25- 19- 30 -5AG- 1503 -0070
Property Owner /representative: Sica Nacu
4. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional Use for Lot 11, Sanford Central Park, Phase 2 located at
103 Loren Court in a RI -1, Restricted Industrial Zoning District for the purpose of establishing a training facility for
crane operations and other equipment (outdoor storageld!splay).
Tax Parcel Number: 28- 19 -30 -5 N R- 0040 -0110
Property Owner: Sanford Central Park, Ltd.
Representative: James Headley - Crane Institute of America
5. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Dimensional Variance for Tropicana Apartments located at 1505-
1 605 W. 25 Street in a MR -3, Multiple Family Residential Zoning District to increase the maximum fence height
requirement allowed in a front yard from four (4') feet to six (s') feet.
Tax Parcel Number: 02- 20- 30- 504- 01300 -0004
Property Owner /representative: Luciano Salisi
6. Consider the Site Plan for a 7,975 s.f. addition to DTL Transportation located at 301 Northstar Court.
Tax Parcel Number: 28- 19- 30- 508 - 0000 -0060
" X. . Property Owner: CRC Enterprises, Inc.
Representative: James T. Melvin, Architect - Architechnology Designs, Inc.
7. Consider the Final Plat for Placid Woods, Phase Two, a replat of property located at 200 Placid Lake Drive for a
proposed sixty -four (64) lot single family residential subdivision.
Tax Parcel Number: 02- 20 -30- 519 -0E00 -0000
Property Owner /Representative: George Jalovecky, Land Development Manager - Maronda Homes, Inc. of Florida
8. Any other business from floor or Commission Members
9. Reports from Staff.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above
meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimo and evidence which record
is not provided b g the City of Sanford FS 286.0105 p g g Y '
P Y tY t �
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the personnel office
ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626 48 hrs in advance of the meeting.
7:00 P . M.
Ross Robert
Otto Garrett
Carol Dennison
Kevin Hipes
Michael Skat
Andrew Kut z
Timothy Hudson
_ -qames Valerino
Bobby VonHe rbul i s
Russ Gibson Manager
x Marion Anderson -- Recording Secretary
Mr. Robert called the meeting to orde -r~at 7 :15 P.M.
The first item on the Agenda was to hold a Public Hearing to
consider a request for a Planned D evelbpment Re -aPne for property
located at 2290 F.. Street for a proposed mining and
excavation project (borrow pi - t - . expans ion) .
Ed Ch Design Engineer,, of Bishop and Butttey, was present,
Ms. Dennison asked for clar - ficat ion i f� miring -.must be in a
Planned Development Zone,. Mr... Marder, st at e.d. that several years
ago the City amended its regulations and decd that- m i.n n - g
should be in a situation where -it could look at the exact plans
as art of the rezoning, so it was _placed -- i. a-. the land
developme ,t re z - oning a]�assif .canon a.a oppo.s to permitting it
y right in aqy other zoning classification. Mr-, Gibson stated
that this applicant is the same party that approached the City to
- through this same __proces a PD Rezone of that property behind
Geldsbor_o Scbool. , and tbLat. .thie.y are here tronLght to request the
sam .type a _ to e xpand .e.x.i s t i n.g or ow pi-t -.off . of E.. .
SR 46.
pAC-1F 2
Mr. Yutz asked if this is a continuation of.the same borrow pit.
Mr,,- Che ney_ s-tat ed that the, borrow pit has.. been there for almost
10 years, since 91 1 . Their involvement is with the Missing Link
being built now. This_ is an opportunity . to complete that borrow
pit and finish it up'. The __portion in the City that - they , are.
re.ceting_ rezoning - now - was - p e rmi_tted back- in -9 7.' through FDE P
which was never initiated, there wasn't a market or need for it.
Mr,- Kutz asked it - the _condition of . the. site, was. documented how it
would be left. Mr. Chesney stated that it should be, it shows a
prof_ .le- or-reclamation. page., Theye.will have to-...do it according
to City Codes. The City has a strict code as fa4 as landscaping,
sodding. and side . slopes... There is a whole reclamation phase that
they will adhere to. Mr. Kutz asked what is being done about the
safety . Mr.. - - Chesney, stated.. that there . will .tae fencing installed.
There is fencing around the existing borrow-_p that has been
there since 91' ..__ There have not been any safety problems or
issues with this site. They are looking in the 2 -year or less
t -ime ,. period for_ compl.eti.oa of. this- pxolect.. _. _ Generally, permits
are issued for 5-- years, that would be the life of the permit for
a borrow pit ..L. Their permit was. renewed in. 97'.. City and County
bonds will be- posted. He envisions a very large, nice looking
lake. The.. lake a...s- designed. at. 6.. to___ 1. side. slopes, which means
every 6-feet out drops every foot in depth. There will be
several large .. smal.ier ponds over the 140 acre piece of property.
They are required by Code to-grass and plant where the water
imterfAce.a witbl tamer s.lope the-- Titeral zone around the lake.
Excavation will be done a section at a t of
dewatering, While . the side is being d.ewatered where the slopes
can be done, the planting and seeding will be d9ne at that time.
The reclamation process is ongoing.
Mr. Chesney stated that a bond will be placed with the City. The
amount _has not been . determined yet,, probably clop e to $10 0, 0 0 0.
The bond stays in force for a certain period of time to make sure
that . - success o.f - any. plantings have been achieved . The City
inspects before the bond.- is released.
. Chesney, ,stated that working, against neighborhoods is always a
-problem. _p People complain about dust. They water the roads just
sa - th.e.re . isn't a dust .. pmoblem They, will.. place.. a f abric along
f I
the fence line to shield it from view and to knock any dust out
of the. air. that may:.be blowing. , in the direction, of the neighbors.
Again, with the 50-foot buffer that is being proposed, that will
be left undisturbed, the neighbors won't notice them even though
they, .are. closer to their property than the existing ongoing
project that is thexe- _right now.
Mx,,, Chesney., stated. that_ Bill McClanahan,, repre.4ent ative of the
owner, did go through the neighborhood and t alkecL t o s eve ral o f
the - zesidents A Pr obably, the_ people ..most directly affected, right
up a g ains t the -pr rty . Mr. Ch stated that anyone with a
complaint could call the office and talk to him.
Mr. Robert asked how deep do they anticipate removing fill and if
the fill is _ really _f x.11 and< riot_ lime stone or something . Mr.
Chesney stated that it is - _purely sand. Ext+en,94ve borings have
lae.en . done , .. They ..will. he digging-20--to- 25- eet... across the site.
The original plans permitted on the site several years ago were
50 -feet. They decided they would not go that deep.
Mr. Chesney stated that they will
trucks. �. Eve.rytbing will come out
out of the existing - z�ute to 46.
do the actual loading of the
through the County and go east
Mr... Hudson - questioned the SCS -10 and SCS -20 soil classifications.
Mr Che s ey stated that the difference i s fame -i!�,.. z; ands . He
doeau' t think .that they. would go..de -eper -than . 251-f eet . There will
be a 50 - foot buffer away from the homes in Washington Oaks. Mr.
Hudson, stated . that the. County- residents were told that the lakes
would be sucked with pavilions built around them, and would
eve ] xtua.11ry - he, turned irito a, . piouic - area . Some . Cou. resident's
biggest complaint is that they are bothered witY the dust daily.
MX,. Huds s.t at ed that he is dead agclinst digging out there in
that area. Mr. Chesney stated that they are t:t ry rag,. - to - finish i - t
uP. - the naw _ -Fink . There is only
so much left out there to excavate. It is a mess now because it
is under - cons..trtacti_an. I - Reclamation has not been started. There
are no plans for pavilions but there are areas that could be
donated for parks. The lakes will be stocked and landscaped.
Bill McClanahan, 887 Georgia Avenue, winter Park, 32781, one of
the, owners,,- _- st ated that they, ac cLui r.ed the pxope rt y in 1990 to
provide the fill dirt for the Expressway. There has been minor
gs . out of, thaze nve.r - - the . last_ se veral -years. They have a
contract now with DB Construction to take essentially all fill.
There.. is. not. - enough pzo duc t he re - to h , the job that is
required to take the Expressway all the way to I -4. when this
D n rZF A
project is _gone. there will be no _product left t9 sell. We will
then_ - have., a single. lake. & - To -- the - north end o f ..tbi s project, there
is about an 11 - acre beautiful blue lake that has been., there .far
about.. -6- t 7 ye ars � . There is -_ = a man out the re who live s on s it e
that is suppose to be preventing kids f coming in.
Mx., McClanahan stated _ that - he : took . the - liberty ,to go out and
speak with several of the _people whose. w properti,.p s are contiguous
W th . this _property... Re discussed - with � them what they wanted to
do and the results that they would have after completion.. He had
the f ee.ling _ that all o f - them agreed, that they, would much rather
have a nice b1e lake than they would a hous.in de.ve t . _af
a=e . somt ,- 5one day, that property_ -will. be - deve loped. This has
never been intended to be anything other than o *e large lake.
one time.,.. they, thought,, that . the large lake would come all the
way up into the area being requested for .4ezoning . Upon
xevi`ewi.ng .t,his,. . they, fe lt - that - im the best .-int e rRs t of the
citizens who live around the lake, the southern most part of this
2i- a-cres. , :.that this_ would be . a -part of the - large lake and between
that the northern end of the 21 -acres which ic* . rather. - small, . .
.would..he . left for a green area -fon the residents to extend the
park and make it a little bit larger. In taing with the
.residents .they.. thought , this would - be nice The oncern of most
.,people is the northern end. This will be a 4 to 5 -acre lake. He
can assure. the realdexita that dirt w ill - not be- Mauled through
their neighborhoods. The northern area will be excavated first.
Mr 6. .Mc.Glanahan stated - that, he has - signed. off idavit s f rom the
three or four houses in Roseland Park on Ro s eb ry : Lane.. that
ea • - s e L �..n that` he~ use they want to be
close to a lake. In this area there is a 50 - foot setback and
then there _is another. 30. to 50 -feet .before you get to water.
They are not having any_problems and have not hash any complaints.
He s - tested_ that they, w ant..to .- e with the.. nicest. aesthetic piece
of property for the neighbors, the best it can be left.. for a
park, to fish, and to boat.
Mr. Skat stated that his concern is that when it is completed, it
wil . still be -- private .property.. The neighbors, can't have access
unless the City or County owns it. No one shou14 have access to
it,, -there .will be a . huge , liability-,..- issue., He stated that he does
not have a pxohlem be caus a we ne ed the - dirt toL::, f inish the
Gre eneway ■ but he does have a problem with not knowing what the
end result will be. There are a lot of unangwered questions.
McClanahan stated . that they_ have been . approached by a
foundation that is developing in the area that would like for
them to donate.to them this land. They are.in,.negotiation with
them. He would like for the Cites to annex the entire - ; property, .
and they would then donate it to the City.
Janet Bell_, 134 Drew Avenue,, spoke in opposition. She suggested
w that.. the applic -.use thei own bac ky ar ds . She stated that it
would be nice to live in a neghborhood tl.ere is no crime,
gate.d.. - landscaped entrances ,,.. great police, protection, nice
streets, etc. But instead, they have four - way stogy . s.i,gnz . at _eve
corner, -, an abandoned. and d.ilap Ldated. hou.s e.. at. the entranceway. no
_police protection unwanted drug dealers_, gambling, no visible
and clear_ s ivy The de-ad,,. end is Jus t. that,_, a dead end.
Mosquitos are very bad. Garbage trucks come lat# in the evening.
..In addition. t o..al.l ..o f this, now- the appl icant wants to put an
oversized ditch in their backyards in a community where there are
approximately, 30 0 . chUdrez ..Ms. Bell stated . that she has 12
.grandchildren that like to .play in her back ypxd _ 50 - feet from
where.. they -want to. dig. -the. , ditch. First of all, there is a
health and safety issue aside from the re
_y of
ca- ut t.iou . d..is.e as.e - - e spe c ially, , if _ the wage r i s s t agnant .
Their property value will _go down. Ms. Bell s tated that they
- won't tolerate this . type of behavior .and . - that they would do
everything they poss bly can to -protect their p14ces of dwelling.
Ma ,- . Bell- stat that . they have been trying to get something done
with this property for the laat 15 years.
Barbara Kirby..Bentley, 132 Hughes Avenue,- spoke in opposition.
She stated that the -y are here because they are concerned about
commuuity� _ She, asked that the - Co s ion consider what
- -plan is in ,place for the pit on 18t Street, we' re not here to
discuss that, hut that is just a mound. There are $150,000 homes
that can see a mound from their back windows. This is a
d aarvi~ce. to. them and _ is. oxxe . cif, the s ame conce that the
Washington Oaks community has. She has a _.pool and . was me.quired
by the County_ and ..City, to have that pool 25' away from the
sidewalk. She had have a -Privacy fence. Now- , we' re talking
ahQut leav an - cp.en_ pond where..bLack. _children. who have not been
taught to swim and who has not had access to swirqming. There are
no pxpvi s ions for- . that . The trees cover the pond from the
subdivs ion so therefore it - s not as appealing to the young
P A ["F: A
children to inquire as _young children do. Ors. the trees are
taken. down, __.and they, can see the_ grater, . they . will make it over.
I s the Cites willing to assume the IiabI:t�y f hose . children .
if they should go- (aver - .into - ,that pQrxd.,,. , and- whole going to see
them if the .,ponds are 50-foot deep? She asked what effect will
it have on . the , prepe rty value? Washington Oaks property values
are very low. Most residents stay because they chose to stay
these., n t . becaus..e , they have, to st ay� They. on' t want to go
._. eir 4 communi t y-. y .wart t make it the
best and make it the hest for their children.
Ms Kirby stated that the applicants had said that . the . trucks. .
we goirLq to _ _ go. s outh r thea She .. waked why did one of the
trucks come down the main -part of Washington Oak- on Sunday. She
..asked that . the Commission not be fooled by,-what they are being
told She would rather have homes -next to-her, rather than a
ui.e lakes , . acme a - .do = t . ki U , chi ldr.e rx., _1 ake a c aIR, . Home s a r e
livelihoods for individuals to._grow and have families. This lake
will not_ help, them . at all.. She asked the Commission to please
vote against this request to have any additional dig in the
C. S. Franklin, 1014 Pecan Avenue, spoke in opposition. He
stated.that it is hard to sit here and listen to what is being
discussed and give no respect for the ..._.past . There were 4
chIldre.n tQ drown i a the big _ditch behind Lincoln Heights and
behind the recreation center. All that is being proposed is
adding another hazard to the community.
TnTill a.m Miller, 110 Hughes Avenue, spoke in op n.... He
&ta.t_ed. that _ this_ will. ar - eate cr.Lme,. _va)oLdalism, and a whole lot of
things. Washington Oaks will not benefit. the residents of
Washington Oaks .are. mostly concerned with the safety of their
children and the community *ithin itself.
P..at. ziai,.a _ Black, 1..9 7 a Burrow. Larxe , , spoke- in opposition. The
noise from the trucks is astounding. She stated that she would
like to see the letters that the applicant received from the
residents of Roseland Park. The dirt mounds a e . not , a _ pretty
algoat i the. caa . s.ee, child fxom . Wa._shingtox.L Gaks going through
the barbed wire fence over to this site. Something needs to be
.done now with the barbed wire fence. She lost a son to drowning.,
She stated that they do not want the borrow pit expansion.
'P n MV. 7
James Davis_, Drew Avenue, spoke in opposition. e stated that
the. property, -value on Drew Avenue has been increasing in the last
10 years. This will not enhance the - pro -per r value on his
street. The wise thing would be to let this community alone.
Israel Black, 206 Terry Lane, spoke in oppositiart, - He , sta.ted
that. approximately. ,.2 months ago,, about .4 : 0 OA. M . , he heard several
ex " He asked i f s omethirlg inflammable :was being stored
Qn , the -site ae_ . called.. the- Fire Department - arxd they would not
tell him what was going on. He is trying to fipd out if someone
is trying to keep,secrets.from the residents in the area. He
asked hoer much liab l t_y insurance there %s _to compensate the
families in the event that someone drowns.
Galvin Donaldson spoke in-op position, stating that, he has been in
Washington Oaks. for .. 2 9 years. They, are raping the land for
benefit. Re_garding threats, he had' heard from the applicant
about_ trailer. hQmlea i . T hQ is- -threat euin . who, lie stated that
they bought houses they have .planned to live in-4 life time. The
appl, ic.ant bought.. his. land 9 years ago, .. Mr . Donaldson bought his
29- .years ago. He stated that the residents diOn't need people
g fQr.. them.. He _ stated. that rxQbQd.y warts .the borrow pit .
He didn' t care If they .made it look like the Garden, ,at .E Ler they
don't want the.borrow pit.. In the Garden of Eden there was also
a serpent. If"you want to help us, 1 e us alone,
Ma.- amassar . of _Apopka s.tatedo- that leer parex -ts. were one of the
first three families to move into Washington Dalc.* . Her parents
will have a- lake, in ' the back_ of their house, but no access to it .
A residential development will be better for this site.
Ri1.L . MQC1anahan. at-&t ed . that -..he apQke . w.itbL , the - Rama s s ar family and
their neighbors, four or five around the - .property that backs up
to this. They.have.a person that g9es in and periodically
bushhogs the land behind them. The Ramassar fa }ly has a shed
that , i.a%- r,LQt . ors, the i.r . property and two. gentlemen, -have gardens that
are not on their property. They will address the issue of giving
-.or providing,and - easement to these people so that they would have
mare -- property if this request is successful. xx, McClanahan,
s...taLte -d that he - could qua aran -tee ...t ie residents. - that there were no
trucks involved with their operation that came through their
neighborhood orx .. Sunday, .af.ternoon - . He could also guarantee that
there is nothing nflammable stored on that property.
D n r_p_ A
Mr F ut z moved to deny , s econded by Mr. Hudson. Mr. Kut z stated
that he.. thinks it. - an in appropziate use add scent to residential
properties. Mr. Hid stated that because it, does impact the
.ad�ar -ent _ property. Qwrxe.rs_ -.. axxd hecauae. Q f. the- concerns of the
community, he agrees whole-heartedly with the mot ion.... Mr. _ Hudson
note.d..that . the action - tonight. does not preclude the applicant
from taking this to the City ' sleh., He- mmended the
residents can... i
comng, together . MX,.,, S -
t stated that he feels it
j-s Pr- to -abut Ling the.. - prope.rt - ---Mr rt in opposition
to the motion. All others in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was a request for a Planned
Dev elopment - Rsezoue, f ctr.. pr- Qpe.rty . I.Qcat ed- at .4 301 w . 1St street (SR
4 6) for a Tuff_y' s Auto Service Center, Subway. Restaurant. and ,
1,123 s . f . office /retail space.
Anita Ensminge.r., Int a rpl an . Pract i. e e 933. L e - -Ro4.d, stated that
tha slte is . at the southwe cQ of_ Elde . Ro and SR 4 6 . It
is current .1 zoned Agricultural in . the County, . They have applied
for annexation and have had the first reading before the City
Mr. Robert moved fo r approval
- per Staff's r ..
Seconded by Ms. Dennison. A11 in favor. Motion carried,
Next on the was a r equest for Site
proper located. at. 4301 W ,,,. .1 Street fo r
Center, subway Restaurant and 1,123 s . f . c
Ana....t Ens ming . repres er Lt ed - this. _ re q0a st .. ,
approval conditioned on staff's comments.
Hudson. All in favor. Motion carried.
Plan 4pproval for
a.... T s Auto Service
3ff 4 ce/retail space.
Mr. Rutz moved for
Seconded by Mr
The next item was to hold a Public Hearing to couLaLder. -a request.,
fir . ar Canditional . use fo-r - property - located. at 1,30 Park Av enue
(Rose Cottage Tea Room) in an RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zoning
District for an expansion of a non - conforming structure.
Sica Nacu, 1307 Park Avenue stated that they have been in
bua .ineas h.eme for the -- paat - -U ..years L - -- Moat, of .her business is
from out of town. what is there now are a combir,t,iQn. of retail,
r e�&taurant. and rental. apartments... This...: do e.s n' t work very well
for- hex ._ She- has realized that . she- does W t -havo that much. to
offer unless she is permitted to build. By building another 800
Dn rr. a
square feet would allow her to have two more .,private bedrooms
with` pziv.ate. _ baths .. - This. will . lxel� , he r. bus ine s s and the growth
o f her market. She intends to do everything "
de and ha
..spokern with. her neighbors and the .neighbo,rs have no problems with
her expansion. She will have to ask for a var±an ce . because_ -the:
expansion will come withing 3' of the neighbor's property line.
Mr. Hudson moved for approval.._,per Staff's recommendations.
Seconded by Mr. Hipes. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item for consideration was a Public He.aFing to consider
& , resDaeatr for- & Cc icL Ltioaal. Use, fog I ll�, Sanford central Park.
Phase 2, located at 103 Loren Court in a RI-=I, Restricted
Industrial Zoning . District. , -for the purppse of establishing a
tair.in, facility for crane operations and other. e q ui p ment
(outdoor storage /display).
James HeadleT, 1063 Maitland Center Commons, Maitland, was
present., Hasigally what they would like to do is move their
facility from the lfaitl Center to Sanfard. Mr. Headle
re.queat_e.d . that he be allowed to put in shrubb rather than a
vinyl coated ch&±n- link fence*
Mr . .He . stated that they._ .de two. _t of training. The y
train safety personnel, managers, superin- en. e
Regulatious. are ,real stringent regard.ing..lifti,ng eq The
train thousands every,year all over the world. There will be a
few hundred trained at this facility annually.
Ms. Dennison moved for approval based on Staff 5 stipulations
with-, the exc eptiaD, at , #2 j .,, the - f ending,, that this be worked out
with -S t-af f . -.S -e c-ond ecl -b y Mr. RaID-e rt... AU xL f.&v.Aax Mati.o�x
Next on the Agenda was the consider of' a- reZiest for a
Diimeasional. Variazice fQr. Tropicana Apartmerxts. ,located at 1505
16 5 W. 25" Street in a MR -3�, Multi
ple F amily Re s idential Zoning
District. to increase the maximum fence hei ht requirement
allowed in a front yard from four few,to six feet,
Laci.a a, S alis t., 150 5. w 25 . Z tze e t_ was . p r e s etnt . Mr. S a 1 i s i
stated that there would be decorative fence all, the way around.
Mr. Robert moved for approval per Staff's recommendations.
Seconded by Mr. Hipes. All in favor. MGtion carried.
Re.xt. - was .,the, c o ns id e r at i a of t S P larL for a 7,975 s. f.
addition to DTL Transportation located at 301 Northstar Court.
James Me lvin,,- 206_.a.,,. Vt S treet., Sanfcrd L was pr
repre senting the owner, CRC Ent e r�ris e s . D _TL -Truckin a is .already .
in _ axlaten ze.. at . 301 - Nc rtbLs - tar. Cou.rt. Th e re are two buildings, a
warehouse and an office warehouse. They a M in need of
addit..iona_L wareksouse. space.... Their plans are to build a 7.975
s.f. metal building behind the twQ
Mr. Kutz moved for - appxovai based.. oD, Staff" s recommendations .
Seconded by Mr. Robert. All in favor. won carried.
Next fo r. consideration was the Final Plat for _ Placid Woods, Phase
Two, a replat of property located at 200 Placid . Drive for a _
proposed sixty -four lot single family residential subdivision.
George Jalovecky, Maronda Way, Sanford, was present.,
Mr. Robert. mooted for approval _based on, S taf f s, recommendations.
Seconded by Mr. Hipes. Mr. Kutz Mr. Skat, an4 Ms. Dennison in
opposition. All others in favor. Motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:00
P . lam.
Michael Skat Vice Chairman