HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.06.00City of Sait rd Planning and Zoning Nmmission
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
7:00 P.M.
Thursday, APRIL 6, 2000
City Commission Chambers, City Hall, Sanford, Florida
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone property located at 2720 W. 25 Street (skating rink
site) from AG, Agriculture to GC -2, General Commercial.
Tax Parcel Number: 34- 19 -30- 300 -012D -0000
Property Owner: KMR, Inc.
Representative: Harry G. Reid, Ill
2. Consider the Site Plan for Spoiski off -lex Complex, a proposed 35,450 square foot office /warehouse facility
located at 1425 E. Airport Boulevard.
Tax Parcel Number: 07- 20 -31- 504 -0A00 -0010
Property Owner: Walter H. King
Representative: Kevin Spolski
3. Consider the Site Plan for proposed 33,466 square foot expansion to American LaFrance located at 700 Aero
Tax Parcel Number: 26 -19 -30 -5AE- 1200 -0000
Property Owner: Aero Products Corp.
Representative: Sheri Fragomeni
4. Consider the Site Plan for a proposed 23,000 square foot office /warehouse addition to Benchmark of Florida
located at 901 Cornwall Road.
Tax Parcel Number: 07- 20 -31- 300 -017V -0400
Property Owner: Montezuma Holding Company
Representative: Glen Mollar - Benchmark of Florida
5. Consider the Site Plan for Windsor Pines, a 184 unit apartment complex located at 3651 W. 1 st Street.
Tax Parcel Number: 26- 19 -30- 5AE - 0100 -0000
Property Owner: Windsor Pines Partners, Ltd.
Representative: Charlie Madden - Madden Engineering, Inc.
6. Consider the Site Plan for Thomas Nelson Painting, a proposed 6,250 sf. building at 1101 Central Park Drive.
Tax Parcel Number: 28- 19- 30 -5NR -0000 -0270
Property Owner: Thomas B. and Denise Nelson
Representative: Thomas Gehrig - Vista Construction
7. Consider the Site Plan for a proposed business and professional office use at 206 Elm Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25- 19- 30- 5AG- 0407 -0010
Property Owner /Representative: Angelia Gordon - Angelia Gordon Property Management
8. Minutes.
9. Any other business from floor or Commission Members
10. Reports from Staff.
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC. If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered
at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings including the testimony and
evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105)
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to prticipate in any of these proceedings should contact the
personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 s in advance of the meeting.
7:00 P.M.
James Valerino
Ross Robert
Otto Garrett
Kevin Hipe s
Carol Dennison
r ��' :A
Andrew Kutz excus
Timothy Hudson
obby VonHe rbul it s
Russ Gibson
Marion Anderson
The Chairman called the meeting to order-at 7:00 P
Fist an. the Agenda was the consideration of a request to rezone
.property located at 2720 w. 25' Street .( skating site.) from
AG, Agriculture to GC General Commerci .
Harry Reid, 1120 W o 15t Street, Suit-e D, Sanf=d,,, was present
representing KMR Inc, He stated that the property is presently
under contract but that there are no plans at th present time.
There was no one else present to speak in favor of or against the
Mr, Robert moored to recommend approval. Seconded by Ms
Dennison. All in favor. Motion carried
The next item on the Agenda was the cons�zation of the site
for- Spo is ki _ Cf f-- lex G le.x,._ a proposed 35,450 square foot
office warehouse facility located at 1425 E. Airp Blvd.
Ke vin avoLski,, ZE10 5 Catri e r A - v enue s - Sanford, wa p H e
stated that the property is the southwest comer of the
- RAO 2
intersection of Mellonville Avenue and Airport Bjvd * They have
wcaked w.itbi S It le county to vacate the right --way on Ai rport
Blvd They a r e going to take the curb out of t-be right-of --wa .
They -are .. He l,l.Qnsri..l le 3 - lane a an.,d. taking it back 420" from
the intersect ion . The Oak Trees that are in the right-of-wa
will remain.
Mr. Robert Moved on approval, Seconded by Hipe s , All in
favor. Motion carried.
The next item was to consider the site .,plan for a proposed 33,,466
square foot expansion to American LaFrance located at 700 Aero
Sheri Fragomeni, 4225 Stonewall Drive, Orlando,. etas. Pzesent -
representing Aero Products. She stated that there are two metal
buildings with. parking spaces im between These buildings
be. donne ed together . so. that there will be one building.
Truck loading will be in the center dri.vewAy� The chain link
fence will be moved back on the east side of the retention ond.
and encompass the entire property except on the west side where
It inter_f&oe.. with the .. +bounty's easement, The pond will be
expanded to the west into the 25' drain ge easement.
Mr. Herpes moved on approval per staff "s recommendations.
Seconded by Mr. Garrett. All in favor. Mbtj.,on carried.
bier on. the Agendda- +tae the oonside.ration of the site plan for a
prn s-ed 234f ODD scare fnt . ous a addition to
Benchmark of Florida located, at 901 Cornwall Road
Glen Mallar, 9 -15 Cornwall Road, Sanfo_rd,, was .pre sent . He stated
th t~ the are tiro. , exiatinq buildinga on site now that are
basically 3 Square feet each. Their propoaa�.. i..s . -to connect -
the t.buildings at the end. They will be upgrading the
landscaping and - the parking,
Robert moved for approval., Seconded by Ms, Dennison. All in
favor. Motion c
Next on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for
TAT sox- Pine -a- 1.8 -1 unit ap artment complex .- located a t 3651 W..
l "t Street .
14T TV. s .
Steve Janes, 1551 Sandspur Road, Maitland, wad present, along
wi_th ScotL Vixvc.ent. of Ma rl H en Engi.n c,�. Mr . Vincent s t at ed
that they will give 10 of right-of -way -on 5t�h Street, There is
alsa a.- 1.0 r ri -- of -gray, dedication- o n at Cedar Road. He
stated that they are going with the 9 with aL2' overhang for
parkiney, spaces as appr.aved Say, the City.... C s sIon . Mr. Vi ncent
st that included on the plan is decorative -fencing along the
Ves.ter]3 . p.ropexty, line s . along. ate Cedar . a.lgng the southern
property line along 5 Street. It will be alum.Lnum metal picket
few ink . whatever- the e oQ de zeq e s in lie ight , There is an
existing fence along the school which i chain link that will
have a landscape buffer.
Mr. Robert moved for approval. Seconded by Mr. Hipe s . All in
favor. Motion carried..
Next on the Agenda was to consider the si.te .plan for Thomas
son fainting, a proposed 6,250 square foot building at 1181
Ce I tral Park Drive,
Robert Monto, 3001 Aloma Avenue, Winter P I rk was present.
-&- es mowed . f +or_- approves -1 per staff's recommendations.
Seconded by Mr. Garrett. All in favor. Mb�t carried.
Next on the Agenda was the consideration of the site plan for a
proposed business and professional office use at 206 Elm Avenue*
Auge] a Gordon 3U. iF4.1 . Sanford, _ was pr esent She stated that
the Hist Px ez erva ti. on 13o and and the 2 � Re lane eve a Co
had accepted the majority of the issues. The Mans Review
Co had wanted p a,x t o f the ev to lae awed and thoe
parking spaces would be acceptable as mulch.
Ms Gordon s tated that this will be used as a prope management
company. The only, addition will he the installation o f shutters
on the ext exiox on all of the windows, - hexe is an additional
lot ad j -ac to. this prope which will he us ed for parking.
She would like an extens of approximately two years be fore
w _ putting in . the concrete She would prefer her neighbors not look
at a parking lot. Ms. Gordon stated that her engi weer . is working
on the flow of water and retention pond.
Mr. Hipes moved to approve subject to the pond: issue being
xes`olved axsi. based on staff' s comments. Seconded by Mr, Robert,
All in favor. Moti+Ln carried.
Robert moved t-.a approve. the Minutes as circulated. seconded
by Mr. Hipes. All in favor. won carried,
Mr. Hipes requested an excuse for next month's meeting.
There being no furthex bus - ne_ss, the -mee -ting -adjourned at 8 - .05